The miners' journal, and Pottsville general advertiser. (Pottsville, Pa.) 1837-1869, January 13, 1838, Image 2

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E.' OAT ofilie'Prisident and ilf , , : 's
.'' o't Sckuy/kilt ili r vPigatign Co ooo Pti 44 , :
t'o •• Stock decd; 1. 1838: •
T , charter of The Sohn(kill . Aavi
~. ft.+
*ion 1 ompanr,provides for t e ineettit• ' f'
Ithe--,, ..kholders, on the fi t Monday
,tif .
-lulu •42 sactt successive Near, **lea*:
is e , ed the president and managers
will 'Whit s vehement of the improve
:meal 'ainUttandition of the works thOPE
their ctrarge,lfitha concise Account of
thei arninkfor-thetyent.preeeding.. , . , r, •,,,
I •the .performance
_of that duty, Mie, and managers have, peolo
ple• .ure in presenting the following , e...
Tle increatiing permanency and ata th
ey o the w . !.rks,is made manifest,' by lritr .
fact hat no Accident has occurred on y
part of the line during the past year tat in.,
terr , t the regular progroas of the bpats
nevi_ • ring them. ,
0 first opening the navigation plast,
anti g, 4e regular business, particulitrjy
as , hracite coal -which forms the 6rin•
cipa i l item of the trade, and requiring a
large .monied capital,) waft for twine ittine
uiehing, common with - all I
nese of the country, by the °noir
lerangement of the currency ; r he
land fur, end the.nbsolute neteis'
do •
article calling into expertiion•t
es and resources of the - tiny
viduals engaged in it*the temp
rrassments were surmounted
, e resumed its usual activity, a
e the satisfaction to state, th
.regate, amount at business trap _
log the year has fully equalled o
= -nsible of the great importance' f the
rks under their charge, not only o the
• kholders, but to the, public St, arge,-1
importance' f
as it does an important 10 in
great chain of public improvem*ts in
State of Pennsylvania, the se# rd .of
knagent have been anxious to l(make
ery practicable exertion to 'renderi !Item
perfect as possible ; in the acconiplish-
Ha of which. a large expenditure ef inn.
..), was necessary, and has not* been
-, red';.tbe' -improvements made have
oved of great advantage to the trade.
There hove been heretofore erected,
d for some time; in use, three Weigh
-Its, its follows: One at Fair Mount,
r the accommodation of the ascending
ade—one at Ketnsville, fur the trade
om Little Schuylkill—and one at Schnyl.
II Haven, for the coal boats, Etc, from that
int—Mount Caibon, Pottsville, and Port
. rbon. The increase of business from
, ose points, and the-consequentoccurnu.
tion of boats to be weighed, at 'the.last
, entioned Weigh lock, had become great
than could' be dibpatched without consi
rble delay; to obviate this inconvenience,
became necessary to build a now one
'rarer the head of the works. Mount
arbon, after much consideration, and tri,-
. ocr o into vie w all circumstances connected
herewith, was selected as the point most
ligible for the purpose; where tine, has
•err built during the past season, of tire,
Post approved construction and in the,
toast durable manner, capable of Weighine
tt least one hundred tons, whiclk-will be
ready-for use the ensuing spring.
The Locks upon the'Schuylkill thvigai
ion Company's works were' the first erect,'
-d in the state, and by their Charter ret
.uired to he eighty feet long by seventeen
• •et wide; of these dimensions they were
all put up, from Philadelphia to, Mout)!
Carbon. After these were built, the Lek
islature authorized that those subSequenti
ly erected might be reduced in width td
irteen feet six inches, of which dimwit,
sions the Twin Locks were 'made, and
some few 'of the old ones that' required
I rebuilding : ivere kduced.
The Locks of„Union Canal whieh entir
the Schuylkill works at Reading, are
eighty feet long by eight feet wide, on d fl
form the line of communication' with tin:
State Canals at the Susquhanna, the Locks
upon which ate ninety feet lung by fiftedn
feet wide. •
Upon each of these "three divisions fie
canals, forming the continuous hue of we
ter, Communication between the city anti
the i state,
tar tor of the boats are built
&dap .to the width of their ; ; respectiire
locks, and much inconvenience has be to
experienced from the circumstance, that
those of the largest dimensions, tr hicha.
vigate the Schuylkill-And 'the shun wars,
ri „.
.cannot pass from one to the other.:. o
remedy this defect it has been intiinated
that the Union ,canal cnraparly intend ifp
.plying to4he legislature to 'enable them
to build new locks, ninety feet :by 6flein
Corresponding - in size with those on the
state works; in consequence of which, And
th a t those , on the Schuylkill should not tin.
terpose Any obsiade on the 'final aectim
,„plinbmerit of as object so he
public convenience, the kroaid of - ma o
gers of the Schuylkill navigation oontl4o3'.
haveOtiring the last summer, eonunenced
building new twin locks illisints insr'en'ter
mentioned,' corresponding- with tinisi-jen
the state works, ninety by fifteen, - find. it
is their intention that all the new ones. l l4'
- Imtringeafter put tvp, between Pliihipr:-
phis ind Reading, *hall 'be a niittilat di ,
mansion. .
Thepld.locks, eighty bp-se - venteM4 4 , - re'.
'believed to 'be of sufficient length iciinles
any -home navigating the elate workeribut.
should . this not be the eerie, such pi tfiern
as require to tar:lengthened can boOltated
; without•matelsially incommediniiitetriae„
in, tine to meet. the final atiCatriptisidient ,
iif the design.
. . •
. . •-•1
.: . '..,.; :
...: ;;•.;•: ,• , Ntri' - •: t ' ; ,, I . •, • i .4 - . ..• ...••
, . • 11 4 ';
• 1 e• ....
, g 1 • ' - i '.... jl , -',t- 1•• 4', ;1 • ; 11 . 40• • • - *.x7 r t'eN ' ;'
'‘ - ,-.1 •• ••
, ' 4 ,
. .
•, - ; ;Ittr• - • • ••• —•3-.• -44. 4 t.,,...-i:...--i.e ;g7 4. 4: 7 `• 7 --;: -,- --- ~.. - It lit --- s
_ L ,...'. : -.....„-- .',. - ..,-,...J., ,
..:- • ;-:..!.‘,.......,- .7 ',..... .
, i •_ ; i; • • ; • - 1 . -,', i .1 1 - - - ":..1. . ~ . ' ::: ,• -; .1•IN-S;' , -..
. _. ~ ; AP , .-1,,,,. 1• , „:. ;' ~.• 4 IP'', ,•;,!-.4 , • ,-,..!
,4 -• • •• ; ' '1 , ,5•••?, , ,
;,,, LI ilk D ~..1
' .. 1i . t. - -- ' -*-1,- • ~,•• • , li, "• ..• -t - ; `•;,*•.:: . .1 1 POP -`1,..i , ; • ••4' t: ; 13 C , '.„
~ ,
; •1, • • •- '• •• ~ .t. ....I . !, . ~......•: •-• 7 .. .4".: i.. • 3„: •••,;•*, ..•;.- •, 1 "N.... , - -7 7 .. , A.-i, -.: -
P dinds • iiOgn, ,a• n_ cut , no„
twinil. s ninety . fifdie • • ,_ '' ii
plait: d lire'd • , aunt. that . , at ,Isakbsid I
a sir • ptiatre . ' r,iwi l tb il a c bing of Wel
sank fsyr
fir:Ala:4f - tli, With one•and - core
vetdd with c iito- ' I fa:acing , 'Winne!'
plarie, rile its r - itiir st*gt• unil•ittiti
riti -,1. ' .4 , R. - , I
~.. Two linivr en 1140 Re I . Mere been
conrinieciia act - 4 , 1035eCk afaliciit dila.
ta' be h w Rea 11,11, - kintrryb 'fifteen feet,
pe !
which'l . iii eft led lila nishedeatly
thelnex treason. i tt • - '
I)otriew dam ' l!torirsi ' which hark
beeh commence 14. '901;14 iig year, litre
i btreh finished in dick
mmitim tulitialsnkk
'write upon tuck its who extent, with
'nut ell ritcuiVi ti n trate , i ,
Va aum eeni it .3 cixt Inalknce
ahave ort Clinton .. was loka'rnintition
, .. k
~ Y. ,
fun i nd to ma mum aecaye , d. n mar& new
one is i /in pritinisit of being !jilt, ironter
diittily in -fro4 Ali o;ofilhe ne,,,of which -I
on hair is firiieer4 the:rein:Linder will be
poi cip,early twit stalcson—all lbw thateritilkl
4 . ,
are prepared. ; -
lin site early Iliat or th'e ypar it was dim;
covered that sever& of the some sqnedricto
udel. the canni hprrbecoree defective, by.
t g4*llual diermiposition of The steno - ir
w ti
•chlthe ars were constructed,' Aro
rerinedfr, this d efe ct, there have been - km.6de
bid'. • Of hard lbrich, immediately sunder
diern,twhich has completely cenietted the
frill. 1 1 ' ,
, .
w idth Old depict ofihe canals•haviri
been increase ; atl varibus points; the tows
Mg paths, al 1 the embankments or the ,
trieeryoir, ha d , been raised and strengths
eied., Buildir s have beee erected (or this ! ,
security and preservation • of the, necessary.
stoeki of timber rev:6rd kir the•stse of the
storks, Etc. ir
1 The great r vintages received from the
reservoir on •, umbling run is again rete: .
rated. l'hec i were many weeks during
qui Oast sum er during4hich there-was
qttleior no re n_oo the upper part of the
heti Of imprn entente , yei by the aid re :
rieivrid from r hese reservoirs, the canals
iverer kept• ' nsiantly Bed, with water,,
Witheut usin mare thud about, one half
the Stock , he in releyve, mid, the trade,
illtblugh mil it
, greater than lihretofore,
Suffeled no irtbouvenience. •
li Of the sevisral loans authorized by the *
ittocirhulders, there yet remains 4319,010
20 cents, to be disposed of as the coinppny
•,elay : require funds-for the accomplishment
,iif the objects Air which they' trete rie•
si tied,viz: ' , * ' " I • -
g '
lioan of 4th January, 1836,
llnf 8200,000, at five• per tent.
''for additional Works. Or thin -
theie has been disposed of,
1414.4,026 93i leuving a balance • ' V -
lof , , ' 155,97807
Loan of Ith. March, 1836, •' r•
of 4419,60 q, at five and a half
per cent. fo u r the paymehi of - ' .
retiewut or' af to ritspohdi rig *- •• 9
ninnUnt -)f inane, falling due lstlan. 18117, 'of which 'there f- I f '''
hate been i en y wied 100,847 r ; '
85, the balante of the luau -_
falling due loasirald, which
amount remanis to be Aispon• . *
ed ;of,' ' , s - 4 it i O 62 16
,Lnart• of '2d ;itinnary4ll337 4 ,
firs3oo.ogo, it g o pet con s. , r " - ;• - i,
foi • • additiohal ieflur, ad'the• -
p4ment of wink falli t l dues
Of this the re Vitas been qapos• - „ e „ n.'
eri of SI 89 71;5 leaving a has'. 'R . ,,4' '
lame of ! 110;285.00
I •
1 'en
ji we
r ex-
. .
874,00215, of the prsceeds
of this lust) Wes . !ippliedi 40
ay Merit OT those fillingAtre..-- -
• Several tinoring path bkfliger'irlarer,beeo
erected the pest seas across thr;Sebuy I-
. 1
kill, at pints where the . liarsatilleirm
cessity were located au srpgarrie apes of
the fiver ;:at the, out tet,l'lloclis Vapaylink;
One of the insist difficult Crossing .placres
nn the whole theCornriany are huild-. 1
ing one with Cutsturregierebnatrb•unnents, l
the moot inbstantial• mannetifihieksvill
he finished its the spring... There gre seve
ral other • places . Winch. bridges Will be
erected art early es-they.can-lifecorovehient-,
ly acconiplitihed, . .
.• The whole quantity o Cife oa
e t
sent to •ifall l iett by the severalTcanafi,
the year !e 7 - 4 is as fulloWsr
By. the Iniryi Oft, Tonc62oii 62 ,
By the Onion,,; - ' 12;098.
By the Lehigh,. (inclUdtpg,-
81,307 tens 'front Berivw. I
Meadarri.lnines,) - 225,02
By the DelUware aigHudircia, 115,387
Beihg an inerease of 178,018 toes be
yond the snooty arispe, .
There was.lthetae brought to market
5 0 572J0rei of I biturnioos,ceal from the
Susquehanna trinities, .rui . 'the Cittion,and
Schu*lldll canals:
:".I . lo3,oitfiltipeed on the' -Schuylkill ea
:ytAntfoo iiyht ought to the differ'ent bindings
the':o,ll Ing railroads: ' .
Ohnt -C s7.‘rsil read, Tons 128,040
tiebuiffii ifielt o da. .. -4 - • • 69,1175 i ;„,
Mill Creak =• do:. 70;000
West. 0 lei': ' 'gm;' . -. 4 88,250
LittkeSc shr il l' do.- .•
Ckthei' - ils.:4le, • - ;-. , ":0 : 1,490
.1 .`-_,...- . 7. _ : '.,„ - '-' Toils'.s4 8
.'4, 5 i ., ,i i ..1 . :"....-
„,,„! ,-..''''
: Tlier*t 1 0Cite. c o il stint to iniikal:?7.
i •
+ 4
!isto,tworlo;-1 9 r • -I' i
Vlore-v*l - 'Urania T 0.4 it
''''POit - idaiigiFn WI i f bits 1.- •
r 'pliia, abort of the vity." - - Tonal
r Tbere
.has been abippeil "it't •
ThiTedelphil, on bond ; tit--
-- .
-3,9,78 ' l lllloloo'o4 tbir 00-
1 'taut 'ports, • . t ,,,,, . ~
Thireliiibeenioit.r,ll l ,* OY
for` h ome consoraptior4 in
Idaiiitinlo 14,000 ion* on
hand,-Jaa. let, 1811,
Allowance forlobatt, 5 pei' let. ,
And Alire remainelyn WO at
i. Ph lidelphia, Jan, 1.; Is3B, '
1 * Ant
Thttatodutof toll ifeOved
OD COaly i804:0 2
heamouat of togi toff ail
othVitrticies, . what* 28
. f - $ 6d4 , 189 6't
lftPA* The eseendie rade, /8444 IT
Ftote the deeetidiefg g, 45 45 ,
.1 f •
qrti $604,189 57
, 3*
, .
- The tonnage of thO aieenti- I
log battiest di * 1 69,817
The tonorage tiff thellelpetfa• r
jog tut, ' i '6.
, • •- 4 1,---
. _ .
" , The - whole nuriter of tont"; ' 10,13.0
The rents reCeiv to •,
Cr*tri'rt. a) estate, gromidrents.
and __water rents r $43,764 16,
The arrears . of tk reols,lBl.c.,.
uncollected, • • ' 1 , 4,884 68
The estimate incjine for the •
year 1838, from rents, $18,943
• In conclusion, they 'twit observe, that
the works are in as good ordfr u could
have been expected lifter a searinn of heavy
busiliess.lp Many irnprnvefueiqs arid re.
pairs 'have been. projeot , ll, s to; be accom-
Rlishedittiring the presint winterjor which
ttie necessary prOaraticins have been made,
thatjhe while line4inaythe in readiness for
ueeniniin the . laprilg, nalnirly'as;the sea
son I
All whiaLis iespeafully submitted.
. JOS liti A pp."! Di egyrr,
ffia-vfoile Scherg tbniany.
° Phi/adidpkia, ..itiaMwaryP4lB3B. 4,
Tonnage of ` Desc e nding the
tibir, 837. *:
I :i523,152
° - $ 4,689
1,:7 t243 :
. 3 1 2.800
I 3,272
4 5 ,6 2 3
4 ,473
4, 583
• 4.608
Oarial, 1,457
W hiskay,
llikkonta add Caatingt,
Wood, „.
Orsin i
Butter, • • , •
Bacon i Pork aneLarik
time, -
Lirnestorig, • -
-liituftiikous C4l,
14veptock s
Iron Ore
531416 22
4iithtscifk Coil
41n6iitg -
e 7 •if ..:Arkdest -
; • n `" /1:401,
FPN • •
:VOW. 17 1
' I It:
Porter and A rig 7 !
I ron. Ore t .
Tar and
&cut e _
Coat i _ '
IVlarbie s
Tons 874,539
Sundui ,
• , i t OF lild
.4 PRA 1 44 1 :-.
Whotess' 'intim atiOd -•
cowed of don eious -ni .-
noxibe . irn ~ ikontierior their
consequenceoflAh cilill IF
edit, on 4 itistrg/ti4in; linifi
the United,Siat aloiricers.
and sOplicatio'n ; ((Ong ; -1
doltefnots nett(
~ ()joining
itni .unlawful .' -,feriince
Oil! einiens " l A. •enint - - ,
ICOutiniented in kb grille
aloha, ,
inkwinaii . has i
111 4 3,'Stk UN - # - 11, • •
Iv 8;77t
V 6,157
60 ; 000
4 (to
I •
kl I. 0
1 it
one 456,90
- Aim the
1 eb
IP , 1,078
. 2.610
• 20
r I.
- :*
1- 4004
0 ` . 414
" i fi;tie; 69 - 8 ri
Mr 'hi
lITOtt 4 - 4 "
, :t s,A. ,
~....,-, r 7;
d' - v 4 .41 .8 14 0) - to -
Ileyhent oi - dm
I *Wed Mite.; ink
r pgli-tii Qui
i jiarrgiren-tir
. .1 1 th 4:ftbntir.4 -
. 4 144'i0 Ow
:tate l W - pfevent'
rAtilfliriMit I
Ptorm •
alit• ad.
-bola tedelved, ,
the :k tratOp . :t-Mkaytetivrttewf
'iti" --- iivi ' I' i 6• tit& Ptipelttaiiiit
,-tftiti - 11 fUriini their i e iti
mfilin*oti-inrAiiid'av(ftdirects mitt
territery.,,of thrti,...latesoi, and, n
Standing llT.,Presende Of die - civil.
-of Ole Ifnited,rnaits, who . ; h - letY,dir
hasp iok ke d,l* scenes of cotnrn ot
the Vide orimpreosing ibb cidienr
liforeViodnee ofttieir Minty, thelpleit
instead of 6ifiriOtippelised-, is'eierY
creasingdn - degree—that mina and
i tions iiii ,, war, and other supplies,la
procured ty,ilit,inurgins- in the
States--tinit a'nelitary forde, , con
in l ipaTt a*, least i i of citizens oTthe
States, bait been, actUally organ
colorer/ad atilt/try island, and w
inirmaAnider the eininmand of a '
the ignited States, "rind that they w I
stand)! receiving: aCcessions 'and .ai
Now, therefore, tole end at the
authority of the , laws may be mai tained ,
and the faith of treaties observed, I MAR?
TIM. VAN BUREN, do mast tnestly 1
ealfort all, citizens of the t i tte S tates,
whollave thus violated thei ti ,to re
turn pyicebly to their respective homes ;I
and f hereby' warn them, tbet an:4 perm*
who' shall compzoicilietbe neugality of
this government; by interfering. ifi an un;
la wipl manlier with. the affairs of the
neigliboritig ' British ProvincetNill rent
der themselves liable to arrest at punish , L,
went under the laws - of the 14. Stiite.. 1
whiCh .will be rigidly•enforced ; Ot, alagi
that they will receive no aid ot coUnte
nance from their government, trio what
ever difficulties they may be throOlo by tlns
violation of tint fits of their count.-y, and
the teliitory of a neighboring anti fliendly
, • ~
nation. - ' to
GP en under tpy hand atihe city of Wash.
ington, the filth ddy of January, A. ii):
183 V, and the sixty.*econd of the hide.
pendence of the United Stated. 401,
ie . 11 , 1: VAN. BUREN. ,
13y the Preiiilent,
• I
inuN FoRIOTEI, Secretary of 4.71.a1e•
poi:my - 114.LE.
„Jer Pamphlets,chetki, Cart. Bills of .1
- 7-fwathiLlsAfltoery dascription,arayprin=so/-
)ire at tharrOaskxt sh prices . f .
Appointment Fy the Governor.
tel and Redbrder s af Schuylkill,coualyin
place of ire .11 MorgantEsq.*
We are Indebted to the ifon. JohN
SHIIdiCANT foti4)ublia docurrient!.
pwr Csanos Srv - risai - Fcreo.—in pub
lishing-tip+ annual statement othbis excel
lei institutiqp, Jest. week, we comm . ed
r error. the Ash on band is 32134 1;
~- teda -of 1134 'sli -
Crr A 14013 .. p0t1i0n op,c,,our paper i ta
ken alp to- dap tht repatl of the Scn yl
kill -nevi Lon compitnvoana the lan
of thrieSchtitl*lf A rts anti 1141 fies 4 to whinh
we tall the particular . attention of loin.
readers., . to . 1 •
lie Wetnesday''s Jcitattnil will be
forwarded to Port' Caton by mail, on
Wednesdaj. The, Saturday's Journal ; will
be deliverd at the lorttes,as nein).
- he Appropriation Bill, for
r€l P ni " Ik e *
has becons, a la* without the signature) of
die go - vereibr. Whet governor howevOratent
a special message to,the House, giving his
reasons for refusing to signike bill.' Al mo
tion was made by a loco foc 'eMetto to4eive
gavairise to, aviehate which was
nof conchiditil up to 'our latest, accounts
troaPtartisburget •
Qtr. W hale received thf sorth anneal
repeid tte board .of traete ntstbe Coal
win layjt before
.our readers in Wednesday's Jourfe •
to , grivras Taeastritsm—We learn t'ilem
Einrrisburg, that DANIEL Selettoeori Iras
tad State Trea s urer for the
War on the Oth inst. 4 The vote atmel' tnr
West 'Wench rut road sn., Bpe ent:
Mill Creek. do:, ' 'Ol
'Delawaro Oasi e Company. , 6 "
'Pottsville Watttr Company/ '6 •-•
•• • .
• •
The Preeideni hoe r ordered ten1 4 11 :1 144
to the - Ci(ned4ti itackeetint ,1401
,take * comnineda, er four tholepin"( ttlihfiti, to;
.retterve nettrality,,het4e)sn'ciur
I ho r gritiskrana hunifgenfe. '
Min - , • I
* P. yr Coal
p" W 4 4 301, O'Rrailey
iltit the. Ainehte: dime petitions in Atvor
ItotThr entnpntni t , of
13ehtlyikilt nquoty,
. The- na t ive American/kr : MA
$lO fittve ngreek
ifpr the teiOal of-fhtiatitratiffintre luy~aF
RE;nrwp 4 stos Or' yA,
lji,ehaitirsan•of Ihd Cospuilltet)-
otioollocedlo - ttie . oilse,i)Prit.
atee„ Fl o
y titir a •
Oto, • inittee. wouldn'! a:Sim cia
thekbtiukiktesit l yi
Cie puyinklOts, , , it
.iiiLiitet•frein ftieh , , 'di V,
iedit f the Madieeniari i stAtea;
regiihkitrze i of
.that. state lii t,fitts
i laevetticir in the,stned hetikei tal c
Ihirintothent 'Ene*utes . .a lirifil
I 0 1 -
edmittiodri#ion. • '-'' •
't i .. . , " . 4 " ." AA : 1 . " '.
.• 1
- -1' 1-- ;
i -- , e, - 1
,I `T. t . i it 4'4 , i:.444. im;
re . :v ow n i ghtly . sta - i
one by our authorities - oh
i, I . tor„,,b• i pi t " o 6. it i ii t fi e ,,-14 1 :: 1 1 !, o f t h a i .eta i e Prind Island. . ;., : • '
'• 1 ' I_ .: 1 .e' .....e.,..... 'i i a I- -. I .—iA •,. A letter lq the -ed il9'ia Of the i• Albany Deify
i i
‘,..1317b1419 1 . 01 l 03 . 0 " 1 1m 4 "•eu n.._, ~ r e,Pl el'elle sayer It harriscert Apiertained far a certainty .
• plight -before 440... , Stori ► :n 44 . uly 1 , :r• • who the, leaders *the Mrpeditiori against the
Caroline were, istd. 4 the names of all ° the Indliidu - -
slab 11, tometriMg over'l.9o Men... ", °
For the 24 house43p - to Wednesd ay , 3.P. M.
'there had hot 'Been a !diet 'fired from either Side: ,
. - 'he Nevi York. Courier .4n4 Enquirer
~ •.: tesda s y ) astog ! tty!;: ' t
''iiv . e• ern Porn l;*
of: the steamboat
Utica. that Mr. ' Leaßt
yaniiinselar, . and his tullOwcrs
`had alLion lieSiy littind,irith their various sip
plies °firma, arrinkortihni Ate. their" destination
unknown. Thkaceount *as htpught to Albany
by passengers from Utica, ilvile Vepdrred also
that the Western maid bad arrived, at, Albany a
short' time previous to the Utica'. leering Net,
York'. ,
January 10-2 o'clock, P.M. ' . ..
We here information from Beiffoloe hither:4th
hitt. The Albany Daily Advertiser of Ttiesday .
morning, states on the authority) of a fetter • from
fitsfaloe, dated at • halt peat SP. 1.11 r . -on the 4th
that Mr. M'lftir.tra had just been arrested by the
Marshal in that city, on a writ issued: by The 11*..
S. District Judge, Conklin. '
. A letter from a correepondent at Niagara Fella
to the editor of,thg l ifilbany Areas, also of the 4th
Mention that:o=7l4x Iterassimpraliad dedined
40 surrender..the 'canoes belougingfis she Bleb*
of New Yo&.,' •
. • .
1 ' The British force at Chipperee is -estiinitectat
4,000 militia; a few regulars, and 400 or 50044.9 .
dians. WI annex all that we fi..d of interest lir
' the Westeii jiapers.—Pl. Ir. Courier. - - ' ''''''
/ .
' From the Rck‘beiter, Deity; ;DeMoarat: : •
r . -.
NIAGARA t AILAB, Wednesday,' 9 o'clock, A l M.
i The loyal force opposite is large.
,At Ato nsists
of from .4 to 50011-7Sof wlipm are reguNis„'and
4or sfilti of them Indians.. They:, lave kis . ° 15
pier:iv:of ordnance 6 or 8 bombs and mortar"—
„cone Ave rOckete and emmunitron to any.-emount.. - ;
'the force fif the Islanders is also' litrg e It is
said - here to Consist of trorn 15170 to 2004—bold; •
resolute men, who are determined upon victory:
Theirotrnmunition is, abundant, apd their mill.
mince t 25). well arranged. . . •
The Islanders are In high glee, and confident
'of success. '.A; .
• Co*nevelt 44*at.J,11
, Orieti,
• .- I ,SitlesT; our;- licatisw4 It he
(*•, •
leg ameteiments weteldopteo in the
• ehvealion itco.tit reackng. ,
WrfoiMed.iss -10014fti
elcci - mare than!Wet scagoli,i„itniem.iliemons:
r ipt tOabie itAsaisitspisla any City OrOlooty,
hair it•any tiniVbisireli*to., , entilles it, `to elect tham two, bulimoCity dt•reimiliTy 'Mall be
Mitled,teftilte thatilroifr *motors." -
oAnd no n eletid as 'atorssid.,slMll hold
id offmeaftet A0b6311 hive' removed from such
district.' • •
The schistose w may ebe ected at jibe reit
teeneral eleetitSii ont'der ;the amendments, to the
constitutien t beidividedto three
The seatebf the senators orfthelral chtsa, shall
be Vacated at the expiration' at the firtst yea!,
the iecond class at the expiration of , the send
lyear, and the 'Mid class at the expiratidn of the
third 'Year—so thattthertifter one third 'of the
mbar of the 'senators may - be, Chianti) every
year. The' senators elected .. beforA the. amend.
Aments, shall ibe in, office slertng the terms for
which they shall t.4pectitilie have been: elected,
-41191e.10ih sectbid smebded - as follows:
he general assembly alien meet on the Aral
Tuesdariof.lanoary, in every year, unties Sciiner
Convened by the Governor. • .
. .
A The Bth of January wee celebrated at
Berrisburg by 4 the ludo fob° -members of
thelegietture .attli t tittieriy.", Our thembere
participated in the telebratioti, and gave
theelowing totiFtat _ •
By Charles *Fee ßey, F:sq. (Bi:niaie) lce Treat
dent—Almon Ill: jteed, member s /of th e Reform
Convention. The fearlesi cham;itim and able de
fender of the rights of the people, under whose
thrilling vOice, and fiuwetful ax t els'itioW, of truth,
the bank aristocraey oftklat -body were, snide to
quail. The yeomanry- el this cometionwealth
:- web theopportiinity to reward Mai , fa r
of his ser
Such was the 1 ,
nthrilling".effeo o 1 this
igentleman'a "vOice"—and sub the
`'qua . /lag" of the "Hank ariatocracy" that
r. 4 lLeed's proposition was rejected by a
vlite of 64 to 54. We admit thaCthe loco
i'froistn of. this "powerful erPsttor of
truth" made some of his own . party' quail!
and several voted'against Mr. irs," ptopo
b lion.
By D. Krebs, (Fi. R.)—C;eb. W. Woodward,
the able alp efficient member of the Reform
Itit Con
non, nbw in session; his powerful arguments
i favor of the rightsof the people and again_gi
e present corrupt Blinking System, has endeitl
till hunt, the j eomanry of this Commonwealth. i
If Mr . Krebs considered the • Banking
System ao r.orttipt, why did h e petition for
a Bank at Sebuyliill Haven list winter..
and permit hUilsillf to be named Asocem
missioner it the bill reported; with ile tin
derstandipg that in case the bank ,was in
corporateli, he was to be made, a Director
in the institution.
Correopondetot of 11M litralAikadSetotinel. aM
Wasttof Irmo, lath "titti, 1838 ,
The President eintiniunicated to the Reuse
of Representatives today, no less than two mea
sagesjiinpies . , of both orwhich:l send herewith.)
In the first he notices the outrage oh the Caro
uhe--the excitement prevailing sloill the North.
ern border in consequence—,and inforina COO.
gross that in order to guard against the :Ivens.-
rence -deny acts of hostility' he has Ordered the
militia to be calla out and4osted alongthe fron.
tier, and this - Outrage has been braight to the
attention of Mr. koz,_and the neeestifiry prelim
inary stina taken for obtaining redress. ..
The President concludes by asking for such
a ppropriationa vis may bindeemed . necessary' to
meet the new exigencies of the country.
The accompanying documents leonsisfed of
the affidivit of the Capt. of the Caroline, and a
communication of Mr. Rogers ; District attorney
of Erie county, N. Y. giving an or-curate account
of the idfainona affairoind 'l,, . letter front Mc-
Nab to Mr. Rogers: All these wens' publish ed 4iit
the New York' papeta arißaturday. There- was
"betides ajetier from the Secretary of State lb the
tint ish Monter, bringing to his notice the sh.le,-
' ng, offence gaited humanity and nor trOty
itipplations, le the affair et the Carolifte, declar
lingNhilt it Would be Made the grown, of* claim
Ifor the toperalibn ROM, Het Majesty's ,Govern
ment, and satlngexplanationi rerlng tt. =
Cg! . kloatittif said that as the M,t4ct age lOul aik
ed For additional appropriations, fie' thtnightpi t e
proper committee to hieoliarged drithlit, was * *
on wayraniiie. and Ite'ibn-iidi, gly proposed
diet rpference. TlyeColimel aldo to d tiothat the
corrtuten oh fitreigh.affairs, vat.•hich,hci h i
chairmen, Mies dieting . on SAO taii,and then,
drain* . hut idiot- get deeded ran reptOntany
mewes Ut tEeifiltiset. • ' ''. -I**
te&ritt Thompson, of'South Carehmt, chide a
very judicious suggestion, which was actit&d to
ity•Xial. Iluotard,. namely, that sal much of the
m_patange.. cioncterni - iig 1 oar relation with Great
• '
..:i - ; halin sent to the Foreign Affairs Contifittee
‘— l, einiNhat.' it for appropriations to the Comnift- '
tee of Ways rind . Meares General 'I% thought the
letter, of M r Forsyth much too tithe. Instaid of
staking .L E , aviation, In his opinion', a dernand
might Id* ads for those engaged in that nap
-der dfU.'ile Ind onmitigable atrocity, and their
.ctindnet night ittit Whir permitted to eseapjr the
,severest punishment. - Ildprould . deeply deplore
'a *rierktire witit England, teitifsevesit for i liejitin
di', mciittanWle attinentent at' this' terociouatind
lai= Ooltduat,' ittill hazards. •
net ',-
..,.,: Ante teincitkelts - froinl:ithet, intim
trullif ParFtirtiomp#ool atotiiiii of refe•rence
._. -
. . .
• - adapted: . ..,41 ;. t• • •
t 1 - rmtit•tbkNotr*rli , filittiro of the Bth'
'-. The rton ri ciroflitt attaelt on Navy Island Outs,
Wounded; C;llo,..iiiert, hit; transpired tunett,Ae
#itsrnrnitir. It to now confidently'
,Atti.di;thitittitlift'*l6ntion of the - patriot Post is
s . iOtti*theiqii.iiil! of no 'arid, bu t
, may Ilad,:tqi 1
ftwither • between our people,
leiseti shortly abandoned. r This
6414. _
„ A A:tidy Oa! pereMei;:it is istartaino;. we
..os.l‘ •
' .4isthiatf...lifit: Cirl l o. 3 o- • ' l f. 4,, • • , t(
; .. /p_Efritiekr; , soOW; , •=...4tit.:*44 7 oo,isit,,tfo
abut froln,ll.lvirtolime;".
The . foroest.of,4lo),,SialOsea tiMot
- we Tdeida yikl Otta,ptln ba4 rajwilegeP,,Playy:
eieif •O' r yikverait . ..ll4ol,,dosiw.
ittiogo wt. . I fottly4Ottettaid;46,lll:44 'ft .ea*
and blown li'pecasi,l4-pirdoir.4o:lltilitia.'ifa
- •
4. •
' ' -
...ig.a-.J.: _ . -.
I i
roe THE 10131.8' JOURNAL. •
Mr. Han n an—Permit me earnestly tct
invite the , . attention of your readers to the •
lighowing' sketch of a : "pl• n of idstructio
,for i'schhol of arts,'' cu tallied in a O 6;
tnorial of the Franklin :1 stitute of erin- -
pylvania, 'to the Legislat re at its resent
session. The advantag to lid% derited
from such-a' thurinigh cu , rse„-Of piadlitat
instruction as is proposed in it WOUtil be .
ref immense importadce ,tt? this district of •
Of ihstruction proposed for the Schocolqf ' _
Ali. of the Franklin Inseaute.
'}'he subjects of instruction might be divided
into six great departments as enumerated below;
each under the superihiendence of s prcOssor,
whose •duty it should be toleach, by lectures
and recitations, in as, much practical detail as
partible, to Beim:lqm principles connected with,
the department orwhich he has iiharai:ll Td
each departnient should be attached subaprofess;
1 era or practical instructors:, more or laza Milker
otie asthe case may require, among Whom should.
be divided the duties of giving inatruction m the .
details of the various arts • embraced Mike tie;
partment. Zb the more - atrictly.practicel branch
o f the depatutiontohe. student shoUtd he intro- •
duced to thirkehdp, the-, hiboratbdy, and the
field; shoul d taught the Use of teas or ,instru
ment; of theart he is studying, suctiihtudd have
the fhllest opportunity of acquiring practical
dexterity and tact. With ibis wee, workshop;,
a,.d laboratoriettif the - arta, and, a email farm •
should be providedi with the initalcrucate and
furniture appropriate to da,qh. • •
Ist Department Elf. Meebaoical: science *add -
.the Mechanic Arta. . . •
2d. Deputment of Chemistry add the Chem- •
teal Arts.
3d. Depatimeat Meehanice and the Alts
connected with teL •
4th. Department of Geology, MiketaltiLy, and
the art of Miqing.
Ik:parbueot eiloi and 'Av.;
6th. Departmeht • ot Agricultuije and lf .'iteral
.Economy. • - '
Under the. head of Mechanic
included Thu - Arts of Cbtratritetio
iron founding, amithing, turrimg,t
of engines and - tools, inachThery
: ping, and other porpoises, carpe
Eke, in all of which, full iostructio
en in the workshops of the
nected with this; would boa depa
!elo-rnaking, furnished with, an am
models of inaildrier.paquctures,
atudtot should SO taught to imita
The Chemical Arts would inel
Analysis in all its details as app
;foils, vegetable,' or minimal matt '
oluctp 91 . ardeuch the 'want:
and 'tx!realain, dying, bleachio
fluxion nf oteir, erith tee ebniktrab
oak kinds 6f furnaces; and, the
clienticateubetances: In tp f
ed to thiivEleparlspienti the
alt the ntinutke efinanipulatitord
experinients, and perromung an
direction of biosteaehier; krthe i
and- rnanotattories,uopeitaining
eral Eliviontoo,fielErld aequire
edge of the various othe.arts w
-The Ans c,u - tnected ;With
Depaceifient would it cloide..Eo
-braothhs, the Dividing of Insli
SChohl for Drei . king, attitehed
being regarded Isone - of the ad
tures in the PhidEußßAd-4 1 t.ltuti
instructors, girfwg . course
chiteetural and.machihe : duos
ing in alike toriipeheit, o.od-toy
ing andidsOtehing; idw p t atapp
sity,the,j.oriricafilari tapect
geomitr y iiataught in 6 M
mepL „Practice! Geology; 3i - era!
Minihp . .woOld Cabo
lestrite the 'Edo& of eerie
ristri•thitheciii, and dep
anditt inkkidie
brdie4tistiositt‘stroetioo is
OKI/Ith OW( Wmffei, - .Wf
belidelf•nolll3l6 informafjo r
oop4Uo i?f , oreck..eenients.
illOtrated an
vikednenot of alt the earthy
tit`xt coaatructinii, .empl
& , ' •' . •
..,..,10iider•-thei..liead t At
diugtit the. yarrow'. meth
working - mines, by .dr fle a Di
of extractingickantug aid r
- er.4spirtuctat also; --1.1
wtinlil be
n generally
e cianntivetioil
Pot mfbi iirlz
• try.
• woolitbn sty.
k itmiint.4coo-
• le collection of
iN which; the'
with Wei* 14.
de thArt. of
ecl . to -minerals,
, and the pro-
acre.; of glass
• tanning, the
Ai of the van-
Itnatiofitettitli of
'. nt would learn.
by conducting .
1 9ace fttnltir Aire
.tber werkaltene
10 cal kneed
ich it embriteed,
• 'Mathlinititical
'in t itr 1211 it,'
mnitt,ite. The'
rit diviaido •
" 411 % 13 0 1 mi fee:
.ly provided
of lepomr n w
ag. homed,
graphical ' draw...)
Ying *ram 0 1 0 :41-
vc anetleieripeloa
tbe Art of
field to tI4
lint . the tio'uodm:
Trate; of *ter mi:
f their diaktations
• :ikta tniiii,,and •
1 a ogould 'shoo ern.'
"Ile uee tifiltiffilaw-•
kyardiptibis vari
ethert witka full -
I ,
mple colleritioo of
pd rocker materials .
yed irt a0 4,0 f the
of Mickfreli
2 or q atritig sod%
afie d.,24*5.,; of
li W
'illie% and ,
'Floor 'itteirrein.-
, trais4,entinerali