lii . -.,r4i,i)i'Aip)' : flui li, : i!,4;,si 6i. ';WISX BY STATE SUPERiIiTI4I -• 1. Vacanties; by removal from - Distrid id flied by'rriiPpintnient :7 When a Director has removed from the district, tt is the duty ortlie,l.3Uard4o fill the vacancy by appoint ment,- until .the next 'regular election. , - 2. - Logi adjustedre - hellion !lot. to be mod: ''fled or enlarged: In levying school tax, Directors are limitc.a, in their aiseismeitt,' under 'the 29th section of thc - to the last adjusted valuation,'. furnished by the County Commissioners, and cannot mod to make up fur either real or supposed; omission and mistakes on the. part of assess ors. 3. Ordinary eehool tax' not to be qplied to'Building : The tax levied under the 30th . section of the School Law shouki:.bc appro priated selely to the support and mainte nance Of the'schools defray their or: .dinary.expenses; repairs; and Di rectors cannot legally use,anyr- portion of it as a•building fund: be 'kept aeTarate:. -I .T a special tax for building pur- . poses, MOO t e.33d section of the Law, can, not exceed the 'amount of the regular:altri st tax'. for the. current sehpol year; levied nu- . der - the 30th .section,' A .careful aContitt should be tept, of each fund separately. 5. - Treasurer notto get any per, cenlage on balance : An out-going School Treasurer is not entitled` to per mntage.*On the linetribti-: ded balance in the:DlstrictTreasury, handed over- to his-successor in office ; - ." • Number of days in a Teacher's month : To ascertain the exact4.umber of days in a caeher's month)._ first .deduct all the S.:1)- 1 - .) i s from each calendir,.month taught, then d 'et every alternately iSaturday or the lat ter of every Saturday ) , and the •remain ing.ti ' e, butito :more, Should be exacted of the Tea: ter., The betteezpolicy 'would- be to have uo boo! stall on Saturday ; and .when •ever this is 'one ; the days'thus vacated shou Id pt be- char t , d- to the Teacher.' • . • .. , : • . 'ating Orchards. you or any of meany information f rent vating . an oldl, or \q any directions in an:: :Lei, : Ben , If • ALESSItB EDITO contributors,_ }is to thcbest mode, ), ehar.d; 1 have, not font 1 ,to Which I ha ". *MS. , • - - . - If it is 'sod; plow, hart and tear the plowed turf to fragments_ by\re-harrowit 7 -,. ,ploWing-shalkow near the tree., and deeper V,iacire rernOtely., :Apply a goo ctiatin,g of table manure, with a hundred o two Gush- Pls of leached ashes,•eir fifty ' bushe of un- , IlleTached ashes or lime per acre—harp w these 11 into tke soil, andplow under as de ly the roots'•will altow.—Thin.out the ilea_ s by s emoy in g all dead, decuying and badly S • lil ted crooked branches, avoiding if possib • the lopping: of very- largo limbs.' This treftt ,lnent will impart new vigor,to old trees, the:.. crops will increase at idthofrait will be much; `larger : and : greatly superior in quality.: 'Where, the soil naturally rich; the application •of oshes and lime without - inanurei -Will be i g effieient, provided the thorough - Mode of pul y.erizing the soil be adopted as abovode,seri- It *ill not pay_ to plant - any crop, if the :pees shade . most of the 1.. In old or. 'l-srdsi - tho roots extend, ov, sur face, and theralre,'the Manuring and cultii:a= on 'should be broadcast.—Country Geld.' . . ' ' DON ' T Km. TIIS Btans.-.---As spring ad van. :pea our 4youthful Nituriids feel the influence' ,Strong . upon them to.pop away their old fow. ; ling the birds.—Not that they Wan t , them for foodt-not that they do not relish their songs—but simply to I . :,.rratify. the."' r,/in nate prnpensity to destruction.. But We l+g the boys to refrain, . Thl:..l4tlc birds , arq be coming alarmingly .scaree in the. vicinity-of Hartford. We . \ ,say.olarraing - ly,. for the - ar mies of the paliner ,worm, caterpillar, and canker" worm are'alarminely on the' increase. The little birds are the farmer's best friends: They destroy the bugs and the worms that in rest.his 'crops and his, orchards. -* The blaoc - bird_ may; occasionally root up a few 'hills of corn - ,=but he daily gathers more destructiye insects as he "travels over the newly ploughed Adds than all the cern is worth which .troNI - s ten times 'Dyer. . The robin May take aI - . few of your spare ,pherries, but he is only taking pay for therworrns he . swallo - Ws which [ • would have made your 'garden a desolate N • aste.„. The farmer cannot do - without the little birds.' ' They are his best friends. We have no doubt that the late ravages ,or vari ous:insect are owing to theiwholesaledestrue 'L ton of their enemi&qthe Valhi. • ” . • .., .. So ithpoitanris,this-aubject considered by . - iriculturists that the Secretary 'Of the Board.. I L 'cAgriculitire in Xassachusettshis issued a cnvular urging epoxy farmers and others the' e.ecution of the, stringent law there is in That ate against killing such birds. We have. a fasimilarlaw in this-state, and -we trust - our farmers - Willsee rtidly. to the.pros . eqution of all hreakerS of-it - `Their cinnitig ' crop.. will reap the hene6t . Of sparing the :little birdsH lar(ford Coui.aiip . ~ • . . 1 .. . . NplA1:1 Conic,7--The crop f Indian Corn in 1 - as estimated by ,the Oncinnati - Ifoil 4 . roti,,i l Ricoid,' will'* amount iiO, at least nine -hundredmillioneof bushela. - The increase frOto- 1839 to 1849, in the prothretion . of this -gtieat-staple, - was at the rate' of 58 per . 4nt, The crop at the latter period nteasured '592-, - 01;104; buibels ;• a less per eentage -..' of increase-therefore,,would make' the crop: of 1860 what has been allowed. for that year. TWo thirdit of thiS Itnmensc.!yield will come from the Ohio Valley and its - prolongations, en- bracing* Western Pennsyliania; Western V irg:uia . , -Ohio Kentucky, Tenne . . ssee,..lndiana,, liih - •mis and MiSsonri. - -• • --- ' - - , ' ' • During 1854'the United.. States exported - ' tw' . dllions of bushels 'acorn ; and it is -easy to see that when the habit of using. corn - 1 , throughout western Eurotle,shall become mil.) versat as that of tobacco and - pOtateei—mid that"period is by no means distaitt- 7 .-the 'ex- ,' pOrt of thiS article : must be:enormous.: ' There ' awl but ,few. :parts - of • Europa in which - - Indian, corn :etufbe grown;.-and the - great - itipply ' mast come 'from this country; 'lt I.4:reekotn= . . ed' that'ati . no distant . period this country will be cixporting annually' one .Aundred and.iffl.y 1 thil4pn B .- of bushels of. Indiancorn,.*lk,b, 1 webil ;:iitingjiitillhb. United StateslW,ooo,ill 000 'and 'prove a greater source. or substan...t tial Vcaltlpto us, than the gold mines 'areal-, iforma. , -', • .-.`.• Newijeiviritto;ssr-NothingifuL - Nile have recelied comity ndeatitin ftnin `One of the Ordei',in Nevi-Jersey, in refer ence to the Pro-Slavery' attitude of theseeret fraternity. Our correspo t teni" mates - that the great issue .:. by% ANkier in that State,.at4he last election, was Opposition to the Nebraska. Bill. —He admits tiara' the - or: der considers, the influence of kreigners . u . poti' our elections tine' of the, apittest evils of our clay, but denies that it is a greater evil thou Pairenr, omits. introduction in Free-ter ritory' Ottreorrespondent ,declares he ex presses the opinion of a large tnaACrity of the Ordq,, +WIWI, he says that toiecilly separate thernselies from the ad VOCLias of Slave ry _ would; be again to . .the Orrler,ancl make them the iiiiiiiitinitptjarty before the nextTresiden tial 'election. - ..Fartherheregts that up6n this queptitn 4 l4 4 ,NOrthe:na rder •will- stKid: or EU ME ihilii Veit Is insulted not to , bike the.: '• qnestion an itiine,:. the present Order solve nckviis before a summer's sun, nevi, ,Or4*wholly 'ret.u4 int 'nig . - th ;In ficlntotSitiOty into:Yree territory; will . innhantly-;in. its: place.. 'The S'Orth- OWNothings Will never unite with the i wing Upon the subject of •Slavety. " SlTllOhlfill'in fall ; Bpi Slaveri w ill di an d a t troducti rise trit ern Ku 'Sonthel • .sit Upright, .ink'sen ,1". said 4 . lad}r p ig fortned ‘ a bad ha it Of liending N'rheueVer he...sat ilow=n to read,. mother had told' him ho 'could not brefathe rightly : Unless he sat upright:— Mit:it Was of no u'se; bead over he would in spite. of all , his mother could sny:. "Sit upright; ;Master George!" cried his teaelieros George. helm over his . eppy-book at seheel.., ". If Yon don't sit upright like llasteri Charles, von; . Will' ruin your health, and Hcip!ihly ,:,of consumption. "_ startled; lia;ter George. Ile aid not want to die ; :and he felt alarmed: . .So after. school te said Ito - his. teacher f' e;plain tobenditig.ocr:when I sit: tan make• me hiro the .csMatimption:7 . • ," replied his, teacher a ilintdial There: is an;clrment a:realltid oxygen . which i3,n9CCSiarY to make your .blood, circulate, and to help f; pu rity itself-by thrOwitt offwhaf is: called its . carbon.] -WhedSott stoop, You 'cannot take, in a stqeient quantity of air. to accomplish these purposes; hence t 6 blood remains bad, and the I air cells in 'your :lungs !weenie' irri tated. Presently i the lungs' inflame. The -. " - the cough einnes on. }'Neat ,t elungs ulcerate, and then ly-oli-die..lGivethe lungs room to inspire plenty of I - -esitair, and you will - not be injured by .sfuly. Do you understand the matter noW,•G • eor,ge i" . . • - . "1 think .1 do; sit?; and 1 will try and sit uprighthereafter,l . : said - George. lie wits • right m its resolutón: Will all the boys and ' girls w hpi read myl rriagazine imitate hi nt?— Tlfey will, I knOw if they Wish ti) lead healthy liVes. ,{lake it your nuitto, 'therefore, my little re der, to sitltpright, whethei` you* sit to read; O eat, toiew, or'to (=verse. 'Now don't forget it. 'I Ilivis must • sit tv 7 ight."--' Forrester'e Af . ,aga;i l pe. , • . . l, - ji , - . ' .1 - I F .77----- " -- —-•• . • • its Viewed' by an American Ilis. • sionity in Turkey. , ;.- I' . , • (1 rom . d e IlostoU Attu.) .. . .• W 6 hove Much leashre. in 'calling atten tion to tle folloWitig extract from a letter ad dressed- hi a lergOtten, who for upwards of twenty years liashibored under the direction of th'e-Americitn.ROard of, Foreig,t) Visision6 in Turkey, to his brother, * highly esteemed 'Merchant' in tis cit...'! ~ Although not written .expressly for ?publication;, the' cogent argu .ritent, vigorous Serete and profound religious feeling of the'lwriter, will - .:commend his ol) : ser vat i ons, ,20 ?iNv ll iti!i, his fainiliarity' with - the true position Of . atialri in ,the East imparts [ additional weli;lit,:t6;the thoughtful consider; Kation.of flyer)/ intelligent readjr. lf, as the I•esult of Lthe resent strugglo, Turkey shall b\ehristilanizO, and Austria forsivear her ,des i otism in favor, of liberal institutions and: an in restricted'presit,-then indeed, will good, have b e -.evolved .from evil, and compen satieit r der(ild for , whatever-hat \ \l sufriring Pavel. been . 'enemintered in the .war : . \T.aentzn ) xi,. March 13, 1855: ' .. 1 see from : b editorials of 'certain Amer-. . , ican iicW4paper. and the published . - accounts ' o f public lbeitirei . ,l'tlint in some rpuirters there tare stronn- stropa Ides with Russia in the present c nflicits of t, o :nations. Now it,i . tiot t perhaps range that t'e sympathies of many merely political men s onld go out in. that _.direction Aid indeed, .-hcii religious men even tak+l! a first sight gl lee at the Allies 1 fighting or tke Cre4ent aga st the . Cross, it is not very. .:t mi . :go that tli .ir 'F.yrnputhicv .. (.shoultrt)e .witia the cross. But .. us mission 1. Mies it does ?.isecrit strange tha intelligent . i Christiania, editors; lecturers ; and 'ends - and supports s efinission4, l lihorid . : wish f4' the I sacoeso Do the:y.3:ot iim that Protesto t mi,'sionaiiei.eannot reside in ?,us .zia 1 • - li) the notknow that hut a few yt ars i ago, boll . PrOtestrint fliid 'Catholic inissiou: . :. ' ries we ',expidle.d ,frofri the Russian Territti iry ? ...4 they nye.knoir that it:- was stated' I not long - ineal in thelliitish Parliament; that otte-of th ..eatii•wttleli hface Pre!eipitated this' war'.wa he 4oread'i-if Protestantism; in .Tiir ,, , l key, tole eck. which, was as . one .object of the i.Czar ?i, o they not know that if Turkey. 'should f: ll hip the 'Lnds of Russia, that I event ‘4 , 911(.1 hO . the 'signal for the departure lot eVery : inefican i missionary frOm theland? Are they will to see- tis*.all come flocking 14. home aglin mid leatte - our work' here, which 1 much Off life and 'ekpense, to he destroy et 1 If the are wishing for this we I are not: Vie. are I 'not Willing to see, the' work Ofinan . ll- .yeais" d'emolishc.;d under the i tramp of the great NOrthern bear. We are not Nvillino to - ee the' Many little rising Prot-, estant .cornmunities, l #hir.l are now. dotting . a-this empire, after ..LPing delivered from the I wrongs ad • persecutions- . Of. the • Armenians; . [ and in a grmt ineasii re, from the oppression I of thej .Mci,haminedatiS; handed' over to the, ! t I Russians, nlive. th t elife-blood -of Christian-I lity crushed out of them: d , And ; after all; ihis . X7X ling for the -ereecen I i , and aqairiit the cross is . more in .appe4rzinee 1 than in rekilitY, EV#y one - knows that the , independencoofTurkey,is ~ v irtually - gene- 71 , that - thetgleration of Protestantism and the varimis retimns which have' been introduced into the e pile of late years, are of .foreign: origin', at . not the Offspring of anything eith er Turkish - :or . 1 4 ifohninmin. - - Many times. / • haS it'belsaid within the '-lastiwenty 'yeais I that the glish'embas.sad6r at the Sublime Ptifte:wasithe rulerOt Turgei... And ifthere islvperigile in this .'remark, there ii, alio • . L • • , , Vail. iff - t,..- And if the*;AOris'Of the . . Allies ire successful in thisi i'confllet, it is nbt nu keyi •t• • ~ ... thatigains - an ad ,•atttage so Much asPrOt-.. estanii-u4..1. As . meni - stS CLOstlins; and ibis sionariesl What we 't{"iiii . is' toe the ;annihilri tiori of Turkey or Mehammedatti, - but - brealt:- . inglhe Yoke or omit .. e4sion; f ..and .. .-hringing the-. votarle.i.pfb a &ta.i4ertiSinn: envier ,the,. infin ence Of enhghtened .iiii4 lifeiiving- Christian i•ity. -And-Ithese two!rsultis..tieent inentnpti-1. hie with !the domination of RtisSin..;:.HOwev er 'it . is - our happla est fto.'kuow" that the lktoSt l i :Highis the' ruler =Ong the. Tiations—thit He raiseihkip one arid. putieth ,doirri . anoth 'er at pleasnre,; paid . ..that Ile _Will make all changes and LneV..444.iniiieivient, to. the irt-1 terests of -His. b kingdomQWll.eiethistinfr.; b i righteounilss: ,- . and peace. The W - - , M u tt s probably 'elks b ut ass:l4m wants to khow %what's. cOtrinion 'turn Pi6os Do%iTtbe (1344 °f*Cll3e."44- l q" r bin hagPaSSed:. --The'p ospeet for Ail abuu*t wheat bar. rest thi, sefqsott, thriii4hdutihe - 6ttp_try, is re- P ol li'dt6 ie eue,sesll,Y-g9(4.- , BROM id Sp:4ll 'Plaid &Judi, FtTch Meri. ttott, }*,unlettafv, D.e.Laim,. Am, sit ---; LaileftmilmiJantatlr 1, ' LVO,Vg. ,oili11101fipb.• ESS tANITRUMUREUS OFSAISDEM, trnnitoo o4lll o l, ikv4iadhe Bwiettainvollitearle's Iloteloloniptoe, • rt- Ii • . C. 3f, Summing, - BOO4.NDSIIOr itAXE R. Shop first door oFt ..0t.gd41.6110111 1 all,, Turnpike sLI 31 : 0 1 1 " se • LEfine- • 'l7r.LEfitigleton CLOT noir; nd t his nevr stain! on Qwego at. Vt domi . wept er Searle's Hotel; *here be ef feetuagy.-Kirs." with dispatch,' Watches, 'eery description of . Machinery. and Watch materials suppfied Smith, PENT ??. 3106til* ra., ;21 g4ele's p .Betel, Ifondars an 'reiesdays' of 'each „ 'L/En!LPP, - irONTRuSF., P.A:.; with itow,, ; l l rognit 4 Car .01:--tet; Wholesale G*ers - and Conhmiis93on lier 011uitsji0473-,WWillii*ton *ell; betweenColit tiat -and .iitiebte; 4 7 .0, rant :Caleb Weeks'. O, •Cir. ifagf74 limniiti.. t ."stiop 'liis•dvvellipk. house, y topptiliklieileOtln!ceet 'I( . OW -rose, Pa,. • • . . ! & A, rrall.',4ETS it•Nni comisraolis xaw, trot -Niaitip Clutneei7: atiier; • • • Hotel, 1..- - ;LurgiticwicriistitrET, - (near ',New or • sub mry i& Co., 'Proprietors, i the %iait4try xi! die prilteipe.l l ,sWamboat huidingx • • ingstmn. "TAEALESZ TN DRY Grocerte:.;.Clo!lii4r, -Crciel4y, Boots mad •Shoos,&c.; AuhisteNantio DePot; - r• . -. . Beitticiy & Fitch, _ • ' A TTORNEYS A s t .kND • I.3OtNTY LtliD I. AGESTS, 24iiptro e, Pa. n. S. nErmiti". - . • I" John Groves.,' • FASiIION'ABLEI - TAILOR: Shop under . Searle's Hotel;!#.aine okreet t Nontrose- Pa. • • Hinds, TIVERY ; AND ENCIIANORSTABLE. Office in 4 J in the rear of Wilzien's'Store, Montrose, Pa., Corden, • 1111ALEIV IN STOVES , Tin,- Copper, and Sheet _IL, Iron' rare, Limier:slitle; near Great rtetid Depot. Decembe :* • • - • , LP/ ' 'A TTORNiEI" AT ; I:1117, Susqweitanna, Office 11 on lisiiio.street4 oir door east of Lenjwim'n. • 4; Case ' - - • A TTORNETS AND COUNSELLOES AT• LAW 1 Office ;on Turri'o,e street, ono :door. East ,of Posk's Stoi*;.. l / a ryroaf, • !' filbert Chberlin 011 - V g. 11. AT t.klV - an — d 3 - 11.4.tice . ot.ihe.Peace; over Post 8,...Ces Store, ifentrosp. • . ;f Writ. H. Jessup, A TTORNNY stT CAW Alib COMMISSIONER of illisys; for !the State of New-York, will attend to all busins entru.seell !to him with promptnoks and fidelity. Office On Pet;lio Square, occupied by Hon. Wet. Jessup.. - - ' -:•-. - - • ! - j AbellTurrellt . TIEAI.ER DRUGP, 'MED : HANES, Chemicals • .1. ' 7 Points; ON, Dyctrituffs, Groceries, DrY•Goods: hardware, Stn ware, glassware, .Clocics . , Watches, - .Towelry, Silver ISpoons,i.Sp.v,taclet„ Ilusteal Instru ments, .Trusles, Instruments, Liquors, Per fitibery, Mirtors,lStationkry, Brushes, Shoes„ *Yankee Notions, &e: it • 1 . • B. 11... Liens dr T)11.1ttlIS IN I .._Pry 900s,(froderics,Salt Flour, - and,.and Hard ware Laneratitie .... d- j • • ' lE. . aka) TA EAT.Eri IN IDRY G OODS, Ready Made Clothing, Groceries, 3001(,4 0;10 • Staticniery, Public Avenue, Mwetruse, Pa. 1. • • •! Pixtrieki& . I.3nT.F....ict.i.Ns' AND pURGEOS. Office I.Ca, 4 owege4.trei,t, .3fichlt • Post & Co;, AF.ALF.R.SI IN DRY FOODS, Groceries, Crocker;-, .1.-/ Hardware, ; Leather, Flour, etc., corner ()llama pike street :mil Public Atenue,..3fontrost, Pa. . • 0 . ..4664 Ron ., ; .LLS:rig Dill' COODS, Groceries; Hardware, Crockerr, Tinware,:Gioceries, Rook*, etc.; also, (wry on theltook Bilplatu business,---Ptiblic Atonic, Montrose, Pa. 1 • 1 ' 13entle$i & Resd, • s'EALERS. r. 4 1 - DAT MODS; Drug Medicines, W Paints,' Oita, Grociulex; Hardware; Crockery, I , Cy:mkt, .;Witcbeir, Jewelry, Per. • • ry, or,PelDtic Asenne, Nonfrare., Sa • • yre; Bentlty do Perkins; ll FAN , l'AcTurctitl3 OF AND TIEAtERS .Th 7. all kb. pf Castings, Stoves; - Agricultural Imple ments, etc:.,l)ffipe . •at Sarre's Store t Tuldic Avenue; Manufactory -. t the Viii,•, l o - Foundry; Foot of Cherry street; gontrO •,i.Pa:t • I Wait* & William H. Jessup, A ITORNEYS: A' "..t 'W, , Mantres6, Pa, Prat -11 ti:.i>"iit'f%drin •;- fihrlAiri; Wajne, Woo- ming and I.4Merne too • • • Willkon• Wl =with & CO., • • CABINET MAKERS. ! ey keep'. constanthr.'ori band ariood assOrtiUent :all kinds of 'Cabinet Furniture. SHOT); and are ours at 'the foot of 3faine street ifertyrotte;, P, a. " • , • 4( . itt'ocireit'Rrinton:& A rANUFAmermis tici, DEA . . 1,.. In' Strive ; 01- Owls, -Walt, caps; ' Furs, •Uratr' las, • _Para sols, llibbosis,'&l7: tEe.,lC;c 20 Coluilan4P 'eked, 4 1 'ile' York, (up sitars.) t - . • .D. auctrwr.J.t.,_,,,..;i...lD?wAr e tt.. ~.., ..w...w. wtros. Train'Mitt Fraser.". •,' , A TTORXEY AND COUXSELLOR AT LAW . , -ti..--ifontroat;,' Pa., *Di attend faithfully to all bust. ness entrusted to him 11l the .county of Susquehanna. Conreyancin ,, :Ind . wrlting, of all kinds will be done .neatly, and ciiarges,thodertite.• Be will also attend to the prosecution Ordain - is of solth'ers i their widows and heirs, against 'the. tnitcid Stites Government, flit. Bounty Land, Pensitme; 40c.: 'ellay: be found at all hours- it the °tee tonne* occupied hy •Jr T, Bich ards, Esq., north of the Ocinrt House. . • ':•-• • .14891 - TIIO `!•WINOWIIOTHINGS, ,, T.T.A.Vt XIOKED 17P:4. TERRIBLE MUNI!— ' • 84, vent 'fortunately; the earth is not *kora from its orbit; and the sun iiiipes *s before;: °ali biing the "Picture Man " to work at his trade of light and shade in his usual fitk . a4tctory manner & „, Stobk, Jiist .winPri44-Ivfr3l thing neat mil desirable in ts :,:ein -Daguerreotype line, t ' asks that-you wilt apt forget to tall. , lle has also sonic ree l ently published Dooksorhkt will be sure to please these. who - wish good reading. • ". • V 7 .- -18: = Odd Fellowe,lttil,4ontrese Pa. tjr . ",‘V. Xt; D. does-riot take pietures fcr or '25 50,, eras.' :Thou :ieka - John Grove,- Afilt'ilitisement. AS.nature, who furnishts the birds and heaata with an extra coat:Tor .winte'r, hit* not made's similar pre rigion for Man, I hare tondlutled to take it upon my self to attend to that depithitent; .and.,the r reforat think proper to,aiMopneelltat shlyeiing Male b y peels, peas, that ne'ed - -nesr apPaitei;.gloribus or laglortaus, fashionahle or, nu fashion aye, min , have- theiri wants supplied ,amiliteir tasteaitutea'hy on me, at . my ,sitOP . in YlOntruse. ; • . •-, . The Store Reobittilt.: , - • AATE wk4l3 to say to our rienls and eastolittrs that o 1 we hate ' "Tififisighlema consumed oar goo*: with - neat of Our - Gtoekir, at and erected a coni - enient 600, wbeite . 44*hall "py e - jour - ohl.Onstomen4 as well as new. We arir going to sell goods 16wer &kn .- eve, std lie per ce.ta..lttsppj4ttioi.444,elsemlereirtgitwitte.• Lanpajr4l/RESVIILAYIII. _ l _ A Chance tplalte 311.0shey. Iv f .. A PR01:1,744LE AN HONORABLE &VI : • PLO EVENT. ,;-' ;.7e Ilis TWZ,FiVAOMit..IB des! 'of lie,vlitg ;In itlent, itt _n_ -'e nett eenntY, itnit tnirti — f the Minn.' - .lt. capital of ( ro ut .155 to .1(t only :OM letralkedoksidnrhimi' like tut erwient, inergetieltien ant unket Wet , in (IV 44,Lts..tPir 4 art , ---insonnt. of.the agents nett entployenL are reelizinj twice that Ann.' Every 40 Ilgra l atiou , be given, adttrenetek(ol4l)std4i: • 014,60i,i Philadelphia, PL, Pob - t Office.. 1 ! , .'' .".• It -: • 0 • '' 1 • ) flier — lPOrign, of, filitittlanielpplltoo r 2' l ' . 1 trelinagrO 1191081X0 end of the &Meet Enifferere ,by the rettent Ll.A.destrectire ire in Monti,* liming lastlity ..atore:liotise and merit! a or nrrfoods; i hate abl hOtroverl ititen over to despair, but bare taken store i'nem tri the lower part of the; town, first door north of Reeler'a Rotel, into which lobate placed 04 mall shith eared from the fire, and will in the eourit• of .e'reoy abort time fill up the store with an entife new etoet of g o zyjr. In. my preient new loation,l will' be happy, to tree end wait crnl my old custourcis and . theipublie generally who favor me With ,'4 call 'f hoe rawly-ea to "never give tip the altip.* ! 4— I am 'determined to keep 'a DRUG STORE, and'. Ie keep asOod amortment of .Drwsra, , iffedicines, Paint", . - .Djw•atufa, Grceeries, Glert4ttre, %revelry, .Pet fimeityir.Yala4e Motions,. and all sorts of iiittcy Gird; Re, tte. l , such am I kept before the fire, whhth -deronrcdithe earnings of a life time in an bour. llontrars' , N0v.23 , _1654. - - AfTEL TORRELL. B. • Will every man indebted to me, sae N * ~ • remember me in thia my time or Elea, by sendinirto me the amount due itmuelliately. November 23. 1854. , ABEL TURRELL WATCHES; JEWELRY, , SILVER SPOONS • . &C. okc. 4c.. fIOLD; kind . Silver I . 'atent Lever, Anchor and Li- VI .p . i*Yttitehes, just received And tor Bo le by IIE t .STLEY ik.READ. _ .Jewelry.. GODAAosoroneut ul 'Jewelry, consisting of Eli: , nit*, FAr Drops,. BteastPins, Finger Dings, &c., justreecived at BENTLEY & REAM. Iver, SDPOnct TlLW , Disiers, wlttranteil flar tale tiy. I A BENTLEY Lt. READ: 4 4 . i Boots and hoes. • • An unusually Food assortment Of ;tlie best make, all fresh atl;mjeec fur saliby I3ENTLEY A: READ. . • ',l3rtigs and ltedettinel. A fresh stoek 'genuine - Drugs utk Medicines; Patent RtiAliciack l - ralnts, Oils, Dye-stuffs o &e.., for sale by. Der 13.) " • Llgisrl'LEY &.EEAD. 4, . . , . Charles, TilLusaa, Barber. • • la - AR tailored his shop from 4ts former locatioU ip JLJI. the: ipsemont of Searle's Not - el, to tl e rootriin the satnelbuilding t in the rear of the taw-room, witero his custoMers will be waited upon, by that exquisiti artist,. Prelimsoi Chariot liorrislei by hintself, at all re:6°ll4lk hours. - I ; WPM L rOrrrcil . Please :hear iit mind that this is the only sharing shop in tcisitn where the thing is Mono scientifically. Mellitus% Deaeraber 19.1854: 1. - • OUR STOCK OF STOVES . IS ...trYlit COMPLETE—nd n 'would take this. opportunity to say-that we 6n show the most beautafhlithd irel en di d patterns of Parlor and Cooking Stoves:to:lie found in the couniyi. Amon , . ' them can be seen:thc Revolving Front and . GothieParlor, for wood or epal, entirely niw and deeidetilv.prettystovett‘ PriceslrotU five, to ten dollars. 10If . egtaking Stoveit we think k needless to sty tench; only to remark, that we are sefling thcm, at our former prices, and judging from the Opitlity of our sales, w believe the public are.entirely satisfied- with'.Otir &kb 'Mid the quality of our wares. - We. have"" feiwlmore left" of the "Clinton Alr-tight Elevated Orin, Stove," arknowt. edged to tietlie hest eooking starelnw in use. aia :and English Stove 'Pipe at etch prices, and' Tritn. wings and • Tin watt of all descriptions at the vet's lowed& • J. DICKERMAN, jr. ' Now Milfold, October VI, 185411 . . . . -. ... DISSOLUTIO N.' ~• rim coPartnership heritoforo 'known under the 1.. - Dan/It:and firtu of NewellsßOthers, in the Sasbi Blind ‘. andPoor.busineSS, is this Ilny by mutuil conk sent and *reenent dissolved.. 1,1 •••. . - . `i • -• it ---• ' : ' . GIYMERT NEWELL: - LitnesbOto, July 11, '54. El K. NEWELL. i The subjetiber. would resfactfullr call the attention of those 7vho . wish to purchase anrthing in his line of businem, ' ' i 4 Sash, - Drn+, Shutters atufßliticis . iner, :tiT . -,.. Cubnie of various hinds, - 13Ur&Ahs; I.':iblesouul' Se.ezetaiies, .., BelistOds, Stands, .Charsliitul SetteeF . l.. '', Alco r Body-Made Coffins. Painting and Glarng,i if required. Country Produce and Lumber taken it, exchange.llTerins, ready pay:: Lancsbain, July 15, 1854. GILBER.T NEWELL. NOV. AND' CIIEAP:COODS, ' 3 140CGII at the lowest prices,"aM3 will tie solda.c. 3 . cord4iglY t _'! : . U.I3I.3tROWS & CO.: Giliforrjfeiober 11, 18:54. • • C I otll, Cias;iimereit aitd.Vestitags. A:large asotirtztient and at prices kiwer than we have ever been :iriabled to offer them hereto' fore. GibsoM.Oct..ll, 185-1. " • • ,',' •fltettot GoOdtl. A great vlriety and beautiful etylpk and abitost as dleaft as could be desired. C. BUIIIIO A: C 0... Gilittort,,Optclber 12 1854.- Black Silkl A good quatity for drcissea at 81 cents . pet. rani; • „ October':;l2, 18.54. . ' BITIIROWg k CO, . 1i- Shawls.* • ; Bong and ltnaid, Wool, broche,:and silk, very hand some stylaarid extremely low p'riri.s. Oetoberfl2, 1854.- U. BURRO WS. Sr. CO. Brothe Shawls . Cheaper 1,14 it ever before knowo ; bea u tiful aniUtite"qtialify , Of Ttrothe man uEetrire, fat: * • G. BURROWS & CO.. 'Oibmni,"Ottober Tl, 1554: • , • , /gay Stave Nhawls, SI,ZE ? TIMM' .QVALITY, And SM PAT. 17.111C5, fl each. 13.1111RR0W5,47 CO. 'Gibson, OetoWt 11, 1854. ". .Carpets. • A good aainyttnetlt and- handsome 'patterna, at - very • . U. BURROWS & CO. Gibaol October 10 ,. 18'4:• • Miff/all° Itobies, • A largelot ktftandsome Robe., a ri4.rt of them whole, Indian dresied and very guperior color and quality. 'October '12;1854. U. BURRO WS & CO. COPS t COFFIN S I COFFINS C -71 /the Subscriber has on, hand ready: made coffins ."1. which may be had at reasonable pnees. Also on band lot of Superior window Sash. , 4 4 t. -.HENRY i ARN-VA. ,er,r_e-fL,p4pdaast. 115th- 1(146. '- • ' • • rum, EASE. .•.. TOE subscriber has been recently appointed an _ agent Or the Flaxen's Usnoit Isstltasce Co., Athens, Pa. t end is prepared to insure Ifonse.s, Stores and other bUildings, Goods, Wares and Merchandise, on fnvorableterms. Applications made either person ally or by letter promptly stitended to! ' S. B. CHASE. GreatZeititk,Pal; Xi2A 3t4 -1958.. - ^" • -• • .. . . STEAM GRIST AND SAW MILL.' OST 11:130VBERS • hating; pnrelnised • the abbv‘e - 'establishment, - will keep constantly on haed Su per, sesd•Asi Flour, Corn Meal Of muperior Oat 4, also Chip' end Eran'at` the loWest-ermb price S.-- Custoni work will bo done with deSpateh, and in. all cues worrtntril. o - : llontrose„ leltdy. I 858: ' ' . - N __, i-.. .. .. orte& i _ ____ , . . • • . Those persons indebted to the subscribei for fees' ns Ilegistgr, Recorder and aerk of the Orphan's - court would,confeVA favor by settling the intme stain: 4- ; ' - gontrese r P0.,6 1854: J. T.- LANGOON. ' WiridoirSash. 71: iiDjSATRE baying been appointedin agent 10 ter an eitvzslie sit& blind .tuiti door manufac• tour are prepire,d to furnish any arti*a in this linen}, less rites t 1 n.thep tave.tutually beet) sold Juff 44:. ; S. H. &M. S: • .• • • • 1 , lhavinr, Creiravi ' • ,A N :Artitie-iihieh 'every man sheuld lbr sale 23._ by • . S. 11. it D. S 116111rATS:-- , -A. not: lot of Summer' Hats and cloth; gfiliNuer re,ceired and.for sale dwarf by-"'-' r%!R• L it CO. PippallarMatent Meilleine Atel*e9;.*. reeelied anew supplY, of all the, popular PierissAtonCiza.s . of the day, includiat• '-Dr: :ivies Celebrated Medicines,. Tr . Nik's -1 4metic-tlltliliii , tat, Twiner's' Gera= Oliittaent, My T ere. Extract ROCk Rose , Forest Wine; ke. &c., of all sorts, ill direct fronklite, proprietors. Also, li;;; eficaliag 01 cheap - - :.• - TtRREfx. menitt4so, pet - anther 6 ; 1654:. - .. . , __,,...: i , :NOTICES , • t ... .-: - -'' :Tx...J. „.,,,,„„. sufferers :from the' ii.latc , tysealitsna Fire,. have. renakied'i , ltli whit little rernsins•pr their stock, to the 4terwlinildlit'em thelAtenne,•olipositelliW.L*S2lf. Afulford's store, whei;re they wind:in lutpiq'tdiaettiill their friends aunt customers, and. ope in the souse of 'Mite ten'clayi 'to doe able td ;greet, themFith ett l eAtirety-A - Eir STOCK OF ' ODS,]' 7 ' .- 1 ' ...1 4.':F :' ' ''''', 4 " ' ' . ~ , l ifir:trielt : ihiit . some of; etn i ituitniiiire - iwia,lii er beetuk*la tit, sill remit:Yuba; Via tiilli la - a - time, 7of itisetarVlllo 'rim ra; mitt- de'illbey would' be .!slanariy.- -- ..t s _j :ll' .' • —. .*- ses.r.4l- .Iforato seei o'lFmmober 14.'14354) '• ."'"' . ;"' ' . . • •. , . ). ALL, 11.10112 V ' - . • --- -. . A Fine ;itilikinitnit of ass' Oods just received at TT. tho o'v/west. Cnß awl. nen - 113 t. .. -=- yourselves.. 'Cost you not* to look And but little to buy. _ H ,r ; e iteitmay, Itai!th li'llslbie:- '.'' '' ' - t. Llti] PiE ,I k tlf 4 A log to wake rooni purcliise we !ire seiling. Call, as now Is the time Over coats from' Sack coats, good pa tern $1.59 to ss,oo. Vi.l.4tS niahing Goodit of ev . pry i W - ALL ;WO OL., :15 per cent. eheak4r th close out our stick Of elotlt for our Spring and Summer it at! greatly redticed, price& to liuy cheat), , to $18,04. Dress , Frock and trui ocyr atyles. Pant::: from )fiA•lrery Style. • Gents: Fur 'ili4 L ' '• ,O VG SITAW Ls . ,*er ofterad In 3fOntrose. ,41NE.S. .. - pi terns sellitig at costifor 1 'A. LATHROP Ai,' CO: • PE Good quality and; ne each. 1. February i ISSN. 1' _ .......... _ ..... ~. ._ DAIR CIIIIIRN,. , TE sul,scribers, ibai- !if DA 17. P A4l th ' BUTTER-WORICER, 1 adjoining counties, iespk, era to examinn and !Tr 01111111bielinel;ltiOtt. 1 IV all of yow with a Crtutts butter in as aunt itt _ • that will ~,,nhutity:e wok in. the •Atel i elisrup butterlind fit it fur ire, cilium: 'Tide . plifirr4 is's entific in its openttiqn, a order, and can be pai.ll power. - . • . For furtherpram& ~ ter to JAS. .. BUSH. I Ararat,:,4usqueliannketit PUMPS 27e Greald Itaiii+o bor • "'Am 4114 Air lmpro