The daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1846-1855, September 18, 1846, Image 1

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Thr. corner of Brood and. Sts.
• Timass.—Fiv . e dollars a! year, payable in advance.
Sixidollara will invariably be - required ir - not paid
Within the year. • - --
Single copies, Iwo craMs.--for sale at the countei
Of tile Office,"and by Wevia Boys.. '
Is pbblished at the same Office, on a double medium
sheet, at TWO 'DOLLARS a year, in advance; sin
gle copies, SIT cmt-rs. ,
'Fenno' of
Que'insertion, . - $O - 50
Two do; : ' 0 75
Three do,' 1 00
ODD - week, 1 50
Two do, 3 00
Three do, , . 4 OQ
• Yearly - Adv.'
One 3itrare.
till month; i $l5 00
One year, ' 20 00
• Larger advertisements i
Ittr CARDS of four lines
r C. Shannon.
gTTORNEY AT LAIVt Greensburg, Westmore
land county, Pa., will practice in the .West
moreland, Indiana and Canibna courts.. decB-y
7170ItNEY AT L nd Solicitor in Chancery.
21.. Office in Barr's new building, Filth 'street, be
tiveen Wood and Smithfield.' argil
Magraw & 111.,KsaIght,
A - TTORTifF e NS AT LAW.; - 01lice removed to the
re.sidenee of IL Magraw, on 'Fourth st.,
floor from Cherry Alley. ap2l-y
. Wins
,Pittsburgit, - Pa.: Office on Fourth at., between
Smithfield and Grant. I marl4-y
Edmund Snowden,
, :rt ; —Y WI •
TTORL AT LA. office in the building on
the North East corner of Fourth and Smithfield
streets. novl
Bain Bruce,
A TTORNEYS ‘AZ ,LAW, office North aide o.
Fifth street, between IWood. and Smithfield sts.,
Pittsburgh, Pa. Collections made on reasonable
terms. ' dec4l
R. Bloitrolve
LDERMAN, office north side of Fifth street,
,„tIL between Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh.
seplo.l . 1
Andrew s ßarke.,
ATTORNEY. AT 'LAI ~ office, Smithfield street,
,hetureen Fourth street and Diamond Alley, op
pos:te Mr.,Geo. Weyman , s tobacco munufactory.
apl6-y I
Jame a lb all an,
ATTORNEY AT raw, office in the chambers
occupied by Alderman M'Alasters, on Fifth st.,
between Wood and Smithfield. aplB-y
1/I"Candlessi& 131 9 Clure.
office on Fourth street; opposite R. & It. 11.
PAttersonts Livery Stable, !Pittsburgh. seplO-y
TTORNEYS AT LAW, Fourth street between
'Wood and Smithfield, opposite Patterson's liv
'ery stable.' - ap7-y
*George F GLUsnore,
A TTORNEY AT LAW, Office in Breed's build
ings, 4th st., aboxe 'Vood, Pittsburgh,ya.
C. Orlaulo Loomis, -
A TTORNEY AT LAW, office Fourth at., above
Smithfield. • julyl-y
A BEELEN has remoyed his commission and for
-arding business from ^he Canal Basin to his
-.early opposite the
A Stuart's build
ings, Fourth st., abeive junel9-dwy
John W; Barren, •
A TTORNEY AT LAIW, having returned front
1 - 1.: his European tour has taken an office on the
north east corner of Fourth and Smithfield sts. Per
.Aol3s having had business and papers in the hands o
Samuel Kingston, Esq., deceased, will call on the
above, as 'all the unsettled business of Mr. Kingston
his been left in.his hands.l . mars-y
. Charles 11 . :
A TTORNEY AT LAW, Pittsburgh, Pa. Com
missi.mer to take th 6 proof, and acknowledge
ment of deeds, leases, cohtracts, depoSites or other
;writings, ro b recordedl or used in the States of
Ken%ucky, Indiana and -Tennessee, Oißee No. 80,
Stua's huildinUsi.retirtli I street. . 'marn-y
Vatnew S. Craft,
Trom\ -- EY, coussra,Lorr, AND NOTARY,
21. Pittsburgh, Poi, resigned the office, o
Secrefary P. Nay. and Fit ins. Co:, will attend spe
cially to collections arid huniness connected with
navigation, insurance; accounts and real estate. Bo
ldness hours, 9 A. M. tol 9 P. M. Office, No. 1,
Stuarps buildings, (NO. 80, Fourth et.,) second door
east of Wood street:
. • . foli3l
21. i Franklin; Venango county, Penna.; will attend
promptly to all business entrusted to his care—col
fctions made in Warrerfytlarion and Jefferson eolis.
'-' - • , •. - nErts To
' - J. A. Stockton & Co.l
Murphy, Wilson & Co: Pittsburgh.
John Bigler, ' }
Hon. James Kinneari ' Franklin.
- Ticiii.-Alexi M , Calmositi -
1 Hon. James Wilson, q teubenvillei Ohio': jiiy23-' y
John A. raorkinson,
A LIDER4AN, Fifth Ward, Penn street; between
11_1 Walnut and O'llarai streets, where he may be
found at all times. Those having houses de other
Property to_sell or rent, cbn have the came Punctu
ally attended to; debts collected, and all the hutic
of an- AldermatVwill receive prompt attention:
- ' N. Holmes &Sou,
110ANKERS and dcalert in Foreign and Domestic
JUIII Bills of Exchange, certificates of deposit, bank
notes and , specie. Draft and notes collected, and
remittances made to any part of the United States;
No. 53 Market street.:.,.jan7-y
. ! Johnston 4/.. Stockton,
KERS, No. 114 Market street. sep 10-y
Sorlbga . Ocheibler,
No. 1.15 'Wood street , three doors below Fifth,
Pittsburgh, Pa.. !
. ' jan7-y
James Patterson :
OILNER of First and Ferry Streets, Pittsburgh,
manufsaturer of locks, - .hinges and bolts,
tobacco„ fuller, mill and timber screws, housen
acre WS lbrifelling,milli,Etn. seplDi
Wm. W ard,
TIMarENTIST, has ternoved to the place of his for
reeidencelri Perpi streets two doors below
Irwin. • aplE3-3 ,
B. .B. C o isit . •
DEALF.B. in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, - 83
Market Street, Pitts'arirgh. novlo-y
Edgar-. Thorn's •
DTUM and Family Miulicini Store, corner ot
Penn and , Hand streets, Pittsburgh, Pa., Phy
sycians, prescriptions accurately compounded. Medi , .
eines can be had at all hours of the day or night.
,- - -
Brownsville Juniata - Iron Works.
D HUGHES rAanuiarer of iron and
naila,;warehouse,SmithSeld above Fourth'at,
BePIO : Y I •
C. A.. BPAsvalty & Co.,
X Canal Basin, Pittatiurgti, Pa..'
. MartintZitle,
IDAMILV GROCER, Smithfield street, next door
to the Fifth Presbyterian Church.' juneq-Y
• - 9 r •; 6' •
• 51.
'One month, $5 00
'WO do, 6 00
Three do, 7 00
Four do, 8 00
Six do, 10 00
One year, 15.:00
11. Two Squares. ,
Sir months, $2O 00
bne year, . SO 00
in proporton- . ..
, !FITE DOLLARS a year. . .1
=VIAICUFACTIMER or INcoarterrttn.r. TEETH.
Smithfield street, two doors below Fifth street
Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on hand a full assortment or
Plate and Pirrit teeth, of a variety of shades, as
simple Plate; Molars and Biscuspidatoes, Guru teeth,
Screw Pivot teeth, &c. Teeth and blocks made to
order; Dentists supplied with all articles in the pro
fession. All orders from abroad must be accompan
ied by the cash.
IgY . Platina always on hand. novls.y
nII cr ER, Fifth, near Market st., Military flags,
Banners, signs, designs fur steamboat 'kilted
houses, and fancy painting of every description neat.
ly esecuted at the shortest notice. jy:27-dgin
pLL - 3111Eit, and manufacturer of rumps and Hy
drams, which are superior to and cheaper than
any in the city. Please to call and examine for your
selves. Fourth street,between Smithfield and Cher
ry Alley. Hydrants and pumps repaired. janl-y
RFICTIFYING DISTILLER, and wholesale deal
er in Foreign andbomestic Wines anti Liquors,
No. 11.1 Liberty street, and 53 Dianband Alley, PiUs..
burgh, Pa. . jy2l—y
11. D. Sellers, N. D.
"nt I:MOVF.D to Penn at., betn;een Imin and Hand
1 - lt d
streets, five doors below Hand at. apls-y
llugli Arters,
1.711 C EON DENTIST, 118 Liberty street, a few
1.0 doors below St. Clair st., Pittsburgh. ap2S-y
SuccEssons TO AVERY, OGDEN & Co., ivhole
sale and retail druggists, and manufacturers of
white lead, red lead and litharge, corner of Wood
and Second eta., Pittsburgli. Pa. novl3-y
uccEssoßs to Irvine Ea Martin, wholesale gre
k, cers, produce and commission merchants, and
dealers in Pittsburgh manufactured articles, No. Ci 6,
Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. apS-y
John 3.l , Closiirey,
mLon AND CLOTIIIER, Liberty st., between
Sixth street and Virgin Alley,south side.
fiIHE undersigned begs leave to say to his friends
and the public generally; that he has removed
his office to Penn street; near the canal bridge, oppo
site the United States Hotel.
XXTIIPLESALE and retail Druggists, corner Sixth
V V and Wood streets. sept2-y
V V STORE, corner of Wood and Fourth streets,
Pittsburgh apl4-y
WHOLESALE and retail dealers ' in foreign and
IV V domestic Wines and Liquors, eiclusively,
No. IS Market street. apS-p
WHOLESALE -and retail Grocer and dealer in
. Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors,
Foreign and Domestic Frult,'Nutai&c., No. 60 Water
StrCtt. seps-y,
V Commission Merchants, dealers in produce
and Pittsburgh mainufactures, Nos. 133 and 135 Wood
street Pittsburgh,: Pa:
ku ScOtt 6 CO.,
Merchants, No. 7 Commercial Row, Liberty
Street, Pittsburgh. a r9-y
WHOLESALE GROCERS, dealers in produce
and Pittsburgh ruasnifacturtis generally, No.
224 Liberty, opposite 7th street, Pittshurgh.
WHOLESALE and retail dealer in, Music and
Musical Instruments, Piano Fortes, School
Books and Stationery, No. 122 Wood street, Pitts
burgh-. julori
IXTHOLESALE GROCERS, importers pf.tin plate'
11 • and queenesvare; and dealers incopper and
Pittsburgh manufactured-articles; Nos. 112 and 114
2nd st.', between Wood and Smithfield sta. ja144114-y
WM. MOODY respectfully announces to his old
friends that he intends opening a Select School•
in this city, on the first Monday of April next, in the
basement of the Third Presbyterian Church. xnar2.l-t
XITHO.LESALE DRUGGIST, and dealer in dye
VV. - gni% paints, oils; varnishes, - No. V,
Wood streetiPittsliuigh. oet3-y
. . _
- 117 - W10.1..Y.:5A1 . 5. ANIYRETAIL GROCER, Na.
Vl' 110 Wood atreet eol : n'hi of Wilod and Fifth
streets, Pittsburgh. • - aiiiB.y
_ _.
'~^ay'~t:uTl~'st~'s~h.~:.lLY 14.C' .y.7`' ~ Xi''h r . ~~.
' •• - - Gcorgc.Cochran, .
No. 26 Wood st., Pittsburgh. rio'r27-,Y
G EO. S. SWARTZ would respectfully inform:his
-friends and customers that he .has.removed to
No. 166 Market street, betweenSifth and Liberty sts.,
east side, wherelei is receiving a large and well as
sorted stock .5f spring goods, to which he would TO
spectfully invite their attention. ap3-d6n3
"New.,Book Store.
ior S.BOSWORTH S. Co., No. 43 Market street,
I • next door to-Third street, are just opening a
new and extensive assortment of Books-and Station
ery, which they will sell, wholesale and retal, at the
lowest prices. apfl.s-y
.(sticcrissons TO ITOLDSUIP AND' LAMM:O
IMPORTERS and manufacturers of Wall Paper
and General Paper Warehouse, No. 87 Wood
re ct, Pittsburgh. ]e2o
Wm. o , liarn Itolausuit,
DATE U. S. Attorney, has removed his office to
No: 8 St. Clair Ft. scpt4-y
L. W llmarth,
LUMBER MERCHANT, office on Penn. street,
between Irwin and Hand sts., Pittsburgh, Pa,
All commissions will be promptly attended to. marl-y
School Book and Paper "WarelionNe.
LUKE LOOMIS t Agent, publisher, bookseller end
bookbinder, No. 89, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
Pißanton's Unrivalled Blacking,
ArANUFACTURED and sold wholesale and re-
IVtail, Smithkald at., between Sixth and Virgin
M. C. Edcy,
TANUFACTURER of Lard Oil and dealer in
.11j_ Star Candles, Fifth street, near Market, S. W.
side. mar24-y
Coleman, Mailman & Co., 40.
ivrANITFACTURERS of Carriage Springs and
jji_ Axles, A. B. and spring, steel, and dealers in
coach trimmings of every description, manufactory
on ,St. Clair street, warehouse, 43 Wood street, op
posite St. Charles Hotel. j a.n23-y
Flint Glass Establishment
NtIiLVANY S. I.F.DLIE: manufacture and keep
I_ constantly on hancLeut, moulded and plain
Flint Glassware in all its varieties, at their warehouse
corner of Market and Water streets, Pittsburgh.—
Our works dontinr.e in, full operation, and we are
constantly adding to our stock, which enables us to
fill orders with promptness. Purchasers are respect
fully solicited to call and examine prices and terms.
Otto Kuntz,
Dr. Daniel 31,51ca1.
OFFICE, on Smithfield, three doors from Sixth st.,
Pittsburgh. riPclo-y
Dr. George Watt,
OMCP., No. 77 Smithfield street, near Sixth et.,
Pittsburgh. ang2l-y
P. Blume,
PPA,NO FORTE, manufacturer and dealer in Mu
sical Instruments, No. 112 Wood street, noar
Flab. novl9-
James Miller.
George Boller,
Ogden. S. Snowden,
Martin &. Smith,
Alderman's Office
Fahuestock dr. Co.,
Thomas Allier'.
Sterditt di Cd.i
P. C. Blartin,
J. d J. llt,Desttti
Jqhn IL'Mellor;
James Park, Jr.,
Select School
ti DENTIST, Office and residence in
St. Clair et:, a fe* doors below Lib-
Litt, arty, near the Exchanee Hotel.
; '
PraiLkllln lionise, Fourth street,
Between Smithfield and Grant Streets, Pittssburgh
SCHMERTZ, Propriettif t , respect
-1,..) fully in:forma his friends and the public general
ly, that he will open the above splendid House on
the Ist flay of May next.
The House being new, and 'finished In she most
commodious and convenient manner; and having'it
furnished with the newest and most beutiful style of
furniture; flatters himself that he Will be able to ac
commodate his friends and the traveiling public, in n
manner not inferior to any similar establishment in
the city. ,
As the House is situated ncar.the Court loose, ar
rangements have been made to serve up meals at any
hour in theday, this will be great convenience to
those who are in attendance at court.
GEO ! C. Ditowla.,
DO - Refreshments of all kinds can be had: Boar
ders taken by the week or day.
, - Lunch every day at 11 o'clock, A. M.
TAMES ARMSTRONG, Proprietor, Corner of St.
e Clair and Penn streets, Pittsburgh, the proprie
tor begs leave to return most gratefid thanks to
his friends and the public for past favors, and hopes,
by attention,
to merit a continuation of their patron
age. The houise is pleasantly situated near the Ex
change; it has accommodations for travelers, and a
large room fur public meetings, dinner or supper par
Refreshments always ready, or prepared on the
shortest•notice, with the choicest the Ilarket will af
ford. Gysters and Oyster Soup, also Fresh Shell
Oysters, received every day during the season. The
greatest care has been taken in the selection of wines
and liquors. A variety of newspapers arc regularly
filed in the establishment,
P. S. A Hot Lunch served up every day at 11, A
up IS-y.
BY R. DOSS ETT , Penn street, Pittsburgh, Penna.
Boarding and lodging, by the day or week, on
the most reasonable terms. Strangers will find it to
their advantage to patronize him. Persons travelling
east or west 1611 find this house a convenient loca
tion—it is within one hundred yards of the canal
basin, and convenient to the forwarding houses.
Every information given to Iron Manufacturers in
all branches of the business.
Home brewed ale can at all times be had at the
bar. novlo-y
Lafayette Refrcctory.
NOS. 61 and 63, Wood street, under f.vnd's Auc
tion store. The subscribers have Ailed up the
above phice in superior style, and they feel assured
will give comfort and satisfaction to 41 who may
visit them.
Arrangements have bean made to have a constant
supply of Fresh Oysters, which will be served up to
visitors and families on the shortest notice. Other
luxuries, candies ' fruit and pastries of the Choicest
kinds always on hand. Their Bar is filled With the
best brands the market can afford; and Regalia, Cas
tello, Principe and Havanna Cigars of superior qual
ity. Every attention paid to visitors. Their motto
is, every luxury in its season. Prices moderate.
novlo-v OGDEN & GIBSON.
Burnt Ell.trict Flotel..
ISAAC MURDOCK, tbrmerly of the Union Hotel
on Water street, having been burnt out, has built
a new and handsome house expressly for the accom
modation of travelers, at the corner of Second and
Smithfield streets, which will be known as the Burnt
District Hotel.
Ile is uow prepared to offer ever• accommodation
and every comfort to the traveler, at very moderate
charges. He is provided with ample and convenient
stabling. dec 12-y
TERETT & Co., wholesale and retail dealers in
Foreign Wines and Liquors, corner of :Market
and Front streets, Pittsburgh. Pa.
Mferences—Ni'm. llolmes & Co., Henry F. Schwep
pe, Wm. Eichbaum, B. Weaver.
Their stock has been selected as ith great care, and
consists of the choicest qualities suitable for this mar
ket, to which they would respectfully call attention
and solicit a share of public patronage. It comprises
the following in casks and bottles:
Wints—Maderias, Sherriro, Lishonl, Tencriffes,
Ports, MrdagasCalabrias. Liquors—Brandies, Gins,
Rums, and Whiskie4. auLf
LEN BROWN, Pnornirron.—Terms $l,OO per
due. Then ndersigned, formerly of the Merchants
Hotel, corner of Wood and Third streets, has leased
this superior establishment, and furnished it anew
throughout, with new beds, new bedding and new
furniture. Great care has been taken to till his cel
lan with the choicest viands. A handsome omnibus
arid a baggage wnon.are provided for the use of his
guests, and a Porter will be in attendance at all liburs
to meet the demands of the traveller. The long ex
perience of the undersigned in this business, assures
him that' his easnest purpose to satisfy till who call,
cannot be unsuccessful. He feels altogether at lib
erty to promise his visitors a comfortable and cleanly
abode, liberal entertainment, and a hearty welcome,
at a m oderate expense- ALLEN BROWN.
- WILLIAM COLEMAN having, on the first day
V Jimuary, inst., associated with him Jas. W.
Hallman and John F. Jennings, under the name and
style of Coleman, ifailman & co., will now have in
creased facilities for manufacturing, Steel Springs,
hammered axes, American Blister and Spring Steel,
&c., to which the attention of dealers is respectfully
solicitedy and hope by strict attention to business, to
merit a continuance to the new firm the fliers so lib
erally bestowed upon him. Factory on St. Clair st.
—warehouse 43 Wood at., opposite the St. Charles
lintel, where can be found a good assortment of
Springs, Axles, A. 8., and Spring Steel, and Coach
Trimmings of every description, together with Iron,
Nails and Pittsburgh manufactured articles. o::rThe
highest price paid for scrap iron. jait22
DELL AND BRASS FOUNDER, has rebuilt . and
P commenced business at his old stand, No. 70
Second, between Market and Ferry streets, where
he will be pleased to see his old customers and
Church, steamboat, and bells of every size, from
10 to 10,000_ pounds, cast from patterns of the most
approved models, and warranted to be of the best
Mineral Water Pumps, Counters, Railing, &c. &c.,
together with every variety of Brass Castings, if 're
quired, turned and finished in the neatest manner.
A.F. is the sole agent for Babbitt's Anti-Attraction
Mcal; so justly celebrated for the reduction of fric
tion in machinery. The boxes and composition' can
be had of him at all times. novl3-y
eIIiTLER and Surgical Instrument Manufacturer,
N0.,140 Wood strect,.two (kora from Virgin al
ley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Always on Mild an extensive
assortment of Surgical and Dental instruments,
Bankers', Tailors', Hatters', Hair Dressers' and Tan
ners' Patent Shears, Saddlers' Tools, Trusses, &c.
Cl' TILL continues in his oldbusiness of manutliettir
-0 ing Wagons, Carts, Drays, Timber Wheels,
Trucks, and Wheelbarrows, on Fifth street, between
Wood and Smithfield, vhere he keeps constantly on
hand, or'made to order in the shortestnotied; any
amount of work, by the best of workmen sud good
materials; and ai
.priceu to suit the tints. Those
engaged in; the Santa Fe trade, and Furnace men,
arc requested to give him a call before purchasing
elsnvhere. . . ap7-y
20 kegs Plug Tobacco;
5 " Ladies , Twist, do;
10 ," Va. 66 do; •
10 " CaVd, Is Ltlinp;do;'
In store and for sale by 'J. &J. M'DEVITT,
ap2o 222 Liberiy St.
rot Sale.
ALOT of Ground on sth street, 30 feet front by
'l2O feet deep. Also, 2 lots in Pine st., 20 R.
front by 61 feet deep.. Also,: 2 - lots adjoining the
above.oir wldch hi built 2 large and substantial frame
dwelling,houses. Also, 5 franan dwelling houses on
Locust st. Apply
T ART/ OIL.--Preminm oil of Cincinnati manu
jj facture for sale by GEORGE COCHRAN.
.0 26 ' PIO. 26 ‘Vood at.
- ~ r...t -.... i 2'... i ~":. " .2 "Sri:
Dr. Wm. M. Wright,
'ashington Botch
Canal Hoot House
F.xvitanco Ilotel,
A. Fulton,
John Cartsiright
William .11.IoKee.
I, , , Litt • Oil at a' Iteiluqd Pyli(e. ,
T ac IIE sulicriber would icapectfullr iiform- his
1 .friends nd the, public in general, that, his new
etory is no w completed ,; add with a largp,addition
to his machi ery, he is prepared to make donsidera
ble durintiti4s, of a- superior article of Lard Oil,
l t
which he is eterinined to sell cheap, r itgpprecia
ting the : old proverb, thnt qa nimbi . sixpence. is
worth more han a slow .shilling.?' . e feels eonfi-_
dent that consumers would find it to their Advantage
1 1
for themselVes.
Woolen in nufacturcrs, machinists and others, are
respectfully i vited to examine his superior,uil, Fifth
street, near farket, opposite; Runner's Confection
ary store, sad Messrs. Samuel' M"Clurkeri Sr.' Co.,
Liberty street. M. C. EDEY,
Pittsburge Lard Oil Manufacturer.
A superior uality of Star Cm:idles; alwaysen hand,
of nesnried si es. mar24-y
Ornament al HatriVork
... 4 .,.., MRS. RENTER, Ilifi - 2 4 1ahr,
ft ,,, i , ,t 3 .6:
.... Allegheny City, six door's from the
....• Aqueduct, opposite the Collertor's
. ..W. - ...,' Office, wishes to inform the pub
!) 14 - - Tild.:Z. lie that she has just commenced
`7,;:e . ....1 ~..:,:. the Ornamental Hair business,
3, • 1 .. A . , „7.0; and has a Nery superior stock, re
. -a. f44.t.r coked from the Eastern cities aail
,''',,-....--- ' Paris; and she is prepared to fill
' ~ all orders at the shortest notice,
and in a manner that cannot be
- 1 ...,._. ; excelled by any similar manufac
turer in the country.
She has on hand and intends keeping, a large as
sortment of Ornamental flair Work, such as Ladies'
1 Wigs,Banda, Braids, Curls, Necklaces, Guards,
Braceets, Finger Rings, &c. Gentlemens' Wigs,
Tanprics, Scratches, &e.
Mrs. R. has been for many years engaged in the
business in France and the United States, and from
her long and experience, she feels confident in being
able to give satisfaction to all who will favor her
with their patronage. Iler prices are more liberal
than have been offered in this city heretofore.
mar 17-ly
James Howard& Co.
HAVE the , pleasitre to' announce to their friends
that they again occupy their old stand at No.
cd, Wood street, where they have opened an exten
sive WALL PAPER WAREHOUSE, and will have
contantly on band an extensive assortment of Satin
glazed and plain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and
Imitation Borders of the latest style; and most hand
some patterns for papering halls, parlors and cham
They manofilethre, and have on band ht all times,
Printing, Writing, Letter. Wrapping and Tea Paper,
Bonnet and Faller's Boards—all of which they offer
for sale on the most accommodating',. terms, and to
which they invite the attention of merchants and
ALSO—Vaal,Olis ofall Linda and the best qual
ity, School Rooks, tk.c., always on hand and for sal e
as above. nog 25
Landrethos Warranted Garden Heeds,
bears the label and warranty of DAVID LAN-
Lamm. For sale by F. L. SNOW DEN,.No. 29 Water
st., at the stand formerly occupied by Geo. A. Berry.
Extract from the Report of the Visiting Comtilittee
of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society,' unani
mously adopted and ordered to be printed.
"These extensive grounds are on Federal street,
near the Apienal. • • • • The earliest collec
tion or Camellias was made here. Some of those
now in possession of those distinguished nurserymen
are ten feet high. *. • • " The 'selection of
GREEN-HOUSE I-LAN - 1 , 9 is valuable and extensive.
"The Nurseries are very correctly managed, sup
plying every part of the Union, a detail of which
would occupy ton math of our space, we therefore
content ourselves with stating that the stock i■ very
large, and in every stage of growth, consisting of
a collection or herbacceons plants, fruit trees of the
best kind and moat healthy condition, large beds of
seeding apples, pears, plums, Exc., as stocks for bud
ding and grafting; a plan very superior to that sf
working upon suckers, which carry with them into
the graft all the diseases of the parent stock. • •
"GARDEN SerFis of the tinest quality have been
scattered over the country from these grounds, and
may always be depended upon. The seed establish
ment of these lloroculturists is one of the most ex
tensive in the Union, and its reputation is well sustain
ed from Year to year.
"To obviate the chance of mixture of the farina of
the plants of the same family, they have established
another nursery at a suitable aistance, so that degene
ration canned 'take place, and which secures to the
purchaser a ~ genuine article.' Knowing thus the
age, quality and process of culture of every plant,
the supply frritu their grounds is recommended with
great confidence."
,' Since the date of the 'Report' from which the
above is extracted, the entire establishment has been
greatly enlarged. The collection of Camellias em
braces all thefiner kinds, and consists of some thou
sands of various sizes; so likewise with fuses, and
other desirable plants, both tender and hardy; fruit
trees, &c.
The Seed Gardens alone cover fifty acres, and the
whole is, as it has been for more than half a century,
under the successive management of Either and son,
the roost proreinent in America.
irr Orders , received by F. 1.. SNOWDEN, from
whom catalogues may be received gratis. ninr9-y
A Card.
rIIE subscriber begs leave respectfully to return
r his grateful acknowlegements for the liberal pa
tronage bestowed upon him for years past, and par
ticulariy to those who so generously patronized him
since his misfortune by the late fire. (laving consid
erably enlarged his busines by associating with Wm.
B. Roberts as a partner, he would earnestly solicit a
continuance of former favors to the new firm of
Roberts tit Kane, and he.trusts that by prompt atten
tion to business they will give general satisfaction.
M. KANE, Jr.
The subscribers weafd respectfully inform their
frienits and the public that they have removed to
their new warehouse on Third between Market and
Wood streets, south aids, where they trusAby strict
attention to business, to merit a share of public pa
tronage. They solicit attention to their extensive
stock on hand, which has been got up with great care,
in the latest style and most substantial manner, con
sisting in part of the following articles, viz:
Mahogany Wardrobes,
Dressing Bureaus,
Book CaSe and Secretaries,'
Section Back Sofas,
" Plano , do.,
" Divans,
" Ottomans,
" Victoria' Chairs,
French , do,
" Plain . do,
Centre Tables,
Card do,
Bureaus of every description,
" End Tables, .
Marble Top Pier do,
Centre do,
Sofa 40,
Dressing Bureaus,'
Wash Stands,
Mahogany Work Stands,
Hat Racks,
Rocking Chairs,'
" Sewing do,
Music Stools,
Arun Chairs;
French Bedsteads,.
" Bialers , :Trays. ,
, Mahogany, cherry ; nd poplar bedsteads, warrant
ed proof against bugs, and superiorto any now offer
ed to the public. Also, a variety .or Wingor
of the best' . qualityoua d cnew style of arm chair. with
spring adapted; for offices or societies,•with
a variety dt other articles too numerous to mention.
We have A considerable expense introduced into
our new factory on Front street, a steam engine with
inachinery;which will enable us to sell, wholesale
gad retail, at rpdtibeffpi,iceS.-. • •
The attention - or Western'lliferffiffinii;ana persons
Moving Weet;is inYited to our new and extensive
establishment.' Westerd Cabinetmakers are also re
quested to give us a callZah they wilLffiftt they can
purchase from usforiess tlffin they can. nianufac
tare. Orders from a dip - tot:me -wi,ll.receive proMpt
attention, and the furnitdre will be. carefulli,papked,.
Steamboats and hotels; furnished lathe shortest no.
tice 'and on favorable terms. ROBERTS. & KANE.
' N. B. Undertaking in all its branches attended to.
riutrlol • - es K.
CTTbN—A few bales of Mississippi Cotton, for
sale low by GEORGE COCHRAN,
jy.7 No.'26Woodati.
G. Wi
, . . ...
• FIVE Amery above the ;Canal
_ ..... 4
00 4 0-. 7) J3ridge, Penn street* performs all
1 : 4 . operations on the Teeth satisfae
~., _N. 11.---Ildileg lately made one
y :1 of the greatest improvements in
~1 forceps that has ever apPeared be
. .1 •• , l
.fore the public, he has been able
to extract teeth with such ease
as to astonish all these who liave
availed themselves Obis services.
Pittsburgh; July 24, 1846-ly
r .,
[ Pumps and Hydrants,
Which are superior to and cheaperthah
any in the city.
Please to call and r:rainiat for iimrselets.
. IrrHydrants and- Pumps repaired. janl-w6&:dy
No• 66 Simpson's Row,
UST received a general assortment of seasonable
a fancy and staple Dry Goods, bought fronaman
ufacturers and importers, (and not at. Auction,) at
the lowest cash prices,allof which will be warrant.;
ei sound and perfect.
Pyramidical Graduated Rotes.
,Embroidered and Striped Tarlatan Robes. '
Figured 44
. •
'Organdy Grat. 4
uattd t
Sup. Sup. French Lawir. - -
Embroidered Berages;.:.
Polka and Mazurka &rages.
French Gingham
French, Scotch and American Girighaini:
'Black Satin,,Striped Berages.
'Black and Cittagl Balzorincs. .
Fancy Dress Silks,, Plain, Figuilid and Striped.
Plain Black Silks.
Watered and Striped Sfll;
Silk Warp Alpaca.
Bombazines. •
New style De Laines. .
Fine Chintzes.
' Swiss Muslin, plain and fignred:
Bishop Lawn, Jaconet. -
Plain and Barred Cambric.i • •
Nansook and Victoria LaWns. , . •
Color"rl Border'il Linen Cambric Ildids_
Ret ere Bordered Cambric /Mkt's. •
llemstick Cambric Handkerchiefs.
Tape Border'd
Cooled 4i
Mull, Swiss, Jaconet and Thread Edgings and
Linen Cambrics.
Inside Collars.
Outside d
Rich Styles of Bonnet Ribbons.
Shackle:m.(l's Importation of Light Dark Kid
Long and Short Nett Gloves and Mil's.
Lisle Thread and Embroidered Silk Gloves
Plain Thibet, emhroidered, new style Cashmere,
embroidered De Laine.printed,.hiack fillet Eaelena
and Berage ShlWid, Scarfs and Cravats, black and
colored Silks, &c.
• Made to orde.. 01l the new and improved styles,
of J. & SAUNDERS, Manufacture. . .
All the celebrated rrytkes of French and Eng
lish Cloths; 3-4 and 0-4 doe shin Cassiniere; diago
nal cord Cassimere; new style impressed' Emrich
Cassimere. inimitable; with a variety of English
and American C.nisimcre; a general assortment of
Of the meet improved makes, dressed and undress
ed or soft tini,shed, hand spun and grass bleached,
warranted all flax.
Patavds,Parasolds and Sun .'iades
Superior Checks, Cotton and Linen together with
a stock of domestic and Staple Goods, not sugars
sed by any other houSe in the West. Buyers arc
earnestly , requested to call and examine the , sloe's'
previous to purchasing elsewhere.
myl 2.4'im No. ro3 Market st., Pittsburgh, Pa.
T K. 7.OGAN, has removed to IVo 83, Wood
ft) . street, one door below Diamond Alley, to the
store lately occupied by Clark & Cameron, where he
has opened a Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods Store,
and having just returned from the Eastern. Cities, is
opening a new and well selected stock of Goods;
consisting of French, English and American cloths,
(all colors,) a great variety of now style Cassirneres
and Satinctts; Cashmaretis, (a new style;) Oregon
Cassiinere, a good stock of summer cloths of all
kinds; late style V estings; also, a great- variety id .
Lawns and Gingham's; Pyramidical Graduates and
other tansy patterns; a variety of prints 6 to 26 coats
per yard; a very superior lot of white goods, consist
ing of India Linen, Damask Plaid, Striped Cambric;
Victoria Lawn, striped and plain Mull; Swiss Lace
and barred Muslin; figured anchplain Bobinets; black
and blue black Stilts; plain, figured and striped; a ;
large assortment of Irish Linens; bleached "brown
Muslins; table Diaper; - Marseilles Counterpanes;
large size;) ,Noreen; a good supply.of Umbrellas,
Parasols, Parasoletts and Sunshades; a very.large as
sortment of men, women, and children's Hosiery; a
very• line article of Lisle Thread Hose and Gloves,
and many other articles not enumerated. He would
respectfully invite his former customers and the pub
lic genera lly, to an examination ,of his stock, to
which he expects to make additions regularly.
"He who in pleasure's downy arms
Ne'er lost his health, or youthful charms,
A hero lives, and juatly.ean
Exclaim--"In me behold n
TVURING A flint: of a number of veari,
Thompion's PILLS have been fotifici an inval
uable remedy in cases of indigestion, bilious com
plaints, for derangements of the digestiie organsand
obstructions, a sluggish action-of tie liver and bow
els, which occasion more or leis the following symp
toms, viz; heartburn, giddiness,' acidity, head-ache,
sickness, apasm. and flatulent distention of the stom
ach and bowels,drowsiness and dimness of sight,
an uncomfortae.sensation experienced ut the pit of
the stomach soon after eating;With a feeling of weight
or oppression appetite impaired, breathing difficult;
tenderness a bout the region of the liver, hOwels
regular, sometimes obstinately costive, with languor
and depression of spirits. Price 25 cents per boa.
Prepared by the solo proprietor, • •
F.DGAR.THORN, Druggist,.•
corner liand and Penn sta. t Pittshurgh; Pa.
Also sold by all the principal druggists*the city.
je 23
John M. Ti)wilsolad,
ket street,.three doors above Third street, Pitts
burgh,. will have constantly on hand well selected
assortment of the beat and freshest Medicines, which
be will sell on the most rem:Mumble term's: Physi
inns sending orders will be promptly attended . to;
and supplied with -articles they may. rely upon as
genuine: „.
prescriptions will be-accurately and
neally.prgprired from the best Materials, at any hour
of the day or, night. .
Als6;: for gale; elate stook of fresh and good
erfum - Url '
• ... . de c ` 3od '
Novi. Drzig Store. - . . .
, 11 4 Joirm D. IyIORGAN, Whalestilo' dna Ritail
Dmggist; No. 93i Wood Street, one door South
of Diamond Alley, Pittiburgh.-:--The subicriber
has just received from the Eastern cedes and - is now
opening - at. the abo're stand, - a full assortment of
articles in his. line, consisting of Drugs of all kinds,
Dye Stuffs,„ Paints and Varnishes, Chemicals,
ftrc., together miff all such articles as are usually
kept fol. sale at a wholesale and . 4ton - drug store.
, His stock is entirely new, and has been selected
with care. He is confident that his , articles, both
Rot° 'quality and price, will pleasesucli astray fa
vor him• with a call. ' '
AMB —2 cub prime hams for sale by
101.121 ;et: Tr. — IIROCICWAY.
I i lIIAYS 23ROCEAVAT; 1 • '
Commercial Row, Liberty e. •
4..13Y.. Paw - uPening at their ,new wholesale s and
retail Drug Warehouse, a splendid assortmentof goksis aadinerchandisa; which luxe been se/gated
witirthit greatest care. in, Philadelphia, Nev, -.York
and Boston; consisting of Drugs,, Medicines, Paints,
OilS,,yartashes, f c.j.together.,with a sPlendid lot of
P,ciftiniebl-Faney S;aps, Tooth,' Hair s • s a.tal Cloth
13nishes, of whieh os .togother with a
general assortment of all such articles as arc
kept in a wholesale
and retail Drag store, we otL•
fdr.ta tin:4lo6'as any other house in'thli city.;
ha Oanfideaert in., asking the call
and sea
s our stock ,hefiire Braking purchases else-
Where, andljudge of the quality and price of our
gandi Vhaervatieri,7 - '' • • .•
Country:.Nerehantaandiddisidettler t oming:ixtfrom
the country, :by the Canal, will find-our house more
cohtigions to the .Trasin thaw , a4 - other 'Drug iVare 7
house, and may probably .tind it -to their advantage;
(as well a.,t,egrtc),.te, call at the "Ilio GOLDEN Wa
Orders acnompanind b y the 'cialt;
cheerfully attended to. ..Fanilly add Physicians' Pre-'
script:ions accurately compounded at all- hOurs. Our
store; whichlie newly and :neatly fitted up, is in No, ,
2, Coinmerhial :ROW, Liberty at., where- we may -be all times ready to wait upon our customers,'
. :140'Mind the place, No 2, Corn. Row, near Canal
I. Paper Airit.ehouse: "' '
THE . undersigned having bOnght the paper'
_Wand wall, paper ,manufamog, lug
Itoldship 3i Browne, have entered into a co-partner
ship, under; the name and style of llill & Browne; for
the perpose bf Oarrying• on the business in all its Ira
riches. They will have always on hand a compjete
assortment!clf,PAPEß.WGlNGS, AND BORDERS,
of their on - n, manufacture, and, their stock will, be
improved and enlarged with periodical additions
fromitho best French-factories. . • :•. - '
Agents for. the We'll-known Clinton Paper
Steubeniiltd,, fiorn ;which they will be • eonatalitly
supplied , With :WRITING, -wRAPpriG, PRINT
LNG PARDR,DONNET ffOARDS; &c.; all orwhich
they offer ;Wholesale and retail, at, their store, NO,
37 Wood street,, midway bet Ween Fotirth' and Dia
mond Alley, where country merchants and dealers
are invitdd to i call, •: : .• - , ;
it/derninn,' • ' Attornefitt Late.
• , , . . .
:•t C E L
flollTlZii i 7r, to attend to thc•ielling and Tenting
of Re'a 'Estate in the City of,rittsburgh and vi,
cinity. tlcitgitoiped to ,devote, a large portion
of their time to thit,brineh of business, they with,
confidence' soli t cit a share' of the patronage of. the
public; froid the facility they possess and the experi
ence they hive (the Senior partner having bseg. en
gaged in the Real Eetate Agency for near 2 . 0
they believe 1.14 t they will give - general satisfaction.
Mee oil Penn ;it., near the U. S. Hotel, and Smith
.field st., iiet;ween Diamond Ailey and Fifth atzeet.
. • -
New 'Boot attd,uric Store
, . -
No. 186 Libertp of
A. felt idotirsabovo the liead of Wood EL
. _
- respeCtfully announce to the citizens of
.4 1
Fittsburgh and vicinity, that they have -
pened a store at the above clamed, place for the
sale of BoOts & Shoes of all kinds and (vital - ft:ea - 00111..
prising arttCctensive assortment of Ladies', Gentle;
mens", Mia See, Boys', Youths' and, Childrens" wear,
all of •Whiclt'goods they are dbtermined to .sell very
low for cash. ,
They would !raspectfully solicit a call from all, in
want orfilebte;,Shoes, Trunks and Carpet Bags, Bse.
&c., , or any, goods that are usnally kept in a Shoe
Store, as they are confident that they will be enabled
to please both in the quality ard.price. : je2o:tf
, -
which! stand unequalled by any Medicine
known for Ille' cure of Liver Complaint, and other
diseases arising from a deranged state of the Liver.
This medicine has been in public use for about S
years, and ihas acquired a ireputation , for ,curing
the liver C'Eunidaint which has never been equalled
by any rerpedy heretofore 'offered to the public.
As an Anti-bilions: or Purgative Pill; they are un
surpassed: and should be used in place of the com
mon pills ;:.f the, day. Give them a trial and, thel
truth will 'appear. Ptepared and sold by.
cco M. McDONALD, Eel] and Brase
Founder. First street, near Market, is
prepared to mike Brass Castings and
'Brass works generally on the most
ws reasonable terms and shortest. notice.
• Irle invites machinists and all those
using braSs works to give him a call,ms he is de
termined to do all work inhis line very
may 127 -fly '
'IIE subscriber Offers for sale a tract of land about
• - three miles from the city of:Allegheny between
tie y
Franklnt and Beaver roads,. containing, one hun
dred and forty-one acres, about 44' of which is . clear
ed.. This land is - offered at reduced' prices ,ruiirwill
be sold either in a- body or divided into Lots to suit
purehaseral From its convenience to ivarket it would
be a very 'desiMble location either tbrfarinttletnir=
poses, pastel:Mg cattle or for:Gardening. ' '
1 ; . ALSO,
Seventy'-five buil di n g LetS On credit of ten rears.
These Lets are situated on' Grant, Willy,. Fifth,
Ross and', 'lliainond sateen! .in Abe third-ward of the
city of Pittsburgh, adjoining the Nee• Court House.
Persons disposed to purchase will find these lois' fa- -
vorably located tug to health,. convenienCe to- busi
ness, and will soon be in the centre of the city. For.
particulars' encjuiie - cif J. C.' Cummini, cir
-1 cartonLblach secondi mourning satin striped
Iterage Shawls;
cOrtoic beautiful . fincy Ilerage Shrewlsi ombre
1 cartseilrneha Berago!awls; extra handsome;
's 44,is es" Scarf '
1 I ",4iatinbordered .0 -
1 i! ; hernatii tivist'd silk. "
, "• ,
extra sup. hernani' " -
The above;handsoine goods haveb eenfit;ta
re -
sod lately, at auction; in Piece York. and Philadelphia,
at the dosing ialelar the French importers,, aiid arc
no . vi offered at a small . aSivitnce, and leis than the .
costal impartation; at the Cheap Cash Store of
jelB, ITAY..
. , .
. ,
4,nmes .op.vassaglik. 4 •
IVIVORTER and yinelasalesianler l o g Frepahi Zer
maTi'andd E6gltell Fancy IVariety Goo& of every
deieriptioif such as Jewelry, table and pocket ' Oaf—
lety, silk.Ptlifeej bead, Bags, ilver and Gorman ail,
vet Spoons gold and silver Panc:ils,.silkand.gumris-.,
pendeta; ittl.di37:.of.Ga!rinnittawn Ifoes and hill d'o.
Trimmings-of all kinds, drut , ii general assortment of
toys, constantly on band at :No—gh Market Street,.
between Thiid and Fourth streets, Sirtipsonis,,B:ow,
Corner of WOod and Filth streets, PittsbiirgiL,
Li ready to receive Merthand'iie of every descriptinn
on ,coripignmeit for publielA p4Vate sale, and from.
long experience in the al,o'v'husines,fiattera hiniself
that he- will be able to give' 'entire satiafaction to 'all
who may favor Ihrt•-avith their'patronages.,--.
.11. - egthir Weston. M'ondays and Thursdays of Dry
Goods and FlillCy lirticles, at 10 . .. o'clock,
Of groceries, pittilborgh : i manufictured
new and second hand furniture, at tw6 o'clock,
' ' • ~'
. .
-Sales every evening at early gas-14 ght: • ingl-2..y.
R .
EggitED THIS DAY; by ExTifdes,- another 1
of rick black MAIS:TILLSS; at the New' York
Store, 79 4 Market aireet. , _
augl7 W. H. GARRARD:
BORAX-3 a:siva:just ..i r ad'eii4l add
Jbr stile by FAELNI:BrOCK . , & Co, .
•sepll porner,of 6th and Wood streets.
truth', 'oirEhriston - Doctrine as need by 'the
German Iteform4Churcli,;,English and Gennare.—L ,
Tor sale at one atore, No. 115 Wood at. Pittsburgh.
jell S . CRIDABi SCREIBLEiti Bookßell era.
"E"'" -
r R icE; :: :ry T OXE NT -$1•:'
• •
Ep.T.73LdcAtioN-pr The '.P.mlo7l,EßgraltrZY,
Pitirie . the .Ectinburoli Reviete the Forriol6 -
61gilfrly . ..Revirte, the t:Vestniinste. and
inarlciroad,s EdinbiirgliMagtizini-11,'31;503 . e Pe,
riotlicals . are reirtiiited IL:ofk.',lircrted.mtehr,
on their arrival, by the 13-ritisillystbaniem4i3Onaß
tiful clear type, on fine white
.paper,lipil:ereNtl„l„ .
copses of the or intals-=Tilhckwedd'sittagazine •
being,an exact fdc-sirtAle ofthel.dirlbnig - li.etlition:,
,The wide-spread {erne if.thesti Periodi:
cats renders it needless to say. - inuchiii - thtiffralte'. -
As literary organs, they stand -fat in adyance ot;
any Works of a similar sta4?..Pprn,
the political, complexion pf,,eachjzynarked hy Ex
dignity, candor and forbearance n?t often in
works of a Tarty character., •
They embrace the'Nlisii`or the_three great part
. in, England-:—Whig, -Tory, and 'Radical:
",13laelmood" and the- ".Londan Qiiatte4Pl i a.M
Tory"' - the , fEditifitirgh'Review,"'-Whig and =the
"Westinintsfer," The-i4POreip,-Quirterl. , ,
ly" is purely. literury; .deNrOted;priJieiPlly i tß
criticisms on foreign Continental Works.
The prices of : enixTs are less.than one ; i
third of those.. of foreign copies, and while. they
are equally well got the}' afford` all that:4l6bn
tage• to the Anthriean. over the Eiigflsh fader!
PATItE;VT rAriE ;3 4111....vciag:
For the tour Reviews,..
For any tYYSt.:r do • :5,90 u.-
For thirthreri -
For'all-forriof.4ll6 - 11e&iews, nE;OIS
For , Blackyvcloct s Aagazine, - , 3,00
For. IllackwpCil the 4 Reviews, 10,00 ,
". • . CI;UfiBING. .
Tdur copies c - filly or all the above works yrnt
bs'sint td oria ‘rufdfesi on: payment df the' 'regular!
sutcription for three—the fourth copy beat . grai
cCp.; ternittanceS, end con unicationg ransae
Madein all - cases - Without 4iper4o to 'the' publia,ll
- 'torther may` always be one
Postirrestr by handing bdie the • ,e4nrent - ttr , .14.:0,i:,
mitted. r talcAng his ,receipt ; and.forwarding the re-
celpt by mail, or the, mony may be,
encloreil in a - letter, Post-paid, ditacted to - ,the tali
It B.—Tlie. Poslagi ...OR all therdreriodicals
reduced, by,,the late Post,ollice lawi to about one
. theforiner tan's, making, a very-Oxiortefit.
aving' id the alperwe to . •
"."-fn all the priewiptil ritics and takai ;drdiriti;
ant the _United 'which thsze is
Poad or ponuttattieation fnoni,,the 00 ,- of:breto t
York these periodicals will it delivered FREE
PcistXdk.- . -
- - - •
LEONARD SCOTT Si Co- - publislig
ic-1-dtint • .• 11.2 Fulton
._Flt•th Waid..LiverySpablo:••
THE subscrihei,:.having • bought tiin
• known .LiveryStable,-kept
Doty, in - the ffilik Ward, respectfully_ infongs pii
friends 'and- v ine public generidly;tlitit lig grill i kedp - U.t.',
all tinies, a" Afoul; of the .beat, dencription . nr - riiiing ,
horses, bitTiies k carriagee of all - ing_recluired - in his line of business
A' considerable portion of his'stock in new and hd
is confident that no stock in the,oity'lviii be stipiariasi
to his.
Hiii terms uOl bE thoderate...lfisntable is on"I~lfr'
,ntreet,.a . few doers, above. the canal -,bridiei
where he respectfully solicitsshare of:public pa+.
tronage.*: • • "cftrit , :4s4OLLMAN:.' 7 ':
He is also leiefide:d .4 1 11.1i.•en elegant hearse;;
which wilt be fiiinished when required. . ,enW.5-1:11
• _ -
~. Wholesale Shea Store .1 , ~.,.
....., :.
.. d i
IT. GUlLDS & csi„.ii;Aw.' r' : !2Ceiving aciiir'.
: • springldpgies;eotisisiing of one of
- - - thelargeati, ctiaitestand bext as, ' .--..,:.
• _ .
soqinent of Boots and Shoes.that, they. have eye A..,
bleuable to bring to this market. ....Also, - ,Ladies Oaf,
MiaseaFlorenee Braid', and - Straw Bonnett4 - Of tliti - '
latest style; together with a splendid. - asiortipent'or
Palm .Leaf 1-ats,. meat+ , 7and . hope- intramereapsi
Aire; a large hit of New York Tatuied Bole Leatherj,
I all :of which lia4ing" hcvoi putehased. at . tfielowest 4
1 ratea, and selected, with . great care for the iretitern ,
trade, will be sold at . a small advance aboyeeost ejlii
charges. .Ml'nfetchants wishing to= puyeliese_ will'
Shcl it to theiiinterest tei call and examine theiretoelt 4
hefore purchasing elsewhere. ~• . • .•'.,-.,,•
. .
, Knell.
"r„ BR9HER, corner of WOO4,anti,,,g.
j.4' streets.' Gold, nitres and curietit bank -noes
bought and sold., Sight cbenkag/n thooastere_citisa:
for sale. Drafty, notes - and bill collected;
y? Wood sreet
. ~
-.---- - ',Nen, Hat'und-'Ciip Stiire. '-- '—
r , • ' ....,.
a CHS. H. FOCLSON;IIetf; pr,,the l - ' l fizii' - ' - .--
Poulson &•• Gill) having - opened Ma,.
new store at No. '73, Wood', street, pent. d,ocir i -tri l it Oi:-
corner of Fourth; is now, manufacturing and yecei- -
1 ying from the EasternMitins".n-,2-ery)arge,sslezemeht
l of hats and caps - of. eyery,sl,*ription; Nii ,. .arZnnted; AO
be-made in the.bestrnanacr and of-the best.mnterialn.
Otter, Sefl, feeand..cC7':d4rion - „lgushrat . , Seatette,
Itaii-Seal..Plnth and Glazed Caps - :- , 7 . • '..
Also, allineassortment, of lailjesi ,farc,sugh;asti
Lynx . 'Fitch, Genet nad.CdOey.Zinffn,..and"."/Ippetn,_
and fur trimmingn; ill of tiftich iie . olfeicifdi talent
eastern pricesfor casbi both wlzolecale: and - Zetiir.." ',
Country merahants will please call, and - exanliT
p ro
My stock before tifehasitg 61 - s'eA , ;Fieie.: i ' , .. ~
• . H.
N. B. Thp.F.all Farb!ott for flate,and . capq - recekiW
ed. , '
Franklin machine "W: 4 ").rki. , ::,
THE subscriber tiering been feniMied by"thi;
'great - fire to AlleghenY;is Prepared 16 Mali
Steam 'and- Fire Engines;
Presses, for oil, tobacco or •any•other purPOge;tuldi.
Machinery generally. GW_YN.NE; •
Franklin MaChine'WOrks:;'
Oifitetecen street' fane;Virek'h'f"Peireitif
street; Allegheny City.
9ideis left in •piltstargl.- •Ssith•Allr ,
Cuthbert in Market street, 2 door.= below Third
street,. will meet with prompt attention;
mayl,l; - . • ,
. „
!-- Clold- fin& Silver i attiid?
OF"e beat, monnfactorp, both 0t ... .:E4044-0,14t
Geneva, inlarge variety
• and for sa.ledt
lowest prices—patterns, new and of the et3dO:'
Alno,.Diatnond . pointed- tiold ; ;Eene,
aupply,„jgEt.rostivel.,,rif thOro6st,m4e.. ,Alqo„Silyo4l
- Mite Tabletlittleri,,ectiefea;Peri-,
elle; Tea %Vase, "-Lannis, BERM
coiner of gourth and a' 2lli t
T"E' undersigned wOnid.respectfiilly. jut - 176'4e,
citizens of' Pittsburgh: and its vicinity, that TIO
has purchased frontMr,. ;doses Cefl,ltifilaitii:iindi
splendid stock of Dry Goods,:kept at o. 6 6:Igairkei:1
stran't,ivhete he intends to keep ii,genefal
meta of seasnnable diiods,whieh tie will eeji`at"veep'
reduced. prices. Please call, said jcidge:fokyouiselmil
No. 66 Market Street:- , . • „
• ' - wititA3t
- -To my friends_ and patrons f "am -machv
and -; woubi, resTmctrAlly recommend: 4,._lValliaro.
Cowan,my successor.
ILI ttiERA.I. WATER 7- . .
.u.TI • !'Sparkling nild bright
_ .. .
. : . Jits liquid light: 7 ' .
.. •
- . .:A.tidnorsinly: 7 4parkling Grighi,Y 7
delicious flavor, Hays Ac BrochrearsAgad; - ,a,ndAliti t
erall7gateiip ,cerninWunriyalled77 and the gyrupt4,
are' equal to .any 'that over 'graced j the -; .l% , finerat•
Fount. Call and -age, at No; 2, ...Conuntercial.lto - wT.
liberty, at. • • • "i 0
City-,Pyoperty for Sale. —
WE will nelliiLot bfgroyilid, , 28 feet filArby C 4
jl 4 4et,denp,,gittiate Cu Perry
ny City, an *hieh is erected a. double. frame dtirelli
_House, Teimn enny.-
Nni.F.SOPTION,S. son-,of
Xenophon, chiefly according to'- the test or. r,,
orf, with-notes, foi.thanie - Mlttf.hrilits
gee. For sale by LOC
sep7 [Jouinarcopy]
:-~ : -~..
~-!, ' i . . l ;•
..i,:;.:::..;ri . i..l..t_TT'rl
Wyn. Bell &CO:, • . - •- -
Jofin D. Davis • - -•-•
, Painter:ittsbitiglr, -.,.;
tr. CoCo./
Joseph ‘Vooawell;.._. ; • ".:r
James Asap,
Ales Bronson &Co.;
John Ii;: Brown & Co.; -
James 34,CandlossiCincinna0,20:::
J:s. B.l'Donald,. St. Louis,
W H. Pope,-Presqllank'