KADKK t'HAl'T, SUCCESSOR TO FLECK & CO., WHOLESALE C0KPK(Ttt)BK8 ,AD FRtTTF.RIRS. no. H'i'.t north third st rillLADKLlllIA. A full assortment of Confectionery, Fruits. Fire Works, Syrups, 7-Hy 4c. always on hand. BALD E.U5LE HOTEL, No. m North Third Jlrret, PITILA DELPHI A. John u.ymku, v.7.r,Pr. January 13, 70-if Manhood I Mow I.nsl, How Restored faerlC? '"" I'lipllilir.l. a hew etil ion of IKJ? ,)r' ''"'r"''' Celehraied F.s If Sal' say on till r.idiral cure, Iwilhniii medicine) of S erniatori hoea. nr Sriiiinn! W'eaknese, Involuntary Losses, impnienrv, Mental Mini phirirat Incapacity, Iin-tii-ineals In marriage, eld. i also. Con.mnp tion Epilrp.y nml Fit, induced by iclf in dulgence or sexual etravi;taiico. 'riff, in a Suited Knretune . , nmtt. The celebrated author in this ailniiralile essay clearly demonstrates frutn thirty ' years surcesiiu practice. I but the nlnrm ng consequence of self abuse nny he rad eelly eureil without the dangerous use nf internal medicine or the application of llie knife; pointing out a mode of cure nl onec simple, rertuln nnd efTc-tnal, l.y means of vtmcn every siiltercr, no mutter hl his condition mev he. tnitv cure himself chean- 1y priva'cly nnd radically This Lecture should he in the bands of every yninb anj every man in the laud Rent under peal. In a plain envelope, to ! any addre, poatpaid. on reeeipt of eii i renta, or two post siamps. AN.i, lr. Cul- terwell a Marringe tluide," price L'.icenli. Addrcsi the publishers, (.'HAM. J. O, KUNF. k Co., 127 llowery, X. V., I'. O. Hoi 4,&Mrt. Sept. 1, jsro-y H. r HOTTHXSTKIX. M P. PHYSH IAN Asn Kt'HdKdN, PKLiNsciKDVK. vl)l:K co, i'.. infers Ms professional services to I lie ellren nf hellDtgrovt and vl. Inlty. JuneTJ, ls:u tf JOSKIMI S MCl.Ii, Manufacturer of and W holesale lt.iler in Clot hln ClolllS CASSIMEIIS AND VKSTI.MiS, U NORTH THIRD SHEET, PHILAD A. A I.LK0I1KXV HOl'SE, Not. blJ k sit Market Street. niiLADELrniA. KLKCKXEK & CAWLEV. ranrRiiTnns. H.Mlf Irrms $2 00 Per Uar. p EXXSYLV AXIA IlULSE. J. D. IIOFFMAN, Proprietor. CORNER OF SECOND AND I.OCC8T STS HARRISRl'RO, VENN" r,rery eirnrt neeessary to Insure the num. fort of iruests will be made. 1 be bouse bas lsen newly rentted. (mae,ls;uir QOSQUAVE II ALL HOTEL PETEII mOl I', rropriilor, XVest BceCr Tw'p ( Snyder Cu., Pa. Tak Nolle thai 1 have purchased Cos grave II all Hotel, where 1 am always pre pared to oecomuiodute Drovers, Sirangcrs, ad Travelers. 1 sball be liberal in my charge and en deavor lo use everybody well who favora ewe with nil custom. If you are nut talis tied, no charges. Uivo uie a call. April, 'G7if. ALV VAYHOIsk; FEKNS TOWNSHIP, hny.ler Co., Pa AHTJBEW SHADE, Proprietor. AeoommeHatlons good and i-tiarnes inoilerato. The patronage el lbs traveling public Is solleitiiU JAMES K. DAVIS IIOTl'.L, 8EL1N.SUKOVK, SNYDER Uo Pa. HENRY A. UOI.10 Proprietor. Till i well knowu ll iuie having been r-. fitted by the present proproictor, offers ci cellent aecotntnodaiions to tbe I rave. log community. Choice liquors and Cigars at tbe Bar, and the Tabla supplied wiih the Iiest the market affords. A good stable, ttendeU by oureful hostlers, incnnneeiiou with the bouse. April O-'TOtf 100 men" WANT IE UD TO WORK ON TUB SUXniTT&T A Z.WXHTOWKl' HF.RK men wanted Immediately, to whom the . highest cash orlee will be paid. Apply to the siiWrlbars at M l.lNSdROVK, er to any of the Nuh-I'ontracturaon llie line of the ..!.. 1 L, I wl' 1. COM Pl.KT r.D Wl l 1U.S blX HUM 11 HJM i UUM DATK. JOHN R. MC'QOYEUN h CO. QVARYMEN AM) KKIIHIEUCII.IIERS I an nnd employment by ealllug on the under flinti at Selinsgrove. May si. 1S70. T. V. CHESS W V.LI.. u iNlON PLANIXG MILL! SEL1N8QROVE, SNYDER CO., PA. Kccly & Milllcr, liiiiiilier Dealers ADD MAKirAVTt'BIB Of Doon, Door Boxes, Windows, Shutter, window Boxes, Blinds, Snuh, Stair Filings, Band Ballings, Brack, fts. Moulding, Vloorlnr, 0CRCLL. HA W1NU CABINET Tt KNINO. BhingleB, Lath, Sto., &o. Orders solicited and oiled with prompt nets aad dsspatoh. I'leate eall and eiam ins our slock before purchasing elsewhere. e-umr -THB rOBT- ' Job Printing Office, tllDDLEBURO, 8NYDER CO., PA. AIL KINDH OF JOR rRINTI.VQ NEATLY, CHEAPLY. IF I VXPEDITI0U8LY EXECUTED AT TUld OFFICE. TAQLK HOTEL. MIDDLEUVRO, PA J. A. liaiJKCIXB, Proprietor. ASH1NUT0N HOC IK. MiddUburg, Snyder C'tnty, Pa. IANL ISOLENPER, Proprirtor, Persons slopping! this House will And etcrllent accommodations, for Man and Meesl. ?-4l!.tf. J J S. M KK1IART, Sclinyrove, Snydrr Co., Ptnna Keeps constantly on hnn'l a large and well made assortment of Tin, Sheet-Iron were, Stoves. !.. &c. He is Agent fur the following named articles. "THE MORNING GLORY." l.lltlencld's Patent Improved Rase Ruining COAL. STOVE. In this pattern of Tint Mntmxn dionr. several new mi l important features have been embodied, which can only be seen to lip admired. Thin lien Move is made en tirely of cast Iron. so titled a lo he airtight, lull run lc nimln with sheet-Iron ut.tier section "hen preferred ly the purchaser. lis ornaiupntnl tiiiirh la drapery, makiiK il handsome pieee of furniture, tut moreao than any elove heretofore made, lis in ternal construction, though resembling some of the former pattern, of The Morning (ilory la iiiile different, making It more durable, and fir lesa difficult to be repaired. 1 lie eastings are oi tue niiiesl order, fully Cimling tbu Imesl cunlinga made in this country, Among the many ahvaktaik In the use of the Morning Ulury nrc (lie fullnwing : I. onlinuoua Ifurning. 'i. Duality ol the Ileal. . .enuinuon inrougii the stove. 4, Anti-Dust Move. 0, No teeapc of (.ins. (i, Keouomy of Fuel. " THE ISA II LEY SHEA IV Anli-I'iifl Air-Tiyht CuoUng S'ot-i, vilh I'.Jti nilrd Firr-lUx fur Wtmd or Coal. Pnlenlel Mny Kith, W Ve Inlie pleasure in oflertng our custo mers and the Stove Trade, a New flral-t'lass FInt-top, and w ould call parlitulur attention to ill many attructtvt ami valunlUt imjiroit Thia Stove has been carefully tested for several mouths, and the results tiaveproved so highly satisfactory, that several of our oldest nnd most esperieneed alove dealers predict for it a sale far beyond our ability I lo supply this season, j Sluting front firt-doart, giving full use of lie hearth. Anailililional ilitlt in the oven, so arranged as to give more room In the upper pi rt of ibe oven; a great convenience much needed 7'Ae oren is nrnrly as nw at the ten as atlhe hearth lim, which nut only increases Ibe site, but will be recognised as i jrtat nuYdiKuys in bakinii, DOTY'S CLOTHES WASHER. The best, cheapest, and most popular Washing Machine ever invented. It is easy looperate, sitting or standing: takes hut little room ; injures nogarmenls ; finishes its work trom In two to four Min utes; Is durable and convenient) nnd the only Washing Machine known that is liked tbe belter the longer it is used. TnE UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WKI.NUEll. The "t;ilEA T FA Sill Y KCOXOMIZER. Tbe terms of our Patent call our Machine a Wringer." Years of experience prove it nlo to be A most axcr.Li.KMT Washsh. When we reduce every invention for wash ing clothes to a priuciple they all amount in that of pressing nnd siieeing, and forcing the water through them, thus re moving the dirt. Most Washing Machines do il by rubbing. The Universal Wringer oes it by pressing. JOHX LAUDEXSLACiKll, BUGGY MAKER, Bfcl.lNSCJROVE, SNYDER CO., PA. Having purchnscd the well known stand In Sclinsrove, formerly owned uv tump ItWIier. I am t.rerared to accommodate all who may desire anything in my line, ami warrant satisfaction in all caie. I keep coiiFtnnily on hand, and am prepared to manufacture at the shortest nonce, ULUUIES, SULKIES. SLEIGHS, &c. Reins exnerienced In the business, 1 flat ter myself that I am fully prepared lo meet the wonts of my customers. The bands employed are among the best mechanics in tbe eouuly, and their work will uol fail lo give universal satisfaction. BtaTSpcclal attention paid lo repairing la all its branohei.'Xtdl Shop on Market sheet, a few doors south of Ibe Uernian lletoruiad t.uurcu. JOHN LAl'DF.ftSLAOER Bolinsgrove, April 7, '7o-if G U IDE FOR RAYELER3 . Tassengcr Trains leove tbe Harrisburg railroad depot daily as follows I PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. KASTWAHn. Philad'a Express exoepl Monday 2,10 a m Kast Line Lancaster train (via Ml Joy) ' l'aciflo Express Train ' Harrisburg Acoommodation Cincinnati Express train daily Southern Express wisTWAKn. 6.2(1 H,()() l.'.lilp m 8,ft5 1(1.45 2,00 Cincinnati expres except Moods 12,10 p m I'itiaburg Express 4.20 a m I'aoino Exnress train dally 4.15 a ai Emigration train exeept Monday 7.45 Mail Irain except Sunday Fast Lino " Erie Fast line " 1,15 p m 4,10 " 4,20 NOkTIIEKN CKNTRAL RAILROAD KORTHWABU. Ruffaloe Express train Night AoTomiuodiitiun Mail train Fast Line SOUTHWARD. 2,30 a n 1 1,65 p a 1. 10 4,20 Dulfalo Express Truin 6.15 a m Muil train 2 45 p Faoifio Exp 12.03 p is York ft llarrisb'g Aoccomodation 4.30 p m Ciucinati Exprees 10.43 " SCHUYLKILL AND BU8QCIII ANNA R. R A passenger and mall train leaves lbs Lebanon Valley depot daily, at 8.80 p. m for I'megrve, Aubuio and I'ousville. VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE FOB 1870, Tbe First Edition of Ons Hundred and Twenty Thousand copies of Tick's IlluS' trated Catalogue of Herds and Floral Ullilie is published and ready to send out. it is elegantly printed on floe tinted paper. with aboul 200 fine wood Engravings of Flowers and Vegetables, and a beautiful oolored plate consisting of seven varieties 01 1'hlox urummonuu, malting a nne BOUQUET OV PHLOXES. U is Ibe most beautiful, as well aa Ibe moat snsiruoltve Floral Ouidj published. giving plain aad thorough, dirseUoas fcr tse w gAMUI.L FAUST, Mcrclinnt Tnilor, Has just received an entire new stock of CLOTHS, CASSI.MKRE3 ft VE3TISOS, all of a superior quality which he Is pre pared lo make up in the best stvle and on short notice. He also keeps Brown and White French Yoke I.inrn Shirts. and a gen eral assortment of gentlemen' Furnishing Moods, all of which be oilers to the publie at very reasonable prices. i nil at my place on I'tne Street, brtwecs Kckberl's corner and the brhlge, Selitis Grove, Pt. June 4, lNiR tf. FINE ASSORTMENT OF THE REST OLD RYE WHISKEY. PURE PEACH WHISKEY. IiltANDY, GIN, AND SYKITS, .lust receive. I and for sale at the Eigle Hotel, In Middleliurg. .lollN A. HTAHLNECKER, Aug. H, 1M7. E. V. EHY A CO., WllOLKSA LK GUOCEIIS AND CO.MMISSIO.X MER CIIA X TS, 522 MARKET ST., Uetwren Fifth and Sixth, 7.1 ly PHILADELPHIA. THE Fdl.SOM IMPROVED fSamW Tweniy-I'lvs Hollar family hewlns: Marlillie, The etieapest r Irrt ( lass Machine Id the Market. Ahist. wTnn la kiiv towk I.lheral eommlsslnns alloweil. For terms and circular, ahlross, A. .H. II a mi Ton, (Jen. Aiient, no. 700 Chestnut nl., rhita., I'a. am Ciroicr V ISaikerN 1'IHST ritEMIUM ELASTIC STITCH FAMIlV S c xv i i i ir Mn chin es. 8!3 IIItOADW Y NEW YORK. 130 CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA. l'OINTS OF EXCELLENCE. llennly and 1'laslicty of Slitch. Perfection and Pimplicliy of Machinery. Using both threads directly from tbe spools. No fnaleningof scums by band ami no waste of thread. Wide range of application without change of adjustment. Tbe senm retains its beauty and firmness after washing and ironing. Resides doing all kinds of work done by by other Mewing Machines, these Machines execute the. most beautiful au permanent Embroidery and ornamental work. WL.The Highest Premlum-Wl all the fairs and exhibitions of the United Mates nnd Europe, have been awarded the drover & Raker Sewing Machines, and the work by them, wherever exhibited in eompctiou. B'rTheTery highest prlie.THE CROSS OF THE LEGION OF HONOR, was con- fered on the represent Hive of urover At Raker Hewing machines, at the exposition Universollo, Paris. IK'iT, thus attesting their great superiority over all other Hew iug Muehincs. For Hale by SAMUEL FAUST. Selins. grove, Pa. April 2". 'tin. Forney's Press. TIIK GREAT KADICAL SFAVSPAI'EK S Get the Jt'nt nnd Cheipnt Xeiwpnprr Jn llie (Jouutrj, the Tress Is a f.ri-ol iss double-sheet eight page paper, containing 48 columns, published every morning, (except Sundays.) TERMS: DAILY PRESS $8. 00 per annum; f'2.00 for six months-, $1,110 for threo months. TKI-WKEKLY PRESS. $1.00 per an num; $2 00 for six mcnths; $1.00 fur three mouths. THE WEEKLY TRESS. The most valu able Weekly Newspaper In Ibe World. It ooutnins items of interest in all. READ THE TERMS One copy one year $ 2 Five copies , 0 Ten copies, and one copy to the getter up of cluh. 16 Twenty copies, and one copy to the getter-up of club 27 Fifty copied, and one copy to Ibe goiter up of club 65 Ten copies, to oni aJilrru, ami one copy to the getter up ol the club 14 Twenty copies, to ons adilrett, and one eopy to the getter up of the club 25 Fifty copies, to ons adjrtet, and one cony to the getter up of the club 60 Our hundred copies, to one addren, ami one copy of the Tri-weekly Press to the getter up of the club 100 Alt oriitn thould be addrentd to JOHN W. FORNEY, Editor std Proprietor, S W.cor. 7th and Chestnut Sta., PbiU.Pa. Estate of C1IAKLKS Hl'OHES, Deceased. LETTER8 TESTAMENTARY upon the estate of Charles Hughes, dea d., late of the tewnship of Pcnns. Snyder County. Pa. .bavin been granted lo the undersigned all persons indebted lo tbe said estnte are requested tn make payment, and those hav ing demands against the same to present Ihein without delay la JOIISK. HUGHES, E.u(or. WILLIAM HUailES. "O"10" March 18, 1870. BOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR STRUGGLES ft TRIUMPHS OF P. T. BAKNUM Written by Himself. In one large Octavo Volume nearly hOO Pages Printed in English and German. 83 Elegant Full page Engravings. It embracea Forty Years Recolleotions of bis Rusy Life, as a Mer chant. Manager, Ranker, Lecturer, and Showman. No book published so accepta ble lo all classes. Every ona wints It. Agents average from 60 to 100 subscribers a week. We offer extra Inducements. Ill ustrated Catalogue and terms lo Agents sent free. J. B. BURR ft CO., Publishers, Hartford, Conn rjIHE DAY Is published every morning (except Bun dayVai the office. N. W, corner Sixth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. Prloa On Cont per Copy. Served by tbe carriers la any part of tbe city, and In the adjacent cities and towns, for SIX CENTS PER WEEK, payable lo tbe carriers. Price for mailing. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS per month, r FOUR DOLLARS per aa-aum. "JEWISDUKO WOOZ.EW TAiiltkxi The subscriber, thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on his establishment at Lanrellnn, begs leave lo Inform bis friends and the pupllc 'generally, that he has had his mill at Lewisburg filled up in Ibe best possible manner, with Ibe Lal'xt Improved Machinery made In the country, anA. with the advan tages of Steam Power, which can be relied on at all times. He feels safe in saying that bis establishment is not surpassed by auy in the Slate, Having engaged ascl of good Workmen he Is now prepared for manufacturing nil kinds of WOOLEN GOODS til'CII AS CLOTHS, CA3-I1MF.RE5. 8ATINETTS, TWEEDS. JEANS, FLANNELS, ULANhT.TS.CARPETS, YARNS, &o. fu Ms beet manner and at reduced pricn. An excellent assortment of 0)oJsal all limes on hand, for sale or exchange for Wool. ROLL CARDING done on short notice. BiarTERMS CAPII.-Tr3 MARK HALFPENNY. Lewisburg, Union Co., Pa., Dec. 4,tiy s ciiooh k UKoniEi; Would respectfully announ:e loi"ie people of Snyder County and the public, generally, that Ibey have just secured, and will constantly keep on band and lor sale, a very extcusive assortment of HEW 2QB, in Iheir Commodious New Room oppssile the Dunk, Selinsgrove Pa. THEY WILL SELL AT RE DUCEl) l'UICESt Their extensive slork consists of a well selected assortment of FALL ft WINTER GOODS. They have CLOTHS, CASS1 MERS, plain and fancy, Hatinctls, jeans, Tweeds, Muslins, Drillings. Flannels, Checks, &c. Also an elegant assortment LADIES' DUETS GOODS ! Silks, liomlmzincs, Alpaca, ltluck anil fancy DcUins. I.awtiH, GinlinniH, a large variety of fine White Goods, LADIES' FASAIONARLE COATS, II oo), kirtH h'hiiwlg. Ac, Ac. HEADY MADE CLOTIIIXG.Coats, vests, Pants, SLirts Ac. A variety ol NOTIONS k HOSIERY. Collars Linen and Pnpo.Dresrs Trim minp-a. ISuttons Corsis, Xei'pliyrs common nnd split. Moravian s'ud Shetland Wool &c. Ac. fish,salt"andiron, STEEL. STOVES. FORKS. SHOVELS, SPAUES, RAKES, GLASS, NAILS, I'A I NTS. I lurilwuro Qtieriisware, Glassware, Ccdarwure, Willow-wure Crockery, PLASTER, Whits k llluc. Also, a large uuanlity of different kin. Is of HATS A; CATS, HOOTS & SHOES, of evi iy style,- variety and quality. Also, all kinds of CARPETS. &C. fJrnrni lei nf 11 vin.i- r..uk the I'hiladelphin and New York Markets. They keep constantly on hand a Urge supply of WRITE LEAD AFI) TAINTS, ev fry iiinliiy and price, received direct fi-om the inan.if.iotures ami consequently can sell at tbe very lowest prices. Also all kinds of OILS, WHALE, imOtt'X LUBRICATING, SL'iiSTITUTE ond LINSEED OIL. for Tnlming. To Ibe latter Ibey call par ilcculi.r attention as II Is equal lo Linseed oil for colored painting, and Cosla but one ,.. I,,-,, Highest piicos paid for Country Produeo and All KindsofGrnlii. y"Givo thorn a triul huforogo Ing ulsouhei'o. KCUOCH Si BROTHER. They are also tbe agents forGEISER'R PATENT FLY REGULATING GIIAIN A'EPARATOII CLEANER AND RAGGER. The latest Improved nnd most celebrated in the world. Just the Machine Farmer have been seeking after for years. It will thrash from 20 lo 40 Rushels per hour, cleaned rea-'y for market. They will as these in Shines upon thsii meritoWarraoed as represented. April 18, CJ Ij . t. siiihusi., u.v. ruiur swisaroko iEAD THIS. Sblnda AND SiTintford. DRUOOI8T8 AND CniMlSTS, Offer for sale Vholssali asn RaTAIt, DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS and $ CHEMICALS, Embracing PURE ZINC PAINT Green, Blue, Yellow, Red and Black ;, Paints ground In Linseed Oil, Deuar Varnish Spirits Turpentine, Cooal. Coschand While DRY I NO JAPAN, KNOTTING, window Class, Putty, Tine Oil Alcohol. Stasom, Ikiiioo, Tsrmilliom, Pii and VARNISH BRUSHES, Malt and FtmaU Trunet and Bnpftrttr ye Btuffs Concentrated Lye, Fins Sponges, SPICES, CORN STARCH BIRD SEED Flower and Warden Seedt, T wbloh Ike attention of dealers Is called, as er will sell at lbs eery lowest Cya Prloes la quantities to suit pncj- 1? J II. WALTER, IMPORTER AND DEALER IS CHINA, GLASS, AND O.UEENSWARE, 2.11 X. 3d Slrert, between Race I Tlno ,2ly PHILADELPHIA. Walter iV Hurt man I'FAI.F.RS IM DRY iOODS, GROOERIEIS. II ARDWARR, UEENSWARE, c. EDARWARB ke. &e. ke. fe. Ac i:Tnr.vin-K pa. WuThe HIGHEST market PRCE'' paid for all kinks of Country Produce nad DRIED FRUIT. J AUGE AUIUVAL OP NEW GOODS AT J. W. DHEESE'S STORE, N. W. Corner Market Square, Middlcburg. The stork embraces in part Dress in o oils, Illtick Silks, All-woul I)o Liiiiics, Coin rjts, MorinoH, Poplins, Repp, Ac, Ac. Jluplinn, Poiihle-widih Sheetings, l'rilliiig. Tiilile liinper, 0naburg, Extra Tii'kinn, Chocks, Shirt itis, G inliniiis, Jaconet, u lull nHoruiieiit of CslicoH, l'lnnnclH, Hear j twilled, Shirting, lUiuiketn, PitlniorulB, Hosiery, Gloves. Ac, Ac. CLOTHS AM) CASSI MERES Ingriiin nnd Liuen Carpets. Woolen, Lioen k cotton Carpet Chiiti. READY MADE VLOT1IISG. Floor, Ttihlo nnd Stair Oil Cloths. Hats nnd Caps, BOOTS AND SHOES. Hardware, (jueeiiHwnro. China ware, GlatiHvrare, Woml and Willow waro, Cutlery, Oil Window Shudef, Looking Glasses Ac, Ac, Ac. TOBACCO AND CIGAPS. SALT &. FISHI The highest market price paid for all kinds of country produce and dried frui'.s. Confident of rendering perfect satisfac tion both in regard to prices ahd quality nf g'io Is. 1 respectfully Invite all lo giv me a call before purchasing elsewhere J. W. DREESE. iddleburg, January 7, lHU'.iy t' u oahman, t r XSRSTSTTS R UNIOiV HOUSE. OARMAN & KARSTETTER. l'rvprietort, M IDDLERL'RG.Snyder Co., Pa. 71ie proprletora'resrectfiilly announce to llieir li-ienda nnd the puhlio !(eiierully that they have rented the Fryer tavern stand, which baa been refilled and replen ished in style, and ia a desirable pl.-ice for strangers anil others to slop. Jliuir table ia nl all times spread with the luxuries and substantial of Ibe season. Their chambers are large to promote the coniforl of their guest. Their bar is supplied with choice liquors. No pains spared by the proprietors to render entire satisfac tion to all who favor them with their patronage. T-'J-ilf 4TTE.NT1M.N t Hurrah for Ibe new gooJs just i eclved by John Huffman At Ilummela' old Stand, (two miles aboi 8e!insgrove) vbiih waa selected wit great care, and will be sold at low prion It includes, NOTIONS. DRY fiOODS. GROCERIES, 11 ARDWARR. QUEENKWARE WOOD find M IIXOU wiRE, Pitlt, Plaster, Oils, Coul, Nails, OlQtliilig &C, I respeatfully invite tbe public lo come and examine my goods before, buying elsewhere, bolioving it to be lo Jour in to rest. I also pay tbe highest prices for sll kinds of CIMTi, SEED. and all kinds of Country Produce. I am also will provider with stabling for teams supp r Breakfast and Lodg ing, for people who come from a die. tsnce. 1 always aooommodate my cus tomers .o Ibe best of my ability. JOHN HUFFMAN. - October 10iU 'OTft QIIARLE3 B. MILLER, ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR A BUILDER. Walutir, Street, Seliusgrore, Pa. Is at all limes prepared to furnish Drafts. Plans and Specifications for all kinds of uuiiuings, at us lowest possible rates and on short notice. ' He ie also prepared to contract for putting up bulldinsa either by furnishing ail ins material or otherwise. May II, '08 ly "DEAVERTOWN STOVE STORE AND Tinware Manufactory. J. P. SHIRK Would respeoifully Inform the cltitens of snyder county thai be keeps constantly on band a large assortment of OFFICE, PARLOR, and COOKING STOVES Of lbs latest styles and moat improved paterae, aioon. hloh are) Ibe celebrated Empire Gas Breer, the tJusquehanna WM. HARDING, Esq., JUSTICE OF THE PEAf1? ft CONVEYANCER, Fremont, Rnvder County, Penn. Collections of all kinds made al the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Conveyancing In all lis branches expo ililiously executed. Dr.rns, MoHToaoss, Noras, and blanks or ail mnns constantly on hand. Persons at a distance having claims for collection within his Jurisdiction need only address him by mail tn Insure prompt anion. Terms resonable. May 'f8 EW milLDINOS, AND NEW PRICES! WAGENSELLER k SON, herchv respectfully inform their friends an I the nubile cenerally that I saw have opened a STORE In their NEW BUIL-DtNG on the spot so long occupied by Dr. Jacob Wagenseller on thelale of Que where they now have and will always keep a large and ell selected assortment of SEASONABLE GOODS. In the Ladies' Department will be found a full' lint of SILKS. POPLINS, P. WILLI A NT, VICTORIA LAWNS, 1-IGP RED ALPACAS, SWISS MULL, CAMBRICS, PRINTS. T A CON UTS. DKLANES. Striped nnd Checked N nntiickn, Ac ALSO A Civcnt Yuri of v nf LntTies' Drcsa Trimmings, Latest ft vie Hoop Skirts, l reneh Corset, Lull stylo Iltilmnralii, Lodies' L'nihrcl ln, ParnsoU nnd Sun Slwlos, llonnct RihlionH, Locos, Rut flines Embroiders, Lintn and Paper Collars, Ac, Ac, Ac. A SPL ESDWASSOR TMENTof KOOrSfc SHOES t For I.silies, Missies and Children, in end less variety, of all sixes, styles and prices, selected for lbs Fall and Winter trade. A futl and complete slock of CLOTHS PLAIN AND FANCY CASSI M E II ES.COTTONA DES,. JEANS, Ac, Ac. COAL OF ALL KINDS I Groceries, (Jueenswore, Hardware, Willow- ware. Cedarware, Glassware, so. All of which bavins been bought rerw low for OA Sf will be sold at very small profits, Our motto is V"lf '' onu imall yrojit: We also pay tbe highest market prices for nil kinds of grain. WHEAT, 1UE, CORN, OATS and SEED. We are prepared also to store goods, at a small charge and to doa general Commission and Forwarding business. We hope that Ibe public generally will Ive us a call as we believe it Is to their interest lo do so before purchasing else vtbero. Give us a trial. W. F. WAGEN8LLLER, M. L. WAGE.NSELLEIl May 0.'67, tf N EW FIRM AND NEW GOODS1 R. O. HCTZEL. P. 8. McCULLOUQU HETZEli U XKcCUXAOUaXX, (SICCE8SOR3 TO JOHN HETZEL,) DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE! IIIOnEST CASH PRICE r.VID FOR FLOUR, GRAIN, RAIL 110 AD TIES, Ac, Ac, CHAPMAN, SNYDER COUNTT, FENNSTLVANIA. March IT, 18T-tf. "JJN1TED 8TATES BONDS BOUGHT, SOLD & EXCHANGED ON MOST LIBERAL TERMS. GOLD AT Market nates. Coupons Cashed PACIFIC RAIL ROAD BONDS Bought and Bold. STOCKS Bought and Sold ON COMMISSION ONLY. Accounts received and Interest allowed on dally balance, subject to ebsck, at sigl Dellaven& Brother, 4 ScMlb Third Street, Ayera Cherry Pectoral, for Dlaeasws of the Throat and Lanes, saoh u OouRhs, Golds, Whoopliia Oetusih, BronohiUa, Asthma, and Consumption. rmbably never before In the whole hl.torr of ItlMI'-lne. has snTthlns; won so wklely anil so lvlr liHm llie eonfldenee of mankind, as Hits eveelleut remeilv for pulmonary eomplalnla. Thnmirli a lor series 'of ) ears, ami among: nml of the rnees of ten It has risen blither and hig-tier In Uielr etlina. turn, aa II baa hrrouie belter kiiosrn. Its linlnnm ehanw-trr and power to riire the various aftw-llun ol llie limits and Uimat, have luaile It known as a re liahle pruteetor Sfruinsl them. While ailaple.1 to li i i Icier forms of disease anil to yoiins ehililrrn, It la at Uie same time the most enVeUial remeilv tlial can be 0ven rnr inejplent consumption, ana the dan geroiia affeetlons of the thrttat anil lun. Asa pro vision asralnst smlilen atuu-ks of troi,i. It should be kept on hnnd In every family, anil Indeed aa all are sometimes subject In colds anil eniiirhs, all elimilil tie itrorliled with this antidote for llivm, AUhoiifrn seltleil (ssasmiillsa Is tlioutlit In curable, atill arrat numliera of eases where the ills, ease seemed settled, have been roinplelcly eiu-e-l, and the patient restored to aounil health by Hie i nrrrte I'rrtnrnl, Ho romplete Is Its mastery over Uie ill "onion nf the Lunss ami Throat, Ih.-iS the most olistlnate of them yield to II. When noth. In el-e eould rew-h lliem, under the t'hrrry J'ee lernl Uiey sulisliln and illsapenr. nff-rs mnd fuMia fipenkeri Ond great pro Ici-tion from It. Amhmn le always relieved atid oftea wholly emnl by It. hnnrhltta Is generally en red by takin tlia Cherrp i'ectnmt in small anil fi-eipient ilims. Ho irenerally are Ita virtues known that wo need not puoli.-h the ertlllratos or Ihein here, or do uimu than assure Uie public that lis qualities are full tuainlauieU- Ayer's Aguo Cure, For Ferer and Ainio, Infermlttenl Foref, ChiU Fever. Kouilttflnt Fevar, Dumb Affile, Ferirxlloal or Dilioua Fover, o., and Indeed all the aiTecUona whloh arise rrom malarious, marab, or miasmaUa poisons. As Its name Implies, It dnea run, nnd does not fail. Contalninir neither Arsenic, giiinine, lll.inulh, Zinr, nor any other niliiernl or poisonous suhstanro whatever. It In nowise Injures any patient. The niiinlier and hnnortanre of its eures In theavnedia trlrts, are literally bevnml aeeount, and we believe Without a parallel In the history of Aioie meilielne. Our pride la BTnlllled by llie arknnwleilinnenla wo reeelve of the radieal enres efftM-ieil In nlisilnnle) Cases, and where other remeilles had wholly failed. Vnarcllmaled rwrsons, either re.lilent In, or rrnvelllni Ihrnnitn miasinntie loealltles, will be pro. ts'te hv tukina-Ihn AHIK rfKK daily. For .leer f'omnliv(nfs. nrl-lno: finm lontldlty of the I.iver, It Is an excellent remedy, stliiiululing Uie Liver into health v activity. For lllllous lil.oolera anil l.lver Complaints, Il la an excellent reniclr, producing; many truly ro niarkul.le cures, where oilier mcliclnes had fulled. 1'repared hv ItH. .1. (!. Avkk Co., i'l-aetical and Annlvllcal ( lieinlnU, LowuU, Muss., aud sold ail lound the world. MICE, $1.00 l'BB HOTTLK. QALL AT Focklcr's Saloon. (Opposite Slundel A Wagenscller'a drug store) IN SELINSUROVK. If yml want a gltes of good IlEADliCsr ALE! R A IMatc of Ice Cream! OR O YSTEItS, prepared la any way that can bs desired, OR A Plate of Fresh Trliie, e OR SARDINES j SCHWKIT7.KR. LIMBl'ROEK OR 3ALL CIIEKSK, OR ANY TIIINU I'SUALLY KEPT IN A FIRST CLASS RlTAlRANT. Jay-Other Saloons supplied with Ale and Oysters al Wholesale prices. "SJg A T OlSKL. WIIBALLIST. J S STOt'OUTOH JISEL, BALL1ET & 8T0U0IIT0N, V.CRAL COM MISSION MKRCHAXTS, AND IISALKBS IX Country Pmdurtt and Domestic Fruit, Sirds, fc, i'o. 22 South Water Street, iniLADELPniA. RrrKSXKrEs. Jacob R. Rirgel Co., SHil Market street; Lippencolt 4 Trolter, 21 N. Water street ; Hood. Ilonbrlght H Co. Market Street ; Kx.Gov.James Pollock, 811 south Oil ureel; John Weisl 3(18 Walnut street Harris & Cirahani, 87 Arch street. Feh4'hilif D AVID WILLIAMS, Manufactures of ti Wholesale Dealer in Gilt, MiilioKanj, Walnut mid Itosrwood LOOKING.GLASS Picture A; Photoerophio frames. Nos. 230 anil 2:12 An n tit i el, Philudelpbia Pa. Frames Repaired in the best manner. Also, itegildiug In all lie branches. 7,'J QO.ME THIS WAY I " GREAT DAR GAINS TS NEW GOO S AT THE CHEAP STORE OP W. F. EI HRERT, SELINSGROVE Ps. Would respectfully snno.unce lo Ibe people of Snyder County that . be bas just received from the eastern marketa and bas for sale large and well selsoted stock of New Goods, which he offers at astonish, ingly low prljes. Ills stock embraces Ibo very brrt FALL and WINTER GOODS. He baa Cloths Cassimers, Doe Skins Joans Satinets Alpaccas, Lustres Drlains Poplins Prints, Muslins Drillings Shawls 'Catnbrlos Calicoes. French lltrinoe, English Mtrxnoet HEADY MADE CLOTHING sf all kinds. HARDWARE, HATS and CAPS, OROCER1ES WALL PATER, Ql'IENSWARE, BOOTH SHOES, CARPETINO. SUOK PINDINQS, Give me a call. No charges made for inspecting Ooods. Couutry produce ta ken In exchange for goods. May 21,1808 ly RAYC1LL ft Co., ' , WltOLBSALS DlALBSS I WOOD AND WILLOW WABB Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Brooms, Mais, Brushes Cotlon Laps, Grain Bags, Ply Nete, Buckets, Twines, Wioks, 4o. No 845 North Third Streed, Phlledalpbla. fsb. 7,'i7 . . B. J. COOKE , WHOLESALE DIALER , IN ' CLOCKS I 140 North Id filreei, . rhilaJelphlsv Aug f ,1800 ' BBBOBS Or YOUTH. 1 A GENTLEMAN wk suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, nd all Ibe effects ef youthful Indlsorelio w tjUuisjaLiaae r mi. i m l um rrvTr'iwHiTj,"iTiiiit w yuT a Price for Djall(ig. THIRTY IIIRTY-FIi'ftCVMl-SS"-"--- " mt .r..i. .