The post. (Middleburg, Snyder County, Pa.) 1864-1883, July 07, 1870, Image 1

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    - V
T H,E p 3 T
Taiblirbed every Thursday Evening 1
JKRKMIAII morsf. rrortrlrtor.
Terma of Subscription,
within lt months, orJil.fiO If nrl fnUl
wlibinlhe yenr. Noijper di-contlnui-d
lihlil kll ftmiiragea nr p.iid unless m
Iht opiion of Ihe
Subscriptions outside cnlip county IS APVANCE.
ttSS 1'ersoris lifting and Using papers
t ilurrMfd lo others become mii.erl'iers,
tod sre liable for (lit price of the paper
Miihllchtirp, Pm.
OfTere lil prolesionnl acrvlrea lo Ihe pub
lic. Colleilinna in. I all other profraaintinl
tmfr'fieaa entrusted lo bis cure will receive
.rtjtypl attention. Jnn fl, "ftJif
Kflinxsrrovo I'll..
Offers Tift profceslnnal service to Hie puV
'He. All tntainee entrusted to bit cure
will be promptly attended tn.
.lnn. 17, TTif
1 W. KM OUT.
I'lvi'liiirjf I'm..
fllTcru lil rrofrjulnnnl fpriceto Ihr pub
lic All bii.lnci" entrii.tfil lo bit care
will be promplljr nUemleJ In.
.Inn IT, V.Tll
AVi- VrtN ci:z 1:1:.
It!vinlnri; Tit..
fn"er bin profcwionnl .crvlce to t tic piih
lle. Collertiont nml nil oilier l'role ion
nl huninent eiilrumnl lo bie cure will re
Veive prnnipl altcnlion.
CVri(. J M1M.KK.
Lovii-liiir Vii.
tifferi bin I'rnfFMlnntl erTire lo llicpiib
lie. Ciilleciione ami nil other profusion
nil biiaine.i etitrulnl to liia enre will re
eclve prompt atlenlion. Jim. S, '!l"i
J.OVi-il jr
Offers liin profoioniil niTicc to the
public. Ciillrciiuns Hii'I nil oibor )'ro
ternionnl blii"ilie entrusted lo i In ir cire
ill receive prompuiuni iuu. J n. ::, 'ijTif
Sclinsriivo Tit..
Offcrt bl profeveionnl ervic to the rub
ilo. Collecllnns nml all oibcr prol'eeeionnl
but'inees tnltusled to bis enrell re-
eeite prompt attention. Olbce two iloori.
north of the Keyelnne Hotel. .Inn ft, '07
Si'lin-'-rrovo Il
Offers bit lrofeinnal eerviioa to llio
puhlie. All bnine enlriiHleil In hi"
enre will be promptly nttcmleil In. M
lecliona inmlv in nil pnna of 'bo Suite,
lie can apeak I ho KiirVhIi and tirrinnn
language lliiently. Ollico Ivtwten Uitll'a
mid i be I'o.t otlioe.
I , N. MYK.KS "
MiiMlolitii' Suylur County IVnn'u.
Ollico a few dome Wel nf the I. O. on
Main alreel. ('tiiiniillaliuii in' Enjilo-h
and Ceyinn lnninigca. Hop.'tiiil
I C. 15lTlTlTw,
' m J.i'wisliiiru P..
Offcrt bit'prc.femlonnl evif al 'be pub
lic. All butine!- i'titriulc'1 to liiit cine
Mill be pioini lly uttcuded to.
r IJan. T.TH
l'er.ooa in need of a goo I nn l dur ible
Fewiug Mikchine can be nccouiinoil'iti'd nt
reaionnble prict-t by calling ou ou, iaii
VKk FAt er, Aueut, Seliueijrvve.
f lan. 21. T,Si
it. j. y-'siiim).-;!..
JliilJIcliurK I'a.,
Offert liiat profettional tervieoa lo tbe cil
itena of Middle'uurg and vicinity.
f .March it, 'ti7
V . J -
Solinsgrov Tontt.
renn Twp., Snyder Co. T
H. WAOXKU. Ksq.,
'"' Jackson Township, Snyder Co. Pa.,
Will attend lo ill butinett entrusted lo
bit cart nd on tbt moat reaannahle
.terma. . Marou 12, 'UHtf
DM. J. F. KANAWEL, " "
CcnlreTille, fnder Co., To.
' Offert bit profctslonal tervlcet lo Ihe
' publla. 0-88tf
Port Trevortott Tu.
Offcrt bll profettional terrlcet to the
citlientof Ihit place and vicinlly. He
peskt German ind Englitb.
' . April 10, '08
- . Freeburg Snyder Co. Pa.,
Moil respectfully offert bit tervloet lo
Iht publiojt Vendue Cryer tnd Auotlon
ter. llaviog bad a largt experionoe, I
feel confident that I can render perfeol
taliafactiou lo tuy employee!.
Jan. 0, '071
f T. I'A UK 8,
Offict la Court Haute, 8ept.l5, 'U7if
No. 322 N. THIRD S'
.. . J. C. Nll'E, Clerk
No. 41S 415 North Third Btreel.
; , Philadelphia.
SUtiooeri, Blink book Mnoultcturct
. tod dealer in Wrapping, Ulaetinf , Cur-
lw Wall pan.r, Panae H'lte OtU-
Oil! Why Should 1li Spirit of
if! it rl a I 1'rondf
fltit ht atintiM Ihe .tilrll or mortal he rroi.ti
tnkaa.wllt Sardo mataor. a leal flvliot rl.iuit. I
A tlah of the llnlilr.lnv, a hraak nftha wave.
Man pa.seth from lire lo hi. rest In tueirrare.
Tlie Iitp t!ieonU ftii't lh wllliw mny ftle.
t n'mlter'! iirniin'l. nntl t'tulflftr In Ull
And H yunt( ami th old, au.l the low n l the
Shall uiouli!cr to dnot, nn.l topcrther .hill lie.
The Infml a molhr allen'tp taml lorr.1 i
Tlio molhor tint Infant'e who prove t;
) he hiMhari'l. tlinl mottior an-l Inrnnt w no hlct,
Kach, alt, aie away to their dwelling ol ret.
The nirM on whnjo ehetk, on whie hmte,
Shone beauty anil ploa-ure hr triumph' are '
Ami the memory of lh"te who l.ive.l her an 1
Ike (rum tht mlml nl the livlnu eral.
The linnil of tho kliiK that tht nceptrehath
The hrow of Ihe prle.l fht the metre hath worn.
The era of the "w. an I III hoirt of the hrfi-p.
Are hi. Men iiu.l In tuo ilplh. ol the Nrl.
The naa.inf. whne tot wa to anil to ran.
The lieriiinan, who cllmUi.l with bis tr-itt. iiji
the .trr,
Tht hf-iriMr, who waa lere.l In peirch of hi.
Have fntlo.1 away lll;e the grut that we tre ut
The .ilnl, who enioj-e.l the (mmunlon or
The .Inner, whoilira.t to rannln nnririrlvon,
The .l.r nin the fn.i!lti, llio uiiiliv an. I i-it.
Have nuleily inniloa their bine" la the ilut.
Po the mnllllii'le Rie'-lliie t!it Cowe- or tha :
That wittier, awae to lot other. n"iM i
So the multltii.ln eooio. evi'ti itine wo i-i h-iM,
To repent every tale that h,i oflcn houn t 1 1 .
I' ll I..I.......I....W...I
We r- the Mine lht. our rtthor. hive' W
We..2the..:. .tream. and wo the!.
Ami a run the miiio course our f.ilhor.
hare run. i
Tht thonniit. wa are Ihlnkln;
won in nank t
Prom tin- iliMlh we are nhrlnklnir, our father
woiihl .hrlnk t
To Ilia Ilia we are cllnKlnit, thev al. t woiihl
llntr i
Hut lt.iec.l rrom us all like a on tht wlnir.
They love.l hnl the torr we emnot nnr..M ; I
Thoy .oi.rne l hut the heart i.r tho humility I" I
eol.l t
iii-jf K'o'ti-ii-ii'ii no wan ir.nn ineir sanniier
will oinn i
They .ye.lhut the tnnnuoof their Kli'lne.' I
They illed-av, they illed fin.l wo thlnij. tint
are nuw.
Who walk i.n ihe tnrr that ll over their I row,
Anil loilki. In llietrilMfiUlitu. a trea.iirii.l alni.ti.,
Meet the tlilnK that they met on their pilgrim
age roml.
Yea ; hope rniliV.ivin.lani-T, plaa.-nre nnl pain,
Wa mlnitla fnyi-lhar tn .iinhluo nn.l riln :
And the .mile an. I the liar, the ...n ami the
Mill lollow each oihcr, liko .urne upun aurKo.
'Tli the wink ol an eye-'lli llio ilr.uuht ol a
lire. nh
IMm the iilim.nm of health to the .alca-re ul
.If llll,
Vrnm the ull'I'J .nhon lo tiie l.l.-r nu.l the
ahrtiti.l :
Oh t why .hould Iho spirit of tnorlul l.cpruu.1 I
The aliove henolilnl Km m.iv l e ni-iilv ra.
Knlila.t a. one ntlhe nnat rinltiit..n in m.r
lanvuaiie. A. nnni wo pomuirn l It in the euro
tin nt our rf.iilnri.
l wa. the liiviirilo naliH-tlon of I. In.
eoln, who olton tnhnaro-il II Willi rtoon laalliitf.
N iloilln the m.Ihi that prnvml).. It exerte.1 an
Intln-n. e on the llio ol Hut, gooU un.l
liumiile man.
T UIk laaiin wai wrll ten hv a vnun. Sootihinan.
who liore a name that I. vanerateil bv every true
ot t'aleiliiula. lie llve. ilurimt ihe tlmaa ol
Mr Wlitr Mnit, anil ille-l lo fc.liiii.unt
at ine eariy tue in 4i
uiiivi: K4Ti:.
OR, ATiaUGUNO. t'Olt LIUkltTV.
The venr of 1771 wna a dark mid 1
fflooiiiv'oiiu for our forefathers who '
where tkf o stru""lin2 for liherlv. In
South Carolina alfuirs wcro then In t
. .. . .
criticnl enrol itioa; (icncral Greene
made an unsiiccessful attack- on Iho
British post of Xinutr-six. nnd with
drew his men beyond thn Ti(ror and
Urcad rlvors. Lord Itawilou followed
him, but could uot draw tho patriotic
goncralinto nn enpagetneiit.
At that period stoou io orth
Carolina a plain, and tinassuminjr
uouno; it was n ono-story biiildinir,
Dcatly vhitowasod, nnd surrounded
by a fence. Tho garden containod
many choioo flowers, nod Ihon benuti
tiful boney suckles shaded tho doors
cd windows. It was tho . house of
Mrs. Heath, who livod with hor two
daughters, whilo hor son Goorgo was
la Washington's army fighting for
Kato, tho eldest of the daughtcrc,
was a beautiful girl ol sixteen sum
mers ; hor auburn hair huocr In grace
ful curls down hor shonldcrs, and her
face beamed with kindness, whilo hor
eyes Phone like tho pretty stars that
lighted op tno azure vaults or Heaven.
Doe evoninir, as Kate wan standing
at the cottniro door, she beheld two
mounted olliccrs anproachiug. i bey
were richly drewed, and ono of them
she rccogrjizi'd as Lord Itnwdon, the
commander of the British forces Id
that section of tho country. They
rode np to hor, nnd Rawdon leaned
over iu bis saddle and addressed hor
in a kind voioo.
" Well, mist, can you let mo have
lie use of a room for a few ininutos?"
11 Yes, sir, our houso is open to
" Come, Colonel, let us hurry up
business' said lUwdon, disruouulin,
while the Colonel did tho eaine, tht
Ulter loading tbe borsoa to the sta
ble. Lord Bawdon advaoaod to where
Kato was stiodiiijr, end mid I
"Whoso homo is this V
" Mrs. Heath's, sir."
"lis I hor son is in tbs robel army
under Wsshingtoo, is ho not V
Kate trembled at the inault, aud
she looked at lb Briton with search
iog glance. -
" My brother i not robot j he U
fightiiiir for Itis country."
"J am sorry for that ; he is a brave
dot, ana woaio, no aouot, oiase a
r r t I r . ar v vv
t would rather' see liini lio , lol.ui' lint her enemies ji-i ; !'! on Iht.
de.t'i limn t li'in In ihcJLviOjj'B army, ' on J 0:10 of thorn seemed bent on cti'ol,-1
was the hcrniu answer, 'ini; lirr, fur he wis miiio yards in jid-
" I m'l) yrl nro n lohX, loo, Miss. . vane nf Ills cunipmii ms
Heath, lint Ihto CfUNP tin? I'lilniiol,'' : K ito lirnr I llii oni'iiom tr.rnp of
HfliJ Iluwilon, a Iii 3? that ".voi lliy IiU liori". nii'l ilivw IptiiI-iIm!. N.'irrr
I'ominjt from tho piithtiv
I hoy pinerril llio lion.n nn I wpnl ,
inl) u romii to lxl I it I'MMiilUiion.
Kali t'ni'iglit that tliry milit Istivo j
n iin -iliinif imp ti. nit to fiv, m hho
couoliiili il lo ji.v t Ijo part ol tho (
enVPlriiior. Slio t'i!i hor ninihcr ,
of Iht iiiloiition, who iii'ovcl of il,
nnl'lvita i!:tooil h thoK in a tto.iiLni, i
j to lionr the Uriton a p:n!H. i
It Wl n (lan.T.ina'rlukin;'
ami she kic.v tliat if hho w;ih i miht in
tho ai t "I It"' I'tiiiiiT.lho Would ho trortl-i
i"l n H spy mill iL'i'hap rxoctituJ. fir " ho p-. ilo-ro :" i ra f, !') il ivi, living up :i tho ilt.ti itio-
I. nil l; tw jo) k'iown nicroy. .Siiol ' K ilo ll-nt'i.'' n ! 1 n r lioroitto : tli r oiitry p ..!.. Iltvi' i;nar
oi'it'uaH'y nppro!)"lnril i tloor an 1 a s'to iLi-ll ''1 thron ,''t tli Lao. V-Umio. mI.iii l:nnM. an'iour ill ; tial
!.ii!;i" thnmj!i tli ) eriJvioe. Ji iffilmi Tho ;i'.lior ha I rai--I li-.i :."l'i. I"t thn oninm tiil'y h;i I li til itrro-'.o.l all
.mil his t'olnni'l woi'o toatei nt i) iniiull jwlii'it ho hoir'l tin tirmi, it ivn lnw-. oom i a i t 1 to ja.l a .'iin on a vli-iri. nl
lahlo nn wlti-li lay (hoir lii tp-i. 'J'll'.'V eitvl. nn I ho nn-tncrril ooiiiinon ili u n'.. nno. -s a'ol i'aii!.'r.
wot-,) fxtitui ni ti tlr-iii cln-i'ly. whilo j -'All ri-r li t ! " j Mo Sinrn a-. tho l.o.p -r ..I tho i
I'. iwihm wan I'XpInin'n,' to the Col-; Tlio ,:iKfi''ifi etinp w. roai !io I. ktimviii.: tho ni'livi Inal nn I h. -.i;i l t -
"Ilertf ! rocn.j.- camp.'' li",!
" ntnl lioro m our. : iii:it in i'e n
holJ Hti-iUt. nti'l If it !.) ticccaful,i
ilrootio will ho otlroyi'i. j
' I Jnn't sro why it shonlil n t sue-
coil, my I, nil.
' Xn ; il ono (roop filit ui wollim
lior..i Wt l-i'l mii.oitoi I u.iiil
l. 'Wdoll, II"- l:i'P lll!ll a II'IUIU-
lilt OXITOvHiclll. i
I Nhttil fool li:ippv when llioso
oaroi ro!ii'i mo iliivon tiway Ironi
N'oith (.'jrniinn, nn l tlu-n ilo-ir rule
V I II! .,, I V,
ill ho over," haiil ( 'ol mol K'lbort. .
." W Mn'1 vr" :",',',nf. J'"'"""'.1
III) not w l.-li I O t; li:.i to r.tlL'l iil.l
. , i i t "in. i ... ..
tui'l lot it ho e n l Unit I wa oul-oli-
I' ralcil liy a reliol. .No. noyor!'' r.v
our fkthersivlaiiilO'1 J!aw Inn, ri-in,' to 111 lift.
" Thou wo ni ilio tlio attnrlt nt ilay
hrcuk, 'Jo wo nut ?" aakcJ tlio Cnl
onoi. 'army, l can tirwr ropav y-m.
" W'i' ilo ; liavo y iur roiiinient roaly J "I wiim'. n pnyiiont. Tho on
ami iiiiiko your nicu li:lit I.'ko U- cii ii-iips ihit 1 ha'.o ! oio toy .1 I'v.
iiion.'' j uii'l tho tl.:in! of N ith-iiiiol llrootii'
Lot us "o now. 1 tit. hoM ! what rcwmlh ihm "u!l nr 'li-.'.ni rn'.."
U tlio ci.nntiTH'u for tho piikots
nilif. tny I.oivl.
" Kn-'hitt I,'' tinswcJ Lord KiWiloti,
lowering hi voico.
Kntc lisiom-tl to tho liritoii'it j.lnia
with i wild, thruhliino; heart, mi l she
resolved lo hivo tho patriot urinv.
H'hon elio heard tho pmiti!or-iirn, slio
loft lie! door, nnd l uiod 1iitvI1 with
her lniii--i.'ho.l dntio. mi l khh:i llio
two ollioors emoroil from the romii.
" Wo inn -t kh. Mil Heath, but first
soo," t-iiil ,nr. Kawdnti
' Your thanks aro rcocivo l," un
wt rod Kale.
Tlio liori;s woro si'Mlod mid tin"
o!lieois were sum nn I hoir wiv.
Kato watchnd Ihoin until llii-v were
iut of fiirhl, mi'l thou jiri-piire 1 f nr hor
in-ril'iin jn'irtiov. Slin throw ihlui'l
over 1"T hoal and wont lo Iho htn-
hlo. I lor llool-i'diitod lmr.o iioijliod n
ho t illered nnd, t-lio pitted hint on
tho head and said : " j
" Well, nohlo Solint, you musl. carry
IDC tlllOtli.'ll lo-nii;hl, for if you do uot, ,
(Irecno will ho doslovtd."
Our heroine, laJillod Soliiu, lod litTj
from the stuhlo, nn J was non ri Jitiir ;
towards Greene's camp which wis:
cipht inilen distant. r;ho roJo swiftly,
for alio wanted to reach tho destination
iu timo to let the patriot "joneral Ibrui
his non for tho as.ault.
ri.i i . . . . i r .
1 lie in iiim jiieaets aro mar iniios
distant, atid elio would bo fotiipollod
to pass throiiili tho lines, but aa slio
was in pososion cfths comitorsigD
sho did not fonrlhe result. I
Soon Kato Baw the picket's bayonet
rrlvatn to tho niooiilight, nod beard
hnn cry out :
" Who goes thero ?"
"A friend, with ihe countersign.''
Sho approached tho picket and whis
pered " England.1'
All rigiit, pass on. I'at Rtnp !"
cried tiie picket, as ho caught agliinpse
of hor fuce.
Ivato stopped ho hor.c and laid her
band on hoi pistol. The picket ap-!
nroachod her and said : I
1 . . a l fl
" Is thot yon." Miss Heath t
" It U, (liiy' returned Kate, for she
recognized iho soldier to he Guy Jack
son, who had oftoo visited their houso.
" Where nro yotf poiug lo night,
Miss Kate?'' ho utikfd.
" I nm going to see Mrs. Bluko, she
is very sick."
" Just like you, Mihs Kato always
visiting Ihe side ; yott aro a minister
ing angel' said the haughty Briton.
"Thank you for tho compliment,
Ouy. But I must bo gono good
oiclit' And Kato was nuaiti on net
jouraoy, whilo the pioket roluroed to
bis post.
She had to pass four miles ero she
would bt safe, so he urged Ijcr stood
oo. Boforo she had gor.e ft huodrod
yards from Guy Jackson's a dozeo
mounted Britous rode furiously up to
the picket, and their loader cried out :
" Bid any poisou pass this post a
short lime siocof
" Yes," was thn plckot's rcjily.
" lo you know who it was C
" I do, It was Miss Heath'
" Had she the countersign, sir ?"
Yes, sir."
" I feat she is ssfo. Forwsrd men !
If she cscapos, Greene is ssvod. A
hundred golden guinieas and a com
miseioo to the man that catches hor,''
cried the leador of the band, as they
dashed alter tbe bravo girl, loaviog
the picket io a stato or bewilderment,
Kato heard tho sound of her partu
ere, and sho pusbed on luster, it srss
a race for life or death. British horses
wero fresh, while hers was bogionig
to show sigus or a fatigue
' " Forward, Selico ! you must lake
ho Cimho, until he W.n at her M le, ilH'l
:lu n enod mil :
"Hilt! v-t) t urncil nh !.
1'ki won hi l:it In
K tto Tiro l an I tli.) L'llK
. firlmvi
I : .l!lo I
tliro'ili hi I'f.iiii.
'J ho otimfi .1 i I n it alo; to I .
llioir il.'a.l tviint ii . 1ml jif.'-ic.l
iiioy ttoarn! Ii.-r n.'iiri. till utt
'ilu r
troniipr ro vivo. I h!. ,!
I'll w 1 1 ; 1 1 1
Tin; r. in tin. lor ,:' I lioni h i'lo I. nn.
it titmnont nfior Ka'o li 'ar l llio Ainoi-
ii ail loolv t cry oat :
Kill tii. w hornll' Ir nil tiio ;ol li.-
tin. I piacoil Iht liillilil nn.l tmhlo
liorso in runs of a n 1 I i-r
' V.' i liroono'.-i lout V
"Tilli- tt-hl. ilioro '.ht. yo-i
lint lilit." r -jilio 1 iluin in p 'Iiinii.!
to tli.i ftl.tftf.
She i ti'oiv 1 tho (.'ticr.i''. tout an I
f 1 1 I lilni i.n .-i ...I in ..' i.i . Il.i
rai' i I'l rv', 1 II :il r-:' to I. l.-t !:!
llll I -:ii
" Vn l
mho lioro nl I.i'o lio'ir, Mi
Iloa'h'r '
. i a., i '. .........
von nrj lit a vor
Iroat il in.'or.
" Ho ia that!
I Hi-.;
cito." i lomiral.
no i . i . i i .
1 Ins l.r.ivn p-.rl In). I hop story.
( tho pii'pi.itic lionoral ura-prl Iht hnaii ;
whilo tho loirs'1 down hi
r.iroe.nni clccka.
. "'I'hank t;,).l I vol Iiiivj Kivo.l my
Io-.ivm t!n Imroio r-plv.
I "Tako my th in!; -, iiv lir.iv;' p;tl,
an.l lit i v llio lto.H .? h iv.ih wiloh nvor
ymi and (;;;i lo yon ihr-in:h th 'i-hn--in
kiviii-. nf iil'o," ri'; tf I I ! ! 'oono."
'Aii-1 in n- l!o s.ivo my c.iuiitiy.
too," HiiVt iod Ka'o.
' Yoi ii 'od r -s. Mis K ilo,
sloop in my lout tn-i.iu'!i!. wlnl I
h 'ok a rostiii! pl.t . rini in mv ta n,"
oiid the kin l-li "tirtod iSouerai.
" I (In nut w: -li to roll yo i of your
coach, tionoral.'' 9
' Ymi will not. I'sliail ho on;.' H'.-d
in foruiiti!' niy'ti-.i'ip for t'm nn.ii-!:,"
and lionor:i (irtotio h II. tin' t nit.
Kato ciij yo'l a l' li I ro-t thai, trt;!it
and in I no iiinmin:; li
"ir ril tii-oonu
lly oxol itniD'l :
llawj.iti i ia
oatno to hor, and j ivfn
" (inn 1 n: w-i ! Lord i ia
full rot rout ! 1
"We took a prioior thi timniiii.
whn sayi yo i Irn' ralu t tli -ir pla'i
and t-uve 1 tho ariny. till h!o.t ymi
I.T tha Run 1 not. li lt I in t -L loavo
now, lor 1 Il'll C'i'tlJ to full uv up I! iw-
dnn, nn I loioli him that wo oati li.,'ht.''
" Wlcn aro yuu ynitic! Iiotne, Mis
Iloatli ?"
"Id a few niiniitra.''
''(iood Lye," und in iv y-'i hnvo a
aafo joiarnov. rcnondod ti (.oiioral, I
shukitu' her hy Iho hail I. If.T hois . I
was led fori h. and nho etarle-1 on h.-r
way imiiic wiuen miu reaone i in a:ciy.
Kato lleut'u live 1 to foo tho war
cIood, un I pecco und plouty sproal
thoir Willis over thn land, an I tint
lon after sho wit wedded to Walter
I l. ; I . . i i l : iv.
'( Jordan, wl..i had been a 'olmiel in the ,
Auieriean Army.
Oolli linn I'rciiH'iis llorrliilo ,
i:nlol ii Milfiitlhl Intellect.
This ntorniii:?, at I'mn' o'clock Prof, mercantile law n iiegntn.hlo promi
I'.S.Kootitr., no iniinito of iliti Ihiuphin .M,ry ""'' (,.V ""', i"1"' i'cpreenlation. j
county prison, died iu n!l tho hoii-oric,",,",'-'tc'- y"11' ""' n" I'""
of delirium tremens. ri-ht''. '"' U! hclievo that a,
The hNtory of this man and his
caso ia a rciimrkaWo one. lie wa.
horn ol t-taid and repntahio parent-!
in the vicinity of York Spi inis. At I
l. I. . - . a. A I..-
an enrlv ne ho was Bent to Europe
to finish an education, the bais n
which was'alrejilv well hud. lie r
hihitud unusual tilent and was the
prido of his friends and rehitives
Thousands of dollars wero spent in the:
cultivation of talents so early niani-
fbstod, and ho graduated with honors
from huvcmI institutions of Icaniniu in
tho old country, having tu liol law,
medicino, and unully theology, Ins in
tention being to become a luiuistcr of
tho gospel, in this country Iio nwld
professorships in several colleges ono
at Gettysburg loin? a prnlicicnl in
the languages, spcakiug Cucntly seven
didorent tongues.
Durinir tho last two years his career,
commoiiccd to propitiously, had I wen
downwards. Ilo hud taken, with
irresistuble attraction, to tbe madness
of tho intoxicating bowl, nnd all his
relatives could do to reclaim him was
iu vaiu. Ho spent a patrimony of four
thousand dollars left him at tbe death
of his father. His mother spent four
or five thnuKsnd dollars upon him, in
her efforts to savo hor son from ruin.
His sister contributed hor share of a
distributed estate, four thousand dol
lars, io the same cause. All this money
he drank up in liquor. At ono time
ho was biought home from Now York,
whore he practiced mediciao for a
brief period. He refused to roraaia at
homo and wandered off, to the annoy
ance sod great distress of his friends.
He frequented Uarri-burg. Brack
freelv. Borrowed money o any and
every pretence. ' Became a burden to
those with whom be associated. Aod
on the sixth of thla month he was
' T.YSiO." No. is.
titiisiti . To then li nl li s uT ilolorinni
trem-iis, nm wa placed in tin- em mv
j at I fur en Co keeping.
Hi lut S il'irny t wik h wn.
,lioli n-.-.-1, mi l ti'liri in' jii'ivt'ntl
ho wp- n!iit'ii.'. tn rrin tin in II . r ri
hitrif, lio won! lilt" (h' o il itw ; prnin
i-;ii lo l'f!i:ivo li "'lor in tho .inro
15 it nl i tn li'iuian hnpi" mi I trot)iii' I
Nil o oit!' hit I he a.viin I'tv' I Ii uim Ii
I'fotil ji'-i: till h lu'l'il I'tPi-o I' in
f mi. i;iil"i i i.; it t iv, ft t'.'ir II i-'t it l.-ti '-
t .fin li" ill :i rtk 1 1 if ovon '! i- nt lit
hat" Iff 'f'' li o oil I h, oliooi-l. nn
i I'.mv mmii "t'-i n '" rar N loll in li'i
l l!n tl i d , h ivl'i ; f'lrlv ;i:i.iin in
"i"o.'".',i)i. Iloio if I iv fir .i ! y or
in it very juvo t-i iih votiliihri
I'Ii m ho a x i -( I . iliitiliinj an I hnflT-
limi. ! ls ir ' I thit lii'i c i ini.'ht ho
oltloil ; li o in o h-i Win tit - a n far
ir ill" in iioivmi -piin as t i ron !or
In i,'iiiliu"inoiil li-'t Hilly J in.:- I'. i'l.' Li
ii s ii:'o. !) oo o linvv i
lo tli'io ii'iii .1 lolakiiono nt Into.
I'ho cao W I .-clilo-l, llio I'l' i-oriltni
pl.VIIU I il ' ""
Nn sn.oiiT Wi h liliorTo l t'l ia 1 1
woul hi i, i ii hi o oi'it i y liail'il. mil
ro.''i"l hi" .I nr. !,i':i v l tip -t n in-o.-n-a
l '. Tlio w ln-l.y ejt i -no ooalin
lo I. ami il wa iL.'oiii.' I no .-:i-y. n
tho niily i.i.-i!i!i! iv ii-t an I l!i 'i t;i!
r ir!, I i a.'un pit lei rti in oioiiin
e;- tii.-n'. anil nn l.i-t 1'iiliy ho u.i-
tiroaiir !.i t'tu ci'y lor tho !a t ti.u--nn
l an 1 ii'iin-ai oi:i a'o 1 for I h 1 it t inn
Mr. Sinrn m mi'l hi (otiiiy won
In-ni in tlu-ii" allonli' is Mo !!
tin;, hv a h irool llio j . t-i -. in phvi"
a a Itnini-STo-l iw-m v-iy two li nr - .
i.vclylhin.' lint coal I 1 o nono t.i jriyi
r -t i i an ! ivi-inrj thn iinforhiirilc
lint coal I 1 o
i.iau . tn
Willi oar.
nt-" -i;oin, a-, norl ii i'i.' I
1 p I'iotlt v.':n will tin i
itio.rri;C ;i!o I .-i ii in , li m ;..Ii.iih
tiaytliiii.; ha I rvcryiliiti;; 1 1 ti-.l. !o
Imnutol him. Ilo I no up hi C't,
ot"pl iin.K-r il. iiv.-r it. struck til tho
wiil, mil, in loo I. cxpi'i'ioiic d all a
h 'l 1 1 1 1 a hoi 1 1 j o 'in loot in tho h oT'O-
uf lo. r iui -!!. Ilo ilio. I thi.M in -ir n in:;,
afler apeii.iin tho niht uno iiioiou-!y,
at a'ni il ihii'fy livi; yoar. of ii;.'. Hi-,
cy. s rii'r'l'h'd frnni thoir si olo-l i. tin-l'o-"iU
nf fright mil cvrr:t;iiiiin ul'
t!io tn i-i-lo.
'I'hll-dio'l it onco I r .Miii-iiii. yuni:
man. Thoio is nmliiiil.t nf hi talonti
A a i!iy-ioiaii In' wa known in If
in. ir- than nrdin irlly nUill-'l. I nitr
wool,-! a;n iio wont to l'tri!.i tn por
lorm nn inti't'o.-oiti vat i.'io il npi'i-itom
nn h i-llio ilirocii ni nf I r. .iiiu-r, nn !
with tho in nn v ho ohtiiiiiod mi tl i-.
uoon-io'i ho s'nilol tm th..' lornhlo
-pt-o whi.'lt has!o I in hi doath.
I In c iu:col in Imvn had Imir nr live
ailiii-k of lii iiiiuin ti-oiiioii folnio
roaohin liciv. iitil jimmi'iiic-d his
'it tacks in tho country us ini'ivly tils.
IllS I'd itives I ! . i i lT I ) "Ilo of tho lu"-t
families in the coniitry, utid lliov will
ho had iiidne-l lu rccnivo llio tch-pi-ani
s-ut t iday hv .1. Jl. J'.vviinr, K- ,
:'iki'u dfpnsitinn i 1 he mnlo
l' tho liojy. lu!li T'l'tc io '11I
1 '
ihotil I'ritinliorv Vol-s i . oril
til tiilt nml caulloii
l'uriut'ia and oilifis.
I'rruitbe Cotiunervhil l.ial and Price Current, j
Tho I't'eut liuniocr of iuijio.d' inns j
which l.iivo hoeti paiotNc'1 upon manvi
jl'iiiiueis in ilill'eieiit parts cf t ho conn-(
' trv iliirin tho few years pnst, bvj
liiili thoir s';nat urea havo boon oh-
tniiied to thnso documents kuowii in
"tfw words rnjuinltnit tiioso iu.truuiont.i
j l-',J"''1 '"""'i , ''' r1''.'"5- . .
A iip.iii.iuid proiinsary i.oio is uo
f",uJ " wr.tU u pruiinsj hy ono per-
'm ,or U' l"iy,,HUt of """'O'
H'Hl I
ou" r rur ,u "-f'-'u muj. ui i mr
jwrder, r to tho hearer, at another
pueilicd time, abanluiely and ot all
events. 'J ho u ituio ol tho contract
"I"'" l"ilL """ UL wrmu.
1 1,0 person s gnin tlio nolo on it.
faeo is its maker ; tho ooo to whom it
if given tho holder or payco, audit
tho nolo is ma le payuhlo to his order
and he tnuWir it to a third party hy
writing his iiamo ou tho luck uf it, he
becomes the cudorscr, and party tn
whom it is trauWorrod (ho endorsee
or holder. An instrument nuJo no
cor Jii) if to Iho above dcliuition is
traiisforablo, if payable lo order, by
endorsement if payablo to bearer, by
delivery. The first rctpiisi to to a no
gotiablu promissory inito, it will be
een, is the maker. Ho it tho party
iiahlo upon il. Any porson capable
of cutoriog into cntract of persons un
dcr twonty-ono years of age, who are
denominated in law, infants, insane
persons, idiots and persons under du
ress are voidable Contracts made by
marriod women, except in certain
cases hereinafter mentioned, are void.
lhose rules of law apply to tho par
ties to negotiable promissory notes.
Givon for a usurious consideration, or
for a sharo in a lottery, or for a bet or
wager, these instruments io most of
the States are void. Tho sorond re
quisite to a nootiublo promissory note
is a payeo. If no payee is named,
or if no person Is detigoated, so that
there is no person speoifled aa payee,
tbe oote will be void.
'A promise to pay a sum on demand
tor value received, without saving to
xwnnm j mere, .wsrip rnnor- ui
I s e . 1 . H
w.inl hoir-r, il will he siillioiciii.
ene I ho unto is in-tilo j-av-ihlo to Iho
ord'T nl thn maker 1 1 i iiin-l C, r lo I In
ordor tif ii liolitiiois p"rmi, it i cin
si lore. I in ,)w its pnyahlo t.i brnrer.
Tin thir l ro'i'iiaitr tn n li".; 'tislile
prniiii.s try li 'ic i that it. mast he
piyih'o in iiimi'v nl.ine II nn.lo
pnaliioin nay kind of pr 'pot-! v, it'
will n il ho n m-jr ni.-ihV fHl r'ltitctit .
aMimio'i il in iy in! a v ilnl oo'il ra-1
an I wiit h in iy ho ruler I by an ae-
Anl a nolo nity 1m tun 1,. p-i ;i'il.' in
ni-iiii'v nhi'io, .-t:i I yet e int.iin 'u el.ino
ivliii'it will toinlof ) n. in-no i:ii,l.-
f or instan '. whoro lh maker r r 1 1 i - .
es i piy oiTtain tmi of niii'iov nt:
i time cTtaoi, and :il.i to poil'mif
'.nn - ollior nc, Iho nolo i In. I HO'.i
Tli la it r ipiis't.) to ii-:' il iali'o :
pt'oin'nir.' n iin i t,;it it i,IHi .
iiii h' p tvaldo ii'i'iilnlolv nt a timo oer 1
tin. If Ihe :tvMii'!ii (if il,.. t'intii'v
ho ( iu-'..t lip, it mill' i-viit loch
may n.'ver Inppon. it where tt tinker
pr imi-os in pn v it spoeili ! sunt n h.'ii
li" sha l have i'o;i'io, it , ,., M.
pf hi e I- i.' si.,. findur th" mi!,. ,,
.'iin,; iiitii-'o, iho niile is nut no.;..':,.
I lo. H it v. here iho oi no lit i- mi lo
to ilop nil tip ui nit event wh oh i
eel t iin In oeeir. A 1 1 . . 1 1- in iV imii
I iin sri it'l. in itivo ( Ian-" :i lo I ho
'inie pivnl nn I l e le -n'itihlo 'l ie'
Iui:. nvin,' firm i smnt'iitics u ..'d i
c.i' e!i Ih' n nu ar v :
VVr. . i t: !.:,. N. V. I'.-h l'?. I
!'"'' i 'Iin' r ive l. I f..ini-e I" pay
.1 In I 'ul ' i-1 hi r, or In a for, nno lino
(!if I i..!:ii six inn it 1 1 - n'liT'l ito.
" r.n o Miid Mint shall Ii.- so iht
I'e-iii d fi'oiii liio sale nf Sin:tli
Piiii-it 'ni.Yl'.'ir.'' S. S S.
S oh an iiis'ranent 'n ali-jhite
pr.'lniso Ii) p iy ii M;-t (,( 1 1 1 . , 1 1 y ;,l
lime certain, nnd the ipintod c!.insi
has no ell.'ot llio loj ihty nf Iho
in-'.i am nit, ami yd many a f ii'iio-r ii.
the west"! a eniiiiiei of thi- Stn'e his
i.eeil Ii il :n I. 'I r.-.l hy j't-t Ml !l Wlitlili!
;.i-.i.iii-o. 'ih,' wurls " valuo r.
eoive I'' tire ii-nnily cunia'n - 1 in inO'..'l..' pr imis-uiy tiiitcs. Tho-e word
aro ;ii.uiii..!v to ihoii- valid
lly. Tiio clieet el oinilting tholil i tn
threw ih .1 hiird oi nl previtK a
cuti-i 1 rati, in on tho li.. lor in oa-c
nf a trial ; l.eneo it is he.-t t!nt evciy
u o slinnl 1 eotitiiiti t lii'in.
1! '.mi patent rlsih'. moti o."ien lake
a in ;' oi il In pr .'i.ii-i..ry i.ol ) Ir-nn a
pirty on t!n bile nf "leri ii.iry", 'in I
eivo he k ml n::reoinetit In Iho elf. -el
Hnl if ho duos not S 'il etnri'h of 111.-piti-ii'e
I "rtioli! Iffnv th" ii oo e on."
due, ;iioy will huy l.-H-k- ,,t i,.. sim.
pi ice ho --iv,'. Thi infill .o well ;
e I;'h if tho nriinal payee h-'l I the
note at its maturity. I'm! soiin h "V
he Hover duos, nn l the maker has ti.;
pay it when dm1, or ho l.i.'hed wilh.
en-:s. A kiiowli-ilje of the above rule,
explains il nil. Their fust nhj-et is tn
iet the note, and their next In -ell it
when it hoc'iiuos duo.
An cxp.'dieiil this o!ih of men ll io
is to proc'li o ih ' si:;n ihiro nf a party
ton lilntik ii"lo by loptt'-oiiliti.rtii him'
tlint they merely want l.i-t ml Ire-.'
Tin (b h nee of forj'ory hu been sue'
cessf'illy sot up in oiii.i instances
against nr.les jriven io this manner. It
i best, however, to be cliarv cf ynnr
aiiti'r.-itih when you soo ntiytliino;
printed lib. ive it, li nb'-s you clearly'
oil lT-t liol its in .mini; aiid ur will
in;,' to b.' biand by it.
An en ior-er inav. by tri'mur; hi'
name en the LncU (,f a!e ,
ptotiiissiiry unto with tho word-, with-1
out rceource, pr-'t.-et hiiii-clf from any,
liability en tho il'slniiiii ut. I'tiloaa'
ho uses those words, or words of the '
same import, bo contracts with the
holder that, in ease Iho milker fuils In'
pay thu unto u hen it beci'ines duo.1
and ho. the cnd'H'ser, is promptly no
lilb'd of that fict, ho, thn endorser, 1
will piy it. I liiil-sioii to give notice!
or tiiiii-piyiiicnt to the endorser ro- 1
ti.'iiSL-s li iu ; so, whero a parly h 'ltls an '
end. irs -d n 'to, ntnl intends In in ike (
Ihe ftiilni'-er liable, ho imi-t ive him
prnnpt umiee of the m.ikcr'j default!
nf payment. Nulifi! of iion-pnymi lit I
to un en lorser may, bo verbal, hut, firi
eert iiiity of t'vidoiieu wriltcu tndiec is
preferiihlo 1
It) rog trj to married women's ii 'tos:
wo drop a low words l'y eniinnin
law 1 1 icy were void. Il) linst id tie
St ties (if the I'liion, lniwover. stutules'
bavinu been pa ed giving nnri'iel wu-1
men Iho s uno ri.'hts in regard to I heir
scpei alo estates that they would have
if single. A uiaiiiod wi'inan'a neVj
liable promissiiry unto under these
statutes, whmi yivoil for tho benefit nf;
her K-peru'o c-Uto, Is valid, but it
must bj for this purpose und no ether.
It should contain a clause showing
hor intention to bind her seperato cs
tuto somewhat similar lo the follow
ing t
"And I hereby pledge my solo and
separate e.-tato lor the navmeut here
of." But this clause wiil bo of no
avail unless the debt for which the
nolo is given was actually contracted
for, or in connection with, her sepa
rate estate. Sueh a note in Now
Yoik, at least, will not be valid when
givon for husband's debt.
llio misfortune of tho holder or a
ncgotiablo promissory note, iu losing
it, wil I not bar his right of recovery
on it, but ho will be required to pive
tho parties lisLlo on the uote a bouJ
of iudentulty agnlust the legal claims
ol any other persons ou tho nolo.
Tboso are n few of iho principles of
law concerning negotiable promissory
notes which every man should know,
and the knowledge of which will often
be of use to men of every class. We
ilnerlitmrl one year .
i iiie-hnn eolunin, one yeir.
One fourth column, one year.
One e.piare ( In lineal one In-crlion
l.eiy n.l.lilinnnl inerliin
l'rnl'einnal ad I tuairea ennla nf
n( nioro limn fivo lino, prr yrnr,
tihlilor, Kaei'tiinr, Adinniiairalitr
nn I A.tgnpe Nolirea
E'hioriitl tioiioe per line
Ml a lvcriii.i.iii nl.. lor a .tl irter poriiot
than one yrnr are pnynl le nt Ihe lime
I bey lire nrdoreil, ni'.l .1 inn piid I lie
or. It-1 iinr theiu will be btM H.p.
I.T llio ninrirf.
and b iuu pa',n( rn;ht men. Wc nio
hilly nwurc ihiil Iht'io nro Inme-t mi l
reli.ihh' dealers in pilelit ri.'ii', nnd
thry will biiiiw, nml tin kj who (lent
will, them will know, that it is not Id
them wo reh r. It is tn ihe elii-s (if
swindlers who have inf. tied every
enmity in Ihe SI alt', as the diminished
picket nl many a laruier wiil tesiily.
In their np'Tatiiiiis lin'iny hi Hit
t'oeii t'n ir iiljeel, Lnt the mvjdtiaillo
in .iniiJ.oiy imtes (if rerviiiililo Hull
have hi in.
4 i il lo 1 (Miliar TVoiiiert,
'I lo reiiiirs wilh which . tiicrii-:i:i
liiris nee opt iho ittlrntieii nf a nonpar
alive siii'.ni r i loiovi-r a matter of
.ilotii-hnu.'iit I fiircitici. It would
tm a nun h n n millT nf a-t"iii-h-ineiil
lo ni!: ve We niieo stop to
I hi n U iilinnt it. A ei lit'i lii in is casu
ally int I'mlni-el, a lively couvcr'atioii
liil.nw. ciill- arc lil;! lo llio next day
and I ir n Hoi k lo i nitio, li.h . Ilirta
lions, nu I Inve-tiiiiling i-i'li-red upon,
and iiUciiliuies. niter no les limn a
l"l'lnieil a.'ipiniiiMiiieo, i-iitifidoncis jifl
ju'.'ii nn lo-Slh ni biilf a jeur'ri
no.pi lintaliee slmiild W iiir.inl..
A ca-e 1. 1 I liia sui t of eaa'T intimacy
n... in el in n putty i-'imd Imvn tint,
in. no Ihiiti thri'i' hiinilrcl inties fintil
New Ymk, which icaiiltcd In. TO di-a-tli.ii-ly.
A J.iun In in atnppin.; iily in tie' liitwi sau anl
lane, el a y. nog Inly upon llio stretl,
.i.-,ei liune i le r hnme, i le., fuvnl a
lellii nf inlro In. linn, presenled it,
witli hiuisell, mil wu most cordially
received by tho yi'img lady und her
parents. W'iilks, n l. s an I i ur-inin
eii-no'l, and in less th in a moiitli Mm
two wore inarm il. Alui't in) modi
ulily Ihe true character of " handsome,
aiveublu und liilelli.'eiil Voun liiau"
'ame to light. Ilo wjs a muc. a, und hal a wilo iti a distani.
ftliile. JIo was arrested, tried lor
liifiainy, nnd hculenocd to Aubuill
Mate I'lism f,ir ih" ici'in of live year.
Tiie iri die. I nf u Inol.ou h.-arl, ninl
In I nietboi', tivorw hoinn: 1 ilh grid,
so-nt Idllewed her to Iho grave.
1 halo liisli'ii-t utid hiispieiot), mid
should bo tho hst to engender such a
leeluiin any Imily towai d iiliitikind.
lint I ul-o hate lo see girls die broken
hearted, nr their live tila-lcd by tho
rn-wjiilv ol some heiirtles, uti)i'iuci.
plod villain, when all Iho evil uiighl
iijvo bci-n nveiled hy mere womanly,
si-n-ihio pr.l lonce A man, whether
h.'iior.ililc or .li-li'inoralile, a-lniiros ;
eirl all lli,- nn no fur tho cxerois.i cf
.li-cielinii and care in i cgar I lo Inir
a-soeiiit.-s II is mi esl.ihli.-hcd loot a mail may seem to bo ull that is
de-iiuble and worthy, and yet in real
ity 1 1 L he lit in si.cp over Ihe outer
thichnld ef in h iiic-l linn's hoilso,
iiiiii-h less p. -nn. tied lo open his ubntu
iliiihio hp in riMitly i .i i L-ll In ill) ill
nnoei'l, in.sii-i'ou'.e I girl.
Now, tli it tho summer hi 1 r illK,
and i. tiii-l iiiid eiiy-hied I. llo'.vs urn
-'l'i"glni!' ihrouh llio counliy, Icl Iho
e.ris b al'lhia tl ey in mind. I'j
.inland, bill dmi't it
the dour of y nir heart to every bad y
who litipp-'tis to .lie-s well, mi I can
t .i in coiiiphnieiit. in. .in u.i-iii ions than
tho lniiiel mil p.iih.ijis awkwurl
eojiitty boys fifuurnwu ticighboi
hood. l!o ton priu I lo hi coin j u prey
lo theso (!ni in.inilii'.ers of human beans
who give gratuitous love- c.-sou dol
ing Iho siinilii 'i', utid l.inli ull through
the autumn of your wniidciiul nptuc-s.
II is hard mil uly to hp o p-iriicular,
I know, bin it pays iu tho end ; an I
Inviii'l yu l f.'ii'l, lime on J iigaiu, that
ull that ghttes is liol gold J!
HOW To TllKAT Sl.ANIiril Wo
ellCii heard a stniy lold ol'lwo Mien who
started together ono morning for a
vvlmlo diiy's journey. '1 hey snon bc
eume scpar.ile 1, iho one leached Ins
ilesiiiiniioii b.fnro tho sun hnl sunk
behind the VoliT!i hill, whero I.e.
maile liinnolf I'omliiriitblo nt the inn.
His only trmiU'o was eonerru for his
laggard compauiou. He thought suit)
some, evil iiiu-t have befullen hnu.
Long afler din k his fellow companion
arrived. When asked the causo of hi
delay, lie replied ;
' 1 was iiliiied to lop at every
'tiler Ih u-c lo whip nil' the uiiinun
ni'i'ly dogs thill burked at tuo. Hidu't
they bnrk at you '!''
Yes," lei lied tho other, " bnt I
did not slop to whip them. I simply
tol l thrill thai they were ill-bied curt,
and .Ir, vo on."
Wo are geii 'iiilly losers in Ibe eu.l
if we t"p In reditu all Ihe hack-bitings
aud go-sipp.n.'s wo may hear by tho
way. They aeo annoying, it is true,
(ml not (laiigei.iii-, so lung its we (In
not stop Iu expostulate und scold. Our
characters are formed and htit-.tniiind
by ourselves by our actions and pur"
pose, und not by others Always bof
this mind, that " calumniators may
usually be trusted In timo aud the slow
l.att il.inilw i.i.ti.ijt tif mililin nninion Tl
"MV DlVII'l J '.-f',V .'JIXIVM.
A n i.o no was caught in a gonllew
man's gut Jon iu Ilouuoko, N. C, tho
other uight, in close proximity to a lot
of fine cabbnuc. VYhru iniurrogateJ
as to what he was doing, replied :
' Good lor I sis uiggar can t co no
whar lo pray without t-ciii' troubled V
Tho uext day it wasdieco vrred that
ho had prayed some hall' dueeo beads
of cabbage oil their stalks.
A KRiuiiT-tvan four-year-oil got
his Utile pruyci mixed up. the other
night. Imagine the astooisbmctrt of
his mother to hear her dsrlieg or
mence thus :
Now 1 lay roe dowe It) t , '
n-.-w.a- -e -.