Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, June 28, 1855, Image 4

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giset ii4wleott
- - .11AliCRO. T ON 'SLAVEFZ.. . .
- .1, - The new - volunie of Baacroft's Miro/ie.
i . - ,
~ The Salt Lake news contains anuniiii ”l:flic!,, by the H_Antotata_ is a book
sermons. - :deliverd recently b'. the leading 1 which we., s oniewliat.'eagerly.awitted hylhe
Saints-=among others, one .by Elder Orson literary .W,orld. 'l, l ltitli several Of its articles,
Ilyde,in Which be takes a text front one whom- we venture to predict, ,the 'admirer of the his
lie calls - ' a distinguished outsider 'l-,
Presidetit - to - rian will be grie.vously disappointed. ' ye . t
Pierce.: lie says ;--,‘ In the ' last general there is it - thevolumeone essay! worth, in
'cilistlii ..of -Franklin Pierce; : . -MCI Apostle • our view," . all 'Oki_ rest, V - hieh ni. historical i
of the United States of America,". written. to "I and.scholar' o, final interested " in the - mottle - 1
this brethrenof the. Senate and liiiitse ofßep: lof *ales and can with t the profoundest
resentatives in General Copfereuceassertibled„ l'interest.- IVe refer, o article 'which de--
'first clause of the'fiest 'verse, ::3 - du Will • find 1 piets . the
,linfltien4. of,Sla - eb‘i in Undermining
these remarkable • ..words 'recorded :—'The I the Itiminn Empire. z),.. those - 'who have,
• past has been an eventful .yearokel will here-) sotitetiines,-
: perhaps •purcitsonably, - doubted
after be . , referred toas -- a mark epceh. in the iof Mr..llltscaorrs sense - 4 - if the evil of chat,
history of the-world. ' -WhilOw have i, been i tel to l'Our own ; `political progreik,
happily...preserved froin the Gala , 'ties of war,. i and who have feared for his -boldness in ilx
oar dotneStieromperityhaS not yeen entirely 1 preasingliis - *actions, We: commend these
uninterrupted r The. crops, in p rtions of the I ekapterd.l. .111 - ' are dear,' &mut-l i ght and e_ x•
countiy; have teen, nearly 'cut. 'IT DiSease ;p.lieit ;- :1,0 gi hfrring together the best of ,
has prevailed to .a greater eaten , thanjtsual ; ;.mbileitt , rave s igations -in Roman _history, I.
'mid . the_ sacrifices of human life trough case-1 those of il\Thanmia. and ARxOLn,, they have j ; .
alitiet by sea and - land is witho t parallel: "
UPon this,text he makes an elal i• rate address narrative, has , tittite, a baldly drawn, I con- el ABINET.MAtERS, have ': ntly opened a ware
-la convince the Mormons that aI. these - dis I sistent sketch of'toman Slavery and its coo ‘,../'
f room in ew' j ?dilford, Pa., and will keep eon
tresses have,cOme upon the .nati ty, and that I .:sequences... hir, l ', Bisetiosi has not. 4drawnl
stantly on hand ill kinds Of Cabinet-Ware'; also Ready- morewill follow, - because the; erica' peo- I the .parallel, but tis patent, on every .page. i made Coffins.' Fttnerals attended with or without . 4
. .: .
pie have winked at the murder YfthePropla ; One feels,, with vie mitigating etineeptions, - I , l 4 l !._irs , _ _ t.- Ware-ror neatlT , oppnsite .1 ; iekerman's
et,'Joe Smith; because: God i. angry with i that' he it; readin the histori and ilie. doom, i - w N r e e ' w linford, ' i n , 15 - , 1855 :: • '
them. for Having" quietly suffer d his chosen':, of American Sli erY. Ile aliotrs Us hi the I ,________._-- , .:-.c., 7 __. . . 7..... ...
A. & B. Baldwin,
people [the Mormons] to be ; obbed, Oen- 1 time of the Gra , ii,.the !land. refOrmeni! of I 1' '.
defed,•triurdered, and driven li e chaff before "Italy, O'6J-to-Ma Republic Upheld three aces IAI ANCFACTIOIERS OF
the', wind, without interposing ii iiny tray tot ses,- ., -4h • plink, t,iwistocraey ;
.the ,li vre h o ia - . .tru ra. Trunks, Whips, ⪙ in the BaseraentofSesuie'd
• • . '
.. 1 Hotel, Slontroae
prevent it, and , because their etitious and 1 ers ; the, poor free laborers rind the slaves. - ,
cries for redress were unheeded. . ''And,now: ~ .‘ PhilitithrOpy,' says "Sir:; B.', ' when it con:1
triumphantly exclaims . Orson. - , - 4he...natiOn I templates a slavehoiding community, i may
• inky begio to ask, '.Was Jo . ph Smith a' have i iistainapathies excited forthe-slavel.; I
.Prophetl' • Did Ile , not prop ecy. - - - that all ! liut it is . - narrOW , NenevOldrkde which , Steps I
. these afflictions should _fitil opts; - the-" purple ?' 1 there. The needy free ntat,is in worse con
For thus the Lord, hatli .spoken tin, the Book dition.' - .• .
.r: . i• •"; • . • . ,
.of lkiormon :I ' Nations • sisal be cut -oil' The attempt, of of the reOrtners .to i mprove
when they are ripe in iniquit 1 % But they the catn,ditiOn of the free laborers fail.. ; they
are not ripe in iniquity until the kill my ser- became more' , ,degratled:' than before; the
`vents, and. cast out the people then will I SlTitobecame diiidedi between masters mid
• - visit theth in 'nit- anger, • and veviltetn in my slaves; .I.xmclage , continped to weigh -more
'displeasure, and off their bit er - brataiiesi severely on the shrtes; mostly of foreign .
A desolating sickness shall cot: r the ;land. birth,. until at length tinder the guidance of a
(See Book of Covenants.) Duni e shall scit4. leader, Who appealed_ to their religious stipci
ly . oPpress, themL-eonfusion a . , war shall I stitiens its well is to their , !nee of liberty,
, • make their hearts- faint," and their knees to they "burst - flyrth Intl a! fearful revolution.
tremble." ' ' Would to God,' continues Orson; - The RornanSt3te tr4s - shaken to its base, - and
very piously, ' that our nation, hail never giv- the most fright ful attoeities which hiatOry re
en cruse_ for diStress which tiler - now only cords :were eonintitted, - ;'The,outrages,'ltir.
begin to suffer! Would to. God that they B. well fretnarke, ' Which; men 1 commit when
chiefly-for their sakes!, had - never provoked they first tegaht their freedom, furnish strong
the anger of the Almighty by . killing our i arginnentiagaitist the condition which can ern
prophets, and casting out our phi.'
pio - I der ]finnannattire - mipable of such crimes.
Orson takes it- fbr granted because he I These and the Simeetring outbreaks were put
:says ' it has been preached- abotit, written up- I down, for the weak an 4 enslaved foreigner wayi
sm and prophesied by.the ltfermons fur the I pitted against the even yet.yigorous atid"War
foist twenty years,'• that a farnii e is to Visit I like.Roinan. It . was ;than the s ltalian, as, now
our people forth With, and lie u •es the mints ! the Anglo-Saxim ' destiny,' everywheia,to
and sinners, jeWs and Gentile., white men 1 goveni the weak:. But the weak - and - theop.
and red,. in litab, to go toiwork with all their j pressed' lutd• a t!errible revenge ; !ar rather the
iniaht 'to raise .wheat, corn, aid stuck—to 1 lasts of! the tudral w;orlj worked. out their 1!
. ,ty •
... save all their grain, and sotrYil all they they possibly I natural result. I SlaverY ,threw the pow.'er and 11
'can. , lie compares the Ttlormoins to oseph, I s lands of the State into the luoida of a few; it;;
• driveil out by his tricked bretli en—the pee- - ; crushed the f:iie :middle ;class -,' it introduced •11
pie of the United States-sand redicts that, 1 luxury atul idleness, and so sapped the. enee- II
:akof old, these brethren will s on be going 1 gies of 'the_ governing classes; it diiniiiislitsl 1
down to the land of Joseph o save: them,; the 'relative nninbera Of, the slave-owners-an d
front famine. Ma appreciatio of the Scrip-. 1 the. aristocracy—fur, in ' i : the words of the es- I
1 .,
tore story is very amusing. ' ie, says . :,— I sity,..` Slaveryends to diminiSh the frequen.
.. .i Prepare storehouses in - whipli yourfboun. Icy of marrih e among:, maaters. •. In a State I.
j it
.; - tihil crops can be saved. Rni
eembee Joseph I where emancipation - is ;.foebidden, the, slave I
'.in Egypt, The Old man ; hints, If and all the i population perpetually wi I perpeally gain in relative
boys had to go to
_him for h. had corn-in numbers.'•, time of famine., : Politicians op use our Bath - 1- - At' Ole rim of Qeser, the . 'peculiar insti
-ering togethef...' 'But if you wi I hm'e plenty 1 tution t j of.Rothe }rad dime to have full ;sway. •
.-.)ftviteat, pink and beef on hat d, all hell can-1 The Slaves untnberediSome three times both
.not stop them frorn coming he e. Look out I the 'masters_ and the free. laborers.' The
jor the • old man, - and all the bo -s 'C0111e . ... benti...! Slave Trade extexidecif to every sea, and cum•
zing unto you ; and I'd Venture a:cr, will not 1 merce• and wars kept the market 'full. - The
. .quarrel 'with you about the, u ion ,of church:r code Of Slavdry.was .4 - .)tiewltat like that of,
' :and State—at least not until . pry, have had I the StuthernlStates, eiceept thatin Rome the
their bi eakflist. -We. ' may i ten tell thent 1 slave I,could' lbe instructed.; and genies orl
1 ,
- that *hen we were with fhem hey burned up
. 1 actonipliShments were vattled at the market,
-our wheat ',in the stack, in he shock. and as .noW- - are piety and muscles at the black !nil
that which was,seattered in t 1 ctrtield. They .:Nett'-Orleansf; 'Tliere.' wits . no efficient pr 0...)
. burped our hay. and oar houses, and left - our , teetion to. tlicr chastity ef a Roman slare.girl -1
I ' . - sick, our. women and children,' in the _ seen+. the' familt. - relations Were mere/ protected:l:
: - ing sun and beating Min, without food. or -; and s nO alavels testinionv could .be reecived,.;-,
shelter.- We told them,
__ when they_ did it 1 exce pt Upon
- On '..the remote plan-i 1
that we would - rill'ave wheat When they Ltd ;Onions, they completely ,at the trereyil
none. - When - these . poor - starving thous-1• O'f their :mastiers, and
,probably cruelties were I
ands flock here for, food, will it not be glory, I committedmrponly•of which our_South-i
. enough, for: you to` begin with .to feed them— l'ern,States r o ry to - see
,occasional .inOances),l
to give .the shelter and administer to the 1 ecatif .81at'es 'filled all the incellailie iiittei"st al and''; e f
',sich I i -1s ill not such coals;_heaped up,- I even h the instructors 'and men'. 01 sci i i
on their-heads; be enough
.. l ito satisfy your !enee Of the CAC, The prices varied" much,
righteous ?If -on do as yoo-."- as the -,Wou l
d now if :slates were thorougb4,
are told, your eyes shall witness. just such., ly tea ued. .l eommen laborer i was worth
:scenes: You may -, ask„ - ' When • 'War these 1 from 75 to l i 00 ; a play actor $lOOO , a grain
•. things be i' .. Answer, 'lust to soon as-you. j Maria $-1,1:01i, ; a 'beautiful *actress even as
can possibly Lay up the whe t.' - • If the.
,lini- much as $13,0(H) per annuni, and a physician
ted States will, not make • righam. Young :Was legally gained At! $2,400. - - --• .' ' .__
'Governor, wheat will Josep is hrethreiftiev'v': '''
.8!;, very Tfrepa' T . ed!the way. for - the: further ~. . ,
1 -- ' B. 8.. Ly* & Co.,
er voted to make him Gore - er. over them ; - deb. ' went of Roine.;: by introducing''. an ex:( IVBOLVALE. AND .RETTiat. rmattag - -TH
but he was elected to that o ees by a joint - trara nt inxury,,suid evelii;c:hent" degraded ', --• Dry rdsl D Gmce ri,es' Salt, Fkmr, aud.jiard
- ballot of wheat and corn. There is more publi morals by ViOlatinrr 'the -sanctity of I !!"_ l _n_"l - .!.!_!'_",_'.72..:!.. - _!!.. -:; :_______
'Li n
salvation and security in w eat id ail -Marriage. - IClta%titY among the. *young men I. • - i P. B.' Chandler,. . .
the._frolitical schemes of the. orld—and-alse of time u f• 1 lb ea • alm os timknown. i
~ e zmsest i e me
Groceries, Rooks and Stationers , etc:, Public
11)-EALEILIN Mil' GOODS, Ready Made Clothing,
..titird:"pow& in it than in all . the contending With ;the+ate] bondage - terrible vices and Aireni Itroid 4 Pa . i . ,
armies .of the. nations. Rai wheat, atnilay terrihie di • ' : set in over ; the- whole 'of so . - • _ e '__.`l7_..•___.-.. __ .. ._].....___ _._ __:_____—_:.
It up in store ufitil'it will by ug a good price cley. -At length. despotism and ~siibutisaly , . '- ?..: Patrickli_Dimock, -
—imtdollars and oents-bu kingdoins,oonn- to ro re ; go . ot h or i t s,,,: was - the.. n et tra i course 1 pnysielN 0 Ell AND SURGEONS. Office No. 4
: trios, Peoples, tribes and . (Agues. .. .;They ,to 4 sOciety. sci_retten - and, !discied`diseased';for, ,as I ....._:_7egotstrect i Montrose, Pa._ _ _
idiVe sold tliemselves for ti light; .- and must 1 ourHhistorian trisely observes, 'Despotism, 1 - I ~.. :L L. Post & CO.,
be redeemed without.mone .it - spill take lin Or regalia. order cif IlroVidence, is the-pun. - 1 -- -)f;ALEFtS, IN DRY GOODS , Groceries; Crockery,
'Wheat to . redeem Owen. - ise - Wheat' and I istai ent of : a-nation lor the institution of Sla-
lay it . t.ip securely, and it will preach the I vera: I - ' .- '. •-• '-: .; . pike street *id rublic-A•venne, - Montrose; Pa.
j‘gathering' more eloquettl , successfully and i 114 e inn . of-Italyi:;M-begins note: tope Seen .
, • eaten:Slyly. than all the 'm' iMiaries that We 1 in'lirgin,ti.and. others of the Southern States
A'xend oat, to sweep thr igh the nations ...‘ef Amer' , tills exhaust:46V Slavery The . •
- ...:!tratb. the -pooelutatiott of the judgments of - fields of tie Carnr4 arx were once rich . as the -1
r441. - abrOad in the 1and.",,... - ' ;. . '• ' . land on the4lopcs of -- the!. l .lAlleghlinies, • or . in ''
~... ..
-.. - 11 e - .reiterates his blasphemOus assertion. the Kentu4v prairie bottoms.. Th ey were ,
Atitthe Saviour of zuankinl was a polygatn- dotted - wi SeautifUlhomesteids aiid plants-1
sat"by practide:— .- • - 1.ti0i! , .. VI& Witate' till -system .of cuitiva. 1
- , ft' . .. --,,-
i 1 discover that some or i the Ea ste rn pa -. ' - -tiou l . dsmert.fiist tutoed theM fee:it &r.. I
1 by
pees represent ma as a groat blasphemer, he- I tile Igrain fields to . ..'i.paistur&a, - and ft.hett left : 1
• tairSe I said in my lecture otit - liiiriager,tai them , - as bey - are 'tone; ..actlitary- and Mina- _
---.- - :' , Our, 4.4. Oonferenei that' esas Christ. Was triaiie pl . -whore: hardly Man ' can dive% '
taartied at Cana in Gaitlee--, that Mary, Mar.' ! itt ratites time 'Slave labor hardly;
~. ; ilia,, and others ,Wereltis ~wrires, extd that lie 1 - - . 4
in Italy "a_ return one-third so. great
14 '
begat_Ohildren. All that If . hare to say in re- las 1 " -- ~ gets fermi:the hills and rides of
• i. , •
vy o*M:charge is thia :is-They worship a ' Ne l w-Ens 11." :., i - :- i
Stritiotte.that - is too pure and holy to fulfil the;
. 9t is .ealumny; Biqa ;Mi. Baseaarf d , ‘. to,
t . cwatiatut.4 Otitis :Father- I worship ope that . .charge t 'clerastation of italYnpon Ow bar:.
-!.i! 1 ?t;1 31e s and holy et) 101. 'to fulfil all bariana.. 11 , a . e . .h . tege .. .
,RO sln nnkr; .. ." o plittitati s a On; till-,
.. rietteCalagleite—i;ta the: :. yews law;of bap• ed;_by al re labor; were ;'tai ruin: Slavery
iisrl4:llos--..;the ''still MO righteous and kn. i had effe,'..... . the decline of the Roman people,'
- portant .fitirio Multiply spt - replenish the land bad vaited - tli 1 ' 4 "bet i ?"' - Ele til
earth.... Stattle'sot . at big I . for even the- orla,,Seat 4 linavian had. L "'* . *-a,. : tho . i.4 l ,Ps:
,Fstber.hintself...honored -.. t law _by coming 1 - A state holding anet4iriatithiluak Within, it
siown't6 .Itbiri t i:*".itlititt 4 naturaLbody, and:': must r on Weak ..40(bitiothThe laws
'begetting* BonOlit If J . su s-b4Aildreni ler the. bole monad ` iii 44. ii , -0 f i l 11 411 is are
he only; 'did thaViifitat - e haCtinele(bitt Fa- 1 against i integrity, Mciealiti;;lfralitil'ey and
esi .
ther do.' -.' -; ;-."' .•. ' • - - . - I thp - ' thrift b,i . - it. - ,-.-Thn runt; may come
I aipparen4l9.:fr*rn .li!tthontl; It ina4-13* ditai - -,
till i3r . e+ritilries;;:):44 its i cause I* there,. A-.
:ways wOrking.'.': Vh(f) shall guard the South
fram fife} fate trd jut these: nerrcinis*ords
otiltr; Elaifwv7..",F. "'Slavery had: desiroyod .
tif4., i bad . ..0'104,1'"4111Y0.41 the" liOatoCnii
,i» Olioyed - ..tbq efilOrei']ilid at 4st it',
ligt -the, - ' ... sitlitir . ...titinotte , pnieer Idcepti'
~fitrOwe - ' on the - l'i'ce - of euitiiii.Urself,' - -
Be a Whole Maw
The late- J. J. Gurney, likeriisis - memory is
„ ,fragrint among ail good pie, in .4vritiiig -
-, zaiert . l4)tereftottricil his sorte:iitisidml,
,i iliOttis junction : 'Be a - it* man
in fiemtlang. At Laiiu• be a- wholelrrian,*
• *144 at geolite!ri or, -tori, be a is-hoh ;
hif tatu
- Inanzatgeomotry'or hist ry. ; ; et play, he a.
Whole panto Play :at w rig and dressipg
be a whole man to washing and dressing ; at
meeting„ be amlualemau to worship? N ear .
iy_ell the : diffet.oseeearnong men, ss to fen*
„ateediseusnce ofehefecter, are to' be attribu
_-hfi . ithe - observance or neglect`nf the spit-
Untie& maxim. A man
_have only a
.., , thiiablitoll Of brains, yL - ghewilLPektliem
=,+ all.itthe object be has <'-hanA and only at
that, -it is • ~ - • % -f-, .' be will effect.
AfOrkfUtUin , kl 1;• ,
through :: , . ' PrOpetiy directed,
- ; will drive a talltoW 'can( te rough an inch
board; jam', mi4:o3centraticalL—being.::a
whole maa, at whatever
_one - - an4ertah*--
cause evOli Ma mark
upoit his age.. . '
.4 tit
- .
• 6 -
! I 4unourxr Or itu - Facessa.-41. eon,
~, -
- te nficw.. , very truly retnarke, thatlrtish se
his been the popular censure ofiliik s zpresent
1 4 1`'Ailinitristnition, it it no thhtt to the
.' .. n. giieii - of it by its orn meters and
(00 1 811 '., ': ! *yew Mrl - 0 1 0saear letter in
' rerenn , • to, theSeerett# _of ti Trea B UrYl
"Judge i nukes letter] about the Cabinet,.
ocnr", _ er'll Speech' ilinut- Mi: 341echison,
i p
telf Tueiter s rem** cm Gov. 'leader,
4. ]Cord's description of Our Minister
iiir meouid, last of ill s Mr. Perry's '
,i ' ! : '
Icri c
-F-• 1
'count of our Minister to fWini ail chewier ,
-in it itt lunch metier term - s even we )
*ho: are its dadaist opponents,'ltave felt cal.
ed upon to, use. -And yet it, mast be admit •
ted that the,y` t have, had the best opportunities
of Ju
Tnt WORLD'S t-I'AUt, filr ALL _ N
Among the notiolable things On exhibition at
the Crystal Nage, we saw a,' cohtribetiun of
New Pills, from •iithe laboratery of Pa. J. C.
Arta, the ant* of , the widely known
valued. Cusanr FECrORAL. As It is against
the:express regulations - of the Palace, to ad.
'nth . any qua* medicines, this_ fact siloWS that
his remedies art not placed i that category,
by, the authoOties. Indeed, we have before,
known that his , #ectoral was highly appreci
ated by scientifid mkn, and hare seenJately
thSt bis Pills' ill held in gres estimation by .
those deeply , leitned in. the, healing ftrt.—
True Rejer ner,i'Men.
T. Orchard, M.
hanna coiniti; Pa. Itesidmice at the Postale°.
• c. at. Simmons,.
1 - 400 T AN . DSIIOE MAKER. Shop iiiat door cast
JLP of Odd Felkiwa' Hail, Turnpike at., Montrose.
---- —"s
W. Singleton _ . •
:OAS now be fbund at his new stand on Owego st.
IkJ two doors 4est, of Searle'illotel, where he ef
fectually 'repairi.,l with
,dispatrh, Watches, Clocks,
Jewelry, Guns , and every description of Machinery.
Wheel cuttin; Pun and Watch materials supplied
to_ the trade. f, •
.-.. .
i 4)1% IL Smith, . .
SURGEMt DENTIST , Montrose, Pa., at Searles
Hotel, Mo , "ys and. Tuesdays of each week.
Remy S. Fowl, •
At op :lm
.I , . ! .with re ß, oar, I C l:oarjteif on & f i ar r.
chants"; No. 73.: asbington street, between Court
andt add De etre, eta, law Fork.
Caleb Weeks.
riagee Trimidei. Shop at: his dwelling houie,
early opposith Wary Drinker's'. Montrose, Pa.
& PoWler,
Al: and Soltciutrs in Chanc,cry; Office Ito. 44 Clarke
.street, • Chic4o, 311.
4ca ; yc,
j Pacific Mitel,
- IREENANIC.6 STREET, (near Itroadway,). Wein
York. ;..Salisbury-4), - Co q Proprietors: .In the
iicinity tide ptincipal steamboat
INt DRY GOODS, Groceries, Clothing,
D. Crockery, boots and Shiva, &mi . Susquehanna
Der); Pa. [ff
2eutley. & Pitch,
,tll. AGF-NlTS,prontr4me, Pa,
:John Mitres,
• , ,
T: 4 7.ASIIIONaLF.• TAILOR Shop under Searles
L. Hotel Mathe street, Montrose, l'a.
i - - - H
•D. D. i*ds,
-Ili in the rev* of Wilson's More, Nontrose, ,Pa.
'I • J. Colfiten , .
TNEALEit TN STOVES, Tin, - Copper, and Sheet
Iron Want., Lxlersrille; near (h-eQt Rend Depot.
December 4:i • • 4 "
L. P. Hinds,
TTORXEt AT LAW, •Susquehanna, Pa. Office
Li. on Main 6 street, one door, east of Lenheim's.
1 ' . Frazier . . &
1 . 1:. Office Oi Turnpike street, one door East a
Past's Ste' gontrose, Pc. .
. ST EAlbert Chamberlin,
TTORIY AT LAW and Justice of the PenCe;
over L /I Co's kore, Montrose.
- Wm. H. Jessup;
DeStst, cur the State of New York, will attend
to all btadnessientrmted to him with promptness and
fidelity. Off* on Public Square, occupied by Hon.
Wm. Jr:Situp.
. . _
Abel Virrell,
.1/ Paints, Oils, Die-stuirs, Groceries, Dry Goods,
Ilardware,_ StOnewarc, -Glamware, Clocks, Watch*:
Jewelry, Savtyr Spoons, Spectacles,. Musical Irkru-,
ments, Trusd*,. Surgical- Instruments, Lignika, Per
fumery, 3rumivir.‘ StationerYi Brushes, Shoes, Yankee
Node* &c. • :;
J. Lyons & Son.,
DEALEBS,iii DRY. GiXiBB, Groceries, IlahivrAre,
Cnackerv,.Tinwire, Oroeeries, Books, etc.; also,
miry on du licip,k liindio:g business— Avenue,
Nowt rota, -.Pa, -
, . ~.
• 4 Beat' & Read, , •
ILYll}4t' IN DRY cOODS, Drugs, Medicines.
.011 s,," Groceries, Hardware, crockery,
Iron; Mae, :Watches, Jewelry, Silver Spoons, Per
emery; kct--Foot of Public Avenue,:-.Montroae.
Sarno . 3 km - tletT &
4.71. Ithulti of Oustul . "!Stoves, Agrieul Imple
metitg, etc: Office at Sire's Ritere, Public venue;
Mantifactc4 ar the Eagle Fotmdt7, Foot of Cherry
ifolitrose, Pa. - j - -
*limn, & William IL hanii,
TTORNEYS-AX .LAW, Notqtro, se, pa, Frac
ticeln Sttnitietionts, Bradated,
anti tuzernecountles.
_ W. Smith &•00.3,
MAKERS. They keep constantly, on
1./ lianas good assortment of all hinds of Cabinet
Futtiture4 Shop- and Ware Rooms at the Toot of
Maine, sin*, IfleWost: • •
i Rockwell, Winton it 04;:.
eftWiIeIVRERF, and DRAMS' in Sit*
1.! Gods, hate, Coo, Fars, IlsairdPgs, Parm
sole, Rigogis. 20 Conetiandkatr_eet, Nese
Torgg pr ietake4 : '
! , "PllOllOll Pralfig•
„ZS. Niaftiose, Pa., WilLitteed faithfully to all
eha b u eetztiated*bimltilbe eounty'of
poemsniim all writing of all binds will be deee
neatly, atgkehimesthothwati Me will also attend, 10.
the proee4l . loottof elsinitof soldiera.their a:blowiest:l'
heirs, IE 4 . th: s a \ Statea Govertenenk
Eleuelx ; ' re - itailve• roam at an
hours office
.4 1 ; 11,11142-
lanb. 2 . 0 4 1 .. north of tho'Cinnt 1489.
- - , - t
It C. Tyler,
INTEREGTED with' L. HUNT; tnipnrfer of and
.Deshir in Hardware - and cutlery, eartiogiSpings,
j ib.
ki... No.. lii rout meet, Vero Ter*, where bli-Ifer
earls& in thin . irad other wr.tina. erre - kindly
hilted, earnernty aoliciftxrter4ll.lo4,porehaie.
, L . " •
0011,T6 1 7 4 ":*"! 1- ? LTONA:ON". r
To the Peopl e ' !of - NOsqUteinukno.
• • *duty. •
lutptiStitinie tithe gm/rites% sufferers by tte recent
deattitelci - Are ;Montrose, 'baying lost my .
stombetusi and . .sieaslirdl of my g.oods:, I have not
however . .given Over toldes(iair; but haye taken - •
store room ,in tbelower;part of the town, first elOos
mirth .OflEceler'sllotel, into width I baie placed tbt
-small stock savellfrom!tb'e fire, mid will in the course
of a yery short time fill ; 'sip the sliore with.'an entire
now Stock of goods.. 1 111. my present new location, I
'Will be NIPPY to see Anil wait on my old customers
and the public, genetifiiolO will f a vor . ape w i t h a
call. I have resolved i 'briscier ,itis.lt_ttli_theski.l ) - 7
I am determined to keep I DRUG STORE, and to
k eep a goo d gisaortmookof DrsrA Merlirines, Paints,
'Oils, Dye-allifs, Groeirries, Glass-erare,!Jaretry; Per
fumery, Tanker NotiSa, iiittDE sorts of Bine!,
, Goods, kc, kc.,.such nal kept before the fire, which
devoured the earningi Of a life time in in hour.
liontrose,lior. 23, 4)354. ABEL TIIBRELL.
Nl.ll Win every man indebtedto me, please
. .L,l • remembe*me in ths my ,time of need,
by sending to me the Mitount die immediately.
' November 28; ; ; ; ABEL TURRELL.
• • k- ;
(I'l OLD .and SiWel Patent Lever, Aimbor and L
VA pine Watebei, reecii - ed and for
Jewelry, Jewelry.
A GOOD simrtinelt ot .lewelry, consisting of Ear
Rings, Ear DrOm Breast Pins, iFi gs
nger: Rin,
ke. kn. ustreceirc4 !at BENTLEY le REA D's.
liil per Spoons.:
T . ea, Table, Des . sert, ligar, Salt, &e., warranted pyre,
for sale by BIiNTLVX & READ.
BootiTtud shoes.
An unusuillyi good fssoronenj- of -the 'hest mice, all
froth and prrfeet for-hale by TIENTLEY•A: READ.
.Drugiisaidliedicines. ' . •
A fresh -stock genuint Drugs, and Medicines, Patent
Medicines, Paint.% Pills, Dye-stuff:a, /zel., fur sale - by.
Dec. 13.1 1i s PENTLEY d, READ.
I'7o iv coif: I,ETE—and we would take thiel
opportunityio - sav that we can } show the mostj!
beautiful and, splentif patterns of Parlor and Cooking ,!
Stoves to be faunal ' the minty. Amon;, them can
he seen the ReVolvitig Front and. GOthie r 'Parlor, for;
wood or coal, entirelY new anti deeidedly pretty stoves.ll
Prices from five to ten dollars:10f 'Clooking4ltove.s
-we think It needleSSio.say much, only to remark; that
we are selling them at our . former prices, and judging
from the mpiditrof)our sales, we believe the public',
are entirely sati4n4 with our priceskantl the quality
of our .ivares. \Vie', have "a few more left" of the
"Clinton Air-tight( Elevated Oven 'Stove," acknoul.:
edged to he
- the heal smoking stove now in use. Rus;
sia and English Stave Pipe at'old price's, and Tani,
wings and Tin wit+ of all descriptions at Abe very
lowest, rates. e, f '3. DICKERNAN,jr.
New lillftird, 04tOber 23, 1854. ; . -
THE I 1 0IroW
11 But,.very Of tunately,the earth is not thrown
from its orbit, and:the sun shines on as before ; eini
bling the "Picture Man " to work at his trade of light
and shade in his nails] satisfactory manner.,
llis New.Stoek; just purchased', edniprisos• every,-
thing neat and desirable In fie Daguerreotype line,
and he asks . that jolt , will not "forgetto call. 1 •
He has also so O recently published Books, which
will be sure to a#e those who wish good reading.
• W. B. DEANS.
Odd Fellows? . 1141, Montrose . •
W. B. B.:l l dpes nut hikel'ieturra fur 25 or 5,0
77eose such iraah must go elxi where.
. Johii Groves' A4verthement.
AS nature, ltO ; urnisbes the birds.. and beasts-with
an extra coat Co *inter, bait not made a iimilar-prO
vision for Man; , have concluded to take it upon mv
self to attendld that department ; and, therefore I
think proper tolatinounce that all shivering.maltr bi
peds, that need n;t3w apparel, glorious, or inglorious,
fashionable or tinfa.shionable, can have their wants
supplied and their; tastes suited by milling on me, at
,my shop hi Montrose. .
--- •
• •
PEOPLE.. : -•
NIT OODELV!.k . ELDREI) have constantly on hand
• .a large land well selected astortment of' tin
ware, Reels - atoll. Chain for wells, pumps, cistern
pumps, &c., lipdeaulic Rates, Japanned Wares, lead
'pipes of all Sly* kc. Job work done with neat
ness and despatch ; all orders promptly attended-to.
81 4 0VESk PIPE
kept constantly oil hand, a large assortment. of stoves
of the West improved and ',approved 'patterns. Our
experience in tbeibusiness enables us to select these.
that we can Far i eif warrant to give entire satisfaction,
Amongst our nunierons Etna can be found the
Paragon air tight Star of the WeSt, Elevated
Iticir World, ,1 . • Clinton, [Oven,
Atlai, • to i" Cultivator,
Phoenix, . , Fire Fly,
Three States, . - Western Qneen,
S. A. woonn
V m ay
EELF.R 4:. STODDARD, since .tbe Ipte fire,mar
be Muni in the BASEMENT oFsEARLes
IIOTEL.. Notwithstanding the unprecedentedl ra,
pidity with Whieb our stock of • Boots, *hoes, &c.,
"went off' ort the morning of the fire, we still have
some on bin, and shall soon be well supplied again.
. • Siontrote. civember 13. 18 .t. . • I
TUE sub- ibers offer for sale on the most liberal
and easy ten %nue of the best located farms for waling
money in;;No tbern lienns.Tlrania. The said farm is
eitattad call e Newburg and Owego Turnpike; ta n
miles east or.3totint rteasallt village, and twelvefeom
the N. Y. 8: ' EAR. R., also' aery ccrnvenientiv sittinted
to Churches ..selleols, Grist-mills, Saw-mills; 'Black.
smith shops fee. It contains one hundred,and Siity-,
one acres, one hundred of it under a: •-o st ate of
cul4vation, Well watered and good buildings. consist
ing bf a good framed house, well finisned off, and very
convenient!„ alTanged. Also two good barns and a
- good barn sked well calmilated for convenience, two
large oreltardsiyielding frOm 500 10,1000 bushels an
nually, mostly 'grafted fruit of the best quality. The
farmis well hdatited to grazing sufficient to keep a
large stock.; ,For price and termsapply to It. F
EATON, or;te ALFRED LAKE, on the premises.
liarford. ID/ec, 13 1 854 .
Mare ;and More New GOOds. •
_Buorrr is now receiving new and full
• supplies of Gooi4 for the Winter Trent.,
eluding a neve; and elegant assortment . of French Me
rinoe*, ,Ifekitio and Cashmere Plaids; Plaid, Fan-.
cy and Plidnl.DeLanci, Paramettas,Rroche, Square
and. hni, Pl.'ateis, all of new and best styles, and will
be sold it .45 per cent. less than last year's prices.—
Also a newjassortrnent of Rick Rihhons and Bonnets,
_Wide Silkireleeta for Ma+ and Atuctillai, Rich
Silk and . Dress Trinunings, Mohair, Head
Dkesses,..lifolets kc. itc., with a general assortment
of other Stalls. and FANCY Coons, as usual,) which
having bought-under the' present preaSure of the cash
market, will he sold at corresponding and reduced
pekes. 1 • -
New November 27, 1754. - I
T "'* 414'7 Goods 'soli being re.
ceive# ft I.! .-POST dr CO's. are desirable in
quality, style and price. , 1 1 •
Stisfir Pri ertxork '
, Caloric Sleeres,
11s4l 0 0 0 (lB.' . : ' 1 : (1 909 1 , • I
Chiths4sed eassinteres, - Amster; 1 -
. lirh ire Meth; isnd Parasol*. '
CLOTIIIMG—a fine stock, Gmceries cif jell rani•
mice: llardivare, Crockery, Looking Gla and in
every depitriment their assortment is goodomd at
prices toinit. • 11 . ' 1
Mon , March 20 4,85 i" '
i , • .
• 1
The-cdpartnetzbip beretotbrir existing between the
eubotr•itoers under the firm 'of E.. 14 Kent k Cti. , is
this day dhitsolred bj mutual coneenC • •.• •
E. E., KENT & CO.••
- -
• Brookl Apr. 2, 1855.
T" ; 9- .
pun itp.
w. wnrrow
- 1
trnabY zul Clover 114 t
numa of shaken', 4=e, tonnec
.. ""arden Heeds Just 41 .1 (Or sakt bY I
- • UM&
t Shawls. -
A, kw nio(eleit• dud will be sold view aka
PentlStes teslunerskpeialneet4Rat
fee sale by
' `e • • 3E TR E rr ; . ;,
New Milford, March A, I glib
Frew - him.
7 -
TALI.ON ; also, Farmers ttiois in gen
I. L POST CO'g. •
th liothy and 'Clore:. wed at I
i -•-.. 4..„, : --, s_T.t.,' :--.. lt"
.x.,-.. , -..7 i ;•• ' - ,l ; e 1.
1 , fl .: , 4.
~i. . V.. . 1;1"5.F: 7r".4 •
PM. 3
s "t7 111171
~ ... • ~
tvk „,,
re , 4 1 0 , 4 ,-, , - - . 4...
~.. i '- e
. - i • ':' .! •i• , ,
-1 1. r
' - - ,IIER'S .I .- PILLS .;..
and siogula s rlY iuecessful retried) , ter this
diseases-LCostitteness, Indi-
i We
cure ef .
all Billioul the.
gestion,Jatindlee,'DropsY, Rheinnatisnri Fevers, Hu• elit',..'
morsi out; Nervolisneas; tirits l " l ", iiIinJUMITIMIOnfy !
.Headactie„ Pains in the Wrist 'telt Ind Limbs, t hy
•Vemale , Csitnplaints, &O. Ire 'very few are-'Mc
the diSeasO in-which a F't fdleine is - not tm'
more or lists required, iitai i tits and suffer- 1 _ . 844
iiig might he i preventedof Jug effectual ° Ca l k '
cathartic Were more freely it. person can feel me.,'
'swell while 4 costive habit of betWprevitils; beside!, Ls
, R soon - g.fierates scrim's and I u - ften Oita' dismses, itj,
• which mitt 'rave been avoided by the timely and mod
judicious : use of a good . pturgati*e This is alike true
t . e i
' of ,Colds,leverish:syinpunns, and Billious derange- , , •
wilts. They all teed' to become or produce the deep
'seated anti] formidable distempers which load the
hearses all over -the land. Hence
. 3 reliable family
Physic) is Of th e importance to
: thetPubllobeillth,
and this pill - has been perfected. with .consummate
skill to meet that dentand. An eiten..dve trial of its
virtues by, Physicians - , Erofessots, and: Patients; has
(shown reaults surpas4ng any thing hitherto knoin of
any medieine. Ciire3 have been effected beyond bet I )
I ilief, twere , theY not substantiated by persona of Stich' .
exalted Positions and character as to 'forbid the !Ms.; pat!
picion oft untruth. Antong the eminent gentlemen tree
who haste testified itt favor of these Pills, - we may .s
mention+. • ~, •• ' : .1 • • ' • . . - 'pot
Doet. 4. A. Ilsvi:s; Analytical Cheinist of Boston, cirri
end State Assayer of Mlsstteltasetts.; 11. J. GsanNxit,
Governor of Massachusetts;
. EMOltli NtAsifdtao: Ex. - ,
Gov. of Massachusethis : Stases: . linoWs, Lieut. ' Gov. T 1
of Mass. t E. M. Wetetri, Secretary of , State of :Wass. •
Jon's . 11.. i Frtzesia TeX, Ca th Bishop of Ilostou t 'Prof: ri
Jons Ttinast, of the College of Phyfilcians and Sur, j
geons, New York city ;:1)r. C.IT. Jacksos, Geologist ha
of the Pnbliel.andW of i the United States; Dr.J..R. 1 b u i
CIIII.TON, Practical Chetnist of New YOrk City, endow) . - . 0 „
.edhy 'Hint. W. 1.._ Matiev, Secretary t o . State; Ww. and
B. Asrolt, the richi4 than in America; S. LE; A: , .ip & s i,
Co., Priaprietors of the Metropolitan Hotel, and a dd
others. 1., ' . I Cat
Did i•lPace Permit, We could -give: many hundred a i s ,,.
certificates from all parts svhe'.re the. Tills have been i n o
used, bit evidence: evi i m mote Convineing -than the r i n ,
experience of eminent.public linen,
i' , - founddn their es,
effects Upon trial. 'i . ' ••• ; : • •. . ter
These Pills, the resalt of Icing investigation'investigation' and: A ll
study. are off; red Co the public as the best and most i„,
complete which the present-state of tinedical science, :'.]
can affitrd. They are ;eompounded Mat of the drugs .
themselves, hitt of tbelmedicinal virthei Onlyof Veg-. • ,
etable remedies extracted by , ,ehemical proceia. in a
state of purityand combined together'in such .a Man
nor suito insure the best results. 'This" system of
Icompo:iition for medicines haerbeen;found in Cherry 11
Pectortil and Pills both, to 'pr slues, a: more efficient ,
remedy than had iiithCrto been ohtained by any pro
cess. 'The reason is', Perfectly obvious. .While by
: old. male of cOmposidon, k!veryonedieine is bur
dened With more or less of aeinuinionit and injurious
qualities, by this each imlividital visa's; only that is
desired'fOr the entatife efftiCt is present: All the in,
ert and titutoxioltsmitalifies of each. substance_ em
ployed are left behind, the cUrative virthes only be
rsAnined. Hence* is Self ev 'ident -the effects
should' mire as they have proved, More purely rem
edial, and the pills a more powerftil antidote to dis
ease than any other inedicinelmowtt to the world.
As it is frequently expedient that many medicines
should' be taken under the ern:m . 3(4'of. an attending
physidian, and a.s he conld net •prOperly judge of a
remedy; without knoWintrita Compciiition, I have sup-
plied the accurate forinulle bYlwhich both my Peen>
ral and . l'ills are made, to the, whole body of Practi
tionerX in. the United Statefs.and (British _.4-inerican
Provihces. lf; bowe:Ver, there. should be 'any one
who has not received then), t'ioy Will be forwarded
by mail at his request. ' ' . -
. Of! all the Pakent. ledicinee that are offered, how
few Mould be taken if their compcisition was known!
Their life consists itiltheir.myatery. I have no mys
teries: The composition of my preparations • i'm laid
opeolto all Men,; and , all who are competent to judge
on tlic subject freely j acknowledge their convictions o
their intrinsic inerits.r The:ClierrY Pectoral was•pra
nounted by scientific men to lie a Wonderful medicine
before its effects wtie known'. Many eminent Phy
sicians have de - dared the same thing of my Pills, and
even' mare confidently, and are willing to certify that
their, anticipations Were more iluin realized by their
effects upon trial; They operate bytheir powerful
influence on dad . Internal viscera ito purify the blood
and-Stimulate it into. healthy action—remove the -ob
struetiodisof the Stotnach,-boWels, , ,liver. and othes:,:cir
gami of the body; motoring thehl regular action to
health, and by itorriteting, wherester limey exist, such
derangements, q• are' the first oritAin of disease: .
Prepared by Br.. J..C. .IYRR,lPmetical and Ana
jytidal Chemist;' Loviell, Mass. Face 'lts cents Per
box Fire bOx6i for $l,OO. 'Sohl by ABEL. TultREI.l.;
Montrose;_ 13: F. &IR. 11. Esrosf, Burford; Cuuttent
& PotINN Xi, Diaidaft, and by I all: dealets
,l,n itiedicities
• ,
eve's where. ] • ' ' ,' ' '
II I -
DA1111:10.11g*, 9rAliE NOTICE), ;
- • , r
stbst.zil;wer. zz -haying secured the sole right to !
I .0VIS" A CST.IIILt ! C 111.71:
IIIITTEI.. wej:RK4l, , , f or
i smi.rinehanna and several
comities; respectfully invite alt Butter
ercjto examine !arid tlt:t4Meliti of thi, new tind,
valuable invention. ; Tire isr,tlpoi.4t to furnish each and
All of you with la Citeux tltat will produce as witch
batter in as short a time :as any.pther churn--one
that will
11v- bUttctrutilk,. ,cash and •
wok in .the (ttifteiiiitt! pt.r . /I.ctly through the
buyer and fit it. for Isse, Witliont)vinoring it from the
elnirn. This Churn is simple it it coustructinn, sci
entitle in its operatiOn, and easily til'eaned and kept in
order. and ctn be !etnily at:myth:4 ! to any propelling
poiirer. ' ! _
For further partietilars. aPplyi personally or by let
Ararat, SusrptUhanna county, P. ' - n• -
f.. R. Et.t)nri
• • OEM:PS! Pti,:iir,S!.
The Greutes'.l.lniprneentenl of the .4:te!---‘ .
1 Widlidne
t .Da . nble . -...l4ting Ball Valve
. , Fdree and _lilt's Pumps— • .
t 14: improvement ali4e all f .other pumps or :nut
chines ftir thrciwing, and carrying water,.
combining both a Putup,anti Et Fire Engine. This
Pinup, patented iri February, 054, is the whole of it
sir sefe;ws about it to rust, come
qiiently it will last ft man'lsilife,'Ame. It can be used
iti ccciry• variety of fornianl draw venter froth any
situation, and enrryi it to alty..pait of a Isitildingt. It
is:superior 'to nil oilier Pithirmtlir Distilleries, Paper
Mills, TaniierlOs,Alcl: Yard.: Tun Works 'and Man
ufacturing. estithlisliinents Of ;
I. All orders Must he atith*Sei! to Antosox DpiaticK,
who has the-;!de right fir Susque
hanna countyl
. 1 ' FARM,EIO•
VAPITAL, $200,000.
.*cured 6 i Bond prnd Mortgaoe on Ike Real Bodate
of the StOekholders. . •* 1
I; Insures against loss by IFireiiif Houses, Stores, and
Other buildiuW„ GOods, Ware%; and Merchandise, on
thin:noble tesdi es any similar Institution. Losses
promptly adjade4 and pap. i! ,
Diaccrotts:-110n. notice Williston, Athens; Frau-
Cis Tyler, do.: ; George A Perkins do.; LT,: B. Meyer,
do -C. N. Sfi l ipaulb, do . C. P. Welles, Jr. do.; J: E.
Canfield do.tHort. John LapOrte, Towanda; Gen. B.
Wakeman, Liiceysiile ; Cleo. Hollenback, Wilkes
barre ; Michhel Ilicylert; Lapeneja.
Orrtcrits.i.,- 7 110. Hor ace 'Williston, President; C.
s.' Wells, V. Pms. cud-Treas.; Canfield,
Agent, S. 11c - a` Motitt6se, Pa. [153210
I. l , HE,,mbicribei .lilict as a;gent for btiying and selli
. \ lug Re 4 Estate—Fatms, Houses; and Lots—loi
cated in Suiquelutnria - Count,,i;Pa. All who wish. td
* 'offer " their property for iiale"can give a tribute deackip4
tion of their Farrds or Tots as fellows : Number
'acres, how many niproved, rand how' watered, build
'lags, orchaids, grafted or "cot pion fruit ; other frui
trees; and the neSrest point ko the D.-,,L. &W. It
and IC 1f.4,E. ii. IL
, 62 fannslon the list, 44fii#W-4 By callinion I . ,
'subserEber s minuted eseto * , priecand ternis ,
be given. i 1 , - ' i •i..:, i -• , -,:„;', '
Office on ! , Turnpike st'4 doti.ii - rarest , of Main st. • •
dlontroscV August, 15; 1861.. ' A. HALDWOI./
r,t014 ciii ilia rEOPLE
_,, . _
MILE subscriber is miry" in ottillo CH AID MA
I - 1. ING 21 URA" ESS in a it various branches at
the Chair end Wnre• Shop i* Hayford, where itney-b«
found a. &eater variety- oft, Windsor - arid Hocking
; Chairs "than at any ot4r : establishAntittibe "county;
" Flag and Cape . Oe*i4.l3Sreeus,Badattads;,Loun -
es, Setteeerfablesdrtainds, !U. &ts,, all of with:h. , *
:, be said at; the lowest"prlce4 at retail, (or wliol_ ,
with* aborilltotlite.) All wprk waiinated,..„ e
and - of geed inat i eriat 'iShcli credits and
4 .
will be mypotto. Fay de onsteitt . oni,* ":abo o
' fatOit,iiladie cast my oho in Mulindliffikage --.
I_ • _ 4 ,.1 . 1 A. W GHEENWCIOD •
Oettibei , 12;1.8 , 4- • . IRS 6
~rAadt`_p~~p ~"~
.~~ .~
1. re'T k
'•- 1 —' .' ' .., . 1- - , i, -, -,.1 - "' : .. sitzeir *Tom or . 1• ,
1 D00.T0.0 , : RA.,...tatißt '' -, - sc?4,f- .740ifyibtion GooDCAT: I- •
... ~ : HORKEOPATiosilltir, .• - - 4 :gi , - - .. I
~ ..,:i., , ..-.j,--..,...- , I , , - ~..;,„. - . g . , ...: ;•.,, i - . .
fiRADI7.OS and Ocalber or. A bet uhrmiti or4e, , ,4i,,, - 4 , , , :i-1.4 P..5 .: 1: a; AAA. ,_ . j . :: ,
. .y or k;4lll,bo in 'Montrose on the 6th; 7tlCand 1 ,ite. es 4, r ii 0 n*,... , i 4 the pehge the moat chore ant
.th`cif eachit2,Tith; and may be a e l lea kedeirliatelea i.-VV:- t h e to /2 r sritr." ot Goods - Ao 'be tad - any
upon all discaries incidental to I . .1--• -• ~ -- . sad f or thi ler i.. low es t prices,
CONSUAYTTIOY'r - Bton• 1 where in 41e. ' e"rd r ) ", , r -„ - - - . !--. : : , '
e l th i h i t tis .. e k li urs i n ;n e r :si t i i r a d m gly ort al, ' -
ch li e : Langt; Th reat, Liver ;
~11,Liers;er t . :e l,t h e , lt, .. *littr itßEA c t,PM A LD,S, o,LOnuirrac , ',.
Kidneys and 800.4,
4i D wa Y l Te sc P e let rofwa, ( rs gru tri g eti pt ; o fm t ne f s p i n al Stidin .....„.
stock co. c . e v; t lu n g
'Complaint; Iteetrwk- ---, - an d - Nervous 2 ' . "" au II mil6e !9 ' ul - " desirable - - tor' the Ike?
c emp ham i Neaset of the e v e ,
ti narf . even - t ai : conalstlsi,g, now Af . everything . Th e.. .. - _ sit,
`reakncas, I &_,,,cii.k ..,..t. eti' Peitl . mt e , Wiar .chit . e s itt n . I t h e isyfritui at Ctk fa rZ e l I . ll .: l ti i i i r im etir r i . 3. , a . to, & IL' ii l idt: itt' be Impel
t i - eue v igtr7.4 T,Likany - 4ilsi • ' "•• : 'I ` made
fuottrapiaziorliimie - ver before.CdW I st' ifileiner'
r. Ila a 14, well acquainted withboth ,EinineePlt - I.ket, , Our stodecomprises :Costs, fine - blrteltfFrench
grid A 'thy, hating been in constant stud, 2 , 1 , 111 . l e eks; Brocki andlinsinen; Twefit4 Cee.el lwe r e " d
tice fo 0 - last r 'Parelve years, and haling &a.). tr- J ean Bsklts and Frocks ! also -brown and'a4P &mi
nced. omeopethy into Binghamton t N. 1., in r e i i e t i t idionled. - V 0 ...• . - widttviotreoloted
r, 111 plan of rt.otment is mild, safe and Om- iii .,ZF L :, v e l et A te JAmakig, fie t n•ed paradia,-fignr
r; iffereol from that of any other physkian. ed — em - 7 — an a sn a p, en d, e very -,, e — itoyo and gmnp....
carer early 'Rik cases in all stages of the disease. . o ... Fla i i.. bi nek v ese h eerei _
.:, int y. i . , - ;" ..eL . - , d..
Br' Br. Hirris psi teathnonials:of.chanteter, alia- S um mer s at e; fgnon drui r ;commate, stripe , plain,
nil ski 1 , *lnn i a number of - stags emet,eminelli .3 checlOttpdia* so• be "M 111IA° _to:
leg m n/6 tho city of New irerkt among _ them all - "Fhb destri.inhitY, f ..' -_..•..- ~ ,, L, L .::_li'
4,celeb . Dr.iValentine Mott. .-.. ,_ -
.... . ,
t cures
Tersonsjoiiihin.i prompt relief or,ll,net
will dowit to, call isithout delay. Md . erg&
CO on beet] Patients visited at their residences
if &died: ,thiliediours from 7 in the morning until
0 in the eveinlig. 1, -
~, .. .
Ailalltftitatagelt: . -- fir . 'e
Theurges OP the Hmnomathic - treatment of .
diseases :: 1
_,I - - . - •
let. -' t patient' treatedllotneopmdear, urns.
itd .
. :mud sooner than by any otherpraettee.._
. ' alimony patients can be cnredby Holm*,
,ie re iedicit, "vho cannot:be cured by any other,,,
in"•'' 1 . "
rd. h at Pa 'Homeopathically, do
ients created
hdve to lalio under the bad effects of the medi , 1
' - heroti*.e.n: to cure the disease. • , 1
.. . .
i r
AA -tiler.Sp I nis E h ß eo S ur Ait t hai E de ' eideU • not ton . 11 :;- thO - 1
•Isla a, Joseph W ittenberg
'aye el . eid n
kiln of iL.lSciairie, a few 'doors east of Poses store,
osit Wildon's dwelling house,.cornet °Vl:metal:lt
Ow gMstivelt:s, where they will - keep on hand. A
ed e nt 7 yie,
(in s .. N ie : tt
jo i r op ei pnha :o.Bllo.4B.3l:44,Thviherin the
ndi assortment of Ready Made Clothing ; alicati:
ititi n CO tld4;-a good assortment of vßroad, Cloth;
isim e,lßeneuekey Jeans, &c.; in short, ageneral,
mita nti : OfGendemen e sfurnishing Goods: -. Also, a
midi + asitortnnint ot-Ladies' Dress Goods-. Silks, Ile- '
os, lames, Alpizeca.R,.Embroideries, Shiwls, Lie-
Dm s Triminings, &e. &e., all orwii . cli r.. they are .
min d to othir to.the public at very low - prices.—
Go ds Ywarranted to give satisfaction , as well in-:
lity .141.1 n price. . •
'le o ye ns'a trial hcfore purebasing elsewhere.
fon --, Jan. 26, 1854. - - .. .- .
• • ..Iffitivi GOODS. • •
& PA3I.IC return.thi!lr grateful •
cknowledgemento to the , public, and invite at
tentiot tn,: the Very large stock of S . priv-anil Bum
mer ()poll; they are now receiving and•olfer for stde
at tier/ loje , prices. In-addition their usual assert- .
went staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crock*
ery,.nino and Oils, &c. kc.,• they are prepared: ttr_
exhilt large assortmcntof Lanies' Dress -Goodi
of d ry Plaid - and Plain Silks,
Bonnt ts, Shawls, - Ribbons, , Hosiery — Ladies.
and. Itissein Shoes of; all kinds—iittlso a large stock-of
RE..4 DY I LVADR CLOTHLYO,-Cloths, Cassiineres;
Tweeds,4eans, Summer Cloths, Vestings; Bats; Cutts,
Boots. and Shoes, kc. '
Tb y respectfully solicit , an early cab from thoSe
who wish to purchase good goods at loin priers. • •
Spr rigV i ile,-May 3,'54. • McIfILLEN &
,LlVOtice to the Pub!lei
1 \VING just returned from New Tor I wish to
I call the attention of my old customers„and of
the t üblie in general, to my - - .
-.. . .
will hiing bo M ught MeK
with cash OF
a G t OO th D e r lowest
and 'siting to sell principally for the sante, I will of
fer ear, atgreatly reduced prices. -- ~
C Ghee:a-Prints warranted fast colors, for only 8
cen a yariL Griot] Brown Sugar, 19 pounds forone
doll r...•!lkiotnon Nails aelmoWiedged br all to be_
the t!..ltrail in use, Nail:,
Per keg. Jlttis and Caps;
B 9
o f
add shoes, Buffalo Robes Wall' prices, all-wool
Be ,ain,es, Cashmeres , I'aramettas, press !Silk, Silk
Vel et, *c. ) Mouslin De Laines, 1. shilling yard,
Sate 11,bnnets and Moleskin Hats, Broche Sh awls,
Dmle'Long shawls, Thibet do., selling at iticonceic.- .
ably low! prices. I can safely warrant perfect tzati
faction to all who will give me a call. , ,• ,
I anesbore, Apr. 5, 1954, . ! S. A. LYONS.
LOCKS—good time keeper.; only one dollar.
k-- '• t . ' . S. A.! LYONS.
Aginetthoro, Apr. 5. -
\ -- "r..-iNtils.-T6oolifili;, ,l ;i whi ch' lk ,,
price w il l be paid..i ' S.--A:, LYONS. .
.aucShoro,,Apr. 5. i . • '
_2 .
rnorccv, taken in e*eltAnge for
‘') Gods, at my store. S. LYONS.
.aneOborO, April 5. ` 7 .
.. .
• ''', . PLOW STROP. . -
' - i
• 1, AND E. MOTT , noul& rwpectfulli inform - me - ,
I _
la public that they are tuanufactinirt.BLltchlqj
(7, einuted Flows. They also :keep constantly' , -'.on
hi -d, Side Jul!,• intgne . ecruntg, and Idea ' ' Nowa, 1
Cltiviiiors,. Dog Chortts,-Sleigh and Cotter. Shoes, l
1 ow -.Poinis'of various pattern's, too numerous to
•ntion. We hope, by strict attention to businesi,
t receive our share of publici patronage . - Manufac
t rys, p. Post's old stand. Foundry, M. Mott; - near '
S arle';4 Mill. . .. ~. ;, i . - . •
nyl'Repitiring done on abort notice:. .
;-- , i MEBBIT MOTT.'
Feb 6
j "ME stiNkerit;er is agent foithe following Initirance
t .r
- Compathek doing ba . 4n 's at the - lowest isfe
tes. . , ... .- - .... 1 - - • - ,
tale`:, lifulual at Ifarrisbinig. , . , '. • '
. - .
- - `'.. . - C'pital . s 3Fio,octo.
asli: Maiyal-at Harrisbato. ,
, .1
onie las:trance; .Arcia York .CY.111.- 1 ,... __ _
I lioinrose April 6, '54
1 . . : tILIIIIE AND. i'ILAST:EIIt. - . .
T #.}: . subscribers. are now burning -and Will keep
f. l .
liconstantly on band,, Lime of . a very . spperur, :.
t uality at :Montrose Depot, and will sell it in any;
nantitiin ,at • a fair price: Persons wisbing-,a latia.,
13 1 aniRY can be supplied i.:•on a reasonable notice. i. , .:
Su4lcrior ground Plaster will be kept constantly OW:
lancL reatter. • - . I.'L. POST, .- -f'
. . 11. DRINKER... - .
W. JWSUP. -:
L. , SEARI I E. 'T.
. -.....,31
'? •
314:ntrosp Depoi, Apni :1
t •
YpsT BROTHERS baring .. purchased the abo 4 4
I.establiAnn_ent: will keep constantly on heed ;84! •
perflue„ Cli4 r 4
Fine Flour; Corn Meal of superior 9410
Tty, afro Chop and Bran at the fewest Cash prices.;-4
Geste= work will be done with . despatelt, and in ill
cane ii tearionted. •
Ilionunige. July. 18453
Those persons indebted to - tbo subftriber .
as Bhgliter, Recorder and Clerk of the Orphan's wart
would confer t favor by settling the same soon.
Mkontrose, Dee. 6.18 b;. - 1. T. LAVGDON:
-_ . Window-I*h. • _
Ii ; 1 - 4). SAYRE having been appointeum 4 ,, ent
104 foextensive sash Vilna and door intororfit# -
tor3l are prepared to furnish any artieleitn this line at
losarluteo than they have usually boa:timid
.rtity ZS. • 13, H. &P. S. f
= v
fulicle which every
man .sherd for.liskt
"FIATO.--4.-new tot of Summer Hits and , VlOdot
for summer wear just iteeived and foOlikt obeilp
• D. k:k_Cill :~.
rontui is s.ll:l4intues old "We;
e of Public Ayenue." - • -
licoattOie, Sovembei 15.1864. '-
• 1 I
lot just receiveli, - and Otti4lOw
2 1 = - ;8001T;7011743TpX & Co:
V • , 1 sit
-06410, filbaWist
Cliacr. lOt of Viriot Lolt . Sltiols' reel etkil
by 00071 1 ,401LNSTOITr"r_,
December •
VAPAMED, Butter, autesei irgp, Smalumtliitais
VI V, '4PPl° 6 l ll °"*#a n st ft;
A lir * catteeasit .
al" caegb74-5;,;
A fresh
Itc.; v
ittikesh k READ.' l`
A PP I O , Oa ,
ust'-. - •
peR vief intrievtiol
xis msvynomi,morejUst
vc4 LYONS* SOD{.
C ° o l ntOtt **ea
Capital *500,000.
two bane 'lesiturirt*
(ILO It,S4ND HOBLERY-r-Laiiiiii and cents
kA *Nit acid colored Kid qlovei of the loot quell-,
ty :warranted. " A : large assortment of all kiwis otbltte,
brown - Ind - Atte' bore, arid .1 how geritri - ,taid .111diet5
cotton Lisle thread, Berlin andAilk Met
and co l ors a large reeortplent,`er gaik jai ,. dlaso
Mitts, long and short. ' • -t-'4:lTe lF at'f.,:log.-
TOOTS AND SHOES--New thielki*Vouge
1-3 Booticiates line Gaiters, Boamesend-Dokixts,
run usuUrtui*t of Cheap Shoes, Cluldreasattd NW
ee Shcictiand ;lodate; LOW ,thie`tlnk4lo SIIPPE:rs;
'at :1 1' t. L. P.'it Co'r.
VITMTE cifiODS7—, aqles and qualitie!, Mene,.
V Vi , ,ed §fifirtings; Pintiir Cotton, Jae. and Cambric
Muslitim,„n eltd will n , Barie4- , Mlina, - •
Bishops. F
and ; ion
Vietnria . Llama; Le s , Ginned and us dcitt
itt" - • a Co's. -
QIIfIIGLE.I,4I) - aitpaGreees
_ .
611.0CE1103a-t-o,t the iestliTinfi igestitet a icin — d. ' A
t of S ugars surprisingly - allow. at I. L POST
k . ' . . I .
mostdesirable-stock in tiie noun-
P" .
o : ry, at Ivry prices. . :. •I. LT. lc
of eveeve ryidtwns
POST & C o
1. L . . .
STAPLE — Dodsat the lowest price.
' • LL. rpm &Co.
eli.OTHS,;.Cassitneees, Tweeds, Kentucky - jeans
4 ...4 and go.. tinejta, very dies . piat- L L. P. & Co's.
VTtiti..DKIV - K r Al?"..K:=Patitit Pam,, Ccdar.Pail
and.Vastictrubs, Cocint Nut Diptientv Butter
Ladlins, Prints, - Vitiate .Basitetn; Rope Hitters, Bed
Void, s, Man& Ropeg, Broom e, Ai good kkat the store
. • POST L. &CO•
("1 - OD-FINI AND .31 9 ACKER4 :oti the but
et the hivieet, poesibleAtec • •
• i na p q rfi4.lBs4. • Co._
Qt OLE LEATHER, very cheap, W '
101 . • •• POST & Cii`o
loVat.tdirpristvo.POST & CO. •
01, Carpet,ltochifpaper and Window Shades.
- posT k ca
"SILK .11.4715,. spring style—best "quality -very
cheap. - POST Ac CO.
ONYLIS and Bonn'et BRibons
I.) mots, large and salad at . vOrt low -
1 Post st
S—every ilesirabl‘
1 t)4ESSr-7"4I9rI7 G POST - & Co.
be_l • „
st quiptY
POST iti CO.
.ALZ, Lime end Plaster at,'
• ' '
LA1.174. COLLARS—A very choice. lot of thli
latatcstylee ; Mook Embroidered Lyeaerie; Lace,
SledblanclEoniton imitations.: • I.L. P. 4k CO.
EMBROIDERED and Lace Underaleereil, all dmi
rabic styles; , also; worked antembr'd. Edginp
atid Insertino and Flouncing.
j ACE Edgings and Inscrtingq ; imitations of every
..IL4 kink almost as good as genuine and very cheep,
also pure linen•wrought Lace.. • . I. CO.
IS,GR ED and Hemp Carpet fig sate at ,
• I. L. POST & CO's.
QUMMEitHATS—Panzima, fine and. coarse
med and foray bonnd,:Tedal 'milt-Path:deaf, foi
boys and Wien, sold very cheap: I. CO.
and Children's Flats, a good variety,- al
' Boa new lot of the latest styles of Ildennth it the
Store of. . I. Xi.T. & CO:.
WAiNTED, , - , •
:_(11:-...4.11V all kinds—BeanW, Dried Ti
low, Butler, Bceswar,'all wooliWklo, Egs,
for which !wo will . exChangc..gobdir at Cosh pnces
POST & Co.
~_ ..- • ... .
EAGLE rotNnitt.
Sja°E.IBDITLEY & PERKINS' having - paellas. - £
-Mrof Wilion & Co. -the Eagle Foundry, are how •
'lirespared to fill - orders from the trade, smd-do work in , 5.'
1 -their .line with skill 'and despatch:: . They Will keep
constantly on hand Ploiti, (beat . kiirde,), Stoma, 4111 7'
.kinds,) ' Caltimpos, Straw Ctii,ters,. tors 'shriiers, .
4.-e. de: it-e.. - ''. -: :_ - -.-.•- - t,.., •, - . , _
: . We inite particular attention to the Plaw - s - width ,;::
*e manufacture.. :We' ... . ...: •• • *lid keep for sale ;z
i - .-_ f`
, i
.' The Celebrated "Big! ' Iv - . Arr. . _ '....';
We hava-pnrelased the 'cid . ' e right to - inandar• to
1, tare: - .4u4.5e1l .in this county, - " syme; WYoming aid ; 1,
,Bradfiiril,tir??ich's Pafent 11. • Beam Plow.: The .1.1
PloW la Wade entirely . ojE irora - c teeptiligthe handle— k
- It is, eel - el:aided . for its - eaajliaught, - heir* one•third k' .
. easier than DAY : min - 4n use, whi,eits . streogth pl de-
rabilny are-greater. --..: .. . 1:1. , ~..:t : :',;1:- - .. - -, . . - "
if.: •-; MACHFNERY-:',..•.. _. •. -
of all kinds manufattnied and repaired lay experierk
ed rnachinests. ' - - •
Strain If ogins, Gearing for Milk Shingle. Me-
I- • chine", fix. &e.
Anloog the- Stoves we manufactor‘i, are the
Kell:sone Cooking Stoiri; .Roug74 and Biwa!" do., For- -
egst (Meets do 4 Premium do., and cither,kinda, all ar
ranged for burning wood .orecoal.': Alio, SeV-Regur•
tato!, Parlor Stove - C44tageParfor do., - Staareil,
'two sizes, do;,' and a variety' - of other Parlor Stavei.
both wnod.amd,cOal. • We keep alscr'on band •
Grinditime trimmingts„ : - Churn Uinunings, , tar
brtdla /bad Showtt' and Volga, S. oandis,- Le.. Work
done tolorder on short nOtteeiMitOtahe-loweat zsw
- -rfrOrdera for StOveti,' Ageleialturad Impleniem
&e., etro v iolteited from those In the bed- 4 4 10 a will 14
'filled atiarazonable wholesale- prices.•
11.1 SAYRE,
•Mor *arch
Or- adi/ Pa . re on .thit‘ Glatt - cannot present 5,
, „
.!' greater tiducemOitts than _
iimow filled with- a hew and erten.44
• V T . .i assortment of articles in. thel l ine, embracing
a genoril variety of new and elegant - styles V
and gentlemen's wear, among Which _are Lairf
French,'„Sills Lasting and Prenill_e% Gaiters, Rid an 3
Enameled Nikes, Kid, Piteat: Leatbee and Bronn4
Jenny; Linda, Buskins.and Ties; Gentlemen's FrOrh
and Philadelphia, oak tanned calfekin•lndlip
Memel:o;oomA Cowhlde Brogans 4" ) / ( A's 101 e
and` ,cowhide 'Hoots arid 'Brogans; all Aida eI
,Xisseiand Children's wear. Also, -a I pniral ewe:
went of Findings which consist bown. - oflasts, pert
sparables, Hungarian was, la..
Iles** binding, awls,raspksandettines, shoe nire,
& c . - Mao oak - and hanlkkk;tinned-icalt upper and
solelenther, Morocco *hit 'and &du*
Weiek . TAadeakt - indor and+upidring -neatly. dont. ,
- - •
- - ter
. 1 Nosltialtli Landtaripe Sate ,
. IGWRitALEIN on BODT, - , about . : 5600 acres. a
on the waters of Spring : Brook, - a lina h
of the Lackawanna rim, tosTeraelarePoority , Fedi , .
AlositEtaidiTiry. between' , than thriving: towns of Sera
Aeok Old Tlilatoxi.,= -These Linde are covered vitt, Trl•
Litahle timber, anitileilig-fatemp hi the meet exie n6 ,. ; `,'
1 Ishiiiikrogion hr ..reamlivanhk---hOown la CO'"
[ hetrOre.iardlielleied, to abet* loi tilil, and bei4
JOkaltha - atie. ante Atlcialt of se,virat rai&
' a made antrocni in r Willie capital sr
'oppartioft for the Inveatineit of allefle. Y th at , 'e,,"11";
- mail.- Ailor hother infortastko 4 PPlLt° - '' P. ' " th e
" V.,104:,_ _ . )14., - With 41,-Waileteeetllety. york, or to
Litulbm . „iia montrogo,--samebannwtountr,,, 0!
sttomerinliet of - the otimertri_
____. '7...i; - _;
April 6, 1116 , a. - - •:,'WNRY DRIMIaII.-
LEN.' w
itlntiand /41" 11 1401Idclotb, Delanm
Am; Ite-tlust oPene 4 . B3 "le b Y
• 4*IXONS & SON.
-• • I
l i pututiTinitsio oleb o tteobtoo. - § „, 4, were
Tt .„REL,..
•S:" .--$llO-4814113 161 *sated b)
' • laY°fO r u cc . r 4 4.0 r ed I a z•-. 4)
- • =C;I-77 . MONS
• 1 - j _
POST t Co's.