The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, April 01, 1851, Image 3

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. igap* The tecbipta and expenditure* of Allegheny
WilVbe found on tho fourth page of 10-day’a
QuAMDi SißJiono.— dfonday, March 31.—Me*
- Clure r Jones ond Boggi on the Bench.
• ■ -The jury in the caso oftho Com. ea. Samuel Wy
• lie,for an-awaull and battery upon bis wife, were
*.. promptJy iD their box this morning. Tho.evidence
• In the case closed on Friday evening, and the Jury
.. trere retained until this morning for the argument
of counsel. ■
• Col.S. W.Black, B. Jones and Hamilton for do*
fcodant, and Bnrke and Snowden for prosecution.
The case was ably and eloquently argued to the
jury by Snowden aod.Burke. for prosecution, and
' JoneM and Black for tit fence.
1 .The jury returned a verdict of guilty..
• Com; va.John Thomas—Larceny of a large quan
tity of boots, aboeßand leather, in Allegheny City,
j Darragh for prosecution , Magraw and Fet*
German fbr defence.
; ’ ‘Mr. Mclntosh, sicom.—Carry on the 6hue buei*
- uess io Federal etreet,.Allegheny City ; buy shoes
- • sn d boots East, and also make them up hero; em
ploy from 15 to 25 hands; my stock was.appraised
910,000 ; had In January last bools and shoes in
• jny establishment, both of my own manufacture and
. <<4f Euterp; have experienced losses in my stock-for
ibel&atten months; bad made enquiry about it; the
- -first I saw of any of the property I missed was in tho
f "Mayot’s Office, io Allegheny—this was alter the ar
rest of-Thomaa; these are some of my goods; (point
. 40g to-the boots and shoes which had been brought
Amo the Court.) , The witneßß then went on to idon*
illy the various articles; having lost, as he testified,
about $2OOO worth. After the occasional
• doves,l*had new locks pal on my doors,but still
thogoods would be missing; I always found the
• -doors in the morning as I' left them in the night.—-
Snow John Thomas; he came into my store last
. Jane and asked me for. a seat of work; did not give
iit to him; be waoin once or twice after; the goods
wore (band IQ Thomas* house and cellar; the cellar
was so shallow that I had to creep into it on my bel
ly, where 1 found somo of the goods.
-Cross examined.—Tho floor of the cellar was cov*
©red with straw; itwas a back cellar. I bought, ten
days before Thomas was arrested, a number of sides
of leather, part of whieh I used and tho rest I found
In Tfiomas* cellar; there is no mark on the aides by
which l ean identify them, but I believe them to be
Valentine Sleek, xtcora.—Am a shoemaker; work
ed for Mclntosh, la Allegheny City; find one pair of
>boots here that 1 made lor Mr. Mclntosh.
- • Sara’l. Welber,«ttwn.—Ama shoemaker; make
eoarseahoes; worked for Mclntosh; find some or
' the shoes hero that I made for Mclntosh.
Adam Mill identified some of the work he had
made lor Mclntosh; he has worked for bim nine
■ years; - ■
Several other witnesses were called, who idontu
fied the work which they had done for Mclntosh.
Mr. Stewart identified the sides of sole loalher as
belonging to Mclntosh ; ho had dressed it.
The Court here adjourned until to-morrow morn*
■ing, at 9 o’clock, :
Latiso of thb CoanEE Sroinc of St. Pste&’s
C«racß.—At the appointed hour, yesterday after*
xooo, the ground "adjacent to the place where the
ssorser stone ol 6u Peter’s chnrch was to be laid,
*ras covered with a large concourse of people, of
•both sexes,—the front of the court house was also
•crowded with spectators. A procession was formed,
•composed of the Rt. Rev. Alonso Potter, Bishop of
nhe Hiocese; Rev. Theodore B. Lyman, Rev. Jab.
IP. Taylor, Rev. Tbos. Crompton, Rev. Mr. Pad
•dock, Rev. Mr. Rowland, accompanied by a earn*
-fcerof the laymen, which proceeded to the spot:
A copper box, containing a copy of the Holy Bi
ble, a Book of Common Prayer, numbers of tne
Banner of the Cross and Churchman; a Journal of
. the General Convention > copies of tho Post, Ga.
xetta and Joarnil, togeihor with the names of the
President oftho U. S., and Governor of Pcnnsylva*
nia, the Bishop and Clergymen of the Diocese, and
the following church-wardens : Messrs, Jno. D.
Davlo, Joo. H. Shoenburger; John McFaden, Robt.
Robb, Geo. R* White, Geo. Miltenberger, Wilson
McCandlcss, Chas. Shaler, Chas. Knap, Wm. Witty,
Hopewell Hepburn, Jsa. Daio, Thos. M. Howe,
'Joslafa King, were put into a hole, made for its re*
xeplion,m the stone.
'/ After the usual imposing ceremonies, in which
©isbop Potter officiated, tho hole was covered by a
After listening to a beantifal and eloquent ser
mon, the vast assemblage dispersed.
fiffiPTbe Court room, yesterday, wore the ap.
pcannc&of sb eatenaive > boot and. shoe establish*
meaty with sufficient material to.boot every body 10
the room.
> LAacEßY.—Mayor Picmtog, yesterday, commit
ted a colored mao by (he name of James Williams,
tor larceny*
Dariho.—While two ladies, who bad been out
shopping oq Saturday, wero passing up Third street,
.one of-them swinging a bead purse on her finger, a
•ruffian crowd passed by, when one of them snatched
itho purse and made off with it. Although he was
up Third and down Smitbfield, he escaped.
Acciokst.—A horse attached to a furniture car,
'yesterday, on Water street, ran away. A yoang
arotaao, accompanied by the goods of the family,
was in the car at the lime. Ii apset, throwing her
oat and injuring her in such a manner that hor life
* despaired of. Wedid not learn her name.
• Cnwwr»p*BtE.—Subscriptions aro beiog raised
Tor the relief of the family ot Mr. Joe. McKown,
first engineer °f the steamer Lowell, who was
drowsed by the sinking of that boat.
Founo.—The body of Miller, one ot the men
drowned in January last, while attempting to cross
r ihe Allegheny river in a skiff, was fouod on Sunday
liaat, at the Dock.
A New Novel bt the Aotbob or « Jams Shore.”
AnnO Groy it the title of a new novel, by the ou
' thor of Jane Shore. For tale at Holmes’ Literary
“ (Depot, Third street, opposite the Post Office. Also
nbe International Magazine for April.
- 1 * ‘ HißfEtt’e Masaeire*—rWall, at No. 85, Fourth
wtreet, has just recoived the April number of this
unrivalled magazine, It is for sate at the low price
of 25 cU. pet namber. - :
State Mutual Fire Insurance Company,
. H&rrlslmrg, Fa*
Guarantee Capital over-
SuaPLDfl Cash over*******
. Trails Company har been doing business about ten
- 1 months, and has accumulated an earned capital of
- oversl2s,ooo above all losses and expenses, with asur
plus co*h of over $25,000 on hand. The premiums are
as losr as any good and responsible company.
The directors confine themselves to the safest class of i
• property,'and no nsk to exceed $2,500 m one locality,
.{with a few excepuoßß.) The profits are wholly dm*
<ded to the members, which offers (owners of safe prop
- !(vrtvt inducements over most companies in the State.
KdhnP. Rutherford, John B. Eaokcr,
■ • 4* Sedgwick,
8. P. Jones, .A. A-Carrier. .
. Robert Klou, JOHN' P. RUTHERFORD,
* , Oiujrei, Secretary- , ■ .P rc , s V? eill .-
■ i ’tlreciorahave the liberty lo refer to the following
Kemleme.\-_ K „ 0 f tbo Commonwealth
... 6°“'’TAtJn' SareoyorGeneral. •
' - w n wlar‘* Esq, Cashier of the Harrisburg Bank.
iSbert J.'Ros"’.' s * 4 ' l Caaluetof the Dauphin Deposit
tJwm' Escf.)State Treasurer. .
i. oh f wi -p’fc Harrisburg..
T«*M , p»fnter , SsiUi Caftal Commissioner.
Oamnussion Merchants. Harris-
Johnfi. Brant, Esq-, Comnus^Me^ha^^lorrlsb-rg.
marigat • Bricic Office, *HSmlihfield street.
' ‘ cotore* of aw> ™i BD iraMTs.
CIHARTEBED A. l>. 1SS0; the only chartered Jnsu
j tutinn of the kind in Pennsylvania- _ ( _ jn
faculty, lonn Fuanuto, principal Instructor in
f (jSjSraDSnvProfeseor Penmanship, llercan-
E=n, Lecturer on Commercial
wishing to ttbtain a complete knowledge of
• „ its application to every branch of bn
800 *„md ana elegant hand writing, are mvi-
SIQSSS) -» ond examine the arrangements,
led ip c vSfwSercial law evarv Monday gening.
- tdeeio
JLi tale by U*> atdr^ er 0 f Second and Market eta
mans - •■■•--
- n&r<lf' <lo # bloßie - ’^ P ” nUD W S-HAVJSN’3.-
. The press has lately laid before: the world another
mass of scientific and oihertesomony to the extraordina
ry efficacy of Mr. "Rogers' Syrup of JAvertvroTt* Ter, and
Vanchalagua . as a cure for CONSUMPTION in its ear
lier stages ana of its value as a specific for Coughs, Colds
and ottxer Pulmonary Diseases. , Among- the names of
its endorsers wo note those of Dr. Cox, late a Professor
in the Cincinnati Medical College}. Dr. W. J. Richards*
of that city; Dr. R H.-Wilson.of Gallia Co., Ohio, and
many other professional men of high standing. Learned
men of character and eminence only make such state
ments as the above have done, upon thestrongest grounds.
There can, therefore, be no longer a dcubt, that this pre
paration is, under Providence, a sovereign specific in
Pulmonary Complaints, The p&mphle tto be had of
Agents contains further testimony, see also advertise
ment in another column.
Wletar’e Balaam or Wild Cherry.
The remarkable success of Balsam is no
doubt owing m a great measure to the peculiarly agree
able ana powerful nature of its ingredients. It is a fine
hebbal medicine-composed chiefly, or Wild Cherry
Dark ana the genuine Iceland Moss, (the latter imported
expressly for the purpose,), the rare medical virtues of
which ure also combined by ar new chemical process
withtho Extract of Tar, thus rendering the whole com
pound the most certain and efficacious remedy ever dis
We do not wist, to deceive the afflicted, or hold out
any .hopes of relief when none exist; but when so many
hundreds pronounced by skillful physicians as most
hopeless cases, have been cured, who can blame us for
using every word' and accent of persuasion to induce,
the suffering invalid to lay aside prejudice, and partake
of a remedy.seldom kuown to tail!
. Beware of counterfeits and base imitations.
Hjf See advertisement. [mar!2
European Ag«nop/
lE7* Having been detained by business at New Or
leans and St l«ouis, during tlie last few weeks, I will
not leave this city until Tuesday, the Bth of April next.
corner of Wood and Fifth sts. ,
This great remedy, prepared after directions or
Baroa Liebig, the great Physiological chomist, hy Dr. J.
S-Hoaglnoinef Philadelphia, is working wonders m all
diseases of the stomach and digestive organs. It is truly
one of the most important discoveries in medical sci
ence. Cures of.the most hopeless coses of indigestion
have been performed, to which the afflicted can be re
ferred by calling on the agents. See advertisement in
another column. - Ketbee. AM’Dowell, Agents,
feb3 140 Wood street*
- Cj* Consumers ofwlncs are invited to read In
column the card of Jacob Snider, Jr.’s cheap wine store
GTWalnut street, Philadelphia. febl4:dly
Nelson & Co; would respectfully announce to the
citizens or Pittsburgh, Allegheny and vicinity,that they
have had a large. Operation Room, with a Glass Root
and Front, built and armngea expressly for the purpose
of taking Daguerreotype Licenesses. The best Da-
the best matenul, are taken at this es
tablishment, under the special superintendence of the
The arrangement enables them also to take Family
Groups, of any numbe! of persons, m the most perfect
Likenesses of sick or aiseased persons, taken in any
part of the city.
Gallery at the Hall, Fourth street, corner of
Fourth and Wood streets. Entrance on Fourth street.
Is most respectfully Invited to the plain, unvarnished
statement of John Watt, who was cured of an old Cough
by the use of the Pstholeum :
“ Thiß may certify that 1 have been cured of an old
chroiuc cough by the use of four bottles of Petroleam.
The cough attacked me a year ago last December, and I
i had lost all hopes of goiung well, as I had taken the ad
vice of several physicians without any benefit I was
bene&lied almost instantly by the use of the Petroleum.
I coughed up , during the use of the Petroleum, a hard
sttbttance resembling tone. I make these statements
without any solicitation from any one to do so, and sole
ly for the purpose that others who are suffering may be
bencfitied. Vou arc at liberty to publish this certificate.
I old ciuzen ot Pittsburgh, having resided here
thirty-three years. My residence, at this time, is in
Second street. JOHN WATP.
Pittsburgh, February 24,1351.”
• For sale by Keyser & McDowell, 140 Wood at.,
R. E. Sellers, 57 Wooa su; D. M. Curry, Allegheny City}
D. A. cllhott, Allegheny{ Joseph Douglass,Allegheny;
H. P. Schwartz, Allegheny; also, by the proprietor,
Canal Basiu, Seventh at., Pittsburgh.
■ during these sudden changes of the weather,
colds, coughs and diseases of the Lungs and Thirst,
are more prevalent than at any other season. We ad
vise persons bo affected to procure at once, Jayne's Ex
peaorant, which always relieves a cough or tightness of
thechestor throat, ortho difficulty ofbreathmg. Try
it. To be had at the Pekin Tea Store, 33 Fifth street.
jti3l •
Or* 5* D« Rowe’s
A Child Saved! Curious Com.—'The following evi
dence is only one of thousands of similar .character,
and conclusively provesthat Dr. Howe’s Sarsaparilla is
one of the most elective remedies ever discovered:—
Dr. Hence- —Dear Sir.—My son, when about six
months old, Moke out with dreadful disease, Scrofu
lous Sore*, over the race and body; and for two years
and a halt 1 tried every incans -.hat could be suggested
by my fri *nd*. 1 also had the. advice of six or seven of
the bert physicians in the country, without effecting a
cure, ana T nlm<*«t wished die little saflerer dead, that It
might be freed from us pains. During the last six
months, the sores were so distressing and. painful, my
self and wife were up with it night andday, for weeks
together, and \oi had gtren up alt hope of ever raising
our little one. At length, a friend advised as to try roar
Shaker SarsapaTitla. Reluctantly I tned it, and I have
reason to bless God for u,tor, u areryjtartnm«,tfhcal
td up the sores, so that there is scarcely even a scar to
be seen- We only regret that we did not hear of and
commence using it sooner, as we are satisfied it would
have paved a great deal or suffering and expense. The
child now well and hearty. VVe do anaesiianogly
consider your Shaker Sarsaparilla one of the best pre-
now in use. JOHN STANSBURY,
< Rose, between Front and Second sts.
77iu is the only Sarsaparilla that acts m the Ltcer, Kid
neys and Blood, at the tame rime, which renders it altogeth
er mart valuable to every one,particularly Females.
Dr- Musscy, Professor m the Ohio Medical College, says
the Shaker preparations are truly valuable, and recommends
them to the public.
No Masccby—no MiNXßAir—no* Poisonous Drugs in
the Shaker Sarsayanlla.
Remember, it u warranted to be purely and entirely
Vegetable, and as a Female and Family medicine «f Aai
r.o equal.
Be sure you enquire for Dr. 8. D. Howt's Shaker
Sarsaparilla .
Price 81 per bottle, and six bottles lor 85,
Dr. 8. D. HOWE A CO.,
No 1 College Mali, Cincinnati, to whom all orders
must i»e addressed.
For sale by our Agents,
J. Sciioonma.E'EH A Co., R. W. Means, A. Black. Juki.
Mouleb. J- M. Townsend, William Jackson ami J.A.
Jokes, Pittsburgh; D. A. Elliott, Allegheny; »V. K.
McClelland, Manchester; F. CnuoKEa* Brownivillo \
end DraggMls generally. Also, by HOWE A CO.. Fro*
prietors.No. 1 CoUcgeHull.Cmciunan.Ohio. t(eb2s
Uj-I. O. or O* li*.— place of Meeting, Washington
Hall, Wood Hired, between sih and Virgin Aliev.
PiTTJHuacK Lodok. No. *J3G—Meets every Tuesday
Mercantile Encampment, No. 87—Meets Ist and 3d
Friday oi each month. *nar2s—ly
F'ellotra’ Hull, Udeon Building,Fourth
ttre'tt between Wood and Smtthfteld streets, —Pittsburgh
Encampment, No. 2, meets Ist and 3d Tuesdays of each
Pittsburgh Degree Lodge, No. 4, meets 2d ana 4tn
Mechanics 1 Lodge, No. 0, meets every Thursday
evening. ,
WesternStarLodge No.24,meeisevery Wednesday
Lodge, No. 182, meets every Monday ev I ng.
Mount Moriah Lodge, No. 3bo, meets every Friday
avemng. • - . •
Zoeco Lodge,No.3fls,Tneeti»everyTharsday evening,
at their Hall, corner of smithfield and Fifth streets.
Twin City Lodge,No. 241, meets every Friday even
ing Hail, corner of Leacock and Sandusky streets,
Allegheny City. . may 29.1 y
— 25,000
ITTAncerona Lodgei It o#of O* E**»*The An
geroua Lodge, No. 283,1. O. ofO. F., meets every Wed
nesday evening in Washington Hall, Wood at. [jaLly
H7“U. A. O. UPHILL GROVE, NO. 21 of the
United Ancient Order cf Druids, meets on every Mon
day evening, at the -Halt, corner of Third and Wood
streets,abovo Kramer A Rahtn’s. . may2lUy.
Notice*—The JocenktiiiknTailobs Society, of Pitts
burgh and Allegheny, meets on the second Monday of
every mouth at the Florida House, Market st. <
auo7y] Jons young, jr., Secretary,
C. G. HUSSEY. Prest. —A- W. MARKS. Sec 1 ?
• Office— No. 41 TFaler sX.,tn. Warehouse of C. H. Grant,
[o*Tms Company Is now prepared to insure all kinds
of risks. ou Houses, Manufactories, Goods, Merchan
dize in Store, and in Transitu. Vessels, Ac.
An ample guaranty for the ability and Integrity of the
Institution, is afforded in the character of the Directors,
who are all citizens of Pittsburgh, wall and favorably
known to the community forthcir prudencejintelligence
end integrity.
Dibectoes— C. G. Haseey, Wm. Baga'ey, Win. Lari
mer, Jr., Waller Bryant, Hugh D. King, Edward Heazel
lon .Z Kinsey S. Harbaugh, S. M. Kier. raarl&U
Vv-'; -.1- M
Irrefutable Testimony I
Gastric Juice or Pepsin.
IP" Daguerreotype*. -J'Tf
Public Attention
P" The National Loan Fand Life Auur•
anu Company of London and New York, are now.ta
king Risks on the lives of persons between the ages of
15 and CO years, at the Banking House of
sepll - YVM. A. HILL & CO.
Associated Firemen** Insurance Compo
nyof tbe CRy of Plttibargh.
JJ7* Will insure against FIRE and MARINE RISKS
ofail kinds.
Office in Monongakela House, Nos, 124 and 125 Water si.
W. W. Dallas, Body Patterson, R. H. Hanley, R. B.
Simpson, Joshua Rhodes, C.”'H. Paulson, Wm. M. Ed
gar, EdwanijGrcgg, A. P. Anshutz, Wm. Collmgwood, B,
C. Sawyer, Chas. Kent,Wm. Gorman. febQu-
gUNDRIES— 5 casks Bacon—Hams, Sides and ShouJ
• 2 bbls. Roll Rutter \
- do ■ -White Hnminy •
b. do Apples j Received and for sale by
mar» * ... KING * MOORHEAD.
Cf _
V' , t > ‘ x ,
. y.< , \ ’
(Somnurrial anb S nancial.
WM. A. HILL, ' > Cohmittk* bob Febhvaut
C. ZUG, • J
Dally Rsvleur of the Wholesale Market,
Tuesday, April I, 1851.)
The weather yesterday was warm and
The receipts by river, of produce, were moderate.
The receipts of Flour were light, both by river and
FLOUR—The sales yesterday on the wharf were
exceedingly light, and prices more firm. Saleßof
small lota oo the wharf at $9,16 to 3,20.'
GRAIN—The receipts continue good, and prices
lea* firm. We noto sales of wheat at 68368. Rye
is dull at 50'; we heard of a sale of 160 bushels at
49c. Oats: sales or 600 bashels, in'lots, at 32 to
33. Corn,: we could hear of no transactions; we
quote at- 40 to 45. •
FEATHERS—-We noto a sale. of 1600 fi}* at 34,
4 months.
BACON—Prices remain unchanged ; the demand
continues active. Sales of Hams at Bi, Sides 7J,
Shoulderu 6 to 6j.
WHITE LEAD—Sales of 600 kegs pore at
$1,95; No. 1 comraaoda-61,80.
- COFFEE* •We cote sales of 60 bags at 12)c.
BROOMS—SaIes of 70 doz at $1,26. The mar*
het is well supplied.
Steamer Michigan No. 2, Boies,’Beaver.
“ Atlantic, Parkinson, Brownsville.
“ Redstone, Wooc ward, Brownsville.
“ J.M’Kee. Hendrickson, McKeesport.
“ Beaver, Gordon, Beaver.
“ Fashion No. 2, Peebles, Elizabeth.
“■ Thomas Shriver, Bailey, West Newton.
u J. Nelson, Moore,Wheeling.
u Hibernia No. 2, Batchelor, Cincinnati.
Magnet, GalUpolls.
“ Robert Rogers, Buteher, St. Louis.
“ Redstone, Woodward, Brownsville.
“ Atlantic, Parkinson, do
“ J. M’Kee, Hendrickson, McKeesport.
“ Michigan No. 2,Boies,Uearer-
Beaver, Gordon, Beaver.
“ Thomas Shnver. Bailey, West Newton.
. Diurnal, Conweil, Wheeling.
“ Keystone State,’Stone, Cincinnati.
“ Pilot No.2»Bhunk,Hockingport.
“ Wellsville, Young, Wheeling*
“ Reveille, Dale, Wellsville.
UaUs of IDioroont & Paine of Coins.
Exchange Broker,oQ Fourth st, adjoining Bank Pittsburg
Pittsbvrghßanks- - -~-~par
Germantown par
Cheslcreounty--. *par
Delaware county*** * -par
NoTtfgomcrycounty . ••. *«par
Northumberland county*-par
Col. Bank % Bridge Co. vat
Lanetuter- »-» —* • • •par
Easton- ■ «pari
Ducii county---- - -pat
PottstiUe -••— • * • par
Washington • ■ • par
Broionshile.- ——par
Vori. i
Chambenburgk- *
Mufcuetwrt...— i
Carlisle,----* i
Hamxbush— -- i
Hontsdau I
Lebanon. i
Wpomtng 4
Erie |
West Branch. j
Waynesburg 4
Suquthanna county broke.
Lehigh county
IT. Slates Bank
Relief Notes--
City Scrip
County “•
State Bank and branches^*
State Scrip,
All Banks
sranrA«. •.
branch at Mstcaniowi
Cauntn Banks
Cityßanii, par
Country Bank* 1
Alhalotntbanls *• 1
Phxinfitld no salt. • • •
Allegheny Hlvcr Trade*
I Jfißjft T®* fine steamer ALLEGHENY BECCB
2, Capi. V?a. Hairia, leaves the Alle
gheny wharf for Franklin, every Monday and Thursday,
at 4P. M.
The fine steamer ALLEGHENY BELLE No 3, Capu
John Hanna, leaves the Allegheny wb&rf for Frank
Un, every Tuesday and at 4 P. W.
For Freight or Passage, apply on Board
Widoeiaaf Paebit for Cincinnati.
. |Wk Tint new and tost running steamer CIN
j rtfeffiHgClNNATl. Buuusoham, Master, mil leave
toSsßa®»regtilßrly every Wednesday.
Tor freight or passage, apply on hoard, or to
For marietta and Hocklngpon,
f JOSmI Tub line eieamcr PACIFIC, Zakous Ma*
will leave for the above and intermedi
ate porta every THVHSDAYy at 4 o’clock, P. M.
For freight or pastago,apply on board,or to
No. Cl Water si., and 63 From at-
James Lowrr f Jr«»
294 Ftucrman’s £Ol9, Liberty street , has on hand a
large stock of Chairs and Bedsteads of every desertp
uon, made of the best materials, which he wifi sell low
er than articles of the same quality can be sold in the
city, lie would coll particular attention to bis large
stock o( mahogany aud walnut chairs and Bedsteads,
whieh he will sell .at greatly reduced prices. Also,
TURNING of every description executed in the neatest
Orders left at the Ware rooms, or at the Mill, corner of
Adams and Liberty streets, willbe promptly attended to.
Cabinet aekeri Wonted.
TtHE subscribers will employ a number of good hands
at the above business; viz: Bureau, Bedstead and
Table makers. None bat good workmen need apply,—
us good wages will be given and payment
at Ryan’s Buildings,
marlS No. 31 Filth stree
A Partner Wanted
BY a gentleman who is now doing a profitable busi
ness on. tho Western Reserve, Ohio—but whose
means are too limited to carry on the some. Any per
son-of good character, possessing 81200 in cash, or
goods suitable for a counity store, can hear of a good
chance by calling upon STUART & MLL,
manKhlm U2l Wood street.
haw Partnerahlp.
THE subscribers have associated themselves in the
practice of Law, under the firm of Black A Wash
ington. One or the other of them, when not engaged > n
Court, can be found at all times m the office, on Fourth
Bireel, Pittsburgh, now occupied by Mr. Black.
Spring Fashion for 18511
/if THIS beautiful style of HATS received and for
mar? comer of Wood si. and Duunondbliey.
_ fi BUFPi author ol the
• North American Accountant,” and “western Steam*
boat Accountant,” Professor of Book-Keeping and the
Commercial Sciences.
N. B. HATCH, Esq., of the Pittsburgh Bar, Professor
of Mercantile Law.
JOHN D. WILLIAMS, Professor of Ornamental and
Mercanulo Penmanship.
Persons desirous ofobtaining a thorough Mel contileed
ucaUon,can rely upon obtaining In this Institution every
thing that is advertised, there is no advertising of the
names of Instructors and Lecturers who neither teach
nor lecture in the place; nor no Aumiuggtng the public
wthpUcts of engravings, with the engraver’s name BUp
pressed, and a name affixed, pretending to have “exe
cuted” them with a pen.
Ladies’ Writing Class meets in a separate apartment,
from 10 to 12 A. M. . .. . ... -n
Gentlemen’s Class from 6 in the morning nil 10 at
night. Imar2lalfcw
Xnr StocH at Pianos.
• ■ MHS. C. BLUMK would leaped*
<MWTr3l®3Wsfully invite the attention ofthepub
.Ecs3aKggTOi«SiMiieM her new and splendid stock of
vgj) WBWwaivoa. Inat opened and ready for
sale, among which are the celebrated Bamburg Ptanu,
with the new improvement of the over-sinngs. the la
test and most important improvement, invented solely
by them and by no others. They have been tried to be
copied in this coantry, but unsuccessfully. , .
Also, one splendid 7 octave, doable
Louis 3pv style, made by Bacon & Raven, New York.
Three 7 octave Pianos, also made by Bacon et Raven,
New 'York
Four Of octave Pianos, made by J. A. C. Fisher, lste
Nunns A Fisher, New York; together with some of our
own mannfaemre, with metalic frame- U a -°
XT EW CQOP BLACK TEAS.—Just received at the,
JM Pekin. Tea Store, 38 Fifth street, a lot.of ntw crop
Oolong Black Teat, by the ship *• Architect,” and for sale
wholesale to the trade at reduced prices. M .
N.B.—The above Teas are direct from Canton, and
the ladies ail lav they are not scented withJEnglish
Brandy, Gin and Ram tfobldj A. JAYNES,Fifth st.
TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS—Received antfopenedthis
day—Canvas, Paddings, SeUcias, twist, satin and
lasting'Vest and Coat Ballons. Bone, metal and japan
ned Pant and Strap Buttons. Horn and.hlaek’bone mis*
pcadet Ac. (febß] A. A. MASON A CO. #
■.. V; ■’ti. ;> ■■■ „.«■>•» ■• ;_■ * ...v. ..• . ■ ’:. ■ .■'■♦ v > .■• : *.. ',, •.
. .:•* . i,' , .•:_ v> ■•; ,V r,V v _/ : • , r.. v ..v ■* ■<*•, >••■'
‘Mi,; r '■*■ ■
..• J;-"
’'- ; 1
Staußankandbranches.-- 4
Cincinnatißanks. j
Cxrclevtlle (Lawrence) |
Columbus Bank f
Xc .4
Afaj niton 4
SandiuAy eu
Geauga. o
VcrwaU. 30
Arno Lisbon 0
Wooster. 75
ChsUteotht £
Cleveland-• j
Scioto 4
Lancaster. 8
HamxUon. 10
Canton.*.*- SO
Crbana ..50
Grannile 50
Stat Sank and Branches 50
Bank of Illinois. 75
Insurance Company •••• 5
Suite Bank 5
Oaklandcouniy." • 10
Farm, and Medt. Bank * •10
St. Clair -no salt
pan Sfa ** Bank |
Allbanks““~“‘ 5
Net* Yari{vrem.) \
Philadelphia.* 11
Baltimore.- • ••“
Amer. Gold(prtm.) $
i Old-••‘do- • • -do 5
Quintal 85 00
r Sovereigns 4 83
i Fredtnekdon 7 80
ZVn Thalers 7 80
> Ten Guilders 3 00
• Louucfors 4 go
Napoleons -....-.3 80
Doubloon. Spanish >•••10 09
Do. Patriot 15 50
Dueats 1 00
IN. &. earner of Market and
Third els ’—Established in 1840.
*'• vi >J.\"-*.. - ••«..
portion Sales.
HAVING been engaged in the above business for the
last six years, m tins city, would respectfully so
licit consignments of Goods, to be sold in tbia market,
either for Auction or private sale—particularly Glass
ware, Hardware and Dry Goods, and "will make liberal
advances on ail kinds ot Goods'consigned udfor sale
here. . . - .
Will refer io Messrs. IJewett, Roo A C0.,.13. R. Vio
let, Wm.D. Wood Sc Co-, John 1. Anderson &Co 5 R.H..
Stone,Squired Reed, Brownlee, Homer.& Co/ t Larkin
Beaver. Saint Louis; Butler Sc Brothers, Cincinnati;
George M’Lam, Pittsburgh. Cmar2o;y
JAMBS McKENNA. Auctioneer.
Real estate, valuable building lots,
DWELLING HOUSES, tauh Garden thereon, at
• Auction.—ln South Pittsburgh, on Saturday next. April
-sth, at 3 o’clock m the afternoon, will be sola oa the pre
mises, in the borough of South Pittsburgh, about half•
way from the Monongahela Bridge, on the rasln. road or
Street leading to Birmingham: Two Lots ofOrqund—
each fronting 20 feet 3 inches on said main.: road, called”
Catron street, and extending hack IX4 feet to Chestnut
alley. On one of the lots there Isorected a-good Frame
Dwelling House, well finished,in complete order, having
five rooms—three on the first and two on the second sto
nes—and a back kitchen. There isa well of'excellent
lure spring water on the premises, and a pump, at the
ntehen door, on both lots; in front and rear are beauti
ful gardens, tastefully laid out aud cultivated with flow
ers, shrubbery, *a choice collection of fruit-trees and
grape vines—also, handsome summer house and arbors,'
constructed m the latest modern sty.e The whple prop
erty is enclosed with a good, substantial fcnce*seven feet
high. It will be soldtogether or separately, aamay suit
purchasers. ■
For a private residence, ilus is the delightful lo
cation in Allegheny county, and tor beauty of scenery
cannot be surpassed in Pennsylvania, the .viewfrom, all
points is truly grand and magnificent, embracing the
-cities of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Manchester, Binning,
ham and the adjoining country, lor several irnles,—the
Ohio and Monongahela rivers, with the steamboats ply
ing thereon. It u within a few minutes’ ride of the Court
House ; omnibuses are constantly ruunmg pastthe door.
Although so near the city, it may be called-a country re*
sidence, and is sold only as the owner has removed-to
Terms—Accommodating; which, will beraadeJtnown
at the umeor sale. JACOB BATES, Owner,
aprl JaMES M’KENNA, Aucl’r.
Damaged cargo of steamboat, lowell,
at Auction, without reserve and for beneQt of
whom it may concern.—On Monday next, April 7ih, at
10 o’clock, in the forenoon, will be sold withautTeserve,
at McKenna’s Auction. House, on account irwhom it
may concern, part of the cargo oi the steamboat Low
ell, sunk in the Ohio river, below Wheeling, on March
22d,0n her pussage down.
It is impossible to enumerate the various articles, as
only 20 cases of the goods have as yet been opened.—
They comprise Foreign, Domestic and Fancy Goods of
every description, Clothing, Shirts; Books, Shoes, Hats.
Hardware and Cutlery, Fly Nets, Carpel Bags, &c., all
of which will be open for examination on Saturday.
This is the largest lot of merchandise ever sold at
public eale in Pittsburgh. •
Country and city merchants and dealersvbul find it to
their advantage to attend. _ . . •
Terms at sate. JAMES McKENNA,
apt . Auctioneer.
tion —On Wednesday next, April 2d, at 10 o’clock m the
forenoon, will be sold at the store ot Messrs.TVlaf klm Sc
Co., Pennsylvania Avenue, near the Tunnel,.ijieir entire
stock of Groceries, &c., which is very extensive, com
prising every article m that line, such as sugars, coffees,
teas, molasses, cloves, pepper, cinuamon, mus
tard, ginger, tobacco, cigars, Ac. A large assortment of
queenswarc, glassware, stoneware und crockery, Ac.;
1 sett platform fcolcs; 1 do brass counter itcalcs, with
several other articles appertaining to a Grocery. Store.
Also,one 1 wagon and slot of furniture tm&Seddine.
mart? JAMES M’KEfrNA, Auct’r.
BOROUGIt at Auction.— On Thursday April 3d,
ot3 o’clock m the afternoon, will be soldm Duquesnc
borough, at the foot o t Herr’s island, six Building Lots,
fronting twenty feet on the Allegheny river nod Penn
sylvania Canal. Also, five Lots adjoining; same sire,
and similarly situated, to be sold at n Ground Lease of
SIS per annum, each.
Terms of sale of first s»x Lois—one-fourth in hand,
and the balance in.three equal annual payments.
Title is indisputable. JAMES hI’KENNA,
morlG . Auctioneer.
P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer.
5 Hll OS. N. u.ftLGAR at Auction.— This-afterrioon
at 3 o’clock, at the Sales Rooms corner of-Wood
and sih sts., will be sold on account whom itmay con
cerns hhds N. O. Sugar, slightly wet m transportation,
aprl . P, M. DAVIS, Auct’r.
MERES,&C., at Acction.— On Wednesday morn
ing, April 2d, at 10 o’clock, at the Commercial Sales
Rooms, cornor of Wood and Fifth streets, will be sold on
a creditor ninety days, on sums over 6100, for approved
Baper, a large and well selected stock of desirable spring
iry Goods, which have just been purchased m the east
ern cities for an adjacent market, compnsing 27 piecen
super French black clouis; 23 pieces bloc, brown, mixed
cloths; 35 pieces super French black cassimeres; 19
pieces super fancy black caeslmeres; a p eces tweed
coatings—all wool; 5J pieces sauncil 4 ?— assorted; l!
pieces black and fancy satin ve6Ungs; IQpieces French
linen; silk serges; padding; canvas; linings; - olorcd
cambrics; fancy vesungs; alpacas ; cravats; hadker
chtefs; gloves; checks; hnscys ; ginghams; ticks; den
ims; cottonades; silk, coal and vest onuo is; threads;
pnntbuttons; sewing «Hk, Ac.
Also, 11 bales 4*4 sheeting, with a.gsncral assortment
of seitonable Goods and Trimming*, which are particu
larly worthy the attention of the trade
aprl P. M. DAVIS, Aact'r
W. G. M’CAEITNBY, Auctioneer.
—Will be sold on Saturday evening; A put 12th. at 8
o clock, at M’Cartncy s Auction House, No. 125 Wood
street, two valuable building lot 3, each fronting 24 feet 4
inches oo Bhon street, und extendin' back 100 feet to a
20 foot alley. Soud lots are No*. 24 and 20 on Cosset’s
plan in the Third Ward of the City of Allegheny; and
commanding a beautiful viewof the cities of Pittsburgh
end Allegheny and surrounding country, and would be a
most desirable location lor a private residence, as H
canao: be surpassed by any situation for health in the
two clues. Title indisputable. Terms at sale.
oar 29 W. G. M’CARTNEY, Auct’r.
Jor Sale & €o £et
Dwelling to Let.
NO- 45 Third street, opposite tho Third Presbyterian
Church, and second nouac from Ferry street.
This is a very comfortable dwelling, embracing four
teen rooms and an excellent bathingroom, supplied with
hot and cold shower baths, Ac. Situated convenient to
business, market, and in a qoiei and pleasant neighbor
hood. Apply on the premises. (mart 9
Valuable Real Estate for Sale#
M THE SUBSCRIBER offers for Sale, on favora
ble terms, the following Real Estate, in the City
of Pittsburgh, viz:
No 1 Threo valuable three story brick dwelling
houses, on Second street, between .Market and Ferry
streets, tho lots being each 19 feet ironlby 80 deep.'
No 2 Contains 57 feet front on Third flirect, adjoining
the Third Presbyterian Church, on which i* erected one
foor story brick house, used a« a pnnungofuc*, and one
two story brick warehouse.
No 3 Two lots in Fullston, Beaver county, being lota
Nos 3 und 4, being about 100 feet square, on which is
erected one block of four framedwelling»,and.ouo sepa
rate fiame dwelling,nil two stones high.
No 4 One lot 59 feet fronton Buck street, opposite the
above, and extending to the top of the hill.
No. 5 Two beach lota, each 50 feet front, and running
from the road to low water mark, on the Big Beaver.
No 0 One valuable water lot, 100 feet on Wheel Race,
with ten shares water power attached.
No 7. One lot opposite the water lot, hi) feci iront. and
extending to the top of the hill, on which is erected one
two story brick store and warehouse, 28 by 50 feet also
one frame dwelling, two stones high.
No 8 One large loi in New Brighton. Beaver county,
being about 140 feet on Broadway, and about 200 feet
deep, containing 14 acre, on winch uro erected two loTge
frame dwellings, and one small frame house, used as an
office. This property was formeily occupied by Mr. £\
C-Gould, and is very pleasimtlyloeaieil, being immedi
ately opposite the Faliston Bridge.
‘No 9-One wnter lot, immediately below PaUston
Bridge being about 100 feet in length, and extending
from Water street to low water tpark, or towing path.
The above property will bo sold on very favotablo
terms. Apply at the Book Store of R. C. SIOCKTON,
corner Third and Market streew.-
mart 2 JOHN FLEMING, Age»*»
Execators’ Bale of Real Estate, at Auc*
TT7TLL BE SOLD, in pursuance of the last Will and
YV Testament of Martin Lowry, late of the Cay of
Pittsburgh, dec’d,on Monday, the 7iu day of April, 1851,
at 10 o’clock, A- M:, at the Court House, in the City of
Pittsburgh, by public auction, a vaiuablo Lot of Ground,
situate on Quarry Hill, near tho New Basin, lntneSixth
Ward, containing nearly ONE A.Rlji being Part oi a
largo piece of grdund which was held undivided by the
•aid Martin Lowry and others, and which, by virtue of
certain proceedings in ParU l ’ o ’ l ; “• lho District Court of
the County of Allegheny, No.oB Jannary Term, 1849, was
assigned tn severalty to the heirs of the said Martin Low
ry, dec’d, by metes and bounds, Ac., as by reference to
the tnqotsition and plan thereunto annexed, and other
proceedings in the case had, wjll now fully and at large
appear. It is uanccessaryto enumerate tho aovantages
of the above properly, comcnandiog, as it does, a beauti
fill prospect of tho ciiy and the two nvers, being easy of
access for a private residence, and abounding in excel
lent stono fit for building purposee-as they are well
known. For n nlan of the property and further Informa
tion, apply to Messrs. Mitchcl A.Palmer, Attorneys and
Counsellors at Law, Fourth aUeet,orto either of the ha
derstgned, Execu’ors of the last m^?{S?v nl
Mnrtm Lnwrv dec’d JAMES BLAKELY,
Martin Lowry, aec a. JOHN COLWELL,
N.B.—The adjoining Lot, containing about the same
quantity of land, is also for sale- martt.dAw
additional salvos
Forty Town Lott In ESll.filvorpool, o.
THE recent unprecedented sale of Lorn in the above
thriving Town having nearly exhausted those pre
viously laid- out, and ;ihe demand still continuing, the
undersigned has been'induccd to, lay out a ponton of,
his property in town lots as abo'«> und offers them for.
sole at prices and tonn* that cannot fan. to meet the
views of those wishing to purehase. It is needless to
say anything of the location of the ipwm.and prospects,
Ut having been sufficiently do sen b e d i nre ce n t advert
isements,) other than that over.oqe hundred lots have
recently changed hands, and been, purchased by those
wishing to procure a dostrablo « ofne * .. ..... ...
The above lots are among the. most eligible and desi
rable tn the place, and are pauctpally located iniheccn,-.
"For Sfbrmaiio?^ the proprietor m Livctpool,
or to lames Blakely, KtcFoonhMrcet^^
; East Liverpool, Feb. Stadj tfeblSNlaw f
» « „
Reported Expressly for the Daily Horning Post
, ? •. .New Yobs, Marcii 31
There were 340,000 in specie shipped for Europe
oii Saturday to the Hermann. The Franklin and
Arctic wrjll take out sBoo,ooo* . . ■
It iruoderstood. that $600,000 in com is on.ihe
way back to New Orleans. ' v. - ?
Private letters frora/Xqndoq raenUon- tbe. Money.
very easy, and of tbe probability!of tbe
Bank of England the ratoo-ofiiiitereat.
American Stocks were in good, domand, without
say pressing on tbe markot.
The liabilities of Austin Sc Spicer, who failed a
.few weeks since, is officially sot down at $1,200,-
000.' They decline-jnakiog any statement of their
The barque Tooi.-Dallet arrived here 'last, night '
from Puerto Cabello. A correspondent writing uns
der date of March l4,S3ys; .Easiness ; has' become
quite active since .the decision of the Presidential
question, which has tended to restore'confidence to
the mercantile community. I am under the im
pression the country will Continue quiet for a period
at least. All must,end will, depend on the enurse
of the new administration, which has;just been: in
stalled into office. ,*■
: The brig India, from the coast of Africa, arrived
at this port this morning, with a cargo ofivofy, palm
oil, &c. She left Besson on the . Western coast*of
Africa, January 23d, and Port Braze, Cape de Verde,
February 12, having-put in there on nccodbYof the
sickness of the Captain and crew. .-a
Besson was very unhealthy when the India sailed.
A Belgium-barque had lost nearly ail her crew, nnd
her Captain was compelled to engage ifm natives to
take,her to Gora; . ••■i-
Thelndia .lay four months at account
of the unhcaltbiness which prevailed, and the.Cap
tath, Mato, Supercargo and all hands Wgjeduwh at
the same time. The following deaths %tcurred at
Gambia, AngUßt 26 : Andrew Rogers, Tester of the
brig Indis, aged 25,and a native of Saco, Maine.—-
-On the 28th of December, John Mills, second offi
cer of iheTndia. / 1
The India left at Port Brazn the. D. S; sloop of
war Portsmouth, bearing the flag''of. Commodore
Gregory, and the U. S; brig Xieut. Foote
commanding. The officers and crew ot both vesse s
were well.
Tbe barque Mason. Barney, at New York, has
Buenos Ayres dateeto January 21st. The news is
unimportant. A letter from our Charge, 'N. A".
Haines, acknowledging the marks of respect paid
to the memory of Gen. Taylor by the Buehos Ay
rean Government, is published in the British Packet.
The Packet ship Washington arrived at N. York
yesterday from Liverpool, with 6 cabin and 956
steerage passengers, making a total, including offi
cers and crew, of 1000 souls. One death, that of a
seaman, who was lost overboard; ■ ' ,
The typhds fever is very prevalent in New York
city, and a great many deaths have occurred from it.
hooh.) New Yobk, March 31.
' Flour. .Intgood demand but do noticeable changes
in prices. _ . .
Grain.. Wheat: prices nominal, at 9801,00 for
Ohio. Corn: scarcei with fair demand. . . .
The private accoonU by the Bteamer are not con*
sideredas the publisbedaccounts.
Provisions. .Demand fair. Mess pork: old 13,12
013,25,new’13,75,prime01d 10,12, new 11,60.
Groceries.. Coffee in good request; N 0 sugar, 64
064,; N 0 molasses, 304031. . . moderate request ; Ky, B|OU
Whiskey'..Downward tendency
Cotton., Declined. 4.
Floor.. Firm but unchanged
Grain.. Wheat, dull; Corn, 664 for yellow; Oats,
Pork has a downward tendency; old mess, 13,12
Business quiet. '
Colton.,No material change.
Flouri .Dull for export at 4,3 U; /city consump
tion,.4>37t{34,44 for common aod-gnort brand®j
4,61105,00 fur extra; fancy lots at higher rate?. .
Groceries* *More doing; and supplies coming in
freely. " -
Whiskey. < Limited request at 22fr for bbls and 21
for hhd*.
Flour. .Unchanged.
Corn*.Yellow and white,' 69360; wheat, un«
ProTisione«.Finn. *
Beef Cattle. .3,00 to 4,52 cwt. ‘
Ci&ckwatx, March 31,
Flour.. in demand, but 6c Ipwor; sale* at 3,450
3 47. '
’wiiakef. . 17i(317t i
Groceries.. Stead.; molasses,S3.
Lard.. Prime 8. :
The river has fallen £ feet, but is now, stationary.
The weather is warm and cloudy.
A Card to Business MLen.
A YOUNG, active business man.; & native of Pitts
burgh, with an extensive acquaintance ( who-can
command a cash capital oC from 6 to 53,000, is anxious
to make an investment, and devote his time to business
as a partner, in Pittsburgh or vicinityv •’
mr*U:iml Plcaseaddress Post Office, Box No 355,
WE HAVE NOW FINISHED 05 dozen of Ladies’
fine black real Lambs Wool STOCKINGS, which
arc softer in the wool and more durable in the color than
any we have heretofore made. Every article in ihe
dock, Undershirt? and Drawers, ladies 5 and children’s
underclothing, made to order with punctuality.
The Old Established Stocking Manufactory, Fifth st
deco w. Daly a co.
Bounty Laud and other Business.
WILLIAM FLINN offers his services to transit
business with the Executive Departments and
Congress, as an agent. He will attend to all business
relative to pensions and bounty land. Charges mode
rate. Address William Flinn, Washington,©. 0, ‘
January 29,1651.
Mr. Flinn was several years a clerk in the office of
ihe Second Comptroller of the Treasury. His knowl
edge of transacting business at the Departments will
render hia agent,particularly useful to all
who may employ him at the seat of Government.
febl Lais Second Compiroller,
Tapscott’a General; Emigration OfQce.
jr-Ke* REMITTANCES and Passage to and .rJgsr
kJrarEVlro& Great Britain andlrel&nd, by W.
.1- T. Tangoolt. 75 South Bt.,corner i
ot Maiden Lane, N.Y., and 06 Water
loo Ropd, Liverpool. . •
• The subscribers, having- accepted the Agency of the
above House, are now prepared to make arrangements
on the most liberal terms with those desirous of paying
the passage of their iriende -froro the Old Country; and
they flatter themselves their chatacterandlong standing
in bnainesa will: give! ample assurance that au their ar*
rangements will be carried om faithfully.'' ’ ■■ : .
Messrs. W. & J. T. Tapscott oralong and favorably
known for the superior clasSiac^ramodauomandsaiUng
qualities of their Packet Ships. ‘The QUEEN OF THE
ROSCIIjS, LIVERPOOL, and SIDDONS, two of which
leave each- port New York tho 21st and
20th, and from Liverpool the 6th and llthtiii addition to
which they have arrangements with the St. George and
Union Lines of Liverpool Packets, toinsure adeparture
from Liverpool every fivo days, being thus determined
that their facilities shall keep pace with their increasing
patronage:: while Mr. W. Tap scon’s constantpersonal
euperihiehdahce of thebusincssin Liverpool is anaddil
lional security that the comfort and accommodation of
the passengers will be particularly attended to.
Tho subscribers being, as usual, extensively engaged
in the Transportation BusineaabetweenPmsburghand
the Atlantic Cities; arethcreby enabled to take charge of
and forward passengers immediately on their landing,
without a, chance ot:disappomuncni or delay; and are,
therefore, preparedibcontractforphnsage.frora any sea- - p r i vate Dloeaae»«
port in Great Britain or Ireland to this city, the nature ol BROWN, No. 41 DIAMGND ALLE Y.
ike business they are engaged m giving them ficUiiieß
for Draatlee. HiatnmnesatOTpsßyconfinedto
will he tefttnded in fdlt. . ■ - .hea. Gleet, Stricture, Urelirral Discharges.
REMITTANCES. <■' - Imparity of the Blood, with all diseases o. the venereal
The subscribers are also prepared to give drafts ad origin. Skin Diseased, Scorbutic ErnpUons, Tetter,
sight for aity amount, payable at the principal cities and Ringworm, Mercurial Diseases, Seminal AVeakpeM.lmr
“main England,lreland, Scotland and Wales; thus af- potency, Piles, Rheumatism, Female Weainess,;Month.
oSinir at&fe and expecllU6us“mdaeof rettitungfunds ly.SappresjionSjDiseases.of.the uvAno-.
to those oonntriesjiwmch'Srersdns reijuiilng such fault- Nervous Affections, Earns tndhe Back and Loins, Into.
ties will findtt to theirinterest to avail themselves of. tt°ns of the Bladder and.-Kidneys, anccessfaliy treated.
teniedttf tion ifby lene %^Sl^ d ' Foarteenyettrs' practicejifour in this city' enables Dr
’ Forwarding and Commission Merchants,lßrowntooffer assurances of speedy care toallwho may Philadelphia.' come under his care. _ , ,
mapH-uiw i i ■; Office tmd private consulting tooms;4l Diamond ay.
AHEAD OB' AIM, t fljr Charges moderate. ■ I , nov&dfcwly
EXTRACT OF AMERICAN OIL, • I TjEosiATISM —nr. Brown's newiy ciacovrul retu-
P REPARED and sold .by JNO. YOUNGSON, 809.yPrv.4dy fcrTOeumatisml.^ aspeedyandceriainregtedy
Liberty street. Thu' powerfaliyconr.-'t»>w - “''ti'lujiuever.fsils._ —.—-
" '(.virtues orwlw . ■
paraiioaj the medical virtues v
eight umes the sirehgth-
It is put up in bottle
directions for-Its/*:
nal American O?.
It so farexcco* •
WML'yLZ-l • ■
" N. B* The*
from the be"
i wilt be fot
i claims to ft
i d&W'tf < •
t : f ; ’ ’ 4..~.y
V ■ ‘
* *» , \ \ - ** T
r . •, PniLADEtPHra, March 21
Mew Yobk, Match 31
PaaiDELPHIA, March 31
BitTXKOEE, March 31.
To tUe Ladles
• ]<lt r _-
"- ■*: . v “». /.* • > :. f .i. ..<:■
- t r ■
•••'■ ti. ,
- _ >- 1 • ‘
: ' 1 V v ’ •. .
- Vf.J'Y
m ~
..~+. ..mss-
Battkfre anil <E«hange Srokers.
ID* Collections made in al! the principal cilice, nnd
Bought and Sold on Oomihltrioii.
maT29:Qm ' - ■. : ■
’ HlLli & OCttßTf
80..5S Wood Street,
bail'd door be&w : Fourth—twist side). .
-OIGHT EXCHANGE on UtaEasiera Cities constantly
Ip for sale Time Bills of Exchange and Notes di»-
■fSSfff?* - Gold, Silver and Bank Notes, bought and sold.
Ooueciioss made in all the principal ciiioaof the United.
St mar27-7 ?s its recelyed of Ear and Current Funds.
Current money received on deposit. •
Collections made on all the principal cities of the Uni*
led States. - - ; ; tanglAy
• ;• No. 95,cobweb Wood asd DiAnorm wbsbtv *
. PitaburgKPo. - ~ (mavi
;XB. S.HOOR. _ _ W __ THO».JAgQAJTT.
N.E. Comer of Wood and Sixth struts., Pittsburgh, Pa
BEALERS in Cota, Bank-Notes* Time Bills, Forctai
and Domestic Exchange,Certificates of DeposU,ae
EXCHANGE on all the principal Cities of thc Union
and Enrope, for in sums to stiit purchasers, i
CURRENT andjpar funds recehredondeposite ■
COLLECTIONS made on all pans of the Union, attha
Jowest rates.' ' . . ■ ' BCpH«ly
■ftTOTES, DraftsVCheckSj Ac- collected', and Remit*
I>l tancea made upon favorable terms. 7 .V:
mayS&tf . ~ R7R. BRYAN, Cashier.-
RoUidaytburgh, May.\%, 1850. ' . . 7 "
Notice'* .
W“E haseassociated -J/Gumijiss Comifwith U 3 La
the Exchange and Banking business. i!7
Pittsburgh, Jan’y.l, ISst—ja6:Tm • - .. - . ;
WM, H. WIXJ.IAMS.* •***'• •f. B.'MVAt.* ♦ •*♦ • -*J. O.COJTFiII
WM. H« W lli Id ASIS -& COyi
ALL transactions made oh liberal terms, and collec
tions promprty attended to. - fia6:6m
havb EDiora thus SAmoNe' a&d excoabss otticb
To No. 67 Market street, four doort bctoig old Hand.
lers in Notes, Drafts, Acceptances,Gold, Silver and
Bank Notes. Exchange on the Eastern and Western
. cities constantly for said.
CoUeciions made in all the cities throughout the Uni
ted Slates.. Depositcs received in, par fands or onrrent
paper, No. C 7 Market street, between Third and Fourth
streets. ang23-ly.
Domestic and foreign Exchange, Bank Notes,
Gold and Silver, Bought,3 0.l and Exchanged,
■ AT THE ■ • ■
■ .• ' 07.. •
William. A. Mill & €o.,
64 Wood Street*
-gT** Ihtbrest allowbp on Tare deposits. [agg29
Banhersand Exchange Brokers, Dealer 3 in Foreign and
■ Domestic Bills, Bills of Exchange, Certificates if Depot*
it,Bank Notts, and Coin.
Corner of Third and Wood sts., directly opposite'the-St
Charles Hotel. _ may2B .
* ~TT ittectoatiiea Bahlsv ~
him<srao,FouaTH abova uA&aar £n&£2T.
THIS BANK is now prepared to do business.' Open
, from If Jl. M. to 3 F.M.
. Interest paid on Special Deposits;
ttogU THOMPSON BELL, Cashier.
STRICT attention will be given to all bosineas en
trusted to his C3re. Pittsburgh manufactured arti
cles always on hand, or procured on short »*otice. -
Notes, Bonds, Mortgages, Ac M negotiated on fevora*
hie terms.-Advances made if repaired. toct22rtf
B * sale at the Bonking' House' of PATRICKS A
FRIEND, No. 95 Wood st- > ‘ ,£octi9‘
■■ hopes bvesr.
Dr. Rogers’ Syrup of Liverwort and Tar
: ASD.
For the complete curt of Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Asthma)
Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, aria, au other Dung
CompiainOtendtng to CONSUMPTION.
Look at tta Unparalelled Saecess.
THE above distinguished COUGH MEDICINE is car
rying aU before ikin-Xusg Complaints.- In.sil sec
tionsof the country it is constantly performing cures
which astonish even physicians themselves* Look at
the high character and standing of the names which
vouch for its unrivalled healing power. H. Cox, M.D.,
laic Professor in the Meoical College in Cincinnati; W.
J ..Richards, M.D.;Hon.,Judg? Morse;. Rotf. Judge Wtrf.
Burke, for more than 20 years Post Master of Cim; R.
S. Newton; M.D n Prof, in the Medical College at Mem
phis, Term.; John A. Collins, Eeq., Proprietor of the
Temp. Organ, and Gen. Agent of the Grand Division of
the Sous of Temperance or. Ohio ; William H. Leviton*
Ean., Editor of the U. S Military and Naval'Argus at
N. r- Thomas C. Fanlder,Esq,.of Alban;;.ReV. H.
Wiseman,.fiev.Jt Hoyt, N.Y. City; and we aould name
hundreds, aye thousands of others, who testify from
personal experience, that it has cured them and their
friends, in eome cases alter ail other remedies had failed.
SueA men never make siceA sta.einehts. unless convinced
of their truth beyond the possibility of a doubt- Read a
few of the letters.'. . •
; .Extract from a letter from F. M» Coxy to H- li. Slew
art, No. 137, Second street, Ncw York^
- - Spakta, June SO, 1849.
Dear Friend Stewart:. I hare been home nowjast two
months.. Whoa I tasrsaw-yoa,T had but little hopes of
ever getting any better. Bat I have now thejple&sorraof
thanking you for recommending me to take Dr. Rogers*
Syrup of Liverwort, Tar, and Canchalagua. I got a
dozen bottles of it and took home with me, determined
to makea fair trial of it, a* I had done with everything
elee. 1 have only taken tojjr bottles of it, and I mast
say it has done mo more good than any other medicine
I have ever taken. On my first taking it, it increased
the expectoration, and I raiaed a great deal of bloody
matter from my lanes. Bat that has now ceased, and so
has my cough, nearly. I cough but little now, and ex
>ectsoomo he entirely freo from it I consider, it an
nvaluable medicine, and shall recommend!! to ail .who
are aSicted with a cough or diseased lungs. • ■
I let a young ladywho had the CONSUMPTION, and
had bled a *ood deal from the longs, and docioted ireer
'oi monihs with our phi sician, but grew worse,have ont
bottle of if, and it cured-her, It acted almost miraculously
in her case. -.•< '
Yoar sincere friend, F. Rt. CORY.
N B. The original Utitr from which th e above is an
extract, is oa file, andean be seen at our office, No. 316,
Broadway. " . ‘ v.
... Statsmtni <f Mr, JL tangj Baker. Wo.6BBPearl streelj
N. Y.—A few days before last Chnsnnas,Twas taken
unwell, and soon commenced bleeding freely, at the
Lungs. I called in a Hommopathic physician, bat his
medicine did not seem to help me. I read your advert
isement, and thought I would try. Vr. Razerf. Syrup v
Liverwort, Tar and Canchalagua. Before I had taken
up the third battle, my .bleeding: had stopped, my Cough
teas gone , and I frit as well as usual. My hepllh is now
good. I consider it a most excellent medicine, and coir*
(Hally recommend it to ihy friends. [Zftu statement teas
made to the Proprutors, March 12th, 1650.1 .
■ ITT* For want of room to publish oMmgtAany more
certificates,-tvehere give .the hanfrs and residences of
several individuals well known lii New York, scary ens
of whom has uztd this mediiiim, and can speak psrsonaUy
of its effects. Please call upon them, and hear what
they say*' ■ \ ’
Chahixs U. Rise, No. 192, Broadway, corner of John
street. • - - ••
Rev. Ralph Hott, No. 137, Madtson street, Pastor of
the“ Church of the Good Shepherd.”
RobsbtS.Locewood; No. stfl, Vestry btreet.
v Stlvanus H >tt, N 0.200, Houston street.;..
Ip* Be sure to ask for Dr, A, Rogers' Syrup (if LIV
ERWORT, TAR, and CANCHaLAGUA, and, let no,
other be palmed on to you. i
CAUTION.—Non* genuine, unless there is On the buffi
wrapper, a' note ofha7id, signed with a Pen, by A. L.
FOR SALE, wholesale and retail, by A. L. SCOVILL
k CO., Proprietors, at their Principal Zkyoi, GOTHIC
HALL, No. 316 Broadway, New York, to whom all or
ders fanhe Medicine, ani letters relating to Agencies,
should be addressed, post-paid. _ '
‘ ALSO, for sale by ft. E. Sellers, No. 57 Wood street,
Wholesale Agent for Pittsburgh and vicinity
Curry and H. P. Schwartz, Allegheny City; Townsend,
Carr & Co., Manchester; A« Patterson, Birmingham.
PRICE—In large bottle, 31,00; or six bottles Tor 85,00
mar2s:3m '. . v -- »■--
> Vi. 1. \■ » ~} f* -
. v S', •/ •
. ■ 'y?y; i .r ‘
- • - ••
v•' ■ . -■ l
■i ‘
,V -
■■ 'f/■’ V' 1 ■'^i v:
The Ortal Remedy for Ctmeumptimefthe lunge, Jffte
lions af fheLtecr,,3rmeAitis,.petm or Weai
naiof tkt Breast or lMnp,ani ether offestims c flits
Ertattor, Lunge
W fide herbal medicine, composed chiefly of Wtto'
CsßßirrEaarsittl'ita gpnituue Joetairp Mo«*(thelauet
imported expressly for th! * purpose,) the ruro medical
virtues of which are alio combined by a new chemical
process with the extract of tar, thus renderingibe whole
compound the most certain nod
dtecotejred for
Dr. Wm. Y. Banks, of Xenia, Ohio, aiilghly respect*.
aWe Druggist in that delightful .village, has informed.oa
thaithe sale.ofWistarVßaisam of wild<?herry;l« on*
paralleled. The demand for it ii sogreat tfiatne'caa
scarcely keep himself supplied with ftr* He ftorfhad in
his store mediclnet for lung affections. these
were esteemed good and some gave temporary reliofv—
Bat since'he has had Wistaria Bais*ai Of Wild Cberiy,
anumbefof themost serious case* were completely cu*
rWDy us üße, “i never sold a medicine,” says the door
|g[* n m w . Wclt 1 epafideaeo that Ihad la
•- Itojbbsl. ;Wheiever.Wlßtariaßalaam of^WUdCher*
S it at once aiiahib that nigh reputation it
itSsalewhon on
every harm can be witnessed its wonderful cures? The
•worst Asthma, recent and dangerous Cough,
(and.also those that are of long standing,) Bronchitis
or Consumption (m its early stages) areyafwaye cured
br this remarkable medicine . ■ / -
Cnredoy WUtAr’a BalsuttOf XV ltd Cherrr.
Ptiuaiirr: Btbes, Hamilton o n Sep. 27: iesn;
: J. D. Fark-~Dtar Sir: I take the liberty of advf-Qj*
you of the benefit that I havederived from the use o
Dr. Wistaria Balsam of Wild Cherry’., I Was prostrated
by that terrible sebenrge l Consampuon ,in May last. The
attack was truly horrifying to me, for five of my family,
(my brothers and'siaters,) had died oCChnsompuon. I
was afflicted with nearly all of the worst features of the
-disease: t had & distressing cough and U ~
great deal fever] severe pains in the side
and chest, cold chills, altemaUDg wiiirfiushcs of hegt
and copious night sweats , ; . . t
1 was under the caredfa. skilled physrcftt&'frem the
time X was taken Sick until abont six weeks slnce, being
then about helplesij and my friends coneiderlhg iny case
hopeless, or al least beyond tho r£ach *fo or physician’*
skill, advised the use of Wistaria Balsam of/Wi d Cher*
;ry. • •
2 have taken four in? ties of the medicine, and now
consider myself perfectly well. ><Fmake this statement
to induce others that are afflicted at Ib&yfrbeen, to
make trial Balsam of Wild Cbertv, which
remedy has/tinder the blessing ofPrbviderico, restored
-myhealths. : . i 'JEREMIAH IB<3KJGG.
; Lake fa, 184&
- Sir: Asl haVc adeeppommiuerß
tion-fbr the afflicted, permit me to give you a brief hlsta*
ry of my afflictions, the.benefite: derived from tho ..
use of “Dr. Wistaria Bal«dtaol Wild Chdrry.” In July,
1644,1 was attacked with afeverof a typhoid character,
which left me in a very debilitated *iate, when in the
following winter I was taken.with a severe cold,.which
reduced me to such an extent as to-give me the appear* ■
ance ofa confirmed consumpiive. .I labored! under a
severe cough.expectorated a great deal, and was trou
bled with cold feet and night sweats. 2 also frequently
raised blood from mvlungs.,l continued in. this state,
gradually sinklrg under the disease, until January, <647,
until 1 was again attacked with fever. &v extremities,
especially my-feet, were constantly colai tuid almost
losttheir feeliug. yndet these circumstancesit may be -
truly said that I was a living skeleton. I'finally deter*
s mined lb quit taking medicine prescribed by physicians
ahd try Dn Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry, and from,
the first week that I commenced taking it lean date a
gradual recovery. I continued its use six mouths, at the
end of which time I cnjoyM good
health ever rsince, and cheerfully, recommend the Bal
sam, to all those afflicted with diseases of iheJcnM,'and
would ear to -those • commeucing lts usb not to be die*
: couragedvif two orthree bottles dd noteffeci a cure, but
persevere as 1 have done, and X have no doubt but nine
cases bnt of ten will be blessed with renewed health as
I have been. ~ : - JOSEBH JACKBON.
Important to thou Afiiiwd Distatts qf ffaXvng*
Will miracles never cease ? More evidence of ita
flarpassingheaUhrealOfative virtue*!. ' .-;vr
IFronrDr- Baker, Springfield, Washington ■-
erautOFiEU), Ky.',May 14,18 w»
MasrjrSznford <s* Fork: I takethis opportunity o
informing you of a most remarkable-cure p«rformed on
me by the use of Dr.-WUtar’s Of AVild Cherfy..
. In the-year 1840 I was'takeir with the lnflknlmation
of the bowels, wbichl laboredtmdetlorsbC weeks,
when I gradually recovered. In ,thefaH.oflg4£l was
attacked with a severe cold, which, seated -itself upon
my Jongs ,an(i for ihe space 'of three y&iraTwas con*
fined tomybed:- I tried all kinds of medicines and ova
ry variety of aid without benefit} and .thus I wearied
along-nnul the winter of 1545, wxealheardof Dr. Wli
tax’s Balsam of Wild Cherry.' . * *
My friends persuaded me to give it a tnalv though I
had given np all hopes of reepverft and .had prepared
myself for the change of another world. Through their
solicitations I was indaced to mage use of. the genuino
Wuiax 3 * Hdham of Wild Cherry. The effect was truly
astonishing. Afterfive year*of affliction andsulfe ring,
and after having spent four or five hundred -dollar* to no
purpose,ana thebest&ad most respectable.physicians
had proved unavailing, 1- was -soon- restored l to entire
healthby-theblessingof God, and the Uic of Df.Wli
tar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry.
Maytho blessingof of
so valuable a meaicine da Wiata rfr, galganr ot Wild
Cherry. •. YoarajreapeclfuUy, . >V,H.BA.KEK.
The genuine wistaria Balaam of Wild CJiemr a bus
a facsimile of the -slgnature of Henry Wister/hl. Do
Philadelphia, and H Sanford- & Park ’h on'a. fiuoly exe
/ewed steel engraved wrapper. No othor can be genu
ine.' : - . V• ~
Sold by J.D. PARE, (successor to SapfordA Park,)
Fourth and-
Agent to,tbtf South and Weii r to. wUom,all order* moil
be addressed. ' . .
i Kidd A Co r PUtibtughjTi Wilcox, Jr, corner Market
street andthe Diamond; a A FahnestockA’Co, Pit's
burgh; J AJooeSs Piusuurgh; Leo A Beckham, Alle
gheny City; LTKassell,Washiogtqaj WH Lamber
ton, FrankuUf :Xi B Bowie, Umontown ;fl Welty,
Greensbargh; 9 ffoantz, SomersetScottvA-GUmore,
Bedford ;Reed ASon, Huntingdon j Mrs. Orr, Hollidays*
burgh; Hildebrand A Co* Indiana; J R Wright, Kittan
ning; Evans & Co,'BtobkviUti{ AWilsoiSjA* Son,
AVaynesbargh f; fii’Fariand A -Co, N. Call?a dor, Mood*
ville; Barton & Co, Eridy Henry Fbiicer*_.‘MerccTv To#
- Kelly A Co,Butler; S Smiih, Beaver; J D Summertou, ‘
Warren; F L A C 9 Jones,.Condorsport;
- . ; - feblO
ja&rcu. * ", - ■
riIHIS isthe Season; par exUdakei, of the fnhhuudlnoao
X Throat and Long distempers, io caaracteriitic o t
our climate. The frequent rams, : the jmddencbongefl o(
temperature,the liability to exposure,along with the as*
tonishing carelessness of people, render these maladies
Universal, especially in cities. KEELER’S COUGH
SYRUP has preved of the greatest, benefit in all such
cases. Sold by S. -L.'CUTHBERT,
marts ! -76-'Sra{ihficld ; 4t j feet
dAWY PERSONS alibi* auasoii -ofihejearare
Buffering with Tpaica*.weakness; catigbi, swelling
of its limos, rnpumadsm and a thousand alimerriß lbat
the winter las produced. The blood baa beeome deieri*
omod and thin, and require* jtarifying. Kroufe’s Paha*
csa will be found ihemosi effcciaai ifimed-yJnilm world
for this object It Is a powerful extract, prepared from
Sarsaparilla and other rooisi and contains' more virtues
than anjeiinilar remedy in the country . Price sftc« and
bouie. Sold by ■ ' S.L.CETHBBRT, .
mar 27 , : y >.iSptth&rld street:
Tbo Human Body tnQSt Pcrtplrcy
(80 SAtV RiTtI66,V. ; ‘‘ -‘ + ' ' :
And persons who'do not perppire mot
NOW, 3 oses* Italian Cbentieal Soap.cfitfees ,* free
perspiration,and at ibersatne time inoilifiee.'sortens
the skin, giving it the texture and beauty,b'f.ari iufani’a.
are soon not only healed, but cyred by its use, at at
least seven physicians in New 1 York know, who use it
in such cases, awlfind it aUo. In
or fthy other skin disease. .The reader 1$ Stored-that
this is fio,aseia*tpuffed nostrum; da one trial wiil prove.
1 could enumerate at least SOtperaons rated, of
. Bay it, and the readef.ia ag&uiasmedi.T should not
cruelly sellitlbrthe above, l leflewittobcatt I
statei -Those who are liablo:to . •
will find this, not only a 0010, but a preveiitlye'i and I
can hoW only 1 add, that .any, one afflicted * with. any of
the above, or similar diseases* yrili find. this all and ovon
more (admirable in its propertiesjL than Miaie. 1
- ID*But, reader, the stores' ate hooded Witnltrutatlons,
anobo sure yoa"usk for Joses* Italian Chemical Soap—•
and bay it only d£ : WMr.JACKaUNi\b»Iy Agent In
Pittsburgh, 240 Libeciy Wood
A-Bclemiflo Halr .Tooio-JU«*oreffV '
AND BKAUTifIEK- .',TtialbaUles.aH cent*.* Those
who have u*ed Joue«» Coral Ihiir'-Rsitorative Know
its exooUeatoaaUties—thosfiiwbQ'haTe assure
ii to possess the following qaaliues. It wfU, force tho
hair lo gtow on any par; where nature intended hair to
grow, atop itfalling oft, cur« eeurfor dandruff, and make
right, red or grey hair grow dark.; :For drwsHgthe hair -
soft and silly, nothing can exceed mates it
truly beautiful and keeps U so. Ii is,indeed, the most
economical, yet superior article for the hair.
Soldonlyat AVM.JACKSQN-'S Stored 240. Cdiferty it.
head of .Woqd, Pittsburg. Erica 3?I corns, 60 cents and
Si.oo. ' V . .. J .v r dec*2o
AtilES ao^**r*W^- prepi
They arenot aware hnwjfrigbtfallylnjnrlaaß It Is ■;. ■
to the ekiftT how coarse,’bow bow
sallow, yeUow and unhealthy.; tba earn;
• - appcarsauerufirngprejiarexlClPilkt
" - Besides it la injurtou*'eoQialn' ~ .
ing-atargeqiuamUyorLcadS' 1 / r .
We have nrepareda beoatifolstatable uhlcte,Which
- Itis>*rfeetty Innocent, being purified or all deleteri
ous qaaiitifa} «nd U impam : xo'the akin a natural,
healthy, alafcastpr, clear* living.•white j ? at tha eama
time acting as coSmeticonthe'akin; ruakinjr H*oft aha
Sold by the Agent, WttjJAUKfiPNi. 83 Liber
»v atrect.- head of. Wood; Pitobnrght-
Waite Teet&va»it'BM°«*i
T)ERSONS *ho have either, are htmontblr’atarea
. '*'&'r*-fCjheir hreafiiij.evetßff.foiiiSr the-f
* ~> ' r ",p.
r-.i .*• «.•
> c * S V
■•V -/Jrfj&r-fc'-'.t
h r : -- ■
Urttgs anb fHebirinee.
and BrtasL
: i;. *r». *■" •' .
"v v 'V.'’L v ' J r‘
"*■» *s
.j, - .*>>►.*■ v.
■ ■' ■»•_..