NDEPENDENT REPUBLICAN. 0 . . . . , . , • •1 - _.,_, caitaLss v;,. AD AND 11.. R...NBAZ.IXALSKT,4I.Ia. MON TROSE;. PA, Tatars&En , September ,10,,141.4%., ItZPIpILICAN NOKINATIMI!.. • rot Chanel Conusiptiowiei s • PASSMORE WILLIAMSON, , _ Of Pkiladelphia.:‘ - [M:nits Pe!tiOn for Loying Liberty and Justice.] ~~ I f CANAL CODOLISSIONER.—We raise the name ' of Passmore !Williamson at the head of our ; columns this week, as the Republican Can didate for Canal Ommissioner. The nomi nation is received here, as, in the. Convention, - that nominated him, witha perfect outburst of enthusiaanil Other implies were talkedof in the Convention at Pittsburgh,' but when once the name of Passmore Williamson was mentioned, itleapt through that vast as/sem -Nage like tualelectric thrill, and' the - living .mass swayed before it like the waves . of the _ sea. So has tt moved the hearts of the peo ple throughont this, great Commonwealth. - - 'The fact is !too - apparent to admit or - the question-Passmore Williamson is the PEe. - era's**Dribos.l They accept him as such , without stopping to enquire what party may have heretofore claimed him. He belongs to 'the party of freedom. lle has been de prived of his freedom, without a crime.— Though the- 4ostitetion of - this 'Common -wealth provides, that "the privilege of the ii writ of habeas rorpurshall not be suspended, . unleis wheteirt!;cates of rebellion or invasion; the public) safety, May require it,'.! ,thatwrit - has been denied him,. because the interests of Slavery require it. The constitution pro s- vides that crueii punishments shall not be in. flreted over itizens, but our supreme' court - inform - at that whatever punishments a Fed eral Judge re+ inflict on O Pennsylvanian ' they have ro ppwer to interfere—that tho' our Coettitittion me:y be violated and the liberties of 'the people trampled under the feet of a judicia , tyrant, yet there is Go mode orobtaining redress through the State-Judic iary. If this be! true .there is no such . . thing as State right 4 our boasted freedom is a ' 'mockery, and every citizen is liable to a life , ,-., long imprisonnint; if he 'be unfortunate as in any 'wayoffend the Slave Power.— . We all mak '; the case of Passmore Wil liamson, eurown, and every true Pennsyl-. vanian feels that', his liberties are violated in i ' , his person. We mean at least to show our love for his priniples, and our, hatred of the tyraeny that imprisoned hint. He itsaid I:le i those . whe know him per-, sonally, to be eMinently qualified he of , fiee, m business rapacity as well as honesty: i We consider his nomination as auspicious of a triumph' this I Fall and a greater one in 1556. . : ; TILE STATE gEPUBLICAN .CONVENTION,- We give up &large portion of our paper this ii '' week to the_ proceedings of the Republican . State Convention at Pittsburgh. It was a very large and enthusiastic meeting. About - three thousand persons were present,all parts of the State be,trig represented. Harmony pervaded the 6.onyention ;• the speeches as reported were conceived in the right spirit, --- and the platform s adopted is one of , the very, `best anti-slavery !Platforms that hais been pre .: ?ented in any state, - or by any party. -We /4elieve ; that platfor' m will carry Pennsylva -1 I his, All the three branches .of the "Fed- Aral Aral Government, the Executive, the Leg,is ative, and the Jdicial, seem to 'have con_ t . I plred to render it successful: The Kansas.. iebrasa act, the! removal of Governor Ree, er, ana the inlprisonment or Pasamore if illiamson, have!, arouSed. the l old spirit that O terns to have lain dorthant SCi long in the ` i ti ndjor Penn. l it is so evident that the s ilifle - machinery of the Federal govern ac.nt is taontrolle4 by the Slave Power, that ttrthern. - freemen 'everywhere are -justly ' 4rmed; andlndignant..: They feel that they ( It -re not made foi. slaves, to be bullied and - • i „ a ptripled upon by the armed minions of , 'covery, nor to b hnprisoned at a tyrant's iltrice. 'rho 'Pennsylvania are c ; 4) m h the Repnbli e ' n movement, and they re .nee , at the thought that the end, of the thral .oo of the old K ,stone to doughfaceism is i 17.1. . ITIL 41 i • it - 11," At a: i-'l?emocratic" County lieet • Add iir. Honedale, September 4di, res: f l c T r i ons were &lofted endorsing the course kei , H.-Reeder,;and denouncing, the Presi ,fur removing , him.. This is better. than \\ liit have- been 41:meted from the old Hunk oil" Wayne, but the lireald, the County of that the , ' pazty, assures us that the reso .,,s were intriOneed and passed 'by the ba il Nothings the "now Nothing Ab amiists," sus the, herald calls them. Was Kat Know Nothings, " under the guise of 60 Y:trate," who similar 'resolutions Kaucounty, onMonday of the second -week j sust conrt 1, . '• ' - ....• shotother molUtions of the Wayne C4'ni. ie§k endorse 'the doc t rin eo f ." s quatter 1 • „.... t A. 9 7 ) 1 and, the nomination of Aino Id 14 ti I ~,, , . t li nk X Canal Commissioner rand the irtic youi . Mplains'of th e ifontrore Democrat ,-* c ... iu .h , -1 exraitang rmer'eluetne at the head of bodkins. 11 real 4. Staticascy , fal! TlO6l , Conwrv.—ln the Strai:onventioll of the old line Dancers ":Le throu Iga, the followingfollowing resolution was in • 1 E 4: . " &Solved, That we., have been, an ague ,oppOaed: to, the repeal of the you ZCoinprotizise,.by which Kansas And ~ .' • ' were opened to slavgry, regarding ~.., our Swinton repudiation of a soleni,oconk _ an d r destrtuotive of the tirtnony, of the . •,. . to Atodisastrous tothe cause of freedcui • to A‘re are in; fayor of its restoration." to sh 'ilution Was voted do Votile 1 •• " wn ' • •Th 4 lie liassiichiksetts Democratic ,yon.in thihuuner,. et Worcester Sept. &h., , ,speakl . Q . D. mine& for Governor, and I havdioluticnis fully endorsing the ,ad a cienohneiug - 41e Know othing; good ry. to'penry A. wis e o t Virgin sliail;. t maul tall Amato* kiwi ; one* • • 1 45 '1 -11. x Utiirop. . ; The name of Mr. Latlrrcip was inserted among theeadidates for *presentative up „ep_cuirown remonaibility, I?ecntis! we pre sumed he would be aapdida i te fin:ie-election. Mis course hi - the • logislaturklast winter, was entinentlY l inttlafzuti*y mihiefiontititugiita, . turtitiii . .,do tioti:doubt -ffiai.:lt i ! would bi fully sustain 0 at. t polls..1 1 ,:llis Teti* for United . States * a re - are ie. il , iil . e ikhe that the que#. tip now befo the : people' 4 1 . e' pirinionnt question Witli him, ! He laid'aside all other questions and !issues, and voted constantly and nnifirrmlY for it' .. knoWn •tinti consistent' opponent to the aggression's of slavery. Such intriguing politicians as iSirmici Cameron found no faio . :i• with.; him, and thh pro-slavery candidate pm. i nted by the beir4:ieratie party did not receivelhis.support,;; His course in a legislative , it? accords - with his princi- , pies and prof - siland '.!is jtist the course thai would receive a_triumphaUtvindication from the Republican party. ft' . is yegretted that by his withdrawal the Rtpiibliemi party are deprived of l ithe opportunity of sustaining him in placing ibe Free Soil question befOre all otlier - questiOns, and in holding (that the interests of that: principle arc more binding upon him than these of any other. i In' sus taininglir. Lathrep's course the individual i 1 ! - meinbers of tbelp ,rty wpuld have had an op .: , 1 , portunity to pr v th at they are willitig to accept' the issue fo' ' . upon . us by'theSeutli, 41 L and that they are Iread} to meet the. slave Power either in iin open conflict of principle, _ ,a or wce hon , cona in an arnbusmde, practice ing subterfuges‘ end stratagems, as in Susque-, Hanna county. lit” .._ REPUBLICAN 14.kSS CONVENTION IN 'BRAD. FORD Cot —A; Convention composed of a large number of the Freemen o l f Bradford :county:;without 11 regard to former political associations, as.setnbled at Tolr4da; Sept. 10th, tor the.purpose of organizing a Republi can party, and pl'aing in non-iiiation a I . le-, publican . county; ieket. Aaron .Chubbuck ESq. was electefi President,. With a large numher, of Vice-presidents.' . E. A. Perseus, ,editor of. - the Amos,. and E. 0. Goodrich,-, editor of the . Reiieiter, were einolig; the Sec- - -retaries.• The !Meeting was addressed .by Judge, Wilmot others;, strong. 'Free Soil resolutions;D r antong others !one asking fur the impeaehnrtent of Jtrdge Kane; and one endorsing the nomination of PasSmore. Wil-- Itamsonwere adopted ; and a county tick; was, nominated. : We shall - give the pro= ceedings in full next week. rfABEAS COR:P i t'S :REFUSED TO PiSamonE wxt,LlAmsos.L—The Supreme court of Penn sylvania, on Satu4iy Idst, rendered, their de cision refusing the application of Passinorc Williamson fd,; a r *rit of habeas - corpus.— The five Judges Were upon the Bench.— Judge Knox alone; • dissented.. The decision otthe Court,' as deliscred by Judge Black, is that they: haw4nci :power whatever to' Inter fere in the . terklstit that the prisoner must. remain . in coiffin.: 'tent till he makes .such submission as is 64 be tiSfaefory- to .Judeg Kane—Who deizroited • ''the learned and upright magis(ratlr. who. Prasitht in the Dis . - triet.Coutt." '` Judge Kno 'delivered very °la,: ate dissenting, oPinipil` . in fm'jr of granting th writ prayed.ifor; rfEl — It is! desirable that at the primary 1 - - elections,. next . Saturday; each Township t should electtwo ood'reliablareen es dele gates to the Cou, ty Convention ; for there 11 will be important business' tO be trOsacted by the Convantio i such as county the feelings of the people of the county 'on the U. S. Senator question; electing Representa tive Conferees to . eet With thOse of Wyo ming and Sulliv e, for the noinination of Candidates for Re resentatives&e. . . DEMOCRACY 12i DAUPHIN (013 FIT.—The bemocratie Convention) of Dauphin County met ig liarrisburg 'recently and adopted the following among ipther j resolutions : "Re solved, That we adhere to all. the Compro mise enactments Of;1850, and the subsequent net organizing the;, Territorial governments of Kansas and -11sTOraska." , Resolutions a gainst the Know 11.1;othings and' Liquor pro hibition were alsoJidopted. - : -, • . . Mr' ft - has been: the impression ,of many that the - Kansas-isl i ebrasa act required the luws of the Territ O rial tiegislatere to la e sub- - witted to. Congrpss for approval before becoming of binding force upon the. peo ple of the Territor y ".;" bttit a close examination of \ the AEI Shows that such is • pot the ,ease and that there is,ti4 other - Control over the proceedings of that body than the veto of the. Governor aildithe power ofjudicialre vis ion lodged in the ilerritivrial courts.. , 1, . Vratiltnrr STATE X LE4s?io's.--iTI.vo hundred 1 and four towns in. ermOnt havy. been heaid m 0 fro, which give yce (Republican) 23,- 1 869; Clark (Demi) l.1$90; Scattering, 4 ; ..,, ; On. . Si t - ' .: . ' or - the RepiesciAativfes elected, so far as heard from, 140,24 Reublicatt, 28 Demo. cratic, 31 Know,lsi l : thing, - L, HENRY WILSON': Srtscu.--"-on our. first Page is oue of • natbr Wilson's capital veches in favor :f uni in of Free Soil men. teed it, Free Soilers., allot say Vihether he is right, and- if r 0.. you are prepared to do your duty in t etn...,rgencyr. We are re,6estell to say. that M. L. Catlin, of Bridge* 'ter, *ill not be .a .eandi date fur nominati lots• gepresentative at the Delegate electi:n cynlSii:tuid.ay next.. , Letter from Ir. Latimp._ C. F. Read, Ch'n.*epuOiecrn ecknotittet , : I see - by the last', .Repuiean that My name has beep suggesteei, to you as .a 'candidate for nomination for. Represititative. Such Mt gestion has been , ratide trithout my .knowl edge-or censent. I.ltlthcingh lam determin. ed to Withdraw my name wholly, trona the - etinviss, Yeti feel a dcep interest in the elec. on to . the United Statee.Senate of a man who is an open .:and ampistent,Opponent of the .extension of ilavery ? and Shall use ray influence to ware the eleption of Represent. atives who will vete *fill for Inch a candi date ./4.711RAP" REPUBLICAN STATE! CON VENTIOT. Pasemore witaamfecos Norniivardfor . Can 4 Cow mistimes 1-4AstP,astfattle- Afating--bhio Ira/ Rep retentecP—Platfoiat Adopted--The !Om/dia.:in Par- . ty Organited—Magiterat The R,cpublitmin Stite 'Convention met at City Hall, PittSburgh, op yVednesday, , SeP., `temberlith.::" j. Wbsii a - 49F of eleven . ' had arrived, Hon- Georgej called the as- . seiablage to,order, and stated that the con- - vention about ti l ? be organized had convened in acconianc;3 with a call signed by "al num ber of prominent - citizens -- of PennsylVania, which ho read, is kollows : • " The citizens of Pennsylvania, without re gard to gorrneriparty .distinctions, wbo are willing, to uniteiiu . a new organization . to re sist the further spread of Slaiery and the in crease of the Slave power, are requestd to meet.iu Mass Com,ention at Pittsburgh on WedneJiday the Milt day of September, 555, at 1.1, (Nock M;, to ,org,anize aRe übli 'can party in thiq State, which shall give ex pression, to the Poplar - will on the subjects involved' in the. re?cal of the Missouri Qom promise; and coliperate-With other orgaliza- Lions of a similar character in other Snite.s." Mr. Darsie tiku moved that for the !pur pose of! a temporary organization, Judge James Winslow; ofJcfferson county, bri call ed t'o the chair. Carried. !Judge Winsloiw took his seat on, the , form • - On notion, Cliarlcs F. Read, Esq., ofd quelianda countys was appointed tempo SecretarY. • • °Hon. John NV; Ilowe, of Crawford coun ty, moved that of committer of twenty-one be appointed to sclept names of officers foil the permanent organization of, the convention.— earn ed.' . , . . - The Chair, by request appointed the corn Mittee as follows); . ~ . .. . 1 Hon. 'John WI Howe,' Crawford ; George V: Acheson, Clearfield; :Sohn MyerS, lndi :1• ana ; Samuel 'McFarland; Washington; Hen ry:Teller, - Erie ;1 Williatn: Henry, lieaver ; .liussell :Errett, Allegheny ; John Wildatn son, Huntingdon i Eno,Cll Lewis, Blair;`iVil -1 i? m M. - Stepheuson, Mercer:yr W ill ihni! B. Thothas, Philaderi.)hia • William NV: McDou gal, Tiogit; Dr.: Joseph Gibbons, Lancaster; Gen. Joseph Atirkle, • WeStmoreland ; ',Ru ben Witialow, Elk ; Jesse' Evans, Chester ; Joseph Maim, 'otter; Jame. 4 M t Sellers ; Juniata; Thomai: Silliman, of Litwreric-e Thomas Robins 4 Butler.. - • -•i 1 . , , bane 1 - A gentleman%use awe ilia not hear moved that in order to occupy the 4pa'Te too meats, while the Cs' munittep were in consillt ation,l the Hon. 4,pho A.. Binaliatn,:4 Ohio,be , requested to address, the Convention. 1 Loud cries for . I`, Bingham 1 . • 13inghaM 1 .7-- There were at this :time about two thOusand, people in the Halt.; , :• . ; • 1 I.Mr.- Bingham Ospoiule.l to the call by tak ing the platfOrm 4ntl briefly addre sing the CA - Mvention. 1• Thrn the ccmt toittee- were about,: to return, Concluded with the hope that at another" time .and place lie wintla address thci Convention further. • • The comniittee `then returned, and rep rt edi through its chairman, Mr. Howe, the ,o 1:: loWing permanent .officers : 1 - • I ;President—HOST. W.M.; JESSUP, Sus quOtanna County.; ,: i., I - *ice Presidents—Gen. Joseph, Mark . ie, -Wk'stinereland , Connty ; , HOn. James -,'W bl - Jefferson Colinty ; .Dr. R. Mitchell, In diana County; Gqorge Steele, .17eoango C 0.,• Dr; J: Gibbons, Lancaster County ; JArrie.S M. l Sellers, Juniata County t Edward Rffrgs, . Washington Cour`lty; Henry Teller,l kie • Gtnty ; John Vi'lliainson, Huntit.gdon M. ilin Bell,Biair Comity'; Thomas Sillitn. n, 1 Lit , l i tYrenee County, ; Jesse .Evans,.Cliste ; A m.• 13. Thomas, Whila.; Reuben Winsloy, Elk: ; George C. Neheson, Clearfield. 1 Sicretaries,--W.:' Lyle White, CraWfolrd Ittnty • William E. Clary, Mercer County ; ',. ' -, el" Weyand, Beaver "County :, C. F. -uehannii County ; Edward Lewis, ,(`aunty ; .11:' I. Moorehead, re i ()34i • db1i5,,....1aNN,N.',. 1 1 ... carried that the report 1 , pied and adopted. I escorted to I the talon at same I . l , - r e tt iP / u Ole Read, diana County. It was moved 4 of the Committee I?e.it. Judge/Jessup wilts theit N , - He addres4d the Con, length. • , . He beggedleave to return. his A - ecknowledgments to the' Convention honor conferred in icalling upon him tO side over` its , deliheratiOns. Ile had al .sin- gle desire to promote the harmony and propi...r expression of the 'sentiments of the Conven tion. This was ordinary occasion; t was not a conventr4nalY gathering, as of the old parties, but' it*as for • the purpose of es tablishing a party to-assert the :Right arid-re sist the Wrong ! 'T; • (APplatise.) If had 4s- H sem-bled for the phrpose ~ of establishing in 1 Pennsylvania an organization having that one 1 great object in singlenesti of . desire, and to, promote the, intereits - a this great nation.-4- It seemed singular that; in the middle-of the nineteenth century hi thiS great republic. of earth,_ a party must be organized to sustainfreedom and resist he encroachments; of ty'- ranny' He . need only refer, however;_te tbe past:eneroachmenti of Slavery—they. haste • . been written upon fur hi:•itory as with a sup beam-. There has hover been any ,skulking I in the policy of the 'Slavocraey.. They are bold and Open. They stand forth, champion I like, in the leg,islatilre of the country, in the executive: • departnients of the State, - and worsethin all in tte judiciaries of 'the land. That is worse :than all,-:•beCause a corrupt Bench is the worst huemy.Freedorn =have: When corrupt and enslaving influences take I possession of the ju4iciary,where is our hope? It is our,duty to stiin.i up, like men and re , .sist such aggressions. (Applause.) That is , ' our object to-day: '(Applause.) , The call of this Convention is a cOmpr e - ! heiasive one. All Who feel . that now is- the time this the- p to raise high a stand- ard to resist, the aggressions of Slavery .are invited to join with us. - (Applause.) WC' have, today,' stanaing out in Pennsylvania, but the 'beginning Of - an - illustration of whsit theslavery propagandists design on Pen - sylvania. A. prominent man 'has -deelar that this would be slave state in ten yea Public sentiment his been Poisoned; and the result has been.apptrent, What Li the 'de signed ultimate result? Why, that Peuti sylvania shall go bstek to slavery !• It does not require a priipht to predict that if these things continue old ilndependence , liall will • be'a slaVemart in twenty. years' from now ! A. learned Ju • dg , ' :says lie knows no law which says that Pennsylvania is free. Roil. • What - is the result of that - Opinion ? Let the sim ple name of.Passmcii-e Williamson answer.- 2 -- (Applause.) - • . ' The Speaker remarked that instiniaes could. ha multiplied, in which the Constant pressur of slave :influence Pennsylvania could b shown.`, Where wereher brightest :and best men - 'in both-the ohl parties'?minda had beget' - perverted r and biassed.. Their eye I had been 'shut to Abe .:eternal principles ofi RightinVolved . - in his `question. Only till the hue crowning egression of slavery, wherein soil dedicated to:fret:dont was black. ened by slavery, hake many 'ot thenr . waken. - • ed from their deep 4leep,land become fully, aroused to the ne§eallityl of asserting , - antt- • Maintaining their I iberties.l • We have come ttetber; said the Speaker for- the purpose Of. perfecting a needed -or e g,anizatitm. l have nO donbt • the people o Pennsllvania are istt autilavery. i ' • Now iS the time to perfect such an organ iza- 1 lion as w* desire,, wherein may . be h'armoni ized the iariOitsaatililavery elemenorthrouglii: Mit the - State.- )Itls doubtless our best polif cy to preseatt issue r.akedand clear frorri •: all other qUestiotia. In that' event a laro, .majority of:Perieiylvenies)3ons,will revoild tOblY:and'gloritialy to,# c ell. e.llt said' that so, many *lssues will. 'prevent. cOmpleto iumeas. ought to hello Such difflatilty:'. • This eariven. tion should allow the fullest liberty of 'opal ion on all minor questions, and take such bold stand'upow the sole issue of opposition to - the slaire:poWer i as shall attract and liar!. ultiniza every - ociaflietineletrient.' Thii is the most propitious hour for till*. movement Pennsylvaniaover saw/ Let uS i then discard anythh?g, that may offend, and unite in saying ;10 slaverY, "thus fir bast; thou gone--Oo farther eanat thou go.-", The Chairman'. took Ii 'seat amidst lout! applause. -' The vice -Presidents and Secretaries theii,l .assumed their ple&I on the platform; - Ilir. MeCtureiof, Franklin county, (editor;' Chainbersburgh moved that' a com-: Mittee o f s even •li e appointed to prepare res: ()laicals expressive'of the mentim6tin of tlfd Cuuventiun ', . Cairied. , • • . The.. Citairrnan; •appointed the fiditoritigl gentlemen as said Ootnittittee - Hon.: A.J.K,.l4cOltire, Chatuliersburgh';' lion.. John ,'.Covode, estrnotelluid . ; ; James WiriSlOw,; of Jefferson . ; Theophilus. Fenn, of . Liinster ; John WilliainsoU, of Ifuntiugdon ; Edward Lewis, ; John. S. ;Malin, I. l. ' o tter. . • Russell. ErrettmUced that Thos . , of Allheny couiley, be added toi• the emu , .1 mittee. - • 1- ' plat- S rar . , . Xi. McClure-fa:vored the. in,lCtion. He thought Allegheny county shouldl . be repre sented. I- - - • . .The motion Nvi.s tarried. . Mr. Allison. of? Beaver county, moved that Wm. F. Clark; of Mercer countt, be also added to theCotrimittee. Mr.. Clark' deel hied ' in favor . o i f- NV m.M.' Stephenson. Of Mercier county. . Mr.'Stelienson was 'added to the Com mittee, The chairman .. a nnounced that 1 the Corn ' mittce would imtnelliately retire,' and meet at the MonongahelalHouse for, consultation. . Mr. Dar:* rnO•ed that gentl4nen from otler.States Who Were present, beinAlted to take seats on the Platform.- CarrielL Hon. Joshua it::Giddings, Hon. J. A.. Bingham, Hon. 8.1 F. Leiter, and! Hop. L. ID. Campbell, of ()bib, were condueted to the platform, and as! each gentleman took lii seat, he was 'saluted With a hearty round of ; applause. ' „ : Russell Errett, as Chairman 'of the Com mittee on Invitations, prevented a numb'er of letters from gentlemen who had been inited 1 to attend the Conv'ention, ha were unable to. be present. i . At the request,. of_ the . Convention, tile Chairman, Jtidge Jessup, proceeded to read the letters as follows : =I Letter froM Ron. D. Wilmot I ;,,g • monaose, Aug tid.18.55. Dear Sir.—Your note wa i f forwarded to mo at this place, where I have:bden eugaged..holding Court for the last two week.. - .lwish it Were possihle for me to attend the COnrenticin At Pittsburgh ; but it is not, as mr term of Court for:. Bradford couty commence. on 3loinlay next. I feel a deep.interest in the proposed Convention; and hope from its actin the inauguration of a new era in the politics of otir state. The friends of free dom to assemble in your eity on the sth prozime,mar ,rely with confidence ,npon the zealOos co-operation anti support of the people _of this Congressional Pk' triet, and, although wq are not properly organized, and-prepared t 4 show our, strength in the coming fall election, we shill have our armor on, and our rat.k.s firm for the greet battle' of '56. I firmly believe we will give eight thousand majority in this Con gressional.distrlct for. the - REPUBLIC4N " Presiden tial ticket. * • , This county (Su.squehazina)•will be ably represent ed in your Convention,! and on my arriv2il home to morrow evening, I wilVentleavor to induce some one or more to represent lirailford. But whether Brad fivtl is represented or not, count her. good for frtAX) majority' for the candidatt4 of Freedom in ';56. Very respectfully yours. , To Russell Everett ; Esq. 1 D. Wintor. • •1! • . Letter from Hoe. Jelin P. gale - • spEuNcv.kt.r., Hs., August 29th, - .1855. • -My Dear . Si,, have l been absent from home for dome time in the State i•l,f Maine, : and have not seen. a letter sent to me for in'e'arly or ritiite' : two weeks, until last night,*hen I received a ma..--,s,°yours among the number, an I hasten to answer it. I mention ''above as 9: apOlogtfLir any seeming neglect in - •veering vours sooner. While I entirely and_ ' - mpathize with your movement, and trust am tinable VS he present with you.. itt, you cannot In . this State of lithe:6v° old defunct parties,- - united hi most of the coun- State Senate members of the purpose of putting under these .cir, you My , IL seems to Maine, the , let Whig and Dei ties and nominating each of thd old ' . parties,, down. the liepoblican rnO) cninstancell, I hope the friends ity ,and truth will forget:their old- p. heartily fbr a great good Which they which they 4,, can obtain ciulyl by union. Respeitfully.yours.! iorDi To Busse:ll 'Everett, Pittsburg. Pa. • Letter from ROL H• Wilson. `;. Navii.x., Mass., Aug. 2.3 d; 18 . 55. Dearregret to inform you that it will not. he In my phwer to accept Your very kind invitation to tittend*ylnir state convehtion at Pittsbuig on the sth of September. Enceale - :ments I cannot forego makeitinTassible for rule toi meet with you on that I day. I look with the most intense interest to your-State in this critical emergencvi Pennsylvania has it in her power to decide the t eOrifliet between freedom and .elavery, aeciinst the domination of the black poser and its feeble toolthe preaent administration. The opponents Ofthe pre.seat, laith-breaking administra tion, in NeW England, ftiel the moat intense solicitude cence:ning;your State. ilVe believe that Pennsylva nia holds . id her hands•tbe issue" of l'8:16. If Penn sylvania stands 'firmly with her sister States of the North, the Irear 1856 will witness the complete oi;er throcr of t 4 black pow of the South and the serCile. power of the North, and the igcloininions dehlat of NOrthenn Men With Senthein principles; or rather Northern Men With no Principlea at all. - We of New England implore the anti-Nebriska man, of your great' State to take counsel together, to cultivate the Finnic of union, to; stripe by all ;honorable efforts to combine men of all parties In united action, by which alone you - eau deOide the.coritst for freedom. In this eii sis, the anti-Nebraska men of year State should for their dissensions, isatlrifibe everything but honor,. and . combine their efforl to rescue the national gov ernment from the stroll of The-'slaVery plops , gandista and their nerveleiaitools from the f:ie States, by whose acts Gov. Redder- has been smitten dea' ih hie efforti tolprotect the' legal rights of the actual settlers . or. %anew, and Pass-more Williamson con signed -to limitless impilisehment for the-offence of tellin" a poor woman that she was.free on the free soil of Pennsylvania. ! ' • By the United action Of antiNebraska,men of all parties, your State; last year, rebuked the conduct of your filithltias repreSentatives, sent a delegation to the 'next CO.ngress.pledged to - theqmlicy of freedom, , and . placed in the'executive chair your excellent chief magistrate by thirty-fivethclusand majority. The ac tiou. of your State last yehr inspinal the anti-Nebraska men of thii•sectlan of the Enion with the hope that Pennsylvania would, in the conflicts of the future, be *found on the side of freeilem, as she was in the earn °r days of the OePehlic- During the athainistrations of Witshington; Adams, od Jefferson, the members of your State, true to flit} ideas of its peaceful found era, toot the lead in resiatance to the demanda of the 'black power', May we net indulge the hOpe that the days of sublidssloa are mkt, and tintryour great com monwealthytiffi stand side by aide with her sister Statues in unaltering resistance to the aggiessive poi icy' or the slave propagandists? iloPiag that youteonvertdon of the sth 'of Septern ,ber will "unite your people of all parties in op position to the slave interests, I remain your obedi ent servant, HENRY WILSON. To Russell Errett, Es t i, , Letter trot . Citizens of Union County. To the Prerideist and Ifembey's oj. the iiepub tie an e'pnveniforita be Add; in Pittsburg the Nth day cif B:l l 2 tember l : • =ow Ctruitts--.Dtatanee prevents us from meet ing with you'iniperson; but if your object is to re store (he violated IdissOuri Conipromise Line, we are with you in If ybu almicPprevOttlft Nattetiltration'entiii-'' ry, ant to secure the Nationalizathil of freedom, we_ ore with you. We4re true to the Constitutlop4did the thalon.—i. The Constitution was ordained tf.l'protnote the 'gen eral welfire and to eel:ape theltlessings'of liberty; "—= It neisiglelts/prith ontoonsetit, boitsed as an Ittstru 7 bunt f.tuthe,propateddit of tlaveryi , :': '` It isibio eeknest ho Pe that: .iou.".tiill select part toe the Orme of Canal Commtisionir, upotelehaint all 04) api*Ntit of. the /listen t )'ei,4l4s, National -el ininutration can Nat ft.'` The convention which hom !anted the ...drnold in: the Geld,, endorsed the whole lump of riercecteraeyi from Kansas down to Grey= town. ; If i asblionr, WlLLiaidsos has the requisite basil... noeninate him for Canal Comi tniasioner. There is a aeep sympatity for.his*longi amongi the .people everywhere throughout our - com: monwealth, and it. is fit and proper that he who suf , fern for e freedom and right . (in the land of Franklin, of Fenn, and of Independence Fall,) should be honored and prOtnoted.• If elected,`Pox l'opulit wont] cer4- talaly him put Of Prison ; or, would we have id estribliAli The Canal Commissioner's, offieo Ifoya•L memtink? ' = • I • • Trusting .that yoUr 'delibcrations will tend to "pro , , mote the grne'ral welttre and seeure the blessings of. liberty'! to all men erci7where, we remain your wishers,, , ,0. N Worden, l',.Ross, William Van Guyer,, , fames Linn,, .Tatucis, Ilavcs„,Jatnes 'S.- F?! Lyndon,- T. Merrill Linn, and other, citizens of the' County of Union: Air.; Darsie moqd that when the Conven-' tine actourn,it adjdnrn to . 'meet at •Masonie Halt,"..'iltll street, at:half past two o'eltt*.• The ; loiters read •hy the qui; rnum : were or dered to he teintet: with - the proceedings. The Convention then adjourned. AFTERNOON: SESSION. The•:,Clutirtotin-oilltA the ConventiOn to or der at hall past two o'clock.' • The coMinittee•ion •Resolutions was an nounced Its not yet ready to report: Mr. Darsie inquired if it was not a part of the duty of this convention to nominate a candidate- for Canal Cormnissioner? Ile thought it was, I.t.nd ,suggestor that the Con ventioii extend the power . of the Resolution Committee in order that they might rez . .l4n, mend mimes for the consideration of the Con vent iota. . : Bowe. remarked that he woutd jirst like towhat the i committee had -done.— If they 'were good op. re.sulut ions they wouki ue(rod for this. •• If they 1)11,11,i. .-a!“,- water. • t esulutions . , ive - doll . t . them, to 'name aPy'eandidatei: tor us. • Mr. l barsie said !.he would withdraw hisi Isuggestion for the - There' Wing numdrotta, cries for j Howe!' ' - I Mr. ,Howe said he could not make a cpoeelt. Ili % va s 4 physical impossibility with him.— lle the . worst Old of anc man in the : country' [taugliteit.] But 'be krone - !lio 4epo gt l deal soundeH ban bi. 4 lung:. [Laughter.] He %vould •thcretuz-e beg to lie excused. Gi Giddings! •• liow . —Yds,- Giddings is a grim] fellow-- he can steak all the The'eries fer Giddings•being resumiek• Mr. Giddings said it wind,' g,ive him Pleas tire to aildiess the Convention`, but according to the atrangementsiof the meeting, he had been expected to sPealt in the •evenina.-- , sulvet at that time would h e ; The post of (lee lerpublit6iu party.' My friend, Mr. said Mr. Ciddit; ,, m commene l ed a spe'eelr this morning,••andl would sum. gi.sstthat he nons be heard in preference to otlitir speaker.. : I, Mr. liingham'appeared upon the stand and gre. - eted with the' usual *pedal salute. His address . :was a most tible and eloquent effiwt ; And left'its infpress! on his audience. Mr. I.3inOiani. came to ciur State heralded by an extended, reputation as an orator mid logician,. :Ind lie.ihas nobiy sustained himself.. Our brief refkirt of his remarks is necessarily irri peri and by no me:ins as full as we. would have di.•Sired. - . . lie.itiirodueti-d his:address bY i-eferrin'g to his morning's speeai He undertook. to say this - tnornin , that a • Uew 'sentiment Was ani .Mating the '. American mind very generally— a sentin4nt altogetluir foreign to the geninS Of our. imitations. • The sentime t to which he referred and which had been trornulgate'd hy the friends of ihelAdministr ion,wasthat the gOvetnment of the United States was itOt the goverpnent of freedom—that the prinei- Ple•t•till.holds good. Were as-in the old wor4i,. that might gives the' eight—that poputar.-soi•- i. creignty-: Mere is what the will of the &Spot I's iik , Europe. That sentirne nt he denounced :is anti-Ainerican andifals-e. it is: that 'senth: ibent that we 1 - ;act.tOt, to tight against. ll'eT s l a id this- i inorMng - that the Constitution was ,Ordained mid establiiihed _tor the promation tif the general welfitrO—not of the exclusion Of the mauv--but tint general - weltltre . or the people. This kind of government: is a novel thing 13Dtl(r the sun: i Since Adam first saw light on .this- - earth there has been nothing like IL In former -ages, the sentiments of men tended to the govern Ment of it kingly despiit .l, 1 0 po wei t.; Where, anterior to this day, ,Was there seen a declaration: of , independence ?L-- . Where wifr there seen a free representative vertu - Aria 1 where :WM there seen a free 7 't,No where ! ' Where *as there seen Is?' No where! Where was'there "Nowhert!! - Anterior' to to this 'loughtl Man were in chains ! tWse things. were not. right ' alized on • this side .4 . •tury: or two `beffire. '-ient, 411 • hil intik% order pro ire under ,_ -, 4>verecl ' - hue ! am, }lnman:: ices and unite desire, and IRE free la day, re;igli The sentitnent was first praNiett, the water.: True, a our declaration of this • nian, a iOnk of the . Augt claimed:against the sPiritual- Which he groaned.. Mother man that king, yeeeived mit their power by right at.Tireceived asp reward • the• (orfe his life. Put others held the- same opiniot. that Algernon Sidne. did. Yet there-was tin place in :Europe ',where the exphritnent toight.be {tried. Thee true men thereupon gt - theredp their hoinkthold goods, and with their littlti families entimitted themselves to the setts, ; it, search of the unknown world. in the West! They landed on Plymouth Rock, atjamestOwn, 4,te,.. They came to try the eiperiinent Of u Chamih without a Pope, and a. State Without a King ! (Applause) They (Rd try that 'experitnent with diYerse fortunes. Rut powers of Europe followed them, anal in 'spite of their earnest Frottest this virgin; hind was damned with. kingly role, and all the. attendant oppressions which cling to he scepter and the throne. What condi tiOt of allifirs was brolght, about ? The flag of St. Ge,tirge floated inot over a legitimate und laoetals cs.nninerce but over a trade in huhian flesh, and that,itoo,against and in spite of the prot.'e.st of those old men who had come here_ to plain a new Oder of things - on this ytM,rtg , ontment. - _ • (This sykeiti.,of sere tude the speaker thot' was foreigb' to all ~Alnricrn iii4.itutioni. • It isiderivedifrohi EtirOpean detpoti.sni,--it is the child'.o'fkingly . ruf. The 'people did not desire•- 7 tit-Iy they protested against -it. %Se fo're the - Ocelaration. ot Independence;'in 1773 atiFairlifx!Cotirt House, in . there was primary • aSseruhlage of the peo ple, just Stlch an one . ai this is. , to-day,- over. pre..lidect" .a gentleman not unknown to falne was then recorded as. Gicomis W r :itstuSOicai Eiq. l , (Applause) • That pri mary. asiquhlage conscious of the evils of ,the internal system . of ,butnati.Slavery 'which had.j;beeti introduced into ~their midst, prO',k-cted :against the trade in human thish, as Outrae-upon hnrrianity,. (Applause.); ••• • !Another` ; .man,,at ,a tiirnilar meeting. -some-. what widely known as'lhotnas Jefferson, re -I,olted that • an • f:1 1 34, Omuld be put to the . . • . • . .......... . _ ~ . traffic in saves, altogether. Loelt, toO, at to til OMlL•tholnivikg* ordetlahlg W'ar the- p rotes k o f t helrittritt'orlitiliKl3 , - Ca. etrifOry *as won ter slaVety: - A. new B ."7" tat t gia, ; ,wben iin inflexible determinqtion ymi. was• formed. California asked itchnission,t; t . : ~noitticel t 4 entirely abolish tl*t • riiffik - a '.'.. 1 having deelared for freedom Was o t i Po'se • d 4 ,t)ot".. - ortry tite tra ffi c but the . Bysahi. •F'' ) !N , the Sonth-tod Man.'.. A great and gend - in' al, But the thing w . , t . es . diattf,-.lkrs•,sy s * lid said that she should be admitted, e ms; ff4eigndespotisti'Wp e4ablished • in , Our - e Tombses - and • the Stephenses hunted him: . - ..niktist- Tlie satr.e rdek of g° l 4n/11till i. i' it tit ;down for it, trod General Taylor fell. Then; . . is held in urupc Yrastteughth here, - yiz :k that, they •poisoned his successor; and he fellAow•„ - moiii*ri F n, is not made for . min but•tilati , and ,worshiped them. • They insisted 'on tile' , for government. did they determined to passage of the.,Ftigitive Slaveißill, and it N.l resiston'id 'they did resist. :.They announced Caine alit* and recived - Millard Filtnere's!' the truths (i4* the Declaration, rind sealed their signature.. - But something More - must de , firm belierin them by shedding their. blood .done, the slavery power was - not yet satig• On every battlefield of the Retplution. They fled.' Tho • Bth section of that .act of 1820 , must be 'repealed. The arch-conspi7at‘ a • : I announced that all men were created free and tobrim! equal, en dhis tiußpet Douglas, Owed with 'certain unalienable Atchison, .'ordets up the Bill, and the history of its • ' Tights, Aze:' l Hthat to - protect those rights, not passage -i s • to , give, to grant them, but to protect 'them, I:resit in the minds of all. - - .., . . • I was.-the (liiity of. - government: •, : They Went But our limit •rein in ds us ihit - we . are un - : : : event fatale.;' They Wad' that: When .. a got... , able to report•further,•Mr;,Binghant. 's master - •ern,nitatt 7 betscimessubverSive 'of the - se cods; ly'address. ' We - are .not- able; for :want o'f j viz, , thdpreiteetion of life. and:liberty, it is tin t sitia-e; to make use - o f . our notes. • The adj. l I duty .O:ftlici people:to 'abolish it: (Applan4,..) Ilres Was upwards of two hours in lengtknol! That Wal the idea. -on which our govern- was - listened to with profoud attention. Tbe.l ment was tp rmed. ': Its great object .1 was . tO c'ii-iiig passage WitS 'part ieulartY ,thrilling ali Secure* persimar jib Arty to each .ratan and to : selorent„ - .'?. ..',:.•. ,_•-• ; _1•-•• • '-' , • - the colleen 1 d Man, entire liberty every wher,.., • The Coinnittee on . Resolutionsthen it . , e . . When this Was nine, there was Ilof territory i• the folloWing report: .-' ' - ' ' - ''. ' . , . _ • on 'this ctitLiiiient 'reached •by ..Euroneati ei v: .t., - ,141, f reija : 'IU fo'uf u t erse f this.. Republic, lath ' ilizatiod not tinder the ban of slavery; Wh.q .10f•tfiation of thisgovernmOnt,,proclaimell thil grtt ' , do they . dolt The .coilStittitiOli, was then h' :. truth—that all Med are endowed : -by"their Creaks tbd-liands l (Elie' conVention, and • the Stt.fes with . the inalienable-rights of life, liberty,,,sad tie' Anusurt of temputesa, and that our.goermbett aa, ! • I gavt, the g peril government over to del in , constittiteeto sedure these rights to us ; • - ' _. and .whpr e .i. the govern hent.:.of the territories. - What f;,;- as: the,Natioual Ezeetiiive;•in his hinge - nil sort,' , lowed ? Ir.'4 they act up to the spirit' cit - those.; i d t• virtually denies th ese -doctrines;in the expression'oil his opMiou . - th at iloniestic . alarery is based upea th e - same principles as other recognizedrrights-and V- , sentintentslivhich had teen proehihned ? l ii 178'7, an Oi•dittairee was passed; declaring . the our federal gbrerimient_ is bound to sustain the in -4. North:l,Ye.s ,•, territory threver free- - not' for futionl o_ f s.arery; and whereas: - the President Of ;b il e tp•day; not Tor to.-inorrow—but .ftirever free. United States, and the political party which sustains; n I They iffteif led th at liberty should be unive . him hare endeavored to overthrow the principle % or civil liberty ptoclaimed by our revolutionary fatties- I sal. At t.1 1 (3, first Congress,: they took care .. by extending the bounds of slavery - into ie ' - ''' -to re-ettact*at ordinance.; so that ithe;Ainer- 1 1 ex pressly consecrated to freedom by a solemn etan re : . lean fld,„4 sinnild never float, above 4 slave,aud promise, and by Obtaining territory of.MexlidAw tii; ; man $ 6, 1 0 i•e ma i r , sa f e i n t h e .posem i on (. 4. purpose of, spreading the withering curse,of. &titan . ; his rig6t.s.lThey neqr . thought it: . would be t w )o it o h da , ge : an f d o bAt taideay . ori r rig to r in jol b ve it kwati a crime to to as Passinore Willianisiin has toti:„P'olfnpeirp'etl e a a ti c ifl u al lBt urfintreougthuentg the wit t u t . dared t;0 d( 4-443 whisper fr e edom n : in the car j thin of slavery, and by sustaipirig the ahem trade of a-po'or • Cr .. .:—no one dreamed that 'for dt,i- our soutlimai coast; therefore ' - - 7- :: d."cao/ced, That the. great questitin of_free ti dom and:. iag tarsi,. ainaii . w-ould Le thrust into'a lillt!- slayery now af,itating both Noi th and . 'Sout , ii . wee ( , eon - 1 (Apnlausej..l'he Sentiment Was 11111Vel'••• which tWeIShatIOWS all others, in a national nowt f' n • • ; ! sal that no I liiiiit eould yohnitatily , brine h e x view; and its importarce demands that the pe.6oi, - li.nitlsir)en”tito fire territory, but the fetters of_the North-should unite in harmonious action to'ile' t wouldlour. , . ;ind•Lie would WitikabrOad in free: feud their honor and vindicate their rights. -.Thema.' . f tioual aggressions . of !tlavery upon the interest; ~r , . (kin, While his soul - was, redeemed fOreyer eedom, increasing in insolence and magnitude itiih ~ from serfdtin by the irresistible ' genius of each Concession of the, North *Must bemetand - ~ r e _ t 7} A tneaitl•an. 1,4 W. , (App.ans.) , , .sisted with a united voice: Hiding that thd - Utiou They d et ermined. tlf;',E the • North-west was formed (in the language ofihe ~00nstitution)." ir : establish justiee; promote the general Welfare, and so- :' should ;he !preset- free. pi ' ' inkturr the 'slave- . r, -, i . , • cure the blessings of liberty 'we adopt,- as th e fats;: '• ry troohle :0. to-oar 'nand end . to- mug_ - (1 ,,,i 0n of our -••• • -' and '- • political faith, for the,goidance of; row, liii , f . ichied to the' k..0a.:11 so fat' as to our political action, the princilde that, under ourgOr. alio* theni ',to carve otit: new slave. States ernufent, rakimon IS:NATIONAL SID si.txxicr ISSEC- . from skive kir:tory. and; 'ildd theist to. th e TH)NAL" ' • ' ' -* • ' ' ' Ullilill. i Ti e Nati lal al Coii•Trte•is leiiislated in i . 11ii5t Sitiii,t. ! They th • ;tight American lugisia -1 t f ~/icat!ivrcf,• That whilc - we claim no power- to inter ere with slavery in States belie've the National gore:nen:int should be relieved!' tion,shitu!d he f ,r . t he interest of free men and form' all conia;etioir with or accountability for it. , cri'l` /41i'f. ':: ThtlV iii .t. Only declared ' the I ,_ • I -Resolved. That the•repeal of the 3tissouri Coropro: mice IVI . Is a violation of, the national faith and an out., • upori the ;rights of-the free Statefi • and that it r North -WeN fie e. Mitt that labor itself.warc en titled td fti as-ages. 'They jinn:pirated . ' the 11 Ts '- tlie first step of the conspiracy against freeddial: principie!O a litir day's wpges fOr a fair day's It which has-found its appropriate and intended sequel: work. `,Th idea / was' that . the old vt - orld's in the lawless attempts of 'a Missouri mob, instigator . fiierntof the national administration,: daily piitan ;t• was too little. Joitu Milton'S by a con spicuous 1 connived at and sanctioned by the same, to forc : wagers flu. Itaradise Lust'sas 10/. and a nar- the na' curse of slavery upon the - free soil of 'Kau_ 4 ~ I 3 I row : escape' from t lie -gala iws. • I 1 - 1 1 1 r - . ...e.Y l. 1 "tIg•It and wit-net only oppose the' extension of'slahryore•; that each' tr . iin, being a itnitiber of the State, our national territories, but also the admission (dant" should be • i l ytkpentlent-nOt hicees!;:irly Toiling, peW slave Stat s into the anion, believingthat, Ai -our national dontain is fret frcan slavery, in the al'i in luxurly, Ut having .an hone:4liveliliorai. - Forsooth Inlteprind ii ti ei2e i, the rock. ~i . lift ..,;,,iit- F ,el any positive. lan- establishing it, wearejusti. lied ill making - freedom a 'condition of their adruissiou: which the I (inest Uifin sli , iail il erect his for- into the sisterhood of States.- :. " - l tune, It is 4 good thing jto scorn * the rm., ./ . :i..40/c,d ; That we are in fitror Othe r repeat of the broidered 1, re. - . • pi'e.?ent Fugitire Slave Law,. because it rirtitidiv'su: , -, 1 ; e writ or k tpws e t v and 't k• . ' Wlia, sad Mr. Ilingliain, was the result ? ' endg i th - sacred- • • a • ar ''' a a - 1 ,t • - .4wav•the right of trial by jury. - - . The . y sneee,S l fully . orgnnized the great broth- J, That ham isoninent i Withont trial, oicili-L •erhood r ; if hlttnati incite-try.: the watt-guard of zens cif free States, by the Federal Juditiarv,is abold human libetty.' They took care. to break int : asin of personal liberty, a violation of the guaran down the lifli of primogeniture : , , Th' ,- ey ii i teed rights of the State's, and an assumption of fedet • -; • al Dower that should b re fisted s determinedly by C . 1 ,1 tended that every matt with Illi' honest heart '• .! - • e ; - err tru , ;nd of pert;tonal freedom. and , a sttiut arin shonld have a.,little green' "ie, side,d, Thar we cordially invitei all whit approvei, utpot of; his - - 4vli on ( - 3 - od's i , earth. Such was - of this principles set forth in these resolutions, wit.ls the 'polies - i - t - ittr government for forty years. on! nig:lrd to ' their former politieal .aasociationa, 0! unite :hid co-operate with us. firr the searpos of' ret. lt worliel like a cintrui. l - \The eittirefWest , , storing the administration of this gorernruent to its spraug up.a.+: Illy enehantntent into a gigantic Originail purity, and directing its energie; to the ac E•tipire. - \ltilten was such a fuirae - le- ever - etn - nplislimmit .of its true ot.;:- , e, -- -et " ... seen before ?; h) 'SS there. - was not a civil-'I ized habitat on in. he , treat North-west, west , , or the Ohitiiriver..'_lt Was ,an unbroken wil are: 'Aptness.. .1 Ow, there five great . States, carved out i 1 that territory, richer in: .all: the: elements oflhational . graucleur than any ders- - potiim in 4 ,lEurope. . , . . . But,-said ithe 'Speaker ; there came a change i t over the , spi it of the drciam.' lt• emanated frOm the t.• rptne South. ' 'After forty years of Prosperit ;and peace, the- spitit, of section alism ar6Se lurid the rice, .cOtton: and cane field, of the ,ntreme South. They had , paid an heed Cc) tlle Spirit of our legislation. : Even Virginia, wliete this new treason •Was after-. L s wards hatch '4, had not dreamed of . bending, the Constitu ltm to this American despotism. As late as 1 . in her legislature, it was re. solved that i l lavery -as: it existed among then . ] was 11 1)1(4 ,in n h the national' esenteheon and, ought to - be' abolished. : - (Applanse.) , - Mar, gland similarly. - Kentucky Voted on.the al e . _ oiition of slaYery and freedom - was . defeated: . but by one . single vote:, - . .. l i .- But -away down South: the treason g,tew. Men:of geni s came iMo the national legisla ture, and sat ; this spirit. 'of free lahot, free.. speech, and (free press . Nl'' as all wrong • t hat- Washiwttonl Adams, Madison, Jefirson,' Munroe, ata jackson' had made :a 'grat Mis take.. \\'ha .laryuments.dill they . use:? Wad the speeches Of n'aytie, MeDuk,•, and Cal-_ hour: The . , -:tell' is that the' : system, of. free labor does %Nell fur Northern interests; Init is not the- thinit 'Pt,. the South. This system of 1 impost and . pities which 'yon placed on fr. eign- prodnet ..has incited f:n•eigu govi'liments the impu•, t be gad, free htbc . 'tion of . heavy duties on 'our raw 'e want free•trade. : But it:can less you give np your .y teen i•Thus - they , talked and South .C, 1 her resolutions and went in to ti, Bin'the patriots of the land made a unise.- 'Ten '',3.i.ar.. later. we, find the St . ;sing laws-cionfisgathsg slaVes Which migl aken from one. State to an other. T' nsequence, was an overgrown populaCe.• 'ere• was no foreign 'market f.n. their slaves: ;Acting'frOtti this inipnise,Te.. - x. as Was conOtted. Btit',.Texas . • herself conld not stand . un, er the bloWs Of Mexico. Eifg 7 . land was ask d to reetignik - c and:assist her.-t -i The answer 4 - its, ye.i, as an independent re public.. Call'Oun'through that supple tool,. John Tyler n td' he' through' Wnt..B.. King, , Minister to. .. 7 *- 4 : . ngland. protested against the recognition osuch . a republic. Calhoun said it t - t 1.4 11 0 abSol,l,* 11CeeSSilry - to the contintk I ance of slaver 4 , ',t that TeXas should be made a slave State t ind'anncied to the Union. This was the next .tep. . • , Then, saidj he Speaket, the sage of Wiley . 'stood up 'Mill denOnneed the treason about to be perpetratql in, the Capitol. 'He lifted up .his voice likethe - Voice of aprophkandState• after State se it in its protest. , What , then . took' place ?, Henry Clay issued his protest., Martin Vanl ,uren denounced the - sehume as anti-Atticrieat land united' in the proteSt.---,--- What took - 0: ce? The old Whig Party ral t lied under. th, Ittutner 'of Harry Clay, deelar- • ing -against :imexation.". "The' Democratic pgrty ..essayect'to rallyAinder Irtui - Buren.=---, But the South' was ,trinmphant.- James K. Polk, -a ntaß inthy° i of unconditionarannex.. ation,: Was ,tqemintited... Henay aiiy,' was struck down . , and Polk ‘ was elected to . the; Presideney. .;This was the next stride. - . - - 'What nextf'l . InlB2o,it-was tleelaredthat all the 'Louis, Oa. purchase not . included in 1 Missouri an 'north .of '36'deg. - 30 min., should be for per free. What:n°*l. - Why, c i they mate wp', The President arrogates .1 object, as set forth-. in the Constitution, vii _" To forrci.a more perfect Union ;;- to establish Justice ; t 6 insure Domestic TranquillitY; l to provide for the Common Defence; -promote the' k Gener4l \N .- elf:are, and secure' the' blessings - Or Liberty' to ourselves and our. posterity. • • Merarland, O4Vashingt en county of:, letiedarn . enditient relative to the Fug ti . y ..mtivei haw. - • McFarland procee=ded to, address Convention at length. Thuaudiencg evinced: • considerable - impatience during Mr. M's re., marl 4. He finally tOoli his seat, -when Mr. -.McClfire offered :the, amendment relative .td; the - Vngitive Slave Law, which - Was adopted!' and appears-above., Mr. Darsie,rene*cd his motion givingthe e : Ceminittee power to present a candidate for Canal commissioner, • Carried, • Hop: . Lewis - D. eainbbeil, of Ohio; thelt., • addressed the Convention at -some. length.",--;', I We are Compelfed.to omit u,,..report . of his . - remailks, • • . • 'Thu Committee then.reported • the follow., ing , rqsolution: • - • E't . .melii.ed, That we cordially recommend to the pets: plc of Pennsylvania the.tiame of PETER MAATIN, of - - Lancaster county, for the office of-'Canal Com Mission er, having the fullOst Confidence in his integrity err character, and iu his eminent quali-ficationkt - forian ins telligent,.honest, and faithful discharge - of the dutiea: of the responsible position for which' we present him; pe q din g , the.consideration.of.the'resolvtioh, the. Convention adjourned to quarter past Bev.; en o , • ' • - • - : .EVEErING SESSION,. The-Convention came - to order at thellitee ' - appointed. Mr: Will: Jantson, of /air - .meaty, moved t) amend the resolution - Or the . committee by substituting the inane of Henry Ist. Loyd, of Blair. etatnty, tl)r . t that -Of ..tieter Martin. Her knewcM.r.: Li.yd to Ibe right on . .the queStiott at klpe and - W4 wkW qiiiiiifi e d for ;the office,. Mr. Fenn, of .. Laneaster county, objected';to the substitutiond 1f.,, Mr. -Loyd, is noini;, nated here he will ,be nominated text :Week.:: by the Whig Staa; roil vention: He did not mutt, this party att tched to the dead earcas4 of an old party. : - Mr. Howe - , of Ci that there' . be no ito that thi', power to ti a State Committee Convection. • He a regard .to the . Whig s ago - o)nsidere4 the I ty and his dry . bone wind a. tong- time. Messi& Darsie a motion. , ...- —lt was moved to_ ay .: the whole ,subject on the table. , ' Lost.... •: r.:-'' :' . 1 -..- . . - Rev.. Mr. Aaron, lof-Montgomery 'county,. moved to amend 'tlts: - taiiend meat by striking. f out Lloyd's' nariie mitrinserting that- of Pass.. morn .W i iliamsetfr I . (Preltingedlcheerieg.) ' - Mr. Aaron was.iii i illed - to thestafid, and ad, 4ressed the - oinVention. ' His speech was of : great fitree 'and: eloquence. To concluding,. `be eaid - tif thionorninatien , of-PASsmore Will, .. . ,tateaon, the party would please •Goa, plea_ thetaselves,-andi ; do .goed, : and any furthei-t, than that.bo wow:fit) politician. (Applause.) .. . ,Mr..f.Fenif-thdlight • t would. - -he impossi , .. lite forlin, AV ilfiathwli to Serve; he being in . .Maytenensing prison. i_ -'. • , • Voice—We Will take hirri ontl',. Mr. Aaron—TherU:oeght to be 'principle ... lathe breasts of the trten --of Tennsylvapia 1 . 'Which would make theey March to Philadel phia with no aims, but, ihowl.the God: of pa; ture has given - them, and teirdown thatprit.. on, nntil , not one stone ' wotdd .be Jefi. upoß pother !.:, uw ford eon ty.,:suggeated iinatiop now . made, and oininato be delegated tq to be- appointed by thisi oved to tills eireet. plrty he was two years ossil remains; of the p; r shad been shaking in the ITII d INfeCittivAilscusseil the