=Z= lEEE iN L. ILtt, EDITOR - AND _MtIiFIZILTOR PITTSEIT#GII, FitlDAY;lrt\ r 'llic .0413 Allegfleily County Jlemocratic icket. •' FOR pANAL I A .11 E 303 prinnearoan Ccoragiers i WILSON MOANDLESS., of Peebles. THOS S 4AMILTON, 'of :Pittettergh, Sicria; : - - - 40DF-PATTERSON, of Lawrencwille.- • - . *- '•GORGE • R. RIBBLE, - of 41lightny. ' . Assembly, .;* AMTIEL W. BLAeK, of Pittsburgh. ROBERT IC KERR, of alliegheny. JOHN nELTIENNY, - of „Verson. JOSEPH pziorgß, of Moon: .COnsissilss - 'lossei;foi 3 yeaTs; , #O,BERTDONALDSON, of. Wawa • Comisaissioner , for , 1 year, WM. - BRYANT, of Pittsburgh. • • 1r tar-• 3 years, . WILLIAM EW WO; - of Rubisssou.• - •' • . • - Auditor for I year, PXFFERSONT, of Bironnghant • I • . Coroaer, • LEWIS IVEYIVI4N,I.I2IIeghtny. Tire.Minuras.—The reader i; r referreil to the efutdmetelal head fora full and satisfactory report of the:Pittsburgh Market • In fill :ages tt has been the work of tyrants to check. the orrivanl flow Reason, and make the human Int:elleCi obedient to their own base purpo ses. The nspirations of the human mind are ever ripwanl' and •cuiwa rd. Democracy is ever progres sire—it never its still to study precedents, and al though sometimes rash, itlis always honest in. its • purposes. •With what a Sneer the opposition prints speak! of "Progressive Dernoerary." We mayre ceive their shafts of ridicdle When tie proclaim ourselves a , !P n oonessive U s :spurts-4 - but Shafts bury Went too far when he set up ridicule fora test, of_ principles or truth. Progressive Democracy is the human intellect whichlias laurat the bounds of tyranny,-and-is rushing on as a mighty river, recching accessions as it flows, and fertilizing the region's through ;which at passes, on its way to the ocean of gen ' cial : gclod. An'il onward it Will flow until the peo ple become the l fountain of I all excellence, power and glary! •• It broke through feudal land-marks in the Arnerican Revotution, and the British Empire . found kis impossible to stop it as to arrest Niaga ra on the leap. I The French Revolution was the: rapidShnd whirlpools TyCanny had aroused everi facultY of the human mind to fury—every passion was avvalrened 2 —sentimentl and propensities were co-mingled; .and with the strength of Sampson, the ptople tore doWn the pillarii -which sustained the architecture of feudalism, and the despotism of ages, with chivalry and beauty were buried in one common.ruin' Sentiment weeps over Antoinette; but Justice is vindicated in the fall of an accursed fabric rnaredip blood and tars. • In, these United States, Democracy is progress ing like the mighty " r Strong without rageovithput overflowing full;" And it casts with derision an the shore the puny arm that attempts to fix foil it a boundary. It is governed by itsl own immutable laws, and these are • thi perfedion of reatoii,l and it would reduce I I • them to the comprehension pf Progres sive DemocraCy is not lam-bass liberty, but liberty governed by law. It studies simplicity—it gets rid • of all complex l and antiquated machinery--treati ses are tonlonglfor it,--and it would reduce all truth to t axiom What are its ".EqUal andF.xart /Watt I • I to all Tnen2- , , :Ahe greatest • good of the greatest quanber.!;' "POW the knee to - F7O man, and acknowl edge. ;nothing , superior,List worrh and talent." "Con sider all, men as brethren, andda tothem as you would they uhuld . do to, your TheSe laves should be writ , ten on the heart every PrOgressive Democrat,— they shPUld be stamped inthlen letters on his harmer, like'the acredS mono am upon the banner, of ConStantine Who are the leaders of PrOgressive Democracy? The truly greatland good 4 all ages.—those ia•ho studied to,. elevate humanity and make better the condition of their kind—all ;seekers after Truth— all innovators upon Error—all who dared to resist oppression. &hold some of ! them: Socrates with the cupjin his hand; and Brutus Avith the dagger! Moms before Pharaoh; and Paul before Agrippa! Goiumbhs on the mountain lwave, seeking a new world; and the I , Starry Gallileo" discovering the wonders of the r heavens, painting at evening his telescope to the ;moon-- •I _ ; .From the top of Fes°le, Or in i ValdarnO, to descry new lands, Rivera, - or mountains, in her spotty globe!" Miltort, Shakopee:" and %ins, poets of paradise and the People I John Hampton and Pattick Hen rit! Washington, himself his parallel! Jefferson with the Declaration in his bland! Franklin, who drew th 6 lightning from the louds, and struck the sceptre : from ,tyrants! The martyred Emmet whose epitaph will yet be - Written; and Jackson, whoselast prayer was•for the good of his country. Among the living we Shall "name but one, Daniel O'Connell,--illose tongue has been •touched by the seraph fires of eloquence, and who pleads like Demosthenes' for the rights and liberty of his coon= try! Name after name rises glariously before us, but these will suffice.. The few we named were children), of the people; and look, Retrospective Aristocrat!-look; untitled Ape of Aristiacracy !-- open they pages of history, and among the names of those who were born in the purple, or who, claim ed by their heritage : or - blood - a superiority to their we say, and- WC defy you to produce • • their equals Progressive Democracy favors Emigration, for the truntOri of the people are the true guards of liberty, and alwdys opposite to' the aristocracy of wealth, birth and faction. Progressive Democracy extends its' arms thd.'oppressed of all nations, • and promises to the weary and heavy laden rest. /t_,never persecutes; it never burns churches; it • never-hangs the mangled body of a poor'foreigner in the sham ales No people can' Le great without magnanimity, and there is no magnanimity With• out self-denial; and to Native-born 'Arnerica.ns we say be.niagnanithous, let the /wart grew, extend the area Id - freedom, and Heaven that scatters its rain and its-sunshine over the face of all nature will reward you.. To:the young American we say, be a Progrealive Denwera4 . The t history of. the world 'is a dark one stained' and blotched' with blood and tears. The future promises ..a brighter destiny to our race. inok.not. back after the " flesh-pots of Egypt,'' but onward .nWard towards the 'Holy Land! Fxorn,:—More flour has Veen sent to . England from the United States during the lest six months, titan ivaa ever before shirip to that country in any one Pear.. . . . . N OT. Tv.vz 7 —Tha.t F. P. Shur going to mire Glabe;' as envil;Oustylreporiej. - - - - , , ' Tkomati Hamilton, our candidate for the State Senate, is a pure and uncompromising democrat, without spot or blem ish. Let the democrats rally to his support, and his. election is _certain. Col. Hamilton possesses fine talents, and will adorn the station should the people commit it to his hands. , itody Patterson, is essentially the people's candidate for Sheriff. Our citizens know hit; so well and favorably, that it is almost a work Of supererogation to say one word in his behalf. He stands high in the estimation of his gellow-nien,—they admire his devotion to prin ciple—his:public. enterprise—,his private worth— miany shining qualities. He keeps good nags, and will surely martin his competitor! the presentgentlemanly and efficient Prothonotary, is a candidate for re election. Those who have had business to transact in our courts will bear witness to his urbanity and integrity. lie has made an ex cellentotEcer, and the people would spew their ap.. preciation of genuine worth by re-electing him by a sweeping majority. They will do ii! A young gentleman of shining talents. Although he has been practising at the bar but a few years, yet he has acquired a reputation as a powerful and successful advocate. of which any lawyer would • 1 feel proud. Mr. Black has a host. of warm friends who will stick to him like brothers thiough sun shine and storm. • Robert H.Kerr, Familiarly known as "Benton Kerr," the defender of the people's rights, the steady opponent of usur pation and corruption, stands next on the Assem bly ticket. lie is a bold and fearless champion of freedom—always in the right, and ever ready to do good. lie never compromises principle, or takes a luke.warin or equivocal position Success to honest "Benton Kerr." Melts APElherany and Coopers Are. worthy and respectable farmers, honest, faith• ful and sound to the core. We have not the pleas ure of being personally acquainted with them, but hope soon to enjoy the opportunity of taking them by the hand. With such an excellent ticket, who can doubt the result? We understand that Mr. Latrobe, the chief En gineer of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, has written to the President of the Pittsburgh and Con nelliville Railroad, that he will be here in a few days to go on with the survey. It will be remem bered that Mr. Latrobe has been appointed the en gineer of theP. &C. Company. We are informed from a reliable source that the work will, speedily go on: The lanly delay has been occasioned by the absence of the Hon. Loubi Ml,ane, the President of the Baltimore Company. He is now at home, and under his auspices we doubt"not gut that this great improvement, so important to Pittsburgh and the west, will be brought to a speedy and successful completion. As the stock of the Pittsburgh and Connellsville;Company will be a secure and profit able investment, our citizens ought to subscribe to as much of it as their means will warrant. We feel assured that the present intelligent and excel lent board of:directors are doing all that they can do to promote the success of the work. This crippled institution has been making efforts to obtain a.loan in Philadelphia to sustain it, but the committee sent for that purpose had not sue. ceeded at the lateot advices. That they will suc ceed is very doubtful. The only thing in their fa vour is the advanced price of produce, which may enable some heavy debtors to the concern, to pay some off their notes, for we understand its heaviest loans hate been made to produce dealers There is a large amount of the paper of the Lewistown bank in circulation; and, we judge from the quota tion* that our brokers won't buy' it. Of course, whether they buy it or not the working peciple will be the sufferers. Were the stockholders individu ally liable, the people might hold on to the paper, but now they can only look to the bank; and we can-obtain no information of its resources by which we could form an opinion as tO its capacity ulti mately to meet its obligations. TIIASeLE, GENTictExt--Our brother editors of the city, priss, , ,vho have so kindly noticed our return to the tripod, will be &Sod enough to except our most grateful-thanks. May they all live a thou sand years; anti inay Ceres pour iu their laps the rich treasures.ilf this beautiful earth. ~ . . - . Hron _Patti or ,L'oe.r..--.Complaints are made in naltinatire'of'tbe'' high* price of coat, being up.. *tads Of $1 a - ton'higher than if was last year..-... The Pennsylvanian' of ' Philadelphia says:--Com plaints of a sitar character are made of the price of cord in thisctiy, it having 'suddenly gone up from $5,50 to $5,75 , per ton. .. . 0:7:71Hon. Rlir.Rlllll CO,I7LTER., of 'Westmoreland county, is highly sPolcen' of by a number of paperi . . as man well qtialiiielf to fill the vacancy ,on the bench of the Supreme Cou,rt, of this State, occasion. eii brthe death of Judt,e.Kennedyt . t-s'f? ,4 lz , IM!=a!MEM Thp Ihtmocr,athk Ticket. The prospectkforile !ciamPlete success of the Deinocratic ticket in Allegheny county, .are truly ;11attering,.,_ t succe . ed we - mn4beyond all peradven lure, if, thasinne , :golxl feeling -continues that now 'exists. din'', opPonents Plainly see this, and are noW rasortino to their cddlriodaof wartkre—false. hood, deception and 'inuithuggery—to rally their friends to action. The &it flume on our Ticket is Win. B. F i nit6, Jr., that of for Canal Cominitsioner. Mr. Foster reccivedllie nomination on the first ballot, which is a rare oc• currence in large conventions.. This unanimity aUgurnwelifor his triumphant election. If oppo sition exists against Mr. Fosxnn,,it has not as yet come ; to our notice. • Alt good Democrats, who wish to'see the party succeed, and its principles maintained, will rally as' one man in support of FOSTE)I. Opposition frOni the whigk—bitter and relentless—is expected as .a matter of course. All they can say, will have about as mech effect as shooting panel- halls'against a granite rock! Wilson Dpeaudlcss, our candidate for- Congress, is as well known to every man in. Allegheny county as . his own child. To doubt his election would be doubting the Intel liginceand judgment of the honest freemen of . Al legheny county. Compare him to his opponent! Hyperion to a Satyr! Col. M'Candless is a- sell made man—by energy and perseverance, he has won for himself a glorious renown. He has never been an office seeker—he has never been a suppli ant for executive favors. Ile comes before the people by reason of their own free and spontane- MIS choice. He is just the man that the people of Allegheny county should send to Washington, to truly represent their interests. His powerful in fluence will be felt there, while that of his oppon ent would have no more weight than a feather— "light as a puff of empty air." Should the present Tariff law requite amendment or modification, Mr. M'Candleis can accomplish that object, and Mr. HaMpton can not. This the people should always remember. George R. Riddle, The first name on the Assembly ticket is that of Samuel W. Black, Pittsburgh and COIIIICIIffriIIe Railroad. The LTistown Bank. ~.: S`Y ,_~- '_.'t!~'V': i ce '~,` ~'N'. =I ME . _ Thase We yesterday copied a paragraph from the St. Louis Union of the 10th inst., which stated the wa gons' braid inlrittsbargh fcr; : the viblicseriice Were , Worthless &C, TES morning C'aiit.Harding; the tifficeif of government to Whom hasi been theparchase.of wOcnis; Oiled urcOffius, and assu red us in the most positive..rrianner s , that the state; merit of r the St. Louis paper is without the slight est-foundation in truth. The wagons made in this city, we e principally procured at the celebrated establishinent of Mr.,Townsend, and were regular ly inspe+d, found to be good, and were shipped in excellent condition, to Kew Orleans, and not to St. Louis. The first wagons shipped from this city to St. Louid, were rent off on the, 10th inst., and of course coald not. have reached their destinatio n the same day. Mr. Townsend challenges the world to show a Worthless piece of work that ever come from his establishment. . Will Our friend of tke Union be rood enough to copy thi? A Tarimm Sesxr. was witnessed by a large , numbered persons near the Columbia Bridge, Iliil adelphia,:on Tuesday. A rain.of darns contain ing emigrants 'for the West wasabdtit crossing the bridge, ds one of the passedgers held a chid sup posed to be three or four years 'old : , between two of the cars, near the bumpers. The train was' started and the sudden jar threw the child down upon the track, where. it lay till several care pas sett by. The child 'fell with its head against one of the rails and every wheel grazed it, fortunately,: however,iloing it no other harm than to take off a portion of the hair from the scalp. Those who' witnessed the scene were completely paralyzed,: their horror icing increased by the child constant- I ly moving one of its hands, apparently in the way of each Successive wheel' that approached This certainly was a narrow escape. 0/11.01* or TUE wow) Ilcarnuo.—A Scotch pa per affirms that this word is of Scottish origin.— There was in olden times a race, now extinct, cal led Bngue or Boag of that Ilk, in Berwickshire.— , A daughter of this family married a son of Hume or Ikne, also of that Ilk. In procesS of time, by default of male issue the Bogue property devolved on one Geordie Home or Hulnie, who was projier ly styled Hume or Home o' the Bog. This worthy was somewhat inclined to the ruarvelloui, and had a vast inclination to exalt himself, his wife, family,; brother, anu all his ancestors on both sides His tales, however, did not pass current, and at last, when anY body made any extraordinary statement in the 3 earns, the hearers would shrug up their shoulders land style it "just a hum o' the Bog " This was (soon shortened into Itqtrzbug, and in a few years the scoril spread like wildfire over the whOle kingdom. Tur.urar..—Another full house last night ; noth ing less could be expected during Mr. Muir/m(l's engagement. He appears this evening in the char. actcr of Claude Me!none, in Dulwcrs beautilid play of the Lady of Lyons; Miss Potrrsa stistairs the part of Pauline. Persons wishing to procure de sirable seats for ladies, we would advi , :e to make early application at the box office. Tas lti[ELonsoxn—There sweet singers give another oC their concerts at the Odeon this evening. Their negro singing is decidedly rich, their music excellent. Movs.stiNTs or (MEAT 3rEN.—The Washing ton Union!of Monday says: Mr. Buchanan, Sec retary of State, was at the Saratoga springs, ac cording to! the last accounts. Ile expects to re turn by uffalo, the lat:cs, and thence through Penn.ylvania. Mr. Bancroft will probably leave the United States in the steamer of the Sth of October. Mr. McLane was in Washington last week to pay his respects to the President. Ile returned on the same day to Baltimore. Considerableexcitement prevails in this city in consequence of the sudden disappearance of a person by the name of Arthur Brown, jr., who not Jong Linceppened a real estate and intelligence of fice on Fifth street. It is said that he is a bold and successful Swindler, and walked into the pockets of every person who had dealings with him. We ob serve that a reward of ; 40as offered in the Dispatch !or his apprehension. lle is supposed to be on his -winding way" to the sunny south! IT Is VEIIT STnAans.—There died suddenly on t:te 4th inst., at Syracuse, 1. Y., ore Mary Ann, wife of F.zia. J. Berlin, aged 15 years. After a post mortem examination, the jury gave as a verdict, "caused hY premature nuniagr!" Although her age is putidovrn at 15, her appearance indicated that she was no, more than•l2 or 13 years of age. The circus stanccs arc altogether very strange. EMTHAGODISART srEED.--Merchants of LiVer . .; 1 pool, who wrote letters to Boston on the C,th o July, rece4ed answers from Boston in 24 days of The steamer Cambria, on her outward trip to Liverpool, was only 7 days, after luseirussiglit of the land at Halifax, before she made land on the other side. We have always noticed that the Democratic party does its full duty at the polls. To one un acquainted with this inseparable peculiarity, the result of the coming election .mighf seem doubtful. The Whig party have done their utmost to intro duce distraction into our ranks, and by means of the favorite maxim of an infamous Italian, conquer or force by dividing its strength. They have calumniated our public men with all the virulence of attrocious libellers, under the pro- tection of a constitutional clause which guarantees. the freedom of the press and the most complete an alysis ofpublic measures. Men whose sincerity is irreproachable, whose patriotism is exalted, whose whole career in ,social and public life has been die.: tinguished by the Most amiable and enobling, vir tueSt have, been branded as traitors and sycophants, and paraphrased M language which would ruffle the temper even of the devil if applied -to him, on account of its violence and injustice. With hearts full of gall and bitterness, they have gone about among the people enacting the part of wolves in sheep's clothing, and crying ruin, ruin, in the midst of rieacb and plenty, and disturbed for a time the quietude,,of ,the .credulous and unsus pecting with false alarms and dismal forebedings. They have endeavored to arouse the 'worst feel: ings of the people of Pennsylvania, to foster an en tnity in their ; breasts to the. South, and create a dis• trust of their own representatives, a course of ad vice which, if followed, will render Pennsylvania weak , in herself and contemptible in the councils of the nation. They have tried to foment differences and dis sensibnEr among ourselves, to magnify a biting' of the thumb . into a serious insult, and to infer a se cession from the Demoeratic party in consequence of this irreconcilable affront. They have bailed any diversity, of opinionitrregard to the qualifica tions of a candidate as the most conclusive proof of dissatisfied oppositiorr[and charitably exerted themselves to widen the breach by exasperating sarcasm and And yet notwithstanding all this perseverance and industry,, we' *confidently look forward to the ultimate triumph of Democratic principles at the next election. The Democratic party will•never fail to rally in its full strength at. the 'polls, and practically exemplify that the sober second thought of the people' can distil in its alembic partisan abase and miarepresentation, and reject-the whole creed of ,the Whigs on account .of the,worthless ness of the sainple.—Harrisburgh Union. 1 "ALL IN LINE:' 1 , I= ffffd 1 4 `0.1D ROM) ANII RE4D . T'VOTIO.--001. ME DAIITi the - •wh el heerof4.l4". - etrineracy of Ohio, Old Rough an Readi : d the' - state,4s.liti is desig. nated,.ls haiku. as a toble tandidatOrfOrr Congress, by. im )Aeptit!). tin 11 . 1rilinh;onghtnit. the - -country. 4.W:tLePeprisir ircelii4*lya,l - fi±e say ; "he iis a bold, picirough,l . anA lee peinoe4Weitiklii , iill make a rpoSt efrieseritieprepteseiktat:osei itWd. - .10 elected, as 6. - ce.Se. ehop,,M, k..b.e2!..1 ' -:.: . -, r- -, 'i';'•:--:--"•.- -- ' , ifid - '.. -- '.-,..,-.%;...: •.. oz7.•We eer4 wally . orse all thaf 111-said , 'abo re l of Cu!. Medaryl We would rather see him in Con gress thtn any man in Ohio. Ruinous cifals of the new Terif—We learn by a gentleman from 'Vertilont that . the Winobski. Falls Alanufacturing`Company, with a capital of s2.ooooo,hav'since the passage of the new tari ff bill of F.,eereta 'Walker, voted to increase theire.ap ital to $.100,0 0! This company are extensively engaged'in.the manufacture of cassimeres, large quantities Of %pith are. eXported to Canada, and I sold at a handsprne profit.. The cloths =aurae- I tared by this (papally have frequently been this-1 taken by the. Canadian dealers tor West of Eng- ' land , cloths.—Washington 'Union. . , o.What will panic makers say to that? We hope they. - .commit suicide! The fact is af. ! fairs than t country never wore . ° brighter; per t than they .do at present. I DEEM Washh titbits the Ecniors,.. , ge.--Tlie annual Catalogue cx satisfactory sun:mary: Juniors,.. „ ..1, Sophomores,..l Fieshmen, I Select Studies,.l. Preparatory anti English Departments, 1 Total, 1 193 This is - an 4xeellent Institution, with able. in structors and ulkind, but grin and vigilant govern nwut.--.prestytkrian Advocate. PIOTICE. - Those indebt!pl to the late firms of Bigler, Sar ' geant .& Bigler } } and Bigler & Sargeant, for sub scription and advertising tip to the 111 st of July last, and for jobkorkAntil this date, arc requested to .call at the office of the Morning: Post, without delay, and senile their accounts. One or other of the last namedlfirm will attend there for that pur pose, for a lin}ited time. By arrangement with our, successor, L. Harper, Esq., alt accounts for stibsetiption mill advertising in the Morning Post' and 4 We4kly Mercury and Manufacturer," since the 21st of July last, (the commencement of the fiscal year if said papers.) have been assigned to Lim; and he fs to fulfil all our contracts with subscribers and advertisers. BIGLER & SARGEANT. septl6. Clickner's Sidtar-coated Vtgetztle PurgOre Pills. —For Liycr imphint, Affection of the Lunge, Palpitation of he Heart, Colic Jaundice, and Worms, the Suga r-coated Pill of Dr. Clickner, si an infallible re edy. Thousands of certificates of the wonderful cures in the above complaints, through the airelicy of these Pills, may be seen at Dr. Clickner's °pee. The Pill is encrusted with sugar, so that t e ingredients are not apparent to the taste. So sliilfully is it compounded, that the patient is not en bject - to the distressing gripings which follow tile use of almost all other medi cines. indeed3ut for the thorough purging pro duced by the Pit, the patient would be ignorant of its invaluable medicinal properties. lu all cases where the desited effect is not produced, if the i Pills be taken a cording to the printed direction, the money will , e returned. Sold by Wm_ Jackson, corner of Wood and Lib , erty streets, witis general Agent for Dr. Clicke- 1 ner's Pills in Pi burgh and vicinity. Cure follow* Cure I MORE PROOF OF THE EFFICACY OF DR. swairii — E's COMPOUND SYRUP OF TVILD CHERRY, THE ORIGINAT. AND GENUENE PILEPAEATION Cd/NSUAIPTION. Coughs, Colds, Alithma,.Bronchitis, Liver Complaint, Spitting Bloods Difficulty of - Breathing, Pain in - the Side-and Breast, Palpitation ofilio Ileart, Infineolta,lCroup, Broken Constitution, Sore Troat, Nervous and alt. diseases of Throat, Brelist and Lungs, the njost effectual and 'speedy cure ever known for any of the above diseases Da. SWAYNE,S COMPOUND !SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. A Truly Wonderful Cure Dr. SWAYNE: Dear Sir—ln October last, while en. gaged with ,Mr. iloseph Smith, in a saw mill, near Waynesburg, I %VAS attacked with a cough, from be ing, exposed at night, which gradually increased, at tended with spitting of blood and a severe pain in the breast, loss of appetite, fever, &c., which was scarcely supportable. I hail a family who sere wholly dependent on my exertions for support, yet was obliged to lease my business and return home. 1 was then atteniligl by several Physicians, both still grew %V 1) /SC until my medical attiMilants gave ins up as incurable. Subsequently, my wife observing in one of the public prints, an advertisement of Dr. Swayne's Compoi6d Syrup of Wild Cherry, procur ed me one boi from Francis M'Clurc, your agent in Lewistown, which relieved pie. I continued until I had taken five 4onlee. I ain now able to return to my work again. R. write this to offer you my sincere thanks, and you fire at liberty to make it known, so that if any humeri being is suffering as I have been, he may have recourse to your invalusble medicine. Yours, JOHN BOYNE. Lewistown, Del. CONSUMPTiON, which has baffled the skill of eminent Medical iiracti Milers, where invalids have ' been given up lidpelcss, by having recourse to, and persevering in, Ohs unequalled remedy, have been radically cured. !There are now in the hands of the proprietor numerous certificates of cures, which would astonish Credulity itself,E were they made known to the wind. To those who are afflicted with any of the hbovc diseases, we say, give this medicine a fair trial; you will then be convinced this is no miserable cfimpound, but a safe and powerful remedy, and that its curative powers stand alone and equalled by none! Dr. Swayne's Syrup is the only true and genuine article of Wild Cherry before the public, and we would say to the afflicted, always look for the writ ten signature of Dr. SWAYNE off each bottle before your purchase. Beware, and bo not deceived ! Some persons niay tell you thatsome other prepa ration is as good. I Heed thein not. One trial of the genuine Dr. Swayne's Syrupof wild Cherry will con vince you that it 'is the most valuable medicine dis covered.. From the increasing demand for the above article, Druggists,Merch.ints, and dealers generally, will find it to heir advhntage to have a full supply of this valuable medicines. Remember do enquire for DR. SWA•YNE'S COIDUND SYRUP:OF WILD CHER RY, as there hav been seine individuals with the assumed names of physicians making great effor,s to push a spuriou4 article into the market under a fictitious name. The (original and only) genuinearticle is only pre pared by DR. SWAYNE. N. W, corner of Eighths and Race streets, Philadelphia. Let the advice tie repeated, do not neglect a slight cough; if you do, you may have occasion to regret it. IVhy run any riski,. Delay has, mid may again lead to serious consequences. IMPURITY Of THE BLOOD.--An excellent Spring Medicine.; Dr. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SARSAPARILA. AND EXTRACTI OF TAR PILLS. These great purgfitive and purifying Pills are cele brated for thin mule of .Dyspepsia 4 Sick Headache, Loss of Appetite,iLow Spirits, 'Watches or Pimples on the face, or anyi.distase where a iptirgativo or puri fying medicine is required. These pills neither gripe, produce nausea, ot any other unpleasant sensation, and as arSpring Medicine for purifying the blood and Cleansing the bodyi of disease, they) are unsurpassed by any medicine eter yet introduced to the public.: 111 - Manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail, by the sole proprietor,. Dr. SWAYNE & SONS) N. W. cnrner Race and Eighth streets, . • The, only agentir in Pittsburgh for the sale of the genuine medicine Ire, Win:-Thorn, 53, Market -tit:; Ogden & Snowdenl corner, of Wood and. 2d-St., and S. Jones, 'lBO Lil@ty st.:, where it be ',obtain ed, genuine,wholesale and retag, at" proprietor's prices. .Sold by john Mitchell, Allegheny city; E: B. Hinman, CincinMtii-Dr. Megoffib,Mercer; J. If. Burton & Co., E e rt; J. S. Morris 4. co.; Louisville; Dr. E. Easterly Co.; St. Louis; Andreiv Oliver St Co., New Orleans; Danig & Son; Coluiribus; - Boyd, - Cams & Co., Butliir; Mackenzie. kHarikelf, Cleve laddi , Dt.-.Baker, Wheeling, Vti.; !Wm. R. Wood, .Ky.; Miller, - Brownsville; 'MIL' Camp. bents CO., Ilitiontowniß. E. Johnsen, Cumberlandt. J. M. Sharpy Daytimi; and by egetris i 0 all, parte of theljnited Stateq , • Sep 18' PITTSBIIIM.II-TEEATRE. MANAGER, Prices of Bdhnission First 'Pei., .cents. : I Second .Tier, 37,i cents 20 Pit, iItiVATE DOS, "it) Cli. ScconOf.A.Tr. - = H f ,; FA/DAY . ,ETTICING, SEPT.. 184 G. Will be eimeted the admired Play of the OP' LYONS, To :conclude; with the Fe - ee - of the, Doors to open at 7 1 ,performance to coritnatnee a . 7i precisely.__„" septlB (IN FRIDAY EVENING, Sept. 18th., the ' HAIL kJ MONODIC'S will appear on this occasion- in CITI YEN'S DRESS,.-and introduce a variety of pleasing Quartets, Glee Songs, Ike., in the character of Ems orx/ass or Nonsmcn* EXVISITE.S, with ;Violin; Tain bOrine, Bango, Castuiett and Triangle Adecimpani went. Cardi of admission, 50 cents. Children with their Parents, 25,cts. Ta be obtained at the principal Hotels, Bookstores, and at the door. Doors open at 7 o'clock, to commence at S. See.programine. seplB _ _ Mary W.lVllllaina, A TTOILNF,Y AND COUNCELLOD. AT' LAW, (successor, to Lowrie & Office at the old stand, Fourth street, above Smithfield. THE PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between Henry W. Williams, Esq., and myself, in the prac tise of the law, was desolved by imitual donsent on the 26th ult., And. the business will hereafter be con tinued by Henry W. Williams, whom I mostchecr fally recommend to all for whom I have the honor to du business; as a gentleman every way worthy of their confidence. seplS-ly IVALTER 11. LOWRIE. Noir York Plano Dries. 01IN II; MELLOR No-SI.NVIInad street (hetWeen tf Diamond alley and 4th street) hair received and for sale three new Piano Fortes &Ma the manufac tory of A. 11. Gale & Co., successors - 113—th. ' - York Manufacturing Company," Which will be sold at the same price as is New York city, adding only the price of transportation. 7 The quality of these Piarios is now so well known, and established, that it is not considered necessary to state wherein their superiority over others con. slots; those who are desirous of purchasing can be liilly satisfied, as to the quality of tone and workman ship, by calling on the subscriber. The'patterns of these Pianos arc entirely new and such as are now fashionable in New York city. They will be sold fir cash or on a moderate credit for approved endorse paper. JOHN H. MELLOR, SI Wood Street. uep 18 1 ( - 1 DOZ. Duff, Cordon & Co.'s brown Sherry Wines kJ 10 do. do. do. pale do . do. - 54 , Cortes do 4 , 4 , together with a general assortment Of other rich old wines. For sale at the wine store or eeplM ILL) AMA! WINES-20 cases superior Old Port V Wine, for Invalids, for sale by the case or bof tle at the Ivine store of STEILETT 4. Co. seplS 61 Market street, cor., Front. LAIIET WINES-20 cases "St. Julien Medoc," V/ lb do. family use and other brands. For sale, low at tioa wine store of STEJII.2.T'f & CO., septS N 0.16 Market st. tor Front. (ALE , SLIERItY BRANDY--.-An .excellent . article ou draught fur medicine or other purposes, for wile by • STERETT & Co.. seplB cor. Market and Front. AST INDIA and Wine Bitters. of delightful ti aroma, in bottles, and on draught, for sale at the wine store of STERETT & Co. seplB cor. Market and Front. POW'DJALAP-50 lbs for sale by R. E. SELLERS, seplS 57 Wood street Cl USi GUTAC—.2I2 lbs for sale by R. E. SELLERS, seplB 57 Wood street - 141ILTBARIS ROOT—I case superior for sale by 1:10 sup IS R. E. SELL,ERS. (AIL ANIS-1 original cannister for sale by seplB IL E. SELLERS SL LPII 31ORPIIINE.-20 oz. for sale by - IL E. SELLERS, srplB 57 Wood street I.NDELIBLE L' R-1 gross Kidder St.PAysolOs for sale by R. E. SELLERS, sepiS 57 Woad street. HIV FALL GOADS. BARROAVS'A. , TURNER, AT NO. 461, MA ILET ST., PESPECTITULLY call the- attention of their friends, and Day Goons purchasers generally, to their extensive assortment of NEW FALL GOO,X)S. Which is now complete in every deparment Purchasers are particularly invited to examine our very choice selection of DRESS GOODS AND SIL4WLS Much attention has been given to their selection, and in point of ridiness and varidy, we never before have been able to o f fer greater induremet4s. Fine \Wool Cashmeres; Cashmere Reps; Cashmere D'Ecosse, Mous De Laines; Fancy and Staple Silks,. &c. &c. SHAWLS.—French, Terkerri, Cashmere Broche. Embroidered and plain Cloth; do. Thibet Shawls of entirely new and rich patterns—in every variety of style—also, Henniquin's 111 k. Merino, with Fancy styles, at reduced prices. Ladies Fancy Silk Velvets; Paris Kid Gloves, in all shades and Nos.; BONNET RIBBON - S.—Several boxes rcc'd comprising the different late styles, choice pattetns. Few boxes very handsome patterns at cents. Linen Cambric Ildhfs, from 121 cts. to the best in use. FRI:NCII AND SCOTCII GINGIWXS-Of very desira ble styles and qualities superior, atlenir prices. French Thibet Cloths, tin rill shades); Alpacas, Silk and Cott. Warps, plain and fancy; Bombazines, Lupine's best, at unusually low prices. Oinbri 4-4 Cashmeres; Embossed Table Covers; WOOLEN 13tatiatta-12 and 14-4 fancy bound, 10-4 twilled beautiful article. Also low costs of different styles, all of which , are offered at prices 30 per cent reduced. Splendid Calicoes, at 10 and 12i cts. , Our domestic department is full, possessing advan tages to the purchaser rarely to be found. Brown Sheetings, yard wide, good quality, 6.}, Do. do. do. , Extra heavy, Sc GENTLEMEN please take, notice, that at our number may be found at all times FienCh Bioad Clothri, Pant stuffs and Vestingi; Satin and Silk Scarfs, and Cravats, new styles; Linen and Silk Ildkfs., Gloves; *osier!, Gum Braces, Silk Elastics, Silk Umbrella, &.c., fr.c. The above stock has been purchased witbin the last 30 days since the great depreciation in pricei in the Eastern markets, and will be disposed' entire ly to the advantage or the . purchaser. Call and See at the "Down Town Cash House." sep. 18. • . BARROWS TURNER. . . . NT, KW BOOKS—Just received at COOKS', 85, 11 Fourth at. Archibald Werner, or the Brother's Revenge;a romantic tale, by Chas. Spindler. • The Widow's Walk, or,the Mystery of Crime, by' Sue. - The Sicili, , Vespers, or the . White' Cross of St. Luke, by Dennis Hannigan. The Algerine and other tales; by. Harry Danfor --Juvenile Library No. 1. blether Goose, .by.Law ronce Loveohild, with eight splendid-illustrations from original designs by, parley. • Living Age, No. 122, American Review, Demo cratic Review and Farmer's Library for. September, along with a numerous -assortment of new works, just published and for-sale at Cook's Fourth at. scpl7 THE Room on Third street, one door fr . = the corner of Wood, in the St.' Charles, buildings, suitable for an Office or Store, will be to let the Ist. of October. Enquire of J. S. Lowry, in the front of the building. sep.l7.3t ard A FEW liarrelsmf a superior quality for salc loco _a_ to close consignment, by GEORGE C_,OCHRAN, No. 26 Wood'street. Isep 1-7 1 7 1000 A, chocolate, cocoa paste and broma of the k•:,/ li best quality. For sale .• !twit.' 8. • D. 'WILLIAMS & Co.. New Fash , loned OF yery superior quality, fbr sale by . AI'CCIII.4 It KING, corner of Wood and...Fifth-stk. sap 3 _ BE -b~ - - C. S. PORTER AIIISID AID lIIIRTD • AT. TIIE ODEON. Sherry IV tuefi. STERETT & CO., cor Market and Front sts IZZIME .•Blenihers of St. Paul's Chnrch ,:tussl-thUGalrholles of Pittsburgh - Generally. TN consequence : of the change f. grade of Fiith .1; - -and-'grant streets, it has become necessary - to hiltedoil a : portion of "St. PauDe" Cathedral, and la have eitucee,re-built upon a foundation corres ponding ith the grade of the streets nrciuni hi - 7 =d still further changes being contemplatpd . and Orged beforelhe; Cethicils, seriously affecting the pernia nexice andFseenrity, of the building, it is - therefore re-' quesfed that a meeting of the member; of St: PauPs Church and the Catholics of this city generally shall ho held on FnIDAY EvEmive, ;at 7 o'clodZi School Buildings , oft St. Paul's, to take the necessary steps to lay before the Councils of the citytand the "public at large a statement of our grievances in this matter, and to ascertain if possible whether there would be any sal,eir assuming the present as the final and permanent grade, upon Wlndrtii re-belld.:. By dor of-the Board of Managers of St: Paul's Church. ' ; • : Shot' GastAl A totioit. A T on Saturday-et-ening next, Septem ber/1 19Si at 7 o'clockovill be sold at APKOnna's Auction -Roping, N 0.114 Wood Bt., 31door from bte. I single bbltd-shot gun, stub and twist..' , . • `P 11t I • • - • - Auctioneer: sepl7 Underwriters - .gale of Grocartes, 4 T 10 o'clock on Friday - moring the 18th instant, A.; lathe si.ote of Messrs. W. EchlAlitcheltreeon . Liberty str., Will be sold without reserve,-Cor curren cy, for all Wharnittnay l concern. ' • • . : 8 Idula NeW Orleans Sugar; - • , tierce's ripe; 49 .bags Coffee; 4 boxei Noj 1 Chocolate ; bas GunpOwder and Imperial Teal 19 lea? s Loafe Strrar , 3 kegs grotind Ginger;; 3 ban Starch, 4 do No. 1 8 half brs manufactured Tobacco; i.. . 1 - 5 baskets Champaigne Wine; , 10 bundles totton Yarn, 2 kegs - Nails and Brads; 9 WM and is bars assorted Iron; sepl7 , JOHN D.- DAVlS,',Auct'r.. Fresh Lonlirville Llme ? '&c , . TUST rec' ' '. isville Lime, b the :bb! 0 oi• retail Glass; Caria r of Window Sash and &11b'', &c. &e. ' . ,-- - ISAAC HARRIS,. • --/ Ag t& ;lit N 0.12 'St. Clair st. Sept 16 I Heavy Black Silk NPAV* . Black Silk §hawli of ierisuneri q al I 1 ,tyjust received b • r • • - c 11 ." -u ALEXANDER & DAY, 75 Marketst.,N. W cor. of the Diamond. sepl6 • rILERAIONT Plaids a -beautiful article for ladica' V.,1 dresses, just opened by ' • ALEXANDER & DAY, 75 Market st., N. W. cor. attic. Diamoud.,: o2lq t , tINGIIAMS.—A splendid lota sdper French Gingham just received by • . :ALEXANDER. & DAy, No. 75 'Market at., N. W. cork of Diamond. , 00pt.16 I BLACK! AACAS.—We have just opened a iI,P large lot of Black Alpacas, whichme are selling. very cheap:.' . ALEXANDER dr. DAY, . . 75 Market st., N. W. cor. of the Diamond. ". Sept .16 • - I - 1 Class Books- A UTIloll.„5---Virgil,,Horace, Cicero, Cmsar, Sa.l7 lust, Holier, Latin:Lessons, Prose Composition, and Latin Ver#ifie.ation,: . Graca Majora, Minors, Ho race and Viroillselplima, Greek and Latin Lexi cons and Grammars; 4e,, - • For sale by S. .130S)VOIITH Si; CO:, - sepl6 • ~ 4 3 Market street. c lEooks for Ladles. S Letters to young ladies.. 17 illistiYeisTr 7 g E'lsr'Letters to the Young; Miss Cbpone's Letters; Knarip'd Female Biography; Miss Lane's Pencil Sketches; Mrs. Shelley's eminent French Writers; The Life of Woman; Mrs. Ellis's Prose - Writings; " Irish Girl; The Sinless Child, by Mrs. Seba Stnith; Poems Of Lucretia M. Davidson; Library Or Female Poets; . L. E L.., Complete; Eridnka ißremers Writings, &e., For sale' by I - 11. S. ,130SWOR & Co. sepls 43 Matket st. '.FRESH FILL GOODS STORE. 10 Cases rich fall 'o o d s•, French tad BnglisliCash' teres and Mous. 3 Laines ; •Gala Lobrain plaids; lain F r nc h soak Cloths; rioted and plaid Makings; a full ssortmentof rend' Broche, rioted Cashmere lk. and colored 'hibet, plain and mbroidered lawls,,plain and Ginghams, Cerinos, _Alpacas id piain M. de of rich colored .sch Bonnet Rib bons;- clyet end .Bonnct Silks; French and Ameri- Can Flowers, in great variety; Biaid and Straw Bonnets, cheaper than • ever; a full assortment of gentlemen's' wear, such as Cravats, Shirts; under Shirts and Brandeis; Cloths; Cassimereir and .Vestings, all lvof whic will be sold-at a small advance over New Virk cost. W. H. GA.RRARD; sept 16 79 Market street: Iltricqc House and Lot:for . Sale. Or bi Eichringe for Nails or Window GIaSS. We are aiitharized to offer for sale, or in exchange for Window;Glass or Nails, a well finished and sub stantial ;two; story brick house and lot, 19 feet front by 100 feet deep, situated on the Altegheay river above the Glass House. It will-be sold at a reason .. ble price title unexceptionable. Apply to BLAX.ELY & MITCHEL, - scp. 17. j . Real Estate Agents, W ENlis l lltleLClS Z orurlots of ground, situatellerOgiETSle frontingon tiell gheny river,', cacti 27 feet front by 200 feet deep, making 108 feel fronton the river, on which is erect ed a neat two array house and .kitchen. The lots are well fenned, in, andjwell etrickeTcl *ill fruit trees, shrubbery, Ike.", (No ground rent, and taxes low.) Price $273. j BLAKELY St MITCHEL. sept 16 j Sale of the Zih Word Property atAnettots. twill offer COI -Sale - at public auction, on Monday, I the 28th 'day of September, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on the premises, n Lot of Ground, on Penn street, (sth Ward,) opposite the residence of-P. M'Cannick, Esq., 24 feet Pront by' 190 feet -deep, on which is erected double frime' house and elacksmith shop, now renting at 0102 per annum. Title unexception able. Also, 'at the4ftme tima;ari annual Ground Reiat:Of $B7 50; paSmble - quarterly for ever, , on - m- Lot of Ground 50 feet I front by 100 deep, on themorner of Penn and Walnut streets, one or the most valuable lets in the sth (Ward, en which ,is erected several frame divelling' j ho - uSes and Stores. ' 1 ' JAMES: BLAKELY,: ' ti - • Att:y. in fact foi 1' M. LOWRY, P. 14 , ElsTNA, Auct'r. Pittsburgii Navigation and Vire In n ranoe compiuzy.' Office ' No; 21.;--Markit - street- ' ' • ' . DIRECTORS:` . Michael Alien,. , ' William•Ebbe, C. Anshutz, 1.. •: . . , Lesvis lintchiAnn, ' Thos.j Balie‘lell, , -.1 ••Fred. Loreni, I Robertßeer i -' - I :James - May, • i L W:Poindexter. l . . ... I ' M ALtEN ?real . ROBERT ; rxicbrzr, secret a ry, i aug204162n. I ' ' ... • VrOIIOGANy VENEERS AND BOARDS--Just re , ceived,!4 ;arge assortment of. th.e-i.bo - ve, and for sale at . _ V.131.1.111Es septa :NO. I 12 Wood Arcot 2nd door above th' ' - - Pittsburgh: and .Connellaville 'toad- NTOTTCE is hereby given, that in pursuance of a 111 'violation 'of the Stockhlalders of the Pittsburgh and Connellsville Railroad CompanY, authorizirtg ao increase:of the;c2apital of said Company, and directing an; additional inhsclipput, hooks will - he- opened for receiving additional. subscription to the stock of the Oimpany, at the office of :Wm. Larimer, jr., in 4th street, between Market and Wood streets, Pittsburgh', on , Friday. the 4th day. Of September. The - beehe will remain open from 9 A.M. until 3 o'clock P.M. of said dap; and from Iday -to day (Sundays excepted) until the requisite tininber of shares busubscribed, or until otherwise ordered. By, order. of the Directors. ' 1 - ROBIINISON ' MI 11l • ~ s,-.1 , ~~,,.. k • • - - - _ virtue_of a precept under the hands of the j) Hon. Benjamin 'Patton, jr., President 'of the of Crimmon Pleas in and for the sth Judicial DiStrict of Pennsylvania, and Justice of the Court., of, and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, in 'and for said Dietriet, and William Porter and WOliarn Kerr, Esquires,' Associate Judges of the ,_same courts, in an for the said County of Alle. gbeny, dated the-16th day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-six, and to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, at the. Court:House, in the •city, of Pittsburgh, on the 4th, Monday of October next, at 10'erclock, A. M. Public notice is hereby given, to all Justiies of the Peace Coroner and Constables, of the County . of Allegheny, that iliey lie then and there, in their proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisi tions, examinations, and other remembrances, to do those things,' which to their respective offices in their behalf appear to be done—and 'also - those. tat will proSecute the prisoners that now are or may be in jail of said county of Allegheny, to:-he then and thereto proSectrte.agairist them MI Shall be just. dry of under my hand . at Pittsburgh, this 15th dey ef September, - in the year.of Our. L0t:1.1.11346, and of the Commonwealth the 6Sth. septls. ELIJAH TROVILLO, Sheriff: A A. MASON, 62 Marketatreeti has just receiv ed and now _opening? a large stock of Prints, Brown and bleached muslin, flannels;tiekitg, check, stripes, chintzes, ginghams, .eashinere and moas hlm a, cassinetts, cassimeres, broad Cloth &c,, all of which will he 'sold - at ex teiemely prices. . A. MASON, 62 Market street, Simpicin's row • invites the attention of country merchants and others, to hit well selected stock of Ibll goods, which is now opening. Selling only for cash, we can offer— , such advantages to purchasers as are seldom posses. Ned by those who sell on tlie.credit system., eeplet A • A. MASON - , G 2 Market street, has jut ree'd , another ease of those blue and orange prints, s elling at thalow-price of 61 ctsper yard sepl6 . mHE subscriber is now receiving a large and Elle assortment of FAII. AND WrrrrEtt Dirr ° Goops, recently psurchased from the mannkcturers and porters, in the NeW York and Philadelphia Markets; since the great fall in'prices, and.willte sold twenty per cent,cheaper than the 'same description of Goods were ever before offerred in this market. All,tboias wanting great bargains are requested to calt,at No. 65 Market street. . sep - ABSAIDAI -MORRIS. TXTE have now on hand a tin assortment ofbcau-, Vl' tiful French aad Scotch dress Gilightinas, twil led and _plain tit 'remaikableloni . 'reices. Also, an article of" erairrofdered Ginglunn—very beailtiral for Dresses, for'sale by ABSALOM MORRIS, l Market street. • sepls Six CiteeirllTrw: Fall Printx. TUST RECEIVED this' .day, embracing" all the neW and desirable itylei in the market; and will be sold 'at greatly reduced prices, by - ABSALOM MORRIS, No.-65 _Market st. • +8 ep 15 IagCEIVED this day,- smieral-' packages of very , _Dv rich new style Persian—embossed Ornbriii3ro-' cade;thamelion, Striped f Plaid and Poult de Soie, and. Black - Satin, Striped Armour and -Dress Silks, and be sold cheap for.cash,:-by . , .. . ; ABSALOM - MORRIS, -No, 65 Market at. - sopt3 -Cashmeres anti De Laineß. . . TVST RECLIVD, a beautiful assortment of ndw t o p style Paris printed, Ombri shaded, Rep Corcha and plain Cashmeres - and D 7 Lains, and for sale by, ' ABSALOM MORRIS, No. fis Market street. = A . -LARGE and splendid - asiortment of rich and 1 - 1 magnificent &R AWLS, just received this day 'embracing-all the new and desirable'ityles, viz: Paris Printed Terkeri, Cashmere and Breda, Einbroidered Black and Mode colored Silk; Fringe, Thibbet and Chamelion Plaid, and Striped - Silk; Merino,' and Persian,.Plaid, Silk and Worsted, together with a great variety of Woollen.Shawls, and will-be dis posed of at. a small, adVaike on the' original,-cost, by - ABSALOM MORRIS, . sepls No. 65 Market st. Money Wanted in exchange for Mate and a - THE subscribei .would inform the i ' public that he has received his fall stock of Caps,• all of which have been principally %- made to his order, and as his Purchases has been made on the cash system, IA is pnabled. to-_sell his stock of Hats and Caps at unusually-low prices - for . cash.. His stock does not consist of the cuttings of Eastern houses, but are all a frealimannfacturcq - article. Neither is his establishment replenished with the old . ..stock from -eastern markets. The Proprietor being a hatter and Cap manufacturer, by trade, as wellus profession, he is also daily man ufacturing Hats and Caps of all descriptions, and for their neatness and durability, cannot be sur passed. All of which he offers at wholesale Mid' retail, and at such prices as cannot fail to please the purchaser. . - G. W. GLASSGOW., No. 102, Wood street, third door below John D. Da . vis' Commercial Auction Rooms. septl2.' .aines; plain, bli I P labile Sale of Lots in the Sixth •Vnrd of the City of Pittsburgh. . . T'TILL be exposed t public sale, at the Corn y inercial Auction Rooms, corner of Wood. and Fifth streets, on Wednesday, the 23d.inst., at 7 clock, P.M., by order of Henry Irwin, of Baltimore, the following lots, situate in the 6th Ward, of the city of Pittsburgh, in IrwinYs plan, to wit: -Nos. 21 and 23, being each 24 feet in fronton Coal Lane; by about 20 - feet in depth to an Alley, 26 feet -51--,ipches wide, Nos. 46, 5-1 and 56, each being in, front on the northerly Fide Of Wylie street, 24 feet by 109 feet in depth, 10 - an Alley 2121-lhet Si inches wide. Noe: 69, 71 and 72; each being in front on the' Boutherly eide of Wylie street; 24 feet by 124. feet in depth; to an Alley 26 feet 51 inches wide. Nos: 102 - 103 and 104, each 'being in front on the northerly side of Franklin street, 24 feet by 124 feet iu depth, to an Alley 26feet 51 inches wide. Nos.. 119, 120 and 121, each beingin front on the southerly side of Franklin st., 24 feet by 126 feet in depth, to . Decatur street.- No. 136, at the corner of Franklin and Logan sts., being in front on Franklin st., 38 feet by 126 feet in depth to Decatur at. N0.)17, at the corner of Franklin ' and Elm sts., being 4S feet 6 inches front, or width,on Franklin at. by 124 feet 2:1 inches in depth on Elin st., to an alley of 26 feet 51 inches, and being only' 37 feet and. 2 in ches wide on the said alley. Termsi one balfcash and the balance in one year, - with interestAci he . seciired by bond and' mortgage on the property sold; -the cost of thci deecl, bond and mortgage, is to be paid by the purchaser. -A plan cast. be seen at the Anction Room. JOHN D. DAVIS. .- sbp. 14th. (American copy.) ' Anetioneer. Peremptory Sale of Botldlog Lots. A . T 2, o'clock, P.M., on Saturday the 19 : tle inst, will be sold withOut - tesoryel on - the prenagez, - 29 valuable and Veri . linnilsoinely situated. Lots,of Ground in the City - District near Axiltiu-syillo 'and; Sixth Ward; nine Of whiCh have front of 22 to 24- feet each on Duncan'street (now coal' lane) and ex- 7 tend back 120 feet: TWelve haie a front of 24 feet:: each on De Viler street which is 50 feet Wide , and: extend back 104 feet. Theothcr eighy-lots adjoin the above, each, haying a front:of 24 font and extend. - back 103 foot. : A planmay be seen - at the Auction_ Qom and - any information that may be desired Willle'givenpn a ,F -plication to 'the subscriber.. Terms one half, cask' and balance payable in twelve inonthiw,itir interest.- seplo JOHN D. DAWS,Auct 5 r. • eept 16 F . E v 'S'TßEOLOGY.—Lectures on Sisterp.. X atid Theology, embracing Lectures on Moral '4 Government, together with. Atonement; Moral and Physical Depravity,' Regeneration, Philosophicar Theories and Evidences of Regeneration;--by—ReV— Charles G. Finney; - Professor-of .Theology in the Oberlin. Collegiate Institute, Just received and for: sale by Esepll] LURE LOOMIS,Agent: EIODES & ALCORN, (Late of New York eity;) it No. 9.7 Fifth at., between Woad and Market, ]Manufacturers of Mustard, Ground - Spices, - Catsups, &c., &c„ will'open during the present week a:largo, assortment of articles in their line, which they will wholesale in quantities:tO suit-dealers, at Eastern wholesale prices. All articles sold by them warrant: ted, .Merchaistainteriding to go. east would &All. to.call before leaving the city. They, may be found at their warehouse,. No. 27 Filth street, in.Rymes Building. -sep7 . cot.tork:Taxu, Lt;m., ~... , LBS. assorted ntim ers ..long and,- short r eel Cotton Yarn 45 . 600 . b . 15,000 lbs. Carpet Chain. • 10,000 - 4' Cotton Twine. 150 Bales Common Batting.. ' • ' • - 100 - •.f , gage fittnily do. roe sale low to city or country trade, by, M: B. RHEY ELCO., = '57 Wood street.. MU EME=MEM ruu Goods.. NEw FALL GOODS. New Di7e)szip7,lG,htizio,f,--.' La4y's Dress' Silks. SHAWLS, 'SHAWLS! M=ME