Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, January 25, 1855, Image 4

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    1 ,1
ri g tit e., - . ' , VA IZ.V '..;., fili!:NTti., g :
„.... .s., ..,„-., .... ~,„.„......:._ ~., ~,,
Rar t rATh i r 7 /0 VIP PACtPIe
IC is, - ei:rtztittiititt . slielta-Vai&wilPiTelTnill
—mn bililli. dOfitlitiiln .o7 %* -liiliCktiit .o64 C
taigq . .'AglOa,lPg I,te Aigke ana uli: r`o_nce.l.lf
is in respect - tb - the 11,L4MAre-PP;V II 1". wag l r
go.tkibuse- , l' - -., - * .l, . ..- -if i ,
With ti . o-are.and 'limited' amount ot,busty •
hesi, length total viAttiele to itn - in'.l
dertaking opting imposing magnitudik 'Bat
wherkitiength °f the road is euty tropo ..
tioned to tboldi)6tint of busirt,i - litigti!,
not 'iiit'ecil but )t, 11011. A ,n„ip raid with„
' far o b as i l/01s , i s ukter property tilan-1i 0°1.4-
Ono with little Inisineas. The e xpenses pri
conducting a road 42".fif4.1niles are_inufh 1
bur Mririll,e,;..tiltifi,',llar of *11 44 ,f 'A i 1
hu flred. _,T ': ' - *, ' -
Umiles.on the seaboard arc etimpanav y
expentite.: - f.-AlI large streams are to be
crossed, and the bigges Mita- be , of an ex.
pensive )titd.„ -_ NVhpre „tlatype k is firallel
with Alic4reiriirtiorthit terrztorp_thiCost is
essentially diminished.* -- - -- ' 1...
Wa'ybusinessis One of tile imPOrtantelle
mOli,tl Icblet ii - me„vrtilid'l o 'dread. *1• ' '
'Applying these' principles - A° the.'Pailtie,..
mad, _we shall he 'forced to ce certain c4n .. t _
routes to the Pacificl-t. -' it took-n---Tninl
for - it moment:
'ilre iii6st'Ahlitlitin, itiiifi, - Risssible,il'ecesk;' .
rily.contemplates. the erosamg or all the qv...
era in Texas, large and small, and where
Spanish territory as , entered upon, thoughhe
•route is isztlefinite, there are, at hest, no the 1
r i es
advatages. gained by imrsuing the oau 1,
of,,rivers, ft ir• all run in the wrong direction.; ,
and though the streams themselves are smll,
the physical formations, the . valleys, and he
`highlanA are all MI, n,e. But how is it in
the:higher 'latitudes? Starting front St.
Louis, tho physical formation of the surface is
entirely favorable. The Kansas, Pratte, the
upper portions of the Arkansas,- aml sonic
smaller streams, if requiroa, furnish a nat4al
route to the very foot of the Rocky Moe t.
ionsOn 'the western ,slore, the Colo °.
• o Ither rivers may cni
bsed with equal d-
Yr; • ev. ..But loot- at the s econd point.
The extreme Southern route passes 1 hro glit
a forme ''state, not vet possessed of the higler
forms . of civilization, where the arts do of
flourish, and can rfot i - so long / as the gove n•
meat is kvhat,it is; and where, of necessi v,
the population is very limited and trade zic,;r
ly nominal. But how is it in inure northrn
latitudes A western course from S. Louis
towards the State of,_ iltfi-.ouri, the Kan q
i st
territory, and Utah, a tereitory 4.utHeien Iy
large for four or five extcwilve States. consist
ing of excellent soil, •well watered , , and w tl
a fi ne eizniate, and - capable, of cony:e l of RI!
'taining. an im Men -V populto 1011. i By-sick'
thalnaterials for the roadmay, , 14 chiefly of
talitbd i'dtbe vicinity of the route, in wino
.re4et it has a dveided advantage over ti'
extreme SOuthern road. Hence. also, a thi
requisite is secured—a tai fie may business.
in all tr ains, as stated in a'previous: rtie
the idea of profit, must. be regarded only
a somewhat diz tant future. but that facture
as certain as a mathematical demonstratita.
To doubt this, mould be a., absurd as Ito
doubt whether (ale `"or our genuine progres.
men would •'refuse a capital farm when off 1 .1. 2
sedltim for nottrg. - '
But there is zmither col i fsideratoin of :n
smilax:trio...lance. ''A ' tilts a &tit her I, '
must-ewer oc:szn'in ezimparitivt•ly unimportant
I to all the States lyirg in higlior latitades. 7 -'
SA Trandsco, Ow A 1 haz;Sze. St. Louis . ..etb.,
are all in :in: neizzliborhood of the 3Sth oar
allel of Ltitoe.o...::_P ur _Th e ... w .k k . mr_ihi,..rdOs.
- ---- = orcat me unnn - ,e (list.? tii at•tne rite of reify
Southern conne,•..i.lon,- goods -anti:passengers •• "
- must ba brought down some-.six' hotidr-.;d , toile§ a day, ...tilt &tint - their own food, and
- allies or t•• a tle - rees of latitude, a.= 'th •Ii h ' 6 " the. r e li t " , i'rilVit* Packs on thirbfieke
~"- ~-; • „ ' " u .. t , , e ' This perftsiman'C'e "mu* sbtrid for a proof that
--t..,..,pm•te , ....,.....cti. a...,=7-on, perhaps an egos, .t - I
e .stet ,prot,rres,s of c sil , !c 1, 1.11 e -v hole motititain ;regiOn betwt.T2/ the Up
tence. W:tiicAlt.ltrl
milbS - There can tie no road bean:11111g ° 0- !-, , er c° l4 •)rado sild the valley of the Uppers
ward:3llW north, throtigh New Mexteo r n rll
plit,,ti l -1 ...\ 1 0 rt .,1 e
n is tit N e y it 4l i l o a u d:: r tLd t ; o
a tr n 7e .t l i l i i i t:g
e t ie a a n rs d
a state Of - riatnre;- and also well sup
-0 tt. /salt au open and practl , !
Texas, the direction of the streams and , t e:J, th ' it
necessary, formation of the hind utterly 1 r. - _,l
i ,, fps. of thell . ,. k lkotnitittinsi, frotu which to the
- ltiddizt7 any such Ftructurest. 'The 111-Isi.-k--ip
IS=the first point from which any conneetio i il Li , n , io " S t I ' ll
, not !itntited to a track, but tray
,q be built_ uniting : this with the more ; P . "_ ''''' Sft -
Northern roads. - - , . .• . er'able, 4n aitYline tittled wagons travel',
i4in a state of II not*. . The valley of the 1
On the: other hand; the line of the train
i Colorful(' is either 1 level or rolling; the '
track - through - Katt in sa fi s ; , e Zl a igr n,a u d ri ‘ ,. lt!(!isnoolinse, V . ,, - ;' . i AV ahsateh and Anterrla rang -- :re perforated
would be, and - 1..
Iby inees.ant VallcyS; and from t , Little Salt
&derable extent, connected by branches w4h
every State in‘the Union, and without 7 i Lake to ithe 'Pitest , Sierra Nevada, ~' eXplOr• 1
e , ed big Fitnaont, last:Winter, the way I- ear
.considerable waste of 'travel. Georgiu,
eey 1
Carolinas, \"i ;;loin, eft., are already conned:- i i•lt level--a ~ . .uc essionof vall s between , e
ing themselves with - the States of :Irmo's, I-- 1- I "" int a in s'Atifitenfillnated hY•3 superb pass,
debiniching into the,',valley of San Joaquin. 1
diana, and Ohio, while way travel and Frei g it i
Will soon pay if they do-not already, all .the . I t : This completes all 4hot, is necessary to be i
expe_n sts .,c4th', e , co n n e c ti ng rc t i d s , ~ •i 1 shown in favt - tr!' ; of thesnioottiness of the 'way 1
[---'ts t - nequabtt;,.,• of 'shriliee - ; throughout the 1
- - If this is so, the tipper route is the only =I -*
althougitit attains a great" eleva
• one that can be successfullulearricil thrbugh. ' wh " ie lin c;
We would not, however;dtleide too' hastily I , t ‘ill, and lands(; you in California, in the rich
such important questions, but we throw o tt 1
fiiidettied valley of San Joaquin, proximate 1
hints that ma not be overlooked •by the ,to the southern end our . the gold' mineit. Nett
a; tunnel tobetiade, a Mountain to be climb-
who. have ihopanageniein of this immen,e
interest, Wiirt May be called upun to le
(t 1 I AN e snail bel glad Ito publish any sugges.-•
on this subject, froin any quarter.—
d 1 .
ii eti ,:r , it a d h g ll s i ert to
o b r e .: !c u r o o l. s.. e;,, sed oe a ft s‘ n y d am t p c to he b e e n
u seen, n.
their aid - in - behalf .of so great an enterpris I•
• 'Baying thus expres-ed more_ fully, * 1 }tared ht,ttle wiiotdisiatic,•e.' -'' - - --• ' - 1
ideas exprc=ssed in our October number,
Will lay
. .begire, our readers a ti.vr litaterne7nUci ! ti ' ll 'i
-. from an uddrms by Thomas 11. 'Benton, In I I LT - 4e-Plfltt '! ;- the ;Loom. rid Anvil, . ]
. riferente to the character of the country i f '' 1 I' 1
A sox OF ids di*Ai :NAPOLEON BEM=
CrOSSiiii hy, . the upper route, goiug . to woke id
! iSEBAsToPO,L--iit is said that Otineml Canro
that the country near the latitude of., 3S det , ..
„ c I i bert- is believed to beV t the.son of the Emperor
• ist- vrtimarkably adapted for the construct'
11 l'Napoleon I aril of_lt4dOtne de Rainey: He
of railiOU6; sold that it is traver:--able in
directions.' if this is sr), we wOultlittd r tiPas`=ed thetearty portion 'of his life in. he en
• -- . rjoyinent Ofsthelvese4ifid insouciance which a
ifiese factsieci on this iv ti - ''''`
t .
? o mit , b e
. ., zys: . - , . . Marge fortune can -bestow, and it Was not' nit
.' I have -smle 'direct and positive testin 4 , ,;- I' 6 l e - allea from ?ttis lift:of dissipation . to attend
oft c I , ,tipon - the ; , y tog bed', of his niother that he
this tic id, which the4mportance
If, : Ica rned the sect et 4if hit birth. :Immediately,
.attd the-value of the testimony it.'
kt - soirei to be r i odueed. 1 speck
of the 1.
st :j n otwiths:tanding, theliceft•sion of fortune sud
expedition of Cul. Fremont—his „f ilter ' !IdettlyUeottired by . - lain'mOtherls desith', , '• - not:
• . peditictatiflS'`.),)44---au l / 4 1ofthe$iick,„„, „ Ig, the habit-of idleness and inxti
rttionded-it, and of ttie value of the inf.; ullied liever, stnee his birth 'he
tion s ia - hiA it afforded: He chose the It.- with l 'a 1 - hi 'd
ill• '
t,, r e) 00 Ls vein.
iiirderfor his exploration, that he illiol .!oql to ,rfmUtn 'outlive. lie in..
the won-t--6ee-the vent diffieuttie4, and di °irk', ..fior -Algiers- as a - volume& in•
minerwhether they could be vonqttished.• 're. and lid's risen by slim de g rees
, believed in the prattibility of the Toad In flit tiOi, occupies. ,The tnoral
'.that.:lll4 „ misoarriatt; in 1846--10 i. was - elattomi dp to the oreat. Na I
I, -. Po em
4i4t:o4ls:gui,de, /pat of the. oonntry ;ar :license ti tithe troops under his
was4feiormut to -wive those questinnt null ''. enabled ' him td'olitititt" in as
the test-blitetual experiment. • • - • • iri4ih 'SC:Arnaud could - never. tie
- " . 1 1 1.itt'— , - , *"e "views he net out t '''' 71/Cii2/e. : 1 ' - . . '
~"- •-•- -.7, -,
.• tic - . 1 n'Ang- • . !!: _' 1 ! •
iiint..ll"or Ins ,tini A the west 14 his court
fitoisitiNiiite:-• Isis ;fit _ the . rnouth of
41 - autoolis•Or`lthe point ofdepiirture, St:
end Sim Francisco the points to be count
ems'`-` T 4,1,104144 of 38 and 39:.d.%rees t
eredatiitlittrfii,ilnCt3 - tit* -- 411th - ese. , be :
ainiap7;04,*444130114 i&ailit4 the
:4102. sAtt , Lake , ;within three hundred mile --
trite California- litte,f , , , -after that. tpnn 4 . 4!1i 11
• litti*iiin lo'llkldiltli,..ifiLltitc,en tf6 - tiatit el!
4:0',;37 bird tsl4ieliti;:kin‘ii: tie,", - ni
paittrnia.-- :=Thls. Miti biivalled - ti' h -
-- - • ,. -,tr- , 4-- aat t ~.. - at.
itierottl 7 :so:fulfdis' a" . priinarfinondith 4 A „,,,,,, ~,"„ii.,, 'me,. he
"In ' kind "a Ir!)- - 'inid especially of a it. --- i, ; ,„ 4 " -- " AA TT, I 7 it ' .}.„, ••561‘ Oh
• Toad, w_1) , ! ..1) - fof a imnited -411i1Vi• an -4 ,1' , -; iL r ' t «.l l-7 1 -1. II :' i • 7. `Well
viiiM`y! , iii - 14-4 , ,1)i „itt a c t i t ,3 ( fi- -' a ' ' 44 ; 41 - ..... h oni .4.' %as .. /ma a tags r
:liii* lie , t 6 r ALI 41 ,- Itelocitylit 8 , ' 4 , -,.. 9 " VS., 4 P)'I4A - • -Are*Puen—Ratt
- ' ..--
- ' *6oo . l:ititlV l!leltat 'cklitsidCiatink ma Aiit
roa l .
610,142Fi:604)'0.ii,Pilit6'.."liarti(d:the - ,' "' - 't.
tc't*F:Pe 4 e 4 i*:';*.o ''f:44l'2ve:line.. :On. he
iggiuts:ilie.ip - per !Arkansas, and the .111 er
sunu,"he fotnui ttOnOttrilti, in the Sand' ill
4Nutatte44o . 4.le#o2 , .Olitrti7V - it4iit.:; --- 14'
-. Vnrkft*ipt:i - Nap;'f*...leotitittt4itf 4 4C tie'
- 1 3 4 14:-A . i'llifilfitvl4 . 4hat lis
414,00:5-tl4;are-,414-4P3de:MtPeit i'ciisrioni
with ti - - 4 thk ; o d 4n
1 14f%.ir4liAa leen
'hurl* in -invor
~...- . .
- f — .
.._ 4 . 00, - im i t e r i ga i t i W at es . •
.fite y.arl : ml4oitti .. . . •
,of snow ti
.. the., , mquatt l as,,Ands
ihowedilf/oai ' er 'ban . tßti MAN'"?
- Oftke 04.4 . ....#44444. - , fat cti*lctiamos,, „
fibi.:Aligiong.. , kome
: s; , -; the' eliinate changes.; A grciar
'OOlO-11 , itm.likesideqe, which he knew be
yore, an then fully 4Perienced.! ' The
~ rt . !.
-..,Main - der ,of ;Abe - route„,, it...b,ii:Oee'4 ilici.W l 4 iti i
he iii , k4rt.% ifiiiplol7lii.v ge-stiff4.o4.4.
' .- t 011 i" 4-:Tr YP 1 #0 1 1 .0 * ; ' 4a tiiiii r 44 1 :4 1 1 4
at ii ' tii4..iii,l444,plftect';iithii4:titiaitig-autl:l
°4 - md When fott9Cllo.4l4 , :tiotti: thillus:apdtran
And tinWthis;Was' tilt cointneoWl, 101,"Ottl i
it l z ..,,,,..,-„; ;; ; _.„ 1 .;1;,., ~,' ;.-;, ;it:;;..10.1. i.,,,,
14 410 itAitathitd-, : tio,f,ati, "out
lia,:lit,eti, Ailiifititi mri 'AiiiiiAPki:tA:ArOxi.., : l4 l /4,
- Oth4*, ; (inti. ; :ii)..riisix4: ...11ii4d - Asicli,4l B *WA ' 91640 rY
,-, , t)f tatow in Ow pas4o.` %....;r ; -I''' ! , -- -' 9 ,:::'''';
' - Thef , Ble. 'r . ok'Xiktida;Plitii . theli . ol" rang e ..of
AU'Otiiitain'f *CI theie,,`,t - ' ii.'.fiatitieh - 0( anciW,
- :.*latiiiialii.:.oi - . • , :..ii - broi::**piyirAiiil 40
--- whiieihi .i,iokiptainjititot was !te#oljr , coveled. - .1
And. thii-dispiltaaa of ti* objecticiti of iolo*-SM-1
this -, rantei'‘ieVibrinidah,lo - ,Yk`tP4"tr,T, : : q Vif ). !l. ' I
'who. haVe itotliitti - VA' bott-10A,.. , ,)' !.4q*r.., Pf,
,i,, F ed,
. it: ', `-s.4itatiiii . 4 0r_ , : , i47 . 4g , e, , c01e int fron1:1
1 : • '* i n.e4t h a ll e e ni .: e ‘a P x i :p tsta ee l :F i t:t o t t : l :l .6 l l: P c.41 ,.. 1 1 1' .1 7, i ." 6 , 4 ,::: 1 : 1*, 7i ..iri :4: 13 ...
Iy d ' h ' 4:::: l ,.. !t- 7 1i43 :b : rie r 1 :7 4 : 7 :
: :h1 ).( 1 .1 1 ::::: . :k1 0 11 1411 -r e:E: 1 :: 1 h t t : i () . : 1 14 11 , 1 ; :iii i . t kiiit : 1 1::1:: :: - . , s a, r;r h . ;:::: :: :;. '' , : , ti l 'e g n ;
, - ,h,. . re''') . -ii ; n .::.:. , , i i i ir g n -e : di -7 7, . ) e l l i:i i .inis ee i. 1 1 1 7t an :i .,e. i: r ti
, t thelfronti4!t4",-..ll.isami,ri. frau). the I Mouth of
ttni art; :Pass', in -the f,ftrat -tnountainbeing,
more than ; half•the itligtit of the_:_n*td. • This
Would do . for a
, start.;',; ;it,"tiould -intisfY the
calf;fotti fair ;silt-thee kit the commencement.
This fit t. 14:4: ; is called ;:;.the-j..Saii!. hill, or
-. fiobidoux'; through. , which Fretnont I entered
of,tiim Louis;, And 'the Way; so luiv
and level as t4i - be secs Through. l , And ;through
i "that 1 valle- ' and 'its' - Cipthtiptiiiil4)ti, (the Sah..
i• ~;I
I wstali.,) . t.O . ithe ( r Vothatippd„ the ground is so
l'amoo,th, aS;io present no vieeption tolits level
but. thernatpr.deurvatare; of the earth. .•
- Itilkire 'than forty :1(114.C.c1 . wagons went
through it ltl,thelatunther i;111853, twenty. of
jlteni guided ',byll.crotia fin- Captain Gunni
aon, and the rest;-by - vin grantfamilies, with
'out;g:tildt+'..,lluti more than that—the - btiffti !
1 loes; havelt t raiell,o it - 41 Ways. ; . - ' '
'n,i,' ill oqugb toy Nhow that the Reeky
i 1110 tin tai te4.maY be passed wit hod t 'crossing:l
l; hill--thad'huideg waghn3 bny.el'iie:A it at all
js . t-sage;ll3, -..61 the ; - Pr.r.'i !'in a worN there 14 no
j 4 iflieithy. ikhOnt passes; the only ;bother is to.
e1:04.:4- 0ut,4,11 - so imaziyi,-141.- eo - , Old, : ,-bert 10tr
theinsetvds ned;111 their, approaches, .;'This • is
1 enOugh ft:r' the' .Pasie'S ; .; trial 'reaiect to' the
1, whOl e Mntinfain 'region, aid the .ili fficult y of
going throtigh-it4. , and upon differtnt lines, we
i have 4 heievidfntscjOf hoots winch diSpense
witli specillatuni ;:nd,:.tssef,tii)o. That region
W.IIS throe tiitle.4 traversed, and On different .
routes, ; by. iNfesl-rs.;llleule; and neap. . in the
1 stumer • 0f'1853; . ...
l It happened thus:; When they had reached
;lihe.'efist - fork of the'iireat Cofoindo of the'
. -
IWest, ~and' wer e , . crOs:ing it, they _ 1'44'11.
amide:A.of a u oizertnrued canoe, their supply.,
1 of ntunitions, boih:tOrlhegnn and the mouth,
and were tlireed I to send beet: to; the nenrest
:Isettletnent` for ill-forihi , r anpply; ! - That near
est, settienient was 111. i tOil: In New .7x/exicO,
lidistant three huOr.c4; and :'' thirty . :nitlei'; * and
T that dit...ignixt to .be midv-npu.n routes, finding
their dwu f00d,..-if.chlinel "alread travelled, on
jiffs san;le eondiii'em,.otie thousand mites fruni
the froPtier if IMisso,nr:; :ind!e's,
Om:: airei,dy
. 0-sveNd long and. hard, with
oUt.other ri.,..a itt- . .3 g r ass affor_ded,) inlw
of ri.--
f the'iutrf4bs
one° . merchant
eeity iiiiifhliving in one of the
':arid- mansions on the
Fifth Arentietts gunily kiata.ista of hint -
self aod siieting a friend- from the
einintiy he.inrioed biro up to view his house.
• friendfras: bre the-
. orgeotis
rooms, trvithlossel4eil floors o and :'ningnifieent
fr*oeci‘lreilinrci aifd finallvlwas takeo Thr:
1 ' 0 4, 9 ,4 4 4'i* of; 131 4 -,11 _° AO°
ania!r r 4 iincp.t .se r evin -,
ailmer.! skturn— r
;was asked if hi hid n Mr„ 1 80.“'
' it-tar is ',l*. chilli now "
i hen ".1" *as - kee
- lorlbec
i• ts gum
'tteetiatioffistpair ' :•`4l , lldri
fritOltoriltAiilaciii fit*
tio}l74o**rrikrk3iTl - orfli*iii
„aro Ktrutyheans, •
27,e Morn ogvii t e luple,,. o .st
‘ .l. " ' 44Z-4 1 3 h r
„ ii i tWitiAlq:,_lll.,,
'44 ,t ,I: ,14 , ' . v 4,. .,
';# V - ,'' ~1#441 4 ,%.,
Ar , ... I1P•-f! : ottthattotraishvetsa.
1 vile , T . fints 414d i eetitibrairjfireho: ii-,k A
1 I i i . I !
-)-. -'1:
- 4 ves the fol.
w 447
bV,Aike : tends4vgfriTs4* - 4 1 1 , •`
111trarn&=Wil° 3V ) s ; 1
0 .14 linty r
14ndexult' tett:
with, - e- - .(r . tv; , tho affections and la 'E h Pu !
stormg the mind with . useful
without harrassindthe„*4l,,ip the p
#tijett ye gait fishing be sante
a bite lie ere Veil
-one titter. -
. ~-F. ~_..,r.
_ - r
rieg+, Trimmer. . 1 I,afp
pearly opposite leery,Tor,
d. &R
TAA - Ficrtallas
.01 Trunks, Whips, &c-
BmAKF.R. Shop Scot doOread
- .1-0 of 0411 d Fellows' .Voutiose•
• W SihildtOlt
1 121 i-now 'fc;iritd at 1441314w_ attend Owdmo at;
tiro doors neat of Stiarte's whom y! . .
fectte44-, repays sith 'iliiia - 4- . Vatahai4
4fffe4VgdAoiilis tsrert ilesenptionrof, Maclaineryi
r d
the trade.
• - Dr.-1X;
QVIIOEON DENTIST, , Montroati,' Pa., Seirlpa,
llatel,lekanlays and Tteadaya of each,
i's •
.7149$TROSE, PA., 'silty Rog.,
dig_ :ter, Whole-ink Clrocc# and Comniisso Mar ,
ammo, No. 173 Washingtdu street, betFeen Court.
rindt *rut Dey streeta, New; orl.
- . Miller ik Fowler, • •
:lit.aiid.Solichers in ChaeCery. Office tio. 44.
street ! hicago,
Pod& !Hotel, - •
fIREENWICII STREET, (near proadway
.l_}Yo,ik. Salisbury 'Co., Propiietors,
Nicinity of the principal steamboat landings.
. Thottus Ingstrnin._
- i - vA.LErtls DRY GOODS, Groceries, Clothing,
grockery, Boots and 'Shock bc., Susquilionna
- •
• Bentle y , ` & Pitch; • ~ T
A TTORNEYS liontrose r Pa.
13ENTL ET. • • ?.,111TC/L -
John .
L"ARIIIO\ABLE T 11I.OIt. Shop' liuderiSmalo's
gotel, 11 4 ine suet% Abritrasa,,,P.a.
D..ilinas; • H.;' • ,
LitXRY .
In the rear of Wilson's Store, gontr,tc, pa. ;
3:Colsten - •
rtgAVR STOVES, Tin, Copper,,:sulil',:Sheet
.1-Aaron Ware, 1.4-rarilie, near Greet Ben4PepOL
DeOniber 4. -
:N C. _Tyler;
NT*RESTED with I. L. 1.11 ST, Luticirtei of aktl
Dlittler in Ihu-dWore and Cutlery, carritigeSpringc,
Sc:; \6: 215 Pearl street, :Yee ritrle, where . his Mer
cantq'iliends, in this and tither counti es , ;arc kindly
irtrit. , and earnestly Exilicited . to call 4w:4:Rlrd:is-se.
L. P. Rinds, • 1 -
,ee - 4TQRNET, AT LAW, -Sysp rt
iehana,p.4,, Qffice
kV 1g:1 '1(4173e street, seteldot,r east:of Lenhiirds:-'
• . Fra;ier • & Case, •• 2
13.10frIce on Turnril•e smet, one dOcrlEast . of
POl'e4;StOre 3fontrote
,;. Albeit Chamberlin,. ' •
ii TtOIINEY AT LAW and'JusticO,or ;the
.1_71:- Over 'LI: . Poet & Co',4•Store.'3forairose..l
' • Win. H. lessap, I
.rroittrlttr-xr coartouro#Nitis,4
11.1_ !DtErs, for fli . e State of Nerr York, will attend
to ill lr,isir.e.F.3 eittraßteil tO•llitn with iiromptbetts and
f.delitr:; Office on. Public Square, • occupied br Hon:
• -
• 1 Abel Terrell, . I -
1),I-14LF,11 1); DItUGS, 3tEDICENES,
runts: ON, 'Dyi-stuirw ; GreierieJ, Dry toOda,
Bard src , Stoheware, Glassware,- . Cleeko, 'NV:ache:2i
jewelb-,1- S_ilrer Spoon=, Speetaele.4,lltutieid Distr.*:
nerit4 Trusses, Sargical tn?trtimentts, Per;
fnmett,r3lirror4, *Stationer,r, -. - Bru9be,, Shires, Yankee'
Notio-as,! &c.
r •
Nia R.-Lrns* Co,,'
ViioL7Air AND r1lL)
Pa. - ; ..-
. F. B. Chindlet,
TIMER LX DRY GOODS. Ready Made Clothing,
.Groceries, Books and Stationeri, ete.w Public
Avenue, Montrose; Pa. , -
Patrick & Dthiock,
' Owego street, Montrose, Pa. j ,
L L.Post & Co.,
DEAL SIN DRY. GOODS, Groceries, Crotkery,
ftlartlw • , Leather, Flour, ete.,-carner Of Turn
pike!hreetand blie Avenue, -irontrotr,
4 , •
J. : ons & Son., ,
. i- -
TUAIRRS TN DRY , OS, Groceries, Dardware,
..i..", ;Crockery, Tinware, G • cries, fkloks, etc. ; also,
earty!Oti the Book Bending bus:. ess.Public Asießve,
ifoutrose, Pa.
Bentley & Read,. . .-
TAnALE,RS Cdieines,
Pair' its, oil 4. Grocerlik , Hardware, ockery,
Ikni'itclocl4l, WatelleA„ Jewelry, Silver Soo° , Per
. ame7, , ekc.- 1 1'oot, ofPµblie Avenee,. Montrose,
Sa.yie, Bentley & Perkins;
:ill'• kinds of Castings, Stoves, Agricultural Imple
metaa, etc. Office -at
.Sayre's Store, Public Avenue;
Mannfactory at the Eagle :Foundry, Foot of Cherry
street,' Montrose, Pa.
W i lliSM & Wifikart H. Jessup, -
k i TTORNEYS AT LAW, - .Montrose; P4'. Prac
.Z3l4;44ce in Lusquehanna, Bradford, Wnync, Wyo
inini 4nd Luzerne counties. " •
• 1. William - W. Smith &
rapINET, MALE RS.:' ThepicepP,constantly on
Aland a good assortminii of na.kimia of - Cabinot
Furniture; • Shop .aO4 Ware Rocuas
NalnOtreot, MontrosP,.Pa._ •• -;,:
D,oe kwell; toidk •
dooda, Rats, cam Pura, MAI/rend!, ara
solictßib**. cte. 4:c., No. 20 Col/Tit:in& a New
York, (up stairs.) •
n. v.:news-ELL. winos.
tl AfoixirOse; filithfully to Al
neasientinutotto him iu .the OUJItY . 4E-SFSqUeI/31311a,
•Ciweyancing.* at An kiAdi will be done
neetli s sod eb ‘alsOatterui to
the proseentlanst widows and
heinCsgaha the nited *tee Govenunent, • for
liouoty. 'And, P , inns, Ake. - ,May be found -still
houriv:at the ee formerly-occupied by' JE T. Rich
tirdsi ' of ilwtePTt 1 1 0 4 01 e4 1489 -
• u•
Thneiciatigeit.. , :, - :--
- iRE.L4 Ftit, I rAnA . V.T li,_ ts** l
......i : .: , ;,
Just : ither Thursdgi-Nbv.. IS, 1.884 1 , .the jail
ILf z _Pcfnenget .Tritinir ' deiart flew -Atomises:A
\ 1204;:i -- ' , i - - -:,-%, d- •. : • ; : sc:l,-' - -
' 1 4 1 .0 1 4-GM48e.9 1 1,4146 r• i• ".1 .: •i-
Connecting nithliteßay.Expressteninolhotb eat
',and tnent. en, the . X. T.lVE t tr; 8., which, ntri,!!.. at
.141e4 To'i4 atAr o.x. Od afilintiditit 11": - ...--
14:tutli*ti reeve 'Gine Bend
,oe he„iiiiiiid'Orilio
A•Alp tn vete hound Vire it,f 3;20 - P4E,lir.hielf At.
Vi i ' Pa: m i.:lL . 44 i i nd * r ei l *l l s9*
id/01 - ft
at ,4 4 0 . 4 %5. 'z- ~ ' , l- -;,:.1 ."-- :, ""':;'-'" 'l', - .. :-.;-_- ',
Tft,e'jfieliti - Avio` ' tioiTrnitfiritkVis*: kw.
dieldtached iiitijtoite . *ratit*;iott 7..50 r: m.. on*:
kit-Ate/ 1 1 Bead it;o-z-34. conue4ng !jot 4141 k.
..,V l4O -# 13 ,,,,04 31 7* -04. - dot gie.A.EsAfP,Taalai
wu',m‘Wbiai , E 4B 4 104: , ,0. ~ ' .:,-,, ' , ~,,,.,.....,
.10400 0 4- 4 !inyn Greit Bend it:o4; 34 s*
aniic at
_rant&t' U. A. .1114 ..,. , , . . t ‘4'.--,_ - 2 1 ; 'l4 4 '
Stages r4l b 43l h I v .iai i t: o ,:4iliitiihillNiiiir. t es9 ll .:
il • ' „4. 4,:ii i ; N : r : . ' .' vs -p ,- - Ws,
.I''• ' 4 . ,, ; i li•,. 4 ''. ' •
Plairle# -D. N.,.
.. .‘,.. .
fiSpe.ol , olll4P4Wllo;o6l , 4 :#ll4llllterl; . : NOT7 , 1 1 1 4 / 4 . .
) Noe
'ln the
I Peace;;
Y CAar .
ti l itate
hVvi '
410 X"
~ t. .trw4t,lk,
1 2 ,10M0140t6i*seli PIP •'..-- 1 Attt i lls .
114 soii‘ehtitiwidilATl ; 41 4beiti 17-11 1 1 " ---.- 't--.1"---- Ilart*l 1 4:iiiiftdatO*01; - ; -1 1 1 4 boo<mi
;_throne; c ! -'• , ' - ' 1 ''ir'' , 4 . ; "'l r4 ' • - r 941 ? ' ii it iek t )lo.4 l; g 44 s 4,, wf4 t Yioo s t a iii'lr , .
rt e l4,o,l,4,!et.,NsfoltignionwilitalltleililliASF ii 4
. iii 0 It VA 11F4111a$ Cptlaiii!fe.,ly?4lolrltrilii 7 i i ir
1: '3; man: gtjoant4 L , 3 1 ''sP'M `ll2-` )*/ Wit i e i4OC, itsleikllie itrpee t .esdeittnitt,lf lir
ftflotiViikst! tistindlditelt i -v-loidtPAite, , sr t i ', - tiVeyslearp "but'n6VittlyttiTtitake'l /g
'1 , siAtsitiiieleirsirtile,,l% ' I'-' ,. .* , ; 41. ' ' !'...0 -,:,, • 'lc` ! 1, ' of a$ 1 lk.Gbauo should Isive)sibrAttOri4bse
it iftlls:bitevelohOltisittosturtit'ntspOivercia 1 . 6tiottiove„L t!,',4*•Abo Sykotorteeo9,l*ch'..
4 04
,! train the bright' intent infteldldhoot' t ststabi*+.
.--' •Thisihaqttlen,,,Attcsaptett ere,,and-leithJettuatlt.
_ i :; ,,Ir vie tak eiti tt , 1,-.,.-. t,- :i-vre , - , •.:•I.•ii i J • 4 we sottlii -. ,- .'ectrydii submit tifitetarte p.,
: 4134 .1 'ohitifdr-thiSzelsagentuttuditioictsifili tae 'lt iiii r" - aoteutinti t thrthertUttfenVidttlifre "-
• „'.lp,t< e brid enntwc.... ~ • 1 , 0 .-- ' ':'`-:- .t-i •- - i 4n It • A .. . iiergativolnidieistelslesud:
Thisfoe test , addittukhi.nutt , blootO;sltireb 411 *I ~* :., i -' t :thit.boWeisi A This fatlio474lsttritol t
1- i thir*ti6 n ,r. `1 , -... , ,kt t - .I it -, ` r trit- i p, . Woo'ollo tgtPing.plo „Sad a 4410W,4 12 . H2l
*is seize,-elsough Armed to time teeth, andlrtnebtea , it ay.' eLe kto e l i eseAuku ecnusterbAlfmeolln . loal
t , eaviilic"" 4 11: 4 A ,t , t," o'.lt - 111' ' I . i
keit . i.a;ii*lt. im:Mieseing'prso66tio*i ' tori'
-AAA 40)w. 3140E-W4o,4, 4 kPennogitiV444 l l . W.iottir ' IlitVeir ''' it, Inti.ficfire!pf&ibitileteifM - *l'
i =,l i liaitopis f . , '' , '''.•: - Y 0 Arti let4nligeintaltribeliOiteli - Vititil'lliti '
f un Ft' sl.4 ":q r thf:l7im,if,-1T1 T M71 4 047, t Vj.)! I', Wde' n014 11 ,V C•14 . 440e fie 4n A 4 , 110 011 k
we 6ni c 4 ''2 - ~,,t. :A - - ; ' epi ticto. Jti4.4atte; thaitt 114 Ye.tuTtlici l ie 1 04,
"L I
We'll jtura . thest4"4giaitilitahlta", ofthe If-ixiii . 0 , - •
_bp; igi. re r uoy,,-.Mir e see directions itiethely w i i ki, r
7 te*
1 . elatip - r ' 'I ' ' 1 .- ' '' ' 7- - - ' ~. 1• D --:" 114 t'' V "I illielik:siO l srttifh 'they Ake APPII: let
And Then with puke mottf: u rti - tiftt thenorn agttin,
,aO 4 -6 1. •-{h 6 ;•tie s ;- ,, ll i ng ffl i r di e -o m pt a ing kV
, And 'thouettiobtiie pot i'afrihr*ffiely !WO* I rbEtt beskt spdedily.cnred by - - thet4mrdmay munition.
' ' ' t-rtle r'''' th r"' ' ' ' ''`l - ' ' ' "' - c:4" 1 1 . Llv r_rdit lakit o itt 4o,_v,arious forme AC Jaundiettitt .
I 0141,o:tin •444 1 :hriteasures that each Irt! . tu mav ,v , d; Akin,- 0 r*:tir sid 1 4 otrs of A tir_ctitc• Pall ' "
t - ' 4 .„` : ,
,'.. el'oose t !.., ` • k:- : - ---.
..,i.:4 , rt!-_ - i - k Itn lib*, tolbatnehath6,-Erilious-reie'r;ir ta:
e in
! i,et ttt stfierettee Xci-egr policy we sure shell 'pot, be ': I situ ! A f ,,,l n mt.,. tp it.. cLi.. !r i 1...i.5 , k . r"., in !,b;•'
,'' Witt •. i ' ' . ; i i : fi - au these til!but thcconsfquence of diseased'
Thatluauseima filth and rottenness should* p li n the . Byer, sid.olsotopetsent, • they:am! prom pt ad'
_.. :,, ..1 'to 9Pldt" - ` f t'l l''AVlrl, relief in toPitiveneas, rde9;`,Chidir, Dpen 11. p
Fur pat when any_system: . has , grown rotte i the Humors, Se, tort& and Seurry:Colds 'With • earer!esit of
~,L 1 4 °40 -i - - ( i. - ' .- - -t • • . the tHAt. punt and impuriir of the blood ; in eliort,
sue &at at Id themrsehietahould riot rt ant; and' e.rerr case where& pllrmattie ia required.
. . throaty. l.
This; ti t er' is What we slo in theYmpins of **Ob.
The ebitty ty r ,ma we expel, and abrogate the* hitirs._ o ,
If aught vitloablei rentlins, that our presitr . isTpuri. I
- ' post Suitki ' < •, - - ;., f' 'f 1 1 ;
We Otani* ltuditaTe It, all the rest we 01/Icf, bp
• the t &its. ' 1 I
Tiled inn the yulnl,„. by our out, we onicklytenr n in.
An arch of burning Gold, with coloimades of:NI aiu. 1
And now aim, figure to comPlete, a e'only blit4 to y, iiip
These wondpous trawaformations all are Joie for ,
' . f • ', ' C. D. VIRGIL, Surgeon Dentist. '
Mon' ' ' 8•
, vue, Noscmher 8. 1 .A. '' t I
W STOAEI law mots 1
-',- , IN- Neat- - AtILYORD. ' i ,ri
TUE subscribe r having leiksed the Stare lof the
pia ssrs.lPraits, formerly occupied bfr 1. S. Lit-,
tle, Int ds.tia locate pennahently in New Miito . . •
And he.wonld take this , _method of inflirming the
inhaldbints of Nets: Milfotd, and adjacent towits,ithat
„lie tuts Just rn
ietued fon) New York with si *el and
splendid tad& erfresh and entirely new (Danis, CM.. I
Fisting Of _PRY 0 00.0.3 of almo s t - ei-ei-o , Ont. e'va- 1
tar issalidroilleXtEltlES teli lowa, the totfeat, art& I
were,. flrerkerg, Bwts and Shoes, Haig ~ ,,g di.,
:Donttet4 of rev /W
ery style . &e., which hii o era for 1
-sder cm Onsinost tracort i able terms, for CIIIOI, el:Motes-I
produce, oriyeliable credit. Ile would Ascisai hi this
connection, that he has added to the estutilislarnent,
the: truMufaCtuling of An, Sheet-iron, aitel ICJ/Ter
ware id all its 'varieties in %Lich he is pi-epa d to
eccitti all i kinds' of j 01 1 ,4, by the very beat pro melt
and hn the most reasonable terms.
Deal4rs supplied at the lowest prices. Dottie lan
i x
in "
relation tif stoves &c., at sonic future time.,
• - t•= , •Ji DICKERMAN, Jr.
. ? i
New !Milford, May 114/8 0. 1 , . •' I il. -
VIITLV,ASSORTEET; or Tio,-Sport i ' n
.... and Copper! Ware of my.own manuticture end
tuadi;. of heavy plate r for sale lie , .t . 1 I •
1 .s.`c I 1 i . ..1: , DICKERII.A / N, Sri' -f
Now'Milford .1111 v V , 1851 i
, i ,
A'? • FULlAL4ar!ttnerit of Harlin i -are, Carteriter and
...1 - 11.. , ' ' Jidners*ToOls, Pump Chain. r - " -
_l,; . iwiMilflt, Jtily, 18151.1
s ,44,511 OD 111,1N,6‘"
t•--' IthP 3 4) at ,
"'I - 1311:tiiK. FL - OCA ice)
,etwisei at die IoT
" --- rr -- 1 -- -
.f FAmszas7 . s. • , , (. .1 t .
Plilllo7ll IL'.4IL7,IIANCE coxitrAivr,
q ,
,: , 4 ,VADITA.T., ' .000,000. '4- :, -.. ~ • ..-1
.•se•iireii /../ . /."Foia- qinV:llottgo7 on the., ? I Are
I . IV the. Sloi•Lhohront. • 1 1
i In' t •;lreg akainst los3 by Fire,.of Ilonsea, Fqlre.4, anal
other 40.111 dings, Goods, Wares, and Merchandise - , on
as' fai:ilorable!term}4 as any similar la.stitution. I. Ulises
pOltiptly. aol t . msted and paid. , ~,, i
Diit4cTon.S.-llon. 'Tomei: Williston, Athens; 'vrar..
ids- Ver. do ; . ; George A. Perkins do. ;J.T: D. 114::,yer,
'do, •; N. ipn,lan do:: C. F. Writes, Jr.ldi:4.; j, B.
Caned' d 0...-• lion. ) .Tolin Laporte, Toiranda ;IGet: 13.
Wake , I..aceyviile; Go. M. Hollenbadk,l kt.s.-
haft i• 'Michael Neylert, Laporte. Pa.' -L i '.. . '`
OirAcatti---11on. Rorace-WilliSton, Presiden .;',C."
F. Wells, jr . ;i V.-. Pres.- and Treas.; •J, R. Ca eld;
I ...Secretn.y.. ; ".; . ' 1,1 - -
- -Agint. O l t S. Hue, Mouttose,-74.• - ' [153:14n3
• .., •
' ~' i • i CLERICWANTED ,:4-i :' 1 .4. --
AATAN - TAO immediately, a good active nerk.rons
:„ :VT I who! has had experience, writes - -
and; li competent
- to take 'charge of a at
121* be tenipirete and ;w4ling to devote
attetuton'ta the intermit of his employ:4
that Om - simmer to the 'above a liberal a
014- None others need apply Good
ati required.- • . 8.•.F..t R. I'
—1 •
. , .
i.' : . .d . • NEW FALL GOODI.
111 IiUIARITT would irivite . the' attei
' f, frie4i3 and • ti) public to 16'3 ne•
di!fetilock of #roehe Wool; and Caala
8 ( : I Zt "'rig,: enna IQ to- sl6—..
6 it, including plain and fancy Delam
Pa*tiettaa,; french 4cifiweß,'Si/ks, F
... an4 oa
• .k.e.4.-iird.s...and Jac
tyt . wbielt in tonti4ction with a large.
ita • and ialMy 0 r# 0304 Groceries; H.. re. - ;iiron, Slav, Buff* .Robes,
13c l
- and &toes, Has and Vans, Pala
Waif' ' Wall PapPr, 'Oils and Paint,
0(44; n the', tnoxt favorable.terms and
for ~ 0011. prOduce, or approved credit.
jr;IB. Salt by the barrel or-load.
'.l.tir )14toid, September 2:14 ISM.
0 0 , ~ eliblisgs caniaoneitsivirell
, . , , 5 as tith. L _
..• , ,
TlESn'' ribir having' based - the Qui& knan
-. 11factory .f 'A. W. tZwocal, to naribk is
prepared to . man: accu r e 1 .kind 9 of, Chaikat 04/need
pried', ofgood sift 't • owlln' li' ; tilipiri4rAte of
workinansktik Jon..t e , die different kkidsl , will
itteht4on- :', ' ' l . ' . ' •
~ ' i ..I
i -
.pfilitol4, JAc . era, (impr. ed ityle.,), A ll uds
;,-104/0) y and 'Vitas° • laits.„ Flc4l
i , 1' : '4'Seitit, Settees, dx,, e. •f. .0
- f lig - II W9rig,, warranted
_give r tiatactioit for
five ears: i•-1• - ' ' ' '% - - ''' o I ..-
~,,, Merchantable Ptodue taken in ex .nge for
." but i') CkEplt! " . .1'24 ;paw 4 N'i -
ritilford;l 'April 5. ' ' .? 1- r .'..
IDOST ititOTHERS \ laming' purchased AO above
i-11-f r ! I ,lestiblliinntint,. wilt hccp constantly oti liked, 811-
'lrtAtectsi fin* Flour, Corn Meat of toporioir t uat-
ity t . alto Clop a6(l Brun at the lowest cash Oices.— 1
quationfiw4l44l' will be, doge with demytehi, lilt all'
cnsea wary lPied 4 .'"'; : v .. . I I 381lr
IrOntn 3 ** Jtkijr; 185 i, ' -: - ' -''-'l, - l'f• - /" I
* -- ti - -' • -.' - r - ..:--'--_, .—..; , 1 1 .,t - -=-1
I. ~, ,; ; .:_Stovelia, SlDlrtia,- i 1-,i I . --i
1 :Br BArry is noW • recelving,..o;oriir t;
1 .• or StoyakilicliKog_the niosq, ot ::.ittia
!i ' ' i . 44l,itiT3 of Prerniuro, Jib TO. o Mit votcl;
leif CoOtliqc Slaws, with Ttirlor. Otlceiiio Eilicm
iqtfii.o. $* *O4 or eoit, incoporior Virtpty Ito Ail!.
!Irlitith lie "It seg at tip twig reduced pleee,, , V e l'
;tiatied Ovgn:stoVca of,,ncw rand Approved: pkt" ' ' will,
tie"'ltad #.0.0,,3ki11i lather kis* fp 'I) , ticitort,
a f
l'ilict; stotO i4i;rinc e . antraheet iron, atoll , t iiiffofec
' ::li•flitrorit i sept. . 2.;'.64. f . ' JL:BII In
•;• .1 :' .:. ~ ., 1 ...., -.-. , • - ', • I It-
','. I I W IDAWIIk talk. = - '' , l .-'1" li i''`" '
#. fr. ; )!): SAYRE hiving ettoppoin cfl Ipgent.
form exile .
....,...... ~ ,door roaufaci'
kiv I , : it'sw.rell,lccAusob oily iiticir. 3 . l 4o 14IPPII
1 ; 1
telii l 4*iatii/4 1 iTF - 3W!" . ** 4 0 1 10 -if • - : i
I.'.- IShs vfag Creasn,:„ - .',4, ~ ~
N- 7 -icicle itbiih'evtry iniTi , libouttiry .. • 4-
rttls,?4i ;.Uvt . lo4'ik Sommer 11 ....'
!.. for.iiitifittlizat:tecikeptiiirkiof AA . •*.' ..
i, ilbik Thitding Piddle, *it ft,
I, banuipemaltifititrnialiciiijip
kisidkodpid- 5 -rawt rotepaintiloir
it - Aar at *look pastpahl,..nmorbteigft„
i louniory: an A. recelpeotolutpriaeoliik4
144rimintil_ 1 siest vielaprompt as
___:# l l,lM 4Dittl. , -Mktraii-; WIG& T
, ....4 . 1. ,
4, . 6 .1 0; •3
# .., . . 1g.. ; 1,
t WI. '„ . . ..:.
int_ .: • - ,
' - 'l , . • T . - .
-On ,--,..--!,..,' •• .. gl i. ~' .m. ~,
•!...--, ; , ,,,,,...1.4...— ! ..—,.........., iitit...,--4...6 t ...4 4. ; y ;,—. -- ;
-fi • , • : A r s-. IV '-, '•
__,_ _
_'.l4-:-..- : .:-, k. Air %,,, - .::
~,,..n..,,,,,.,..4.,. ~,,....,,. • , .
fr • ,' , i'-, •
.i .- ' I ... - .. ,
,:. il i 4i•' ..,
. . .
They; have pmdUced ~:lome.:,.singulatly nu e
canes- iii tibmitiuttient, 'Geer, Diop,sy, Gtavel,try Ipe
mo, Palififatitin 'of the Ileart;'Pairmin ate Bark -S gm . =
' aeWantlf Side. : Thett , sbettld be freels.takom ins the
' spring cif the year, th purify. ;the • blood aid pre ,
the- systpth for the chtmge of seasons. cAn °cons mat.
dosi!atimidatt..4 the sttomai.dl and boicli into - he' lthi
action,,aritrr.istOresthe appetite and :oil*. The 'pu
trify"thel,blehi I, and,- by their stimnlant action. -o - 'the
Aireulatint system, tich*Orate the strength of the. ody 1
r and triter& the waSted or Alisonned
,enc7girs 9 . e . (1 14 :, t tnim: *nee an occasional dcioe is attuk-,
tageOus: 9veti thong no sericeis derangement ex sts;.l
but untreeessary dosingA Stifled never be carrier l tool
far as ermy purgntii!e medicine reduces the strepgth' 1
when Ifili4n to exceso...- The thousand cases in which 1
it:Tx...Munro ated • herej bUt 1
to the. reOhn 'of every, bode; - 1
fievi.‘d this pill will anew •r . all
`it ng. which has hitherto,'i
'hen their. virtuds are e.e , 1
ito - nger'deubt whit reetedy
. 4
)f n-eathartie!medieine. Be- -
are , pleasans.totakei. be.
• harm can mise from heir . '
:cerrapper or. th e Dm'.
1 Anft t 'frattical andl.An;:
Box. Fiverßoses for'
... . ,
t-Conylo, Croup,Astlamtand
=for iticif latch r.otocietyfrom
its cures of every Variety of pulmonary disease that
it is entirely intneceslutry to recount the evidenties ofl,
its %irttiel if tjzny coMmunity where it hn4 been! ent-_
ploydd,f ISo }vide is itsteld of nsefainils, and sp nu
tnerous4he cases Of {ts , eurt‘s, that almost evert itec:. :l
don of tte.. co lin :::,' abionnds in per publicly inown
ivhColttv't -Veen restored from alartnina• and evert' des--'
pera'ditieiso: of the - lonFs - kii its nap. . When,oriici
tried itsAttpe:.-lority Over.every other' medic tie if its'
kind is lc° aPpaient to escape observation;nti where
its virttie= :sr koctu:n the public ,no.longer; heaitate
what. arit'4.loto to emPlpy. for the (listressing and dan.;
s.ret onq at actions of - the pulmonary , organs will& t are
ip c id en ‘ pap-oliaaiia..,, lanai Uhl* ,
at mei; s !II .onite. In ilk,s, for the milder variet t tes of
Cor.b, t: l ,.xeil,'lloar , lB.v.ter*, I•av '.: and, foriChAfren if
the pidlasi . lte. - q . alal tidiest medicene that Call'hie ob
tained. 1 .: .. . _ .•it 4 blas long Lee in constant-tyl. thrtang4o, this
~p6: ol. 4stpr! ru>ckl.!Tillal. more th:i".a assure the p oplr
it s qmiityl: 3 kept Tap to'llie hest that it ever ha. 4 oey
and teat- the genuine artkle is 'sold by—Surt_ Tr
RZI- 1 , / 64(4 4 ': 46- 1, 11 54.n'41 -it;it• EATP.?I, I Ha*
ettenctl tr. rntNNEY.iDundaW„ and by all dealri
t,:edieinel erety where:: - • "
J • :,- • 1 • .. ,: c
7, .. -- • ii.l.A. --- TEOfirlPV.CiTi:ta s liirit"7l .
- QCO t •,• JO/INSTdN & Co., are now reed
AD fro New York - a4reotral,aUnianent of In
'and Sulk • er ipocls,, and, 'we cordially , ,htvite, al -,
like to tiny goods cheapto, give, us r. .ll'-ti - 5...0t.i..r,. 11,1
isfiarge f and :we are itilling to :ell, for entalll'oto w„,; You eatl pm1114:-e - aliitotn every article ..vanteig.and, ,,
we are trllling to compete goods and:prices . itiany
storeinithe county- r -tve lave taken .speci - paps to
MlElO4l l 4' °Olds to preitse the Ladies, , kilfr. os..lllacki
Figured:and ,rancyrStks i Saks TL. - iuesi ( Beraga :and'
Iter.4, , e s Pelanes , Prairt and PancylatiFes, Silk,
'nglutona Figure.)2t / nd I'htia 31 Slipi,,,
in,4 and ripe do., Ladies ":C lars
tefs• and Slcey.e.s,.3lantillasi ,ra 413
IV Vi:ld,,Faatcy •Bcinnets,, also, ttini-
A larg.Vstock"of (gads 'fottgert . :
1..- ".1, Nails, Horse Shoes. and
:It. Salt, Fisk
,Sroeitery Grind
' it,
a ' , Stove pipe, . Tip, Glass,lSash
lobs- ic.,, &c • Please,,giVel us a
in: oir• stock betine 'volt bitty.' .
scorr, JOHNSO L IC,i 01,*
& , 1 , •
pAltriettuln their gtte
ia ful
tmeiHts to the patine, and invite at
...., large stock of Spring an ii
neer Goods they are poi; receiring. and offer f l sale..
at eery l l t prices. In addition to their w:waftrt
ment of i , pie Dry Goads, Groc-.ries, Harilsrare; Crock
Paints and Oils dm. &c., they are prepared- to •
exhibit large assortment of Ladle& Dre ll El l iod e
of every desciiption- -- -Figurell, Plaid and PlabllSilicsii
Bonne Shawls, Itilibor..4, !dopey.,llosiery--putes•
t fc
and Mil, .8 Shoes of all kinds--...th0 a large ti tk of ,
.ftt..4.14"..313.1DE OLOTIIING,. Cloths, QUIS eres, I
Tweeds; Jeans, Sumer ailths, Vmrtings,lla Caps, I
Boots and Shots, &e. - - • ' -
Theylrespehtfully sacit ao early call from „those'
who wiils to pureboh goad rxxis at low pricra.l , .
Spriniville, May 3,','64.- IIIoMILLEN k. PARK
i iliew Line 01 Mail Stages, 1
J..' • 1 ._. im - ; FROM, ; .-I r ,
QTAGES Will leave Xi-krrood, passing throu4ltPor
-0 lietfirville. Liberty. &h., every morning , afisw the
4riKal 4 the surtrmos of, cars, both East annIWOE4
reit ing Moittroie at 1 • , r. ,X. Returning,
t, l e eava
MO° e tinily (Sunkcs excepted ) . at 2 r.m., ach:
lag Kirl .00d in time to take the Mall trains of carts;
both Ent . • Ale.q; beirtg the nearest and nicisefea
i tilde rottte to , elf the New Yot.k and Eriti7,24lroad.
t This lino late eta- a 11i-weekly line for pi ma*,
Springville., Tunk , lock,
...Wyoming, and Wilkes
liants,Xllllielt-leavett ; , - troseAt 4, 4, - ,w.. everi Mon
as,y; Wi t tiluesday utt4 Fn. Y- A1%4,A line to rfleng:
vale, 100 1 / 4 00 . 104P.411. ? ',-... •r.: ~,. -, .:- 7:,, 0 -2)75•
Good trains and twin/arta arrives-4M clikioTir
dad; anilstripropOitors_witi - no .ustnir sttac
att: the pubic. W. K. ATM,' . .-,
' .'l4Pril il, 8 , 5• L, •.,i,-;.,j" •1 1, 040 , trkV.VPI r r .•
'loin &Ski bqiidic,, ''zillita, 0 . 11 ;4 O -i,
Xartary. - - ~l , .
1 4 11-S '9ooefiber Viltlttruish at. 'a ~.. • wen
Brothercnoorit, kph, and Blinds. Turn g • ]
on hand and furnis'44Aii:orilti"„ T.uhibefilltf-drle
2 na workmen nnsu bytidiY in the ce9lltg• —
' Ordirs'addri4cd tome iip receive PremPt'valfi r '•
flisid r,,,, tnioydrt,n4 Cortirtrypaluee'takef In ti
-ilitivs, II:a. tlii'aVO4-. Teits,lviattA*;: ,- 13. ',..- ~
, , , ~,, ~..- , tr.LA, IF •
.- ... p . r"pi l Akiikt, rebi*. .
A. Mies 1,.,
ItiONTHORE DEPOT: ti- . z 1.7 I
-- i- - ; WILkiii.rge.VILLAY ' 1
ITAVniVerombrAth. w citebiloirowt of I L..
1-4:30 - 3/ $ 404.4 . 411.411, I , lobMOutroo4l DitPfit•A let:
~,rpac*ll,lll*nt thiikftimdit Out. 44-*P.tet elln`•
sirrirl'isitit•Titmlow.o4 FriM i li a- WVIIIINIAId.
1 0 0 6 ‘ n trttdi.. 4 -1 i ,'-', " •' n" .41',•• 1 1: 01.:00"0
'. Li Ilaidiii*d : Plaster:>itnLEsibaiii , cill.:**Plf X*
' *0 44.YfilOatiscliartialtm (hvekee 4 Boo*.
431 "ic ,' , 4 gbitU:Veiliolft ) fOriOntla Itotk Ida&
cfs . , tv.krilte hest priOec.. - MO, . 'lttilft
Wood anled, itz t .:.; ~ s ue- . 3K: - ,i ;.. , star. -;.
4.1 '
I: ' /4 03 ''- ' "141 1 1, .W 35 42, 1 1:: , 1:
;.4...: , :.; ...01 If_4.
~.rger - 4 .iitiri.Y qttwo , vouriAshl444lArdigi
I." ri(oturinwie.._...,...,_:LiirOlitawx,„ =
f 1
rry Pectoral.
'nt.rylisj Colds Hoar
Analo Robes; ' 1
lust rei..eiretl, and offered
.104! • Shill Wis:
otWonl Long. Shawl A ;hes t
grAnnkcck.:l • :
• 1 , 11 ;,-.. .
n .- t .44i tiii gesk %Mgr inginCieti-41 fidt ificrb it ,- . I ~.. - '
'' ' ' MilbliglaretoollllCANF - - *:' I
11 ,
... w . , . k , ~- p vnli'i •4, •
4 i r l'• i-1411t •3gt.
F iximire4,l6lP4olll 0 1 , 116 the ala ' -
)1' - 140 4 11 ret 8:1 " 1 "t• ' 4411 10* . 4 , ignig Loge*
ist algi th -
Arbesellt*.k..M *IA - r 411411 1 1 e l fig4T4Cfr 10.0 , 11.0""
4RP' , ..4 4 • tq• v:.•i t --,a tat Afori - nit ~ , ,s: 44r, 4 I . -
0 : .Ad t tlePß4 l 4
..Q! 11 - .
. : l'•'.,:
d r ee r , ftsi „f` ilia- clut;gl
' it,- tititlicaddiditti Otfe - .rito t' ,•; 4 44ve,
t eonsisti4 now of ev`pithink —MO $41.14. Yri - '.. ii,.lluld
i rice prieesowtareveure4-Aoliudecudrdi WAWA* ' <.,t v i tize y
- Made #4114 , 04. - re,....‘erNlOw rat Act:l4l eittiO , ' ' lesuA Bet
a . tr p4r sl9 -q%#P 7 l 4 -)3 4,7 c °f° # o in Pi " n 1 ' ' 8 '
•-rt-' 1014 - tot anc : s 7 _ • 'ffnuldack'Tren , u,c l iog,
-.. ... ' igmtiw at' it% iqiiiell s t Ciiiiwir Cleie , "liiii*ltz •
44n:iteinftrli&WMio l otnWirejitudidagifollithallelimilk
Vince phitidnd Awilleffiti litatre..6lVldte: Wu& valoreql -Clouded* "
ii— V4KntiA l livitog4kturf4 ~ ijlear. English
,pelipkg, 'Sitdui,ututergq.ywrpti t ikka-,c, kIV, -ParainettO i e- - „,14-4- i ;',4iNt c ,h .. _ .' ' der
1 3 • e tTiwildiere,'„dotti ie,,''kusi:•tWeeiy jaoneile,9o i tie. t . „,-.., ..- --' ulote:Nl4 -
gufnieii 4 'kW,' -ff aint ifollotnide,n rtritil,- Wulff C*o-g- , ''' ..-„ - '''-. :":Clodus, ''' -- "-',f.,
. 43141.. i0 n
-014**dipladdic afftiluiplib Aoi,be sunlit -i iC o l i Ftenif4s l 43ite.,tlS o H 4 ' v e iiski 7: - ;' 7' ''
, .1.1 e ,•04 . l'Erribriileidd Rotr.u,' ''- '' . .:' 'II' ,'• 1; 5
"II ILI 7/MAND , 7IO . SIBIir=-I" .3 Luole - i arta2o(ii ti 19- 1 " 14 "--=,-a tru. 4 L l n d ! r TY4 . .. Vir " l ''
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
%. • ;.,', .". •?.
' . Wool. tiansli
--- -- ----- ' , l3etieVinsitte — •" - : • '7l,lnhi ? ' -'-•.: ..'`f 1
„VA•qw owl atixibiliG4 fiktviellfelai ' •.. .' ... i ~. ,_ ti,
`::iir w ted. Ale asso4tßeet9f4-144414fbiste c - • Z.t 0 it5.1, 4 1V1.71,4 - I . nr.. •, , ~-.. • : 4,
.1 ) K 0 ,59 , 04 4 1 111 04 iOS sril , AAlgieri 7 77' col r i m ' • V, , _.T . `,Lt Th,t4irr.-,, -,
*twi'; Pk ,reA.;4 l eiftv•4 64 :'En : G 61 E 6 ‘ . ` fie* I ,i4iiii sllit Ed' 1*- , :.' 1 '0'• Lisle •:r . :
s'outreotrisisit tergijitiditifent of thaeitiklitet tide' i:, - . '
4mrimertrevute r I, do Centbriek. ~-.) '1 z'ti .- 4 - 17 * , *
Ilrittp; lo*AbelibOft„ . .•! Ir,:1 - .—: - , i-vor , ••vv 0., :, - ' 4 : A i -• t• --i- d • -- .. ~ E tc : i,. - - •,,• •~• 4 - - 4 - •
4 11 0 aPtt) (4tia=,-,.1e1i .. _ fi tie:',lipe'irse, , Haden] Oct. 0 - ._
41,11ettn e Gate*, BOottieiealdSialig; - ' - ;. - ,v .::-": :- . -:?: -1
-A ftfi s l bi t i il l .t: i tenicoftlieeti: . Befq : Ciart*ffillifitnibl*:‘ r:
At iss!,:zi ' I •-•:, t-: , , • kyi '1 •t 4 -- ..t , 7 Lir•- , 1k.C474 , '
1, ..1.
lifts:oo°l*Am iftsteerams Talkies; loath.'
tirO;Sbletimm-Pillow-.patorobritand etaxibrie
snaßoolF *Wink :Rimed ipmflins,
'BislAOpe tima Nicrocia
s L POST t COS:,
1 71
4 11 CP,trEs-''. 3 r the befkluiatiloPPeit .A
171 l t ,of'Sugars cheap
Ia.XTS---tbe-mOsi desirable staeltAn.l,l4,olllll
- at Tery,loa: CO
1 ARMS GOODijks •Mitilins, DeLiiiie.9.,` &Ea.'
.1 ges, kc:, of asiry deavnblef
yle. -rosT, co's.
ALARGE andiplendid epek aflii)ritig Prints:
• - _ F. Co
STAPLEGoodsat the !welt prfee. -' •
fiLOTHS; Chaximeres,- twee+l,4, Keetueky Jeans,
-k./ top) Satinetia, very cheap at L 41;
V T Ond Wash Tobt,;Coesat, Nut DippeeiN.,Votter
Ladle.4ll,Priato, 114Aketa...4opellait("? Befit Cartli, Ropes., ttrOoniq, a 'good it at the store .
of & CO:
ab-ncul AND itaezzaz4
rite best
C-.quality4 At the !invest poiaitill• rates.'
ApriLs, •i r Lqposr& Co .
L.•tG.LE IF - 011•NtiA•
K.) cd. of Wih.on '& Co: the Eagle F o nt
prepared to fill orders from the tr e, an.
their lino witivskili and devaipt 1*
constantly on hand flontAbeit'libtlitt,
1. kluds,)l'eltivators,. Strathfirtfitst, — CI
i . 174. -tfee:l&F.
......... .':',.. /2 --.. . '•• ; ''''- !.
~)% e,nvvite particular • radian. ,
Tye inanuncture. ',We i mantiacti Raft
The celetlated litateht - P
L r
Stir hare purchased the . :excluisiie igit
twit and sell -' <this -county; We e'i ,
I . Bradford, Or iaikßateptin t n. fie*
- 11oly is mad entirely of iron, excepting
i It is ci , lebra ed for its easy drang4; be!
----- — -, ` easierlbai any now in use, while iff et* i
11 Q °4-N747 ' .gaid;B°nnet i: . 11:4-min 'I '°f411'1 4 1/ .. di .P.r ar ' v er;ater. ; '' t
13 stsolt, large Intl small at very low pricos. i
o p
i, s manufactured 'and rep et:l y eiptXnene.- -
I[l4lE'S.3; .27.',/...11M/Y0.5—,--every style tilirable nOchint 4 4: ••. ..._ : - :'' f 'f - -.. "'i - '• - fc .
.11 and V 4 ry cheaP. ' ' POST & Co. : I &ea rn -e l ;sineii - I , 2 t rritg or "-lii ra, 4inge it o,
i -1
I. : • - ~. s' i i, , le , d,..-14. - 11.5 7, I'''..'
G 141111 r, BAGS—of the best quality. • i•-• - - - t '
•• ' ' f:,
Anleng: the Stoyas;niblehlw4 m4iviki4 l /Peo Ar• In. '
—.- ..1,, ,:.,1 .. „... IIOST_& r; I Keysioqc Cooking $ frnye., koilviy clod ,g e re t. dy d e , :p er .
I fit Ofee* da.: : Pteliiiinit do;,- luid other kindi, - 41 4 1 1r-2
i raugeit for:lt urniug Food or, c _col.- 'Ali - 84f-ikste -
latar,'P,artor ,ovel„_Calage Parl9r e ~ Stankria,
1 two sizes; dO.; iind'a variety Of othar llii" . " Sterik -
i both wood•and coal burneia. , 'Welce* g
Gritidstone trionniqs, Dog Churn p. ' lf - , ilni
-1 brella and Shovel and Tongs Stantl.l Ate 'ik/c.. "'Work
done to order on shOrt notice aid 1411 ii crOistri6 . 64
W"Ordert for-`StnNes, Agripil unif Implementr,. - -
&e., arc solicited front those in; the B . .and win bk
filled at rthL.ortablePbOl_ lie prices 'i ' ;
-, _ - - SPEB .__ ICVS. 'l' _ ,
Q,OLL'44 . 44VIERi ved PheaPi at -
' ' n „ POB.Tt
iR,ockER 217)Y4 O.L.ASS IK4IRX--a c) pies
at kW prices . , 'PAST 4 C 9-•
. .1 1 1'ei,400.1n,PaPetlatn0: 1 -Yindow-ShOm.
- t - PAST
i t „it IC 744 7'3,7liCrzpg
cheap. • POST*. (X):
rs ., 4ri T, : w ince and lae"tat'' ' --- ''— :72 :...._-
T'. Apl* . OAV - ILS—A ',very ehoiety lottf the•
J:...) 4i otsl4m;. Book Embtoicrlered Ihrnerieilace,•
MecliitlEmdtlopipm , imitations. , ._ Iti .P. GO.
' MBROIDERED and Lace Ui) ertileeves ; aIl des!,
-1121 I:Ale:styles T.. *lvo, - woried/and embr'd. Edgingi
4 : 1 0 latirgs hod Po.,'WeingY .- , ~ 1- . •
.. . ... . „
.ri - cek•Edlyir .1
; -::-- aitd In. hinge ;-" imitations o e.ery
kind, aimost int, fioot., I a.s genMue an 4 very heap,
pro- pin.(.....liuen-wrougllot Laee.! I. L P'..- ik) CO.. •
articles; of Foop
.and !lair Oil.
ae ffineztiretftthiei:y store
- • • • •• 1 ' ' I L' POST' da
r i - ARD ataPI T AL OW;also,
•:•'.' I. PORT
•-- . -.—, -,'- • : : WANTED.:*- , ----7- - .
Cl./44111rof.141:kinds,—. Bea*. Wit.ll l ; Aprili Tel ! .
VIA 14w, guiter,,Beetrir . as, all wool - 14)(45, „E . s,
for w 1 iie wilNke6nge 604 sit,:t." - 411 . I•*.es,
Apill, 5,' ' . '-- ' I . - . l• - : 1 . .' L.TOS.T ' ll . - Co.
.. , 1 ,
~ 1; . ,'-, , ..... .; - ,IIEX,IOVAL., _ ..- f- ,
OrovEs : , s lrovEsl STANEst t,
ripli.AlAbss4**, withea' to , c e ll the attention of hi s
:X' frieinlS - and the public "tit ids Yery
. large assort:
Mkt cif 'STOWEB' ati his - new Stoic- Room in - i•: .-
p-Xs, lien to L. - -S.4..zithim's!stoti., and boar the- dt::;
Bend Depot .. lie. his, in addition to his form, - i.- latgel
variety; of c (*.kilt and patdoz, Stoves many ner Ea t.
terns, some of yrbieb are ,
`.S/: Ircholai; ' :Pinch Branch, - i% eh p er , ,
Ifockiii nog Mohawk, ! Ifilallii , ' '':
'Oreed, 1 Blea-VairiOr : 'Cik,'l'.Blo m,' Which; %Nager with; his forneiatock,*Hl
be thembst extensive ;and varied assorithent nf. Weil,
selected stoves imthe comity.; - ', :_'
~ , 1
~ -. .
Ofititon Storrs; Well furnished , at lotv.priceS : • ''
oft All articleslit his line kept on hand aijd made
to order as: usual, and orders received at his Old stand
in,Grent Bend.. _. ---.- . 1., JBBN COLSI'FS. „„
1/..b,criiile and Great Be,Atd, liov„ 1854. .
. ' • 'Nonce to' th'il Pnb',l le. ' I-:
T.-114VINGindkitptlirdad notn.New Ydrkgrri.,Vto - •
a 4 ..P4dl= the attention of m3i -- ttid,custoM and: tt* ,
the inibilain gererai,lto My 1 .,' •• .. '.k -
.- , '-- yEur ST OCK cw.c00i).9.,: . 1 •
which ':being botight viith - *it - at ' ;tile 'limes prices;
-and wishing to sell Priticipally for the same, I wili - of.
feralliom at greatly reduced Prices.- •1 .
• I -..".-... ~ '....
-C-6e,beed Paws., warranted fiat cidowfbr. only 8
. k yard. GoddllrOi.n Bugar, likpbunda for one
dollar.' e fioontou'Naill acknoiletted. ky. all, to he
the twist Nail in use, $3, - 50 per keg. ' - Bent midi (1 4 4 a:
BilowrurtiValus thilfalo Robei orall.Priewi:idt iktol.
DC Pines,. Cashintroi„ Paratttettal, : Dress, Syk, -Bilk
17 - t - iit'et. Lc.. Mbuilin PeLaines,- I,* !billing per yartft,
Satin'4BEdinets and 'Moleskin lints,' B*lie, L Shaivis,
Thin* Lying ikawk, 'rhibet to.; aidling;at inconCeiv,-
ahly-l.wpri*3 4 can safely, warrant petfOet- sidb
ftetioi to an Irbo will, give me a Call. -- .. - , - i . ..i --
Laticabmo.. ; 4P - r.45.;18.54-.:-
~.... ' Sc A.Nifol!ll3.
CALoCK 4-...,g0es tibia keepara;,Oitly due . ebilar. , •
- --'
a eSborti, Apr rdu- ti". , - - •''--' ' - i '- 4 '
I,Akl'rEtt . '".:4-0
,170 iliaeTTo - r-• Witiin - b - r - ; higliitil
, V V; i ' price will:be Paid: ''. ,l :: .... ---- S.'-Af-L,YONtB. ,
1 Lattestiom ,Apr.. 5 .. .-; ..: -.. --' " , . .- ,i,
UCE talc f"
e:340.04'Rk '&
9oods, at TRY OtUrrr4 •
LiaioNiro April . .
MEW": AARAIIIOIII3MENT Is6 , i 1 " _ ]
:40.DS*41(aft.4L . Ktri#, AO/ &ad; FreiSZ r.
, . f il . te.betwteri, Atoniml. Dep o t and, 1
" lit: , ' '
„ . .no, , Tork, ealzday, Son- \
d ai s: - • . ~: '4
', .
!c Es, haithK,m'agearturtgezmits,o4
'AArifoacirwording freigiit to liew-Yorki4 tit* ewe,
l e fE44' IL R. gitIYWELL , 91 4 41 PW.contY , will,
6 P#
the 4 '3 ditno4 it the. Btritrobi.Pet-' , P t-It , ',A
r b e tal
,to titire atop °finch fielelt . Sao - to
ill ' ' theittiiitteti to the:O. - . -netiirtut rei-the same
win 2 1 pailat the gbiro of Mr1111,41,11eMilltio;. ..+Ol
- . 6 iteekiof ilfgwlerik•FlOOr;TOOrtYtOrt 004.0404i'
A ' 1
stantb . lit4Pd. tbr trale* file i OATA:I-90Y
,rnoet itil.c.riv,„Tvicki .citialr'Y i „Prod4c4i w 4 i.,
' 'l4. • • Mrifii '' 1 1111 1 ,1111i'VC013(:' -
-- -:,l=''"
, .
' Alban.)
4. " tholl'Ai4:oY
I T 'adil
fli l
- . •' • 4.;'''
14=-. i/Z,X7-1714it(W4141,0kr':
c i L
for sale
11.. L. POST. di
-Panama; fine - and coarse - irim
bound, Pelial and ?Rimloaf, for
dreik's 'flats, t OptiyariV..y,
'le latest!gyles of Iliiefint.s
-I. L.:P.. Co. ,
n gen-
New York t
4,4,11.ym co.
.7i N' iv-'14T4cr.,.9t7 3T .#•,,_! 1 .„ - _, Bl , l ifrdet,_.4„t, '.z, .....,6; /
C.PITAL,, IN:Pall AND - ,AP B , *wind:,
''' - 000r:k" . ' • '''''' ~, ',;'..,!,
' 4 'Di '- - - -- .')F- 1.- '
inisiiii'diri at- =sr or Damage - 1r vy..-+
' , :,..-..- - ,t ~, - -r: • ....-i. .(1,;.4, - ; . .-.4...r:
, J.-..... , ,..1,,,, , „.......z.„....: oi.....,stins, -:=• 1 . ~
A. 9.,hys 113 ftrefitftil . Pete,„B4 i i::'.
1 • SkuceStrent'; Girditl - Binelce , nil &ail(' hvgiy; •
Thomas =,:iindir. - ws, ;1136 .'„cedar„ Ittri•ett lismail' M.:
Southmayd, 377 West street; 'AINtt L. kEtt 890.„
Greentiich steet ; James il. crash , 113 Bioidlisf(.•,.
Chet Lint, ICingsbitidge,'; N.- T.; - 1 - Q .- Jilt:.'
Chicag9, VL; . I slnith ilobbig,ifogil err, Nt,,Y4
William W Leland New... oAr - fPeier le:' 401 W 1 Mr . '
Bank Arne . t
,; Staates S. :: 4.,comet.W` 7111 d Lalgtt
itreetal,joha L. Deen, i. 8 Water', a . ;,, P.-1141ti"
. Wart, 118 ' Broad w ay ; ifciratio IC up, cumin
West and Barrow streetii_Petert. F, : r, o:**
' Ganieinait'and - NFest eTtaithen•Rods*.i. 482. Eighth
Avenue:l' Stephen CronisrA Camden, X ,-. 1(1; Mimi
Wadleigh., Philadelphia; Dexter B. Britinin, 49
ter Irtreett.Runuel SincluiV, Tribunh Buildings; i
uel B. 'Shaw, Cleveland, WO:
~, ,- -, - ItoyeL-CuslinEttLiN,•:'
• _plumy/Ft'. Ctsitir, St.le.-eta..-y. ,
- i . 'CHIPS L
R''BRQWN; Kgetit; Mt
. 1 •
• _Aus t rAlist, IPillif ..,,rillia, _ ' 1
Or arty place • (in 1 Site . lilobe .iatn'ot . prtoott
.., ~.
.. • , greaterjiiduTmo ..
ts hit : - i .
kEELP I ,&.g O P-PARIA, ' -,- ; -- •qz1..7
BOOT AliiD NOE **OE 'ut-
r .11 . C11 it nowl fi lled with -a ipte‘ d estensi is
T i - atiortmeut' Of artiel6 in then tin , embrating
a general yariety'ef;hew-and elegin . its es of ladies
_gentlemen's- *etei, -- biroong; 1411-'ve±Lidies
Fretteh,. Silk Lasting and Prenille. tiitua,..gidland
Enameled tollati; nt t ratent Let 4' sndlhittzed'
Jenity_Littag,'ll4ltiuspid Tiet ;,.GeallertereiVrtmeit
and Philadelphia, q:tanneil.ealf,slimrrim 4 kip.pitots„
Morocco, Calf and - Cowhide Brogarii tie. `llolii i WIN
;eillt.lid cowhide - .Boots. snit Brogittiwillitinds.of and Children's wear: .A.l", 1, on 4 .'.
'molt of Fintlings . Which consist in II ; Idsts,: -. 049,
"sparables; Hungaria — n hailtctacks; , '-wikirlrli
tl,shocbliciding, airlioasmoon, #ot ' okoel.cOProst
.Sc. Alio oak and hemlock, tanne sridf,,Oppeti . ?xi:
stiieleittlierl,"lforoeat skint-ainl gni
i gti..'• -=- • • . i' .-
Work `mode to or4er:onlkrOPoirillgi 7.40011:'
" - KEELER- 4 ST, PAP. -
3fontr6e, April 6, 1854:, • sv - :11 1 '''' " t 1
VALEC T ABILE;Itit:AV P .4 1 . A'
• I FOR" Bait.
AQ VI :part of the-Tillage of St
liiiitsreti.'aiid lots hi' ibe=- most
aforesad *Wage.-- 4dso ; a ./it:tr
with a small .inip!oTUutent,
thibei.4; sitiate - twa
Susquehanna is dm, gr,eat
gradeori the rood;the
emewacta; and- the: CuSaidi
,Watering plac-
CalityOf exec - naive . Nautili,
auns,*d Rum . yerk,k
range_alongkide - nf the tonal
towns: thitneorthlio
r • P,
. Office one
SusqUehannd Depot, ov
' hie T. 41
F. SAE' IN ONE 1101
Land on.the watera of.
of ihe'Lieltaiiiinna'river,'-in'
aboaxiidyriq.berween the
P 3 a ,. -041PittalcoN - , ;ThVte law
uable titneino sit
min e
mitt tv' -Pew
hott:orerd believed;
also in the imtneditio
nit& and pow in pror,. _
Opportunity :or theinepetzuent
occurs. For Dottier illortnatiott
11;•Witli - i6eet
aubstriber,,at-Montvae,' Suitint
attorney in Ilia of the aireettai
,y 7
, - . ~•., —., PLOW I sar
it.r, 4 44 /YE.,.310TT 76 11 1411.
lyit.: ii 4: p nbte thai they'aiiiiik
Velebnitetr , Plow ELI - - , :Tifir , tren-ti
Mink .qsAle ;fig :' , Waitiw Vidag*
Cultivators; Dog Churn*, Skigh--:1
Plow Point, of -variOnvinktierb)i;
mention.l We hope, 6y- - :•1' Ote
to receive. oue; ikon of: public OM
sirnkToses Am , 1tm 4. ....: F-
SemWe All i; _; ~" i,'''. : •.!....•
"tirneparthe demo oi - sitoicii
,1...-,2:, .. .*: ~?...: ' ::.. ,. ,:il .
r.. 441 00. •."
•:' - . 7 :'-'-`"% 14 . -.1 . , Oil'. '-4,-,t;':
liltA/1/: 1 10
illtitieitiatltiber feet . titi the
ALL ';'Ckleitiezi. teol' !f 4 iit - **aW-
-, - -:"r: '
• 1."..?;,, ,, , - .0 , ..4-...
"14::k. -,-,
- ~~
i'i'N7r . '~ , R
t 4,
E rir
rsi amain'
int kiep,
j Stkies;.(ali
1 . lot's whrik
eep ,for 10*
i : l l , 4nufai.
- tdang
'MALT?. ?be
i.Ole *Oki.
, st t and ;dtts
• i:4 110 , Ole*
tit tt.
- to
P: 'ild-
Or to Um
tuaty,ra., the
, ±l,
ofi r
444* , 11018,
Pater Aki, l 4 -
nytipeivip 'to
btb . wing**
• - - foofido
-; r