Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, July 26, 1855, Image 3

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    tike t h e following candid parigfarlis I
t4-.New York ,T)ay Book: ;
, last, gentlamin...-7 h e Ni)rth.
I)on't be top, . ~ ,
Cou'ri !tense,. _—.l.?, vu ~.,,,.. ___ .-.-,
• l b st T vou, nOr is it s', : vot Itloge ttAagall .
• V t VII. The-r° is. no necessity - „ Rcal \Estat Nit> wit; :. . :.:: - ‘ ,: -. ...
Nelwas st . rt!.np.ece or parcel, of land situate, ly.
•, • iiialitened into . ettZtiN.: -v . 111 . 11 ' 111 1 -All tit/1v) i i
1,e..1;011-,,,--,.;,-1•(.7)rds. nor manufsetu-3illg. pit;
r ' fNorth win, lake
~, , ,, r va.
.‘‘ e o the..
-f;tlr own people. Vc r e• are not aii • ! igg and Laing, stt the township of ;Springville, in said
1 county, hclunded : ti e as follows:- On the
', e a . 1 1 nas of Elileitl)richardnudWillitun B. Ilan
. cas. by the EpiseOpa;Parsonage on the south
• I 411 1 1 trot be contrcilled by fan tic 4 1,-. -..tlie-ro d leading from Sprinnille tO!the Trualthan.
~.: i tni. ._ • ,
cre ... of lan_ d
,nspre or less, on which
t i t , ' r ot go' out half cock cd 'nor k / itik out of , I t ocii cce ra.l on the Weat bilands of Eiekiel Fritz,
insees .
• 'et m'ciftl(• Wellave live. 4 urt der I. : , eiiOns,ittaitmattlin
oie:e6.oa.tveuitig h
~,1, ,,i i1l
ouse, the whole being im
tit Idiot' given us by our fathers some .
Ot, the /Snit of It. Sayre, - assigned
CVI/5. , , 1 11Illre.g.1. .
.. , .
equal ' pro
cetitv edd years, and you
t'cJr. with the rest of us. Stich: to that and
• ' t ,, Tio a l i l ll FT'L l tin ce n t iote °ll- 073. - D. V, Hollenback. • , • .
:slit Nevei• feat that there are not good : ..440--All that certain Mill;
- urtenanc is situated on Silver Creek, n
1 • loving
, •-t ,t talon . t , k :• ( ,„ ! spring, an eAownshtp of 1' nklin in the county of
citizens: enough in. tite., , p , ~ .
411 ~ . . Mill , Y ear ,am 6 in e d sal l2P- t
0.111 to keep.down' the plotters against ~ - ! Susquehai na.l The lima o which themill stands is
nry L. 'Merritt, on the
j . our institutions. ~ ...
_,.1 /sounded - on the north' by II
, cast by Williain Burrow'', on e south by Crildiands,
W heti, gentlemen,: did the Democracy t"
'adieu P. Wheaton and
• Nord' tl ' rt,you or refuse to stand by 1 al iG._en th e t i.4 s t, b y is o tio of
president. Polk,l Lorenzo 'ttjice-- , .
..- . . - 1 . .
u :
) Never. It rare " V6ll 'he fit-itke sln ye ! Taken n•ea.ecution . at tile , suit of Lorenzo Vince
, I - T ex a's'__.and it g,aveY°•". ' ' ' vs. Utile • Snow 2d, and Gen S Fisk. .
rge S.
' ' /President fierce and : i.. ,
__ , I
v. •and it gave 3 - 0:_l . . • t 4•40---.l.lathai certain piete or parcel °hand-situ
-1! - VI hat more, can you: • .. ,
e N e b ra ska, lu • • . , - ate -and . eing in the township-of Lenoi, county of
i S6queha ma r houudett told described as follows to
tiro readily admit that these were
ra , r i g hts, hut •we point, to them.- only - to I. wit: On' he north, east and west by lands of 'Flainu,
on the south by lands'now or formerly of
- •ipit Northern Democracy
v w , • - always . has iel lialste 11, -
. .Thomas .lereditlt, containing 3 acres, one slit mill,
'll sire vOll your ripbto
, always WI ,, .. 0---• • - !aril
- all nroVed. Alto, one Odle le '
, . r piece or parcel of
• • then iie-sert it or talk about :fighting i liutil.ben d d -
~ ~ 1 e and de:•cribr-d as follows: On the "north
' v •il• 2 •Ind b ' those w v
..ot.e.- St. ) halm c brlam4 f Samuel IlAsterl, east lii , Poeorer, 'Lowell
; , _ ,I hs v ,-.. ii f in.] you will nc - s er have reason , and W .en - Prier., south lir iandA cif, Villliant Price
~- Cate: ioti should make s_otn, All o w: ;it ti Wci.tilty llllSold,lasid . s, containing about to acres, -
, v titl'orti hal dts, and Northetn•prej: ''!
a.'„'' d ablu :60 acres unproved, with the.'appurtetianc
•,:e 0. 1 . ~. ' e- • one ,1 g house, - one framed barn, one
. „.,,,,1 ni.„., expect all oar people to think - 'ai ' d a sin 11 oreftitrcl. - tt .... . ; . •"" rnii ' e,
nut,. • -
, co , 00 en the subject of slavery ;--"< Taken 'a execution iat the Suit of 3 11 Ph I 1
et a-" ~ J. . i, pi., VS.
- ~',.. -te.,,ii ow. But
.have always It-1.311.1e M. old. ...,.••:-• „ -::
,•-': -
1•,!, ,1,,,, i •' • -
- . • .. - • Lis
t ,
.;•01. , DetotterttiJe prty to deal Justly ,••`„ l that.cortakt.pleceorp4rc.llefluid•situ
'- ' you may
.reltr: tipon- it to ' dot a`e"Y'n' ' lid being itillii. townshipli of Auburn and '
;•1/ i oti and. 1 l Springvili • in said county, and bounded as follows, to
,-tii• bere'4lter, no matter what. the -people wit: 041 the west \ by'Alte wad or highway running
~,.... ..,,bout slavery. • Don't leave the: Dem- front. Aubprn Four corbels to Ilennett's Cornets and
':•,,:' rort; • ritc•n of the South, until it leave. Linda latS f Garshatu Gunnell, deceased; on the smith
.....d \- , ot will have nothing. to fear from ) btiandsr 4mathan .11unnell,,Jelferson Sherwood,
i - Elms ileit left 4,1 - d Isaac Russell, on the east by lands
. ;
t7ti,,rit lanatieisto. s. ; of .Sionmil .i. Loomis, and on the north by lands of
Saninellitrundage and the public toad or highway,
rumiiti . tionittlie before mentioned road to the Black
Walnut retid near thet . house of Minot:Riley, contain
ing 197iieres, be tit same more or less, being the
Fume piete or parcel If land that Tredway Kellogg by
deed 1:e. :Ting hate the, •14th'day of July, A. D. 1953,
.inti it-co r ded in the Office for recording-deeds in and
1 , fp: said C•Otity, in Deed Book No. 22, page 97, &c.,
conveyefl to )lilton Harris, with the appurtenances,
lone dwelling house, -one framed barn, one corn house,
t and one small orchard, being mostly improved. - .
;,. . Tithed in execution at the suit 'of Coop _tr,• Hender--
son'& eat, vs. Tredway Kellogg.
• .
• ..-iiici--t-A•11 that certain piece or parcel, of land situ
: ~lc, ! . ....ii i and being in the township of itiburn, Situ=
que bn;‘ , i eauEty, holizidetl and described asfollows,
.to wit : klit, tilt* north by lands of Thomas IliiieS, be
the east'. ;by lands of Jesse Hines, on the south lay
lands oft ;Luther SeeleT .-_ , t - al• AbertSteelingi autirOn
C.LEltliii. WANTED. - ' the wect it r hind of T 1 0111.1.f.1 T 4 111.C .4, containing abOat
1 - 50 act, more or . less, with the api:nitenances, one
' :.cure and intelligent voting man of about 17 'I .
framed touseland barn, one orchard, and ala,`'tt one
1 , •,er.s 'Of age, wanted as clerk in a store. -one - 4: -- 1
,;......i;.f 10 acquire the business and disposed to make ' inindredlacrc4, intproveill• .
r---11 uit'eful,l% ill End good encouragement Li 1 ap- j - Takefil in eXt-cittim at . the suit of Hart, Cutionin::
.".,...:••;:tc,..:.:aortly to H. Brmin : T. , ,
...,$;.110 . 4,-,s. Thomas and John llorley. , -- •
S - , w Rt.liord, July 22. 18'55: .• • 4/i 1 •kli • '
.. . ~ ... o-- 7: . that certaizt four-story wood building ,tic
_ _ ----. 7\ -----• copied is a saw mill, shop; &c., standing on or near
:NOTICE. ' • - - ..• - - the ". 1 that- . runs from the Abington Waterford
rf ..
:iy.,,,1,....„.,t: hereby cautioned against put-el:as- Turrpi / rend tO or pear the house of S. W. Trties
• i-,. ! s-ts: ;.:iv,:n by . the imtlerligned 'to Ilichat ti • • dell, Es 4., on - troall kading to fireat lieial ! and on a
sZ,.-,1 f 0:- tlle stall of one hundred and twenty-Eve lot of laud siinate in the township 'of Liberty and
;;;Itirs. :aid N"•o•-• is dated July 14th, 1855.: - The hettnde4l on the riot th by other landS• of raid Vance
-1 -,by deceit, all I' Will contest the, and lie:t4zitninlW. Bailey, on the south-east by lands
:of :!:,.• sarr.c to the last.- - . - .Of aid R.tile,v,i and on the south-west by landsof Phi
' JOHN S. STANLEY. • , lo Leicei leas . nta t ining &cold one.aere mid a half,- atal on
. . .
- • . tn k e:-, which slid sash mill stands which piepe of land being
-- ----- ----- ----- ,-----: --- - the :to slid mill, and itieltidin^ 'the. titn'
. . .1 - -. STRAY. - - theft! b -leg - nf'o situ the -aid-mill a sbittde machine,''
i' ,, ,Y,E, ir.tC; ale onetosure of the subscriber, On the loth r.-.r.k.lti:,e,, and other Eitttifes to the ;mile belong
1 4 . _..1tt1; cilium., a large-slzed Black Horse, with oce • ing,,wl,-tiil I shall'also sell !tintrew;tlt i
...- Cotzt foot and one•liTind: - eye, .about 12 or ti. 1 t Pd - n• • h ; . . 1 '
-se tri execution at t C .iit Of Joscpli Drinker,
.r- t - thl. The owner is requested to provepreper- -Ito the ii4e of Jo'ln I awl. v. , LorenzorV • - '
- - i;:ir TS ard talchi t& 'was. • -tt • •• I; ' I. --;
~.. • alle,e ,
• it.;
. • ...- ..-1 Iser-Ail that 'eel min /here or parcel °timid situ
- H. D, CL.A.11K.....- - • - •
. --. ate ;rt I Odersvilie,, I.lend ton-inhip and" n the
2tryn . ' 4 • , , „ .. ,
._ L _, • en '- 7' p.• •••• 1 1Y 1 1 11 !•'A.: 1 ;', 1 );', I.;,ottud, - 41 and deittlibeil-t-ns.
tto wit : ••Beginnirg at a point In the south
It line of thy Great Bend & Cot-bee:on ;turn
rsonthea,t oly side i:f a large chestnut tree
ter of lai:lteretofere,conYeyed to the-New
- Eric , Ilailr tad Company ; thence south 51
r i .
and .114 Mmutes west along the line Of the
lontrase Fire Company, No. 2.
i ; 1 t Utcir Engine House Wednesday at Ai
;he by Rev. J. 13. litcCreary,_ Mr.
Cnr.lp •
ofLodersyille, Atli Miss .IX:it
, lit'S. ) : v ^F Grult
• •
;his Borongh, on the 34 inst., lioarrd 4.t..5.71/07
' •,.'
:(e 4),Zbaii3ciiie*,
j;:y 17, 1:55
.:;, J!7
. . .
• itegister's -
)1 . 1;LIC NOTICE is heralty given / AA :dl parsons
c6:-,c , rntoi in the following E: .:s, to wit u
at a 011
yr Of. lAlezratuffr liorp tlP.ceased, lata of
!zotmter township; John (1:. - ter ai I Chalks S. - ! . 1 „,, Tc , e 1
, 7 7'
. _
eaal, Executitrs-- • / a a - ' l' i . ' lb - o' di diC 4 c 7i T. l ti i m lit i e v l a w la t n st da m rt u b u o - u; - 11 - 4 --- feet to - ' - ii.
eat: at, a ~, , , il he.
,nil that. iertain piece or parcel of laud situate :121
F..'4 , -; a- 141711 (R --Vez." , n llll , Llecea ,4 C ,43, late of "Teiit i corner thereof; .thcnce . north-wpstorlyfilong: die line ing in the Borough of Susatit-limma la.pot and bound
laerei.aip ; S. W. Tr ims:dell and Thomatallaya 1, of shi, Cornpanyae land about 18' feet to tbe a tiortli- eil as followe, to wit,:
the northeetai yland .; of
.a. a'a .r.--2 • •Benja.min almer, on the east by lands-of Robert a, iclo
\ 4 , a ,. ~,. •' waster side of o Inenst tree with two trunlaa about
~ f dri catorle•'end no
L '''''`'' `J;J:4r." (Negro deceased, i ' tr. ' ''' r la "" 11 , - fa.' if said line ; theace moth 511 deaeree3 east °I, e" the south 11- -v 11 " (15 a''•• - .' • • •
a a aaa ; '‘Villiam Greet, .Administrator-'- _the north-west by; the pellicalsia:ll ...
wit- called Main
l, a: out "In f:: to the line of said turepike, the itot•th
r..e.t., of Jerldi all T. Laney deceeaed, late of , t. ~ 1 „ i , a „. t ., p 0.. . • titer: q, south 27 i i 4 ,' gref , 4trt"Tt, Vaiog about 2 . 5 1 feet in from and aton . t
, C i a l , , f , t v eit ..
, eestear j . , • a , , a, -..
:1‘.71.1. - '. - .7 Toy.-trip; :G. la Lewis', Adminiatrator- • ; oaa. , a;,,,,e- the 13a,• of .rid thrl'Plhe 17 ° 1 fat to the front fralp.t.tto rear, en,' tle appurtenance?, o.a. .
ing Beldam and. rill 'reproved. • 1 . 1 ;
E ' ' ' '."; of * l ` J "" r- 11-hil ' 111= " . • dec • ? '""'t ?''te of Ile ' - ' niece i - ,liCegitating, ewe:ll:ling =ix-tenths of an Itcre of
a, ,, : iewealan • .Tecol I Whitman, Administrathr
-1 • - I hula; are or Tess' now ereetiel thereon ajar)e three !
-' Takeft in execution at the suit of Jartin .ks i.ey, vs.
i F. P. HOLLISTER, Sheriff.
..flat tlearoomtaiits have settled their accounts 1 a: a ti - - h-tuseake r owa es the " Brvant Houseaa4 J° l . l r i,P T ' es '•
. to:a- t .t. a a . „ I . . .. . .
' • sheo 4 offer, Montroo! Jul le pa - ,5
•;•'' r''•';';' .l 'leeit ealee in and for e'''''...Y'uf s'k'At t a -- I 'with el large barn, ellad - ned stabling, ice house anti , a • •.Fr, - •o - .- , . , • -, a. aa
and that the same trill be preseatail to
111 e. ': oat hopaes, mithall improved. _ , ' ' --Ill' -
1 ---- ~ • --
ailea. et the Orphan's Coot of said county, au - Wed- )
i Taken in execittioe at the suit of Elmer W. Brig- i . i.l
, • Oil OD! . , •
,-,1- lay the 2211 day of August uext, for confirmation
~ 1 , .....m
, c a .
a Addison Bryant,. . • -,- . - • ; r ..klir Oil, Linseed Oil and Zinc Paint, for sale i.e
allowance. J. W. CHAPMAN, iteg - ra 1. ' - • ' • ; • • ' 1.1 , F. B. CII.,INDLEB.
r. Al4-All that c,ce tut piece or parcel of land situ. ,
legisier's office, Montaose, July 2:1, 15•55. ,
- -
' at- lying and being in the townthiP of Rash in,Sus- 1 Men4ro§e, .0 •
HOUSEHOLD 'WORDS. , eticharna counts, .and boiuid , el as follows,: tomitt-- , - j' ' ' - ; - - —• -_ '
, .a. • iTeginring at 'a post the north-ea-st - corner of land ! 11' •• ' ;NOTICE.
„. - .
\A UG LTST..'‘iIIY* Pho-- ~. ... of the Boimeali of Montetoe
• ' - ; .}ate oft - ThoreasJohnson arai Lot No. 74 upon a draft Irl
,; , .ma ter. . a . .
x . . of reecterve- of Thomaa P. Copes tract •, thence east ' Ja de!,eir'e to bind out three children, cote white girl,
' along the li'n . eof last Mentioned- lot 17." rind n-loth ,' aged Rlyenrs.; one black boy and one black girl about,
. 'Le 'lowly Tree--Motbet and Step-Mother ((on--
ercitta to aposi, 011 the ext:lsusion line Of the said i the Far* . age- Any P°"°° . (lesiri""
a to take one or
...-11 , I --Chip, Brimstone -Poultry Abroad—The
a Thorn: ; .; • P Copes tract, the north-coat corner of lot 1 more of ~ a id children can call on either of the ,Pator-
Sw ' i ('''' 4 'Kit
'' -- ' 1 Laviatilan Indeed-Mt ' eha ' nic '''' "` N i-trend ' dienotait-east corner hereof?, thence north ; masters'. ' • 'S. M. WILSON, ?p • ,!, •
U:drUZlL—Poury on the Railway-What the Lund
ion! Deli: ri•d-Tire-Australian Carriers -Thel, 4 , 2 - .
Ro-aag En:gab:nen, Rustcbuck, the Passage of the i
1 alLg i ittaid eXtension line of lot No. 44 • thence west t 1 C. S. FOSTER, f ecir ' 74l2 '''''''''. •
. • .
an A•aoth Th.trelies to a post thasout ' lewest corner ; Moidreata July•• 0, 1855. - - I
,of lot ro. 4-t ; thence north la, and 9-10th perches to :-:la' - a' - • - - '
Daaula-Deetor Dubols-Che.ap Patriotism-Ye-au- t , a • a op, d if stir , Patent Horse !Rakes.
' ' .. .
a . ~ . t post ale 5t92122:3 2 aence we-t la , and 4- ) perch-; . a ,
et . ..;•aun-rerictly Finaticial-altenclu Lore- . • '
e,a to -.. h i ~the .h . st a , lOrasale at the Farmer's Exchange by •.;
. 11- F., ones, tor. -me
s corner ere- J. a a
eai , -.. ~.. a.,,, ,a -Lli-t Pickle eution Es- LATHROP & CO.
, , ,-. .., ......ratta of t_ e .31chemiste, two chap- .
of i tl ence- south t a7 and 5.1 oth perches to the place 1
. 1 - • 1
of be , *mar e t oora'ainine a'a tierce, more or les* with Jane 2 0,,
. - - .
,-,---, :a . as, Deata-A. ery Little Honse-Quite --' "
1 the ta r. ;- - one•f •1d Ir l ,
ppurteripaCClP, ramei we mg aouse, one ~ ~ r I
, R •v'ht:f , L/try-By Mil to Parnassus, ESTRAYED. - . .
; barn ,one turn hatetee or granarr, one orchard, and I 4 I
/ ..1,1-.-711: ea Dulirss tayear, 'or Twenty-five Cts. ,
45 acres improved. • • . . 1 Eetraved from the prerolises of the aubscriber, on
a. r ar.har. , - -, -
• . Time( ramittnig .Thtee Dollars will re-1
Taken in execution at the suit of, .Tohn Bolles and l or neitite first-of, June-five veer-lit:ea Two red
~,,.•:, aii , Magazine free of postage. .Clot)`- Two
i Betsey Bollei, fort : lithe use of Betsey Bolles, vs. John; Steers,' one darker than the relief. • • Three Heifers,
claire . Five Dollars ; Three copies, Six Donets ; Fire 'l. mw
r. Li • • - • _t . mostly red, with Seme white on each, the smaller one
:. , Eaaer Polars and Se - yenty-live Ceni.s: Put- I 11 ,1 .9- ,
to--Aliffuttliceripoty• 'Pee or parcel a Ined situ- i hating More whita than dm t he y-h Any person see
_ afonehly and Ifou.sehold Words Five Dollar& ! . 1
i crest Lai; toirrishi l p in the county of Stiselie- ; rag said yearlings
It ;Will oblige eliscrilier by taking
- ' DIX.' Fa EDWARDS, • ate m F
i banns and State /if Pennsylvania, bounded and de- i them iiip and sending him word, by letter or otherwise,
10 Park Place, New York. 1
.. . ,
as follow* to wit: /beinning al a !xis - tend ' and he will pay them for their trouble,
- --- - -
• Stone Nellie north side of the Milford az Owego Turn- I lackion, July 184.1855 - Wit. - Latutanr.e.
' 6 11031E AGAIN:" ''i pike d ; thence along the line of V. Wrightas land a ---a•-- - ----------- - ------ .-- •----,---
THE West is te" great country," and / have lithe ao tail degrees - .tartst 20-perehes to a post and stones i t 1 Auditor's Notice.
I . a notion to Tice in it--PelikaPs I Elba go soon . " -- lin •li ' of B. T. Case's land ; thence 52 degrees east 2:, rip s atiE undereigned having been appoieted by the
i:aaaps not at a ll, But, for fear that you -mu lose,!spare 'els to a post end stones;' thence along the line i 1 ()rabies Court of Susquehanna county, en Au
rae opportunity of securing a good likeness, sou will , o f B :T_ Case hoith lia . dearnees east 84- and . 3
-10th '
a: :la part of wisdom by - calling soon at the PIC- : p ar e to a hemlock tree; thence along line of It, mal t :al so
n. deceased, nniong the heire of said aatate,
t ditor io distribute the assets of the estate of Frances
'TR': JIOOMS of - - ... W. J 3llll -iSS- IT. Case -south 's2.degrees Teat 45 and 7-10th perches '
will attend to the duties of his appoienneet, at his
Odd Fellow's Hail, to a b o
', ecb ; thence, south 39. degrees
_west 104-perch- '
olliceln Montrose on Friday the Si! day- of -.august
, • '!'es and 4-laths oft perch to a post and stonea Mandel next, t 4t so . dock - .'1.. mat which ;
---- -- -7--- ---L Y *----. t ing oh the north aide of the aforesaid turnpike road ; t l • 1 • • said estate ..., 1
.. 4 .
',emus laving c tums.nrain_ to. pre-'et a,
. , th at: 4a along said road north. 52 degrees west 47, them ogre forever barred front centine in upon the
1 r i ( i Pieces Prints from 4to 11 cents per and. pc '`as and 7-10ths of a perch to the place of begin- • fund of the same.; W If. J. TUI tlt EEL,' Auditor,
1 1 _ 1 ! Tiler:lee Deleins; Lawns, Ginghams, )Cry low. 1
, ning, coutairiiiig 30 acres and a perches of land, more ' a l ia. J uly la , r
. . oo ose, 2, . _.,..t.
t asas :ace Hose 12i- eta-Shawls, Linen and Car- ; 'or 1 s (excepting sod reserving therefrom always 12 I , .
-d;IL , at the lowest notch, now selling by • -: fia,iqtthat,, Lei.: ta t , children of Z. S. Doty and oth- i
J. Plva" ,, • • a - - _ ler 11 ;tins ere ,, t -tanied.) •
1 a l. e-All that other piece- or parcel of Intel eau-
' ate i the tewnehip of Fortat Lake aforesaid, boatel- ,
; et? Beginning at a
a l
poitt he sraitli-enst cornerliereof; thence north 62 ,
- ' -de t rees, west': 00 perches along lentil Brailsford's i
I'''" la - a post ' theajte north a 7 degrees east 176
. 1
; per es and 7-1(a. as or a per to .a
perch ' - • thence
post ,
ESTILAY. .I.scratt 53 tree:tea east PG ,perches along the bite al. ,
For-.! G. West's lot lo a post; thence south 37 degrees west :
( lAN E into the enclosure of thesubecrihcr, subscriber, in .
I , la percher and 7-10tha of a• perch. to a post; thence ,
F ) ft,,t Lake township, about the 18th of June last, I north 53 degrees west 36 .and 5-10ths•perches on a ,
red yearling heifer,• with. eome white on the i la te bocupied• formerly by T. 13. Gregory to a post:
tol, and about half the bush of the tail gone, 'apps- '
1 thence south 37 degrees west along line *renal Greg- •
P-atly cut off. The owner in requested to pay charges i °via lot 151 perches to. the place of beginning, con
aa take away the same. SETH WARNER- . ' t ' ng 56 scree,be the same more•or less, together
• Forest Lake, July 18th, 1855. t wit • all and suigular the . improvement, &c., two
• . ; framted dwelling houses, two barns, one shed, one
-1PA..111.111,W0R SALE. • ' .1 wehard„ aral about fifireare , improved. • •
1- 1 1 11 E• F 1113 .4criber offers fcr sale, on the most liberal I Taken in execution at the suit of Solomon 11e-
IL teams, into of the best farina for ninking•money, I K y and Ode rs va. Betsey A. Clark. •
in Northern Pennsylvania. The said farm is situated l a , F. P. I/MI./STEIL, Sheriff.
haDiomek,Suaqueliauna - & - almty,convenient to Church i S eriff's office, Montrose, July 23, 1855. i •
Grist-mill, and antvonill. ,'lt contains 160 acres, one i " . •
--,--- --,----- - ---
liun4red and twenty fire 'under. a 'good state of I . PATE! YIEDICINES. ' ---
cailtiVation, well watered antifenced; wile good frame ! '
house, 28 by 36 feet, two good barns; one limuired: .MONG the great varlet r of Medicines at Tlrit
. , ,
fl,!et of good shed, hogbouse, and aiaood young oral- i, '" ,Storm, may be found all of Dr. Jayne ,u.rre a juitly
" Ayres Cherry Poeto
alai, till grated fruit thereoh. Pcesktselon a m b e o va , , ce orated. Family Medicines : . _
t° suit the purchaser. For price 144,1• I vii and Cathartic Pills ; Halsey 's Forest Wine and
F y to the pro•
pat-tor on the prezniaes. , .
• Wzr BAKER. 1 Forest Pills . ; Hoollabffie celebrated German Bitters;
Ditraxl, July 18tis, 1E 1 .5,5. ~. og - a i Loiden's series of Fatzuly . Medicines; Merchant's
„ a a
. .--,, a ., ....„...--a- ---- a__ 1 Gatlgling Oil, the, greatest remedy for sprains in man
' 70 ' lu '"' ,1 "• 21 • T i lx • • `• ' . , . or. east ever known ,; .Mathewson'it Infallible Renae-
BUTTER WASTED. The highest market priceet dy,l-and” Horse Remedy.; " Orick's Vernal:me, and a
vali be paid in cash for good Dairy 13titter by . I Yarity of other kinds; Trask's Magnetic Ointment,
- . .9• II: Sr D• SATRE ;th great remedy for burns, rhenniatianiaand all in-1
Tune 25th, 1854. - . , - • IG
_, amatory, "complaints; Pond's Extract, a first rate I
X ‘7, - XNTED,in exchange i'ir.)r. Goode, Eggs, Paper •th g for similar punts ex almete Ointment; An. .j
I ! Rags, Beeswax., Graitf•of all_kinds. vid Cash. ;dr .we" Pain Destroyiug Agent, a gtiod article a:Wood.; I
c Mont rose , j ut . 6. 38,5 / 7. -: A. TuRBEL, 1 ella Balsam and Bone Liniment' Atwood'a about- :
• -: 7 -- i , Ili •Mitten, Canker Drops; Linindent and Dysentery 1 ,
Bonnets at Reduced Prices. ' , brep,s ; Baker's Compound for Dysentery : Hough.
11Ill7RRITT will sell his fSillt
remaining stock o, 'tu .'s Pepsin,' for Dropsy; ffelmhold's Extract of I
. 4 -1-. Lawn and . Straw Bonnets a good assortment, I'l3 ' cher. and Extract Sarsaparilla ; a variety of I
•: reduced Priceeto close the I: witless of the season.; ~ vei, the best ia. market, Pills, &c., and an. almost :
aeaa of them et coat. . . • r .- I. endless variety ,of Patent Medicines; altogether too
New Milford, acme 18th, 18r:-, 25_, i numerous to enumerate-but:sake it to say, that
. .
- - --- - - a:a-. ,-------- i thg public will find nearly everything• in this line, at - ' '
(" ASH PAID FOR WOOL - be ,i this Drug and Fancy Store of • ABEL TURRELL:
aai - 2. L. POST & CO.. I • Montrose, July, 1855.. -
1.12111, 1855
FACKEREL elling at six cents per IL by
LW 101. GrcreerlesjeA *penal by
Sil 4.'K LES f?iiar-e.
B ,
4:1 . •
Y virt id or sundry:rrita Loluta Out'of. the Mutt
of Comte n Neu of botoquetuuma-Ounq and to 1110
dire led I will expose to sale by - public %Tadao at the
-i. 114- )- -'lu Montrose, oa Saturday tlio 18th day
PeOknoittiiffia - lttagisttaiie Li
L • brary. • . '
1. ;
• ' . AND . • •
: . . .
littsliliessltlnn 7 e Legal" - ulde. •
NOtv' and Sixth Edition, lir . ingind itiO • 1.... a.
; . , 1 ,- - -
-. . ' 'down to 1855. '- - •.
A kmafiSe, 4 the office and duties of-Aldermen and
t.lie..Peace in- the Cottunonwt;alth of Penh
syltania, pr.l4diuk ail 'the required Forms of ProoeSs
anti Docket', Entries; and-embodying not only wit
ma Y be, di . ed iralnablo to justices of the Peat' ,
but to landlneils i . Tenants , and General Agents; anl
making this - Volume what it purports to be v ,4 Sai i e .
Legal. G-uill for Beninese Men. lly John Diem ii t a
Alderman of; Walnut Warit'in the City of Phifadel
! pbia. Thii Sixth Edition. "Revised, corre," etetl, and
greatly enfarged by Frederick C. Prightiv, Esq.i.Au
thor of '-`4 Treatise on the Law of Cost's," “Equity
JUrispindef:nee,"! "Nisi • trius Reports," Edito: of
"Purdon'sPigest," &e.: In one thick volume: oc
l-taro. PripeonlY $4,,0.
I - ' ills 4- ' Companion to Binn's Justice.. .
.2. : . 1 . ibtliniON'S POEMS. i -
.... Forms of Conveyancing, and of Practice in the
1 Courts of Nattn'on Pleas,'Quarter Session, Oyer and
Terminer,*te Supreme and Orphan's Courts, And the
.offices •
of ra t evarious Civil-officers and Justices of -the
Peace,. rptirthi edition, revised, eorrected, - enlarged,
and adapted . to :the' present state of the laws; 7-wlth l
copious, e#ilanatory .-Votes end it eferinces, and. a
new full, trust comprehensive Index. Ey Robert E.
-Wright, }sq. -I.n .ene thick Octavo Tolerate. Price
- only $3,4. - ',.... :, - Atso; ' / .' •. , H
3. • StrOtid land Brightlrs Puriloifs
I [lll2 . ll4efit-41. 1 700 to .1106.
A Ilig,eit of !the
,titers of Pennsylvania,
.f, apt thy
year i'7406 the •Stli 'Jay of. May,' 1555. 'Ai: , fitst
Four ' - iEdiiiims: by the• late .dohn Pertly,.Esq.- T'he
Fifth,lSixiii - ,' , atitl Seventh by .the Hen. George al.
Stroud. Eighth Edition Revised, with Marginal Ref
erences. IFooi Notetito the Judicial Decisions t- An
-alyticid ccinte.nts; a Digested 4.yllabris.of each Title;
and it‘- Full, and 'Exhaustive Index. Tly F 44.-
crielt; ; -(1. }rightly, Esq., author of ''A Treatise on the
Law of . ('Osts" "Erprity Jurisprudence," "Nisi Ptri
us' Reports," Editor Hot "Flinn 's: Justice;" Sc: One
thick RoY4Oro. Price only /34,00. '-l•
1 .I
- rirTlfe fres'lness:and permanent Val - ue:dr, "'• - nr
don's Digest are preserved by the 1)0)(11c:1:ionannu
ally of a Dl4est of the Laws enacted In each year
These al/inept] Mfr.siir are arranged in precise con
formity - to thm pl'an of . Purrlon's fbige_‘t. They are;
each of ehe:),),' reprzbrisbe . il antitnifif; are connected
together .;.i)y, a General Tilde's, (prepared anew each
, year,) which embraees the contents of the Laws;,. of
each yeaisinee the publicafrOtt Of I'ttidon's 'Digest; in
one rtlpluiNt;; and are bound up with 'PllitlOlrii ;li-,
gest, andl . olso'sold separately. ' . , t
Thus theTirrchaser of ]'union'sDigest will alwriv:--,
be in pos'iesion of the complete body of the Stattite
Laws of Pennsylvania down to- the 'err hour when
he warr.bitit It. Thirst who bare alr,asl...- /Purelti,ed
Purdon'sPlgS•st may always _complete it to date for
the smallpfunl of 'Fifty Cade, the price of the vol
ume vontidning all the annual Digests issued sice
the firsiviblication of the present cal:ie:l Of l'unitin'S
Digest,_atlieretofore, stated'. -
N -i • K'2 . iy. & 11110T11E11, - . ' - -;
.. - ILAN: IlenOrt.e.r.its Aso PrIBASIT',...r,,,
.t: , ~ "17 & le- Smolt Fifth S! 0 , 1. .
Vii'..i.t. Storelabovc.Chestant,l'hiladt;ipltia', -.
. rLy' - Orders -or letters of' inquiry for T. : l,ar floOli:: ,
from thelcOuntry prOmptly attended to. 3:7.tran
• ' ' ' ' _ _._ _ ... L.
- : •
. ' f• i .Sheriff's s;i.tes. .. _
._ _._ -
nv vitillit or a wt:' of 17cri Po criam, is.jued oul t of i,
the Court,Of!Comman Pleas: : , f -SuAqn.yhattna cow ty
and to'n:4! directed, it *ill ,exposa to sale by put lic
'endue, - tit the Court. House hi 'Sfoniro=o,)a Sat tar! ay
the itleday i.X. August next, at one o'cli,ilt *r. .m.,—
Ail that kertafo piece or paned of land :Itnate is the
toirnsitip nt Oakland in said county, and brinnded as
folloWs, t o Wit: Beginning at an oak sapling on the
north bank of the 9,lilicitichautav River ; thence north
/ ile7rei east 349 perches 'to a yelloW oak sapling ;
thence spidlt ,s(ti degres- - east. lit i and 840th perch.-
es to a afhite oak tree; Thence south -2- ilegr.;:e_4 wnst .
25'1 and ii.-10th pe:ches . lo the centre of the highway;
thence ((Arts 7G degree' cast, •21 - . and 4-10th I,erchts
to a stab; thence south 2 degrees west 31 perches
to the Sitsqueltanna,River;- thence down said river
as it wires and turns, to the Ooze of beginning,' con
taining, 131 acres, more or less, with the r.ppurtenan-
Cc's, 3teed, 2 barns, a small orchard, - inul
shout 7 arres,improvcd ; tiling the - same land to
eentiv c .ter'eved to Thomas Jackson and 11. C. C 015,1-
'win, and fdrmerly occupied lis- Daniel Van Antwerp,
!Ch .rlesNewhury, Martin Wade and Elijah Wcs:fall.!
Takei hi execution at the_ suit of Jared W. Graves
vs. JAI B. Seovill.: • : -.
Alsr4r-By vii tate of a like writ vii. Plaintiff for costs,
- -
•atid Fancy Dry Goods, Groccric, , , ilardware,
Hats; Ceps, Britits and Shoes, Wall Piper, Drugs,
Dre Stuffs, and Oils, .t which u ill he F3 d.lf t s the 1p
as the cheapest for mil or annoyed credit by
IlarfOrfl, June Ist; n. 11. M. JONES.,
1../LACK.Oro.Ie Rhine Silks of eicellent quality
• i'faf. • lI.;.JONES'..
1)1a few mantillas by If. M. JONES.
: 1) iiiif - inde-clothing at low pricesby
7 •
• XV , •
' --- W - 1h •
ri A Ski paid for Wool 11.31: it)NES.
* lf arford, June Ist, 1855.
"tA,,SII paid for Dairy Butter by
Al"d assortxtrent of Boots and Shoes at
11. M. JONES.
- •
. 11 EAS,13u and Coffees of fine qualities and at
• ikir - Iricealy 11. M. JONES.
...atri4 s
--e, r)
1J find a great variety of Bonnets an
: Ribbbrat at . • H. M. JONES.
r 11, t rrege • e yea and Gingbams
A. -oat •
IIdBRO - IbiklNG; aTni:WirianiDraperies
arford June Ist, 1665. 11. M. JONES,
• .
• Wool, Wool, Wool
10 0 0 P ZT: f ur wan ted
whichthe highest tthnn er's
price will be paid in CASH,•by
12th, 1855. A. LATHROP. tc
hammer Stuffs.
A fikrge MockNool, Linen, and Cotton stuffs for slim
mer *Mx: Fl my of 4 4 - Rd !id - Print& Please call
anit see. • F. B. CIIANDISAL
gay 23.
May 221 , • I. L. I' OST & CO's.
single barrel,• and e*tra fine. Rifles, for sale by
*ay I.) A. LATHROP" it CO.
AWN'. Stuff: id thr
T 1 AWNS, Prints, Suiomer btu.4l, am ae comowl
14 sorts of Dry Goods at TURRELIIK.
OF 'ME Ftrf,l2ttEliANsx comar
Fair au cl Cattle Show to belt
Itlolatrase, Oct l Ith.
i . i .. .
; I .. krru
For the beat;urham Bull,. two years eel
- a ards. .-..t.: •
! 2d 1x....5t,i. , .;........• . -.........'., .... ...
For the beet Pefon •Bull, do, . : .'2,..- •
2tl best,i'..l.. • . ' • •
•For the luiltCrade or Mixed,..... • ~
tbl best,;.; j. ....„ ..-!.. ... !., , .
For best Mils, as regards flirm .and appearen
21 heSt;.:.l • ! ' ! ! ,
For the liesrileh Cow aS appears from maul
-2d be.sq; . . - ! I
For the best two years old licifor . I
24. best,. ;- • . i
!.! 7 ' 1
3d best,. l ! ....-.... . . ... ......
For the best ot of store Calres, not ICSA than II
2,1 ,best ) ; 1 -•,
1 . _3d be
For the best pair ofWorking 0men,.......
2.d best,;} • i
34 best r t . I
I For the bed{ pair two year_ old Steers!,
I 24 bes. 1.1...! . .
1 ail best '!. . , t
For the be 4, lot of Tearlinks, not less titan fk ,
20 best, 1 • .
3d best,. ; . ..- . ! ...... ~.....
1, To the tawathip , that will send to . the Fairl
ten yoke ;OC - IVorking Ctsen, . ! !
; 4 d be5 f t,..1 1 .... , .
-; • I C.IIVE.Y. •I : 1
For tiolbelt , tine wooled Mich,. .... . ... .. I,
' 20 be,it,..l • ' • - • . ! -.:
For the best South Ilown 'and Middle AVoo
2.1 belt, i ..... ! 1
- I
I For the hest long wooled Runk, ~...;
1 . 0 4 beat;;....
I For the best lot 6f . fine wooled - Ewes,; nut '
. I, .
three,. „ ;
~,, .., • I
..... • I
. ,
20 best,A ' ...... ....-.. :: .. as .'
. For ; the bealt lot -of South Down or told , T4. o lr.i
- 24 best, ..........!. . •
Fur the b•iit lot of long welded,. . -
Ii •
For .the 34. , •fi10nr,. , ~
ht 4,
!lest s(ttv,,„
Rest lot.'or,
241 Wst,.
: 4 • '
• ,
For Iwst Stallion for all work •
241 . .. .......
Best !wool) Marc,.tvith.colt Lr her eide,
•~1 hese; •
Best pair Thatched Horses, ralwii in the co
9.4 best. '
i :.i , , . rotTi.Tur.
For tlo , iilirstlot t 'or any brood sent lezi4 tlct.
.2,1 1 T .1i... : . .........
dl.nst f • ... ~.. ~ . :..... : .... !
Ft 1i itatttr,
:;(1 Ire •
For not
ad' 1.;z25t.;..,..
Ih3t \:k;1!t" .. .
. .
• . rtri r. o 1
.: •
:..For 0P11,r7t... -- ariety of Fall :;p1,1”.4, Lri: !..:,,,
loasittl,4 ~ ' . I
'..!:i B( 4e.... '
Bost :liccij:ntt of Graptv, ......... 1 i .....
,1 ico,it..
, , i
For ';014, :nom the 'hive
•stro}it; Ikea, , •
2tl Iteit • '
!i • Domra-rro• mANt-t - sen - Rrs.
Vo7 Flannel. ,not ya
:20 .. •
11.1 1.1;•t,
100 tht t,!eit Woolen Clotb; d 0.... .....
•- • I
For din lac=t Woulnn_CarpetiDg, rit less
For tlif , I - lest-Rag Carpet, .. ..
1 0 ;t„,
For thb test guilt of any ile:,.crii.titits‘
, •
- •
Fur Ibe-4 halfiloze.r., Viorikti
) 2d best,
For Ornatnenthl 'Seellli k,
merit:. ' •. . , , .
, .
For thO .tre-....1 Worsterl work, cortic_kao of
For the hest vairiet3' of Flowers," certifier,
• i 1 LI:ATIILIt AND .ITS m.....NrratTrt
For ill't;iiest 2nt _Sole leather, .
lieit Iptiorliarness lentl)er, '
Best 10tiOr Calf S.kinS,
Be3t, dottble Carriage Itarne: , a,
Be,t iiro;tlite
lies". :2i* ,1:2 .
For tiie,lre•st Saddle and Bridle,
For ex.bfbition of Cabinet - WO, :c
tAr.NI iltrL;:my.s.r•
For 014 heat Plow, for general;use,..
2,11 Ws:, • do ;
FM thelwet Harrow,
. 4
". i :best Cultivator fur C0rn,..:..
" i be=t Corn Stalk cutter . .43, )0
". :. ,best Corn Sheller, - . .4.4 2,0°,
" !-;bes - 1 Churn, ' i - . Clo
- 1 -4,
`` .
lest Ox. Cart, - - . '2,o° -
4' T 'best Horse rake, ... 2,044
1' best Hay, - 4 .2,00
" 4 lyeA Farm Wago-i • i 4 27,u°
" 1 best lot of Butter Firkins and Tuhs,... 42,419
best Cheeee Tre.s.s, • :
...„ i2;04)
To:the person rrho shall exhibit any .impletne . ni of
his Own invention, Witich,_in the opitaon tithe .Com
tnittee2 it worthy 0rmerit,........... . . ..... .-L3,00
rII73ItrXIS 70111. Git.stlt : are tobc ar.j:trdect .it the
meeting of the vocietv,in;Japnary: • '
lor I'l4 best'crop:tif:Wititer Wheat, not les.s than two
. aercstc.'...:;,.. - .L . . ;5,00
2<thest,.it . 'do • ;3,00
For tliiht crop ofSprini; Wheat., d 0.... - €5,r.0!
2;Ettest, ' - do ' - ''- 3,00 '
For the best crop or c'orttollottras Ottit throe tereil,,s,oo
i ' 2fl he...,..1, - -i, - ; ..; do. ' 3,n0
Fort hest crop or l'otitoe.., not lets than ow , l. half
f - , ; r ;
~ f,.5 , 00
acre,'.'... . ;. ............. .. -....-..,
i For iliel.)ez , t CoOhing Stove, cii?t,itt the ..nlty, c',:rtii.-
~ .
I caste sit me: it.
-:[i I . - ra..lcKsurnwics.
j _
Fo:- tili; imt:t lot of Horse S hoes i i.,r 0. ..,...i.....c.ii,(0
: I F. r i 4 heat for the, farm-..... , 1,00
'F4i flu! Farmer who will eliew the Li.
gil.,:t::..At r'esuits
1 glom' lii,i, train, ilw the peat year, an. prt?Portion io the
t nuuthea.: of lanes hopriireil l ''''4 l ' eerlitt;tc •of ;merit
and .: I . 1 - .'., 110
2d 10...t`....d0 .... -• i . i10..thi.:;.3,-(11)
. .
The fitermiv , . Cotnmittee in i 1.r,-tentin;-; - the pre-
!Mutt/1 , 1(1r 1555, are gratified in! olferizt...t• to c(impet- -,
itors-the most libeialll-4, that int. , tte•M laid i ) efore i
tlik-in ;,Itiltl it is hnpcd the exhibition affil be inozr c>.
tent.i'ift, thlin at any' former peliOd. - ThHe nalvcr was 1
a tioirallen the Agricultural interest Was sow:lnit.-,
hwn.iiin the county, and hold oat s!:f.-1/I L il:ducetnots. 1,
It is tru , ted tii t erefore, that an linmitm a ,s, m ,'„ 1 :40 1 ha
aideoo essel. hilly to develop the resource of- the'
coniit;', will be liter ally supporteal--.App:,..4" oitts for pre= 1
ntiml4 (lit timin and Potatoes a:A , 1 . -2(titi:eteti to give
thi...Spotk of cultivation, and furnish tlih Society with i
cottililete proof of the qtauttity raisell.• Applicants ,
gr 4 e..
• fer. , 'ulinins on 3lilch Cows for Butter, will ,state the '
S-C :in
quautily Made. in y one week during the
t 4, ..!a.:. . , 1
Pir , rSons presenting Agricultural implements:- arc
r_efiqited to furnish a description of! the -article.
. .7:41 tnable tho Committee to' give ':l'. ttklilititinal in
terelitto the exhibition, it is earnestly irequested that
thos ! r, fAho take an interest in the stteeess of the SC,
CiCiy. ',rind who!,r thing that its on-it:Mem:A
or Curious, Will send it forinsttection.
Tnox.ttt Ntrnomox, . ::
'. f.-• ',, . Axraf:ti llsiartris,l
.-- .
• Titus. d'anztSOtc, - 1
:ti: 11. If any thing lui"...i)een overloiAceA in !the in
! twniiteernent of premiums, it will be r`x,ctified,l' ' on tip
plit'ation itt any, member of the conlnottee.
I .;Furubhing lOsfablittipineut.
rOIE subscriber keeps Oonstantlr on hand ; and will
rake td order, Doors, Riluds, Windovra & 'Window
saab ;Toor and windowifraines and all - other:artieles
of wood and used in building.
I •
Minds painted and hung on ' , bort - untie e. 'Glass of
biz, quantities - and qualities lbr side.
dlobring planed and matehed at • #I6 • Ca' s'2 o per
100 'feet. Tuning of all kinds done to order, also
a Feneral assortment of CA.BINET WAitE.
Dui-emu+, Tables, Stands of all 'varieties
Illethieids Settees &c be. I •
!Gobd Pinei. Cherry . and Whitewond . lumbe r;, and
G'ritin; of all kinds - taken in exchange for the, above. #
'T'erms ready pay, or- thrft;monthiitime ap
!.proved credit. All orders addresseiti to ma-will
ceive prompt attention. J A.C6B TAYLOR.
i Pan - fttoro, June ltith, 1835:
. i
. •
Id in
nti up
.. :5,00
• —3,00
C. 5,00.
ts, 5,00
• • .2,00 i
ST, ti.,(Y)
• - ; 3 ,0 1 1
.`2 ,041
re, .5,011
th best
led, 9,M)
.. ~.301)
Lvs thab
• 3,04
• .2,00
Aed 11,fit
• • •21(t'
• 0,0-0
. .. :1,00
• • .. 2 , 00
.. 20)
;2,1 I
L oil
..... Luc)
• • ... 4 .0‘)
• .
• 1,00.
,than fifteen
3,00 -
I .
L • • • '
,e of in.
.....-,.........-...,... --,....--
----.- 7 -------. r --7- 7.. "--' r" 4 -4 1 - 7:71 -- -. -- " -, 7 ,--.-- - ,- 'l' --- r- . - ;-..- V - j• - -..-, .
,- ,-- ~. . • ~ ' - - !
.. - - . i 11TRAYED., , - •1 . ;::- q . I Great Attract on il
FROM the enclosure: of the subscriber in Silver . .: P, ' 3 -i .. -- ' :-*r-
Lake - about the 29th of atop tut, fii_ur yearlinp, I . ',
c, P . `.cvt.7 it. il . -. 8 , :r - .111 --....
One white- , idedhuil,itiwoheifers,ono . pale red thei r IIF . , sub.Triber a-midagain an *cmeo Jo his. etei.:t
-other brindle;intered*teet. AVltuver wilicive imy i • .
! • . ricrtsfand the public- rearm iy_thjit liel liftS re
itformat:on of the above uiil he liberally- rewarded. .cei,,o( a large :nssortment: of .71i0( . . TB AND till OES,.-
- • . 'fim- a`-- JIATITNErr- 1 whiet. - he idter(l.s selling_ fur . ./Ita(lv ray. tr. , ,illay per,
Silver Laico, 41.tne.11itli; 1£(55. - . 2 r ,- w 3 .. •I, ceiit.'nheaper Onut ran b..!11011glit in this market, (the
- • ' . -- ' - i-- --- Cren4e - Bt.k;t -mid Shoe Store' down Town' or the •
. • '`.. •
$l,OO p.F.WAItID.• • -
i floire Gbancti.fOr Ilarvins,-up town, not-excetited.)...- 7 .
STRAYED or stolen a liver-Colereit Pointer . ,D6 , *
''' .-"Qua/uStoalt" toil be found the tirst-door East of the
The 'above:reward will bti paid' to any one return-1 Odd Vellowti' Rill, Turnpike street, 'first tlocir. - .'. Al
ing him to the Store of - - ; -',A. LATITILOP.'& Co.'
Ilibugh not imite . so commodions..! as some "st.ofths.".
Montrose, inite 17,,th,18.55:. -' .
- 23-w 3 i pit itlanaWcfra our purpose very well for the . present:l
' - _ I litittibi eing:We'promise onrcustoniCis. th4t our ,"es-1
tabliShinentr will not be,"eurpasied" brim' , Ili the!!
etinntrY soo, but we will promise our customers Ow 1
r ,
.1 will sell Boots, and Shoes to' suit in , quality and 11,
jp ' eel; Our. stock embraces!n general variety of new r,
----- .-- - ------.----r------L-L- 4 - 1 ' -...—,. •I. and ttleganO styles Of Lldies' and Getittemen a wear,
- - - Paints and 0 s. ~ ~ 1 atimm whiih are La& Silk Poi Gaiters, Colored'
rj-INK Paint,•Blakes fire Proof Paint, Linseed -and, Giuters, - hottmeled Gaiters, Mack : and Ba onset' Mos..'
~,,I.:i Lamp Oil,.Pluld Mut PheSgenevold low by
~ . .
, . . .. . ' I.II.XITANDLIIII.. 7 1.strth Iloots,lßnarneled Boots and .Enameled Buskins,
Sane tleth,ls:.l. ' ' ' _ 1 Kid Ruskins, Polkas Calf Lace Beata ainl.BuSkins,i
i Misinis Ridißoots, Jenny. Lind GditerS,, , ,Gents Con 4
; dr 4 eA - Patettt Leather,..Enarneled tindßuckskin Gaitl
' 'ltrit, - P.atentf, Leather Oxford Ties.,-Toilet-filips, Preneil
.ettlf iloots,i Thick
_P OW, -Enameled Calland Cewitich
Itrogitns, Bora' I'atent Leather Montereys, • Kip Bon
ke i
.; roullis' . Monteres and Rip Ties; Cbildrett's Tay - -
ett '
lir t PitridoeSßoattboots, 8:c. 1;i1k 2 116ot LaceS i
'all enters. 1 . . . .
. - . Vir . iirk miule Lb order, avid retailing denctioatly.4.
,IP,lenie. calliand examine. • - -• . -, .-. .. .. - ••!..i :
1. i".. . - ll'ones in the Boot acrd Shoe tradii,
s ' Itl4ev.ose, - May.'l, I g 55. " C. 3.1: SIMMONS. I
- --.- A-- -' - -
k:layiug Tools
. t
goad aysoittnent, &yaw, Snatlis, Rakes, Poi-kg,
LI. --add 11 kintis of Horse Rakes—and stiper:or ,`
Revolving Rakee, at : .F. B. CHANDLER'S 1
June 24)th, 1654 ' ' '
lour. •
BY 01'7' Dariel. Snck ai pound •
Motitk:46., June 2Ath, 156. .
• • • • !\,.
- - •AT • - • •
DEpor: . • .
ASUER & Co. wouldrespectfully anr;creamo '4)
tl their friends rind the. Pidgin' generally, that thar .
keep conetantiv on hand a full aranrtment of 14111. gr,
Made Clothing, Boots and ShOeu, Hata and ( . ..upgoliia
• every thing else pec*tiary f4r nienpia women s Feez.,
We. would Turticularly all the attention' of counti) -
rcl6ts to our large stock gf ileady : Xade
of our own mainifacture, whiill'we offer iii,vltoloi!rie,:
at price 3 that will-afturi - gtezi intile.!ment 6 ut ca ,311
and sliqrs-tirae etitinners. . .
A Into stock ofeletlio, Oursiw.,eres,.,SW„
kept. antitaotly on hied ,far perf,(l,?airous of hay
frig clothing mall:: to • •
Order:4 'punctually 'atteudetl to. •-.
Tluultifal fur past"farurs,. wn ho ~ o to merit a con
tinuance of 60 aatno. • ASE1E111; Co: •
SuAquchanr.a Depot; Fa., !lay 13, isrx. •
A. tlinifilitttritor'n lit °tire.
XTOTICL: it her - eby given thatlettere of admiriistra
1. 1 tion upoti the estate Of GURSIIO:tI BUNNELL, I,- - - ,
late of the township of Autamn,Eleceased, haVe„ keen I ---- 1 --- i - • .
Proci:tinaiic)r.- • i
granted to the subscriber, end all persona; indebt- q , -. '.I ; •
ed to said estato will
. please, make immediate pay- ;z...`-'4l4'/"10/1""-1;(-1Q2111/Y s q . - i -' • i
:cent, and. those hayiug Clairn,i against-the -estate 1410( S Lt.:us-tot, ) In the COllll of Common i'ltlis
•will please prei;erit them dtily•attested fur settlement. 11' 1 . i . ye:. . - l• of said connty,ofJunuary•Tertn,
• t.
JONATIIANIIIIsZNEI.L, Adnt'r. -It VdazA trroNsr.n. ) 1F,'1 . ,:;,,N0. 20. N.
A-rbritx, .Time 13th, Bits. ' •- , '' lb Eliza Leonar : Whereto a Su - bp - eon in Irt
... . • .'l.m..ce was rsimed to . ..Tann:try Term, Is,5S, chich-mits .
•-• .. -: -
New Good o, -C!feap tpr. Gas!).
.e . • :did" returned non rat ineentue, and tberebn an a/lap
:Clr. 'MOTT has just receired another lot of ;i . e.* sul?po.nt was issudd in said cause, returnable to Altril
_./ Goo d.% Such aS Chaile4, !trap Delaines, D.' 'Tetra, 1355, upon the return of which proof 4113
Tinges, Collars, Elul,: niih-tive, Lnwlis, &e,, which 11 , ' nr4ti;! to the said Court that the said I.llm Iconitrd
oifers at very low prier's. :Stratrse: Sltawle t rt now lot (maid mit be funm] in in Bailiwick. 1
some beautiful pr.tterns et verykm - pric'es, rdso Illiek I .ithi4 notice is alert:flue to requite
,yfor to apppar
Silk Shawls equally . low _Cr t'ush. befar • th,• Judges - of the said Court on the third 111m
l'ara-sols latest style: ate • C. IV mows\ ~ du tof V.-g• •-
est e-t, to answer.saidcomplaint Cc. i
Black Dress Silk, a splemlid artltie, at C. W. M. 1 i I. P. • ~
. li. P. 1101,USTE11, SW:A
Sqlfluler Staffs in' gree.f , ..varieties, It C. W. M. r i F-. l 4tuitr's office, llontroni June a, 185.1. i
Groceries of all lauds, Turf cheap. Syru , , a dintil -.'i- , 1 • , . .-i ,
rate article at' toets per riallon- You haie • only toil :,TE-1 1 13 LIGHT NI fAUG . .Irg-P.P.A..... 4 ;5A 4 • .
..t • •
coil and ekamir.e, t•'..tbeet.a..l,t satisfied that the "Head ii 77mc •I &II:W .I—Fa re Reduced !.--- TY:rot:J.2li"
of Nkrigatior.," is the place to buy Cheap. .6 4 - . ‘•
rirr.v.attrf,.. i ; 'by Dayliyidf,-
Butter, Eggs, flatus,. Lard, -Sinks, in fact- ii.l.rinds - i l - r t 'IIA \V I ..EY 'Sr, JEN K§' . .
of Country Vrodaet: in exelteng. - •,frr goods at Cash r l4 - 'At E formed a partnesship in llontrase, fur .11e
Pricey. . , '..'-i :' .C. W. MOT T. -i; - pnrpose of doing everybody's . 'BLACK.-
lio...uwei..ftu..o ltl, :1E45. • , . _ II .'i-ItiI'XIIING; at the old stand, near Keeler's 110.
• . Ii teL .W.o have purchased.= entire new EIOCI4 0I -
I /40N, :coruprisitfg a full assort neat of all kind-1i ai
ro.t front tho city. We shall keep constantly! on
liiiral, I:Tlster, rouralandsamare Nail Ittrls,• Cast."'teel.
Tite-emik Rods, Relined Tyre Iron, • nil sizes, Band
Iris;, Spring Steel,..a large assortment of nuillcttble
li6, Coil Chains, Carriage Bolts, &c. - tt - c. '
I .
,• i
• Irbnetl on short notice, and stock found, or matte to
f •
otflierl.ttut?ughout, aarritay hest suit our patrons. 1 •
All business transactions 1111151 be settled once a
Shaul settlem:.,pts- rind long friends .is lota i
I -li
" 00
. . •
New G 04 1 ,14 Chomp •Icu.• - Cath at- 1 ;
7:14, ,, i
I;el.4 , igatiosz. •
r - 1 1 11E undersigata Wfaiilti l'eriPt • tfully tutno;:ec , 4
_t. that' lid f -ellllll4 GQ(.I4/3 'ta the ti al I)lsee4
a7.:(1 that Its lei at,; c . : :tire L.:tocit of flood:: which,
1)3:11EGE I)ELAINS for woe Lay. - L s,
..1.) colors; a yard srld--.! (or oats ll
roes at all prices, nt -! ' C. W. MOTT
3.14 y
- Audito's riol!ce.
Suspleha'una Cciunty
undersigned, ar Auditor appointed by th
-J.2- Orphans' .Court of; said county to dbtributd
among- the Ileint of Th4tall-Burdick, deceased, 04
fund remaining in the hatuls of Avery Burdick, Ad:
ntinistrator, Will attend to . the duties of Lis appoint;
raent at his 'offica iss lioitrOse; on Saturday the 2Stt.)
ddy of July:twit, :it one o'efoett_ in tho afternO , m, nt
which time and place all persons interested will'prel l
sent their clidus; oc h.: f0r,..21;:r. " after debarred frogd
cowing ni upon said fund.'
• VRANKI.TN . FRASER, Auditor.
June 13-, -
. . .
, itock. i vrill:be to their adyantami as well ,
es• ours. Our
Atitit inisto,atlorl Notice.. :!. e. consists in ;part of Bronilciodts; 'Cassimere.s;
N oTicE L. lieri:py o:en that letters of ndniinis:rs- •
1 , Rentticky Jeans Suromer-stuffs, Del:tines, lawns,
'. - , - - ~ • • ..qi,
!inn upon the'est.ate of prat W..t..s 1,. ,df
i d It^ . G* h ". P into, Bonnet,lll 1 oo- P 'll
)1 Oleg, Ing fIITIB, :i1 . 1 ..e, th -
SprillgVille I.o•Xlitiliip, (tiled, hare beret granted to the
; .s'els, Shawls and Black Silks, together with ..a stock .
nedersigned, sind All
.persons indebted to said estaiti 1 df reher Staple and Dry Goods, Groceries,
will Make immediate payment., and those 11:- . i- •
errielt'ery, Hardware,. Boots „end Shoes, Hats,. Sic.
initelainus will, present the siune - • atteiotell fir .
Use, a good riasorttneut of Shoemakers' Findings.—
settleniant. . 'WILLIAM. WHITE, 2% dio'r.%
, 0111 iind examine our stock, awl judge for yourselves
Springyille, 'June. a, 1?::5. -- - . -
. ` 2 . 3 " its to the truth, of oar statement. Our niotteis, ;nick
1 , . -
;. . F.:ock.. item!. )- , , , sales and i•inall profits. 3fest kinds of country_ pro
1 3 OCKET KNIVES. :•', good assortment of the belt rote In,'sen in ex."lllnge for "goods, '',.. ". -- '•
• i —. rands in market. Also Table Kuires and Forkf. .1. ! - .
.1, • - J'..3losS A: BROS.
SPOONS. Silver, Silver Plated, German izilyer, Albk- • : -..
1 Ney Milrerd, May 15, 1555. " . . - -•21m3
, . . _ .._ .. . .
to, and.Britania-ware spoons. , Also Silver, 3ilv6r . - .......•
1411 1 k1 D'UNDILEF AC A.DIEI , I I Y. '
Plated; aril German Silver Butter Knives. ..t , ..,
. VIOLIN STRINGS, Bows, awl all the fixtures,. Ili.'
' - ' t . iThe'' -Proprietor, alr:lntcrtAltil HOOLIIIAN, respect-,
fully informs the public that he has taken this In- .
olins, Accordeome; Flutes, Tuning Forks, Instruction 3.. , ..
800k.i...1.m.. . Y t.ltoa..ioa •.,itli the desit.p' tel fitting Young Ladies and
Gentlemen for the Prefession of Teaching, according
FLUID LAMPS, Fluid, Cempiteue, Car.elle . s, Lan:i . • 1: p .
I . tt+ the' .‘:Ormal Modeil odor fitting Young Men for
Oil, •tic. . :..- ;
) FAMILY. , GROCERIES. A full assortment; new - tati 4il Y q t 1 1" ins/I ' B6f lir ' ' • .
. . .1 -This Institution is'situatil in the pliasant, retired,
good. t ' , . , . ' l a: and healthy village of Dandaff, Susquehanna Co`unty,
DRUGS 4: PATENT MEDICINES. A first rate . o . 1 . . • -,. . tb t , . tio-no and
. i 1. a., am. at ar.exposect i to 1 many inapta
sortment, Mol ceniiine. '
? kices that are dettirnental to the Intellectualand MM.-
,_l geheralassortmeat, and of gopil
ill. advancement of Sthdents. The' Preeptress,Niss
quality.:. ' .!• .i M. Ji Swart,. a bighiv kalutated and - accornplishoil La.'
• JEWELRY. A spleedid Va.-iety of the neatest pat; ~ ... . •„ •
• , r icy, 3i.111 take e•ittrt chit' rge of the .Young Ladies both
terns. ; • I
FANCY tioons. Nearly every thing in thisbr;tie Y ir; - . 1 " ai ' d .out Pf . s'tilieal Dior kill they be allowed to.
attend peu-ti ,. .!..?, or any plane of.amusement, without
PERPOIERY. A Choice viriety.: (New stipPlias
the extf'.ese. pormisalibrn and attendance of the Teach
receiveditearly every week.] •
'". Ors. I Miss Swart will !give -lessons also Ornament
. In short; naarly,ovarything persons w•ant,-and cheap
at tbe ,. 4% - riaty stare-of:. - ... - A. TUItRELLIi itil Needle Work, French, Pencilling, Crayoning,
Montroin, June 14.-4113f55. . , .„, , 4 . One of . the prime objects of this Inetitntion ties
' .
NoTr•C:10. • - ..i . :Course, for tim benefit of those d , c_siring to make Tench-.
N applicatton hai been matte to the_Court lot ing a Profession. The whole canner. of Instruction
LX,. Common Pleas 9f Susquehanna county, to feint requiros . thime years.. :In this course it has boon the
n Chili ter to the Fast Presbyterian Church ef_Dra_ . 'objeCt te enthrone those studies of practical utility, as
ock Corners, of ' which • all persons , interested Ain in-ell / as thoso of an educational character; 4.!.l4'grt ! at '
I.4.ase•talee nOtide,arid:gorern thetasel •.es acediudo.. curd has blew taken to Se thissify ar.d arrengethem •
,• 'as tit present to
. the student tri easy- a sadation, from
iY• .1. I , ,,'...f S. D. WELLS, l'retl
per FR ANK.LUNFRASER, Dep.n.. .
nbiett to themost difil t. ' ' - • •
, the 'eltriplest,s.,
ProthoUritary e i °Moo, llontrosi;.Trine.l:l, I .....1;;;;;-ard Pupils will not be hurried through - i'. superfietal
---- ----- --1.1 . , eoeise of study; tier will they bo encouraged lei an
.. ~. nedne fir:deeSs for any particular science, to the erg
- • lett of others; but such deotimil _will by '.pursued as
• Iwilt lend to a sistematicaldeveltipment of ail the Pow
ors ofl the minkt4y directing the thoughts to the study
-of principles and 'the relation of cause and . elfect, in
n :wind of isolated facts.
1 -- oinriton Eng. Branches, per ter of 11 weeks, . $4,0()
I:4:4 1 / 2 r, . . lfi 11
- 45,00 :
. - .
Latin and Greek mare each, ." . '
. • :1,00
French, German, and Italian, ." ! . • 4;00
Pencilling, Crayoning, and Drawing, .• • . •.. 3.00
m•ikde with use olPiano, .`i . i : 10,00
Vo'cal Muni,c; - 1
•. . 1 i 00
i .
llosrd per week, . ", -- " - - -1 -- . lii"f )
Those wishing to board, - themselves, can procure
suitable rooms for the purpose. • . I .
...• Board and Tuition hills invariably is advance. -
The Second Term of this Institution will Cowmen ze
Mtivl . Oth.; and as Studies .will then. be tirrr.nged and
eit4iiilled, Students are part4nlary reptested to be
present. . ~ . o . . ; .
For further information, address the Principal.. :
. !We, the uudersigeed, cm ender the Present exp,i
"riiir.ceil rind efficient Board of InetruenOrs, tyhontre
practierdly familiar with bq Northrd Mode of instrue
lir, with implicit confidence commend. the Handal!'
A adenty - to the favorable consideration of those pre
paring themselies fur. Teachers, and all those who
desire to give their gins and daughters a thorough;
practical, and liberal' education. -
illev. 0.• N. -Toon,
- [Trios. P. Ptitsxv, ES.q.'
\ ' Dr. J. GOODltlell, - .
IW. 11. Stamm, ~.
.IJ. II: Puitis, Esti.
L . : Beta. Avow.
I Dundatt . April 13th.,
.113 . 05: *
)41 1
211,1 If
3,1 In
Cremis for Land Airryrratitl. •i ,
IT ItiIIEST lIARKIq PRlCE.'prtid by • v
IL . ... , 1,. F. FITCP4
2il v 4
MoLas rlif.b, jurie :5, iF4'.iti
BEP,;( . .l,:i°,7'tsh,:v etovi'ir'',, f f7,;u d ilnupteitornta l leti.ftf - rn's
_DA GLTERREO.T.YPER 0 OATS will lie closed fpr a'
fen weeks. 1 will duly appri,',i )ou of Lily return,'lnni
th , :n hope to End yon'tlelply impressed with thelinc
cessity of getting yell: fixes taken. t
Ge, i Fellows' ;Hail,. :3b.,ntrose, t %V.i
• - 11.4 21, li'4s. )' . .1a .. 1
ITALLOO, ,liiALIA),:), TilThS W4-.11
r VIE subset iiier %vital(' Inform the citizens r.f httnt.-:
I. . rose hint the public gent.ral!y that ho Las hotight:i
th. 2 Grocery formerly kept by F, U. Fordhant 51C0.,1
in Lyons ,and Citandlofs huildh g nn Chestnut stieet,,.
in the of Renal use, whore ho has a. fresh as
sortment of GM/MTh:ell; and will keep coustantli otii
hand, Flour, Oysters, Choese, Sn,,,crars,. St rup, Moja iy
Mackerel, Nuts, . Csndies,. Toys, Orange s and Lenions,.'i
'Figs, Prunes . . Sardinos,Soaps, :Vinegar, Coffee, ariedi
Peaches andPlduts, Herring, sack. Salt, Pies, Ciikes,
Beer, Yankee Notions, and other things too nuincr.
0119 to mention, ',which will be sold cheap for mitt or;
most kinds of eountry - produce. Call and seti
1 share of public patronage is solicited. S. S. moTr. 1
Montrose, Match 7, 1855: .. il
110110 E.
AOCT. R. MAYER, takeis this method of. stiyink
If to his fri.unls and customers, that he has Itgabi
resumed the practice of medicine, at his old atod, at
liontmee, where he inay be found at all-times tfulesii
professionally employed. Me would my to th*
debted to hini,i that" he will deduct twenty4l* pet
cent on all accounts paid before the first 'of April neat
(or if any poor like myself I will deduct fifty.) „t
Montrose, Feb. 20, 1855.
• Adnehelltrator l e
VOTTCE Is hereby given that letters of *jail
11 tration de .Ibonta hen eum testamrnio ,ainteri)
upon the catateiof Wise NN:right deceased, haitiboeb
granted, io the itubsCriber, and all persona intfebteiil.
:to said estate nee requested i te
_make immediate pay
ment, and those Lasing claims to present theti duly
attested fur Bettlet4r,L, F. 13.A.14.17'1t1ter.
Brooklyn, May 10,-:1 85'U. ,
• 9 a w 6
r•Pllb •cop2rtnershirt heretofore existing *for ti
firm of. lltiwl4& lfatt - is this ilsv (Esselte&
April 1, 1855. G. R. 11 - AWW...Y.
' • C. W.
The notes and.tecounts' are is the hands oflC.ll.
3.fott for Collectioni ',Those interested - will pie,l3:- . 4.i1t
as soon ss convenloe. . . • E •
To the Public.
01fr f ll .Alifl3l D/LIENS GOODS.I -- SHERIFF'S SALE.,_ ,
1 14
ILINTILLAS, Laces, 13crages; Ntiorke'd Collars 4 i ijiY VIRTU'S ofa writ..of - LeliartivFaciaic -- *lied
: i• Par-Lois; taiuns, flahlonable Bonnets, Pane, (a i 11 from. the :Court of • '7ottunon nowt., of
Ott* 2 tiatflrttn6at - in each. department,) a spiettdd i hamia eontiti• - and to me tilt-Cited, J. tair_e4- v
l i t to ~,,ii, antiquit. Trimming, Staple tionde. of twit' ;-sale 10 piddle Teurine; on the firert4l6'etho — t
Vanity, • tfkubing,'(alarge steelc,) Gents' and 'Bora ;.11ousj, in Great Bend township - ,-104:Alldiiieltit, Vith •
Ilatiij (sii4 . and b tutunor.). t'liAlls.very low, Calivoli ,4)f.dttly lutit, at 2 o'elock in the : , ifterndtkvaMl thift.
trurt.;.l cents:l6l sbiltin,;,. Carpet's, llntring„ Oil-clotl , 1 certain piece or parcel of laml'aituateit in' t lOfirirrgle;
I l in d , gus , 4).- • ' • ' ' ' - ' ' . I hi. Great Bond township,and tit the.county:of Stariae - -
flairti Ware—Gem= "Silver & 11.6(1 Spoon*,.l Minna, bounded and described' Eut - folloW.; toa I wii,: Be:
"iiicst atl Forks, • i,.
• . ' I ginning , at 'a 'rant In the South- westerly linZr;,'ef the,
Ciro rexqes—Fidh, ' n :Cure assortment of Teaq,.t.4.lreat Bend .4-, Ceeltecton turnpike, the edutli.eastertt_.
C-ofttes, ISt mutt Tapies, Rice,. Clu.eplate,. Ifahtia4,l side, of a large chestnnt treaat ticonter about:here- -,
ilroluld rolfee, 'Corn Starch.. ..
I I tecu'e cenveyed to the New York &Aria- Railroad
t, l ' .ITerfismer—lley Witt , ..r; Toll:A -- ilO., Geuin ', CMnpany ; thence south 51 . degrees and .00 tair.itte.4
ravens. di). Extracta, German Cologne, a large stodk ! west / alor.g the line of the' said Railroad . prippanfe. , •
'i, , f
. PhreYro3pp,&e,&. ._.. ~ • _,.. .... lands about 11.4.. feet to a corner Thereof
i *e an, sittr e l TOOIS-!--llay Forks, 'cote Snfitti?., s ' north-Westerly along . the flue of said Cotatutnealatnls
!R a lf, s f,:e. ~ ; .c. . . I . L. ro'sT k c i- f \ ). I shout 182 feet to the, north-westerly; side 'of ' a;loctust
- - - - tree liith' illo trunkd,rabout 7 ,feet from said. Hue:" ,
thence north rill de{,mees east, about 213 feet to the]
line of said turnpike, the north-westerly side ofit gate
4 ' pit ; thence south 27 degrees east altmg.theilineof
1 said turnpike, .1.79} feet _to the place of begi n ning,
I containing six tenths of an acre .of land more or.
I _ l ess, now erected thereon a large three story, tavern
house, known es the. " Bryant House . ," with a large •
barn,•.hed and str.bling,ice'house•and outhouse s; -and
all it s roved. - . - '
Taken in execution at , the suit of Lowry 'f*ext vs.
CltileB.l.l. Bart. 'P. I'. 11OLLISTEli, Sheriff..
i Sherlirs office; Montiose, July 3;1835. ' - •
„ ~..
'The sale of ihil. Bryant property above 'described
' is
adjourns4l to Fritlar the 10th - day of ...Augittt' next,
at the same place and same hour as above.'-, , -. '
1 ' F. P. HOLLISTER, deriff..
Montrose, 3uly 2'5, 1856. _ - "
By strict attention to Inisiness we hope to•rceetre.
a jibernt share of patronage. AU work warrnntnid.
B. A 'good 'Journeyman wanted , to wheitu
14Cady , csnployment'aini high ranges will be giveU.
A. E. IlAwrs.Y. • - PERU:I7 .
pion rose, Slay Su, I "4)- 1
.New Goods.. • • I
T 11,1 a
oss -, 1 13'r us. reccivivg theirsupjl
e. ply of Spring luttl.Summer Clo;v1s, r.. 114 being,
coavigcd of the ailvaniage.of lowing ready pay, are
diaermined to tiell 'goods at so low a rate to'con
vplce their custltneira and the public, gent-rally that
, .
i . Prof. Charles'lfilorrisi -
1 ilet.t&ioliuf Chariot" Tillman: BA lellEß, lia r -,
►ing'retnoileit his shop from its !bitter - location id
o basement of 13earle's Hotel, to the rOotn . , in . the
same building; lu the rear of the hat-rt)om
oil to osercise his art- in the most seientthe tuanner,
Op all who nisi- he pleased to entrust their-heads :or
llices to his hands.
- -
- • -22 r t • - . • .
I . and 131111411.
viT INitONt Sash of rations lii243,oonst2atly on him , '
IV T funiished to i orilei. by
- - --...- i. FITIL 11;:sorttn if' IT 44- V .
- ------7 . -- - --- iA . : ell o ar Am, arpenter z and
7i SW. GOODS. ' • , -.. 2 - Joittere Toolli, Putap'clatin, auti , fixturett at' l -
itV E are receiriug this 'week a lot (If 'New, Goods,
,1114 i
_Nevi Milford,- July,. 18.51.1 : : , DICKERMAN'S.
purchased in the city, which renders , our as..artnienti (ail :::.; z.;
'l.4..att A.4. -, ,8 1. - 6`5:; - of'` flat beiit, qualitv for sal ;'
complete, and which wa offer oil the most feeoraktc 11, • e i,- t .' : " ,-, Dioxv - i ii i - v i e _ .t .
arum at Winery building, one door above the 1 1 4 st t -:::-.4----13.-P-2---1----:-4--...-----7,-f-,----;-;-;;-..---' -_—:- 'l7' "" ''. '
fr, ce . - , • • BENTLEY It 8.E.VD.,- - .1 1)10iiii:, FLOUR '..I_.ND SALT by tha - :barrel - or ou t .
i Montrose. Valor-an% S'.- j 6 ,55. ''- '• - : 1 • i 1 erwireot til'e
,ltiwest.pricea at BXCE,KB.MAN't'-
- - ' ,- , - c',. •'.
. Cbitinge.Ot Time. "• " .
ag nf.t,,er glTdsty.. May
.11h, .431, - ,5, the
• .Pisseirger • Tnuit'ivilU ilepart•liorn.Serantortl it
3f..: Due at Great Bend at I:20-r. It; - don:
meeting Y ; with the Thiniark•tipresslyest on the
E. It. B. •Pailengers.talcing this train will attiive
in Dunkirk at 11:15 P. sr., and in .New"Tcirlrat
Iteturiing;:witt lvtie Great Berid"at - .'4, r. m., "
at Scranton at o:4ti ; - 1, • „
. The FreightAneotomothition Train, with,pasSenger
ear atiaehed, leave Scranton at .1 dua •
• Great Bend .at st . :. - "„ennneeting With 'the
Train, - West; :and tho Niiht tspres,4,,qtain
Passengers taking this train prat the Night .f.xpre.M.
West, will arrive in Bunt:irk-at J.?," or:by ,takhig-.. •
-Mail Train West,'*ill arriVeat Dunkirk-at 0:45 0.4 ; • •
ff Reinrning,,will leave Oreat Bends at 7•A• lt• on, lir
rival or ruteutuati•Riprei , s East. Due; at &Tauten- .
12,10 P. sr. " • •
Paasengera for Wilkerbarte, Pittston. Carhoi+kits.
Philadelphia,.(via the - Oatatriapa, Williatusportrind
Erie and Re,iling Railroad, via Tarisaquej-and 'TAW
on, and all.interreediato placee, fled lliat bps
stage.coachori in readiness at Scraisten,qullli turval
of the Passenger - and Ihecoisiniodation Trains" to 'con
vey thens to the• above plaeea.. Those Oboossititult.
vate coisveyanceit find ;the...beat of-herses 'ear-
riagos ofevery dei,criptiOrt,- et winnable chat; ger, \
really to °race: •
• DAL' DOTrilvx, Superintendent,
Superintendent's Office.
• Scranton, Ifity 10: 1130...5 t
• .
T im nit nunrtryf would announce tv -•
.11 his friends w
. and the public that he is no open
ing an' unusually large stock of SPRING AEI - .
15U1(MER GOODS, including areat variety o!' .
prints "from 4 cents to ls 6d per: ; plain , am
printed Lawns, Barege Delaues,-Gingbanis, Brocade.; .
Black and fancy Dress Silks,. Silk-Dream; Tissues mit!:
Barelies, Poplins, &c. &c., with a Superkir'aetantnice• •
of Silk, Broche,.Cashmere ' twalThibet Shawls; .Man
tillas, Parasols, French Lace and Straw and Silk Bon- -
Leta; rich Rihlmis and Flowers, with a large variety
of`other Stapt4 and Fa t ncil Dry G.i,ods.' - ' .
I GROCERIES,. CROCKERY, 411'1) 11:1 RD--
IWARE—Iron and Nails, Boots and Shoes, Hats aml
Caps, - Carpeting, VallPaper,..Floor Oil Cloths ' Paint-.
1 o.l;Window Shades, Clocks, Stoves, Oils and Paints,•!
Flocglis,.&c. &c.; in short, the largest . kind;Or pile'.
Of rich and cheap 0006, too numerous to mention,
but Past the things to purchase; allof w.hich will lie.
Sold at the•tucist reduced prices and on •the .most fa
i voralde terms for cash or approved cradle, , • .
1 .N., B. - Flour and Salt constantly on hatni: , • -
N'ea , Minn]. May 5; 18r" .- • - ,! . "
- • . 11.031. E LABOR Y. -
• . 1 ODRUFF (D, ELDRED: I ..
ITAVE removed to the iMint , distriet, al i •
tera te%,
3 will=be _lad to s i. ,ee,all . their old eustOmers
as many neti3Or,es as picas° to give - them? a
They intend, to keep . a general assortment pf StOves
of r. the .hest kind and quality, :among'whieh may lw .
rind PIRE.V7X and P A ILGOY
WESTERN. ONtEN. The Elvated.OrMiStoves
hive . double fire-places, makes thent fiti supc-,
rior to.tby single fire-place Stoves. ~W e eon
staiit# on hand' a - general toaditment of TINWARE
of a first rate qnality, for honie trade; alsO, Well and
Cistern ratups,. - Pump'eh'ains: and Reels, .Lead-PeW
Of all liaC9, - Jappanned Ware, Ex. E;.e. t all of yehich.
they promtketo sell cheati for. ready pay of appraved
credit. Job workdeem with despatch and in order..
Montrose:, Mal 30; 1825 ii. =.
Mon-S. 13: WKLuI,
- • ".J. M. Cturriwsw,
E. PUINSI(;- •
• 4.11. St..occv, :
• • Rep; Ttnovrru.4.
Books slid StationeryJ
received a'large addition to.tof. stlck. of
Books and Station*; among whibb are: Atonp. -
Look Ahead, (Roe)—NV'plfert's Roost ((rving)..=;.Dr.
Spencer's Sketche—Wonderfut Adveuturea of Capt.
Priest—The` Slave Holder's Daughter;-Liki of Sard , -
Ifougton—,Tane MaY—LThe .3fay Flower Oharriet,
Stocce)--itag 'Bag; (Willis,) be aid&
Cheap:. '
3fay, 112, IN 5. .
nontrose Sta g es!
1 3ASSENGERS will find Stagesat ,Scatles• Motet.
- Won tioa e, P. which run in Connection with the
fol2omng Trains.
Lonvo at 11 A. M. Connecting With the Mail 'NO:
for Great fiend. (This,train nowirieets - DayEapres-.
both East and West) - . -
LCAVC at if P. M. Connecting with Freight TOW for
Groat -Bend, and 'Mail Train, - for Scranton: Crier
Proighilrain moots - Mail Than West - at GyeitTond,
and Night Erpresses both East sitd:West'is
. , • „ - , .••• - •
Loose Depot flpr '4foatrtiao on arrival of all the abo - i-F
tarns - ." r, SEA:IILX 'r
'Montilla% May , - -1, - •
lest ; •
AltE rtoic being lu4d by Lathrop 4 d0.,:t0
those who consign their butter andieseduce l to deem:
They ham in 'made arrangements are now enabled ri.;'
send aU kinds of , produce to New York ;and 'to iell
tho Brune at the highest market . prices. ' AU those
who wish good prices and qui ff returns we' invite to
call upon - &
Montrose. lfav- 1 , 1 56. -
,9 r i n A . Milk Pans of all sizes and ilia' ken
a." 1.../ double cross tin at less than 3 t,5
usufdly pay to sell again, for soli) -by the Su r.
We - have come to the-conclusion to . sell,pans to Far
, niers-as low as We will to the trade,. thereby ,saiinp
! to the Farmer our profit. • Qiir wares, are- warranted
to ho perfect in every Particular or no sale.' , `
- Ternts==eash or Short , creilit.
Now Milford April 1, 185%.
• EW OODS,. ••-.: ; •
T CABE, AT MONT . nosE T.TPGT, has just re.
fl a' ecived• a • new 'supply or Spring and Sumraez:
Goods, Irldeli-will be sold very lowAbr. cash or farm
produde. - i.. .
-18 rocsns good NOV Otleans Sugar fur one dol
lar at. • J. C. LEE'S 144 - Store."
PEA, Coirea, ,Stolimes, Fish,. Rice, and. Grocetiee
• -nr Enda, very cheap r.t •J• LEE'S.
•.• . -
Y quantity_ of Eggs' at 12 cents per_dozen, in
-t - Xlfaxellattge for sonde at J._ C. I.l'.E'S Store.
• - •
. - A 150,.. .
,t NY quantity . of:Butter at It; coati per pouttti,:tii
el-charge for: Goods at J. C. LEE'S Neer Store.
to purchaie for Cub, or Art,el; -
-1. .clutntle for batty?,
,will find Ui tbeiratirestio'.
call and: exatoitio'iny stock of gotills . ;:and prliteleif -
ibbtinvives. , For barter of all kinds - Abe Ittgbeist,viir.:
Ca inay at all tint.ea . 60 volied 011
Montrose Depot.. • - ' =
A FULL ASgOßTlßEFT.,,oriin,sheet
and Copper Ware of ray own.tnaultfaeture LU
1 mule of Jimmy plate, for sale by: •
; " • J. DICKEIWA,N, Jr •
1 ,Nw Maar() I'2 • - .• -