Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, May 10, 1855, Image 3

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gooIARY OF 111dWIL ' • . .
The steatrah.;3 Atlantic arrived - itt view
!. -
work- m a.) . 4th, bringing news,from Europe
nine days later', Liverpool dates are to the
22d nit The Nienna - .Qinference held `only
to : e i,- 0 s essions, and has broken
up', Russia
Nat'iv'e r ejected the demands of •tfie Allies,—
ii e E e nglish and 'French plenipotentarie.S.haVe
l e ft Vienna. There are strong indications
,that Austria will refuse, to act, 'against Rus- .
'sic. The bombardment of Sebastopol • was,
Commenced on the 9th by the allied Threes
with 500 guns, and continued until the 15th.
It -is the intention to storm the -place, if pot
sible, but the impression is that this is not
P racticable. The French Emperor and }im
press have been in England for a week.. The
- new British lout of sixteen millions sterling;
for thirty-years; has been taken by the Botha
. ehilds. The English income tax is to help- .
creased, as also! the British.dnties n
. land_ o
i s
tea, coffee andi sugar. Eng
have assented to Louis Napoleon staking the .
cortimand ofthelallied army in the Crimea. 7 .
• • 'The-intelligenbe from the shied army be
'fore Sebastepol,dstates that during the two
first days of the bombardment, the fire of the'
-. besiegers was superior to that. of the city,and
muc h dtitnage• \was, done to' the _Russian
wor ks. Daring the night of • the ,13th, the
left'attack of-the allies obtained considerable
advantage over the Russians. • The Russians.
were twice dislodged from a strongly forti
tied position which remained in - the hands - of
t h e French.' The possession of this position
trill enable the allies to fortify the summit
-' of the Ravine ) which is of great - importance.
I.3irree the siege commenced, five out of sev
en of the Admirals of the . Russian fleet at
Sebastopol have died or been killed. - Prince
Gortsrlutkoff has published ilia address to the.
garrison, . in , which he states matters 16ok
• more encouragitig for the- besieged. Serious
trouble had beefs created at Kralove by. the
brutal conduct of the Austrian- officers: The
p e ople•at last becarhe infuriated, and drove
them out of the town,: The official state-.
meats of the affair' return 247 as haiing been
killed on both sides. The excitement . con--
tiaued up to 'the last account, 'and a deputa
tion had been sent to the Sultan to demand .
justice. .
The English papers are crowded which ac
counts of the ever-memorable r and ever-to-be
remembered visit of Napoleon 11l and his
wife to the Queen of England. Omitting the
embellishments, the' facts of the case . are,that
on Monday, the 15th, Napoleon.lll and. the
Empress Eugenie Dover—thence
to Windsor—remained the' guests of the
British SCivereign five days—:-met with 'a dis
ting-uished reception from the 'Court, and ex
. traordinary enthusiastic greeting from the
.crowd=--were almost overwhelmed t".by con
gratulatory addresses from corporations and
m F titutions—and returned to France amid a
• tempest of hurras ! . - _-
Five Days - tater. • 1. - •
By . the Asia, at Halifax,,we have five clays!
. 'later news from Europe; bur it islot So itn
p or f an t as we expected. The bombardment
of 'Sevastopol
. continued, without materia 1
progress toward reducing the town.; There
is a rumor that the
. Allies had suspended
_ their fire. but - the..story . wants confirmation..
It is stated that,thereWas a severe passage
- between the Frenchand 'Russians at'a sortie i
on the 14th, the hottest fight since Ifiker- I
mann. Another sortie- .
on - the I,Sth, .was
b , promptly repulsed. The French say That they
have made sonic important advances near, the"l
Malakoff tewer. while Prince Gorchakoff says!
the fire of the Allies Was .stacking up; that
he had destroyed,. some of 'their advanced
works, and that.te Russian.losses were. di-
. . dintinishing. The Grand ,Dukes Michael - 1
• and Nicholas have gone to the Crimea.. Men-,
' chikoff is not dead. Prussia appears . to he .'
siding with - Austyia •in favor of Russia.
From - Japan we hearof the ratification of the
Treaty with the United States, which took
. place at Siinoda on the :. - 21st of February.
The Chinese insurgents have left Shanghai.
/The opening of the Universal Exhibition at
Paris had been pospcined to the KO or 15th -
of May. ~ . , .
KANSAS—The Washih,gton.prgan says
• We'haVe seen, a private letter from Gen: Sam.
C. Pomeroy, dated ‘. Kansas. Missouri, April
7, iQwhielt the account of Governor Reeder
is corroborated. neral 'P.: says
. "Gov. Reeder •has stood up like a man.
Tne fi members elected .by.lfissouri-votesi held
a.meeting.and voted to go to the Governor
. and demand their certifimtes. .If he refiised.
...then to request ‘ him :to resign his office; or
- they would shoot him. I sent aline to the
Governor to ask .him if be wanted anythino
in the hour of his trial. :He said 'it would be
:grateful to his feelings to know he had some.
b •
one to lean upon.' I sent my horse and bug
gy that same night, with a line to Dr. Robin,„
son. The neat day , I.lVelve. good and true .
men, witlwevolvers, sto4d up with the
GoVernor. We re wined two and - a half.
. days, determined or die. We had been
insulted, and had all pur. rights trampled up-,
on, dUring the election, and now determitied
to submit no longer. At last;; the: members
• "left, amidst a storm of.wrath and oaihs pour
ed out upon the qr..0 0 -4.4mof l ynd the Emigrants
Aid Companv.
• . .
PitirPEß EMIGRiNtS.--The, Albany Argus
_ of the 24th contains the following mention of I
a practice trhieh appears to be quite common i
the part of the authorities of New fork,
D.S we have Enticed complaints.of it in other
We observe that lately there haft been
quite an influx of paupers from New, York in
to our city, who all avow that they -were
sent here, their passiw being paid by the
Overseer of the Poor of New York. It it
: was wrong fur the Sarditi authorities to
send their paupers to New York, it is
ly wrong for the .New • Yet authorities- to
send their mendicants here, when. they be
.come chargeable upon the county—upon our
tax payers. Our Alms !louse is and has
been filled to unction, with paupers titan
• here from Montreal, New. 'York, and other
large titles, equally as able to support their
poor as we are.'
. •
•flosisn PicasEctrrioxs rs Toscat.wr.=-A
letter from Florence,ln the. London Chris.:
tian Times, says that "another Tuscan
estant has been .made to feel the. vengeance
of the Popish priests... Demenico Cecchetti
was seized last Sunday morning at half past.
four, hurried away from riis children .to
. the
prison of the Bargell6`,-And cendemned with
out any trial, Without any witnesses, by. the
Council of Prefecture to aßear's confinement
in the Penitentiary! ? whither hevasamveyed .
in chain& the following morning, or haVing
in his,posse'ssion albible and two testaments,
and the avowal, when examined, that:he con
sidered Jesus Christ. the Sole - head. of the
Church.' •
I%y the riatrie WlDavid hite
'preached iu Qhillicothe,
the Bth inst., and having ?spoken .disrespeet,;,
tally of slavery,- he was invited to leaie"....the
town or pay the penalty in a coat of7tar and
feathers .He preferred to , leave.• - i.
Critrdir Itummistra
removing posttuasters la small towns New
Ilampshire, who voted the K, ticket - at
he recent, deetion i . •
. • ,
-The rennsy trim s Legislature adjourned
st:tre die; .May ,8, 18t5.
reele l y arrived !safely at Livet
pool, :I‘. the' Asia; on the,ttf.t:l24lll,,u pleas '
ally piThe.,
voyage 7olit is descrlbed as
•unt one.' -
-he Know Nothings - of Illinois have split
on the .lavety quefitinni.and the !State Coun
cil broke up in ill humor. • * says the • Tel
Montreal,!Sun: is ite error as -to the
repeal of the law abolishing the Death Pen
alty in WisconsitO The project utterly fan
ed• •
• •
eorrespontlenti of The New Orleans
Bee, at }Mexico,. asserts that kanta Anna was
was so, seriously . , ill that he , 'not expected to
recover, his malady being an affection of the
head,' causing a - peefect stupor.
--In i the Board astipervisors of New York
City,. on Monday last, it was decided that, as
Bishop 'lfughes owns seventeen millions of
dollars worth of property, be should be ta,
for the entire amount, the same as any ot her,'
indislidaal, • !: • j
All I lit. ,
Fnr Governors were expected to attend
the"TeMperance!Oonvention in Boston, last
Tue.idaly-L those f Ifassachuseets, Maine, N.
York, itndlthode!*lail. . . • .
The Know NOthings of N. York are hold-,
ing n
,State Cori ention a Syracuse. . The.
delegatesiseem to' r be mostly now then, and
entire !harmony seems to prevail: •
iipe of the Districts of Alabama,
Stephen F. the Whig Know Nothing
! candidate for Congress, and Judge Smith, the
preseat incumbent, is t l .-.e DeMocratie Know
Nothing . candidate.
- . • ,
Verniont - Penitentiary, according to
the report of theNarden, does not now pray
expeitiel; and has become n public charge,
where l lts t formetly supported itself out of
the lab or of the .Convicts— all because the
number Of, convicts has been sb :lunch diinin•
ished by the,llfaine Law ! !
Wheat Vbttsltcl, '
Corn Meal hundred, e.....,.
Corn V bushel, ' .. e.. •
- Rye V -
Rye Flour V hundred, . ........
Buttee'llJ •
.... LLLL
Cheese t? ; .. 1..
'Egg's z. do e 1
Potatoes Vihush6l,....
Apple's V tinsheLz,:.....
Dried Apples i I:Dusliet
Oats -I? bttgltel, .1..! ......
bu r shel;ll - , ...
Ram! V lb,
PA., At $1i,511 PEIL - ANNtli, ADVANCF..
RFati!, - of Advertbdug.
flues uare Of, lines or less) one week, • $0,50
Otie•square. • • .- two weeks, - 0;75
One's(' ' ,
mire • three weeks, •.. 1,00
One square 1 4 . one niOntb, - 1,25
One square ,•' two months, .l-
One'Square ‘'.• - three Inman's, 3,00
Onesquare - • t - ` - six months, ...... 5,00
One siquare • 4 ' . one year, .... .. 8,00
For two or mere squares, insertpd ~by•th7 year,' a
docloVioo from the: , almyr prices is made.. Yearly ad
vertisers will havethe privilege of altering or chang
'ng their advertisements without additional charge..
Business cards not eceeding five -lines, inserted
VI.:,00 per annum._ ‘ ' • -
-• Job Rork. i •
is office is 1 sUpplied with a goo as.ortinent 'of
n o' n nutterialK' and all kinds of Job Work, .stish
as Card's, rosteis,.Tainplilets, &e., will be done neat
ly anki promptlyt
Petatoes ao' Diied Apples !ranted at• this
office on subscription.
In Bridgewater, 'on the 2 , 1 in'gt., by the Der. De-.
itt i C. Byßestir Mr. Mirnurr !JAatt.s llAnyminavg
I Clifford tounship,..Susquebantio to., on Mura
-1 the •I9th spr 1, 1855, Ruoor.s OERRT, aged 54
yea r. H
-` I A New Milford, , April '22, 1855; Mr. FILIMMAN
B.I.DbER aged 12 years ; and on the following day",
the. I2Bth, his relict, Mrs. lidaar Minoru, aged 66
Their Uniform sedateness of life, and correct - -
nes. of c.ttrversatioit -is their highest panegyric.—
Whtle both lay prostrate with disease, their firm faith
in the • Redeemer was unwavering, calm, and con-,
sciobs, and they looked forward in blissful anticipa
tionlof \ that pitti4er which would induct•them to a
parneipationl in that heavenly rest Which remains for
the I*)t-ople' df ;God. Their end irasi peace, and may
their heave lily; e . njoyments beetertutl.
Ife6) ftZbetsiiseirK4l.s,
General 'Master.
"'?NICE , hereby giren to th:Cnion Hill Arto
- and the Susquehanna Guards to
the bons
at r
totetC r. F. Badger In New Milford, on
Ttisda,y the 29th - day of May inst., at 9 o'elrick A. y.
for the purpdse of drill and inspection, armed and
equipped according
IC. B. General Field and Staff Officers are request
ed to.attend do said day. ASA SPICER,
Br. In. Ist Br. 10th Div. Sus. CO.
Dr, In, offil-e i llitzford, May 5, 1855.
. _
• • i r NOTICE. :
rr HE person wlno took a barrel of salt a few eve
r pings slime, and forgot to call and settle, can
pap for the sante 'by sending $2,:i4, or replacing the
salt, and no questions asked—otherwise will be ex
ptised. ~ : C. B. F.
I ontrose, Nay 1, 1855. ,
.1 - 1..
Ellßikr RERRITT Would announce to
1 his friends
,and the public that he is noir open
in an 'Sums** large stock of SPRING AND!
S TMMER 0.04D5, including a great variety of
I Prints from 4 cents to is 6d per yard ; plain and
piinted Lawns, Barege Delanes, Gingharns, Brocade,
I Black and fancy; Dress,Silks, Silk Dress Tissues and
r B.treges. PoPlini, kc. Isc., with a superior.assortrnent
! of Silk, Broche; Cashmere, and Thibct Shawls; Man
t,illas,!Parasols, French Lace and Straw and Silk Bon
nets, riel Ribbons and Flowers, with' a large variety
of other StaPe ond,Faney Dry Goods. I .
IYARE—I*. srt and Nails, Boots and Shoes, Hats and
Cl•Ps, Carpeting, Wall Paper, Floor Oa Cloths, Paint:
ed `Window Shades, Clocks, Stores, Oils and Paints,
Ploughs,.kc:: &c.; in abort, the largest kind of piles
or rich and :cheap Goods, too' numerous , to mention,
bnt just thetthings to purchase; all of which will be
sold at the most reduced prices and on the most fit
vorablc terms for cash or approved' ciedit.
[ IN. B. Min- and Salt constantly on hand.
[ / [
New Milford; May 5, 1855. I •
THE Sukmcriber is receiving leis Spring and Sum
mer stock of Goods, comprising a great variety,
which will be sold as_ low as any in this market.— I
Please call and examine. F., B. CHANDLER.
HATS 4111:D CAPS-1400d assortment of the
latest stile.i '
.RE..4IDr.MADE CLOTHING—A good variety
Of Spring sad Buttoner Clothing of the latest crr.
DRI-10901.4—A general. assortment, through-
Out. Also,i, DRESS GOODS, consisting of Lawns ,
Barege DelahiettlFrenek Delainer; Permian Helaine,
, Printed 'Lawns, Fancy Prints, Ladies' Worked
lnsertio' Edgingk, Black Silk Mantillas, Thihet
6iid Catibm Sliawle; irarstsole - , Hosiery, Gloves, &c.
8007131.41. VlO, SHO#S. Clocks--a large assort
ment of every deScriptifm and style. Also, a great
variety. of Faney4rtickt, Yankee Notions, Lc.
HarOware, grid Groceries of all kinds.—
Trunks, a gooll lot for isle cheap. Books and Sta
'tiotrery—Wall Piper— so, Flour of the best quality.
Montrose, !du 9, 18# ! . F. B. CHANDLER.
19,000 g 51 -grad, ty ! i f eiiiimk umber
„:• 0. G. HEMPSTEAD.
Drooldpe, ! , 11:111 30, as.
ARE now .irCeiving their usual supply of BPI:BM
AND RU4fitlitß 000DS, which they offer to their,
customers, Rnd : the Public generally; on the mat sea :
sortable terOot, fOr Cash, Butter, Eggs, Grain, Bees
wax, or on'itpproved credit.
. Montrose'. May 1,"18135. .
1111ORDIDCLOT119,: i nereS, Kentucky Jeans,
Sumner SOS; and a general stock of Staple
Dry Goodi,linst received and for sale righi by
110,51 tr_a 12,04
• • 2,50
- 20
..10 @, 12
...8 (a 10
. 50
i . 50
0 12
USIMER De Lanett, 'Lawns, Chailles, Giniharns,
Merrititetc and POlteco Prints, &c.4c. for sale
by !• - BENTLEY &READ.
ONNF~* Ribbons, Parasols, SummesShawls,
.1.11 Black &Rut, Trimmings &c. &e. for sale
by. r s BENTLEY & READ.
I , ; t7r, - Leghorn, Panama, Straw, and Palm
Hats, ithntirella s, St. ttchela, Window Paper &c.
A t D,YARE, Crockery, Patent Pails, Tubs, Put
ty,, Olttaa'ke. i BENTLEY & READ.
- RlTOS,TiledicuT 4— es, Pain' ta, Oils, Dyestuffs, and a
.general aisortmont of Patent Medicines, justln
end fbr
SQOLE andlipperLpatlier, Patent kips ? Calf Skins,
and * good supply of Boots and Shoes constant
ly on band. t ' BEYrvair k.
I rACKEREL t.A . ; tie barrel or one.half barrel—al
sp,Olxiflsh. . BENttar k READ.
T~TCIiES anti JEWELRY.-7A fuU assortment
VTo Gold alio Lepines and Detatched
Levers, i double and single cases., Ladies' Pins, Ear
Drops, Rings; Guard Chains, Le. &c. Also, Silver
Table, Tea - Desert ; Salt and Sager Spoons , warranted
pure, fort ale II Drtircix
STONES:ftnd TINWARI., Clocks, Saila, Candles,
Lamp . Oil, Camphene fic. &e.
MontrOsic, May:4, ' ; SS. BENTLEY A: READ.
NEUr.,iiioijE—NEW GOODS .
rINIE sulimriber - takes this method of advertising
1• his fribt43 and the Public generally, that he has
fitted up ..iit.'•,store Just across the street from his old
quarter:4,lin jllrooklrn, where he is prepared to re
ceive cuetsiniers and!sell them goods at as low rates
as anY•Other'establi'shment in Susquehanna' county.
,My,assokadent is.,VeCy large indeed, embracing near
ly every article usually. called for in a country store.
As I jinx detertnizied to do business so as to avoid
"bad debte l ,r which 1,-eliptins . ible credit purchasers are ;
taxed tolpay, can offer superior induceMents to c ash
and otheraise rit6nT.CAVING patrons. (lull and see
me: • i; 4 i O. G. BEIIPSTtAD.
• Brooklyn, April ":Ito, 1855. • .
• , Csnovcd;'
C.• D. Virgil Dentist has taken :rooms over t.
Chandle6 l . storewhere it will be his pleasure to. sec
his friends as quick is possible. G. D. VIRGIL
'SIay 4 14 1855. .' Resident Dentist.
The Iteicantile Virm of Smith & Hempstead has
been di s olved by mutual eon - sent. The notes and
accounts Of the, same are in th, hands of 0. G.' Hemp
stead fo collection.; An early settlement of all ar
roaragei positively require 4-
_ .
Druok)yn Apr. 18, 1855
Sieveii lintudred Dollars Deward.
rj•IIE rabove rewatti will be paid to me if my ens
tollent will call and }lay me what is honestly my
due. gain loudly "called on by my creditors to pay
up,. and lit is impoisible for me to do so unless my
old frietis will step up and fork over. , So attend to
the Matter ImmCdiately, and Square the ynrda either
by cashtor note, and save - both ymirself and me. •
Montrraac, May, 1855. • I). 11. lIICKQX.
raN notes Mid ''occounts of the firm of ThaYre
.1: .oitaidall :.and R. P. C.-antlall, are left with Pr.
R. Tha;s::,r . O for sOttleinetit. Those indebted are request
t.d to Mote immediate, payment and save cost.
R. C RA'S . D A LI..
:kiontOse, prii
.28, 1835. , ,
single barrel,; and'extr‘ fine Rifles, for sale by
May i l O - A. Ltnlnor t co.
j!c toraiNG tonic.
A Fepeirh lot jug:received ;Old how offerhig ra. the
/owes/ • t redi prieei for approved credit or ready 'pay
• P Adniiitistrator's Notice.
NTOTdrE bidiettby given that letters of adminis.
.L 1 nation il. , bohfa - n'm upon the estate of Lafav-.
ette Wili,narth;ldeeea.ted, have been granted to the
subscri4r, and all persons indebted to said estate
will phiase make itntnediate payment, and thisse.iyet
havini4aims will ;present them iluiv attested for set
tieruent. !: ORLANDO' GUN,: 4 4 0 N.
Jacls4n; April 1653. • 15w6
' Neir Yor4 Price's -
ARE fioa - being paid by Al Lathrop -& . Co. to= all
those 'Who consigil their fultter and produce to them.
They hitYing mad 4 arrangements are now enabled to
send all:kintls of produce to New York and to 44e1l
the saute at the highest market prieeS. AR those
whioSt) good prices and quick returns we invite to
call upon A..hATIIROP & CO.
Mobt . rose. May 3, 1855.
• I: i
All 'whom it may Concern.
Notes, and boOlt accounts of Edwin Tiffany of
hive been left with the undersigned'
for collection and settlement, and also the unsettled
accounts of tile' late firm of Tiffany & Smith". It is
ezpeeted of all j such as are indebted to the said.
Tiffiv i either hir note or book account, that they
wilt all. on the subscriber without delay, and arrange
the Siuie withoUt delay. RErBEN -0-11ILES.
Iltlioldyn, April 27, 1355.
B:YIHYPE Of a writ of Lcrari Facie!, issued
: From the I.Court of Common Pleas of Susque
hanna:Count.; acid to me directed, I will expose to ..
i!alie by . public 4endue, at the Court House in Mont !
fose,i Ott Saturday the 19th day of 'May inst, at one
o'cloCk. in the afternoon—Ali that certain piece
or prireel of land situated in Lodersrille, in Great
Betnl township' and in the county of Susquehanna,
bounded and dOcribed as follows , to wit:Beginning I
;.t a isint in the t south-westerly line of the:Great Bend ,1
& Coeltectoti - tutnPale, the south-easterly side of a '
large chestnut tee at a corner of land heretofore con.
reyed .to the New York At Erie Railroad Company;;
thence ; to
p 1 ;degrees and 30 minutes west, along :
,the lint of the said Railroad Company's lands about!
114 feet to a coiner, lbereof; thence north-westerly, t
along the line of said Company's lands about 182 feet t
to the north'-westeriy side of a lomist tree with two
wanks about 7 feet Vont said line • thence n6rth 51f
degrees east; abbut 213 feet to the line of .said turn
pike, the north -Westerly side of a gate post; thence I
south 27 degret4' emit along the line of said turnpike,i
1791 feet to the place of beginning Containing six
tenths of an acre of land more or less,-, now. erected
thereint a Lam three story tavern houie, known
t ai t
1 the . t'llryant House," with alarge barn, shd.and sta-
Ming; ice honse l And outliousi.s, and all improved.
Taken in execution at the suit of Lowry Green -Kai
' , Owl& G. Hart. F. P. HOLLUITER, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Montrose, May 1, 1855.
Change of Time. •
''. ' i • i RAILROAD. . .
/V and a ft er Thursday; April 19, 1855, the Matt Ol,_.assenger Train will depart from Scranton at
MOO a. ir.N Due at Great Bend at 2:40 r. w. Con,
nectipg with the Dunkirk Express West on the N. Y.
it, E. ; :R. - IL 'j
Returning, Will leave Great Bend 3.24 r. x., .a
due at Scrintort 6r. x. -
The Aceirmiodation Freight will leave Scranton it
1 P. L. due at Great Bend at 6 r. x., connecting
with the Steaniboat Express East, Mail Train West, •
and the Night Expresses East and West on
DAL N. Y. k
. .
Returning, Will leave Great Bend al 7 A. K. on a
rivtd of, Cincinnati Express East. Due at Scranton'
12 1 1.0 r. 3i i
i. D. 11. DOTTERER, Superintendent. ''.
I ; Montrose_ S!ages •
ENGliliS will find Stages it Searle's Hotel;
Montioie, Pa. which-run - in connection with the
following Than&
Leave at:11; A. U. Connecting with the Mail Train
for Great Bea (This train now meets Day ExPrem
bcith East and'; West.) ' , •
fLeare at' 3.P. N. Connecting with Freiglt Train fot Bend, I ,4uni Marl Train for Scranton. (The
Freight train meta Nall Train West at Great Bend,
and Night Erpresses both East and West.
Leave Depot for Montrose on arrival of all the aPoTe
trains I - L, SEARLE.:
:Montrose, May i, 1855.
C. Tyler,
INTEREHTED with I. L. 111714 , 1 T, Importer of and
Healer In Hardware and Cutlery, Carriage Springs,
215 Pearl street, New York, where his Mer
cantile frieriri, in this and other counties, arc klmlly
limited, and 'earnestly solicited to call and purchasei
kt , Proprietor, Mi. RICHARD ItimilllMS r.Weet.
fully informs the public. that-elite taken this Inr
stitutron with the design of 'Mintz,. Young Ladiei and
Gentlemen for the Profession of Teraehing, according
to the. Norinal Mode; or for fitting Young Men for
any other business nin.
. This Institution Is situated in the pleasant, retired,
and health,' Village of DUndalf, Sukitiehantut County,
Pa., iutd is to the many temptationd and
irked that are detrimental to the Intellectual and Moe
al advancement of -Students. The Prceptrer4 Miss .
M. 3, Swart,!a'highly - educated and SecompUstuld
willdy,take!ehtire charge of the Young Ladies . both
in and out of 'school. Nor will they be allotted to .
attend pa:4l(.4i; or any place of amusement, without
the express permission and attendance of the Teach
era. Missy Swart will give lotions also in Orniment
al Needle:Work. French, Pencilling, Crayoning, &e.
One of the prime objecta of this Institution, has
beeri to establish a Normal. Department, or Teachers'
Course, &elite benefit of thoS'e desiring to make Teach
ing R Proftsioir. The whole course of Inst.:intim.
requires three years. In this
: Course it has been the
object to embrace those studies of prictical utility, as
Well as those of an educational character; and" great
cares has been taken to so classify andarrange: them
as to preterit to the student an easy gradation fromi .
the simplest subject to the most difficult. . -
Pupils will not be hurried through a superficial
course of stiuly; nor will they be - encouraged in an
undue fondness for any particular science, to the neg
lect of others'; but such a course Will be pursned . as
will lead to a systematical derelopntetit of all the pow
ers'of the mind, by directing the thoughts to the study
ofprinciPlett and the relation of cause and effect, in
stead of iscdated - facts. 1 - •
Compton Branches, per ter. of 11 weeks,!
Higher, '1 44 "
- • 5 , 00
Latin and Greek extra each, " • a,4)0
'French, GCrman, and Italian, i" , 3;00
Crayoning, and Drawing, • 5,00
Music witkuse of Plano, • '" i 10,00
Vocal 31w4e,- - 1,00
. ,
Doekr 4 per week, -
I'llogO.wkbittg to board theinselves, tan procure
suitable rooms for the purpose,
Beard and Tuition Bills invariably In ailyarte.•
The SecOnd Term of this Institution will conimenze
311iy utk ; rind as Studies will then - be arrmiged and
classified, f i ltinlents are particular,- requested to be
• .
Vor fiirtlit;rinfonnation, address the Princip e al.
they Undersigned, can under.the present -ape
rieneed. and efficient Board of Instructors, 'who•are
practically! familliar with the Normal Bode of, instrue•
thin; withlitiplicit confidence commend th e D uat t a ff
Academy to the favorable eomideration of those lire
paring the:nisch-es for Teachers, and all those who
4.i-sire/nit Ore their sons and daughters a thorough,
practical, and liberal education.
:11ev. G.FN. Torn, lion. S. B.lWEr.i.s,
MU NN; Esq. J. M. CurtlENPIE.w•
;Dr:4, Goomurit, E. PRINS; -
'R'. • J. B. SLoccu,
J. 11..Piiktrs, Esq. ' 11xsz. Ilnowstmt,,
Dundaff • A pril 19th., 1;455.! •
Administrator's Sale.
s(itice Is hereby glevu that! by direction ;of an or
der:of the Oiplianse Court attic County ofSuaqueltan
na, tire; , directed, I will expa6e to publics* by.Ten
title, on
. SlttUrtlay the 26th of May next, at one o'clock
I'. 11., alb that certain piece or parcel.of land late the
estate of liehry Benson Jr., situate in the township of
Jacksort said county, bounded North by the lands
ofOrtiti 'lhtiteson, on the EaSt Air lands now
pied, hilt i itioder eontraet.froin (. 4 Ward, on the
South by hands of henry Benson:, and on the;
lands Qr liarvey Smith, containing thirty oni: adres—
inostly:iMproyed, and on wbkh is a young Orchard, a
dwelling house, barn, and other'eut'housesi
Sale tole hell upon the preMl l ies ; terms o payment
'Mule ktßiarn an the day of ,tale.'
ri Jackon; April 21, 1855. 17'w 5.
• • _
Adoniniqtraltor'si Noticie
Viirrp,'l: is hereby given that letters of administrie l
111 . tion upon the estate of 'AMOS ti..I3AILEY i v
devoured, have been granted 'to the shbseriher,
and all persons indebted to :said estate ; 1 , 611 please
Make immediate payment, and those havitig claims
pry Sent them duly attested for settlemept. •
ftroliltila, April 24, 18lSt•
OTME, pOpartnership hereto
,fre eitt•tintt puller the
l brit t.f llnwley A: Mott (Inv di olced.
Aril,l,j ISS3. ! Itl. R. 11A}V1.EY.
C. W. mo,rr. - •
.The .trCtea and accounts =are 'hi the hand:i
Mott rot'Collecon. 'Most. IntoteFted will illenseeall
as convenient.
riNiK, el'm q A: R
B.F. . R. * ton is this . Oar by mu-
IL tuft Consent dissolred ' -4 i persona li,tring book
arenunt,i4nreitledleith said rat, are refilteste4 to
inake'Al)arcli,:ite pr . ontent;hi !note or otherteire be
fore the e.epiratioa ff two ntoathsfrom this late, The
books and at-ennuis Will retrain in the hands of B. F.
;Eaton, , ivho thay - Be found . at . his forimir place of
liiiiiess , . and is authorized to !settle the some. ‘" A
wortt tO !the wise." BEN.IASIIN F. EATON'.
,J I, . , RALPH H. EATON.'
ilard+4 ,- April 10th, 1855: I .4, •
. .• ,
. __.f •
AI rlq) get nianure enough, will find a: cheap
1 1. and Ow .rful substitute in the IMPROVED
POU.DRF.TTE made by the subscribers . . The gniall ,
quantitY used; the ease with which it is atiplieil,' and
!,the powerful Stimulus it i givesko vegetation; renders;
lit the, cheapeit and best' rriantre in the !world, It
tlcausesplantsito come up quic -er, . to groli faster, ' to
•,', yield heavier unit ripen earliel than any other manure
4in, the world t l i and unlike other fertilizers,!it - can be
in-ought. in direct contact with plant. !Three dol-
Liars wciith is Sufficient to manure an acre 411 of ; corn.
('Price, delivered free-of cartag'r or package on board
of vestiel„or railroad in New-Ybik city, $1.50 per bar
rel, ineptly quantity over sit Illarrels ; 1 barrel, $3 ;
bariOtt, $3,50 • i barrels, $5• 5 barrris,' $B. A
pamphlet with information an directions ;sill be sent
gratis std post-paid; atiY o e applying for the same.
Addreas i the LODI 31A.. ACTURIN CO;
~ . . 74 Cortlan tStreet, - Newitork..
.. . .
9 A A'A Milk Pans of ill sizes' and`made from
4„e VLF l/double•ernaa tin a lees than Llterchanta
usually pay to sell again, for;sale by the Subscriber.
We have cane to the conclusion to . sell pans to Par-
O'er's low as we will to tile
.trade, thereby saving
to tbe.armer our profit.. Onr wares are! warranted
to be perfect hi every Particular or no sale. ;
Tcrin3—Ca4.l or short credit. •
Neat Milford April I, 18.55: . •
• .
• EARNED. , '
JISIrITTENBERG 1: BRO., Montroie; Pa:, take
• !this method of advising their old; friends and
tustoruers and the public at large, that tkyy haVe just
received and opened the largest; prettiest and cheap
est sleek of READY MADEICLOTBIN9 ever bro't
to thiS race, which they offer at a small advance from
costoliereby offering purehaOrs the rare opportuni
ty of Obtaining goods 'at about two thirds the usual
Priee. ' , 1 I , ,
Also a large assortment of
-Dry Goods; comprising
for Ladies Wear, . new styles Brocade, Stripe; Plaid,.
Plain arid changeable &MI, elaines, Mualin, De Rage ,
Bernie delaines of.siew and elegant de , igns.. All the
latOt[st2 less ofLadies Dress , oods, French Lawns,
Prints and- Gin ;hair.*. ,il lomdsome sisortment of
•Drcsi Trimmings, Embrbided Sleeves, Cellars: - Cuffs,
etc Jiteonet and Swiss Edgiags and Inseitings„Oloves
MitOlosiery, Veils and 1 Parasols. i -
• I?lielottment ofSlaawlS is very large, embracing
eVerythitig,that is rich and,hishionsbie botk, foreign
and domestic:. \ i I • i• • ,
' Tlieir Bonnet - Departnient is large arid complete,
embracing the very latest s yles, with Trimmings .to
Inlkte-h- - • . ;
lin extensire assortment of Irishlinens,s napkins
toweling, table covers, curtains kc. I
• We have also a supply of Shirts, Gendemen's Col
lars,!SesPenders, Gloves, liMbrallas andla good many
Other, :articles too numerous to metitiOn, For bar
gains' the public is respectfully inTiteaio call at the
cheriplstore o eN\H‘
• 11
egiroeti of Chesnut & Owego Streets, fottr doorweast
ofiPOwt's store. • • • N.
: 1 . i
I j• Executor's Notice.
VidrlCE is hereby given, to all persOns having de
iced mantis against the Estate of ANDREW U. 'ROSE
la lof Silver Lake, dec'd to present them to the Sub
seiribers Executors and Trustees of the said A. H.
Ili.) . ., 1 duly authenticatc4, 'for settlement. And all
persoSs indebted to said,ests.te, are requested to make
ImMediate payment. ; '
. I I; ' Wit. "lISSEP. - ' : Ea , ,,,,.
- 1 Ulf DEN/. S. BENTLEY. .
-' lifinitrose, April 23,1855. -.•' !
i ; Aduainintiator's Notice:
OTICIt is hereby .given to all persons havinf de
- : : mands against the estate of Si* F. Mckune,'
~'date of Lanesborough, deceased, to present the
same: duly attested for settlement, u diall persons in-'
debted to said estate Vali please mako payment ims
tn(*tely to the subscriber in Harmony township, to
Whom letters of subninistration have been duly grant.
ed. l 1 ~ROBERT NeKUNE,
I't,W6 Admhristrator Of S.:Y. 3fc,Kone.
• ; Melodeon* !-
CONSTANTLY ON HAND orlundebed to order
W ,, on short notice: J. LYONS 3t -
Two Conwoinies s i
Managerld& Cilr-
S. B. HOWES, Frol
Mye rl & ',i Ira dig
ampai i RATED
EQL! Dant Pi N 111t91.T1
Withput Extra:Charge, lib im
For One Day Only.—Afte am
I and Evening.
J.lll NIXON, Director ,to thi
CoMbined, Exhibitlens. -
At Ilontrose on Satieda• IN /
19th,11855. : • ; 1 .
In this Ezhildtion !till be .
the Oro greatest Living!, Cu load.
ties in the Animal kingdom viz
...a tIVING ;GIRAFFE, tind
besides a full ollere''tatt of tin
Wild Beasts, all iu the mos pet
feet health and condition:.
Conshits of the folfoirin ae-
11111 a
• knowledged tainnt;
Clown . Mriaa.
The fearless, :gracefiklatul bril
liant American Attie;, In her
Matchless Scenes of Equitation
Mears.; i:teßue, W.
ArtustrOng,l.P. Maillgan t Mu
ter Madigan; Thcisripsoni and
Prof r Nixon talented
Pupils, in all . thetr,lielueireMents
upon horseback, aril ! lua .1
• N• .1
The following rare attaibeau
tiful Animals are among the col
lection belon g ing testhis,Exhibi-
A Druillian Ort,South ,f, At
American Jaguar; TWO - African
Leopartls, 2 Arnericanl Dears, a pair of Inglildt
t Deer, a beautifully inarlfed Zebra, a Peruvian Lama.
a Wiite. CaMel, Kt' otOroci,--besides a variety of I
the Monkey Tribe,'Pirkots, P elicans , SW ' ans . Rink of;
Paradise, &e. ke, ;1 • .
Adinissiori;to see the cOmbined Exhibitions,
Box 25 CentS, ChildrUk'i Urider 9 years of age half price.
Doors open at '2. arid , at ;Eerformances commence
at half past 2 and quarter! to 8 "
Or The EiariPtiax - r irini general Oct-irr of both the
have been gOt up thitt,S4sciii in a style of eleganc
and a profusion of cotletlecorations hitherto unpre
cedeided. :! I . ; • • ' •
"The 'RIDERS girid 1 - 1142ZASTIC 'ARTISTS, a tut •
description of whom l 'Wilt)re found in the Bills, are-al
belonging to the first, ctaits of their profession, Of bottl
seies, and are knOWn 'arid distinguished every.wheru
as the " STAR TROUPE" of the United. States. i. ' 4.
MILITARY!' BRASS BAND, accompanies the , en
ted Exhibitions and ;Wilt play during the perfornun
Cei a variety of new andifashionable Music. . : •
`ar The , Cotnnaniel; Will enter town
, • '
about 10 A M., atit, aft r passing through the prine -
pal street, proceed to
i ; •
" . New Llue of Mail Stages, .
1 I ;fr•nolt " .. •
QTAGESI.wiII leave.. Kirkwood, passing through Cot
-1.-31 bettbrdle, Liberty, Poke., every morning after the
arrival of the MailTrain's of cars, both'East and We t,
reaChing MotitroSe lat. ';i r. at. Re'arninli, lea
&to' trose daily (Amato; excepted) at P. at., rea d{
ingKirkwood in time tit take the Mail trains of:cats,
bot t East And Westl, being the nearest. and most fea
sible routelet reach thei'New York and Eric Itailro.i' .
This HO intersects xi tai -weekly line for Dim -,
Splng•ville, Tunidiann l ock, Wyoming, and Wilk s-
harm, which leaa4l4 Mtintmse at 7 a. ' 11. every M l
iar, Wedticsdav find 'Friday. Also, a line to Frien s
' 11., Leraisville, ,l L o. l I. I.
Oa:4 !corns anil Ciiniforiable . carriages are
led, and the-proPriteor,i; will spare no pains to ac
-qunotiatd the pahlic.i; W. K. BATCH, • . I
tprat 6 ..1854. ..: iI II MORGAN d: WEST. •
1 117LL1..r.V Mc-VILLA N 1 1
A\ PSG purthai:ed the 4stablishment of Isaac...
Post k. Co. - Intl the Montrose Depot, Woulde-
,zipeetfully informlF:ifriend.4 that he will keep cin-
stantly on hand,. at th 9 lowest prices, a well seleeied i
stack of gixxls.- '. ij : I ,
Lime, Salt, and, Pinker can be had cheap, as Jll
as 'Groceries. Dry, Gtiot, Hardware, Crockery, Bo'j t s, I
S hoes, Nails, kc.qin e change for Grain and all kityk
of 'produce, at the bet prices. 1000 cords Bird .-
Wood wapted. I 4. 111.
Montroise - Depot, Feb.", 1554. ' . -1 4 -
- _.____l._
1 . j '
l • louUtI t • I Ganda.
p, •
.. A
ohre it tio w Tne.
i il l
(1 1 ..` ° n1. - I G k l i t n E, • :. :n 4: i x s t r ta t ft e r n e .1 a
addition t a o
,the km.i P o t.. n,
laws before in force l 1 1 ,t: ::o one should despair.of re 1
ing a Land Warrant, , ho has done service f
ITaited States often , 'hind, either in the Revolutio ry.
•It it
war or since. The . also extends to the aid ars,,
aid minors of those w'o performed the service, htlq
itinow of-ing woUlti b entitled to the benefits th re-I
- of. The Undersign 4 has the law, and all legal fo si
t 44 obtain Pension under the said act, and will prolpt-i
-I ,
lr obtain Land WarrritS fur applicants who may .bel
. ;( .
entitled -thereto, for rea.sonable compensation. our
Warrants when Obtaitied can be sold for monet atil
a l ii time, if you aol i n§t choose to locate the land", ii
Montrose, Maria ,2 1, '55. • • N. NEWTON.
- • 1 ' ill** GOODS. .' . i i •I
The subscribeis hate 'taken and fitted up the twerp I.
building Mt the *MU kde of PubliCAvenue,twodiyarei 1
above Seattle's Ilatbljland are now receiving a lirgct,;
and well 'selected ahsortment of i I
Full alto d Whiter Goods. i
Their stock is alit4t'entirely NEW, baring sivetl
but a very rew ' ' from the late destructive' fire,•
and comprises their mil variety of DRY GOOIOSi
Groceries, Crocke ,Hardware, Drugs, Medielnek
Paints, Oils, Dyesth Boots, Shoes, Leathers, Oassi
Jewelry,!Watches l ; Silver Spoons, Clocks, ;Yanked
Notions, 'lee. fie. • rtr,
,e are thankful for the piktrettege
hitherto t)estowd I Open us, and trust thsit our leak ,
tomers, and the imialie generally, will not fail to)ive
,ns a call: In our 4...l !i deation . confident that w calk
'supply them with •Coods on as favorable terms as i1.,,,-;.
Ofore. I ' 'f' BENTLEY & REAP
; [ 0 . .
I Montrose, No4 - einber 30. 1851.
L •,
THE. STORE. ] ._! ~,
AVING ree/ , nv voluntarily relinquished 'the
gale of<l.kpi ri,,excepting strictly 63r,medIeitil
Purposed, as a Drupt, the people without tlistin tion
of Party; Societ; t, or' Religion, are - respee full:
Invited - tis usual,. ' 6211 and examine the qualit and
Iprices of goodsi and to thereby avail thernselt of
any advantage otithe mark‘t they mar thus,actiuire.
'slontiose April 19, 1854. "ABEL TURRRILI;
4 '
ire st
♦ Coffee,
1 of all kindit,
NY quantity:
ANT quantity
rrni*E wtshie to purchase for cash, o n in ex
-1.. change forr, will find it to their intlresti to
call and exami My stock of Goods and prices for i
themselves. ' Fia barter of all kinds the highest Ric
ca mar at'all tim Obe relied on at J. C. LEE'.S Store,
Montrose DrpoLV I . 't
• ____. —_
A nal, AOS:b" )1111311T. of Tin, Shei
Xli. and Cope TV areof my own inanufact
made of heavy late, for sale by- 1
t - J. DICKERMAS, jr.
Nei 'Milford' tilv 12 '4853 1
AK u. asw nt of Hardware, Carper; lind
loinerelcio Puitip Chain, and fizturts ate
New' Milford; It y,.18.54.] • DICKERMIIOH,
AND BLINDS of the beet quality,Yor Oale
KJ cheap at . . DICKERSIAYS
r lrise,st
2000 v n i u:L..
er than eier *
to 1541 1 65. - V
Also, a lot of
clieoper thlui
mentJ 11!
ose, Afiril 17, 1856,
• -
Also, - ,
• •
Butter at 16 Cents per poind ) ;
at J. C. LEE'S New 'tore.
SA .T by t.e tykrre or kotle
e lowest priceis at DICSERVAIs7S;
',dYs of 'Mill Paper, and Bon:14 Xi
A ii .
, just received and for'sal ch6ap ,
brought into this market, rani 61-
.. . .
UlloOd Ploughs, which will lbe Bold
ijbe_bought at any other estatdish
.Y. B. CIIAN9L.ER. •
• 1 . " •
1 . .2
[, T 855-6.
-',. 1 HOYT A; BEVAN'S. '
1)4." Road Freight Line between Montrose and
ViNew York . :'The subscribers will continue their •
eiluoi r ticii of Ong past year for selling, KuArreeitanna
V :_, rodute on commission. "•
, • .i
lig- '.gtivinpr J. lisanourrosi will receive and forward i
fight foritlils company at the Montrose Depot EVE=
t ItEhtlAY.
Thankfo Or wit patronage, and being satisfied I
' at their arrangements for 'disposing of produce of
very kind will enable them tojilt fie general *Satisfac
ion!, the I subscribing trust that New York; prices,
Irompt itgturns, and their usual strict attention to the
nniness, will Insure to them a continuance of favors
leretofore so liberally besteired upon,thetn.
The returns wiltbe promptly paid in current money
gy Mr, Itarrington, who will also make liberal &dwelt=
!esion consignment when desired.
Our marking cards have left with the Rail i
1141 Frieght agent Mr. Case ho will attend to for
warding goods consigned to us on • other days than
Tutisdayli. -
. '
Montrose March, 1855: I L
Persons residing out of *BM vicinity of Montrose,
wiihing to send us Producelf do soby consigning
it to ' HOYT& BEVASS, 'o. 187 leeade St N. Y,
i To all whom it they Coneeen.
a recent act of Congress the Bounty Land law
haii been extended to embrace almost, every case of
of',inilitary service:
All persons who have been -engaget_
Set'vice of the, United States, for a period of fourteen
or upwards, are entitled to one Aerated and
arty acres of Land,\ If they Italie riot received it; and
if :they have 'reeeived leas amount' they are 'entitled
tOufficient to make up 160• acres. i
.soldiers, and soldiers of any and all
wars in which the United States hare been'efigaged
sitice, and If deceased, them widows ornrinori chil
dren, are -entithiti. • ' I
i Officer, SearitcryNtarines, Clerks and landsmen in
the Navy, theie,widows end minor chlhirea, arei also
entitled: . • 1
Mawr) misters and teainstees, employen for the
tr,ittisportation Of military stores, are also entitled ; in
.filte manner. .
- .
dI- am 'still.englaged in obtaining Bounty Land War
-6.110. and am Willing to do the' business] upon the
n}ost liberal terms, and although 1 have no. Motif° to
spend my time and labor without charge 'met
.1 .wily
do the busine. - .l' at the lowest price that can do it .
,liimestly and live. .• . •• • •
;! Those having claims I believe will find it materially,
to their advantage to callupoif me before:going else ,
After the Warrants are obtained, if any tithe war ,
iraateycs desire to sell them, I am prepared to pay the
highest•cashlmarket. price.
4 1 am also! engaged in the prosecutidu of other
Claims against the Government of' the United States,
such as for Pensions, Back Pay, Extra Pay, &c. Ac.
. FRANKLIN FRASER., Att'y at Law.
Alontroge; May 14, 1855w6
;fIONGRMS has passed a law giving yOu)additional
NJ lands. thole who have already
.a:ved war- ,
~ ;rants are entitled to more. 'Danville nie,ti; come on
Mow and I will get your , warrants . Widows and mi-
Mor of deceased soldiers are entitled to the same their
ibusbands and fathers would be if living I have the
'ts's' fresh from Washington, and the necessary forma
oisf application. Speculators from a distance are about
Etrying to get those largely interested to sign off. N.
ware of imeh, , and don't sell, for a song. I'll do your.
,' business accurately ; and promptly, account for the
j?full value of your warrants when obtained. From
v;three years, successful experience I know I can do the
I..btutiness right, and I proffer you my services at rea
sonable rates and quick returns. L F FFTCII.
Montrose; March . 6, 1855. • . ' -
Floor. R. THAYER, takes this method of saying
11 to his friends and customers, that he has again
resumed the practice of medicine, at his old stand at
319ntrose, where' he may be found at all times unless
profeSsionally employed. He would say to those in
dehted to' him, that he will deduct twenty-fire per
cent on all accounts paid before the first of April nest;
(or.if any poor like myself I will deduct fifty.) -
Montrose, Feb. '2O, 1855. • •
rill - 1E shhscriber would inform the citizens of Mont
, .1 rose and the public generally that he has bought
I the Gmccry formerly kept br F, H. Fordhum & Co.,
; in Lyons and Chandler's building on Chestnut street,.
in the borough of Montrose, Where he has
,a fresh as
sortment i pf Groceries; and will keep constantly
. ori
hand, Flour, Oysters, Cheese, Sugars, Syrup, Molasses,
Mackerel, Nuts, Candies, Toys, Oranges and Lemons,
. _
i Figs,'Prunes,. Sardines, 'Soaps, Vinegar; Coffee, dried
' Peaches And Plums, Herring, sack Salt, Pies, Cakeir,.
i l l ` er, Ynnkee Notions, And other things too numer
ous to mention, ,which will be sold cheap foe cash or
it most kinds.of country ,pmduce.' Call !and see. A
1 1 . share of Public . tratronage is solieit,e(l. • S. S. - MOTT:
MontrOse, .Mareir:, 1855. . • 1 ' •
Adininistration NoUce.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters . of administra
tion upon the estat4 of JOHN HAND, late of
Appollaeoa township, dee'd, have been Frauted to the
undersigned, and all persons indebted to Add estate
mill pleaSe make immediate payment, end those hav, ,
ing claiins will present • the same duly .attested • for
settlement. • WILLIAM HAND.
Appoliactm, March 27, 1555. 12w6
; - Utaxgy for Sale.
A Good second band buggy for sale by
* G. Z. DIIIOCK. -
Montrone, April 11, ISE'S.'
t )
received by - •J. LYONS &SON.
-Q lIEET MUSI C-- a new lot for the Voice. Piano or
P Melodeon and .Guitar-some very beautiful piec
es just Mibiiihed--Sold by , • Jc LYONS & SON.-
. •
. . Shawls.
A few more left that will be'sold re—y.,eil eap. _ •
1 Paramettas, Cashmeres &Delalnesat . great bargains
at ' LYONS k. SOWS.
supply of Groceries just opened by
31olassca at 3 .billings per gallon. Syrup, at 4,3.. t.
li.4lll.lingil, by , • ' ' LYONS & SON.
VRRIVINgt every week- at A. LAThROP & Co's
1 linuary Ist - •
[ Winter Shawls and DeLanes
QELLING off at greatbargains. Can on
LI .Talinary •lst A. LATIIROP & CO's-
6000 Dozen Sockm,
AV/N - ITM at -A. LATHROP & CO's
V ! January Ist
• Grain iGrain Grain.
J ( - I F all kinds, and at the highest prices bought by
anuary Ist - A. LATIIROP k CO'i.
ruitTRKS leland Salt at LATHROP & CO'a
.1. 3tontrase, danuary.l, 1853.
Stearns and Marvin's Fire-Proof
rrlIE suxscrbers have made arrangements to fur
l. nigh to persdns who may be in want of them, the •
above named. invaluable Safes, at the same prices for
which they can be obtained at the mantacturer's.—
Having, experienced the benefit of such an ankle du
ring the late conflagvation ourselves, we would earn
estly recommend to others having valuable boas add
papers, the preserving of which.would be of immense
importance to them, not to do without one.
• Prices range from WI to #5OO, and we can explain
to any one; wishing to purchase, the differenee in
style, size, price, &c., and furnish them on short,no
tice, with the internal arrangement to suit the pup
chaser. ; BENTLEY & READ .I
Montrose; December 19, 1854:
Saida mid . •
jAT IN D(pt Sash of various sizes constantly on band
Y —a, hio Slide furnished to order. by •
. • • - J. LYONS & SON: •
P4er . Hanging& ~
wilA Rolls Just opened, and some for 6 ets: per
roll, by J. LYONS & SON.
40CERI , A fresh sipply of Coffee, Sugar,
Tea, Rice, Crackers, just received and for sale
t Iron
re and
by •
_• • .
WE arc reCeiring this week a lot of New Goods, just
purchased in the city, which renders our assortment
complete, and which we offer on the most farorable
terms, at the new building, one door above the r - ost
Montrone, Febicaq 8, 185 5 . • •
A ge a assortment of new goods now arrivlng
at tturlatt J. LYONS k SON.
April HS& • •
eather, Upper do., Calf Skins, tad Patna,
new supply, just received .and for sale
• - . BEICTL*Y k R1144D.
CP.. Kip
rand TI
{ford, March P., 1666
. ,
DOCTOR I-I.MillOgi..
eiRADUATE and member of the Universitio N' .. ele,
1.)1" York, 'All be 'lrt Montroie on the 6th; 7th an&
Rth of each month, Nati may be ' consulted atr Ifate.b's: .
Hot e l, for three days, up" all diseases incidental to -
the human- *am; v 'CoNSUMPTloiri.lisiop
chid., Inilaniation of the Lungs": Threat, Lirer, Pleura,
Kidneys and Spleen, Dv a; (Adigeatioo,) ,Llyer.
Complaint, Ittletitensw, - .ScrofuLl, lErtiptiotr, Swat
Complaints,! Diseases of the ere and earit Nitryous
Weakness *C., to. Particular attention.gislen to
the , disesisCs of Females and Chtlaten. -The' istrioug
.affections of the Uteri's rairwally *red;
Dr. Ilarris is well atativainfoirtith built Yldni'eutta..
thy and Allopsith3r, haringbeeh in iteirstall i tlittidtabd
practice for the last twelvo' years, audits:tilt Arta 1n
traduced Fienieoptithy 'l4to. Illngl4union,- . .. i ,„it,
1841. Ills plan of treatnieut is mifd, safe a* e re .-
i does, and different from that' of-467 other Ph calif
1 and cures nearly all eases In all stages of` the disease.
I ,Inir Dr. Harrislins tegim6hWe of ehat,ete l r; abil-:
ity and skill, from
.a number, of e mcntt eminent ,
i medical men in the city of Kew York, artiong them
the celebrated Dr. Valentine /OM
1 Persons stisbin e .• prompt relief or permithen,
_t cures
will do well to call without delay. I.lhar mOdelind:*
I Consultation free! Patients visited at their' resplienemi.
lif desired. (lice hours fnMay• in the thOrning until'-
'9 in the erening. '" - . g 4-- .
AdOralstagei. '
The advantages of the Homcepathle - trkatineoi
diseases are':
lat. That patients treated Homeopathicalli, usual
ly are emit much sooner . than by any other Practice.•- ;
2d. That many patients can bicured'by Homeo
pathic remedies, who cannot be cured by: anr• other
treatment. ,
red. That patient 4 trt.ated HorneofiathiMdly, dC,`
not have to lab* under tho bad effects or-the medi-•
dine they have taken to L
dire IM d a
.d in Military
THE LATEiII NEWSIiY - tilt.l3lllAlf
•• EBB .Agg i ' . •
frIIAT the gptudilitourt Via decided not to sell the"
1 Island, of Cuba, %nit:Joseph Wittenberg sti f ßrother
have recently decided to open, a new store, in the'
Indicgokof L. Searll, : a,few doors" east of rotit'e store,
dpistsultelVition's dwelling - NAM; corneriof Chest:mit'
and Ower,S streets, *hem tliey *in !mei hand a'
splendid assotilteent of t ßeaditt Made Malin; also in
I additition to this, a good o;4sl4:Merit of ft Cloth.
I Cassimere, Kentuckey jeans, &c.' in in shOrti l ft,general
assortment of Gentlemen's fumishing Gix,tdii.l 4.150„,.n'
splendid assortment of Ladies' Dress Golds, 31e=
Tinos, Delaines, Alpaca's, Embroideries, , als, Lae-7
es, Dress Trimmings, &c. &c„ all of which th 'ey are de
' termined' to offer to the public at very low Iprices.—
I An Goods warranted to gi - c *satisfaction, as well in
t , quality as in price. „ I • -
Pl e ase give us a trial be ore purchasing elsoihere.-
Montrose-, Jan. 4 26,,18154 • - '• .
• NSW GOODS. • 1 '
I\lo .111111110 & DARK return ill* grateful
acknowledgement to the public, and invite-at:
tention to 'Abe 'very large'stock of Sprtsti wed Sun:-
iner Goods they are now receiving and over for. sale
at very low pfues: In addition to their ftual assort
ment of staple Dry ficicafit,firoeetles, Ifirdwn: re' Crock
ery, Paints and Oile r a.CI titey are prepared to
exhibit a large, assortment of Lather DrEss Goods
of every descripthm-4igured, Plaid and 'llan Saks.
Bonnets, Shawls, Atibbonis, Gloves, Hosiery—Ladies
and Misses Shoes of all ' , kinds—also a large stock of
READYJ(ADE CLOTHING, Cloths, Cassimere r s,,-
Tweeds, Jeans, Sutniner Cloths, VeStingsMats, Capk-
Boo& and Shoes, &c. .
They respectfully solicit an early. iiidllront those
who wish to purchase good goods at low prices. .
Springville, May 3,'54. - McMIldiTS I Alt PARK.
- • • vizi. TRREL.t. .
TTAS just received fr om U. Mc* York a full aasort- ,
'll meat of 'NEW GOODS, comprising a first
rate variety of Deco....,c' Kam CUES, CURNICALS, OILS,
FANCY Goons, Which will be sold eixtrernely kiw for
cash./ having recently sustained 'aloss by fire of at
lmst five thousand dollars, above insUrande and goods -
saved, fancy I have strong claims'for the patronage ,
of my friends and the Public:generally. I, ask no man.
to give to me, neither do I ask or„,expiiit additional .
profits in . consequence of said loss. I will sell goods
as low, if not lower than can be bought elsewhere io
_this town or county. All ask is that patronag,. --
from the publie which will enable me with industry to
• slowly but gradually replace the loss sustained—said
loss being the hard earnings' of alife of aniions toil.
Store at the lower end of the burned district, on,
Main street, a few doors below the corners.
Montrose; December 140864. k ,
~ ' ALL MEADI. 1
• . PEOPLE. •- 1 -
VITOODRI:7F &ELDRED hare moist/mil''' en . ltand
' a large and well selected astortpont of . tiii-- •
(ware, Reels. and Chain for wai t pumps,. cistern
pumps, &c.,• Hydraulic Rams, Jammed i wares;. lead
1 pip e s of all sizes &e., &O. Job witrk done withweat
-1 ness and despatch 1 all orders.promptlp attended to,-
1 • .: - STOVES & PIPEI
kept constantly on hand, a huge assortment of stbves
'of the latest improved ,and approved Retterns. Out
experienCe in the business enables us ti select those
that we can 'safely warrant to give, entire satisfaction,
Amongst our niniierons stock can be fond the
Paragon air tight' Star of tho West, Elevated
New World, I "
Phoenix,.tlas, ' a CulantOn, 1 A [otl3ll Cultivator,- 1 0 "
44 - - Fire Fly, I'. - `•
I•Three States, " . Western Qfieea, ",
Globe, - - " , • Premium. •• •
' s. A. WOODRUFF. • L . 6. IL unagrr..... -.
°thy =• • for swie•by
jr EiLER k STODDARD, since thelate fire; map
.11 be found in the BASE.MBNTSEARLE'.;-•
HOTEL. 14Totwithstanding the impriftiented
pidity with which our stock Of Boot's ?
"went off" on the morning of the fire,i are • still hare
mime on'hand, and shall soon be well siipplied . again
Nontroie. NOrcnibcr 13. 184: •
THE subscribers o ff er for gale on thg most Mieral
and eas y terms,one of the best lcii:ated farms for making
money in.Northerit Pennsylvania. The said farm is
situated ..on the Newburg , and 'Owego Turnpike, two
miles east of Haunt Pleasant village, and twelve from
the N. Y. - St Er. 11.,R., also Aeryi conveniently situated
to Churches; Schools, Grist-011s; Swimming, Black.
smith shops Ave. It, contains one hundred and sixty- -
one.acres, one hundred of it tinder it good state of
cultivation, well watered sand good buildings, consist- i
ing of a good framed house, well finis' ned off, and very •
conveniently arranged. Also two gcgid barna and a'
good barn shed well calculated; for convenience, two
large ciehards yielding from 400 to 1000 bushels an
nually, "mcstly grafted fruit of the best
: quality. The
farm is well adapted. to grazing sufficient to • keep a
large stock. For price and terms "apply to B. V.
1-EATON, or to ALFRED LAKE, on Me premises.
Ilarford. Dec.-13 1814 • I
More-and More New GOOdI4.
BIIIIMITT is now receiving new ani
• supplies of Goods for the Wnter. Trade, in : .
eluding a new and elegant assortment] of FreneltNe
rinses, Merino and Cashmere Plaids Fan
cy and Plain I)e.Lane; Parattettas,'Broehe, Square
and Any Shawls, all of new and best styles, and will
be sold at 25 per cent. less than last 'year's prices.—
Also a new assortment ofßieh Riblwaut and Bonnet!.
Wide silk. Velvets for Cloaks awl:Mantillas, Rich.
Silk and Velvet Dress Trimmings; Mohair Head'
%Dresses., Ristcdets ke. Am, with a getteral,as.sortment
of other STAY IX and Fancy Goons; usual, which
'having . bought under the present p re of the cash
market, will be sold at correspon i g and reduced
prices. - .
New Milford, November 27, 1754.:
rrilE tiprizig Goo,
.1. ceived at I. L. POST &
quality, style and price.
• !Staple Pry Goods; • Celhire, Steereei
Dress . Goode, . ' . gdgilegs, ' .
Cloths l and Caesimeree, Bonin*, _
WhitelGoode, • • . guid:Parasok
CLOTHWO—a fine stoe.k. Gnx?e. rie s of altvari
-sties :II ware; Crocker ', Lookin g Glaises; and in
every de ent their assortment f i lls good, 1,34, at
prices to L '
-Montrose„Maieh 20, 18 - 65., *
ri,be corautnembip 110630101 i existing beef/can deo
subsc . ribera under the firm Of E: Kant Is Ce.
this day (harked by mutual consent,
-, E.B; KMIT A; CO.
Broo4lynidir. 2,1816: , 14er4
T AIM d TALLOW ; also, Yariiers toots in gee !
eral at. I. L.;POST & MY&
I rim funotby and darer - seed at .
pCII : Timothy and Covet Seed, at
- Akut
N SEEDS. - • ' .
FltEsit lot at gbakere, ROci+ter, mad Cornice
/A_ tient Gsrden Si;tedelAnst, Opent( And for sale"to
)(arch .20, I • . . Glom, "
now being re*
CO's. -, are desirable law