■hilada. Evenini [For the PI Y ItEV. EDWAUD O. JONES, A.H. jUe the sun-burst, in its beauty, He the lately-sliro ded came, - Beamirig'on thestrieken Kdmaa • All his wealth of heavenly name, Hallelujah! . How !hey fell-before his tread. Like the flower once: crushed with rancor By the foot of demon-man, He has taken up his fragrance, ■Which he had ere time began; HallelujaU'! How his petals spread once more. Like the river once so frozen Till itsmusie ceased o play, He has sundered every ice-bolt, Bolling into tuneful day; Hallelujah! How the waters dance again; Like a monarch scarce deposed Ere lie gains the jeweled crown, Scarcely has his grave but closed, Ere he breaks.its barriers dbwnj Hallelujah! He is King for evermore! Onrs the sun-bnrst, ours the flower, ; Ours the river gushing free. If we lake thy yoke, O Saviour, And no Sovereign own but thee; - Hallelujah ! All his people rose with him! [Written for the Phna. Evening Bulletin. ] SABBATH- HEADINGS. BT THE REV. EDWARD C. JONES, A. X. THE LORD IS RISEN INDEED!— THOUGHTS FOR EASTER-DAY. Nearly two thousand years have passed since the Prophet of Nazareth cast from him the foldings of Joseph’s tomb. Let u< Stand by the sepulchre of Christ as wo would have done'in the bygone ages, when he who had slept therein was not as now the living centre of a wide-spread system of glorious faith and practice. We contem plate the rising of Jesus from the grave with pure emotions of exultation. There is no blending of depression as in the case of his crucifixion, where, while we rejoiced at the perfected sacrifice, we mourned over the agony of Him who achieved it at a cosi so overwhelming. But here, by the open sepulchre, we linger with the timbrel in our hands and the song of rapture., on our lips. Me have beheld Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting over against it, with the resolute bearing of attachment, and have sympathized with them in that undying adhesion to the Saviour which characterized their conduct through all his antecedent ministry of love. We have 'watched the alternate play of light and shadow upon their faces as hope now lit its torch and despondency quenched it with the breath of polar seas; and ours have been the duplication of the same emotions. We have glanced fearfully at the cohort of Romans as, with helmet and spear, they compassed the rocky bed, of him who had compassed man only with benedictions and ■ the kindest offices of love, and the steady march of their sentinel as he paced in front of all the rest of his comrades has shot a bolt of trepidation through our souls. We have looked at the mighty stone which looms up like a giant, guarding his stony castle, and casting his grim outline on ttie sky. We havelooked up to the silent moon as she walked above the scene in the serenity of her olden circuit and amid all her jewelry oi stars and wished her to be the Dodona oracle who woffid break her olden silence and tell us whether that quiet Teacher sent from God, who had often prayed beneath her silvery beams,-would break the seal of death and spring forth from his linen wind ing-sheet clear as the sun, fair as the moon, and terrible as an army with banners to his now exulting foes. And as the full tide of conjecture was bearing us away, perhaps the shores °f despair, our eyes have sud -nly been almost blinded wfth an outpour mg of supernatural light. Above the calm flMdnf 5 ° f th c t Syrian sk F has burst a flood of more than tropic noonday. An angel at the command of the Father, has w,Wi’ U n 0n him hls robe of Ught and Zn,?i!ll h ‘ S r^ y . in the direction of the - pulchre of Christ. Ah, the new tomb in had never lain before was now „?i El d , ed ' Tlt b a glory which had reached of tn r * omk s * nce Jesus, the great angel of the covenant, had stood, like the Sun of righteousness, at the rocky tomb of Laza ru, to usher its inmate into life, amid a gush th, ‘- er than seen irradiatiou. Here outwWg yiS tanglble aui a PPeals to our ourTm, • B T eS ’ as well as ukes captive of lip-i,.°- natl ? n and “oral.sense. The flash herafdCM haS a J lvid grandeur as it j ger and r Pproach oftheaQ S" lio messeu mve TS 0r a moment we are stricken with aft!; i hen we gaze on the face of the angel turn,-! bas descended, and the look he tl° ka s S ? much of love aQ d ten ler ess that we feel comforted and reassured. r ° lls away the stone, and we see the ; herein w hort sinkin S to the dust. But andw7» aZC of S lor y becomes more vivid heart hao B f° more. But our palpitating elorione i- ?®° lded it that in that ocean o° the mf - Man who is tho follow of our rae(Fha= e Chl^ st k o is the mediator of flection wth Sundered , h » temporary con- thn Sra T e cl ? thes > aad walked guard—over a P nroif at f f °c' ns of che R omau tratehall ovM P n° Strat , e ® atan aud a pros human and Satank 7^ 1 ?n Wat °‘? opposlti °u. nature; to tbesusn»na°j J°y ful scenes of intercourse with hislaf i S " Ucts of f riea dly phanod family 0 f poor d 7 iT 1 ™ 2 and or subsequent triumphal a??!, 1 ■ ’ and to the and the oceupanqy.of that throne- 0 °, hea ; ren tion and sovereignty whM f madla purple seat of royalty fnr bt w pr , eaJ its his dying lips the complete will of my Father M?, d ’ ipated forever in my perfect obedience 5 and my sacrificial death for a world of As Jesus walked forth! thatTi": troin a grave whose corruption he could Vt see because he was the Eternal Sou of CM his tread must have had a missive so, •I'd’ an imperial echo, for was he notrbriarinl hi WashenoUirt^^S 3 for his churdi ? Of the tomb and" the snprenuev humanity to claim thrbu'^hk 18 r,gilt . o! ' a life -beyond the er* v ,? rising accept of his oblation as tiw humanity but its hopes; the anchor of its C a= nei ' stbue of its trust ? Yes, Mary Mace Plan 1 NO.J.—FIVE ACBES AND BUILUTNOS ! All thatlot ofgronnd, with im~ P .' VS'?'?? L hereon erected, in the2lst Ward env oi Philadelphia, beginning at a point in the S W gaming; containing 5 acre?. See Plan Kg ~,i’, 4 T ,7 E ACRES. All thatiotofgronud, fiSfi. -Ist Ward, Philadelphia, beginning at a poin.mtheS. t\ . side of the Ridge Road lilt inn perenes N. W. from the N W of SlLilin min ’ said P it! « 9 Ro3d N-S6deg. 39 P ll *.; V^es s, i y v r iyt -‘ Parches toacoruer o! lot No. 3, thence &. 53 d a g. imin., west 5° is«iiH)n*ar>h«a 30 de?. D ?t enry ■ Koot ’ thence by said ground S. 3. Jmin . east 15 42-IGO porches to No. 5* hence by said lot -N. 63 deg. 1 rain., east 51 6-it) acres s£e PlaZ !a;:e Df be ° m,iiD Si containing 5 MNo. 5.-ABOHT 5 ACRES. All that lot of „ * ut 'Vard, Philadelphia, begin- LMUg at the intersection of the southwest siae of Kidge road, and the northweatside of Mifflin lane* thence along the said Ridge road north 42 deg. si; mi o n .» y 7 ’V* ? percbe* to ah angle in the Ridge r ad, tbenc* still along said road north 3G.de* ssua»e who m! i;:eru four . luge IUKi lot ot er 1 ,liVee ' e«>ry hack build. Mt. Vernon Mr,lt d ’ Mlut ® on the north: side of till- con a *' pst ot Eleventh street, No. feet, and evc*n,ri Mt - Vernon street 26 fopi fii/ in depth on the we«t line IM i D^ l>eSl and on ‘Eo eas * Lb® >« feet i’j s'tt tal°“r tre€t U , is ? ,lis Uei ln modern out 80n ; el y papered- and painted through. u cedi with handsome gas fixtures b nt, oll ondeliers, which are included ln the sale - ) m-as, a°c. and cold = water, furnace, cookiui T^ ear ’if Kll incumbrance. Ht.oms. edlata P° BSB asion. Keys at the Auction mh!7,■>i J?' & SONS, Auctioneers, >.*■ i-o 130-nnd Hi South Fourth street. THE DAILY EVENING BULLETIN : PHILADELPHIA, SAT(J£PA¥ MARCH 26. 1884 --TRIPLE SHEET it-KAR ESTATE SAIiES. RE 4L ESTATE SALE M EXECUTORY PEREMPTORY SAJ li - Estate' of LYDIA HAST, deceased?-iff THOMAS & SONS, Auctioneers VALtTanr:»' BUSINESS LOCATION A _On TUESDAY March 29, 1864, at 12 o’clock, Noon, will t> rt -min at Public Sale, without reserve, at cite Purr a DELPHIA EXCHANGE, the foUowini it' scnbed property viz.: No 1.—2 THESB-STni! v BEIGE STORES AND DWELLINGS and 724 AECH Street, with extensive stabling fro" m the rear on Zane street. Lot 35 feet gi iront, and in de p .h feet-2 valuable fro “ta t All thoseibrick messuages, stables, &c., and the lot of gronnd, situate on the south side of A-eh street, between Seventh and Eighth streetf w,* 722 and 724'; the lot containing in from Si Art street 35 feet 5X inches, and extending';, ? that width 158 feet 10* 'inches then d6prtl ° J the west side 5 feet, and extending of rh«t . erun! l °d width the farther depth of lit feft 8 n^h !acre 156,3 ing the entire depth, through from ’5' Uc ' 2 The 6 - 1 f ‘ y - inches ’ lho width on Za “ s trem lioieet. The improvement? are ‘2 thr«a Woe . el stores and dwellings, Dontingon A»h'-£T y . r extensive stabling in the rear on tA™ ? Wltb dwellings on Arch stae! baciZ 5 r66t - The private entrances. handings and em^? ar ° f aU lnoambra nce. IS- Sale per- I. A Plan may be seen at the Auction . snafa 0!S B MARKET^r 15 , 811 N3?S ' JsSS^Sswurß® Clear of all incumbrance. * Sale peremptory. ' fig Kq.3 —MODERN THRRESTORY Rp tnv JKLRI'MUENuB. - f o SU FRiNw rrv J: U Soutli of. Spring Garden street —All tha* tliree.story brckmessa: ve, wi T h « ‘I! 10 ,* rn building and lot of gronnd, l’. b T of Fran&lin street, i hn IlXs~&rsoT?v JkH.S^Ll..—Handsome Modem RE>inw tv s Howl, Point Breeze. containing 4 y acres tnder tending Into the River Schuylkill t-naei _-*L* esr ,an incumbrance Possession Ist Apri, ?:v 7 JcZaTor ,s a vcry d — b,? b-s": ' THOM AS A S' )NS. Auctioneers, Plhl,Ji;6 PNand 141 tou-h Fourth street PROPOSALS. N A v T supplies WcorPnov^^S l SEPARATE- PEOPOSALSWeaV'd ami' In dorsed ‘‘Proposals for Navy Supplies.” will b rrce.ved at tins Bureau, /or furui-h nc Z rf at l.venn K ( °a recetvine ton davs' coowj a" the Ent ted .--latesßavy Yaras at i diarlestotvn, M issa. p!.n s rf'll ! . Bl i 00kl}1 '" v' ew Yort and Philadelphia. ?m^. n " y^'ar ln fcllc h quantities only and at such tunes aamay ne required or ordered by the Chief v, l^ B J ,u 5 ean * or b J theComniandau'S of im-saM VZrt !Ud .I'’ 1 '’ during the remainder of tht* jJccaJ j ear jnijA 3& I'Htj th« nnn-> titiesof the (Uflerent articles at th<* places sped" lied in the following list, via: v “ speu- Charlestown. Brooklyn. Ph.lada . 60, 000 73,000 . 55,t UO 50.000 £sc,«*o 3.000 Bice, 1b3... £ried-Appl*s t lbs Sugar, 1b5.......... Tea, lb? Coffee, lbs Beaus, galls 3(Ut>a Mohses, rails .* lfi.iM) Vinegar, £iiis.. iv\(vo Separate offers must be made foreaJb articl-V -each of tile aforesaid navr-yardF; acd in ca«* more than one article is contained In the off r. th- Chief of the Bureau will have the right to a*ct»n oue or more of the articles contained in such off r ar.d n jeet the remainder. ’ For the description of articles in the above list d ddeis are referred to the samples at the said navy.yardr. and to the ad vertisemeut of this Bu rean dated June 13, 1563, and for tbe information as totbe laws and regulations (iu pamphlet form) regarding contracts, to the otli es of tLe several Commandants o! Navy-Yards and Nwy Agents r>lvn\-ffrnns of j.rop&aU ?»ay be o iainrdon appli. caitonto the ATary *genis at Sew »'faw»o- Mire; £os(cn f - A r ,w Jork, rhilatMphU* Haiti™/, and of fftii Bureau. mlil9-s,4t 1 PO °?9^ ALS FOK BITUMINOUS xJOXU&Z. bealed Proposals will be received at the Office Sv^Si??i l^ elphl ® Ga * w <>rks,. No. 40 south SEVEN TH Street, until noon of FRIDAY, 22 Works, as equal to the sample on which the con. tract is based. Tbe proposals most.describe the particular va. riety of coals intended to be supplied and th'-» lo cation and name of the mine or pit from welch they are to be raised. Ij they aro of a kind n u now or recently uved at these Works, samples for trial ot not less than fifty tons, must be delivereo at the works, on or before the 7th oi April neat The gross ion of £Mi» pounds will be considered as the weight intended m tbc proposal, uutess the contrary be expressly stated. The Trustees reserve the right to accept any pro posals in whole or m part, or to reject all. as thev may deem best for the intereets of the Trust, and rtlu al , on the P !l tof contrac 1 ~h e uoale maordingto bis a.iyerr.eat, ond the Trustees reserve ““ T }£ hl td bay elsewhere, whatever quantity may be required to meet the deficiency, and charm each fal°inra! Ctor 0117 1058 ° r damage arißin K tram he made monthly, m two equal instalment, at four and six months alter the sneci. Uedpailods ot delivery, the 15th of each mouth being taken as the average of the monthly delive. ries, or at the option of the Trustees, wifi be made at earlier dates with legal Interest off. Should contractors prefer to make deliveries earlier than required, they may be received so far as they can Tie conveniently storeo, bnt payments will be made to date from the time specified to the contractor. " Security for the fulfilment of centraot will be required, and each proposal must name the amount and character of security that will he - - JOHN O. ORESSON, fe2otap32j Engineer in Uhiof. INSURANCE. r N^URAN OE COMPANY OF NORTH - marine, FIRE AND IN. oand transportation insurance Offlce. No. as WALNUT otreet, South aids, East of Third street. | The Properties of this Company are well la rested and fnmish an available fond for the ample indemnity of all persons who desire to be pro tected by Insurance. MARINE RISES tahen on Vessels, Freight* and Cargoes. 3 INLAND TRANSPORTATION RISKS on Merchandise per Railroads, Canals and Steamboats -FIRE RISKS on Merchandise, Furniture and Buildings in City and County. INCORPORATED IN 1791—CAPITAL £500,60& AND PAID IN AND SECURELY IN VESTED. TOTAL PROPETIES, *1,300,000. PERPETUAL CHARTER. dibeotoks. Arthur G. Coffin, James N. DlcSens, Samuel W. Jones, S. Morris Wain, John A. Brown, John Mason, Charles Taylor, . George L Harrison, White, Franclß R. Co;*, S&& aTd S; w °od, Edward H. Trotter wn u ain E. S. Clarita, ’ William L.f Bo wen, WilliamCumminis. - Chnrleton Henry. * . CHABLEsSyte^^ 6 '* PreSWe «- ,: THE BBLIANCfc INSURANCE COMPANY ' < F PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated in 1841. Charter Perpetual. OFFICE No- 308 WALN UT Street? Insures agnrust loss or damage r,v pike HOUSES,STORES AND OTHERBUILDINGS' limited or perpetual: and on - FURNITURE! GOODS, WARES, and MERCHANDISE CAPITAL $3OO, UOO. - ASSETS $387p21i 86. Invested iii the following securities, vii: First Mortgage on City Property, well secured : .... v ,. $106,966 6* United States Government L0an5..,.,. 119,000 06 Philadelphia City 6 per cent. Loans.... 50,006 08 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 6 per- . ' cent $3,000,000 Loan;.,. 18,009 06 Pennsylvania Railroad Ist and 2d Mort gage L0an5...... 35,009 90 Camden and Amboy Railroad Com pany's 6per cent.. L0an.....i...,-..;. 6,006 Oft Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company’s 6 per cent. Loan. Huntingdon and Broad Top Bailroad 7 percent Loans. ..... 4,538 6* Commercial Bank of Penn’ a. Stock..... », 000 08 Mechanics’ Bank Stock; 4,000 08 Jonntv Fire Insurance Company’* 5t0ck.....;....... 1,058 89 fTmon. Mutual Insurance Company’s Stock.. Reliance Insurance Company of Phila delphia Stock 2,500 M boans on Collaterals, -well secured....' 2,250 os loomed interest 5,932 00 Cash in bank and on hand. . 10,587 80 Clem Tingley, ‘We R. Thompson, 'Samuel Biepimm, Robert Steen, William Mnsser, Charles Leland, Thos. H. CLEM 1 Thob. C. Hill, Secret S FIRE ASSOCIATION.— Incorporated March 27, ,820. A Oi FICE, No. 31 N. FIFTH street. rmsp S?SS&v^SS5 I ? r « M * household FURNITURE and MEHOHANDISE gerieniUy, from Loss by Fire, (in the L,v.y oi Philadelphia only.) v statement of the Assets oi the Association, Jann ’ ary 1, J 864-. S jnds and Mortgages on Property in the City of Philadelphia only J 097,261 32 Ground Rents.g*? pr,n fii Beal -Estate, (Office, Fifth and North ’ streets.).. 14.396 li u. ?. gov. 5-2 c, 80nd5........:;;;.;"; «is Deposit with u. S. Assistant Treasurer. 25,000 00 JSSQOD hand 25,6*9 s 7 TRUSTEES. XRYON, President, o - ?" Dilu,D > Jos- R. Lyndtll, John Sender, j> Tl P .CTatsL A-Keyser, Saranel^SSiw*, PWlbm, Charles P. Bower. < S. n ? a w oW| i Samuel Scattergood. L J«-s Cigktfoot. mrs WILUMT. BUTLER. Secretary. Fire insurance exclusivet/v tttk fire S issSrl^M 'uMPAAY—lncorponitfd isos nt>»»i. r p. ■ml—No. 510 WaStot' oendcuce Square. xnae- This Company, fitTorably (mown to the commu dty for nearly arty years, continues to insure ',P ! ,1 5t 1055 dBJimCT by Are, on Public or PrirsTu ’lull Kings, either permanently or fora limited time Jieo, on I uruiture, Stocks of Goods and amchanl Use generally, on liberal terms. icoan- Their Capital, together with a large Surplus' 16 1 vT“ sle S ln tbe most carerel maSier, which enables them to offer to the Insured anu£. tonbted security in the case of loss. DIRECTORS. Jonathan Patterson, | Thomas Robins. Alexander Benson, Daniel Smith, Jr., WiUiam hlontelius, John Devereux, ’ Isaac Haxlehurst, J Thomas Smith. Henry Lewis, I WirtiPJ S ATTEBSOW, President WTXLiAM (t. ObOWZLL, SfrCrfitATT. T^COr NT Y EIRE INSURANCE COM OFFICE NO. 110 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. _ w _ . , BELOW CHKSTHFT. K “JJ 1 * f\ rr Insurance Company of toe County of > Wlsdelphia. Incorporated by the Legislawr* )f Penney I Tania in 1S&, for Indemnity aadit ■o s * Or damage by lire, exclusively “*“***»• CHARTER PERPETtTAL. 2 s . 31111 , rellable institution, with amp;* apical and contingent fnnd carefully InTested, to insure buildings, fnrnitnre, inerchan fu,’ c£ ’f" permanently or for a limited me, against loss or damage by fire, at the lowest c^tom'eS ElStent absolute safety of Its •paieA*’ aj!^cst€d “■ nd P Md 'wi'Jt all possible Os- , . DIRECTORS. de^Bu^r y ' Jr - Andrew H. Miller. James N. Stone l, TOO 30, \ IKJO 30.000 13,51*0 7, WO PETuilf OBATED IK*—CHARTER PER. cfcui?ge.~ 4 WALNUT street, opposite tie Ex- MARINE and INLAND IN >l RAMvE, tbis Company Insures from lose or by iIRE, on liberal terms, on building" merchandise, furniture Ac, for limited periodL pr?miu™ ! y ° a bulJdm e»' b 7 deposit of The Company hM been in actlre operation for the period of SIAT\ A EARS, during which all losses hare been promptly adjusted and paid. John L. Hodge, Adoiobue Perils, Willem McKee* M. K. Mabony, Jonn T Lewis, John R. WUmer, Wiliam S. Grant, Robert W. Learning, WUCRERER President, fa am uhl Wilcox, Secretary THE MANHATTAN LIFE XNSURANfTP COMPANY OF NEW YORK 7 ANOT Accumulation nearly ... «n_iw, Total Loese* Paid..... pi vKiecdfi made over ***• -Tv, 2J!* PHIJUUJEIJPUIA BRANCH o'i’FIUE; WALNUT Street, Th' C J Agent and Attorney. Tbifi Company oflhrs superior inducements to persons desiring to effect an insurance upontheli U T?w’ 10 wbo desire the privilege of •n‘ t q l aarierly. Prem " ll iXL * t aaniaall y> Beini-annuall7 i !'■■* are lower Than most Companies offer, ltl ® lusnred are participators in the profits. T ? e . bl !i lu ? s * oftha Oontpany i« devoted ezetu n«Jy to the insurance of Urea. It is promptln th» payment of its losses. v v Any information upon the snbject will be chest ■ Tilly given by the AGENT, together with all no ecssary Books and Tables upon the subject, local, board of reference. Kt. Rev. Alonso Potter. (Keen «i Coates. D. Thos. Robins, Esq. Rt. Rev. W. B. Stevens. Olem. Tinglev, Esa D ' a e . w - Little, Esq. Hon. John M. Bntler. Henry Simons, Esa Alfred Jenlts & Son.. Alfred Dav, Esa * sv. Merrick & Sons, Jacob D. Heft, Esq. Rich. Garsed & Bro. Watson Malone, Esa T. B. Peterson & Bro. George Gilbact, Esq. Hunsvrorth, Eaken* A Thos. B. Beck, Esq. Naylor. Adam Warthman, nlsa. Boswell A Wilson. j. A . McAllister, Esq. E T‘i J F Ome. X Warner Erwin, Esq. H EUIOAL EXAMINERS. -T. M. Drysdale, M. D.; Wm. Gardener, M. D.; J. K. Knorr, KL P- delB-th,e,tu,tf American mutJTallnsuranTOm; PANT—Office, Farquhar Building, No 11 Walnnt afreet. M ARINE AND INLAND IN SURANCES. —Risks taken} on vessels, cargoes and freights to all parts of the world, and om-roodi on Inland transportation on rivers, canals, rail roads and other conveyances throughout tbs United States. wujstoui in. iVIIiTiTA M CRAIG, President- PETER CULLEN, VIS Patient I). B. Staoby, Secretary. DIAEOTORB. William Oral* Henry O. Dallet. Peter Cullen, _ William T. Lowbsr johnDaUett, J. Johnson Brown,’ William H. Merrick, Samuel A. RtSon/* Gilliee Dalle tt, Mason Hutchhm Benjamin W. Richard*, Henry l S Pearson SerrUl, Charles Conrad,’. William M. Baird j A' NTHRACITE INSURANCE (iniVTPiiiw CHARTER PERPETUALT Office, No. 311 Walnut St., above Thirds Phils Will insure against Loss or Damage bv Ffri ob Buildings, either perpetually or Household Furniture and Also —Marine Insurance on VesaM* Plight. Inland Insuran?^^^?^^^ , DIRECTORS: Wm. isher. Davis Pearson, I>. Luth' r, Peter Sieger, Lewis Audereid, J. E. Raum .1. R. Biakiston, EiSu Jos. Max field, .TcA.t Kr-eli^ TVjt W SaiTn! Soeretoy Worth at present market ralue' ,5399,664 36 DIBECTOBS. Benj. W. Tingley, K6bert Tolano, Vdl Stevenson, .' Hampton I*. Carson. M&rsnalKHlll, J. Johnson Brown. Moore. ‘INOI-EY. President. jal-fm w-lys DIRECTORS. D. Clark Wharton, Lawrence Lewie, Jr., David Lewis, Benjamin Ettins, Thomas H. Powers, A R. MoHeary, Edmond Castillon. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ASSETS ON JANUARY 1, 1864. $2,457,849 95. ACCRUED SURPLUS, \ $ g?ioOO INVESTED PREMIUMS, ... ijssft 5,600 00 UKSEI’gED CLAni 3 , mcoilE FOB 1864. ' loss SINCE VrT'™- 55,000,UU0. PERPETUAL t^K’^TPOLIOIES „ DIBECTeBS. Claries N, Banoker, (Isaac Lea, i+ Tobias Wagner, Edward O Pale Samuel Gran*, • G“or«e Faie« Jacob K. Smith, . .. I Allred Fitler’ George W. Kiohards, Tn N. kffCKEK ££J*- D : . _ DALE, TK.^.p'ri.s Merit • J^B ‘ >v •MuALr.ib'TKU, <*c.'Pro Ttfra. ma K>td e ~* $337 211 60 Delaware mutual safety RANCH COMPANY.- y iNst - Incorporated by the Legislate** oi p«nosri It „.„ w «“**> W» INSUKAK^ FREIGHT, \ T ° a ” Pans ° r "“«■ n nL , IK! - iNI) INSURANCES On Goods, oy River, Canal, Lake and Land Car riage, to ;U1 parts ci the Union. „ FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally, On Stores, Dwelling Houses, Spencer 31’jivaine. Lei P er ' Jot a B. Semple, Pitts' b| Hugh Crate, A. B. Berger, * S' President, JOHN C. DA\ IS, Vice President,** _Heset LvanruN, secretary. rialß-stoth li SUKANCE AND TKUST COjEPANS ( * iea ßD LIFE INSURANCE, AN NUInIi?Tao?RSST COMPANY, of Philadelphia. OFFICE, No. 406 CHESTNUT Street. , CHARTER PERPETUAL U&pital, ooo—-pai(i in and Invested. in Bondi . and Mortgages. Continue to maXe Insurance on Ut6.s grant An nuities and Endowments andmaXe contracts gene raay. wliich depend on the contingencies of life. as Execatots, Administrators, Assignees. xteceiTers, Cominittee of Lunatics, Gnardians.ci minors and Trustees generally, whether committed to their charge by individuals, Courts of Justice Qi corporate bodies. They give a participation of Profit* to the In. •tired for Life. _ * JLAJTA9KBP. John A. Brown. Baben Pearsaii, John E. I*timer. John S. Slack, John o. Ml total, P- James, Seth J. Comly, Frederick Brown, Isaac Starr, Taben, Stacy B. Barcroa Henry G. Freeman, W m . p. jenis, Mbdioax. ExAJirNnns.— Gco. Emerson m ti and Samnel Cfcsmbsrlalne, M.D attend at th* office daily at lifo 1 clock toom ’ Pamphlets containing tables of rates andeinla “d Jonnr. jSS™ Presld^ and BUTTONWOOr „.? nco lF oralc amv NO. 400 CHESTNUT S rSBm ‘ ’ PHIBADEBPHIA. FIRE AND INLAND INSURANCE. sr e, MREOTOBS.* Ph?,rif c- ? nc J t ’ Juo.W.ETormaj:, r Dtthftrdson, Robert B. Potter, ■ Jno. Kessler, Jr., E. D. WoodrutT, Cdaa. Stores, FRANCIS N. BUck! Presfdant ? lE, E INSURANCE company Branch office 409 WABNDT Sat P«ti Capital and Assets, §330, 500 et Cas “ Refer*•«*■ N fw HavemComn* * Prealdellt Elm City Bank, JAMES M. BEEBE ic CO.. Boston ™^ ti ° BINEN T B T.TPPTNnnTT A Co.. Phllsd.lnMs' 17 fi wfSr *J POK > COTTON CANVAS, Utf-SLSI ery weight, from one to two feet wide, all nnmhera- heavrand light RAVENS DUCK pIP£ J pfiP TOPSAIL and other Awning Twill*, Paper Felting, Sa Twine, Ac. For sale by W. EVEBMAN A CO., r alia* eAN ARY SEED TWENTY-FIVE ffiBBS Prime Canary Seed in store and lor sale by ■WORKMAN MOO.. No. 193 Wain strut INSURANCE. 1829. FRANKLIN PERPETUAL. ■ OF PHILADELPHIA. 7«,200 5e 36,363 35 DIRECTORS. Henry Gerker, Christopher R. Hiller. FredericlrStaaka, Jonas Bowman, Frederick Doll. Jacob Schandier, Stephen Smith. Miller. ERETY, President. Vice President. Secretarv. aIS-ti Samuel DStBCTOSS, Jotui T. Lewis, James R. Campbell iSdmuua G\ Dnr?Jb, diaries'W. Pottitney, Morris. , ** MARIS, President. Secretary. m\-JS -gigAM WKKKT.T ~ !uS5^rSo o r ?^ T ‘ 0 B M Liverpool; New YnrV?^e 1 ’o5??, W ? Steamer* or the Company are internu^ 0 , 1 ' 1 Steamjaa* EDINBURGH t Cd dto faU “ follows “ ™ OITY OP WASHmGTnnr-l" ■****» CITY OP MANCHESTER • • | at .H rday > April 2 And every sut(2«i?X E | i ;- Satnrda yi April 9 Plar 44 North B.it^ dla * : Sa " nrda y a* Noon, from >atabm ik^ib'lk MB^? E: „ » era- O&hiB AQA Ist Cabin to London. 85 V V 530 «* Ist Cabin to Parts 9? ■*??• 1° 34 00 Ist O ab!n to g g°; toPw,.. 4,-g sender their & ££ ereOffi^f 1 tofo ™ apply al; the Compa. IS?tAUEIA'HIAt AUE lA'HIA port on Saturday— each ■sssswa^ssssssssis sJSaSSS^ssMs' ?s£,?S4“S23,ssks,uk; ralftSS? St *• Premium charged by i reitrht taken at fair rates. -d e«P receipts and uo “- p^rw^r^T SZFSomh Delaware arena*. Steamer S. SEYMOirS N r’liiS? Bllat 0T». Steamer E. CHABIR n ® oom - These steamers iom?S,^ I , If ’ < ;"? t *' l , iII Sterran Philadelphia and the abcTerinrt 6Bl ' linebetween aa advertised, and any other route. Freiehu -erliL’S w “ tt£ll hj and bUls of lading el-ren a^ 1 ,? <*»▼ WEBSTEB, 14 lO T^| 3 o’c'oeit P IT .{■ , ir 0 cio ca, SI., and YOKK-Nevr Dally I-isS c°m P an| wm, £HSZ?sEi'™l ffrsliiit taken at reasonable rate* WILLfAJR P. CLYDE, Agent, T . ‘1 fcontli Wharves, Phiiada. )T „, ~ 3 £ J -' lx ' S , HAND, Agent, IT-5-« Piers U and 15 East River.. IT. Y. COT BBANOISOO. The AlExTTeme un'pperslip TIS32 ' T« „„ „ WIZ AKO KING P feno-se rapiiiy loading at pier U. East River. b . beauttf n. clipper comes to her berth J6C,T'?ritn a large portion of her on board l£ T *"*««“»«' Will fiirrapidlr ’ t.e commend the WIZARD KINO , n ,i“;V f „ pers to ban Francisco as the most now iosding, ana invite inspection 1 Shippers will confer a rnvor bv sending freight immediately alongside. 7 = “- 11 «■ - bishop, SON A 00., IPS Arch street, a Pore Front. 167, M 7 16 118,753 IS LIVEKFOOL-Wim (inatDispatch P acitt £ hip GENERAL i PETEB a sons: &£* ERpnm' Jij :ii\ * K i t:lGH r FOa lit. PUOI, — ~ h ® fine Br list, b»Tk SHER tv Ui , master, having the greater tart of her ctrgo engeged, wiil have quick dispatch for £o! °S/£ r i balance of freight. P apSr-*i V, UKaMAN A CO., las Walnut street. mh-15 #r S iALIOHT' FOR LlY ndl., c ih4 Cne Bremen bark PAUL, p j °e e " a V er - wi!l bave a nick dispatch. m'ffe !k ;l{ ; '>T to PETER WEIGHT gbUftfcs 11S \Valcti: street.. rahil-tl ‘ l ' ORLEANS—The barfe DRES- Captain Beed. haying ibe bulk of p™ ?7 I> engaged, will have quick dispatch. ?'° T l f;i“w'ri° T . lrfl?ht ’ apply to WORKM ATM * CO.. 123 Walnut street. - tnhl9 iitfjrf l OR BOSTON—Express Line—. The 71 ue 3BpP»cket schooner MART A. RICH; Captain n..My, ts no— receiving freight at Cat:?]’ s wharf, , t ti rd u WilaT: aboTe Market street, ana Trial sail for the above port with prompt dispatch. Forfr=i-ht apply to HA AM P COPPER- 1= North Wharves SAL^ Schooner PACIFIC, 50 tons rt a ’t. er, aarries lt w ’ tons,SoQ barrels capacity. SCNS ' SAIX . tvork done in the best manner and on the ovvest and most favorable termTand vrarraLSS to RiTe perfect satisfaction. mSSf Farticnlar attention given to repairing. . CONSIGNEE of l barrel Super. barrel Molasses, i box Pecan Nnts, per brig AL vkoTV * rom New Orleans, marked Mrs. Eli-a -sfir. *' esr * httre cf Seorge Curtz, will please call street eEame3tßlbHCP ’ SON * CO.'S, 105 Arch “ i • mliiS CONMUNEES of 14 bales To w, no mart, per schooner L. A. JOHNSON, from New York, will at.end to the receipt of their goods, at Calicw ht.l street wharf, or they will be stored at their ri..k- aitd eipcose. J. E. BAZLEY & CO., 123 tx>utU Wharves. mbSl-St VTOTIOE.—AII persons are terebv cautioned i-l against harboring or trusting anv of the crew of British schooner DART, Conrad, mas-er, from Cieniuegos, as no debts of their contracting ■ Sri-AiLJ? ai-2m{i dBffrcfeIgjSTANKOWITOH. PIANO J U ,£ E £ and REPAIHEK, removed •J. 9 t f to 930 EIDGE avenne, above Vine, ana is prepared to receiTe orders as usual. His inaiiy customers bear testimony to bis skill and ability as a correct and thorough Tuner. His Re pairing is done in a durable and artistic manner, as he is a practical Piano Maker: has eight years* city experience, with the best references which can be given. All orders, promptly .attended to; and "gnarutiees to gtoe entire satisfaction. Price for tuning Si. Orders from the country accepted, and done very reasonably. : mh2-3m& AN ASSORTMENT of the beet New York and Philadelphia Mann -11. © » * * factoring, from 5275 upwards. Also, JJEI-ODEONS, Harmoniums and Cabinet Organs. No. £53 South FIFTH street, at the New Store, a few doors below Walnut. P. SCHUEEB A ' • teir-'Jns DENTISTS* .TEETH.—THE BEST ARE THE CHEAPEST.—Sew mounted on ‘Gold, Silver, vulcanite, and on Platiua plates with con tinuous gum fAlten’s>, beauiifnl and natural in appearance, and acoiiratelv Jit r ed, mv be ob. tained at the shortest notice of U- B. FOSTER, M. D., Dentist, mhs«tm* No. W 33 CHESTNUT street 4£3££~f OR. FINE, VRAOXIOAE J.USNTIST the last twenty years, 319 VINE Street,, below Third, inserts the most beautiful TEETH of the age, mounted on fine Gold,- Piatina, Silver, Vulcanite, Cora Ute, Amber, Ac., at prices tor neat and substantial work, more. reasonable than any Dentist in this oity or Teeth plug trad to last for life. Artificial Teath; repaired to *u«. No pain in extracting. All work warranted, to fH >wt fawiHoii dttW_3rnff rjaMkj*. xik. suoTT-b £v - ig§|§S£ Id VERY STA3EES, fuSßfc otl an3a j riAfr’Os, HU. GLOSE & EAECKLER.