Ell H II il Li 0 Itellance Portable Boat Line. 4 " 1846. • . • r-. OR transporting good between Pittsburgh and' the `• Eastern cities without tranShipping. This old established - line (being the oldestportable boat line on the canal) is now prepared to receive yroduce and merchandise for shipping eithei Bastin West. :The bciais by this lino - are commanded by skilfUl, eme rienced and sober captains;and provided with good crews. Boatiand cargoes are traaaferred from and to'canal and,railroad, saving all . removal and separa tion of goods.. 'Trips made in na short time, and 'goodi:carried on as, fah; tennis as any other line. Thankful for', and respeatfully soliciting a contini- Ince or the_ very liberal and growing patronage here tofore liestowed'upian thii line, we with confidence assure th'ose merchants disposed to favM: us, that their business shall be 'done to, their entire satisfaction. Ooods carried by us, consigned to either of our houses, will be' shipped to their destination free of charge for shipping, storage or advance of charges. AS We hold no interest in steamboat stock, merchants maydeperidlipon their goods always being forwarded witifout .delay„ upon good boats and at the lowest rates'of freight. - •Prodace - consigned to our house at Philadelphia for sale, will be sold on liberal terms, and advanees made either at Pittaburgh.or Philadelphia. JOHN Mc . F.4DEN & Co.; Penn at., Canal Basin, Pittsburgh. JAME§ M. DAVIS . & Co., 249 and 251, aprlo-sna Market st., Philadelphia., Pittsburgh Portable Iloat Line) at.:11.8446. FOR the transportation of freight:between Pitts burgh and the Atlantic cities, via Pennsylvania, improvements and Baltimore and Susquehanna rail road. • • The Proprietors of this 'old established line, having completed their arrangements, are prepared . to for ward goods to and from the East (on the opening of the canal navigation,) on as reasonable terms as any Other responsible line, and are determined that no care or attention on their port shall be wanting to se cure a continuance of that patronage so liberally be stowed upon them for several years past. .• The decided success of the portable boat System, so manifestin the regularity and despatch experierMed in the delivery of goods, the absence ef all risk of delay, breakage or other damage, incident to the old system, where goods have to be hurriedlytranshipped threo times on the way, and the merchantable order in which Produce has been avowedly :lelivered by them ' has induCed the proprietors to increase their stork considerably this season. Their extensive warehouses at each point, (uneaqualled by any other line,) affords them facilities to conduct their business with despatch; and to shippers the .convenience of free storage, if required, until their arrangements are complete—while their long experience in the carry ing trade, it is presumed; will be sufficient guarantee to their patrons and the public that they will success fully exart themselves to give general satisfaction. Produce received forwarded, steamboat charges paid, and bills lading transmitted free of charge for commission, advancing" or storage, and all communi cations to the following agents promptly attended to: TAAFFE & O'CONNOR, Cor. Penn and Wayne sts., Pittsburgh. THOMAS BORRIDGE, • . _ 27S Market street, Philadelphia. O'CONNORS 8: Co., mar3o-y North st., Baltimore. Bingham's Transportaliton Line. ..s 1846; ri ONDUCTED on strict Sabbath-keeping principles, V,t .though not claiming to be the only line that is so conducted. The proprietors of this old established line have put their stock in the moat complete order, and'are thoroughly . prepared to forward produce and merchandise to and from the Eastern cities en the opening of navigation. We trust that our long experience in the carrying busiriess,and zealous attention to the interests of cos toruersovill secure to us 3, continuance and increase of the patronage heretofore bestowed on 4 .l3ingham's Line.' Our - arrangements will enable us to carry freight With the utmost despatch; and our prices shall always he as low as the lowest charged by other responsible lines.' Troduce and merchandise will be received and for wlrded east and west without any charge for adverti sing, storage or commission. Bills of lading - forwarded, and every direction promptly attended to. Address, or apply to . Canal Basin, cor. Liberty and Wayne sta.; Pittsb'g, BINGHAMS, DOCK & STRATTON.. N0.'276 Market st.. Philadelphia, JAMES WILSON, Agent, No. 122 2 North Howard st., Baltimore, WILLIAM TYSON, Agent, IPrlO-3' No. 10 West st., New York Independent Portable Boot Line. 1846 Mit - , zFt'-- yrs: Fthe transportation of produce and merchan dfze to and from Pituburgh, Baltimore and Philadelphia; In-without transhipping. Goods con , signed to our care, will be forwarded without delay, at the lowest current rates; Bills of Luling trans mitted; and all instructions promptly attended to, free from any extra charge for storage or Commis sion. Addrissi C. i. , McANI:LTIr Sz Co., Canal Basin, Pittsburgh ROSE, MERRILL & Co., Smith's wine, Daltimore SEAMS, RAYNOR 3: Co., Broad st.,Philailciphia BM Plekworth's Way Freight Line. M l =' 1846. XCLUSIVELY for the transportation of - way ' freight between Pittsburgh. Blairsville, Johns town,- Hollidaysburg!), Water Street, and all inter mediate places. Ono boat lcares the Warehouse of C. t. MeAnal ty-& Co., Pittsburgh, every day (except Sundays)-and Shippers can always depend on having their goods forwarded without delay and on acconunudating terms. We respectfullysolicit your patronage, - miornivirons.• L•Pickworth of boats, Nile, Exchang,c, Paris and Pacific: 3. Barnes of boats, Push and E.zoinr. • "John Miller of cars on Portage Rail Itoad.: J. PICHWORTH, Canal Basin, Johnstown, • JOHN MILLER, - Hollidaysburgh, C. A. WANULTY & CO, " Pittsburgh. BIOISONGAIIELA ROUTE, VIA. BBOA7MVILLE. TO BALTIMORE, in 32 - hours—fare $lO. TO PHILADELPHIA. in 40 hours—fare $l2 ONLY 73 MILES STAOLNO: •,....&;;;;;•a• - : U. S. MAIL. . The Great Speed, Regularity and high Reput4tion already attained by this pleasant, passenger Route, has induced the Post Master General, to place the New :York and Philadelphia mails to Pittsburgh, on it. " . • • The superior and Swift 'steamers CONSUL - and LOUIS M'LANE, leaves, the Monongahela -- Wharf Precisely at '8 o'clock every' "morning,, and at 6 o'- clock every evening, except Sundays. Splendid Ceaches await their arrival at Brownsville, to trans ' port Passengers and Mail, only 73 ~miles to the Rail 'Road at tumbertand. Tho preparations on this route are ample, and the connactions.complete, so that disappointment or de lays will be unknown upon it. • • . • By our tickets, pissengeri cat delay at Cumberland Or at Baltimore, during, their pleasure, and continue their journey either by steamboat or cars to Phila. Nelphia.. • . - . ' Oct in the Charles Itotel,n 'Mind et. Pitts &mph. ' - ' ' MESKIMEN,_ 3y31. Agent. . European and American Age9cy. JllE undersigned European 4gcnt having again . arrived in America at the regular time, will letive.. Pittsburgh, pa, early. is September next, :and' sail from New York on the first day of °ember, ma- Thini.a rmarraxru tour through England, Ireland % Scotland, Wal s, and - returning to America in May, 1547.. -13,y .t.h . agency. money-remittances Can be made liy drafts for large and small Sums, payable - at sight in every part of Great Britain, Ireland, b = c-.; Mgacies, debts, rents, real estate and deltas Collect 'ed and recovered; searches. of gel kinds made; ce piee -of 'alibi, Zeeds and: doctinienta procured, and the usual liusin;iss appertaining to this Agency tran 1. ancted as her tofore. Innumerable references giv -en. Apply pe serially or adrdesspost paid, H. NEENAN, nt apd Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh". ray will , attendt to all European_ busi , :puce. . ;1319 -El:rope:ln Age hir. J. S: hi nese in my abe ■ R. co, ikREANG;ENENTS FOR 18 4 6 BLREELY MITCHEL, • , ESLITTiNCES to and Passage to and from 110• Great B:ritainand fieland, by the Bade . ,Ball,* old. Line of Liverpool 'Packels. froia Zcew 'York and Liverpool on the .Ist and 16th ofevery month. And by firstclass Atnerican Ships [Sailing Weekly..l . - Persons sending,- to the CoUntryt. , for thet'v in friends; can ake the accessaryariatigemcnte )eith the subscriber's, anckha.t•e them brought out in any of th e eight ships comprising theßlack Bailor Did line of Liverpool Packets; (sailini.from.Liverpool on the lot 16th ofeVery month,) also.by firs,t cities sailingfroto that.port weekly,. which. our agents, Messrs, -.Tames D. Roche, Er., Co., there will send nut without delay... . • '.Should those wilt fov_not corne'out the.money will be refondediwithout any deduction. , The "Black Ball, or of,d Line of Liverpool Paelitt ets," coMpOse the following magnificent ships, and will sail from Liverpool on-their regular appointe day, as follOws:. . - • Fideliayi 4.0 fat Jan. Ist May. ;Ist sept. Europe,.;:, l iG It" 16th "" 16th "- New - V" 1 ' , 1 . • •• • • ••. . Feb. Ist June. lst Oct. American,. ...,..16th. , t 16th " 16th " Yorkshiin, I i Ist Mar. Ist July. Ist lof. Cambridge,l 16th " 16th " 16th Dec. Oxford,— Ist April. Ist Aug. Ist " Monte-same, 16th 16th -" 16th- " Not is well known, that the Black Ball is the. very.beit conveyance for persons to get but their friends, an as other passenger dgetttB flaVerilliC4o bring out passengers by that Line, the public are re-' spectfhlly notifi.ed, by.. the owners that no passenger agents, but Roche„llrothers & Co„ and St Mitahel, arc adthoritedto. advertise and to bring out passengersibythat Line. We havellt all times for the Drafts at Sight for any amourit;,direct an the Rtiyal Bank of Ireland, Dub lin. Also en Messrs. Prescottt, Grote, Ames & Co., Bankers;London t ivhich are paid free of discount, or any charge, whatever, in all the principal towns throughout England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Apply to, or address, if by Letter, (post paid.) ROCHE., BRO'S &CO. • N 0,35, Fulton street New York. (Neit door to the Fulton Bank. • ! JAMES D. ROCHE It Co's Office, No. `'Cl Water street, Liverpool,. Or to BLAKELY & mapiEL; Penn street, near the Canal-Bridge, and Smithfield at, near sth. myl4 ' Taps°OtVe General Emigration ices A. , . REMITTANCES and paseag to ...,:q.ai and from GREAT BRITAIR /Lill, 4 4 4, ‘ . : . lamaorv, by W. 8: J. T. Tapscott 75 South 'street, corner ofalaiden Lane, New York, and 96 W,aterloo road Liverpool. The subscribers having accepted the agency of the abovehouse, axe now prepared to make arrange ments upon the most, liberal terms with those desi rous of payliig the passage of their friends from the old Country, and flatter themeselves their character and long' standing in business will give ample as-, surance that all their arrangements will be carried out faithfhlly. . I Messrs; W. tk J. T. Taaaeatt, are long and favora- bly knowh -for the superior class, accommodation and- sailing qualities of their Packet Sbips.aThe QUEEN or rite WEST, SHERIDAN, =cuts -TER, GARRICK, HOTTINGUER, ROSCHITS, LIV- F.RPOOLI, and SIDDONS, two of which leave each Port monthly, from New York the 21st and 26th and from Liverpopl the Gth and 11th, in addition to which they has' artanements with the - it. George and Union la es of Liverpool Packets.to insuresdepar il. tore fro Liverpool. every fiv clays being thus ceteri I mined, tlieir facilities shall keep pace with their in- I creasing patronage, whil e Mr. W. Taprzott's constant 1 nsurance. per-sona superintendence of the business in Liver- I a mEracAN FIRE 'Nit:MANCE COMPANY ofl I , P 00l is n additional security that the comfort and lA. Phdalelphia--Chartor porpet ual—Ca 5Na :taco:am , :dation of the passengers will he partials bUti paid in. Oftice in Philadelphia, No. 7:2 Walnitt • laxly attndeil to. street--Wm- Davidson, Prerat; Frclerick Fralcy,l The s bscribers being (as usual) cafe:mice; y eggs-; Sec'y. This old and well established Coninaay con- ' ged in th Transportation "twitters between Pittsburg [ finites to insure Buildings, Merchandise, Furniture, and the (antic Cities. are thereby enabled to take I and Property, not of an extra hazardous character, charge Or and forward passengers 'immediately on I against loss or damage by fare. their landingovithout a chance of diSappoilitment or 1 Apalicatioas for tae in Pataliurgli and its delay, and are therefore:prepared to [contract for pas- , neigh'horlrod will he triceiveal. and risks taken sage from any sea port in Great Britain or Ireland tot either perpetually or fur limited pariods, on favors- this City; the nature of the hamlet:a [bey, are engaged; hie terms, by GEO. COCHRAN, Aaent, , in giving them' facilities for carrying, pasaangers.so, dee 24 No. 2a, Woud street. 1 far inland not otherwise attainable, and will. (If ne: I cessarya forward passengers further West by the I logiAli Liao. .7• 11:4:o., truly, ICHRISTOPTICR R. SMITH. ICity of Davten, 't Montljomery en., State of" Ohio f Sohscribed and iwarn to. learore me, Justice of the ['Care, this 11111 day Of Feb. 154.1. ERENEZI.R FIJI LER. restin.ony of ttiaia. Lig:iiy ere:fib:hie riti:eas rf; Titylon, in curyirsieficei i t t (he chore. ff W. the undelaigncili beirse intimately acquainted , o ith alr.S mirth. and basing seen and watched over; him during his latf illness, do not hesitate to sac that the foregoing if by no meaus an exaggerate d statement. but is entitled to foil credit. I A- L. STOUT. J. B. 11. IX/DSON, HENRY IL SMYTH. IrrThe trim and genuine " Wislar's Balsam of i Tritif Cherry," le Sold at esta'alithed agencies in all parts of the Uaitedi States. Sold in Ciniconats on the corner of Fourth and Walnut streets, by SANFORD Sz.,PARK. .General Agents for the Western States. For sale by L WILCO.N Jr., S. 11. enr. Market st. and the Diamond Pittsburgh. m a sill- v . , , —_ .._..—. • : PranUllu Medical Collfrge of Phi's:tile]. rill! l'. ill-Si annual course oflecturea in this institu i L o u , will be opened on Monday, the twelfth day of ()ember next,(the second Monday in October,' and will be continued until the cud of the ensuing February. =1 . . _ PALL BECK GODDARD, M. D.—Anstorny and liotology. C. C. YA.N . WYCK, M. D.—Principles and practice or Surgery. MEREDITH CLY.MER, lg. D.—Principles and practice of Medicine. JOHN' BARCLAY RIDDLE, 11. D.—Materia Med iert and Theraprutics. DAM HUNTER TTTKER, M. D.-011Ftericl6 and diseases of women and children. LEVIN S. JOYNES, M. D.—Physiology and legal . . JAM ES D. ROGE RS, M. D.--Gencral and Organic Chemistry. J ill IN I.IARCLAY m. D.—Dean of the :10;;EPII D.--‘ , -Dentonatrator of An atomy. The Franklin Medical College was incorporated in the Legislature of Pennsylvania, by an act ap proved '..!!•ith January, 1840, And is authorised by sec tion third of ita charter, "to grant the degree of Doc tor of Medicine to any such persons as shall possess the qualifications now usually required of candidates in other Medical; Colleges in this State." For each course of lectures,' $15,60 Marticulation fee, to be paid, once only, 5,00 Diploma the,.... .......... ..... 10,00 Additional intbrmation respecting the course of in struction' or other matters connected with the Facul ty, can be obtained upon application, personally, or by letter, to : J. B. DIDDLE, M. D., Dean of the Faculty, N. E. corner of Quince and Spruce streets, Philadelphia. mar 11-116 m BOR SUMMER COMPLAINT.—We con fidently recommend and could refer to hun dreds of our citizens who have used JAYNE'S' CARMINATIVE BALSAM, as a certain, safe and effectual remedy for Dysentry, Efiarhcca, or Looseness, Cholera Morbus, SUMMER COMPLAINT, "Colic, Griping Pains, Soot Stomach, Sick and Nervons Ileadache,-lledrtburn' &c. This is one of the must efficient, pleasant, and safe compositions ovcroffered to the public for the core of the various derangements of the STOMACH and =WEL!, add the only article worthy of the least confidence for. curing CHOLERA IN:FANTITH or summEn COMPLAINT • and in all the above dis. 1 eases it really acts like 'a edam. CERTIFICATE From theßes. Asa Shinn, of the Protestant Method- ist Church. The undersigned having been afflicted during the past winter with a disease in the stomach, sometimes prodcing severe pain in the stomach for ten ortwelve hours without intermission, and having tried various remedies with little effect, was furnished with , a bot tle of Dr. JAV.7 ' CARSIINITIVZ .13A1.9.1.M. This he Used according to the directions, and found invaria. ,- bly that this Medicine' caused the pain to abate in bree or four Minutes, and in fifteen or twenty min utes -army uneasy sensation - was entirely': quieted. The medicine was afterwanis.used whenever indica, tions of the approach of pain were pereeived i and the pain was thereby , prevented.. Re confirmed to Me the medicine every evening, and sometimes In the morning, and in a few weeks health' was so far re; stored, that the sufferer wasiolieved from a large amount of oppressive pain. From experience, there fore, he can confidently recomthend Dr. D. .Tayne's Carminative 11:alsam, as a salutary.medicine for eases of the stomacluand bowels. A. &rimy. - Allegheny 'city, ltith, 1843. For sale in Pittsburgh at the PEKIN TEA STORE, 72, Fourth , ert4eet; near Wood. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle. jelB-418tw Mii Still! Another *onilerful Cure of CONSUMPTIDN. DR. 'SW A.TNWS cOMPOUND STRUT! 10F WiLD CHERRY, AND G£3l.lllM I.II.EP.A.RATIptt Coughs, Colds, asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Complaint, Spitting Blood, -Difficulty' of Breathing, Pain in .: the Side and Breast, Palpitation ofthe Heart, Indnenza, Croup, Broken Constitutien, Sere 'l'hrbit, Hervous Debility, and all diseases' of ;Throat, - Breast and Lungs, the most 'etre'ctual mid speedy turnover , . . - known • any of - . above diseases 1 Dit • S:WATICE'S . COMPOUND: SYRUP. OF WILD CHERRY.. THE GREATEST CURE EVER ,RECORDED 1— Dr. Swayrrn—Dear Sir: I. feel it a - debt •..of gratitude due you—and a duty to the ablated :gent erally,to offer my humble testimony in fat'orof your Compound',Syrtip_Or Prunus Virginia, or Wild Cher ry, or rather of its medicinal virtues. -Sdane three years since I was violently - - attacked with Cold and inflamation of the Lungs, which was ,rieconapanied ' with a very distressing cough, pairriii the breast and, head; a very considerable 'tii.Criuge of offensive] mucus from the lungs, freqUenefroth them, especial-i ly from changes of weather, however \slight. . At first I felt no alarm about my condition; but was pretty noon convinced that I was rapidly going into coni sunaption. I grew daily weaker, and at length-vvai scarcely able to walk about, or speak above a whisl per, such was the exceeding weakness of my lungs During thistime:) had tried various preparations ant prescriptions, but found no.reliefe,growing all the time worse. 'Just here I was advised and persuaded by a dear friend in Wilmington, to make trial of your Syrup of Wild Cherry; I must confess that pre; viously I had been prejudiced against patent meth= eines, and am still against these:coming out of the hands of empirics, but understanding your claims ti the profession and practice Of medicine, and hating implicit faith in the say so of my friend, I forthwith purchased of Dr. Shaw, one of your agents; a few bottles, and commenced its _uSe.• My disease at this time was, of 20 or 24 months etanding„conse quentiv, was deeply, seated. It therefore required. time and a number of bottles to effect a care inlay] case; I found, howeverierinsiderablc relief fromfliej first four or five bottles. But being a public speake ,I, I frequently attemptedto preach with my increasi gel strength and health, and thereby ruptured those_ace-' eels that had already began to; heal; in this water ; , doubtless, my cure was:gready retarded. In conanll euence of acting thus imprudently, I; • had to. use 1/ 1 or 15 bottles before I was perfectly restored..' I haVe no question, a much smaller number of 1 bottle:l would have made me sound, but for the above indi,a7 motion. The Syrup allayed the feverish habit, done away the distressing cough, put a stop to the dill charge of matter from the lungs, and gave them and the entire system, good health. Thanks be to God; who is the source of all health, and to Dr. Swayne fur it. 1 would recommend the Syrup to all per's sons who may be aff e cted with Colds, cough' or cciL.' gumption. I verily' believe it will cure consumption in the first and second stages, and in the Last, %dill give•ease and prolong life. It is an excellent mcdi eine in cases of whooping cough, and is 'so very pleasant to the taste, that children will cry for R.I . I have deferred offering this certificate until now, or the purpose of being perfectly satisfied with the per of the cure, and now that I feel perfectly well, I offer it with pleasure. . , REV. J. P. JORDAN Duplin County, N. C., Dec. 13; 1345. ' fl The (original and only) genuine article is only I prepared by Dr. SWayne, North-west corner Sth and Race streets, Philadelphia. Remember, all preparations purporting to cont in Wild Cherry, are fictitious and counterfeit, except, that bearing the written signature of Dr. Swayne.--::' Great care should, be observed in purchasing of the authorized agents, The only agents in Pittsbciath 1 for the sale of the genuine medicine arc, Wm. Thorn, 153 Market st.; _Ogden & Snowden, corner of WOod [ and 2d st., and S. Jones, ISO Liberty st., where it can be obtained genuine, wholesale and retail , at. proprietor's prices. Sdltl by John Mitchell, Alle gheny city; E. D. Ilintrian, Cineiniati; Dr. -Megoffin , Mercer; J. 11. Burton & Co., Erie; J. S. M - orris & '.Co.. Louisville; Dr. E. Easterly & Co., St. Loids; Andrew Oliver & Co., New Orlexim; 'Denis & 4m, & Columbus; Boyd, Cares Co., Butler; Mackenzie Sz. 1 Haskell, Cleveland; Dr. Baker, NS - heeling, Va.; W m. i) B. Woad, Maysville, Ky.; Miller, llfownsville; r, 11. Campbell & Co., Uniontown; R. Johnson,Cum berland; J. M. Sharp, Dayton; and by agents in all parts of the United States. . may p _ MEI EX TB AO RDI NA Itt DISCLOSURES. BEWARE OF FRAVDs. TO DRUG° IS T S. Li oNII: Druggists aro misled into the error of buy -0 tng a miserable imitation of Dr. Smith's Sugar- Coated Indian Vegetable Pills simply because they can purchase tiro spurious cheaper. \Ve shall in all eases expose such dealers throughout the country, wild, after being duly irtfornted of the rascality ot these imitators, buy and attempt to impose upon thi public with such worthlCss trash. It is not the Su gar coating alone that constitutes the value of tre Pills, hut it is my inrenffen. for which I claim tb right. G. 13ENJ. SMITH,III. D.,1 179 Greenwich ,st. and 2 Water st. Boston. RILID AND JUDGE—IMPORTANT FAC TS . We. the undersigned, wholesale druggists in Lot isville, Ky., are satisfied, from all the infOrmaltio that we ran obtain, that Dr. G. BENJAMIN SIMTI , I is the original inventor of the Sugar-Coated Pill . W , e are prepared to, supply dealers at the 'e York price. Robinenn, Peter 4. Cary, 492 Main street. J. S. Morris 4- Co., 461 Main et. ' Rupert 4- 1-indenherger, 511 Main at. George Lappin.; 4. Co. 79 Fourth st. B:!! 4- Alden, SI Four th st. The following from druggists in New York show: I invented the Sugar Coated Pills in 1843: 1 .-. New York, Pune 16th, 1544. We, the undersigned, never saw or heard of "Su gar Coated Pills. ',until Dr. G. Benjamin Smith man ufactured and exhibited them to us about a year since Rushfon 4- Co., 110 Broadway and 10 Astor Heusi Israel Randolph, M. D. Se Liberty st, , Horace Errrett, OG Hudson st. John Castrec. 97 Iludson at. David Sands, 79 Fulton st. A VOICE PROP! A-EA - 24ucKr. 1 have been afflicted with dyspepsia in its most a( gravatod form for three years pant, and found nor, relief until 1 used Dr. G. Benj. Smith's "Sugar-Coat ed Indian Vegetable Pills." After using six b+s c said valuable pills, 1 ant entirely cured. They ar a general remedy. . 'J. K. LEEMAI.N. Paducah, Ky. Nov. 9, I 545. \Ve certify to the above Dela. Dr: Smith 's "Sugar-Coated Pine , are universall esteemed in this vicihity: nonGE GIVENS & Co, Merchants. Paducah, Ky. Nov. 19,1845. At the request of Dr.' G. Benjamin Smith's ages we cheerfelly state that we visited the office of Dr. Smith in September last, while in New-York, and found him to all appearance carrying on a very ex tensive business with hie Sugar,Coatd, Indian Vege table Pills. The extent of his:establishment .would astonish any one not initiated in the mysterieX'of the pill trade.—Louisvillis Journal. • (Frken Dr. Singleton.) Smithlatid, (Ky.) Feb. 24,1E46. Dr: G. - Benj. Smlth.—Dear Sir: Nothing has ever been introduced that sold's° well and give such general satisfaction as your Sugar-Coated Improvedl Indian Vegetable Pills. Very respectfully, yours, I t S. F. SINGLETON. (From Bull & Alden.) II Louisville,(Ky.) Feb.-13th, 1846. Dr. G. Benj. Smith—Dear Sir: Yrusvill please send us 12 gross of your; valuable Pitts., From present in dications we shall sell a large amount of thitm, We find that theylgo very quifflt.. Your &kids, , . BUtLL & ALDEN. • (From Wilson, St arbird & Smith.) .I. : Louisville, Feb. lath, 1846. Dr. Smith—Dear Sir: Abotit two weeks ago, we bought 2 gross of your Indian Vegetable Sugar Coat ed Pills. Though busineis is dull here at this time, yet we have sold them all. You , will please' send us' 10, gross through Messrs. Lawrence &. Keese, df your city, who will forward them to us via Pittsburgh. Yours, respectfully, • WILSON, STAKBIRD & smut-I', , - This is, to certify that I have usedthe t,' Sugar coated Pills manufactured by G. Benj. Sniith r 'of New York, for some time, and believe them to be ',a good medicine; and alio ftorn enquiry in that city, I am persuaded that ho is the original inventor, and therefore, is entitled to the benefit of the inventon. ' • . 1 • •. Si WILLIAM.% • . . aug2l. . Pastor Ist Baptist Church Pittaburgh. • We, have, forty letters from. different dealers solicit ing the, agency of my Pillohliough they had the spu rious in their store—one in particular from New' Or leans, which we - Shall publish. - '' ' .1 Principal Offices---New . York, -179 Greenwich st; Boston 2 Water at. • : Irr G. BENJAMIN SMITH is written on the Nit tom of every box of genuine "Sugar-Coated Pills." Acimers—William Henderson. Druggist,2os Liberty street Pittsburghil John Sergeant Allegheny city,' maylBd7m. II ' t s.ltivtin rind Smith, , , - -- — cHat - THRIKAO.—A large assortradra', together r- -steamboat for sale. to Iriine I tk IM ar ti n ,.wholeitale i n ,. staunch; well built 'light draught , steamer - S UCCESSORS cers,,produce and commission merchants, and k-7 with Shoe FindP:igs and Kitt of all kinds, mitre. ritHE eeived - by I . • JOHN W. BLAIR. dealers in Pittsbkirgh manufactured articles, , No. 56, J_ Revenue Cutter, will be sold low and on good Wood street. Pithurgh, Pa. I 1(318 I mv2o / 2 ° Wood street erme. ,Apply to je24. ' JAB. MAY. s . . I 1 i - ~ 1 . , Die4icalp-nd surgical Ofil.c , e. Ilea'dile the charm df life, witliontit ' - Love, letters; friends,' all; all, are unenjoyAd. :DOCTOR BROWN, a jularlr educated physi tan from the eastern cit would rc.spectfully aryl tunce, to the citizens. 45,f . , iiy n :inity, that he can ?Fie tnsulted`,privately and-, >rifide.ntially, every day 'ening at his office ..on jugend . Alley,. a ,_few ;ors from Wood street toward: Y,Dr.Mrown gives his particulir attention to the reatment and iriVeStigation of the following' disee All, diseases arising front ;Impurities ofthe Llood Scrofula, syphilis; seininal , Weekness. impotency; salt iheure,diSeases of the eye and e4r; rheumatism ,• , Dr. Brown has much ..plcatute in grin:ant:icing to the public,. that-he in in possession of the latest in iermatlon and iiiiproVement in the treatment of .ecOndary By - ph& practised at the Paris Lock -Hos ,The modern researehes. on syphilis, its 9emplications and consequences, and the improved ttodes of .practice which lave been. made- 'mown to-the public bid receatley, - and to those chiefly 1 Who make this branch; of Medieine, their particu-1 ar study and practise.. ' • , Many new attil valuable rerneilies-havebeen late ly introduced,' which secures the' patient being trier lcurialized out of existence Strangers are Apprised IthatDostor Brown has been educated in every branch of medicine, and regularly admitted to practise, and that he now confines, himself to the study and practice of this paiticular branch,togeth er with all diseases Of+ a "private or delicate 'nature, incident to the hiniarifrnrne. NQ cure, no pay. , Recent cases are.relieved in a short time, with out interruption from,husiness. (0 -Office on Diamond Alley, a few doors from Wood street, towards',the market. Consultations trictly confidential. • myl2-d&wy Preser•ee the Teeth. . FAR. better is into cure the toothache in one min- ute, by using Wheelers Teaberry Tooth Wash, than to suffer the nolitir: also to cure soreness of the gums - , cure softnesi of gums, stop bleeding - of the, gums, and always keep, the teeth; gums and mouth pleasant, and in the best state of health. : Whilst introducing WHEELER'S TEABERRY TOOTH WASH to the public, it is the painful duty of the proprietor, to state that this article, whie.ll is the original, and only gentiine Teaberry Tooth Wash, has been imitated by numerous Teaberry Tooth Washes, Teaberry Tooth Pastds, and a variety of articles with the name Teaberry annexed to them„ when,in eaCt, this article is the first that ever bore the name' f Teaberry, and Is thelanly one which possesses the real virtue of the plant,and established all the celeb rit for it, which inddeed others to make use of its name; thOugh theyrnover did•present its intrinsic vir tues to the public- I, As evidence' that it is the first preparation of Te4berry for the freeth;the cepy•of the certified record* of the United States . District Court is published}. I. , , , , ..4.r..t.trz wit: District of . Pennsylvania, to e im, .3' .s. Ar,. wit: Pei it remembered, That on the tf _4', second:day of February, Anno Domini, « '.iiriti,.. , one thousand eight hundred and forty '...-'47;71-:, "v".° . • w. WHEELER, Of the raid DiStrict, bath deposited in this Office the Title of a Book, the title of which is in the words following, to wit: I , TEABERHY TOOTH WASH The right - whereof he claims as Peoprietor, in con formity with the Actl of Cdngress, entitled "'An Act to amend the several Acts respectint , Copy Eighth." FRA'S. HOPkINSON, Clerk of the Dist. Court. 1842, Feb. 2d. COpy deposited. CHAS. F. lIEAZLETT. The above Copy Right for the Wrapper of the Bottle, showing the Title:of the Article in legal lan guage, and granted in tho, legal form, will prove this to be the Orginal TEABERRY TOOTH-WASH, and all others are but imitations, which has gone out of use wherever the Gerinin Teaberry, Tooth Wash is sold. Then, remernbefizone is genuine but • • WHEELER'S. • Certificates of ,the Jaagi4rates of the C4y of Phila delphia. Having made use; or your .much celebrated Tea berry-Tooth Wash; I feel convinced that it is the best article I have ever known, and hereby ; warmly recommend its use Ito the public in „general; as a pleasant and efficacious article for preserving. the Teeth and Gums. ItOBERT E. JOHNSTON.' For a number of yens my Teeth and Gams were so much out of order ae to prevent me from eating] with any pleasure,:and caused much pain. Having le heard of Wheeler's Teen•y Tooth Wash, I do c.er u- tify that I tried one bete 61 it, and in less than two iy weeks my 'teeth and Gums were sound and good; I he believe that the use of it would be an advantage to many others. ' • .1. BRAZER. Certificates cf Memticrs if the Philadelphia Bar u- ' - • paving used Wheelerts Teaberry Tooth Wash and ',birdr, I have found them to Possess they cleansing and "1 purifying pmperties, and while whiten and beautify the Teeth, heyi have a beneficial effect upon w i the Gums, by imparting to them free and healthful I action. F. A. RAY SOLD. 1 liav used Wheeler , 4 Teaberry Tooth Wash, and its effects upon my Teeth and Gums has given tome a high opinion of 'its merits. 11 cheerfully recom mend it to the genetal uoe. ! 11. R. KNEASS. My daughter has Useti Wheeler's, Teaberry Tooth Wash land powder) and has fotind its effects to be' cleansing and purificatidn of the Gums, and a simet ening 'ef the mouth: I have no hesitation in recom . mending it as the Most beneficial preparation'for the 1 e' , Teeth' I have ever Seen.' C. J. JACK. ' 7 1 ri at Z ---. z cert., wa es n .a es cc Gent amen of Philadelphia. . "his with gratitude .hat I send the following nee tificate, hoping that many who suffer will be led by ,_ a perusal of it, to obtain Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash,which article I I used, and it has effectually t: cured] tooth-ache,-IsorMaess of the gums, removed 3f scuff from my , teeth, and I fully believe has entirely . a arrested all decay of them. I trust that all who sufL ter, having either of the same species of coniplaint, will as 'soon "as possible use Wheeler's Teaberry Tooth Wash, that they - inay he'rellevedi ' . ' I JULIANA CUTIIRAI.. "Owing to hatirig taken told, blit mostlyincoose quenee of the acid of a paint used in coloring &inti; nt my Teeth becaute!vcry much injured, giving excrn- Mating pain - -at intervals for between two . nod three Wheeler'syears., Wheeu Teaberry Tooth Wash was used,' and has entireTy cured them, which' in certificOte form , ' send; that those - who wish a Pmifeet - remedy fot peinful teeth, end also desire a pleeiant Tooth wash, may with confidence try:Wheeler's Teabeirk Tooth Wash. " ; MARY A TAYLOR:. . "Wheeleett . Teaberry, Tooth •Wash" baying ;in moved seurf and lured soreness Of the gums, which had troubled me for two years, it is my belief tbat it is a highly useful article, and that it is advisible to those who suffer with the Teeth:and Guinn" to mike use of it ! MARY SULLIVAN "Your Teaticivir Tooth Wash cured the tooth-ache and also soreness of the gums in my family, and I send you this certificate,that those who duffer with tooth-ache or soreness f .the gums, may know that it is a remedy for' them; and a very pleasant Tooth Wash. i FRAS. PREVOST, V. V,licelei. Isio . „ 148, Catharine street. "Wheeler's Teaberry - TOoth Wash" having'cured soreness of the gums, and, effectually 'topped- bleed ing of the gums, j demi it a debt grafitude for the relief which it htforded mo, and a duty owed to my fellow - beluga, to, shy, that it'is my firm conviction,' that those who Will use Wheeler's Teaborry Tooth Wash; for the Teeth and Gums; trill find that it is an important snide THOMAS J..14 4 -CORDY, • I 235, Callowhill Bt. From much severe affliction of myself, and others of my:family; with ` denayed Teeth and aore Gums, and the many respeetable testimonials highly in favor of WHEELER'S. TEABERRY TOOTH. WASH, I was induced so give it a trial, after which my family used it, and' I 'rejoice to say that it did .perform - a thorough and effectual cure' for' 11, and is the best article that I ever hnew of. I would recommend its use' to those whomay be suffering. • - • • ! JESSE MOORE, Wr Wheeler. I ' Ng: 127, - Market stre et. Many more te oms are existing approving o f "Wheeler's Teabery Tooth' Wash." 5818 nt'Whi. JACKSENIB Store, No. 89 Liberti street, Pittsburgh, head of W o od street:. Principal Office No B 6 Cheadut at, Philadelphia. Lap 27-dly ? *orestilo. • : ~J ITST TN TIME FOR CHEAP BARGAINS.% Just received, a splendid assortment of Spring and dad SUMMer gOOdS, ' Unsurpassed - for quantity, quality- or - .;, Style. The Proprietor of this establishment Takes great pleasure in ; informing his friends and the . public . In general, that,he is now• prepared to fill grders' th . m.4is . ; :Numerous customers may favorlina with: Strangers, and Travelers would . do well, in visiting the. 1 . Iron City, to call and examine his extensive and well' Made stock of r6sdyriiad.e clothing:. He has a . com plete ailsortrnent - of ; - - English cloth, to which. lie : would invite attention also, French cloths of everycolbi: and quality, wich heis Offering at a very small Advahei on eastern prices. ltemeniber at this store you are not allied two prices, been Convinced that 'small. profits andliiiicic sales is the best way to secuie - eustom. .• . Having in his empl'oy'th'e best worknaen",lie can wire rant aitialenidire.& his establislimentto fit well, - . And to he bf the hest, materials; lie *could 'again' in-- Porchasersgenerally to , give him a call Before purchasing in any other place, - ' • As hOs confident thathe catt.sell.thern . as good goods' ht as . , y h • Reasonable ptices as any in this city, Going so far as to say a little cheaper. All his-goods are new, and of handsome patterns, - purchased• , . - In the the east but a few - weelri since. The subscri , ; ber • , - . , Now returns his thanks to his friends arid the public' in generab and • , Solicits a continuance of their favors. • Iron City ClOthing Store, N 0.132 Literty street;" mar . • C. 14I'CLOSKEY. Three Big Doors Clothing Store, No. 131; - Liber iy street. ; I rruxE Proprietors of this old and highlg popidar stablishnient infornni his friends and the public at large, that n portion of his Spr ng and Summer READY MADE .CLOTHING,-, . - Is nov prepared for their:inspectioi;:nd heyespect= fully invites all who contemplate purchasing articles in his line to pay hima visit. His stock this season is Beculiarly 'richcomprising all 'the latest Feshions and Patterns, and all his Goods, having been select,. ed by himself in the eastern markets, he can with confidence recommend them tolls custoraers as he ' ing of the very best quality; His lege assorticient of .• D.R`E - S S •C - 0"A T S, • Is made in the most modern and improved style; and the'workmanship cannot be excelled. Pants of et ery desaription, Satin¢ Fancy - Visit. He-has a rare and beautiful assortment of . • ' YESTINGS, • - • To which he would call the attention of public as he believes them to be more Beautiful and Cheaper, Than ally-thing of the kind that has been offered heretofore. Tweed and other Coats; for Summer wear, la, great variety and made in every, style, Fashigable Skirts, Latest Style of Stocks, Suspenders of-every ',descriptions, , Handkerchiefa, and every other article necessary for a •Fashionabie Dress. • ' He has a very large and excellent assortment of aubstantial Clothing. which will be sold lower than , it can be purchased at any-othcrplate in the city---to" which he would invite the . attention 'of workingmen and others who wish - servidable clothing for every day's wear. - - Having lin his crriplorsome Vie t:est Cutters and Workmen, that the Country can produce, and-being: provided with a stock of Goods, which for excel lence and variety cannot be equalled, he is prepar ed TO MARE CLOTHES TO ORDER, At the shortest notice, and in a style that Cannot be Surpassed: . DO NOT PASS,,THE-THRE BIG DOORS. . It is not considered any Trouble to show Clothing,. and the .proprietorfeels confident that after pn ex amination ,of his stock, all who desire to purchase will find it their interest to deal at his establishment.. The proprietor wouid take this opportunity to ten der, his sincere thanks to the public for the unprece dented patronage-bestowed upon his establishment,. and as the suceess he has met with is an_ indication that his efforts to' pleas hit patrons, hare not been. unavailing, he pledges himselfthat nothing shall he omitted on his part. to secure their kindness for the future. JOHN McCLOSKES, Three Big Doors, i5l Liberty at marli-dikw J. S. Lowry, Merchant Tailor. jrjOULD inform his friends and the public in V general, that lie has removed to Woodstreet 0 . in the Sr. CHARLES -building, two doors below, the entrance, where he is ready to exeCine'all orders in the.neatest and most fashionable manner;having en gaged the services of Mr. Joint M. CAmrrat asent ter, whose attention will be devoted to that:branch' Of the trade and whose well known ability iri this par ticular having long been established in the fashron=! . able community of this city, induces the belief that' by close attention to business, he will be-able to give general rritisfactiOn to -all who may favor him with a call- , ---having also made arrangements to keep: constantly on hand a general assortment of 'every thing edapted to gentlem'en's wear, such aa Cloths, Cassimcres Vestinga, Shirts, Th s awers, Bosom, Sus— penders, Gloves, Cravats, and every article pertain Mg to a gentlindan's 'wardrobe, he will be ready at all times to supply any d6mand in' is line.- ' The subscriber respectfully informs his Siena ail& the imblic generally, that having entered,into thd. above.arrangement the establishment will be Ogle to furnish any article in-the Tailoringline, with a pane tuality and despatch scarcely equalled by any 'other in the city, and for style and workmanship nornur passed by any in the states. nug22.43m JNO.: M. CAMPBELL.: JItECEIVED---.A' splendid assortment' of tjl „Sumpter Cassimeres, Ginghas, and Gamer bioons, suitaltle- Gingham s, coats.and pants; a large stock of . Taney Summer Stuffs; fancy Cotton Cloths, anew ar-. tiele; Oregon Cassimeres; Gold Mixed Tweet's •arid' Berkshire. 10 dozen white skirt Liaen Bosoms and Also. a great.varioty of fancy shirt striped Ging hams, keit, a splendid assortment .of SuminCr Cra vats,"Marseilles, Silk, Satin and other yestings. superior styles and quality; Socks, Ifandkeichiefe, Stocks; acisoms, Collars, Lisle 'Glovs,-and - all-kinds 'of gentlemen's wear, ready made, or, gut up to order at the shortest notice, and at the lowest prices ; by W. B. SHAFFER •.• • • - Pittsburgh' Clothing Stare, je3 corner of Wood and,Water CaWt-be Beat: J. WAIT] has. just received at. bisdarge *5 establishment, fronting on Liberty and Sixth streets, a .splendid assortment of TWEEDS fOr surivuer; ate°, a superior lot of French Satin VES TINOS, all' of which he is ready to- rnake 'up 'in the latest fashion and. on the.rnost reasonable terms as usual. Observe the corner, No 167 ,Liberty. and Sixth streets. rayl.l . J. M. WHITE:, Tailor, Pioprietor." TO Ariz's! To Army :2 FTHREATENED' INVASION OF WEST; ERN PENNSYLVANIA-;by Col. Swill, with 10,000 .3=n, notwithstanding which, .1; AT: White will continue to -Sell clothing- cheaper titan any has heretofoidbeen . offered in'the westeriXdoian, try, having the largest establishment ill the.city z fronting on -Liberty. and Sixth streets.. I-le is now prepared to show to iris numerous patron-16e great est variety of cloths, cassimeres, 'vestings, and -chi thing of all descriptions, suitable for the .approaching season, that has ever-been offered in. his marliety to Which all canhave the Right of Way. Observe the corner, N 0.167, Liberty-and - Sixth Streets: . J. M. WRITE, Tailor, Proprietor. martl liTep it tau Blinds. . A . WESTERVELT, the old and Well known Venitian -Blind Maher, formerly of Second and Fourth.sts. ' takes this method to inform histhanY friends of the fact that his Factory is now in full opt eration 'on St, Clair it., near the old .Allegheny Bridge, vhere a constant supply of Blinds of various colors and qualities, is constantly .kept on hand and at all prices, from- twenty-cents up to suit customers N. IL 'lf regaired, Blinds will be "Olt Op so, that in case of alarm by fire. or otherwise, they may be removed without the aid , of a screw-tiriter, and with the same facility. that any other piece of furniture cats be removed, and without any extra expense.. je24-d&wv. . " . Bats! Bats!! SPRING FASHION.;—Juit received by express from New York, the Spring-Style. of Hats. All those in want of a neat superior Het are'respectfully, invited to call, - ,S.,MOORE, NO. 93 Wood it., 3 doors below: Diamond Alley. yrnarll-4w - - NVARDROBES-If you want to purchese..a good wardrobe cheap call at the furnituro warehouse of T. B. YOUNC.x ..6c .CO. . jyl7 31 Hand s.t II N