Die INiT) 41) ---- . Front the Plough; th I Loom, and the Anvil.. CQOTsr HOXIS;S, . •", - , - 1 1- , Ma. &non :;.—One. of e mostmo common features in the hOuseSl'ot the country is the waut of taste, visible in all .sections of the -Countryl.. These dwellings. are Mostly the liOrivis of the farnier,and see how little time - is spent in ireproiing:them and making them look as a farmer's lOme -should. ,Most of, Thom Were plaeedclo.'e to the highway With a door-yard perhaps i front,, of twelve by to.. enty feet, fenced of • from each corner of -ilte house and runu in , to the street - flmee,— Hnce this yard comp, ised all the "grounds" the house had; and iminetitnee even this was _ . e ei__ - . . .Wauting, as in manyoases these houses were •istre directly on the B et.. 'At -the' pri!Sent tune a little ,more tai e . may be ehOwn in the -buildings - or es-tihiluS tan: formerly; But in the situation of the • renee.'s house,' and the' tro!inds around, very) little, if any improve meths havelaketi pl ',e in the last forty years, 'For some reason orther, people living in theConntry have al' r that they shall 'riot see every 'body that 'asses in the street, and sothe houses must b built r directly on the highway, to gratify h this ,curioity ; and of course all the dust and dirt of' the street in .1'• dry: time must. be endured for the sake asee ing.the 'natives'las they pass by. • Now it is eStonishing tosee. fat parismony many 'farmers with large fa mswill exhibit in ref crevice to. an acre ore vo of ground for haild, ingea house. I But o dinarily it is more sow hie, hie, tO a want of a jti4 appreeiation . 'of what 'et rariner's house should be, than from a real 'r e nuriousneei. All,„ ~ this difference comes feent edueation, an education which every far • iner may have by a \little eare and study, but which they . so often leglect, believing it more nece.ssarry to bicrease the nuniber of - acres than to, make permanent end lasting improve meats on what they tow possess.. Of .course those formers who oticapy old . farm-houses of 4 fei•nier generation•nnot change the sitea C t .. on, though the bace . :grounds may often lie enlarged, and 'the' *hole.' premises 'can he, changed wheu the right spirit is set at work. For initance, if the kitchen garden is close to the house, as is often , the case, take up all the • old board and pieket-fence between the gar den and door-yards, II lso• remove all the old rail fences near the hinse, and make mil! good . substantial fenee aro Ind the_outside, making but one ' yardof the I hole. The kitchen gar den., of cou r se, will be removed to a place outside of the yard-fence, while- the old gar- - . deli - can be 'used tor fruit-treess, flowers, sliru' bs, 'ere. The ul/ Cow-lthtses, hog-pens etc., if they are•prett , -.near the house,, lieth'ey often are, should be e.iiioved if they can be, .. especially the lioglie l : on'a high hoard-fence maybe put up in fr titto cut off the , vieW •freet the house. .. . . . Here we only giv :seine ideas how an old feshinned farmhouse may..he improi-ed by a litt'e-labor and taste' And when the fariner once commences an improvement of this char ieeer, he will find that, as he gees• forward with his improVemerts, new ideas will eon stently turn up which will show him the-val ue of such embellishents. All that is want, ed by the .farmer is Ile little exertion on his part to go forWard•api r d enter' into - this. busi ness. Of course where new grounds are to be laid outea differe 't plan will be earriod , mit. In . :this ease, tie farmer can :seteet his . -6verign nrills and_make all the - arrangi•ments - to his nine - . An aCre of la (two are bet: e ter, and three or 104 arc better still) for a court-yard or '_lavierll with the house standing , on the h;ghest ro;n, of laud, the out-build- ings a little below t ls leVel end.in the rear;, l a coin-ere- place can' e made to make a good apPearaiice. -Wh ever iis the size of the -yard, allow no cros, sections - of fences,' but • have one good. sub.tantial outside fence of woe:I, vire'or iron:]! els the ante meY be.— Where the yard is 'composed of five. or six acres. the kitchen . and 'floWer gardens may be • placed in the rear o r the, buildings-with suit able enclosures. -It is oleo well to select the site for your horse acid l out-buildin g s in or neet.a group of natural tee”, for shade and protection, if they•are at hand. ' Apple trees and.clierry trees may be lu•sed for- this pur • pose e Should neither of these be within reach, as will often ilbe the case, then it will , be time. and Inciney . N% ell-Spent to transplant some large - forest t ., eesof six; eight, and ten inebes - ln diameter il at the _trunk, to shelter . your house and ant-building from the sun's rays, and storms. IThis may be done by the - - frozen ball 'nettled,' which We have often - named. before, which most northern cultiva tors tniderstand. Ihe plan is, just before cold Weather sets in, go to the forest and se lect them, cutting off all the branchinl-,:roots,leav . ing the main tuft roots at the bottom uncut. In this way the tree must stand till the earth about the roots is frozen to a solid ball. In .... the .meae time theholes for the reception of - . these trees must be' dug, and all prePared be . fore ebid weather Sets in. They should be ..: ~ . dag !, , otue two feet larger than, the ball of routs, and the spate filled in with yard 'soil • .- SO as to give the }young rootlets a good- start • . in the Spring.. lt4there •is a slight snow on ,he ground the tries may be removed on an ' - eeesled' or two i tiraers fitened together.—, -,\ The trees must biffraised from their :bed by ' \ :nears of long lesfers, pulleys, etc., and placed ' . 'l'm the sled. 'lt Will require a great number 6f hands and a strong team; according to the size of the trees.to be moved. IR most situ ations the trees Will' require bracing during the firs_ t winter they are set, to guard against wiegls and storms. When the work is 'well ' done they will continue to grow vi:ithout much ' . Cheek the next. season, and ordinarily none Of . the top need be leut' off. • Some cultivators • haveidone well hy removing hirge trace: in . the . spring. It will p be seen that , the peculiar . advantage of thislSyetem of . tree-planting is, 1 , that)rou have fine shade trees'to begin' wit • On n new'place, nutrend of having to wait ten . 0r..114.en years . .i:ir small -trees to . grow. up '. for - shade. • This isquite an item of ecotemv '. in time. ' • - I , . • 'ln giving a deScription Of what'a farmer's 4 • • -country house„,:should be, 'we can only name . the oetlines, as Ole other'points must be fill- . - of by thifarmerildmself. . One thing we will . . name. Generally, now, where a farmer wish = es, to -build 11,- - boOse4 he just goes and consults . the ' ' buih36,'• ecit . nsitonly a Low-carpenter iw - dinnic. 'Of_niinirae, he .- finds , (Mt. what the • I‘.4iSt job' price for 'abonseMay be. _Then : . if he - concludes tkii : build, the; plan and ' arch , itec — re l of theliOnse is lett to Able '..bnilder' 'to ere wqieh 'in most cases mill be a. r di , 1 lere 4 copy' aft,. some:-dozens of others.- - - - 9 - w the farmerishould know somethiner of • style • . b . style • and ardriteeture ,liiinself. Tien; 'he . ~ , eehould cosiilt 'the beit 'works on that subject, elard• not depend OnTtliti houee-carpenterrfor this ' • - eeryiee.• lbe•farrner will find - that- •it will . • etist..,hita - f . noe nefeee. to budd his louse .in a . . tasternljayle,' - tieati to •builitit . in violation of . , a ll 06-kwi l iflOoa taste and of the 'rides 'of - • architecture: , :', - ' • : •L. DuniaM. - _ ,Ijlerhy; Ct.; September; -1855. '— - , . P.tsamottE ' Milivtaustm—The `father of Pasat.n4e:t e r#l son has alritady paid $4OOO 'for 1%0 - P Ntrs in the ease cif his 'son, sibw ittpi,itivii4by the dictum ofJudge lialk.. A.:, gertactilitil, -111-t_ -XiNs;-Yorit 1)&4 •geues.on.sly tott , Oren '41090, .t,s.rds defrityl4-his expenses. Alitteiiiltn n ov i menfwill be made by petition to the ii'ext'llottse of Repre.setitativ es to hare :;11 ,1, .•• 'Kam 41456, , 10 . 1.----Dliti TI 74-cousin . .- fie ViireQe. - - - , • Frost the ger:images* . Telegraph, - - _ Hints faiths Farmer-- •- . Dfurr.—AVoid - debt as you would a pest . house: Thu- farine Who is perpetually in creasing his liabilities; Wilt always be hamp ered :----be . an ltd.*, exert, hii energies to good advantage, an 4 oppressed by, a sense of his helplessness, toil ;rarely attempt to do so. It should ever be at object With the farmer to 'live strictly within lit Means.' - • All that is required for the support, comfort and colic venience of his fatuity, he should endeavor to produce from the[ farm. With luxuries, properly so called, lid should have nothing to b j--- 1 isboater .- trand do, _manse' le without them. ThiF simplicity of,primitive times . afforded' a M ost:delightful. picture .of rural life. . All the i members of, the house hold' were - then unit and banded : together in pursuit of a . cot moo . object—happiniss, and this they sought and obtained by the adoption of the most • homely and rational means. That their effiirts should have been eminently. suecessfu I, creates no astonishment in a rational mind. STONE NV A L1....t More valuable than the material • indePll properly constructs heave, it is very. dui ' be thrown down ori dinary causes. If l l and properly laid,. should not endure. . .. encumbered with stones , should be .eleareL off, - and enclosed with them:. -The time will shortly come whenilands which offered rocks - enough. tO fence thent will be considered the more valuable on tliat. account. LIVE. FENcEs.—"'very, season and, every .... experiment but serces to I.lustrate the :value of this species of ej eloSure. The e l an of re fined and cultivatt.4l taste v•Ill Of course pre fer hedge to all other Speci'es of fence for its Iromantic and g - racqul beaLity. while the econ omical' farther, iteipiainted with its merits, *ill appreciate it 1 4 pr its durability, efficieney, and superior eeoiFotny. - lledges of, thorn, well set, and privily managed, will be t;llindl to lie•the best Jere' les against; (Auk. that can be bad.. No ;mini il,howeveri unruly, wtll at tempt to break tln;o4itlicinntore thanonce: The effect, too, ilprin the ieenie attractiobs . of the farm, .is magnificent. .Tf !the tliorni can not he 'proenred, O'ther shrub's mat: be; sub stituted in its plal,i,- ' such as the -Osae,,,ie or ange, Aceaceit, & 1, .: 1 • here is no speAes of fam e intone' wall. Not only is tructible; but when it is oniland_ that: does'not kable4 and 'not likely to otherwise injured by or stones are of good size !here is no reason why it ,Lands that are =FM . . . . . . TAR A . n 'OR Mutsu thsrizuria- 7 - Thomas W. Tad • of Smithfield, Jettrson ... , . • entmtv t Ohio;writ s to the Ohio Varinet that he has I.,and, a i'e , edy and cure . finii dis temper' in 'honks. I. lle• says i . Having three colts sick with this diicase, - ark experiencedfariner told rnii to use tr'r,and that those who Inid - not taken the d siase i would not have it kit all, or but light ..y . I followed big •direeqort to my :entire Sai t isfile- - , tion. I gave the e i jilts mornipg and,levierfin,g as much as -I •conld readily,,' get. into. I their mouths with a pad idle. After; a Jew fartpliea- tion;,. the_ sick onds - commenped runithig •at the. nose, their appetites retOried, land in a short time the hil ..' d entirely •,, regained what they had lostfroni disease. ,lle others nev er took it to my' Iknowledge Some prefer mixed-fi-h- oil . with the tar, hot In i=ed it attr: . and I believe it to be entirely ; sufficient; if the article be good, ptire tar:. I would hmie no. faith at all in the ctoal tar, - not` in use, in some places.' - i - , • AFFECTING CASE OF J ti VEZ.ILE SCICII)E.— One of the Most areeting cases of snicide• it has ever been ontlfortnne tnfecord;Oectirred in this city; a fiiw.ays shice.. A reinarltably 1 • beautiful and its elrigeni 'little. - lioY. three years of age, ,wa christened' : by his, parents Franklin Pierce. [ It was only some, three weeks. since that he learned - niietliiiir, of the •.chttracter of the ientl'eman .. after wilt im he was named: It i. needles.; 0 . eat Thai with the pure and inntren(instint•ts of Infancy he was mortified bdyond descriptions at this dilcovery. For k.treral daYS he hill hiMself frbm human oliSs'•vatien, in the wodd-shed, a prey to 'dr:. Aecpst grief. One.. insh•ning his j i) mother on going", tit to take him his break • fast, found that Ihe • had tiling hithselt to a projecting pine knot, in a . nloinent :of'delie rate shame at thel, name whi r eh he biße. Let . parents take warning from : 'this dreadful pre cedent.• . ' - " 1 . - 1 . . - —The Lawrence (Kansas) lleralii says that , so active are building operations there,that it is irnposible to. get masons andlaborers to supply the demand. •Strakqe to.:Say,.there is a heavy emigration of Atiti-Slavery settlers into the southvy4tern seetipn of the Territo ry. from A'skan...4bs !.-z , t i . : i i . Several cannon are said; to be in:lthe bands i) of the pro-Slave'` men of the terriiory, sent there to aid the in their' doings. ii Cakb S. Pratt, of - Lawre ce, has been stabbed with a bowie knife by a South Carbliniat4 Who fled .to the woods and .eseaped i although pursued by twenty or' thirty Men. ~ . - .: —, l l Nantucket' xhaling ve4sel liaciliscovered a new island in the South Pacific Ocean. h is situated aboui two hundted and fifty miles south of Desolation Iskiiid, And the ship which enconatlred- it ' 144 f fron it in •less than a:weeli - s t me, four •hundred. barrels. of Sea elephant. oil?: Two Oilier ships are said to• be now in rse of - prfiparatiOli to return 1 • thither, for the !purpose 4if profiting- by thii valuable discovery, .. 11 • ':' '.. - urt EPom. Don% be. forgetful, frienv, one aild all— Aged or yo4thful, great!br small:— ( l lf not too sniall,) That at OddiFeflows' flail I the place to call, To get yoitr faces done - up fall: PEANS. ist 15, 1855. Montrose, Au C. A. BAIODWITIIt. • I -- d Ll tia npl e G l ira er tdl ii 's, C CTi P n li atul ne d V Fluid and Nall Fltiwer rasep, COckery, Ch!.na, Glace Platectrarid FancrGoods, also:Paimphene and Fluid at the lowest cash )ices, at a BOWLIIY, NEW ,VORIC : , Bom4 • 1 Remot - ed. . • C. D. Virgil Dointitt has f•}ken rooms over T D. Chandlers' store, where it . wRI be his pleasure to; see his friends us qui.lia,as possible. C. D. VIRGIt,. Mai' 2, 1855. • Resident Dentist•i Patent Horse Rakes. FOR stl , o at tho Flirraer's tachtinge by LATHROP t CO, t •;: June 12(t $lOO. REWARD. STRAYED or stolen aliier:eolered Pointer og. The above reward' will lie paid to any one return ing hith to the amore of .L A. LATHROP & Montrose, J e 12th, 18#. 2.5- 4 a3 nying ;.Tools ; . Agood Iwo int, Scythes, Faiths, Rakes, Fork; —and 2 kmd of Florae Bakes--and superior Revolving Rakei, at • B..CIIANDLEWS. June 20th, Ifis6. PaLuls:aad Oils.. ?ZINK Palnt,AloYAs fi re 'Proof Paint, Linseed and Lamp O il , PlmsgeOe sold low by ' F. E. CHANDLER. June 20th, 1. Y. I Or. 13 31: 1- tr 11 t:e, 1311"1;u1:e• 'l'lo DAlllTiliElti" - BUTTER WANTFI). Tbe Merritt market priele will be paid ht cash for good Dalrf i Butter by • R: . l T). SATRE. ‘2,s I. 1 54 )3USINL Orchard,. M. D.. PYSICIAN AND SURGEON, •Jackson, Susgue• Wolin county, Pa. 'Residence at the Poetolhce. , - • Han ac Lamb, . • - CABINET MAKRS, hare recently opened a witre room in New Mina Pa., and will keep eon stantli on. hand all kinds of Cabinet-ware; -also Reidy made coffins. Funerals Attended with or withont a hearse. Ware-roOni neatly opposite J. , Diekertuan's Store. New Milford, May 15, 1555. • • AL Baldwili, vrANUFACTITR I MS OF SADDLER, HARNiSS, 111. Trunks, Whips, 5:6 in the Baseinent of Scaties Hotel; Montrose, PO.- • a,lll. OUT "AND SII"Dy. MAKER. Shop first door Of Odd Fellow ii' Ball Turnpike-st.,Montro • . .. . • W Singleton AN now he found at; Ins new stand on Owe two doors welt of Searle's Hotel, where 1:1' C feetually repairs ,nith ilispotch, Watches, Cl. Jewelry, Guns, and every description of Machi . - Wheel cutting; (in and Watch materials sup to the trade. - . Smith, etTGEON DENTIST; War°Fe, Pa., at St frotel, Monday:: anci.Tueslays of each week Henry; S. Knapp, 11ONTROSE, 4 . ith Re , , Ir if ooflrl cL 111' ter, Whole ..I.le and .Cantnission elnutM N0. , 173 Washington 'street, between C nndt - and Dey streets, :Yew rot*. . • Caleb Weeks. C ADDLE, FURNESS; .TRUNK MAKER and 1.7:1; riage Trimmer. slop his early oppeAte Metiry Drjaker's. lifontroxe, Pa. • -- miller; & Fowler; - A TT9IINEYS AND j:COrNSF.LLORS AT L /1 'and Solicitors in C h ancery . Office No. 41 C istivet, Chirac/0, M. Pacific Hotel, REVCIVICII STREET, (near Broadway;) 1 1.3 . York. Salisbury 1&.• Co., -Proprietors. I vicinity of the principal isteamboat landings. Thomas Ittgstram. fAr...vi.Ett IN DRY iIOODS, Groceries, Clot .1/' Crockery, 13oots and Si,hes &e., SFutylie)i Dept, Pa; • • Bentlgp hitch, TTORNEYS ;ST TAW. AND BOUNTY L It A AGENTS, 3fontr4lo, P. B,.I3KNTLEY, Johu Groves. lik.ASTIONATILE T ,S IILOJL Shop under Se Irate], Mainp streqt,...iforgron., Pa. . ._ D. D. Hinds, • I . rtTERT AND EXCPANGE STATIf.E. .OM ,I in the rear of Wi4on's Store, mco;dr;,..,, P • J . .:Colsten lEALER ..STOV i. F,S, Tin, l Copper, and f Iron Ware, Lode rpeelle, near Great Bend 1) , 'December L. Hinds, TTOTINtY AT LAW; Siaritoliczonn.: Pa. 1.1 on Maine street,' one door east of-Lenbeirn Frazier & _Case, Ai TTORNEY.S ANO,COI - NSELLORS AT 4 Office ort sheet, tir.e door Ei Post's Store, Month:sr; Pe.. - Albert Chairiberlin, - . A :TTORNEY AT L I AW end :Iti,tive of the I over I, lA. Post k CO . Ii ROM!, .3.l"mitrosE. Wni H. Jes.sup - ,, ♦ TTiffiNEY AT LAW -ANDiCOMMISSION Dm s, for the t4tate of Niw York, will to all lunincss entruitiql to him prenTtnts ; fidelity. - Office on S(itutri , , occupied b: Wm. • Al el Turrell. • lAEALER Dili - NIEf)ICINES, Cho .1 41Loceries, Dry Tiartintre ' Stoncwarei' (ilas:ware, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver Spoon, Spectacles, litu•ical: ments, Trusses, Litino . fittbery, ltirrors, Stationery, Relishes, Shtx-s,• Notions!, &c. B. It; Lyons 4. Co., .10TH0LEsALE AND RETAIL DE.ALR I Pry Goad!:, Orocerit.:=, Rig,. Emir, an ware, buy....thorn, Paf _ . F. B. Chandler, DEALE R IS DRY GDODS,'Deftfly Made CI, Groeeriez , , Books and Stationery, Avenue, .3fontroxr, .Pa. Pal Tick • VD) -14:D S 1: Owego - street, Monti. . . . . . I. L. Po; DEALERS IN:DRY G( . Hardware, Leather, pike street and Public Avil • J. Lyon TAFALERSIN ITTIX G I.J Crockerr; Tiwtkare,l I,irry on the hook.Bfndii4 ifmatros-r,‘.l.)a. Boitley TAEAT.ERS i\ DRi If Paints Oils Croce Iron, *Clocks, Watches .T emery, &c.—Foot 45if Pt/ • ;Sayre, Bent! , TANUFACTURt:RS kind.. of Casiing., ,, , mend, etc. . Office itt Say Manufaictory at theT..l6l street, William & Wii 4 TTORYETS AT LAI .111 den in Susgalebaitn: min; and Luzerne Counti Unit W riABIET MAIcERS. hand a good niisortn; Fornitute. Shop and -. NI Maine street, - - • Rockwell, A TANUFACTU4ERS .-IJL Goods, Hail, Cal sots, Ribbons, cf:c. York, (lip stain.) n. RO4SW ELL . J.ll =.- • , )Sl. INTERESTED With 1. Deafer in Ilar,d,irare 'I tee., No; 215 Pearl btree , cantile friends, in this, a iuvitek and earneptly so i I= S CARDS. Dimock, , RGEONS. Office qv, Pa. & CO., OT*4,'Groceries, C our, etc., corner*. nue, :Montrose, Pa, I ,OD$, Gioceileti, roceries, llook=. et I,usiltess' & Read, GODS, Drugs, Mel 'es, Hardware, C' .welry; Silver Spoo is Avenue, ifontt - yr a Perkins, )F .AND DEALEM torts, Agricultural i re's Store, Public Foundry, Foot of NEI gmith & Co., They keep cons ent of all kinds 'are Rooms at th inton - & Co., , and DEALERS ,R, Furs, Untbrelt ! 1 0 , 20 Courtlindt s. IIkMEI EMI [ L: HURT, Impo id Cutlery, Carriag Yoik, Arlie 4 other counties, ,icited to call and D THE INDiPEN - i runtisnr.n . ETtrry! THC - FA., AT $lOO rE, DAY .MOANING, AT ANNYM;IN ALVAN Adsn g ess) one week,„.. two weeks,.. three week. Itatcs of One sqllare (16 lines or One square " One square One square One sware One square one month,. . ..... 1,26 • two months, ' 2,25 three months,.. ~.8,00. six months„ . 5,00 one year, .. 8,00 urea, inserted by the Year, a ;e.priees is made. !Yearly ad rivilege of altering orchang s without additional charge.- lexceeding fire linmA, isiserted. One duets One square • For tiro or ! tnore deduction frote•the rertiaers will havie tir ii ing their adrerti4etnent - ilusinusu-,curds, not at $2,40 per annum, TELLi office is luppli Jobbik materiatN and as Carl:hi, Poster,i, Pam ly proraptl3l YERSIZIP • 1. .nis day as oonttoid under • a and Garnett, Oor the pur mercantile lausin* 4 the old 'r.. - J. DICKERMAS Jr. H. GARNETT.i C0*'.4.13.1 undersiined h 'tlie firm of Pick pose of transacting the stamliofJ. DickM man New Mlfond 1.Ti1.1- 8.1855 i' . ..oNB4'AliTtX ON t!si sbort..uptice. lodeous ' • HAND or lama shed to order • J. LYONS/460N. Haugings . ned, -and - soine foi 6.cts. per - ' I.MNS A?, SON. Papt - ; 4 't 'Rolls Rolls just op' roll, Chinige of Time.. ELAWAR E; LACKAWJNNA AND WESTER- • - • . RAILROAD. • ON and after Mayday., May nth, 1855, the Mail Passenger Train will depart from Scranton at 10.20 A. X. Due at Great Bend at 120 r. u. Con •,`nt,•ctMg witisste Dunkirk Express West ott.the N. Y. E. R. Passengers taking this train will.arriv• 'in Dunkirk at 11:15 I and in New York at 11:15 ; P. X. Returning, will leave Great Bend at 4 P. 11., duo at Scranton at. 6:45 r.ix. The Freight Accominodation Train, with passenger par attached, will leave Scranton at.l_ P. X. ; due at ' : Great Bend at 6.r.. ir., connecting with the .Mail Train West, and the . , Night Express 'Train East.. ;Passengers taking thii train and . the Night Express . West, will arrive in Dunkirk at 12 in:, or by taking Mail Train West, will arrive at Dunkirk at 6:45 p.m. Returning,. will leave Great Bend at 7 a. U. on ar rival of Cincinnati Express. Fast, Due at Scranton .12,10 r. x. . • Passengers for Willtubarre, Pittston, .CarbiandOle,. Philadelphia, (via thef,Catawissa, Williainsport and Erie and Reading Railroad, via Tamaqua,) and East on, and alintermediate places, will find first class stage coaches in readiness at Scranton, on the arrival of the. Passenger and Accommodation Trains to con ye,- them to the above places. Those choosing prb rate conveyances wilLfind the beit'of horses and Car riages of every description, at reasonable charges, ready, to order. • • • D. IT. lIOTTERER, Superintendent. Superintendent's Office: - • Scranton, May . l4, 1855. ; c f . ks, vv. !lied • . EAVE Montrose,for D.L. A: W. R. R. at 61 A. M.,for Express Freight Train to Scranton. At 11 o'tlock A. M. for Mail Train to Great Refill. -At 3 P. NI: for Express Freight to',Great Betlll, - anil Traits for Ser.inton. Leave Depot for Montrose ou arrival 9f all the above trains at Station. Ftir seats apply at tikeatles Hotel. Montrose, Pa. August I~ I w; Ilk° 1 Win , the MB "7 -- It'lD OEM heft (Tot. frier ANY ....11. -43 I® ~ 11 of' i te;vl 3 alai for.. • Itches, ! 11 , 4 iv- , P. r anti co . , . HALLOO, HALLOO, TEMA W.tY. rrlIE subscriber Wouhl infoim the citizens of Mont - tpse and the riublic generally that helms.Lx3fight. the - Grecery formeilv • kept by F.- H. Fordham di Co., in Lvn:is and Chanifler's building on Chestnut street, in the borough of Montrose, where he has a fresh as sortment of Groceries ; and will keep constantly on hand, Flour;Oysterr , ,Chees . e, Sugars, Syrup, MolussCs i Mackerel, Nut C tidies, Toys, Oranges and Lemons, Figs, Prunes; Sardines, Soaps, Vinegar, Coffee, dried Peaches and Plumy, .llerring, sack Salt, Pies, Cakes, Beer,_Vankee • Notifins, and other things too nun;ler- . ous to mention, which will he sold cheap for cashlor most kinds of country - produce. Call and see. .I share of public patronage is solicited. S. S. MOTT: 4 ' : "Y , Montrose. 1555:. , f urn- -• SI IN Hard- thihr., Public Sao & Son., tisciire, I . • al-o, EMUS -,/ - (I:eirte.g, oekery, lis, Per- N all bliple .l reaue; Cherry M Liam H. Jessup V, Mohfrose, - Pa r rrac . Bradford, Wayre, Wyo- ntly on Cabinet foot of n Straw Para- ZM DEEM 12E1 r of and i•SNiog.4, h!iltiMutt;lry ! =I AN. ENT REPUBLI I , coirnosz, . $0,50 .'.,1,00 Work. d with -a good asSentinent of all kindtcof Job siieh hlets, tn., Rlll 1)6 done neat- I= SEAULE'S COACHES , GOODS: GOODS! , . • I k Nit SilliFcriher i; : receiving* hi:: Spriiig :•nil Sum mer mod; of Goli - ,, comprising a 1-,Terkt nariety, which will be sold a low as any in this markei. , — Please call and examine. F. B. CHANDLER. HATS AND CPS.I. - good asfortutent of the latest . style. - . . . :RA D Y-3/ADE C.L97'HING—A good- variety of Spring and Summit. Clothing of the latest cur. :DRY (7001)8—A general assortment through out. Also, DRESSIGOODS, consisting of Lawns, Barege Delaines ' _ }'Bench Delaines, Persian Delninc,' Printed Lawns,.Fancy Prints, Ladies' Worked Col lars, Insertions, Edgitigs, Black Silk Mantillas, Whet ainl.Cashmere Shawli , , Parasols, Hosiery, Gloves, &c. ROOTS ,Ll 7) SifOES. Clocks—a large assort- Ment of every alesmiption and style. Also, a great variety of Fancy Articles, Yankee Notions, &c. Crockery, Hartbrak, and Gtoceries of all kinds.— Trunks,. agood lot for sale cheap. - Books and Stu'. tionery—W4l Flonr'of the. hest quality. liiontrose, May 9, 11805. F. B. CHANDLER. New iLinie 41 :Mali Stages; IC IR KWO ODI TO MONTROSE. QTA.GES w ii: ill lyave rkwood, pas - sing through Cor 1, C.) bettswille, - Liberty, •r„ every 1110mn i after the arrival of the MailTriiin.,..of cars, both East and West; reaching Montrose (it i P. M. . iianniing, leave Montrose daily(Sunclayi excepted) at 2 r. at., reach ing Kirkwood - in time tq take the Mail trains _of ears, both East aIA West; bung the nearest and most fea sible route to reach ilierSew York and Eric Railrciad. This line inteiscti: a tri-wookly line I;br Dimock, grin; rifle, Tuuldrinni)elc, Wyoming, and Wilkes- Fame, Avhivh leaves ;41(0tose ai 7 A. M. CV(II 7 Mon'. dav, Wednesday and Friday. also, a line to i'riends rifle; Leraysvillt.‘, &d. 1 • Good tram: and tio+r!akre earriagrA are provi ded, and the proprktors will spare no pains to ac- commodate the public.' W. K. BATCH, , April 6. 1834. .tORGAN & WEST. ; • EW STOgit:—NEW . GOODS. ryinE Fthi , criber ttal,;fis this method of advertising 1 !his Bien& maltl4 public generally, that he ha . ; fitted up a store jdst terry.ss the street from his old quarters, in Brooklynq where he is prepared to re ceive customers airi sell them goods a ,. ‘as low rates ss any.other estribPsltMent i S n mainehanna county. My assortment Li vtiryilarge indeed, corthraring near ly every article usualc called for in a country •sto . re. As I am determined to do business soots to avoid -"bad-debts," which: r(tl,misi< credit purchasers are taxed to pay, I can :offer superior inducements to . (isit and otherwise rßoalyr-raYtso patrons C3drand see me. a • t 0. G. HEMPSTEAD. Brooklyn, April po, New Goods. TE subscribdr its in constant receipt of Sew Goods, in hiß line of business, nearly every w,.‘ek. The public! will - finithis assortment No. 1, and his articles new and of good quality. The stoat: con sists as usual of Drugs, Medicines, Paints,- Oita; Dye Stuffs, Groccrirs,",lithey Goods, Jeieelry, Perfume ry, fi.e. Store at the lower end of the burnt dcstriet, lontrosa, Junefi, 1855: A. T1.711RF,1.L.. • . Prato Charles It!Orris, • . UCCESSOR of Charles Tillman, BARBER, hay ing removed his shop - from its former location in. the basement .of, s.e.arle's Hotel, to the loom in the same building, in . the -rear of the bar-room, is..prepar ed to exercise his! art in the most scientific manner, on all who may be pleased to entrust their heads or aces to his hands 2-7 22y1 Milk Pans of all sizes and made from ..r double cross tin at less than. Merchants ustMlly !flay to sell again, for Sale by the Subscriber. We nave come to the conclusion to sell pans to Far mers as low as we will to the trade,• thereby saving to the."Earmer out. prOlit. Our wares are warranted to be perfect in every Partimilar or no sale. - Terms—Cash or short credit. - J. DICKERMAN Jr. New Milford Aliril 1, 1355. • - .Books and Stationery. I HAVE received a large addition to my stock of Books and Stationery, aMong which arc: A. Long Look. Ahead, (Roe)--Wolfert's Roost (Irving}—Dr. Spencer's-Sketelies.--WondOrful Adventures of Capt. Priest—The Sart Holder's Daughter—Life of Sam Houston—Jane . ; May—The May Flower (Harriet B. Stowe}—Rag Bag, (Willis) &c. be sold cheap. 3 F. n. CHA DEER. May 22, 1855 i iiiEW GOODS WE are receiving this week plot of Sew Goods, just purchased in the city, which renders our wsortanent complete, and which we offer on the most faroralde 'firm*, at the neix building, one door shove the Po.A Office. .BENTLEY & READ Montroee ; •Felirrory 8, 18 . 5.. • CLERK. WANTED. 'lg active and intelk•ent young man of about 11 IA- years of age,' wanted clerk in a store.. One wishing to acquire the business and disposed to make himself useful, find good cnco.uragement by ap plication shortV to 11. BURRFTT. .New Milford July '22, 1855. Bonnets stt iteduced Prices. 1:11 BURRIV will sell his remaining stock of Silk, Lawn ano Straw Bonnets, a good assortment et reduced i'ricCs to clos-the business of the season any of them at cost. • - New Milford; June 18th, 1855. FRESH ARRPir OF NEW GOODS. - vir E shall ri•ecire due ng the present , week, a largi I addition ik:`, present stock of SUMMER GOODS which still render the assOrtment complete, and which we invite the attention of all who wish to bu; Goods. cheap ! BENTLEY ik READ. . Montrose, Jpne 28th, 1555. t IDER 11IILLS: ITICKOCRS IMPROVED PORTABLE MDR MILLS for rale. Inquire at thu office of Ben les d: Fitch in Montrose, or at the reskierum of aubscribet, in Axamt, Susqu'a co., Pa. 30w4• y . A, BUSLINELL. ' . Flour and Salt 137 the load, barrel, rack, or , f - 10-old, p.ngurt 1, ;1856.1 i F. D. CIit3fDLER.I • ' :Sash and Ittincs. IN DOl%, Sash of various sizes constAntly on h I" 1 —ohm 131 ind, furnithed to order IN " ' J. LYONS A; SON. A PENNY SAVED *WORTH TWO . . - • - EARNED. J• WITTENBERG & BRO), Montrose ,- Pa.; tale' t/ • this method of advisingltheir old frien• and vs and the public at large, that they have just recci ed and opened the largcqt, prettiest and cheap estis k of READY MADE 'O. I OTIIING ever bro't, to thiplace, which they offer at a quill place, advance from cost; h ereby o ff ering purchases the Care opportuni ty of obtaining.goods - at about two thirds the usual price -! _ . • •• 1 i.. 1 • . A a large assortment of • Dry (lends, comprising for dies Wear, new styles 3 roc.ulC, Stripe, Plaid,- . Mainland changeable Silks, De ines . , Muslin, Pc: flag. i i Bern delaines of new and el gala designs. All the late. it; lea of Ladies Dress:, Gods, French Lawns; Prin it, and Ginghamv. . A hapdsm oe ..issortment of Dies Trimmings, Embroided Sleeves; Collars Cu ff s, etc, aconet and Swiss Edgings and Inscrtingi,Gloves Mits,-11cr.ziery, Vefls and Parasols. ! Their assortment of Shawls is very large, embracing evely thing that is rich and fashionabie both foreign and lomestic. . Their Bonnet Department iS largeand complete, embracing the very latest stAeS, with. Trinunin g to match. . ' I - ; • - - ; . An extensive assortment of Irish linens, napkins toweling, table covers ,1 curtains &e.. ! . We have also a supply of Shirts, .Gentlemen's Col- lars, Suspenders, Gloves,Tritbrallas•aild a good many other articles tod nunterons Ito mention - . For bar gaim; the public is re,lpectfully invited' to call at the _ ___ cheap store of I I J. WInENTIEO.k. )*ego rtrectl,lr doors least corner of Chesnut & of Voft's stare. Y GpODs; EY if- RE4D NE BENT ARE now receiring.t teir tis4al supply of SPRTVG! All) 81(.11.WER G ()DS,! which they offer to their! cus omeys, and the p thlic gdnendly, bn the most rea son'rrble tfirots, fur (l: , dl,.lliitter, EggiJ, Grain, Bees-. wax, or on approved credit. I kontrose, May I, KA: i , r . i. B iZ s O u tte e l r .O s T tu l it T, l a C i ,;tis. 7 : tt t n , e ; r 1, ;!!: .1 ,; te t . o nt k u cki o.t. 7 . ‘4. lT t .i l p 7S I7, Dr: Goods, just rectlyed ttn4_for sale'jriglit by . [BENTLEY & READ. 11.731 MER De Lanes I.ains. (Antilles, Gingham;, I..,.Merrimac and CocliecolPrl:d . s,-&c. &C. for sale byNTT.EY . ' • • I BE & 'READ. .. 1 . . .... , - 1. , - ONNETS, Ribh i ims, .11.tasols, Si:untes Shawls. . 0 • ' Black Silks, D C.S.F. nil linin-s &e. &e. for sale by ' • - . 111 TI t EY & READ. - ' SILK, Fur, Letth,ml. Paparna, Straw, and, Palm i...J Hats, Umbrellak, Satchels, Wiadow , .Paper &c. &cl. , - ; I l *BENTLEY & READ. i fARDWARE, (rockery, Patent'Pails, Tubs, Put • ' ty,.Glass &e. 1 I BENTLEY & READ. 1 it g teTires.' im:tert;so',.,i':'firrs:it?Vicietn,,lr'jaulaitt i i l l I) and for gale by . A BENTLEY & IZE A. D . • SOLE ;Vd ityTpe - iTAiittati, i'li..iii .k . ip.;,f7iiii4 in s, and a good . supply of Foots and Shoes constant ly on hand. . i IIETLEY & Itzan. . - ± , VrACKEREL by. the barrel or-one-half barrel—al ./NI so, Codfish. i .110:mtiv & REAn. ATATCIIES ar (1 - JRAVIII.RY.--A 11111 nssortn.ent . V of Gold . atm Sil - ei- Lephies and Detatelted 1 1., very, in dottblt; and single rase';',Jtatill Pins, Ear Drops,. Rings, Guard Chaqts. ..te' ,fr... Also, Silv.r Table, Tea, Desert, Salt an Sugar Spoons, warranted pnre, for sale by • 1 TIENTLEY & REAP I S TOVES 'and TIN.W.AIIr, Caudle., ' Lamp Oil, Campbeim MOntrose, Mity 1,-;is. BENTLEY & PLEAD. • pumpii 11. 1 1C.;NI ! he Greatest linprorehient of the Age!—C - 7. 'll - . Williams' Dalthl,e , :leting Pair Valve Fewee u;')(1 Lft. PuMps-- N improvement abov'e . all other pumps cr, nut chilies for lifting, Alit-Plying, and carrying watcy, c • nibbling both a Pump #tid a Fire. Euglue. • This Pump. patented in . Febrifary,:lSsl; is the whole of it. Metallic. No bolts or settees ahoift it IQ,rust,-conse xinently itwill last a man' ti life time. It can be used in every variety of form-4-:can iiistur water from any 1 saltation, and carry it to toy part Of a building. It 0 ,- superior to all other Primps t'ape }BHA, Tanneries, Brick Virds, Irfni \Cc:rk3 and Man elfacturifs eA:lb1611111ellt,; itf all kiltds. All orders must he addreif.ed to.AoptsoN p r , tmt e ß , li,odeisville, Fa., who has ithe:solei right for Su:Nee -1 111113 county. . i . i . AEI. IREADV. ii . .. TOLES AND TIN. WARE F 01: TIIF.: . PEOPLE. AToonnterr k ET,DriEDltare,' constantly °p hut d 4 large and" iv ell iel) - :ctell ;as:mut - lent of tin- Alm:. l *Reels and. Chain for e- ell , puirms tern : pumps, 4:e.,.lJydratilic R: ms, - Japane••!l r•.;,.......,. load Pipe.s of all sizes !Sze., fie. I .Toh 'WOK , 'one V. 1111 meat= t i nsss :nal despatch ; all niViers proinptlr attended .to. STOLES .1,:. P I I P E lt ept consta.ntly on band, h large assortment or stores of the latest improred null approted patterns. Our' tixpgrienee in the business enable 4ns to select -tho4e utt.we can safely warrant to gyre; en ti r e s: mi.:f ac tor,. Amongst our numerons lock' e'a:1••• found the Paragon. air Light !Star Of the We,t, Elevated [Cew.World, • i !Clinton, . [Oren. . c) , ! 44 Atlas, . . i Cultivator, Phoenix, " • . Fire Fly, 44 • • • • Three - States, " `Western Queen, o Globe, - • 44 1 Prenliuili. 1 • . ' 'S. A. Troonnryr. I ' .G. 0. ELDRED. More and Mare New GOOd&i. H: BURRITT is tin ow receiving, new ano-1 full is supplies of Goods for the Winter Tratk; in nding a new and elegant assortment of French ,3fe rinocs, iftrino and Ca4mfre : Pluid, But. and Plain De Lanes,iPanl7ll(ittlP,l3rodt, Spume nfl Lang Showla, all of 'pew and best styles:, and will seat] a 25 per cent. lgss ilian last y mr's prices.— Also a new assiartnient Rich Rihhnns andßanitttc, Wide' Silk Velvets for Vloaks t i u 1 Jrallf ilia S, Rich Silk ,and Velvet Marnii ~Iff ad Drcs;tes, Rigglets Ali, with :i general assortment of. other STAPIA and I.'s,Nci . Gains, as usual, which having bought under tlici present; pressure el'-the snit tnarkei, will be sold' at !corresponding and reduced priceS. . New Milford, November 2i, 175.1. • 1 N lON • INSURANCE COMPANY; OFFICE, ATHENS. lIIIADFOED COUNTY, PA.. CAPITAL,. $200,000. • . Sec-tired by llott4 and ilortgage on the Real Estate . of the Stoekhol.kg. Insures against loss Lv }ire, 'of House's, Stores ; and other buildings, Goods; Wares, and Merchandise, on as favorable terns as anY sinfilar:lnstirution.' Losses promptly adjusted and • - Dincrotts.—lion. Horace Wilfiston, Athens; Fran cis Tyler, do. ; George Ai Perkin S do. ; J. T, P.. Meyer, do.; C. N. Shipman, tle4; C. F . . Welles,- Jr. do.; J. E. Canfield do:; Hon. Joint Laporth, Towanda; em B. Wakeinan, ; :peo. Ilollenback, Wilkes barre ; Michael Meylert, Liiporte, Pa. Orrlcens.—Hon. Horace . Wiliision, :President; C. F. Wells, jr., V. Pres-land Treas.; J. E. - Cantield,, Secretary. • Agent. 0. S. BEEBE. Montrose: Pa. FACTS FOR, TIRE PEOPLE. TE subscriber is carrying on the 1,7/.4!!INAK RUSINESAIiu utrious.branebes at the Chair and Ware Shp in Il6tlferd, where may be found a greater variety of Niailsor and Rocking Chairs than at sum °ther establi,lll7n cm in the county ; OD Flag and Cam. Seats, Bureaus, Tledsteads,Loung es, Settees, Tables, Stands, Lei d.c., all of which will be sold at-the - lowest Prices at retail; (or wholesale, with shott - notice.) All work warranted well made and of good 'material. !Short credits and small profits will be my motto. :For demodstration of the Above facts, please call at my shop in!llarford village. • - ' A. ;W GREENWOOD.D Ilfarford, October 12 1854. 1546mG • rAnyitiFon SALE. riPHE subscriber offeks ler- sale, on the most liberal 1 terms, one of the, best farms for making money ; in Northern Pennsylvania, The said farm is situated Dinmek,Susquelianrin counti,convenient to Church Grist-mill, anti saw-mill. It ciontains 180 .acres, one hundred and twenty j five under a pod state of cultivation, well watered and fenced, One good frame house, 28 by. 36 feet, . two good barns, o le' hundred feet or good shed, hotbouse,'and a good young orch ard, all grafted fruit thiercon. Poss&.sion will be given to'suit the purchaser. For price apply to the pro prietor on the premisrn. . _ Wu. BAKER. • Dimoek, July 18th,!1.885. , ••• 28 w 4. !•• • EE, IP ARMS FOIL f4ALE. Tsubscriber wilt act as agent for buYing and sellj • kg Real-Estate4-Farms; Houses, and Lots--io.; cited in SustjuehannaiCounty, Pa. Ailswho wish to offer their property for sale can give o minute deserip. don of Weir Farms or Lots as follows : Number of cares, how many imptted, and bow watered, build r ings;orehards, graftedlor coalition fruit ; other fruit trees; and the nearest' point ti? the D. L. & AV ; and N. Y. & E. It. It t j .: . . .. , 62 farms on the 1LA,,43 Arnim) 111. By , tiling on thp subscrlef n minute ciei=ciipticin, price and ternts calk begiven. ~. i• ~.. 1 , • • , .. " ( Office on Turnpik4ist. 4 dnoni went of Main st. nnntrosp, Atigutt 1% 1854. A.'IIA.I.DIVIN". • mr.its I 1532m3 V. 1 .4 stiZ r .: r a , ik. • 1 . 0 ri.c is , gi - -t- ls 41—'9.- •,-- . ~.-4 tt,'44 , 11i -41r....3 YFI4 I S " PILLS• • .NEW, and Angularly sno . w.. =sful ve remedy ns . i f ; ore ld h i e . A. cure cure of all Billions diseases---Coat gesOon, Jaundice, Wopsy, Rheumatim,Fevena., Hu- Inlrs, Gout, NeryouAns, Irritability, Inflammations, IleAdactic, Pains in tie Breast, Side; Back and Limbs, Female Complaints;i F bo. to IndeeB,.very few. are she diseases in whit] a Purgative Medicine is not more or less required, and much sickness and suffer ing might be prerefited,-if a harmless but 'effectual cathartic were morelfreely used. Noperson can feel well while a costive Ihahit of body prevails;' besides, it soon generates serious and often fatal diseases, which might hare been avOided by the timely and udicious use of a-gOod purgative. This is alike true of Colds, Feverish : syrriptous, - and Billions derange meats. They all tend to.become or prtiduce the deep seated and formidAle distempers which load the hearses, all over.- the land. Hence a reliable family physic is of the first importance to the public health, and this pill has Been perfected with -conSionnittte skill. meet that demand. An extet.sive trial of its virtues by Physiciatis v Profemsors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing any thing hitherto known of any Medicine. Cures have ; been effected beyond be lief, were they not kubstanfiated by persons of - Such exalted • positions Aid character as to forbid the sus picion of untru*. Among, the eminent gentlemen who have teStifiedin. favor of these Pills, we may Mention— Doct. A..A. TIA*Es, Analytical 'Chemist of Boston, and State Assayer of Mass.aeftusetts; li. J. Comment, Governor of Mamaehusetts;• Emmy Wssitneni; Gov. - di Massachusetts; .Stmcos Brows, Lieut. Gov. of Mass.; E. M. WRIGUT, SiTITLITy of State Of Iris. ; jolts B. Frrzr.tvitick, Cath Bishop of Boston; Prof. Joux.Tommy,-of the College of Physicians and.Sue g,rons, Neir - Tork City; Dr. C. T. :fACKSON, Geologist. or the Public Lands of the United States; Dr. J. B. CHlLTON,..Practical Chemist of Sew York City, endors- - 'ed by Boit. W..L. Msncr, Secretary of; State; Wst. B. ASTOR, the richest man in America; S. Lm.s.xn Co., Proprietors of the -Metropolitan Motet, and others. ! Did space pernjit, we could give many hundred certificates from - all parts where the Pills have been used, but .evidenee even more convincing than the ' ;experience of eminent public men, is found in their . effects upon These Bills, the' result of long investigation and !study, are offerethto the public as the best and most Icomplete Which the present state of medal science can afford; The)? are compounded not ofithe drugs themselves, but of the medicinal virtues only .Of-Veg etable retnedies ; extracted by cheMieal process in a state of niftily, and combined together in Such an:fin ite:. as to insure the beSt results. This system- of composition for medicine's - has Ime. - U found in Cherry .Pectoral and Pills botk-to produce a more efficient remedy than hail hitherto been obtained by.anY cess. - The reascin is perfectly obvious. While by the old mode of composition, every medicine is bur dened with more or less of amine - Timis and injurious qualifies, by this each befit-ideal virtue only that is desired for the eqrative effect is pres4nt. All the in-' ert • and obnoxim;ts qualities of each • sel ) stanee; plover] are left behind, the fie:ratit: virtues only be ing - retained. Hence it is ''self evidellt the effects should prove as they have.proved, more purely rein •edial, and the pills . a more powerful antidote td dis ea-se than any other medicine known tel the World. As it is frequently expedient that many medicines should he "taken under the counsel of; an attending physician, Told as he could not propqly - judge . of a remedy without knowing' its composition; I have sup plied the accurate formulte by which bothmy Pecto ral and Pills aremade, to the whole bOdy ot.Praeti ioners in the 'C'nited States and` British American Provinces: . If, however, there should be any one who has not received them, ['icy will Ibe forwarded by mail at his rehimest. Of all the 'Patent Medicines that wee (dieted, Iwiw few -would be taken if their compositien was known I Their life consists in their Mystery. - 11mee 1:o mys , teries. The ecenpasitiOn of my preparations.is laid open to all mens and all who are competent to, judge on the subject freely -acknowledge their convictions of their intrinsic merits.. The Cherry Pectoral was pro nounced by-scieiitifie men to tae a wonderful Medicine before its 'efiectS Were known. Matiy. eminent Phy sicians have dedlared the same thing of my Pills; and .even more confidently - , and are willing-to certify-that their anticipatidns were more than realized by their effects upon trial. ' They operate ; ' their powerful influence o:r the internal viscera to purify the blood end stimulate it into healthy aqimi—f.etnce - e the ob structions of the stomach, how-, liver, and other or gaits of the body, restoring -Their regular action to health, :ma by Icorrecting wherever they exist,„snch derangements ;Is are the first, origin of disease. Prepared - b:4'. Dr. .T. _C. AVER, Practical and :A.na lytieal Cheinisti Lowell, - Mass. Price 25 cents per box. Five boxks for F.1.f.t0. Sold by ABEL Tenni:Lt.,' 'Montrose ; B. F. k It. H. EAToN, Iliv ford ; Pntsser, Dandaff, and he all dealers ia medicineS e very whero., _ • NOtice to the Ptablii'. IAVI.N - G jitst returr.ed from New - -York I wish to - 1 call the itttention of my - old customers, and of the public iii 1.-Miteral, to my NEW STOCK . OF GOODS, which being biiught with. cash at • tho lowest:Prices.' and_ wishing toisell principally for the same, I:will of fer them at gniatly reduced prices. • ••• Cocheco Prints, warranted -fast -midi's, for only 8 cents a yard. Good Brown Sugar, 'lB pounds for one dollar. Boonton Nails, acknowledged by all to be the best Nail in use, $5,50 per ken..•.; Hats and eirtps,- -Boots and Shoes, Builido ilobes or all prices, all wool- De Lftines, Cirdnneres, Paramettas; Dress, Silk, Silk Velvet, &c.. Vouslin De Laines, 1 shilling per yard, Satin lionncti and Moleskin Bats,Broche Shawls, Double Long Shawls, Thiliet do., seling at ineonceic -tihly low pric4. I.can safely warrant perfect suds fiction th all Who will give me a call. - - • , Laneaboro, hl.pr. 5, 185.1. •. : -S. A. LYONS. q.,OCKS--- - iood time keepers, oily or. nlne dolla . - S. A. LYONS. Lancsboro, !Apr. 5. - • WANTED -1000 Idles, for --whqh the highest price hill be paid. S. A. -LYONS. Lancsbore,lApr. 5. • ME OUNTRI7PRODUCE taken in exebange for fl Goo( n't me store. . S. A. 1;Y0.5... Lanesboro,!.April 5. !EINE , - DAIII.I:NEN, TAKE NOTICE: ' 9-‘llE;italscifiburs having secured . the sole right to /).-1 I'M' ADJUSTABLE eIfURY .AND BU7'TEB:WOBIiEIe, for Fus(plebanna and several adjoining counties; respectfully invite all Rutter mak. ers to examine .and TEST the merits of this new* . and valuable invention. •Jrc propose to' furnish ench*and 1 all of you with a CIICIIN that; will brod ! iee as much buttZr in as short a titne*,a's any other chnrn=one that will colnilletelli expel the but:eel:pi:7k, wash and work itt • thc - Oitolifraing it vt , rfeetly throoeh the rhultet and fit it for use; without removing it 11'0111 the ichurn. This; Churn is pimple in its construction, aruific in its operation, antleasily•cleaned and kept in ;order. and .can be easily attached to any propelling power.- • .• For furthdr particulars. nprdy personally or bylet ter to JAS.I C. BUSANELI., and 3. N.-BRONSQX,. Ararat, Susquehanna comity:, Pa. 1 • • ~ `.• PLOW. *HOP. INEW ESTABLISHMENT Mr AIN E. MOTT would respectfully inform the .1.11_• • ,pubic that they are mannfaCturing-Blatehley's, Celebrated Plows. They also keep 'constantly on Mind, .Situ. Jlell, lrayne Countx.and Idea Plows, Cultiratoraii:Dog Churn*, &nigh' and Cutter Shoe's, Plow Poloo of various Patterus,! too numerous -to mention. We hope, by strict attention to business, to receive our share of public patronage. Maimftie tory, D. PoSt's old stand. • Foundry, M. Mott, near .&arle's Milif- nrilepairing done on short notice.' - 11F.BETT 110TT. ELIJAH MOTT.- Feb. 0. TIRE INSURANCE . : MITE subisetiber is agent for the following Insurance Companies, doing bu:ines itt the lowest safe nites. ~ • - :, , State Affitual at'lltirrisburg.. - : . - - • Capital $350,000. Cash-lfOual.at .I . iiii•risburg. - " - . . . . - . Capital - $f200,000. . • [Tome .In . o.ltrance, New „York -City,- C.11,0ta1.i5500,000. 1. ,B. CHANDLER, Montrosir April 6, '64..1 AI D.SAW MILL: )OST BROTITERS. having parchaiett the. above I emtahlishnient, will keeßconstantly on haed perftne a•td Hite ,PlirtOr 4 Cora Meal of .tupirior alto Chop enii ßran at the lowost,eash Custom work will ba ,done with ciespatelt, a nd in all oases warianted.:l3Bltf. .Montro4b, Jult l ' • - . . . Dr. Biker's telebrated :Vegetable A . : i soverei n tentedy for, pysepteyy, Cholera - Morino,: Cholerti ufantuni or 'Slimmer conapirtints--enth eV, Tegetablc4 atutitto tteii:i filled in s . singie ins:mire of produeing the' desired iteCt. For rate' in lottits tit' 50 cents mot .t.E., : :BFNTLEY L; READ. ' • Niontrtito, Auzust 22 , 1655. ' .. , IU EAGLE FORDItt.' SGYBE, ECTLEY- ,PERKINS. having pnrchas ed of Wilson & Co..t,hee Eagle Foundry, are now prepared to fill orders from the trade, and do work in thCir, line with skill and despatch: They will:keep • constantly on hand Fl o ws, (best kinds,) Strives, (alll kinda,) Cultiratrirsi Straw Cultera, 'Corn Shelters, dre. , We invite particular attention to the Plows' which we mariuEacture. We mgmufacturc and keep for sale .The (.'eletkrated Blatrhlty Fle t We have purchased the exclusive right to znanufac ture and sell in this county, Wayne, Wyoming:and .13Mdford,2WRich's Patent trod. Beam Plow. - Plow is made, entirely of iron, excepting the handles. It is celebrated . for its easy