Mt NDEPENDENT REPUBLICAN, CHARLES E. EL AD AND H. 8. rftemitommes, 11 MONTROSE, PA. Thursday ISeptember. 97,-,1190k, RM#MCAN 'IIOMMIATIOn. ii " A clean rctory or a clean defeat. Judgt Mack. "The allieirof the -Administration must be struck loin ln every State, County, aid District." - Fudge Wilmot. •. _ }iFor Cana/ Comutissioner, . PASSMORE WILLIAMSON, oR Pr son for Loving ..r.ibrrty aid Justice.] . „For Itepresektative., ORLANDO: . BAN PSTEAD. Of khartiherliia Comfy. THOMAS ; J. INGHAM, (if Sallinn,Cocusty. 1 - I 'irOr Obennissioner, - WILLIAM T. - C A SE, . .: • • Of Gibson. For TreatsFrt. 'ELDEN A. WOODRUFF, of Montrose. . For Auditor. _DAVID D. BROWN, ' Of Friendeoi/k. F4otion--October eth, 1&56. CANAL COlll3llBBlOllB. _ There ate now at least fou'r candidates in the'field fOr Canal Commissioner in this State —Patismore WilliamsoP, Republican VArn old Plumes; Administration; Joseph/Hend erson, Whig; and Kimber Cleaferi Native American.! :On the great issue of / the day, judging from the platforms on which they ate nominated, the candidates stand, , Williamson and Henderson opposed to skivvy extension, Plumer in favor of Slavery ) extension and Cleaver n4wbere. •Cleave.r, /it must be re membered; is not the candidate of the Know . Nothing, nr American part, but of the old Nativeist3,l who see fit wholly to ignore the Slavery question. The Republicans, the Know Nothings and the Whigs have each declared einphaticially against the Nebraska bill - and inifavor of restoring Kansas And Ne braska to ireedom ; and, if united they could Without dOubt carry the State by a very large majority - on that issue. But will they unite? and, if so, on what candidate? If they belie Te. as they all say they do, that elavery the paramount issue before the ,country, ad that the dangerous enereach , ments of t o e slave power should be speedily Arrested, thAy must be anxious to unite the Free Soil vote of the State, so as to defeat - the pro-Slivery party. • But,'as the Free Soil men hold A 'variety of apinions on other ques tions it WtHld not be reasonable or just to -,ask any p l iiintion of them to adopt the opin .ions of 'others for the sake of a union, and, :as neither portion is strong enough to carry -the StatC l alone, it is necessary that they should unite on tie sole issue of freedom a gainst SlaVery. This is the'course that has beenodopted in other States, and it was, for this purpose that a Republican State Conven tion was ;recently called in this State, and a IcandidatefAminated on that one issue. It seems to kis that rassmore Wi liamsoois the candidateion whom the anti-Nebraska vote of the State Should be united. He wp not nominated as a Know Vfothing or an anti- Know-Nothing, as a Whig or . an. anti-W hig, and,his election will be simply a triumph of the Free oii ',cause, and ovindication by the people of,State and personal rights. If the stublxirraiess of parti Leaders is to keep them l divided, and thereby prepare thee-Ai-ay for a. pro-Slavery victory in Pennsylvania this year and a farlmore important one next year,*the r people h4d better take the management of affairsintp their own hands and vote for ,the candidate they think best, on their own' indi vidual reiponsibility. The anti-Slavery voters of Pennsylvania can elect Passmore William son Canal Commissioner, if they choose, and •it ought to be done. -In such an event the proSldvery conspirators who now fill high places- i the Federal Government would read theft. doom. - • z 'Or e Sham Democracy have 'complet ed their ticket by uniting the 'name of John V. Smith, of Tunkhannoek, with that -of OH. verLatbrep, for Representatives. if the-old saying 44 true, that "a man is known by the company he keeps," then , certainly they have wrongdd r Mr. Lath lop who have represented him as anything else than . a "National Dem ocrat"~l 1)r. Joh n V. Smith we know through the .ivoi;th 'Branch Democrat, of which he is sole editor, and we can - assure the milk-and water Democrats of Susquehanna county that he is nOt - of their " stripe." In politics be is intensely. "national." Whatever doctrine or act thellslave power may present as Demo cratic; he immediately approves and endors ea. 'The North Branch . Democrat is one of ,the most ultra, old 'Hunker papers in the State, Occupying the same • position _On the questiOns of the day, as the Phil adelphisPinn trylranian, the Luzette . Union, the Hones dale listed, dte. We do 134 recollect of its having 'ever condemned ttny act of Piesidon - Piereeis administration. The Nebraska bill it opetill and fully endorses, and has been for - 4ibs past publishing editorials , in de fessee,Of that measure, All the pro-slavery. outrai*l' that have followed that breach of faith, Whether in Kansas or in Pennsylvania, barerecelved: the tacit 'or expressed approv al of This , tailidate of the . " F reeSoil mow aCy "of 'Sups uebanna county. Wyo ming do i Duty being in the " Wright district ~ " Dr. Smith wai one of the constitienta of H: B. W iight, who made himself so iidiculously prominent by the advocacy of the Nehntska bill MnPsrgress, and his paper fully apPiov: ed.and endorsed the course of that despica ble •-loughface., - Accordingly the Luzern° Union; liVsight's organ, endorses the nomi nation Of _Stnith as that of 1 "sounsiDemo- hour-esa Deutocruy , as defined by the Atari/4.0u .Pest,rteut, be reconciled with De zuciciiiy a. - defy* by the North Branch Dernoirati Welit ii is a difficult undeitsk. in t( to` rsOol min/ _ought not to ti v 4110 deti. #ll Itords. of .suck abort botlii& ; I i.SaliA, however, 41 our theheit that could! be &lied ed';emder*lei nsta-t -ees. Illi r i s i paperl; hasi, _Buddy:di.? Ppt4.* sa t adrEdahtt' tiottsuo sit& acts,lts titibjor cOmnietit.. The iVficimitig countyfConx4en tion that ornitiajed him sidoli!eti no raeola• tiona,with-regaril to t . Slavery,qtrestion or . the Natioeal•Adrhitibitration 2 4from which we suppose -the Freeidoil melt of Suaquehanna county will be asked to infer that John V. Smith and the party ii;t7iNryoming repudiate the Harrisburg iplatfortn. But Dr. Smith has'Ailso/livrittei iti le l tter for the 'Afrinfrose , Dernderal, in Wh 41 ir declares . that he is-op .posed to. slaver} extension. We believe' he . ! has not publisitedithat letter 'in his own pa- Per, and ihe proli / 111131 will not, fur niat i . adeulated . for tha l t hftitude.! . Having labor . . . ed for months to donvince the Democraeiof Wyoming that theiffehraska -bill is all right— to make. thern sour!' t‘ National Democrats;:' he is not 1 ,116/ going *I set about undoing his work. That won d_ !be a pity,.BlLA i only wants to gull. the'lluftikeads of ,Susqueliamia. / = How Many they. a fi re .rrecdqtt't kno', but we / . belierelnot many. i • --; , • This is not the tint inslancerofit pro slaveryp' - • ~ , 1 Huukeiivriting elite-soil letter for the pur . i , ; , pose of getting frepabil votes. Simon Cain i. croi wrote such s ii , letter. last winter. " But` these stairien coriviltsons arb l i not worth much. It Is bestl to put the young:converts on their probation kr a time. A feilow-feeling, how eier, tai ht lead SMith to trust ia Cameron's free-soil rofession's, and therefore he might ; give Min his 'support for BnitedStotes'Sen / ; ator. 1 William 111, Platt; 'the Democratic Senator from Wyoming, voted for Cameron last winter, and if.the voteri of Susquehanna rally to ‘n.ith's stand4d in'sblficient num bers, tbe,y wilt probably giye Ciiimeron ano thet Democratic vele4always Provided the latter can ebrivined hin t that he 1 is -*mud on ; what.the Missourians call i "thegoose ques dl . . on." 1- -, ; 1 1, There) is One thing ekinnented With this I.T. ;S. Senator question that the voters of this distrirt ought to understand. We see by. the papers that Cameron is at ' work very busily iti all part4'of the State,! getting- as 'many eif . his men nominated for the Legisla ture as possible'. And le doesnot confine his efforts to any partiqular party,_any more than he ! did last winter, but , wherever an available," Crimero man' s can be found, be he Deni/tiirat, Know-I othing, or what not, the Cameronians figure to give him .a nomi nation. l!Now ' it is gen e rally understood that _ _l. E. B. Chase went to Harrisburg last,winter for the Orprciss purpose.of serving as a " lob, by member' for Carnenan,,and that be ope rated with considerabke. e ff ect, and no doubt i : got well paid for his labor, This We were well assured 'of from several source( last winter, and it is fully ; confirmed by, a gentleman who reeently l itisited hiOntrose, who served es a Clerk in the last I.4istature, and states that Chase iVas one of 'those who attended Came ron's " privacaucnses," while the struggle t foi the Sena rship was going ou, and that he labored z ously for Cameron among the members, l is said that by some.uuexplain-. ed magje, Cameron never loses a friend,.and Chase may therefoie be set down ass n till friendlY i - to iis interests; and' we shall no doubt see him attending again next winter at 'Harrisburg, tte do,what he can for his old friend. I Wileiher he has been able to get• a couple Of Cailrieron men the Democratic nom ination 'for rtapresentatives in this district., we cannot te)lifor a certainty, !but as he is a pretty good manager it is probable be' has.— The way Dorgan was got off the course a sec. and time, Idler being promised the nomina tion this fall and after receiving and accept ing the! nom nation in Sullivan !county, but on a platform pl4dginse him to vote for thelkm , ocratie coueifinOninee for United gtatek Sen ator, looks iery much as thoug h that pledge _ . was iriPthe 44 of somehod}"S plans, and the difficulty had to be obviated by taking a new man. We mention these things so that if by any means the nominees of the sham De mocracy shiaild be elected, and should vote for. Cameron, those who contributed to such resultinay nOt say they did not have a hint ' of what was going on. Thekitternpt made in this county to delude men into the belief that the sham Demberat ic party is a Free-Soil party, is too ridiculo us, involves toot t transparent a fidsehood, to de ceive any one. •' This is bow' the Matter standi : The Democratic administration iis- pro-Slavery, - ; every. prominent politician in the cOuntryLe . ho adheres to tle party, is pro- Slavery, theiState platform just re-eonstruct edprd-Slavery, Arnold Plumer, the can-. didate of the party for a Siate:o ffi ce,)s pro. Slavery, th a ddress' of. the State Central Cotnt'nittee just published :is pro-Slavery ; JohnlV. Smith, one of thinoinineesfor Rep resentative fof ithis district, is pro-Slavery, (everYwhere south of Springville,) but the party. in . Suiiiivielnuma county have for some ' reason, nominated: men who would - nOt sup port ]Bigler the candidate of the party for Governor list WI, because he was prO.Slave ry, hut hat!nominated than . on a platform. which does not even demand the resitimtion of Kansas and Nebraska' tit). freedom;;—and yet men are asked to vote the 'iDerriocratic ticket," for the purpose of carrying out Free iminciples! We ass th 4 every: man of common? infor m a ti on who votm that tick et,! W i ith th 4 names of Arnold ,Plumer and John V. SMith at its head, knoi t re he u vot ing Ito sustiiin pro-Slavert party and pro- Slavery .pritciples. TUE lum'a - ctiLirs ConcErbou.—The Lan douleorrest,ondent of the New.lork Tribune writes to tilat paper as follOwil, "The In dtienfe'll3eige states, in its correspondence fro Madrid, tluit the religions [society of the Ininiactilate Conception which is spreading front Rome all over the Ronan catholic worjd ; iri fact a political association for the difflision of Absolutist 'principles and the overthrow of Constitution - slink and .Refub. E illetfileverid contribution's to our CAumns intended for this week's issue, - were ;omitted to null+ room 'for °polities." 041'1 friends, ran hive patipype ectston iiria leen b e - ' 4 ',* • • ICI , t - The two) , - Our Huhlier friends are nuktlitg themselves quite marry over their victoriin'tine; es *. y 4 e#ll it. -,,The resu l t, in neirly t *hole State;- ; is 1 4,we Moriell. , :(41bIlean) 4% 7 0; l i /P l h4lHuldit i.m4 * /0 - 4229 ; Reek - ( wl ll O and Whituiejtaity 0f13,764k The Legisla ture stands, llouser *Publi*s , 67 Demcnirata, and 21 Whigs; theiSenale, as far as bea;id . tlystsi; istandilfiDerneeratit tut& .10 Whigs • giving a Whig and Republican majority t'if 10 on joint ballot--and jet It is claimed 1 4 1 a' Dunker Administ ration uinph. -When the Republicans,. made, their nominathin, they'took strong aiiiiMilitipvitna' in freedcins- and, himperSuots,, ' The, Democras totjk similar ground tO the party in this cou nty.. They _refused to endorse the 'Administration, were opposed to Slavery ex tension, bht dealtise in generalities that the most ultrh Hunkers finind no diffiCtdo in go ing their whole length for the 'deka, as the result, if sucecssful, would be their eictory.-,-..; They, too, were favor of temperance; not of the present Jai, - to be sure, bltt one that was better, and by that means Secured the hearty eck•opeiation of the liquor'' dealers of New York and Boston, who have poured out their uiotoy like water, to procure the pass age of thq heifer temperance law; and now, by their doubleilealiiig, on the Slavery and Rum questions, and b a complete bargain and sale withithe old-line Whigs 'in all the Senate I and Representative districts in the State, thei have suci?eeeded in electing a Legislature, a majority of Whiehls said AO bel in favor of free rumpand that is the kind of victory that the profeised free-soil and temperance Demo crats are; now malting themselves hoarse in exulting :pver. We di) not locrit upon, the !Seine election as in thd., least diseouraging to the friends of freedornj 13y the union of the liunkers and thirsty*Wtgs, the) may a e l ea to n.— Morrell and repeat the Stein° Law, but !further than that the4t is no 'affinity whateter between -the masties that compose the majority of the Maine Leer gislaturel;, but om the! grand issue between ci i . ,lrreeilets e'facl slavery, Maine is, to-day, good for zi o,ooo majority. The rOult of the, Maine election should be an admoitition to the freemen ofi t Susquehan- - na. Thire, her©, they said he Slavery question; was not. an issue—tha t they 'were as tnueh:friebds ori freedom ' as the , cans. trhousgrhi* Itelieved titer , and voted • - .41, in accord ance l With :.such- belief. Now the I - Maine. election oEli:timed as a I 4 ebraska and Slavery t-Victisry,luid will be her lded as such in the whole lAdrninistration press from the Washington, t.T.niln to thelcast iieven : by-nine in the 14d. Let the regulars succeed 'this fall ; in Sus quehanna county, and the Pier* and lases oft the uliole conntty would exult as heartily foyer it _as a victory in ttrirginia, and whatever may bithe.views of the respective candidates, the success of the Party in this county would ge to strengthen I the hands of the slave priWei:: • Pratni • ; and Deception. . Chase profises' to be opposed_ to Arnold Plume', the Punker candidate for Canal CommiSsioner, he refuses to raise his name at the head paper, and ileclarcs, both in public and in private, that hei l shall not aup iort hitn; 'ret we have been assured, in pt _ I a way m whicle,We think there can b e no mis take,. tliat when the tickets are printed the name 4f Arnold Plainer will figure conspicu ously at the head, and by that means many of the Tree-Soil - Democrats Will be lead to suppert. the Pierce and Dougl4s nominee for Canal Commishioner. i , ii),nite At portion of the party honestly sup pm that the i f ittle Democratic ticket formed thef a first Monday in Septer4ber, was real ly a ticket, and alit the - repudia tion of the &cite and -National parties was intendixl to hi carried out at the polls.— From:mt. knoWledge of many of the .men who Inhere pulling the ropes, We had no confi dence i their professions of f4edom. There were home hotieSt and consistent Hunkers, bard 4s adamant, and there were also honest FreeSoilen, hut the large 'majority. were Party l inen, whp framed their 'resolves, not to exprchs their principles, but to catch' vOtes.- I ,When Mr:Wird offered a reholution endors ing __Plumer, i was voted dciwn by a large majority ; and at the same time, we have not the leist doubt that eight-out of ten of the men i t hat.yoted down the resOution,' were in tending tti vote for the man :1 it was done for effect.: We may have erred our judgment,, or been misinformed. but we:shall wait pa tiently till we see the tickets; and then if the profeised count,y Free-Soil tieket is thcked to the Mil of the Hunker Pierce State ticket,' the people will have no diffichl iu properly applying the 'epithets, " liar I and hypocrite," that have been . Iso freely used by our neigh bors for the last few months. tar Thotrilu! J. Ingham, !Esq., his been pressintsd by ! the Republicans of Sullivan County as thfir candidate for Representative, and the nomination has been duly ratified by the tonfenaesnf this distrint. Though per sonally unacquainted with 44r. Ingham, ire have the mat, iatisfitctory aluiiminces from • those who know him well, that be is just the manlfor the place and the Occasion--honest, intelligent, well-informed, 'and ardently at tachod to the principles of the Republican partt. It will require mea l of mint than or -dinsry ability and nerve properly to .repre senV:! their. constituency in our Legislature nexi i winter, if the scenes of last whiter in congestion with the electiOn Ofa United States Senator are to be reenacted . ;and the Repub. liauie of Sullivan, in their Convention, linen= ittiOsly decided upon Mr. Ingham as such a *e are gratified in '-the belief that both our 'Oominees for Representative are reliable Fretßoil men who will ,nnt flinch from the support of their principles Under any eireum maxims, and as such we 'trust they will re usii.S !ill, support of every learned opponent of i4avery extension in theldistriet. item ~ ~ .i best Ira: to tile daylight is to putout;the candle. What' thou oust not onipreherH - d, believc. - ion:quit! s,ntwa.Sort. Virrsas Sesomr4waaa 4 1 COUirlr. - The4ounty I boramittew of the Republican viWW . iit the nesa•apidoach ofthe 4y• of election, and of the intipor4mie of; atistaid ing: `thi party which they - . l'eprefient,` - * ito W V, "Ott tbeFrossoil trwt :of this. County, their-duty of supporting the pandidates of the Republican : party. The daring encroach ments National ~g.secutiv,u upon State I and ;individual rights, unchecked by Abe re- 1 ikuke of the; people as the* Geneml Eke , OMare now sustained by a ilartizatt Judicia ry; both of the State and Nation. In i. this P)ontr although:no party dares to place Iran. .didatesitt nomination chose principles Open licelnildeirith &wed tha'Adrninistrathin or the administration party of this State,ther has been placed in nomination by Wparty acting in tmliod with the friends of the Administm tion, a ticket composed of men of doubtful political faith. In connection With them, they hive 'placed 'lamination 'for:Repreftentati ve from Wyoining bounty, an oPen AndAeOded friend of the Administration and of all its Measures, Including the Nebriola bill, the re moval of Governor Reeder, and the itnPrison ment of Passmore Williamson. Thin ticket for RepresOtatiies you are aked to support as Free-soil men, in oppositinu to one !corn , posed of earnest , decided oPponents 'of the Administration and. its measures: 'you may consider to:be the proper method of ef fecting tho end we all have in View ; we think otherwise; and we invite, you', without; any distinctiod or party, to support the 'ticket: which has been placed in nomination by the Republicans. We are willing—and we; ask of you to do the same—to lay aside all our former differences, either 91 a personal or po i _ _ MOE = litical'ehaiacter, and meet upon the broad platform ':No more slave. Mates; mid •no [. slave- territories ,' letting all other, issues rest until, this fir more important queStion is def initely settled. In the language of .udg . e The allies of the administration must be struck every State, &untv • and I...4istriet." The election of_a U.. S.. Senator is the most important - question likely to arise during the next sessibn of the Legislature: The position of both Onr candidates is to be found in the • resolutions of = our Convention ;. that - .of, John V. 4itlith, ; is known by-.the view's has exirre.ssed• in his: paper; that• Of. Mr. Llahrop We hive been unable to ascertain, eithe'r from the. resolutions of the Con - vention whi4ll pla-i .ced himlin.nothination or - from' his'private, declarattnns. 11111, then, Who desire the el .• tion of a VreeSoil IT. S. Senator from !pet n • sPlvania, have a direct interest in the sucee. of the liepublican ticket, and should! labor earnestly, for its election. . .. The: party, of Freedom and the pktty Slaverytire now marshalling their (brees foti 'the great Presidential contest in 1 . 856. The success of - either in the. several States this Fall, may have.. - an important influence on the result then.' . Let us, freemen of Susquehanna County, new and henceforth, be faithful to the good cause, so that whethar Freedornor 81(1' - yery is triumphant, we, can haie the s'atisfael" • 'ion of remembering that our votes and our influenee were given lit behalf of justice and. -.] SAMUEL F. - CARSiALT, • 1! • • Chairman Republican CO. CAM - • Another Trick. 1 We understand that a certain "NI trwrq. Clique' are .busy trying to get up ad Whig tieket” in this County,for the purpose I Of defeating the Republicans. The chief lea- 'tiers in the movement, strange to relate, in'e ailed thgle,ade4 of the sham DemoCritcy in this County. Our readers, will easily under !stand the object whin they reflect tluit theSe ileadersof the Sham Democracy arc 'awfuqy. - frightened at the prospect of another , defeat !this Fall, and can think of np other possible ;way, ocpre'venting it, than by dividing their itts thlse oppenc onissues, as was lately done lin Maine. Stich experiments may Isuceeed in sections • where 'Silver Gray' or pro-s - ! very Whigs exist—as they do in small num bers in some of the North—but will! fail ut terly, and igiominiously among thelfreemen of Susquehanna County, who have ta'.! lion to'. aid thP shard Democracy, either. di rectly Or, indirEetly, in preparing the way for the election of a pro-slavery U. S: Senator next winter, or of Franklin - Pierce, Or some other tool, of theslave-drivers for President in 1850. -We ran hardly believe that any man can be foo t ed into placing himself in such a Nsi tion ; but if there should be Any such, we vn- lure to predict that he *will never. Aesire to repeat the experiment—unless the "Corrup tion find " which the Slave Power and the Liquor League, through the hands of the Carnet.On men, are said to be scattering Oen tffully,-throughout the State, can pmduee more ;effect than we believe among the iot ers of:Susquehanna (G►unty. The Republican State Nomination- We see few, comparatively,uf the Newepa pers id the State; but we find the y name of PassnaoreMarmon at Ale mast r Jheafil ; the folloWing : Pittsburgh Gazette, Lewis. burg:Chronicle, Norristoirn Olive Branch, Bradford 'Reporter, Bradford Argus, toga Agitator, Coudesrport People's 'kernel, on rieauiville Benner. Many other of our ex changes Synipathise with the nomiriatiOn;and would like to see Williamson elected, but are awaiting the turn of evezits.l The 'Rea publicans of Sullivan County have . ; no news. Papei• organ, but endorsed the niarninatio i r. of Williamson in their Connty Coriventlon. \ people throughout the State have a deep feel ing in fitvor,of the victim of judicial opOres siot4. bit Philadelphia seems resfrained -by - some unseen influence from coming, out bold ly sad -heartily_ in his fitvor. The cause of this I map 'perhaps he correctly guessed 'at fnani, a remark of a.Philadelphia) Merchant recently that "Williamson ought o be hung for *etting up such an ezcitement,rjeti tit the opening of, the fall trade 1" _Coloti hat; too multinfluenes on politics in both Philndel phis and New York. The " - distric ts' must take care of them. - . - rir Upon the occasion_of deuce ring a ta tno4s lecture, in Cambridge, Maas;, recently, Wendell „Phillip* remarked that the making °I OW gingerbread was one of the lest , . , the Reptsblieax. 14n. C. I.Lathrop, AND SOME PERSONAL MATTE/ilk. ligeeetii.liy_ the last,l) enteit,:;,et the iniaci Of. the R4retbllean Perti,in noosoliteuee Oithe slight bpnor of being 4petiiied, etlgg9stioif of o'Na:friend, to' he coun t y,, Rey publican'Cordritittee.: , As a memher` of that committee, it t will.ilot,he improper that I should cormill the- whithi mistatemeuts - and of Itialifonornbler (!) E. B. Chas(O elpecially as my mans stand:, intiniately_ as, sociat&l with thcni.. The ibllowing is an ex.; tract - from= the leading ;editorial of the last • _ moerat. • . , -se Dimockr wrote the article (Ostainiug Latbrop's,ucti9nin. tbe,Leg-• iSlature) and took it ti).Mr. Lathrop, telling, him that if hti w.ould•decline running and let Mr. Ilempstad. be nominated, that article t.houti be published in the, Repoli/knit, -set-. Ling him 'right, with that party, while they, the leitderr,weuld do every Thing for hint they Could; for . PrOthenotary two years from now but iflhe would not do it, then they would deleali him ; fora the nomination. this fall, in which casts he would be a used up poli. facts of the case'.are-these. For.'sortie .,. 'time previouS to the nominating convention, I had t seen Mr. Lathrop only twice. _The first time was soon after his _name was pub lished 'as a.cimdidate fortmmination. • I was' in his prt'senee two, or three minutes=--just long tnougll to hear him express dissatis faction because bis name was announced • I without his Consent. - We had no converSa. • • jion in regard .to -Withdrawing it. Monday r, 'evening full Owing a messenger informed tub that Mr. Lathrop 'wished' to • see the - . at Searle's Hotel. We met, and he immediate ly_ opened hiS business by informing nie that ihe had decided fully not- to be a candidate, and wished bistiame withdrawn: The chair , the: ; CotntOtee not.being, present, toik it upon myself, at the request of Mr. LathroP, see. that his name was' taken from the list Of candidates. lam not aware that. there - Was a syllable written* in reference to Mr. Lathrop bet Ore his mind- was • made ~up fully to *ithdraw. I bad written noth- Thai Mr.; Lathrop was to be a "'candidate 14 Prothonotary two years from how" is a new idea - tol me. I had not.heard the thing mentioned before - the publication of the• Dem-1 ocratlastCk. I • had not • •thoucr =7 ,itt of it I myself, had} not heard it spoken of by others, 1 ! and do not iclicve it had been suagested to Mr. Lathrop by any • one. • I held out no in-_ ducements to Mr. Lathrop,and I have no rea— son to believe or stfspect that • any - one else did. In fact, I do-not believe Mr. Lathrop is • easily influenced by inducements, for I have good teasons for - believing,: "'although Mr. Lathrop is not informant": that strong inducements, to taken cont.: e favorable to the yleetion - of:Simon Cameron, were held nut to him; while io rfarrisburg by a certain. indi vidualfroniSunuehanna• County whole:as in all pf anni , ro,cB irate caucuses. • • Instead of-telling Mr. Lathrop that I should try to defeat his - nomination this fall" 1 told him - Lwould do all - I could to 'secure his nomination if In: wi,h&d it, and if nnmiaated I would e4ert tny luau:a-ice to secure his eke ti,,H; • -1 - ‘llo arc ea:led by the Demo crat - of. the, Repubiiean Party in Muntre't toil him the ....aim ? . thli , • P • i, in dill;•(:4:conflict:with the :a tilocut ; made by Chase. His statement is. willtully'.Und maliciously false. There ,is now another ch:u►cv to swear, falsel!j. G. B. Eldred Was present at both . the interviews' with Mr. Lathrop, and Will eorrobOrate . the' LbOve theft - 4. • The followink is- also an extract. from the 'editorial columns of the last Democrat : "In thlt Know-Nothing Council in BloOmer I-Tall, that afternoon, as we can prove by per/ Sons whoiwere present, if it shall be .denied, the town. hips Committees to superintend the election Of delegates 'to the Republican Con vention, to. nominate the' ticket last :Monday, were made!" • I was in that,Counell frpm . the time 'it or ganized uniii it adjourned, and I.know that it made not one of the Township CoMmittees, • and that ,it took no action in referepee to them.. In regard to the matter, I know this. much (Other: Tuesday evening; Mr. head wialed me to assist. in preparing a list of the committees for publication. 1 looked over the names of 'the townships and found not one-half Of them - were provided With .corn- Mittees. On Wednesday and Thursday the list was completed. * For prOof. I refer-to C. F. IlenkJ. Cha;Jman; J.T. Langdon; O. G. Hempstead, S. F. Carmati,H;H: Frazier, and 'others.. by - whom majority Of the - corn mittees'ivere made: • - • ,• • t. It is charged 'upon the members of that Council that they committed a fraud When they resolved that they would supplrt the Re publican Ticket. They did just what every northern freeman ought to do. They doter? mined t 4. forego all other considerations end take up one issue . of Slavery .Restriction. The order to vi-hicloley belongd Was fOrni.: ed when the question of. Slavery. extetiion. was at rest. under the resolutions of both the Nationel parties to-resist the agitation of the Slaveriquestion• in and out or.- Congress.— Subset - writ to the organization the -order, the- Sonth.commenced a• series of outrages upon the .North, and outrage, has fol lowed' upon outrage, until the hearti3 of -North ern. freemen .burn with indjgnation.. Like true patriots, the merribers of the council de cided ii ) make nominations hobo Order, but to unite with' the. Republicans-in opposi tion to ,"the insolent aggressions of slavery: The. Republican party is a separate.'and in dependent. party, -organized for !a 'specific purpose, having 'no connection with any.; oth er party,' but: composed_ of the Free-Soil m -•:.. embers of all parties, If the extension of Slavery-is ever prohibited, it Will be bjr'tbe union of all Free-Soil men upon :that issue; and it will not do ''ttidrive. men out ot the. are notiliecause they hold prinelples thot.are pot held nor endorsed nor carried out by the RePuhl.i4ii.. , party. The ,invitatiOn broad 4lid free .to all men of all !parties: - to conf,e in and unite for the acciiinplishmenttsf oneobjeet, and one object only,- and that - ., is active and actual resistance thp enprOach. multi! Of, Slavery. Z. Ithakkite, =ill Re~sesenjs v . Canferelee. . I At aftpeettpg bf Republican RepresentaSive, Conferpelpkt die District.composed' °lithe CoOßtitt,* B6l 4 uehantlN Wyoming, y #pd , sul liyan, co nyeaed at Lacey vil INSePteniSer2lst, 18p, the meeting was ,pallekto oideecj l Amos illi,Ens-waliiia ced the 'Chair' and H. E. Shiliiiiall'eaktted f Secretary.. _..'. The following named gentl . 9nen presented credentials and were admitted to seats ; D. D. Warner, Amos Williams ; R. S. Davis, John Young, froni Susquehanna v - 11. E. Shipman and A.; E. Wilber from ullivan--Wyoming not beilig represented. • Thei Copfet.eneetbettproceeded to nominata, Candidates for RepresentStives; whereupon' John - Young . nominated Orlando G: Hemp.: itead,.and A: Cs Wilber: nominated Thonia J. Ingham, and• the vote being taken, they were unanimously nominated . Thd following resolutiott was thenladopt. ~ geit.olved,: - .That we will use all honorable means to..seenre -the Election' ot . the tandi- . dattisthis day nominated. .. : Whereupon the. - cotiferenee adjourned die. AMOS N(rILLIAMS, Chairmaft, ll.' E. SEOPMAN, Secretiry. SSACHUSETTB ! ,74 com plete Fusion of the 'Opponents - of the national Democracy • comprising Republicans, Whig 4, Know-Noth ings and Know-Sotpethings, has just been ef fatted in MaSsachusetts. The United: body. taltei the name of the ,RE BMA:: PAITTY, and Cur its platfo'rrn the sole issue of Free , dom .against 11tvcry.. The meeting by wttich, .the f l Osion was effected was..very large; and harmonious., •Julius Rockwell of Pitts ;was nominated for Governor over Gard. the present ihcOmbent,!on the first for ballot. . • .• •: - very field TIC r, trial lrevery other Ifree . State-could. be placed in a. : .poition,like . ' that of.Massachuseit.s, the caus4 of sreedoni would be safe.. •. . -A:HE YO u AssEssEn.—Next. Saturdhy-is the last day 'on which persons on be assessed in s4ason to be (nti!led to' - vote this Fall—the: law requiring ten days: . -LA the lleptHblicatis in every Township look sharp, and see that no dote-cis lost to our cause by neglect in this partlealar. It is very iiripOrtant that the entire, Frei."-Soil : vote shoald be polled - thi4 Fall. • ,„ ih a t s Know_Nidhing Connell in Bloomer Hall, that afternoon, as we can prove by. persons who were present, it it shall be denied, the ToWn4ip COminittees to super intend the election of delegates to the Repub. Coneeption, to nominate the ticket last MOnday, were made."—ifontrose,,Demoerut. We do. deny the nbove-statonient,. most 'emphatically. We - faiserand ehrdlenge the-pmof!- • • REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. A Rep . ublienn convention asseinbled at the Court house, in Laporte, on Tuesday, the The following persons .were elected ofOers : President=Henry Ship:Tian. Vice Presidents—Jostph Wooclhend, John G. ..13arteh. . - . . Secretary-4ohn S. Green e - On tnution, the Convention proceeded tt nOniittale a candidate Ow Representative.— William Collins tfotninated 11. - E. - Sliipinam, Esi4: Arr.. Shipinan . aro:e and eipressed.his - thinitA for the honor intended, and in a brief -mid appropriate speech declined the nomina 'After which, on 'motionjof . A. C. Wilber, the. following resolutiOn was' adopted: .• 'Resolved, That we have full. confidence in t 4 integrity of H. E. Shipman, Esq., and would cheerfully' support him •fcir .Represent ative,if he so desired; but as he declines a nOmination, we will proceed to nominate some other candidate. . Mr. Wilber then nominated T. J. Ingham no other nomination being made, and a vote being tnl:4n, Mr..lnghanr was unanimously. nOminated. .• V. • On motion, the Convention proceeded to nominate a candidate .fOr Treauret. • G.:W. Potter nominated John . S. Green: . • No other' being made, and a vote being tali en, Mr. Green was unanintouly nominated. The convention then' Roceeded to. \nomi- nate 11 candidate. for Commissioner. Job L. King nominated Williath Glidwel A vote being taken' Mr : Glidwell was unan irnonsly nominated...' The Convention then trnanitnously nomitia- AO the fiAlowing persons . for County Audi t Ors N. Wilcox, 3 years, J. W. Hoge land, !I years. " On motion of Job L. King,. A:-C.• Wilber and Henry . E. s . hipman,. were appointed con terees, to confer with similar conferees from Susquehanna and Wioining counties, to nom inate candidates tin. Representatives. On motion .ta. President appointed the,fel , lewing committee on resolutions; • A. C. Wilber, G. W. F'otter,Wrn.. Y. Col Benjamin Huekell and William E. King. Mr.: Wilber, from the CoMmitteer . on res, , reportedas - fulloyrs Resolved, That we consider the course of Governor Reeder in Kansas, as eminently honorable to .hiMselland creditable to his native State—we cOnsider his defe'nee to the -accusations of iinproper.speculations in lands to be ample and complete; and aSno answer has been attempted we .assuMe. that .no an swer made. - We therefore pronounce i;is removal by President Pierce, to bean ar titrary'exereiAe of poWei for the sole purpose ter permitting;--the - Slaveholders to enutrol tho, territory of Kansas by force-and arms. . . . . . Resolved, That .we will oppose. the admis ioti of Krrsas - into the . Union as a . Slave State: We are not disposed tnititerfere with Slavery in the-States where it now exista, but :iwc are determined. that Slavery shall never spread trver another toot. of free territory in Noith /interim.,• •- . . ResOlped, - That' we havheaVd With a - st On-. tshment and alarm • Of . itio iniprisournentof a. ;peaceable citizen of Pennsylvania • for no oth; -` - ,er cause than assuring d, woman- that she could. `not legally lie held as at slave- in Pennsylva nia. We WO upon it as a blow. aimed at ithe liberties of this Sllita,, designed to sup- Prem . the freedom" of'speech, and to introduce Slavery into our midst. Resolved, That we will gladly hive Pasa. ( more Willitunson; (the victim of: this. unjust imprsonment)•our support for the 'office of [Canal. COmmitasioner. We have the fullest !assurance that-,he is every way competent ;discharge ,the - duties of the office ; and, we, consider this; ;the moat - toady. and efficient, mode of testifying our .abhorenee of -the jug.' Foist tyranny Which plead - flirt) Tin prison. c, • Resolved, That the refusal - of the Supreme court of : Pcninsylvania-, to . grant 'Pass:nerd' . ‘Villiaruson et. writ, - of lutigaticoipus, is a plain infringement-Of the. Constitution- of the --lint ; ted .Stateaat Commonwealth, ,and - •is a -virthal.,a treader • .of the „Sovereignty. of Perthsylvati: to the.slave ' inteereat ". o£ the • SULLIVAN COUNTY &kith, and we eaur it our duty,to asiist in naming such udges from o ffi ce as soon so -Torunble. _ .-, Mr.:Potter to the Committee on reso. ititicina report the C:4llowing . : , : we so/SA t theacts . lof Franklin Pierce, are in striki ng nt ra st to his declaration that / 0 during his ad inistratibu the tranquillity or 44 eouhtry sh uld trot be disturbed by the question.of Sla ery. ile doubtless intended the people to sit quietly by, while he, by the use of purse and ; sword—by Governthent patronage at hom e, and diplomatic influence abroad, sought to lextend the dominion, aid strent,rthen the chalins of slavery. The-Atch ison and Stringfellow mobs chime iwwithilis peaceful admitKtration, without jar or dig cord. ,- I - - Resolved, Tha t to say move about!theAL mini.stration of Franklin Pier ce i would. he like re: Gioytown. , --- -- , - Resolved, Th4t the union or the Slsolli a g.. ders in throe of lOie extension- of Slavery, h driven the Freemen of the North lit° oily_ oizations, for the purse of opposing -thkla , ' O, O •TreSSIOtI.. Resoltied, Thatthe !toinination of Mr. L i . throp - As a Free seller, by the. DetnooiStks. party- .of• this A.sserribly- • District,- is lei av tempt ~o f swee;en ;5;. bitter other. • words, to secure-the triumph of .thelluriker party, (m_ the st r ength' of . . son pm.— .. • We-believe he MIS as good a . free soil roan as he professes, that that_be would - at once ded i line their nomination, 'or at least — declare . his; 0r,.• position to the Administrgtion v and . te !the Deintieratic party of. the State. Resolved, That the proceedings orthis 6)n• vention be,published,in the -Sullivan .1:4nio• crat, Afuney Luntiaarg, and the severai pa pers iu this AssemblyDiStrict..- . . A vote being taken on the jesocuti onb in trulueed by Messrs. Wilbeiandyotter,tlipy were-unenimously adopted. No further business being before thelcon volition, on motion' adjourned. • - • Signed by the officers. . . • ' • „, l't . '• -- In .1787 -a society, was organized in ii Philadelphia, which Waa incorprated: by the legislature in 179, entitled . the *Penns),l v& nia Society -for_ promoting - .the ;Atioli . t)On of Slavery, .the Relief of-Yree Negroes unlaw fully held in Bondage, and for improving the condition of the African. Race.” "Of th F iS o . i r ciety BENJAMIN RANKLIN was elected res.' 'ent, and Da. Bumf - Secretary. - Both of these gentlemen signed the - Declaration of In. .dependence; brith of them were, known a s ardent and disinterested patriots in the i llev: olutionary struggle; .both:of thorn . contribu. ted largely to the success of the cause of American Indepeud.mce ; and both 1.- were know: then, as they: are known now,:tts rts above.reproach and incapable of taking an in - a 'inoVenient .. at war with the eher,ished principles fur. width they.had ,been contend iti.i. - - ,: ' r ,. . . . ~• . j" It is . of this same society, .preserved! hi its, the present day, that i - V a s s . • more Williamson is noWSectetary, and it is for occupying that office that the dettioeta!le press of this State is reproaching and, reviling him. - - • - Is it then, a crime to folloW in.the footste p ; of Franklin and Rush? :Is there ' . guilt iii standing where they stood, or serving where they -served) Do the democratic presiti and politicians intend to clst, inSult.upos's the graves of those patriots in the : vile epithets and filthy- abssses which they heap van iheir successor ?: So it .would seem. It is not . safe,.. tinn; Pennsylvanian Co imitate the example,st by the fathers of the Republic,: The meni wh'o laid the foundation of our govornment,! . who periled all—life,rtY, and ,:property, to earn for us the b :sings of a freegoverarnent were unworthy, in democratic esteem,--la honors that have•been heaped .upOtt. them.— Their ashes are profoed,their rnerriory,blast ed;theirgood deeds forgotten; and men who, follow them stiginatized as feltms, --- tMitori and outcasts. And yet in the very fao of all this. a sheet nominally democratic (*lbw that is abused )' is: labOring to coUvitro its readers that the .demociatie.pftriy is not pro-slavery t • FOr . Or part, we are not-ashamed of the.. example of Franklin, Rash - and their ItUld tioriAry _coadjutors. We are not afi:Sid to honor them. nor dociie 'shrink from adMiting thOse who have the.nerie,.in day, toy walk in their path. timejor th sake of the - great . principles. - at !stake lin - tit revolutiOnary Struggle, that : 1787 i3hou!6 come . again. years cannot be - back in their. course; the shadows tigoatli' sun-dial cannot be recalled; but theOei-lt- lug example - of the heroes of that : day lis yii ours—ours' to . revere, to defend and *hi,. tate. The . lofty patriotism, the diSinterestel labor of years, the high-toned prineiples.,lo the which followed them—a:l these are needed now as. much ,as then; -Tit .struegle 0,1855 is. but.a revival in :aniititr shape of that of 1776; Let self-styles) des• twrats sneer, as malignant tories,did" the - true friends of freedom can endure.tla and much more. Only let the line be dis• tinctly drawn ;.letit be generally and fairly understood .that a party calling itself dew antic (but wofully beheing . its.nam4 and derides the men of 1776, and we sht -not fear the result' of the-appeal now Made ti the people: ' _ It May be_ that i this *appeal- will ttoVat be successful. r It may Chance that "men bli ed by the dazzle of 3 . l name ' and drank l past success, will give no. liteed.tothe Voice, 'revolutionary.sages. calling to them fromdx cerated 'araves. - But there - is hype futuro. -- Delusion is.shoitived Where intk ligenee . prevails ; apd :they's .is 'tot polyt enough in the pro-slavery ismks of thenotth. ern democracy to -give - vitality to 4 . change a Wrong into aright; ~ • - A.Law needed in Pennegive.,nin , To' the .lediter.of the Yeti. 'Pork Tribrne. - Sts view of the recent decision ofte Supreme Court of-the State of PermsylviA. in thecase of PassmOre .the ir 'iptirp, 'what. can be done , to prevent . a reli , tit ion of this act of tyranny I',natitralLy trio among-those who . syrnpathi2te with "that: fit tint-of a cruel and wickeddespet.., 1 will t 1 Co answer_ this question briefly. Let the po: pie of the State rally and pass a " perso liberty bill '' somewhat similar to the onq re* cently passed in, Mas sachusetts,' and to tit one in Ponnsylirania *hick was repealed der Wm. Bigler, in obedietiee to' the diet?' of the. Slave ,Had-the'statuteiuf State contained euch a priivisionas is lot in 'Section. 40, page 199, vol. 2, of ouiterN Statutei, the writ wbuld • haie been without hesitation. And hadthe;laws r Oftto State also contained a - section forbidding! of the jails, prisons, penitentiaries, polieeck Ces, Sze.,, of the State - 'being used. by t he Ges , era! Ooverninent, where could JUdgelCane have found a prison in which' ,t o invacer o • his victim? The . ,-act •should_forbid,•ander ei.beaiy pea' al ty, all State officers. froth aiding Or assist in any way or shape in thelcaptiir.e of tive slaves, or at the enforcement of the, gitive Slave Law, -and -should 'disqualify United iltatee .officers 'from 'ever holding State office, - a Court of-J" tire: Such a law will not infringe , u pon, thl COustflution . of the United. States in 'hilt That qUeStion - bas beert'Settled by -the 111, est tribunal• in the - land.- -' B. Wheeler, New York, Sept. ISi 18.,Wi