CORRESPONDENCE. litter from -Judge = TowAwibtiFeb'y,' 24, 1855. T o t h e Editors of the Republican: ' Gor isun : I hare just read, in the Mentiose Demo crat of the 22nd inst., a letter purporting to 1 0 , 1 been written by me. to Simon Cameron. ) .) rbo letter as published is .oaant.xn and FALSE.— la that part blazoned in capitals, there is a moat ma lerrial omission. Mr. Chase in his insane desire to do me as injury; has gone far to verify the truth of the portrait drawn of him last fall by a democratic cotemporary. It will be recollected, that tvae` of the papers published at the State Capital, zealous in the support of Gov. Big ler, presented a daguerreotype under the "title of ROERBACK" = a; name the very impersonation of falsehood. The efforts of Mr. Cluisc . to misrepresent jp his readers, the positiOn of Gov, Bigler on tie Ne braska question, o bt a ined Or him this complimentary notice, in the columns done of the.;Govemor's met- ropolitan organs. . • I now, cbargc him with, having published over, my mime " a i r arOteri letter; omitting a inaterial part, with a view to change its sense, and to /daily my language and Position. The paragraph as published by Mr. Chase, in ital ics and capitals, reads thus.:' - s • . • '"ln -respect to yourielf; I hare rrpres.sed no word of diseourorment or unkindness. ON THE CON 'MARY-1 HAVE REPEATEDLY .EXPRESSED PREFERENCE. FOR YOU OVERALL YOUR RI VALS (Buchanan,Dawson, Sc.; AND:THIS WHEN :IT WAS . SUPPOSED THE . "PARTY". WOULDJIAVE THE UNDISPUTED POWER TO MAKE. AN ELECTION:" I am 4ere- made to express on .the . 22d of January bst, the date of the letter, a prefercneefor Mr. Came ron over 1111 his rivals—that is, ovci the gentlemen, AT. THAT TIME, publicly and ge.nemlly - known as candidate's for United States Senator. That the pub. lication is earefullytiesigned to convey this meaning is apparent front the language; *but it will be made more clear from the. commen ts of Mr, Chase: In com-, raenting upon the above. garbled extract, Mr. Chase OE "Men of Susquehanna county l can you read the above letter and : believe your senses I' . Would you have believed that David Wilmot coald sink himself so low—could show himself the unp'rinOpled dema gogue who has not and to denounce Simon •Carueron in public and private, as a man void of all moral ant political integrity, as - a pro-slavery hack" who had endeavored tohrito. him to his sUpport—ive ask could' you hage believed him capable of the base ness, while taking , such a position here, to sit down andwriteen. Cameron 'hat he , trait F.ia prefrrenc:e i orer.all o'ihrr rarvikiater for Citifrd Stcites Senator !" • Thus kits fixed beyond evasion, that Mr. ChasedeJ sirtdly o published' my letter, as to make me dej dare mySelf in favor of the election of Gen. Cameron. Herein cdrisists the deliberate 'and ';witkedmisrepre- Sentationa shameful suppression of \ a part of the letter, whidi if published, would bate effectually pre. 'eluded any such construction. • • I expri in -My letter,-im Fircference for Mr. CameroMpret : the c\ididates then bdbre the public. By no fitir or even pcosOble construction of the letter wrote, could. it be toriured into ail expression of my - desire ft.W hi= election. Yet 'this a the foundation u pon which Mr. Chase pours out upon me denuncia tions and, iinlgs—iterating and re-iterating. charges of dupliciry, baseness, intrigue, disbOncsty—a. desire to sell n principles to the highest bidder- r -until his pure .i.oultakes affright, and he contemplaies the_ pie. ture witlisadliess and alarm." 7 • Immagnlnte man! Paragon of truth, integrity and h9nOrl fan you not Make another puldicapPeal to the spirit!!of a sainted* ffitheN—invOke once \ snore the endearinitles of domestic' life, as an evidence of the ,high value. You place - lE4;ot' a spotless character. The' sitered . reollections of "the one, and the holy oblir,,a tions of the other, should haVe constrained you•I.O . the oh:tin : mice of that law, which declares, -"ne' idler \ shalt thou bear false Witness against thy neighbour." i IM ,you 11know the penailtysGod has affixed to the I crime oftbeating false witness? Irea 7 elMd l tremble. 1 • "And the* Judges shall, make diligent :inquisition and behold, if the yritrtms be a-faise witness, and bath testified taisdy against his brothee; then. shall ye do i unto hl as lie had thO4ight to do unto hia brother: so shalt thou put the evil away from among you." * Be assured, foolish Man! that God will in time vin dicate hia high enactments. In his benficent Provi denee it I's so ordered, that the pit a man diggeth for his neighbor, therein, he that diagethit, shall himself fall. • 1 1 ; • • , I preserved no cop) of my letter, and cannot there fore give , its words; but the emblazoned paragraph.; in whichithe gross fraud is perpetrated, by the„omis sion of am important part, reads substantiallY thus: "In r 4 Peet to yodrikelf I have - ExpresSed no word of disparag:mt-vt or V.pkindneßs. On the contrary-I have fre§uently expressed a preference for you over yitur riNials OF THE OLD LINE DEMOCRATIC .FARTY;:(Dawson, Forney, 'lurk., Buchanan; itc..) and, this,; when it was supOsed the Party would have the power to make an election."' The words "OF TIIE OLD LINE DEMOCRATIC TARTY , ," or " OLD LINE DEMOCRACY," or words to this ':import: tire OMITTED; and .those words, clearly define and limit to -a particular class, those fired*, over whom I had given Mr. Cameron' a pref- erence. ; I was;tnot referring to the then present state of the Senatoro question, as would clearly appear by a cor rect reading of thec,letter; but to the subjectas it_had presented itself before the election;:;and before the po liticiatcharacter of the Legislature was known.- I say in the fetter whet' speaking of hiving repeatedly exPressed a - preference for Mr. Cameron—"and this when i6va.4 supposed the "party" would have the power t 4 m r alre au election." What PARTY :was it, that it ,vas supposed would have the power to make as electioni when I expressed a preference for Gen. - Cameron crear his rivals, Dawson, Forney, Burst, Buchana.n ke? A reference to the OMITTBDpart of the letter Would shOw, that it was the "old line dem orraticimrty." No one suppos'ed, that party - would have the power to 'make an election, at the date of 'my letter, nor indeed, 'at any time after the result of the Ockther election had become known. Agaimif I ha . dj' i been. referring to the-then present -tinie, with what propriety could I hive named ,Dawson, ForneYi Burst and Buchanan, as hip rivals? Not one of them •was then in the field as "a candidate for the office Of United States Senator. - To have referred to his present rival: men then _ before the public for she office—l should have maned -Curtin, Johnston, Coope i,r r; Conrad Le. • • • It xs '-I well' known that for more than a year before the p . resetit Legislature *as elected, and when there vras every prospect that the administration party vro'd retain its a.scendeney in this State, that the names of DawS, Forney, Burst, Buchanan, and others of that party?, had been limn time to time, spoken of as can tlidat4 for United States Senator. .After- the elec tion It4st fall, when the administration -party was so signally overthrown, all of tha previously talked of " oldi/ine riAntocratic" candidates, eicept Mr. Came rya, :r4tired at once from the field. The decided , ad verse political character of the Legislature, precluded, as it was, supposed, the possibility of their electiCin ; and ; they ceased to be spoken of as 'candidates, and were no longer before the pudic as such. These, and Other* of this class, - were tKe men, over whom, I . bad repeatedly expressed a preference for Mr, Came ron, ;i and it follows of necessity, that such expression was mad; when they were understood to be dates or ." rivals" for the °Lice Mr. Cameron was seeking. 'tray° said enough to show the 'infamous means employed by Mr. Chase, to make we the victim of his faisOood / and misrepresentation.. A - word as to the reigOns and motives - of his conduct. Ovenld not consent to co-operate with him in systOataticcowee of fraud and deception. I would be aparty - Tto no sliamor I would nbt display the taMid,of Freedom to betray it. I would not' make bn l xritieal professions of attachment to the pritici plea, 3f Freedom , for the purpose of leading the muses into the 'support of slavery propagandism. In short I if ividd not become a cO-partoer in his infamy, in ntln Gor. Bigler before the peOple, as the eon 41date and friend of Freedom, when I, and he, and 6 4 Mtelligent Mtn in the State and Goontrii knew that lie stood *as -the candidate of the !rational Ad. ~' ri ministrationi and the representative of-its principles and Meas a c res. if I had earned for myself is ixn,:trait, drawn in the sameirolors, as that presented of him by a leading Etgler paper, Mr. Chaim to-day' *mid bait) Been My tiiend; MA instead of devoting ihnoat kis entire paper to Misrepresentations , and falsehoods R i me d at -i ti 4, would have been extolling me as a Mod el of-political 'consistency anti integrity. , . . The motive for the perpetration of this eudaeiouit T in an l y i t Oda juncture, is too plain to be mistaken, I t was intended k)r:effeet upon the Legisisitnre, and to indite:nee the result to come off on Tneeday next, t he .7th hitst. Feir.;this reason it was held backnntil It was, tho4ght too late to expose and counkerst . the fraud.. I beard - two weeks ago through a latter; writ. _ ten by Mr ! : , Laporte to E. 0. Goodrich, that Mr. Chase —then in Harrisburg—was showing a letter , front me to Mri;CaMeron, cimtaining eipressiona of kindness and personal, regard,' -with a view to inflience my ftienda' to he support of that gentleman. •When in formed tifihis by Mr. Goodrich, I remarked at once, that Ilcard nothing aboutit beyond the fact, that Mr. Cameron had alloW,ed so unscrupulous and unprinci pled a' L man as Mr; chase, to have possession of the letter.! The restilt bas demonstrated, that this re mark was not irith`Out foundation,. The letter was not written for:exhibition or publication; and yet if Mr. Carneron chose-,to make this use of it, I cared, not s strain if it' were pUb li shed in every paper in the &tn. 1_ mon* l ealth, and read by all her citizens. I thottg,ht, I confess, that it was trenching upon the point of bon or and gentlemanly . intercourse, to place the letter to the hands of a kno*n Unscrupulous enemy: ThiS act justly 'makes Mr. Cameron responsible; and a sharer in the infaMy whielt attiehes to the use that has Been made of it., The only apology he can offer fOr pla cinttite letter in die hands, of Mr. Chase; is that he wished it to be used in the manner, and for the pur pose that it has bee i tt Used; and that there w a s no ,man in the State, Mr. Chaie excepted, who would stoop to an act so shameful and base. rytt to the letteq and the motives for its garbled publication at ibis time. So little thhught did I give' the inbject i. and,so little did I care übout it, when I learned that Mr. Cluiie was showing the letter inliar , risburg, that I did riot even 'write to my friend , La porte Upon the subject. I well knew. that it contain ed nothing-.of the least importance, and that .it could not fairly be used tct influence the action of any one. The firth use Made of my letter, was to see if the tone of personal kindness that pervaded it, could not be used to win over some of my friends to the sup port .., of 'Gen. Cameron.e Mr. Chase is the agent, em ployed for this (comparatively, honorable) work. Thin was a failure.. The letter, even in Mr. Chase's hands, did not' prove ins zealous enough in behalf of 'Mr. Cameron, to induceianY of my friends to come to his support. ' The next l : , use made of it, is to prent a garbled publicatioN onithe ere of commencing again the -hailotings . for-Senator, with a view to prevent the opponents of Mr.' Cameron uniting upon me.— Mr.. Cathemks friends in the Legislature are compact and rtganizeil, and *Olin a few votes, number the figure required election. It is otherwise'with his opponents—they are broken and divided between rival candidates, and agreeing only in one thing—op position to the election of Mr. Cameron: If they can only be kept divided, it is easy to see that the di ,-ei ;dined forc4 of Mr,zCatheron, must in the end . lre rail. 'I had received niore votes on the second and last ballot, egainst den. Cameron, than had been giv en to any,other . catitlidate—Mr.' Buckalew excepted, *hose election his friends do pot count upon or 'ex pect. ' It *as feared that the opponents of Gen. Cam; cron (not including the members who voted for Buck. 1 rdew) might concentrate upon me, and thus present the strength of an - rinOd body in opposition to his election. Mr. Chase evidently feared this, and con templated with dis.itiay the possibility of my success. What so well calculated to pre i vent a union, upon me, 1 among 4 class of nien whose bond of cement in ac ' ion, was apliositiwi to Cameron, as to represent me he really in that gentleman 's favor?. What better 1 cal /dated to excite - ttgaipst me, men' so feeling, than \ to re sent me as declaring my preference ter 7 v Cam eron, o er those candidates in whom they had felt an especial interest, an whom they would lay aside in uniting upon me? kir in What way could Gen. Cam ! ermii succes'i„be soeffectually promoted, as by keep -1 ing his opponents broken and divided! Here lies the . true secret ofihis most infamous buiiness: - Fear of my election, ant.i.a desire to promote the success , " of Gen. Cameron. - , Mr. Chase, in lag, comments on, my letter, with characteristic reckless.neskasserts, that I have charg ed Mr. Cataeryn wtili trying to bribe - , me to his sup- I port . It false; 'i'and no credible witness can be called . hi iti i supportr Were it not an impeachment I of Gen Canieron's known sagacity„ the uncharitable' might, suspect that he' had been waSting - some of his funds upon Mr. Chi rtse. I have done with this man. • He ma . y \ cundnue his railings: and falseininds upon me with IMRunity. shall notice no charke in his paper, not supPerted by. the name of, a man of credit and character.: I hate lived to fittle purpoSe, if aught he may say; call do me injury. '• • In conclusion, I ltudletage Mr. Chase to place - m, letter in the hands Of .Mr: Grow, who will beat home in a few days, that !iit veritable copy - may be publish ed. Such pablicatlim; I affirm, will sustain all, a nd More than all, that I have herein charged - against Min- " , Ti. WILMOT. Snsinnlum COtuity Teachers' Association. The Susquehanna Co., Teachers' Associa l tion held a meeting in the Baptist Church, at Jackson Corners, on, ?+turdit., Feb. 10th,•1Et55. The • Preeideht not being present, J. W. Cargill, was elected "chairman pro • terry .! ,- The Chiirman called for the-report of the commit tee, appoinied at a previous meeting, to report on the beziefi4 to be derived.frtnn the office of County Superintemient. ii • B.• F. TeWksburyibeitig the only member- of the vimmittee present, ;Said he had not expected to re port upon this subject, and therefore - had not prepar ed linuelf4e. had ; supposed the duty would be Per foixned by the Chair Man of the committeel; but he would not Ipbject toisoffering a few remarks in regard to it, that' the- subject may be placed in a tangible shape for discussion' ,Ile could see- no goOd reason why we siould not have a general 'superintendent in the schotil department—thee same argument that would abolish the office of county Biiperintendent would deprive the mmon ach . ool system of any eon _ „ eij centratedauperiatendency whatever, which is a ruin ous policy in anyibtisiness. It is a trite aml true say ing, that ":whaterer is everybody's business is nobod y's ;". and - judging . froto the situation of our schooli, it would seem we hid pursued the policy that adage is intended to ridke or illustrate, quite too long al ready. .• ; • - Biniben:Hartisto., said he was dissatisfied with the Office l ig cotairity:superiatendent, as conducted in this eitality at leata.s- He was not certain but it maid be snide of benefit M the schools, but he could see •nothit l ig of the ki{' sß r as yet.' \ ;i E: •8. Norris thotibt the schools hadno L been via itedai contemplatec by the law. ' I B. F. fewksbuitsr• 'said the question was not wheth - er the present Couitty Superintendent was perform ingthe dOties of Oat' other ; but, whether l ithe duties of thel oift‘ priVerly perfotmed would he'd belie& to the scbos.: oL • . E. C : Roger' thought it could be mace areat hair efit, and argued it .4 length in an able and eloquent =Mier. L. IL Bunnell also supported the aff+native in Acme fey and aPpropriste rri:rll/.rin% wring the wreithedaeas of tha principle in general Cage ezpringed a concurrence in, the vievi given tp the justness tithe principle. i . Ed i r . W I G. Lad; mus thief/ called upon ,1 and . gave_ a highly intereatin, Otecowst of the benefit. of the of 6ce4 of Gouty Superintendent in Con nectic ut and Nuartchuse4a, that:the opponents of the laar, or that Port* CI it eatthliahing the MSce of Cout ty Su. Peri , t . +ldOnt, wee ;hasty. aid premature in 'their cow cluamm, and quiteirtoo apt to found their estimate of educatiou4on dollars and centa and. Awri at rather a low mark. Toot ht Pennsylvania iihould net re . c do from the noble step ehe had taken to behalf the education of her children, Ilia r e marks were list tene4 to with deep interest. , The following resolution was then offered anti .nnariimotbily adopted. - Solved, That we heartily approve the principles,, in thC Conimon School Law. establishing the office of , r , County Superintendent: , - 2 . ' l* foll Owing resolution Was then offered and supl - porterd, by J. W. Cargill, also by L. M. Bunnell, IL Kingliburi and B. P.Tewksburi, and opposed by Al. G. Bushnell and Reuben H arr i s. . • ' 'i 1 i - 1 Resolved, That the County Saperintendent had obi l with fidelity the duties devolving upoti hini4coorling to the conditio*this eleetion. ; The discussion continued for g ierne time with nci little spirit and animation. The resolMlon &tail PasitS. j On molten of R. Barth Esq., the subject of a unit forMity of 'Z'ext Books was taken .up for discussion,l, butti being near the hoer for adjoUrnn.enF, , E. Rog* meved that there be an evening session held,; and dist the subject be laid over till evening which'''. wall "flied. The Asiociation then adjourned . to - meet'pt o'clock P.l If. . . . Ri;ening Associatisn assembled and elected E. B.i Noo-fs Chairman_ pro tem. The discussion of_ Text Books was then taken up and continued s.tlength by ? R. Barris, fEsq;; J. W. Cargill, A. G. Bushnell, L. M. Bullon, E. C. Roge;s and B. F. Tewkshtiry. I Ali agreed that uniformity was highly nesirable In t: ever* schoct!; and, also, , that the School Director ought to discharge this important duty of their Office i f imnlediatety, in case they have not alreittly. • 1 • Bqt few; of the members of the Association beingi , . present, : it was thought best to postpone the election;' of officers till next meeting. Tlie meeting at Jackson was one of the best Eaten-) ded iiteedn'gs the Association has ever !held: The . 1 good people 4 . 3 f Jackson displayed a spirit highly cred-1 itable to them ; 'and • well sustaining the reputation; ; i • theylutve , heretofore enjoyed for intelligence •and;' deep'iinterest in; the common schools. ' 1 1 Theparint Came to confer with the ti•acher upon!: the (to him and the state,) mementoes subject of the! elitt4tion Of hiS children. A glorious sight indeed!!! "F*l4- picture for angels to gaze upon." 1 Wh;?.n willji , . every parent 41 that he and the teacher have one; conntion Interest, and that the education of the cbiM is the first great interest of both? When will be feel : that' heir interests are linked equally by One conimonii tie to the welfare of his offspring? Well may it be.l .asked, who more than the parent shall feetan interest- in common seloolli education. Ample accommoda-.1 tioni were j)reFtared • for the entertainment of the As-• 11 soclation, and among those most worthy of individtt.. al notice fer °6 their active exertions are Reuben Barris,': Es.i J. J. Tiirner, G. Williams, —Culver Esq.! and R. G.,l.arnb, to allot whom the Association is ; inueb indebted' for their kindness. ' -- . '- Before adjoutnment the Secretary read a note fromi Prof. Richard Son, stating that - he by accident had,; the 'Friday eveing previous, received a severe injury i 1 in one of his e es, and that in consequence of that he; shoehrbe y unable to attend the Association. Ile ex prised a; . Warrit wish that the meeting might be bar-'. momous and ulgeful. • • - Askociation then adjourn//1 to meeVatliarford rtii 7 ; verwity ortiSatnrday, February 24th, 18.55,.at twelve. o'clock, 1 4 1 B.F. TEWKS4IIII 7 , RCc. Sec.. For • • ~•:1;k:uoN, Wyoming Co., Feb.' 1855. 1 .tirrontslßEfent.tess: :—Noticing in the M ontrose beMocrat a ftr weeks since a long list of , new suby t scribers, purporting to have been obtained iu niti4l l dais, t h e sqpposition, in my mind at • lean, wa.4:l : :I that they Were bona,fide subscribeN, I being persons l acquaibted with a number of those whose nameS were appeitdcil to the list. A few days :after, being at a public house where there were a.nbnaber.of peri f ;:i sous preSeiic Pne of the number took quite n . paekage l J of numbt. - trit of the Montrose Democt at out of his pock, et and began distributing them among those present, whew not One['of those that had 'papers directed to them had ever subscribed for it, and these same men's' names are 'in the list of tluite having fnlbscribed in! - . nine days, i Now ert# hardly suppose Mr. Chase meant give his paper to those men gratuitously. Perham hej.hought h 4 was doing them and their Camilies kindness by 4rcing them to take a .newspaper, (a's : they certainlvi_ought,) whether they were willing Or: not, • He roust know there are many, very many, that. don't know what the law is, with regard .to newspa- 1 pers. accusing lbe . friends of the Republican Aid .obtaining aubScribers dishonestly reminds one, to ei,y' thOeut, bf the thief in the midst of his pursuers. 1•11 4 1 I DIED. 4 .. ~ ~ . -! On the sth linst.; . at the residence of her fathor, - Geo. Backus ; ; in Bridgewater, susgyaehanna co., P. 4.., LtltA A. Wrife'of Geo. W. Pick-.ri ng , , !She has been a con.siatent member of the Baptist Church at Montrose, for five years; and leaves an iti rapt sob, i VriO a large circle of warm friends .and aci quaintances. ; . We ter,tierito the husband and friends, our kindest vmDathies, in their affliction. ''. Cox.!' .. - ; • • i ":. A* , . W,beirfiseilpfs,.- • , \AUCTION SALE. • The sulisc *ber having leased his Farm situated In Forest Lake,; -4 mile from the Post Office kept Mr. Elishil Gris, will sell at public auction on Tbuisi day the 29th day f March neat, sale to commente at 9 o'clock A. M., e following described stock Sic, il' Span 'isplendid Tear old Mares l very gxxidl '7, year old'Mare, 1 very 2 year old ;grey Colt, i 2; 3 year old Steers, 2, 2 y ar old Steers, 1, 1 year Old Heifer, 5 ,yearfing Raters, 2 yearling .steers, 1 Env", gy Wagon., - 1, 2 Horse Sleg 1 single V l ach iHarnest I Plough,: 1 Stove and Pipe, • i TERMS oir SILL—AII Sums .er $5, tut* all sums over *5 mid under $5O, 9 mon •, and all sums over $59, 12 months credit with interes andiapproved se. cOrity. BENJAMIN OCHAYNE4 . IMarch Ist.; 1855. 844ir • • • '' PUBLIC VENDUIE. "(ATM laotOld at Public Yendue, an gat 7 T 17th day of March, at 12 o 'clock A. , the Plum . ) now occupied by Benj. B. Fox, hi Pores \ Lahf. cirtaining 41 acres, and well watered and tnostlXiie proved, with a new dwelling bowie, barn and .t ,honse, and other buildings, and a young orchi II nosily grafted fruit. • Tictuni-inade known on day of gale. March lat. 1853. MARY ANN F.OX4 ' - ADMINI,TUATOIIS NOTICE. etters of Administration of the Estate pf Ilartpak jJ Bollea, late of Jessup township deceased; with the !win anneted, have been granted to the subscrit*i.: persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims 0r . 410.: Mande against the estate of said decedent, will make known the same without delay to . . CHARLES AVERY, Administiater.: Hontree,e Feb. 28. 1855. • • 910. , . _ , 1 . NOTICE. ' , h ~. T ' ahnual meeting for the electiOn : of :officers' . : for the Lackawanna Railroad Company will he held at the house of Wm. W. Bronson in the city ;4f Carbondale, on Tuesday, March 18th, 1855. .., By order.: • D. W. LATIIROP, Secy. Carbondale, Fe bruary I, 1855. - PUBLIC SALE. . 1:.;. Ityru: be exposed to Public Sale at tire Md.; V y iderue of the subscriber, in the Borough iof Montrose .!on Wednesday the 7th day of March twit,: at 10 o'clock A. IL; the'following property to wit: - 4 variety of Household Furniture. consisting . (anumg many articles not enumerated) of Tables, Ch airs, Berl **As, Beds,'Standi. Crockery. Cooking store and Kitchen-Imes, Looking Glasses, etc. Also, Saddlea Harness, Plow, and (perhaps) one of the most petted Carriage Horses five years old, in the County, with' Leather top Buggy, and plated Harness. • ..• Termsrme entombs credit will be upon: strong no*, with interest and approved . security fin; all Bums over $5.- • N, C. 'TYLER Montrose, Feb. 21,1855. , • . 8w2.; . GOODS AT COST FOR CASH. . large quantity of Delainar—s lap quantity of Pit arnettailk, Wool and .Cotton MsMs—Musiln and Cambric. Embroiders—Dress Trimmings and Buttons_ 4-* large. stock of Ready Made Claling--is large Stock of Fancy articles-4mi a few Books will be said nt. 'Colt till the tat of April nett by the subscriber. February 14 1855. F. B. CHANDLER.If i"- .I t Mg LATEST 11/ 1 043..8Y in 11 - f I f s'i .• ": 1' EBB, ARA ! f :1 - 1 f frMAT-tie Spanish Corirt has decided pcit 4,01 the pl. ledirid Pi Cuba, but Joseph h Wittenberg & into er haiereCePtly decided to epen a- new rOre in the building,of L. Searle, a few doors east of loo m 's stiire, opposite; Wilson's dwelling house, comer tf: ' estnut and Gwiiipi'pstreetk, where they *ill keep dni, hand a splenclittassortment of Ready Made Clothing; iil4 in additltiori to this, i good assortment of: lizlptid Cltith, eassiknere; gentuckey Jeans, &e.; in s'h'ort, sigenral assortinent of Gendemen's furnishing Gocsis. I Abe, a splendid asiortipent 01 Ladie' Dress Gooch, S lks, rapcei, Delaines, Alpaceas, Embroideries, Shawls,• c at, Dress Trinunings„&ci&c., all of whiciitley a fzie re; termliied ti offer to the public at very IoW prices.— All Goods warranted to give satisfactiott, as well in quality as in price. , , 1 , ,Plcase give us atrial before purcluisiPttlelSe whiz, re. J. WITTENBERG & BRO EF. - Mor_itrosti, Jan. 26, 1854. • , -. . I i • -•:-,----1---- -------":------- '. :- I.'; li Sheriff's Sales.- , :1C 71"31 virtue of , sundry writs, issued out ',of the Cdtirt Li of Common Pleas of Susquehanna county and to me directed, I will expoie to publie,sale!ai the Court house in Montrose, on-Saturday the Seventeenth day or- March !text at one o'clock in the afterr+n-4411 that Certain piece or panel of land situate', lying rind being,. in the township of 'Lathrop, in saidicouUty, .bcronded and described as follows, to wit:', i Beginning se they end of a wall on the e5t...4 side of thitlLkastan its k Western Railroad and in the 'north'il4ank of [the litcok` that crosses near the Ropbottom Depot, ; thgnee riorthl64 degrees east, 9 6-10th perches up theZok to` a past , oh the south side; thence south si , d es east, 12 3-10th perches to a post cast side of the tarn pike; 'thenee north 50 degrees west lc 110tif pekh: es iota point opposite the bridge, north,lB3ldegrees west 3 perches to a stake east - side of Itailrli:rd fi nd turnpike crossing, in range - with north Ode la t rn i pike from Depot across the flat ; thence ncirth'' t 41" degree. 4 west 5 3-10th perches to the beg!! nitig;• 0n .." taining 61 perches wore or less, with theyt putte oil ers one throning house, two' store hou_ or sh ps, Oil all ingkored. • ° .) ',•: - .Talcen itttexecution at the suit .of P. P. Catlini. x center &e.trf Putnam Catlin, deceascd,f . l&nroil B. Merrill.: . • . 1 •; ALSO--All that certain piece or parceliofilalsit nate, lying and being, in the township of Atibu ' in Susquehanna county, bounded and described as:fol lows, to wit: On the northdry lands of William Clok, On the east: by lands of Daniel Carter, onl the r ath o lands ofJohn Benscouter, and on the ticsillty lands' of William:Jackson, containing about 88•Iireievirire Or lesii, with the appnitenances, one log; hciuse *ld bitrn, ;turd shout 45 acres hirproved Taken in' execution at the snit ofJohnl ;tie of L. II:' Peck,. vs. S. C. Sherer. 1 .A1 4 .90- . —,At the same time mid plum; 31, dain three Story wood building with a brit; Ment,:situate in. Lodersville, Great Bent . . in said . Coulity, and the Lit and piece oft Oil-111;Tc stypurtenant thereto, and on=. bhiltlingis ! ,eonstructed, bdanded on the nt the Newburgh turnpike road, on the'cast; east-by lands formerly owned by C. J. 11: Outh;:by grOttilds owned - rind occupted b: S'ork4: Elie Rail-Road Co. and on the %void • west by lands of Lowrie Green, said buildi - itig and covering all the .lot.; .! being some it fnmt tin said Rail-Road g ! rounds, and sii) tilocaleet . .ijtar to. said Tucjtipike mud. 1 i I Taken ini execution at the suit of Elmen 11iitni ii. Addison Bryant. :. ' ' 'l 1, i l ALSO—By an order of Court, one scituer .ect, Ipii•ce l ; or.itairel of land lying and bein!slt. aatettiiil ;townships ilf Lathrop and, - Lenox, Igininktl, and; . iSeribed as follows to wit: On the north t,lir ilandis, ;Lewhi Baker, on the east by lands . inf Onfdti f'asei 1 1.satel'o . ..on the south b); Ends of-Da4l Illsti I • st *. Geo. TitTai4, and on the west by lands rtft, ol n Wit , i ! enntaininm:l3:3B acres be - thG same more 4r .1 1 ss, 1 , , . ith . i -{ - e appurtenances. • •1. i!' , . A4S.O-.-3:iy- Virtue of 4 writ of Apr. 4rutd 04 o, Said Oottrt tWo ether certain pieces or panel" of E Ind jiiitu:ded lyiiig and being ipartly in the ,-, si•ougli of rViiendsvillii and partly in 'the township : : 3 . ' lkpalacon ih said County, and lxiiiiiiMil as- follotrf, ti? w4l: I lhe first Degining at the corner of David Rcibb'sjinrid 'on the Milton.' and Owego turnpike Roal, thl•lnce . I. nioug said turnpike north thirty seven deg!. •es West, :83 pdyches do . a post—thence South :37 th gAces xi - est; ,1 P 9 percito to a beech ; thence . S.outh .p:' -4... (last. ':711 perches-and 7 - 44., 4,,0 a post in .the said E01i,,.,,,,- b's hind; thenCti north S 7 degrees east, 87 perchei:lohe Place 'ofßeginning 3 . ctintaininv-18 acres and 3 .perOites 1 .'a - ith the appurtenances 1 awellin g _hou, 1 3arti!and :1: corn house. and nearly all hnprored,4t • t to E'-tate (:)t- Lticindit! Dayton. 71st Second 'BOun e on the . South by the line of _Middletown townsiliti, t n \ . Shuth ;east by lands of David Rebbc, on the 111)49wesi, -by . 1166 ; of Willitim \Veldt alld Edward Cz:038.0 ~ at on ! die north east by the Lt...:, described lin.,f er 4 a i din g '..eighty six acres and seven tenths, more o • i ‘ss, With tile appurtenances and partly improved! ~ f ; -1 Taken iii!executiou at_thesuit of Cal4C tuali ; vs. Liteiuda Divton. - 4 ,' - i - . il . *Ttr .4+ FVP. 11OLL1t A, Shy.riff's j office, 31ontroSir, Feb. 19, 1 5 _ 6. ~....7 . .!,_,.......__,__. ._ .} ; - Administration Notice. I\TOTIC'E, is herehy given that letterW,ofr, .1 1 1 Lion upon the estate". of ,David k;, , e , Renick township. dee.=•aseil,,,hav , b e e r ; H Untlerrighe4, anil all penmen". indebted to F Will pleale make itnnlectiite payment, tit] t Wig claims.: will - Pti - ,ent the same dull 4itt settleinent.i - - ' IiAICSAII 1 HeiTiek;Zitn. 4 7. 1853. ' . • , •! . i WYOMPSG H • k coihiJ. au c3nnianrAo, As'w,, anxious to clove out our , :tiick of el. - ' lug to make room for our Spring and Su; purchasti we are Selling it grea atgreatly redu6ed p fall, as pooris the time' tei her cheap.,, i. • .. . Over emits from #41,00 to #iB,oo. DfesA, krolt 1 -Seek :Coats, good patterns and new styl+. i rants I #1,50 too,oo. Vests of every Style; Gelpts.4] niahing•Goods of every kind. 1 I 1 . r , f '' ' ALL WOOL LONG SHAI.yLS t, , , , , *try per cent. cheaper than ever offeredin IMO r , ` , . tr . DE LAMES. :. i .1 • TO I Goed quality and .neat 'patterns P.elliri i pi, co i l cash.:; I : A r ' . A. LAT#ROP & 42'i IFetitrtiar* 1, 1855. i , . t' I 11 . l' - r 10,006 , Firkin Stai•es.ll PC: 1 1 ;TEll by the subZeribers' immOdiat y. Heading timber and Hoop-poled,—for shic w pay the highest market; price. Sea.4one tare,' rerred. 1 111TH ..1;.11*11 Prooklyo, Feb. 13, '54 POR SALE—A first rate's rears' old ijor i rdj right et , t.y way:: Enquire at tbeTStore I [l s _l3rookly, Feb.. 13.1 SMITH & ngmme4D. ,• ; . S. . Li To Persons out. of Enliqmpi. iii: ,i,......-.2 , . ' iIAGENTS ' WANTIpD I - TN EVERT; SECTION .or THE UNITED! STATE . 1 • 17ie MoU hirgant and Uitittl l'oltcmi o . lf . rf he 1 1 rat . SEMIS' GREAT WORK o*. itiutar t hi. UST published, an Illustrated Deserigtinn Of the ',Cr RUSSIAN EMPIRE. - c . Being a phrsr.d and Po: Utica! Histiary of its Governmenti and tnarf ces Pro ductitips, 'Resources, , Imperial Gove,rnin nt, ';;Com- Oicrce; Lithmture, Educational Means,l.R4li "onil'eV-. 9e, Manners, Customs, Antiquities, ete.l te.,T from 'tke latest and most authentic. sources E lielliShed pi 1 abOut 200 Engravings, and Mapii of urip;pea.n and Antic : Russia . The varhole complete onelhirge 3 !octet- roliitne of aboutf76o pages ? ele tl Anil üb stantie . bound. Retail price, *3. ?' : Thin w 'lc has been Seyeral years in ,Feps.M ion, i :and will, it believed, Meet, in the full SI adepts-, 'tiOn of the,'w , the went so universally elt for MU able itifoiiMitio ' on the 'history and intivn :'resonrces cif a country ocepyin ,, so large a portionl4 the East : ern Hemisphere, lik d telding so formidableu pOsttion 'it the preient the the rest of EurOpel4nd !Asia ; but of with far Jess i 'known than of ' ther lEu i4‘ "ropeat natAon;N - "••• - ' I t ' 1 i . : I. r 1 : i ; - 1 1 1 . or Alin, a deeply I hue sting volumeentitled "THE REMARKABLE AD\ .NTLRES O F CELE HEATED PERSONS," ettihrac' the 'Ro 13.1ntilPInci- Sdents *nd Adventures In the It es . iiif Severeigns, tatesmen; Generals, Princes, W.. • ors,lTrark.lers, Adventurers, Voyagers, dm., eminen nrs, th' IBA rY Of Europe tint America, including. Eke he i o ver 1 0 fifty celebrated heroic characters. Beat i Ilyt i lus: trated with numerous engravings. Brie tit ume 400 pages; 'royal l2mo, 'cloth, gilt. Price,*lo4. r ' . The stibtic-riber publishes a number Of Most ,ralcus •ble Pietoritil Books, ver y popular, antrof such at "or al and religious influence that while Eno' inieti.L.. y tied" engage in their circulation, they, willidonfer , publie,benefit, and receive' a fair rinbp4i sari for their liner , ! • •., I ' I•; rjr - Tothen of enterpilse and tact this business in opportunity for profitalaleemploymint '•seldo to be met with: , • .1 '. lar:Persons wishing to engage in their sale, ill receive, promptly by mul t i a-el/ruler Conti# ing M ull 'particulars with " Directions to persons do to t act as Agents," together with terms on whic they Will be furnished, by addressing the subscriber, 'Post paid, ' ~ . ROBERT SEARS, PUELDIDEE, .1 . . i ,I • /81 Winilltl Et.! N 1 Y. Tisnsitby Seed. 11.2 itst I taoley Turrel i s celebrated Timo th y d , lUed pnrO For sde dy ABiL Teranta • Montrose, March Ist; WINTER CLOTHING • 1 ,r • • 1 • 11take Notice. . -• ; • Ande!ittl to A. Bti.oigri:s t . by, note or book aeeounts . are respectful y refutnd ed that it will l.)e veil - Acceptable- to us to h the' same; paid Itholi; A. ik F. BA! ave 3tdrartise, NoVeruber lftrrt. ' • I • - • • . • -STOVES STOVES! rir!lE fintrscilhOs !Ave to inform of Brooklyn and vleinity that they ha celved a lot of ietores, which they offer low a's they *purchased elsewhere In A45O—A - lpi of STOVE PlPE:anti Elb: different - sizes; pttrunniirpetort;rs prices. ' W.ANTED I -01 Iron, Copper, and -11 change for Btci*es or Other goods. NEW stoek pf Winter Shawls just .2 - 1.1 for site lOwiby "I'SMITH & HEM I '' niAttEITP i i [ i • , - / 5,000 bushels Of Oats, 1 1,000 Nish. Dr? d Apples, 2,000 bushels cOorn,. I 1,000, bush. Buckw heat, s l,OOO bushels of Rye , 1 509 ” Be ta, and any quandiv of 1 ridges, at the high t•ntarket price's, in exchange for s, by • . 1 ' Briaoklyn, Npv:, '54, SMITH & HEM EilD. rt tod • . , iiirivsic ~.. iturTsic ! 131INCE'S IMF,'ROVED MELODEONS, ore' just 'received Liy, I ' ; J. LYON & SON, O n HEET Mald.---a new lot i ,ll;ifie VO o ic' Pi k.) 'Melodeon and Guitar--sotne very bee itfuli picc es jutit, publishcil4-4old - . Ij , J. LYONS &. SON. i• • ! i A few more 14 that Paratnettas, f;lalibmi at i A f I rsh aupply WO: . • I 1-• • 1 ---, - -- 4 .,•• ,----- ---1-- .3foh4satra at - 3 sh4linf „Ai, • Syrup/ at ~ 6 ah4lings, by i; 1 - I Lycis§....k .41N. • 1 71(/. JEW GOODS: ~ A tiIIVING even- wick at; A- LATIIIIO , & , 1 ' B. . 1 = ... , , : . .4.. - 1. Viitmary Istl - • • Wintert: half' QELLING ofra great .ac nary" Ist; 5000 D 4 'WANTED at I ! Yi January )st I - Grain- !• Gcra in 1 VII Olaant I I i a k r i kind-, t d i .p 14 d the ~ . t ih i rles ib t k r .. ll __ Ro; T i IIK S IslandtSals at. ; LATIIROY T 1 Montrose , Oantia •I; 155. i : --- r ------.-- 71; - 1. - - --- " ' ---- 1 -------' .-- .00311 E D I m o SEE US. 1 i - Tlio Teinkrant‘Fe Saloon is 'still ang von, and contends that, total illi"Stinclice from all that intoxicates is theluirest,lsitfekt guard for tl e p4ople. Altheugh the, itiprictor S. s of; the above .looilliwero among the silfrers Of the line fire, and lokt aigcxxl portion of their 'goods, they; inade!out W I ravel one thing—that is, Frinciple which they count worth a pile. They HOW have W sniall stock .of !Proci:riei, Toys; Confectionaries, Yanklee Notions, .Perfuniery, &c., which the Y Offer to the public cheap orcaiili.— oy:4S‘rs got iipliol , all wa -s to!suit eustonieriL This Saloon 'may be (mind in the rear of. Lynx & Chandler's loin ! fitiildinfr, &On. , on Chest; ut street. Come owe mid dk and': `C the place 'where we ire. ; .• ; •r• I F. )I. FORDIIAIt & 10. - • 314ntrose, Deeinnher 3, -1854. e.11(84 i1 .y, [.. r hat Oil.- f nt baie• niwnsp .1 iti '. round [andn icit t.aid rt,t-ear 1 -1 . l at ti so nit ; rti :on, the he i ltiw. , 41 id narih ng neciiiiy• L fti- red,i - in IN ---- t Step.rum to td 7/4rvinTs. • *O lfe t s * • r "HE subserers haNle milde arrangemet `1 inish to prioinis who may be in want or above named irmalual4e Snf $, at the same which they can 14) obtained the manufat Having experienged the benefit of stir!) an ring the Lite cnntlagrat Qll onrselves, we estly recommendlio others having valuable papers, the preserving of which,‘yould be ct impcirtanee to pi/tu, no to do ~ithout one: Prices rangy froMi ;):)1) to arid we el to any one wirildng toi purbhase, did style; size, pritie.l).ke., Mid firrifish them or tice,lwith the int rnalrangetnent to Flti ehmitT.. . !BENTLEy Montrose, Dee 'miter di), . ant 'the dc= of nd• WE:are receivin purchased in di compete, and 'wt tenni', at the neti Otticv. - I Motitro;ze, Feb QOLE Deathe V. 7 ne -I:freiFt suppl o' &c. Sc.. just rte coif:, r 17 2 '..e Subscillie ichich on hall Ghat 8an4.4: shit. ' , _,...____ i F . iu,h4tra i, laic of 4 .3 Lnte, the iid to ici.;ei ntr :tted for .EWIS 100; I 1 '1 • , LL AD i REY, - ST(;)VES AN, D 'IN WARE F 'lt 'HE. t 1 P1,...:1)P1-E. - ; ; • . A ArooDituF . r & ELDRED have constan vob blind I a large] and ,w a likseleeted ,astortmt of tin ware, Reels. Oinil Ch n for : wells, purnps,• pistern pumps; &c., Ifs4raußi 11 : In's:Japanned u•ares; lead .. I . pipe of all siXes.Ac.. c_ Job work done with. peat ness'and des at ; all orderi promptly attended to. .' .$ myEs& PII'E - 1 :- 1 kepi! constantly" n ha7l, a large assortment ofstoves of the latest Mip oved and approved patternsi Our experience in th :buSiuess'enables us' to s'leet those that ;we can safc Y wnt to give entire satisfaction. Amongst our tau eron stock can be found thei, Paragon air fight Star of the West, EleN'ated Ncir, World, " Clinton, . ' Oven. Atlae, ..- • A, , Cultivator " , t Plibeniz,.., .1, Fire. Fly, ' , 7.- I" Three States; 1 t " •:W 'tern . ; . 1" Globe,. ' 1 i"` P 'llium. '' S. A. vroobßixtr. , oth- Lmer and sn!En ur, .Ni '. E . ' GOODS. .•T i . : A ..P'esh. .11 rieal f Neer Goode, Wrirh we • ; i ill ,s 11-rev . / cheap. • :I - • . iv E have a. arge took of Staple and rancy Dry \ 1 1 7- ' Goodsi.4 ich tve will sell cheap.. 0411 an' . , . examine. 1 I ' 1' nett pahide Clothing. s ; . We pre now iirepared to clothe all according i to the I . i . t latest litylc. ik HATE A LARGE .STOCK, WIII II WE W 11.4 SELZ: TEBl * *ow..: Call and'examine befok pur l . chasing. Also; ii large stock of Cloths, catilmeres. Jeans, Siitinetts,l i Tweeds, &c. dc.—in fact ) our~ stock in this line is complete. .We invite the ,tteAtion of cssii rcacmiens to our stock. All kinds.qooduCe t taken in excl an ,e for goods at cash. price l ' l . . Montrose, 'ovt. 22, '54. IIAWLEY ' 31 i TT. . i . - 'I • Aliso will pre- 1 . i.---. 1111:11ELL I .. • • ~• H AS justl4oeir d from .N.ew York a fullassort .ment 91'14711' 000.D t 9, comprising :a • first rate 'Yariety.of Bkco:4, Mr.incists, Citt:_ute t its4 Otis, DYE-sYrrrs,;s-1 AUE, FAMILY GROCEIVIEKI RAPE* RIAU; FOR. Llthlk 11:SICIL Issrui - ur.:syS, XANKEE I SOTIONS, JEIYI4.II,T, PRFITMERY, AND ALL SOUPS OP FANCY Goons,iwbicl will he sold extreniely low, for )., cash.: I.laring, r rtcently sustained a loss 1.).Y fire of at leastfire thousatut dOlare, above instunnee ; and gnodS saved, I fancy 11 Itar , strong claims for the patronage of mi friends and ill public generally. I ask doi man, to giye to me, ticitlaer do task or expecti l additional profits in conselt tep l ee of said lOss. - I Wililleti goods.. as low, if not bier han can 'be bought eleaterein this. towit or un y.' All task . is thatipatfonage .fromithe publ d high will enable me with . ndustry to' slowly but - gincin lli replace the loss susfafned—said, loss being tju. - hiv'tif i ettinings of a life of anilouit toil. . Stare at thellower end of the-burned district, on Main , street, tiro* .ours below the. corners, ,1 - , r I 1 !I I ._.. • ABEL TURRELL.' - Montrose; ;D.i.e . ber 14;'1854: \ . r . -1 1 ; t, i ; ~ 1 . .-1 , '., AA It!ght ALauln. ; BOOTS &SHO , READY MADE AND . MADE ~ IJO , ORDER. - f t . -,: , , Min Subscn r would respectfully annotmce to his I. customerS 1 ' d the public in general 40 he is again prep red O the Boot and Shoe businm re . Raving just ci. red from New York a chmci lot of Sole and trppereath9r, Calf Skins, Kip kips,.t.c., 1 1 , all oak-tanned, - I !t so, an assortment of. R it ti.-made work, consistin 1 m part of Men's Thick 'and Calf Boots,' Boys [kW , Children's Strap Boots, ':romen's Enameled. Uniod,:Boots, Polkas, Kid Bus hill, Silk Lasting,ros Gaitirs, Goat Lace loots, EnaMeled Peg-, ged Boots, Miesqa Kid Lace Boots, Children'' Roan Booth, LT. d:c,+4hich will be sold forcash cyseaper Aan' earl be sou ht elsewhere in this maritef.. iße siring done nea p 3i. - . I 71ease call sinxtunine. ` Store first-door 'east of ld Fellowarlfall. • . i i ',tem ltorir l i; from "the time. to work" until the "restrand "refreshment."' .Grate ul ror put hopetk; by strict attention to b siness to hniante of - the same. lisornewhat in want of the. "on' thing •l', he would `suggest, in le Mildest. ,:le pro , priety of those ind Wed call tt some immediately. Nur ied. 4, 864. C. K. simm9Ns. 41, ''e I CS L vo ' • , - - ' he t. 4 a eon 1 At e R. Be 4 1 j ti ful," (moth. 1 finer possible; I Ad settling ildotrose' .; Dec 4.. • ' 4','l ! ! . Al,xes nuE , AP .tea Store.. \ J. LYONS ‘...1 prontreil, • etnizt7ll. ' ' 1 ',I , ~ time . for\ &vet* he.' Merit a coM N.;11. BeL, needful," (won manner posallile,l tug ind setting .114Mtrose,;Det m i ' 1; Ea dd LA A. LI. 117.141 GOODS. /.eekl a lot of New . rendera our !jell oter, on the`ntof , t ! buildlng, kale door abov lIENTLEY S:1 I, 18.55. IESII r Calf ;king. OKI Plana, nyceived . :10 gm sale j -BENTLEY &BEAD. i. UPP 1 a suppi, Ve4.• T Spoons, Watc.lnf., JOrelty, DENTLEY !READ., • • .1! C FFINS !- COTT St , 1 e. , llas on , hand readytii4del.offins had at rinisonable price4,' :1 lot or Superior window 1 , - , 1 .,51 1 ,1 •. .I I HENRY W4RNrR. n. 1.5t1i 185 5 . •i: '1 , 6. 11. IVITHEREAS I have Just received , anew stork sof V Winter Goods which have been bought xi the lowest prices, and whereas I in in great want of Cash, Viroolen Yarn, Corn, Oats; Butter, Bggs, Wood:(fow feet long,) or any thing else to keep A poor man froth starring, starring, I am bound to sCli goods at a very low figure for any of the ahoval articles Just call and take a look, that's all! - I " S. A. LYONS. Lanealx)ro, January 1, 16.55. e citizens e Just re or Itle as e te . unty. rya tof the , • ROCHE and Scoterlaid Shawls, French B nos, Paramettas, 'Jenkins, &c., at.:,. teneisboro, January 1;1865.]. S. A. LYONS.: s, ti, 0:4 S. WII-SON Arc SON MALebecnunbilieinAvBC!)/I2f4Ard• old stuiv''East rontrose, November 14, 854. • iFACTS FOR 2111 E PEOPLE. 41E subscriber is awrvlng on the CHAIR MAK; T lISINKSS all its-various branches tit the Chair and Ware Shop Itarfoid, Where may 'be timid a greater variety Of. Windsor and nothing Chairs than at any other establishment in the county; also Flag and Cane Seats, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Leung- Settees, Tables, Stands . , k 6. etc., all of which Will be sold at the lowest prices' aeretall, (or wholesale, With short notice.) All irork warranted well made and of good material. Short credits and small profits will be my motto. For demonstration- of the sbove factl, please call at'my shop-in Harford village. ' • A. W GBEENWOOD. !Barford, October 1, - 1516m6 ived and EILD. FARM FOR SALE, AT 'GREAT.BARGAINS, THE subscribers offer for Sale on the most liberal and easy terms,one of the best located farms for making monerin Northern Pennsylvania. The said rim its situated on the Newburg . and Owego Turnpike; two . Miles east of Mount Pleasant village, - and twelve from the N. Y. A: E. R. 11, also sery.conveniently situated to Churches, Schools, Grist-mills, Saw-mills, Black. smith shops It contain one hundred and sixty one acres, one hundred of it under a good state of cititivation,•well watered and good buildings,.cousist log of a good framed house, Well finisnedotT i and very conveniently arranged. Also'two good barns and a good barn shed well calculated for convenience, two large orchards yielding from; 500 to 1000 bushels an nually, mostly grafted fruit of the best quality. I The Ginn is well adapted'to grazing sufficient to keep a large stock. For price and terms apply to B. F. EATON, or to ALFRED LAKE, on the Premises. Ilarford, Dec., J 3, 1854. ' & tO's. i d: Cp's The substribdr3 hare Ltaken .and fitted up the new bifildinm on the West side of PublieAvenue, two doors :those giarle's Ifot6l, and are noWkeceiring a large and well selected assortment of I - Fall apd Winter Goods. : • I TheirsteCk hialinost elitiOly NEW, having saved but a very few god from the late destrtictive' fire and comprises their usual variety of DRY GOODS: Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Drugs, Metlicines,• Paints, Ail., Dyestuffs, Boot, Shoes ,Leathers,' Glass, Jewelry, Watches, Silver Spoons, Clocks, Yankee Notions, &c. ke. We are that'lkful for the patronage hitherto bestowed upon us' and trust that our, ens.- touters, and the public generally, will not fail to give us a call in our nen locatiotl, confident that we cap supply them-with goods on ay favorable terms as here trtfore. ; BENTLEY k'READ ' Montrose, November % 30, 654. • ;• • , . More and More New GOOds. HBUERITT 'is- now receiving new and full • supplies of Goody l'ar the ll'inter Trade, in-' eluding a new and elegant Osortnient of French _Mc rinoes, Merino and Cashmere Plaids; Plaid,l Fan cy and .I,anes, Pdrantettas, ilrochc, Square .and Lopy . .Sha t eis; all of new and best styles, and will he sold at 2 per cent. less than , last year's Also a new assortment of Rich ,leihhons : and Bennet: hide Silk. 1 - elrets far Cloaks and Mantillas, Rich .Silk and Velvet Dress Trinaaings, '4lO/lair Head Dress's, R;yolf ts ulith a general-ass ortment of other Smear and RiNcli Goons t 'as :usual, which having bought under the prCsent pressure of the cash 'Markel, will he' 'sold corresponding and reduced •L New ; Milforti; kovember 27,1754.. ,Proof to to for thetb, the prices for tnrePs.— rtitde du fmidiearn- Poolfs and F inunense i ! an explain r ereneee in 1 .9.14 t no tllo pur- . . i . NEW AND CIE ...5 ' G oo D s . p_OCGIIT at $b lowestC;i.ic e and will be ac cordingly: ' 1 7 . BURROWS & CO.. Gibson, OP" J oer 11 1854. ME loodi, just isz. , orituent 7. fa vitralc - 64 'at • .i .. g .:.otlis, Cassimeips and Vesting 94- A large assortment and at Prices lower than we have ever been enabled to offer then] heictofore. . • Gibson, Oct. 11, 18:i 4.____ 1 . • • Press Goods. -4 great variety- and beatftiful styles and •almbst as! clheap as could N desired. U. BURRO WS d: CO. . Gibson, October It, 1854: • Blitcki Silk. • - • :,p,:good_quality for-dm - set; At 81 cents yard. • October 12, 1854. • .1 U. BURROWS &CO. .J Shawls, . - - "1 • , . Long and ',square, wool, b:oche, and silk s very hand=; some styles and at extremelv_loti prices. f October 12, 1854. U. BURRO ws . _vr .. 'troche S4als - .1. . ..,i l, Cheaper than evet before known; beautiful pattert*. and fine quality of 84 Broehe Sbawls,.latpen'll nran-i. ufacture, nt ,S 7. . • ' . tr. DUBOW'S & CO. i Gibson, October 11, 1854. • - ' Bay Mates Shawls, The LAMEST • SIZE, FINEST' cmatirr, and NEW PAT.' itutss ' i;7,50 each. (1.7: BURROWS & CO. • Gibson, October 11, 185.1. ,• : . • ' Carpets, .. . . : . . A good assortment', and handsome patterns, at very low prices. . U. BURROWS & CO. , 1 Gibson, October 12, 1854, • - '. • -' • • jEtuffalo;ltobeit, A large lot of handsome Rqbes,-a part of thetnlrbole, Indian dressed and very superior color and ,quality.- October 12. 1854. • 111: BURRO WS & CO. OUR STOCK OF STOVES Is NOW COMPLET4---ana we wonld take this opportunity to Pay that we can show the most beautiful and splendid patterns of Parlor and Cooking Stoves to be found in the *nay. Among them can be seen . the Revoking FrOnt and Gothic Parlorjor Wood or coal, entirely new and decidedly pretty stoves. Prides froth five to ten dollars. Of Cooking' Stoves' We think-it needless to say tnuch, only to remarl‘ that we are selling them at our former prices, and judging fron:i the rapidity or.our we,,believe the-public are.entirely.satisfled with. Our prides and the quality of our wares. We have:, a feli more left" of the "Clinton Air-tight Elevated Oven_ Stove," acknowl edged to be the, best cooking stove now in use. Rus sia itnd English Stove Pipe at old prices, and Ttim- Mings and Tin ware of descriptions at the 'very fowest rates. J. DICKERMAN, jr. . . New Milford, October .2 3 , 1554. ti uairD. , Popular Pateilt,l7edielue Ag e ncy. ABEL TURRELL has just received a new supply of all the•popular P.vrEyr MEDICI:qua of'the day, including_ Dr. Jayne's celebrated Medicines, Trask's Mainetic OiniMent, Tanner's German Ointment, My ers'Etract kock Rose, F4rest Wine, dm,. &c., Pi of all sorts • all direct f the proprietori. Bitining Fluid , Cumphe kc., cheap as the cheap st.; • • A. TURRELL. Montrose, December 6, 1 854. • , "-- - A Chon46e to hake :Soucy. A PROFITAIIAE AEI? HONORABLE: EN PLOY:VENT - • subsdriber is desirfius of having an agent in A. 3 each county and town iof the Union. A capital of rrolll e 5 to $lO only will be reqiiired, and 'anything like an efficient, energetic Man can make from three to live dollars 'per day t—itideed, some of the agents now employed are fealizing twice that sum. lEvery inftirmation will be given by addressing (post t:4id,) A..KINSLER, *1 Box 6AI, Philadelphia, Pa., Post Office. . - . . ;... ' PUBLIC 11 ) ,'XNDU.4. Will be exposed at pubho Pal e - on, the farm - of the sitbScriber in Ilarford (near ;Ira Carpenter's) on Tugs. day, the 20th (lay of Februaiv next the following prop erty to wit. '- One pair of heavy Oxen, 'ten Cows, nine reinling's fifteen Sheep, one covered Carriage, kc. kc., . Sale to commence at .10O'clock A. IL , • Terms. Eight mouths credit will be given - upon notes With interest and approved security. • TINGLEY tIFFANYt - . - Adaninistratior's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given thatletters testamentary 1.11 upon the estate of Alonzo Bryant, deceased, of. Jpekson township, have beery granted to the subserib .All persons indebted to slid estate are requested to make immediate payment, rind those having chart* upon said estate 'to present them duly attested for set , Clement. . CHARLES TINGLEY, ' Hanford, Nov. 21, 1854 POE AXLE. TilE subscriber ofrers for side his Rouse and Lot situate In the Borouiliof •Mozdrose, a few rods Esit of the Court Ilouie. Terms—one hair down and the remainder in fire }. e a rly payments,; with in - . Wrest. •-' - P. LINES. ' Montrose, January O, 1854. SIUNGLES.—Shaved gbingtee wanted by ~ [October 24.] J. LYCRifi:AF .SON H • - NEW' GOODS. CILENDID hints and Ladles! Broadcloth; Deisinim, k e , kc ., just opined and for ado b • •a. 14YUFB 4.94*, L & 1,40 N, Nlrev GOOD& WATCHEMEWELRY,`SIEVERSPOONt s 4c4n, ace: dice: (lOLA and Saver Patent.Leit' Or,. Anchor "and L.. Watrber o .j,st received and for rale by,..z. • 1 , • BVSTLEY IMAM . JeiVary, !Jewelry. GOOD assortment Of Jewelry, constfolog of zi t Ring; Ear Drops, -Breast Pins, - Finger Prigs, &c. &c:, justreeeired at'.BENTLEY& MAD'e• ' Span's. •e r - Tea, Table, Dessert, Su*, Salt, ice., warranted part,. for sale by • BiTE;EY-At RM. rnrurr ff:i7t7,ll An unusually good assortment of-ihe best Make,' fresh and perfect for sale by BENTLEY & MAD, Drugs . asetricisses A (real stock genuine Drugs and Medicines, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye-stuffs. &c., for sale by. Dec- 13 .1 ' DENTLEY - k HEAD; • cbarleti Tillman, Barbet: _ TTAS removed: his chop from Its fanner loixtlettial the basemept.of Searle's Hotel, toll* mord is the same htulding;•M' the rein of the bar-room, when his customers - will be Waited upou by that exquithe artist, Profmsor. Charles Morris, or by Ithuself, reasonable tours, ' - • ; - rime boar In mind that thia .15 the only shsvhsg shop in town" where the thing ii done seiestificidly. • Montrose, Deoenatetl9. 1854 . ' • ' To the People ll4 ol 4i S .. ttoipt ehttat t, e t... - I).MG one of the krottest sufferers by Or le- ** e l ) * I) destructive fire m Montrose, • Inv"- But . at store , house and nearly elf of my goodche inevitalk , however ; even aver to. despair hijive moves. 1 .d ' ' S ri t ur or t e b " itn ufKe l o in er t i s he il l ot ow e r li t n .rititm . fairlyi • and in- , ,unafl stoc k sam iti oni t i,,,„,00 unseasonable and pro of a very short time fill 1 cati hardly - assert that 1 new :loci of goods. lie voluntary tn. esereise of ' , .? -will be kaftP.Y t 6 gel faculties, such- was the ex: and the.pubec goli,._ . .; . , 1 , • At teltst , i qutt.3. d a I have resi gtraetion. . I am determined . .time being, say Place and my , keep a good _ n dreain of delightful . memory, Oils, DyiLst's ul, though, gr4undlea4; vaticina- . . i . fumer.s% . l"iw 'these were suddenly shattered-ire a " ds ' '"..' ke 'len by a spasm or blovi which v . .: devoured toe e- • • • - ~ Montrose, one mysterious ;way - .through all --41 rs of my !icing. j looked up, un-: N B 'lied. - Miss Chester attied erect b . - • r er large eyes dilated, and her by sending to , ' .•-- , November 2tth anger and , 'fear'; ad the' r.-.._ 'toning' , her fair face, her fair neck, : - - slush. ~ KEELER 't Stizou,' said she,-rapidly and Br:- be found in um isil 110 TEL. Notwiti .., power- . over me is ';•.' i- This pidity with which