Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, March 01, 1855, Image 4

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; .; '; •; - • •
.• • ?oets',. - -sP„o'vq+ -. ' • •
• Fro m - 111e Ditb/i; r. 7 tilrer.'"itt; 41:feettzint:. •
' •
" A timid reclined Reside n stream
• At falof :inn - niter Jay,. - - :, •
I t And hal( atrulits tind half
She wateliCd the ripples play-,
She:marked4hevaivri• NI and heave,
,The deeping shadows throng,. •
And heard, ;is darkenetddOwu the eve,'.
.That riverls habltling snag.'
And thus it Fuitg, with tinkling tongue,
That rippn,l,l . elladowy ricer— i
- • "Tooth's brif•-1tt0..4 day Will fade:away
- Forever and. fa re ter!" ti
• the twilight-past, the moon at last
• Rose hroadly crwthe.night;
. • Each ripple gleams beneath her beams .
As wioughtl.:diver bright,
. The heaving ',wat.Crs glide along,'
. But, mingling kith their voice, • _
. . Tne nightingale tlmis pours his song,
And mukcf. the Fhtaies rejOice. • •
._ And thus -hesung with tuneful tongue,'
That . bird beside the-river—
" When' ',h i'ilOne true loVe shines On
- Forever amt fOrever," • •
' ' THE S;. — ' • --..
the Ifei. \ - 1
. •
43 a . li hostility, depends on that
news.' And t 4..,..., .! ' 1 i f i I, •
.ve t ie most touter
_ incensed at the rct , ..into contact, honi much
threaten to burn the ;would be chaigendd
mut tiallS• amnd
neighbors, whO he th
e culd
ai L-ce Intl& L , : to 'ead
to the result, *lll6o. do
.each otiti-r : and
learns . that the'jf Dhnmeyeni ts ,, . 1) ,, /wfu i iifiu _
ed, after all. AVe hope the• x . and be for.
. If .1.
!ritc;,;ll fed—encont , aged 't'o persk
i ik rt i es appro i- e about seyeu
1it 1 , 1 .-- , i,4 1g , as' all
i 31 , I _ ill the fain
, New Tanitcd in a black .
1 Representa& in • the hot
an. amendMifi that _ my
i bill, reds ein i . i k' 1 lamb,
~ 4-usand er
.)they distilled w i d ; :,1 air
i 0 per cent. ?• cat i nif ,,.„,,, s _.
cut `glass n spite of "the
t i , f rom . dwelt on, by Any
•flb I len : se, after ei--
`em': I had though!, little
°/tt age" of :eighteen, I
iftdipu to Levizae aiid pip:
uncle's will read by, my
The House
daylast adopted
eral appropriatioi
• brandies and 411
100 pc; cent. to;
; wines, tobacco,
other fatthj woo
per cent - nd yak,
cotton fabries, , w
. ,
carpets, arms,'
cutlery,. furnitur
marnfactures.. ml ~
- .t.kt• father and uncle, thou ah
brags, copp. ? • l r , ,d .- Id
~ • y..rtia,t.. an Larking"
to 24 Pet• th&only object on which they
• . animalil, was -; sin porting the ditnity of
s-. ~..
and trlinnily that in a moment of tinpre
- l ess t• unison, th :y . - had determined; that
- ' ' fell ion y 'cousin Edgar, .aud-; the
w a_
sic. 'to kee, both united in the tanti
ieWshould taturv, f ,
• :And it seemed, which
1. • .o...rty violattidithese, precious conditions
1 wittually dependent on the;othcr ibr bread
iand litter. . Whilirill first beard 01 this at
trangement I tlessei. • myself, and -Sir Edgar
lcurged,hintsetf. 'X ;passionate, overbearing,
• issobite-youngurtur, tliongpt 1, fin- a 1111, 1 AI:111'd,
4 . 0 r the husltand Of .4.n orphan,` of a girl that
I • •• .1. •
[has not, a nearer relaticui than !most...W.ln the
orld-.-.---who ha; ;to father ti?. advise her
--'no mother to sulikort her; a professed ; rake,
rtoo, who will view tie.a.s an endanibra t iee on
;ibis estate who NO think no levy, no eiradi ,
'dem, no resnect du iiie,_; who Will insult
'my feelitws, dericie my sentuileitts, and.. with- .
cr with unkindness the best tdil o ions Of ins'
mature. NO ! 1 elZii. 10(:el. as may eon- t;futiOn ,
al levity ret ure.e‘p 11 ; ha ye the Lit ea test; possi
-Me respect. for , gtiiiii:P.tus, revere their ~011'i...c
and 'tremble at theil- authority; but to; make
an yself wretched' to !tie:lse thrill—No I- ao 1
losttively eanian 1, tittn,.ol, 0. , __ p. . -
W e ll, Time, v. hoi- no respecter of per44 - ais
went on. 1i... f:el.:Vic11;311 V.itS witlic.H :i. few
MOllth,. of i:,..11.:: 4 tWillity-one; and on the cia . ..y.
- 43 f his attain - Hi:4 I'LL;e. he was to : , .4.1y whether'-it
.'ryas his p ie.isuri Ic, ',fiat the
. enitagentent.--
Iv' opinion. I ioutn.;. wa , tiot, to be asked-L-
A. titled husband was'to be proeitied Me, and
.1 was to take hi I. be thankful.. il was
MUSHILY., on liky iai•ittiittion, when a
thought struck I, in I not see Mtn, and
judge of his char tinsuspeeted _by' him- . 1 ; .4,-;..H-----.-------.---;-•----.--,, i ,
, . I •
self ? This is the sdason when he paysaft an-; i Farrnsimproved by keepOg'Sheep..
~, ,: , e 1 ,
dual visit to liiy fri tl f rii,lther ; why nit per- 1 Citizen; of wOOI-growing clisiiriclS., as part,
suade her to let
,n 1 - visit her.; incoy'l The . I of; Vt' i a-iiington ; and Fayette ltonnties, are
idea. straw!: as .ft• ujas. 'was; acted on ; a week-! familiar with illel i rapid inti;reYttnent.i Of
sdiy ' f ine 10,Vale -Iloyi-d, witliOut cyriages, I " malty:far l res.".l.lyl sheep,grilij :" alone. i It.
without borses,.vvi4out servants ; to all ap- l' is the: beli4 of 'inatty who,;•ie. 41
piPions 11:1vi:
pettraneesa girl of no pretensions or expee- ; been obi:eryitt ions ain.l experience,
ttions, mid ayowLlly dependent on a distant ; that` by plaeingdis large a iloek;,of ;shoe ) o - a
relation. . , • -; .. „ ; poor farm :LSI the laid-will :Alm din, in five
. •To this hour, I rOnentber my heart -,beat- years; with* any ther mety4, 'the la id will.
ing audibly, as 1 dett'ended to the d iitin a 'room be comparafi:yely . rich. \\ ere:. this fief more
where I was to seki,l ; for the fir'st time, the fu- ; generally Ith!own, it tnight clian,ge the bus
' ture - arbiter of my'' bite.; and I shall net for- ; hilt:dry of considerable portion-. 41 - this . State.
get my surilrise. When a pale; gentemimly, ; the liJids of Which are Letter atiaffted tti wool
and rather reseryt - 1 young man, in apparent ' growi;tig, than grain-gr Owing, to ray nothing
• ill-health, watt in - trcdueed to me for th , noisy, , of the remoteness front Frod4ceOnarkets.—
'dissolute, distractin7 find - distracted baronet. i The Ibliowing- cpaot4itions fi•oat the Transae-
Preciously .haye 11 , een hoaxed, thote, , lit 1, as ; tions 01 the: - .Norililk .:kgrietiltaititl Society,.
after a long and and ratln-r'ititerestiti7 pin- , which'we find in the Who! Gr"Ower, areWor
versation with Sir! tclgar I With other lathes i thy of eonsideration : "; .- -'
. , .., 3 , '
4 '
left the room. . Days rolled on in suceession.-I " A man haviog:', d• sinall lartn, fbrinerly
Chance etnitinually; .
broutdit tri together, and i kept fiirty sheep, Our - 'ows midi one "horse,
prudent: began tti•WhiSper; You had betier ;: and had feodenotigli for them the kear rotund..
return home. -Still il lingered; till one eVening ; The price of wool fallire be "-old'. , his sheep,
towards the close :tif a ion:* tete•a;tete.ecinver- ; and Or a number of ye ers - Itelpt,';;Other stock
1 cation ; on My sayhtg that I never "considered 1 aft-O r .,(..ether. " lie now 1 ceps Iliut:tliree ett,als,
1 money and•failiviness as Sy not cy MonS tC.i*!.ii.S, ! one horse, the, year,' rot and Pastute . s two
and - thought it yet possible to live ; Oa five ';;cows e itra tbroit,.,(4l tbel sairnitett sells - very
I hundred n ,Vettr, he rei,lied, 1 - One 'adtnision ; little hay—not half uti/itgli 't.i.? ItCep another
more.- 7 ---eould von': liVe oil it With -me?" •,. ; e.o . sy t; he his the siHlle +iloalit ; of ikon ute and
YOu fire ;doubtless atquttinted,' he. ;66nt'at- ; mowing land as when he kept Alatitortyisbeep
ued, - with increasing emotion, ' With InY un ; in addition . to. hi'. other
~stoek, and yet his'
I, ltappY' situation ; Put not iierlitipkaware, that Nitrindoe.4 not
,100 l nearits we'll as then . lie
revolting from aithion with MissVaVasour, i , u•ied to raise, turnips a: tong the ,:corn for his
Ihave resolved o illtaking..6t•ders and ,accept.'i sheep to eat inwitfter, and gate them Pesides
ing a living from alfrieud. if foregoing more 1 a few bushels of grllM. I The 111 . 1111)s, hoWeytr,
brilliant prospeet . you would condescend to ; more-than Paid finiltis 'extra I feed.- 1 ,
share t = oy retiretne it '-,-- .';!. ' l 1 .; I :Another i farmer fern a great, number -of
; t
His manner. the nwitnent, the lovely scene.' Years kept ?about sixty; sheei4 eight /or M i ne
;which surrounded, eus, all coMbined ;against I,e(aWg . , - (or other stock equal,) One pair of oven
,me,; -an4-4eivrenc . 1 , 4 knows What answer I.: andone tiot;'se. . After kee.pitift the sheep for
Might hate beernihurrled into; had I not got ; a number" of years - he Then' f i i . - ..lurd ho could
out with a gay , itk•rore.• ign to MY heart.; ,'dean ;_keep as large a stock 'on his:'_;• farm with the
say nothing to you, till ;you have; in ipersen, I"siXty slieep,'asbe Could keeii -Without them
explained your;seiltitnents . to ltlissVayttsour. i Pefore - -,, shOwing that:they hail ImproVed the
• ..
-Nothing; positivel "nothing.' ;!. . j, ; ; farni to- ftiraiNb their ovtn support. To stock . .
' But why ? ; (In seeing per 'again and i a fat'm entirely with sheep, whiild not beaso
• again' he rettirrie,4 ' eVcr. reconcile Me to bi..r i proltrable:as' to keeplitnited number•-•--yet
•. manners.babits and ,sentiments, or 'any; es- ' it would pay as..Welli 4,.. othr ; 'stock. ;';'.l." he
-"tates induce me to place at 'the ' bead, of
.nry cqevt, is to•Leep el l iou4ti to eansume that part
"tatle, a humpbacked has blue; in ereenispee• of the vegetation pecull ; :irly &Mato sheep, and
, b; , ~
• t - ; gild not,
:tacks'?" Iltimplhaeked ?" ; i ; . , 1 which other stack 1 wntild not.; l ;eat, adding at ;
.; ( "Yes, from her cradle.. But you eolor. - -•- : .' the sable; tattle euriehinii elet4nts to Old pas-1
;, • ,
Do-yon know-her ,
,1 , ' I.; • tore', and 3-tn& b i y Ali'ttr manure. It is tie
-.- • ' intimately- 'Slte is my most partichlar I I opitfitat of Many Ilaritiers that• pastark'ls for
friend' . ; 1
; , other suck Indy-. be ithproved, by keeping Li
. , . .
- -I - t •
- -` I sincerely beg your pardon. What an un- I small flock of' slticiep" Upon than a portion of
- lucky dig I am l - ,ll.tope you fire not ciffended? ; the time, : mid, the, oiation .:fetus thirly sup
' Offended 1 .. 0 n l o, ; not offende.d r , Ilump:: poled - by reason a nd'l exp4ritutan.4-Furnz.
backed !good heavens ?; f.Notlthe lettst (Arend--; ..1:o ui•7tal. l ; -.• . ;\.• 2 i - it t ! - -
i . .
- ed. Hump-'oacked }) of all things in . the world ! i ' l .: ;I" - . 1
• , :.,1 - - • :Ti :
and involuhtary :rave. .t glance at the.glassil ' .^." - ac.:"..1--- \.c find the following:goOd mats in an
;. 1 bad no .eotieel lion,' he nesumedi, as sOOtt Fext‘liangeimpert-4 , - I,: •• 1 1 ' ; 1 •
as be cOuld 'eollee.. - hinisclf, : 1 7't hat there ; was.' IV hi iSia pitys - cianllike Sht4peare 1 . •
an quaintauee.'. ~' - i : . .1 Beeatise be is the atithor• of sci' many tratr o
'; `The'most intimate,' I rrplied;‘,lrtid I ;ean.i diez;k' .; .
ii. ;
I ;
assure you - that you have been repes . ented • to.l Why should a lawyer bub, triO a gelod par
heras the most . '" l Cl'' . l:_dolut e,pas,-.:il Irtate,3*k w3ii.l; l ; sou 'l ' , :. i •i: it
111.-diaposi:ld yokiogl i tnal2 bretuhiug. - See ' your.; Because he leads manv.tO l ' 'dance ' •
cousin. -Y , .ar *r,lll.llud.yourself toistaksn..— :--. . Whir is•-•an ill-tempered vOun woinan like
-, With her answer 'on -shall 'have mine.'"
,• „, ' 1.1 - blitc.itsmith's apron LI ''''!l • -- - .
• - And with a ittUterollS :tt,teltlpt ;to! ..SMile-, 13 ' . she"k- .fr h c' ,
I.weattse eeps o t e. 9 )arhs. ; .
when - I was moils rouly.-indinuil. to . et•;,s-i:E' I
AN' hy are the people of II otle Island like
. _ Contrived to• titalteitny.e.scupe.. \\- e, did not 1 get„ c ; hris t i an • s l !' i i ‘ ' •
.11. .:. i . .J,
: • meet again ; tor chit next mottning,'lri - no cnvi. 1 . Beeaus'e they depend oa PrOliden e for a
gable frames of niiiid -I returned home. ' 1 i - --; 4 1 . *. .• ' :
' I' . 1 .!‘ mug. .
- A "few ire,e4 aft tr w.ard, Sir '.EXIAar Caine . i wi l y are the Most 4 of' us . ( 113' thee hard
of age. The bell i, were ringinglaiiiliely• - in 1 ii. r p' es like 4 ti t i l _o e i,,,,l . , i
. the - bteeii.. - the - tetirits were eflrollsifig on the'! ' ... 1.3 . 6Ci1Fe(ii - e g4 . or. tick. :i
'lti;wit:-awhitf he - d re up .to t.lic-..tritiior.- - -. 7
~ _.
Al cue wxt taken:
~ With j'a - . .ittrge' ,. f)air of
green speetaele4 on my floF.e, 'in a . darkened
room, I pre'pare'd foxthis trenw' mlous' -inter,
view; After hems'andlzah.Onntimerablei.and
with Opfusinn the tit ilst; d i.t ressing to hinv.elf,
and the ntck - ttinusing to fkil; h 4. gave me to
understand he cou;dlnoV fulfil tilt... engagement
made for ihitn, and regrAted it had been eon.
`.NOt no l'' said I ti a, voice ; that made him
i le
start, taking Otil. My green sHetaeles with' a
'profound leotirtOsy. 7 - 1 _ No! 110 . ! it isimposible
to suppriFe that pit. Edgar YavettisOur • would
v 42 i ( : •ininsel i f With ' an: ill-bred, awk
w:t.rd, huntp-ballied girt' ~ -
. -Exelanuttions. and eiiplanaOns, laughter
and railleries i , intermixed With i more serious
feelings followed; biit the reside . of all iSV.I.9.
that.;--- that---th4t we were Married:
• ' 4 • • , - ii ,
INDIAN FA Itt 1620: •
- Th e corn p!tait Was unkaciwa!tilll the diseov
ery cif -Arrerie:i, wh'ere the pilgrim fathers
found . it . exten:.iVely 'gr9wn . by the Indians.
!Aced; if it had not - been the 3, would have
suffered far niore - severely l tlj n F they did,
for food. The . V . ckcsll . learned .1 its uses, as
well.'as' :its :of cultivation &Out the
Indians. It iis interesting, to Dolebaeli.tWo
an4 . B quarter centuries, - `tp -; learn ho,W" the
- ,
Indiaiis •or. ruby. !!
.I:zaw.s i . raised corn—s I
then the .Staple:; agricultural prpdnet. of the 1
country. • 4Ve ;gather our.infotruation from
Prof. Flint's report to the 'sfitSsachusetts
• ~ I ;•I
board of Aericultur ? ' '-: .. .
lie,fartuing of th i natives, as well aS momoltl
,_ , ; t •
t.the 'other - hard wof* of the it tires, fell to I
\the lot Of the W:omety. as:sit:to] spinctiltics. 4
oid 111,c1 and- little lhoys. .Thtl?ir tools Were I
-very imperfect, as they coushs ted of rude
Imes Made h; tyiugithe Slioul4r blade of a
deer or bear or alarke clam:shidhto the end I
of a stick, and: the sty'Me aXe, with which they
girdled- trees. and tter.aped dui charred Silt
Lice of the la , s to hasten thidr\ 'Urning.• The
land they Eciected il,i'r eultivatio I was cleared,
by keeping ?up fires 'around the root. of- each
tree until it was hurhed"s.o that; it Would die.
When the tree fell, it was buined.'off " into
lengths so that it coOld be'rolleil into heaps
and burned into ash i
ils. Thus n . the course
of a few years a Niece of •.land was wholly
cleared ,of timber. ,i In some istances the
trees were left stabtling'untihthey, became
,t, - ---
dry, When they werc! burned ddwu as above
described.- • .; 1•• 1 " • 1
.. Thefinest ears oil corn 'were- selected for
seethand particular at-tent hut given to ['hinting
at the'proper seasohl I foie* W"ere dug NVith
-the hoes in6;itiontyl - above, about fluff. • feet
apart, luta those living ; near.fnesea shore put
into"eaeh hill!a.horsi-sh&e: crab or two, upon
‘vbieli - they'd nepped *out four iti six ; kernels
of corn, and then co4cral it upiwith the:im
plement with -which! they'had lug the bole.
In the t irderior, a fel,: small fis4 were depos
.irea in' each hill tislfortitii.ers.-', .Beans were
planted with corn aq l ,ter- it' bad katific 4p, alp.;
(,grew up supported ).)' it. -\ Great a ttention
was ,'raid 1)y - then to the etiithre of their
1 growing 'crops ; not, a weed was to , be seen
growing in the fields, antllgreati'ea : re wa s ta
i hen to protect; the ~growing "crop front de
stracticn by the insects land li,rds. I It was
their u,Mversal
.l eustitin" toto'hill Ira? corn about
1 t•vo tect -_,../ fur :. usisuppbrt ; -drtia spot, ~..).
be seen -at 'ila.-- prest- t t day. whiilt were ' 1 . :V . 1-
, 1 •;,
CPT: 4 T CHI ,IVil',,yd ht 1111.'111: . ; ' ,lThe. pagrinli
hitnit::ted this eu-C:Oin_af' , l,l .it :Itas, been eon
tinned clown_ to our ;time* ... To:prevent 1.5'
ii-ontHthe birds, a, snuill wmach-house waS
erecteil - in the middle of: the atld, in ,which
t one . of
funtil; 0; 1 11 - .11 the oldeSt ehi id, l e pt,
' :Intl - cat•ly fin I he. .1III(W:ftli , nr9-;e, ti scarce
I -a.,‘-ay the - h'la- k - tiirtlsi,
It -Would lie intt.:reStinf' td,' lt,'now if the
ctn-Aom of .luckermg and Itlpir'Jit,r 1.Vi03 nut ad
-,r derived Ifrotit these Oripinal 'llll l itiVlllol - 5... ---
. . . i ct: l
: They: Madt_t no usciof the stat-ss, and would
r•lt. there':''.' .lie likely to tart , the amount.
I or qmlArifV . -(1.17 fodder at all intoii-ttasideratiolu
It In , •;ht_•t2l - (!-Cc.'lltli:l' i t 'Tactical !natiaritez and
' elean cuiiture are the gr,at principles of-grow
iiit;z Com in, the seventh as wcii.'fis well '4> the
I nineteen'ith (-taunt-y. l
—_ ._u5r~,,,.~, . .~ ..
PK Baldwin,
NTANup.,c , rdiErts OF ADDLES, lIARNWS,
L Trunks, Whips,!e Basement of Searle'4.
Hotel, Montrose,
. -
• t!. L Simmons, '
BT AND SHOE ItAKER. Shop firA door cad
of Otp. Fe Turdpike Ft., Montrose.
W: Singieton . .
CAN now lie fottntl at his. imw stand on Owego at.
two doors - west of Searie's 'Hotel, whew he eft .
f.retnall repairs 'witH diNpj.iti.h., Watehes, . Clocks ,
Jewelry, Onus, and .ererr do4termnon of Machinery,
. aiin and NViath materials supplied
to the trade..l , -
' -- -- tHg ' u 1. -
r. H . nt ~ -
1- Q URGEON DENTIST, 31ontroSe, N., at 5....ar1e . :3
• k.. 7 Hotel, Mondays and Tuoldays of each week:
HenrY B. )tnaPP,
is ONTROSE, widi Rine, It oodruir ,(i: Car
-1 tcr, Wholesale fivocers; anti Commis:iion lier
chants, No. 173 Wiatliiii . gtoollitreet, between: Court
andt and 11!ty etrets. 21 tin rt i:.
. .
Caleb Week's. •
riage: Trimmer.' Shop 41: his 'dwelling house,
eariv op?o . fit li4nrvDrinkar'a.
..ter - .
it: and liolicitoriin Cliancetz. Office No. 41 Clorke
street, CY/Grego, 111.
• • _
, Pacific Ucitel,- • .
0 REENWICH 't4TIIP.F.T. :',(iienr 11 1 nmiway,j Ne tt .
..7T" ) - ork: _ • ;:ilijnay & .1.: , 4 l'rnin ietors. In the
vicini!y of the in-jit:FMlal eteanilloat landings.
- TLosaias La -
TAEALER IX DRY. GOt)l3S, Groceries, Clothing,
Crorkery, BcOs and Shoes, SP., Susquehanna
l)epot, . ".[
Bentley & Fitch, •
t TT6RNETS .I;1' LAW''Zw.trute , Pa
- Sohn
STITONABLE: TAILOIC Shop iindei Searly's
Hotel, Maine itivet,'.:lini;froote, Pa.
D. D. R . 1. - 4(lz, - • . • .
g ivrmy AND EXCILkNOE STABLE. Office in
1-1 in the mar of-'\Vil.on's .14pre,.411ontriote. Pa.
. . • , , --
D J. Colsttn,.-
EALEI: IN STOVE:i, 11in, Copper,•anil Sheet
lion 'Ware, .Lodrrsrilie, . .Great Bead Wpot..
DeceniVer -1. .
M. C. Ty er,
ITRE r !TED T. L. ) -t-NT, Importer of and
1-Dealer in Ilardw,:re and C. :day, Carriage Sprim4s,
Peat) street ; J York, where his
eantih• tlier`l=, in tl,l'= and o(I C4)llnties, Are kindly
invited, and earnestly sOlicitdt .'to call and purchase:
L. P. 3114 — ds, - .
T.TOWNEY :AT LAW, i3 , ',..k?"111T il MI, Pct. . Offiec
C on I'll :tine : , trOot, ono d,i,r.e:l9t of Limftieine!l.
Frazier & ;Case,. •
L Oftie'e on Tt'plipilte stceet, one door East o
Post's Store, ifo.tro,r, Pct..
Albert Cha#berlin,
tTORNEr -IT. LAW utia 9f the'Peace-;
Li over ;I. L. Pot Jfentirose. . •
Wine If • lqssup,
DrEbs, for the Stati• ofiNew York, will attetid
to alt ' e nt r O s t, : d io liihh with promptness Fliul
on I!nh}i S(idare, occupied by.lion.
- - - -
Abel -rfuiT l.
ell, •
nEALtit - mparixEs,
Valid:, (tilt,' Drit-.4ttli%'•GrocelieF. Dry Goods
Stonew:are, Watehet,,
.Te•A dry. Sjv,oitt.•=, Music:ll In,tru
nients, Stir rival Liquors, I'e.r
-funii•-17., ryrs, !.1:1u - , ht•z, Shoes, Yaakee
B R. L3ronsF&: Co.,
W 14Tr_A ,
Flour, and
'0 .1 . •
D. Cha'i
Ii[ AF.M.I . ::TI T'PIZY
OCCl:eri, and SI
Avon7N+, Nropirt). ;
PR.trick 6:1)Inock, .
I)lr.YsiclANs sk - Atc;EoNs. Oflie‘!- No. 4
ltwego st!o::1„
. 1
I. L. roFt:O. Co.,
I tl.l:7lfi: IN ,4)10." coo 'Ds, tirce..1.1, , :: 47: o c . i ..ry,
_Li - 11:1....; - .7a:, , , ,1.;, alltvr, Fle.nk, otc., (0 iler of Turp
ril:e street a::,1 riiT.lkt Arl•Liia, .L' - ,:itr6 , 4, Pa.
• •
3. Lyon.F. & Son.,.
EALERS (Iro(-crits, liardwar6,
Cronkorv. Tinlv;xe, 1.;;'(! . .......4, Books, etc.; al o
carry on the 1> , ,,:1.-_l:i7ul;yly busines:4--Puhlic A V ell
3foli roxr, . • e
Bentley &`', l ttead,
IIEALERS D 1 1 .17 (11)(1DS. Drufz,g,
Gr. ceiieil -Ilarilware,
Iron, clock-i, - Je‘vilry, Silver Spooui, Per
tim'4=r.Y, Se. , --Focit of PillilieAventie, t mgr..
- , •
• • sayr6; Bentley, & Perkins, , •
—t kind.: Sto:fes, Agricaltural Imple
ments, ete. • - !Rice at Sayre Store, l'ublie Ayenlie;
Thuittliiemry at the Eagle V,iitmilry, Foot of ClierrT
William & Willii m H. Jessup,
'n LAWlofontrwee, Pra
-.l_ ee Suggoehanna, , radio:A, Wayne, Wyo
tnirig and Ldicrnß ernnitiO 3 .ll ,
& Co.;
GARINET . MSKRIIS". rley keep constantly on
ban,' a'good:as,ortroenit of all kinds of Cabinet
Furt,hurr.• Shull; and War 4 Rom at the foot of
Mairw street, .21 . 11.17tr0 - g;, P 41.1
- Rockwell, Wltton & Co„
r..V..s7rFACTrRER3 ani DEALERS in Stram
(1,40dp,• L'ariwillas,
liih&our, d.c; No...2l) . Cuurtlantlt street, A%e:
.3 - 6r1., stair. 4
R. R 3 not:lasi:xi.. J. TICATII),
11 .21lontrasn . Pti, wi:l attend ftithfully to all busi
ness entrusted to.biin in ITiqcourity of Susquehanna.
VonvcyanCing .and writing of .all kinds will be done
neatly, auttchar-es nukderao. .lie 'will also attend to
the prosecution ~- r ,b.iti, (4.i lciiers, theirAvidows and
heirs, 'against the United ; States Government, for
Bounty. Land; 'Tensions, A...i.; May be fervid at all
hours at the office connerlY t pccupied by J. T. Rich
ards, Esq., north of tho Cot "louse. 1489.
. ,
. ,
rrlIE eul,scribers ba•ting*Cured the sole right to
..IL 0.4 V'S' - 4 lij 1; S. TAW L E CHURN - ---1 ND
B 1717'EP-11 7 .)RICER;foriSurittithanna and several
adjoining colintis, respectfittly invite all Butter mak
ers to examine 'and l'usy tliii rneliLs of this new and
valuable Invention. • .11'"e p; lose to furnish each :int]
all of yon with it CuCus thi t will produce as much
butter in as shorta tine ?•-!'• any other churn—one
that will' rt,iiiprfrly,.e.riol ?We: buth•rmilk, trash and
red: .i n , the. •.,...,rl, difte . .,-in g i It ) peryallg through the
luster and fit it,for use, with ut removing it from the
,churn, This C..iturnli simPic in its construction, sci
entific in its operation, and 12tsilv- cleaned and kept in
order. a propelling
Can :'be easily 4iached to any Propellin
. .
, power. •• H . f -
, 'For further Particulars, ripply personally or by lei
' ter to .T.A.:. C:.BIINELLand T. N. BRON SON,.
1 Ararat, SSusquehannam countSi.Pa.
.414 tfive4 stove*:
I~- BURAtiTtss now receiving a new , lasLaortinent
.1.X.• of Stovell including • the most popular, and
improved kiinle,af Premium, Air-Tight, and Elevated
Oven CookitrOtOies, with Parlor, OfFtee and. Shot)
Moves, (or *nod o :coal, iti superior variety and Style.
which be will Sell at the snort reduced, prices.
vated Ove4aVes of nenand.approved materna will
I , be -sold at 1 10 '25, and other kinds in proportion..
Also, stove-plite,
• and :Awe: iron, stove tultea /cc.
Se* Milford; Se tt.22, fa4.[ IL.BURRIT,T. •
•,. - - i;
Windciw %AL - - . 1.. - •
ff. -& D.MAYRE having been appointedm agent
.' for an eateuilve sailadind and door maniac- 1
tort' are prepared 0 furniSh any article's in this line at i.
less rates th#4hely have ;Usually been sold ; - I
/July 4 .t. S. & D.iS.
• fitavink cream. 1
. .
• 7 , .N Which ,eveiv man ,should try for, sale t
• I
Tho:.6 Persons indebted to the subscriber for fees , by : S. 11. i & D.IS. •
as Register , Iteporder and Clerk of the Orphan's court ;TTATS.—AjOm
would confer a ,4vor. by soitlizig the fame soon. 11
' for sumintr
Met:troop, Dm 8 1854.' J. 7. LANG-DOM. - by
, .
; .
- • •
I. PL - YIPS: P'1.731P61.• • •
The Gieatest.linprovelent'of the Age!—C.
Donble 4 Acting Ball Valve
i• . •
Farce and .14t:Puntpe—
t N improriMient above nil other pumps or ma
chines forlifting, throwing, and carrying water,
combining both a Ptunp and a Fire Engine. 'This
Pump, patented In Felrruary; i 854, is the. wholeof it
metallic.' No bolts or screws about it to rust, conse
quently it Will hist a coati's life time. It can be used
in every variety of form4can draw water from any
situation, and carry it to nay, part of a building. -It
is superior to all other Pui f rrps for Distilleries, Paper
I'annerie4, Brick Yards, Iron Works • and Man
ufacturigg estaldishmeni cif nII kinds.
All orders mast be.ndtirt,/.ssert io AnntsoN
Lodersrille, Pa 4 wholas the sole right for Susque
hanna county. •
, .-
& P"il4
ly Made Ckt:lticw,
tzioTief.s, etc.; Pul)lic
, •
a tsltiL,
'''. ' i
riLIEA OVir - , 11 4 4 - '' . - •
- volu haiejhat aettlered a flgnal triumph,On.te
,1..1. bloodleis'i!'"fleld: of PeaPe, with SWlidom - 1.
your watchworld'iunlithe term aof Kings," for yritir
battle,axe,; you have.wroUght'a revolution which ; n
the-Old Wori \ diwrinlii "have stialia4l riff the rotrtb• ir
not the hia4 of ' despot;ind buried liOnlbenea h
the shatter:ed,,tidirs l ; of Isis own throne: ' And .new
amid' your highl -- rejelcintrit arid the jubilant shouts of
vittOry on evil inteiti,l bettezelt you forget not tilos!,
humble.connirtelentri who elutig to your standards. iri
the days of yotit iadversitt , and defeat; and ;Who Itre
will. YOU nONY;fli perispeitty and success; especially
your old. patriritic friend To ii. Drcrisr. • • 1 -
W 11.3 On the suhtly'lviirlitSofifikv famed Ifentavue, 1 •
lirislmet your - iriteritt• trial won the tititory tool
Entienched wifhttr, his gatesof pearl irport his ellen
1 \ thrOni!,‘i , f .:t - ': 1 1.. '
lie wears a achingcrowitotnOrves and speaks in bu
:i.. . ,
man groans, c; • • " ,-' ri: •I ; • • i
I (MOWS be.:lqt - Vlzl . -rounil cheek, clouds; the welt
maiden't;timile; ,
' rils his 6raplre ! withtertureii no power can, beguile,
rln the bright show - oichildhocal 'steals the tose
; ate bloolm:, 1,, ::::- C! -,
. . -
And throm44. The, ,visa ge , of:. manhood with. septa
elan' gtti. ~ - • - ;!' - .. j , •-. 1 ,
This foe to rest pod, health,. gild bloom, the'worst In
• all creatioui; - ''", • ' -• ' - i
We seize, though armed tfr i4r. teeth, and 'rout by-elfr
• e asatiort.!,,' .! I-• :. 1,1 - ! . •
And now ilke whigs: and and the Know
Notliiic ,, ttsi , , ' • . 1 . ; 1 1 - •. 1
Sitiee we have gotthcirelifs of!power, we'll show what
. 1 we can dn.: •;. ii '. 1. 1
WeU purge tliest 4 l"Atigeni ..tal - iles''. - of the epposititst
elan, !,.... 4 ... . .
~, • 1 I
Am then withirk . zi aiatezia/i.will
. 0/ them rip again,
And though hosiiiii - politiCiarifi differ widely- in .thi , ir
I iii.' 11%, .I,''' .1 • •;-:, 1.. I I
Of the Contra s'et.4 l .of meaSurcs that each inturn may
ihoose, ll . ;,:
.i, ; ;; 1' , 1
.Yet in -referene..olour Policy we sure shall not be
, ..told -. i.; -' ,1 -; ' '' *;
That niritScous filth acid rottenness should be, pretestil
to- : p-dil, 1 '..' , I.' l-
Not that when" . ! any 1,53, - stetn tilts grown rotten in the
% 1 ; ton, ..11;;; -" I . ~ ',, , • 1
I ;
Thlpolvers thati - tlid! the ilitsei , lef should not be evrr
thrown.;,l V ', • . i; 1 ;
This, trien is wirst;tveido in the empire ofithe fairs{
TIM eb!ity tyraii6 we 'expel, 4tal abregateth l eir laws.
If aught Valuable rentainin that our preger•ing par
hose suits; - ; f . ; i
We cleanse ati4 save it,:all We rest we 'pal/ out !by
for re, o rsz., . r • ~ i '
; 1 ;
.Then on the 'Ails, by out art, we . oniekly rear agttin
An arch of liritlitgOold, witheoloriHdt.;s of l'orcelam.
AM' ode- our figure to coitiplete,yre only bai: to si,ty.
.Tlitse ivondrotts;tnizisforniatii,ill4 all are dory for pag.
. ; • 1.; - ; •C.',D. V1R911., Surgeon Ilentisti,
Mont:true, Nriveniber ft, 18,54. : r
i • Neinie •Cliilla ,, ,e4l. i: • .
' ; -
1-1 .11L.11)(it0,11).:
1 ! '•7- ~ I -
A •
, . 1 I lin,NyER.: •AITRNtIENIENT . ,
SDN imd; afiev,Tltursliv, Nov. 2:1, 18Y-1, 1 the 3 ail
• l!a,:-engtly.1 Truitt wills depart from "litirantoli rt
1 - 1•2 ;NI. i ' i ',•; ! - -- -- ~ i i" •
' Ducat Great ifinr(d at 2.:141, e. 3t. I -,.;
C'onizect lag *hi' the iniilv Pxpressi Trains ,both eat
and west on the N.:y.:, , Cri,‘ It. R.'i 1, Vildeli ;arrive at
NeW 'I irk at tr,:o r.; u. and at. Intakrk ni, li.
Return will 'rave IGrt•qtt 1341111 nii!the . 4rrival of ,lie
liarfritil }:xpre4slltiminl We4,1(3.1,it L'. MI,) which•de.
parts from New !fork at 7 i. 1,711., andarrives - at Scrim
at !,.:10 e . . M. I . ; '..• : ' ; . i .I'
fli t ' Frciaditicronutiodatirin Train with Pagsotl I . !r
Cat' athletic," W ill; lei! t ve Scraitton at 11.501 r.! m.. arriv
ing.l at' Great Rim," at Wt. 1., connecting-with the
31.u1 Train boariil;ive4t. and the Nizlit F.!;,Press Tra
beim(' both EaSt; andlWest.
• Iteinriiin.g.'Wiit leave Great Thindi at u.'3o ; A. M. li
i . 1
arilve at SeriiiitOri 11 .t.; m -
.;; ; 1 ; • 1
stage; will l.fin 4.-:litityir. Ti the arrival; of, pitssl,
- get trains at rzezimriu . to e!*veV 1v• - tere'ets, to C
noiiilate,.Pitt,tori, \V . ilkeAtirrc:, l'hilade!Phia via. • l
;'Reading Raile6alt, Ea'-ton a:ul sill otlitir• interrnedi
places. I).Vll.':DtrrTEttElt, Stipeilufentlent
:4operinte.ndeliei , office SOrlinto . z, Nor ?:,'•} 1
'l - ki -'-,l , tv - ~ -i ,
1 • . ... i
.„ ... .111.'I ( 1.D.,
riiIITE ...:I:llF4cOili , r having. 1 1 4. , ased the store cif; the
I ' ld..e. , srs.. j'rittts,l forincrly, occupied br L S.' tit- .
tie, intends to.(.:.,tte'perin:ntently in New 'lclilfont !
And he ivoititll,l.;:c . ads-Method of informing phe
inhabitants of IN.'ov -Milford, 11MI adjaCent - downs, that
lielha•-; just .retivined frotit 'New York with n' inn!.
splendid stockier I fcsli and 'entirely new floods, lean
sis ti ng .of - //7:i11 - 1; /114/).',... of • almost every ; eon ctiva
ble varicly, Gflertil: tfEf.: as ; low a- , the lowesd, lifird
'i-ro,, f•rooke r li, ; ,..l.:(ttn i. 112 il IS If ,- ..•'.3, Jlitl ti nit Oar,t . ,
)14.T of si. - le, S:t..;"k.c., which' he,ofret4 rfor
salc on the.ind:se.rcaternable ierms, fOr, eaFft, eottritry
produce, or.rellaMe tle,etlk. 1 0e would arso ?ay iri this
connection. t l / 1 12t 4 -, he litre-cadd'eti to the m•MthlishMent,
the'. manufactin rittte - r , f -77r+, 1 :‘ , 1,7 ,-- /-inot, anit (7, - 4,,n^r
iNiir- in rill it l ; \ - -Mbtik , , in vrhicli be islpriepartid to
( . !xHcute all kit r: : 4 tit -jobs, hy the very bestiwor'kmen
and on The nuiQt:reakmablk , terms. ,---- 1 .1 -
Dcplers supplied itt the lo:west prices. ! I - 11artichlars
in relation to ~i.tovesL.l / 4 c .: at some future time. : !
I. J. DIt'KEIII-1 1 AN i'e.
New .3lilfuj, SJav I#-I,'ISM. . 171 1 -I t
. • , 1 [
AFULL ASS-RTLIENT of Tin Sheet I ton
L and Copp,.:rlrme of my own manufacture and
made of heavy - plats,- fot. sale . liy _ ' - I
. ..L; • ;: - • .J. DICKERM Jr'.AN,.
1 ,
- New MiifUrd, Jul 1 . 2, 1 , .5 1 53. - -
FULL 4m::(rtrp
a. Joiners Tonl4l.
New 31i:fi!r1,' 3Ltlvl
clieap ut
rnt of ila'rdriire, Crpenter and
'Blimp Chain. and ti tures at
il i.'",1.1i IIIeIiEII3IAVI.
ilifi l of Atha 1ie.,..t Plality, ihr rule
f.fl:K 1....1.
, FLOUR . NI) LT by the •Darrel or Pth
1 j3 .1 erwise, :it tfke Ik*e..k. prices - - at DICKERII.tN I4 .
.- .. . FAtt.ldtns
OFFICP, AtilES i i, intApronp COCNTY, PA.'
/ AL, $200,000
,s, F ured In .1.:0/41,(qd .11:ortpve "on 11w Real Etiate
: • iti]l' i lfr• Str,..khopkr,. :
Insures -againA lotA fir Fire, of floußeik, Stores, and
otter buildinfzi , ,'Kitards„Wares land ster•,elkandi••e,l op
as' fhvoralkle teirins '111; Luny riiiii.l;!r lii , lifution.. Lokfses
prbmptly adjklid#d - ithifl Ilaid. . .
Btrknc-r025k.,1--floni liorae.W;illiston, Athens; Fran
ei, Tyler, k 10..; (irorge A. I'etkins do.; .J.,T;D. Meier ;
do,'; C. N. Shijanatfl. do. ; C.F. Welles, Jr. do.; ki, E.
Canfield dol • .flOn..aolin Liikorte, Tow-01(14; Gi•ni B.
'Wakrtian,"xvii . b . . - •; . , God, M. llollenback, Wilkes
' barrei; -- Ilieliakfl i‘le:jlert, I.:tporte, ra. • .
1 - 0 /Pk c nits. , •4l ikin,ißora ce ; Will ist ok i, • Preisidtit ; C.
F. Wells, jr., V. Pres.' and Treats. ; .1. E. Canfileld,
ScierkAarr. , ; 1. .
1 Agent, 0..
SI Bt:ttlr, :•31onttose, Pa. i . [1:7:3:2mfl
- . •
WANTED limn qiisately z a good active Cierk—jone
Il' who hal LacNperterice, urites a fair hand, land is competerrt t take charge of a set of Books—
ninst Is , t , ,upiqrt , nil willing to devote hi. time and
attention to the , inere-t of his enifdoyes. To one
that can an-wer to lie above a liberal salary will Is, , - ~.
gi t ! en. N'one' ofhtfrs need ripply -- Coot] recommend-
ations requireil,l I ;D. F. &R. 11. EATON. -
lfaiford. Mayl, 1 '
..>4., i
1 .
IN tt /Pi' I tEL GOODS: . !
ii - BI7ItFIITTWoriId invite the attention of his I
1.1. • blends tin the public to his new Sand splen- I ,
did stock of Arspelt ~ ll'ool,and Cashmere Loup and
Square Sliairls, f'fmn tk•l. to 5,5 16—I,adi e: A ' Dress T
0 00 4 ; inciudi lt ot t hr and fancy Delanes„Pe-Dages,
Purainettas. Fr r entrli 31ei ire% Silks, Poplins, Ging
has, &v. ske.4 risd t /i IlilAons and Bonnets of new ,
style-, which lit?tonriection with a large assortment of
staple, and fihrey f)ry Gooch!, ()metrics, erockfrg, '
•iroit, Stoves, Buffalo Robes, (Airpeliv,
ji on t,,, and ,51,,,,:1 tc il a ti an d Capp, Painted ll'intlorr
shadcr,ll'alt, t'aj)er, Oil* and i'aiiity, AY:, win be
sold on the rno`st Dsorrible- te , ins / and reduced prices
for cash. 'nature, Or approved credit.
lA. B. sss,4lby kite barrel or load.
1 New 3iilfortl,iSetrtenibei,...).2,.lBs4.
1 -----
DDUSTBROTIIEIN hatriiig purchased the above
e.talilislirot iirt will keep constantly on hired: Su
yeriin, and kite /r/Qur, corn .lleal of superior. 4nal
il:il, alit* Clniit andtßran lit the lowest cash prices.—
Custom work; n ill be dtine with despatch,: and its all
cases O•arrenpd. , 1 1381tf
Montrose, Jul). 0853, 1
jot bf Summer . flats 44 CiOthg l i --- 1-- - ; - -
esr just rceekved andlor gale OlittaP 1 ~,,,4 4 1 • . , __.
'.:. i D. R.• L. A: 0). VI'
• 1
, 1• •
. 1
- '
' 11.
i • tr. ; ;
a '; - .. r : - ;- t- • - z 1 •''' .''''',i
• - - ~..- - i — e, -- : -.
i -
I • •
• I b - -.- • I . .
i , • i .. - .Li • :i.' O l i iti ,
I t
, i *OR ALL.TiIE , IIII/1.
11 clr, MILT ill"
I I, 1 .
Gds It - ow-existed it' pit
• ' ; .t.
'Pk 4 .
_ ; ,fectigpurgative pilLwhieLt
stulp aid perkt hi , its' O • perati
prowled tit inelet,the dUntanil, a
al (If its ki.,,bleslias conclitsiveLt
, otitis ittaceqmplikhes the Purpost
sy 'trt 1 ttik;fa p i iersical pit!, ltt . ..c
1 ; o 111t-titia—ontt i tvolee shot
• . .
; olect. o , s
hut all of the a'tivanta
! This lat been ttiettipted Mere,'.
1 welts:6od kespCrtfiilly submit lb
It kal•+lbt!eit .vohrtuuute.fcw the, 1
altdosl•ortiry purgative. medicim
' irrkating to OM bowels. This is
1 prOniejs much gripingtpain
1 0
i sr:item as 1116 re than cOunterl
derived r in them. Theite j,i//.1
ior I ilt tt doss it arise ft oil' 41
i . ,
I ,struCtiou r uerangement in the
', ly tegrtillile, nb harm cad arise
quart - yj . , ; ibut it is betterithat '
be,tat ell jUdicibusly. Minute t
l in the sevOral diseases to,which.
art i igen ion die - boa. Amongt
I hatel'eilt spet!dily cured! by
Lii•er p laint ,teoli in its various -.
t i- • ,;
digetlion,t Languor- and Loss of
', Iriltabiliti, TilliOus Ileatiaelle
1 and Igm'il'ain in the Side-ant
1 ;Alibi se To bitt the conSyquen
l in ihepivOr.• . san aperient, t
sulkt...dief in ( oeitivenes; , ; Pit
lltiltuirs; licrofala and SeurvY,(
i rhU It tly'ilrlce.ra and linpirrity ,
I ant aid ckery case where it pnt,
-Th ' bare produced smite
cure ill jpielittnltitilii, lion[, NI
11/Si t -: 11141t101 of the 'Heart, ill,
ach Mu11t !. ..,,i;1;_•. Tlti.y slibuld i!
i spiink-o(lhe ycarjto puLify 1
the syst 4it for the eltang of tsil
doge tit (Mate, the steinaelt at!
, ackiotf, &Oil res‘oresthe aPpetit
life the Mood, and; by thidr sti
diktilatO -system, renn4te.tit't
and .l-t... , 4( re the wasted or tlis
tYlloltl . M4'anisM. Ileneetail oe
tageoUs,,litiven.thottgli,uti beriot
but u!nitOtessa -y dosiitga:Shoult ,
fitti' as eVt ry p irgative medicit'
wiled tall - . 01 to! excess. .'he th .
a physic,it ; required catinOt be
: t4y ltitg,4est themselves to i t'll
.:1141 it. isi; Icont ! dently believed
• better - purpose-than :anything t
! atit4ble-ko mankind. When
I ktiott,n, lite pt'blic will nu long
' tr;:euiplo4 wilt it in need of a c.-
1 ing a tgatswrai pal they are. p 1
big punt' fr .vegettible, no. hart
us.e.i I:Mr gm ntity. .
iroie impute lireetiotis see w
I • .rp!igtif!,..4l b. JAMES G. IX
a4titlial V11;11114, Lowel, Ma.
: l'rtSle -2,slChnts per,liox
I .
f I . • - — L-4 ". 1 il l
_lye e. Cileirr.y I_, Cif'l
'he rep; ,f, Cure O. cougitsj 0,
,-0711.hitix'1171norineirrou llt' , , '.;
hic , fnptilli„ . , . ,.i ' i
~.. . , .
is totneds . llas Is on for it,el -,..1.r
tr e .t'of e \levy varie'tyl of 1,11 unit
:!iilitely ntineeessaryito r. e uni
rtuqs in any conitnupify ‘vileil
!,.I,ISo ‘N1 .. .:, is it , fitltl tifn..:efi:
us 411 e t..alzes of its ebres; Oaf 1 ,
f die conittry abountis in inli-sOl -
Liat.le been t l -estored from al.;rtni
e tit. , : ease 4 of the lungs by . its, ti
its i ttiper ority over evei,ly i?tlie,
-is too ap , arent to e , . , eapt3ti.sqliN
rtqs art known •the pi.,
auptlote to employ iiir the) .11;1f
akr-etions' of the pulni mar): ,c,
utllto otn• dint:lto. ..Ain - n'ititii
. ~ . ,
i(!; i!ipon ;he lungs, lint for Ott , li
'a: o.f.wilitsll, - wr:truri4, Jr. k. hfi
' :r • ,
at.asat; ez-t. anti satest n etc .:
i . 1
wit -- Oe r itlitougliout filis
than Osure the-people.
•it , that fit ever has been,
i istSld by—AßELTen
`. ilii ..f.t . ros, Harfoi
er; id;
ar, 'iv all dealn
1 i in'
. .
nd (%
rt. ill c
ar- it
ate PIP.
It cu
, „vas loth hech in irons
!j0: 1 .......tve tied•nor ,lo foo l
pall y is 1. 1 .Tt up to.,,tliie bt
dm ' the gentune.arttele i
, ,ntr r pie ; 11. F.A. R.
1 , ',
lc!! ::: PtiiNNEv. Dlialari,
1 cin r, exin v .. here. i . •
~' i
11E 1 . iEnil.l, -, 1:A l 111
"rOT ' , S I IIIINStON . & C
t ./ yrot ' Nit Yoilr:a ffelwra
and SIII in• - •t ood.: and k;:f• i'd
' i
likeltol , zy titled,: cheap' to gi ,
n.ila . .ge.,ltain . Pl•e aro willing to
Ilacalit rout' wre din:A:A ovc
Ali , are +Mit g i l to C`ollllll7 , 2:01 ,
seorc in the ciainty—we 1,13 vfi
fi I'l,l liki'-'4, gOluls - to please the :
11;...lre!IVand . acid" Silks, Sill 4
lll•rigr Delanc. , i'lain an 4 ni
and rimii. - ,r,1G ' ;,,. - d•im n n.,,irv,
. - • 1 • • -1
Etnbroi , i,rl.l9 I:.!nrtnia,.. sail F.
; ui,d,..,1,4nd4 . : rapiers and ,Slre
and Gitt:re% St 7a tv and! Fat
Inlnks t411111:1-1!: 4 . largi.t st
at t plirlogs ; al. h Iron. Ste4l,'N'
i not-ie Ili's: IotT,ILS, Shit; .
I .
: stp us., - ncl S oneware, Stove
I. Lha heri, Il ts. Shoes dc.,
' chance bf sh whe; vou liar
I . "ours truly, SCOI
I Rnt in n• ille April, IS, I rl5,
, oct)
its q
Q e l
lot just
Shawls! S
: of Wool I
December 3. 1
i v ( 1 01ci
. ,
i\ ~ _
Al a orci
i 1,
i . ~Si . mil ille
1 --"--t- . 1
i 1 .I____,A • NEW (4c
r Af C miLLirN & PAlLihire i turn their grateful
•: 1., 1 , 'dt,noldettgenient t to the 'public, and invite ai
. Acintion ;to the Very large' st k' t of t Spring and Serra..
I nifr Gf . 44 they are non , ree il(ite."l and (firer for sale 1 ;
, ,
at ccry rom priccx. In athht on to. their usual assort-
1-ni • ent o •staplct Dry Goals; Cr ceiiesi Ifardware,'Crock- 1
1 :
-etr..P: tits and 'Oils. &e. & •!fir- ; ;• nre prepared to'.l
i eillibitla largte assortment!) isdies' Dress Goods
of eve -• description—Fign (I, Plaid and Plain Silks,
Rofinct ~ Sh4wls, %ItibboitS, • tic lies", Ita:t er y,L a di es
and Mi
Mis s es S i lfoos of all ; kin 15: 7 .; . alt , o .n. !arm stock of
.4 1 1. A 1'...,1 II) E,CL()TIIT.A 1 ( 4 /. Cloths, Cassintercs, •
Twred., Jealls,Stinunerelothl . 3 , :l:ting.s, Ilats,'Caps,
.Bot ts •nd SI oes - &e - t'l '• ' - . i
Thet.respie nt tfully solicit an cittly call from .those
who %V ix' t
o' Pureha se good ii flit e ';' lot' prices.
-:.S. )(ingrate 3ia,• ti,'&4. •M i
eMLLEN & PARK. • i
_4.--• --___l:----- .--.-- • ••-•- • --1 t- -.. --------- '
1 New Line 4,,)1 4 *iiluStages, • . 1
~, -' l' - , • . rno fll -1 t
. 4 ,
':: ii 11111 1 11001); T lICINTIIOSE. I
C,....ItrAtIES - •ill leave Kirktv all pi:(sing through Coy; ,
1'.71 bllttf, - rille, Liberty, &c., el••elryt morning after : the
ai•rival 'of thif JfailTraini, of •irsi.i.stoth East and West,,
•„ 1 , .
rearhil'g .11.nntroSe at 1, r.. - IRcturning, leave '
Moatr(rte daily,(Spndayil ex erifed)'at 2 P. ST., reach- 1
in Xi 1;0.044 -10 time ttl tale, tilt. Mail' trains of-cars,
both Eft and West, being t e!, iie:irest and mo-t fea
i sit+ute i'd r(-arh the" New V . orktr(l Erie Railroad.ri
This A line intersects a" tti- ee.lily (line for Dimoc k,
Sp;iingr .
ille, Tunkhannnek, • Wianing t and
litu're, hick -leavesMohtro: 'el 71 lA. ?T. evert lion=
(11, lyedne•Oar and Friday. J •Alsb, a line tO.l• ; riends-
Tit e, •I' t eraysrilfe, kc. I • ' 1 :
Voilical'as and (Tailor:fa )I.'cie(Srriages are proYi
deA, a d the propzietorit will 14jiart3, no pains to ac
connildatetthe - public. i : I'4 g.iI.IATCII,
• k r ,iii el; 1874 , i
. -, t• - ",.. 3 •011 GAN & WEST.
F • 1 3 3 L,
ani!sboro - Sash, Itad, and Door
1 - r alit ii , k. 1,, . .
riimir, sal) Briber will 'futtiill: et he Shop of 'Seidl
" & tiro hers, Doors,Sell ,!eruf 'Blinds. Turning
(intim - 0 and furnished tto o en. iLumber kiln-dried,
to I wOrktin:n unsurirase( - nnYJin 'the country.—
0 leriaddlessed to nut (1111 eelfiV(t,prompt attention.
1'; rine Lumber and I_s(lnltil riofluee taken in ei
dh nig,f for the above.
.I Trif•s; ci
flay: .
i x,
atoboro, Feb. 6: I ' . ' liiS. A, LYONS:
•t -- ; I - • _::._...:. _ 1 - .4 ..._... - •
1 .- I , IONTIfiISE DEPOT.. -
- 1 117.L.Lti4.1f if .1/1/iL , IN • -
VIM; purchased the ce,fablishment of Isaac L.
I ost * Co. at, the - l'il s ontinsL':!Depot, would - re-,
tfullil inform bislfrieoili, that' be will keep con
fn band, at dui lowe:t prices, a' well selected
goods. •
c, Sidt,- and 'Plaster can ;be: bad: eheap, is well
crier, Dry fioods, Hai dtrare, CirockrY, Routs,
. Nails, Lc., in eichang..! ftiri(iiidn and all kind,
. nc4, at the best pric lii rof,) cords Bard
wanted. ' -i-—1 ' ; I ' • • •
trOsi - Depot . , Yell.' 2, I . :it
34.1 ' 1 - -
I nt1:1
jefe i k rr
1 as r eal
of in
::T s{ NTLY 3 0 1 1tIfil .rP lor ' fknu "sbed to order
ort etirt home. ' I.4foxs 6r. SON.
ALE . s . 4 ,com 'A IitIGGY WAQON
, e,"Sepit. 16, '64. !I , . 8AZ,011714'.
I i 1
.. , '
I na • .;
ud far an of
IA relied on an
This has : been
ens; _tri
fin 7101 whientte
dnetl; It it: ea
itz:y to make the
sve..notie of ,the
every other. =
th What sueee?.s
I. nll
qt)o 1
:4 de
et c
public . decision.
A4t; hitherto. that
lib Criutanious. and
tioti Maul:. of them t,
a il I,UvolsiOn in the
lank°, the Ood to be
r rodticU no in itatiou
efiotily exi sting . ,ob
linwstt.. iielD rz prt7
frjunlith eir use in nnh
ny Medicine should.
irbetiiotts for their use
( Ott are: applicable
Ithe romplaitits which
lent; %-O 'nay mention:
forin . 4 of - ZGrundice, hi
DililtlOi , Fever, Fever
d'fil is ; for, in truth,
tat o . distiased action.
rley tObrd preempt and
kis, ( - plie,. Dysentery,
ds, l ltvitit sdreness of.
{ tli blood tei - ; in short,
0.,,..r.1atiV. is requirpd.
,4 4 ,}„riv. successfuli, iisy,ll - lra . vel, Erysipe.
.itisitt the B:tck, litom
be'l frkely taken in the
,ile.l bilaal and :prepare'
i.a:,Joi4.- An occasional
al !tit:it-els:into healthy
~,z(Oil vigor. They pu
unitla it. ur.tion, on the
to ittl' latch' of the body,
: , a f teli itnergies of .the
easiOluil these isadvan
s kle,illtOgentent exiSts ;
iiet:::TJ he carried,too
e ret aces the strength
s'o td eases i
n winch
ritinierated here, but
r -*it of every. body,
this {till will answer a
lAelti t lias hitherto been
trir i virtu:us are once
.1- (1:5 dtt what remedy
thavi eanutlieine. De
a[z: li tO take, and be
. k..: P :iriSe 60111 their
'on the Box.
raetical and An-
:rfir , )l
Box . e's for Vii.
lloct rxr n ors
h notoriety from
ta'ry disease, that
the CVl:dem-es Of
it has lieen cur
qimmt every si,c
4ahlicly known
tii; and even des-.
When once
•,pfc! - tnelne -of its
ration, and where
)Roamer hesitate
.iTssin . fr, and dam
rgan, which are
-1- in fin midable
dbier varieties of
for . (.ItAirra if
that ca be oh-
---- i - j ----- , . '
Ea :,..ENT.
L r ItNis i t::•TTLD
o. !nt' : nun r, e..l%ing
I ; , ioi tvi . ;nt of Spring
orlittlivl Hrite all tliat
'e Vin?; ti '•;t11,, as our =lock
sstllitilr, ~ , t.iiall profits.--
v:1 art;(ile!! v. - anted. and
tvl4.k ,
;k4l; : prieos . Hill, any
! 14:01 . t. , p;.eial Toting to
; • -
ado , :i s ; v:itelt 'as Black.
• ~.,1 - ,..,
4 4 i'Fillyis, iserzi ,, e, , and
:114 , y:talk 115, Silk,. French
r(11;r do.;
rti: l i .i ., Tactic? ..tltiil e
3,,r.1 4 r. 111 1,00 ,.. :
ey,-13(simos; also trim,
;ek lot Goods for Men
til,l Horse Shoes, and
M i di, ( . 7roclierv, Grind,'l Titi, ( - ,;1t:5;4, Sash
ikfe4 'Tie:lse gii.e us a
tuiolf I?cifore you lw.
• ! i I 1 1 •
ofrerod low 1w
NSTO;C - 8: CO.
ve,ry Own;
1)N & CO;
.-.• ! '4'
i .
i, i:./... .:,, ,
A :
ert - * '
C T:ib.
x,' a
1_1 117 4.r* .,
co(iii.i'Af'''" -
i I. L'POsTl'co • •• 1
Avt • Awpir_.. ! t:o.oe rithi,..le•thu niait'Ciloice i atilt
'ail ILATF,ST “rxt,s-44 of uoada .to be, had. I tug
eilidre' - ,1 ie editntr',snd for'ilie Very lowey. t inice.s
iiithiut iltrialion. i .t: •-'-: ' .--:. i:
..• • - i f - •'•
. ..... - . ,8' R.12.D Y ..1ff..4 DE et o 7771NCk ''• `.- I • :
Lll3 It STYLES - -1.. L:. POT 4,-... CO:. liiere i, jusi
I. leadpia lirg,ttiddition to dolt stock of.clotiting,
consitinginew . of.evei , "ythino desiable; for the: biget
at Stich pr7cei as are stire to Sidt:. The' gitods',,are,
made lirtatr . ate,. and We warrant theVork to be etittal
if not an rto any .ever before offered in. thitt.inai...,
.0. ' letocli contpilise Coats, line .black.7.Frneti
t ro
' Sacke r P ieks and Bitsinessz Tweed, C4sitticrc and
1 Jean:SU:o l y' and Frocki,: also brown- and 'white Sum
mer plainl tin il. t *idled: ' ' - 31:1**--Wbitre an tf colored
Marsailhttl . Videsitio,'lasting,ligyred Bariatheit,lll , nr.
i cd silk' ana.Satiu,.ainteTerY vartetYi good illld cheap,
PAsrli.-.l3iie black ctissintere, does-iu, p.d..tWeed,
' i StininnlyStuff t 'linenJtlrill; etittoliall stripe, 'plain,
i check Oil Plaids, so' cheap as - to lie sure of sail! . to
all who dol - tiro ,to bul I.L - • • . - '- • „ , .•
1, ("I .L 0 IfF.SANii NOSIER Y l -1 • dies and 'dents
t l.)i white and catered Kid Olevesfirthe bet iinalb.
Ity warranted.- r A large itssortment of ull.kinils af bine;
I brown iiiio slate hose,* anti + hoso gents., and Lidies,
I cotton:. Lii , le thread,rßerlin and. silk Glexes; Black
land colar ; 'alai* rsOortnient of black 'silk. and, lice
Mitts, lona , anal Shoff -- • .- - POST & CO'S.
. . ....._,-..:..............,
iß°(Yr'S Alitt SITOES- 7 . fine Boots; COarse
I Donts, .Liirlies file GaiterS, Bootees and fbnikins,
' t a full iisitirtment of Cheap Shoes, Childrens• end hfis
: es Shoe iind Bootees Ladies line silk-linen.Slipiiers,
lat . ' 3 . • i ' - L. P. S.: Co's. ~'
.1 - 1 Tat K GOODS:;—.111 t4tyles'and,q4a4t.iefe.l)leaeh
V fu Shirting:;, pillow Cotton , :Jac. and Caininie
.31thdins., 'iviss and Book Nluslins, Barred: Strislins,
Bishops, 'rid Tktoill Lawm3, &e., figured andi dott.
i•lrrl.s lif i nrlinst at.. • 1 -.; - , I'. & C6':a.
,LES 1.N . 1D: 'ORIND,STONES at.
171 . • 1' - ",' '- ,I. L. POST A: CO'S.
} I . lt
1 kint,. A
ci-nolpsrft-,..:..,„; fi - lit 4 l h -I.. i i ) : ' :: t l‘ .' : n elle e l h p ea a P t e' L L..,firOgT
A: Cc .i I -- • , .'." • H . , 1 i
I )
a . ./..V.,7 1 :4-:.the inCiSt • desirable stock in the4oun
-1.. tr4iat rery low priem. ' I. L. P. CO.
I )R o pr ( Gr iO il l;:S -- n yilks,..3lllzlins,
f Del.nnelpe o l i a l :
31 ,1 • i;'' ' • •YI
' • 1. , L. POST . A.:.CZ., ''''
• --'--1-. , - ----- - .----t- -
Ai 1.4131iE anal spl..rlid stock of Spring Fri
. 11 ' - ' - I. L.
'P. k'.
- --i-- ' . - 1 - - • •
il/4 yArt.F. (360(.1.s ati the lowest Pricks..
. • 1. L. POST ,tCo.
, L i
LO'ilS, ' ' C . a.siint..!res, Tweedst, I Kentucky iiearts
44....1 an4tiatinetts,lrksry cheap at • 1: L. P. &
'.!i •- 1 ' - .• ' : - - .1 • •
IVOOD.PI - IV 1 1PF—Patent lit,.? Coda:r Pails
. ' ''' '' ' . ' '-• '
. tipd - NN ash TiTbs, Lovoa Nut Dippers, utter
Ladles, "Prints, Willow Baskets, Rope llalterki Bed
Cords '1.14n1.114 Ropc ', Broom , . a good lot
‘ ,
of . I .s. - . .1. L. POST &:cO,
' O -- ' '''.- '• • • !;-Nt. ' .
e0.0415/f 4/17D VI 0./17.7:11 of• doe' be=t .
LI ' -{) '' . . , l e
girloy at the 1 west possible rates: ' - ; • . .
• April FL, I S;:r., I. . I, •- • I. L. • POST &Co
a LEATHER, very cheap, 'at
lif .-. ; • ::. ' POST Si: Co.
--14-- : - . 1 ---
if - 1 R (Ili .1::.R..1 . An) G LASS IVA R E-11j choice
•1„...) lotiat IoW pritieS. . POST k CO.
i J I
d'Alt, !Carpet,. Raoul paper and Window Shimeß.
• ' POST - TO
1,-/ • :11 . : i ! , - - s.,
ii... L
. II ITS' r i :'. rr ist tie--het -• i.• • ,
,::. „ . , ~..i„,
.. quality , VCI3
• I._ rhea'''. - i . •
: POST &XXI. •
l - I-- : -- . •-,--1-
i 8047. - 7:s and Bonnet Ribbons of all kinds:, Par
asql, large and small very lbw prices. ii : „
i • r 1: '*• r i
- - ! POST &CO; •
;-•.- S • * : -
TAR. 4, .TRLIf - AILVGS—ererY style thisliable,
11/ . an 4 verycheap.. ~ \ . : POST'S: i.. 0.
f 1 R.:ELY R.:IC:S-0f the hest quality. - : 1
VII ii • . i •• , ; POST ik, CO. •
.. i:
i L 4 ALT, Lime and Plaster at :
I is_J • 1 :, ,I . . .. .. POST:4 : C I *s.
• r AD FS' COLLAR:I—s_ A very dmice . 1 1 . t 7 itif OM
1-i la lest styles; :Book Thiihroidered Lyme if, 'ACC;
Medin .ktid Ilonitob iinitationS. -I. L; I'. ki :O.
..• ."- 4 • 1 ' .4, _
F s.
i _
ROMERO and Lace U - ndt.rsleeves •
_I rzt,lo styles fi also, worked: and embr'd.,
and Insirtings and Flouncing. . ::
. .
, - - i
, ,
r Act Ed:•tings: and :Inserting:: imitations
J.J . 1:14 , 1, almost :114 good _as genuine and vei Tel linen-w+ght Lace. :I. L.-P.:
It l• l• .
:VI:MINED : and Hemp: Carpet fOr sale at li
i :11 : .1 iI. L;.POST ,St CO's
. ._
4,: 5 i.731 gER IllTi;S•-•-•Panatnig fine ,and cbar4l trims .
1.. 1110 and fitnav hound, Pedal and Palndqaf, for
boys turd men, sold very cheap. I. L...R. &;O.
i -•
1 : • -*I. i I
+ :A:PIES: and Children's Flats. rii . l.tood varlet
1..1 so'n new lot Of tho latest styles: * of Boenntil
stare ofil '• i • . :.I.L. P. St'l
fr • : .. ! _ .
j" - I RV tCE and fancy articles of Sdap and fl
%.....) aliw, soine . cif: the finest Perfumery at itl!
of . i - J1 : 1 :I. L. POST .kiil
y A ,B ,and T.AiLLow ; also, Farmers tools ,
1 -- 3 e4jik ! -1 i : ! i I. L. POST k; C
i- : tl - i : ive• t *.i.vii- lii :
: - j
! in Ii ,-1/„V Of all kind44l:eans, Dried Apple's
11 4.31 It 4 - , Butter,, Beesiax . , all wool soclos.,:Egii
for wh"4ll we will,
i ezehange goods at cash 'mil
..1.1 5. i! i : 1 I. L. POST
-: - .:• -4 • ;--.-,: A.
, : j
II ~ iRE MOV A L • • . i . -
51k749147.11 , :t3 1 ; STOVES! FerovrA ! ',
oTnilsiib ; , : v ribe,, , . wi.:, to call the attention TOP his
1 frwids and the : nlhlic to his very : large i la&sort
i meat t i ll STOVES at his nea• Store Room iit lif.otirrs
: rrne, .71x.t to L. Si•Leidieim's store, and near Elie Gt.
:Bend D i epot.- tiepins, in addition to his former:large
I vaid i etTof Cookint: and : PaalOr Stoves, many AO. pat
terns, ;: fiolini of which arc— • . : - •• -
1 St. il: ' '
-1 - yeAritrug, 11Po:ch.-Branch,
ifijelitzt Troll, 11-Troba;rk, 1 ifetiallitir,
0;-ierie, : ! 1;111441: ll'arrior;•l :Oak, tifiliShme„
IYhich4tegetlter With, his fornter stock: will PerimPs
be thelvtost extetsirel•and varied - asibitinenqcif Well
sclectill,„stove; inithe
M :county.. • •
(lit Qu. or,ci wed furnished, at low priers. •
m7; l 4 tita•ticie; in Lis line kept on hand-and
i' as usual, andlorders received at his - old
Bend. '. l• • • 4OIIN Ct/L't
m ai,. and Great .R,ati,N0v.,.1554.
. ...._..,..,,
. ,
Nott,ce to the Public'. i j
'NO just returned ft Om Ned; York lii:
the attention of my old customers; I
to in. Lrepin-M. tii 'my 1 .
„ling . bought; with cash at •Ithe loWest
and within;,te. sell prineipally for the same, I ,
fer than at greatly reduced priees.l :t I
Coeljeco l'riin,i, warranted fist colem:, - foi_l only 8
cents A yard. Gnod Jirown Sugar, 18 ppunt4 'for one
dollar.p lloontonl.Nuils, acknowledged by all
, to be
the hq-it Nail in use, 5•541,51: per keg: - lints atti Caps,
. Boots l and shoCs,lllutlido Robes tf-all •prices,lall. wool
De I.:tiles, Cashtiteres, I'aramettaS, Dress - *Rik', -Silk
Velve ','&e.. 31onslin De:Laines, 1, shilling 'Li t er yard,
I t
Satin Ilontiets and Moleskin Hats. Ilroche liShawls,
1/oulkk Long 'FbaWls, Thibe_tilo., ..' , ..lling at 4iottceiv
ably I4v price;., 1 can safely warrant perft..citsath- ,
factio to all who hill give.tne it-call.
• lait.Csbor i o, AM... 5, 1854. -. •S. A. LYIONS. •.•
et IiOCK.S--gotild time keepers, only one dell r•. •
vi I` I• • S. A. Lyopis.
, Laiii:;bo,o, A i i r . 5. • -., ~ • I.
A - ,ik 7 - , itt.yiE b=- 1 7 i oiio liiiii;, fe - r --- Whiiiii . ilt - el highest
' V 1 .y price' will be paid. -: S, A. L)ONS. •
.' Lan'eshotlo Al'r. 5. •' .
l'idit,NTElY PRODUCES taken .in exchange,. for
V,'orals, at My store:* •- -- S.' A: LIONS. -.
• Laifel Csboro; APril 5. ••,• . • -•- • 4 '' '
~ :: : ,
. . lY 2111.1tAllIGEXIENT - t551... •
1 11
-.111.3. - DS'AI: -11rifILLE.N'S ROil Road liT,igh• .
• ... .l 1:41.e hetwetn. ...Ifoittrose „rPri>49l and ." .
'.. ! A r cia York, ityrytioq, Sun. - 4
,-- l diitta erecixtei.i. • 'I •
-.1 . •
II iFo's itmotit,um having ri.oo arrangeinents
-11. f.tirc forwarding freight to New-York lulthe care
of Cal*. H. It CAI/WE'LL, of Orange CoMitv.iiill
be itiAttendazice at the Mentrost l Der,o` - 6-err dar of
the rack, to take charge of such freight •aimliircalUce
as mni be entrusted to them. ~ Returns for Die .saine
.will 44 paid at the Store-of Willitun 31cMilleth.. , • •-:,
( . .ltncelies in general, Flour, Pork,•Fish, s..alt, .8.. e..
Ate., IcOnstantly On hand, for sale at the lowekt Cash
Pric ~ or in exChange for country. prodece. J - •.
'L. D. Ilixns. I t - • . • • Wit: LILM Me* LI.E.N. . '
Apkil 18 1R54.'. - • •
1 • - ..• -: .q -.
,! Facts for the 10eopIe.:,: - • --'
- ftwiTHSTANDING the predictions oftthe New
Albany 141,,,vr that:Frank Pierce,will.llm elect
risklent h4c.ause the . Prophet: Isaiah SitayS :that
4.0ril giveth power to the faint," it isMtiversal.
knitted that the subscriber:can and will jell
Ij . ROOTS. AND SHOES I: - •' ;.,
PI...ft:PER that: any other shop ititowtt, - -notljeven:et.
y i n, the frnitine boot and shoe store doWn- town..
/It —My terms are-cash 'Or pay dowp, • aridl
thereforeinform those' who are' Indebted
- too
Ilium k Patrick,- that they must call liiii•pay im
4.--nnff.clid.t '' •• •
..... .:' •• A. MERRIMAN: '
) . otro* 4 4 . APii! . . . 'S.II RO(IER4: ..
ed P,
" thi r ‘
ly ad
CORDS good" split - ma* wixod, mange
1 1 NI for wOolen.goods, ~- I r. LYONS':SO*.
trOse oOtOber 18,
....: ' '' ' .f . -r -•C"'i .
' . $ 1 ' 0;040 - or ' Ar t ' a r tAiebti
. ,G4FAT ATT4AMON. t-- :.
Great .Rusii—Ar tlie , Nen Goods al Eaton
- . ONE PRICt STOIZE!- -- - : • . .
- , •
T.URl4rgek. and cheapest stock of 'lnE6y,-.Docees. . 4.
- tic .iand Staple Goods esiu• bioug,bt.into Suitque-
ham* county. One hundredi-einfes DO„GoO4s.cort
prising in part riSfolhils: , • .
• , .
Web ChangenbleSilks, - ':Fitehirmatile Silk and Sat.
;Stripe. . -" • - 1 . ~, - - Q 3 onnes4, •
. " 'Plaid r Is french romieii, •
.„ -
•,__". , Black . 4,- . . 1 ..00 . pieCei IkTitteeliats. '
Moons Bonnet - " . 1 -' : ' [bons
Bonnet Satin . ,. • . lOO, peg. Farley Dresado:
All ‘;',001 DeLnines,
~ :-• velvet Dress Cuttonsi - ,
Parisian, .do - ". Field. & .fxiled. Veltetai ,
Plaid de COfitil, ' ' • — fifty Bay State Shawls, .
'Clotided de Berge, . r.7 B 4nnere" ' - ' d6-' '•
English Merinoes, ' . Brocha., : .-do . ,
Parainetto'o.. . i;_ilk - -- -- ,:zilo. , -',
ILyonese Cloths, .- ' tidor, .r os i e ry, etc . ,
Cobnrys . ' • Mho, Ca.simeres; ".
French . ch . :tillde de Mire; . fVestings,
I Embroidered Robes, . ' - Flannels,
Gingliants and Prints„ ' ;l\ 001. - Blankets,
Scoteli Plaids, , Linings, .-; .
White (loods, , • 'Tickings, ,
I Wrought Chimlzettes, • Danmsk • Spree - Ca;
~. _ ..
- Collars,
do 3110 in I.:itgiugs,
do Catobriek d(4:
40 Linen .do
ilarford, Ott. t .
. . ,
• .;, . .
~ - N 4
ew Yo rk, till
.. //
101.1,11. A.:. CE COMPAI
- fiFFIckVIVALIi.. STREET './ .:•• •..
, f • I . TIES,:*500;000: f -
/ .• - •
Li' s . reres"O goinst Loss -or D' Fire: -.
i -
. . DIRECTITR.4./. : • • .
A. Q. Stebbins, 113 Brodd street; -Peter C: Baker,'
1 Spruce Street;. Girao Bancker, 'llB . l3roadwav;'
Thomas Andrews, laii f.;(1,,,. .kitiet ; ,Bamtiel D.
Souilitnavd,.377 We,s ( street ; Albeit L. Conklin 810
Greenwichsteet';- jaine.4 A. Crosby, , 113 BrOadwaki
Chit's. Leut, Kitu..isbridgec• .N. Y.; Lambert C. Hall,
Chicago; Ill.; ,1 Sjriith liable, Rochester N. -Y.;'
William T. I ,,L'elapd New York ;-Pete r It. Ro ach, 138••
Bank street k Staates S. Bell, Corner West and Laight.
streets ;• John 'L. Deen, .I'S Water '.street ; D. Van
Wart, 118 [Broadway ;- Horatio .N. 'Gallup, cornet:
West and
- Barrow 'streets ; . Peter H., Foster, comer
DansevoOrt and West;, Reuben Rotis'. Jr:, 48 'Bighth
Avenne;' Stephen Cromwell, Canalen, N. T.; .- ,Albia,
Wadleigh, Philadelphia ; Dexur B. Brittain, 49 -Waol
ter street ; Samuel Sinclair, -Tribune Buildings ;•43sm
.uel B. Shaw!, Cleve and, Ohio. '
tOTAL Cuxmunitt'.lB,, President..,
CrtAttirs C. CLA • KE, K•crettiry.
• *\
CHARLES L. BROWN, Age* Montrose, -Pa.
QAY'RE, BENTIEY & PERKINS hating purehatei.! .
U ed of • Co. the Eagle Foundry, are now .
prepared -to 1111 ori j ers from the trade, and •do work in
. line with 44111 and despatch. They
. will keep
constantlY Ott- haudPlow; ! , (best kinds,) S tones, (all
kinds,) t'uiliratore, Straw Cutters;; Corn Sitellers, '
tf:e. ke. 1 - •
We invite partieul4 attention" "to the Plow* Which ••
we manufacture. We manufheture and.keep for sale
• 77ler f.'elebratid Platehley Plow.
h ave ptirchat•ed the exclusiie right to.manufac- •
tore and in this county, Wayne, 'Wyoming•and
.llrariford, Iron - 13'61M Plow. The
Plow is!made entirellAo . t iron, excepting-the handle*:
It is eetebrated'for its easy draught, being, one-third .
.i •
easier than any now ti use, while - its strength and cht-,
rability are greater: •
- .
of all kiiids-inan - ufactLred and repair,ed by experlene
ed nutehinests. _ • • ! •
&cant Euglnes, Guiring ;far, Shingle .
chines, itc.
• Amon . g. the Stove* which we manufacture, ire the.
Keystone cooking StOve, Rough and .I?eady do., POT
ea Queen- do., Premium (to. ; and- other kifids, A j ar,
ranged for burning Wood pr coal. ; Seif-Regu7
lator, Parlor Store, ',(.;',..ttope Parlor-d 0.," Stanley's,
-t w o do.„. and a turrets of other Parlor StOte's,
hoth!wood fwd coal burners:, We keep als:o..on'hand
Grirld;:tone tiintmiligY, Dog Churn lAtinithings,
brella and sllovel and TongsSiands, Lte. ike. Work
done to eider on.sliort notice anti atithelowese,rates.
rt.7 . or&rs for StoveS,-Agrienitural \ lmplements,
&e.; are solicited front those in the trade,.and will t •
filled at, reasonable wholesale ptie ! es..,!
8.:,5.- BENTLEY.
S. - TEBKP;S. I '
E 3 gin v
ofl - e - 1 - try
Moritro e, Yfarch.4
. Australla, California, - •
Oi any place •on the G lobe tan,iot prnent •
greakr i odgeenients thatt • _ •
• I
WHlTi i snou fillelw!th. a r'andesisiie
a.tlentrftrtio(intbe r lineemt n cint •
a general variety of new and elegimi styles of ladies
and gentlemen's- wear, among Which are Ladies
French, Silk - Lasting and Prenille 'Gaiters, Rid} and
Enameled Polkas-, Kid; ratent Leather and Brahzed
Jenny Linds, Buskins and Ties-; Gtintletren's French
and Philadelphia, oak tanne4l calf 4irt and kip_Booia, -
Morocco, Calf and Cowhide Brogans &c. Boya kip,
calf and cowhide Boots and 141,4 ans ; kinds of- .-
Misses dud Children's weal% Also, • , a general atisort-
meat of }Wings which consist in Port bflaste,t•egs,
sparables.; Hungarian nails, iteks, thread; was, IBris
tles,slie binding, awls, rasps, sand*nes, Shoe,loives,
ke. Also oak and hemlock, tanned, calf upperilfid
soleleather, Morocco skids andlininp.. •
at the
if Oil
, tore
t gen
Work made to (inter and fepairini . neatly:dop' a.
3lontrose, Oil . ff, 15 4, - r • .
Port .SA LE..
on VILLAGE LOTS, situated in the pleasantest
..:.,lf part of the village of Susquehanna; also,ltheee
liouSes and lots in. the snot. bus T iness part or the
aforesad village. Also, a Farmronfriiiipp 113 acres,
with a - swiali - improvement, the -ri.rnainder heavily
timbered, situate two . milestiotn said village..- I - I,'
Susquehanna is:the great- C.entril Depot of the .N.
T. & E. 14ilrotal, situate at the • foot of the balmiest
grade on tile road,-near, the great works of
; Conewacta; and the Cascade, and Ipossessing- by Oa
1. toreAhe Mist watering place on the route With the 10,
l'cality of eitensive Machine Shops, Foundry &c.. Su
i Susquelrank - although numberifig,lbet 2000 in habit
I anns, and hut four years of age, bi deStined soon to
! range alon e . ids of the most flourishing and populous
1 towns on the line of this great tilorhughfare. ' i 1'
I -L. P. lIINDS,Agent. 1 .1 -
i .. Office one door ,east of Lenheittes.:...
I. ' Susquehanna Depot; Nov.. 16: i - - I : ..w -- '
I ' . Valuable. Lands For Sale. 1 ,
1 -VOR SALE. IN ONE BODY, about 5500 acres ! of
I Lainlion the waters of: Spring. Brook, 'a branch
of the Lackawanna river, iii Luzerne County, Pcnea.;
ahead midway lietWeen- the thriving towns of feria.. ,
I, ton and' Pittston.. These lands are covered. with Vai
-1 -cable timber, and being situate iu the most ex4nsive
mineral region in Pennsylvania.--4oWit to - Contain"-
!-iron Ore:--and believed to abound in. coil, - andlheing .
i also 'in' -the .innusaliate vicinity- of several - rail, roads
i made; and now in progress-r-offer tiohe .capitalistwa ,
..., opportunity for the investment of inoney that seldom
i occurs. }for further-information ripply to N. tit*. \
Sack,lP.s.4.,, No. 11,
Wall street New York, or to the
subsciiities, at Mouttose . , 'Susquehanna county,P, the
attorney in feet of. the owneo.
1 . .7 April G, 165-1: - 1• • HENRY- pßwapt.
i , ~ I --::
vi-h to
:and o
ill of-
, r . PLOW TDP.". - - - '_, "•:- -1 - :'. . .
NT AND E. MOTT. would respectfully. inform.tha ..Ai; • public that they are manufacturing Ttlitehlefi
Celebrated' Plows. They also- keep .con Stan ly. on
hand, Side Hill, lgtpue CotentgL a nd- "'din • lows, .
'Cu/lily/dors, .Dog Chlirtts, Sleigh 1-and Cuttivißhost,,
, Plow Points of various patterns., too ninnertma fp.
'mention.' We hope, by stiiet attention to busumsa; ,
to receive one share of public patronage. ' Maltase. ?:
' tory,' D.-Post's old stand: Foundry, M. Molt!, „near . •
Searles Uill.• ' -.f_ - • • I
~ - I '
, Mr lypairing done on short nottee. . -1 :
(1 ' Feb. d. ,:- - . • IELIJAIi MOTT.
rrliF. sant iber ii agent, for the', following Ipaprince
' _IL Pottipanies,- doing Intsittesslat- the lowest 'safe
rates: . ~ - : ' i
State Arabia? cet .I:lltrisb.ury.
' ' ''. Capital $350,000,
Calla "Mould at Ilitifillair,9. L
. •:. - - ' Capital )1(200,000, -
Ifonteltrsaranee, Arian }Park City.
. Capital *500,000,
Montro . se 401 G,'54.
THE sulveribeis are . itowburning and will keep
constantly on band, Lintel:of a very sdpetior
quality at gent - ruse Depot, and', will sell it in El
quantities at :a fitir price. PerionS wishing a largo
quaittity - Cam he supplied v...%0n a.'reasonable..notice.
Superior ground Plaster will ho kept constantly on
baud hereafter. 4 I. L. POST.; •
• -'1 11. DRINKER. ,
1 , - W. JFSSDr.
onttosa DePot i April '3. - F 'L. SEARLE:
A .New cutter and a tw
rime kir sale 'hasp, by
.. ~:
~. ~.~
. /t
Limn do•
Iririii Litmus,
Black Ittuftins,
Etc ‘ etc. ./
horse Pleasure C*n
41. TURRNT46