rl I 4 , Y i j , 1, i . ' i i !.. I ft ;'. 5 I I '! I 1 ' m T H E P O S T . Xjlll..IH'PI. IH 'Mlllt K ST, iro. A (ilP-V wnniin promised t show two J onnj llii ir hil-d.ftniK faro in ji iil nf water. They looko I, ntnl iclniincil. 'Why, we only fee 'ir 1 ire !" ' Well. "said llm "tliic decs will be ymr 1) H'.'in U' whea vou rc married.'' TAt.rBnvtiu. N'rv.T r"jipat n MOi'y ni'k'( ymi urn cortiin tlint it i correct, and nd oven Hon in. bus something h tn.bi irnn-il.c;ili t of in tervt to you'iw'for lur the uo d nf the iktiaij eticoTfu-1. TiU'ini i a lit no miiI ticked r jftirp, mil l wl ir (Iu1rp in if- trw nio'n fnd of it in jroiiriii)n in lie in riiui'eg.af.il. 1 1 yo'l litre nrifii,n tossy of vmirnrijli I'lir. never roprnivli his c h in ictcr I'j 1t'llin(r tlmt w bifh is fabc. He vlio (cIIh ynu lli o fault nf others iiiend to tr II nilif r of your faults, nnd fo the tlinh fif nrvr in bonded from cfie tr another till the talc bi'roTOrs cd n iuou rofct! on EMimNT.-S(iine yenr ngo Jk prnt'cmmi rt'tnovrd from the pood! county of MeNairy, Tennessee, lo Ti xm, and w rote lurk lu hi broil. -rr Dial owing to the nnnil rr of end grants constantly arri v iiicr. corn win very sittrre in tlmt wliun. I le woM 'ctnirnnt' vra ti nmcli lor tin1 broth er, so lie inontitee Lis erny urn re and rode over to I lio Mapa'rate's to bine dim rend ntnl di fine. Tlx; Squire re.nl until lie rums to tbo trpub'csuino wrl 'when be wn Mopped by Ihe recker of infornmlion nod naked to explain. Thinking t be dignity of bin oflieo re ipiirrd bim to know everything, tbc puzzled Jiihtioe took (IF hispi'ts, . M faU lu J bin bead ami txpnundel nn f,,IImv : 'An emigrant in email ani nml tbiit looks 1 i lea s possum but it ain't n possum it looks like a couii but it oui"! n coon but it I n 1 l Kibt tiorce co rorn tban citlur ol them I' ali) i:a;i.i: ikuki-. No. JIBNnrili Tbird Slrett. PIIIIiAI)fJLPHI. Jdll.N Cl, MKIt, l'rof ruter. Janiiary 13 IbTu -if A I.I.ECIIENY llt SSL.- os. hi 2 A hi Mnrkrt Stm t, (Jill !.!.. rni la m: i. rin a KLECKNEIl CAWLEV, I'Hi.l'iiiKinna. LH,.llf 7 f mm frl 00 l i r Dai . J) K N N SYLVAN I A JlOLE. J. D. HOFFMAN, Proprietor. ColtNEll OK MXtlNU AMI I.dtl pT STS iiAitr.i?iin:o. rr.NN" i&-Y.rry eirnrt ntrp.arr In Injure lh mm fori iil fii.l will b llinile. lb luxi Ixro nnl renueit. uiye,ln;gil r rnll.l.lN. J II (1 II A Y II 1 1. JOIIM (iCRIMIHi. J V. ZOELLIN ti CO.. (SticcP'in-K to Sciliprling k ocllin.) WA(U.EAl.i: liF.At.l.ltS & l.Ml'OUTEHS DlUIfiaS rSElICINES. No. 201 North Third 6t. f.,3.1 nilLADKLPiilA. QltOSS Jt H1.0T1IKKS, Manufaclurera of and drnlera in all kinrs of 15ILL TIMHKIJ. Lr.MllF.U. PAI.INC, SlIIXtiLES. LATH. I'l.t'lllllNn, etc.. 8liiiiunkiii Dam, Snyder i cmnly. 1 o. All ordcra prdiiiplly filled. M'ttlttuf, Cirrrt, Vy.ir, anif .inn .iimtrr tahMlantly on Ittititl. 7 0y 1,VULK HOTEL. J MlbMEUUIiri, Y.K. J. 1. hTlIILK( KEK, rropriitcr. Ilavinjt tnkrn charge nf lliia old and well t aiatdiahed uland, ilie pri 'iirlor .niiOhc' lo detnie nil lu I.I 1 1' HI ion in llir .rt iililip of hia Tnlile and liar and ihe nrrniiniimlu linn of liolh man and liriiHl. He anliviia a lil'rral aliar of I be puldie palroaag. January lit, l7l y llAIMUNtJ. Ei-q., C).VEYANt:H. Frctnonl, Snyder County, IVnn. Culleclinlia of all kiuda uiiidenl ihe alinrlenl Boiice and nn Ibe lnil reimonahle lernia. Conveyancing in ull iia draurhea ei diiinualy eaccuicd. I'khik, MuiTUAiiaa. Noita, and Idankaof all kin In eoimiauily on band. I'rrina al a Uinlunce bafiny claim for eolleelion wiiliin bin jurimlicliui. need only addrrva him l y niail In iu'tirr prompl nilion. Terma rr'onulile. Mny'UH K EY STONE HOTEL. ScliiiinjrovT, Snyttrr County, fu. THE itndrmtirnrd bee leave fu inform Ihe puldie thai he ha urcherd and will keep, in good alyle, lh above well known nml pnpulur hono, fiy Having large, airy and well furn'mh td room, good aei'vaiile, with tbo iiiilning effort of the proprietor In pluasu hi gurai. ho hope lo toei'l with a Inrgrehare ot pub lic patronage. .1. F. WALTER. Se'.inkgrove, Sept. 1, t70- QUIUE foil ll.VVKI.KH3 ; Paenger Triinii leave Ihe llarrUhurg railroad depot d lily n follows : 1 EN.NSYI.VANIA C UN Til A L 1IAII.ROAH. ATV.KI. rhilad'a Eiprona rxvepi Monduy 2.10 a m Faat Lina " " o -u I.ancatlerlrain (vialdt Joy) " h.OO l'acilio Kxfiret. 'Praia " l-'.JOpui llarriiliurg Aceommodatio " Cincinnati Kiprtme train daily 10,13 Boutbern Kiprra ,o0 nanTWAEO. Cinrinnill expreexcept Monday 12,1' p m I'll i -burg Eipre 4. 'JO a ni Pncifie Eiureai train dully 4,16 a m Emiirraiion train etrept Monday 7.45 Mail train except Sunday 1,15 poi Ft Line ' 4,16 trie Fui Una 11 11 4, JO NOHTHEaN CENTBAL RAILROAD. JiOHTHWABD. DufTalo Exprea train 2,fl0 a ni Night AoTounuodaiioa ll,65piu Mail tiain 1. 10 Fail Liu 4,20 aoiinwARU. TttifTulo Expre Train 6.15 a in Mail train 2 46 p ui I'aeiflo Exp 12.II& p lu York & Harrlh'g AccoomoJailon 4.80 p u ( inrinali Kipren 1U.4& " .'.lUYLKILL AND STBQUIIIANNA R. A panger and nail train leave lha Lebanon Valley depot dal'v, at 8,li0 p. u fr I'inrgrve, Aubuja aud fottivillt. ' ri"tJg""it?lry'UJWj't??Tya gAMUEL FAUST, Merchant Tailor, M nt reeeie1 iin emir nrw ftnrV it CliriH. I'ASSI M KKK& A VKSTI.NUS. ll of mipfrior qnilil-liii'li he i pre nnml lo innKe lip in Ihe brut fiyle "(t mi lien nntirf. tit kerjn Itinwn tn'l W bile f reneh VnVe l.lnen hlrl'.nn I f en ril fiinrnl nf fenllemene' Kntninlilnf (Soo'lx, all of which he nffen lo Ihe public 1 rerr re nnilit prle. Cull Hi mj Ure n V.n Street, hetween Rcklerr corner noil Ihe rrMge, Plm (lroe, I. Jme 4, tHiVft if. A H.NB ASM lit I'M KMT OK TDK liKPT 01.1) ItVF. WfllSKF.V. PI' HE PKril WIIISKEr. IIUAMIY. OI.N, AND KVIUT3. lnl r.Toitr I n I for file at the Euglf ll.ttrl. ill Mi.llUbmf. IdllS A. .TAtlLNKCKICn, Anu. H 17'i. E. c. i:nv a co., 11 17 0 1. L'SA I. E Gil 0 CE US ANU COMMISSIO.X ME11CI1AXTS, 522 MARKET ST-, linwrrn Fifth and Pittb, T.lly IIIILADKI.PHIA. THE VOI.HfiM IMPRIIVm &mf Tw'hlyHv. Inillitr Vnnnlf ttwla Vix'tilna Tha die!!! Hnl i ! Murhlnaln IUt Marktl. A'khT o l avawr tuwi nrrular. a.l lnva. A. lUmiTua. llo. Aant, No. ;) CbMinui M., run., Pa. t-I. via (rover & linker' III1ST I'KEMIUM i:iiA!STIC STITCH FAMIL.Y SewiiijrMiicliiiirH.'r Rtl.t ISHOAUH'iV NEW YOKK. t30 CHESTNUT ST. rillLAIiELPIIIA. I'dlNTS Of EXCELLENCE. P.oaiily and I'lnvtiely nf Slilcli. l'rrfectiwn and Pimpllcily of Machinery. Cuing t'Olli thread dirccily from the i'0ol!. No fnleninn of eenma hy hand and no iv hi-ic uf thrcud. Wide rnnpe of application wiiboul change! of niljnalmciit. The eeam relaina lis heauty and nrmncfa a fur washing and ironing. lleeide doing all kinda nf work done hy liy oiherSevt iiiK Macliinea, lhee Machine eteciue Hie niiml lu-nui 'fill un permanent Einliroidery and orniiiueiiliil work. BflVTlie llii!.eiil Premium al all Ihe fairt ami rlhihiiinna of ibe Cniled flnlo nml Europe, hac liern awarded Ihe (lrocr ItakiT tewiii( Machine, aud ihe work ty lliem, wherever eahildtcd in compctioii JWV-Tlie very hlgliet prire.TMF. CltOS.H OK 'I'll K I.EtilON OF IIONOH. wa con fenij on the reprcenlaiive of (iroter H linker Sewing iniiebine. al ihe eipnailinn I nivernelle, Pari. Irlii", Ibua lleling Ibeir preal auperiority over all olher Sew ing Machine. Fur Sale ly SAMCEI. FAUST. Selins. grove, l'a. April 1M. ''. Forncv's Press. THE CHEAT HACK AL EtVSr.irER I Gil Ihf lli t oint ('heaped Kcirfpcjifr In the (,'nuiihy. the Tress I a f.i'Ht-cl.in J.iible-lieet eight page 1'iiprr, entiliiiiiiiig 4B eoluiiina, publinbed every niorning. (eiccpt SnmUj. ) TERMS : ll.MLY I'llESS K.lMiper annum; Ji 'iO for ix monibt; $l.ll'l for three moolba. TI'.I-WEEKI.Y IMIF.SS. S4.U0 per an num; f ! for eii month; $ 1.00 for ibi'ee month. Till: WEEKLY PRESS. The mnut valu nlile Weekly Nvwfpaprr In the World, li eoumiii liema nf iiiierenl lo all. EE A li THE TEKMS; One cot y nne year $ 2 Five cold" a 1 Ten copier and en copy to the. gutter up ol chili. io Twrniy copie. and one copy la the rcller-np of chin it Filir enrie. nu I one eory lo ihe geller un of cliiii on Ten oopic. to one aililm, nnd ond cory la Hie geller up ol I lie chin 1 1 Twenty eopiea, to one udilref, and one coiiy lo lb geller up of llio dim - Fifty coplen, to one aiiilren, and one roi'T lo lha KPiler nn of Ihe rlub CO One hundred cofiit. loone aiihr$ and oue copy of ihe In-weekly I rea to the geller up of the clnh ICO All vriUri thvultl fr aMrfti to JOHN W. FoltNEY, Kdiior ntd Proprietor, 8 W.eor. 7th ami I'henlnul Hi., l'bilo.l'a IXilei.l Clt A Nbf.S Ht'llHKS, Ieea4. ETTERS TESTAMENTARY upon the eiai of C'barle Hughe, dej'd., late "I ihe lewiifbip of I'run. Snyder County, Pa. .having been granted lo the uuderiuud all eron indrbied lo lb euid em ale ar reiiieiei In make payment, anil Ihunv hav ing ileum ml aguinsl I lie eaiuo to preauut Iheut wilboul delay tn JOHN K. lll'OHES. WILLIAM IIUliHES.k"cutor'' March is, 1870. 1OOK AOENTN WANTEII FOR I riTKl'OOLES A TRIUMPHS OF P. T. BAPNUM Wiiiirn by Hiintelf. In one largo Ootavo Volume nearly 194) I'age Printed la Engliab aad Uerman. H I Urg inl Full page Engruvinga. It erubraei' Forty Yar Keculleeiion of hi Uny Life, aa a Mer chant. Maaegee, lianker, Leelurer, and Shuwnian. .No book puhlinbed o aecepia Id lo all olavae. kvery oa wtai il. Agent aver-ige from 50 lo 100 uboribe twd k. W oter (lira iiiduoeiuaul. UI unit ale J Calulogiui aud Urai lo Agouti Mill lie. J. B DURU & CO., I'uhlither. Hartford, Conn rpHE DAY 1 publinbed tvery morning (except Sun day), at lha othee. N. VT. eoeaet Hixlh aad Cheaiaut atieeie, I'biladvrphia. Pries Od Cent psr Copy. Served by the earrier ia any part of )b any, anil in in aijaooai euie ana town, for SIX CKNTS YHd WKEH. payable lo lh carrier. 1'rie. for mailing. THIRTY FIVE CENTS per mnuib, tr VOIM DOLL AM petr aa nun. Si:ll t scuonouu, Wboleeal Daler la BRANDIES, WINES, Gins, Whiskeys, &c, W0MKL8D0RF, BERKS CO., Pa. J.an.ry II, 1170-If rrios for msllI. TUTY-FI k' JCMIt. READING RAILROAD Fnll Arrangement, Monday Hopt. 6'h 1970. 0eal Trunk Mne fro a the North aid North vet for Pltiladetp'ila, New York, Ifenuin,!, Poitxville, Tiruiut. Ahltnl. Slinmnkin. I.'hanin. Allen'own, Eavlon, Ephrnia, Mtii, t.mcnier. Cnlmnlii 9. Traim leave llrrit'iurf for Xt lork, a follow t at 5 3 1, 8-10 8 51 forenoon, and 2.60 fi. m., nneeiln( with aimilar iraini on lb the Tenneylvcnta llailroad, and arriving at New York at 12. 10 nam, .1,'vO and 10,00 p. m.. rep-aiiei)lr. Sleeping ear accnmpiny the S 3 j a m. and W.Vi a. m. train, without change. I'elnrning: I.i-ave New York at fl.Olim, l2.IH)Noon. and fi.lN) p ui. Philadelphia at 1.11 a m and 3..10 p m : Steeping ear ao ompanr Ihe and tt.iH) p m iraini from New York, without change. Leave Harrinhurg for Heading, Pollnville Tamijua, Mineraville, Ahlnnd, Shamokin, I'inegrove, Allentnwn and Philadelphia, al H. 10 a m, 2,fi0 and 4.10 p m, emppiag al Lebanon and principal wayfaiinni the I, 10 p m train ennneeiing for Philadelphia, Pntlfville and Colutntda only. For I'olta ville, Pchuylkill Haven ami Auhtira, via Schuylkill and Huiuehanni Railroad, Leave llarrihurg at 3. 40 p m Eat Pcneylvania Railroad trina leave Reading fof Allenlown, Ealon and New York m 7.1.1, l'l.S l a. to.. 0.45 and 4 't p m. Returnig, leave New York al U 00 a. m , l j.00 noon and 5 IH p. m. and Allen town at 7.-0 a. tu. 1J. J& Noon 4. SO and K.v.'i p. m. War pafenger train leave riiitadelphia a 7, .11 a m, ronneeiing with aimilar train on Fail Penna. Railroad, returning from ItaiiiPng at 'i..1.' p m, flopping al all aialion Leave I'oiteville at 6. 10 and V,00 a m and 2iOp. m.; Ilerndon at 10.00 ami Mba inokia at V40 and 1 1, OS a. xa. Aabtand at 7.0.'i a m, and I'.VV) noon, Mahanoy City al 7.A1 a. m- and 1.07 p. o., Tamauua al M3 a oi. and !2,20 p m for I'blladelpbia anil ew I ork. Leave rotuville, via Schuylkill and Pin quehann It R at 8,15 a m for Harrihtirg, and 1 2. 'i j noon for I'inegrove and Tremnnt. trailing Aeeonimmlalion train: Leave Poiiaville at 6,40 a m. rate Reading al 80 a m, arriving at Philadelphia at 10, 'JO i, HO Helurning. leavea rbild'ihia nl r.l.'i p in, panning Reading al 8.00 p m, arriving at Pntlaville al 0.40 p in, 1 oiti own Accommodation Train Leave Poltatnwn at !.-" a m, returning leave Philadelphia at 4.00 p m. Columbia llailroad Train leave Reading at 7. -Ml a m. aud 0.1 ' p m for Tpntaia, Lilir. Lanraeler. Columbia. k . Pcrkiomen Railroad Train leave Ieri ometiJunriinn nl 7.10 a m. '1.05 ft K.ft.'i p m; ri'lnining leave Sohwenkaville at f.30 a m, l.V'O Noop, and 4.40 p m, cnnnrcling with "imilnr Iriin nn Heading Kiiilrnnd. Colelirinkdiile Railroad train leave Pull- low n ni '1,40 a m. nnd 0,20 p m, reluming leave Mount Pleasant at i.OO and 11. 21 am, connecting with aimilar Irnin on Reading railroad. Cheler Valley Railroad Iriin luave Rridepnrl at S,:io a tn. and 'Ml) nnd 6.02 p m, returning, leave llnwninglown al 1.20 a m, 12.4.S noon and 6,16 p m, ennneoting with aimilar train on Reading railroad. On Sundaya : Leave New York at 6,00 p m, Philadelphia 8,00 a m and 8. 1.1 p m. the 8,00 a m train running only lo Reading: leave Pnlleville 8,00 a m; Harriehurg 6,:t.r a in nnd 4.10 p m, leave Allmiown at 7 2 a. m anJ ana 8.41 p. ro. : leave Reailing at 7,l a m, and IO.ii.'i p m for HariiOutrg at 7.2H a ni for New York, nl 4.41 p in for Allenlown, and 1, 10 and 4.25 p m for Phil adelphia. Commutation. Mileage, Seaanr, Schnni and excurlnn ticket, to and from all point lit reduced rale. llnggage checked through ; 100 pountti. allowed encb paanengcr. 0. A. NICOLLS. Getiernl Suferinlend'iit, Reading. Sept. 6, 170. QKEAT EXCITEMENT IN BANNERVILLE, KKW OOODH. HELFRlCH&imOWEU WiIi (n inform Hie clllrens of llannerville and vicinity Hint they have opened a new slock of good, and will keep constantly on linn I a full assortment of :tm:ss iidiuis: Conaiflingof At.PACAS.POPI.INS.PLADS, LUSTRES. DELAINES, CALICOES, :o. Cloths V('nwsi uteres 11 ATS and CAPS, LOOTS and SHOES. : t i it mj k it i k s. HARDWARE AND OUEEVSWARE. SALT AND FISH, And in fact everything unu.illy kept in a firl claa cunnlry lore. All of which w offer nl greatly reduced price, for Caeh or Country I'rocuce. Having had targe experienc in the biiaineae, we flatter oureelve that w eaa pleaeand atify all oureaaiAmer. Hoping by driet attention la rwia and a deir tn plea all, to merit a liheeal ti'.aae of puMi paironag. Our wotlu U "Qui, Sale aW Smalt l'r.ft.." W k al let thai lh public etamia our etnrk ana frier before purebaaiag elewher. a are alwaya abow our good wnn Jieaaure. I1ELFRICII k BOWER, llannerville, Jan 14, 1870. if QUICK (ALBB AU XKOriTS WII.M4M II. RK4TCR Reaperirully annnrrace I th ailiiea of Middlehnrg aad eiciaity that he I flow ready la supply them with tbtlargeat aad moat complet (lock of SPIII.XV SUMUL'tt GOODS ever brought I tbi place, at greatly re docec' iieieea cheaper ikaa lha eheapeat. He iuvila alteniioa I hi large stock of MUSLINS. CALICOES. DEL4INKS. T.AWNS, rlLklS, BKKLUtS, UNEN8, Boots and Shoes II ATS AND CATS. HEADY-MADE CLOTHING. SHIRTS, aad everything usually kept in a well regulated (lore. (live a eall aad ba ennviaoed that ihi i tb place to buy good. COUNTRY FHODl'CE lakes Is exchange for gooiia. Hl. H- SC4 r. Middieburg, May, lbti7. BOOT & 81108 MANUFACTOT. AIM uys up to Ilia I Tb Boileraigaad reapeetrulle aaaonseaa to tb sitiaena of .Middieburg aad vieiaity, that b will eooiinu t aiaaalaotura MEN 8 BTiMA. Kir and FINE BOOTH. Woman aad Cbllrrn 6I10ES. And In (bort vry thing ia bit line, in tb latest ityl and at low priee. Work mad to order at lb shortest nolice. Civ hlro a oall bafor going aliewber. HIRAM fiCHWENK. Ididdleburg, Ts. fJss 2, '68tf JEWiSBUKO The ftihferlher, thankful for the liberal patronage boatowed nn bia iabllhmant at Iiirellon. beg leave In Inform hi friend and the pupllo generally, that ha ha had hii mill al Lewiehnrg filled np in ibe beat pnatible manner, with lh Lalrtt Improved Machinery mad in the ronnlry, and with Iheadran lagea of Bteam I'owr, which can b relied on at all time. He feel aafe in raying that hie eftati!ihment It not fiirpaad by any In lb State. Having engaged aut of good Workmen he i now prepared for manufacturing all kind! of WOOLEN G00D3 isucn as CLOTHS. CA8S1MERE.. SATIN ETTS, TWF.KDS. JESS. FLANNELS, VLANKF.TS.CAItl'ETS, YARN'S, ftfl. lit the but manner end at reiuetJ pritei. An excellent a-irlmcnl of Oinda al all lime on hand, fof fate or f lebaag for Wool. ROLL CARDING doua on fhorl notice. jujjrTERMfl CAsfT.-j MARK HALFPENNY. Lcwiaburf , I'oion Co., l'a., tee. 4,t;ny gCIIOCH ft DKOTUEU Would reapeelluily announce to the peopl of Suyder County and lh pablie, garally, that lky have Jut aocured, and will oontianily keep on Land and for ale, a very exitmiv ariorimenl of in Iheir fnmmodlouf New Room oppoaile lh uank, eeiingrove l'a. TIIF.V WILL SELL" AT RE MCEH 1'IMCES: Their exlenlve tnek eonil of a well feleeleil aorlment,of FALL . W INTER not if il. Ttey have CLOTHS. CASSI MERS. plain and fancy, Salinell. Jean, Tweed. Mulin. Drilling. Flannel. Cheek, Ac. Alio nn elegant assortment of LADIES' DREW nOODS I Silka, Iloniljiizinea, Alpoi, I'.lnck and fnnry Delaina. I.nwna, Oinlmma, a lorfl variety of fine Wbito (jooiIk, LADIES' FASAIONAI1LE COATS, Hoop, skirts Miawls. c, Sit: READY MADE CLOTIIING.Costs, vt'Bts. Fonts, Sbirta Ae. A variety ol NOTIONS k HOSIEKY. Collnn Linen nnd I'upo DrcMMTrini ininirH, ISuttons CorsU, Ze'ihyra common nml Hiiit, .Moravian uul Slit tliiml Wool Sic. Sec. fisiksaltTndiron, STEEL. STOVES, FORKS, SHOVELS, SPADES, HAKES, GLASS. NAILS, PAINTS. Ilardvtaro Queenavvare, filassware. Cedurware, Willow-ware Crockery, PLASTER, vVbite Si Illue. Alao. a large quantity of difTerent kind of II ATS Si CA I'S, LOOTS ,V SHOES, of every fiyle, variety und qunliiy. Alao, all kind of CARPETS. &0. Jirorri Ira of all kind, freeh from Ihe Philaueltihiii and New York Markela. They keep cotmiuDily on hand a large suiny oi WHITE LEAD AFT) PAINTS, tv ery quality and price, received direct from the inan.il'aolures and conveniently can fell al ihe very lewetl price. Alao all kimla or OILS, WHALE. RHOWN LCRRICATING, SCUSTITUTE nnd LINSEED OIL for Tninllng. To Ihe latter tbev call par- liccular aitrnlinn a it if eunal to Linaeed oil for colored painting, and coat but one nan I lie price. lliphesf puces f aid for Country rrotiuec nnd All Kinds of Graf it. tiOive tlieui a triul before gs ing t'ltiewiiero. SCHOCIT k BROTHER They are aleo the avenl forOEIRFR'ft rATKNT FLY KKOt LATINO GRAIN J-KI'AKATOi CLEANER AND BAOOER Tb latest Improved and moat celebrated In the world. Juat Ihe Machln Farmer bav beta forking after for year. Il will Uira rroau Hit la SOUnahet per aour. ciranes ra lor taaraei. iney win a iss aasama upa man nirunarraneu an reproaeaiaa. April 18, 'CI ly j. t. aniND at, m. d. gEAD THIS. rsiLir swinaroaD fililiide ADD wlneforf. Druggists akd Ciiemists, Oner for sale . W hoi ant l w Rtail, nRlflS MKD1C1NES. fAINTSand CHEMICALS, Embracing PURE ZINC FAINT Green, Blue. Yellow. Red and Black Paint ground in Linseed Oil, Denar Varnish Spirit Turpentine, Cooal. Coach and Whit DRYING JAPAN, KNOTTING. fMii fits ratty, riot 111 Alcokol. Sraaeu. Ixmoo. Viaaiitioa, Paist and VARNISH BRUSHES, Jfiiie and Ftmalt Trvtte and Baferfer v etufl Concentraled Lye, Fin Sponge, SriCF.S.CORN STARCH k BIRD SEED flower and Garden Seed$, Is which tb allenlionof ,dealr It sailed, aa w will sell at lh eery lowed Cask Frio ia quantities Is snlt psisba ra. Wnlit kaen en hand and offer for ala Whalstnl aad Retail, all th lead lag Talent Medicine. Alao, NOTIONS. CONFECTIONERIES, TOBACCO 8 E0AR8 Mlddlehorg, Snyder C. Pa. CrS. Uf II". 1 1 sum j-fifto iii T fl. RURKIIART, 8elinjrov, Syt-r Co , Petittt Keep eonslanlly on hand a large and well mad aasnrtment nf Tin, bt-lron ware, Stove. &., e. II I Agent for tb following named article. "THE MORNING GLORY." LiltleflelJ's Talent Improved BM Earning COAL. STOVE. In thi pattern nf Tiia Monxixn Qi.orv. everal new and important feature have been embodied, which can on'y be teen to he admired. Tlii new etnve 1 made en tirely of eaat Iron, so filled as to be airtight, but can he made Willi aheet-iron upper eciion when preferred by th purchaser. It ornamental nnin I drapery, makint It a handome piece of furniture, far more eo than any ftove heretofore made. Il In ternal conjunction, though resembling nmeof the former pallern of Th Morning Olory i qui' different, making il more durable. anl fur lens difficult to be repaired. The canting are or tne nigiiest order, fully equaling tb fanetl catting made in tbi country. Among tne many AOTAaTAaaa In the use of the Morning (ilory are the following: I. Coutinuoti llurniug. 2, Quality nf the Heat. 8. Ventilation through th elove. 4, Anil-Dust Siove. 6, No Eeenpe ofQns. 0, Economy of Fuel. " THE RARLEY SHEAIV Antl-Tu Air-li'yhl fnoling S'ovr, with Erienilvd Firellox for Wood or Coal. falenled May Hitli, 18CJ. We take pleasure in offering our ruato men and ihe Slove Trade, a New firt-L'las Flat-top, and would call partieiitnr attention to ill muni attructirt and taluiilt improve ment!. Thi Slove ha heen carefully tested for aeveral month, and the result hnveprnved o highly falisfaclory, that several of our nldet and most experienced alove dealer predict for it a aale far beyond our ability to supply Ihi season. NMwa front Jirt'Joor; giving full liso of the heiirih. Anadililionat itntr in the oren, so arranged aa lo give more room in ihe upper part of the oven; a great convenience much needed 1'ht oren i nearly a rne at the tnp n alihe hearth line, which not only increases the site, but will be recognixed a frtat advantage in bakinii. DOTY'S CLOTHES WASHER. The hrsi, cheapest, and most popular Washing Machine ever invented. Il I easy tnnperate, lilting or standing; lake bul lillleroom; injure nngnrnipnt ; ftnisbe il work from in two lo four Min nie: h durable and convenient; and the only Wahing Machine known that i liked ihe belter the longer it ia used. THE UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRING Elf. The "CHEAT fAV 11. 1' KCOSOMlZKIt. The term of our I'au nt call our Machine Wringer." Yean of experience prov il alto to be A kort xxckui ksi Wahiiub. When we reduce every inveul ion for waab ing clothe lo a principle tbey all amount lo I hat of pressing and qiieeaitig, nnd forcing the waler through Ilium, Ibua re moving Ihe dirt. Most Wfehing Miichiucf do it by rubbing. Th Universal Wringer oes 1 1 by presxiug. IOHN LAUDENSLAGER, ) PUGGY MAKER, SKl.INSnilOVK, SNYDER CO., Th. Having purchased Ihe well known aland Selinairrove. formerly owned hv Philip lilerker. 1 am prepared lo accommodate all who may desire anything In my line, nnd warrant saiislnclion in all case. 1 keep comtanlly on hand, and am prepared lo manufacture at the shortest uotice, BUGGIES. SULKIES, SLEIGHS, ftc. Reins experienced In the buainesa, I flnl- ler myself lhal 1 am fully prepared lo meet i hit wants of mv culoineT. The bunds employed are among Ibe beat mechanic in the county, and Iheir work will nut fail to give universal laiistncion. gttirSpeciat attention paid to repairing in till il branches. -"ton Shop on Markcl sl eet, a few doors south of Ihe Uerman Reformed Cbureh. JOHN LAI DEN8LAU1.K. Selinsgrov, April 7, '70-tf RADER CRAFT, SUCCESSOR TO FLECK & CO., WHOLESALE C0XFECT10SEUS AMI 1'RITTKUEES. NO. a-J NORTH THIRD ST., FHILADELFHIA. A full assortment of Confectionery, Fruit. Fir Work. Syrup. 7-'y Ao. alwaya oa band. VI c"" tK 9 5 FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1870. The First Edition uf One Hundred and Twenty Thousand copies of Ylck'S Illltt trsletl Calaloeue of Seeds and Floral (iahle, I published and ready to send out. U is elegantly printed on tine timed paper, with abeal 200 fine wood F.ngreviug of Flower aad Tegefable. and a beautiful colored plate consulting of seven variel lea of I'bloi Druaitaondii, making a line BOUQUET OF PHLOXES. It i lh most beautiful, a well as Ihe most snsiruoliva Floral Uuld published, giving plaiu and thorough direction frr ibe Culture of flowers and Ywtabies. The Floral Guide i published for It benefit of my customer, to whom it I ei I free without apoliealion, but will b for warded lo all who apply by mail, for Tax Cist, wblcbi aol half lh cost. Addict JAMES VICK, lt iilif, N. T. LI F. IIOTTENSTEIN. M D. 11 PHYSICIAN ABB BURGEON, HELINPHtOVE. SNYDER CO., TA. Offer ' I prnlksslnnal srvle to th eltttent nf eta i rove aau vioiniiy. iuum, toiv-ii JOSEFII S DELL, Manafaelarer of and Wholesale Dealer In Clothing. Cloths, CASSIMERS AND VESTING8, AS NORTH THIRD SHEET, FIIILAD'A. QOSGRAVE II ALL HOTEL. PETER mOCr, Proprietor, West Beaver Tw'p., Boydsr Co., Ta. Taeb Nolle thai I hav purchased Co grav Hall Hotel, where I am always pre pared to aooomuiodat Drovers, Strangers, and Traveler. I shall b liberal la my charge and en deavor lo ui everybody wall who favor ma with bis custom. If you are aol satis Ad, ao shargts. Giro us a sail. April, '67UV 2 Walter & Ilnrtninn DRALr-RS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. Hardware1, Qceexsware, CEDAItWARli Sit. See. kt. rfe. Ao cr..Tir.fii.t.K pa. xX.TIi II 10 II EST market TRCES taid for all kink of Country Produce nad HIED FRUIT. EW BUILDINGS, AND NEW TRICES WAG ENSELLER ft SON, hereby respectfully Inform their friend and the puhlie generally that they hav opened a STORE in their NEW BUILDING on the spot so long occupied hy Dr. Jaeoh Wagenseller on Ihe 11 of Qua where Ihey now hav and will aU ay keep a large and well selected asiorttneul of .REASONABLE GOODS. In ihe Ladies' Department will he found a full line of SILKS. VOPLINS. BRILLIANTS VICTORIA LAWNS, FIUI HED ALPACAS, SWISS MULL, CAM RRICS, PRINTS. JACONETS, DELANES. Striped nnd Checked N untucks, ftc ALPO A Great Variety of Lsdic' Drc. Trimmings, Latent Htylc Hoop Skirts. French Corsets, Full e t vie Bnl morals, Ladies' Umbrel las, I'nrnsoU nnd Sun Similes, Bonnet Ribbons, Lnces, Rul llinga Embroiders, Limn nnd I'nper Collars, Ac., ftc, ftc. A SPT. F.SDID ASSORTMENT of Honrs & shoes For Ladies, Missies nnd Children, in end less variety, of all sixes, style and prices, selected for tbi Fall and Winter trade. A full nnd complete slock nf CLOTHS I'LAIN AND FANCY CASS I M ER ES.COTTONA lES, JEANS, fttf., ftc. COAL OF ALL KINDS ! Groceries, (jiirensware. Hardware, Willow- ware, Ccdarware, Glassware, SO. All of which haviug been AsmAt rer; otr or CASH will be old al very email prohl, Our motto ia (Juick tain and imitll profile. We also pay the highest market prices for all kin-Is or grain. WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS nnd SEED. We are prepared alio to f lore good, at a email charge ami to do a general t;omuiiasioii ami Forwarding luisinc. We hope that the public generally will Ive ii a call a we believe il is lo Iheir interest lo do so before purchasing else where. Give us a trial. W. F. WAGENSLLLER. M. L. WAGENSELLER Mut n,'C7. If N JEW FIRM AND NEW G00DS1 R O. HETZLL. P. 8. McCl LLOVUU nnTZDii sl iviccutiouon, (Sl't'CESSORS TO JOHN HETZF.L,) DEALERS IN 1U KINDS OF iiEKcn M)ssi:: HIGHEST CASH TRICB TAID FOR FLOUR, GRAIN, RAIL ROAD TIES, ftc, ftc, C HAPMAN, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. March IT, JWO-tf. TJNITKD STATES BONDS BOUGHT, SOLD ft EXCHANGED GN MOST LIBERAL TERMS. GOLD AT Market Rates. Coupons Cashed PACIFIC HAIL ROAD BONDS Bought aad Bold. STOCKS Bought and t ol 1 ( N COMMISSION ONLY. Aooi al received aa I interest a' iw f oa diily balance, lubjut lo tbeok, at slgbt De Haven & Brother, 40iuth Tbi id Street, rUILASEJUrtUA. . Virshir, WO-7 Ayer's Sarsaparilla, von pvmrTi. tub blood. The reTintntloa tht a eellmt meiltcia o)nv. Is derived from It run', many of which are trnly utrveDone. lavrtrretii eae of Scrofulous ills ease, vtbere the syrtna rermed totiinirew Willi corruption, hare boon purlftixl and eiired by It. Semrulon affertlim Ami ili.snter, w hkh were ag grarated by th semTif. Thus ronlsmlnAtton linTil they vrere painfully aflllrUnr, have hea rndh ally cured in snrh ftrn't numbers In almnut erory seo-' lion nf the country, ttmt the public scarcely aeev) to Ihi informed of its virtues or n.es. Si roroloti poi.on Is one of Oie most destroetlr enemies of oor rare. Often, Oil anseen ami nnt'elt tensntnf Cionrranlm nnilemune Iheeon.ltlBUon nn-! inTiiepiimiiiuirKoi eniociuingor ntaiiif'sea-o, w ithnnt exciting a ruaplrinn of H presence. Aim In, It rcem.lo lirerd Inret tinn thmashonl the body, nnd then, on some favnraMo oroaslon.rnplilly dcvrlof) Into one or other or It nirieno nrm, either on iim surface or ainooc Uie vllnl. In the Inner, tuber. rle may lie stnldenly deposltml tn tlie lung or tienrt, or tumor formed In lh liver, or It Ikw a it presence liy emnuon on me tain, or loni ulcer Mlons on some part of Ihe bodr. Ilenee Ihe ocra Hon ul iiko of a liottlo of this sWrm,MtWffs la ad' vfyalile, cren when no ectlre svmptoms nf dlseasa p)cr. Persons antk'tnl with Uie followlns am- idninta generally find tmmedlalo relief, and, al I'litnli, cure, I.T Ihe use nf this BAUHAHAHIl. I. A: tit. Authmtt'a tlrr, Jfos ae Krytpttma, Tetter, HMi Jthemm, Scnrf Hemet, Jtlittfwiw, hore W'Hra, Aore F.art, and other empUon or Yiillile forms nf SeroWfitws disease. Also tn Its ninre concealed fonns, aa IHeepepatm, Mrftle itettrt mmmme, irs, r.pxirti irv tfxmmmr, rim, r-Mirffw, jinfnifflff. end Oie variou f'feerwwe affections of the muscu- Inr snd nervoti system. Af;ifi III or Venrrrttl and Sfrmtrlal THarttft are cured hv It, though a Ions time I reqnlrrd foe siibdulns thce oltetinnle mnladic ly anv medicia. Uul Ion eoLtlmietl use of Oil mediribe will euro the eomplainV Leuenrrmwn or Whiten, I 'sertww t'leemllim, and rennte iHmmmea, are com mon I r soon relieved and iiltiiostety etire.1 lie It tmriiyins and lovlfomlnif effort. Mlnula lMreo. lon'for eae!i ea.e are found in our Almanac, sun plied gratis. JrArMm'.rfsM and .., whew ratiaed hr aJeuintilation of extraaeoas aatlra In llio lilnnd, yield nllli kly to It, also IAre t'omtitatft, Torplitittf, 'Wffesrtol. or fwjtii sinlein of Uie l.trrr, uiiUmsilli, when arising, a they nfte.i do, from the rankling noiMins tn the blood. Thl HAHHAVAMI.I.A f a great re storer for 'he stirnirth and vigor of the system, Thnso vt ho t -e. tasmM and l.lte, Itetpnn Tenr. MlrefilfA, and Iroubleil with irMi Aft. sn-lfliiai or Amr, or any of th alTeeilnna svniitoinntie of Wenknetm, will And Immedlsta relief and comiucUig avKleaca of It retloratli pun vr upon uiul. rnspAittD b r Or. C. ITER COLowall, (, JVact;.:l and AnmlytUml ChrmUtt. SOID H? . I L DUC0018T8 EVZRYWILETIC q iTlat Focklcr's Saloon. (Oppoiits Slt.ndel k Wagene1ler' drug Itore) IN SELINStlROVE. If von want a glisa or good IIUAIHAG ALE! tlt A Plate of lee Cream! o rSTEUS, prepared ia any way that can be diirJ, Plate of Fresh Tripe. OH SARDINES : FCIIWE1TZER. LIMBURGF.il OR 3-VLL CHEESE. OR ANY T1IINO USUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT. gkjjrOilier Saloons supplied with Al and Oysters al Wholesale price. -ifcig A T UlfKt. W H RALLIET. I S STOl'onTQS JJ1SEL, BALLIET & 8T0UGHT0N, IKNEHAL COMMISSION MEBCHAXTS, AMiniAt.tns is Couulry Product and Domed ic Fruit. iSerig, (?., -Va 22 South Watfr Street, miLADELPHIA. Rrrrsssre. Jacob R. Riegel ft Cn.. 1133 Market f ireel ; Ltppencoll ft Trotter, til N. Water street t Hood, lJonbrlght A Co. 6'J'J Market Street i Ex.Gov.Jamea Pollock, 80 south Oil street; John Weist 808 Walnut Street ; Harris & Graham, 3J7 Arch street. Fsr.4'00if J)AV1D WILLIAMS, Manufactures of ft Wholesale Denier In (Hit, Mnhngnny, Mnlnul and llosewootl L-OOKIfMG GLASS Picture ci Photosrnphio Frames, Nos. 2:10 nnd m Arch Street, l'hili.delihia l'a. Frames Repaired in ihe best ma note Alan, llegilding in all Ha branches. 7,i ,OOME THIS WAY J ' GREAT BARGAINS 1ST NEW GOO S AT THE CHEAP STORE OF W. F. ECKItERTv SELINSGHOVe! l'a. Would respeolfully annonncs fo lha people of Snyder County that be basjual received from ihe eastern markets sod has for sale s large and well seleoled stock of Ne Good, which ba offers at astonish Ingly lew prior. Ills Hook nibract Ik vary brrl - FALL snd WINTER GOODS. He ha Cloths Casaimen, Dc Skin Jeans Satinets Alpacoss,. Lustres Delaine Poplin Trim, Muslins Drillings Shawl 'Cambrics Caliooes. French 3Urinoe, English Mmnoei READY, MADS CZ.OTU.tNa ef ml kind. HARDWARE, HATE and CATS, GROCERIES WALL l'AI'ER, Give m s oall. Inspecting Good. QUEEN6WARB, BOOTS k SHOES. CARPKTING, Slit IK FJND1NG8, No charges made for Country prtduc t ken in exchange for goods, y i, loon iy GRAYU1LL ft Co., Wholbialb Dsalsbs is WOOD AND WILLOW WARS' Oil Cloths, Window flbadea, Broom, Male, Krushc Cotton Laps, Grain Hags, Fly Net, Buckets, Twine, Wick, &o. No U15 North Third Streed, Philadelphia. . Feb. 7, "67 B. J. COO KB WHOLESALl DEALER IN CLOCKS I HO North Id Clret, rhllalelpbla. Aug f, 1800 BBROR9 OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who Buffered for yeais from Nervous Debility. Premature Decay, snd nil the effnels of youthful indiaoretirsj will, for lU. salt, of suffering buuianitv, sand free lo all who need tr ths reeei'i and tlireoiiun for making lh simple remedy by which be wa cured. 8uffr srs wishing lo prod by Ihe advertiser's sxperienee, can do so by sd dressing. In pelecl esnlldsnee. JnllN H. OHiiFN I. 3 Cidss itrssf, Kp.Tsk 0 .