Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, February 08, 1855, Image 4

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    - 1,0:,fq..4:.'':490,j,-,..ifii„,i‘O . e..
. .
• AND ACT. '
The following artielefretn the Boston' .Tran
' script, is thought to present ; in so dent' a light
the real-cause of' the pecuniari.difficultieaun ,
der which the country has been- so long suffer
ing, that it has- been, re-printed for generaleir
eulation in -various forms. The remedy- lies in
a 'general systein of revenchment, and espe.
chilly, in. the encouragement of homel Maim
factures. If each individual will•determine to
ao- lila or her duty in thepcemiies; relief, per
manent relief, and an avoidance of thture evil,
ma y b e safely promised But no pierelfr tem
porary check to iniporttitiona will answer the
purpose; The victim of gltittony Or intent
peranceimust Maintain habitual caution, if he
would 4rectiver strength of frame and vigor of
limb. Editors of papers are camel ly re,
quested toncopy this appeal, and all tr e pa
triots are enjoined to pronnite its general cir
culation..: Copies of it, in every shape, Oteuld
be•eheaply printed, and generally distributed.
Shall this appeal be made in Vain.? • . • -
".HARD TINIES.—Every body talks and, hinks
about the bard times; and almost. eVeribody
feels them,.and knows by .bitter experience
;what they-mean: But; very few stop I) con
sider, as carefuly A
s they should, what s. -the
cause of all, the sutTering and
. anxietyl they
share or witness—or what remedy .Ithere
may be for either. Some attribute our-troub 7
les to the banks,And: demand more discounts,
as if the banks were not always eager o
. do
just as as they can do lwvfuly
• and safely. - .Some attribute them tothegreat
frauds of agents, who. have mismnnagel the'
affairs of great corporations, and so created a
wide distrust, as if a few unprincipled Men
could by mere .peculations i blight a whet 'land
worth a million tim - es more than • they , heat
ed it out of. And others give other - re sons.
• fdr.theni. ' Each of these reasons may have.
some weight; bat none . of
,them' is •of inch
significance, nor could all put togethe pro
duce such :etieets as ire. witness, or account
for them. ' It is the people the mass of - the
people, that make the trouble. No .less pow
er can bring about such results. The unities. -1
sal. extravagance has'eaused the milversid de 7
- pression and anxiety ?
- If an individual spetnis more than hisl4
everybody knows that he: must .rctren
be ruined. . If the whole, nation runs-int , '
flat extravagance, a nation being only a
of individuals,. the whole nation must ret
or be ruined. In the Vidted States, for
eral years back, we have- been spendin
trayagantly, and the consequence is,. that
• is now a general embarrassment and trar,
and we begin. to hair it cry to know the (
and' find 'the remedy. The cause is. as '
as the way to church ; the remedy is
. 4
. as plain, but by no means so agreeable.
have bought more than WC,can pay for
Our present incornes. . We must thereto;
trench, or go on huftering more and more.
That this
. is the true state of the case May
• be made clear 14. two examples ; taken front
the opposite extremes of our folly.. . The'See
retary of the Trea , tiry tells, t;; that. in our
last financial' year e imported thirty-three
millions worth of Silk goods. Silk we 'to
duce at home ; only in small
it is th merest . luxury. We Omni& its . as .
warm and well off, physically, in all respo
without spending a dollar on it. ' Now, it
• want. to linOw what is done with it, Mol l
the dresses-of our wonien Whose husba
and Lthers cannot afford to pay for the m
at the dran of their 'parlors, which are
, - . 4 ,
coming mere momlmezits- of vanity and
..taste by their heavy, inelegant cxtravnga
Or whst, perhaz)S, is yet more obvious, leo •
our large hotels, and the people who frem
them. One of them, in New Val:, wit
Ladies' Ordinary was lately a sight li -,
show pt, the play. house, had,damask curt.
• 'in its drawing rooms that Pzost - fifteen Ili
Sand. dollars. At the last accounts the nV
.in the Sheriff's hands. „Private parlor .e
s al
sanie fashion are coming fast to the . ili
end '
But let us go
,to the other extreme of
folly. We are import, silk?
we ;mist have them ; but if there is any th
of which we have enough, and to spare, it
stones. marble and granite' and thesandst
'and all kind cif stones. New England si
the I.lli'ildWStates are full of them. But qr
lilies arenOw inlorto Irma France I-Churehes
and houses,- in. no sMall numbers, are buil
them in New York and Brooklyn and e ,se
where., One person in New York, we under-
stand, now offers a hundred tons of them or
sale. Next , . we , e ,ought to hear of imuo ' ng•
dirt to Cover 1.1 p bur own rocks, lest:the si ht
of them should reproach uswith our extr v.
Sancho, in Don Quixote, charact r
ites folio by saying, he - wants'lhet . er
board than can 'be made of wheat. Do we
want better houses and churches thamean be
bniltof Quincy and Rockport,granite,or.Be l.
thire and Verrnont marble, or Canecti *ut
sandstone ?- The very suggestion is' ,rid
But there is no reed of such separate ill s .
. trations... Our importations- for the last o
• sears thbw our extravagance and follyjn the
. gross just as plainly as our French silks and
French building stones show them in detail!.
. 'Take, forexample, the fears 1844 and, 1845,
and compare .them with the years-1553 -and
1854, and see what the Searetary of t he Ties
urs says a'oout merchandise and goods of &-
cry sort inlported and consumed in the Unit A
States in those years taliiit the arnovt.
,at the pface whence theyewefe
shipped. •,.
. 1
• His table runs as follows •
Year. Value Population Per. Capita.
In 1844, 596,960,000 • .19,941,0+10 ** 06 .
-In 1845, 191,906,000 19,784,000 315 t•
In 185 B,• . 250,420.060 • 2rol - 10,400. 11) 00
In 1654 , 279,712,000 ; 23,600,000 ' 10 . .00
. . .
That is; in ten years; we hare almost
led the average proportions of our imports-.
tion for. each individual in country. i\le
bare paid in the places where the goods were
shipped, ten dollars for each than woman acid
child . in. "the United; States-ineluding .'the
slaves—and to these ten dollars we must add
charges- , .and duties, and profits, that . will I
bring the whole up to .an average of sixteen 1
or eightioa, dollars of merchandize imported
for-each soul on our soil, each of the last tuioi
rears. Sucks monstrous fact needs . only - (o ,
be stated.- . - . ft • needs no-Poor Richard to Ci
pher out its meaning and its consequenees.4-
therefore, we intend to get .out of trouble's,
it is plain that we must ingiort leis:
.But, .to
stop this ruinous importation, the. peopie
_must buy less of, it.. It is their business en
tirely.- They can mend; the times .or Make„
them harder, just as they choose ;and.tto oth,
er means or power on earth can do either: l. •
.. Now, ladies, would you help your county
out of its troubic..s 7 ' Then resolve, es& on ,
and form leagues with others of. your sex, t
purchase no article, of dress, ornament, o
furniture, which is not mad; by your ot
countrymen or countrywomen,l/ And tet tht.
fathers, husbands, brothers; sand beaux a'
America come to the saMejandable - determ -
nation:{. Then shall we once_ More see pr
perit yin our land, and fiziancial peace thro .
• out our borders ,1 Tale'e a copy of the foil?
ing, pledge. upon a / ifieet of paper, and band
it round - for signatures
- in..vicw - Oftiit "hard times" arising . fro
./ • .
, .
excessive, sh4pore hereby *utually
promise not to pi • article of foreign
rdnefactuie wbi readily Chtiitied
of florae make, , spaco'of at, least one
yeSr, vellowatde at our pleasure. We will
em/ late the poble example of our mothers
during the Rtrolution, who refused' to drink
the foreign tea, or wear the foreign silk forc
ed upon Ciur e•ountry by British Oppressors.
Sip, lid by r.kfertha.,Washin&ton, Mrs. John
iianeocki awl others.
• .
, • - :, I . Thefieli taticker. -
The Latin Hanle for Geatsucker; the bird
sometiMes.c4lled the Night-hawk, is Capri,
mu/gur, and :they are among.. the Passeres
What the!owli .arel among the birds of prey. ;
TheSe bii.ds nre ivory closely_ related to the
Whip-poor-twill. 'indeed, I regard them as
belonging to 'the seine fainily. They
. fly at
night, or. tWilight ;Alley have still, loose, thick
plumage,. Which does not make any noise
when the birds are'on the wing, and they •
ha 4 large round eyes and'long wings.. Their -
beak opens , to such a width that th ey
tak:e the:largest insects into it. fixing them i
there with their
,glutinous 7 saliva, and when 1
the lair enter:4, •it plaices a humming noise,'
like thatOf it! large sited spinning-wheel.
Melt noStrilsa re like tubes; their great toes.
turn ':very: mtich,fbrward, and the nail orthe
middle toe 14 notched like a saw.. This . is
said to be a provisi n . by which they
ter 'able i to . seize their prey ; but some per
sons deeiare it is,mb the bristles, which
grow: like mOustach4s on each side of their.
beak. ' I i ' , i
. OtiatStickere a r c fennel in all parts of the
wt rld eXcept Asia ; dne of the species from
A . riCa leas a %'ery lot.g. feather springing from
each wing, wltichis.likarded . only at the top..
An Americanispeciesiis of a very large size,
and -Utters 10i t . cries. ' Some of - the Indians
are very_ stiperstitionsabont them, and. be
lieving that . the sours of their dead inhabit
their . bodies, : tiev-r take away their lives.—
They 'say, that if one cries at a whitelnan
door, it 'is a .14-n of sorrow ; but at an Indian's
door, it is au; amen that some dreadful Luis
fortune WilboCcur ; •and they await the fulfil
ment Or the iptessage with the greatest anxie.
ty. a Their pries are Said to be; 1-Whip 'poor
ill!' anktlierefi)re they are !called by this
name ;_ and iti . Demerara one 4s supposed to
be always king, ' Work away ! Work !
\WO; !, - 'W illy, tome go! Willv ! Wilk. !
Wily Il Thil . name of applied
because theie ;birds pick off the insects on. the
baeo or. cattle, as they lie reposing' -on the
ground.i % • ': .
. .
In Alan bleMen's Land is a funny' little
species 'which!' live in the' hallow . part,fof the
gum; tree, al l when the tro d is knocked, it
peeps.itt, he4diont cf the hole; - to see. what is
the matter. 1, It . does not make any nest, but
lays from foutt to five white rOndish eggs in
the 1101e!-' When it •.is attacked, it makes • a
hissing 11bisd like an -owl, and tilt-us its head
it;i everY u dirkction, as that bird does. -
t-Tbe speei(nown in England only stops
from Alloy :to August ; -its colors 'are black,
broWn, ivhi le '-e , • rrav, t.
-and that .or ,I.lsty iron,
tra .
arnge& itil bars, streaks. and spotS. • • .
Ii or
C re-
Lemon Juice for Acute Rheuraatism.
'; The treat bent of acute'rheumatism with
lemon jiP..el'al recommended hi the Scientific
American more than a year ago, init. - lug been
sOceesstiflly pt•acticed ,Europef has been
ttied hee ant c,und to be a very eireetual
Ornedy. Dr :Lee, of this ['city ; has
eg'-nnarunielited: 'experience to New
11orit ffetticine, lle itei two
eas:eS. ()he a . tnitle and the other' a female
Who halt linen; subject. to severe rheumatkm
fitr a number Of years, and who Were °rum.
. ,
qotibled.wit.h acute .pains, severe slelliiig, [ i
a 4 id 'Quail find 'no.etrectual reinedv. He navel!
the lemon jai& Trout fresh lemons, in inim,l!
1 •," • r;
silt, to of later,
tame spoomui to twice the cpratiiity
Cold vfater, With a little sugar, 'ei•ery hour.
Ilie . efTeet lembn juice was almpst in' tan
;rin tell days the worst case was Cur-
ed', and i,i seviiii.the other was abld to go out,'
and there was a flexibility of the joints of the
Ored, quite . Unusual an. the recovery after
other anodes. of treatment. The London
thicete.l attention -to this
remedy fi Jr ritelt niat ism in 1850, and we wOuld
state, thlt mar answer for one Person lintl
not for another. Th - re are two cases record
' ed in 1-3r4thwalte's Re7trospect, Part.2'.2. 1851 ,
I page 37, and 38, where one patient wa4 ef
fectuallpc-ured„by lemon juice, after calehieth,
calomel, 'and opium had been tried hi vain, and
.the 'cithe Where leMon juice ; thiled, and the
! patient Was cured with opium. and calomel
taken - along with . the drait'A : of the
acetate t,f potri.ol .nd nitre in a camphor
r American,
le a
. ne.
'W '• ,
, T i HE
j 4, related by Audobonn, the cef t
o)r:tied traveller
and ornithologist: •
' 'A
linan 1 ! 1 who was once a })irate, :14-
sure - mei that', Several times. whilst at certain
Wells dug in the burning,. shells sandS of A,
wellj,knoWn key", which:must be here narner
less, tho [sett *d melancholy notes of th+
doves:awoke in' 'his breast feelings that had
long SI uniberedi melted his heart to repentane6
and. caused hire. tolinger at the spot in a state
of mind -vi-hiehl he 'only who compares tit
ivret l eheclieSS optiguilt Within him , with the h ,
liness,of fornii - ‘.r. innocence, can truly feel.--G
lie said 6. neS•er left the place without inl
crea4edlears or futurity; associated as he wa
(although 1 believe by force.) with a band of.
the most despellite set of villains that ever airy.
• noyed otir.,FtcOdacoast. So, deeply move
was he by the. totes of any bird, and u.peciaf r
I,V by those ofl. the doVe, the only soothing
i sou li r as he ever,hedrd diffing hisiile of horrimi
1 ,_ ~, , ,
1 that titgia t))ese pinibtive!nntes,,,and theni
"tune, h was induced to escape from his vest
sel. Abandon his turbulent .:companions, and
;-return to a farnily deploring his abseace.—
Mier paying a hasty visit to !hose wells, and
listeniti ,, lonCe More to the coomgs of the Zen
- ..: •
aids dove, he poured out his soul in supplica , : • DAiiryini,ll
- 11)r ipercy, and ;became what. one has sal 1 rr HE ,• • " ''' • ''' • • ' th e •• '
.übsenbers haring secured . sole right to
tv be the noblest. work of GOd--an hones 1.1 .7 "
i T ttklP NOT ICE*
mair.! 'Ps e..4ape effected, amid ditlicul: , I-BrITI,W-WORKER, for.siisonehaona and several
ties and dangers.. but no danger, seemed to i adjoining:connties, , respectfully invite all Butter mali;
him comparable to the danger of we HI vi• l .er i s l to examine and rtsr the merits of this new and
table invimtion, We propose to furnish each and
ohiiii!nt of hutn'anarfil divil e . laws ; and he : 111 . '1 - of von with a CitreN that will produce- as much
now lives in peace in the midst of his friends." i bntter in a. Alert a time as any other churn—one
,/ .. ,
- , • ' , that will ieornpiete!.ll cxprl the buttermilk,. wash and
MoTH ESNADE THANT:MM.—The local ed
! work in ;the cfil e Walt, uring it perfrctly through the
itor,Of the •BuilldO Republic has made himself "iffr laid fit it for use,use. v
!emming it from the
churn. -This Churn s simple n its construction, SCI
on l, C Imoortads by 'the pnblication of i'critific im'itsloperation, and easily cleaned and kept in
e fth • i
I a - diScovlty, Which he ' has, made Of great im. : - order, acid can be easily attached to any propelling
;poser. :- I - - .
1 portanee,:to mothers.:;. It is -an infallible i
• meriiis of keeping babies, from two
,to ten For ftirtlier particulars, apply personally Or by let
-1 ter r i o JAS. C. 131:11NELI, and J. ,N.I3RONSON,
1 months old,. perfLtily quiet for hours. The LArarat, iisiquelianna county, Pa:
modtis,nperanct is as follows: - "As soon as i , ... . ..,'
I the . squaller aWalies, set the eh& up, prop- 1
I p'ed.. by :pilloWs if lit cannot sit alone, and 1
f smear itst i fingers wixh thick tnolasss. Then
'put half al dozen. retailers into
. its hands, and:'
~i,•Oung•one will sit and pick the feathers
from one hand to ;the other,. until . it,drops
a.sleeP.i. As . Soon
\ as it wakes, more-molasses
aril itqwe feathers, 4nd in place of nerve -as
tounding I . s , ellS, there will be silence and en
joyment unspeakable"
,277- 'cate of dbsence of mind occurred
the, hit rit;iny iiight,;when Mr . P. enme home.
He put ltis. til4reil4 -in, bed , with his wile,
and stOodl ;II)p in the evil . ' r of his
. - -
MP" Be sane, says the Dayton q!Lzette, to
marry a wornau that, will help you,instead or
being a bUrd4ni, Int mercantile Iphrase, get a
piece, of call that °; wash.'i
„,-..,-.' -'4 ~ PE*E.LLOIiiir,...tigKTAZENII4 ;
1 • 61 .Have achleredivalOtillibunph., 'IY
~ . ~. , , 7 -- .7 7- 77.., . ' hltioldlexa of -Peace •
.' fief riiiirpd6
m' for
~ - Caleb: Weeks. - .. .---. - y, r Wllichwoiß in 'the ” •eri:Or . . „for your
Q.ADI)LE, RARNE... TRUNK -MAKER and Car- haeßetaio, you Itare,wrought it rpyolution tehicit, ht
1 , ..7 tinge Trimmer, C hop' at 'hlttl dwelling house, thOiOld World 'would hire shi t en - Orthehro,wri - p r if
dearly Oppesite henry Drinker* 4 t ' ' li iii dl.:, ;: il ito e Aiad
iciti or' rui ev n l o d f esiei tis t; o t wi d ,
thro burici n d a. hr
in' ilia Sour high rejoicings and thejubilax tfhoitiosalf
iiel - 617 O i l every hand,l beseech You forget hot those ;
14tittiblempp.nioils -who clung to yestr st4darda In '
th`e',Otty4iif your adversity and defeat, and iwbe ',are
nill) you now in prOsperity and - succe*4 lapirially
Yititt., old patriotic friend Tuzi
-Dstal', _ i-
W,4b enithe shiny heights of Gtr famed Rantavue, ~
ihimetyour deadliest enemy and won the y*tory,too.
Entienehed within his gates of pearl upor ell's ebon
1..:;,. thrones, - _
Re *Cara a crown of 'aching iitirves, and s crake in bu
.._ . .;!:J; nian _groans, , ,
!,Blloootits . beauty's round check, clouds the sweet.
-,, .• ‘',... Maiden's smile , i i 1
• !Tilts his empire with tortures no power ad beguile,
• !litruihe bright brow of childhood sten s:the rose
'--- I, -• ate bloom, ' , t 1. .
Anil Shrouds the visor - of manhood *Rh sepal =
,f 1- dna gloom. ' •• - I 1.i.; ' '
T. 14 foe to rest, and health, and bloom; th worst in
!':!-; :: al) creation, • - , Ir. i '
& E. Baldwiit,
.01. Trunks, Whips, kc., in the Basement of Searie`a
. • - X. , Sunmons,' .
oot AND SHOE MAKER. Shop first door east
of 044 Fellows' Hall, Turnpike st., Montrose.
W. Singleton
ClAN,itipw be found at his new stand on Owego at.
two doors west of Searle's !Tote!, where be ej
fectualty repairs with dispatch, Wsitches Clocks,
Jewelry, Gans, and every descriptiork i pf iachinery.
Wheel nutting; Gun and Watch materials supplied
to. the trad4. • •
.Dr. H. Smith,
C.,I_IIICiEON DENTIST, Montrose, Pa., at Searle's
0 110t4.4 4 Mondays tut& Tuosdays.of each week..
:Henry S. Knapp, , , •
AfONTROSE, PA., with Row, Woodruff d cesr-.
11'1 6r; 'Wholesale Grocers and Commission Mer
ehants,No. :173 WaSitingten street, between Court
andt and Dey streets, Sew York. .
• ' Miller & Fowler, , -
1 and S.olicithrs. in Chancery. Office No. 44 Clarke
street, Chicago, ill. / • •
! Pacific Hotel, -
UfIREEIitICII STREET, (near Broadway,) New
' .1 - 4rk.: Salisbury & Co., Proprietors. la the
vicinity of the principal itteainboat landings.
Thomas.lngstrum: •
DEALER IS DRY GOODS, Groceries,' Clothing;
Ctipelvery, Boots -and Shoes Sc., Staquehanna
Depot. Pa.
Bentley & Fitch,
t TTORNEYS AT LAW,..llohtruse, Pa
. .
...•i ' John Groves,
1 - IASIIIONABLE TAII ? Olt. Shop under Searle's •
Hotel, Maine street, .1/,,,,fropw,
D. D. Hinds, •
Ivitny.:lND EXCHANGE STABLE. Office in
..1-4 in The rear of Wilson's Store, Montrosr, Pa...
.• J. Colsten, -
DEAtEII, I STOVES, Tin, :Copper, and Sheet
DO Ware,' Lod, raritie, near Great Bend Depot.
- , Deeetill)e' •
, -
; M. C. Tyler, •
INTERESTED with I. L. 1117.Y1', Importcr of and
Ltuiler in Hardware and Cutlery, CaniageSpiings,
&c.,;N e n 213 Pearl street. Y or k, w h ere hi s mer
cantile friends, in this and other coujities, are kindly
ittited,!andearnestly .solicited to call and purchaie.
. ' i . L. P. Hinds, .
- •
A TTOR,NEY AT LAW, Susquehanna, Pa. Offieq .
_LI or!Sfaine street, oile - east of Lettheitris.- - -
Frazier Case,
t. •ONfice on Turpiiiite street, one •door East of
Past's Store; JfinitroFr, l'a.
• _ _
- .
! Albert Chaniberlizi, •
TTORN : EY AT LAW and Justice of the PiAce;
over L i L. Post & Co's Store, Montrose. ~
Wm. H. Jessup,
AL. Ihv.ttst for the State of New York, will . attend
to'all littint*3 entrusted to him with promptness: and
fidelity. 5. Office on Public. Square, occupied by Hon.
Wtm .14sup. . „ .
Abel Vurrell.'
1[) }:
P A i t tlt E m ft s 01 - 1 - s, D D R C 7 -- G s S tjiii 3 ' lE G D o lt e .l\ rie Dry Cloht-
Ilartlwafe, Stoneware, Gias , ware, Clocks,. Watches,
Jewelry,i Silver Spoons, Spectacles. )Imsicill
Trussies, Sgrgieal Instrifinents - , Liquors. Per
furiiery, llirrors, Stationery, Brtislies, Shoes, yjoake e
N otioris,
R. Lyons &Co.,
V Goods, Groceries, Salt, Flour, that Hard.
44,0T0, Pa.
. .
P., )3. Chandler, e .
. . i
171P.AIED4 IN DliY GOODS. Ready Made Clothing,
dli, Groceries, Books .and Stationery, etc., Public
Aventte,l3l,iarGsr, Pa. •
Pitrick Dimock, • .
• Ow A !go',!itrezi, ..Yruntro&P, Pe.
- - I. L. Post & Co.,
fIEALEIIS IS DRY GOODS, Groceties, - Crockery..
lirdixitre. Leather. Flour, etc.; corner of Turn
pike street aid Public avenue, MuntrOse, Pa. •
-• J. Lyons ez Son.,
TAEALER_ I S DRY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware,
Criyckerr, Tinware, Giveeries, B4lis:t-t.c.; also,
Carry /Thaing laodness—Publie Avenue;
Montrosii, 1-a. . .
Bentley & Read ,
DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, Drugs, Medicines,
Paints, Oil ~: Groceries, Dart:lrv:ire, .Crocker'',
Iron, Cipek.4, Watelte:2, 3.;2velry, Silver Stxhis, I'er
alp ery, &:e.-HFoot, of Public Avenue, iforttrose.
Biyre, Bentley . ek Perkins,
kinds la CastiniN, Stove., Agricultural
etc.._! Office at Sarre's Store, Public Avenue;
Manufactory at . the Eagle Foundry, Foot of. Cherry
street, Sitiutroer,
, - .William, & Wiliam H. Jessup,
A TIORNEYS 'AT . LAW Montrose, Pa. Frac
-CIL. • flee in SuNuelianna, 'Bradford, Wayne, Wyo
ming amt. Luzerne counties.-
William W. Smith & Co.,
A MET MAKERS. They keep .constantly on
han . f3 a 4.cxxl.a.isortment of all kind.; of Cabinet
i'urilitur. Shops and _Ware Rooms, at the foot of
Maine street, ifontror , , Pa. •
Rockwell, Winton & Co.,
111 G44a, Hats, Co /IF, Fnra, riabrella,, Part
; solo, Rilbonß de. dc., \o. 20 Courtlanth street, :Vete
York, (up stnir.=.)
C. B. nnenwsli.
Franklin. Fraser,
iforttry,soc,' Irer., will attend faithfully to:all Lim&
ness entrusted to him in the county of Susqueharrna.
Conveyancing and writing of all kinds will be dcine
neatly, and etra rg es. moderate. 'lle ytip also attend to
the prosecution of claims of . soldiem, their widows and
heirs, aptitnit the • United states Government, • for
I3otinty Land, Pensions, Sc: May be found at
hours at the (dike formerly occupied ,by J. T. Rich
ards, E s q., north of the: Court House. • . ViSf).
The Greatert linprorement of the . .Agel-.—C..
' 11.,. - Williams' .Double-Actiny Ball Valve
) Force and Lift Pumps—
it N iinpr6iement above all other pumps or ma
it chines'for lifting, throwing, and carrying water,
combining both a Pump and a Fire' Engine. This
Pump, patented in February. 1854, is the whole aril
metallic. -, No bolts or screws about It to rust, conse
quently it will last a man's life time. It can be used
in ever] variety of form—can draw wster e from any
sittuition,!imd carry it to any part of, a building. It
is superior to all other Pumps for Distilleri&, Paper
Mills, Tanneries, Brick Yards, Iron Works and Man
ufacturing e triblishments of all kinds.' i p
All order : must be addressed-to Anmsoit n ticx
Lodtirsville, pa:, who has the sole right for Sumtio•
Latina CO ' grits. , •
Those Persons indebted to the sub Scriber for 14 .
as Itegtst - Sr, Recorder anifelerk of the Orphan's court
would confer a favor by settling the same soon.
NontroSe, Dee. 8 1654. J. T. LANGDON, I
. ' , ..,
.e ; sette, though armed to the legth, and,ropt by . e.r:
,1- oteation. •
And nod' Ilke }1 hilts
s and Democrats, and tie Know
: Nbthing too, . -
- 1 L.'
Slpee.We.: have got the reins of power,:well stow ;what
- , • ',. we can do. .l 'i i
il . i e l ,lt purge these ."Augean stabler of the opposition
rt I
And then with pure material 'will fill them Pp agahl,
And :thclttgit hostile politicians darer
widelf l
dr the cOntra sets of measures that each in turn -limy
i '-' eltOse,. -11 l - 1 L .
110 in
.. r Terence to our policy we sure seal not be
i • :,. '. tCI4I be
1 ''. -
That 'nauseous filth and rottenness should belprefered
. ,
I . f. E. ttrp
Old, •
Nur that. nhen any sykern. has grown rotten in the
i' ,•I , Oti,te• . ..• 1,- 1- •••i - •
Tha pow'ci-s. that did the mischief 'should
i :: , Itlirewn. . ',5
This . ,:,theti;:is what we do in the empire of
Thoieb'tty, tyntnts we expel, and uhroprte;
le aught', valuable remains, that our pred
i ~, • ' ripe suits -
We Oeaise t and save it, all:the rest we
l ~
'' the roots: -
There on the ruins, by our art, We gnialyl l
. ...A!nitfch Of burning Gold, with colonnades
And po,i,:. our figure to complete. we only
These wondrous tram formations all are (At
i,. 1 ,; .. C. D. VIRGIL,
i-TlOntuVuo, November A, 1854. ' -
Time .Changed.
(AN . tind, after Thuniday, - Nov. 23, 183
.‘.., , Ta4senger Train will depart from
Otte at Great fiend at' 2.30 P. u.
I Cgtineyting with the Daily Express Trah
and- weA 'on the N. Y. & E IL It, whic
NearlYorls at t 1.311 r. s. and at Dunkirk 4,
;!Dtiturn Will, leave Great Bend kin the a
.Thitni!o gspress bound West, (3.20. P. M.]
- ;part4,,froqz New York, at 7 A. M., and airiY
'Ai, 6.'4iii T. at.
'-.; Pio Foe, 10t Acconnnodatioli Train witl
Cur. ' 40:Kilted .will leave Scranton at 1.5111 1
, itigAit Glcat Bend at 6 P. xt:, econneen
IfailTini4 bound Wi. ,, st, and the Night Exl
60)0 both East and West. ' ) 1
.4; ll.Ournlne:, will leave Great Rend at 6.
tirrivelat t .. ,, c r ranton 11 A. It. , I 1
.;;s4esiwill he in // waiting on the arrival
o , ,,Daitni at Scran ton, to convey ~passen
holiciale, l'ittston, Wilkesbarre..Philatlelp
Reading Railroad, Easton and : all bother Ither
Plan.' i D. 11. DOTTEREK Superi
.ilSuPeri4tendent's offiee, Scrantcih, Nov.
!,'.. IirAIV STORE! NEW 00015! . .
SHE . itubscriloer having lease 4 the Sor tf the
4.7,.i11e4nt. Pratts,•formerly, occupied. its .t. Llt
th";'ittionils to locate permanentivOn Neiv•Sli)fo d..
" . 'z Apt! lie Would take this nictinid of iiiforiping the
inhiltitan:ts of New Milford, Mod adjacent toyni , that
hi! briS . turned front New York with a lar4e , and
stilOntlid }lock of fresh and entirti . ly new Go'rull,' con-
SEstitig of DRY GOODS of .almost eterly ;,allieeiva
ille'lN'arieV, GIIOCF.RIES'asIow as the lcitrest,..warti
ithr,o,'„Crotk:ery,. Bix.,t4 and Shaer, ITht Al aildleare,
liak6tß 0 every style, &c. &e.. 'which he it:fil.trs for .
ti:fle'rei !Ile most reasonable terms, for cisll'i e(untry
riii - hice,:br reritible•credit. Ile would al.
.. 4v it this
c()MitiCtilln, that he haS 'added to 'the es iibliitlynent,
06 770 t-iroit, n 4 0
inannfattnring .of , Shee?pprr
1 .1
rfrr ..
e:' in. - till its varieties, in• which he is rttpaiell to
i •Zetiiite 'till kinds of job-, by the:rvery be=tpi:l4:mm
aiot • on th i n most reasonable terms'. ' I t ••I'
'.;praler# supplied at the lcm:est jwices.
iri ielitiog to :itores /Kt-. at soine future t
Milford, May 16, 1851.
14 P.lrti. ASSORTMENT of Tin,
gli:.ittni;Copper Ware of m ott.n mane
oiaptt a lteay.r plate, for sal,'by 1 .
2 : l'iii . ' Atilforil,•July 12, 183::!.
}TIL gt.,, , ortment of Hanlware, Cal
Tool., Pump Chain, and sx,
Milford. July, 1554.] DICKE I
AND lILINDS of the ber.t toUl'
o,,cheaf.• at DICKS:
at the loirest prices at DICK
:. t ,: •
1 ' '-i''• ' - ' FAIIMEIts' 1 1
, 1 t9Fnpr., ATHENS, 111.1ADFOHD COUN l':,. P'
CAPITAL, $ 200,000. - 1 '
4 I, ' •••
I...ceuri.r.l by Bond find Mortgage on the 411 ..state
- - ..! ,• .. : • ,
~: f The StoekholrPrß. - • . I
li?iitire.i,nr. - ainst Fire, of Houses . . Story?, and
oill'et liniltlinp, Goods, \Vares, and 'Mere,i on
0 fttorratile tenn , :.its any siutilar Instituti ti.; Lo.,.•es
'prtiniptivadjusted anti paid. • 1 y,' 1
~Dtiolecriilug..—,llon. Filonieo Williston,-Athens;lFran
eis Tyler, Ao. ; George A. Perkints do. ; J. Z P. i!ever,
ilo.t C;, N . i .'.. Shipman, do. tC. F. %direnes s Jae. Jo. J. E.
ti t tift'eld dO. ; Hoe. John Laporte, ,Towan all 4n. B.
Walt6inai, Laceysille; Geo. M. Hollenba 4 Wilkes
harki t; Michael' Meyiert, Laporte, 'PA. 5 • '
1 I OincEits,—lion. Horace Williston, P stde t ; C.
E Itiell4' jr., Y.. Pres. arid Tres:;.; J.'
Secretary. , . 1 i
. ..
Agent,i O. S. BEEBE, Montrose; Pa. Thi.i2m3
----, . ; i •
NtrANTED immediately, a good active
V vim has had esperience, writes .
- a4atis competent to take charge of a net 41
inust-he trmprrate and willing to denote tti
attention Ito the interest of ltht employer!
'that) can answer to the above a liberal sal
given. iione others need apply• Good r
atiOrts repaired.: B. F. d, R. H.
ithltara, May, 1854.. "
I L 1 r ::: i 1 N.,EW FALL (MODS j.
„. _ .
11 : • 1 • 1 4Ye R nc l iTi T tnd w t ( h
n e ld pu i b n i ti c ite to - T i e l a n t e t w el tr i f oc h n i t s
~fdlti4Ocie:of. B roelle, Woo/. and .Cashmsre +4
I i S9n4ri. ;Phow/a, - froth $2 to $l6---La iii , ;Dress
1 Oaoeloq including plain and fancy Delanes De+Bays,
l'itilantetnts, Frenei Merinoeg, Silks, Poplinsi iGing,-
hatngi Am., licit RiMiong. and
. Bounl-ti ot n e w
~2 1
lgtyles,.wliich in < onnection with a large as • rtment "of.
I sktpie .. :and fancy pry Goods,..groetries, Cratke:rv . ,
ward!ctarr, /run, Stores, Buffalo Robes, girpstitig,
iltootii f rail Shots, flats and Caps, Paint i.-liirdose
::sAatkr, Wall Paper, Oils and,Paints 4 - will be.
. .
Isold ' On the most favorable terms and red ce: d ivices
far cagh:liroduce; or approved credit. 1
: ;' ~i, ' , - ,14:' Salt by the barrel or load. - 1 I
Milford, September 22, 185-I. - i . _.
. ..
pOST BROTHERS hayin , , , , purchased
i Cstahlishtnent, will keep constantly o
ipirflne aid Fine flour, Corn ifeat.of tt4
. 04 op and Brett at the lowest cos
Cusfoin !work will be done with devote
ltrouPtise, July, 1853.
BRRITT is now receiving a new
' •'. i*Stoves, including
,the 'most pr r l
ittitirerettkinds of Premium, Air-Tight, a
fOiOt'CoOking Stoves, with Parlor, Office
' &Gies; rOr wood or coal, in superior varlet
!whigh „lin will sell at the inost reduced p
~ 'Jited, O v'ext - Moves of ucw and appiroved
bd Sold a;3 ;s2o to $25, and other kinds it
Also, stoxe pipe. zinc; and sheet iron, stove
Ne!tr Milford, Sept. 22, '544 'H. B
y l 1
AYR having tmcn appoin
lT! • h blind and
an. es:en:nye sas h
Ir' ::.. Pbr n L rot H to Thrnish any Pfides
eAli'ra .a ieii'Vhan al'etl . they bare nsutilly'beeil s :so l l
11 . fling Creg,m. I
A i
4 N!iitlicle which ever • wan should t
111 h •
A 7,4 - `, 7 —A new lot of 84mraer, Hats
• ' for eturuner wear Pis:, received and f
A zir4
4it , • v -....,..-.._.. . 1 / 4 401*
, cl — i-4'4'o.i k,-;,,wiY,
~ ~1 ..,i : :. ~., „....;; ....„..,,,,,,,,:!,:-.. ,•;
I ,
tYS - 'VII IS -1-1
:..1 - lit" . 1 ' I 4:- '.l - -..!
. ,• 4
-irent-ULfitiatz - kitticisthi ;CO A.' '',' .-
1 , i ,
1 ; ''' 'l' IPA:intEr'iplivSic. I' : I
~; . ; •
T4t":litis long.p.Slatcd a public ; lemand;for-an!ef
`-, - fectiyp pOgatit7C till whieh - could bd - relied codas
sure and perfect in is ioperation - I This 'has biten•
prepared to Meet thoidainand;4nd t :iiin d.v.tcluilve• tri
al..of its virtn4 bas cencludOly shOwn wlrltfuhaestic
sess it aciomplishert the purposes dfisl2netl. i .It Is ka
sy. to make h - peysical'iiill,"butlnot easy td.tiintke - .the
best of a li pi/ts--oheiwolco should - have none of the
objections, but all of the advantaged of every othevi:- .. -
This has been n rattetupted.here4an&ylth what sueeess
we woutotirrniectfully saldnit to, thin public decist
.It has ,bee , n yodtortunate:for the patient hitherto t at
almost every purgative medicine 14 actin - onions -$ id
irritating t o the hi:oriels: '-: This i 9 riot. Thant' 1, orttiitn
productlAtemnelt griping pain and ! revulsion :in . ; 1. le
-syStem astto tnoro thin Counterbalattee the good to, e
derived iliora them., ~.These pills"prOtce nolrritation
or pain, Mil'es;: it arise fiimii a preriinisly existing lob_
struction kr derangetneht in theholviis. Being pure
ly vegetable, no harm 'Can arise troth theitl'ese in tinh ,
quantity butitisUittet that :stnr, , lnedieirte - tithduld --,
be taken juilic4oliSly.i . l../Ijuute dire c tions for : their lase :.
in the seVeral klisekes . to which :- tliorY nre applicahrle' i
are givetil on the heti , Among the complaints which,
have .been stniedilv - tured by themi We mity•mention
Liver Cotioldaint,.in its carious of Jitaraice; In i.
digestioni Languor - and Loss of Appetite, Listiesniss, ).
•Irritabilitir - , Bilious.- Headache; Bilious Fever,. Fever '1
and Ague, Pain in I.lte:Firlsond Loins t forOn truth, h
' all these Are but the k - conSegilenee - of disea.sed action )1
in the lirkr. 'As an tiMetient, they laffcird prompt juadil
sure relief in coiliii - enesir, Pilo*. Rbolic,•DySentiry,il
Huntors,l.3crofula and . 44trtirry, Ctildi4 with wine* of; . 1
the body; icers ana,hupurity•of the blood:. in sh dt, 11
any and everl. , case:Where a purgate is required s . I
They have , . produCed' some silt ttlarlY. succe4ful
cures in Rlientuatism, Gout, Dropsy; Gravel, Erv.4lpe4
las, Palpitation of tbel Heart, Pains in ti,C \ Back; i3tom- 1
1- aell and- ;Side.; The'yi should be, freely taken in rthe f,
spiing- °tithe Year, to purify the blood , and prettarc!.
the systetn for, the change ofseasons. An rmeasidnal ) i
do:e stintulateS the stomach and bdwels into - Iteattliy !
action, kildri‘litoreithe appetite and vigor... They pit- '.-
rift the good„ and, by -their stiiminint tem, on,:itite,
dirculatofv systein..retioyate the strength Of the trickly, t
and restide the Wasted or oliseasoil. energies of Whe i
whole orkanh - iin. II (ince, an °cc:l.4ol3l l i do`sor is arlead , o, l
tageous, 'even though no serious derangement exits ; k
hut unnecessaty closings should peter 'be carried ',too !I
far an even purgative medicine rediteCs the strength '
when taken to.exci.rss. The thousand Cases in which
a physic is reciiiiredeannet be enu m erated here, tett:
they - suggest theniselVes to the rea'son of every bridyi
and ,it. is r conf;(l
,ntly ', believed thiSlpill will - answek a
better than anything whiclt hit's hitherto bken
available: to Mankind, • • When R * yirtues.are once i
known, the ?Oldie Will - no longeedoubt What retrddlyi.
to employ whitn In heed of a - cathartic medicine. . pe-,
ing slept-wrapped .they , are - pleasant' to take, and k b e -1
hig intro& livgetOle, no harm Cat' arise front their;
use in Ally rrad'votity. ;.,:, - -; -;
For 111 Bute directions , see wrappid on the Box.' ..
, Prepared . J.VMES. C. AYER, Practical and ri-
alvtical•CbetniSt. Lode'. Mass. • :
. . .
, ,
Price 25 - ',Cents per . Box. :File Bores for ear. ..
I otlbe. over
j t
/*Ting puc.
/11// 4/lit kv
renr again
I goroelnin.
.ave - lo say,
. 1 /4r ra").
1 ;
tii ! e Sfait
,cl-4.ton a
s Allith cast
irtive f at
ri4lll of the
) ithteltlde
it 0.1 anir
. $l. told
, .04e
Ayei's Chcrrc Pei..titrat.' .
Ppr the ;rapid, (',re of Coughs,t'oliis, Hoarscnivo,
Bronchi, i5,11 .- hoofiing.'. l forigh, ttro,f'p, A stiwiii,tind
Conlnipi pi ion.• ! : • , 1 • -
, i -
This remetlY has won for itself stch notoriety fiorn - i
its CllrP.' of ev'erv.vatittr of pulnuinary ,disease, t)tat ,
it is entikly nimecessary to recount the evidence i of 11
its virtu in any cononunity where it, has been m-!
ployed, ;So Wide is-its field otusefillness, and so 41u- i
merous ilie cares of its cures, that ;althost every ice-
tiOn of the country abOunds'in pertins publicly known ,
,who liso-,e been restored finnt aLtriding and even des.;
pera+trdiscnacj of,the. lungs by its irse.. When
tried itA ;imperrnrity over ev'er. , 0t14.r tnedic'ne 4,5 its i
kindls foo.apparent to escape observation. and wltere!
its virtues are known the public no lottgei hesitate
what antidote to cmplo:t' ,. .for the dizitressing rand rtian-..„;
merous it.tfectiOits of the pultnointryiprgans which tare 4
incidentlto out climate. -And not only in forroitlable
attacks.'wpon the lungs, but for the polder varietioe 4
(Y,„!,?:,', (1.51r.g/oz; Ifoars , ri, A.% dc. : idol for Chil;li . e . i if! ;
s the piluisanteA anti safest tue‘licehe that can betob-;
tained. %i I'
e.througlioat flii
t Car
t' . the
111,11 ,
As it ins long been in constant tie.througliotit „iis •
Sectio - ii, ,iveticed not }lo more thaniassure the pcdple t
its quality is kept up - tothe best thdeit ever.hasb4ew,
and that the g,eniini article is :sofa tiy—AnEt. Tun- 1,
TufLy. Mim(yo,t ; B.' F. k R. R. ;Evros;- - Ilarfc6l; ,l
City acitld..,Pu:,NNEr, 'Ditnilaif,' andi by all dealers; in `,'
i• . •
tuedicine ever*Where. - . I • i - li
. .-•-t -4 , -- i',— r---.
I • ,
i - t
SCOTT, 301iNSTON lit Co:, are now reeeiving
4 frotii New ir ni-k a general assoknient of Spiing,
and Stinitner gi)ods, and we cordially invite all'that
like-to tiny giiiiflscliesp to give us a call, as.our - stOCI:
is large, land we are Willing,to - Sell (ch.gin:ill profitsl—
You ; can: find iii-re almost every article wanted. and
we arc Willing to compare goods and prices with any
store in lie county-We have takcti. special , l
find pied goods'to please the Lailici, such ' - as Black,
Figured land Fancy Sliks, Silk Tissnes t Deluges, And
Berage Delanc.!, Plain and Fancy Laivns, Silk, Freich '
and Lome tic iiingliarns,<Figured and Plain Merlins,
EintWoidered Curtains, and Papa dd., Ladies Collirs,
Underhantilterribief.s and Sleeves. -31antillas,. Parliols
and Allo - es - .. Straw - and Fancy BOnnets, also tritn=i
niittg-Itcl uuttch. -A. large stock of .Goods for lien- -
and Boy's', alsolIron; Steel, Nails, Itorie - Shoe's, and
licirse Nails; i'loughsi, Salt., Fish, ( . Ir4bickerv, Grlntl
stones, and Stoneware, Strive pipe, : Ili), Glass, .S'ish
- Lcutliltr Boons" ShoeS:&e., -Bc:,.l.oli.lase give u a
chance 4s:twilling you'our - stock lictere vou luu ' .
Voiles tii.nly, 1 : SCOTT, JCIIINSON d: COI F
Springville, April,; pril, 18, 1851. •i ! ' . • •
,m 4.
1/Fet I Iron
f4turie and
I •
:314N Ir.
Oter and
tv fi
• AN — S.
rrel c oth
litiffalo It ob
A CII,OICE lot jus4 receire'd, at4o . frered low by
. Sha‘i . :lo. Shamilid
CHOICE l ot of Wool ; Long marl;very4bik
SCOTT, ,T010,;811):NA
Springville, Decomini..
•`?-i.: • - - . -
IfE: W IWO 1:15 '- . 1
Al 0 NaLuEN & PARE return their grafefid
aCknowlkidgentents to the public, and_invittiatt- 1 .. .
.., - • . 1
tention to the Very large , stock of 'Cpd
obis for ring an d•s4, o _ r .-.. NI otic_e to 'the rohTze,.. . .- 1
otc•r GoMLs they are 'now receiving an
0 , 1 TTAVING just vaunted. ftom i New York I wish tOf
at ~,,r . y I n ],rites. "In addition to their usual ass vt;
$• 1.1 .callthe •attention•of my old -enstOmers, and o- I
m il
mem of Itapte Ofy Goods, Groceries, hardware, Crock; the public In general, to my,;. ,- I: - 1 '
;; ) - •' -•
cry. Paints and ClilS"k.c.' .1:c:. they,. are Prepared! to NEW STOCK OF-GOOF,
exhibit a large'assortment of Liaciiete breFt'S GrnidS , which being bought with cash at the- lowest prices,
p laii and p iaja •s iDo,. ; and wishing to•sell principally An-the same I will of- i
of; every deso iption4-Figured,
Bonnet;; Shawlic Ribbons, Gloves,?; Hosiery—Lmics
Ties Slii.s of:all kinds—alsb 4 la
ssu rge stab
of ; fir them at•greatly reduced-prices.-
andl - '• ' .•, • , 1
; Cocheeo Prints, warranted fast. colors, for• only Et
II F,',-1 I) r . ~1 f..- II) .h. (~ 1 2, °riffs G. Ooths, Cassimeres, cents a -varil. . Good Brown Sugar, -18• pounds forone
dollar. rlkontonNitils,• ackttOwledgd , .hy•,all to tio .
Tweeds,lJeans. Summer Cloths,;Ve4iings, Rats, Ctlps,
Boots aid Shoes, S:e. , - . ~ . i4' the best li'ziii in ?'use, $5,5‘) per- 4.4.1 hats and C a ps; - ;
l i ii ,ai E. Boots and 'shoes, Buffalo Robes of - all prices, all wool i
They respectfully solicit an early . •edil from
1 . I De,Cashnieres,- Ptviutietts. "Dress Silk, Silk
who Avi ; , , h topuirhase good goods at 1.)11 ririerg.
Sprim; , Ville Mitt- :S ''.54 ; MeMILLEN & PARK. Veliet,-&M• '• llotudin De Laines,",i shilling per-yard,
t —_____4_ Satin Bonnets and Moleskin -Iltts, oche . ' ShliWlN'
Double Long shawls, Thibet Ao.,'Sdling at inciinceiv.:l
ably loin -prices- - I can safely . warrant ;perfect satis
faction to all who will•give'mo a galL •- • - ; i '
Lanesboro,•Apr. 5, ISM.. '; .; 1 S. A. LYONS. ••••
s' LOCKS.—good time keepers,'' only one dollar.
• • • • • ':, • 1
.., S. A. LYONS; -
Lanesho, Apr. 5. - '. • -1 ; • ' 5 • - -•i '
\ - X - r.ANTED.'-40n0 . - Ilideg,. - for which' the highest
V prien• will be paid.• • ..', ' S. A. LYONS.'
tim . esboro, Apr. 5: - • -,‘. ' '
_t . ',
. -
- PRODUCE taken in exchange fur
'.J goods, at'mystore. ~,; ; ~ ' , .S. A. LYONS.. . •
LaneshornyApril 5..'d 1 • : re -, .
i To . one
aty . still be
ow rnerid•
•.. , .
. . , - Flew Li Ow of 'Mail titoges s , . 1 , 1
i 1 • - FROM ,i .
, t .
14111111filitgOiD VO 7,lo7llrifOSE.t •
CITAGES will leave , Kirkwood, passing through Elor
betsville, Lihert r y, ./te., every . Morning after the
arrival of the SllailTinizis of ears, both East and West,
. llontr, I P. M. Pe(orning, le4ve
3fontrot daily (Sundays exeeptedtiat 2 P...)i., relo
- Kitiol:ood 111., time to take the Mail trains of .eays,
both and West, ;being the neatest and most tea
Bible roiite to 14,:te1l the Nei Yotletind, Die Railroitd...
This line ititersect4 . n tri-weekly ;line for Dimotk,
Springville, Tunkbaivaock;, Wyomilg, and
barre, .which leaves Montrose at 7 A. u. every MOn
day; Wednesdaf and} Friday. Also; a line to triells
villa, teraysrill6, &&
Goodfreams eipd ripnfortable cork id . gra are. prdri
derl, and the.prOprie(ors will spare no pains to itc
copnmlme' the ipublic. - . W. K. HATCH, I'
_April itl, 1854. : . • , MORGAi'N A: WEST: •-i
. ,
the hove
rtor c ;/(11-
an i"
d all
Laneibora So and Door
Factory. i
rrfITE 'Flibscribir will famish at the Sbop . of
& nil:atter* , Picts; Stab ;:tind • Tuining
on 'band', and furnished to order. • tuniber kiln-dried,
antt wor)nneuunsurptunx..-d', by any in The ecamtrti—
Onfpra lithiress'iiik to me will.r.eeeive{trOmpt attention.
Good Pipe Loather and Country Pn}dnee taken in
elia l age for the I,ooTe, 'Ternits. remit. pay.
:astor ent
'd tic nted
and hop
1 dpd tyle.
cs. Mc
itttitn min
. S ,
tines &c.
• /
!;eVt r h g e r establilment of im a L.
. filet & Co,. at 'the Montmse . Depot , would iv-
reS . pectildly . inform his 'friends that ' t he will keep c3m
stantly hand,lat the lowest prices 's well selected
stotraci•gombr..ll.,• - •
t,ime,i Salt, and PlaAtcr can be bilicheitp;ici..iiirl
fti; Oreedrics, Dry GaAs, flardware;lCrockery, Bouts; .
Shoes, ails, kc., in exchange for grain - and all kitida
.of •p • rallice, at, the-best, prices. -,1900 cords' Third
WoO4 wanted.
MPPIMse, Ikein)t, FCh. ,2,1864. •
'edni gent
man c
tills II e at'
---. I , ,Inetodeou, I . • :
(071TANTLt o'4l . 1.14.1. ND or-fdrnisbed to otter
- ' Sort nbtice. -J. AYONS & SON
.-, . ,
`ford tale
7 gado
17. t aap
VOlt SALE, a ennarpon'iltiOGY WAGON'
111.44,1 ILILAWM.
. j "rr. "'"=(,g'
1:1;::POST & CO.
Wit lum c' i rg': W r I k e Publicsthen/ 0 4 choice and
th e u r thrwortas eirthb to'bei had AMY
where r in the country * and forthe very lowest prices,
without variation.,
Q1:131111ER STYLES. L. Post & Co. hive just
1.7' fissile a large addition to their stock of clothing,
•toitibting'itoir of'eierythhig desire:di for. de buyer
at such price* as are surd: to suit, . The goods are
made fi rst rate ; and we warrant the work. to be equal
if mAtuperior to tiny ever before offered in, this Tar
ket....bur stock comprisCs Coats, fine black F:ierich
Sac 's` Frocks . andltusinees t • Tweef;Casslinere and
Jears . Sacks and Decks,: also' brown and white Sum-
Met plain and twilled. • Vials—White and Colored
Marseilles, Valentia,,Laiting i figured Barathea; Ago.-
- ed silk and Satin, end every variety, good and cheap.
Rorrs+Fine'black CaAshnere, doeskin ,tweed;
Summer stuff, linen 'drill; cottonadc,. Stripe;
cheek; :and: plaids; so che'ap; as to, be sure of sale :to
all who xicsite to fniy. ° -
/4... • i
• •
tl:t ()VESA X D HOSMR Y—Ladies and Gents
' white and.colored Kid. Gloves of the best ituall
ty animated. A large stssoitment of all kin& ofblue,
browp.and slate hose, and +, hose gents and ladies,
cotton, Lisle thread, - Berlln and silk Gloives,:illiick
Mid Cole's a large rssor*ent of black silk and - Inee
Mitts, long and short. P POST k 00'S:
. SV
1101000 TS AND suoy. ew . Ti ne oarse
-LT tkitots, Ladies fine Daiterk Bootees and Buskins,
a full assortment of CheamShoeti„Childrens and Miss
es" Shoegi and Bootees; Ladis fine silk-linen Slippers,
at . • - I. L. P. 4; Co's, `
W ir ed r Zi?rt O in O gs p , - Pitol l w st g ande t ' t il on, Cambric
Busting, Swiss and Book Nitslins, Barred ittuilins;
Bishops and Victoria Lawns, &c., figured and dott.
SWisi Muslims at •
. .
• - I. L. POST A: CO' 7,
DOCERIES.--rti the .4est and cheapest, kind. IA
. t: of Sugars surprisingly cheap at I. L. POST
4 Cc .
4/NTS--the nioA - .ll,esirable stock in the.eoun
1.. try, at very low prices. I. L. P. & CO. i
.I J'hRLF..S Muslins, iDeLanes, Deßs
.Ginghains, Ltiwns &c., of every
Yic.! . • I. L.POST & Co's.
LARGE and splendid . stock of Spring Prints. 1
I. L. P. &,
QTAPLE Goods at the loWest
• I 'L. POSTS Co.
C ' LOTHS.. .Cassimere.s, Tweeds, ''.g.entucky Seals
and Satioetts, wer'y chCap at cL, L. P. d:
"VAT OOD r`l4,: [RE--Patent Pails, Cedar Palls
V vv , . and •W ash 'rubs, Cocoa , Nut.Bipners, Butter
tattile;i4, Prints,. Willow Baskets, Wipe Halters.
Cords, anii.a hopes,.Broot4, a good lot at the. store
of • \ . POST .& CO
D-FA .Ii.APKER.EI, of the bOot
i t
quality 'tat the lowest possible rates.
April .5, 1?3-1. ' I. L. POST st Co.
Q OLE LEATER, Tory cheap,jat •
! POST & 'Co's. !
lot at low pried, POST A: CO.
i'A/L E. Carpet. Rootn\paper ;Ind
O ' 4 T
'ILK lIdT,, sprlng : \ style—liest quality • vet 7
,XJ cheap. - , I'OST
1110..V.VETS and Bonnet :Ribbons of all kinds, Par
-1.) asols, large. and small at very lbw prices.
. . • \ POST'S: ca.
stile desirable
1 p. POST: 'S c 0 .,..
eI:R.4/11' I
' • •• h)ST . .. 1 / 4 "r'
SALT; Limed Plaster at • ' - \ '
L POST S to's.
AWES' COI,LAITA very l atoiee lot of the
X../ latest styles; Book Embroidered Limmiie. Lace,
Medlin and Moulton imitations. 11. L . .. P. k GO;
. .
BILOIbERED and Lace Under:Acores, all desi
rable styles : also, worked and embr'd. Edgings
and Inserting* and Flouncing. ' •
ACE Ifriginga. Inserting= ; ,Iniltations of ever;
kind, almost as good as genuine and very cheap,
also pure linen-wrought Lace. i 1..1.. P.
TNGIIAIED and hemp Carpet or sale at •
QUALIIER BATS—Panama, fine, and coarse *trim
med and fimay bound, , Pedal! and Tabnleaf. for
boys anti men, sold very cheap. • .1. L. P. & co.
LADIES' and Children's Flats, a good variety, al:
so a new lot of the lateSt•styles of Boennts at the
store of . • • . .1 LL.P. & CO.
CHOICE and faneYartieles of Soap and Hair
also, some of the finest Perfumery' at the store
LARTI and TALLOW ; also, Fartnemtixils in gen
end at • , . I. L. POST lz CO's.
IV A NIFfEII; . . . • -
k/?1/...‘" of all kituls--BeanS. Dried Apples, Tal
low, flutter, Beeswax, all wool socks, Eggs, &c.,
fotwhich - we wilrexchatige, cash: prices.
April, 5. , • ' ' • - I.:L. POST & CO.
T .
HE subsCriber wisheS to. Call the attention of his
friends and the public :to hissers large. assort=
nient of STOVES at his nei, Store 800 - m in Lodots
rille, next to L. S. Lenlicirn's!store, ond near the Gt.
Bend Depot. He has, in adtlitiott tei his former large
variety of Cooking..and Parlor Steivei,,,,maity new pat
terns, some of which are—
Xiehoins, Peach Brairch,l 'Fire Clipper,
Mohawk, , i t ...lfidallinn,.
Orient, .1 _. black 117nrrior,;Oak, Eqq Stone.
Which, together with his forme,kstoidt, will perhaps
be the most extensive and viiried*.;4ortment of well
selected stoves in the county. ] ',
• Clinton Stor: Deli fnrviAcd, 'at kw prices.
AU articles in his line kept on hand and made
to order as usual; and - orierstreceifeo at his old stand
in Great Bend: , • - .I,OIFC COLSTEN,.
Lodrrstille and Grecd,Bend, N ov;, 1854.
• 11l VDS d ile . „lll.l4,Eir t 9 .84til Road Freigi. :
u l s4 po
' `,' . „Line between Atontrose .I'' e- t and ' .
' . .2Veid rfirk, eiciw envi
.uti- - f. ..• .
• - • - , • (hi ?la r,r,erl)fru.4 -.. ' •.. • ; •
ITINPS Ai IfeSTlLlENThavingfp a.. - le arrangements
.11 for forwarding freight to Isle -York in the care
of Capt. 'IT. R. CA DWELL,ofII?__ lige County, *ill
he 'in the Mont.Nie' Pepn' ‘..% el."! dot! of
the ircek,:to.taku charge ofsuch freight ono produco
as may he entrusted to theth. R4tnrns for, the.same
will he paid at the StOre of iirilliain Mcifillen..
" Groce les in general, FlOnr; POrk, Fish, Salt, ke.,
&e:, - con . tantly. on hand„for sale at the:ow-eat . Cash
Prices,_ .r in exchange for, country produce. - , .. . :*
' L. a filsns:. . : ..... . . ..1..W.14 tax litclitta.m. - :
April 18 184, . .. -
.Fairts for the rrople.
T . .. : i
Mb ITTIVTAN DING the :predie dons of - the New
1.11 Al any Ledger that Frank Pierce will -be•elect.
ed Presi oat because the Proph4 Isaiah says that
"'the L giveth Power to the 14at," it is universal
ly admitted. that. the aitbactiber tan and will:sett i
• .-.• • • . i. BOOTS AND SHOES ..
CHEAPER than any other shop in'town; not even-ex
eeptinglbo genuine boot and shoe store down town:
N. I 3; By By terms are cash *or , pay. down, and I
would therefore_ inform -those, who tire, indebted-to
,lilerrthum & Patiiek, th at thes ... in*,oitll and: - Kr uP'
Montrose April S. B .ROGERS.
100COILDS-Oodisplit.mtiple•wood; In exibange;
.: for. woolen-goods.- . • - J. -LYONS a'SON:
'1 • MontrOso, October IS. . .
91 1 g4 ,4 TTP-al s ,?/ 4 4 ... ..-
Great lea'kh - Ar
.2ri4 *Goods ; att Zatot.
rrHE largest ai!d cheapest stock of Faliti,
tic and Staple i Goods ever broughl, into Salmi*
hanna con*: On hundred - cases DO fi06411, cno,
prising in part sallw'
Rick Changeable Si ks, ,
- Stripe .•
q• Blaid
" Black
Gtassa Bonnet. - thoss,„.
Bonnet. Seth*• • 100 pea. Fermi' Dress d o .
'All 'wool - Detains!, • . P Velvet Dress Canons,
Parisian •:do Pi rd. & oted.'vettu,
Plaid deCons,' • • nfty Bay to Shawls,
Clouded de Berge, • Cashmere i do
F.nglish - llferinoes, lt me h o do
ParantettO's - Ll; Silk - do
Lyonese Cloths, Gloves, BorrierY, etc.
Cohurys • -Cloths, Camerea,
trench climilde tie naive, Varning‘ii '; •
Erobroldered Risher, Flannela,l .• •
1, :Gingham andTrinta, Wool Blank*.
Scotch Plaids - Linings, I'. •
White-Goods, • ." Tickings,l: -
1 Wrought Chimizettes. DaMisk Spresks, . .
Collars, • 1 Linen- do
do Muslin Edirings, - 1 Irish Linens,
Ido CaMbrick . Black Afuslins' -
do Linen Etc,' etc. • -
. /larford, Oct. 6. • • EATON k CO.
• Ne l or York City •
TIES, 000,000. .
Insures againsi Loss or 'Damage by Aro-
I' DIRECTORS. ' • • •
A. Q. Stebbins, 113 Btoad . street; Peter Baker,
1- Spruce Street ; GiiTard Banker, • 118 Smedley;
Thomas -Andrews, 136 Cedar street;' Samuel" G,
Southmayd, 377' West street; Albert L. Conklin 810
Greenwich steet ;
~.Titmes A. Croaky, 113 'Broadway;
Chn's. Lent, Kingshridge. N. Y. Lambert C. .1141,
Chicago, Ill.; I .Smith -Robbie; ROchester; N. I ;
William W. Leland New. York; Peter R. Roach, lag
Bank street ; - Staat,e# S. Bell, corner West and Leigh
streets;- John. L. Been, 78 Water. street; D. Vol
Wart, 118 ' Broadurav ;. Dorado N... Gallup, 'comer
West_and Barrow skr - eets; Peter 13. Foster, demi" , !
•Gansevo'ort and We.i.t ;- Reuben Boss Jr.. 48 - Eighth
Avenue; Stephen Cotnyrell; :Camden, -N, Y.;
Wadleigh, Philadelphia ; Dextitr.l3. Brittain, 41t Wa: •
ter street ; Samuel Stnclair, Tribune Buildings; Sam.
uel B. Shaw, Cleveland, Ohio. -
. : PitITAL CRANMEALLIC, President. .
C. •
ait a..Seeretary. .
CIIARLES . L. DROWN, '.Aent, Montrose, Ps.
. •
A FRE,- BENTLE - dc-PERKINS liatiitg purchar
• eti of Wilson E o. , the..Eagle Foundry, are now -
prepared to fill orde,r: from the trade, and do work is
their line with .skill and despatch. They will keep
i constantly On hand .Plows; (bestkinds; ) !Storey lea
kinds,) Cultivators, Straw .Cutte:ra, -. Corn Shelters,'
4.7 e. &v. &c. .
i We invite particul, rattentionl to thoplows which
we-manufacture. W 'manufacture and keep for sal.
The Chet ated Illatchley .Plort,
We have purchased tto exclusive tight manufat
-1 tore and sell ht -ihi county , Wayne,_WYo.ming and
1 .Bradford, nr"llivlt'a Potent irga Bean Pima. Th e
Plow-is made . Catitell •of iron, erxeepting the bandies:
It i6;celebrated for ital easy draught, being one-tbird
, "easier than any now . h r , , use, while its strength and da•
rability are greater. ' - f
- •
of all kinds manufactured and repaired by, esperiWie
ed machihests.
,leant Geoping, for • SOlnyle Na
,- . • - chines, &c. &c.
AmOng the Stoves which we manufacture; are the
• 'Key stint e. Cooking Stogie, Rough and Ready tio.;l'ar r . '
eat Queen. do.; •Premiam do.,' and other kinds,
ranged for burning wood or coal. Also,•Self-Rtp
lator, Parlor Store t 'Cottage Farrar do., Stanley's,
into sizes, do.; and a 4 gariety of other Pallor ~..Stovee
-both wood and coal burners.,
_Vire keep din on. baud
Grindstone trimmings.; Dog Churn, trinirriMgs, -- Cta-•
brella and Shovel ,andl,Tongs StandS, Sc. Lt.- Work.
'done to order on short,notice. and at the lciwest.rates._
M. - Orders , for Stoves, Agricultural - Implements,
Sze: ' he are solicited:from those in t trade, and will be
filled reasonable whOlesale prides.,
8.. S. -BENTLEY. -
S. ry.ultms.
• • .
Fashionibie Silk wid Sat:
." H[B°nnell
.French Plumes, ,-* •
200 .Pieceii- B4nnetft
Montto:.4e; March 4.
, .
Or any place on • the Globe cannot present
•- • \ greater inducements t han '-
• . • REELER & STODDARD'S 1 , '
, I
W 11.
3 . filled with a, new and extensive •
i 3 now
articles in their line, embracing .
rt . general VII iety ‘ Of new and elegant styleS of Indies
and gentlemen's \ wear, among e-which are Ladles
Preach 'Silk Lastin,g arid Prepille. Gaitet4, Kid and
Enameled Polkas, Kid, Patent Leather and Bronzed.
Jenny linds, Buskin \ and Ties :' Gentlemen's French
and Philadelphia, oak tanned calf skin and - kip Boots,
Morocco, .Calf and Cowhide 'Brogans &T.. Boys - kip,
calf and cowhide BOots\and lirogans;_all kinds of
Misses and Children's nwit ts AlSo, a general aisort
merle of Finding.s which,cop.s,ist in part of lasts pegs,
sparables Hungarian miils,l titeka, thread, war, Brie
' tles,shoe :binding, awls, rasps,.4andstones, shoe knives,"..
&c. . Also oak and hemlock, tanned calf upper and
solelcaiher, Morocco skins,,and linings. -..-, .
1 ' Work-made to order land repahipg neatly done,
r'. Montrose, April G, Iss4i , . \ '
VILLAGE . LOTS, situated h the Tleistattest
r. part of the village of SusqUchanna Odso, three
Rouses -and lots in the Most - business, part of the
aforesad villan-e. Also, a Farin containing 183 acres,
with a small improverrieut, the remainder heavily
timbered, situate two miles from said village. ' •
Susquehanna is the gicat. Central Depot-of, the, Sy
k. E. Railroad, situate at the font of the heaviest
grade on the road, nearr the great works otStainc*
Conewacta, and the Cascade, and possessing bj‘tut.\
titre the best watering place - on the mute With the le. '
eality of extensireliachine Shops, Foundry de., Suit: •
SUsquehanna, although dumber ing bet 2000 inhabitX,
anus, and but four reara of age, is destined soon - to '
range_ alongside of the most flourishing and' populous
towns on the line of this great Ulm oughfaie,
L. P. HINDS, Agent. -
• Office one door east of Lenheistee,
Susquehanna Depot ; Nov. 16. - • tif
. _
Valuable V.a.spds Oar Sale. - '
OICSALt MUNE BODY; about 50 acres of-
Land on the;waters of Spring Brook, a branch
of,the Lackawanna rifer, in Luxerne County, Penn't.,
ahout,midway between 'the thriving towns. of-Scran
ton and Pittston. These lands are , covered -with vat-
unbleltAber, and beinn.'situate in the moat extensive
ntineral region in Pennsylvania;4nown , to contain
iron - ore—zaml-bOieved to abound in. coal; and being
also in the immediate ;vicinity . of several railipadi
made and now progret.s,--offer to the c;pitilist an
opportunitY for the investment of money that seldom
occurs, }ler furtherirfOrmation apply to N.P. No
sack, Esq., : No. Wall street New 'York, or to the
subsCriber, at Nontrose,!Susquehanna county,Pa., the
attorney in / fact of the mi. - hers..
April 6, tts4.' HENRY DRINKER.
1 AND-E.. MOTT would respectfully inform
A li. public that they are manufacturing Blatchley's
Celebrated ?lois. • They also keep constantly op
band, Hill, Wayne County, and" Ideqr Pima,
Culthuitors, Dog Churns, Sleigh and Niter Shoes,
'Plow Point's of various patterns, too numerous to
mention. We hope,bi strict attention 'to business,
to reeeice our, share of public' patronage: Manufac
tory,: D. Post's . old stand. Foundry, M - Mott, near
Searle's .
, ,
rir Repairiug'doue on short.notice. • • . •
"MERRIT itoTr. '-
Feb. 6.
HE subseriber . is agent for the foltoniog bowline*
CornpanieS, doing husiness-at the: fairest sail
State Mutual at Harrisburg. = 7
Capital $350,000.
Cash Mutual at Harrisburg. -
/Tome insicrancil! , ./Vor , York Cfty,i,•
Montrose Apiil.6; '54.. • F.B. CHANDLER.
"subserihers aro now horning alid will keep
; constantly - on hand,'Lime of a T'ers superior
quality 'at Montrose Depot, and 'Wilt sell it In PT
qnantities at aMr -price. '..Persona wishing a largo
quantity . ean be supplied !ion a reasoned.) notice,
gupertor ground. Piaster will ,be kept tonstanily on
band hereafter. 4 14 POST, \ •
W. I,MUP.•
Montrose Depot, April S.
View Cattier and, a two bores Pleasore OuN
.1"1,, for , ale pheap by. A.