The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, January 31, 1838, Image 2

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AI.94,ATINGI.JAN. 31. 1 18
• Cstdsi;ifilb ofiaarng-and
-Alm ,P
nUmees. .
* arft,wka)o7
4 faw.
g of the citizens or this]
t he held at the - Pt-army!-
his eienitigikt 7 o'eloe-k.
- - elriati- ltitl . 1 . 1 1 11 ' 04 U -4 1i
i '
corporation .of smother
any in this) region, by
is rot!' this - State.
, . . .
•,R..„ ~ _ .
C 0414
4 reglow Iran,
'Ft)3O, the
..,.' ... ::- . :ligissferi rind Paktiv.-- A number of
petatiqs te'te•liegislature are in circa..
--A kitten, to,pt htba Hawkers and Pedlars
- - 3- froin veudi7 goods in our borough and
'"'*eighborho . This tribe is become so'
numerous Ais to interfere greatly - with ate
regular mercantile business of storekeep.
yrs.- , They , traverse the whole region with
packebii their bucks, penetrate 'the most well as the.: most frequented
',.,plices.--walit into your parlour, of . even
.• into your, without ceremony,
deposita their packs, eitpose , t hei r . wares
- ~:atid importune you to purchase unit' your
:gopd . natare revolts and you threaten to
tumble them out of doors neck and heels.
It is a great mistake to suppose that you
• ' are getting / roods at under prices; you are
:invariably beer-reached, if not in the. aril
icle you firs purchase; at* least in the end,
' -and, by en ourag,ing tins kind of -traffic,
'yes are do' gan injury!, to tire whole corn.
• - in , catty, ten is Illtereatea In upholding
r fair busin ' competition among regular
- - dealers. he license laws are shamefully
. ,tilinfil in me counties , and the conse.
mquence is tat all desgriptions of persons
..71:teconte pc lairs. In this region, they are
it leen _like -a arms of locusts, reminding us
- ar the - poo 'a, deicripticio: ,,
"Cocas , r.' oft a living'clpod,
lino r is the Jarkened air
Like a - ommt daahleg Food, . -
11k19* rug famine and despair." .
1, tor of this paper proposes este
thia IN , rough,. as soon as the
rrangements can be made, pro•
lent firndsican be obtained, an
The first object. would be
[suitable collection of works of
. relation to tge art of oinking
ateral bmachei of science, stan.
-11 as periodical works, fur the
neat of colliers and rumen'. The
11 e of having access to sources of
1.11 of this character trust be ob
it. A few hundred dollars would
•nt for a commencement of this
1 , and the advantages that
It from ,tt in a pecuniary-point
j'erely tolandholdets and others
l in carrying on mining opera
;s Id far exceed the cost. It could
.fined, when once established, by
tonal subtcription. It is the skill
:try of the miner which .render
' a treasures of our mountains
1 ' Without this• skill and Indus.
would have remained undisturb.
day to the bowels of the earth
, me state of oblivious repose in
l l y slumbered for ages after their
in proportisin then as this skill
ry is properly directed, will the
i lee of our lands be augmented.
tion, then; of their rents and pro
!. ied to this object—the means
ing the skill and knowledge of
[by which both may ultimately be
; and the cause of scienca promo
paid our proposed plan meet the
ion of the public, we should be
k . oar from those who are willing to
to with Irv l in the work.
The E
r .
,bitshing .
vided so .
to obtain
• science,
and ini co
, dsrd as
use and
iniertan ,
suffie .
4 .anderta ,
4 would
i'Ler view,
Lions, woi
be rnaint!,
, a mall a'
• and ind
• availabi • !
:`try, the
44:1 to thi'
- An 'the
which t
of inc
- mere
Aincrea• •
• aPProt!a
g am.
lar.o-oper •
untold ask. has Ole Senate thus long N6e MI extending the privi.
and incorOoratint, SOAPS ten or a dOren
MPANIES, scot to. the Governor on
.ay of the' hot session. and returned.
for twitholding his , wigwam
`• 1'
- Why,
• . Ake last
• 4troat the
-stout im •
' to nontin
' ,capitallt
Ai/340 01 0
, 41
'• :which it:
- flotation
me, with this Annual message? It
rtant bill. "tome of the companies are
, . twenty 'yrkarri. and their aggregate
omits to opwiirds of - THREE MIL
-I,F DOLLARS. : We think there should
g done about: it. The constitution
misena bill e returned,. the Howe in
..iginated shall proceed to tho re-cotatd:
it; and certainly we say tt with due
and respect4it would beconie the Senate
ailing in this testier.
ht here remrk, that the reasons of
nor for vetoi g this bill, given in , the
i ce
ciente. brie n received with marked the Mr regions in, o perate:
it iwiur
the multiple ca should . opete: The
predate Sie' lettorts orate GovelvMs to
rivit l titnitu.artratrarts, gel pekteet
. o il ed - Oil heeinitse of renneylvenia
itheiing.leiluenctiirof cheriered•MO:
F 4. . • i.
-` • . .
We in
Ntle &W
annual •
&. • -.umbel
,P alxl
.;••• , 1
. 4
evirri tho'
1 .4101'0
1 _ We i
foregoing from the Bar=
I frfelligerrritr of the lath itisti No
ridien place in reference 'to.
'ect in the *mare. We are
this. and i doutiless outs readers
• :
the* ,
•re it
r.illy u
,; Ise. It is however pretty gene-.
:',erstond, that the object or this
!tationai neglect is to favor coal
ps. .New petitions have ,already
-sealed ,and it is suppoapd?lthar
j' illift*"( sufficient inw,-until sufsufficient icie
i te
.bar - .
..,, ted to earriihsicoot
i i. ;biii. bsi ,w . of two thirds. Mr.
1 Prailey ia exerting himself rigor.
behalf of the Oirdrinsn'coal 'tom
! , The bill au already passisi in
interest' :
t . --=irx , zil-i.--ii , ''Asfv.-4-e----- . 1 ,- e- ., . —.. -, - itoper7„.w..e.w.r.#.iww -, 4 - trzr-2 - n* - Tml• - - ,, r,Ai30.4%.-pasti -, co - 17,111r , ,----:. - ri--347-1.
4 . -:- --1 . ;''''''ok ' -' l '- -4,0' ' . 3"5•:-` •>- i's ,44 :Nt 45 1. k.--" 4 -'f . "' s-54,::"... , :4;' ;;,-': 4,-"fk I''f kFeA.t*.t4l -1 :- . C'Z-41,.T - Z4... 1. " I - 7 ?-,..7 . 44.1.:t 1 ,P 1 5i,.., 2 - 4 . :i r'= d-2 1;';', ~ = '‘ .1 ::"'" - ' . 'i . :? .
.- .. ',''''l . 1 t-',S„, a l.-7. -4, "'': r ; te,e'• ',...''' F'' 4-- ' -^' ''',...:''` -.:: r•:4- ': I‘;' - ` - --.--'..
'-. . ,'':• - ' l / 4 1 '.4t... - '1 i-tF.EZ. - :-; - ;:e.t.r.. e. :;' ,, =..-7".;:-. "r• :,, •e _M;T ;',;-:. t3;t Z..1" 1 '-'` .: ''' 1 / 4 :..t . :;('.Z' =,•:. i'''
-..... ".... .'',.. -,.., ~` ' r,'” ...,--'''' ^A' !7'11,-.7. ,, - , ... ^..' t • .- - •
~ :~•,
, 6-... ? .--
enfisfOttektkthe4 . in•ttio l oW - * *ITV'
Mir le vista
,Pe fi:67 - ' . .. "tike . .. - Wii .. i: ii . ),ii•
'ti ed,
'a left ' ' 1. 4044 . Alt tihtiiiiste Only:coal
.region., in .Iqiuitiylimnitt open to ituf ll
enteilii,rinct;iiil industiry. MI the. t are
fl i s
Ril t iMi Di,,tilD Colapol of charter . vim ,
patties., Chartered coal' compan ies- f i r?
k.r' . . 2 ...
rtERTI3r RlttillYirtatlll to iiidividuat'4ll4lll ll- 1
within the phere of their influence - ow - in:
dittidual cdmpetitors can floufish,4e er
switain theinselves, as is weU knoirit: They
invariably*es e k down aft- toolutidukl cont.
petition mititeir immediate neighbPrhond.
'witijowrop all w:hocome w ide the
voitea.of theicpperetutsta. It is a par o
their genelra l tryst* to do t hey
iiiyariobjyoo tin when they have the pow
er. -The ' lo42=ls -of this tegiain, how..
. .
everi haveweet to market a. greatenamount
of coal thin'alt she coal -companiitt in she
state mit:Sog,ether, Companies ,have pot.
yet obtahied ,sufficient . frtholdi here to
over - postai , as, bin 4o man can be mare that
our tegishPure will, not, within a *eel( of
a month,* grantiog chartered privileges
destroy up. it will he admitted; that. the
coal operators of this region have 'done the 1
state sat 143 service, and also thatfthek de
serve beter things at the hands_ of the
legislaturfe- Yet have they been. under
the nece/ity of combatting coal companies
in the legislature for the last ten ' t or fifteen
ears at hlntost every session. They have
expended thiousiuid.4,of dollars annually in
this warl're. The have sacrilliced (heir
time and!, money in this struggle, and but
for the bible stand taken by an enlighten
ed and patristic Farmer who Molds the
reins of government, would certainly have
fallen atlthe last session. ,
RITXER RAS PROVED armsti.lP to be
the Santa !Erni 8 - Attld of the riehta of the
Collierg—a SWORD witicn AT ONE !BLOW
ctrr or* ten heads op THE ` , HYOR A
A ihield which is yetinterpose i d between
nii and qie new heltds which have sprung
up and In which our whole trust and Con
fidence Is placed...
.. ,
The ;'Spy in Washington"'gives it as
his opieton that Messrs. Prentice and
.Word'itill be permitted to take their seats
in Con t ret,s.
fifaii• at kis dirty work again.z—Blair
of the 'Globe, charged Daniel Wpbster
with hiving been a debtor to the broken
pet Cotuntonwctilth, Batik. in the sum o
ten thointand dollars. Mr. Webster too
°mast* on Monday last, in the Senate, t
deny tote charge, and said" That h
never !lad, to his knowledge 4 any note
protested in .this Bank.= Ilel never ha
'owed ties Bank , a dollar, And . am nett owe
the Bonk- a dollar; and. why the govern
ment-, paper Should make these remarks
concerting him be was at a lose to learn.
-They , were unjust, unfounded, and grata
itous. i To conclusion," Mr. Webster sad,
that there was. mie statement of the Pi
tor's. in Saturday'ti (Robe, Ouch , he -did
agree with, and that it was despicable to
bring khe private , affairs of public aien
before the public fur party purposes."
Ever since Blair . cheated i the !U *ted
Statesiflank out of niiieieen theusand ight
huraird dollars, his mind seems -to.r on
hank indebtedness.
~ •'
A Batter writer from Washiugtoil tales
that it is even doubtful Whether Mr.
Wrigkit's Sub Treasury BiH Will pa :q the
•Stitain Navigation between the flailed
Stat 4 and Great Britata,; , - The iGreat
Ste Skip:
"Extract of a letter dattid,
(Engt) Dec. Our great -Western siearn
ship is getting . on fast, and will Oraiably
have 41er"tnacbinery all on bhard in about
two mouths. is expected? that'she will
makti, several emperirneimil trips, and then
coml round to Bristol take freight and
pas. - ngers for New York, . She is fill ,
ed si!ith four masts, and spritatht as much
canvass as a frigate. When she went
round to. London fur her nikchinery, she
• •
out-ithiled every : thine."
The N. Y. Courier and Enquirer of the
87th'sayi: that Lieut. L, ttosken. of the
Royal Navy has arrived . at dew in k and
made] the necessary . ' arranglmente for the
reception of this Steam ••nrponster;" and
will 01,T
,"ediatelY return and take command
of this vessel, She 'attar be expected at
Newt York in April . nest.
futlewing is a diveription itf the
"G ,at - Western Steam Ship," as she is
• ' '
Sh,ti was built at *hard by Mn: Pattivon. and
,meadirrer *bout
,1320 ions, old t,tOnnegr; when
first laubehed abe drew eight feet eight inches
water theft, and seven 'feet eight inches water,
forty d;, arlth 600 trine of coat on board,' she
draw eleven feet three, inches water 14 the river ,
Ttra*eat, or stunt eleven feet at sea, which shows
that (he displacement of the" Eiri4 two feet four
inclre's above thelight water line., ) uirtinati to, 690
tolis s qadid as the :liar be safely pnl dowii to Once:.
feet Wate r the. next four feet=afill displace, at
lenattl2oo tuns More, making his lung
maps 1800 torrs at the least, which :illy be thus
dist utcd: 500 tons for inacktiooy. 000 tons of
coattand the rem- .. g 500 ti, for ,additional
st9reii. merchandise 'mid paasedgera., She b e .
now4he greater part of bet bipiya on board,-as
cabl ~anchorir„vails, srloch ,f coarse leaves
nearly the whole 500 tuns fur nierchaudire and
. present seosion of tFie Tennessee
Leglslature has heeit,.distioiptishtitl for the
enaethient of saver's! i inri m an t I tifeagure ,
of stale pat,. r 2 —the este r bli,lttnent of
"slat`e haul' in connection +ith -a Ithcral
syekto - of internal itnproretheni.4, and the
estittaisltsitent uf is system _of common
_: i ~ ;.; .
-• 1111(E:
-"ff . -A& ligetitgieto6l, 24iii
Peargie- - offeied a jointceepoluiion to a
table. •
. 004risnm mitizens of hi ILearisburg,Ti r - ,
Jaw prohibiting e;hibitkod of the_ Pkrltj
or-tAgiricemaiu, 51aggl.ora .ttnd Puppet
committee on the judiciary.
• memniiiieigletriiilits, iettWsit'OO,
offered ll . feirthivie since, relitti - 414910-
ittg the'iteiiietwiethelOsoikte' , 4ith
After' etiirie debate, 'it rr rejected; by a
vote of 20 t 6 ' _
Ilatf r 26th.' On% mOtinn Kr:. Frailel•
man • rail road • and minidir‘ttiPaof
taiteo up , i teak tuid_
passed - with antetikienbs: ' •
Bade cifßefileientativos . lao:24ts.4.
stir Ford Offeied'a'priltittle tin
flow' declaringthat
lately adopted inCnitgrtss, was an isbridg.
ment Of the right Of petition as neared to
the people by TheConstilutiotkand calking,
atm oat Senators and; iii4reOtitAitittia in
Congress, front iliis state, to use their ; ex?
ertions io having - safe resolution
The improvement bill, eke reported, was
called np, and a' motionlvas Made by
Wilson to re-commit the bill, with inittrim
tions;to report separate bills for each-ap
propriation. The tondo - in was Inst.
Jan. 28. Application was made for the
Hall, by Dr. Booth, to dallier • - lecture
on Colonization. it was refused by a vote
of 58 to 80.
Liverpool Ammo up to December 17th
have beenfeeeived.ei'New York.
The packet ihiri quint - Andrew strived
at freeforml on the 15th, and carried nut"
intelligence of the commencement of the
troubles in Lower Canada, but it bad not
yet reached London. The military move
ments show, however. that the government
where in some degree prepared to receive
• In a cOmmenientirin published in a Lon
don plper, we find it stated that Lord - John
Russell had made a declaration in that
body, that the Ministry were determined to
support that party in the Canadas who
were true to the queen and the Canaille
tion,-" or in otherwords. that they would
make no further concessions to the French
Canadian party in the Lower Province, or
the B eformers in. f the Upper, this besides
we think may be 'inferred, from the char
acter of the Gotrernor recently appointed.
Another conspiracy
~ageinst the life of
Louis Fbillippe has been discovered, but
it does not appear to have produced- any
serious impressions. • Some dif f iculties
have also arisen between Holland and Bel
glom but, little importance -is attached to
The news of the Insurrection in Canada,
reached London on the morning of the
ad and produced considerable excitement.
Parliament has adjourned to the 16th Jan
nary on which day the affairs of Canada
are to be discussed..
This Lowell Journal says : i• ft• would
seem as if the touch of this administration
was a Midas touch." We wish it,waszo;
hut, in fact, so far from turnimir every
thing it (emetics to g..ld, every think this
administration lays its 'hands upon,turns
to bitter ashes, like the apple of the de •
sea.—sukis Gaze tte. . .
Tutovstsset—Texas.—The licit of
Representativeir of Tennessee, by a v ite of
59 to 3, have paise r d resolutions in avor
of annexing Texas to the United States.
• Stephen B. Munn, Esq. +me of the oldes
merchants of New York, has made a duns
lion of eight thougand dollen to the A
mumicqu and Foreign Bthle Society. -
Warren Bank.—TlC Columbia Demo
crat in alludin g to the efErirs of the LUM•
!termites Bit which has closed its doors,
says :
•'lt was discrivered that an individual
owing the Bank $lOO,OOO cancelled his
- note by giving, a mortgage on property
not worth 1, 1 10,000, and that others sever
ally owing 89,80 and $4U.000 were treat
ed. in like manner—the value of their "Poi
petty being but a nominal coniern: [fold
ers of notes orr hearing this demanded more
thsul previoas assinancee 01 its solieO4 ;
and some even went io fir as trythreeten
to:'ruzi.. the . baiikitithouse to the 'ground
Utilesilhey Ce'rnplied with their ietpleit.
Correopontlence of the Cour.- & Prig
Wisntwerrow, Jakirte,4B3B.
The - Stiniire'ofTentietiss;te, by
. s Vote of
18 to 7 hatrepassetriesidntittnit inPtonsting
Mr. Grundy to vote against the SubkTri4t.
aury Bill. The -resolutions will pad. the
Howe by a large. niajority, and Grundy
will whey their. ' -
In' the floyse,. Mr. Folder clevgd.l.hia.
fain , brier - remarks behalf. Qr
Glo4 s :to and - Vlaihatne..‘the eitting.'itetit•
Mississipp4 ha,rmit *peep* i got
quite fogr . days in the delivery..
Itir.l.4.'efirrYloackev. another friend g the
sitting members 01,tained the fleer.: He
woke fur half an hour. and them gfaileWay
fur a 'notion to adjourn. It is highly pro.
Wilily that be will occupy the greatest part.
if not the whole oftwourrovV,. •'
.t •
Make dinrs later.
LO?iDON, D( t. 25,
, --::- . .;:.!1= , •-: ,-- ' 7.77 ,, - :,L:1 , '-::' ,-;- ='. -7 :':':':L'' - :'N .
401111N-AU-- -- - '
Piumitkr44.mtk wilipperwit «I • ..,
iiiirmi*?o,iimvii.lmittoifiotiliepeir' -. ..,,-..
jikr*, - -mi - in.drukeetkeirgiofis: l oo ,
Pwiiihrtiiio4lldoiillittaliiiiiifihi. **Out"
the less Mibserrierit jadiCiist, Widen ire .male
ittii m pepurar caprice the beitei.l..Wbefetif diftie"' II
may Oemstoosilkt_erim,fre le* life .. temore
1 otlidgealdiii.rind)Fiet there arc inch cannot-ho
! Iloabted, ,4 .m . r bat ealii ..*:..144 j they happen...4d._
:Mitre they . oecur s ihay me, be corrected by im. -
ifeatiOlieldiif , Tibitiniookkrititillk:lnfiir . o -!. li i k
stilba - id' ihe b bled'fiere andlb'ere bears no cor,
peryertosiibibevill effect rtlitaelai 'iii.iiitlekiiiitrit:
dietary, liable Mbe displaced i Me4e*.mt * ,
/tOgdeCided detour to p i p elai . " ' 4 leai . : Ye, .
avenges itself through the poi - at- f power .•l lin'
,itself the creators of the, aaram - - larterill4--
.0118...daerairler,t..,i . .., ..- . • .•1, . c.f. :-.;-- ". 1 .1 :: -
puthirlatitOltippears, thwAttnt,
- voi k - ttri *l . t
jTiefptiOn, ftir - ilifrltith
siri4ia4o 0.59
I Patriots;' wlt the ` b es bf
ItwnlikU-i_nine pou 4 'nhei; '4o() a and
w - tTuant*. or atignun4pl4!
with 1 Witunditt and . 12'_eriictittia.",
CutEMilierland atm:tied,:
hilt admitted to bail, and according to the)
'fidlniViitg letter, his hibes have been' dis.
, • ;
&e tre ors' letier 'R i
om a t.V.liiinan in Detroit
to t friend in this ad!. dated' jan.'13.183, 8.
The city has hen muds toted talelit
movements on theCanadi freirti .Tbs'Patilotshi
this vicinity have been - dispersed. and I think the
struggle in Upper Canada la ticivr near!, Run--
Tbit city has 'looked as if in 6 state of siege;
themovernaiits of armed thiamin, enrolled to pre
sorts our neutrality. I atthatipt ie being able
to state. that die daily session. of each branch
of otir ptitn ;,egudattire nor (*vaned. are Open
ed by Prayvt,—tbe milittuirs o fj different de,
nommatiotur officiating
We are 'indebted to thet excellent•pbb
lication, "The.4ournai olibe Franklin b
onne tor" ;Diteeiriber 11117,:i for the ,fol••
lowing. int : o'l/04 ittfiertielp4-
The quantity of iron anntially produced in
Great Britain may be taken at 70801110 ton.;and
the quantity of coal requiretW :ap.aveitige, to
produce Each ton of irun.mielttaing that cued by .
engines. &c., may be estimated at Ziltotta;-giving
• total of:0,860.000 Jpris i _ltintaurned in making
iron. Ace - Wing-to Mr. Kned!. llte quantity of
coal Mainlined %like-COMM Matilitacture, in 1817
was opieards of 500,000 Mini, Radtke manufac
ture-has since morelhan• doubted; %that; allow
ing for greater economy.!we nay fairly estimate
I 'the consumption oft:calm -tbe coltot trade at
800.000 tons • 'year. It. onisimption in the,
woollen.lineni and silk liade!mninot be less than
500,000 tons. The smelting! of copper ores of
C.conwell consume anntoolly about MAUL or
300,000 tone; and it is Icippretlethai the brass
and Pepper - manufacuirea , require. nearly as
much: In the salt works olCheshire. Worces
tershire. &c,the conauntption is probably not
under if it do not exceed, 300,000 tons... The
consumption in lime wok may. it is believed,
be estimated at . 500.000 Qui. It would appear
thercifve. that the total Minitel consumption of
.coal to Great kritain may be moderately •eatitua
tad aPi follows: . •
marntifactures 15,000.0 1 0
Prodoetion ofTif ■hd bar iron ' 3.£ 1 50.000
Cotton manufacture ' ' 800.000
'Woollen. Inman. silk. &a 100.000
_ copper imeltiq. brats wanufia• .
turn dtc 450,000
Sab.worke • • 300,000
works : 500,000
Erports • to Trejand. 750,11130
Ihuu to cokmies and 6ireign parts 600.000
If we stoppage the sISWeI sum of 20,700,600
tons costs the eensomer, ois an eretwg's.
lan, it will be.sforth. ih-,•11067.9551 1 00rw Year!
!PCB/tack's. /wpm* i 0 Al Wit is*.
list: Mag. "
"A Fllimiler" infim-Ifivindon 'Mining Journal
objects to tho "Patent . ;liotMlast" that the. pig
iron is sadly deficient in point of. strength,coni
pared with pig-inon madein'The gominidescr,that
• cupola mato canpiteiiiirO t with"nine) to ke• op
a No 1 Phinnt lioqlihrittt fcitiary pig, and
break it ado's= ini knee; lino in charging for
a casting of five on. *eight, for instance, we
End it necessary to•sharge with six tone, where
.as five tons twel ve and ahalf art. of mild blast
1 pig used to q uite aufficican that ell the foun
dere base r gbliged MiTherdins theorist-of ail
! patterns f a Castings tWire likely to . be sob
. jellied to mach thrsion'Od. friction, mina t5B use
°lltiePilicill his betomb4 6 rwit. lin this country.
That it has been a folloableidisavery to-the pat .
enter,. and km.initatersi* never be doubted.--
Rut it still remains to Ns Altana whom and how
the public have 'dean beiM6ted by the -invention.
And he enquire. what hai imame of the aids-
Mt, nivgintesia of the tenable Scottish loud-hlirst
Another ocave.spoodesi slates that the, pig iron
obtained lion' the use, a atilbraFils coal, by
Crane's protnas, is itof et all Wakened by hot
blast, but is bet& aldnbited" bit the Ibundies
use than any he had monerithat homes:wit from
this iron of the same ,MillikEr - 1" kb 'other. from
coke iron No. 1. had twerry per cent,,. the- admit
fete.. Thtreasumbp sayikwhy, pig-iron e r n e lt
ed with militating - iiinbt wakened by h o blast
vit a
is the g
. imantitr:',of Minion' it insifairit.' It
is in e fornactiaeltannalintnitilsinina
(imetnlpg "bit) and„ um of v pmdcrous
and' COM t.nehlre, 14 ld blast *id not pen.
etrate si inribifilaie oft:ok 'Or Omani. ., • .
The Bil l _
.. the . Merman
hail Road and - Coal Cempany, has passed
ikfinaL le(llll,,Seeste. .
r eirAiruktsztaL
THEARE)URTH ASSEMBLY vain be betel at
National Hsieh On Theriday. 'FiveMoir
itre eth of February..
By order of the, 1111111 4 40ERS,
Jan 31 ' _ 7-3
. Champagne . liriseestt -
I\T VAT/IANS de Caihaveiin hind and niter
for vale. 50 bask* Champsigiii Wiwi 41
the mad celebtived Roradik, IMOD, -which 'may
bs Oainatthe: Wanriceck ThWadi • •430 far superior
in rosy eliei'elevrd thin „place.
Akio, the 3kilaioe Aoki r 'Brandi.
-Jan 31 .1
Total `222,700'000
art . ;
i ,
ollt., ta a'4
ititinik heinKtrprisi,eo..: I.:llpar O i ler:
;man. one4-t; mod worth, -booei*lit fiend
!reopeatabienit reps Of vSchuilkilt 'totally,- who
itaiiiews 'pi ' 'lathe great liiiiine/tiotapning
pni t o
and • &am eg coal. - - - 11OA tali- for
. pushing , .
his 'eater ' ' atillforthei•intirtWusititatairia-i
the wast - ixial re g kealif:Sclitijtkikoilniq;:''/Waf
101 premium co beitiwaidait-4), Fele can tatif-1
- mate theinarlonael beonfita he 4iiiit nnthicd 'orpntl', 1
ourtities,i4specially: upon 0110111arti rt poor,
s an
iritharbotit:itliii iii article oftionak 'oe,:, - ;,-
..:.• -.. .. J 4,:„ :, ‘ c f. '..-'" '.! ' , ff A iiiiii#i• 27.::)
- 7:T4fi 40 ,10 tetWerMan• 1 , - Pag4
PPS .0 4i 1 ' - aink l'illaw. 4 ok ht . '. le =AA-
Ph:0104.1. at, iti1441004 . 1 1 *./ .l n9titt!x I,tl
with graph
~ .g.beriorili*t ea
.tortlaaa tOarooli.
aria the co Maw-pi' the snfforior Or'
over croWil, . ni,tieii, will note have fuller" - scopee
'and' a faifer, '' pe s t of betn_tioli. toile tiz
tint to whi know Jai heall / eotripeis'hin) io,
make thiins. Thera ore Gairzontartanolitorgniiit ,
ei . .. 1 1 /eur ',et; ti I" 'thoia:tajti : Vioo 3 o 11:itt. 1
ilt in i o
" ' '' — ' l. ..-._ .;;•.,- -;;;:::`:';". I "-:
- Will itnt A-ammo:101 •=ftrata, statejtow
much coal' , Jahn, 'Jai" OtrOintlt 6 Me Wliniii -
SO wilt -tci intirlter`erithihlitilifi* re4ti.
yearsl Add- Mitt, in what *twolitir..l - te his
""ameliorated . u!rate4 ihe ecotettinviCkhe atitforia; g
poor in-the Crowded cities 17t .- 1- , - ',.":,
- - Why does the Raiiiitl - so' istr,difenly - tio•
lice;litilr'ile : 'Pony' &Witt riapitasise i ,
f o
is not /. n It. Walker, one of the apt
tors of the :' remeretel Herald, interest
in said CO 'party?. '-. - - - t
---= , _
At a meeting °fib e.eitisettatie.Csisq, _ b,!&:. .
tY fiiehdly to the :_iiresent State admbnatra Is.
slit oPPosed WIWI riiitiong measure' mid "ex -
imerde r of thisliri'swini adnunistraticoa the lil
ted Statesrriernmont, held .in poijiminee of Pula.
lie notice . It the Court house in Danville. the .isth
day of JanuiTY. IBM, WILLIAM' . G. HURLEY,
Esq. of Et attiring' iiiias.celled to the Chain Snd
Ass,* . 'Morrrntratair, DirdiC . haiku.,
Tamest &insure and Jose Cassia. Isere; ap
pointed ce. Presidents. -,.
Tirc'oh* of the meeting being stated firom
Na t
the Cbeir, l en motion it was . ,
Residved. Thit a committee of 643 beSpirdint
ed to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of
the ineetig: whereupon George A - , Frick, 1E44. ,
John C. der, Benjamin Buono, Caleb Baylor'
and John . Cbiroberlin were appointed. liter
retiring a•short time the following preamble and ,
resoludena were•reported; miter heingimid were,
unanimously-adopted. .•,
Whereas,:it is right add proper. tor.the dissent
in their psimarY and other meetings, to express
their-opinions freely of public men and measures;
therefore , •
• Resolved. That in the Administration of itiov-
ERROR RITNER, we see much that we highly
emtive' tiC and nothing to censure. Be bat car
vied On the Tail road and canal initirevenients
without state taxes, or borrowing aroney.!, ile
has prevented the squandering of millions of RM .
peen ' mnees-liciehis•
aril. appropiratiqnOW. plItSeW . r l f i g tit
representatives laA Session. He his now ih thri
treasury ibitive two_millions of dollars 'for public
use and has show.ii thatliiionsiirOses respectable
talents, ind k•deviitednesS , ter4fithpullic interest.
not surptsired by any Governor that has preCeded
him: '
- Resolved. That the country oweiti Mist, debt
of grititode to WIIILIAM 4 IIENRY . MARIO!.
SON, lie North, Bend Farmer." "Lb, Fiore
,: 0 0
*pica oci;? tad the conqueror ofclitititiati,
and'lndi e on , our the
-(where er Generale had ihdoit irratiahli beep
dereated Sit ails pablib settle:elicit:id his disin
terested. triotismi he trying afterall his Pnbli
services s,commander.of ther-Army..Gover of
'the Nort i Western tenitory. 1.1., , ,,8tates toy.
s fr
litiniet , toi - Colombia, &o....iiciiinred. hut litti pro
'Perk*: ',Hind ottiert in theliarnii'Mflicet have
grown#enskly-iweatitig." •', •••• i- •
Rasa Tliaishotild Gen. Marken* nom
lotteries a, cairdidale fur neskfraddent, ci will
'give 'WMcop mott' hearty support, be. linty . , that
Mireduitstinn, exPecienes and- nilenti. eft, ent*
tualifybon Ins diet station. -• ' ; ••• ,
• Rissolveid,; That we belle ed the4eductiooklf the
duties , i flritiidi and otlisr.formigh.gooda4mis Si
i n
most un se Moisture. and Ate alsitlfk-esisys 0 - r Ptlf
relentdifficulties for tht want o f mr,ecie. Aci--
inimense moment ot gOodilliting; heed ixitarted
by, Etnuipii agenes.-and thus as a inatter cif, urite
our amieveShippedto England to pay4tor them;
whereas tied itie.dirtles been kepi, tip, oul corn
mannfartuters Oaitild bete ini:pplied i . is -w th all
necessary-geode. , • • *"'Y''' *" • .''''." - •:'
Thegnetting after , passiar several other:4W* .t
untie. retionliniims,., approved at Ontropptti tui _ t.-
of *ravel D. joib, Esq: es Benetistiiit , e ,
t i ot
• and iippirinted 4ineCoiaser b .tdrePresent ic i- •
!Mal:nitrite id the sth of Marib•COnVention. -
. . : f 'NG. • - +" %--,..- • 41, i,•
Mrs. 'Bantu& Browne; .Wife of itaseph litowne,
N. 6th ttreet.Seas Second. WillianisburgriaMiet
edrifor the last ten years with thrtLives co plaint.
emitpleteily restored to liesliVisliionidt 04 treat
Mat of Dr. Wm. Evans: • Bymnicimi—inetilturil
constipation of the bewail. tots/1 0 1 11 V appetite,
excruciating Pain of ttisrepigastilli- reffialli great
depresses° ofspuits,langoorandetheir sl i rstMs
ofextreme debility, disturbed 'sleep, ino imite
dew of the uienint. pain' In ' the nett aide, .could'
not 'neon' hi: le ft :ma without ass ° liiietntibe
-of the pain, urine high eriloredOrrith othetf-ayrnti:
tonitiodtrAting,great thinalirsident in the .fune--
Ilona of the liver.. , .
MrsArrowneviai attended bythieetif the nraf ,
pitysiciand„ , bot reeeivedbpt tittle relksPirtinftheit
• medimnectill „51 re Browne „prodetidieirai of Dr.
, Win. g,• } din invaluabletpre. which of-.
feetually i relieved her of thembotn, distressing
lyinptomb, with tilsert.wlitCh - Vie iiict.Osential
to intiniate, ' ''''• - - -- MSEP/IIIROWNE:
`City and Counts of Nesr_VOilt tit.' ' 1
- Joseph. Browne,of bililSiinistlorm, 'pang Island,
beinglhalY • I )Worthdidatinpose and say that the
factrFact-fiwth in theirStbin ttetenteut. Vai . which
h 4 i ' ntitteelited - hliiiiinicire lot and' tis.
''t - ' " -' ' • • ''' JOSEPH BROWNE.
,' • . lihisgaanttbe-eald Bennet Briiwee,
' •
Strom ltiforinialtbiti 4tb' tidy of Janmery, Ital.
• t'•! .. '-''''.4 Petkit PINKNEZ CAM. of toeed
.!. 'laiitabiaei :eve'. Shim: -
► inceived A-freitt supply ' oil Indivi , ittibbii .
40 ` Shoes of an via:Bent Ai us Tit ir, ,i anti -fop
Jan I , r
- •a'
7, : *; -[ - - 1 1 1riiketliktleOlitire.
fllgarlitilith*/)Vpik4tistteitif.iiTigtot O f .i i i;
itii sitailk l oo l lo 4ol X .) o4,*Wenitted by the
eiheeiibtA opti-ofileaftl4i* o .o l l l 4ince in and
ifile, theniunintXlifSehalliket-Ar r AhlOnAtnnen of
le sitrtilA , P4oo-WtrsCAs l **.egian town
4titiiie said ttittely. elittinit;_lt - PPiii i P e ill , Andrew
latidteis 9teakrhiownalttpostP., : w hereon certain
hi t
i 3 ehattleajittitegrgete - itithi: id Andrew
• Bridle* Matt lieeWatteehi4aindi: 'w. are in cos.
ilnli k .ofStittinet;Tbocapinet:naC N. Nikon, o f
[ then :s9l42. ugh :A• binsokriuntil 1 ' -Anne di.,
ptaied.of•ocentdingla4 l T,' , ;: This :thetefuke to
gietimilien - to the. c1:04 !w* Of :Ali said Andrew
&WV; to appear 4 Seliiiik_gdt 'day ‘ur Feb.
ruary-hes4lo Hicitilock-AzilVat dier.offiee of the
p ib w riliet;iiiewswillherek44-dieeriier 'end 'make
ientif oftbeirideliiataik4:6*** ^ the directions
0r0e.1114;14.i.; -.: --.; jr---.t., ~,. s -• .
''''• ' , '•
.. :BEFljililit. 7 4 4‘,YEL J. P.
iPtittaillejantisty 1111838 . .,- •.1.-: ," . 3t
. - fOrriCE
sieicky theit`hitie'din - • t •
"ea ofnue colon
Itself beitillitUfetto sObliii,iberhrthe Re-
Oster of Schuylkill, County i of tie eitipsofkimes
All persona tedebted:talaiidestetC, aro=,theiefote
teqwested to s n ake wafr
ouch who m i tt litye
sent thettill mitt
isg-t7 . .
'tint* ctotiThSA-tdattinsoei if the
.4`ernsli • hi•greii .. o . .paintits to , enter oSiititchoula
only art-o*.lwat , !init,third liesipi*o• : each
Jan 26 ' Piwiident.
. ,
Sle r libt reibrioo43ll6.-
ICK, 7 TILL tog sad' it l',olsc Anetosti,at the hou.s
1.1 •
of die 10th
44 1 3 , 01 Febfqxtri4AC 2 i‘ l Clolkitil4e.olleraoon , a
first rate onC hum - 4101h. iletir.l.*ltart,t 7 terras at
sale. • ,GApiff,3loOßE.
• Jan 27 6-3
To •
Triti g - Fujimko. , grid . ow Jai , mill, several
a dwelling house. arid' Farrar of 125 acres of
land, situated at Xentiville, atiimt‘ piston mike'
tom Reeding. The Canal 'and 'turnpike toad
from Reading to Pottsvillc,both pass imme diately
id front of the buildings.:
The situation is' an expellent, one Tortiarinets.
Possession catibe bad on thetBtat day of April
neat—for tirrtheir Particulars iniptire It the office
of the Eichnylkill Navigation 'Ccutpany, south
seventh ihreet,ybiliWelphia, tit of A':
a 6111sCel_)1.."
R d
ea mg, an,271838. ' lt-latoz
• •
. .
U.1414AN hu iountenced a BO& :Auld
sty in connection -with his . Itocilittn.
where all kinds oC BOolts 6111 be Una 4 i thiti
%hottest ril.itieti at krw rotes. ;
lan 47 •
Bt101(.0 of variou :hinds flit: -4ient.
-a- and othent.inal l recoivedutfor oak.
• • • *ANNAN'.
Alno—draiht. notesutdi'llne4 build in Jaw*.
- • .?-=.
,Gr E ftp ti
to • •
~1).BA11NA .
tiiitißNEwiciiifflAsTß 7. 4 priee, or dad
ceivedand.torsali 84441,0pa11.1-
jar.' 27 • --1
*TRAY ED awaY4fligal the ' . oibrietit4rn. few
dais Ago* 41ed* - 101rhit, cgor with' obits
face..end wit hout 4)(iinaf.. ;„. 4 4perannlivigt
tlittinacion. or .
.0(.4'0* the i mate. ici Johanna°
Cochin!. iwill.beward
ed Anublev tnasonable;. - expensea
,0441: 110 BERT 31AFFIN. 4
lan 34
IFP.or:HENRX-CLA.Y, kir septum. just
seceive4a . pdfcg.iale k i t
jan B. IiONAN.
MkookseJleii , of Reading. -
- twedt Niue reirised• in - ct pr - ree",:ri pol:', to
prtisi in. a friw Weetto`' tifekty'llieSit
end important work - kilriiii tit kohl. Rifikeilt!
Projectors. lhajeil I in trx,gt , 'B l 4iO 4 i &6 4°;Ki l k .
titled or folloorr .1• ' , ''' *.• =4..
, or - ---- '*-lior" . ial fili*lidl*
"Tga hunt' Taiiin!ivith practiell tannin 'in
useful obserialicin4ineltidink wow , '.dnil'neinpre.
Ix:naive Tabli*:arrariged lb an! 14n - ire& wiii.
containinethwrieight of hpitrifils of,lolot
su Br
ent bodies and bstantekof bon, snich di' d.
wlairtt.and . flat hail! , :ift firwan:ebriliyia: Oil
er Ades and - iph ' . tit hy:nnaistire-ori tlia roja,
and` by the nark iithelrlielt:age..vo,Ara
o,,,antici X 4 - OEll* proloOtirtienate! Dam
, r &twill& it witial 1:1 Onn iii. , :treigin of
each of the' ditrere*.hcalliti*Tardeic 'Old. - which/
can benacertaini*,l4oo4wil by ; hi ` e- W
of the Tabler. e & : , P'.." 'f - '7. i' ' • ''•:. ' • -
- This will tie - 1r *iilafion d'ed :ieiktrit Jill
0, 7
twoiciree English works anlitriprifin red
upon esemaly Earbinwenn.' AsNaitin ' 'lt m•
ber will only be pablishl4,lwinetwailf all litile
abd Ogure: work). bonksellers alai others sigadd
forward thetrordersin thie seasowas (hi Work -
will be preparedfor. Press owthei , Ist of M ich.
ft Win' be neatly.priitited ,atid iiiiiisenraly. boand.
—Pried 111' 50 per.atipj ai d the anal allowance
the 7kede. .. .-:' , r.,:- , - i• -
OrderafOrthe,abniti Work will be retell's" at
TEII4 OFFICEi .- . • ' -' ' • ''' • 4. I'
. . .
. - Public Sale.'
URAUANI• in an order i the Or any
Court ot'Schuyikill ixt re
Nibitay or.FebrmarY 044(.0 11: I Val;
lernoon.'Daniel Feket arid' AdYtrt Weititi
rninistratori ofibeintateorßeanuttikei.. tefor
Berk. County. deceased. will eatinair4jjoir . bt
Public Vendual Pinelletier P t co r r.
certain meastnitrei_and lot lif..grotind.,elt4a
the ,town . frniewswe.' ;Filmiest& ,tairr
Schtiyik ill,CounlyOichte tge - wintkientliait
'narked No. B,itethw-finteril
-4ire the estate:ofthe..sild'
By order cittl*Poott.- . .:?,1 •
rEOER I . , - .
• ADA .
Adanuisar rs.
• .443iPIL SiOItGAS.,
1 . Jan 20 5.4.. ,• • - Clerk O.C:
EINOWL , joupt-reatuveal
Mit_pd!tiii...*4:, L Wijl,,•4/ifi•
l i fi r Ak ''' : -72 • • ••=.•4
NEW •thho biiec—juiq
'nperlor ttitatity asi L d for pale b.v ,
- 'T & efixriir
• T. . •
• , I