e fki.ll) qiciO file lii.ertlibe. . .. , . • . From the Plough, t“ Loom, and the Art. : 'THE IhtFROITEMENT . OF .HONFti. . . : ; [Our Polish friend, alluded - to upon another. page of this number, has given us the follow= ing results of his own experience in this branch of industry ; and it being written iii French, as was .the other, ye have thus translated it into English.—Ens..P. L. 4 A.]/ _1 - Ma. EDITORS-:—The :State of- NeW-I-ork Produces' honey which I . bave earefolly exam ined. . It is a fluid, of light weight, and the Wak ia.yellow. To improve the quality of it, I make the following :suggestions ; .I . • . . . 'The honey of wild bees inhabiting he for est is dark colored, and its wax is rellow. The holfey of bees feeding in orchards i s clear er, and tilie wax is : more yellow,' but some times' these cells are wry white, and he him ey which they contain is very white. ' la my country; Poland; I attended 'extensively to the productions of 'honey; and I perceived ,that . bees placed in my orchard gave me aerop of honey clearer, andthe wax of it. white. The honey; which was separated front: thelwax by I ,draining was found white, compact, [arid 're- i sembling sugar. to such a degree as, th be cut with a knife,.. The wax was, very : White.:! - ]The fo loWing year, the honey ,was of; ap..in. ferior uality, :IS, well as the wax. • The third year, the honey was improve/ .1 ' .1 then made itri inxestigationof.the suliject, - I exaniiiied the habits of the bees, and came - at4engtit to the solution of the enigma which had oecopied my attention for , three years.. In the Vicinity 'of the apiary,fl had .a field in which, I sowed buckwheat:. While this was in flower, I perceived-that the been constant ly frequented this field; and that they labor : ',':ed.*itli remarkable diligenee,snd their pro duet- Was very, large. The itt,ney oft-his year was iinproved in quality and in quintity. • , - The mixt. year, I made an experiment. ' While the buckwheat was in flower, Iremov . ed their hives upon the ,horder oft the field I noted carefully the diligence of ;the bees., Which was remarkable, and after the-flowers disappeared, my curiosity led me tb open the .hives; and I .wa,s greittly astonished Ito find the comb . full; ,and cnustructed of White wax ; Whde the:honey was also white. That which I separated from the comb by; draining mule gentle heat, and placed : in pots,iforired a com pad ~ rnass analogous to sugar; so much so, . ...beit rt-iiiight..be cut with' a knife. 1 leftlivo hives without distarbing . the hon ey ; anc i fat the approaCh of autumn, 1 again collected the product. The portions. rom - .:which the Willey had been removed after the .flowering of the buckwheat, had been refilled withlwax and honey, but of-an intetior quali ty ;-thole of_ the young republics from which the. honey and the comb had b'eea removed, hadV been again filled; .but thei two hives -whieh had remained untouched, had - been de- ____........._____,_____,____;, •, . - i I . .prived of their honey, and presented. the as:-. . PitiLrELPII4, Friday, June 8, :ISaa, ...pecie of empty and dry . cells. . i i ; 'The Ohio! States hbld sits m eeting I was satisfied that the excessive abundance 1 1 -1. ~ , . • . - •at Cleveland_ this reek,- and its „dee . larat!on of .01 - honey had induced idleness in the bees,. . who fed, upon their superfluity, a d, refusiag - principles, Which wine on this tnorning i .has. to labor, quietly consumed . ..the product : of iistiffened'upkhe Nlorthern sentim t ent . decided-' - , -li ':- their past-toil.. . .. • .: ilv. • -The [Free StitteS would be!.willin , to . .1 - lavin this experience, after t e season' of I ' - i :-I ' , 1 ' the national platform : i - the:flewering of the buckwheat,, I .gathered I adopt. ,thsisi': i - _ ray crop entirely,:and at the coritneneenient• ! Principles f thelAmenoan l'* of Ohio of the :winter 1 inspeeted my hiVes,.remoVed - I. The tutlimittO freedom Pf:r i eligion Ili,:- '. the; super-abundance, and if theiseaSon was 1 connected With politics; hostility to ecelesi- _net favorable, :I supplied those hiVes which I astieal influence uPoti the-afftir4;.of.c4oVern - were not in good condition. - I merit; equality of rights to all! naturalized .- -13 y this means,- . 1 learned that' the. flowers 1 emigraptS who ark, thoroughly . .i. mthcanized . of buckwheat presented the best material for I and owe,no temporal allegiane . by reason honey and. ' fur comb, which, they . supplied i of their religion, higher thaiOltat to the Con -both in abundance and of superier quality.— 1 stitution.l 1.: i li , ' Hence, I have since continued the practice V II: No' interferencee with tile ta gilts of fo eiti •\.,a:bove described • - and 1 i . .adYse arilters wh - zenshi olp . alreadY ticquireid. by tegners,f i a \.. - • , • ind . .give attention to this product, to, give proper 1 the proteetioe Of [law to all +-holhoriestlyein .•consideratien to my experime . -tit S.. :- l ierate frOin lure [of liberty ; btit the exclu- . , , r . It: should be added, that this'. gathering 9f skin of fiirkign paupers and 'fells, and .41 re .:,thO sweets of the 'flowers of .the 'buckwheat I fusel t- extend the right of skfrage to oltwho .:does not at all diminish the quaritity"of grain, : 'cquie hereafter :114a they:shall 'tiVje 'resided but,. on the . contrary, its- effect is favorable, 21 v ears Lin. the E',nited States 'id [ eoinplied and even increases the quantity of flour. .: , with the r Naturafization law :4... ; I ' - . During my residence in France, in Sologne, I 111. Opposition, to' all. phlitic,ali organize; , !a -country siqtaled on the banks of the Loire, (.lions - composed eXCluSively Of Roreigners,and • -, :.'Ti the departs ents of the Loire and Ch. q., and. to Foreign.4llilitdry ConzpitniiS, and to-all T—.-, in Mhyenne, and in Bretagne, I re- r attempti to ixOzdi .the Biblit t from, SchoolSH .. peated the same experiments with the same l supported by -th. Goi , ernmeitt.ii .Success; and:to-day, the French apothecaries I . IV. Slavery s I .11cal—nilit }rational: we .. make use, of this same white.4ioney,,whieh, ' oppose its'exteasionlin any of.4ur territories, 'ill common; is called the honey of Orleans, and thellnereas 'of its politleall!power bythe and which commands aprice.ane-third high- admisson into e 11 . ilion Of ally slave State er than that of ordinary, , .honeV. e i. .or otherwise ; id We. detn i andj of' the Getter- I !I .._ - ' ial Government 6 immediate 4.edress of the: great wrongs wlich have b'eenliinflieted upon the cause of fie do . i dormandthe Arnerican char- acter by there eal of the - 111i4souri Compro- mise and the i i ntroductiort of Slavery. into Kansas, in Violation: of la*, by the fierce of arms, ;Ind the destruction Of the eleetive fran chiSe. I • , i, 1 . li • . • V. In hurnblie imitation lof .'h° wisdom of Waslrtgtori.. 4-c oppose 411,'Iintervention in the affairs of Foreign Stun;yet on - -all pro - er occasions we Will not Withhold .our s • ).- ? pathy from any people as!'o ring to be fr .., if V.I. We support Amerlicatt• industry and .genius itgninst,: he adver_se:i p4licy of foreign nations, and fa 2ilities to` biteenal and eater- nal - perm merek. v- the improyement of Rii ers and Hart° s nml.the conStruction of Na tionai floads uniting-the Ivarious,. sections of the,-Union: • • ' . - : , - . ..11, The Pzion of 1110 ‘,.„ e fates should be made perpeturq.by faithftil ,allegionce to the - Constitution. '- • - * -- . • - ; i . • Vat In State , _ polio , • We , calonsly ad vci tate iZetreticknent gnct'RejO m, a modifica tion . of the, preiseist.oppresive, systeni i cif tax ation, aod a liiieral systent oflPublic Schools. Cot.. Ktyker.—The Chicago Journal gives a minute but not flattering history of this in. dividual.. _He is about 50 yeit.rs of age,'' tall and stoops, is retiring in his manners, espec ially with strangers,; is atnbitious and has a i slim stock of honesty. He left Pennsylva ilia at an early age, and settled in Peru. llli nois, under the patronag'e. of Daniel Web- 1 ster, whose daughter Julia he courted, and to' further the suit presented her father vith . a • pair of cream colored horseS, one. of thefn :stained to, match, Which has never been laid •.for, He then contracted fur lexe.aiating the canal basin at La Salle, by which he extended his credit and procured a large . stock of goods, withvbich he opened a smuggling or ; trading post.near Corpus Christi on the Mex ican 'side otthe Nueces river, which he gar- risoned and fortified, so strongly as to defy the Govertirnent authori By treachery , . !.'he was captured and taken to, the city of. Mex• ico just at the downfall - of:Santa. Anna's die tatorship, and taking advantage of -the eon fu Sion escaped.. Through his exertions the Texan CongreSs passed a law annexing the country between the Nueces and the Rio Grande rivers, and heimmediately got him- Self elected from the district.' After getting into the Texan Congress he introduced 'and I pushed througit the resolution providing for I ' theannexatiOn of Texas to the United States., The United States in fixing the boundary line got into the war with Mateo, and Col.-. Ki n-• nor Was on hand with large herds of cattle, which he sold to the U. S. Government at enamel's profits, and after; the war he was again ready and puichased'ithein back for lit •; erally nothing. This completes the sketch- . '" up to the present time of a remarkably un - easy man, one who,had a rare talent to make himselfcoinfortable through the accumulation , 4:1 wealth but spoiled 4 n ambition to be creator than his Creator ' ntended ,to make • him. - I . • • KAY SA?. NEWl3.—Lawience, We triesday May 23.-The special eleetion fin- Represent atives the Legislature, to fill the vacancy made such by informal proceedings on the '3oth March, was held on 'the 22d inst., airee. 1 - ably to the Governor's pkvelatnation, which resulted in the-election of thew Fiee State I ticket, in the Lawrence district,'ae follows Philip P. Fowler, . ; 288' votes. John Hutchison, 283 - Erastua D. Ladd) . 286 a Scattering about . 20 a Everything passed off t quietly, and wi sh out interruption from nqn-residents: There appeared to be. butlittle inter:est taken in the election outside of Lawrence. This, Rota_ bly,'arose from' the fact that the season is extremely late, and'farmers 'were' busy pre paring for planting. The, scattering votes were from persons who, to4Fatify a perso4l pique, strengthen ed the hands pf the opponents of freedom by throwing-away their suffrages. ' The whole number of voters in this dis trictiras 369 at the census in rebruary.-- fferaki of 13val9m, [F ro m putnam'sag&i.ine for!June. ] ROBERT 0 LINOOPI i a ! . ... i ; HT. iruliAsi ; --- -.t.ii ran* ~ OIL. i- Merrily swinging on briar and weed,, -; 1.•, i; . Near to the nest of bib little dame,,'-'; f , ~. Over the mountain-sidtl or _Mead, 1 , 1 Robert of Lincoln isitellthg his name : jf. Bob-0-link, bob-e-link, - . i , f - Spink, spank, spink i • j, • l. Snug and safe is that nest of (airs, 1 • 1 ' Hidden among the &unmet, flowers thee,fchee chee,r. Robert of Lincoln is g;diy drest, 1 ; i %Vesting a brightialack wedding:coat ;I White are his shoulders and white *l3 creak Hear him call in hi merry note; - • Bobo' link, bob-o'-link, 1 Spink, spank,t r pink ; ~- Look,•what a nice ne asst is ,mine, -. Sure there. was never [a bud so fine., :. • ' - thee, Ape, eltee.i. Robert of Lincoln's . utdres wife, 1 : Pretty and quiet, ith plam brown wine Passing at home, a p 'ent life; 1 - • Broods hi the 'gra , . ' while her husband Bob-o'-link, h-o ; link, I • 7 ' Spink, Spank, pink, i • 1 9 , Brood, kind' creature, yon need not fear Thieves and , robbers iwhile 1 am hOre. Ch , cbee, chee.' modest and;sby.,aa.s mini; she ; i One weak chirp ii her only note. Braggart and prince ' f braggarts is he;. 1 Pouring boasts fro his little throat ; I bT, Bob•U`..link, b-q'ink, 1 i • _ Spick, spank,' spink ;,; I Never was I afraid of man • 1 i l ! Catch me, cowardly knavir;i, if you can. f . _ • A . Chet.; choe, thee/ Six white eggs on a bed of hay 1 . I pretty Flecked with pin le, r"py sight! i s There the mother si s all day,' - , Robert 15 g,pgingjwith all his !night: . Ilob-clink, boh•o']ink, 1 i Spick, spank spink ; . -Nice good wife, thse i never goes olat, i Keeping house while I frolic sbont. i • . . 1 •Cht,'.oice, Owl. •i • Soon as the little.o' - .3:chip the shell 13i.. Six nide mouths re open for feed ; i Robert of Lincoln b stirs hint well, • Gathering seeds ffor.the hungry brood, - ' Bob-o'.link ' hak,'-liuk, 1 , Spink, spattl4,'sitink, '! , This new life is likely to be i - - I Hard fora young fel, lotr like ;me.i. , _.. • ; • . Chbe; chee, ichee. . 1 ; • , .1 Robert of Lincoln ii length 1 2 1 made Sober with work, and silent with care; Off is his holiday gent laid,l .; Half forgotten thitt merry Or, Bo!-o'-link, bob-o' -ling ..; - Spit*, Spank., spink ;-1 i • Nobody knows but ivy mate . funiil Where our nextand our neadingi lie. , ; . • elite , dhec, che4. ; • . !i• i - Summer cranes; the children are , grown; Fun and Frolic ne mere ke kupws; Robert of Lincoln's ihuntdrum crone ; 1 . off he dies, and 4e sing as hoigoes: Bob-o'-link, bob;•&-link, I '' 1 ; ;-; - Spink, spank, spink; 1 : When ,you can pipe that - merry old strain, Robert of Lincoln, cetne back agaib. ' ;; Y . ; , I - Cl' ee, chee, chee, il - - 1 I - i :ampshirii labile, . .. coN6oim June I. l' • - - - - .•1 ' (.Iwv,emor 3tfetcalf eras ! inaugurated 'today at noon, land delivered his first. message to 1 _ 7, : the Leniiilaturte. • 1 i I:2 • , : He reeorriinends as ittli`e • legislation as possible [ 4 . bpt that agriculturd should ' be en-- - 1 counted as a l prerentiveito 'Western ernigia, Von; ndlvises guarded action in relation to corporation p iveleges, and recommends pet'. tain changes i the maniiitiaent of the pub lic schools, - us.well:as the ;eatablishment cif a State Reform School. 11.10 Governor denotm cos thC liipiOi" traffic as tt! public nuisance, and reconimeads ( pie - enactm4tit . of a prohibitory • law, withpr visions fortia . limited dirmdmi nation Of.liq'ors in certain cases. His Mes sagea is elabo 'te upon tilisubject of the - for- . eign'boin an itheirlufluOloe . upon the relig i ion and pontiffs of the et ritzy. The rejeal of the Alissoart Compro i ise r and the.pasige i of the ifebraslta act are pliatieally deicOun -Ced as)violations of. plighted faith, anl -a great:wron,t "upon the N'rarth. Thu_ message ' is strong upon the - sabject of slavery, thd h i quo! tritflic, and. against ~ f iireign- born citizens i holding office without alresidenec of twenty -1.. i • 1 9 ? e Y, r i s , • ,•f . New —Nialroi4Porter ofZ4 ewarli, N. J., ; son of Rev i t Su, Baldwin:Of Montrose, is now serving in a i regiment of the Stilton's cavalry rat Eupatoriai,, lie is mow a binboshi (Ma jor) though more correctly a Lieutenant-Col onel, for he bairn:tads one thousand men.— Oinar Par, i ; -andßel= Nebo, (General Cxviu * tit to Mr rowri at Baliiklova, in warm to of WO. Potter, and.he is congidered one the bra test and most efficient Sultan. o f th e 'fqrei t triers in i,ue r oervice p Luc f , 7 -10r.v. CoiAP/A;eaye the imperial gambler o 'ranee wimilbia,t,twee with dice made from e bones or dm rest Napoleon, • - I= i' ' PoIDON OF BAD VINTILATION-The Paw PAW (Mich.) Free Press relates tt story of a doss , bitten by a rattlesnake shut _up in a close stable With three horses. • in the morning the cos was dead and thi horses blind and still: ';They were removed to the open air, and af ter being moved round and bled recovered their sight.' It is a pity that the builder of the stable could nut recover his sight so as to see that no animal can live in ,a close sta ble -amid' a poisoned atmosphere, whether from rattlesnake poison or the carbonic acid gas generated by the lungs of animals com bined with other putrid matter. Every stable should be close and, warm, but it should be also-so ventilated that every beast should have a 'constant supply of purel fresh air. . a BUSINESS CARDS. . T. / Orchard, lit PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Jackion, Susqu Lanni county, Pa. Residence at the Postoffice; - Hall it Lamb, . CABINET MAKERS, hare recently opened a war& room in New Milford, and Aril' keep eo*' stantly on band all kinds of Cabinet-ware; also Read made Coffins. Funerals attended with or -without hearse. Ware-room nearly oppcisite J. Diekerman Store. New Milford, May 13,1855. e. 20- 7 1 y k • A. & E Baldimin, It 1r ANITFACTURERS :OF SADDLES, HARNE4, Trunks, 1 . Vbips, &el., • In the Basement of Searte t ts Rotel, Montrose, Pa. . BE Simmons, 13 OOT AND STIOirIiA.KEIL Shop first door of Odd Fellows' hind, turnpike st., Montrose W. Singleton AN now be found at his new stand on, Owego t.q two doors west of Searle's Hotel, where he if fecdually repairs with diapakh, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Guns, and every description of Machinery. Wheel cutting; "Gun and Watch materials supplied to the trade. . E- Smith, CIIRGEON DENTIST, Montrose, Paf, at Se,arle's Ai Hotel, Mondays and Tuesdays of each week. I • . Henry S. Knapp, i ITOSTRO.SE, PA., with A'ote,. Woo'driti 11.6 Car- L ter, Wholesale Grocers and 'Comtnission Mer chants, No. 173 Washington street, between Colirt andt and Dey streets, .pv , r0n1.... • ' - 1 Caleb WeekL . QADDLE, HARNESS, 'TRUNK MAKER and Car riage Trimmer. Shop at :his dwaing house, early opposite Henry Drinker's. jrautr4se, Pa. =let - & ATTORNETS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAI and Solicitors in Chancery. Office o. 44 street, Chicago, ill. Pacific HOAR,. tiREENIVICH STREET, (neav Broadway,) York. Salisbury & Co.,. l Proprietors. ,In vicinity of the principal steamboat landings. Thomas Inglitram. IMEALEIt IN DItY GOO p - s, Groceries, Clothlog, 1-1 Crockery; Boots, and Shop, &e., Susirtifha i ntea Deliot, Pa. : ••• Bentley & Pitel4. • ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AND BOUNTY LAN ,GENTS, Movitrose, Pa, • I 111.'1 1 . 11F.NTLET. 1.. F. FITCH Johns Groves. 17 4 4 41,StflONABLE TAILOR . Shop under Sere 'a 1 Hotel, Maine street, Montrose, Pa. 11. D. 1E44 , T'VERY AND EXCHANGE STABLE. OffiI 14 in the rear of Wilson's Stare; ifontrOac-P, _ (1 J. Colstin, DEALER IN .STOVES, Tin, Copper, and het Iron Ware, Limicrseill , , new Greta Bend Depot. December 4. • • L. P. 1:11314 ATTORNEY AT LAW,. Stispiehanoa, Pa. Office on Matne street, one door east of Lenhetna. • Frazier & Case, . • A TTORSEYS AM) COUNSEI.LORS AT LAW ilk. Office on Turnpike street, Poses Store, Montroar, Pa. Albeit Chamberf I TTORNEY AT LAW and Juo 111 over I. L Pao & Co's Sore 111.Jesup, ATTORICEY AT LAW AND• COMMISSIOSER of - Dszos, for the State of ,NeW York, will ittend to all business entrusted to him with promptness and fidelity.. Office on Public Square, occupied by Hon. Wfb. Jessup. Abel Tairelk — ' ----- TIEALER IN DRUGS, ILIEDRINES, Cheinicals; 1 1 Paints, Oils, Dye-stulß; Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Stoneware, Glassware, Clocks, W Cites, Musical T. l . Jewelry, Silver Spoons,_ Spectacles, ustra merits, Trusses, Surgical/ Instruments, Litino Per fumery, rim" Stationery, Brushes, Shoes, Yankee Lc. Notions, L -, ;, • B. R. Lyonis & Co., ... AVIIOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS 11 V I Dry Goods Groceries, Salt, Flour, and Hard. ware, Lantsboro, Pa.' . ~ P. B. Ch a ndler, • TIEALER IN DRY GOODS, Rea4y Made Clothing, / Cfroccrieg;Booka and Stationery, etc., Public Avenue, Montroo, Pa. .. Patrick & Dianoisk, 11311TSICIANS AND SUDGEONS. Office No. 4 Owsgo street, Montrose, Pa. - - LL. Post & Co.. D*Am . 713,C IN DRY GOODS, Groceries, Crockery Hardware, Leather, Flour etc.; corner of Turn pike street and Public Avenue Montrose, Pa. Lyon; & Son., DEALERS DT DRY GOODS, Oraoaries, Hardware, Crockery, Yinware e lGrocerles,l3ooka, etc.; also, carry on the Book Bioding laasinesa--Public Avenue, Montrose, Pa- • • - Bentley & Read, EALERS IX DRY. GOODS, Drugs, Medicines, D Oils, likoceTia . Mardware, Crockery, iron, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Edver • ter to JAS. DV:3III;I 4 XL and J. N. BRONSON, .Ararat, Susqnehnnni county, y-0.; • _ OU3II'S d Puips . . , , , The- GreatW InzilroreniCnt Of the Age. l 7 -,C. , H, Williams' .Dauhle-Aclftg Ball Value • Force anq Lift PiOnps— ' , . . A 11" itnprOvemerd above all Other pumps or. ma- Chines'for lifting, tlirovring; and carrying water, combining both a Pump and • a The Engine. This Pump, patetdecl in February, 18.0, is the whole of it metallic. !!to bolts ;Orsdrews about it to rust, conse quently it, will last,'W man's life time. It can he used in every vapety of fornt--ean draw water from any situation, add carry it toiany part nt . a - buildin g . It is superior . / to all other Pumps for Distilleries, Taper Mills, Tanneries, Brick Yards Iron-Works and Ilan ufaduring establishinentA of all - Muds, • All orders must be addre.ssedto Anntsox PtapticK, Lodersvillei Pa.; who 'luta 'the sole right -for- Susque hanna counts. • • I'Ap..MERSJ • 11' N 107 V INSIT RANiCE comp,imr, a, a'. COMPANI OFPICP.. ATHENS. "IIIIATITOP.i) COUNTY, PA. CAPITAL, $200,000. Secured hst Bond and Mortqao OIL the Real Estate • - of the Stant holders: Insures against lbsS by Fire, !Of Houses, Stores, :and other buildings,&iods, Wares .find - Merchandise - on as favorable termsits any simiar Institution. Losses promptly adjusted and paid. i , - DinEcrous.—Boh. Horace Williston;Athens; Fran. cis Tyler, do. • George A. Perkins do. ; J. T, D. Meyer, do.; C, Shipman,' do: ;C. Ft - Welles, Jr. do: ;J, E. Canfield do.; Hon. John'Lapbtte, Towanda; Gen: B. Wakeman, LaceyViile; Geo. 2d. Ilollenbaek, Wilkes barre ; Michael. Meylert, Lapoite, Pa. - Orricans.—Hon. Horace Williston, President.; C. F. Wellsr jr., V. Pres. , and Tress.; 'J. _E. Canfield, Secretaiy: ' Agento. S. Blintz, Xontroise,: Pa [1.53.7m3 • FARRISi FOR RALE • PRE - sOltscribei ; will Act as agent for buying and sell ing heal E.stikte--Farmi, Douses, and Lota—lo cated in Susquehanna county ' , All who wish to offer their property forjsale can give a minute descrip tion of their-Farms ,oriLots as flows : Number of acres, how many improved ; arid ow watered, build ings; orchards, grafted on comm n fruit.; other fruit trees; and the nearest point to 1 e D. L. &W. R R and N. Y. & E. R. R. • 62 farms on the list,, 43 unkd . By calling on the sabieriber a minute description, price and terms can be given. 1 . Officeron Turnpike st: 4 doors weit of Main Ft. ItlontiOse, August 15, 1854. I AT:BALDWIN. ' FACTS FOR' Titio PEOPLE. Tak isttmeriber is carrying. on the' CHAIR MAK- I 120 BUSINRSS in ,11 its various branches at the Chair and Ware Shop in Raiford, where may be found k igieater variety ofj Windsor and - Rocking j•Chaint than at any establishment in thdcounty; also Mg and Cabe Seto, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Loung es, Settees, Tables, Stands, ptc. dre, all of which-will be soklj at the lowest prices - at retail, (or wholesale, : with short notice:) All werk warranted well made and of good material. Shoat credits and small profits will bellny moue. Fix deMorustration of the *bore facie, please call at mrshon Rarffird village , • W GREENWOOD: ,11+1, October 12, 18 4. " 15481116 • 3111ISIC 1 !SIC i YRINCES IifeROVED ' .II fELODEONEI; more just receisod by J. LYONS k SON. , , '; i I G' Y, Bth of c Hotel, 1 the hum chi is hi Kidneyz Cotnplail Compla! Weelate. the disease affections Dr. HP ~ thy and __ iatn 4 , --.., practice for t th e last twelve years, and having fast in troduced 11/meonathy!! into Binghamton, N. T.; In li. 1847.- His bin of treatment is mild, soft and Oen. eious, and fferent front that of any other physician, awl cures n iy ill has in all stages of the disease. rir Dr. Harris testimonials of character; abil ity and skill from a numbers' of - the Most eminent medical me in thocity of New York, among them . the celebrated Dr. Valentine Mott. I Persons wishing ,prompt relief or permanent cures. will do well to call without delay. Charges moderate.. Consultatiogfreei Patients visited at their residences if desired._ 10ffich hours froml in the morning until 9 in the ereeitig.; • . lA,dyssiil l ages. - ... ._ • - The advantages of the Homeopathic treatment of diseases ar : ! ! • • - : Ist. Thit patients t reated HOmeopathically, usual ly are cured much keener than by any other practice. 24. I Tht many', patients can be cured by Home°. , pathic rem e dies wheleannot be cured by any other treatment, • Zrti. That - p, dents treated Homeopathically, de not have to labor under the bad effects of the mein chm they have taken t j to cure the disease. I I 111 0 • TAr TEST NEWS BY THE STEAM • I , 1, ERS,iiRE, . • P HAT the Spanish Court has decided not to sell the 1 Islandrof Cubri, but Joseph Wittenberg &Brother have recently decided to open a new store, in the building of L. lieariejia - few doors east of Post's store, opposite Wilscin'i,dstelling- house, corner of Chestnut and °wile streetti, Where they will keep on hand a splendid n i stiortmelit lef Ready Made Clothing; also in addititionao this, it good assortment of Broad • Cloth,: Ca.ssimerei, Ken, tuekey ;Cans, &c.; in short, a general assortment of Genil‘en's furnishing Goods. Also, a splendid is.' sorttnent et Ladies' Dress Goods, Silks, Me. Huos, EelaineS„ Alpaccas, Embroideries, Shawls, Lag es, Dress !Trimming*, &c. &c., all of which they are dE terminedito offer, tolthe public at' very low prices.-. All Good warranted to give satisfiction, as well in quality a.i in rice. . . Plese g iv eius a trial before purchasing elsewhere. •.1 '- 4. ;WITTENBERG & BROTHER. 1ainj26.1854 2 e , • .11 Moni s 4se, t _ ~ . t• I_ N EW - GOOD% • . iII.ifIT4I.RX & PARK return . their . grateful . 1..V1. acltnowledgetnents to the public, and invite at tention t;o the vltryl large stock of Spring and Sum mer Gods they are now receiving and offer for sale at very /Ply prieo. !I In addition to their usual assort ment of Staple DrV Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crock-. cry, Paints nud4, ,Le. &c., the, suit:prepared to exhibit ii large went of Ladies Drew; Goods of every! descrip 'car—Figured, Plaid and Plain Silks,. Hormel Shawls Ribbons, Gloves, • Hosiery—Ladies and Mies Shoe 6f all kinds—also a large stock of RE-4.4:3i4PIi:CLOTHING. Cloths, Camimeres t Tweeds i Jeans, Summer Cloths, Vestings, Hats, Capp, Boats a ltl Shoes, be. - • Thevlresp'retfully solicit an early call from. those ui4ll to; purchase good ga , ds ea low prices. Spriniville, MAylt, '54. • McIIILLEN & PARK.. . . • . 1! • iNinotie.to the Public: I-14 .111Gejttt4ettiuorrin of ed mfrry) .al: New customers, Y or k . l wishand to f the pulllic - }n gbneral, to my 1 NEW STOCK OF GOODS, .. which being/bought with cash at the lowest prices, n and w"hinglo 'kw!" principally for the same, I will of fer them.at greatly reused prices, . Coe ecoPritk Warranted fast colors ; for only .8 cents It yard. iltled Brown Sugar, 18 poundsforone dollar. f Boonttin iNails,' acknowledged by all to be the beat Nal in, use, f-:5,50 per keg. Hats and Caps, Boots and shocqz, 'Buffalo Robes of - all prices, all Wool De Lanes; Caslartieres, .Paramettas, Dress Silk, Silk Yelycr;; ke. Motislin De Lanes, 1 shilling •per yard, Satin Ponnetsjaad Moleskin Hats, Broche Shawls, Doubli Long shaWds,. Thiba do., selling at inconceiv ably iciw prices._ ii ,. l can safely warrant perfect satis fltciiort to all who will give me a call. Lanhshoro, APr.„ 5, 1854. ' S. A. LYONS. CALOCKS--gol:al time keepers, oak one dollar. kJ . I 1 .1 . 1 '' • -S. A. LYONS. ' Latiesboro, Apr. 5. .. . - 17VIANTED--11000 Hides, for which the highest 1 I price Will' be paid. : S. A. LYONS. • Latiesboro, Apr. - 5. ' • I ' f r- IQUNTRYI J'ROBUCE taken in exchange. for 4._., ;009,1 at'My store.,. S. A. LYONS. IA estoc4, APril 5. ' 1 i, . I "PLOW SHOP. • . - i : SW ESTABLISHMENT. A r AND E.NOTT would respectful v inform the 11 1, Publiejtilat they are manufacturirig - Blatchley's Cele4ated Plows. They .also keep constantly on handl Siidel/4/i Wayne ,Connty, and /den Plows, Otittratiorg, Doa Churns,. Slr . igh. and - Cutler Shoes', 'l'lorti Points.k& various patterns, too numerous to trient!onl We hope, by strict attention to business, to re ' ive oatshare vi public patronage.. Manufac tory, Di Post's toldMang > FOundry, M. Mott; 'near Sear '.'sllill. I. 11 _ - Vir Repairing done on short notice. - . I t ' • r • 1 1 ~, . , MERRIT MOTT. I Fefb. 6. i!; • • ' ELIJAH MOTT.. FIRE INSUR A NCE. . subscriher is agent for the following Insurance limpanies, doing business' at the lowest safe ratet. 1 5t4e1,31 - atual at Harrisburg. Capital *350,000. Ca.thillfulull at Harrisburg. Capital $200,000. InsUrance, New York City. Cipital $500,000. . %'AAnil, 6, '54. F. 4. CHANDLER. - . . 411*E AND PLASTER. .....bseribers are now burning and will Veep ~i Aionstaittly on',hand,' Lime of a, very superior triaptV at Montrose Depot, and will sell it in any qu4stities .at 4i fair price. Persons wishing a large illutatity can lie suliplied . w.::on wreesonable notice.. .in et grOund Plaster. will be kept coustantly)Fin , hatid hereafter. . - I. L. POST, ' -1. - . . IL DRINKER. W. JESSU,P. .ilontrose,`Depot, April 3.. L. SEARLE - ' i I - • , ,! .. EAIIiGRIST AND SAW MILL. tST 13110TIIMS having purchased . the above Jl4 establishment, will 'seep constantly on baed Su pepine crut .Orte Flour, Corn Meal of superior gnat.. iI olso ChOp and Bran at the lowest cash prices.— Culstotn work will be done with despatch, and in all case l s srarrnnted 1381tf :ontrose,4ul7. 1853. !Those persons indebted to the subscriber for fees llecortler and Clerk of the Orphan's court wiuld confq a faror.bi settling the same soon. ' llontroi.,;:Dee. 6 1854. J. T. LAIiGDON. • .7 Windovr lash. C 4l. If. & SAYIIE having been appointedm agent for aniextenOve wit blind and door manufae - lo furnish any articles in this line at, hare wink been sold - • . &D.- B. ATE.-4:4 new lot of Summer Hats ad Cloths ALA.. for sntinmer wear just received and for sale cheap 41' D. R. L. k. CO: r - Pll, s. wze sON & SON' - MAL!'4lol.°Putlic.'ni,Sentielinl63nr old d store,. East ; ;Montrose, November 15 ; 1844. Illnitalo Robes. .Cll9"cE lot just received, and offered low by SCOTT, JOHNSTON CO. Skai,vl6: Shawh! • cHOcE lot of Wool Long Si awls very dies; in- by. ;1 • SCOTT, JOHNSTON & CO. Springville ' December 3, ITANTED, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Smoked Mum V , AfTles, Potatoes, - Beaus, &v. S., YS. i 4 - Nev Cutter qnd a: twoboise Rleasore Citt• rise for sale chap by, , t fifth er'Oply of Ether Spoons, WoArthee, ttOwokli We. Abc.,j4t. received.. BENTLEY k READ. l el WI : ' Z e lLAN l"e D 4) tr ali funtis bed t 6 order 1 .... ° on Butt =Le! .o, LYONS 4 SON. ~ tpiOlirer Mod Timothy Seed Ow ode by." II 1 3URRI'rr. P New ]llford, Much' El; lilts • i . ' ving Cream• , every man should try for sale S. D; S. r.suLgar BTh cit , • ' . StrinliEß GOODX ,4011 1 . L. POST* CO., Wort offerto the pnblk the most &eke' arl T the Litisr smite of Goode to be had where k the country, and for the very lowest prices;: without variation: • • READY MADE OL - 02711NG:- Stalk:Mt STYLES. LL, Foer k. Co. have just made a large addition to their stock of clothing, consisting, now of' - errything desirable for the buyer • -at such !prices : as are sure to milt.:. The goods are made first rate; and we warrant the work tolie equal if not enperior'to any ever before offered in %is mar ket., . our stock compriseri Coats, tine black 'French - ke Frocke and Businees; Tweed, Cassithere and, Becks and Frocks, 'also brown -and white Sum-' iner p and twilled. Fes - re--White and colored ••• X . • ,Videntia, Lasting, figured Barad* figur ed silk in • and every, variety, good and ch ea p. ; • Paere+Fine lack Cassimere, doe:skin t cot . .tweed, :.•=. ..Summer 'stuff, , • drill, cottonade, sulk, plain , check and plaids; cheap-as to be sure of ale to all who - • tILO VES. AND Hi , :/ERY—;-Ladfea lug Gents • VI white and colored Kb Gloves of the testi:mai ty: warranted. - A large " tof all kinds Ofblue, brown and sloe how, and gents :OS *litis_r cotton, Lisle thread, Berlin and k Glovesi_ Black' . and colors; s large msortment of 'b • k silk and lace Mitts, long and abort. - I - Jk CO'S. 1111100 TS ACID SHOES- v .—New -fine. Boo Boots, Ladies fine Galters,Mooteesandl a fall assortment of Cheap Shoes, Cluldrena inn es Shoes and BOotees; Links fine at L.L. P.Nk ye's. WHIT'S GOODS—AII styles and qustlitieir, bleach ed Skirtings, Pillow Cotton, Jae. and Cambric Swirl and Book Idualins, Barred Muslin,.l Bishops and Victoria. Lawrie, &c., t_lgured and d0n . ..! Iwiss Muslifis at • ' P. k 1 SHINGLIO AND GRINDSTONES at - I • I. L. POST St OIL GROCERIES—of the best and cheapest kind. A t of §ugurs surprisingly cheap . at POST I ! • & Co 11 . 3 itiN7l4--the most desiraide stock in the cowl- IL try, ativery low prices, - I. L. P. & CO. • IRESS 000DS---Silks, Mullins; ileLanes, Deßa, ges; Oinghams, Lawns &e., of every desirable yle, II I. L. POST & Co's.. E and splendid stock of Spring Prints. I _ - - • - I. Is. P. is—Co. A LAIi OTAP Goods at the lowest price. I ►• T y L POST &ell s • rII,OT Cassimeres, Tweeds, Kentucky dean • V and ' este, very cheap at LL.P. & Co's. WOO lEN WARE—Patent Pails, Cedar Paili an. Wash Tubs, Cocoa Nut Dippers, Butter Ladles, Punta, Willow Baskets, Rope Halters, Bed Cords, Manilla Ropes, Brooms, a. good lot at the stoic of - I. L. POST & CO. ' OCR -FISH AND MACKEREL of the beet %.J qutility'at the lowest possible rites. Aprils, 1954., &Co: SOLE LE4 . TERR; yell. cheap, itco,e. ri.ROCKERY AND 6 1 L40 WAREr-4 ch o i c e- %.,J lot at low prices.. " • 1 POST & • , _ • , N ,, O"' Carpet,-Room paperand,:Window Shades. • - POST* CO. . • LILK HATS; spring style-%-hest gnat?' TeTY k.. 7 cheap. • POST & CO. " IPONItiETS and Boidiet Ribbons of all icindit,Par as.oLz, large and small at very low prices. POST At CO, DRESS TRLIIMLVGS--every atYle deairablet and very cheap. . ' POST & Co. - • G RAIN BA GS--of the bestquart sr 60 S A '2l.Lute and Plaster at T ADIES' COLLARS—A very choice lot of the 'Li latest styles; Book Embroidered Lymerie, Lace, Merlin and Bonitrin imitations. , I. L. P. & CO; EMBROLDERFD and Lace Undersleeves, •deii 'rable ‘stylei ; also, worked and embr'd.Edgingi and bsertings d Flouncing. • LACE Edgings and Insertinga j,:imitations of every kind, almost .s good as genuine and tery cheap; also pure linen-nm Ought Lace. I. L. P. it CO.. INGRAINED and Hemp Carpet,for sale at ' . I. k POST it COTE. QI33iMER HATS — Panama, fine and coarse .triza ki med. and fititay bound, Pedal and boys:Saad men, iold very cheap. I. L. P. & CO. T ARIES' _and Children's Flats, . a Oa! variety,' al; L So a nevr lot of the latest styles of Boennts at the store of - - CO. • WANTED. -' flt _RALitir of all landS-- , Bnins,Tsl., \_,ll low, Butter, Beeswax, all wool'sbeka, Eggs, for which we will exchange goods at cash. prices. Apnl, 5. L L. POST & Co.' - 'laß FOUNDRY. . QATILE, BENTLEY & PERKINS having purchas . ►ed of Wilson & Co.- the Eagle Folindry, are now prepared to fill orders from the trade; and - do work in their line with skill and despatch. They -will -keep constantly on hand Plaits, (best kinds,) Stores, (all - .kinds,) •Cultieators, Straw' Cutters, :Vern Shelters,- d.,e, eke. eke. We invite particular attention to the Plows which we manufacture: We manufacture and keep for Sala The Celebrated Blatehley Plow. - We haie purchased the exclustaright . to manufae. tura and sell in this county, Wayne, Wvoming and -Bradford, or Rich's Patent Iron .Searn Plow. The Plow is made entirely of iron, excepting the bandies. It is celebrated for its ieasY, dr ught, being one-third easier than any now infuse, while its strength and du rability are gteater. ' ' MACHINERY • of all kinds manufactured and repaired byeperienc , x_ ed maebineits. ; , • - , &sant Engines,"Gearing jor Mills, Shingle Yu chines, dee. pc t . Among the Staves which we manufacture, are the, Keystone Cooking Stove, Rough. and Ready do., For est Queen do., Premium do., and other kinds, all sr ranged-for burning wood Or coaL Also„ Self -Regu lator, Parlor Stare, Cottage Parlor . do., Stanley's, two sizes, do., and a variety of lather Parlor Stoves, both wood and coal burners.. We keep also - on hind Grindstone trimmings, Dog. Churn 'trimmings, Um brella and-Shovel and Tongs Stands, &c.- &c, _.Wort done to order on short notice and , at the lowest rate. vir Orders for StOves,l'Agricultmal Implements, &c., are solicited fiom thole hi the trade, and will be filled-at reasonable wholesale prices. ' '" • ' .B. S. BENTLEY. S.,PERKINS. Montrose, Much 4. Australia, California, Or any place on the : Globe cannot res Sat greatir inducements than • j's HEELER it STODBABIA __ • BOOT AND SHOE STORE. HICR is now filled, frith a new and Wants assortment of articles in_ their line, eirdirsCiag a general variety of new and elegant styles of ladies and gentlemen's wear, among which are Ladies French; Silk Lasting and Prenille Gaiters, and Enameled Polkas, Kid; Patent Leathee and litinte4 Jenny,Linds, Buskins and Ties;: . Gendarmes Freak and Philadelphia, oak tanned call' akin and kip Besot Morocco, Calf and Cowhide Bro . Boys calf and' cowhide goods and ans elf kinds ci Kisses and Children's weir. .Abso, a general aisori• 'Meet artudingelthich-cosisist in pat Of hst.* l / 4 sparables, Hungarian nails; , Unita:thread;iru, tiessishoe binding,' awls t rasps, sandstones, shoe knives, Ate. Also oak and hemlock,. tanned calf upperi tod soleleather; Morocco skins and - linings. 1 Woik made to order \ and repairing neatly done. XNE TrER A STODDAD, 'Montrose, April 13, :1854. • • Valuable Lauda For Sale. . Fll,ToftEla-"E 7EYAb°lo ss k,°°..a of the Leehaviailla Ater; banzente County, reds, about midiraibetween the thriving wins of sertn. tan and Pit. These /an& are cowed wit noble timber, and being situate-in the 11)40t 9 1 te e _ °e ' mineral region fn Pennsylranla to Mai n iron one--and believed to abound hi coal, and being also in _the immediate vicinity of several toursolo Made 'aid now in progress-;offer to, the capitate an opportunity for the investment. of money that seW°n occurs. Per further information apply to IC aaek Esq., No.'ll Wall street New .'York, or to the aulstoriberost Montrose, %qualm= county,Pob a _ attorney in fast of die owners, • •April 6; 1854,HENRY ,DRINEFIL , _ , . • . . NEW GOOD — ~ QP I LENDIP rrtnts.and,Livilite Broil:Moth, Iyailosi L., ire.; Jost opened. said for sale by • ; • • J. LYON'S fi.OK; • „ Stied* Turre3e celebrated Thuothy Seed, wiirrenb' 11SPed pure; - -For rade dy dsu Teguia. Youtreee - ilureh Ist; 18851 ÜBOLEIV-sbaTia. SattWB ;anted h... 7 'October -*4.1 J. LYONS *fol., Coarse -- eldns, `gas- 1 t 1 POST a Co.'s II 0 IA II 11 H