The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 25, 1846, Image 1

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VOL. 11.--NO. 57.
• , r,. u e,n;
N. W. corner pf Wood and Fifth Sts
.... . . .
TED.DI..—FiVe dellars a year, payable in advance.
Six, dollars, will invariably - borequired• ienot paid
within the year. • ' . ... '
Single copies, Two;:cesCrs—cor sale at the counter
or the Unice, and by News Boys. - ,
Is published at the sime office,.on a duuble,rnedium
sheet, at, TWO DOLLARS a. year, in advance; sin
.gle 'Copies, tax ckarrir
„ ..
• .... , Terms or Advertising, ;
One insertion, .. $O, 50 One month, $5 ,00 i
Two do; . • • 975 ,Two . do, 6.00 ,
Three do,- ; . TOO Three do, .. 700
One week , 1 50 Vour. do, S 00
Two (lei - • • ' 34p0 Six • do, lO 00
Three-do, ••- • 4 0- One year, 15 00
'Yearly I.l.d.'verlisements, • .• - GEtIII:E: AT PLEASURE.
One Square. j Two Squares.
Sii month, . $l5 00 Six mouths, $2O 00
One year, 5-'0 00 One year, 30 00
Larger advertiser ents in proportion. .
j' CARDS of Cour,lines, rive DOLLARS a year.
•A TTORNEY AT LAVII, Greensburg, Westmorc
,Zl- laud county, Pa., will practice in the West
`tnorelanti, Indiana and Cambria courts. dccS-y
ATTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor in Chancery.
Office in Barr'n new building, Fifth street, be
t:mien Wood and Sndthileld. ang.ll
A TTOIINEYS 4r LAW, °lnto removed to the
rtwidence of If. S. Magraw, on Fourth st., one
tloor.from Cherry Alley. - • opt:1-y
N!krills 6 Donnelly, •
Pittsburgh, Pa: Oilke tin niurth st.,.hetween
Smithfield - and - Grant.' mar I -1-y
EdutUnd Suowaen,
_ .
ATTORNEY AT. LAW; Mace in the building on
'hie North. East Manor of Fourth and Smithfield
lareets. ' : • - , norll-y
tisinkttion. as Brute,
AittsTTORNE.YS ~.4:.T - LAW, o'ff'ice North side o.
. Filth street, between Wood and Sinithlieldsts.,
burgh, Pa. ' Crillcetions made on reasonable
terms. . . do`.-1-y
R. itiorrow,
LDERAIAN, aide north side of Fifth street,
2.1. between Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh.
itztilizesv Diarist.,
TTORNEY. AT LAW, office, Smithfield street,
A between Fourth street. and . DiamOnd:Alley, op
posite Alf. G 6). Weyman's tobacco manufactory.
apl6-y. . . : -
James C aklan,
A TTORNFA r AT LAW, office in the chambers!
ocupied by Alderman Illilasters, on Filth
between Wood and Smithfield. apIS-y
Dreauolicos ploCliare.
office on Fourth street, opposite 11. L R. 11.
Patterson' Livery Stable, Pittsburgh. seplo-y
I'ori.*ll,rd do Swartzivelder,
- i t TTORNEYS AT LAW, Fourth street between
Wood and Smithfield, opposite Patterson's liv
ery st.tbli ap7-y
- George. P. Glitinore,
ATTORNEY LAW, Mile in Breed's build...
in.'s ' 4th st,, above Wood, Patsburgh,
C.piqaudo Loomis,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, office Fourth st, alvne
A BEELEN has removed his commission and for
wardiiag business from the Canal Basin to his
new warehouse on Third street, nearly opposite the
Post Office, •
A TTORNEY AT LAAV, office in Stnart'a
rofirth st., - above Wood. junel9-(lwy
John W. Burrell,
ATTORN'EY AT LAW, having returned from
- his European tour has taken an (Alice on the
north east corner of Fourth and Smithfield sts. Per.
sons having had business and papers in the hands ci
Samuel Kingston, Esq., deceased, Will call on the
above, as all the unsettled , business of Sir. Kingston
has been left in his-hands. mariry
Charier M. liars,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pittsburgh, - Pa. Corn
paissixter to take the proof and acknowledge
meet of deeda, leases, contracts, deposites or
writings, to be recorded or used in - the States of
Kentucky, Indiana an;! Tennessee. Office No. SO,
Stuart's buildings, Fourth idreet. inarl2-y
Jusnes S. Vrat
Pittsburgh, Pa., having resigned the office of
Secretary P. Nay. and Fire Ins. Co., will attend sped
daily 10 collections and business connected with
navigation, insurance, accounts and real estate. 110-1
siness .hours, 9 Al . M. to 9 P. M. -Office, No. 1,1
Stuart's bnildingS,lNo. SO, Fourth .21.0 second door'
east of Wood street. • - feb3-y
Edwin C. Wilson,
1 - I:Franklin, V.Miango county, Penna., will attend
promptly to all buodnciis entrusted to his Care—col
/actions, made in Warren, Clarion and Jefferson cu.'a.
uerr.n. TO
Stockton Sr.. Co.
Murphy, \Wei= 8: Co.
John Bigler;-'
Hon. Ales. Migahnont,
Ron. Janaes 'Wilson, Steubenville, Ohio. juy23-y
Jolila A. Parkinson,
ALDERMAN, Fifth . Penn street, between
Walnut and Wllara streets, where he may be
found. at all umei. Those having houses or other
property to sell oilrent, can have the same punetu.
ally,nttended to;:tlfhis collected , and all the duties
.of an Alderman W;11 receive prenipt attention.
0ct2.7-y , j
-Tht.fli.olmes & Son,
B ANKERS and dealers in Foreign anil Domestic
- Dills Of -Exclumge, certificates of deposit; bank
motes and specio.l-Drafts and notes collected, and
'remittances made to any part of the United States,
No. $5 Market strOct.. jan7-y
Johrh,stolui 6. Stoikton,
KERS, No. 114 - Alarkiit street. Iwo 10-y
Scrtba 6 Scheibler,
- - ,
, No". 115 Wood- street, three doors below Fißh,
il'ittsburgh, Pa: i , jai 7-y
Jamas Patterson, Jr,
fIORNER of First and Ferry streets, Pittsburgh,
rFa., manufacturer of locks ' hinges and bolts,
:tobacco, fuller, twill and -timber screws, housen
s crews for rolling grills, &c. SeplCl-y
' Ayin. A. Ward,
DENTIST, has] removed to the place of his for
titer residenap in Penn street, two doors below
- -
It: E. Constable, •
DEALER in Ilaney and Staple Dry Goods,B3
Market street, Pittsburgh. novo-y
• Eilgar Thorn's
RUG and P4nily - Medicine -Store, coiner: - nt
Penn and Mind streets, 'Pittsburgh, Pa., Phy
isycians, preseriptionsaccurately conippunded. Medi
cines can be had at all hours or the day or night.
- , -
Browassllrr; "Jnnintn Iron Works.,
lIUGHESI manufacturer nf, iron_ and
nails,- warehouse, Smithfield above Fourth st.
seplo-y '
•. U. fa,
. Canal Baain,Pittabtagh, Pa. : tuar:ldy
• Martin Lytle,
"GAMILY GROCER; Smithfield street, next doo
X lathe Fifth POsbyteriau Church. junc6-y
t '47 11;
+k ft PA i s t
..7 , „ it
2 4 ;
: •
% -"`
' George Coehran,•
No. 26 Worid st., Pittsburgh.. " nov27-y
gAVARTZ would respectfully inform his
G. friends' and ClIStOl3lOl3 that be. has removed- - to
No. 106 Market street, between'Fifth and Liberty sts.,
eastuide,Whore ho is receiving-adargo and well us
sorted stock , of spiing goods, to which Ito would :re
spectfully.iiivito their attention. ..ap34l6ra
E. DOSWOII.III & Co., No. 43 Market street,
heicycloor to Third street, are just opening a
new and:eitensimassortnient or Books and Station
ery, Which they will sell, wholesale and retal, at the
lowest prices. ap2s-y
(succEssons TO DOLDSDIP AND nnoivr:r.,)
IMPORTERS and manufacturers or Wall Paper
and tieueral Paper Warehouse, No. 87 Wend
re et, Pdr.s!rurgh. je2o
JATE u. S. Attorney, his removed his otlice to
No. S St. Clair st. scptl-y
L. Wilatartb,
miliEn MERCHANT, office on Penn street,
J between Irwin and Hand sts., Pittsburgh, Pa.
All coinniisuions will be promptly attended to. mar 1-y
Sehoot;liook and Paper 'Warehouse.
L ; •
UK LOOMIS, Agent, publisher, bookseller and
E bookbinder, Nu. b. 9, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
ruar2S-y .
Plllkl42ton s * Uurlvalied Wracking,
Al . AI'arPACTUFIED and sold srholesale and re
ill tail, :litillilield at., between Sixth and Virgin
alley. oct'!.l-y
C. Edcy,
r uAcTelt En or Lard Oil and dealer in
it" Star Candles, Filth street, near I\larket,S. W.
shin. niar.2.l-y
toLmiltg. Jonzi r. JENNINGS. JAS. W. lIAILHAN.
Coleman, llallortan I,* Co.,
TANUFACTUIMILS or Carriage Spring', and
iv"Allcx. A. 8., and apring steel, and dealers in
coach trinuninga of every description, manufactory
on St. Clair' street, warchoodc, 13 Wood street, op
posite St. Charles lintel. jantn-y
Intivt Glaes nstradlishosesst.
MUcLo‘n-sitanYtly&oiLitlipani.di"cui keepauutarture and
Flint Glassware in all its varieties, at their warohouse
corner of Market and Water. streets, Pittsburgh.—
Our works continue in full operation. and vve are
constantly adding to our stuck, which enables us to
fill orders with promptness. Purchasers are respect,
fully solicited to call and examine prices and terms.
ANUFACTUREJI or INconnurrotr , TEETti,
itt_Sntichliel-1 street, two doors below Fifth street
Pittiburgh, Pa. Always oa hand a full a,sortmetit
Plato and Pivot teeth, of a variety of ,thAde,, ae
simplo-PLite; Molars and Ilitcuvidatncs, Gain tnt , th,
Screw Pivot tenth, &e. Teeth and bluniin made to
.order; Dentists supplied with all articles in the pro
fession. All orders front abroad must be accompan
ied be the cash.
Vil'latina always on hand. DOS rT , I ,
1)r. Daniel 51`111.t. nl.
OFFICE'. on Smithfield, three doors from Siith st.,
Pittsburgh. deelol
CIFFICE, Ni,. 77 Smithfield strcet, Sisth Rt.,
1-7 Pittsburgh. aug.2l-;
- - .
F. flume,
11.1 N() PORTE manoracturvr and dealer in Mu
t aical logtrktotc.te.,•No.., 119. Wood im-cct, uesr
tv 19-y
InIAINTEIt, Fifth, near Market st.,l:llditary flags,
Banners, signs, designs thr ste.iltuboat Wheel
houses, and fancy It:tatting of every description neat
ly executed at the shortest notice. iy:n ., Nlll
. -
George ',alley,
"nLITSTIIER, and manufacturer of Pumps and By.
drauts, which arc superior to and cheaper than
any in the city. Please to call and examine tbr your
sel es. Fonith street, between Smithfield and Cher
ry Alloy. Ilydranta and pumps repaired. jail I-y
T) MVPs:IM; DISTILLER, and wholesale deal
er in Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors,
No. 114 Liberty street, and .53 Diamond Alloy, Pats
burgh, Pa. jy2l-y
tallow u 3 g
t tg
etitcrit Irwin audlA s
littgli Arters,
URGEON DENTIST, HS I.therty erect, a few
0 doors below St. Clair at.; Patsburjb. ap2ti-y
lirgden 6r., Snowden,
CI UCC F.SSORS To AVER. Of.; DEN & Co, w hole
► sale and retail drugtri.tts, and manufacturers of
white lead, red lead and lititarge, corner or ‘Vtol
and Second tit,. Pdodoirglt, Pa. nor
Diarths d Smith,
Clucctssolts to Irvioc & Martin, wholesale gro
cers, produci: and commission merchants, and
dealers in Pittsburgh manufactured articles; No.
Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. aI.SI
John Dl'ClosLcy,
ITIAILOIL AND' CLOTHIER, LiLerty st., twilveca
Sixth slxcet'and Virgin Aliensuuth sale
.1. U. NVlllllanips - & Co.
liTIIOLESALE and retail grocers, Forwatilitig
V amt commission niezchants, and dealers
country, product and Pittsburgh :%lanufaertires. No.
110, Northeast 'corner °I - Wood and Filth streets.
Bey. 24.
STORE, corner of Wood and Fourth sticetg,
Pittsburgh apt 1-y
NITIIOLESALF. and retail dealers in foreign and
V domestic Wines and I.Nuoni,
No. 18 Market street. • apti-p
WHOLESALE and retail Grocer and dealer in
Foreign 'and Domestic IVille.3 and Liptormi
Foreign and Domestic Fruit, Nutn, No. tin Water
• •
*V Commission literchants, dealers in produce
and Pittsburgh manufactures; Nos. 133 and 135 Wood
street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
street, Pittsburgh
. V V GftOCEILS, dealers in irroduce
and Pittsburgh Inanulhetures generally, No.
;i 22 , 1 Liberty, opposite 7th street, Pittsburgh. ap2B-y
WHOLESALE and' retail dealer in Music and
Vl' Musical Instruments, Piano Fortes, School
Books and Stationery; No. 122 Wood street, Pitts
burgh. Jan
T ur, m. MOODY respectfully announces to his old
V V friends that he intends opening a Select School
in thie'city, on the first Monday of April nest, in the
basement of the Third Presbyterian Church. mar2l4
TITIIOLESALE DfIUGGIST, and dealer in dye
V, stuffs, paints, ',oils, rarnishen, &c:, No. 57,
Wood street, Pittsburgh. 3-orty
New Book Store.
IV;ai. O'Hara Robinson,
Otto linatz,
Dr. George W att,
Jainae 111111er.
11. D. Seller', 111. D
U. A. Palincatock ffi Co.,
rHOLESALE and retail Dr into, corner Sitth
V and Wood istreeta.
Sterett ate Co.,
P. C. Martin.
Lambert &. Shipton,
Johii Scott 4.
Vl' Merchants, N 0.7 Commercial Row, Liberty
J. a@. 3. Ikl , pev Lit;
John U. Mellor,
Jamee Park,'Jr., d. Co.,
, importersof tin plate
W il aTi E ri S u A e l n El Gr at ° , C !td B d a I nrs inco er and
Pittsburgh manufactured esv articles, Nos. 112 andll4
2nd at., between Wood and'Smitlifield eta. jal4-nl4-y
Select School
Dr. IVl]./11. Wright,
DENTIST, Oflice arld residence in
9.; Clainst. f a. lbw doors below Lib
erty, near the Exchance Hotel.
marl l-y
..:4;YQ-:.;'-ii;;'--i'';,--1;45-;':;'-';;;:ri'i.----i;;C-""-.7,,,,i ,---,-,„,- ;':h:s.-
;; ,- ' - :t, -; '-ii.,! . ... 1:-.. 4 -7'l' , -,.:.' 4, i4;"4'4
E"..:-:t' -;
-"-- !' 4.- -'f.."
_.. - . ..
Franklin /Jaime, Fourth street,
Between Smithfiettl'and Grant Streets,- .Pittssburgh
SCHMERTZ, Proprietor, respect-
A,_/ fully informs 1118 friends and the public general
ly, that he will open the above splendid House on
the Ist day of May next. : - • -
The House being new, and finished in she matt
commodious and convenient manner; and havin,
furnished with the,newetdmid Most beutiful style of
furtibure; flatters himself that he will lie able to aer
eotamodate his friends and the travelling public, in
Manlier not iriferidr to any similar establishment in
the city.
As the House is Situated near the Court llonse,
raugcinents have been made to serve up meals at any
hour in the day, this will be great convenience to
those who arein court.
Recreshineowpf all kinds can be had. Boar
ders taken by the week or day.
irrLuncli everyday at . 11 o'clock, A. M.
W waxing ton Hotel,
T AMES ARMSTRONG, Proprietor, Corner of St.
a Clair and Penn streets, Pittsburgh, the. proprie
tor begs leave to return his most gratefOl thanks to
his friends and the vublie for past favors, and hopes,
by attention, to merit a continuation of their patron
age. The lionise is pleasantly situated near the Ex
change; it has accommodations fur travelers, aud a
large room for public meetings, dinner or supper par
Refreshments always ready, or prepared on the
shortest notice, with the choitcit the llarket will af
ford. Gysters and Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell
Oysters, received every day during the season. The
createsicare has bernt taken in the KCieCUOII of wines
and liquors. A variety of newspapers ate regularly
tiled in the establishment,
P. S. A lint Lunch sewed up every day at 11, A.
NI. ap 11S-y.
y Doss ETT,Petu Pittsburgh.
110..r.ling and . Itsiging, Iwy tin , day or
the mind reasonable terms.' Strangers will find it to
lhriJ advantage to iiatronize Lim. Peed<MlS travelling
east or 'iVi:Ft will find this iitnew a CM]
with,n . one hundred of tho canal
and euruenient to the forwarding
information given to iftlJl rdauulasitui era in
all branches of thiO
Home brewed alo can at all timt-a he had at the
bar. 11.7110-y
. .
Lnfetyrtte Itafrectury.
141 L TOS. and 63, Woe.; #.11.<1.t, under Lytt'n :tile
-11 Pp the
:1101e place in b1.10 , 71 , 1t I e.aud thry lvel 31.1 red
w ill givk , com:lnt 63::.:Itt.tiou to all who way
Vi Kit tht.lll.
Arrangement/. h:plr dean made to 11113; 3 t 0 t i.1, 1 0
supply rif rrrsh tkiolers, xhiit. mill Ile F^lced up to
VinitOr. 3.11t1 13111:Lei 03 111.1 ;shortest itotxr. Other
luxuries, candies, Alta amt p.ltstrten the. chlucc-•et
hinds rth.tivs on lititta. Their for is illtuti with the.
beta brand; the market eau afford; and R... alia, Cas
tyllo, Principe and liatanns Cigars Ot . sliMllor qual
tty. Et cry attemtlun mild to ?,situra. thou multo
in, over? luxuty (II /13 V3:13011, •tn , nh•rutt'.
ttul, ' O4IDEN &
ITurut 111.trIct thatch
ISAAC NILIWOCK, formerly or the Union Mild
ea Water street, been burnt clt, It:at/At
a HOW and Irstetivitie houo: etpressiy for the aecom-,
titotiatiiin of tray ders. at the Ceti:Cr of
sm;thriod Dtrcety, wh:ch l& Lat.% a 0.3 Ciao Ilunit
If...”ltiet !tote!.
tie is new every arierenteitslstien
411.1 evcry oorotort to the 21.06der, ut likotlernte
ehar2es. ik 1.11 prod4,:ensinnent
Er. ET Cut., '3.htje33l , 33t1 reta.! de.Aera iu
Fore:;:n WITICA 11111 1.1.111073, COM,: r of MU,iiet
WO Front Itrteto, i'3.
filirrAre7l,..AVt, 11,11 Di-elf Bawl V. - Seta ep.
re, Win. Wearer.
Their stock Loa teen eelectori riith great rarr,atui
con ,,,da the cb on .eg Tr.:let:ea 313:141a? fOr Ott
ket, la reltich they won:a rerirca•tfOly cats utteounn
and 17°tX,I. 3 3h3gc I:oittvl3.3V , „ it irrenpnata
the rollo:rrwz in Earl:n and bottler:
Winf+-4l at:en:v., Sherrie., Ltaborer, Tenerife.,
Porta, Malaga.Calabrara. Liyuara—ltrandir.., C o n.,
Maas, and Wherhit.r.
LEN DROWN, l'sutrttorron.—Teltl3.l 6 4 1,0 C.)
d..y. ndeolignOl, eortilvfiy o 1 Me Metettarita
hate!, corner br w.nrt and Tiiard tdreetv, has leased
aultettOr CoUSllShrfirt‘t, anti etnit , !lt ., / tt :Mt , '
throaghout, with new bola, nevi Leddang and lien
furniture. Great care ban been tal,ris to fill In., cel
lar with the climeeat viand.,. A haitdrouto ornaihun
and a hairgai.m wagon are provided fur the tin' of bin
gueatn, and a Partur will ho in attendance at all hours
to meet the demands of the traveller. 'DM 1.011)l
penr.:tcc of the undersigned in atm. bwitneli, 4690;111
tarn that his cameo. purpose to siztowy all who call,
cannot law tranneeciotrul. Ile ft.q. alte ether at 111.-
erty to presume lux vui.tora a comfortable and cleanly
abode, liberal ,:!terta:aniciA, and a hearty welcome,
at a moderate cap:Atte. ALLEN ltitOW N.
ILLIAM COLE.2.INN i t, on the iintt
Jallll.ltV, 61 , 1.. 45.10630 A
'Hindman and John l'..14fIlli!1140, under tlij name sail
sh le of Coleman, 11.iilman ik so., will now leave in
creased facilities for miuut4out, q ; sw,:t•Sprino.
hammered axes, American Ithster and Spring Swel t
tie., to which the attention of dealers is retpwifilll)
ftolitnted, and howl , tty strict attehtion to batiks, to
merit a continuance to the new firm : the fivorii
bestowed upon liiui. YJetery on St. Clair at.
—warehouse 43 Wood st., opposite the St. Charles
)lute), where can ho (build a good of
Springs, Axles, 11., anti Spring Steil, and Coach .
Tritunnup of every description, together with Iron,
Nails and ritutburytli manutactured articles. .31, -. lltt
Itighebt price paid rur scrap iron. .1 math:
13ELI. AND BRASS FOUNDLIt, 1134 relontt and .
13 commenced Imainccs at Ins old stand, N./. 70,
bCt/Vt'll/i :Slarltct and f'mry strcent,
flu will be plcased to cco his old conomert and'
Chervil, Itteamboat, and ben of every size, from
10 to 10,000 pound%, east from patternl of the most
approved models, and warranted to he of the beat
Mineral Water Pumps, fcc.,
together with every variety of limas Cantiogit, if re
quired, turned and finialled in the neatest Ina tirivr.
A. F. is the sole agent rot Babbitt's Anti-At/roc - lion
Afoot, so joAtly celebrated thr the reduction of the
-11011 In mac!tilwry. 'flit: boxes and computation can
be had of him at all tunes. nor 13-y
. _
MOE subscriber having been remiweil by the
great fire to Allegheny, is prepared hi make
Steam unit Fire Engines, Hydraulic and Screw
Presses, for oil, tobacco or any otherAturpose, and
machinery generally. .1. S. OW YNNE,
Franklin 3hieliine Works,
On Rebecca street and Bank lane, West of Federal
street, Allegheny city.
N. B. Order left in Pittsburgh with Mr. S.
Cuthbert, in Market street, 2 doors below Third
street, will meet With prompt attention.
a 19-y
/ 44.4 JOHN D. 111 ORGAN, Whimle and retail
yig Druggist, Nu. 935 Wood street, one door South
of Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh.—The subscriber
has just received from the Eastern cities, and is now
opening at the above stand, a full assortment of
articles in his line, consisting of Drugs of all kinds,
Dye Stuffs, Paints and Varnishes, Chemicals,
&c., together wih all such articles as are usually
kept for sale nt a wholesale and retail drug store.
His stock is entirely newouid has been selected
with care. He is confident that hiS articles, both
as to quality and price, will please such as may'fa•
vor him with a call. my9•y.
ket street, three doors above Third street, Pitts
burgh, will have constantly on hand a well selected
assortment of the best and freshest Me...Veil/es, which
he will aell on the most reasonable terms. Physi
cians Sending orders Will be promptly attended to,
and supplied with articles they may rely upon as
Physicians' prescriptions will be tOourately and
neatly prepared from the best materials, at any hour
of the day or night.
Also, for sale s n large stock of fresh and good
erfumery dcc 30d
Canal Boat Ilun.e.
1.:x.4;44.111E4D llottl,
Co-Part It orahlir
A. Fulton,
Franklin Machine AVorkii
rivsv Drug Stokt,.
John M. Townsend,
-~~:;- .>
~,: <~~,
Lard Olt at , a Itednitied:nrice; •
-subscriber would • respectfully= inform •his
friends and the public iu general, that hie new
litactoryie , now completed, arid Avith a large addition
to his machinery, be is prepaxed to make considera
!hie quantities of! a superior article of Lard Oil,
Iwhich hots determined to sell , cheap, fully, aperepia
chg. the old proverb, that'iwa, - rtimble sixpence, is
worth more - thaw a
g low He feels confi
dent that consume?., would find it'to their advantage
to give him a call and examinee for themselves.' '
'Woolen manUfacturers, machinists and' others, are
respectfully invited to examine hie superior oil, Filili
street, near Market, opposite. Hunker's Confection
ary store;and
. raessrs. Samuel M'Clurken & Co.,
Liberty street. M. C. EDEY,
Pittsburg° Lard Oil Mamifacturer.
A. superior quality of Star:C . :indica, always on hand,
of assorted sizes, marl24-y
Ortitinteutitl Yliilr Work
MRS. Ithit4TEll g
411egheny City, six doors front the
ueduct, iipposite the Colleclpr's
to inform the putty
that she has just commenced
Ornantental Hair business,
. has a very superior stock, re
ved front the Eastern cities and
Hs; and Om is prepared to Si!
orders at the shortest notice,
1 in a Manner that cannot he
:died by any similar manuthc-
al intends keeping, a large an
sortment of Ornamental Hair iWork,kitielt as Laalicy'
Wigs, 'lands, Braids, Curls!, Necklaces, thiards,
Bracelets, Finger Ringr, Gentlemens , Wigs,
Tanpries, Scratches, & e .
Mrs. It. has been for inartylears engaged in the
bnsine sin Franco and the Ltnitml States, and from
her long and experience, she ceelii confident in living
able to give iiataartion to nil who wit! favor her
with their patronage.. Her pricer; are atom Itberal
than have heen oirertid in tln4 city heretofore.
m3r 17-ly
Jau.t. ;toward
lIAVE the plea:owe anliounce to their friends
11, that they again oi:eatity lama. old, stand at No.
83., Wood tateet, where titer.have opened an ex ten.
bile WALL PAPER. WAREIIOCSE, and wtll have
contantly on hand an extensii;e raatortinent of 5.461'-
0,1201 311 , i plain PAPER et. and
Imitation Border:l of tbo latent stylet and most hand-
SOM. , patter/A 1 1,, r 1 , 31)1,1 ' 41g !ling o /warlord and cliaut
bw. f S.
'1"1:1.y malinlr.ictum,asid hale eu 11.11h1 at all titeo,
I,eutr, 3111 i Tea Paper,
Donne' !kerns- 411 Of %V hie 11 offt'r
f o r tho Litu,4,3r,coultqfpdatilv4te rms, :1 : //11 to
O hie') thej tin attest tris tucrdhlutn And
°then , .
ALSO—ViIa:A 11,..4sniallIhnd* Ulla the he,t. q al.
it}'. But.ks, ;1;1N it hand andfiir
P; above.
Ui/y 2.
I. ands-it b,•.+l Viturroittc4 Gardtst Stedr,
+1.1.4)1k1 PIULArIELPIII.I. Each paper
J bean. the 141)0 ctibi vr.tirrauty nl DAytt. Ltx-
Dat.tit. by l=. L, Sti9l , 6l)EN, •29
v .t., tt the fictlk,ica by ceo. A. Burry.
Eair.lut froza) , ItriKat c• vii4tht g Colarcitt, c
CC Per.royirtr..3 liorcieuitutal 11414171-
ay.vaoy tdopt.rJ atb.l ordest4 I.(k priatca:
.NI. , It:11-;:t I ES Azsa)GAttl)W.
-'nee* es,tent , i gtou wit Tito Lltt Pet!oral' streo,,
"a , th e Ans . ' o3l . • 9 !4 Trso u3rliexicollty
tion of nsAV made he:r. Soups of sitogo of 3144,0.1 clititiogin.tvrsi uustcrytnen
ftts. • • • The nelecuon vi
us: r3:3-41 , 51:51; 14Juitile vAtCazlVe.
at Sett torrectly manage-it, stip
erery tiara of thy 1 7 :1:011, a detail of which
eientti too 11111,:!,1 of rapt Nelee, tie then:lllre
iotriteut with iitiding Vt.,: the toris very;
lucre, awl in Plery We . o, tanatiiiiting or
Sitar t:6'l' •Tittit - 1•;,'
Cni:ENSiSlittl'aSt VliNt:S AN a 1 :}:l' frith'
acallacttonof herbactie.ii* plants, frtfit tree* of the 1,
head ton/ and most hc-attry eenttitti onf, large !nab
ar,iies, pears, plinnt,Ax.., as stoats ior llnd
the:4 and raftitti,23 a plait very superior to that •1
crtLin,, , liven soc"oerN, utztO:'s entry oith theta into
the ;raft all the ttit , eaants of tint parestttoek. • •
“liattnitat tiEtv., of the finest - yfteshty have been
ieattered titer that country atilll these groonilt, And
may ottenvs be upon.
nit tit of these it orthittltUti.i4lii. tram tie the nand ea in the I,i Winn, amid a,sllpeellit,l3 ip Wei allatliti
et! from Fear its
”To obviate the chance of ;mixture a the farina er
the ptarttn of the tame fautit, l :, they hate establitheil
another nursery at a stitit Ode distance, to that &pine
tattoo cannot lake 'place, Ala 1,11;e1 - 1,4eVarel to the
purchaser a 'genuine a> taciti:' Kora..s“,g thus the
age, quality amid prieieet of culture of eiery Omit,
the supply from their Iltantida a recommended acids
Since that date of the •Iteport" front whit!' the
attar e ma eltraC.l.Cd„ tho entire It•stittilislinteint 11.14 been
greatly t !, The eiitit4taint of t:asaiiiitas ern
tanners ail (be finer kituits, anat.-on-situ:of some thou
antlatt cartoon, names; W3th Rows, anal
other iteidrable pi.itite, both tentler All.l hardy; fruit
tree., fie.
The Stied tlarder...ahmo error fifty acme, a 4,1 the
whole le, a 4 a 11.4. Lean for neurc than hail's ciiiiturS - ,
under the otire.v,k3Vt , 1113:14gl'illtrit of lather and ¢ un,
noigt prominent In Ameritta.
irr , Order, received by L. SN't/WDEN, from
whits ea:4114:40t only hie received gratis.. 10a,9-y
A card.
/VII E rulocrilwr begs Itratorbigirtafillly to return
loa kio,l4ort kilelkwetau fur the
trueagc Ilut.too.c.l upon lout for year,. part, 41.1 par-
Ocularly to tlioso m./.10 nu ge ot ro o ,,ly p„a roo m e d lust
glace his no:fortune by the late llre, coustd
erably coilar;tll hir I,w:inns by axNuciating with Win.
it.awris a partner, he .could e a r n.- 5 11 ) so k o it a
connoutono •of 11,onwr favor, to tho new firm of
Itobertr Nam!, and he intsts. that 1) , prollipt atteri
t.on to 111.4iitze.3 they a ill L;IVC geacral
M. KANE, Jr.
'rho sall6SCribers i, OUld r t•TV0111117 1111 . 011/1 Qnar
friend . : and the lett:tie that ilia y fuse reams,' to
their II CNV warehouse on 'fined bet,crn Marl.ct and I
Wood streets, south side, where they traisrAlic strict l
attention to business, to merits share of pidilie pa.
trunage. They solicit attentltut to their extenin,e
stock on hand, as hich has been l icit up oath great care,
in the latest Style and-most MiilM4.llltFill 111.“1/1Cr, coo-
SiNtltlg in part of the folltin.tng articles, biz.:
Mahogany Wardrobes,
pressing Bureaus,
it Book Case and Secretaries,
Section ttack!Sofas,
Plano du.,
Ditans, i.
•• Ottomans,
it Victoria Clusiri , ,
Freach do!,
t. Plain do,
l 6 Centre 'fables,
Card do,'',
Bureaus or curry description,
End Talales,!!
'Alarlile Top Pier do, !
Centre do,
ii Sofa do,
tt Dressing Bureaus;
Wash Stands;
Mahogany Work Standit,'
tt Hat Racks,
•' Rocking Chairs,
tt Sowing do',
ei Music Stools
•4 Arm Chairs,
41 French Bedsteads;
Butlers , Trays.
Mahogany, cherry and poOar bedsteads, warrant. ,
ed proof against bugs, and. superior to any now ttter
ed to the public.' Also, a variety or Windsor chairs,
uY tho hest qualify,aiiii a nobWstyle of arm chair with
spring scat, well adapted Ihr edictal or societies, with
a variety of other articles toe numerous to mention.
We hue° at considerable expense introduced into
our- new factory on FrOnt street, a steam engine with
mitellinery, which will, enable us to sell, wholesale
and retail, at reduced prices: ;
The attention of Western Merchants, and persons
moving West, is invited to our now and extensive
establishment. Western Cabinetmakers are also re
quested to give us a call, as !they will find they can
purchase from us for less than they can manufac
ture. Orders front a distance will receive prompt
! attention, and the Ihrniture will be carefully' packed.
Steamboats and hotels furnished at the shortest no
, lice, and on favorable terms. ROBERTS .6: BANE.
N. D. Undertaking in all its branches attended to.
marlo-y It. & K.
X wary of Christian Doctrine us used by the
German Reformed Church,hluglish and "German.—
' For sale at our store, No. lis Wood st. 'Pittsburgh.
jell SCRIM & SCIIEIWLIIII j Booksellers.
k:.J-5,..~. '-' ta • f2,+~.,..
@ -... ,
..,„ • ..,
.. .
' •--':. - ' • - -:'-e t .5 . i.:.: ,.- .. -, • , , --, .: ,,- . r.,..
' -- -'• '---•..."-L',.-1,7'.:.,,,,,
'...- .. 111
. .
G• W. Bldalf;rDentlite; ' - '
- - . - FIVE - •doors above the Lana!
.„ . • . Bridge, Penn street, performs all .
- .. operations un the Teeth satisfac
• : . torily. ' . • • , .
N. 1.1. 7 •-ilaviug lately made one
, N. of the greatest improvements in
I/ .. 't --' . tbrceps that has ever,
• • - 3, l fore the' Pubrx, Be has - been able
6 i
to extract teeth with such 'ease
`. '... has to astonish all those who haVe
- --- -, - - '• availed themselves - onsisseiviees.
Pittsburgh; July 24, 1ti.16.41y--
.1. , ,
Pump.' :awl pyikrants,
Which ace supdricir to and cheaper than
I any in the city. '
---: . Please to coil atzd examine fin- yourselves.
Kr - Hydrants and PumiHrepaire(l. janl-ni6iniy
- _
• , .tio• Ga gimpslaws
1 UST reeciN ed a general sdcirtment of seasonally
J fancy and staple Dry bought from roam
adlicturers and importers, (andlioloitAuction„) at
the lox est eabh prices,all of which will be warrant]
ed sound and perfect. 1 •
Pyramidical Graduated :Robes.
Embroidered and Staircd Tiolatan Robes.
Organdy Graduated
SOp. Sup. French Lawns.
Embroidered I rage'.
Polka arid flora ges• •
Frctich Gingham Lass li,S.
French. :" . .Ctriell and American Gingliarns.
Black Satin Strilatil Lerageas
Blacliand Col n ed
Fancy Dritss Figured and Striped.
iVaterhil thid Striped Sins: - •
Silk Warp Alpaca.
New style De Laines.
Fine Chintzes.
plain oil tignicil.
Bishop Laia .1 armlet.
Plain An d pa i red Cambric.
Niiiisook Victania I..r.tv6S.
Color'd lioider'il Linea Cambria: Ild's.fs.
llevcie Rindered Cambric -
iteuistick Cambric_ llatidliatrelliefi. .-
1 Tape tt'
Jaconct and Threirl Edgings and
liiside Collars.
Outside rlo. „ •
Igcli Styles id Punnet Ribbons.
SliacklcanTs laiiporttation of Light Dark Kid
liloh„ •
Long andSla.ri. Nett Gloves and Nit's.
Lisle Var.:ad :to
I'l tin Thi'bet, etnbruitterrit, dolt . rtyle.Cas' limere,
..-tribroiderel De Lai fie, prinle,l blacL..iillet Eaeltaia
zsts..,\o:••, Scain and; Cravat .6, 411.gratid
_ .
313.1 e t all the .new tail intrOve,l
of .1. & .N1...5,1.1'311/1;11S,N1I14l:aetow.
1.( yr iIS. C.ISt.I3II:II.ES,
An tip." relol.ll.tinttnial,no. ,-, ..)f French . WTlEng
t'ludn.; :.;••t Cosi ilot,.stln Cis:4lll(Tc; ilia:4,-
dal card C'a.l,iin.. , rei new style. it - tyres:4,d Frnne4
Ca.,,ian (r. ihititituilk; with a %.trwiy Englilt
LILO A:lttliCa:l C....,:11.0.e; a general a: vr~flcuL of
• .
of th e w i t lu l p n rt ea makes, dressed a.rld'uirdrss
ed or sun truislred, liana spin acrd grass bleiaclied,
war-tamed all :lax.
Pa ra cnto, Pamir,lets and Sun Shtuki.
ISAI pen Cheek, Collie' and Linen together with
a stock of daanestia and Stapie Goods, not s4rpa.s•
by any other house in the west. Buyers are
, ,
earnestly requested to call and examine the stock
pet itras to puLchaFing elsewhere.
Market St. Pittsburgh,
JK. Lt;GAN, has reninvit‘d to No. 53-, Wood
„ street, one door below Minuted Alley, to the
store lately occupied by Clark i Cameron, where he
has opened a W nolcsale and Retail Dry Goods Store,
and having just returned from the Eastern Crties, is
openin e ; a new and well selected stock Of Goods,
consisting of French, English and American clothe,
(all colon:0a great variety of now style Cassimeres
and Satinettr, Cashmaretts, to new style;) Oregon
Caseimere, a good stock of summer cloths of all
kludsl /Me Vestings; chin, a great 'variety of
Lawns and Cough:one; Pparaidical Gradttates and
oilier fancy patterns; a variety of prints I to 25 cents
per yard; a very superior hit of white goods, consist
ing of India Linen, Damask Plaid, Striped Canibrie;
Victoria Lawn, striped and plain Mall; Swiss Lace
and barrel Muslin; figureland Bob Mots; black
and blue black Silket . plain, figured and striped; a
large assortment of Irish Linear; bleadhed brown
Missiles; table Diaperf. Marseilles Connterpanes,
(large inzeo Nloreou; a good supply of Umbrellas,
Para,ds, Parasoletts and Sunshades; avers large as
sortment of nice, women, and children's hoatcry; a
very line Ikrticto of Lisle Thread !lose and Gloves,
and many other .irtidee nutcrunncrattd. Ile would
respectfully invite h,ut former customers and the pub- lie generally, to an examination of his to
which lie CyCCV.; to make additions regularly.'
trc tylio to ply,ure's thin by arms
: , :e'er lost his health, or youthful charids,
A lwro lives, sail justly ean
k‘clitiei—" to me behold a man!" ! '1
D.:Rim; A TRIM. of a number ! of years, Dr.
Tl.atup , ures PILLS have been found an inval
uable remedy in cases of indigestion, bilious com
plaints, for derangements of the digestive organs and
obstructions, a sluggish action of the liver and bow
els, w filch occasion more uY less the fiillawing syrup
tents, viz: heartburn, giddiness, acidity, head-ache,
sieliness, spasm. and tlatuldnt thstelition of the stom
ach and bowels, drowsiness and dimness dr Sight;
an uncomfortable sensation experienced at the piruf
the stomach noun after eating, with a feeling of weight
or o i q,l VAVien appetite. impaired brea th ing difficult;
tenderness about the region of the liver, bowels it,
regular, sometimes obstinately costive, with languor
and depression of spirits. P rice 2d eents per box,
! by_ the dole proprietor;
EDGAR THORN, Druggist,
corner Hand and:Penn ids., Pittsburgh . , Pa.
Also suld by all the principal druggists in the city.
je 23
(IT'LL continues in his old business of masfaetur
hp tug Wagons, Carts,; Drays, Timber Wheels,
Trucks, and Wheelbarrows., on,Fittli Street,: between
Wood and Smithfield, where he keeps constantly on
hand, or made to order in the shortest 'notice, any
amount of work, by tho best of workmen' and .good
materials, and at prices to suit tho tinl6. Those
engaged in the Santa Fe trade, and Furnace men,
are requested to give bins a call before purchasing
elsout•here. ' ap7-y
CIUTLEIt and Surgical Instrument. Manufacturer,
) No. 1411 Wood street, two doors from Virgin
ley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand an extensive
assortment of Surgical au& Dental
Bankers", Tailors', Hatters', liair DresserS' and Tau
nt:Nl Patent Shears, Saddlers" . Tools, Trusses, &c.
which stand unequalled by anyg Medicine
known for the cure of Liver Complaint; and'other
diseases arising from a deranged state ofthe LiVet%
This medicine has been in public tise'for abont S
years, and has acquired a reputation jar • curing
the liter Complaint which has never beeirequalled
by any windy heretofore' offered to the .public.
As au Auti:bilious, or Purgative Pill, they ure taf
surpassed and should be used implaec , el the Corm
Mon pills of .Givedheni a trial-acht the
truth will appear. Prepared and 'sad by. •
57 Wood acct.
trasit - LIN ENS
litmus td.
- William McKee
Jolla Cartwright
THE undersigned haviug dis:posed of his Estah
li'shment,No, - 112 Mitrket Sr . ., to Mr.:Thomas
A. Hinfon, Would tordially'recominend 'lain. to his
,triends and the public gener4ly, as one every way
worthy of their patronage.
aug22 ! . A: M'CAMMO:I4..
Thiundersi,gned,lkaving purclnu:ed the large and
extensii.t stock. of Boots, 1-Atoes, &c, behnging,to
A. .M . 6amrnOtt, - No. 112 Market street. one door
from LibertyNilt continue to . conduct_ thelusiness
in al Fits branebetc and. tru.sts that by, a strict atten :
iion to bitsies, and an artleOt disposition to p10a, , 0,
hewnl meet it 'continuation of the patronage so
liberally bestriwed upon hisipredeeessric.
.1.110.)1AS A.' IIIISITON.
N. B.—Two or three gooa ivorktnpn. earl Ilaye
emplOympnt,by making itame.liatp application.,
Aldrinwit, : : : . Attorney at Law.
ICISTINUE. to attenitto; the selling and renting
of Real . Estate in the City of Pittsburgh
Melly:. liaving.determined to devote a large portion
rif their time to tier branch of business, - they with
onlidenee solicit* share ofAlie palronage of the
public; from the facility they.fioss,,eas and the espeti
cone they have (the Senitir. partner having been_ en
gaged. in the Real Estate Agency for neat-20 years,)
they believe tlmt;they will give.general;satisfactien.
(Mice on Penn it ~near We'll. S. Hotel, and Smith
field st., between Diamond Ad;l4 and Filth street.
.15 -7 r ; : ! - ' ;' ' ;; • - ;
nat. DUFF'S
i .
v 11 tit7`gt,:tP.l',l°.°,7,4 lB Trrneers.
, .1 i i The liberal patronage gir
-1,. 13 ' l •i en to this establishment by
Iris friends and the public induces the- proprietor,
in order to encourage pers4erauce and industry a
mong his students ,to offer or the let of pc:talleyn cxt,
as premiums TWO GOLD PKNS, elegantly nionntell
in silver zencil, ea'ses. Ond to be awarded tolany
member , of his class for _tbe 'greatest .proliciener ri u
Book-keeping;and the ,Alier to any nternher of his
class for the best 'specinion Mid --greatest iniprOve
ment in Mercantile Yenta:l44. Day . and Evening
Classes. Hours of business until lot of October,,,'?.
to -1. and il to 10 P. ' - - - iepl
Plit.Otrgli Navigation anti Vire 'lnane
rance-Colnitauy. -
017 hr, 10.'"f21 ,-. Altiaket , B:rcet.
...m.H.Ecrotii.: . .
Michael Allen,
C. Aw..llntz,
- Robert Ceer, • J . :line's May,
• - R. W. l'uiridexter."
, • • —• .31. ALLEN, Pre..ti
Ron Ear Seccetary.
4Jc...1..n D. Davist -
Corner' of Wood and Palk streets, Pittsburgh,
is ready to receive merchmulize orevery cscriptioa
on consignment for public or private sale, and from
long-experience ;lithe abovelbusines, flatters himself
that he will be able,to.give entire satisfaction all
who may favor him :with" their patronage.
ltsgutar .sales ou Mondays and Thursdays of Dry
Goods and lanpy articles, at 10 o'clock, -A. M.
Of gni:aerie:l, Pittsburgh inanufaetured articles,
new and second hand fur t;ture . &, , c t...VU COCIOCk,
.Sales every evening at early•gas-light.
rse Gur...vr
I 1111.1 S obtained froin a well near Burksville,
1 Kentrniky, at the .depth, o 1 ISSasct below the
surface of the earth, and 17t/ feet through solid rock.
Its curative, preperlies are -truly astonishing, and as •
a Bemedial Agent it may well be pronounced won-
derful. Since the - discovery of this Panacea of Na-
ture;numbers of reuiarkrable' cures have been effect
ed by its use. It is Inuceent--Powerful—Safe and
Certain in its effects- It has In en used with unpar
shelled success in
.the-Arnatineut of the following
diseases: Inflammatory - Rheumatism Burns and
Scaldsy Flatulence; Irdiammation of
the ESidncys, Deatitess, Coniumption, LiVer Con,-
plaint, Plithisic, Scald Head, Cancers, Weak and
Sore' Eyes,Braises, Fresh - Cuts and Wounds,
Sprains an Strains,: Dropsy, Pains in the Breast and
Side, Tetter, Influenza, Ulcerated 'Sore Throat,
Consumption,', Bronchitis, Spasms, Ulcers, .Spinal
A ifeCtioniScrofula or King'sFvil, Coughs; Syphilik;
Ringworm, all Bowel Complaints, all Chronic dis
eases, Impurities of the Blood and General Debility.
his likewise very bcneticial.for Female Complaints
in general; acts as a great Ites.torative from Languor,
weakness of Back and Chest, Low Spirits and-Exces
sive Debilitv-
Read the; following Certificates, all of which are
authentic; all the Persons therein named arc now
living, and - well knowti -
Pirrsutacti, Aug .22, 1840.
This into certify that we have used the American
Oil for the whooping cough; among our . - children, by
giving them tient 21) drops to a small teaspoonful at
night, which always enabled them to rest tveltAlirouglf
the I also applied it to one Of the children
that got her aim burnt 'by turning over a tea cup of
hot coffee on it,•the;child seased, crying,hy the Anne
the arm was dressml and bointiti up, anddiai never
complained ()fit since. 1 also' was atticted with a
pain iu tiide. mate breast, and have .been so Per 16
years. I c9mtuMiced, using the Oil by taking a. tea
spoonrul tWicea nay and in 3 or four days using of
the oil !have hen leryMUCh relieved, and no-really.
believe that it is the best family 'medicine that have
ever sedn. : I applied it to one of my ueighbor , S for
it strained an;le, which relieved, her in a few minutes.
We haves! . ;ri used the oil ruin strained joint in 01. 4 .,
ewe Wilieh gave ease ,in a very , ll . ort - time.
We live °litho eastSidc ofPerin st., 3 doors south of
Walnut, I am now us well us I ever was in my life:
c &rirstamoit, Aug. 14,1846:
Plii> is M eCitify,,that my sou has had the PlethiSic
for hewn years, and was very bad:with it;and about
12 or : la .data commenced giving to him
about 20 or 15, drops of the American Oil, .twiee'a
day: which:relieved hint in a daf ; dar two, of his•dilli
culty of breathing and he is now • ecdirely relieved
of his cough; our b!oyds 10 years (if age. We live in.
ICing's Alley.' I • • NANCY UM,
CIL:GINN-4.Tb July. Ist, IS-16
Sir; Having been cured of a very, severe disease
of the eyes and head by the use of the American
Oil, 1 tbel it my duty to Mc public, as.woll as to you,
to send.yoirthe following certificate:'
hereby certify that .1 was Severely. afflicted one
year ago Inst winter, .with inflamed sore. nyes and a
very severe pain inmy 'head tient pip eyes up to the
top of my head; and continued so for soveral'ueckir.
Bly. eyes were so Much inflamed and sore that-I
could not see to attend any business, nor Meald I tell
one object' from another a few'yards - ferim me. I
called in n physician, but stilt got worse.. I also
tried a gorid many.'reniedies that had cured others;
but in my case they% failed. In April, 1845, I heard
Of the American Oil.. :I procured a' bottle, and be
fore I had ;used a lialf . a ,bottle I was entirely well,
and still continue's°. I will norbe Without it in my.
house as long as l can get the genuine article..also
gave it to oneof my men that' was working , for mei
that had the tetterin his bands se , bad that whnsf he
would grip anything' tight in them the - blood would
burst out, and therms() of half bottle cured as both.
I would advise all that are afllicted ini any way to
give the Oil a fair trial, and think they will be
pleased-With the effect it will hmle
JOhN 1511111211 Y,.. _-
Sold at One Dollar per liottle at. JAM
ksos Patent
Mcilielue Warelibuse i Snibeety, head of Wood St., only , PLACE ity‘Pirr.suunuffwhere
the , Genuine merisan it es:4 be obtained:::
Beware - 6C it Ceunterfeit article. The Seneca Oil.
put in American. Oil Ilottles, and labelled..ner
ican.Oil.,, It - kiumewhat resembles the American
Oil s but ziotte . orit§:virtues or heatindvorv
W. Jackson respectfully infenns the
• Publie that.
D. hail & to . ;, the proprietors of the American Oil,
have appacntett.bite their SOLE AGENT for West-
Peuusylvatila. ;
All persons wishing Suli-ag,encics will apply at 89 .
Liberty street, as :thove. •
• N. 11. - Sub-agents. wanted for every tonu,iu the
above DiStrict. ; • .
A great 1111111Ver of certificates are on hand and
can be seen at tho office, 89 Liberty street, head of
'Wood. ' - nu n 28-.11
ORTII . East corner of rederat nn3 Robinson
.streetP,.Allegbetay,„"mill , commerce its Fall.
session Chi Slontl24 the 3litleit.:
Front.PrOfessor'.R. H Lee.; ITruslattgatiVolr;g4.6)lft
- 0111(7 - S. ' ,
Davin , * attended examination of the sch o ol
taught by Mr.. Williams, we. take.. ideasure.
ing (Mr testiniany:to the evidence .afforded brit P.
the unusual skilland labor - of The
nudetstanding. of the-pri - dcfp/s'ellthe.ittibjetts, Which
tie scliolars !ma. Item .studyiggi
clear answers to questfons asked others than the
teachers, preve the' eiceltenee'ot 4 the pleci Engladil
modes of reacting, in Odell Ali.-Wilriarna . scents to
be proficient ;It, • - -
• - : , IVISHART, Ste: -
. .
From the M.T. MT: pad Ititittr-ii'e ,
Having attended an exaininatitm - of the' Select,
Sihnol under the care
,of Mr. Henry Williams, , luila - room, corner of Feder:Wand
Robinsci - ft ..ifti.e.eip; Allegheny city, - we •wish to call
priblicattentiOntaAlliti institution. :Wt .
gratified with the progress and order oftiis
This manner of simplii - ying; and illostratini-the : tlif .
ferent branches is pecultarly.hapPyi and welt
lilted to give interest to the pupils..., His; .mode"Of
teaching them to read sit:tick - us as npvelj gni .
that cannot fail to : make, good- readers.
From the. knoivisdge that we have of Mr. Wit-
Ennis' chamcter its a teacher, ids zeal, fidelity and
success, we cordially recommend hitratO the patron , '
age of the public: llis location is elegible both
cities. HUNT;
I attended the eboye examination, watt- can- truly
say-. 1. wast/eh gratified with the, attaintnient . ,or-itho
puyils,T- WM.; prttislatt•-
crsity btviv .:' , . ; ;„ ,,;:r
frIIE FALL SESSION of this department
Western Uniieniity, will inirioutinee . ro the new
liiriversitylluilding, on the Ftssi ZIONDAY.
TEA:hitt nest; and the SPRING SESSIGN. - xit'lB47,'
will commence on the Fittst INDINDAV oa FEVII.T.Ligr
1 his institution having so far .recovered front- the
leffeets;ofth great April last year.,
the mi.: , nearly completed with increased
accounnodations.for'all its departmentS, it; is hoped
that the Law School be to
repaid tresent inerea.z.+
ed and attiaetious to .those desire to
and thorough course of leizal esintai.
lion,: and to prepare themselves creditably forttd:.'
mittamce to the barb
rhere will be daily recitations by the classes
. on
assigned lessons, so arranged as to embrace;
a two Ytfdr.l counic, all the-principal:and most inir
portant toozp-li-s:of the law. Occasional lentdrPa
on law and-,? . Attfr, will also be_ delivcred'as part of
. _
TtrE MOOT Coun - r, designed fur as . .s . .ist.ntr students
in acquiring knowledge and .rcatlinessiu theyra'el
tics of the resumed as Soon - yds din Ltalli
ber of studeuts 'will justify. .T.tie dearve of Bleu
Lon oe. Law. will be conferred on students- of tlm.
institution., according the rules usual such iiistitd.
William Ebbs,
Lewis Mehl:m,
reliz, .
- . .
Any further inrormation that, may,be, kd'cittirifil .
lost:Oily be obtained un application to the Professor;
Wiii...rr.o Id. Low = r., who has his oilic'e on -illi abiird
Smithfield street,Pittsburglt:
T .
- Ens—Seventy dollars_a yeak, or thirtyiliovi .
en aril a half dollars a session: - " ' allgS4. l 3hr .,
, ..
EI'TItAOP.DINARY or ,F.13. , 11;;D:“.:-. • -.
TO Dlt s 12' s • . -
OME Druggists ara misled into the error
tog a utiSerable imitation pf.Dr..Smith's Sugar?
Coated,lndian Vegetable Pills, _simply beeause they
pdrchase the spurious cheaper. We ninth la MI.
ales ; -4 1,3 g -dalj 17 :fg r F 411,9 C: 01 9 of .
these imitators, buy and aftentlitdo inilieseopon the
` p ublic with such worth! CbS trash _ lt is irui. the Su;
gar coating alone that constitutes the value of int
; Pills, but it is my ifirodion, for which claim this
!Tight. - G. BENJ. SMITH.; fit:,t).,
- 179 Grcenvvich st. and 2 Water st.
We, the-undersigned, wholesale.druggists in Lou
isville, Ky.; arc satisfied, from all' the informatitai
that we can obtain, that Dr. t1.11.1. - NJA.MlNstirkg
is the original inventor of the Sugar-Peatud
We are prepared to supply dealers "at ihe ,New
York price.
Rubinson, Peter Cary, 492 Main - street.'
J. S. Morris 4- Co., 401 Main st. •
Rupert 4- Lindenberger,'Til I Main St..
George Lapping ¢ CP.; 79 FOurth ift; •
Bull ¢ Alden, iii Fourth st.- -
The folloWing from druggists in New York shi.it6
I invented the'Sugar Cbated Pills in 1843 r
_ • . New Yorli,June, 1Gth,1844.
We; the undersigned, never saw pr heard,of "Su,
gar Coated Pills,” until Di. G. Benjamin Sdnitlf man
ufactured and exhibited them to: us alio& a year esiieC
R.ustdon.k Co., •t•tp lireddway and ics . .A...or •
Israel Randiiiph, M. D: SG Liberty st.'
Horace Everett, 95 - Hudsortst.
Joint Castrce, 97 Hudson st. -
Darid Sands, 79 Fulton st.
I have been affficted,with dyspepsia in 'ids Most ag:
gravate m
al foribr three years past, and foitnd mut,- •-•
relief until I used Dr. G. 13enj. Smith's "Sugar-Cfmt
ed Indian Vegetable Pills." After using six lifixes of
said valuable pills, lam entirely cured. They ,are
a general remedy. ' -„ LEEM.AN,
;Paducah, Ky. Noy. 2,1845. ; -
We certify to the above facts. ; • .
Dr, Sinith's "Sugar-Coated Pills"arel - univerSally this vicibity.
• Paducah, Icy. Nov. 19, 1845: - - •:- ' 4 : -
At the request of Dr..G..Venjandn Smith's agent-
we cheerfully state that-we visited the Office :Of •Dr.,
Siiiith in September last, while in 'New-York', Mad,
found him to all appearance carrying on n• vet eke
tonsiye businpss with his. Sugar-Coatil Indian 1- , ige-;.'
'table fills. The, extent of his cstablislantint_would, -
astonish any one. not initiated in the mysteries of the
pill trade.-:-Lottisville Journal. • • -:
(Flom Dr.'Singleton.) . •
- Smithland, (Ky.) Feb.2 - 4,-, 18816.
Dr. G.-Benj. Stnith.=Dear Sir: Nothing ; has -ever'
been introduced that has sold so well and given such
general satisfaction at your .Sugar-Coated Improved, -
Indian Vegetable Pills. Very,respectfully.„Yours,
S. F. SINGEL - I'oNi
(From Bull & Alden.)
Louis ville;(lf.y.) Feb. 13f11,.1840,,
Dr. G:Berij.Smith--Deir Sir: Yrn will Please send
us 12 gross of your valuable Pilts: . Front present
dicatioris we, shall sell. a large amount of thenwl•L„-
We wind that they go very quick. To • ui. friend.
PrOm - ,S;jilson,,Sta.rbinf Zr. Smith.) -'
touleville, Feb. 13th, IS.-16.T;
Dr. Smith—Dear Sir: - About - two '.tvcek's ego',W
bought 2 gross of your Indian Vegetable Sugar Coail
ed, Pills. Though business is dull here at this time - 1'
.yet _we hale sold them all.. You will :please send us
AO gross through Messrs: Lawrence & Keese, of your
citk,3%ito will - forward them to us
- , Yours, respectfully,
-This is to certify that I haie . tped •Ithb Sugar'
coated pills manufactured by G. Beni. 81nitlf,;of Now
York, for some time, and believe themthbe d good
Medicine; and also from enquit"Y in that city, I sin:
persUaded .thdt he is the ; original. iiiventoi,..and ,
therefore, is entitled to tho benefit ordhe inverion.
- atig2l. Pastor.lst Baptist Church Pittsblirgh;
‘Ve have forty letters from different dealers solicit=':
ing tIM agency of my Pill,although.the,z-had.the spa-.
rious in their store—one in Particular limn
leans, which we shall publish..:..
Principal Offices—New York,, 179 Greenwicb - s4,'
„Boston 2 Water st.
f* -- - G. BENJAMIN-SMITH is written ondhe
tom of every box - of genuine "Sugar-Coated .
AGENrs—lyillicun Henderson Druggist;2os Liberty,.
street Pittsburgh:: John &rgenitt
U. NV illral-n , V Se/Cot - 9ai,1004`
rgIHE 'undersigned Would'respectfullY bilbrni did'
citizens of P,lttsbnigh and itU vicinity; that he
has purchased front h7r. omis Cory, us
'splendid stock of Dry•Goods,-kept
street, whercihe intetids, keep: alf r enerat
nicht orseasouable Goods; which howill ,v'eq i
reduced 0666. Please call and jtidiellieyourSelyes,
I No. 6G Alarket street. - .
ang - . WILLI:ILn pawEN,
To'rny frieudd and p.itions - I am Much ; obliged
and would respectfully recoil - Mlend 31.4 - Williatti'
Cowen, my 611CCCSSLI: MOSES
TA • ECEIVED, attutherl'
jUIL, of rich black .s.t.riTlLL.v, at the New . Yetis
,Stute, 79 Isiallct atreet.
. .
. ,
w. IL 0.111.P.2,111),