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' , - i''...'‘i'T.'.i• - ; •. : - .‘i-.f.:...:'•;:',.' - ' - '7... :-_;; '1;-; OEM t r *.,,/::,,-, it± s a• !'• • /1111=1101 ,~ F : , EMI MEM ;;:. ~. -. ; r ;; ~:~. IMMI lEEE L +c: t-=`f:.:7'":.l,i • • ,41 "*. ..; 1,-- ;='':'',,..,- ' ? j '',l! - ' . !- , ;'! j.-'';';?'''.-i,,.!...'' -- - --- - -. ~, , ::-.,., .-'4 ' - :;'..... , :,...;..',-,',.:<. i , ,-,•-..'.:-.,:,...,..!...-.,.•- -;;.,::-..',....,,. , _;!,.::-.71..;‘,:.,',..-;: ~ . ;'•:,--,':.„. f!,,: . ',., : .,..,, .::::'-T..--,,:.';':.?,:,,.,,•...::.'::-..;,.:...,:;.,,..ir'.1. MEM - ~,., --, =l' ;. t,.. ', " uc 1t .11.11 SE, M ER RILL & Co.. timitlem Wharf, Baltimore 115, RAYNOR & Co., Broad st., Philadelphia Plekwarth's Way Freight Line. ;7.7,;77 - ,;t 4:2 a Lt. 11 1‘-:;,*, .72 -. 21 7.-- -''V.'g 4 .-P - 1 , 1 , XCLUSIVMX for the transportation of way freight between Pittsburgh, Johns town, Hollidaysburg'', Water Street, and all inter mediat,e place . One boat leaven the Warehouse of C.. 1. McAnul ty & Co., Pittsburgh, every day (except liandays) and Shippers can always depend on haring their goods forwarded without delay and on accommodating termi. We respectfully solicit your patrona ge, • Eutopudgro "J. Pickworth of boats, Nile, Exchange, Pari! and Pacific. J. in- Barnes of ho4s l ,Push anA Exoine. John Miller of cars pn Portage Wail 1t0a.1.: kcEm. .1. PICKWORTII, Chita! Basin, Johnstown, JOHN MILLER, " HullidayttiriPs, C. A. M'ANULTY tz CO, •• Pitteburgh. iY23 . MONONGAHELA rtorPrE, VIA. Ilp.ow.NsvlLLt. TO BALTIMORE, in 32 hours—Fire TO PHILADELPHIA in 40 hours—thrn $l2. ozu..); 73 MILES' sTAGLIvc! xv U. S. MAIL. • , The Great Speed, Regularity and high Reputation already attained by this pleasant passenger Route, has induced the Post Master General, to place the Novi York and Phileilelphia mails to Pittsburgh, ill - • on it. The superior and swift steamers CONSUL and LOUIS M'LANE, leaves the. Monongahela Wharf, precisely at S o'clock every morning; and at o'- clock every evening, except Sundays. Splendid Coaches await their arrival at Brownsville, to trans port Pa sentrers and Mail, only 73 miles to the Rail Road at Cuinberland. • . The preparations on this route are ample, and the connections complete, so that disappointment or de lays will be unknown upon it. - By. our tickets, passengers can delay at Cumberland or a tßaltimore, during their pleasure, and continue • their journey either by steamboat or cars to Phila delphia. • Office in the St. Charles Hotel," Wood st. Pitts burgh. J. MESESIIVIEN, . i.Y 3I Agent. Fifth Ward Livery Stable. THE subscriber, having bought out the well known Livery Stable kept by C. B. Doty, in the Ififth Ward, respectfully informs his Mends and the public generally, that he will keep at. times a . stock of the best description, of riding horecs, buggies, carriages of all kinds, and in abort everything required in his line of business. . - A considerable portion of his stock is new, and he is confident that no stock in the city %yin be superior to his. His terms will be moderate. His stable is on Lib erty street, a few doors above the canal bridge where ho respectfully solicits a share of public pa trollagf`. CHARLES COLEMAN. . . e i 3 provided with an elegant ilearue, which will, be furnished when required. net2s-tt Hat s . T. Hats 1f SPRING FASIIIGN.--Just received by ._Th .a express from New York, the Spring Styled of Hats. All those in want of a neat superior Ha are respectfully invited to call. S. MOOR;;,' - N 0.33 Wood at., 3 doors bolo Diamond Allefr. loarll-3vp o.i.4i.#att_oil:"Ltoe.s... nocn - E., BROTHERS .0 CO. w ARICANGEUENTS FOR 184 6 , LL.IZELY 45- MITCIIEL, REMITTANCES to, and Passage to and from Great Britain and eland, by the Black Ball, or old Line of .Liverpool Packets. Sailing from New York and Liverpool on the Ist andlfith of every ,month. And by first class -American'Ships (Sailing Weekly.] Persons sending to the "Old Country" for their friends; can make the necessary ,arrangements with the subscribers, and have them brought out in any of the eight ships.conaprisittg the Black Ball or Old Line of Liverpool Packets; (sailing from Liverpool 6 - fi the Sit and 16th of every month,). also by first class ships, sailing from that port weekly, which our 'Agents, Messrs. Tames D. Roche St , ' Co., there will send out without delay. Should those sent for hot come out the money will be refunded Without any deduction. The "Black Ball, or old Line of Liverpool Packd ets," comprise the folloWing magnificent ships, and will sail from Liverpool on their regular app.-Ante day, as follows:, Fidelia,, 'On Ist Jan. Ist May. Ist Sept. Europe, • 16th " 16th " 16th " New York, lstreb. Ist June. Ist Oct. American, 16th " 16th '' 16th " Yorkshire,...V ist Mar. Ist July. •Ist Nov. Ifith " 16th " 16th Dec. Oxford, ; .. Ist April. Ist Aug. Ist " Montezuma, 16th ." Ifith " 16th " Notice.. 7 , -It is well known, that the Black Ball is the very:best conveyance for persons to get out their friends; and as other passenger•aments advertise to bring lint passengers by that Line, the public are ro. speetfidly notified by the owners that no passenger 'agents, but Roche, Brothers Sr. CO., and Blakely Sc Miteltel, are authorized to advertise and to bring out passengers by thatt•Line. We have at all times for the'Drafts at Sight for any amount, direct on the Royal Bank of 'lreland, Dub lin. Also on Messrs. Prescottt, Grote, Ames SI Co., Bankers, London, which are paid free of discount, or any charge ' whatever, in all the principal towns throughout England,lreland, Scotland and Wales. Apply to,er address, if by Letter, (post paid.) ROCHE., IMO'S St CO. • No. 35, Fulton street New York. (Next door to the Fulton Bank. - MR. ROCHE, Sr., No. 75 DOOM street, Liverpool. I ' BLAKELY Sz MITCHEL, 1 Penn street„and Smithfield st. Tnpscott , s General rantgiiition Oilier. itEmiTTANtts and pasvag to t z tr..l* and from GREAT BRITAIN' Ann V7 ) . 4 Inix.xivn, by W. Et J. T. Tapscott 75 South street, corner of Maiden Lane, New York,! and 96 Waterloo road Liverpool, The 'subscribers having accepted the agency of I the above house, are now prepared to make arrange ments upon the most liberal tenon with those desi rous of paying the passage of their ftiends from the oltl Country, and Batter themcselves their character! and long standing in business give ample as.. ! surance that all their arrangements will be carried out iMthfully. & 3. T. TapEton, are long and favora bly known fur the superior eras! , , accommodation and sailtng qualities of their 'Packet Ships. The QUEEN or Tilt WEST, SIIVAIDAN, MUMS. TEII.,GAIIitICK; lIOTTINGUER, fIOSCIUS, LW. EItPOOL, and SII,MONS, two of which fence cash Port monthly, from New York the ':lst and :lila, area front Liverpool-the tith and 11th, in addition to n Inch they have arrangements wifh the St. George and l.lnwin Lines of Liverpool Pocketa t o in s u r e a de r v. tore from Liverpool. every liv edays being than ceter mined, their Cocaine:, chill keep pace with their in. creasing patronage, w hati Mr. P:. 'fapaeotra con f ita l it per-sonal imnerintendonce of the iglu:nem to Li,f-t -p,,01 is an additional th%)t the comfort and accommodation of the paateugrrs will to paltlol laxly attendel to. 'l ; lie subscribers being Cash:x:lA ) e:temeirely enga :lel in the Transportation llitiiness between Pittsburg and the Atlantic Cities, are thereby enabled to ttkr , change o f and torward passengers ininteatately an their landing, without a chalice of ditqlreioinzinent or irlehl_e, arid aro therefore preiyared to ( , a:tract Irian. rage from an sea port it: Great Britain or Ireland ro thin City; the nature of the tau Incas they ar e eu 41; .,,..1 in giving them facilities tur carrying passenger.. to fir inland not otherwise atta4nal)le. :tad yr,f i, ;if cc ces,ar:...:l forward lassenger 4 further \Neat i,y the hest uloile of enreee)anto without any aStittonal charges for their trouble. Where per u ,n 4 aunt f or continz out, tha 'amount paid !'or p.1.1tZ40 trill he ref:laded it: tun. REMIT'.. 'z'z vattncrdters are UlOO firerav,lto givE , drat~a at 1..1" any amount itayahlov at the ttrturipal Cates an.l Towns in Enulanst, Ireland, Scotland attd Waits; thus affording a aakt and expeditious :node of Rent:aim; film's to thorat Countries, peraone rtatairir.tt ,tuck facttiia.s , wilt find tt their tittercst :Iva,: themselves 0 Cie lAy letter po:it pia) util be pr om? ly attended to L O'CONNOR, Forwarding and Commi t ,i,,n Niry c h.ntr, rnar27 dkwy. l'A IZczulttomccs to England, Irelntui t Mclui. land and Wall,. TIFIRSONS dearroug of rewittinq Inoue:: to r the above countries, elan do as thrT":4l the .u. 7.4- kerthf!ro on the 111.13 t easy ternl4. Wrt prritaze.t to Oboe draft:, any 2.111M111t 01 . 1• T SZ.l,ricr,g.-- itvznitt‘incr , nod , : tigt):101 QM both, on? 411 y hefore the 23d or .Nia s , wdl fro receited tn Ireland, try the 20th rr r J une. 131..1K ELY 4; Agents fist 110 c he t tiro's tr. 0, Paper Iyarebouse rills:undersigned having booeit the, paper w3t.r. /iOll5, and tvin paper manufactory, Iroo & Browne, Into entered it:10 rt e,p3rtorr. 'hip, under Utr, [1:11110 411d:4,10 of lull & lirownt!, for the purpose of carrying on the 1/oA:l:i,_. to ail its en r,1,21. They will hone alnuvin on hand a complete assortment of PAI'Elt ANCINHS AM) LIHHHFRS, of their own Mantiliteture, and their Ktoll Ihe improved and enlarged with periu,Sical ad litionn from the bent French factories. Agents for the well-known Clinton P.iper Steubenville, (tont which they will he cenpitatitly supplied with witrrtsG, witArviNc, NuNT ING PAPER, BONNET BOARDS', E:c.; all or which thee infer V.ll , 3loNile and retail, at their Etere, No. 37 Went street, triiilway between Fourth 4::E1 mond Alley, where coontry met - demo'. and deateri are invittnl to call. G Er). G. tin.61.v...,r, j. 29-d6m 'New Boot ettail Shoe Store, -- --- - No. 18(3 Litc - rlyr strert, A few doors above the head of Wood ,t. jFOLL- 3 LNSBEE. & HA VWA R would D, ould , i _respectfidly announce to the citizens of; Pittsburgh and vicinity that they have o- veiled a :tom at the above named place for the sale of Boot:, & Shoes elan kinds and , inal)tteg, com prising an extensive assortment of Ladies*, Gentle- Lucille, Missi:•s*, Boys', Youths' and Childrens' Wear, all of which gouda they are determined to sell very low for ca s h. They would rampectrullygOliCit a call from all in want of Hoots, Slaves, Trunks and. Carpet flags, .t.c. &c., or any goods that are usually kept in a Shoe Store, as they are confident that they will be enabled to please both ill the quality and pric e . je:Jo.4l' zi GEORGE BIILEY, IP...BLit A air HS NUE' ACTUDEIL OF Ii Pumps and Hydrants, . Which arc superior to and cheaper than any in the city. II • ' Pam to call and examine far palm:mi. FOURTH STREET, i l : ' BETWEEN SMITHFIELD AND CHERRY ALLEY . 1: -." r i lydrants and Pumps - repaired. jaul-wG&dy. TO GARDENERS AND LARD FOR SALE AT REDUCED PRICES. rrUIE subscriber offers for sale a tract or imut shout three miles from the City of Allegheny between the Franklin and Beaver roads, containing one hun dred and forty-one acres. about •14 of which is clear ed. This land is offered at reduced prices and will be cold either in a body or divided into Lots to /Ma purchasers. From its convenience to mark e t it wou ld be a very desirable location either for limning pur poses, pasturing cattle or for-Gardening. A Ls 9, Seventy-five building Lots on a credit °f lea vearm. These Lots are situated on Grant, IVylie, Fifth, Ross and Diamond streets in the third WWl' of the city of Pittsburgh, adjoining the New Court 'louse. Persons disposed to purchase will find these lots fa vorably located as to health, convenience to busi ness, and will soon be in the centre of the city. For particulars enquire of J. C. Cummins, or jy2 SARAH B. FETTERMAN. Allegheny Cemeter) PERSONS desirons of - purchasing lota in this Cemetery are referred for information to the Superintendent on the grounds, or to E. Thorn Druggist, corner of Penn , and Hand streets, Pitts burgh. By order of the Board. J. CHISLETT, dec 11 .Superintenclent. The..Franklirt Flre : lnsurance Company - . OF PHICADELPHI.A..I • PERPETUA L. $400,000 paid in. el k,/ fice -1631-, Chestnut st, north side, near Fifth.— Take Iniurance, either permanentasi limited, against loss or damage by fire, on property and effects of every description, in town or country, on the most reasonable terms. Applications, made either per sonally or by letters, will be promptly attended to: C. N. DANCDER, Prest. C. G. BANCKEII., SCCV. DIRECTORS: Charles N. Rancker, Jacob ll.,Smith, Thomas4lart, George W. Richards, Thomas J. Wharton, Mordecai-D. Lewis, I Tobias Wagner, Adolphi 14. Doric, • Samuel Grant, David S. Drown. WARRICK. MARTIN, Agent, at the.nxchange Chico of Warrick Martin, & Co., corner: of; Third and Mar ket streets. Fire risks taken on buildings and their contents in Pittsburgh, Allegheny and the surrounding country. No marine or inland navigation risks, taken. aug-l-y. • LE Insurance Company of North America, of ' rp 1 I Philadelphia, through its duly authorized Agent, the subscriber, offers to make permanent and limited Insurance on property, in this city; and its vicinity, and on shipments by the canal and rivers. DIRECTORS. , • Arthur G. Coffin, Pres't. Samuel Brooks, Alex. 'Henry, Charles Taylor, Samuel W. Jones, Samuel W. Smith, .i'r 1 Edward Smith, Anihrese White, Jelin A. Brown, Jacob M.FThomas, John White, John R. Neff, Thomas P. Cope, Richard D. Wood, Win. Welsh, Henry D. Blierrard,Seey. This is the oldest Insurance Company in the Igni ted Staten, having been chartered in 1791. Its char ter is perpetual, and from its high :standing, long' experience, ample means, and avoiding all risks oft an extra hazardous character, it may' b,e considered as offering ample security to the public. • MOSES ATWOOD. At Counting 'Room of Atwood, Jones & Co., Wa ter and Front streets, Pittsburgh. ' - oct23-y. AND nimrmai INSURANCE COMIPANT,. Now York. rpms woll known and respectable co:ninny is pre pared through their PITTSBURG At: ENCY, to make insurance ef every kind connected with ri.ks of transportation and inland navigation; to insure against Into or clainago by tare, Dwelling Houses, Warehouses, Buildings io general, Goods. %Vases, anil :Verdian:tut; and every description of personal property on the most favorable terms. Applications for insurance attended to without dki, lay at the oflice,No. 31 Water and 62Front sts., by SPIRNGEII 11A1111AUG11 Airs. At an Election held at the office in N. V.; May 1:2111, the following. named gentlemen were chosen Directora of this Company, for the ensuing, sear, ix: Joseph W.S.ivage, Stephefi Iloh, John tirt.wner, John INtcchain, William l:. Wnrd, Win. W. Ctinpli.l.ll, John ticwhnotm, Jacob Z1.1.7r, Wilber S. Sli.cum; Tlarcuot Spin:T, John V.:Mackie, Joarph 8.:1..a1(6 - -- John 3. Herrick. And at a stills etoent meattn,; ur the lloanl, JO SEPH W. SA VAG E Evel 13 , 3, t1L13:14 at ously t ttlr, tcd Prcruletit fur enouritez yeas. J A5l C.S . POI ;I: INSt;KAN(. - F CnNip.v.; - y cY 11 , l'isilaArlptua—Cliirtre 00.11)11-4 ii. ‘31.11e.• t 4 Pll:l3ll,lVr.a, Nit. 72 V24 , ll.lAst' 11,41:45-ot,, Fteiltririt 1-'tatey, Vl:is old cturl areal (0441t.111,11:aruay tau.l t:avexto tiotury and Property, not or an Estra,,islt-7.7-44-43 aiu;sc Ha, zgait.t I:.sa or slat o sag,r AF3,l:tatiorm for Sne.iratcr c noi:zhborlt/.1 risks either perpvizially or fnt litnite..l foritltAy, in 4 ferora..f !At tr/rov, br GEO. Cll.llll.kli. Atzt,vs, tirr.: 2t3, dt ,Pitte!xegh, .1.;•-e the Deigtr,tre Mi 4144.1 tti'Vety fortura;:er Cot.rje.:3,y c Phdlide.).:L.2.. Atal Sicreolt,lac e , ervttc , :tiett , tv, it-1411 7dp5+.43 or.f.ltz:oe; tb, tn,ht e4ror3hlc I .ty of 0 , 7 1 t05. k . M .- t:tg , 4 -4,,- , cno, 3:::,;to of irt.Loo f Stati,l . ri , lol i 411,1 k . , 74 . 1.{ to. ! ~- -, .....,4. . , me.. J,,,.!....e. wi• the 1'5 .. 04.r, C;1.4 i 10% .I.ly ...f t. t,. 1 3. 4... • • E.l.t/ , :.." - :r...17.3.1t Pt t ' ..."1 V.R. term,.' ', . . , A. , al rriii.,,,,,,y /4./ 1,,,,ife ~,K..1), O'h{a44l.? iotiZeii. , 'I; Office at the I Z3z - i-lvsittot a Kin ? 6... 11041 , 1<, OH 'I - , . —..4 ~, r - ..„ ~.0 „ ,.., ~t.57,..0.13, .rt 4,.. ri1.......-sc • .., , .... . W 3 trtr Ht --1 Or it .‘l , :ket ....tz.,:t. 13:::ALtni-'l. - Vie , . 0,, to,tor,-;o1rt. t,.. , 01.- lott.toit - 1) 4 ,- -: - ,tll,Etr-.1 .N • 13- 4 ' 3-4 I`.: 1- ' , u ,.- f " , tv th' -. .:'d , n , t. 4, 1 0 ‘th MO; Lova., atmt 1-...1..0.tt 10, ,, .... r...,41 ".tcht - d o”, - r I' , 't;" :. " , :'4' "rth ,; " ..... 1'1' , "1"1' ,.. '0311''3"3t Y H/113-'l" . --1' 1" ton) etto.A.4 is . ..* 1.,:e 1...1“ , ti, do ottt Zit , tt:itt• to ce-c toe 1. , C1303tr.0. 3. i3v...zt - I.tit.e 4 Otopt it . 4..00 mot/. ; d,,,h, C.,,,,,,,,.. ~, ti., ~,, ~,,,,,, ~.1, H..-,3z....,,,!..,.f tutto3 31notg the Cr - Ht. 110 , 411131,3 g 02 11.4434.1e1ph - i..",---: ",,,,,...,,I : L o t,. ~.„,t,tb..4 t o f - ,,n c t ,....4,1, al 1.3110 - 2 3 1...rp - pool ,43 rapit....l. 1.214 h, t.y. tic re...-rf,.; A- L. tifyi-T. .st,lttn of its chleter, 1.. coetitattit! H. , Krl - 4.13..it-0:1 J. 4.. 13. Imtl” , :tiN, Horl.hor to esr it i4 - I.olll.3tOrtot t , ..t Jam 61.x:t or tt.e f 3[1:N.1 - 1Y it. tqtlY Tit. ;0•115t... of Ow Vompmly, sitth.,Ot miOdtit.a. 4... , t1 trt i r ..... r r , , ,, t ,,, ,„! ,„,,„,,. ” f ri, t ...,,, ii.,/,_.,,, r„, anr '"'''4"'l'l`tY 'l'''''''' ' b'Y'r . H'l IN' 3'''''''''''3n . it':4lZ„ .''' ..3 , 1. - .t. ce...t4.4.rii - 4..,,,r.„=.:.(:, tl. till 2.01.1,1;r pt'ol en t.. 1 .- ion,: 304 ther..1..,!, c., 1t.,,0-to. - 4,;!1 ~:„.... 0: 11,, :::,: , :„..01,,z,..1. the Muv. , l prooJp}e 6.H,,•-teli of crety ili/Silri.C...ll i :,0.0 ., ::_. .„: ____, .: 00 I , A, ~,,,,,,,,, ~,.. i .. ,, ,, 4 „. .. n.i evatitm, an... 1 .tt ite tittfit 3th - g-Ctttc 4itill. tool 141 , Ir, , ', ; ' .-,— , 5 .al i. a. rr. - 0,,,, , , y SA.:). VI llit P b. PAtt h. G . - ,,r.:1 %.;••• nt.• ft.: the. W. 3 'a, -.t.ttu - •....... rot ..... - ..r t, U IVILi.I A. Jr.,. - F1 E.. t - .F.a. Nt,rkt-t Ht. , 2 , 3t1 the 1t.3:3,30, 1 . 4ttz!,..“ -- A - h. 106%t':. t. Agent.). of the Franklin Firrittenraner Company of Pirllallelpitla. F:. rorisor of rtird 0.44 Wood tliretx. l'it;sl.qa Les ,, rt• t ., ampiny on liar firft of 5.4f,n,- ry, 171.lIk t l•OVV-.1. an cordornlity 4,1 141 - saa.lkaa:s Le4v,Kbi4tl . , 41 er.ra. an.l 4: tats, at co3l. `..., • I"ris Malin;( a totnl Air , ,rchng serta:n a:n:ranee that all losses will hr promptly met, and going entire secoritr to all who obtain polwiet from th. Coirtp:roy s It:e.,:kl taken at %S low rates as, oft . conroctent %oh sernriry, not :+ c " W.l Att'nt. Near Hat and Capp.tare. t'llS. li. l'ut.'l.lsON. date - It - i.tho firm Poulson ts h 31144 eperreil los 1117, store at So. I'3, Wood rarer t, oral door to (lit comer or 1 .' ”v17113, ie 111/Ti 111,4114facti‘reng 1.441 flail the 11.14t , r111:111ea a v ,- r% largo assortment of batn and caps 01 4,1•;) t., to. Lolt,fi tint belt tivl4l s , and of the hest materials. Otter, Seal, live and enrnmon Mustrat, Svalclte, 114:r-!:;,41, and Ulaxvd ('sass ALsil, a lin , " assort/Todd of iado-s fors, soon ss LyaN, net and Coney Aloffs nut! Tippet/ and at trtramirtgA, all of which he otryrs for sale at eastern pnees tor rash, both itiodesale atld retail. I:ountry nwrattsnts will .cad esgrains, my stock Leforc ?utcllasnag CIIAS. fl. POULSON. 'N. IL The Fail fur Halo nud Cap rcro ed. VXCILINGE BROKER, comer of %Vood and 3,1 streecg. Gold, silver and current bank notes bought and sold. ti:glit checks on the eagtern cities for sale. Dratlg, notes and bill. collected. European nud American Agency. — Tilli undersigned European Agent having again arrived in America at the regular time, will leave Pittsburgh, Pa. early in September next, and sail from New York on the first day of October, ma king a TIMITEENTIi tour through England, Ireland, Fimtland, Wales, and returning to America in May, 1847. By thin agency money remittances can be made by drafts for large and small sums, payable at sight in every part of Great Britain, Ireland, Le.; legacies, debt., rents, real estate and, claims collect ed and recovered; searches of all kinds made; co pies of wills, deeds and documents procured, and the upend business appertaining to this Agency tran sacted as heretofore. Innumerable references giv en. Apply personally or adidesspostpard, 11. KEENAN, European Agent and Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh. Mr. J. S. May will attend to all EUropean busi ness in my absence. jel9. OF the beet manufacture, both orEngland and Geneva, in large variety and for sale at the lowest prices—patto.rnn, new and of the latest style. Also, Diamond pointed Gold Penn, another large supply,just received of the beat niche. Also, Silver Ware,Jewelry, Fine Table Cutlery, Spectacles, Pen. oils, Tea Ware, Lamps, Military Goods &c. jef24 lENV ORLEANS SUGAR. —2olthde ;N. O. Sugar for sale by. tJc.2.O JAMES MAY. 77 .77; s_ l f ,..‘4 -0-.1 , - 4, 1 -4, f" , Juciuranic ttoinpanito. PITTSBURGH AGENCY Fire and Ditarizie Insurance. NATIONAL FIRE 1 1-1 r Insurance. 17i1.4 F INN Allen Kramer, E=ll Wm. Bell 1, Co., John It. Davig, F. Loren7m, J. Painter & Co. ..I, Wr— " }Pittabargh, Pa ',mph Woodssull, James May, Alex, Bronson & Co., 1 Philadelphia. John 11. Brown t:. Co., James M'Candiess, Cincinnati, 0. J. It. i‘Pnonald, St. Louis, Mo. W. 11. Pope,'Pres't Bank of Ky„ Iminsiille. Gold and Silver Watcher W. W. WILSON,, corner of Fourth and Market t , Tts A CURE FOR CONSUIIPTION Seven .Thousand cases of obstinate Pulmonary Com, We ask the attention of the candid to a few con siderations: Nature, in every part of her works, has left indeli ble marks of adaptation and design. The constitution of the animals and vegetables of the forest, Is. enci that- they could not endure the cold of the fkigid zone, and vice In regard to diseases and its diir6 the adaption is more or less striking-. The Moss of Iceland, the WilirCherry and Pines of all Northern latitudes (and "Uri Wtsrut's is a 'compound chemical c.i.tract from these,) have long-been celebrated for complaints prevalent'. only in cold climates. Indeed the most distinguished medical men have averred that nature furnishes in 1 oi.:orycountry medicines for its own,peculiar diseases. -Consumption in its confiamed and: incipient stages Coughs, Asthma, Crotp and Liver Complaint form by far dm most fhtal class of diseases known to Our land. Yet even these may be cured !by menus of the simple yet powerlial remediWnanicil. above) and which are' scattered, by a beneficient Providence, wherever those maladies prevail. ANOTIIEIi ASTONISHING' WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD 'CIIEIMiY, always trium phant! cure follows cure in its;onward victorious career! D.tarrox, Feb, 11th,'184:? . . J. W. IV7itlinorc.—Dear Sir: As !youare the reg ular authorized agent in Dayton, fiii , the sale of "Dr. Wistar's Balsam qt' Wild Cherry," I take 'this meth od of making a statement of facts to you (which, I hope may be published to the• worldj in rellirence to an almost miraculous cure, wrought in mycase by means of the. above /iiviatrabis Balsam. Language fails to describe the ictinbary.cffects it pro , duced, and the p...rea't benefit I tleiNed from its use. The citizens of Day ton k, and vicinity; well irecol lect that on the Bth of August in received nen ; ous injury from the explosion of a cannon. A por tion of its contents entered my right 'side and breast; and in all probability, some fragments or splinters of the ram-rod passed through tho,"plura," and pierced the Lungs. After the lapse of about six weeks, I Was attacked with a distressing cough and a riotcrit pun in my right side. Some ten days after this , when in a Fur or-pm of coughing, suddenly and inictat broke, and a large quantity of very offensive i matter. mixed with blood, w'.ll discharged; most ne which found passage through the opening of the wound. From I 'this opening there frequently parsed a quantity of air, supposed to issue from the lungs. During this time sty sufferings were almost intolerable. My physicians, menda - hile paid the strictest atten tialt to use, and did all in their poWer for my reser- I cry. But with MI their shill they could not reach I the seat of distress, after (he 1.:411,Ts hid Seeopte affect ed. I was lisited during this time by at least twenty l'hyoncians. It wan non retitlCPvl to 111 certainty, Uri t i'vlarottion of Mt itinkt WAS rapirlty taking lilac - II an , l that atilt would terminate tor lire iu a very nh4rt Cute, was ha Oar hieliebt degree probable. At thin critical nta,Te, a inessen!r,er wits , leitpatclie,l to Cincinnati. and s e.eielitated Phvrcian of that yilleo When ho wan inade netioaitt o.i ~ VlOl any oituatioli, hr renaarked that nothln4 could be done by ii,e4;eal if the conii , t r itutiou itxcif w as sollicarnt to throw off the dikr,t r. My froraolv now denatured o r coo ri-coy,ry, a:A 1, had no earthl, -, g.rounct ltope to liartrlve many rortiltiattly at Oat. foriet , ire, 1 raw ono of tar. tor'o Pantitttletr, entit!ta.t "}amid- 1,11",:i!“-Af or "TroZl , oe on C , rocnt-npaton of Ott" I 'bit! timid of daiao trim, "catv,htng at A:ra.,v,••' I to- :a t`h.a con.ratt of tray ; .1 Hr Vona a,ti taottl , : Or the tn.—Leine; ":Elater , A itolotot trdl o - itcr‘Ll :no altaoat it-.4lor4ottrh. .liter clartl.viroo fl or o r arms I atV,r ;•ee'Pr. , - - 16.i ad tr,tt 4t!=oag. .N 2 ro:tgb awd, :,tld re,,,,,,r e d to t rrnlf: troy n:1- iog c , of ',a:ao!) 11.4.-reitre isd tun:tU r cotir•4 t.rr at t; at er , . , :0 Gar etfrfv.4ll3lj.ll7 tay tad aril% 111 t fiat r.aati itt-rtt t3gat 1 ia.4t-,1 halt , lsrrn yroritOß, At tots trzdo kit t),;., ha-0 11V Orp-OeOPP., I bto-ff. 1.14 0.1 , 1,1"3/ +r - e . AMi tnr 0 .7 1. 1 re , tily Urn ti-ce , 31 , --ti.-442441,-,.. , : And ti.ow no:d-t rto - oottatflt , i groviat,' tt'is:of't E.11.2.$ to act are. ath4 r ix , ..:3 ! r Ltlo.l cou!itter at 71 111%.1-: Catoit: lot 1-,•, r tii - Ay calla tl,ei tltoe. y , r,t..ru 4.lllll.NrortiErt It. IMIIII 1. 1 IN.AVV, 40 rrit 111.1.5, as a re:tifit,y pri,d.Atly ad.;ded l it Ache* 3,,; 34,:ts 033, see Netty geio•tatty kidtwit in this -. - ositodot.; and !h.: propricti F,0431 he ilia • c.cc.aiiddi to o ;de er a.rwk or 1:1 - .t•1n ‘ 040 3[5r4 ati Clint-44103 014P111 itratrlit! ACktaittlf , 4:• tternis tlf ha C:ictoix Cur thrit p-att.ciltiszt end kitt , tnoti. to hare. feellno are 6P V, 3: Mr( iI , W3 tho ••tie;:itintog and the ondrir .!inott in tirioy br•sittttntS iII k dolled re. lood • thee arid inocbi taoto per .4wit.',l ..IA 4 los ri - paration r Vul tenwte ciltritidttOg the afflicted, and ptrif, , A,Ltif gr alidow !tistil upon ;the of Imo free ad.; 0.111 (.731b“:/.3.1y re Alrliling the ciri:de : of tin itiough uca K.11.41ii - d that hi* tn.-do-die h!ls, as it acre, a prit - xii.ite iitirpctitity in t, let hi? to lbligod to hr. tree nits rot the most 'Jut:- el Ido - nrgt or or, Cwt. 601),ri13 53 F 47,507 17 207.459 72 la its natural Inm:ory, if you please, the Wiltan ibilers ("en moat ollior prigarat:ollin net being o:,ginally mane for tlf Wall a %sew to peerimary prof i t ; v. 110," an i'si t 1,04 knows. it:eve:Anne tyro 1.43 rd thin.,;.; rru F 0.11•/ bCgMli to dabble un drag (la/1 ho (7.1 , 141( nhuut 1 r a r,n tr • lion, or roust 'Set op'.• as the phrase something— any thing that will sell. Often he attetunto it under an tne-emed or fir:Woos name. an though voracious his ow ti were insufficient to sell it. The difference then the Wilson Pill and the preparations a I ave jm.t indicated, would appear toil, e , this; Cofls , Cloll,lll'nfl of the value of my pill originated the idea of putting them on sale for money, and at I prier. The conreirollaness of the value of inunry oriOnate.: in most iiv.tanees the many' preparation. I hair alluded to; and the }wk.,. inert likely •to take' is alwa+s Bret carefully vonsulered, and the pill or , otherprerlarauon made and graduated to snit it. The one is a rrlselll'Eal", and comes from the, great Arcana of Universal Nature; the other a trick - or invention, tool enines fr0:11 a not very popislar gllality of fitni vinoSt. Nature. Reader! the difference here is .great. In one instance the vahreatt.ched to the rim. to the starting point; in the other, the It(INET. lint it is not probable that some of the niany prepara tions having even such paternity welt, accidentally good, but that possibly.by ills process of "getting up" as they call it, by puffing and blowing, as we clean wheat, they have been "got up" too high be fore their specific gravity had been carefully ascer tained, and have blown off never to tie heard of, with outer oaf—some lighter, some heavier. IVhatever may be the rationale, I Must repeat it, that I am most profoundly thanklid to my friends for their discrimination in not consigning my discovery to that compenduous category of "inventions that did not antrwer"--of "tricks that won't win.." The Wilson Pillsare useful as a GENERIL remedy, anti may be kept and taken, in proper doses, is Mtn dies, as a preventative of general ill ' health, or dis ease of whatever Hattie, by any member of the fain tly, without any fear cif the consequences of expo limo in the ordinary pursuits of busineas. irr They may always be haul in'any quantity of the proprietor, in Penn street, below Marbury, and of the principal Druggists of thin city and'4lleg,hony. jy22-d&w7in jH. CHILDS & CO., are , now receiving their spring supplies, consisting of ono of the largest, Cheapest and best es- s4ll&*ii sortment of Boots and Shoes that they have ever been able to bring to this market. Also, Ladies anti Misses Florence Braid,! and Straw Bonnets, of the latest style; together with a splendid assortment of Palm Leat' Hats, niens , and boys' summer Ceps. Also, a largo lot of New York Tanned Sole Leather, all of which having been purchased at the lowest rates, and selected with great ca,e for tho western trade, Will be sold at a small advgnce abovo cost and charges. AU merchaliti wishing to piirchnse will find it to their interest to call and - examine their stock before purchasing'elsewherc. mar27-tf °+,. fir. --' . 3 ~' plaints cured in one year! SVll.von's hits• AVltoleanle Shoe Store =BENZ -= lcliral: Cure follows Cure MORE PROOF OF TIM EFFICACY OF DR. SVVATNE 9 S COMPOUND STRIIP OF WILD CHERR'I", THE OIIIGIN41; AND GENUINE PREP*ILLTION CONSUMPTION. Coughs, Colds,Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Complaint, Spitting Blood:, '.Difficulty of Breathing; Pain in the Side and Breast, Palpitation of the Heart, Influenza, Croup,Broken Constitution, Sore Throat, Nervous. Debility, and .all diseases of, Throat, Breast and Lungs,the most , effectuat and • - speedy cure ever known for any of • the abovetliseases in DEL, SWATNE , Si COMPOUND SYJWP OR. WILD MEMO( A TrillyiVondert'ul Curet Dr..SIVAYNT: Dear Sir—ln Oetober last, while en gaged with Mr. Joseph Smith, ins saw mill,i near Waynesburg, I wan attacked with a Cough, from be ing exposed at night, which gradually increased, at tended with spitting of bleed and a severe pain in the breast, loss of appetite, fritter, &c. &c.I, which was scarcely supportable. I had a family who were wholly dependent on my exertions for }support, yet was obliged to leave my business and return home. I I was then attemiPti by several Physicians, l both still grew worse, until my Medical attendants gave me pp as incurable. Subsequently, my wife . Observing in one of the public prints, an adrertisemerit„of Dr. SWayne's Compound Syrup ol` Wild Cherry;paicur ed. me one, bottle frtim,Francis IM , Clurd, your agent in Lewistown, which relieved me. I continued Until I had taken hi-431101114 I am now able] to return to my work again. I write this to offer yeti my sincere thanks, and you - are at liberty to make it known, so that if any human beintr is suffering as;-have been, he may havoyecoursOO - your invaluable medicine: Yours, 101 IN P.! BOYNE.. Lewistown, Del. CONSUMPTION, which has baffled the skill o eminent Medical practhioners, where invalids haVe been given up hopeless, by having recourse to; and persevering in, thin unequalled remedy„ have been radically cured. Thera are now in the hands of the proprietor numerous certificates of -entice, which would astonish :credulity itself, wereithey made known to the world,' To those who are afflicted with any of the above diseases, we say, give! this medicine a fair trial; you will then be convinced this is no miserable compound, but a safe and powerful remedy, and that its curative poweis stand aloneand equalled by none. Dr. Swaysie's Syrup is the only true and gonUine article of Wild Cherry before the public, and we would nay to the afflicted, always look for the writ ten signature off)r.SSVAYNE on each Liottle berme your purchase. 'Beware, and be not deceived ! Some persons may till you thafsome Other prepa ration is 19 good. Ileed them not. One trial of the gents:no Swayne's Syrup of wild Cherry will 0 , 3" sine,' you that it istlie most Valuable medieinc;dia covered. I From the increasing, demand for the atiove article, Drvgiste. ;;Torchants, :and dealers go.geralty, will finil it to their advantage to haven full * IA upply of.this valuattie attain:Me. Remember to engttire for DR. SW.-1 YN L'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD MEP, RN, a* there have hoot veto indiridodls with the awarted 113111.P2 or phytiietaits making great eifors to pooh a gpartuttrarVe into the market under a fictitious nalt.e. • 'Elio (original and only) genuine artieleis only pre ; pared. by DU. SW AANL:. N. W. corner of ilthth and Race atreets,Plid•Melphia. Let the adsme be repeated, do not neglect a the:hi' rnnr.a . .!,; if you do, you may hare uecaaiOn to reg.ret it. Why run any nth! Delay has, and may ag.iu lead t o ,;(2,44 r.nr....ratuencer. OP THY, 1.11.000.-1 n excellent Stinott Medicine.. Dr.: SIS'AYNE'S CPNIPOLIND S li.S.ll'Aitt LA AND I.:XTRACT OF TAR PILLS. These great purgatote soul purifying Pill are Grated ecr the curt CA . ,D)speptia, Sick Headache, •• Lees of Appetite., Lots , .Spir,t,t, Blob:lots or Pimples nn the tote, or any disease where a purgative. or pnri one.litir.o is orluireal. 'Vitae polls neither gripe, prodoe,• 11.4:14 , -4, or any o; her unpleasant sensation, a.id as a St.rie.4 MeJ.,:rao for purifying tiot blood ;Ind t'oe ordrsease, they see unsurpiztaed I by any rut:do-no t vet yet Introduced to the puld l e,.. Mar.ufactarcd and soli!, wholes:lln sod retail, by tLe so'e utoprietor. Dr, SAVA yrt.: 1 4 ! N. ',V. c.,vuer and streets, Tl: ,, only sq.:enta itt Pitts:aurrtli for vai sale otllll,l .oequine too:lit-me are, Won. Thorn, 53 ..SlatLet 'st.; I t%•, , ,ten & snoNeden, c,rner of Wood tied '2l st., hod N. Janes. [o wns. hI., whore it can 'be obtain %s:tottearile and r.t p:uprictors pr.ers. s,,td by John .Tditehelf, Alleyliony cite; E. It. litnni,n. Cme.nr.at;: Dr. Idereor; J 4 lturtmi & I:rie ; J. !S. '.4lnrris & Co., Lo t ossyle ; Dr. r.s.tter•ly & Co., St. ',oats; Anilrote ttliror & I Co., Nir,r• & S". (. . 11 . 11 .4 1,1 u; 1 - I °Pir Canes & Co.. tinder; Mackenzie & Haskell, Clete-, li,. Raker. Wheeling, Vs.; Wra.;ll. Mataslito, Zile:, lisktivntviik; Dr .''T. Cany bcii & Cin , :itnwn; It. Johnson, Cturiberlatoltl J. N. St,arp, Dayton; ant by agents in all parr.* or: tlre Cnar.d suvzs. • sop I%i 1 IDow Et. oil st•mittl:n, COMPLALN ) MC.M:rst - 01 A 44i raved ri.31;21 to !Ma-. alt e - ~fi or ocr Lltacllf mho hale titt,i JAYNE'S ( tliknNATIVi: 11AL.4.131, :03 a , ertaln,,,r,, and rireetual remedy for. Di.entrr, thltiv, , s, or isx,xnena . ()holm Alorbto,.s4...NlMEll. UI , 7.IPLAIN't, Co:fc, Griping Patna, Sour Stutnath, and Nervous ile.4.daele, Heartburn, E.m. Ttue i. 9 onn of the to , •m offinient, pleasant, and e,tnpostLons ever offered to tl;e: public for the cure or the carheas dn.rangernents of the, STONACLI A't+l te , WEI rth:! the Wily 3 rtlck, worthy or the least eor.ikrwe for chum; ('IiOLER:4 IN:KiNTI.T2II' or C P ; and to aid tituabott , dxs o,t,..es it really lake a charm. CERTIFICATt Ihr Rev. ei the I'cent:tut Method- ,st h srli The undersigned haling been afrdicted tiuring the with a disease in the stomach, ettinetimes piodcine revere pain Lathe stomach ttir I nn dr rie c t cc hours without interniisaroti, and having tried various recied,es with ofret, was furnished pith a tint- Or. CitAnfictrrre. 8ri.14 , A11.; This he used according to the directions, and found initria lily that thin medicine caused the pain to abate to brie or four minutes, and in fifteen or tiVenty min utes riery uneasy sensation was entirely ci n e „,al„ The lurid:eine nnit afterwards used whenei.er indica tions of the approach of pain were perceived, and the pain wan thereby. prevented. He continued to use the medicine every evening, and sotnettuiesin the morn i ng , and in a Few weeho health' was, so far re stored, that the sufferer , was relieved friam a large amount of opprecsive pain. From experience,there fore, he can confidently recommend Dr. D. Jayne , s Carminative natalitt, as a sa;iitary medicine Air dis eases or the stomach and bowels. A, 811114:r. Allegheny city, July 113th, 1813. For sate is Pittsburgh at the PI KIN TEA STORE, 72, roorth street, near Wimil• 'rice and 50 crate per bqkcle.. "Ile WllO in pleasure's downy arms Neer lost Ina health, or youthful charms, A hero firm and justly can Exclaim—"ln me behold maul' , ' TIERING A TRIAL of a number of Years, Dr. j_f ThorniasoWs PILLS have been fountl au inval uable remedy in cases of indigestion, bilious com plaints, tirrderangementsofthe digestive ergot's and idis.ttmetions, a sluggish action of the liver, and bow els, which occasion inure or less the following symp toms; viz: heartburn, giddiness, acidity, head-ache, sickness, spasm. and flatulent distention of the stom ach and bowels drowsiness and dimnesS of sight, an uncomfortable sensation experienced a t (ha pit of the stomach soon tiller esti ug,sv ith a feeling of Vveight or oppression', appetite impaired, breathing difficult, tenderness about the region.- of -the liver, tiotvels ir regular; Ed4iloll2TlOd obstinately costive, with' languor and depression' of spirits. Price 25 cent per box. Prepared by the sole proprietor; EDGAR THORN, Druggist, corner Hand and Penn ets., Pittsburgh, l'a. Also sold by all the principal druggists in the city. jo 23 CIELLEIU.S SELEBRATED LINED PILLS, L. 7 which stand unequalled by any I:Medicine known for the Mire of Liver Complaint, and! other diseases arising from a deranged state of the Liver. This medicine lies been in public use for about 8 years, and has acquired a reputation for curing the liver Corephint , which has never been equalled by any remedy heretofore offered to the As an Anti-bilious, or Purgative Pill, they are un surpassed and should be used in place of! the, com mon pills of the day. Give them atrial and the truth will appear. iPrepared and sold by. H. E. SELLERS, 57 , Wood sreot 111411"FSBURGII MANUFACTURED TOBACCO 20 kegs Plo,g Tobacco; 5 " Ladies , Twist, do; 10 " Va. c , do; 10 " Is Eump, do; In store and for sale by J. &J. M'DEVITT, ap 20 222.Libertyj at. F=l=lEMS= , AR better is it tol cure the toothache in one min ute, by using Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash, than to suffer the-achin , : ` ; also to cure soreness of the gums, cure softness ofthe gums, stop bleeding ofd the gums, and .alwais keep the teeth, gims and'; mouth pleasant, and in the beat state of health: ~..- 1 'Whilst intioducidg WHEELER'S' TEABERRY TOOTH WASH to the.publicy it is the painful ditty-of the proprietor, to state that this article, which is the original, and only geiinine Teaberry Tooth Wash; has been imitated by numerous Teaberry Tooth Washes, Teaberry Tooth.Pa.stes, and a variety of articles with the name ,Teaberry annexed to them; when, in fact, this article is the first that ever:bore the name of' 1 Teaberry, and is the: only one - Which possesses the real virtue of the plait, and established all the celeb rity for it, which induced others to make .use of its name, thiMgh they never did present its intrinsic vir tues to the public. As evidence that it is the first preparation of - Teatorry for the• Teeth, the copy of the certified records; of . the United States District Court is published. z . , • ',...x1., : Eastern District of Penndilvania, to ..' A (.1.,, wit: Bela remembered,. That, on the :.. l' + second day of February,AnmaDomini i 7 V. V It. 47 one thousand eight hundred and forty ' .A.,K , ,i-,tof‘ , y, two, !k:4lil. , , . ' . ' ,l IT. WHEELER, --:" - Of the said District, hath deposited. in , this Office the Title of a Book, the title 'of vvhichis in the words following, to. wit: , The right whereof he claims as Proprietor, in intl..- ~ fertility with the Act , trecozgresB, entitled "An Act to amend the sererailActs respectirig Ciipy-Rights.” II FRA , S. HOPKINSON, ' 1 1' ' Clerk or the Dist. Court. ~ . 1842, Feb. 2d; Copy deposited.- '• • - • • • , 11l CHAS. F. HEAZLETT. The aboVe Copy Right for the Wrapper of the Bottle, showing the title of the Article in legal lan guage, and granted inilthe legal form, will grove this to be the OrginaI'TEMIERRY TOOTH WASH, and all others are but iniiihtions, which has gone out of use mherever.the Genitine'Teaberry Tooth 'Wash is sold. Then, remember, none is genuine but • linc r p.EL Eros Cerrificates of tile Ittriestrates of the of Phila.- delphia. ' i_ . Having made nee 'df your much celebrated Tea berry Tooth Wash, t feel cen y incod .that. it is the bait article -I' have ever known, and hereby warmly recommend its use t 4 the public in general; as a pleasant and efficacious article for preserving the Teeth and Gums.' . ROBERT E. JOHNSTON. , For a number of years my Teeth and Cigna were so much out of order as to prevent" . me from eating with any pleasure, and caused much pain. Having heird.of Wheeler's Ti abeiry Tooth Wish, I Jo cer tify that I tried onel.ittle Of It; and in less than two weeks my. teeth and Gums were sound and goodtd believe that the use of it would be an advantage to many others. " J. BRAZER. Geri`, (ficates The Philadelphia Bar; Garin , ' T used Wheeler's eaberry Tooth Wash and powder,l have found them to possess cleansing and purifying properties, and while they whiten and licatitil . y.,the; Teeth; they have a benekcial eiTeet upon the Guess, by imparting to theni free and healthful action. . F. A. .11...1.1715T0L1i. I have used Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash, and its eirects upon my Teeth and Gums hai giro!' to me a high opinion of its merits. I cheerfully recom mend it to the general use... 11. It. KNEAV. _ , ISTY daughter has used Wheeler's Toaberry Tooth Wash (and powder) and haS !amid its effects to be cleansing and purification of the Goths, and a sweet ening of the mouth. I have no hesitation in recom mending it as the inosllbeneficial preparation for the Teeth I hate ever seed. C. J. JACK. 07444:a:es of Lactia ttnct Genikmca ofPltilaciet,plria. "it is with' gratitude; that I send the following cer- ' tificate, hoping that many who Race will be led by a perusal an, ip uhtairi Wheeler's Teaherry Tooth ISash, which arl.lo. e ..11 used, and it has :effectually cured tooth-ache, sonSpess of the gums, removed scurf - front my teeth, and I fu)ly believe has entirely arrested all decay of tlinnt. I trust that all who suf fer, having either of the same, species of complaint, wilt. ins soeti as possilde use 'Wheeler's Tcabeiry Teta). 'Was'a, that they nary be relieved. "t) sing to having Lai ett cold, Ire. Mostly in‘conse quence or the acid of epaint used in eoloring prints, my 'Pettit became %cri7fnuch injured, giving, excru ciatinz pain it interim:a for between two and.three Whevlet's rezhert - y Tooth Wash was uSed, andentirely cured. theta,. which in certincate t3Jrnir r l send, that thosir who wish a perfect remedy for painful teeth, and also'desire a pleasant Teeth wash, may with coufidince try IV - heeler's Tea:sorry Tooth Wash, t. MARY A. TAYLOR. "Wheeler's Milieu .. .it Tooth Wash" having re-' r moved scorfand cured soreness of the guins, which had troubled tire for twb years,it is my belief that it is a highly useful article, and that it is advisirde to thase who safer with-the Teeth and Prinns to make use 4f it. MARY SULLIVAN. "Your Teaberry Tooth Wash cared the tooth-ache and diyo Aare . ..legs of thn gum's in my family, and Veral ttthi certificate, that those who su . d'er with tontti r arhe or soreness of the gums, may know that it is a remedy for then 4 and a very iidezmut TOOth PftE.VOST, - 1 W ‘Vlieeler. Tio, 1-I,S, Catharine street. "Wheelcr's Teaberri Tooth Wash" . baving cured soren:mss of tlie gums, Mid effectually stopped bleed ing or the gums, ifeerti it a tichrofgratituda - for the mime which it afforded{ me. and a duty owed to my fellovc- beings, to say, that it is my firm conviction, that these who will use Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wish ! , for the Teeth and Curio, will find that it is an important - allele. THOMAS J. MTV RDY, 1 IFo. 335 , CallOwhill st. Friftri moult severe afiiiction of irlysUlf, and ethers of erti::.s9nily,' with tieedyed Teeth and sore Gums, andATPfnany respeetable testimonials highly in favor of IVIIEELEIt'S TOOTH WASH, I was induced so give it trial, after which my family used :it, and rejoice - to say that it did perform a thorough and c..freetual cure for all, and .is the best article. that I ever knewi of. I would recommend its use td those who may bt suTering. • JESSE, ItIOGRE, 1f27, Marlibi-sireet. W. Wheeler 'Alapy more , tectimonials are exiating,.appman . g of "Wheolera Teaberry Tooth Wash.), Scdii at WM. JAC - NSON'S Store, No.• S 9 Liberty street, Pitt.sburgli, headi.of Wood street. Principal Office, No. SG Chesnut at., Philadelphia. a_,. ~,,,,. McDONALD, Belt' and Brass ;-=', Founder, First street, near Market, is . ;:;1 1 ; ,, laciiared to'make Brass - Castings and y„ ..7 1, ~, Brass works generally on the most . :N43-- , - - .4. reasonable terms and shortest notice. Ile invites machinists and all -thoq. using , brass works to give him 'a call, as he is:de termined to do all work in his line very low.. ----::.-, maY 27-Iy . .. • _ ~ JK. LOGAN, has !removed'. to No 63, Wood • street, one door below Diamond Alley, to the store lately occupied by ; Clark Cameron, where he has opened a Wholesale•and Retail Dry. Goods store, and having justreturnetlifrom the Eastern. Cities, is opening a new and well Selected stock of Goods, consisting of French, English.and American clothe, eofors,) a great variety of new style CaSsimeres and. Satirietto Cashmaretti, (a new style* Oregon Cassimere, a good stock of summer cloths of. all kinds; late style •Vestings;- also, a great variety of Lawns . and Gingliarns; Pyramidical Graduates and other fancy patterns; a variety of-prints 6 to 26 cents per yard; a very superior lot of white goods, consist mg of dndia Linen, Damask Plaid, Striped Cambric; Victoria Lawn striped rand plain. Mull; Swiss Lace and barred Muslin. fi gured'and plain Itobinets; black and blue black' Si lks; plain, figured. and striped; a large iittisortment of Linens;. bleached brown !dueling; table. Diaper; Marseilles Co uriterpanes, (large size;) Moreen; h igood supply of Umbrellas, 1. Parasols, Parasoletts and Sunshades; a very large as sortment of men, women, and children's' Hosiery; a very fine article of Lisle Thread Hose and Gloves, and many other articles not enumerated, •He ,would respectfully invite his former customers and the pub lic generally, ;to an • examination of his stocki to which he expects to make additions regularly. Pittsburgh and Caritiellsvillejtail.Road NOTICE is hereby given, that in purstance of a `resolution of the Stockholders oFthe Pittsburgh and CnnuellsTiile Railroad Company, authorizing, an increase of the capital ofsaid Company, and directing an additional sobscriptioii, books will be opened for receiving additional subsbription to the stock of the Company, at the office of Wm. Lorimer, Jr., in 4th street; between:Market and Wood streets, Pittsburgh, on Friday the 4th day of September: The hooks will remain open from 9 A.M3 until 3 o'clock o f said day; and from ;day to day (Sundays excepted) until the requisite number of Shares be subscribed, or until othenvise ordered. By Order of the Directors: 6eP2 _ ' WM; RDBINSON : Jr. - MEE t t that Preseeye the Teeth. TRABERRY ,TOOTH WASH ~R~'lt Ueziloved, i i - etafting. An Acrostic. "JUST IN TIME FOR CHEAP BARGAINS.% Just received, a splendid assortment of Spring and and Summer goods, Unsurpassed for - quantity, quality or Style. The Proprietor of this establishment Takes great pleasure in informing his friends and the public In general, that he is now prepared to fill all orders that his Numerous customers may favor him with. Strangers and - Travelers - - would do well, in visiting the Iron City, to call and examine his extensive , and well Made stock of Avady made clothing. He has a com plete assortment - of English cloth, - to which he would invite attention, also, -. French cloths of every=polor, and quality he is Offering at a very, small advance on eastern prices. Remember'at this store you are not asked tw4rices, being - .• - Convinced that small profits and quick sales is the , best way to secure custom. Raving in his employ tho best workmen, he can war rant Every-article mdde at his eStablishment to - fit Andlo be of the best materials; he would again• In. vita Purchasers gdndrally to give him a, call Before plaid:lasing in any other place, As hp is confident that he can sell them asgood geode , . Reasonable prides as any house` in this city, '• • • ••• • Going so far as to say Mile-4.64er. - - All his goods-are new, and a handsome-patterns,.. .purchased the-the east but a few weeks since. The subscri ber Now returns his thanks to his friends and the publi c -- in general, and Solicitd a continuance of their - - •;, Iron City Clothilg Store, No 132 Literly street. mar 7 ' C. .111,CLOSKET. Three Big Doors. Clothing Store. • • N 0.151, Liberty street THE Proprietors of of . .. Proprietorsre this old . and highly popular eel. stablishnient informs his friends and the public at large; that a portion- of his Spring and Summer Stack of - • ' .• - - • - • . • READY MADE CLOTIIIIVG - , - 'snow prepared for their insPection, and he respect- fully invites all who contemplate=purchasing articles in his line to pay hima.visit. Ills stock this season is peculiarly rick, cohiprising all the latest Fashions -and Patterns, and's!! his Goods, having been select. cd.by himself in' the eastern markets,-he can - with confidence recommend them to his customers as be. ing of the very best quality. Pelage, assortment ot - .DRESS COA.TS, Is made in the most modern and improved style, and the workmanship cannot be excelled: Pants . of en. ery desaription, Sethi 4 , Fancy Vests. .11e has a rars, and beaulfful assortment of - _ VESTI.NGS,- To Which, he would call the attention of publie.as h,e believes them to be more fleautifuland,Cleaperi , Than auything, of the. kind that has been - olfered • heretofore.' - Tweed and other coats, for St:tinnier wear . , In great vAriety and made'in.- every style - ,..Eashionable Shirts,r - Latest &IA of Stocks, Suspenders .of..eveil descriptions, Handkerchiefs, And every Other article necessary for a Fashionabie Dress. - . . . He has a very large and , eacellent .assortment ot. Substantial Clothing, which'will be sold lower tban. a can be purchased at any ottterplace in the city—to which he would invite the attention or workingmen and others who wish servic2ble clothing for every aay'S vicar. . , Having in his. employ some the bdst Cutters and Workmen, . that the. Country can produce, and being provided with a stock -of .Goods, which for .excel leace and variety cannot. be equalled, he is prepar ed TO. MAKE CLOTHES TO ORDER, At the shortest notice, and in a style that Cannot be Sul:passed. • DO NOT PISS THE TIME BIG DOORS. .- It is not considered,ank Trouble to show ClOtbing,: . and - the proprietor feels confident that after an ex- - &minutiae of his stock all who desire .to purchase will find it their interest to deal at his .establishment. The prspriMor %venni take this opportunity to tee, der his sincere thanks to the public fot the unpreco-,, dented patronage bestolied upon' his establishment, .> and as theVu - ccess he has met .with is an indica.timi that his efforts to pleas his pstroes, have not- been unavailing, lie pledges hiinself that nothing shall bo omitted on his part to secure their kindness for the future. JOHN 111CDDOSKEY, Three Eig Doors, Lit 'Liberty et nrarl7-d&w 4.- S. Lorrry,.lflerchant Tailor: • TOLLD inform his friends anti the public-'in general, that he has - removed to Wood street, in the. Sr- Cuant.cs building, -two doors below the '.entrance, where he. is ready to .eaneute.all orders. in. the neatest and Most fhishionable'reanncr, having. en. , gaged the services of Mr. Jetta- M. C.utent.r.aa cut ter; wheie attention will be devoted'. to, that brarieh of the trade and whose well known ability in this par-. titular haying long been established in 7 the - fashion- - able community of this city, ihdheea the belief 'Oat by close attention to'brisinesi, 'he will be able to gite general to all who may fiver:him with a call—hating also made arrangements to keep . constantly on hand a general "assortment jof 'every thing adapted - to gentlethen's wear, -- snea'aa Cloths, - CassithereS; Vestiugs, Shirts, Drawera;Bosomi; Bus penders, Gleves, Cravats;and - every article pertain= ing to a - gent:hamar:Os - Wardrobe, lie will'. be ready at times - toall supply any - demand in his line. • 1 The subscriber respectfully it:iron:es his friends end' the public ' generally,- that" hating entered into the . above arrangenient the eitablihment . will - be able tO furniA' Y article in the. Tail oring l int 'NV p tine ; tuality and despatch . scarcely equallete.by any other' in the city; and - for style and workmanship.nor stir pissed by any in - the, gates. aug,P.2.413m JkO. M. CAMPBELL, ,: JUST REZEIVED 4 —.. splendid as.sOrtment • Summer Cassimeres, Gingharns, and Gam— Moons, suitable for coats and pants; a large stock of fancy Summer Studs; fancy Cotton Cloths, a new ar ticle; Oregon Carsimeres; Gold .151iled Tweeds and Berkshire; 10 d;"zen white shirt Linen - Bosnins and `Also;'a great variety of fancy shirt 'striped Ging.;' hams' -• &c.; a splendid assortment of Summer Cra vats, Marseilles, Silk, Satin and other Vestiugs of superior, styles and stalky; Socks, Handkerchiefs; Stocks, Bosoms, Collars, Lisle Gloves and all kinds of gentlenten's wear, ready made, or got up to order. at the shortest notice, and at thelowest prices, by, W. B. &BAWER, Pittsburgh 7Clothlng Sfore, -je3 corner of Wood'arid Water sta. Can't be Beat n'iviing, has just received at his large ESI istahlishment; fronting on Liberty „and Sixth street's, a splendid assortment of TWEEDS -SOY summer; also, a - superior lot of French Satin VES TINOS, all of which he is ready to make up in the latest fashion and on the most reasonable terms as usual. Observe the corner, No 167 'Liberty and Sixth streets. myl4 J. M. WHITE, Tailor, l'roprietOr., To 'Arras! To Armslt _ ibTHREATENED INVASION OF-WEST ERN- PENNSYLVANIA- by Col. S7ift, wait- 10,000 mee, - - notwithstanding which, J. M. White will continue to sell clothing cheaper thin any-has heretofore been offered in the western coon try, having the largest establishment in the city, fronting on Liberty and Sixth streets.' He is now prepared to show to his numerous patrons the great est variety of cloths, cassimeres, vestings, and thing of all descriptions, suitable forthe approaching season, that has ever been offered in this market, to which till can have the Right of Way. Observe the corner *N0.167, Ltberty and Sixth streets. ,d. ii. WHITE, Tailor, Proprietor Fall PasUlan of Hats. At. KEEVIL , S, to-morrow, Thursday Angust .eath, a neat and 'Cheap article of Pittsburgh manufacture can be had at 'the above.store, ahead of fashionable hatsimported from the .East. KEEVIL & CO., Na 142 head of Wooctst. VenitAan „Blinds, WESTERVELT, the old and well known A Venitian Blind Maker, formerly of Second and Fourth sts., takes this method to inform his - many friends of the.fact - that his Factory is nowin op. emboli "on St. Glair 'at., near the old Allegheny Bridge, where a constant supply of Blinds of various colors and qualities, is constantly kept on hand and at all prices, from twenty-cents up to suit customers N. B. If _required; Blinds will be put up , so, that in case of alarm by fire, or otheswise, they may be rernoved,without the aid of a screW-driver, and_ with the same 'facility that any other piece of furniture can be removed, and without any - extra expense. je.24-dBrwy. - • • Fifth Street Furniture Warerooma. THE subscriber would most respectfully call the attention of .the public to his stock of Cabinet Ware, possessino advantages over any other manu facturing establishment in the city. He is enabled to sell his Wares at much lower prices; therefore, he would remind-those who want good Furniture at a fam price not to - forget the right place, No. T 7, Fifth street, (mai 23.418zwy) H. H. RYAN