WioosgifS : mMrnmm ’ £ ‘iA v"n eSSffWC-n^l 1 , <>.-*, «> h ‘i «|S;VW J t» J *-}??■, J *.A *• i *-- t -*v-■'-1 1 'i w -' t\K J , At , VJ Sw&skMfcfet <— ( *y&.JtU J A.”*- ,: * >r 4 »* IHtMMi ~ IS' os> ** ■ - % % ijfe%jS-fel?iig?&- star a MaMßi&g sr % IwImIP *' \ 'lt "liftwffTnn * ilfelllplllj \ sffi Itglf miswMtz k msoMm I .- - <- ._- o ;' ; ‘ “ . /•’- - v 1 ' ■: : '&. '&-£&& &■'• '•'?: s ‘3g . fs*~ -' .T; *,,- ; -:.. “ “ • t<-*irK-rKn- J®? i” T -? 5 .«ft[ ’l^"'V3 S 3 thro woallra - -i ■«w»~t>-' tifcM jiAlwflfiWltnW J :#»y , fli!r k iVc&ijj Xaßcrtton*, adlf be‘ limaeU u ! t ,fQ roi nd I diseottmQfjUilrty frcjtn the §ato&atw nem. u-J-.-CS-* »? yfcciis-iy ' ri IWRKAfiH, JB»m« ii> aalreweU>l 0,1 ° nt " t aßißnUUff'Wtia AldcrrtftaMftfatt# JTSoBBBFGUXSW&vSm^ww^^w^ > I : tfesrttUt*! tjaro «n BIiIDLB HOBKKrs, J UqruJ ? »t t«w' J«l&M Ma. jt£, maailkStW *tr*«l, &«!%(*«., -:•■ JCoileetioiaettttailfAUonio* , iuealio to Con&nmeuati, i {see3ily fTOMOMPATHiC PHVStWi ,w&£&£hs%2?& ~ I- LS' ! H2S3SPI —“■* • -« tr U IffebU.lf )j «1» - (in life:-. ISSB. iupStaen! OaMtryortOg W^£taWnn%«UyimtaiißtmxA ; 'rbßt< j- ,«A u-Jj CJ A «Jli U L-ic® ti JxSHefSr&rtifJi ******** Bntwi t ! ■ °°f ’H*??- oPJ’f’e.loih.SLj MB«ggßpgaei SSISKSSS * aiteT.-rtv ■ ?. -j^g|.® JEimjw?i) op PeqiKnfrt - - f ••-. ~ -••;■ -- fcbl w S TXOTS »t Ct ;}"«' . ■ ■' ' ■■'■ i 01 .w S.Staatx _** th£<> ~ggff M. ire anSii*, cunrererClßerlir *n4| rwurtijecto) Puliboj?™ ‘ -JfS?tss3?l^}2?lVwTO«/ ,*♦, Wwnrf »- •* « gtfyai pfc-OSce, pail-lj j tpaJfamk i btZ-y Or>t §Jlr^o?r? opft JJ.'Di PATTOBf, 1 1 ~, *tSrVc& *s«ow Tbif 'B- it r„ > ' i-. i j ' tiT , ** ~ '-EOmaON !*ND DOMKSTIC'WIhiF.S' '' Mtiily repsired:- j raffifeTp* |N, h&» mapfei U» iHnMSNB “ Wtumftcmtid Amel&Brtt:wrwy ir±. rr st, wt •< SSRCaWfetjE /iTiE-'" - ; iSlspenaaaeiitTßs^drtcc. UMilDMci^ieAlSrVUdat-i atejtGMfifaaiiißuiilrttely' 1S« flwf. t’Swoww* from it si,Wfe«:i^i|iflB3M&«r.B^.-i ifee Secc, veA Brut «y-Te« ion auninjin fur ilio sate of Amiri ' . , febltt coraer Ptnff tud Jt* IV' Gncm andprodutA ™£r& rt '&* 1 {m?2)i fagggfeg?a?s Ksaa wbsbssks* •• • -j.. >» .» , s Jgbl ' ■ 4.COftT H teemgd, OHtrapanctg»U»*i&i.. ‘‘ " '- 1 “-’~^SSs!lk~':~T;r r• — ; r iW' »*?*• <*«*&*> JfoglnfcE -tiogmanogiMtffCTriitT^- |E4WiEsm'^wcraa^ ! '%^^^^.' gtßgftgsussgg&t .a^gaSama^^gSfr a» «■ rwflo*rga acP/pfejt&gg i bar. rr ambbotoeS? ' -£■ Wndte l piadu, Fin- Bunt! •frtno, *f7* t ~i Pn <*? *s4Jtt*®mß>Mer, 1 ' hWfttp?Aifi§ ri ‘~ L /‘‘. J fa 4 ofln l T^fl^^4s^r I - ■■■ ■ '— — f .?s - >Jt detag^ t Work*. ~~ and Fitah, Paruf it. ,A:T. , .7'i^- o^‘- eS tt "sS^^Sw^&S v «bo»e P i”eleSf nU y ihs «tnS£l Gt f ca G 1“» ketone* Wait stopjpea, &9 H luo swipjir iit *onuner,xA&Fais»* i iu>» dS?e < S’iSS?f ' Jly “ ,le “ rf “ d wi “ T* fiud «* U* gWlt terpr* 11 J j; .. <*-*-"> —* Kj” muiatfpilleeafld Soot Binder;, No -50 Third ■ ■.— : :— : nuvia “ 1 ‘ a. c. st&cktcw, IffBSftSB SJSSI! g«j?^Kj? r :~stsSs^sk r 4rd? toyjei«i»patient. «e«^“4^ a f T f eateSwuhneameauddSwich. SfaSSajSSS“ Hi" !°#S&SIr r * 4 " y * tai «« s s«» wSSSM, i^pssisasH f .*•, *sWd Md lf re ««* 1 'Vetsvo a.plendul new HJiiRSH ond n naVol -?P'‘“JfW.fftdeuy rnanbnof toofieet eamag e £««. e fegJ y * l “ te proropt,pnacnnO.andTeaeanillS !»I>4NjNffMXU.-jA«t.nrv..- pe. list Ju» 8 fehetw r ? ». prep A rml '? WUh P"“PWBdo,»S* «ffl«>stafd“ k ’ PUaea 04 °“ 0f bolh « Ue *’ «»« »srto? >O^4Ba^oalilI ®* ,9feraT deienpitou, made . Carpenter* would find It loUteiradvaii.' araassssssrfSa* IUfTETT- —r- . - 1' iBAJ'WSM 1 (Sficccfwt to tie IwJirmof Jolmfihsrttf'A Co i ' ), '^ E j^~ ANI>,BRAsS TO UNDfeRS, " cal) wllhliim.The' 3^l>l*- i »nrbe'alwiiyBlaappUei 1 aappUei wimjho i>e»Vlbe market a®rta. H -!Tb6l B4r‘will beshjSjSliefl -Wiih'tHe'bW hnd chilqestttattora. *, a j- r ■ »- > as ho wta ‘‘Y" rauwn BBoWh's comKU-T -.; 4 imim BTS " ' L®&tsws&i!&et2s»‘ • . r ~f jsasEfsma&taiao'FaK,, • i (HuuDiia’s ou> Stamc'J' 1 ■ ■!• jfJTHE«ttll»cobc!tlan(uwJeMtdttiefi[bove-Well kifoir- J X) ml to •teiCain:ltialriEnd»and JheiraveUjjjtpablicrtiiei'aUyUn ihebesi raannewndon ihemtutreaaonabte cams . His TABUi willjilall tunes ; ; ,Hisjrtaliliiw J ls,veiy d«HWi?es.:«nd«*Btyvßrt4ftsoJ ideuihaii beenmads accommodation of Graven^ allgS-lf r I , WMiCIiAiTSOMii-' rj- I — -'•• >g«k» r-~o - THE nnrt~ntnl-il7itmnirii inifilllimiiii - i|3| ‘ ~r. . fWR JlurftiimdiajltfllSipiblUi gsirtialWithaiie. >will main* bditeabttstofceep Hp’ l -tb6 , wcUitarue, 3g -O GAtti&GHßtt, ,f o(/a,HaUsp.>» OHEEL OYSTEES ATTO GASfB xebtfMd d«W at O Hoptc,” Blroßflliatdltlig 4 ~, , uaWifiSS* mlvWe »bofe cosKospaihjW StMjtcSi «1«om ”B&*f£**J*' #BSKI» SSfcT HesSts.Roijfce, Hfoihert-fcitiiwrjon.arftll v his strict mteiftipmobasmess, the subscriber trusts hcwm merit thecooMaoCft df thoso who tnaysfitvor hta With their yaitogaei • for psrtfcnlats.Bliww.caU at Ute Emigre lion Office of site anbersighcekiSeent.. . ■>- Vr,B:»rCONL(JaUC, SpJltfcM, Pittsburgh,'. :'^/{{ArtaeoirßoSi‘■Jchit-.B*-Mayor : of-Fiiu~ tUlife-lsaics-Blakely, &qvJafcn. J. Mitcbel.-Esq!, HoOf^DfRCSHsAanM,W, tewis,Offices bribe ;_Morain^chrotiit:re,Post,*ndEutSl)afgitCMtioiic; -feMfcHm ■ ■_■ - "■ - 1 L" nlfffSr LIIfE WMP ACKETS FmLiiDELFBIA SBBUBUL TO SAIL FBO.U. LIVERPOOL lie Eithteemh day cf every Mcmih S™S? tons- -18th Dec. sjswF'£slu’' a " Ban S‘‘ cantons • .lSih-Jttih - NEW SHlP,r—*,Bso tons---—**...— JBihFeb- ahipsarebtuilof ttiebestmaterUls andaf- I !?r.}«»“o« approved model* for swiftness, combined i;W»n.J#»ißfflJent ißipnj»etaenß Ca -iKe comfon o/ pai- 1 Jbcrrcommandctt artfnen of known ability I-' - rwno-packeto *lll-take ad nature of ■steam low l ; oomoapilieJtelawaje. , - v-. .■. . .. <, .Also, {ships sailing weekly from Liverpool lo NewOr- nwr .cheap through titj"® l **rma of Second Cebu and Steerage ha-iage, ap iP'y.lo OI address by letter (post-psidl, • : * ’< . P.W/BTRNESACO., ■■■■ - 0 / ro “ 1 L ‘ Ter ‘ >Bo110 New York carefli! to ha?e the n*o provision Laie, JJW)**??'W®o’^ f ® a *>Pti >fuJ»2iit:4aTinf inmcned; otterwise they will have to pay loXJyerpooT.Wore jhey L top? 13 1 1«Sfe, ? {fir *■ “ g*“» 5 I Moliises, _•>, " Potatoes, - " Sot Tea, ’ WiiJ Qitee flaafu of Water per day,Tiiisi jnfficieni P Cat Cooking. • ... . • Tile caboose and COoktng'fenasa for the use of Pas wagersarjiepi zander cover. Entry attention wUlbe Juudto promote thetr health ami corafott. ■ . . Bonk of England Notes.and-Foreign Ercrianye pur chased,at current rates.. •:» ■ " collected, and copies of tyilli procured, Wrtti every other burinetst’orf tteeledwth an European Agent- v JOritfi/VIUfBINSOftj j-.~. Eoropcw Aceat. |i —» : Poet coroer nfFiuh and Wood Tune Vimeflt only SO Aours, CoarAn mil learn aero nor. . mm* «1 8 o'clock, A. M.f V o’clock, P. AT, anil 0 o’clock,' *}“• Extras—to Jcavem anytime, always iareadi “M*- ."hu.l* ine most direct, comfortable and eioedi upstroOte to tkeEastomdues. Passctieers for Bold isoro take the New Railroad ptilttrrtsbareii direct ou the arrive!of the Car* atthat place. J P tf‘7 Tl !S oul 7 ■s!**£ ?£' above- Lines under the 1 .St..4?harJesilj;p\ei|:Noi4D Woodatreet.pitttbjnsh. ' | ma T». , W.R.MOOfeHEAD, Agentj • BJtMhanti' Truuinututim ttiie . Lj_ ~JF tA -£ ,S ™ x - «*«. AJTD BJUIRtUOi) FOR Philadelphia direct, ay without - RE-SHIPPING J3l . I ' C. A. APANVLTY A CO, I .t . . Canal Ba»in, 409 Penn suPmstmruh; ■ I Charles Kaynor. .i'r-.y ‘ ' Central Block Road «i.,.philaila.: flATEare prepared to receive a large amount ofhlef ■ ff. ebanoue ami Produce, to ship, oa Hie opening of llie Caqsi, to Phlladyiphiaaml all intermediate places, at Jottur ntttt, pnd m lets rime, than in any previous sea--- •SpriV! i IV. T.-> a- • * 'N. B.—Tbc increased number of Tracks provided by < (tie Canal ComraigsioneTS’-fot carrying boats.over tile' State'Railro«d»'m[! prevent arty possibility of delay or i JAnxntowa, ilollldaysburffb or Columbia* this aea«on J» r n CAWANUVTY, .feblgt r.'-'>'i- •?- »r>•■{. ~’■ Cairalßasin' —,aSB»-JfeJeL: i P«BnijrlTanlß. KKUroad tompa^y... XjtrlVL be prepared to Transport MERCHANDIZE r clV- TramPHU*AaELPIUA to FITTSBUKGH inan iftcipaUon of . the opening of tbeiJaitom Division oftlfer i [ Pennsylvania Caual. say da and after the TWENTI- i I CTltof FEBRUARY, at ihofolfowlprratea,.viz: - Far ui Class—Dry l»ood«, Han. Boots and Shoes,; , Drug^ißooka,Stationery, Ac., at--—>*sl per lOOfitsJ Feb 2d Class—Hard Groceries; Paint-1 and DvestuffsiOilsi Ac., «•••*.- • *slo cents per JQOJbsJ Tor 3d Class—Coflee, Deaf Tobacco, trou, Goano, Ba i h ■* cjonyßeef, Pork, •fideentapet XOOIb» T For 4th Olass-r'Par, Pilbh,Rosin, Ashes, Marble, Pier , i. Iran, BriCksyAcyat v.-v*..».50 cents perlOOibb * li* j • ,» .J • 1 Uy. our Road, should be con 'sig|ied^tf» «^ i ‘* '■■>*■* - 'McFaden "&■ covode, * ' J PENNSYLVANIA RAILRQAJXCOMPANy®'': v " Passenger trains between wieuadeephia' ■ ajiIPITTSBURGH, Leave - HnJndelphiaDajly »v 8 A M.JmdlUl P. Sl_" Oaily al 8 A 11, anrfß.P.&r.- • A.HENDERSON, ’ i)Xe/)lSm ‘ Psrtenser Agem. ■ i, moßtoaHfint HaoTGi | 1 nirxmT-ttaat uxua tui snonrasT boots TOBALTIMORB AND PHILADELPHIA) v ’limtej-lfr * TI '* ““““Of. THOMAS ■ SHELVES, M.-. 'dpßHHtßAasr, Master, leaves Pittsburgh, (torn her whi|rf boys Mere the Monougaheln bridge, daily.at 4 | o'clock,) P:'M.yana -West Newton at 8 A. J}.; running iir I conhectiOn 'tvnh -ft daily- line Af- splendid Troy Built i coadhes to Cumberland, and Railroad thence to .Balti more and Philadelphia, i further information enquire of I. :t. I v- ■ ■wfJpXQPr. Agent, Monongaitlft™use; - i«’V'- . " r >£?P‘-JACOB SMITH,. ' Freight Agent, Wharf Boa C' Bounty Lands. ■.. . BT.’ffA'VliOßi No. 1(3 Third Elrect, cornur ot J Chetry,nUey } )tftyuiJ l inaiJe arrangements m Wath ■ aaj®» (or the purpose, wtUproct)te Bounty Lands for the Hmrars and ;qldieja,theiT widows and children under fig),|gased September2?th; IBSO ■ J&BIBS C. WATT,: . ; MERCHANT TAILOR, ■ W ween-Second pad SIM U*Mrc f a . e-.-.f, c.A.B’AiiiiirndcQ;,' TRANSPORTED, FORWARDING AND COM. j.r ; .MIBSISs MERCHANTS, I • , . ~ . ,Pepdfi, Cammats' 'Of : Caiiwirsiaiii ?U‘■OftWMph :«e tubSSberl* prepared rotnakMtf oraerin the neatest and most fash' iona&le styles, at a* lafr prices ©Ojer^talrtisir mem; He. ihereforehopes by strict, attention *to alt ar* J* M ? tntraated to hie Cartf, l» Went K aharc of public pa tronage. . C^rVVATT. 3D ; Markct, beiween Secbnd and Third sis! TO TAiLORS.—I shall continue to sell in sirucuoas oft tny bf ■QarmencJhxiukkiing as* Heretofore, at the following-prices, viz;lffcccomptmied wy oia! mstractionj $10; without mstirictiona. 87. ** JAMES:CiWATP.‘- „ •• B. Jtt. ABGBBT, _ MER.CHANT TArtOR, . ..... , ; TNTOHMS Unfriends iad'enstooertibathe'haa open,' A a CLOTHING STORE, at s No. 6S. Smithfiel* «cf where they cdn be euitedeiaTl timed with anything in his into,; madein the mott bnishtd style •oad-workraan-- “ an , nt!r - ■ Goods ate nil, fresh, ojT,the ben and most fashionable materia!, end he'pains vMU be spired to afford the greatest degree of satisfaction lohis ipm ,rdns. AgoodnockofßeadyMadeClOTHJNGalwnys on hand.... . . fg te lo JJetD Soaks, gntlrirni JVoi 65 jptntrtir street, has;/nst .l» - TholntetnationalMajarioafor April..ThlAnnm-' bfrcannDtbfr-fticeUed by any’ oiher periodical in'the lt contains a sketch «£ itc-UfAof Jame* Fen* rilmotepjopcr, isriih -a of JobnC. Cal h^uri*—^}^ Powersj Nell Gwyne: Joanna Ballot jho FasMous tor Spring, Ac. The reading mauct is lEe Very crtanxof Unusbana Americin Perlodfcals.'* • * i. Blackwood for March. .•:■ ■••;■■-’ ...Tom RacttfteiandhisThree‘Maiden Aunts. This work is a companion to * v Vanity • : j / TJieTcreonal History and Adventures of Pen Owen; by Jonaualt:};-n <: *- >i •/■ >: Mechanics’ Dictionary—.No 2G A fresh stipply of Handy Andy. ' • *• • "•: * . Deserted Wife; Goardsmeo. Ac. ; [iaariS ; NEW BpOKSrr-Elemflqis of Analytical Geantbiryv ami of tfie Differential and Integral Calculus. B 7 : t.nail#oomis, A.M, • " . . Nile Notes of a Howadji. t»^ a E ac^ LA ' Fmnconi4lrSlor y' > thc'author 6T the’ .Kolloßooks. - i . Xondon Labor and the London. Poor. By Henry Ma- PartT^ lb4agCerTeot3Sl>e en^avin y^ la^ort *y Beard. > Thaobovaßo'oksjustweei?edandforsale'by' Mi 1 , mariS R- C. STOCKTQN,47 Market. n.-: ■ . Hooti I Sew Hooka 1 street has just’received the Tf following »ewworks: ... PopoJban, or the Female Pontiff;'by <3. W. M;Rey. '-.Time', ?be Avenger; by the author of the Witmioe lQns,:Leltice Aroold«&c,’ • - • J™ Maid oTCaaai street, and the Blazons; by Miss Resile.' j•' ••' w . • ConaaeloibyGeorge Sand.: . r J Polly Pcablosspm»# Weddinf; by ibe author of. Major Ton?>* Conmhlp. 'Thiaig an illasinitedand hichly liu*' .naorous work. ....... . . 4 . ••... ■ B? iAlso, for sale, an assdrunenl of fine Steel "Pens, Sia ■ fttonery,-Visiting CdrdA,-&e.y &c. ■ [marc ‘ > . Sew Books I siw :Book • ■ \ ;Tbe Fcrsotiai History and Adventures of Penown— bjr thfe author of Todd?” * Tom Racquet and bU Three Maiden Aunts—wuh il lustrations; ;; pictorial Fieldßook—Nol^Y »' - V ' J Jope Joan—l by. Revnoldsi : , ; * Consnelo, in one volntud j- price 50 cents j Louish La ValUeriei-br cdaduaion’of lh«‘; • Stanfield Hall—Historical Romance;; ■i. Caroline or Brmiswiek—No 2. ‘ * .. 1 ‘ (naariT7 ...- « --L.UMK Ist PiCldriiil’Fhjld Boiik oT(bt .Revoluiion.bpimdincknh;gilt}. js Wo. 12, Pictorial Field Book of the nevolution.pamph :.y -v .. .‘f,;,, xf.i: aFronMinm^toryfby.thfrautbQrof Time; tha Avenger; bylhe‘ auth'or-^rH6ii M* ” w Mqurdan *-n (: i t 'The above wurksTjust received and for sate by * ' * - H; C; STOCKTON/ - . N 0,47 Markeintreet., . 'U JScyr.fiTnslc* • telcbrated “Bird Song,’ 5 arranged for !. . • «. , J The Robiu, by Jenny Lind—for the goitar s ? i. ~-1 When43lars ore in the Quiet Sines; do ! 1 •• •?» , 'do '‘ > Ralapfan,by Jenny Lind,. . do i •\{j i By the sad,*Sek ;r '' -do' 1: r > l wandered by the Brook Side, do * } All the Winds are Sleeping, .do > « » Carrtyal of Venice, " , do l‘-j |^ l i| I G«iW^ o«ahiVy''W. 0 «ahiVy''W. V.’ Wallace—forpianav** -y Home; •" *• National .Union; - ~/■ :’lls Midnight Hour;' ' ,Sleeping, W.V.WoUaceT - : -Jessie Opok;* -Ohcome,Maidens,come; ' • ‘ y Mountain Maid'slnvitatfon; -> »: • v -..- . -We Parted Forever ; „ ; . --Collonade Polka; k * • Plick’s Senttmeiuai -f v * * •Tosrelherwilh a large collection of/Waltzes.Jllaiclies, PolkaßiSoDgs,varisiiorfi3;aicUiustteceiveat>y exprsei" ; Collections maileiana Majii boonditi ttoebeittnahnei 31 , : •i ■t’ Piano Depot. ■, mariS . ■■■■ 116.- Wood .treat- t > V • JiEWMUSIC. ■ Tnrf HERE are l&e Friends of myYouth. By G. Barter':. .y V I’ve Something Sweet to Jell-Yoo; Theßobin;.’ ■ - - i > I’m Thinking o’er the Day*:, Mary; & My Nfew Engl»rid_H(tiae.” New Songi deHicSted lo l'» i - lhe Ladies of New England |. - She I Love is .far away. ph.’Meetme'on the Silver Shofe; ; y' ! Gfrodtfgfri ' ' , 'm MV'-HdihePa oh the Prairie Lea: • By Woodbury* r . . LiifßhejV By S;Ci Foster: '* - By G, Barker; • -- T&d iftacicShakers l Song and Polka; . with Guitar; , . tea Adieu*. ByHorr; - 'An extensive collection of new Polfcas, Waltzei, Variations, &C. i Aboi Ahewisoppjynef- 11 Nftw'tJafmiha Saferdj u Cin>- ticaLaudUb and an 'excellent newworfc 3 .calJs(J the *sf#- toii&* rf-collection of pohnlar and sociareongs, tufceU Webb* and :W.'Masoh~' considered oneQMheimsi wnrkaeygr.pahliahed, .. . H. KLKBER, Goldbh Hasp; 0 >No;lQtThird ! s!Mfct: ■fetytfc. t s- ... :^y/.- •■-.■- . '.* '..*■ ■. i *'-. - 'vi ■*>'•* i: ,-• .» ' .-"•'V v'' V -The lirstfiool is-siifj-di videu into tWo Store ‘loin, 20 b V GO feet, and Wliibo very desirable for Pitney. w Wiich a by a wide H»lf, tunning ihrough the centrd , 01 the building. The bhsement will be finished in a be: tmaable : fot< Betti! Ttrielj!- , ■'&??> A™?*nndHamessmakers,&&.■: ■ i Ihe-whole will be rcady,by the Ist ol April.:*. , ; • ;•» .James :w.i!An.MAN. v ; fetew • • -to w ■ - .-Wafer'etfeg.'* m - For Kent.' ; - " " TR*s fr*gg5:PWKMdN& HOUSE; wiih-feld. $ 0 ’ ta&Hfctf; i-"' lJ£iw^aia§S^^feyig'. il> Pot Bent in BlrmfcugJiain, ' 11 " ' ftotks; Ml. cellar?'favorably j i^^Sg-^eflaxgeisßriiit-rO(ieaplcd:oiV'b6ariing : _^ S Pr? eTCO Qew three story Briafc Honsee—some : the d siAni' possession preni inuhbdiately.- Others on ALSO—One FrSiiie ,'l and several up Clairs lOOfi&i i-* ; T.Ti.-,- v ».-si.-s <.-*« ‘ Prick Yard, *tnd Klin to bam in - _susw>— One Lumber Yard, with space to pat a lareo ;^™ 4< “* e >id v - r- - ; : ;>:• r * ALSO— liois on leaeeito bniid on. > - 'Apply to:■ i wm. n l ?.-. ?bA c ,P- A' S- FJBJTEKMAN; J - reb23.lt r Attorney? at Law. Fourth si. .. A- on filteetreet, between Jx; Walnut and Factory atteefi;riflli -Ward. The Lot is 45 feet front and 100 feel deep, on T ich there drb J®®,? m »>MF;»“.< l Tei>eihPnw.veTeiinhea.yi-e?nileif6odr Ald^mnn.jAHKl.NloN, 1... ■ fieinl xor Sale, . rilHEChartier’s Coal Company will sell some ctri dt- A «"•**•>»«» «T,X4«H situated on and hear the •Steubenville Tumtakoj and near the'sotitherhterralnnr • Ot tacit SfUirCAUte \ -TheLind willbedivide4lDtoquantitiesrto.sail.DnS mhaseMrsndmtel terns of payment Viirbe'Very daily. 2 W •KBStINGTONC ■ ■ ‘ -PH” ■ Manager.-:*- ■■■ P r f?® 1 ,": ,1tt -, I?S?*?rlPtta*iBtoreroeSalei rA»'^®^Jßgl°.Wßi?o»BTOJ ttlS,rlocateditti i** ? part.of„the city,whieh IS jdoing a -prii/Hhbft'btumorjis offered foif sate' upon easy terms. ~..nT C ] J: . : ; :• -. ■ . Fotfunherparticnlgrs,applyauhisoffiee.. -; jjasa.. a .mat; af A valuable bunding lots, andtomeveryld eeirablo biles tot mfitmfactaresuur the' BOrtfngti'tf-Birafflieiiiiihi'ioca* therwKhurch 6^^0^I^^^^™34 ttnd “ SaEh ' t ' tr< The BirminVhain iti populalipn 'and manufaemnng wealth, and the: reasonable’ s WiceiTai' - tbtftfAsersifci&tfV . £Mt*Hurgb,- b a e - l £ e s?; of u of .WilUmn* Pittetaon,' l^sq r rs; aAheif oHuies W iflinmngham. IlanB7] AIQSES Fv RATON .fITCHB «ob*cribfcc offienrfw ealeifr-laifei* mad -'tteiMrith?- isasssssssseiffiaßS - ‘iff cuy ‘ Possession given on the Ist of Aprif next.— Alia.a.iVety: ; jJfijrr reQt or Uase: It le situated on Fourth at*? < Jußa&be tween Ferry anil Liberty streetsjaudhas been ne wiy.f apered and paimed»]K irnow.oceupied'hyililrfc; • • 35J50. peaanown, l-4f9taito rttysejfc'o*; KOKeax C.ToTiKJtvatthe worhs of. Knep, 3tCa> rb&eision given on ihdlst'of’Aprlf.' * •\ dec37:tf;. ■•' '!<•'* .‘Ox ta*duuK'' A {Brick Home and Tak Loiikic Salat A NEW TWO STORY BRICK .HOUSE,.with tea' | Lou ef tGtoaud; iinraic'ia the Borough of Luw-., reuccnUe. The honseie welt etrehgetf for comfort dud convenience, Siiiithe silpalioc igheaJlhyunii pleasant, /The teroand is2so feet' ftoot S4,SW.' ,■ . ... , . ■ J ilfcn ; aeiren Bulldlojj;*lidia > ' oa'lhe"'Builer Ho»il,atl 1 6400! ■ Also, five Building Lots.oaNorth »treet,a: y->on : 'Alio, jevcral otherLotß, at*3ao;#3o(tfißa,S2So each.— i Terras eery, -Thie property teflotferfrnm theGarrisan; 1 tend peer tee.Omntbap«teoiL_ r M ■'] T;-’-' Agent i ,i\ J r ' a "• 'V' .• -7& SniithfieM^BtrefA.' > 1 marts ; -' r - /. • j b*u. t .K-V- • , ,m ?£\ XCRES'OF dn tbeJtfbnonea f U W& river, aboQtYweiitirmiles; above WiVsbafah,' bad-' auce, is,aw*raw uplaab-ri&tiUaMe iiabdnt'4s acres tft :.cul libation, and.liEMa good two.vstorx frama Dwelling floiis,e,.Barn, t frame Siabte' sprlng bQUaeia &iill houses large or-* cha.rdj df'aßoti! *0l> ; trees bf varioita 1 frdaij.'aiid good {'-acres bf--coal- vein' j flf lfeeij‘’good springs. Fllcfi a yew. S.CUTHBERT,Geb>IAgeai, mariS .JB Smilh£el(Latreeu ' I •• • - .To JU«tl ■ MSVfilifctite HOXTSE r dttThlrd Birwi, abave an£ eai{6SmUhfield.r:ltitas £Ssßxfctte»;largeytrar rwaibl boose, Jcc. -WiH ho rexitcdJaw, possesion V{£v6n immediately.- 4 - Also,£oi between the Allegheny River'andipeiutiStteet, * WMiTOpAfcLINGTON, ‘ " '• : ‘ fV Avßeusiimit»DatiririionV ' Poanh street, , .t i,: ’■ mat22ilw i --- -.. *a IsS: ....•• V.--.-. *- >mWP,fine Housw.to rentiftiEnstJUbertyy.witli good X nut Honjes/Gilden, Fruit, 4c , Enqniie of ' ‘ ' T. H.BIEAVO, f m«18. NolOiustmd ' . 6 ‘ • * f ■'« ' ■ v '\ '- -\~-'i.'i ’. ; j":’t''.V.?'i".-'- Oißce, nurd glover liie Poitpgict. u i- ;’ ■ .■''•t.. ? pearon record, an&tho'.coUrt has no pour i ;or to annul the law, nor. anywilitcraee it ; annulled.’ . , , > • Thejudge’scalm and itotta i and manner only served toirritifte tbbhul | • ljr/and he retorted} shaking his sword catte in the direction' of the bench“i“ Whatev er may be the lawj lj'for one, will not learn «■ •the principle: front the lips of- an upstart and coward 1" 1 , . . ; Juage lTeiye blueeyes.shot lightning; but he only turned to the clerk afittafeid | quietly— ,c Mr.&lerJiJ-ydu jrill enter a fine I of» fiftyidollars against* Gen'.tSmo<>t;;as' I tepthim -nhaed on mydddket, forma* : :4?nWjjnpt of„coiirt, and, be sure you.issoe an'inunediste.oxecution.?? r -a when Gpn.“ SnWbt was seen t’usjhing.to his features wnthnig' djithmurderous «» a corpse. ; b . - - kY e fy.glance fixed o%thk jwuntq; nance of the Jucjge,fqr all wishqd,tftjjnqi?, i how he would brook Ithe cnmingr shock of ; ihowev^'i[»Uld ! dMect'tfre 1 ; in’ his!ihjb’feariitice.r' fffc : nem tt4tnble ;-hisMdalin veped the^d- 0 ; jvPnciog ps Uttld mgh^r*pdAfiri'‘ ; battonas a;chemist*might £how"flk&frhfa;.: ing thfe offervesence -of some nftwt iWni-lt tur&:-. He slight stafiL* of*pointed* iron in fiis (hand* ■' [T‘,if. !ir tzi?3h‘,yi'iz:x\. • .Smoot, ascended the platform,-nmMmpwfrt.. -tremepdpua Wo®r : dyij;fci&j^ enprmoua sword .cam* feU. at Ithonbesdrof; hi? *oe- ..-At that biow.fivehaddred-bearts> more than a dozen. Voices., phridced, for 'all.expected to sea the ,vic v . bbG^Eull.^ii^reiintp’atoms. - ; llie'geh-/ i p™ aStodishmenlt, then* maybe cpnceiW : ed, when they bebeld tbe~litde Iron describe a quickcurve; as the aword ,;/ cane flewfnnn Smoot’s fingers'and tellwiih ’ A loud clatter ait the dlstatM of tWehtK' 1 ;feer imhe htdl t - The baflka±6aSjfcuUor- L -ia iCiy of Wrath,' wild as that 1 bf aboae' 1 onnded'iteast ofpreyj and } 'snateh£d hia: ; jbut ere’i’twas 1 i for the • desperate plurigei, thd' '• V Uttle iron staff cut another curve, and»fto« pig. knife ■ followed! the. swoidKathe/- -Be - .hastily .draw; a- revolving pistoljbuT; ; ■ I'JfjpJprp kc,had. time, to: to^ch> £b,s.-.VdggciVf flits arm Wa3 Stricken dnwn nnwpyTpgct Ky. *. feis sidei ~ i 7 - ' 4 ihne'dld Judge ;> V P?w c^P ; ; W-stamp-.i .ed his foot till the. platform shookbeneath part'd shouteaidtrumpeftoh^MriGlerk;." wHl”1(101: bur thii^ V foul disgraefe, frohi the: rbU.bfattorneys'— jllri Sheriff 1 Thai latter-•bfficer : sprai% ; i 6 ofieV-th'V' ( foaadate, and immediately a sb&e of iroft. “ •fusion ensued that no pen could " Thobravoes andmjpniddnfrlefidtfof CWn. s;; §tapot, gathered, arbuhd to" otetrucf«ihe 1; sheriff, while many *f thncitizenwlent''tifeir' s' opppjtuue, old: to.sustain # therauthbrityidf ' i fee, 9°, . 1 > iftfeuaces, sepeamsj andi horrid^* the ring of imping. ahd crosffli» £^; commingled, with the awful ( exptosion> of 'i fire arms, blended.together' a-vwd idahVjfSr pandemonium. Bt^thicughout'i tempestuous strife > .two : individt^id:nuMifc^v tie Observed as leaders’ in fee whirlwind and'riders 6f the storm. ’the wieurludge 3 3 iised'hfe little ifon'earte ternbm|ffi ciehcyv Crippling lifabs[jVri stfe''bpiring !;v : life?* while : gOOd t>dttirea 'Bai 'Buffiim/lniP'' tatingihe clemeftCyof Htshoadrabiemendi- :: i 'disdainingtheemploymentof cither 1 knife' sd-v or pistol, actually trampled'and’VhislfeiH : ‘ down all opposition? roaring atevery ftiKiJ. ous blpwsrrthiaistbaway to; preserve nr** *! dfer jii.court, a.sentiment whioh he phnied! with-peals.of wild laughter, la tesa=.'. v t h®“^ o rJ , ? inu t es - the psrty :,thev Sidgsi Vi suf--..,. ;fered disastrous defeat, and the bully him>, v selfwjaa borne nway'to.the p ; rL»i... t f. , in . 4 •. ; V Bddh^aslhe^ebut^pfATChjtfcaiit^eCl* VV in \ Arkansas find ’from’ thatday.Jns pduu- -: larityOS amun, aSa’jpdgV, a hefoVanp sS""“ S;politreiaa; werit'otiVapidly' and brilliairt- ’ ! ' ;ly' intreasingi till iteClipsed all 'the "oldest" : ' and most. powSfful'-nbhies.' 'Withm 'fhe ! l firsti.year of his emigration hh'becatae a ‘ Candidate- for - the' 'Governor’s ; chair,''drid - ’ ;, ’ JV notwithstanding the bitterest opposition,'he - ' was olect«i..by nine‘tenths of ithh tftisber ‘' : '‘ ; ' f of votes, polled. At.the ehdnfbisterin’he i csitwps«l. for Congressj-’and :■' • ' ..p, s 1 iihe a.huricaneo . He'contimtedv ..T successinthe supreme cottar ; .. cus of.the. nation until the period.of.the .-,1, way with Mexico. Be.then resigned, hnr- -, r ried home to Arkansas, and raised a rea. V ment of volunteer cavalry, with, which he ' ' made all possible dispatch for the scene of ” V hction. ' - writer of the presentsketchsaw him' '' ’ oah» lineqf march .to coalesce with-the grand, army occupation; and never/;»iW( .the evening,passed by the. light f’-," ofhia hospitable-camp fire, onßedi river, « - the limits of-Texas* . The : prophe*- 1 cy of his. late well words rings still in my ■ ’ 1 cars with mournful distinctness. • ■! > ■ l ' v “il go, 1 ’ said he* with a look of firej andi .w intones of t h rill ing emphasis,,*' tomake a - fame that shall he co.-extensivewith the -- .lengthand,breadth of the Union, or to ex* ■< •• 1 1 tingaish life itself in a blaze of glory*’' He kept his word; he did both. He ar*' •T '•■ ■ • *!«' ■. ,’"1 ( -'* r.\ v- ■*• I:''. ' V : v .. 7 ■V.. \ aa#Tii