Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, July 19, 1855, Image 3

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. 1 -
Republican.. Convention in'Ohlik --‘ I ins( oitsofie averse, 't yhoNik!ee 1
wed 269 vote's:
...intitots, ii . State.-
- - - Cotrsror§,. Ohib, l'oly 13; - ' ' There Wit s_4l? : noinina
~ m a • tioni tin t lin iiecund ballot, but a .niimber of
„, ht ,..iz epo vi c an Convention met to-oay,;
..,.-; .... 1, .
~ ~,,
2. ,, , e i 0t k.•—....._ ! delvl.4,itt s Itslol.,leavei to change -thir -l'ett,l4
• • 1 -.4-1111./.111 , v tVliOurited till
a fter 01 , 7 ; r - ', ,i
~ „
~.1 a ~1 , 1. , v i5. I and gO foi. - tirler,' editor of the &iota (at
• iti a„,. tc . wan. ill I Lllllollt, Uaz.,., (.1 ..q.
~ i „;
...1, ,r S, .
feit... ilo.,tt,as then on motion nominated by
id, The number of delegates in attendenee I
I th-er,unatien.l • - •
h from
. - , c rt largo.
_ T to Chit : min:um then -
. read it dispute
, - ''Ti . l'onvention re-assembled at 2 o'clock. i
; Judi um. ; The ißt . publiCans of Indiana , sent
. ..41 . 41 . .r. , .'0t 1110 ititernoon were . very
.r , . - i ,
l'he pro.-k-t - , are ting to theihnekeves in Republican .Con
birintotieus.: lid•ites '
No balloting tor car.; . - i •,. - . - , . ~, 1 - -
•;li t i r e s . ;. Yen itin, . ay in,,t tat tenlthousand frechten had
hos vet been had. The following are
,t , -:' 1 - , -'1 i - .. a • -
I v -: i set IC SL4 )1 _ a .
eon emn bon on .flottitlifitee-!
•. ohit i olis, w hi c h Were nth/red lintillMlo . llS . .
~, 1 . „
I. - _.. neism. Their, platform had
I. Recolyed, That the - people;who 4NinSti - !1, "h an d. " , 1 l i . / .
to.; • I beet . :idopted unanimously. ,
tute the supreme poweh of thet7nited Sta ~1
. ~r s ~,I , - . tate Treasurer,—Tito Convention - 110 - w
should guard witli jealous care the ri1...11-• .
_ 4 ,.. , ,., ( 3! .tt i h .ll a. -.
a ot - tor-tate Treasurer, On
'.the several States, itutlas• independent govem- I 11” ‘, l ' 11 e I, .
; --- je,Ti g h. , tiie ceond WIN, 11.. Gibson of Seneca,
Men ..
ts no encroachments upon' chair n . . I . 1. ~
should be 'per- ! Was ch.ostil• ! ' : i_ - 1
the or 'judicial prerogatives -_ .
I, Attorniy Cetieral. D. Kimball of Me
t from any quarter. '- - • i ,
' I din' i evils fa the
2. Resolved. That the people of the State
~.. nominated l office of :A.ttor
f Ohio, mindful a the . blessings conferred; a . Ml..iene:r ., a Mil l the II ballot.- .
ylinsnce of freedom I - B
pard of Puldie WOrks.- 1 11.. _G. Comm
upon them , by the ,oi • . . .
- ~• i 1
whose anniversary our on this • • ' %Cr twas tiontliatedoiOthe second ballot -fur
Co:wend .d . ay 1. 1 , . 1
`commemorates, IlaVi! establishedf-Boii I't Pit ' • 7 •
h for pc) . .. 1 raj o ,ri . it . . bite 'S arks. •
laical guidance t h e fullowing cardinal rules:l . , A l t hick'lo"o'e 'P., At ,- -,; the Convention ad
' 1. We will resist the,.spread of Slavery:, .an- 1 jtiurped silo die, - , ... '1
- :
.'.der whatever shape or color it may- be at- I . :i.,„.. -
- tpted
•t.en •
.2. To this end We will labor as-, 1 , !•- 4 4
. ,
, s iduo_irsty to render inoperative:mil void that;
p' - aim of the Kansas - and Nebraska. bill
„thi c la a balisbtis freedom in the Teriitury,
~., tn
s • odrawn•Xo, the influence. of slavery by
'theNisso - zri Compromise of .IS2O ; - and,. '3.
w e w in oppose; by e,'vervAawful and eOnsti...
rational meam;, the, ex:l . :hence of slavery ;in
any .11;1 . 1i011(11 territory, . and the - tinter in,
ercss e-of,lave , territories, or' slave states: 'in
. t hi s - R e publican oin federney, • • . '
, 3, Resolved, That 010,i-recent. violence and
civil war in lattsipi, inched liy •the late Vice
President' of the United States, and tacitly
enceuragA by •the Exceutiye,,cointnatids . ihe
..- .eraphatie condemnation (if every' citizen,: '
. 4: liest..llyed. plat it proper ietreuchmetit
in all 1;-ublie kxpendittires, a_ thoroughly eco
• uomical'administi•ation of our . ..Staii goveiT
t-a-stt, ajust alai equal basis of taxation. and
s inle , districzs for the - eleetion of inetr.bersof
t h e Ledisialure, are refor ms called fir •13‘'., a
:-4 - c - .-
w i s e ~,:ate poli . ey,.and Justly _deniandial - -by.
_the poople.•
5. Resolved, ;That a_ Slate' Central Cont.-
: mittpe, consisting of- live,-. be aPpointed .lit
thisleonvention, and that said Cominittee.'n
addition to its :usual .dutig..-s, be atitit:4riktql
to correspond • with committees of other
.. States,•for the purpo,'C', of agreeing iipun a
''.:lllW :WA place of holding a N at i ona l c oure. ,,_
lien of the Republican party. for the • noiti 7
:nation of l'reident. and Vice Prssideut.
; it was moved that, the. Convention proceed
to ballot, for a candidate for Cirt;ritor. This
: 71 ,,,ti0n iyith an aitvondinentotfered by 1...; I).
Clunpbelf, that the candidates be required
' :•te abide, by the the ConyentiUn,
gassed. •
' . . ,
s, P. Chase, Jacob Brinkerholl; -les. h.
- S.:,vmui. Gen. S. F. Cary arid 'llirani (iris:,
:, wo l,lwcte put in in numati 4 ?Ii and the reqni:
. site iii , ..l . ft --, gi veil. .-
. • I
' 1,„•.1). Campbell Clatksi that he wit , . :mino
:qed to witli.lra;i - the, name of daeob Brinker
. •-jN4T. _ . . • .
A li ldilli7 i t , );i „ 1 • (VI it ye,:—
mlitcd f;_•!!.ws
One laithirt.oi anal eiglity.ti've, votes . .were,
11..(•ey.sart - ItA• a 11t'Ii iatiUll. 1...ha , e ile
elaied the tioniiiit , e,abd a t? . .t.tninittee,
tidtliiigs, Campbell. - awl
Mr. wait 4:;11 him . :1)1,1 hi
hiiti of 11,c
It WaS movvl.l ofi.iii
itautit-Isaim,ivatcsl. boi.l.llvnt wery probzil4l%
fifty unpiti‘-c N. : voice-%
;Jut tip, / fq. Giwerii%ii-.---The
.t z wing ‘vcre • L . :l . :int.:-
lit' T. B:st•I:p.-% irit' L tiv; -N..
t .. .:)1. ,
.I,f3okus .11".!
Nceoliti Lani 4
Backu. , l ..'35 1 Oids -. N
Ford • . - .._;I4?:1 1.(4ri,,,,v01d• .1,-
'Air. Ford- was dc:!..:larc.! tine nomince. 1 •
-On motir;rl lPf : ,- fr.'Callt . l„inc•t4) BC1111:01 . -
hot!' was nominato..l, ht
.. ficria luil ti op for tits'
long tern of Supreine.Judge. fArtich call/il
slim.] '
During the time - that tht. • •..vol e s for Lied.
Governor were . behig counted the Chair 011-
ncanwed Ilvit Air. Chase pres.ent. and a•
general mit made' he . appeared upon .
the plagen Aort I y o!4.1 gen tl e In;situ
a b;g, voice AkAuted asetakleti
"AN hail..old fellow" •
The fullov, - ino• is an . ab:,:ttavt of the spe4
of Sir : • •
fall we', I 'gat it is nut 11.4 hiEIV, inet:it of mine;
that I have been nominated. .While he con
ceded that there were ipert:iii • the State . bet.
ter qualified than himself 2.1. - s uphold the han=
tier of freedom, yet he yielded to none in de:
notion to the cause 'of treedoM. The juAg
ments of the platform ad.opted - w,et e his judgL
tents. . Tie summed up his creed on the sub- A I
J 1.7
ect pf slavery it:tlie, single word I)E\ aTlCk's •
ALIZATIUN—Iet the general government excr. i'ni
Lisa its legitimate intluecce,oit the side K&
. of ilyf
Freedotii; Bit had in cars past expressed At
definite opinions, add they- stood now -un- i<
clanged. . , 3. ue sentimentrt„to.Whicli..he gave 4:l'
utterance its his . speech ag7sinst • the ..repctd of
the Missouri-Cotnr;rondse were those:be now,:ii:
held. - Ile ivr.s• - wing toLstsl d
u -,-houlder . to- 1 71 . . J. LYONS k SON.
'shoulder with all Men Who's• would stand ' i , - -I , i - iS'TP.A 7 .i. -. . —•— -
~: • , ,
him in the great battle now about to .be ' ( - AAIIE iii l ki thd enclosure olltitt yabscriber,in Fo:-
fought. It would be the fault . ' of his - head : V.): jr.....E4 Latos ton•nship, about ) : the ;Sib of June last,
and his health, 'She did trot go as • • Par as Ilif, : a PaP,' rea.Yeaclin k ' heifer, tyili some
. white. ;on the
• .•,.. bellyl and almin. Calf the bash 1 .i.,1 the tall gone., appa
irthest, ail - as :willingly as the moss.. kin i remq!s . cut of r . !Ti i„, ~„„„ i s m i litesi ,,,i hc, par 0,,,, , ,,,
iinr , in th 6• ' • - f h 1 i I
i" . ./ Cl% OCLIC:- 0. i-C ai.l"..ipt-•D' aw l ihk r ; ;,;,,, I. i.!il l i Na 1 1 l C . zSE Tll WARNER.
•ed' by that _Cott:vent ion., Ile- considered tart i• Fol-eit Lake; Jnly:rBili, 1.135.15' .
within the szy.Lred . lin tit. 4 of the • Constiintion :- •- I_ ----- - "I -- r—%-------•t.---:---s------7--------
1 " ' sen .ypli "SALE.
there' wsn.. :.fs..l.;e. and verre enough for tlie:)-
, i ' I L :,
•i' ... kr .ie.',- oil the must Pberal
aetion of the ~ i tteere-stAnti-Slai•cry Men. lie i r i ''... 1 .1 " 6 foists for tmtkim,--rnoner
w9uhl be toward theS'Outh just and generous ! i . „, N j e rth n ;:;,,., L „ ciluvl s.,, Ti l a, Til e - s od farm ii sitoate,t
He expresss.d his -deep and :unfeigned - grat- - : i s , pilocti,ssu:sisielsaittsaeoultt,g.cOuvenient to Church
itude.for the honor conferred._ upon hini, and.' Gri.:4-itnii!: :lad FaiV - iiiiii• • It gmtain2-16° acres, one
eel/eluded by hoping that the
.tinte triiitht i Windt:Al and-. twi , ,,tive na,sfer a ~ good Arne of
soon arrive when the huts in his course:aer i "itili -ion, Well watilred and . .need, one goal frame
this continent \ ld f. d .. th h" L; Tits . 1
4 vou Pt sat is ea 1 o ~ i
i to e uti t..( t . 28 bY ;it feq, t,FO good barn.; 0 ne,fiondred
good An.‘4l, llng houie, and a good youn•• .orelt
slave. - . •
. . .
• The Lieut. Goircrnoswas called, Upon the" to siatthe ; Ourchisei FOr - infre apply to the pro.
stand. Mr. Ford lair his .nomination tyais l i : P ri g+ ft ike „ Pf L 4l , l ," . • 1 ' Wm.
28 . w .i,
ig ss . ,n
eli , ;Tel ' unexpected. - H - ild support the.;' ,----.`' " r' . "-7- 73r --` l-7 i-- ---- -i
ticket, no;„ bemuse he: w ' litut, bceturge '.. -•. •-
Ile had ; in • • • , . -
as. ic,tez.est it. . , :promised 1
(in. the Philadelphia - Kl'lolll% l Oiliiii,f - i i.. 3 7 (AG :O e igr ai variety ot Medicines at Turrell's
.6 niven . .t ``Store; may ; Irifonnd .all oyDr :. Jayne s
.. justly
tiOu) . ,th4t Ohio -should , s;ta.. - .114: * {,c;r• r• F ..t.d; : celebiuted }wilily IN4....their.eii: Ayres (Merry Pteto-
i 'N11...‘..,- •
. pe,f.ta i.or . reedorn,:i 41.4; - Ifal4v's Forest .Wine and.
and now he. 111.,pecl E ,i ;‘ , v .,„ ut a.. ile:expet,tmi ral a6d Cathartl •
! Fore, i t rills ; Hot, !Id's, ecletifated' Gertnan.Bitters;
to go tlirOugh :die 'State said talk to . all the' Loudines aeries! iFarrilly.-Medic' iites; Merchant's
people. . Everyilcsdy 1,14,-:,iibi ;)c sr - . 1ii' 4 , 1 ,- ,ls , Gargling Olt, thei, greatest rotietly for sprains in plan
mlich as' t.hev watitkA tf . i. -' he.. 1.• ' • .
.. A. 1 , 10 , 414 _ 4 - .., d r v. h , e t r d t i .T 6 'e r r se lie ß tvi iii m o l d ;. y ...M ; atbe*son'slnfiiinl/le Reale
. -- .
to expendp bqrrel of
„prep! . il ; Oriek's Vermifege, and -a
.on --1:s "'"'vas 6 l.varie y-, of other kinds; ra.sles , Magnetic 'Ointment,--,
and he expected to
s ' l / 4.{:lit , t °l n , ItMilvli tiler- . the Tvati'retnetly : for bur s; itienniatisni and all in.k .
rinw.nt.] :, -- , .•
'' -. ' •.. - .• ' Stain ifatit'y,.r.oinplaini4 ; ond's Extract, h .first rate
- ' Mr. Brinkerhoff .was , eilled .. . • . upon lir a ' thin g! g .( "Fin'ilar ittrly- :A 4ftOre: Qisitinent; An-.
: thews' l'ain DeAroviner A .etit,ia.gopst,artic .
. le t 'Wood
sPOevh- fly res Ponded (41-061'.:444, a" 1f1 ".4 ill'. cok's : Balshin adllole'llriinv.,Lbt; Aia'iarirs_Jaun. ,
f o i th e pl a t f ,ra, And tothing - tdse, saying illat -•. (tee pittgri, Cauller //rope; Elnitnent.alikaPYK"nterY
he was not -tc/ th e iiii-or4bre opi;:i.• ' itiviip ; Baker's 'flompould f.-` Dysenteo4,' . ,2,Moitgli/
ion Of good. , - Anon. that. the Convention had . ; t";" 1 Pepsin, furl prolll' • I . l drubohri!'''ntiract ' of
given liito Ilse Plaee - le 'war/1t:4.4.. and-that 'he '• Ig'"!"-`4. and E3tn ' t °' l s'- ' uit P arill4 ; ' j'Arie
tY of
It . .ri - t • 4
-1 0 4 r , , it 1 . , e , aX,k , c'' l'l4'. tlnr: • ( "PPlN'f's' "l a 1"'°:-.''..' c f7 ii i il l lrs tl v i ld/. 1: ;‘ ''t4 4,4 1-tu i' ark aten e t' m Pi i, j u l ' ' it, lg in e e; a u r c i tog n elli al er in .tc os lo t
plc. of ()Liu I, ! lght ; ,-,,A 1 41 ~,i a , „humid 1.,„.;.e.,.,,11m01'a1s so ela tiaCr..tte-o)llt.F.Alfnee it 1.0 ^ SW, that
f.....uct.d.. •' • --- - ' ! Cite pullile LOU /bid Ikkri.itiwc4t . . thing In this fine, :it'
` ' ' die t i )rwg• hod - Fancy Stop ,x TU'IIItI;EL..
• , i./..krote fur short rfiTin ;11141“,; was annuity- •
,' f,'.. - , ' ,-,_ „i 1 - •,•', Moatufsc, Jell-, 10,3 r i •
ed, bat tu, 4.4a/iCe WYVI Inaill`. . 4 .14444 4 ..V..%;.(444. •12 1 '•'" - -j "- , ' .4 A .- .
; 1 .•- -- . - ----- -- ---
rkxse. or - Z;e:g.!••viil4.!.l4l...thi:: highest number f - , --,.: . TE). oAkitirpisnr. ~;.„. .
.14 1. 4 "4 - 4 . 4 S — I,/ 8.4: It was ititiVed that lie 1/e de- ; I,l44.iTTlilt, WANTFA/, 11 1.4 highest inaek.:tt. prim.%
eliim -1 th;. n , - I - -;, „ - 11- - /.. 1 -.. , ,• , ' will .11'OcistiLl'iii - ca.411. for good - Dairy I.lutr 1/y -
, ./ uf...c.A.. .. 1M ,w a.) 0 ijocletl it? ; I 4. - ,i .i 1 - .1.4 • If i. D SAY BE.
:ra' , .l i,;. , !!!!liflr v 411: takeit, sy:..t.tliing. in the tutu- I, .I.tti r ie -..,:• oth, fe 7r , •- 4 :."
. D.
' • --
• r . i i : ' • • '
ea Iml
• .
to scats . wcire ititeailed to acTuntnunlatti
,•nisand ':l)rsoris but. thotigtrt they were
I. to tlivir utmost c4ideity k!are.ely a 're - -
kabin . inoiciy tiO crowd :were amoin
atetl; 7ce lime 14inis . of music w-.±re in
hqanct.... an& their stirriirr st6iirs were in
pr rsetl'llirotigh the procoailuts with fine .
- , "
dwel l
I .llVi
it w
t hits
- r
=Th . , fiat' ,mot rc •
. .
itl Jytin ti:iirehenk war ene litakkv year.;
vn: as ykke ( . 1'. , -, the, Akrewdest I then alltilli:'
tis;infry. 9a f i ct, there were:ntktv per
, iSeho. did : ikiz - )t bes.itate. to . 4:1 that his
shrekciness.w+4 nothing but rase:ility. The
chief' Hold iari t' a u
Old John - i:o, that .14e
,could prove ail thing:under the 'face of the
he . lviens. if ike 01 , )-‘i to do" :so, in; a court of
Jo:nye. Eveu , ,lllke'lawyers got to be 'afraid
of hint. One iii - their minther had A ittite for
.:•:, , Ifln On (ii.l ..Itilkik. 1.11,1 for sontetinie he was
aera kiVo 'sue 4...:14 it, le .t .16l i n!,.1,ni kk ld . pr0 .1 ,:,: r a '
set,. 11 Of sonn.4,Fiori. against: it, although there
luitliipl; i.Ohe sort, existing : in reality.
igh ilkougt I 111411rell to Greenberg. lie
Id site hr th'el.nante. of Peter; Squiziefan
imits no man ever existed, it would
!itii , All. to ,;o, H p.):w that he ever] owed
4 at 2 .1111:, i lie did so. At the trial
iirent prov4J by three. witust, - th.kt Pe-:
I.;k: was as , ',Ad ' ro.:-.:*nter," an,.l
unlelite4 ti.i hlku, thi2 said , tliilit,. at the
of tho :folickf)sed kt
ttaB:fer of, the, note,:
fiontimially shoo-. ii a sun s ! double 1116
but due 0r.1i . ,.' ' t 1 —NO)ody er n. ` , took is-
kith - a1 . n4.-111 'aftei f • ., .
! that! : . ,
'2.25 1 2 MiA
10'2 tii Si
1.1 , 1
Le d
(Alt t '
ter ..
! ---. ----- T - ---;- --. —'' ' --- _ - 7 7- . - ---.--- ---
1 • :'; . • ' - F.NTOTIICE. - -
. Itott,iii iang Read* Take Notice.
'i Th 4. turtnitln-..: of. tileu• Rctil...;h` and Ready Fire CJille
!p:111 } r S"11: 1. lire - I;lert•lty notified M meet at the Fit.
! .
Nine House n. [t IS,\lttrdry at 61 o'elt, ck, P. M.
! D. SArltr, See}'.
. . r
; 1 ---ITT—
filch) • •
.; • t
" 1
AqIAIN." -
1 E WerOs a:" great'eouniry," and I have quite
nUtion to live in it—pertiaps I shall go•soon—
; perlaips not,st allj flut; for filar that you may lose
the oimortithity of securing ~ food likeness, you will
act *le 'part of wiidpti by calling soon at the PIC
! T:U1111! Roogs of - ' , i W. IL DEANS.
• !Odd Fellow's Hill,
lIontro&s; July
• r
' • 00005.
•-hcents d.
„I fliers Prints from 41to per
VNJ/lera;2:e Delains, LaWnl4 Glngliiims, very lov;.
• LadiCs-ziice Hose 121 . els-L:4;10s, Linen anti Cat . --
PPtiqg !at the lowest notch, ~,non_ 'Sellingby
• JOY -ITO!. • •. Lyoxs sos.
!ACKEREL at six ients per Iry
. t
TA , _ •
• • F J. ~ON,
AT FAY lotlof Groce:i:_es just opened. by •
- I, N ' .1. LYONS SON
1121 c. LE:4' fir 5a1c , 147 • r !
C:" 7 ,.9 •! I I
-- •
i i
diana State Republican ;Convention.
From the Cincinnati .Columbian,..Tuly 14.
he Indiana
,State c ; .intvention :assembled
en:ay-morning atltdiattapOis. ," Not eon . -
with sending theiti,.delegat'es the people
ted to have turnet( out 4.4-maOse. The
test entintiastit pkevailed; and banners
striking mottoes And cle%'ices were ap
tit in every land:
, , •
Ite•etniveit,iOn asseinbled in -the grove in
of . i)f the State-II use, wheye - the veva
lefe atni the 'esolutions. rend adopt
} -
hi-einendonz,_ dr4 Itii, i itninbering .
tiiail sefwateen iiresent front
!y . onnity.:'•The. jadies (Heaven Mess,
wete mum 4 inand. by
s‘veeL, smiles 'and, :;nowyline° added
LI enlivenment. to On.,..scene; i ! •
Ittiong.tlit. more pr l ninitient .mottoes tils
,..d„,:re 1 1.. ( i f o il 4 •t. • Ti -. :, '.. • North:
tits pb, , to t v., a
/rant Vtig:thonils ILYW:ire ,• Anvil with the
_t; •;tod Aitteriti the Atthiriettits. One.
e by a Gi•rtrino,..mits not,..nii4ap rt - l o st : I
co ll o to .:Live bin:luck -to 7 1;ttle. :
t iler the organizatitin of . tho'Cintvetition,
is athire.ii - i hy-411.1ge...fortOn of Wayne
sly, and Sonator yilsou, of .Nl:tisaeltt- .
i, both Of Otont spike strongly 'against
ogre - ssie spirit of Slavery, and were en
a-7.ltit.lally f&eiretl.
I .. .. .
4f.,yuLos:*r oi..r nht:---The
, folltA , vitia is front
ita'st. Itiontrer of the ~ Slabir4 iNitary
tie- i I t 4ntilslike one of noliper's sto.
. : ;. • •
Peilizo‘ylvaisla Magistrates') Law Lit.!.
. brary. ' •
- BMW' 'JUSTICE. ; •
Ititiolitetti 314.ta's - Lewil Guide.
, . 0
itnd Sixth Edition, biluging the- Law ' . i. ,- ;', .
• . rl--- . ',. • - ;
-14 1 i . : . -- - , „ lti . i : ,, u l Y ll t ' ) 1-- i". ' • ' - - }or the best liurhami:A.Br,ll.7lA,.rrt:orye,a!sil old Itti ii d : ip . ; ll
A trmtise on t Mike and duties of - Aldermen arid -4 - attla • • . '-. .. .... .1; $5,40
Justlies - of die reace4 the Cutinuonivvalth Of Penn. .Id best,' ... • - ' 1
.. !i'' 3,0
fylvaitia, including all illb.4,equired FormSef Procetts Foi . the best Devon Bull, del 'I. - :1,00
-and tticket Entties ;- and eihbod).ing not only what ;• - 2,1 hest; • ..
. t $
inn:s• Ai deettied: -valuable ".to Jiilikes of tke . Peace, sue Ole het tirade or Mixed,. -, .......t .... -..1.• 5 ,00
-but tibiLandlordS, Tenants, and •Gettein-LAgents; and , ti l d betlt.`.-..! i,
makii)o. this v.olutne what. it pui - ports- t0be,„..4 Safe Fee .',best.Cow;as regards form antrappeareneC. ii,oo
Lcoa; n t..r''uitlefor;!Bttsistrss Men. Ry . ..Tehallinn.„late 'i .11 hest, !•, .. .. : .... 1'..,00 .
Ahletinian of Walnut Ward, in the City of Philadol.-oti , the best ntilcia Cow askppears from resuks, 5,00
phia.t !The Sixtit Edition., Revised, corrOcted, and 1 . - 4 best, t.. „ • •' , ;..3,00
greatly enlai•ged
, t)y . Frederick C.. Brightly,; Es.q.„k.u. Forlbe best two years old Heifer..... r ., .............
titer Of "A Treatise on. the Law of Gets," !`Equity .:- tiit be' 54 ‘ ..., ! • • • . t ' ' 300
Jurisprudenee," : l"Nisi Prius Reports, - Edito: of 1.4 . 4 best,!..:":-:,. .... -.- .. ~i. t:. .... : ..2,00
"Purtlon's Digest;
Lc. -In ono • thick volume. Oc- ''',l* *be licit loi , -
tavo. 4 Price onlyll,oo.
. Also, COvanioii to Binn's
FOOts of • Conveinneing, and or Practice; in the
Cott* of Common Pleas, Quarter Se;asions, Oyer and
Ternihter, the
,Suprente and Orphan's Courts,-and the
offices of the various Civil officers and Justices of the
Peac . C.:, Fourth edition, revised, corrected, enlarged,
'and - 0410 to the present state of the laws; with
copiitu explanatory notes and References, and a
new full; and coinpreltensive Index. Ily Robert E.
Wrigld, Esq. In one thick Octavo volutne. Pike
only ri i so. •:; Aim,
3. -s iitrond - rithl Briglll.lo P
1 urdou's
Digcst-1700 16-1855...
A Pigcst of the Laws of Pennsylvania, limn the
year litto to the, Stlt day of Mar, 1855. The Mist
Four . i . Editions s hy the late. John Purdy, Esq. The
Elf .lath, and;, Seventh by- the lion. George M.
Stroud: EighthEditiott Revised, with Marginal Ilef
eretMes, Foot Notesto the Judicial Decisions ; An
alytidal 'emitents.; a Digested Syllabuk of each Title;
and 'lt New, Full, and Exhaustive Itahix. , By Fred-
cricklC; Brightly, Esq., author of ".A Treatise On the
Law !of Costs," "Equity Jurisprudence,""Nisi Pri;
us Itt`Portg, " Editor of "Bipn's Justice,":ke. Ono
thickclleyal Bvo4 Price Only $5,00.
CV - The
,fres'otess and permanent valtte of I'm
dou's;, arci presM:r.zd by the publication fitlllll.
ally tif aTitigest Of the. L'aus enacted in ea•lt near.--•
The - s*, rial Dig, are arranged itt pteei,e con.
forn4y ;to the plan of I'm doll's Digest. 'They' arc,
each rrifl th fn ; annually; ...tire connected
10g4,4 by a tipticral index, (prefUtrt4 anew each
year.) emhzac,.s the contents of the Laws of
each ;rear since the publication of Purdon's' Digest. in
one-alphabet ; and are - bound up with den's Di.
gest,:uttl also.sofl separately. i
Thits:the purchaser of Purdolt's Ilig4st Will always
be•izotissession of the complete body of die Statute
Lawseibf Pennsylvania down to the're'r . r hour when
lie ptlrcliashs it. Thos s . who have alread,vpachased
P urdtet's Digest :niay always , coniplete it to date for
the-small slim .1 tr tX, the price of the vol
ume i•oliaininiz ill.the .annual Digit is issned since
the tf i jol lic.ttion of the p:•ezent: edit ion of Purt.htl's
.DigeAt, as loTetotbre stated.
LAw 116oksEtualS PuilLlSitEng;
' 17 . k 19 &mils I.7(th Stn-rt, •
StOrl! above CbeAtont7.Philaileliltia..
'o,ll.lers OP lettiLrs of inquiry rim Law Banks from.f.the' country promptly utiended to. tfeuilt
Slaerifrs Sales. • •
11ttiiCt:io of a writ or. 17,34 7hrjaa , issned ont of
the Co:nit of 00117111011 Pleas of Susquehanna county
and. to tide dlreetCd, I Will expose' .V.l wale '
tit the Court ITOusein 3Controsc. An Sfiturday
the 411 day of Angist next, at one o'eloel
all tilat eertatn.plece of parcel of land shunt(' In tho
town4hlP of Oakland In said county, and bounded as
io wit t ite•lntiliv , • at an oak sapling on the .
tiorthibaikk or this Oalsr,pteltanna River; thence north
degred; . ea.a pe-rhes to a yellow oak. sapling•; -
ttliimi. zio...l;olegrees cast 1 of and S-10th porch-.
es to ia White oak tree; Thence s.otth degrees west
'270 . a, n 41,11.14 ch..; to the centre o!' the highway;
! Thenc l ,.;•lll - .1•111 it: ite , l4 ree:.. east, 2a ;:aal - -1.-liult perches
a :-1:11i,e; thence south degrees west :; f'pe•ches
to tligi Stis(pwlianna.ltiver; Ow-t:0 eahl
as it and turns - , to the place of lie. , 2innirir,;
-4 tabling 2..3 nerds, naore or less, wiih the . appurte-nan , .
frann.d Merl; es, balns, a small orchard, and
aboutl7-5 . acres ittiprov!ell ; the satde land re
eentl to Tlnniuts Jackson and C. Good:
an r,”111,.;;ty neeqpi e d by na :del Van Antwerp,
Chotes Nei‘bu!•f i Ma•ltin Wade and.Elljah
io ewdon tat rult of Jared W. laces
Vs. It.
_l/47,-E r ity virtue of .11 like; writ. % - s. h rialiitlfr for costs,
l a n erL d in piece o.r. parcel Of land situate and ,he
th'e Botough of Susquehanna Depot and boand
etl aFfollows, to : Ott flu.- by laud of
• Ilenjaplift Pal:cr.:on tl e•cast liv•1111.1s brize,1,t... , 1. Skit
-01.; err the south Ids of John Se.terly, and on
the Mprth-west the public highway, called Main
street; taur.g feet in front abort
from with tln :IiiptU::•!lallec?,.0:1
• inn-. and oil:
'Ellen . ' hi r.YeentFoi. at ;Iv. =nit of Mat in Ashley % - s.'
Tr+hri F. I'. HOLLISTER, Sheziff.
• Nt.nitro..i..., July It;, 1 $7)::).
Oil Oil! •.
T 0:1, and Zinc Paint, for - sale by
1.4 ,1; ; . F. CILV.NDLER.
.oid.roxe Jtme 1855.
I • • - NOTICE. - •
,r ' . Bcior..master.i - t,f the Boron It- Nout_mse
1. :tlt,.sii.d to bind' out three children, once white girl,
oroeT veo--. • ond'hlac'- boy and one lilac ki girl about
, the s.ond, age. - Atiy per,an ileshing to Like one or
more id . .s9.:d childr:en can call on either of dhe
0. 31 WI LSON, ) „ •
• • ('..S. FOSTERx nor-masters.
,'3loktros:?, July- 1855. .1
----i is - - -- -
Patent Horse ti3ike% I '
-1 0 thc•Farntar's. Exchange by
•: • ,
; A.•LATllitot .
Jinte 2n.1
}STR4TED. . 1
k . i
e l
E. ted from ilie preThises of the sub:get-11,er . , on
or n. ' the first of , june--tire ye.ritnga. 1 Two red
Stec one tlarkee than the other.. Three.lfeitara,
mostli red, with enure-white on each, the sttaller one
having inore white than the other. .111;, - pet:- , on see
ing sald s:earlings Will oblige tit.. subseribetfby taking
them t :tiri, an (I sen(lingihim wrn.l . „ IT letter or otherwise;
:and idi will pay them for their trouble.
.laclis*tin, .July Ist, !185.5 . Wm. L.tny.tnEE.
.",!i. .. • Auditor's Notice. ,1 -
• •,
rui)t l
tintlersigtted having appointed by the
Co.urt bf litiloquelvinna comity, an Au
ditor :to distribute did assets of the estate of Frances
Itieht4d4on..deceascd,antong: the hcins of .t; rid estate,
will *etd to the duties of his appointate . et, at his
Office §a MO:arose, on Fiitlay The :kJ day August
next, Ipt 2 o'clock, t'. L:, at which 1.17f1'.! azi4 ! Iwo cii
per,o..shaving chtitinsagainst said e...qat,..
them ' farevei barred from coining in i upon the
fond If di.? saitti. J. TUTRELL,I kuditor..
Mon lose 'July J'lB-:.".5.
/.1 wail Fancy Pry goods , , Groceries,
'fats, ,CCps, Ilo.Thi : and• Slices, Wall Pa l i
Dye tuffs, and-ilib,, &C., wkiich will lie sol
11.4 thj ebeaPcst. for. cinii.or apinoved credi
ifarfcikt4 June I st,il 5::5.._ 1L:.31. i.
I)4A-pC•Grotle Rhine Silks of excellca
/ ) f:l,-. z _,.' • ---: . ;;;..----11. 311. '
-- 1114(11E and (.Ins,liincte liaw!ss at all . !ices. •iTo .
1 few mantill4s by ll. IC - iNFIA.
~...._ -,4--
RSA p r.w.atle clothing at low. prices 141 •
• IT. m.rEINEs.
-+! - --
- pAisii paitl for Wool by • lI.M.4OSES. -
.7.- . ••• • •. , , •• , „Burford, June I' , 1855.
OA$ll paid forh - ii — ryMiiit&lty h ; -
iI ... ' :•• . . • 11. M. ',TONES.
A good assortment, of hoots and Shoes rl
-.4: • --""- ' frees of fine Hoeft and at,
illEoi Sugars and i° • Wiam,[lloNES.
1.... 10, prices by ',. - .
T klinEs n wi ll And a great variety of_Bd . an_ets_and
IL;Bil)botts at ',- . . /I- XI T ONE..
- T
— sin'''CS Cbalii 7 Berreffe de Lames an Ahngbatus
.8) - , . , - jr. M . JONE 4. •
J,i at , - '• - • -- -- s - -------
11 - 1, ligitoll) - a - nil Window Drapere.q a t
lillarford, Juue lst, 1855. , If. 31.1 i ). ••*
001. Fool, * Wool I
16f0W.01;NPF. wanted at. the F.
. for which the Wg.ll
price ! t trill be paid iti*CASIL, by .1
nittenets.itt educed 'PO
ii 3 VARITT w.lll id! 1114reputining stt
j„iVe ri awn and Sttaw Bonnets', a good t
at retineed Prices 6t) Nose the btpidnet.4.4 of
niaitykt thenuat egsty -
N:e'l.*ilfortl,. Ju iel }Silt, 1 855. • '
ua5. 22 .3
A privE toT - .ov
r. TUX TWIST 04)trItLE latAltltEL . rti,SEl-•„ do:
barrel, -and extra 'tine nines, or sato by
. 4j • •• A: CO,
AW,NS, Piintot.Butnnter.,6ttiffi; and tl
•Oitt: of Dry Goods at ' -Tuft
:ad ware,
!.r, Drugs,.
jl us cheap
t qualit)
p!t Tu#rliet
k ofP4,
Be4)ton ;
'e ,common
' ELL'S. '
• ; ' Ik!litEitiI10111 LIST,
cousTr Apitieudirvir.AL
and eattle Slim* to be field In
• Montrose, Oct 1 lth, Ittss.
• i 7/N . 4 ,
iCI the tacit lot of - attire, not less than five, 5,00
4( --‘ i'amo Oil,lFluirrand Phosgene sold low hy
-I.thl•'hest,' • ; `-.„, ; .
. 3,63 ' -• . 1 .\ F. D. CHANDII
' 1:1- '"F`ii r !• -'•• ' • -''-';' - ' "• Q A . 'Juni: 26ch Ittss. .1 .
.1.••oi• the beet pair ofWorking theo,, 1 1 5,00 , -i'• i— - — i,.-: -
••:. 2tl best,l. ' „• • - • • • .; ' • 'our« . ,
',. tid hest„: ' '• **
: •
'' '.-- ; 0 00 Sack or pound. . , • ' .
' .....
....., • • •-•-, •
.• I r. Ii.CITANDLI: 1.
For the best priir two year old tt!teers, . I '' ' 5,00 - • ;
. LI
•',.. ld hest • ' • ',- Montrost" Jrine ` l oth 1955.
. L . ...., , ... 3;09 • ' . 7 '
1 d t.).11, 1 , • -
~ 2,601-- t,„•EliEitt-AIL_FLTAINISIIIING STO P llir••
Ft:K .l 4le bent lot. of Yearlings, not less than fire;, 5,00 -.„,,. :• 1 : 4A ND
t.est,.'... .....*:-. 1 • • - .! ,
,i. ••.. . . . , I 'lrstilot4tig',Ditablisitinesit:
3d •best, - ' • • - 2,00
AT '
Torun township that will send to the IFair tint best - 1'
:. fi.e,SQUEiiANNA DEPOT... ... A
ten' tilo , Of Working Oxen,. .... :.. . ' .'.lll 641 •- .. _.
24 b est,i. •, :„ ... ... ' ' ' •j A Sll}lll Szl Co. 'would resp.eetfully announOe to
7 .:. Noo , ~ ... ~2
I: • , 1 . 1 • SIIF.FP, - .• • e • tlicirfrirld.A anti theiniblre generally, that. they
; . .s• 1 ; 1 i
Fot-the be keeonstantly' on ha [:d a m-tur
full itseent-t.t R,‘atly
st fine 'Wooled Buck, .. .. '' . ••••• • 3 , 011 .lade p e t.'lothing, ;Hoots tint! Sitiiers,. Hats ate( C'arps and
i• tld best' • ' ' • ' ..... L • ••• •• • ft,T err'r•ry thing else.irecer4try for trien'auti WODlen n :ei •erm
For, the hest
,ganti, D own and iiiddle ,Wooled, s,t) We, would particularly`call the attention . of coi)itry
Id. be:it, ... ; - .. •.• • • . ..... ;'• •` 2 • 1 1; . ) 31erchantS to our large',..stoek of Rearly-Varle.flothing,
For . the best !Ong wooled linek,', ..... 1..• • • • t• • 3 ,' .1i - Of bur own urattufitettnie, which Ire offer at whol4rale,
: - tid hest, • ' .',• - • • ,;!% . 2 . ) a nti rices thai will afficril great iodueentents to resit
For (he best lot 4.f fine wooled Ewes, not . 1t4.• 1.11:1 a and A wl -wh ile clistorn'e:.s.,
three,,," .'...... •- .
' ... l ' • B.f ) . t 't a g e stoek oft loths l'assiniereri;aVestings'Ae.,
ti.,:l hest, ' - . -- L• • • •si• - 2 st . ) kept coi:tautly ini 11:611, for persons tfeAtou.s orillar-
Pee . ,thik best lot. of Spitb I)own or middle wooled 3,i . 1 big clothing ninths (0 order: a- .
1 :N1 beat, ' - • ..
•.. ........ . . . • ... . 4..2t 'r ' Orders Punettially. attended to. i -
Forhe best lot of long wooled, ' r ,
• 3 , 0 r Thank le I fin. Pak fixer's, we hope .to merit aleon
-24 - best • - ' '
, .1 1 „
.;,•- -,01 .1 tir4tatree.oo7the ' , Fr rine. ! - • .T. A Sil ER & qv. -.
-- - . - i• .1 Stu:girth:tuna Depot, Prr:„' May 12, 1t:155. ' r
-Ft/tithe best
Ltd -
Ik' .....
.24 ..
Beg lot of 110 ;
• :!t1 beg,
i - !
Pot i -I..ii.rStAllion lb: all work, . ...,... I L .4,...•:., .500
2d C;(4 4.,H,44)
Brit lit tiod ..M•iit e; - with colt L. her i..iilt!. .... . .5,00
..1.1 ., . . , • l' .. :..,',..:•.(iii
Ile,i't ti
ppit• iateli• - •li 11...1 - , , ral,...•ili:i the county - ,.5,U0
if-4 t.(; , t.. ', . . •
I i -i-•. 3 00
•,. 1..
.. , , - - • 1 . 0,1:1.11:1 " • •'
• • ....
PM: tbr. 1.....41pt, Orally bre...3, - not lusi the slit,
.2.1 hi . A.• , 1 '
:IA 1..5t,.. ',
h-•:t fiifciti of
I n cuss
Volf •ths boo Chei•Ae, not than . 2.:)11.4
- 1 I,utif , • -
G.t 11111 , ,ti CEa ES2.IILF.S. I
13est: . 6tiety,
E 33110
:- • ,
r •,
omtlie best iikrityof Fall apples, not Iles:: tl.Mn half
bnAel,... , • .;. ...... .- . . 1!. . 1,110
';(1 I;ost'... i. , .... - ...... : ... .- . . ,-, .. i 1.1,0
~ ~
.t-stt specimen Of Grapes,.. ,„ : - :: • 2,01)
lria 1)e5t,.... ; • ,„,- - ' H 1,l &P
- -.
• 1 1 - it , ,
tioNLy. . • ,
. ci -.: •
ir motile hest '2.011. Iloner 4 from the. tilv r e n•itlm'Mt
. 11e.
. • L
still 1g tife neve . , - 1 200
•Si 0 f , t,...
':., '! •
1:0111:STIP N.1:11' FACTURESi
. . .
Fot.tin• bo.9t. Flannel, pin less than ten cat 41 7. ; l rt,,,,i
2•• • ••1 ln-St,••- i•- • . ' I • -' 0 110
• i . 'l , ' - 0
V•fl 1) 0 .'41,- -- i - . . i 1.01)
FOO:tlit• IW,Lt • Wlkden *Huth, do': .... • ..! • •"••.• • 4L • 3 • 0 0
ia . itest,..... . ... . ; • , . : d.. , 2.0i)
inf . t,, , ,t„ ", ~• • . J., l. I m o
F ,., rite 1,,,,E. woolen Carpeting, nut than i fifteen
ear,i, , .f • 1 • 1 3,00
. .. } • -
•2:a liL•st, • .•' ' , • • , • i 2,1}1,
I'or th-V hest-Rag Clive, till. ~„. . - 7 '-1 300
2 , 1 Lest; ;•i : : • - • ..• 2,00
For the ta;st Quilt of itur•deseription% .• .3,00
211. hest,... - .; ' ••.'.; . . • ;
For the bt•At,fiallilnzez. Wouhin Socks i ' - .i. _2,4 n i
2,1 kst, - • . !Jai
.I. 7 o:,tini Lest on...mental NA-edit:Wei kl, eel titivate M•
I •
nfierlt. . , . --: - t
Folitilt , host Wor..-A;•;t. wilrk,..ce . , - riti , ....ite of nicn ii•l A
Foil ) tiii: I:t,,t variety of ilowei A, cc:title:it? of Inerit.
' -
110:1 lot Sole leather,
.Bett . l 11 - arno4i
1& of Calf Skins
Be4t Carriage harness,..
lie4t dimble Team...An
8e.4 sitigl4. ;
For;llfp bet , t Sathlle and Bridle,
FOr this bet exlubition oteallinet Work,
-Fni,- the Lest Plor, for , general use, - .• • :Vat
2d fiest a ...... 1.... do „n 0
Fu thb best Marrow, "- . •
• 4- best Cultivantr for Corn,. - . .' '2 00
.. . ,
- ll
.•. best Curii Stalk cutter... •• . i,...2,00
-. 4 t Sheller, „ : tes Curti .• • - ',.! .. 2,00
. tt -', best ChOrn; .
. .
' ' I : ..2,60
• 1. i best Ox Cart;........ . •'. .. ; 1 : —2,00'
-4k ' itySt Horse rake, - : ; —2,00
it :
.hest !lay rigging, - : . : 200
• t t hest Fat tit Wagon, : • - 4) 00
,!! f hest tot ,of Heiler Firkins and Tub5,..j.,..2,00,
t , . : host Cheese Press, ..... ; .....-:.. i: .2,00
I'o the vrson.who shall exhibit an,y. inspuiawnt .sr
hi., tt wh invention, 'which, iu the opinion of the COM ,
midge; Is worthy of merit, r - ' 3,00
: lttnisirms rot Gli.o),i are to be awarded at the
Inekini: of the society in:January. • i
Fol.. the best crop of Winter Wheat, not lcvs than two
.aeres,..:... -•,. ... t , 5,04)
. ltd best, do • • ‘'• ti no
For.-the bust crop of Soling Wheat,-do ' ' j..5,u0
:$d best,.. .:-. . "`. d 0... . -.... ..1; .tt,oo
For; the best crop of eti-ti,tiot less than three l'lcies.s,oo
- .2.11 best, ' • • • deb - ' 3.1'0.
For the best crop of Fotatue, , , not less., than one half
acte,. ; . r.... ;.: . . ..... ' - 5.06
t td !testi : - th, :1;00
Fut. the Lest Cookinglitove, rect in tin, Pow ya,. certiti
eata• oil merit
. nt4catsurronso, . 1 . -•
For the heft lot of Morose Sluies for the:road... itl,oo
For; the bast for the farm, -, 1,114
To the .Farmer who will show, the . Et : eata-it -2r:ztilt4
flout his tram, tar Vac pas; year, in proPoitiorti tevtitt•
nuitibet - of - torts. improved, a certiente 'of: tivnit
and, .. . -
tid bti,st 4 . , . ~.:.) - . 1, 10..14. ,:;0111
Tite.Executive Committoo iu prt - luoding the pre
naitimg ;for Ift:rs, ar. ,. glatined iti oneriasrto compet;
iterl the most 1itoet:11 th:tt has- beeo
tilklll ^; and it J. hoped the e..hibition will! tie ! l ior ek .r,,.
trtirive, tiettt v•tiA. 111 1 1• t t. 114 11.. n.
a tulle. ' IN hell the. Agrie.lintral iuternt - prom.
inert . t-iffilie county, noilleld omit herlt ttitittetintents..
It is trUsted the; t.fore l that :ur institolion which 'not
;tided Pi) es.sentially clip the , ns,•;otttees: of the
county : t rill beliberally supporte•l. :tippiitnnts for„prc.
mitints i on Clain and Potatoes ere retmesteti to give
thettuoile of cultivation, and furnish the Society with
colipleto tnnef of the tilt:milt). Apriiicants
ferlpretniums on Mitch Cott: for Butter y willstate the
greatest quantity made in any one week during the
SkaiSan ff; , •
rerio t is. presenting Agricultural implement...l,' are
rettues4Nl to furnish - a description or the article.
. To enable the Committee to live ati additiOnal in
teri...:lt to the elhibititna, • it is earnestly rennested that
those Who' take an interest in the sucers' of the ISo
eietY, and abe possc4s'iny thing-that Es' oriunnental
knribue, will send it.for inspection: .; • - , •
Tnouss neIIOLSON, . 1
A !semi "BALuirix, .
Tiros. JouNsox,
n. tr any thing•ba3 been overlooked in:tbe au ! .
nooticqtnent of premiums, be mciitiet.l, , :on op;
plifotiOn to any member °kit) canunittee.
E.. ~ - . , tANEOBOIII.O t - . -
I ; Establishirkent
rtils sutiscriber keep s constantly on hunt; ittnil n ill
' indica to order, Door Blitufs„Wirtddres .1; Window
sash ;1100r . and syludotriztl ail i other kiticles
wide Of irood"11114 used ip NiPing . . !
Olio& Ritinted and huntito rated notice. (lags of
all itizes tititintitiesArsi I t,.• tie fs.n. said... . -
Y. FluiSring Owed and . • Ott 81 i @ B'At) per
•1081efoet, Titrittos Of at :done W lo orler, ate*,
l ean
a a rigor tof g'. )al . ' 1 - VARiI. - i
Bu re aus, Tab As , if WI varretiei, ;theirs,
Bs:di:toads, Sett, -e., Le.:il I • :il
Good. Pine', Chorrj
K widAytwood luntbdr, and
Glifn of an ktaas tskzyzt ept tr,e for thqahove.
tyr Territirsteady• 'pay, 4toi ;Three months-time ap
proTed credit; All _orders .idtiressed to inc .- 401 re.
(mike prompt'attert*n. - • i 4ACOII I TXI'IOR.
I..triesboro, Jane 18th,184:1,
i i
• ' , STRAYED. .
FRO11:1111, tptisurep ..
rt 1221 -st!hkixibet;
, . . 'in Si!ver
-. Laktt about the 29th of May 1n.1., four veal-141g.,
• i • - -
One mititt.-,,b1,11.hu11, two heifer , one pale redi ate
Atiler . iiiillin(•, 01110 ri4l . '%Vitoe'rer will. sit. 'any
informatiOn of OM Ittnti:e nip he liberally - rewm - 1,!..t.
. ;:.- :;" ' .. 1 •
t TII93IAS lIAnTN!'. :..
- :
Silver Lake, Otine. 1$(11, 1855.. •- . - 2:i -VI .
QTB.Ayr.t) (I stoloi n liver4n - dere4l Poihtr:' g. :
kJ The nhore.irewartEwilthe paid to any one reOrtt
ing him 0 the i.tore of , •A. LATI11101! & 4). '
Mon Jtine 12th, 18.55,', 25-vl4
1 ,.,
. • —^ ..--. --....
Haying Tools. :
A good Itzstirnitent,Seytliett, Spat Int, Pi ßaltes, - rki,
11 and 2 kinds of Borst.. Rakes—anti sup rior
Rei - olving, - -Ita tt 'O.'nt -1 •F. .11.C1J-IkNDLER .
July! 29th, FAS. L
Paints and 0111*. •
plaiteli fire .PFoof Paint, Linfeedi and
• • 3,110
. 'l,OO
. .2,1 k.l,
r, • b
Atlinimis:tralk)Os Notice. ,
fOTIVV., 'that letters of
chni t;I:111 4 ,41(01
•of thV, towttriTiii) .‘ , ltinrn:deeeaseil, have !peen
used in the subi , e4ilwr, awl \nll-pCt.s4 - otei hqleht.
to said estate still plen.seon:the- immediate ipny- :
nt, and tho ; ie. '‘ dgainst -the kidate
I pleas . ki pie sit th,in disk atteAted for settletitel\l,
• .TO.,NIITII A N'IIIi r NSELL, - ;:lditi'r.
, June lath, 1t;55.. '
Neer oti 1,, CiteaiLfor Cash •
W. MOTT IT ili.t ree.;;vi.l) hnother c4!iew
1. 1 gewhi, a-: I.klainesi •De
whaqii lie -I
i- : : at very priet . s. f4uniniet. Sra wk. a tair:
In:111111111 intflOrliS at: 6ort• lute prives,al*ltlaek t
it. - Shan h: equally . 10‘v •
, Partt-ttl; • C.
. 1)1,• ; :.5
:.:ratrt groat vativeatt•t, .C. vir.Jtif. •••;
rely cheap. Syrup; .ftirstA,
tail• article- at .litiets pee gullon.. You hart, oitTv to t
tall anil eilunine, to lit4unit• sath , fied that the 1
of INut igation "is the li?at . e tn. buy Cheap. • t. 1
- Butter, Hams', rLavd, Suelis. in Eitel. 'all itititis '
of i'intntry Piudnee i:1 1 exc h ange gonils at4'as h I'rict s. r
, C, W. 31OTT.
3toittrosv., June 15,'E IS3S. •
- liinv . t.lot>ds Cheap tar Cash itilltlie!
• I 'lead ui 7%.avigittioss. !
rfpl[l: utit:ersigneil tuveOfully . 11.7114kIllei!
• that. he Is still S' , llitig t;90(14 at the oU! dace,
ail that heIW an en r -tire net . : stael:
t • , W . ;IP .
1 DEt...11.\7i for one Atlttloz; Lawn.. 4, ittst
,) (. v li, t • s • it jard for ot.e Atillitt;;r; oral letrit . -
cofg at,,tt. i .r,rts, t C, IV. 311#55, • •
l'iloit tto,*
: _
i ... . ...........
.5, "n
0 PO
. , 1:
.1' ,1. - - tudi4vr's Sotictl. a 1•
•• • - .
Su I ine Arm r ? I" - )1 • •
.., 1J ,oti I .I/ AA. ,
' rtkliF. utniko."ii-ned, "La; Andiiior appoinn.ll .I& . the
• • #
: ..L. (I..pinta,*, Court pi' ,;.id county to tristrlintte
i among; the heirs of lhontas Bin - dick, deee:t.reli,•tife
i fon•ti rentaittin,..,4 in Owl.' hands of Ave' y Iturtliel4 Ad.;
i ntinistrat4r, w;.11 attelal to !l c duties ..f - hi.etippoTnt.;
1-iann,!. at 114., ontet! in :4ontroS,,, Olt 8:1:11I day tht . 48tIl
claY of duly nett, at tin) , , a . (:lgrA:k. in the afternotin, at !
which time , 411 p.r.sons intorost e d will pre. ,l
sent their ehtizipz, or h 6 tbra% cr after debarretl!fkont ii
Lecnnitig In upott =aid fiutd. - ,11 ?ii
i ' . .F.R.iNKLIN'ERASER '...indito- li
'! Jut.. Lil / 54.5.• '•,! • ' .
. . .
1 :
.: - . New Goods. .
ir :Tiros!: & Bros. are uowyeceivingi
t , l co_ ply bf Spring and Stuatner i100,.43, :
ernryineetliof tlm;advintrage of having read
determine:l to sill goods at - so low ,a rate
3 . :ince . their customers _and, the public gen
it will be ;:to their advantage as well :ts o
I s tock consists in ..part of . ..llrpadeloilis, C,
Kentuck ms
. ..Tea, Su D
mmer stuffs, ettinei
t;i'.iliect,,,s, Oh:gluons, Prints,. Bonnets, Rit,ll3
~ l als, shawls aml.l3lack Silks, Pig:ether Witt
of oth,.t. ;; , ..:11,1e and Fancy • Dry Goods, I
k•-rceket.r. - Ilardware, .I.looti; and Shoos,
Aloo, a good Mr:art:tient of Shoemakers' 1:1
Call and examine 'our stock, land jedge . for
`its to the truth of our Our toot!
.. L o i, k "f ere :• . 3 1 ' gales and small profits. Most kinds of -CO
' il A
6t: II tutee taken in exchange for goods... - ---
. - tul assort mentof flip
,!es ,i 0 .•1 • J: 3105.5 &
kinds in market. I...ALs r ‘o Table - Knives awl terks.R. ',,- ~. „,„ ._._, ...• ~,,,,,,.
SI'OONS.. Sili..r, Silver Plated, German Silver3All,a),l - ` eIT ' ll '!"? rtj, ' a Y 1-5 . , ,, ''''..-> '• 1
. • , l---
to, and tiritaula-ware Spoons. - Also Silver, lililver..3 i THE DuNDAr t . AcApti,
llate' 4l ..alld Gtirlfinn Sliver Bettor KT'iYe 9 • :1.11 ';! f Ilhe rroptietor, Mr. RICIIAIiD HOOLIIIA, I
VIOLIN STIIINGS, Ilows ; and all the fixturvs,7Vi-r. IL fill v it:fort:is the public that he has talc(
olins, Aci:•Prdeons, Flutes, Ttining Forks, Instr Ttlun'.: s r titution with the design of fitting Toon: , I
Books. .fie. '‘. ' • -' •
• • ' - 1 . -.
• : . 2 - 1 • a
1 ' .?; (lel:flout - In for the 'Protision. of TteKing,.
FLUID LAMFS,FIutd, Campbenc, Candieso: /multi i io the Ntirmal Mode tor for fitting Ycitur
Oil Ac.
~,..- 1, 1 i zany other business of life. . . ...
1 •
I.AIIILY GII(ICERtES. A full assortment, nein. and'; i! This Institution is sitiuttd in the pt.m.vuit retired
~..i ~ ,
goOd. . ' ''.. • - :: - .. • t 1 , , - ;-• and healthy village of-Dundalf, :Susquehanna County,
. DitUGS,& PATENT MEDICINE:' , !. •A fists iteas...: i
; ~i, h . - r . a., and is' unexposed to the initoy- temptatons and
sortment, zmil !genuine: • . . L, t . , Vices tluttare detrimental to the intellectualmul Mor-
P.A TINTS .1: OILS. .I . gerieralassurt in , •nt, and eirg!.,totl_:, al advancentevt of, Students.. The Preep vs., Miss
4 1 ,111111 - - '.: s •
• . I. J. Swart; a highly .educated and a,ceomp IshedLa-
JEW ELRY.' A splendid variety of the neatett tiat%l y, will take, entire charge [tithe 'totter:. dies both
..' .., • : • . L I In and out of school. - .Nor will they be • lowed to
• FANCY GOODS. Nearly every thing M thisb
TIIIRFUNIEI2I 7 . A 1.616. i. V'. 'tv ( N •wszippi I, - "• •
'cl•Li ' A ttend partles i oritny place of anzuseittent Withont.
- - " t IL - -,,. -L • , fie,!, he express pron.-1:31011-.9d attendance of the Teach
received nearly every wee..l . F.] .
- ens. ' Miss:Strart wilt-tlre lessons alio in OrMunent-
In.short, • yearly every thing persons want, and I,,heapto
1 it/ • Needle Work. French, Pencllllt . 4, 'Cay iii,t, , &e.
at the variety store of :! - . .A. TUIIREI.L e 'i
Montrose, Jime 14. 17855. '' - ; 1 ,14,i One of. the prime objects of this 'man, has
. , , t 1 ,tbeen to establish a Normal Department' or eathere
- 7 --- " ' -"-
. '- : NOTICE. • it•
i i I . ours. 6, for the benefit of those desiring to 6 Teach
. 1 l'': oFilliezttirat lia4. becit made to the' Cort, 'lot ''.- `squires a , PrP,f,ession• The whole course of Irstruction
-A. CommuM'Ple - as of Susquehmtna`cbuntv, tclig.iiire `",l aaes 'ree.Years*. In ' iii's course It has beviilile
a Clutiter- to the Firsf - 1-'resbyzelian Church oflltitil..., ii,ect to I,lntirace those studies of practical utility, as
ock Corners. ; Of, whiehr all it;11-•sons interested win:, reit as.,thm:e of nit - educational character; Ind' great
ph-t - ase.Llke I:Ctire anti gcverrthemseives areofiling
..:., care has been taken to so classify and, arrange them
h ... .. . . .
~ . s . R. wimy s p rt i ts .. ; ~ .as to Present to the studs ten easy gra, 11' from
Ow slmple,st subject to the moo difficult. .-' . :..., •
. : • pt-i• Fit.VNKLIN FIZASEII, th - 4,y.i \ .
E. l
..., l'upils *allot
.bc - :hurtied" throuer:.,a, ' peificial
F r o 310;:otar;.'s oilicej.liontro.;.e, June la 18t
- z 1 nurse of sturdy .nor.will They kt . eneotiri ed shag
1 : mine. ftezduesa for any paiticuktr science, Lathe neg of othins IMa such weourse .-Willtbe Mt . ued as
fill lead to, a systematimddevelopmenfof . alt he. pow;
I . (. 7 .-, of (1.„, mind; by directing the thtiughts toil e study
ii (no inciplt4s and the; relation of cans. suid e ect, Itr.-
114 ea of isolated. Diets- 4...._, - . - • ..-' - - . '
I' I. ' ''':. TUITION- AND.OTHDIR EXP I ENS •• .- '
d \
,1,106::::( I' Eiw,. DrauChes, per if_r Of.lll. tree' 84,00
higher, • . .41
.-- • - Tt . i - 500
llati:, awl ;reek estiu each.
.. " . .. , 3,00
[Erctieli; ti .::.mazz, and Italian, ." '-' - - , • 3;00 -'
Mencillin,..., Close:ling land Drawing,. '.• . ' ' 1.00
34tiSic aids use el Piartls, . -:" . .*. 1:),00 - 1
l i i Vocal Musie -, - .
44. . );(40
V 1 loard ',or wreck, _• • • o i. • too
• '3.• 1
l, - nos,. a i:illing to board thetuselve4 ... can recut*
I : , .tlitahle looms for the purpose, —r: /
- - I
I • • Board aMl.Tuition Bills invariable in advan , 4. : 1- •
Ilut..sl4tid 'Tom of this Institution Will
.. -. zm,:e
3lay !lib. ;I:iod as Studie,.; will then be, arAiii eillanil ,
,I:l:t.ssitied Students are particulary -
requeste Ob.:
l:p*rese - nt. . . . .' - Hz.- . • I
i. I For f ether infornuttion, address the l'ainci •
I, We;the undersigned , can under the preset: elope
irienceibind. efficient Board ot Instrtietors,. be erP
.lp!tactiiiiillk familliar with the Nornial.Motle of i L•strue-*
,Itfoni - .With implicit eonfidenip cezimitend •the midair
!•sicade yW. the favorable consider of tit! . • pre- ,
Anil themselves for Teachers, aiit F all 1 .
_. ..•,.. ) ,,bO.
, .th. g iTe their. :sons and .daughtets a -. , . 4th,
Oraetitxd, and liberal - a:tomtit*. -2, - '...-
~....„.,- ,
1 ReV , G. N. - Tobin -•- - • • 110. M. S.:-.11.. -. -, itiO:l.l,•
' Tem; P" . Pnittort• EN ',• -. .I:11.-Cititf..iiiip,
Dr: J. lloonizzen,, . : • E Pittsay;
J. W.: IL. Stogy's.
,- - .1 o'. sti**-. ! :
I T. 11. l',.Es. - t. .-. . '.. .11k: . :0..liflo•nistlt.z.,
. • . BENJ. Arius. .: .' 1 -1 . • I •
" . .. .. .'• '
; Duntlail,.Aprd 19th., 1855. - . . ! . .1.
7V7 (Ir i- thdt
1-1.11 ti11: 1 111;` f•Sti t tl. cf . W.I.OEN 46. 1 . ()C I
Spriligt drc:4l, Laic hero-gratitetlci,
• •under,;i..2, , t1(..-41, all hi wrn3 0) saitli,r , ; ttei
Will immediate paymenf,:iiitd 11104 flay-1
S,2t tlinne at. •
...Springl.',lllo,4unC 41,1 555. ' •
• C fl ll At
", 011
*r 00
. , . ~.. \
w ' :. it 1‘ T.
' ( tacit ; f 01" G..... 74 114 a • Is x`al.ira 1114. i
.." ',... 1
TT 11l HEST AI.I.IIKET PRICL: ,p,MI by :::, ;
I 't" . . • I, F. EITOIL -"'
Iront.ose, alien 7,, It'Arl. 'l'o l l +4
1,11 .
.. - •- ',;. • •''
;- ; • , ' rio ' I ti‘,;:. ; t?it!)ljCl. ... 1 ,
111EING on the ev,..! of lily iteletrtore. foe titt.kt,i:Vv:3l,
..1,..) ,I.wflid tiny to net- Pietlds and patunits tit'tnv
/)..1011E111,' b; tfr"117'1::1: 0t J .l.f.ti will i.e.! elo.:•:ei fin. 11 •
• f ! ..ii weeks. I '1 .4 .12d01y ;Ipiii . i;io roe of toy rreturnl ,
then hope - o find you deeply itoin - o§e4.l.ilitli 0.! z:4
i..seit..: of getting: vein* faces take. : T - .! 4 •i '
Odd Fe1aws1.11:;11 ;hi tt . • . i
W. II DE .li4-: ,-
31a;• Itti, IS:isi -1 i
; II t. f..1,.00 4 All AI; lio , :)'''2: l .A . /11.1:44 AT iI•V:4,
rrp,E•;:!_thz.e.tibc.r v. mild inform the citizens of iliyil 7
i. ro.T.and thepub:ic:gencrully that he has -ItOng,l4
'lbq (iroccuy fernierlv Lept be F, 11. - Forilinun 4 Co. `
• in I,%niis'and Chiunilei". , 'l)i:Vhling on 'Chestnut slre.4;, ,
• in the of 31ontruse, n he:l. l 'lh! huts a fry It as ...:
s'ottinenti of Grkieerleil and will- keep constantly (in .
hand, Fr, (.):,;sters,,.s t igars, Syrup, meli.ta.4
3rache,,,;.Nuolcaittlie4, : ifos, (Ir(inges and Le unlit,
Fit,..7.s,Prilries - S' !dines; ~.Soups,.Viner„ar, Coffee, dried
Peaches Itn,l ' rlijini, ILiyring i sack Salt, Pies,,,ktakesl
-Iheer, Yankee .Minns,; and other thitn, , s taci -- .titimert,,
dui to mention; which:oll be sold cheap for &et o'
tocdit. kind of I COntitri produce. Call and lii.4aJ~. 'A
share . of piddic patrodagp is solicited. S. 8. MUTT.
Moutriisk‘, Mitre!' 7; 1855. • • ~,, '''' --r• -ti
. • - , ...,.: NolritiE.. -..•-, . 41
11(iCT, R. TliAVEß;:lukcs, this inethod •,ofsyitig
II to hi. 4 flitinds and ditstinners,. Out he ..4 4 . ll;_plitt
resuthed the pratice of trictlicine,:arshis old .st:tint at
31ontrose, uhelo.i lte titay be found at all tintea driles.
professionally erhployed; lie would say to the inT:
debted to,
-hint, that lte'r,a ill, deduct twenty-Hl± per
cent on .all act:On:kit pat& befdre the tirsl i'd;..,:irtrili7itit,'
(or if any, poor, lifit, :itis:4l'l Will deduct fifty.
,' . .4. ?,
31ontrose, 1" b, au, I.kwi,. . • , • , 1 fr
.•.. _ . .:', _ . 1 . : ..... .
• Ad:tiiitii4testat)r•s m ,N - Oieto, . 1_ .
-11 C orrc.r. .1%411,4 : el l giventhat.- ikt, or tid/.?iok-.,
a. 11 ,tratidtt (lei boiii: . lnton Tllat t.c.tritt , meato,.ollusit'V , '
upon _the :Ostath of \Vise ,Wright 11C4S.,S.NIC hart been
granted to the Sithscriber, and all. per,otts intlidttetl
to saitLestate• are, requcted to make !linet .. .Hat/ pay
d tit ll
meitt, ano,se.lutiiitg• 'Jahns lit pre;,ietifftlic.4 ditty
attested for zeltlemtent. i• • - .E. F, .11.-11.1. Y -tilt 1 ' i . ...
WOOklyt), .sifty I ti, 1855.. - - • 2( ;(1
.....:,. . •
'.:- 'DISSOLUTION. . ' l . - .
IIE cdpuotriershiP heretoldre existing untlqr . tho
.firth of Manley ,S: Mott -Ls this day iligso.l%-tti.
April 1 4 1855. . • - G. R. 11Au r tiry.'
• - .
-- . - . C. W, MUTT. I
The notes and accounis are in the 1,-antis Of f'. W.
Mott, for Collection.. Thote ii:tei‘f.,ted a iil ith , nic Call
as soon zti convenirnt, .
' t ,
. , .
t • - ,11throuts.t Attraction L .-- .- ' f LN,‘Li'''. Cha, uge-gt:Tisiiii..l;-,.1i',,
, , •L
-- ' - DELAWARE,' ti ist,OKAAVA,V:4‘'AIifYW)
•.4 44 ' : . . ...i - . .
' •.0 T.I A.I - I -S 'l' OA_ .7 . : , • - .
ill-1E gillt,teriber.:irryulti ag : nin.stntntliK A ! in liti.Ci/Slii:/ I .c Mill . afttir. : 3fotola ' y • I tny'./th,-.1865, the: llLiki:,;-
; 0 - 1,1 turners anti. the public i.,tenerafir _ dm lie lia;4 i•c- il, noisenger . i rrain . .4ll depart frOnt.Serenton-- at
4..1' . -1- .k.. hitt Of iltui'm A It• ylltlF4 1 (' "1 m 1/tli'at Great nehti al 1:20p.. M. 4411
, Tv%
_alit'ge. tt.._Of 11.
~ : ,
tvltiel t he illtC1:11,i soli ng .. !li r R0i.1.1 Aoy. t 4 Czti y Per 1 nettirfg Wi th thePltiskirk flapiess:West On..the N., ...•
'eorit. ehealier iii to eau , b, bought - in this t 11'4i: et, (dm '. k'Y -.11: R.. PitOengers tahing tills traltOyill:arifte; ;;
ftlentlitte-lhx t t iitul 1 , 11104. ! Stern down `Pt wn' or 'the Dnnkirk. .al 11:10 P. .u., and in Nor X` a - .11:15
, i.ltare Chance for Bargains; tip town, note •cepted.)-- 14,, It. -:.,: . '
~ , ...; •.• - .
. .
.. . . „ , .-. .
';LP 4 'l l3ll. Sloall'lnaY be, found thd uFst door East of the 1 . • , .
Returning.; will knee Great Bend , at .4:1 . ,:,:*.; , ,il , en • -
liltdo yellow4 , .,Hall,Turrn)ik u street, first floor. . Al- i i ts e ,,,, tert ''. a t eg..tiii r. it.. -..—\ - -' ' . 7:Y" ... r . ;::7 r' -'
,i 'tiltin-it not quite so conmantlious aA - s6n • _"stolths,"
1 L., - et it answers our purpose very well for e present I. The Freight Aaeinnntadatiort Train, with:
iar intached, OM leave Scranton .at I,,,F.,icsj.
~ ,-- at' , ..
:..INeillter can wit Proullse our customers ti at our "es: liGreat, 'Bend:at 'il" i , . 31.4. connecting . w:„.
'tiililishinent" will not be "surpassed" d)y any in, the Train girt; anti the • Night. Eipretat k i i'refii
11e.otitttry soon, hut we will promise our - ta rooters that 1 passen gers t a m,* thi s t ra in ands the I,lfrifit'..'„ , ~,.
1 1 •!w&. will sell Boots and Shoes to suit - in' Ttality - and:i w gst ; w ilt wn i ve, t w D ua ki r k a t 12 .ni.,'0!; : ll g
~_ - 4 .- :
l ' t ►rfee Our stock embraces a general 'v ety of new n ii Train- West wairriiii of, Dunkirk itt: . , ---,'
j atid elegant styles of Ladies' and Gentle nen's.wear, I Returning, ws l idar o - G rult Bend - 01;lift , :01!..:kir:f.,
I :amopgr, width are Ladies' Silk Fox ,
•Coloted 1 rival o f mehmiti Bxj,res VAAL - Duti P , ' - .i* .-
itlaitets butmeled Gaiters, Black and ti nsed Kos- I . ). 2,10 i . „.. ,- , 1
.; : - - . . :
.r. - -
[S,SIi 01 . Boots , - Enameled Boots and gname cd ritiakil....i, 1 i :Passengers for iVilkesban•e - Pittstoni', t` ~. 1.
Kt I ,'.KT Buskins Polkas ;- Calf .Lace limits aid BtadtinS, l'iphij adoodi, ,_ ret the cetewt _L_ „ Iv ,-•--- • , , : ..,1,.
Ali s tr i Kid Bouts , Jonny.Lind Gaiters, Gents Copt i !E r i n and rt. ea a ji c4.. Hafiretet, , tl Tio itetatius, , l i t - 47,. i .
, s ,.s, Patent Leather, - Faituneled_ an' 11 . 4 u Itskir , kGatV : l: o l l , and illintertneiliate - plaens, - will G 04,.. ' o or „.
1.4' . Patent Leather Oxford
Toilet ..
hrencri 1 stage coaches in, readiness at Scranton o'er artlval.:.,
, 1 .,.
,it f Boots, Thick
_Boots, .Enamiled Calf Cwitidv 1. o f . th e Passenger and Actom ma d a ti on Tr o j a n..., • -011:2'.!
i., 4
41 Bans, Boys' Patent Leather liftmtet - Kip 114 - - - -• -* -
•• go at !.."-.•--- --- -- . 4,t0
~- - ------- ------ ----sit'l -.IP ••e° 3 `P, I rey them to thCabore - places. Th o se chmidng:-05 0 , - ,-
ik.4.:Youths' Moutereys and Kip Ties, Cli hiren'stay;4, v i m c a„ nynt ,4, will find tke , be - 4 4 , hoisos
tatizor z fi
dor Ties _Faridoes Roan Boots, &c. Siihdloot Laces, ' - -riage t i of every i ldeSetinthin, at ' ' er - „Chattos -•-••
I , alli colors% ...Iv.
''i ' -...., _ '1 reedy to order l ; ''
. ' --.- .' - •!. - -• • ' •
Work made to order, and repairitiff denc nealy ! ---- -- • . ' Tilsit. DOTTRRER, SurpiOntendent: - r - - -•
rkase call and'examine. .' , ..": i • . P. ' SUperintetidenN - Olke: )- .•-, i • '--- -.- -_-;•-,
..f Yours in the Boot and Shoe trade. . -
. Senut.ton . ai 10- - I855: I . - •-- ' • i -,- - - - Alir •-•'-''• .
.011ofitrose, May I, 1F;55. - , C. N. SIMMONS.!'y -,--. ' - • . ' I . * ••
i';' - SILK AND DRESS GOODS.. :. .. , ... -, '
i , i
TANTIf.LAS,'Laces, 8erm....-ei; Worked Collars,- t T3y rm v . :t•ru tho s .., oo e uari rril
of .3004Dif Ler ion it : r - i- Aiests r s7o 4,... Btholue .. :
I. Parasols,: Lawns, fashionable Bonnets, Fans (al 13
CI oiee assortment . in each, departmen4 a splendid ;.I.,anna, county an d t o ~,, di rermdi
. 1-
. - tr i lt , °ma i *
,!lot Of ',Niro- itaiii2ue Trimming, Staple Goods of large' . s ale b y pu bli c ren d ee ; ea the premises of the 4ryant,
.v:iriety, Clothing, (alarge stock,) Gents'i and - Iloyo i. 'Rinse, In• Great 11end.totrosItip, on Friday - the -- 27th i -
; MLA,. (silk • and suminer,) Cloths rerflOw, • Calicuci I, ofJnty Jost, at 2 'o'elock in the aftenumn:-'-i;:-Allthat,'." .
I; ,I,,in 4 cents to I shilling, Carpets, Matting, Oil•eiedi,, l certain piete Or parcel Orland situato4 itt-totiorsiMe;•7 - .
' ~
. I :ittid Rugs. i • ••. - - • ' • • in. Great Betur towniiiiip.initl in the c tountrorStutipae,: ''.
r • ilia rtlw;kre-...German Silver &Plated Spoons, 1 henna, bOunded and described ' as. fidievi, 'Fitt' Be:;:_ , •
; Kiives' atol Forks. . i . ) .1 . I ; ginning . it Doiut tit • the. south,wetsterlylinO Of . the , .
illig r oci ri es—Fish, a finc - a.ssortine, . t or Teas,-:, Great Bend
.& Chcheetoti tuennike;;thekinth-itaterlY
. .•,••• - . -
-..(' fre.:•s, Broilia_, Tn pies, Rica, Chocolatle, - : Raisins, 1 , 1 side . of -triarge'elicstottetree at' ti cornet...v(lmnd: here—..-- .
`Ge ninul COffee, Corn Starch. .- - -: . • • ; iofore conveyed• to the Near, York it-Etie. Iltulrontt , .
I'. Perin uses . ..l.—Ray Water, 'toilet . - do., Genin.l company t. thenee south - 51. degrees'arnl,S. ". . .;,;
r:Pliretia, do. Exfritets, German - . Cologne, a large, stock i.west, along thiiiine.lor the aaid Railoaiuk. - • '''' *,
'", oil Fancy Soaps; ko. ,te. ..., -. ~. '•• V _ - i lauds about - ; II.4 • feet to .a corner thereof]; thence ''.
!Farming Tools.l-..,lfay Forks, Scythe Soaths,
.1 mak-Westerly etch the line of Said,CototiMay's land .
llitkes .k.e. &c.; ' . . 1. L.- Plii,-T -- k CO. i about 18. - ) l' et to the hortloWesterhir - oft - taftfldeel44:: ‘ ,.
AI • -. • ‘•
- --'----. -- - ----..- - 'tree with , two trunks, ;about 'I -Oct- frbin- 'said.: lier;-.
' I
' P r Oelnillatilin• • t ; thence north 511 degrees east, about 213-feet . '! :
lo:titre/ion itu - CCi11;119 5 8 . . .*': ". - - line of said turnpike, the north- we storlY i -tide 00i gale ..
I pi.tts S. Lnoxamt In the Court of Co ' -. on 'irkss:, post thence south 21 - degrees_caSt - along thel.line._o: °
- / - vs. , . , nt sahreounty,of.tat nary terto,:l said _turnpike, no; feet to'the Place' of bogintini.; ,
~ . • \ 4 I ji / EONAII n. 1E55. So: 30, . • •- -t containing. six tenths Of -an -acre of land.there
lli 11712 . :n Ixratertl:' , Whereas a sullu tt - in ple- fleas, now erected 'theieen etiarge ; three - story *um:7 .
viers" wax Issued to JanosrY l'otlM ' IBS N which wa5...3. house, known as the “lltrYitut :llcitiae,7; with ts..k*gf
iduly 'returned non •rxt I a utritua, and.diert t 'llP 1 / ;" i barn,sheiland sidblini,ice house find Ontininiei, antic
bpo-ria 'was'. isimell in • oald cause; return: le to April .• a iiird . -.
~, .. j . . ; , . • , • ..1;.-.. ,
'I -rni, 1st:0, 1 -upon the '
return Of -- witlith proof 14 . 4.4 ,- taken it'n c•xecntion at . the suit . of Ltiwry Green-ok
nialle to ;the said Court 'that the said Eliza Lcomird Chitties G. Hart: ' iF. P. BOLLlST.Ell,•fitterig.'
ete.hl Ent' be. found In my bailiwick:' • - .' r.. - - Sheritriotlice, tontrose, July 3,. - -1845. -.- •
, .i•_
This netice' hi therefore to require you to appear i
1 bi-fore the . ,fitilges of-the said Court•on Ilk
1 sloe ofilii,!-t next, to answersaidcompla
I .I. ' • . F. P. 110LIAST,
/.c,:llei iti'l office, I.tantrose, June.o, I F . 54. 5( ' i ,
11 i TUE LiGint.T.NustivExpr. - ,zs; , ,
1 lehte /Mired . l 4-Fare Reduced / , 7'llrovit
1 . . ,' . - 14 Dqylight !' -.. 1 :
11 A)V I.EY .Si 4El4' KIS . , i -.-••
L.T.:kiri; ;formed a :Irtnershlti In Non „Air the
11_ parposp of - doing , everybody's ,LAIPK•
Pinrrlll.ll NG, it;the'old Stand, near Wieder-7,AM
rid. We i; have purchase& an entire new. stoCk -of
41:0..V, comprising a full assortment of al kindS,. di
ri.ct from the city, 1 e shall keep ; co. stonily on
Nord, lllsr'er, round a Ilona Nail Rods • CastdStecl
't,le.eork Rods, Reed Tvre Iron, all sizei, ;hand
llr t . Spring steel, a large- assortnaeoi ut malleable .
11 la; Cnil t. 7 llains, Carriage Belts, Sc. Sc. 1
il • li'.. I GOY CAR
Iqtieti en short notice, and stock. found, ;
oi (I.•r i I irciugho at, as visacy hest Suit our pa
..i Ail business transactions Must be
.sett .
?ear. Stunt - se tt lements and long- ilk ,
seotto. •-, .
liy Aria attention
. m bor.:he:4 we hope
ail liberal share of p4trunage. All . work war
' N. It. -
..A good Journeytuan -Wanted,
steady eniployrnent and bight wages will he
i, A. . ' v- • lames
t• "ont -- -.o '3l ir 30 'I
it'i .
1 5,... ii..., , at . . , 61. ,
i------- •
I • -. : Prof. Charles . liorris .
st:i.%:',V•kiOß of Charles T'lltuen- . /111 4 .13.71 1 ir
1 4. . , . 1 ~ ~
. 1 . 1. , , 1. .
ill. jog rentoc‘ed liffshop from. iw former loea km in'
I tte lniztenrent ofl,Soarlt,';.; llo!el;'tii ;the room -n.. the .
ifime baling,' lit the.rear or. th!Yliii-roOnt,l4 vtnir
f ell . to•tixorebie his - art fix the tutiAt s7tiei4titie in tier„ .
I oit all who may; l)e please4 . to•entrust 'their-he Is Or:
illettii told.; liaMle. • i 7: . • ,-- • • 2 . 2 .11!
I n
i- • • ' Sas.* itticrillitzit , ; -- , . 1 .... ll'
1:17 I X1)01% .`Ash ofrarious ,urns coirinantlt on i lmirl
l' 7 . —oleo illtittlA furnished oi.ortler. by . . .1
1 t l. • • : - -.- ' - 3: L4Y9NIi.&.• SON' II
,WE are receiving till" week ,a lot of 'Sew Gooklis - jit it
' inireliiiseil in the 4'ily„ which rentlersivr a.4sOrtlncint .
:clavicle, and which we °Wei' On -tile Most forrAr4le .
€ProitN, la the new building, One 000 i above the l'Oht
Office. . • . ' . ' : BENTI..N.Y &, IllW).1 . •
.• 4 .linntrorT, Fehmin it
y , IP:if, .'' !- '' - ' i
1 1,
third lic;n
GOODS ; -,
li_j ENRIV BURRITT•wtmikl announce to-.
1.1 las friands,an_d the public that he is now open-,
ing an nut:sunlit- large stock Of SPIZINV .A.NIP:
SUMJI.EP GO'aPS,lncluding a great. yarietj - nt
Prints kom 4 emits tn . -Is:ad per yatsi ;,. plain and
1 printe4Lasins, 7 Barbginehums,Oinghar . as, Brocade; ;
I Black and 14tioy Dreins.alts t Silkliressronmer an d ;
1 Bareos, Poplins, /to:
Sib., With a superior assorttnent
i of 101141froche, Cashmere,: and Th'tset Shaifist.:Xon
tillas, Panisrds,-French T ace:and I. 4 .trair and SilltAtik
nets, deb Ribbons and Flowers with a large Yariekr
of other Staple and .rday , e), Dr; Goats. -.- :
1 - GR. 0 GRAVES, CIMOKillitY AND . 117.4k:11-
1, .
I W.dte.E—fron and Sails.;- Dooti and *mei:: Eats and •
1 . Caps, Carpeting, Wall Prip4; 1100 011 Clot* Falai.'
I ed,Window Shades, Clocks, Stoves, Oils
.atitUPall .
1 'Ploughs, dm. &cs.; in'short, the largest ldnirrif pfkia
of tich and clump Goods; too numerous to. ruentionv„.
I but just the things to purchase; all of which Will ho
I sold at the most ri.tduced prides and on the - -Viinst-k.
1 arable terms for cash- or approved credit.,,- - -
, N. B. Flour and Salt constantly on hand,'_
1 1 . -Neir'3lilfortl, Mny . 5, 1855.
.111 a.
tai to.
cc , a
-- -....-.. -. ,
, . - . ~....-..
• ~ .
. ' OODAUFF If EL111it13. , ': , "7 , i - .; . = ,- ' -
i TTAVE remo ve d to the burnt district, "whera:they:';',
1 - ..1 will be glad to see all.their old custoatira'..imikr: - ','„
jas many new ones as pleaSe .. to hire '
then!, ilcall. ~
1 l'Oey . kepp a general assortmeot. of , st,oies,
of the best kind 'and' quitlity, - among
.whieli- y_l - he .
otutd PiIIENLVI %Incl./AA RAC/ ON AIR:4' 0.112; .
27/REE.,8.7!,14'ES AND r Oliyl:4 - ( CO TNTY
All? -7'1G - 11/', ) s .ltE.lfliTil; STAR Or THE WEST. --
ELEVSTED OVEN" MR-TIGHT, .C.//141'0417, Out
1 - \VD:IIIRX OIEN. The Elevated o,veil Sto?tes . :ail
. 1 , . Imre" doable - firr-placest,. which makes. hem' Cr sii3e, '
'.! tjor to tile singly fire-plae Stoves.
_. We keep eon.; •
1 smutty-on liand i a general ar,4ortinent - of 7.1.NW:41:1,'
i ola fir.s.t - tate tptility, for home trade ;".alse, Welt and
1 (!i tern Pumps, -ruinp elntins and Reeli, - Lead Dipf . '
! of all sizes, Jappanned Ware, - gte. &c., a11.(4-,whie.h- :.
i they.Pron - 6e to sell. elfop for ready pay or approved
credit. Job weirk done with dispatch and inorder: '
,S; A. WOODRUFF. . ..- . • G. B. ELDRED,.. •
.. .
Mont - t - 0ge,.11-ai! 50, I 53. :-- •- - • • -i ris
to *horn
their sup
ad being
pay, fire
kV to con
'rally tint-
lar N
tar, pio-
- Books and Statlonery. r .
received a large addition to niy, stock of "
1 -Books and Stationery, among which are: -AlOng-
Look _ - Allead, (Itoc)--Wolteres Most (Irving}--Dr..
Spekees Sketche-s--Wonderfid Adventures of Capt.. -
Priest,-The Slave holder's Daughter - --Lite- of So m .
Houston—Jane The May Flower (Hartiet-B.'- -
Stowe)—Rag Bag; • (Willis,), :be sold'.
Cheap.. F. B. CHANDLER.
May f 85.1.1 . .1. ' •
I risp 1/..
In this In=
! dies and
Men for
• ' Summer Stin ts.` , --,
'A large stock Whol,.Linen, end Cotton Stuffs for stint-.
mer wear.
.- PloOy of , ls and 6rlPrinte. ' Please sail
and see. - - •: •: , P. B. CLIANDLBR. - -
• May 23. 1 :. - ' • ." . ' -- '
!Montrose Singes i•
.-13ASSENGERS will find Stages at Searle'it-Rotel,
' L Montrose', Pa. which run in Connection
following Trains: I
Leave : at II al,. .If.' l .Cauneeting with the : Mali Train:
for Great Bend: (Tli:.s train nowthects bayFalTess
both East and West.) i, . _ '
Leave at 3 P. N. Connecting with Freight:Tr:tint*
Great Bend, and . Mail Train :for. Scranton. (This
Freight train meets Mail Train. West at grreat *talk
and Night Er presses both East and West::
- -
- Leave DepOtToe.3fontr*e. oh arrival of all the ihove
trains. . • - L, SEAEIX.'
Montrose, May 1, 1655. - - . -
' • 'New Toil* -Prices
ARE nose being paid by' A. Lithrop & Ok-to alt
those who conSlgit ttieir:butter and produnalifthem....
They hating made arrangententi are pow' ettnbleitto
send all kipds etprodiice to New
ebtl SalllC at the highesfinarket privea. Alt . '_;thpse
who idyll gotid prices tiad quic.k returtia we invite-4a
call upon- - - COP.; •-
;231'ontrose..-3Eay - • . 5
Milk. Nos or till sizes antr- in - Ode frmti,
:.+cubic cross kin at legs than
9 0 041
usually pay. to sell I%g:till e r fcir sale by the Salsertliir4:
We hare coMe to the doeclusloo-te strll pang ttkrat,
mers - es low a 5 we - will to the trade, - titerehy . satiny,
to 'the Farmer our. profit., Our.wares re, warrattletl
to he perfect in every Partieular or rfolgale.
Tenu - 4---Cash or-short.
. J _ Jr
Nevi Milford April I, 1851. • "
V ceived lir
a le ettliply, of Spring and Summer
Goods, whichillbi sold: vett Tow' for,catt
1 s4 - gl;odieTtodonic&gar for oaa do '
J. • laSat ' J 0 - LL'E'S New Store. ••
EA; C0ffee,431014.9,1e4 Fink Wee, and ;Gtoent4oo
of all kinds . . 'Very 'cheap - LEO.
NY quarditi . or Eggs at 12 cirds
111 exchaiwe ftw goodg LEVSlkorte,"•_ -
'quantity of Buitrild.l4.l44l4,o*pounA.1 14
111, ecliatbgt.s fur tlitodd ;tent Store. •
i i
rriluosE uishing to pureliase for; * di, or In ex,-
I , ellang - r for bat ter, win -find it to. interest to
It • .%-Whine my - toek'or 00044 and prieei= for
thetO V4l4 . Fiir barter of all kinds tlio.higliesttirk:
es•ruly at all titne be Tenet' on ai.J.'(l,•-.WS.S•tore,
Montrose Depot". - `'• •
„ 1 / 1 .. ;UM 4A)plier Ware of iv_ purtufaptury.' a
*nada - of hravy plate; for sale 10.`-
- - 4.14(.1.ggit3rA.'
New -Milton!, July 12, 1833. • ;
A E aseortwwei tof MArdrive.._ei
TooTs, Piing) (NAN - Auld fi
..Ninv Milford, 16iy,
theOp ins. '
-- 13 6a,*Loult AND SALT h. itio.ig r ittiel ) 7, l l.‘"
L 4q . :70 Ore. foxr , -.t prices ittyl! (*KM
1 , iuld