Judge Kelly's Charge in the Wheeler Slave MI • . Gentlemen of. the Jury—Yon are about to eenelude : the - trial of these Men ibr riot • and assaultand hattery, - .. Did these persons .commit a riot or ati -assault ? • This ease is .i s very iMportant in its relations, however trivial in itself; it.bas 'caused ,much excite • !pent. You and I otigbt to be free from this -I trust we arc. ; You must be satisfied 'of •-ouilt beyond a manly, reasonable ;doubt, be .: fere a conviction of these defendants.. The legal status of theTarties is a matter of_ in quiry iii this ettse. The Judge'read from • t h e hooks the law upon theeasc of riots.. . You must detcrinine whether these, men wen t , to do a lawful or unlawful act. - Happily. as the question is- an important one; I am not called to consider. it hastily, but after much • thonght i day and night. • When Jane and her children were brought here by Gal. IVheeler, they were as free as he Avis. We recognize the right of returning ,it axe • w h o escape and come here—we' must • stand•by and.cuforee the laws of 'our own; State. 'l,aceept.aa part of my charge the . ; . jaw as given you by the District Attorney . ; The jadge then read the Act of 17SO, and also the;Act of March :M,•1:3•47. • A man may bring MS; slave into ,ths State, but he makes him a free man thereby, ; tier he may not retain him any time whatey— ,,r, A Slave cannot, hr virtue of the of this St.;,te. remain upon,itS soil. ob i.•et of the aecwas. to Ni moee f ront - Cite Book every flinn AvhiCh. ing,i;nnit v • K aild inakeltappear.that slavery could, way, 'exist 4re. - • _ A riot is a conspirac.y,. with the element. of tumult, calculated to inspire terror.' It re- i• qu i re , three }.•copl ~; e, With a conimon intent and•ceildi:o? - . hr'; emise: terror. I 'shall .nut re al! the evidence ; the fi-le's are Icy till will ask. did these men go to thy hoat,"l w i t h a Thwful .. putpos7? did the - wOmalt de sire their fisSistallee or dkl they f4ollily :11)- t hat her? ,If she-did - want to go : you mi:st J,,-,1 - ze of the ainoant of toree used. If you are satisfied thai.l hey only \rent. to tell Jane she isa free, at t(1 conducted a'place of safety. and 'nelcil rent cannot find ;lent' • ~ The Judge defined all an d 1 N : 1 10,n% It is any violent or 1;1011 .7 of -h;i:p 4 isf on a - person. It roni.rt be . itietii&J 'that hands t . : vcic laid .on Nybi-eler, tut is is claimed' , by the'Minee that.the inn . )osition of hand , ' wa .F-enly of that gentle --charaeter which ,a ( ( 11g • Tl\ic if 3:Ou ~ : , i viers. do jtol, vi(;lcnt rorl znitt,:gl :ni• T.;. - atid yonder .; 'ln , • ease is:iuw N5:11h . y011 . ., gelltie111,1; One Week Later from turope. •• S.te - 1!"1.; 1 .1ity f; v . tit tiatos S:.:1 unLiy. /1(.1 . 181 arf.iye.itirre at 4 :his .1114 livr ly irs we; o •!: later- than rx r.- , t- from the scat,of war iffi ,, ortaut? The l'o . k; . ian army tivir.r .. Lii,r;tnili had at tat.l;ed the line; .of the 'Alhe: at Teheriiara on the ni;hiting, r,l the filth, ;mil 'after a 6:1:, 1: 0 la- , tyd throe honr3 wene tt the Frc.n,li and Sar,liiis,with a ed of ; - ,.004) ;ffid . 4oo prlz.-nets. •The Canad'a also brin:* : , . the iwinhardment .of Sweahor.! front the 9th to the llth 1w the'AllielAleers, with immense destruction of propetf . l)'l,itt with - trifling loss to the Allies Al?t , r the homhardment, the fleets returt.- -(11 oa'the 13th to Noreen. 1;u•s‘i:1:t , , rico a wrartots : 2 wa.; hot. • • ])remark is rq.ort Lid to.have, a'(,ohn zdissi,,ner to ask tiro a. - Ivit-,! of France: with referente 'to the refu=al crf Aimeri:•an to ray..s,a=uid duties. Gen. S.iinp ? -nn' that the- bo'nl.. ban? n eni . of Sera,: el wwild . re-open 'on the znorh!ng . pf the 17th: . Sweahor g luniec', , n); l .::g: , : o ivy 4iaf l prevailed for, tor;y-ti-ve, troyea the stort.hotl- , . , , tragazines . find fir , -. e nals. 'The pg.)l6ler rn.:l,z;Lzhies and stores of . projectiles were .11,-() blowu up. The -ct:e my's LOSS is enprwous% - . Tht:m is not iliruz her ilk.. or Frnvit tle , .pro.chf...; about the 11kic-Aan ;,:hips at - • Thu Ailies Ina nn live-i. .I'wn titlic:;frs and ih;r•y rr of wtmi(l. u french loss ‘xlis about the satnis.-L Sweahori: did not surrend.er. , . Consols ad vaneed 'l-1,- and the - T'r'ench tl' 25 eel/times •on the riteejpt cil the news. ....77:' — IVecharg Mrs - . M. F. Fulfon, of Little Rck. Arkin-.a.. noiliin4 for inseriinu. 1 1er`adverziffrient in' a consiti.moor;- rdar.e. in our editorial eolumns.• '_Wt .find it in the At- 7 .V.H:ras True Demorzriit : • 'Runaway froin the subscril; ,, r on the FL nn o Mail 11 Grand, liiinself Le Grand. Field, 141,0;:t sears old, almost white, would ho talcn a.irl,;te man any zelt (re, about 10 i hiqh., had a sli .. rfht 1.7 . ,,0.:tee . Whea 1;e left. nut'.....fro talkative. is a map of .o:.l.•addre . <4, good chilies : and 'makes a eel aleararico. Ile :Va.; seen - a - bout miles belt w Littie Rock. in the direction of Pine Illutr. A very reward - will lie.glven for 111.! inThrenct:4,:n of the said :••lare, delivered to the ur.dcr-Ligned at. Lath.. Rock. • • Mrs. M. I'. Fffit,ln." _ dialL;erons, as times' giL to be a well dressed. genteel aprarAng n - qtn. The lau of United StatespfSept.. 13Q •authozi es Mrs Ftilton 'to arrest luny suelt gentletrian she pleases . .in Albany, (in her situ ple..atlillitvit that Ile is 1:4; (rand Field: and tt denies to the person l so.areested a trial lir Pry to prove that. he is any body else... if such gentleman hap Pens get taken - otl to \Artaiusa s by mistake, to Mr:4. Fulton's plan- , We trust he • Will find ample consola tion in the thought, that. he is 'saving the UNion. and carrying s out-by:principles (4 . .hr , Philadelphia convention: A/L. Jour. i .4 Presklent Pieree is mostimfortunate ..in the — pro , tituti on 4 his high position 10, schemes of sectional advantage and 'pi i C , ettl• i corruption. Ti - )5 , ... for whose benefit he de- i grades hint‘cif the lov. - t,t spurn hint with tl:e i greatest contempt. Who nitgllt, to be more !..• grateful tohim than the pro-shtver2 f - inep, yet i 1 they hav‘cnot. the slit ttest regard for him, as '' wa s shin bv a scene in the Kansa.% -. Lt , tisla- b ture on the 6th instant.' 1 ... i t, The concurrent- resolutions,. ilentinciatory 1 1 4 of - President Pierce for rernot:ir.g. .1 edg4 at EL i More,.were debated. Mr..MeAf e ekin thought„ i 1 1. 1 3 that the President should be - taught . t know i t Nis place.. Mr: Stringfellow 7 :l 7 akrut - 4 ca6et:t i. 4 ' l• '• 1 IDIgD,-' ',, • - . , to the you: of censure, but thought thev.liere 1 I!..ku. Hu' :=lir..o',Diikl, Co,' Minviota: . on . the . 1 1 1-11 , ‘ °! making themselves ridiculous. - 14 r.. 'Blair i - ..'F, to pre- i IL - ei -1 o f this place f tiw Small :o.r, Lorie.% Dargliter 1 T id P i t t ) . l. ' L U X n it'Et:OX: qiiti *ire. or ISAAC BAI..pWIN, for pare-the way •for illinores . retnOvah. -14 r. ' • ' Whitlock:Clot:At tiiePresident photild bar-e i in Monty 4, Sept: 4t.1i,. ii. LYMAN : SNYDER, _of t; neavitie,Sehatiari e i,4'1.. •!..i.„ Y . aged 28 pms. . • sent a battallim.bf'SiSiklier s to slaughter-Cite - i _ . , . wholc crowd ofFceeSoireN. - Mr. Weddel ,I— jv Evir „FALL ik..INTINTER GOODS. - loOlatd upon the' President as ainean YankP2 lat e it ~t vi v s. o f: p r i4, B t'itsxis, Boots ac . Shoos, 1,7p7 and a double-died coward. An amendment i I • pe r Leather 'Si Vitali+, .firocerie,4 A-, Proviiiions.— Was filially adopted,- leaving" the resolution L -. "LIENRY MCKINNEY. :LbOtit..the Sallie. as the orizsaial. - i A.. the Red Flag Stol*. I ILoderivilre ,F.ept,-6)-,..P5: . - • ' • listtt4. , • ! - 4. ,•• - :1 .1 SE . . ,Irr— C. -NV,. 1'0.,1•...1, I..ilii. 11'. , 0 , 1., If. N. SI:1:01. 1.,;:•,,,1,,_11; w, 8.,71...,, Iljj,, , ni T. Llw N 311 1 ,11 ' is. -rt. Moi•••••r."--(•••.. II: 11. N\ .1,;.-, fz.icylLi , 6 .1), 1) . - , viii Sualimei••-•.: •• • •- i ilai:/and--G. T. F:a . .-1..:•., 11lt:rwvi 11. II:11,h, EV : 1:,11 1 Wits,tfi:ll. '• • . • 4' , ,sh—Mallion Griliz. P. Miis. ./..W. 61 - nrin.r. 1 4 7•0'in:Te; 11 0-:—.1. P.s4,..veits. ‘Villiam IVllite, 11. H. '• Pilillips. i.:;- 1 e e'r ./...oA•'—.Dimic , l D. (3.1g,-, E:l% - . 110=o. iTab...z :•.!.,1. : •1. • . . .;••• , .....v.p/h.nrn-11. , ,rry D.1:t.„...T.- B. Scovilll., W. AV. . • '• Slikni.r. • ; ' • . , f - ..ii.R , iii—'l.,. 0: Di'laaiiin, \I ci,3l::.lenkiaS, A. I'. ,-,..i , .-.1. - --Ira " . ...ciollo!..- - ,, i.;..7..cir...t W. 1.,()114 !... e . t:1;k: ' ' i . . . i, 1t IF ProPo'r`l tt'!h( , l.l lir flee:ion, for choosing Del.>.gaievat. the usail place of holding 11 , 21:eral Eli:e titql.i, on Satarday tii, -15th of, Slrptember nett;- bc tw tic:1111c 11, , . 11 , 4 4.1 . 3.:1 , 1,1 il e. 7-. t. , 1 Ai. , „,rtii, indpe endent voterwof.Sasuelianmieoim ! ty,litiAt.tiele•ii.e fh , t in tiort , eci”er•c,. of the stilisert-- cc tif the niil political ptutieS 'to, the interests of .! sitti•e6., there i. art -argent neeessity for forming 11 . 141 1 si";taining, a iv;'tr party, the first and arand'ohjert of which ' , lain be. to reSist the extensiimpf Silayet7 be yotiil ih"iirriitA of the glace States,lde invited to at ; te; I d aiid take !tart in the Delegat,? elertioas. . . , • • 1 ' , C. - .l'.' READ, c' air lA, Coat.. NMI • i- Camp nettling , A OlifC. - 1 , 1 , . Th..' Chcreht.: , coripn , ing. the State Road; l'airdale : - 50•1:...P, Auburn; A indtf (Ai is Candor, Union, Tioga and At ile,m; circuita, Syra , 'Le , o Conterence, are making a-- -no gement?: to hold a Camp Meeting, to commence Se ,tember loth aad continue till the - following -.Mon riaj., The ea:1,14 i.: to he loc.ii4;ll ten miles from The Wheeler 81tive Case. • Putug4t.rlizA; Monday, Sept:. 3, 1855. The Ju4 inAhWease of the men I , rested :Matt of the alleged rescue' f.. Mr. hailer's 4laves,ircturne7d their verdict this morning dee:lams: tho' defendatits, f` not The first count, i.harging them with ribtl but.oli the second count, whichchar, them With as.sault and battery, the verdict is "Inot" in respect -to - all except Ballard an. d.Custls, !who are pronounced "guilty." T T 4 1- ' 11( ' ..,• ~ .t .Deei,4 . c _ . , Republicaa Primary IPl6ctiouq. CAXD.IIIATF.7S I , 'OR NOMINATIONI, REPHFSENTATIVE. DiuMek; . 0. G. Hempstead, Efrook- Iti - ; M. L. i 4lin, Bridgeiwer; L. P. HMIs Sus (lm. - i • - • TREASURER. t ILlSimmonik„ Montrose; S. is Woo drat]; do , ; E. \V. 1E416.7, 11,ritig4m-ater. • , • COM3IIS..iIONER. - • , Welh ! Bridgeirater; John F. Deans, do.; IV[iiihni . T. Coe, Gibson ; Benjamin Comfort, liar v. -" . . , . !. - j AUDITOR: lhowti, e irhe 41 . ore.tte names which hare been :4:tgge.sted to,ith, committee suitable persons to till the re spective iliees. Every voter will cast his rote for toy caielld...l,t. Of his ehtsie as-at a general election, anti th,) 4 roctiving the highest nunther of N °HS 1 - 1trli:1 - ci'' (4' the TWO ai..Sol)e! Clo,eft.`l tit act as return jrok , ,-e; huhu . ; the retaill of the elections into the County tionyention.• When vote of the f.evernl is'ealli - 41 for, the .lielegat , s will hand to the • eltinirmaq, the number of y4tes which each candidate • hag rece4.ed. . tly thii mode of making the re it is hop -0411 the " . 1 , haroim a nd nsnallr practised under ti r old ciittiMs - Isystem Nllll .The mode is Fu fpurebialenvierath;, that •adinnea" and “party.leall er,i'' ;tin& extiNdingly ditticult to control the notninaticlns. • titepiabliica:x Priinary 41.t.a ni ! soiing of the County Committee of the 110- puldican forty of :-Tcts(ptehanna County the following pc;sons Iv:We appointed lo superintend the election of pelogae s to the Itcpuhlicatt Convention to be held at Pie • llou,o, in ;Montrose, 'on 'Monday.the I it h of kitten ter at one o'clock r. v.: li y Darney, le , v. is 15,'. Rat ton, .10.ni IV. St Ed- • .3v,„ 1 ,-,111141::11111 1 .1 q P I) - OM , :e• 1 , Splmc..T.! L. - 11. (3 ttriloy, - 'John 11A— s. TVs:l:shut-A Daniel Yeomart4 H. lirii,r t T 1, N. Miller. Thomas . D: Ree, Edward :1 Orin .. .. h C ? - ... , -o,A—S::!int.l V.P:zilnilt, Lt2Wl' Clirni , orlhi, :ii...h.a.il . ei Nc.ll. : • ~ ! . V)::?;("•, 7 ,-- 7 -S41121t.1 :'-'l . y - •:•,.. 1-, 1%.1:“.•I Car , ; , .•,1y., W . iii.haa lE.i.lny. 1., I . . - , 1p , : 4, 1aq - j--WiMarn 1!. Sloolitil, P:'. Trn (3 , ,nt1rit.1., : Get , : E. phi,,,,i,. r . trahki.:i—Linll'S In. D. i'mith. ' • ' . . reio; .IYrii"l:—.). If oz(nrti, I). I) Brown, .1, (*. ilaz • • - 1: , „:„7- 1 -f 4 "ailt-ou 111, Jatihv N,t3=ol. . . Jatt:tri C. f iatf,....i—Cllo: T;1,; . 7.)....5, 1)r. A. ie.). c , • A. lirt;t; t. , .1. W. I'ar.4ll, l lrnitantlvr lia.ll. Ca,i'cc.ll ; j.l 141 har, Si T1.11:1) Ccalr.s. . ' titro, the enmity at of Sit(ittehatma co, ra., on Roar West_ It is ,expected that the pledge our.brethron from the riachrster coiderenc, that 'e :hitherto tjj.ett with will be : - edeettwd, fo that - • ' h;•. , no lack, o ite,tert:,l hrip. .It it r.l-o DkiS. M5.11.4t - k; with many I l re of •oor hretbren of the Syl . .trtzFr. Confereilve, :mg llawler of the Illinoi.. Conference, lie "HK, 1tr:1`,;; - ..11, titi'l9-• artan , _:‘ , ait_ntc are licing load: , in .Ite nratti. , of the Ltti .1, Inc the -tai , pLipor...• iif ad yaocing n. .p a ,• e cia.lted, a to hriog the,anconvet ta , d to catltrace 11ihle cliri!‘tiaiiity.. In view of 'skirroir.d ini eircum , tarif:•, - , not ti - c.f.rd n{-t.d - hu . said: to you to lirg,e.' the 1111;w/tat - Ice Of loaking a united and mighty vtln - t, in God's - Itain , , and ill LclaAl of ezqi , lo.l a c rid po illtvd hromu,:ty. -It 'remain., far all cola:4A tied to strc ;‘ , 111111 , r tlik s hall be done. and our I'ather in heai-cn gltnifitA. .The. • ittidersi;, , ,tteti arc - pa.tore on thtl c1iar.0 . ,.; matted la this Itotice. 140: D. 11. I . .ilci‘o,l: io eltaitltaal of a ver, coti . inittc...t of 'tirtang- . attNits, and taly eonta in •elation to it2itis br tidertainnient will lie uttin.led to by hint if conting in i•tea.‘ort. . preachers, their V 1 7V , t: i :Lod fttantrt will ftct pro: hied fori free of charge. Fl , r imy information in ii.latioil to . 1114 ilw,:tis: , -, tiro. 741, Fril)ii van-. :2,) be - cntritirCtl of. -- p. 11...111.-I:nk. lifintroi , c,.t. 4 olztincltanna co., Pa. ; f'.. , 1:::',1- M.•l,iirli.•S;ate I:oaci Cirv”it. .i p. M:::vz,_Fu..-.1:LI, ' , T'orti;r, .Apala, I. T.o1:-.1. - .1,ti;-y, (*and P...ga . 0. 'll (1 itri.ss,' Ti();:ir lice the tends . of Tetupe . ,ra. .e. illt is expeit ed that Mis. Dcturrest Rill deliver n mint :171:i- liiqtitre in S'pri+, gville or. Weilnesdnv even- I- pest. Fite also latentii: to rwintin in the ...Comity Thai pe i fui.,: - ,;, , ,11t•i:g tide month. .* . ei-it. .1..1..h,!;16.-•.-!.: 1: • • ~ ..i ......,........._ ' '....:.—___ . _ -I, . • , . , . Itrarr!•, , 7 (...,./i: j Afri• No. •19, n ill tneet nt Montrose, urs , lay Sep4. llttli, rit I .?'. M.. , : . • '-i ••• ',fX). L: STONE, 11. E. 1 1 -. ' T.NaclzliT* l ',lk6Boci4tioll. - 4. ine..inig. of the Telicluir. , ,' A ssodliition.*lll be. held IN - eu - 31i110i . 4.1 . 0u I.'illity, tilic 14th ,day of iitember, one ii curet IP. :v. rid iii. in.atid $v place ,of holding Coun.tv Ir•itltute will , th •n he toutddet-ed. . A full iuifjuode is: itirneitlt, iltitired. . i , , • •x 1.. NARVED. By I , fl. A. L. Portti.Ap4l . 4tk, Mr; 'MILTON GRIF: off twist 141;e, to!ML34. LYDIA Aic); VAUGHN, of OE : . 1/:0-.7, I). L. North,. 3an1.., T.~_., T::_-I r. fo:.j:, anic..titm prompt:% Circult Tiopt Co., N.; Y =l3 1 1iewOrd • MUSICAL CONVENTION , `This Coritintlon trill commence its session in the ktithodist, Chtirch in New Milfotd, on Monday morn •itti, October 'l.at, 4855, under the direction.cf WILLIAM B. :BRADBUIty, of New York. To eon , thole three days dnd close with a Concert. . The -object t'tf this Musical COnrention is, tfie ad 'rahcement of singers in musieall knowledge, by the sttidr and priraice of different siyles . of Vocal Music, conthined with familiar Lectures - and criticisms,— Teachers, choristers, members Of choirs, and all lor eri, of music, Will derive pleasure and benefit from those exercises. • . I The 'principal text Books used will be the Shawm, the.MetroPolitan and - the Alpine Glee. Bonk. 11cm beis having copies of hei=6 books will please bring them. Leaders of the choirs will do well to secure, if possible, the. attendance of allimembers of their re spective choirs. CV' 31embership Feet—Gentie, awn, $1 ; Ladies. bt.) eents.l L. A. SMITE!, 1 I 0. - PRATT, BUStiliels Cormaittee.. D.. W..IIAGAIt, J New Milford, Sept. 3, .45:: . • • Adittinistraiio” Notice. VoTit.Ti...t hereby gired that letters of admintstra tton.upott the estate of S.4tAIT SNAIIS, late of Dillnork towahip, deed, have - beim granted to the un tlet•signed, and all persons indlbted to said estate will please Make immediate payment; and those hay-. ing claims will PresiMt the same dolt- attested for dement.Feo '• .1011 S jV. GRAY, A rini'r. Pintock, Sept, 4,1855. . Ssw6. coPArer:fiEusnip. .-1 . . rI'ITIE tindeNigrieti hale this tiny asociatcd utiJer 14 the firm of Dielr, , rman aMI parttett, for the par pq:,. of tran , traing, the roravantilo Traciness at the old stand of .J. Mae:Juan Jr. , .I.IDICKEIVLA N . Jr. . ''i . . • II! GAITN.ETT. I, ‘ - ~.. ow Mill: rd, .101.- . 2S, 1i,55..1 • • , • .: - - - . 1 • - NOVICE Eli Vii 4. - )i be thantl at air old' ' stand' nle'.', :I td'' 1 . 7, cl:s . 't 9 nnti4l Mill tree the. ilcCes:itv Ili ' .4. Se slir.& without flitthe.n.olice. : - • ' . ' J 1 .DICKEIIMAN Jr. . . . . . . Dr. It:tker'i l C7e.ii•Ti.orz•fitisti l'ett•plable •1: , 4'oiratifltitici. • • " - A LY•t) V (241 . 1g11 ienielly lb:- Ily, , enti , q, eliolora Morliwz.' Clloleul. Infantmn or. Snnunr-r conli•Lint. , --enti:ely ve t retahle, and fins never Eriled n. A in n. , :joinFtlinee a in , .dneing the ii..zitc,i - cfreet. Fov -ale in hottles at al ,* eenfs and .. , 1: I:FINTLEY .S: READ. FMoinro,;e, Angn.it . i • • :, 1555. . . i 11:1:c.:4..li. ierit;S i - at !'.' I t I llarford, June Ist, 185: - ., . . - :11. NE. JO i!ES.;• 1 , .. i ; , :: • j Looli. Here I - • rJ 1 .: T3t,w-Kr.; KN1vr.5.„v g ,0:1.....,..t::,,it ot the ..1:::1 1 j jkitnls in market. .%I Tabl: Kl:iVt.:4 and I'm its' I SPOONS. -Silver, SilVer Elated, German Silver, Aflllat-i .1 to, and Britania• ware spoons. •• • A14 , -r Silver, Siili:,:4. j . Elate.l, avid GerriiNi.Silver Butter Knives. • I ! Vli JUN t'TRINGS, Bows; awl all the ti ttures.-I`li Milt's - , Acc(fitlemis, Fllltes i Tuning Forks, Instructil I Dohlt4. ke. .. . • • lo' I J' : 1'41 7 1D LAMPS, Fluid, Camphene v eantlles, Lanai' i tilt &c- - • • . - • :: J , . j FAMILY GROCERIES, A full asAirtinent, new anti j . 11.904. •: : I D111:17:5 & PATENT MEDICINES. A first rate( 'l ' il J :• . t sornitent, and •genttine. - 1 PAINTS k OILS. A genet;- . .tlasz;j4irtrnent, ,zund of g o o I quality. ; : pa t 1 JEWELRY. A splendid variety of tbeadittest pat- 1 1 I terii,• . . • jl,l / I FANCY GOODS. Nearly eVervthito , in thtshranal s: $ l, . ,P,EIIFT:3IEItY. A choice' variety. ( Newsupplies t 4 receiVed nearly every week-.j -- , • 1 In short, nearly every thing persons want; and chciaL 1 at tiie variety store of -; ' . A. - TURRELL.: Montrose, June 11. 1855. j , I t . - ' ---- . -1--, I • ESTUAY. 4(• Into the enelosure-of the subseril tows t wn:;1110, about the 18 th of nue last i l a Pale red yearling heifer, with some whiti on Ord belly,; and about half the bush of.the. gortc , ,_ rettit(T'eto OM The owner is Te!ptested to pay altaz ge:. and take awns tlfe same. e . SETH W.I.i11q111.„ Ftjrest Lake, d'uly 18th, ' • • I . . • irriiirlYo4 SALE. -I I\ l., r.ljE ,übscrarer ofiets fer stde, on . the tuost li eiat - I. ierm. , ,,'Orivf the' best Coins fur making neon' yl in Northern Pennsylvania. .The 5:4.1 •fartii is situat .t in Iflntock,Stisqueltannauounty,convebiunt to Clturidti (hisimaill, and - s:tw-inill. It contaim4 160 acre's, or.l hufttired and twenty five under a — good state lo( enitit•ation, well watered and funeedone good fra#ui lionsi - :, 28 by 36 feet, two good barns; o -ie liundrel feet hr good shed, bog house, and agood young or4lll aid, all grated fruit thereon: Possession will he gir t eri to snit the ptirchaser. : For pike apply to the proi pritlor on the premises. - Wst. IIAkEIL I thrimek, July 1 8 th; 1 1855. . . 2B n - . 14 l !• . 1 . •-. NOT/Cir . .% . : - 1i i 1 4' nOCT.. IC THAYER, takcs.,this method cif saym 1 1....ri to his friends and 'customers, that he has ag,abf reshined the practice of medicine, at his old strindiat: Molairoe, where he..may be fbund at:all times unk il profliSsionally tiarloy4.4. lie u mild say to thouir , dellirll to - him, that he will deduct twentv.flveli'eit (Teti on. all accounts paid befire the first of April no ( or if any poor liketifyself I wilt deduct' fifty.). - I t • 1 ; 4 . 31'0:Atli:se, Feb, 20, 1855. • i f - • i . . Prof.- Charles 'Morris I < , r QIICCESBOR E,f Charles Tillman, B.t - 1.,:h7i,1.1v; O. big reinoveil Ids :hop from its killer location; the basement of Sttarle's Hotel, to the room saini building, in the rear of the bar.room...is prcpii;--1 ed t 4 exercise his art in the most scientific inantiCr,l on nil who may be pleased to eatruil their Bend :; facei tp bis hands. - Sash. mad 81juars. • Sn . .‘ll of tarirvis e 0,,, tau ay on . also Rhode furniihed to order by Aiew Gooch Cheap for Cali at .tii .:11e:ixt •Of NZLT:itiati()ll., Ironki "reffieetfidly- -atinoinic• that he is still selling Goods at the old plaee 'nett ihaf he . filiff - QT, tire 'new s:iock . of (;nods - whir he i4ll )4e 1 t ehr kr). - C. Ir.3IOTZ: UidiEGE DELI4SSIor one shilling; Lawns, fits _Liloix,bliars; a yard W - 14 - le . , fin shilling, and priee, C. W. MOTT'S.' • .• • Viintrose M a y 1855. .. • . • Ca..li Lamiiiraeranl4. TTIGIrit t ST:MAIIKET PRICE pal\h4: • - ' FITCM • . • Idolitnwie, ;tine :5, 1'855. . ' 2;# NOTICE: . FTh aki hereby' cautioned against . purcli . apple given by the' undersigned to ri Clifilird for the sutirof one hundred and twootyjtiV4 dollars.. Said .Note is dated July litb, 18,55. The, Note wa. obtained Vy deceit, and I will contest payment of the 611.11'6.W the last. - ' ‘: . JOHN S..STA.?..iLEII Choconut, July 11, 1855:' • -. ~_ . . NEW GOODS.• . - - ; .': 1 . - . .' V., B. CIIANBLEII is now receiving a large midi I .•, tioti.tol44 stock of Goods; which irill. be sill cheaper than eyer.• :Please call and examine. 1 , ..4guat 15, 1853, ,! , • EEO J. LYONiiS SOS , • Great Attraction riiiitentizioi.her would again announce to hi. 4 cus. te t n6 ri t And the miblie generally that he has re ceived a large assortment of 110076 AND SrIGES,, which ho Intends selling for .1.!,414y Pay twenty per cent. cheapen than can be bought - in this tam ket, (the Genuine:- Bodt and Shoe Ston: down -Town 'or the Rare Chance for Bargains, up town, not excepted. } Ouah Stoehl maybe found the first doer East Of the Odd Fellows' Aali, Turnpike - Street, first f100r..! Al-. though not quite - . so commodious as sense "steahs," yet it answers our purpose very well for the present.: Neither can We promise our customers • that our'"es tablishinent!' *ill not..be "surpassed" by any in the . country soori; but we will.promise oar customers that we will sell BeOts find Shoes •to.suit in qualitc and' price. Our snick embraces x general` variety gnew. and elegani slyles of Ladies' and Geidlemen'i wear, among which' are Ladies'.Sillt r Fox Gaiters, Colored Gaitenk Enfiladed Gaiters, Black and 'Bronsed suth Boots, 'Enameled Boots and Enameled BuSkins; Kid Ilinikins Polkas', Calf Lae Boots and Buskins, MiS.ses _Kid Boots, ' Jenny Lind Gaiters, Gentsi Con gress, ratentiLeather, - Enameled and Bucks4in Gait ers, Patent Leather Oxford Ties., Toilet:Slips, French Calf Boots, Thick fleets, Enameled Calf and-Cowhide Brogans, BoYs' . l"atent.Leather 3fonterers; Rip Boots; kc., Youths' Sfontereys and'Kip Ties, ehildren'sTay, for Ties, Paridoes Roan Boots, &c. Silk Iloot - tac&, all colors: ; • • .. , . Work :Mule to order, and repairing done neatly. .1 Please. call and exiOnine: . • - '• , • -II ' • liinis in, the 13cd•und Slide : trade,' 31 - ontro3c, liftly 1 . , 11;55. . .(!,.. lif: SIM - VON : FL - 1 STRAYED., •L' -'..." -'-. -• I T/ "1101t the ..enelosnre. of the: siths9ri 7 ber ig .Bi/yer 1 Lake about dc-.29t11 of Stitt lafour yearling,.;One :bite-sided bull, taco heifer. .one. Vale -red the t other to indlei one red steer. liberer will - give any information of the- above Nvil .ve liberally rewarded. i • 11011. AS 11ARTNETT. - l• Silver Lake, June 1S , 1655. • 25—wtt. --• " ' - • • 01 5 0 RA - 31YAlteD. : ' je, '-. S TnAt . En or s °len a liver-ceterall Pointer Dog. The above ward -will be paid to am (Me return= lug him to th 'store of ! -- - A.,LATII,ItOP-& Cp. . .1 Mcintros , June 12th, 1555. - 1: 45—tv3 Ilityiit,t . 1rc.)61191 • : • - - .I • . . . . . , gnod :147, - 4o:intent, Scythe:4, Spoilt..., Ratto I , Forks, A . . - 7 -and '2 kind.. of- liors:e .Itakes- - -ond. stiperior ! evolving Rakes, at • -- F.. B. 1:11A XPLER'g - June :loth ; 1555. - - • - -. • ! _. ____ . _._ . . I "'ali% amt4l - 4111 m. .: ' - 1 . 7 I.N K- faint, Blakey fire Proof Point,' Linseed and .1 IA T.amp 011, F.luid amt •'li6Sgene sobilotv by . I ' 11. .11, - CILINDLEItt I =OEM ' Flour. r)A . the 13arTe), sack or - pound • • • • . • •. F. 13 eIIANDLER go:arose, done ;Ruh, ISa ' " SILK AND DRII!k 7 S GOODS. A TANTILLAS; races, lierages, Worked Collarit, lliiii Para•tols, Lau-ns, fitsitiona)tle Bonnets, Fania, (it assorttinnit each departutent,) a 'splendid int of 110; Ont ipor Trimm;lll4,Stapie 4),flarge fariety, rlivilting:„ (a large sttlel; : ,) and' 011,.. and ~nnnact..) low, Calicaes , ti-otsi rinas i 0 1 shilling,. Carpet. 3initi . 0R rt ;ekttii, • - and Rug.. .• Hardware—Gernian.Cih•cr & Plated Spopnl, Kniri•s and roticA. . rorCriri4— _it, a fine aF , sor_titierni Tea 4, Cotiees, lircnna 'Thipies, Rice, elincoiate; Ground Coffee,Torti . . • - -1 Perfuntery—liay. Water,. Toilet do., Groin Pare:. do. Extra us, (;ertuan Coroa'ne t a : large sfOrk or Fan k e . .i•: F;trit! tt g `l7ools--ITAy Po, Scythe.Silatli 1-13ke-, Sc. fte. I. 1.. 10.73 T & ,• LA,NESD ORO r in lrE sub.s..„tib6r keeps Copst:mtl3-- on - hand, and Will .1 Inake. to'ord.”-, Door:, BlhldS,-WindOWS & Window -g as h ; Door and iindoW-frames and all other articles made of wood and used in bitilding: • Blinds painted and hung on. - shott notice. Glasi of . all sizes, quantities anti' qualities for sale. - Flooring planed and, matt:ll6l at. i,4IG CE *2ll per lOta) .T6ining of all kinds done to order,, iktso a. general assortment of CABINET WARE. • Buren,* Talde.t, Stands of all n - atieties, Chairs, eds t eat Is; Sett Good fine, Cherry • and Whitewood lumber, and Grain of all kinds taken-in exeltu,ge for the above Mr . tei'Mt , read+ pad-, or. - three months time ap proved credit. All orders addressed to me calve prompt attention. • J ACCBT TA Y LAM • Lyle,sbotoi.-lite- . . HALLOO, lIALLOO, .1 0 " r 1 11 E suti•icriher Would infiirm the eitizensof rose and the public generally that he haston'ght the Grocery formerly kept by F.' 11. Fordham in Lyons and Chandlerls building on Chestnut street, in the borough of B'cititrost, where he has a fresh- as sortment of Groeerh;s; and keep constantly 'on hand, Floti'rv, 0 3 - 9ters,_Chcese,-Sugals, Syrup, :11o1asses,. Mackerel, Nlits, Candies, Toys, :bremges and Lemons, Figs, Prunes, Sardines . Soaps; Vitiegarc:ColTee i - drisl Poaelw and Plntris; herring, sack Salt;'Phts i Cakes, Beer, Yankee Notions and other things too numer ous to mention, which kill be sold cheap 114 cash or most kinds of country proltice.• Call pnd see. A kri share of puhlatronatte issolieited."S; S. MOTT. Montrose, !arch 7 ,1855- " • .70 DAIRYMEN: BUTTER WANTED. The highest market prices 'trill be paid in cash Tor good Dairy Rut* be S. 11. S: D. SAYRE. • June 2Gth,' • - - i • A - ATA\TF.D; in exchange for YI. Rags, Beeswax, Grain of all kin ' a, and Cash.. Montrose, Juo6. 1805. •A. TETRREL. • Bonnets Reduced' Prices. BURRITT-vtill syll his remaining infek of silk, lA_ Lawn and Straw,Botmets, a good!, assortment, . st reduced Prices to close the business o r the.seascin; many of them at cost. ' • N s e* - Ifilford,:.Tune ISth, 1855 ' 25-. ITEM 'ARRIVAL OF . NEWS GOODS. j; is shall receive (Wring the present +eek,'• a la* t addition to present stock of SU3I3IXR GOODS,. which mill render the tiss'ortinent comp etc, and7:to which we invite, the attention of ail o -to buy. G °MS, cheap DENTLEY'i& READ: Montrose, .Tune 25th, .h5..' 1 - •l• • ••• ' Rcsuoved. - r , r, D: Dentist has taken :room4 over F. 'B. Chandlers' store, where it will be hi:lliad:Ll:lure to see his friends as quick a.s , possible: C. . 'Mar 2, I 855. Resident -- - New: Goods ..,I . rynn: suhsciiber iS in -constant' Ecc@ipt of Yew JL Goods, in his line of bitsities i s, Henri y every week. The public will : find his assortment No. ',wird his articles' new and orgood quality.. • The stock con sists & usual of Di-ugs, -11cdicines, Pains, Oils, Aye Stull's, Groceries, limey Goodly Jewelt,v,. .Perfutnc ry' &C. Store at the lßwer end of the bpreit district, Montrose, June 6, 105. •A. TFRRELL. A.l - 01t1; :NEW .GOODS -....11,Mny 22.] ' LL. POSIT•ik CO'it - Patent illorse Itakep. 1..7 - 011 sale at the .Farmer's Exchange hr • • -.- 1 A. LATHROP L: CO, -111!iplstratfr'l . Iyc_ ffe ik ° TlClBlerblNvtnhtr., it.ll .. i.Ntion upon th: CieofOtaZAlTN'rl„ fate of the unrnship of A n burp4de*ensedc...hti P. 644 ' Jon! 10. . . , - • • - . - granted to ..the subscriber, and all persons.iindebt -. '.---- ------. -7— '7 ', -edici said estate . will 'lease 'make. Ernmedia e "at: . , ' kV:MI, - ASSORTMENT of Tia,-She'el, Ireni'l thent; and those hiving claims- against . the estaii• l . and Copper Ware of toy 4.116 roanufaettife.enil'i:)villplvase present them duly. atteStedlor Se entent made of heavy plate, for ale hp . - , . - ' . : • - .., :l• ' • .; .• - - JONATHAN I BUNNELL,Aiitter; , * ' - J. DICKET - MAN I - caris June 13th 1853. -.- ' - - New 'Milford, - ' ..• , •, r- A • • , •.1 ! July 12,•1353. . - •- • •-: - • - ' FULL a';Hortment of liarilyrare Carpenter and .Joiners!ltiols, Pump C'lmin;:auil fatureit at New Milford, Jul,lBsl] - IIICELERMAN'S. • QASII ANT) BLINDS of the .best 'quality, for sale L cheap at • • DICKERMArS. - 14EING on the crept' my departure for the_Wert, LA.I trod"( ,say tet niy.kientl4 and patona. that my G O.7:4I:O2'YPEfI. 0 OMS n ilk he ,etct; i, , d An:A fen weeks:' T will (114 aPprige yott cif iriy return; and thin hime to'find you deeplydarpressed ,with the ne 'ee4ity-ofigetting Tour facua tak.en. ' ' . Odd gellowe Hail, MOitroro v t, w, B:DEANE ::*.4I 2 0. 1 85 4.: -;• i • Dp3soutTloN:4,'‘ TILE copartnership heretofore existing undue; the firm of Hawley &Mott is this .day dissolved. 1,1.845, ,; - . 114.WLEY. • . • C. W. MOTT. The. notes athrneeenints are Lif the,hands Of C. W; Mott'or CeUectiott; 011140 interested wilt pleasie call as soon as convenient. • ' ••• • -; • . . .11 • I!E. Poiir : lnnsters• of the RerOugh 4 Of.3fontivite desire to bind out three children, one white girli age id 8 . - years; one black' boy and one black girl about the - *niny age. Any , person desiiinjetO'inire • one or more - ofsaid children can cull on Crther of 'the =s o rt ,. , S. )f. WILSON,I - - S. FOSTEII, llontms . eduly 9, 18)55, • . - thatige Irlinj4.. bELAWAvt, ,LAqKAWAYNA ND WEE!! - (J\ and ; after Sionday; May 704 18th, ili a !la. Pas:icy ter Train .will dethert Scranton. it: / 10.20 S. it. L'lnto . at'Qreat Rend itt.ll:2o C 011:,/ fleeting witlrthe Ddriitirk Eipreiss West on the N.. V. 'B. PassengedUking &1& train will arrive: hi Dunkirk at 11:15 tv.w.','ititd In 14 - 41 r York itt 111 t;* Returning, will leave-;Great pen 'at -4;V. it., lug at Scranton at 6:45.P. Y., -- The Freight AcconanodationTrain,•with passetigstl' . car attached, will leave Scranton atbrt.. sr.; dne ak Great Bend at 6 P. Y., couneettifg with -the, Hail . -Train -West, and the Night p a ss 'Train East- Passetiger.s taking this trim and thc.'• 'Night 'E'xpress • West, will arrive in Dunkir/at 12 tn. or by taking' Mail Train West,- will ar) ;( v , i eat Dunttir& at - 6:451), rib Returning, will leave teat BendOit 7A. rival or Cincinnati Express East Dan . at ScrantoNE 12,141 P. SI: - Passengers foryirilkesharre, PittAtOn, Carbondale; Philadelphia, (via the Catiwissa. Williantsport sni' Erie and Itering Railroad , via Tantaqua,) and East : on, and iennediate places, will; find first class; stage c 6 es in readiness at Scranton, on the arrival_ or the . passenger and Accorninodatitin Trains - to ton:. vey them to the-above places. , Th4!Cao choosing pri-:. va,,tO conveyances will find the best horses and car; ages of every description, itt reoon a td e c h arge r,: '- ready-to order. , ' • 01 • " • D. if. DOTTERER, *periniendent. "Super i titan den t',§, Office: 7 ' 'Scranton, Nay 10- . 155 SEAULE'S . COACIIES •• . , LEAvTK Montrose for..D.',L W: R. it: at 64 11:,for Express Frittct Train to Scranton.; At:. 11-o'clock A. M. for Mail Train to Givntt Bend: - ,: At 3 - M. for Express Freight - to Greiit Bond, and Mail. Tilain . for Seranton: Leave Depotifor, Mcintroae .011' arrival of all the above trains at Station. . 'For - Seats apply at, Searle'ollotepitnatiOse;-1!at•, 'August ' I =l; - ; - NEW SPRING - GOODS. 11ENRY IFSURRITIZ WOula =omit) uf I. his friends and the public - that he is now open ink an unuvually' large. stock of 'SPRING• 4.W.1.: .. SLT,IIIIIER. 000DS, including. a l grest variety - Ot : Prints from 4 cents to is Zd per' *lull; Plain an printed Lawns, Barege Delanes, Gingharris, Broca4 ; Black and limey Dress Silks, Silk Dress Tissues .aUt! Bareges, Poplins, etc. &c., with a:suPerior assortment . of Silk, Broche, Cashmere, and Thibet Shawls; Mail tillas; Parasols, French Lace - and Straw and Silk Bon net.-2, rich Ribbetks and Flowers, with - a large vatie(y. . of_other Staple and fancy Dry Gobrlt. 01C.00IELIES, CROCKEI2IIAVY AAR • • 117.4.7:E4—Trini and Nails,.Boots and Shoes, Rate (I .., enr:A, Carpeting. Wall Paper, Floor:Oil Cloths, •t -cd ,Window SCades, .Clocks, Storek Oils and Paints; Ploughs; Sc.fie,;in short s tke - largeSt•• kind of. piles ; of rich and cheap Goode; too' nu:herein to meoLitm, - hitt just the thine to purchase.; all of. Which will bt. Sold tit till...most reduced prices and on the: moot - £r vorahte, terms for cash or approred credit. - . • X. I!. Flour and Salt constantli en, hand. - . 'ei .Milford, May 5 1855. , - i• HOME LABOR ; . . . O,DRUFF if: ' , ELDRED • 111,A.VE - removed to the burnt' district, *here they wkll be"glad-ta see all theif.dld customers and as many ttew ones as please to ;4e: them a They ini4iral to'keep -a genetillassOrituent.of Storrs or - the beet kind and quality, among which may_ L Untld • PidTENIX and PARAGON :AIR-TIG41:1; THREE '8.7!..17:ES AND ,ORANGE COUNT:7 STAR'OF TITE•WEE.: ELEVATED' OVEN A11141(alt CL:07 . 0.14; - IVnATERN OVEN. Elevated - Oren , The Elevated - en StOve al: la:re nihle , Ere .plares, which makes them" fiht riot._ to the single fire-tilace•Stn7e.l: keep , ,eor- - stantly op hand a general assortment of TINW.I4:I! of p first rate quality, for hetne trade; also, Well ind Ci4t.g.:lll t'utrips Pimp Chains and Reels, - ILeract Pip of all siZi2R;*34mannetl Ware, Ste.llce. - ; all of- which they promf , e to sell cheap-for ready pay or approved credit. Job work done:with despatch and - irtorde:r. S. A. WOODIUJFF. ' - Or. B. ELDRgt?. Moiltrose. alai 30, 1055 THE LIGHT* ING EXPRJOS: Time Saved l ---=Fare Reduced !-- , ,:274r0ui14 • •-. ' bkiczylight !I :- .- • ' - ll.AWLtYikii J. KS , . . . TTAVE formed a partnersip in MoutiOse, for t 1 11- purpose of doing everybody's •11.1.AC.Ier SMITHING, at the old•standi nearKeeler s A. He. Oh We. have .purchased an entire nee stock-t,l, IRON, comprising a fell assortment of all kinds,-,tl'.-. ect 'from the city. ,tide shall - kOep 'constantly o„_ Lister, reur.4.l and square Neil Rods, 6k ste, 1. oc:to . r1; Rods, Refined Tyre Iron;' all Fad!, Bane'n / is Iron, .Spring Steel, a large assortment of initlleabb:' t.on; Coil Chains,,Carriage Bolts, ; &c. ite. • '.• '-. L I . ir..4-'OONS. AND O.A.ARIAGES .: , Xrouttl• - on Anirt notice; and stock 'found' or ,madg to b:der throughout, as May best suit ow patron S.- All business tranAactions- must 1114 -. settled once n” wear. Short - settlements and long friends is oli - motto. 0 ' By strict attention to business we bop.e to roceii%: - liberal'abare Otpatronage: All work warranett, A goo'd Journeyman I ,wanted, to wi6 - 4 . : fteadr employment and high wages Will:be. t 1.1 lIAWLEY. . • 1 . PEERY jr...xEk . .11o4rose; Mal- 3G 1855. , • New Goods, Cheap for Cash. -* ri ir.. MOTT has just received another lot of lei • k../ Goods, Such as Chailes, 'Drage Delaines, - pages, Collars; Embroideries, Lawns, &c., which' 11"!' Offers at very low prices. Stmmter Shawls, a new ir.1.1 comp beautiful patterns at very low-Prices also Silk Slutwls equally-low for Cash. 'Parasols latest style at - .1 C. IV. 11017 S. Black Dress Silk, a splendid article;-at C. W. 31. Summer Stuffs in great varietieti, V. W. M.O Groceries of all kinds, very cheap: Syrup,. a firs.i. __ rate article aucts per gallon, You haie. only Call anti examine, to become.satiSfaNl that the ."11Cail clif Navigation " is tbeplace to buy Cheap: • Wanted. . Butter , -iams, Lard, St•ks • tfat all ICntl-' preountry Produce in exchange, for goOtin rrices-, C. w. MOTT. Montrose; June -15`; 1555. ' •J % ;- • . GENE 11,2114 FURNISIONG :ST4)111) • AND 7r7alloring Establighment AT • • • - • SC'S - QUM:IA:SNA DEt'OT. 1 - ASHER L• Co. _would respeetfulls .announce to *I, their friedds and the public generally Ahat keep constantly on - hand a full assortment of Read 111.dc Clothin,g, flootis and Shoes, Hatt and Caps, an:! Ci-ery thing elae necessary for men and women's iWe would.particularly call the attention of counti:-.- i3lerelnints to our large stock ofßeady-lhitle Clothing. Of our own manufacture ; which' ivooffer at wholesale, at prices that will . afford great inducements to, easli 'And short-tittle. customers, , A large stock of Cloth. CassiMilrds t :Vestings,ke., kept constantly on hand, for- Licrsons desirous of Lai. - clothing made kkorder. - • . Orders punctually. Attended _ I • - Thankful fer pa.si favors, we hdpe to inetil a co; tinuanee of tile same. ASLIER • eo. Susquantima Depot,. Pa., May 12, 1855. ' = WEAV GOODS. •WE - fire re - relying this week lotrof ;jar: purchased • in* the ciiv, which renders • our assortment con3plete, and - which',we offer oii . the most/arena& tcisus,.at the. new bitildingone deer, above- the I'm: Office. BENTLEY & Itt•AD. Montt e, February, 8, 1853: .• • •• BoOki aid Stattonery - : IHATE-repel:red a large addition to 'to,' Stock ~r Book's atid'Stationery, awing whiektire:A Long. Leak Ahead, (Itoe}FrWolfereasitOostt..(Trviltg)--111 Spencer's Sketehes—Tomterfitl.4oeAturesof Priest —The Slace. lieltier's - DatightderLife'te Faw IToustcm—lanc.May+r-The May Oow - ei,(Etairiet. Stotro)=-rin Eng, (1Pillis;) &e. letinaP. • " • OHANPLER, Nay ,'B2, 1855._ • • • - - ; - . ilof • 9000 Milk ran all .tioes i and made Cron: Ikuble ereas tin !Ale* than Merchant. nanally pay to sellnosdn, for exile;ty the Subscriber. 'We hate eetne to th'll'eoneluidon tti to' - . 11 108 en:low 4.1 :. we will to the 004 ttiereb7 to the Valuer our profit. Onr livarpt ate WAXTalited. . to be pet feet in every . Particular erino tade, Teitni—'-enah or short credit: II ' • ' ' j • J. igpKE4MAN New Milford April 1;1868,- Ir ' ;130Riti FLOUR . .204'D SALT . tithe barrel Or ot! 1, - •orkise.at:the to7o4,pricesA • TOICERMAyK. g)4l.swit PAID:vow .. I* . DLIT' fijosTA-fivi . , vi El