Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, May 03, 1855, Image 4

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A %tumor 844 itcOonsequences•
...:-...:•...,..-.!.:.......i1..;_::-.L.:'. , - --.' We The..transiate.fidkiiiinwJlliistrittion of
• .
For theßtruwean. • Russia:it 'Military' tole, firtra; the: tally Netog,
Western Corres p ondence- ' . '. ' ... fr9 "" ' 0 " . - n " 1 " P;V: v r: -'i
: ' -•-. i
. .... _ ._.• • 'At i he. ti t tic, the • re port . of the takinfr,Of Se- I
.• - ;..• ,DixoN, ILL., \ April 13; 1!35-57-_ Lis - topol !Was curtint.a rich tuatleman tront•the
Mrs--.7 - .4. Entroas.--ABeing located in Ilre s i-toWn Of S---, oti th 4 e'frontier Galicia,:re
va!iley of the: Rock- IZ i vi,r. a yatile.y. ; which !'(•'e !'tcedra biter atinottneit4t: the fall of &basin - -
ehallen-ie!S't he world to. fiiid - a better, - I r Q . ! iii...c4lid the. burtungiot Odessa. Ile bad at the
. . .
same nutrnent stone triends-with ltim, to whine -,
Pozet.-OTIAt riiar . reatien hipoy whin kind of j
. - -.. i lie . ctantaimicatt.4 the einitents. requesting j
e-oi.l Wi ilaVe, ;What we: rake, ;Ind lio* *c "dti !,-• , , i. . '.. • not :.. ! . ... . ... , !
, i• . .- .., . • - twill. 11() t!FtTi to mention' tt..! -• unfortit
it.- Ile imidis mo,tly prairie. with troy. •ri.4•.i - .• i l .3 .
, mite 1,-, hi !‘‘ is es ,ta rel
d'Srekiarcled,:, and in a
nd - f;ar l•ens inter-per , e.l. 'Vu hat !'" 1 he:tfr feW,ratir - nothing! ‘ias Spirken of in all War 7 1 1
. • lint
Ode-4 and thetaking
sprite of you 'say, . • B 81:1 • • ,. T . ; i n :Illinois, and- e:yre e burt*jiu of ~ ''-- '!
that; !bit *lli the inott I. mile part e y o ,
~j r_ of SelatstOpol. The' repOrt Was . carried- to
' • - v ' Prince Paskiewith' wt til immediately sht,
thev call thern so, taotuzit Strsqln.hanna farm; t,
- for . the', no' nobleman ,and . asked! him-:-!, - -' Count,
ers "*Ould Wcss : their' i•yes " end take another ti , ,!i rn ! N l•h e . l : loe ' . letve`,. you this!. news 1! The no
lieop., if.the% . could , raise suchgraiti as grOWS bletnan handed to' ; ',thePrittec the letter he had
to!, the ,
on Illinois !barrens.' ' The •liard e :I ll e d - barred rect!•4o ---
`.There is ntit'a *Ord of truth in
iit ; o -'' t,
is'lidtler ; :o;en prairie nor 'ii-ilter l'ird . bat '-''-',..•.;•5. .s.rr i l.t..e fPip...l _ .it thought so,t
, • - atilwered t e Coast ; l!and, I' Only mentioned
is:eOvered with li.v.le - brush and willOws-- 1 . - ••• --
. ' it ti, a !few,. csinfidentutt . frond and with the .
The sell 'Ot the'prakica - is' 'IL black 1 request not to repeat it-2: - ii&The government
loam -,froth one-to six feet •in depth ;on the 1 haalftillevntideneelti you,!tind its yonhare re!
high ti:_ . rel ling' prairies, and from three - t o ! peatedly gi4cp. ProOfs of your !loyalty,' -said
- •• ' '- - ! • ..
,- - the Prinee lwe Irie!`fir'frOM' the wishte pun,
fifteen 'feet deep on the bottoms .Or flat lands. • • 1...• --- ,':! i '• - ' desiret- !,. -
. . ish yen flit. this. - [lna tnat yen Should
:dew , . the Stre:ims: .The . -subsoil Isla ;ravel!} - • !- • - • 1
m! co . q nee yourself ,by.a pldasure trip to Odes
clay- reaciiitigHto the rock, which is for the I sa mid-kSebakopol . ,.' that this it l iport is totally,
• • ,
,melt part 1 grey limestone, though' .Yellow i fatly'
~!, I 4 **your Highness' orders.? • ' Go to
'sandstone and Mae lime.are found in con t ,sid;t titylSetTetirrr, and• he .will tell ! you .my ftir...!
r,Il .
t raid° quantities. - The rock is seldoni : _fOtind 1 t • l ''' rwhe ' l " 27 ' ! ! I ! .;
! 11 . !'
l •
re !count left and renalre.xl l to the S.ecreta
ia;ithin -less than ten or more than einttv feet ! 1 -- .!, .! t ~.
r, . rv, ! who banded hint a pritparecl passport.—
of the slrilice : ' . The, streams thrOugh' the ; s; ea ' ree t v bar--he.:4iTiveclit liii own house
State are gclierally narrow, deep, and , still, 'ahen :in aid de•ctlnp entered. and announced
w i th black tslirriv nitutia the' bottom,f
.which 1 l'imimi ;
that . the eritT l iztge and post-horses were
_. ..
i'Mun had better keep out of while he is out,' l ""' lti qg 11;1 - 9 ' /4,"Fli'g the tithe theburning
_... . ). - tOf Odessa-and thectek ire , i!if beirtstopol, ooeu
ferit is not snite certain that he- ever ,t! is i • l• •i 17
1 . . 1 pli'y :111 ....airope, Our unfortunate Count -was
_out alien once in, The eountr:y is so lever` 4111' his 1 unwilling joitint;tit,! behind four fiery
that springs *are of course searce,'hut when istet.4 to cOnvititie liiiti=jo of the truth of the
not allo*ed to stop en route.
Yon do find oneit is in:a deep ravine where report.: ' Ile was
i A t...odeizsa', he wag taken to the palace
,of the
the. ro:k :crops out, and is a.S . -hig as
.-, I.- - 11 , 1 (inz .`'' ' ' Governor, 'trite received Win very -kindly, but
. common Dula;;..!lndeed there is one •alayit six
'immediately ordered hit* to SebastOpol.--
miles from iileni. which yields a barrel of wa- Hole also he was ipOlitelfreceived by Prince
ter -a rninute,.-in the dryest.%;''t , :ttlier. .' It. i,ra . Mensritikotf, take!) 6ml-hi - here, but :inatnedi
ssliovi of itself: Wells are\ the dependence of att.iy sent hack in 11•ar-sit!W ; I whereas soon
p: tile , earriiige,he was conduct-
V ;
riine,tenths of the people . for water . to cook as he lea, out i t
ed to- the Prince,iwlio. a lusted lean with the
. With, and cisterns- fur stuck water.. The wells remark : ' Well;,,Connt, ;what - do you now
are generallY Artesian, that
. is, drilled.; the believe? . - Are Odeasa an Sebast triad taken?'
drills artc.driven by horse power and are quite '•Oh, yOur Illiglin'e+,' . ' u 'sls•Cred \ the. Count,
simple-in' their eotistrupe" thin, beinda lever Iv- - f t'n• - ' ' • '
-whi' was half tle4di-frorh the .1 t r ,ue of •his
L hurried journey,'ll i b+th to •tis are still, secure,
lug horizontal with a pin ihrotighlfie - middle..
so secure that. tlril never can be taken,' •Gii,
To one end of the lever the rope is tied which 1 1, 0 ,...c 0unt, in .,- .ii y i i obr .• :. • lifulenti o m yn a s!
is fast' to - the l ard]. The horse power is a I to_ your house: tiill!thent ! -under the seal of
large wheel lyingitorizontal, through j sceresy, - all yOu lifive seet so that tO day all
- the rim parallel to:the axle.. The lion , e walks rkVarsaw may know it.,. ! /
Scarcely had the :Corm • reached his house,
,round, -the pin strikes the end of the levi;r op. ,
. .• - . ! when the same' aid 'de•earrip entered and hand
. pbsite. to the rope,earriesit ! around, - mid r:dsz ed hito . the bill of the etn ses of the, journey..
. .
- ! eS.the drill until ! -
she end . - of the lever: slips' i The:unfortunate Count ha 'to pay seven thous
•re frem the, pin and down it goe.s: check. It i and and some !hundred silver roubles for his
. ~
ut Ne ! !:!!
is slow business but when water is'ence got, ,• .: 1 ' k tied '!"'
! • '' - Since th'S ainir° no 'Or
it is!rreilerallr - stire.: The. deepest one ever ! - - •- 1
•r , , - - I - I even his boaca frtend nal
drilled in tltis part of the world is at Stl :Louis, [War thoterh it i-hOuld her
1 . :-•_
it. is over twenty-two :-hundred feet deep.-- - I in th:: public joUtiiiilii.
',timber is! scnrcii and dear, ranging from 1 '• - i.i
eighteen. to forty dollars per thOusand... So i
, ,
You - may well s the houses are veq;small
.. .. ,
Beans Will:L . lll4in Corr- 1 . :
Mn. Enirouf-JAs a itiieral i tile,. i am not.
in favor. (If• 'inix . thl i huibani!lry,' but there are •
a few rules in hushaudryf which do',, not 'ad-.
mit of exeeptions4 It • Iras, longheeU an,,, - iin:'
de , :iiled que-tion Whethei-lbeans platited:with
Indian torn, are an act witinjury to the crop.
I liave always . i..tifpost4l i iey, are noty.but un
til the past :sea son , liad ..taktainopaitis tonscer,
tail by experiment.' LO - stt•year I hat a riiide .
of CI )rn .i.n the - south side:, .tf. a bill,Or rather .
gentle deet.iit, raid as it iii:.?sened a fatorallo
lie the trial.
:.There were fifty- ittivs of,,itirty ; six hills - each,
.: in the. piece. . Ciinineue rig on one. side,. I.
.: • tetPottei ,, lit. row- ••it' It- t dthe north , I
-,24.l.Essris. Entrinis :—lt. aPpeirrs in Vourpa.... el .'''' n r. , , ~,,,, "" * 1 :,. 2 s t ,• ,- ,
. . , - , . ! tenth, e'everith :nib t welftn! to corn and ueans.,l
per of tae'l9th! hist:, the some , one :has -.. e t '• i ' - ' 1 1
~.‘ • i d'. ropitingt le,.bcsa w s not, 4iiii. slob
,i&Orn, • but'. 1
. hitriel`t.up An, dale C Judge, and Dictator, not. i e.l . , aim-- inc,lae-s cky, isnO ii7nicto. • k.tgta more
-. Giit s -.,tr. F , i ..,-.... , ..i,1.,...4.,.‘1. tht., teneneisl - 21, - ,-;;; 0 . 1 r,,ws wt. re then e4ttted bif,alld the:next four
ciaticlC and '-I:,:,,tiiiite' have done arid will do, , planted' in the t , itine
.wavli the remainder, Of
. . . -,
i the entire piece ;was piiitited.tii coxu - alone.
and,whot - s.hall teat.h school in tbis.'ffount v.
, . . - , •At harvest, the lirst roitik, havinm the beans
but also...what it is' proper to publi,,k . ,
in °O . , in them; were cutland welghed, and they the. -
, .
connty• papers S. - ,:.t...;
.Now.l do rot knew. as four rows i'li .- onediatelv contiguous on either'
his prodaetiou is worth answering, but per. , !•,itle., were cut and iyeiglietk The sairie course
ia_ ! was FilrS 'led in reference to the other rows,
• haps it issemetinies a good -maxint. ito
, mid the Irows ne.,-trst thoniloneither is'and, and .
swierTa foot-according to his folly,' and as per;
--.1, the result -was that no perceptible difterenee'
-haps some of the People who. are .not • I
r el Y I existed in the =bunt. of ',Corn -produced by
well'actistainted.With -the . Teachers ; Associa- 1 the rows haiing-b'eatts in the hills,. and that
t jou atalnliit.ate:. Wilr think_ (seJing it in 'ptipt -1 of. the rOWs hav big , none. The soil through
;.i. out the 'piece was is iicarly of the mune quid
and not contradict d) he has stated the truth
a ! ity as it well tnuld, be,•antl' the - management
.3 firopoSti, With roux permission; to Make
~ 141, 1 . 1 . 1 1 of the entire piece; was in.:es-Cry -'respect the'
feiy:obseryations and state:a feiv r . . Picts ,. i . sairic..
i l bo 1 , 41.4
..lraide,,a, very sow crop,
ortheir consideratit.n. - . .. 1 VV . ei e tytiilfilled plump and !'air, and the corn`
. , .
• What a c horrible crirne it. is for.the" , Teach- i. was 'al_. good. '' The mandril used, Was short
crs - of Suiia.Xci. td nteet together occa...'-ional-, rin tick, tine shovel; full to the bill. The crop
. , i ' was . hoed three .tittles -and, agill- of plaster.
ly,in public., .(ullowing every one i - To dfspOsed I
• ; I - - - .• applied to the hillthe -second hoeing: - :: ,
to comein and talie part) and discuss. educa--1- :It is probable that a.:S aifferent vegetables
~.:1 . .0 na su. i. i f jeets! and then . apublish the pros:cell. reqUire a dill:event specific aliment, the bean 1
ii:ga in p
. the . papers ! . . , i finds enough of its tipprqiiate foOd 'in; the
Anil what an outrageous crime it is, itOo,l soil Without at all'- . infringing upon that which
Send to Warne
Co., or N. Y. State,-Ind.l requiri.d for the ..uppori. of the coin pliatt,
get Teacher; at Ott own' expense, anti devote 1 within] t interfering with if•Oehj other's
-a whole week .to study and ,i,ti ac q uisition- , rights. '. 'nacre Mae be other 'and more phil.,
I , r
4 , fsknoWledge," and the best - methods of teach- l ost/tricot . explanations; but this i.atisfies.'ine:.
- 3ng, without any proNritct of reivard except •• • - c os. tf iiic Germa_irtoten Telegrapll..:
. - • --•-.... \•.:,..- ..._.. i
the conscionsnesS of being. better , ual fied t ' "" "` ' '
ti t . o
. Great . Knqw-Nothiig Defeat
discharge our duty ! ' And then to . publish 1 Fifteen •../Catives lefightenisi by one 'German
~. ... .
'en. aOC4..L.t. tit I,h'. Sarni: t Skifrieleht. to pro . - l i in Fits Skirt Tail-'-rAril'zeiting Chase: - .
hibit.tiF, front ever teaching in
,this C4tunty I Recently, says the. Ga.lveSton Gazette there
again'.".... . NN ell; if the people only t i,,,,, g h t ,..i.were- tOian - .alarrns . 'abimt 'IN red eriek. - 4burg,
w the vicinity, penned histiors,'
sop we would bow in . subntission, but perhaps , One German
it Witl .talic' as lunch-Its two Or. theee an o ny.. Q . ; at =night for safety. - - lie .was . aroused' ' 4l
i the dark silent hunt.; by tile jiiiilliiity of bell
moos, cornmunier.tions to convince sensible 1 bounded up and Out„.a 1a 46 as cetiotte ; diTu ' i.!
people that,such is the case.. ,-, , : 1 lles-rs. _Red, Skin- Bare 'Arising itfr his
A,..,„ sc , c ii, 1 . cavalcade - in a hurry; 'Tans, greatly' excited,
No* I know 'that the Te:A(Prs'
mountk.6 hi: -11, 7 et bob-tailed pony, : without
tion.was clarted from good' motiVes, and has 1
gun, pistol or, hnifel.--pantlesi, agates.; shoe
been Carried 'on • witk i "good -niutives• ,by then' L_ .. • 111 , . ~.i. ‘• h ; - ~.-.!- , e
. . i .4, s ani Mt CS4 741 Wit jilt!. rear portri.n or
principal members, and if we haVe erred in 1 his shirt plar'ing in graetfuFhorizontal..isisi-;
i judgnient we will thauktiilly. receive' twit rue..-1 !ion . made pursuit, shoutiOg- most lustitir in,
tioninAbe tefter Way front any one • but 511(41 .[ his In"!, 110
or he'd ti'C.alp - and roast every MOth
-t4'ngi*l-to.tbOU-Srs!. Red Bil'ins.
wholesale' abuie as that AxunmunieutiOn will 1 ' to sto pi
s .son cif them; „The.. jndiani,. who- Were
:' not.tend,:to better the . caue of the. - writer in . ,
.1 ers i sotne tenor fifteen In nunther,'suppoing'they •
. .
- the ;eyes-. of en_ intelligent- eotununtity. - 1 I.were pOrsued bile reginient of-lexan rtmg
'• knOw-100 that:Ate Instituter-was-a - hint-fit to i ers. took. to- flight) regardless of booty, l' y
1 trig not, only
..the iorses
,hadthey, taken, but
. •,, . 4 . -_
jts In ern Ur' s, andthroUgh tent tithe s,..4Witls of '
• - ,
.wo.very-ffite-horEes of their own,' ..togel.*
1 . ti e county- butperhapatioSe who are so blind "t
• • - - :',I• •' . - ,-,.., { - 's '' -,.`• '• • i with any number of bowitand arrows,speara,
th a t, th e y
, It ei# itot-see, *amid it di ffi .ealt to 1 iiniyer,, , irins and - ';other - Itidian `fis't's ; ' . Which;
perceive it: And I Might 'say . that • a mau 1
_ _~
conyinced against hiswill is of, the:.same opin-, 1 ttbour a 'Mile ; end from the Lffisiiiciimea their
ion' still,' and that instrtietion to "Children; horse.,s must 11104 -takenlialirful strides, and
aiten' it 'ha lieOn - ins' tillal..intO. the.ii Minati . e . i n ": doubt the Y" t *nii . 1) t ttelf- . ei0:..4 11 , :came.
. ~.
that-the instmetion is nogood - -for." . go _
od for
•. - .. _ .. _. .
• ralythirig; NI:1-11 nut be•likely to ;be Very 'hole;
ficilil-': - .--• 1 . --'' • . ... ,tlistit trrt CHAP.
nt,tl the.liarns just no where. But ! granite
houses are, coming into use vcry muett; they
ar:.; con , ,tructed. 1w- Making ni.irmr, 'of lime
land sand, and filling in with small stones,- 7 =
Thq are saidtoirbe Is
.ehetip as wood, . and
abrable as brii•k., In my next I shall:tell yfiu,
of a new corn planter, a curj-:
osity; or deseribei this town which is a great
Ferri the liereblirare..
INT.E.RLsriso liistopeAL Disconsr.—The
Boston'lot:mind ittetitions that 'the Rve,:ltr.
Burry, ho prepugtiou . 11.44ary :of
Itilassachuse.w,hus di,eovered the iOilg lost
manuscript history of the Plymouth CA 'limy.
written by Giivertior Eriitiford, cchiclr wit-4 in'
tbe4utinis , OlPrinee whin he pr.e; ared.his - New,
Eng linul.ChronologY, mit] ut .I.littchith , ot. when.
he Wrote his -History 14,MassnehiLsetts.
doeffinentrs'iii,L,"giiginra, and ti - "et;py.., Or the
exp — ected in this country forttik
Jication. 174 , ,inipottnnee'of rthis diseceet:ity
sil wiic;aitelinterested in. historiml
- t Neill at opi.rt.togu.iite.
1 A. Prohibitoil Liquor Law has been
; enacted in'all "the 'free States,.' except New
Jersey, Penbse-Mania
sin.'' 'New Jeisey , a.bill was recently. ear: .
-Vied in the but lot, by one majority,
'in the Senate: - l'ennsylv.aula has enacted'. a
law torestmiurthetale of liquors. In Wis:
roltsiu 'the" LegAnthre passed a bill twice,
wtueh Was twiee;yetet4-14v the Governor.--
De r blw* the.*agy . ..11;ve-State . that , bas
ouch-a •
'.', -
. garo. w.,sirio . tuttring , teeuverel his
ileitilit; : thii 14.4 4 *Ariel/ '4hulueixi his retire :
mem front tic posiii4 :Or iiiitor "'Of the
W,ilkeiharre -Itequrd -41011inet,, half tei,
cently resumed hirt;e4autebtiou with 'that' fie":
per..' - We glimilf sieleonk his return to the
.editvi4 n rint r y. 444, AkiitlerlittßlP3o,l°
0 iK Witt..,iaw tells
s from the seat of \
.appeared ollieiaU
1 ,
-7 77.- • • ••
L Tetths, In the Baseman of Searieti
Hotel, MOtttrosei, Pa! -•-
C. AL tintunons, •
11Q0QTAND SIIOI;MAKER. sbop first door east
JLF of Odd Felons' Turnpike tu., Montrose.
- I 1r Singleton noir bOontut at his new stand iut 0w44t0 st.
iwnkloors 3rest'Uf Searle's liotel,.where be ef'•
jcituctilyi repaiis with dispatch, Watches, Clocks,
Jeaciry, Guns, and' 4;iery description of. Machinery.
Wheel cutting Guniand Watch natteriali supplied
to Abe tntd. • . • , i p. e . -
cURGEO r S -DE.SiTlST,;.Montrose, Pi., at Searle's
13.1Enapp, • .• -
- 110NTiosC I'4 with Row,. Wofdrfajl: aCar
inL ter; liVholesaleVrocers and Communion Mer
chants, No.,l73lVashingtan street, between Coart
andt and Pay 4reets,l3 - as York. .
-! 1; • Cab Weeks. •
riage. Trimmer. Shop at:. his dwelling' house,
early opphalie RenryDrinker'a: Montrose, Pa.
Miller & Fowler, -
andtiolickore in Chancery. Office No. 44 Clarke
• ; r• "1" Pacific 'Rotel,
aTBEET, (near Broadway,) New
l'oik; .Folisbury & Co., Pmprietora. In the
vittiniiy of the. taineilial ateunboaklandings. . ,
Thonias . ./ 1 41C 111 ;
lIEAL . E4 Dlti GOODS, Groceries, Clothing,
1. Crockery, Boots and Shoe.,-sc., Snaguchantta
Depot, i a I .`
Bentley & . Pitch, . 7
PI,. AGENTS; 'Montrose, Pa.
B. S. r. Finn
- -
John Groves.; • ,
j?ASIIIONABLE TAILOR. Shop wader Searle'.
1 Monirose, Pa.
. „
D. D. 'finds;
ND ,
D EtPIIA.SGE STAnk.\ - Office in
in tlie ;mai of WlLion's Store, Morttroar, Pa.
, .
- Colsten,
TIEAOR STOVE, "rin,'Copper. and Sheet
11 Doti Ware, LcOiseille, near Great Bend Depot.
Deeemtper 4. .1
• I
ATTORNEY AT,LAW, Suspsehanna:Pa. Office•
on itiine ittrecii' one door east of Lenbelm's. •
Frasier & Case,.
Office' on - Turnpike street, one dOor East o
Post's Store; itentrosi, Pa. •
- Albeit Chitmberlin, •
4 TTORTEV,tT LAW and Justice, of, the Peace;
over L. Post A Co'i, Store, ifostrOse.
• • Wni. 8 Jessup,
Danns, fof the State of New York, will attend
to all business 'entrusted to him with promptness and
fidelity.. )mcc on Pablic Square, occupied by Hon.
Win. Jessup.
. •
__l 1. , • Abel Terrell,
111EALEH, - DRCGB,IIEDICINE9, Chemicals,
Pahits; Oils, Dip-stuffs, Groceries, - Dry Goods,
Hardware; Stotiewartl. Glassware, Clocks, iVatchvc
Jewelry, .silver Spoons, Spectacles, Musical Instru
ments,. TrUmes,i-Surgial InstruMents, , Liquors, Per
fumery, MirroN, Stat . nery, Brushes, Shoes; Yankee
Notions, Ake: a - "
.!' B. Rayons 44 Co. '
. Drs 604t15, Gtoceriett, Salt, Flour, and Hard
14rp., Lati4orh. ,
I) EALPI DRt . GOODS, Ready Made Clothing,
Groceries Book and Stationery, etc . ., Public
Avenue iltmtrosi, 114.
Patrick & Z*
17 Owego slreet,
; I.l.Post & Co., - . . • -, - •
IEIE E A , LE . RS-IN , DRY GOODt, Groc .. r jaa ,
...C ri t r . : *
iak....r.r.vit amtrublld Areitue,...lfontrvar, Pa.
, . .
J. Lyons & Son. •
DEALERS IS DRY' GOODS, Groceries, Hardware,
Croaceiy, Tinwnire , Groeetiea, Books, etc.; nisi),
(any on the. Book Bidding business--Thtbrie Avenue,'
.Vontroste7,Pa. 'F
; I Bentley & Read,
c . TAEALRRS IN DRY - GOODS, Drugs, Medicines,
/ Paints, Oils, -Groceries, Hardware; Crockery,
Iron, Cloche, Watchtii Jorelry,,Sleer Spoons, Per`
ornery, kc, 77 Foot oif iddic Avenue, Montrose.
• Banl3oe, 'zitley & Perkins,
Ili kinds: of, Castitigs, Sioves, Agricultural bnple
ments, etci. Office at Sayre's Store, Public Avenue;
Manufactory att the Farle Foundry . Foot of Cherry
street, mohiroir. Pa-t
Wil rilliam a Jessup,
A TTO.IpitItS AT`':, LAW, - Montrose, Pa. Prue
tt lice in Sirsqueriatinu, Bradford, Wipe, Wyo
mingand Ltitern e 'eofartieti. : ' •
WilliAat Suiith & C 0..,
CABINET MAREM.S. They keep constantly on
kJ *Or goeod assOranent of all kinds of . Cabinet
Furnitnre.' ShOp an 4 Ware Rooms at the' foot 'of
-Maine stre e t Ifontry*, Pa. •
, •
. RotikwelL Wintazi4c Co, ,
i11 A '6 13 (4 4 , fiats: E V ' apac,' "ll l4- tr . L uatrrPliaa b ' P i a ?
sols, RabOna, ay. Afel; No. 20 Gourd:Ludt street,lireir
anciwszt4 #. HOWARD. W. W. WIPHDR.
! Fraseri -
Nontrjosei attend faithfully to all busi
ness entrusted to hini!in the connty of Swiquehatina.
ConveyanCMg Ind writing of all kinds will be done
.neatly, and chaiges nitxierate. 'lre will also attend to
the prosecition 'of claims of soldiers, their widows and
heirs, against 'Abe pnited States Government, for
Bounty Lim], Pe Vin .`, ;Mat be found at all
hours .at the- °ince f4rnerly occupied by J. T. Rich
ards,,Esq.,.;north of lie Court
Al Rut, very fortilnately, the earth is not throws
from its orbit, and the: i re:la shines • on its before ; ena
bling the"Pictuie Min" to work at his trade o: light
and shadeAti his usurtl satisfactory manner. •
• His New Stoek,'juSt purchased, comprises. eVerY•
thing neat and desieWhle in t 'Daguerreotype line,
and be asks that von well not forget to - .
lie has also Site recently published Books, which
will be sure to pleaai;thoac.who,wish Tod reading.
jfontrose Pa. -
g r. vi) D. doti.,reot Mks } , lessees for Um' SO
cents. Those MAo with such truth must go\elserhera.
Jr oll l, }roves' Adverusenie l it.,
AS nature who &mikes the birds and beams 'id'
an extra c oat for whiter, has not made a similar pre •
vision far manilli !me l d •derl Isolate it upon lop
self to iittawd tto. that department; and- therefore 1
think proper to anncktince that all shivering male bi•
peas, that ',need new iptierei4otious or inglorious,
fashionable or 'lnilliablonable; wari have their wants,
supplied arld'their tidies suited rby'eallineon tne, at
sh9l) in Nrwitzesei
unrir - Ift MGM:nu
laTEAribb tO say. ba our friends and caatameta that
7,1 f we barn withatood Abe devouring ekneent that
our fhone with most of ear.:6 001 1% end
erected a ewe:dent, akarity, siiere we eta be hap
,PT to see our old enatomers as well as new. We ere
going to *dr goOds Wier than ewer, and we think tea per cent. ieee than you can bur 'elsewhere in Remus
henna to. ! Calk and ace;
Jiald#:given that letters of administra
Lion won the Mate of 4011 N IRANI), late of
tos*ship, tiee'd„ , Elsie beep mood to th e
'underiigt a cid alrsiersous;liuktbted to sald'estato
Folesseitosko' kiwi:tate pattneot, and those bar.-
.iog dihrui Omit* the aatue duly attested . foi
eetdell nent, • 1471:41;01 HAND; •
'Appollaiiiiilliarchr27, 1855.1 . 11111,1
13kka Woad iaod buagitlr sale hi .
.:41 - bINQCIC.
liiiebeety, LAOS It, ISM.' " -
To *hi iti!cop c lo s ot. Smvaeharavis
11EINte 'one of the gieitteitmehrers by 'thi
destructive-fie bi 31ontrissit;' having lost rdy
store-honse. and nearlywil of .my. goods, I have ;ricks
however', given . over to despair, but have tak e n F la
atone mom in the lower_part of the town, first delis'
north of Keeler's Hotel, intp.which I have placed:tilt '
entail ankh aired from the fire, and will in th e cour a s
of a verisliort time fill , up the attire withan midis
ne w e nvied Owls. In my present , new locationA
will be Intppy to ace and-wait on MY old eustomeiv
and theipublie generally who will: favor. the With
ea .1 have kawilved to "wryer glee tip.the - wiep.'
lam dOeindned to keep a' DRUG STORE, arid; its
"keep a Oodaksortment of Drugs, Medicines, Paints,
Oils, Dritinfs, Groceries, Glase4are„ Jewelry, P.
funory,Tankee Notioncvand att sorts of" Fancy
such as I kept befoie the fire, whi l b
devourvd the earnings of a life time in an hour.
Montrilee, Nov. 23, 1854: ABEL TURRELL.I
~ , .
.. „........-_,.
N 1 ) Wilreret7 man indebted to nie ' !dense
.E, 4.3 e remember me in this 'my time or need,
by sending to me the amount due immediately. i
bloyember 2it, 1/5-1. . ABEL TrIIIIELL.I
1 ,-- -AoLp Wand Silver Patent Ecv4, Anchor and
k...A pine Witches, just received and for sale by
• Jewelry, Jewelry. 1 -
AGoo ,mortment of Jeweir,l: l consisting of u r
Riktgs, Ear Drops,. Breast Pins,Finger Rings,
Ac.ltc.; justrec.eiveil at . BENTLE L.REA Ws. t,
Sliver Siiooni.
Tea, 'Utile, Dessert, Sugar, Salt, Vic, warranted pure,
for sale 1.1 . . • BENTLEY READ.:;
Boots end %bees. ?,
An umniuilly good assortment of the, best make, all
fresh snit turfed for sale by BENTLEY - 2k READ.'
Drugs and
A fresh litocit genuine Drugs . and Medieines,.Patent
Medicines . ; Baints, Dye stuffs, &c.. for sale by.
. •
cliarles Burbei !
HAS' removed his shop from its former loottldh la
the basement of Seatle's lintel, to tt e room la
the same building, in the rear of the bar-room, whets
his customers will be waited upon by that exquisite
artist, Professor Charles Morris, or by himself, at all
reasonable hours. • -
Please hew- ' • :.„
.4%! bear in mind that this the only shayi4
shop in town 'where the thing is done scientifically.:
Montrose. Deeember.l9. 1854, i -
TS .t()W COMPLETE--niiti we - w - Ould thke this
oppOrtunity to `sav that we can show the most
beautiful and .splenditcpatterns of Parlor and , Cooking
StovesitO be found in 'the county. Among them can
be seen i the Revolving Front and Gothic Parlor, sar
wood dr Coal, entirely new and decidedly pretty stoves.
I Prices f'r'om live to ten-dollars. Of Cooking. Stat i cs
we thigh it needless tO. say inuch,.only to remark, that
we are 'selling their at our fernier prices, and s ittdging
from the. rkpidity of our sales, we believe the public
ire entirely satisfied with our prices and the quality
or our mates: We have "a few more left" of the
"Clint(in Air-tight Elevated Oveti . Btove," acknoirl
edged to be the best cooking• in use. .Titia.
silt: . and jEnglish Strive Pipe aVold prices, and Trim-,
mings and. Tin ware of all descriptions at the vdry
lowext rates. , . J. DICKERMAN,
New 'Milford, Octoher 23, 1854.
. -
TM:copartnership heretofore Anown under the
.nnxil6 and firm af Notre% Brothers, in the Saidt,
Blind and Poor business, is this day by - timtual con
sent and agreement dissolved.
• . LaneAmiro,'July 11,'54: 11. K. NEWELL.
The subscriber would respectfully cidlthe attention
of those '
who 'fish to purchase anything in 1113'1km:tit
besinemt, such as
Sash, Dttom.,-liitters and 'Blinds,
. •
Calnnet NS Pre of various kinds,' L
Bureats,; 'table's, and Secretaries,
BeNtends..Stana:4. Chairs.aud Settees.
fltendy-made Collins. 'Painting and Glazing,.
• if rlsquited, .Country ProduCe and Lumber taken'. is
ezehanie.' Terms, ready, pay. - -
Lane4bom; 4u1y1.5. 1844. 4 GILBERT NEWELL.
- r -- -
017GIVT at
. thc lowes t
. prices; and will be .sold itc
cordinkty. • •l7. 111.71tROWS & COQ -
Gibscin .oetober 11, 1854. '
Cassimeres amid VestingsT "..
A largeirb.*lrtmenfand at prices lower than xe have
ever been enabled to offer them heretofore:
;QM.' 11, 1854. - ,
Dress Goods.
. .
•. . •
- A - great ranetv .and Auguatiful Airiest. And almmat Lin
eibe.gli iinia vstann&l 1er..2.m3r0d.. 11. Vit7lxl4o WO & C 4..) .,
, qibsop, Petober 12, '1854. ' • ' • .1 1
Black %ilk.. -
A.iolid . quaßty for &eases - at SI cents per yard.. •
OctoberEY, 1854. ' 7
Long and square, wool, broebe,imil silk, Very hand
some styles and at extremely low " prices. es.
October 12, 1854. U. BURRO WS &
, Broche Shawls
Cheapee than , ever before known ; beautiful patterns
and fine qOality of 8-4 Broehe Shairls, Lupen's man
ors/•./we; at $7. U. BURROWS k CO.!
Gibmoo,,Delober 11, 1R54. • I •
flay State ,
The t.attaktrr: ow; qcatiry, and maw PAT-
Ttiss, $7',.50 each. U. 11t71119WS k CO.;
Gibson, October 11,1854:', • ,
• • ; : Carpets,
A good paiOrpnent itid_harnlsmhe` patterns, at 'dry
w p
,! U. BURROWS it co.l
Gibsop, October 12,1854.
• i •'' Buffalo 'lobes- F.•
A large lot 'of handsome Robe*, a part of them whole,
Indian dreed and very superior color and quality;
Oetolift 12, 1854. U. BETIO WS & CO.;
-rrlie Slubscliber ha! on hand ready made collps
. whieh• may be had at reasonitile prices..
Al s o ; +4 .hand a 104,4 Superior window Sash.
Oreat;Band kn. lath
- •
!nit , subscriberhas been recently appointed
ageitd for the Panama's tatOs IxscaaNca
Athens,ft, and is prepared to insure Houses, Stoves
and other buildings, Goods, Wares - ;and MerchandiSe,
on favorable terms. • Applications made either pa , sdn. •
ally op by letter,pronipdy attendokto.
• & B. MUM
Greatlßend i Pa., March sth 1855. I
POST BROTHERS having purchased the abriie
estiblishinent, will keep:amstintly on haed 61-
prryfne aitt.Ftvu. Mons, Corn Mee t of neperior paid:
it y, also - Chop and Bran at the lowest cash prices.«—
Custotn :srork:will be dtine - with ',dispatch, and in ill
cases wrirranted.
• Montrose; July. 1853. -
Thosepertons indebted to tbe subscriber for fees
as Regilfter, Recorder and Clerk of the Orphan's cxottrt
would confer a favor by settling the/lame soon.
Monti:we, Dec. 6 1864.J. T. LANGDOIs.I
Window Saab. • .
Q ILA D. SAYRE having been Oppointedut agint
L. • for an eitensive sash blind and door atanufie
tos7 are,pripaied to furnish any snicks in thislin4 at
less rates tbat,they have . usually been sold ."
July &4. ; • S. R. &D. S.;
Slaving Criim:.
A 11'• ImM:le-which every mad. mould try for site
bY. - ' • - ft H. kD. W.
new lot bf Summer Oats and Clo th o
• 4 i o t sufgallrlrearjost readrod:and for ode chtiop
bIX I, k CO":
Perth* Palliest Medicine4gency:
A BEL TERRELL hasp*, receffed a nth .guOply
2 - 1 - . 6641 popubz PArtrt Nitrotmits of the day,
ineluttuig ;Dr. 'Jaine's celebrated gediainea, Trialeis
'Magnetic Ointment, Tanner's &main Ointinent, My
ers',ztaietitOcit Bale, Forest Wine, ke. Le., Pllla
of all sot% all direct from, the pioprietors. Also,
Barainsi . Fhtid, Ctimplien.e, Lc., cheap as the cheap.
eat. •
• ldoutiose; foeCeinberii, 1854. •
SES subtimibers ,being severe Waterers froni the
late tEseetrous Fire. have npwcwed with what
little rehlaiii of .their strict, to the new buil ding foe
the AvAn.ige, opposite -W. 4T. S. R. Mulford's stoke,-
Where they will be happy to see all their friends-Ant
custom**. and hope in the course 'Of some ten dllys
to be table to' greet .them with - a entirely IV : NO
We post Ibis-some of • oar enitomera who hive
been long in -debt,' Will remember that-this la a time
of ente t im. pain wrrn cs, and do kr they would W
done by. -, • . ..431iNTLEY & READ
Moat November 14. 1864.--1- • ' -
A L- RIGHT)._ •
Ele .atisortm ' • au of nevi goods-
'the Fanner' Store. 'Psil
: 1•./- .
7 • •
nmaymucs!,, ...4.1i.E NOTICE!
lIE subacriticta, Navin : , secured,the sole. right W .
11 . 17') Z Olt
WOR ,' ,` gusquebantut and several,
ajoining °aunties', re, - pee ally Invite all flutter nail:-
era to examine and *EST . e merits of this new and
valuable' invention; IWe .ropose to furnish each and
all of you with a.Ciiimm lint will produce as much
hatter in as short ti dm ;=as any other churn—one
that will complettly i , .rpet the buttermilk, teash'and
w9rk in the salt, diffsuri# it.yerfert/g through the
hatter and Stit r for, use, w{ , tout removing it from the.
churn; This Churn is - si Ple in its construction; mi.;
eritific in its operation,•aii easily cleaned and kept in
oi,der. and cm bi cosily, attached to any proPelling
rnwer. -!! - I, ' - ! !
!For further particu r
lars4apply persOnalit or by let
tei toAS. C. BUSHNE44 -and I; N. bRONSON
Atant,Susquehannaq conott Pa.
' PilliPS ;11 8 13'31PS!
7%e Greatest ImprOv rizent of the Age!-C.
H. William.? ilowL4-,4eting Ball Valre
• 1 101T6 and- r t t r Punspi— ~- - .`
. t
A. N improvement:, abo all other pump's or mi
lli aloes for fitting; th :wing, and carrying water,
eMnbliting lfoth *Pump ,hd a Fire Engine. • This
Pump, patpted its Fels , 1 . 854, is the whole of iti
metallic. ,No bolts Or scurs about it to rust, come.;
gaentlY it 'will lasts man '' life time. It cats be used!
WI every variety of form • n draw water front any!
situation,m it to y part oation, ind caf a building. - Itl
is; uperior to all fattier P gi ps for Distilleries, Papal
mineyTennerieP, Brick. Yids, Iron Works and:Msn.l
ufisetnring establishnients 4 all kinds.
[All orders musi,bd addressed to Annssos Dimmer,
Lodersville, Pa., whO has . Ile sole right for &ague
hinna county. J ~ i ~ 1 .
Its ii4tii 411L1FORD. .
T" subscribei 'ltaVin# leased the Store .of the .
Messrs. Pratts,lortnerly occupied by I. S. Lit-
0, intends to locate latirrnarentiv in New Milford. •
And ' he woulft take Ilk method of informing: the)
inhabitants-of Ne* Milfordand adjacent tewns, , thati
he has just returnisi from ew York with a large
splendid stock . of ,fr. , 11 , entirely new Good s, eon-I
silting of . DR Y 006 DR if almo4 every conceive -1
ble variety, GROCERIES ,'• low as the lowest, /lard-
war, Crockery, rlinObi as
Bonnets or•ereryt. Pi . *-; A.i
Pale on the mast reascmalt
produce, or reliable ert.',lit: l
connection, that .he has all
the manufacturing elfhrii.
;pair in all its rdricties, ti
execute all kinds I of, .101
and on the most r easonmb 1
Dealers supplied at the,'
in relation.tcusfofCs 1d.,, sii
I ~ ,Near Milford; Mayl6, I!
u n xioAr,. svn
Of . theSt4
Insures 'against loss
othembitildings, Goods; M 1
as favorable. tormit as adY
promptly adjusted afid pa
ascrOns.=flon.! Ho
cis Tyler, do. r. A.'
' • C. N. sldpmatt i l do. t
Canfield do.; Hon. 4ohn
Wakcovw,"Laccy'riile C
Barre; Michael Meylert,
clrricfns.-Hon. ftox.a
F: Wella, jr., Nr*: Pied a
SecietLary.' ; •
- Agent, 0; S.. M
ing Real Eitate—F
eated in Susquehanna Co
offer their property for.
Lion of shear Farina !or
semi, bow manTimilrorile
ings, orchards, grand
tree; and the nOrelat p
and-N. Y. It E. R. R.
42 fu-ms on • the list , 4.
subscriber a miu)ne'4esc,
be given.
Office on - TurzipikO'sf.
Montrose, Angust 1.5;
f l loors - west of Main st. - •
, ( 1 54. . A. BALDWIN.
.7 • '
. .
, ,
COTT, JOHNSTON: . tkl, Co., are now reeidving'
CI from Nett Yorka peti - eral assortment of Spring
And Summer griods,'itand,W;et cordially Invlty•all that
like to buy goodie cheap to give us a call, as our stock
is large, and we are'will 11,iti, to sell for small profits.
Ito. gr..n 1111/nd 11.64. Alm t .t r ....-, asrflecto wyntedi ring .
w e e are willing to, comp -goo , ls and pricer with (any
store in, the county—we litlre' taken special pnitoi .to
find nice goods to ply. lie Litclies,, such- . as. Black,
Figured and Fank' - Tissues ; BerageS . and
Berage Delattes,A ter Lawns, Silk, French
and Dothestic Gin, we'd and Plain. Mullins,
Embroidered Curtait 'per do.,
,Latlies CAW .
Underhandkerchh - es, Mantilla.q, Parasols
and . Gloves, Strai 1 ., -Bonnets; also- trim
mings to match. i ,'. lc of Goods for Men
and Boys, also trot rils, Horse Shoes, and
Horse Nails,
Plcin Fish, Crockery, Grind
stones, and Stony pipe, Tin, abuts, Sash
Leath&, Boots, ` i i dc. Please give'uti a
chance of showini ick before sou buy.
Yours tittl! ' JOHNSON & CO
I . .
Springville, AO
_ZS.. •
. .
E ARK.-return their grateful
Al. C acknowledgei ! Online, and invite at
tention to the 91" of Spring and Sinn- .
mer Goods they are ing and offer for sale.
'at . eery tow prices. to their usual limit
ment of staple Dry' G 42.4 (icor-cries; Hardware, Crock
ery, Paints ,and ;OBS, die. ke., Viet , are prepared to
'exhibit a large . aporOnent:of "oldies' Dress Goads
i r
of every desetrption:—Pgurett, Plaid and Plain Silks,
Bonnets, Sliawks; , Rib]) us; Gloves, lickliery—Ladies
and Misses Shoes of, kinds—also.a large stock of
11ING, Cloths, Cassini4es,
Tweeds, Jeans, gunnne 'Cletlis,Nestings,,Bats,'Caps,
Poots and Shoes; ik.e4
'They respectfully .larli "
ivho wish to purchase pol
Springville, May MSC
New Liaie
'QTAtIES will leave Ki
AJ • bettsville, Liberty,
mire' of'the Mail Trains;
reaching 'Montrtise at 1
Montrose daily (Sundays
ing Kirkwood in time to
both East and West,: bell
sible route to tenth ` the .
This line interaecla a •
Springville, Tuukbium...
bane, which leaves )Mon •
day, Wednesday 'itnd Fri.
ville, Leraysvillei . Arc. \-
Good teams and tymsf,
ded, and the proprietors
eotrunodate the public.
April 6, 1-854.!
TEAMING puichaned
LI ,Post Co at' the'
respectfully infortu bia f
atantly on hand, at the I.'
4tock of goods. I
Lime, Pak, and Fluter)
as Groceneg, Dry Goodk ,
Shoes, Naffs, kaniosch '
of produce, at the beg , 1
Wood wanted. -- i
Montrose Dep4t, Feb:
'and 'Copper Were .!
ma4e . of heavy Ai*: for
..; LI, assort:debt ottn: ware Carp enter and
• . , • '
Joiners' Tools 4 Polo fli n, and fixtures itt
J • • V ..
New Milford , Mar, 185 ' , DICKLItSIAN'S..-
Q.ASH AND . III.IIREW ~ 4.• the beat quality. for sale
1‘..1. cheap at ;-: , ~..4 t • DICKERMANK ,
1.3011 i, FLO • ; - tallf'D . LT by the ham, or mil
.1. erwise, at the Lowest
' • at. DICKERMAWK ".
: • • L' Mel , 7 slio $
CION,STANTLTION . 'Er, r furnishedfurnished to ,order,
kJOn •
ihort liotiee. - 4 . I f . LYONS b.- SQN...
ANTED, Outlet, v , • ', Aft% • . o ked 'km
1 ' . -
' lpplei,lobutaiii„ t ...', 4e. S. S. IL -
New Cotter 7 a 't . horse Pleasure Car. -
f i r
I- ww14 11 7,4 Mir r 1
i• : , i
'New Wink 411,'12,
, .
A Gesil supply .64 Mira
te., just mid:
!? Sho.s, Hata and Cap,e,F,
0.,kc., which he ofrer.s. for
14'terms,' for cash, country'
.11 He, would also say in this
Oiled to the establishment, I
t, Shod-hm, - nd t'apigfr
ilwhich hew
k . prepared toi
flit* the very best workmenti
'4..terms. :
i lowest prices. Particulars!
V, some future time. - $
ll' J. D'ICKSIIMAN, jr. ,
054. • .lit
E .11.;01TIPA NV,
zr• r in .
14DFORD corrr, PA.
,?tfgafpr ' on the Real .Estate
l *khol(PrA. •
Tire, or liouseg, stores, and',
reg and Iterebagdise,
itiiilnr Inatiiniion. Losses`
.. .. .
• ;:
Williston, Athens ; Frun;s
',erkinsilo.; J. T, D. Meyer,
. Y. Welle4, Jr. do.; J. E.
~ •
pone, Towanda i • Gen. B.
.. M. Holle'nbaelc, Wilkes 4.
~, porte;Pa.• • -..-
; Williston,' President; C.
'it Treas. ; J. E. Canfield,:±
Otiose, Pa. ['''
as agent for buyimeand sell
tins, Houses,. and Lots—lo,
i'aty, Pa. • All who wish . fo
ti can give a minute desctip-,
?'as follows : Number of
; and bow watered, build
; jornmon fruit ; other fruit;
;tat -to the D. L. &W. R. R.;
ealling on the
ifition, p,ice 2ittl terms rem
- •
. and -offered low tly
Invis - 110 .
lg Shawls very chez,
it! an' earlreall from those
grrods a lox prices.
• McMILLEN & P&Rk.
t; Stagei,
kwood , passing through COP ,
every morning after the
f ears, both East and West,
P. •N. Returning leave
exrptedl at 4 r. w., reach
rke the Mail trains of ears,
the 'nearest and mast fest
, ew York and , Etie Railroad.
weekly- line for Dimoek,
5 k3 Wyoming, and Wilkes
rase at 7 at..w. every 'Mon
sy. i Also, a line to Friends-
IOU; earrigges are provi
rßli spare no pains tg ae
I . E . DEPOT.
establishment of Isaac
ontrnse Depot, wonld is
• di that be will keep ion
p' aces, a well selected
Oe had cheap,'as well
I,n , b4re. Crockery. Boc'ts,
tigithr Grain and a kinds
ces.l 1000 cords Nara
ShOet: Iron
F.. my Own inan4Otnic, and,
483. I
~~ .
Watcherhuua Jewelry,
tur a
t ~•. ?1 1 ,
E~` j
••" ,l. . • FAIIINIPHYSICe •
. !.; . .
Texas has loci existed a public demand for an
fctive purgative ill'. which. could bd relied oh
suie and- •itlf operation , This has been
prepared to meet the demand, and an . dxtensive tit
at PIUS virtues has conclusively shown with whaesue!
ceits it accomplishes the purposes desihned. it is ea-
Svlio iiiake a peyilicallpin, but riot• make the
liege of all pills--15nb - wok° should have - none - of the
objectiOnN but all'.of the advantages of every other._
This has been attempted here, and with what success
we, would revectildly,l submit to the , public -.decision:
It tiac,hkeit,yo,4,o.thikAke 1 9„,r.- 0 10 .4?.t4c 1 04 1 Mitio , 1 1 44
almost ;every purgai Medicine .is aermoniOui - inct
irritating Yo , the hOwel - - I'llilp is mat.: - , - ; Many' of them
produce so Much'. griping" 'paim . iind . - revulsion in the
syidem - more than counterbalance the good to. be
derived from them. These pills produce do irritation
or:Pairi i • unless it arise from a previously existing ob
affliction or demiigementin the bowels.' Being pure.;
Ir i regetublei no hart4can arise from their use in atilt
qitantity ; but it is better that any medicine - .should
betaken - judiciously. Minnte.directions for their use 1
M the' several diseaseto which they are kiplicable
are given on the bet Among - the complaints which
base been _ speedily e red by them, we• may niehtiob
Li i er Complaint, in its Various forms of Jaundice, lit
digestion, Languor and Loss of Appetite, Liatlesness;
Irritability, Bilious Headache,' Bilious Fever, - Fever
and Ague, Painiii th l e - Side and Loins ; for, in truth,'
all thesettnl the iousennetice of disensvd action
imthe live . • As an . pm lent, they afford prompt and
snip relief ii Cositiveimes; Piles, Cholic, ;Dysentery,'
liiimors, rofula an Scurvy, Colds with 'soreness of
thil body, Ulcers and impinity of the blood; in short,
(MO and every -case %here a purgative is required,
•Ihey have ,produced
_some'singularly successful
. .e in Rheumatism Gout, Dropsy, - Graiel, Erysipe
las; Palpitation of the Heart, Pains hi the Back, -Stout
, ach and Side.. They
.sliould be freely taken in the
siiring of. the year, to y .pitrify the blood and prepare
the system for the change of seasons. • An occasional
(Rise stinnrlates the stomach and bowels into .healthy
action, and. restores the appetite.andsigor, .They pu-•
rift'. te blood,-.and„ by - their stimulant action, on the
dikculatory system, renovate the strength of the body,
and restore the- wasted or diseased 'energies of the
-whole ortranism. Renee an occasional dose is advan
tageous, even.though no serious derangement exhits;
but unnecessary 'dositigs should never be carried too
Le as every purgative medicine reduces the strength.
when taken to excesS[ Jim thousand cases in which
a physic is required cannot tie enumerated here, wh ich
tiny suggest themselves to the reason of every- labdy,
1. and it is .cenfidehtlY; believed this, pill'will answer' aJ
better purpose than anything which hag hitherto been
available to mankind. When their virtues are once
ttiown, the public will no longer dOubt what remedy
to; employ when in need of a cathartic medicine.: Be
-1 ing sugar-wrapped 'they are pleasant . to take, and be
ing purely vegetable,. no harm can arise faun their,
utie in any nuantity. ! .•. - • . • -
,- -, •
1 For minute directiims.see wrapper on the Bin. -
':'Prepared by JAMES C. AYER, Practical and An
alitical Chemist, Lewd; \ MWs. '
Price 25-Cents tier Box
• • •
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. • ,
Jrh the rapid Cure Cough; Colds, floateeraw,.
! I Bronehitis; .IV.h.oopitli-Cough,-Croup,Aghlfia,thid.
I ; 6resulapiion. •
.This remedy has won for itself such notoriety from
cures of .every variety of pulmonary disease, that
it : is entirels%mtnecessary: to recount the:evidepecs of
its virtues in any community-where it`-has been. em
p!oyed. So, wide is its field ofuscfulness, and so nu
merous the cases. of its cures, that almost ;every sec
tion of the country aotinds in:persons pnbliely known
Who have been restdred frotn alarnting and even - des-.
.tirate diseases of the lungs by its use., When once
tied its superiotity over every other tnedie'ne of its
kind a too 'apparent to escape obseevatioh, and where
it; virtues arel_known• the public Ilt) ITnger hesitate
What antidote to.,'cntploy for' the...distressing and Alan
-Orotts affections : ot the pulmonary orgatt:s which are
ieeblent to our chniate. And not only in Formidable
attacks upon the4tings, bet fur the milder varieties of
Ou t , congics, hoarseness, atorfir Chil.tren if
it the pleasantest and safest 'twilit:cue that can be ob
•As it-has lougbeen in constant lute throughout this
section, we need not do more than assure. the people
lilt (panty is kept up to the best that it ever has been,
abd that the. genuine article. is sold by---Attcy. Tru
tt:km., 31ontrti,e•; B. R. if. E.vroN., Hayford;
Cituncit Dund4ll; and by all dealers in
medicine every wlsCre.. •
rI`HE subscriber it ishes to call the attention of his
I feierls and the , public to his very large assort
n ent of STOVES at his new Store Room in . Lor/r-rx.
411 e, next to L. S.' Letthi:int's store, and near the Gt.
lipnti Depot. lle has, in addition to his former large
vitriety of
.CoOking antErarlorStoves, many.ner pat
tr'+n. , ,:some of which are- ~
[o.l'. Nicholas : Peach Pie:ads - FireAlipPir,
' !„,ifotlrn Troy,' ..:hack,- - Alerleillion, .-..:.
Orient, ' - Black Warrior, Oak, Egti Stone. :
Which, together with his former stock, witro*rliaps
bl the most e;te.nsirs.,lttyLyatlett as: - . , prtuterit - 9f well
sc4ected stover, in the: - Conlity. ' ' • ' - .
. .
. -
: • Clinton Storiat, well furnished; at low prices.
ii t grAn articles in his line kept on hand andinade
to Order as ttstntl, and orders recetred'at his old 'stand
%in!Gieat Bend. - - . JOIDI COLSTF.N. _.
.bxforseille and areal Bend, l Nov., 1854.
't ,! ' Notice to the Public., '.\ ..
OktrlN jinn returned from New:York I Wish to
ii call the attention of my old- custome r s , and of
H -
r te public in geeeraL • to'mi , '-' - , .
1- ' - NEW - OrfIOODS,
' , which being bought with cash- -at the lowest price&
l' l . aod w6lting , . to sell principally for the same, I wlil-of;
'f•tit. them at greatly reduced price& '
. „
"<' ::Cocheco Prints, warranted, fist colors, ftn only it
ilcents a yard. (loot! Brown Suga . r, 18 pounds
Ildfillar. Boonton Nails, acknowledged .by all- to he
.( the. best Nail in. tile, 6,50 per keg.. Bata:and Caps,
'. 4 Boots and shoes, Buffalo Robes of all prices, all
'i Be Laines, Cashmeres .- Paramettas,- Dress Silk. Silk
;Itylvet, &c. Mouslitt De-Laini-s, 1 shilling *per yard,
ISatin Bonnets and Moleskin Hats, Broche, Shawls,
I Linithle Long shawls, Thibet do., selling at incOaecirl.
lahly low•ptices.., Lean safely warrant pet feet satist..
l ifliction to all who will give me a call., ." - •-
1, Laneshoro, Apr; 1854 . 1854.. ' ."Si. A. LYONS' - I.
1 ar(LOCKS--good time keepers, only-one•thillar. _ 1 \:
A." .. _ - - ! • S.rA. LYONS:
_LLanesboro,Apr. 5.. ,. ± ' - -. .
AIT-4.NTED-- . loft ii Dirles, ! for which the highest
; ~! V - price will be -paid. - S. A. LYONS.
Lanesboro,. Apr. 5. -
H-, -
et-OUNTRY PRODB.CE taken in , eta-hinge for
I, Goode, at my store. . S.'A. LYONS. ' -
I;' ' Lanesboro, April 5.. .. ; • . ' . • •
1[ AND E. MO'TT would - respectfully inform the
[;.1.1 • public that they are.manufacturitigillatchley's
~ C elebrated Plows. They also keep et:emend,' on
band, Ride //i//, Bayne County, and. Men Fiore;
Chnrne, Sleitih and Caner Shoe;
Pointe of various patterns,
.too nut crons • to.
We• hope, by strict attention to business,'
Ati receive our share of public patronage. Manufitc-
Ary, D. Poet's Old stand.; Toundry, M. Mott, near
Stmrle's Mill. . : • • • . • • ; •'
gm - Repairing done on short notice.
Feb. 6. , . ELLIAII MOTT.
.271r110suhicriber isagent fbr the following Insurance
Companies, doing . hasipesa• at the lowest safe
H l*tes• ' • • •
'I tatellutua arrisburg: •
1 at H
!* ' C;tpititi $35000:
Gash 11(ittual at Harrisburg.
Capital '6200,000.
Flame Insurance, New York _ City.
Montrose April G,'!s•l". r: B; CriANDLER.
THE subscriber:3 are 'now' burning and will keep
constantly on ; hand, Linn of a grery superior
;,quality at Montrose Depot, and will sell it in any
Anent/ties - at a fair price.. rersons wishing . a large
,quantlty can be t ,supplied . f7onit reasonable notice....
Superior ground Plaster will be kept,fonstantly or
hffkafter.q;.-; tt
• 11. DRTUEp.,...
wipntrose Dgpot; Apiil.3: • L:MARIX.
e r
Vito'Veit Pi - - • '• •
BURRITT is now reeetAngit new*tos,.anttnaini
1 pi of Stoweni'lnetudlnethe‘ vitst)poinilar 'nod
'unproved kinds'of hemline), - .Abl.Tight and Elevated
oven Cooking Stoves,i 'Mee' and quip
OW wood ofeted,' In WuPeriot-rdrietytuid style:
Which be will sell, 'ld`tbn numb *deco& Ek
irPttld Oven stow& of nerWend'itpritived. Patterns - 4a
die *old- 5t . 216 fxs, - and .otbiw - landifibt proptittion:
PO*, 0 64 4 - 14ite, tine; and sheet stove tubes ke;',
P, ; New Milford, Sept. 22, '.54.r BURIU??
- '
4 EC? STOCK - or ; - • e
SU W. 11.1171001,0 AT -
; ' . L. POST "ik co. -
, er to the '
pub c the most choice a b , 4
- /I..tissr,irrnsa of - Gonda tio'be bad w
where:' , the country, and for the very lowest PrkeZ
nithnet variation.
- RE.4/P4l JuJ)l CLOTH/N,a , l
‘,L 4 CIUMETI STYLES.-Pear & Co; have jw
\ made a large addition. to their stock of. cloth,
consisting non. of everything desirable for the buy '
Ittsicli 'Prices as are sure to suit. The gued a
-Ara* first rat e r and -- we warrant the'work to-be equi
not superb: l ß to any - ever before ofibred in this rnar.
_Atrocpeic ocenprktem• Coats, fine black; F renc h
6 I TI 'rocks and Business; laced, Casalmere anE
4` . 'ke and Frocks, slab brown and white. Su
m ~ and tirilletl:- . - Vulva—White and boloteil
Valentia,- Lasting, figured Barathea,
ed silk and Sethi,- and :every. variety, good and cheap.
Pirre—Ftnel black Cashmere; ; doesktn, cot
Summer stuif, ffnen drill, cettonade, stripe, pplaid
check-and plaids, " I 4e sure 0 . . f sate Ito
all who deerie - to buy: - I II
(1 - LOrts:tynkngrgn Y.:4;oes and Gents ,
k_a white and colored Kid Gloves &the best quill.
tf warranted,- 'A large assortinent ofill kinds of bl6r,
brown and slate•hose; and .4 bds e gent:lrina lad el,
cotton,-Lisl e thread, Berlin land' silk.. Gloves, Black
and cOlors ; a large rasortment of, hlie_.___k stlk and-loce
Mimi, - long and short. ' ' ' Posrik co •
Boors iiii iIIOES —llew fi ne Boti, •Coarse
Boots, Ladies fine Gaifers, Booteesan4Busktass,
a full atiOrtnienfa
°Tmp Shoes, Childress and
.M -
es gh oe wir ic i Bootee*, Ladies fine sillt-linen SlitiO•rsi,
- I:L.P.& co
V . 44 Shirtingor i Pillow Cotton, 'Sac: and Cataikic.
Muslitif: Swiss and Book Muslins, Barred Mnsllnk,'
Bi4tolis, and Victoria Lawns, 4c., figured and tiolt.
,MnAin5a1 .....,....,. ', 4
... ri..........._&Ce
. - • ~. • . - I: L. POST 4 CO'n, •
(`IROCERIES—`I . 7 of the best-and cheapest,kind.- A
l". 71 tof Sugars surprisingly cheap at LL. Pin'
&Cc ..i 1 "
P,a.yrs._4l.i desirable stock in.the visa
try, at very L: P. & CO.
1 aRMS DeLanes,
j gea, Gingham's, Lawnis &c., of every desirable
via. • I. L POST & Co's.
1 4 LARGE'and splendiiiitoclepf Spring- -
L L. P. /e.. Co.
STAPLE GoOkcis at the lowest price.
I - I. L POST &Co. ,
CALOTHS, Cassimeres, Tweeds; Kentucky ,Li ns
and Satinetta, very-cheap at I. LP. & Cdk
90L3;A" WA RN '-r-Paten, Mt Pail!, Cedar
, and Wash Tubs,.Cocoa l'tnt Dtppersr Butter
I Prints, Willow Baskets, Rope Halters, 13eff
Cords, Kanillallopes, Brooms a good lot at the store
of • I. L - POST &. CO:
. .
9.L4F/Sl.l AND 'NA CKERE.L of the. t 4
V.L \ quality at the lowest possible rates_
April l ,s,, 1854. - , - L POST k Co. -
S aL\
LEATHER, ;rag cheapott,
GROCHRRY AND 6LAss 3VARE--a chok e
1,1 Aces. POST &
Room paper aud Window Shades. A
_ _
Five Boxes.for $l.
• POST & CO.
4Z,11,4f HAM 7 ring style= beat quality Tory
kJ cheap, POST &.CO.
T)0/1t./VP.Th' and Boßnet Bibbous ocall kinds, Paz.
ands,; large and small at very low prices:
DREss,-TR Of MlNGk— \\
and very cheap.
G O IS BAGS—of the Lest
t y ..ibitS' COLLABS--A very leitojelot of 6,.!
I ...t littest styles; 'Book Embroidered L . rie, Lace,
Mcdiii and Bonbon imitations.% • I. I:. P. - CO.
. . ___.—.; • • • ,
-I - 4 7 1 31BROIDERED and Lace Undersleer,m kdes:.
I ruble style? ; also, worked and eiubr'd.Edeu,gs
)and Ifisertinms and Flouncing. - • ' \
- , ~
Avp Edging and Insertings ; imitations of everp .
♦ kind, almost aot good as genuine and fersy cheap,
also pure linen-w - rought Lace. • I. L. Wk. CO..
Hemp Carpet for sale at
. . • L L. POST & uys
QUMMER BATS--Panama; fine and coarse win:L
1..3 mCd and fitnar T0.a..1-r.ort - nontleaf, for
boys:mild men, sotd'very cheap. I. L P. k.CO.
1. AMES" and Children's Plats, 'a"gocsl variety, al
..d so a new lot of the latest styles of Boennts at the
store of ' I. LP. it-CO.
• .1 ' • 1117,-VIT ED
( - 1 R .Lit 7 of all kinds-'-Beans Dried -Apples, Til•
Jr low, Butter, 'Beeswax, All wool socks, Eggs,dx,
for which we will exc4inge goods at cash prices._
Apri!, 5. •:' I. L. POST k.Co.
RE.NTLEY & PERKINS -having purchn•
etf i tif jWilwn &. Co. 'the Eagle. Foundry Ore nor
prepared to fdl ordens - from•the trade, and do work in
their line 'with- skill and despatch. They will keep
constantly :On hand Plows, (best 'kinds,) Storrs, (all
kinds,)t Caltieators, Strata Cutters, Corsa , ;#Skelltra,
Ake. dm., dc. ' - - • -
We invite particular attention to the PloWs which
we matinfacture. .Welmannfitcture and lieepfor sale
'The eeleSrated BlateNley Plota.
We have purchased the' exclusive right - tin manufae.
two and sell in this county,:Wayne, WYoming and
•Bradford, arlitirh's Potent iron Beam Plow. the -
Plow istruade entirely' of iron, excepting the handle , ...
It ce t t u brated :for its eater draught,,•be_ing - one-ihhd.
caller any now in use; while its strength and'da
rnbility greater. . -; •
' L i •MACiiIN'En-y
of all kinds tninufrtni. rend repaired- by : •sPerient"
ed. rnachittesti, • _ •• • ; - •
Strata iEttginee; ,Ciat4ttg for Jlilla, Shingle, Mc
chirte4c.d.e. dY , „ - • '
Among the Stoves which we•tnitnieracturei are the
Kepatotie Cooking Slone, Rang/pared Reid* do., "For
eat (been do.,.Pretrritan do., and other kindkall sr
'ranged for 'burning wood or coil- Alio„
-inter, )ar/or Store, Cottage' Parrot' do., S'ectot i ls,
two size's, 6., and a variety of other Parlor Stoves,
both:wood and coal burners. We keep on hand.
Grindstime trimmings, Dog., Churn - tail inuange; Um.
brella 4nd Sborgl. and Tongs Stands, &c..dic._ _Work
done tdorder on short notice and at, the lowest rates.
rfrprders for Stoves; AgriculturitiOPleinints,
&c., arc solicited froin those in the trade, - analwill
filled atl, reasonible wholesale prices. - 4
. : S 11. SAYRE,
Montrose, March, 4. - S. PERKINS,
• -
.• Australia, CaUfo rnim- •
Or aop - phree on the. ,Globe eannoe present
reater inducements than
10'0011' AND. SHOE. STORE.
NV 1 - n7 i ellej;e-ICembran
a genekal veriety of new mid elegant "stylef *of bill!'
and.- gontlemen's wear ; among which zee_ Ladies
French, Silk Lasting and Praline .Gaitersi Kid and
Enameled ..Pnlkas,.Rid, Patent Leather •and Bronzed
Jenny:Lindh, %skint:4nd- Ties ; Gentlemen's French
and Philadelphia, oak tanned calfskin and:hip Boots,
Borneo:IN Gall'and.Cowhidii &torus .Boys.
calf and einzhide Boots and... Brogan s .; all. kinds et
Misses nnd t'hildien'ts wear. Also, a . general assort
ment of - Fitt4itig' it *bleb "consist in part of Juts, pcgs,
sparabies,lllitngarian nails,; seeks, threak waz, Eris
tles,stwie binding, awls, rasps, sandstones, shoe knifes. .
•ke. Aliso: °ilk and hemlock, tanned_ calf tipper asd
soleleather,'',MoroCeis shins and linings.
Work made to tinier and repairing neatly done.
- . 1157' RRA STODDARD..
' Alfonso* April 6;1854; • - • •
ill'alnable ll.a.adis For Sale. •
1 -1 4 - + G ALE IN ONE BODY,. alma 5500 acres d
1 *
1: , nd' the waters of Spring : Brook , a bran ch -
R io,
of the eittivnunia river, IR Luzerne County, Pwn'w ,
about:Mille-4f between the thriving towns .of Scram.
tom and Pittston. ' 'These lands ire 1 stirered with ` ll. -
treble tinitick, and beingiitimte in the most 'estensit.
mineral region in. Peaasylvania;—kitirsni to 'coma
inn ore—itid believed to abounil in coal, and bet
ids° in theinnuedMte vicinity, 'of several rail ,
made' id 'now in proireis-r- otter to "the caltikew' m
opportunity; for the investnicer - of money that seldom ;
oCeurou ''lPO'rfurther infbrniation apply to K. P. HD,
sack v Esq. l . lk., 11, Wall Mreei New:York, or to the
sUbscriber, pt Montrose, &Joplin,* county,l's , . the
attornei . in 'ract.of the owners. - ~..- . ' ..
April 6, P 854- ! ptcity ...
- NEW GOODS. - • •
Cl' NOD Prints and .4dieS l Broadeletb, Delaces,
ate:i just open,cd . inviter sage bit .
' • • ` ''•• -" J . LYONS &
r • imothy eed,
trinky,lionti t Celobrated'llieegik Seed, werreut
leditmoi-Maret..tati, -
RING - Shared Shingrea iranted by
LOcto*sr 24. j J, 4.ygma* 80N
very style ditst,le
ST qk Co's..