H. Warner NEWGOODS NEW GOODS.NEW GOODS rue oil mAitSEi'N I3Y W. V. TKL. LINT. OPFICR OF ) l ETiioi.Kituit Cevtrr Daii.t Ilncfinrt Nov. 16 1 873. S The nil rtiarket Ipijuietotid dull St SO Cle. No Bale. tSTJEW LIYERY ! DEALER IN GOND II AM) Tl'BliG gut Casing, Engines, nailer, unu H..Vi'l Itl 1V.M. ftrsT CASH PKICR I' MD FOR OLD " nE IKON and Ml ASS. s.vhicrwwi'ly pirchswd a New and lm Jjl? 1.1 iii'i Vil MIIM1INK. I mil .im.-ir Lucion-M.. Ncnrly Opi. iU. rtwr ..-. iT n i i'v u UiftjCII MO AN'HNONW 8 V POL JO .jMiiiitu tor Moan f ulHlmiM'- boil t,urpui. except witching 1 clothes S A POL, JO Will if laiior oi one cleaning tiivo il trial. SA.POl.IO hi Window I" betir Hi"" "lillif tli B or Wall-.. r rcnio-iiijr, tur-. 'Al' "Ha carpu . ft A P )LIO Hbiu- i'a uttiml Wood, iu i;ict t u entire hmi letter than Joap Ni iffiird iu be without it. SAP 0 L I 0 h garni ins knlv. i in UMer ht.i1 I twmrtum Both UrlcK Will not Krkun. S A V O L T 0 li hrtlei tlian Soap nnd Sand for tolin'ilnu'Tinwaru. Urtghtona with out Kcaiclilim SAP OLIO hilso-'i llrniand t.'onpur utuniil tailor In m Acid or oil and Kultcu Sloan SAP 0 L TO trWrwliinj ni")u'HAii(l ;in.aro iiaTAluble Ctipo than Soap. S a p o I i o moras -"-SUlrii fr-'tn Mnrble Nia'f . TnMev. mid Stntuarv. I mm Hrd-flnitih d vVulis.aud from Chi uud Porcelain S a p o 1 i o wnoT-K S-nln mid Orenu ton Carpets aud other woven fib- lino one artlrlo known that . many kind ! work aud awtllaa Napollo. Try It vp s fi p n . i n a new mi l wHnderfu efT c ire Toil er Hoip, havlnu no rqual iu thii co intrv or abroad. m niiftitlcofjr tho .mtn, 'reached the foundation" of alt dirt. ipeii th preH a'td tr vi'N a health' nc tioa and brilliant Jim to the iklti 4" S'A PLJ 0'; ivwuitMHiiu nmuiint iiii; chiii. iu- fttantly rtiiivlnr any atnin or bleoi 1-h from both bund and face I'D u p n i, ! n is without a rivul In ttu wo rid fr enrinor prevontin rouuhiien-4 and an'l 'utmpping of either Lands or w rm it iu a b s a p a L i o re lOTna l ar. I'iti'h, Iron . r Ink Rtalna and Ore if, lor worki-ra in Wwhlue Minim. Miii', A-c , i in. valuahlu Fur nu ina the Skin Whlteaud foft. and ulvini: t it a ' bloum of hiv uitv ' it iunurpai8 d by any Cnametlc Un iwn I AD ID S A P 0 I, 1 0 icQa! ants 0 to is u-Dta uit enki , and ecrjbody ahuulu hare it n will . . JJFAIL TO TRY THESE GOODS! prncurBiimrviMi ir una. E'Hpono," and It wil be uiuiloU 5T ItNOi WOCfl MORGAN'S SONS, -IBhUTV8r.,fI nVBUBGU. PA 4,3TriIClE f to W. A. LOZ.E.., Feetnear It. K.tnuk. to BE.Zlr, dHiv f Mthe welh f(MrSl,oa towel. MCW BTOCK DP.Y GOODfe CARPETS, Oil Vhnhs, Motions, &c, JCST RECEIVKI) AT kwaferJ DRY GOODS STORE. Vashinrt(Mi Sfwet, 1 be Iirgrat and f lieupe-t itotU ct 8 to 10 rt. per ynrd. KUr.Al lH'A) Mt'sriJjOj from 11 to 16 ct i.ansdai.i; f.i.KAt:ii:ii .nrpj,!?: 10 to 1 j crs- nr.sr iHNGia.i7i5 rrorn l'J'i to 15 rtt C I. i KU'S O K T II II CAE! 4 upwli. for So c!i. Dress ;titl, Shawls, JJos icry, Corsets I'omntlc P cco' Ooodi", Lad'ca Tia, IIIHwi n'HinaklitK thi vry ii!t quality Drilling and Mr., en run anil Needle, 6 ta.p. r uujiur, Carpus nt tne lowi'nl mted. Millinery Trimmings. LACK GOODS, And a complete stock of ladies Hats and Homu-ts AIbo, a Complete Stock of BOOTS & SHOE;, Wbieb will be poM at -A-XJCTIOIST SALE toper M k Cheapest. Commencing August 1st, IS73. ;"'Jivtf trie call and examine gor-d-and prices M. SAMUELS. Vet. Centre, July 17lli, 187.). 1 1 -0 Hi! 1 1 a to a. r -pi 5 a; -s T3 i 1 a a O - ' M W ir" r ii a in s y Z s. 1 f! J2 r 31 srST" The Post Odloe Newsroom Soil onnlnin la nuw running in full blast. ll buI try & glsiTof iw ens! m3j 'Ttviut MM Grateful Thousands proclaim Vineoau BrtTEKS the most xyonder ful Invigorant that ever sustained tlie sinking system. No Person can take (!iso Bit ters according to directions, aud re main Ions unwell, provided ' their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital or guna wasted bovond repair. liilious, lleinittcnt, and In termittpnt Fevers, which are so prevalent in tho valleys of our preat rivers throii!hnut tlio Unitcd States, especially tlio.se of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkansas, lied, Colo rado, Uiazos, Hio Grande, PearF, Alabama, Mobiio, Savannah, Uo anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, through out our entire country during tho Hummer and Autumn, and remarka bly so during seasons of unusual heat and dryness, are. invariably ac companied by extensive derange ments of the stomach and liver, anil other abdominal viscera. In tlioiir treatment, a purgative, exerting a powerful intluenci! upon these vari ous organs, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for the purposo equal to Dit. J. Walker's Vinegar Hitters, as they will speedily remove the dark -colored viscid matter with which tlio bowels nr loaded, at tho sumo time stinmlaliiifr tho secretion nf tlio liver, nud peneiiillyrestoiinptho healthy func tions of the digestive organs. Fortify I lie body against dis ease by purifying all its fluids with Vi.NHo.Mt liirriiiis. Js'o epidemic caa tuliu hold of a system thus loio-nnucd. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, liead- nehu, I'am in tho fshonldcrs, Coughs. Tightness of tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour JCnictatiiins of t ho .'jtoinaeh, Had Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita tion of tho Heart, Inllaniiimtion of tho bungs, I'ain in the region of the Kidneys, and ft hundred other painful symptoms, are- the iiU'springsof Dyspepsia." One but tle will prove a belter guarantee of its merits than u lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or Kind's Evil, Whito Swellings, L' leers, Krysipelas, Swelled .Seek, (ioitre. rk-rofiilous lnllainniations. Indolent Inlhiuimatiolis. iloieiirinl nll'ec tions. Old Sores, Kiuptior.s of the Skin, Sore Kycs, etc. In tliese. ns in till other constitutional Diseases, Walkkii's Vin miAlt liiTTEHS have shown their great cur ative powem ill the must ooMtiuule and inlractaiilc cases. For Inflammatory nud Chronic 'i!iieinnatisiii,(out, ISiiious, Kemit- flit and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the lilood, biver, Kidneys and Iiladder, these Hitters have no equal. Such Dis eases are caused by Vitiated Hlood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons engaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbum, Type-setters, Ciold-bfuters and Miners, as tiiey advance in life, are sub ject to paralysis of the liowols. To guard against this, tnko ft doso of Walker's Vi'NKOAit Bittkhs occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Kruptions, Totter, Salt-Klicum, blotches, Spots, Pim ples, Pustules, lioils, Carbuncles, King worms, Scald-head, Sore Kyes, Erysipe las, Itch, Scurfs, Discoliirations of the Skin, Humors uud Diseases of the Skin of whatever nnmo or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by tho use of these Hitters. Tin, Tape, and oilier Worms, lurking in tho system of so many thou sands, aro etl'ectually destroyed aud re moved. Jo system of medicine, no ver mifuges, no anthelminitics will free tho system from worms like these Hitters. For FemaleComplaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood, ortho turu of life, these Ton ic Hitters display so decided an influence that improvement is soon perceptible. Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood whenever you liud its impurities bursting through tho skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; clcanso it when you lind it ob structed and sluggish in tho veins; cleanso it when it is foul"; vour feelings will toll Vou when. Keep the hlood pure, aud the health of tho svstem will follow. H. II. M DUM,1 V CO., DruiriristM Jt (len. Ata., S:m KrnnoiBco. Califor nia, .V uor. of Wasliinirton and Charlton Sta.,K.Y Soiil ly all Druggist unit Dealers. i-.j ..- ..I' PnijrtrmtH & (Ion. Apts.. Sun Frnneiseo. (,'iltfur. nin. ,V eur.of WfisliitiL'tiin rmiH'hiirltiin S1S..X.V, Huhl by all Druglntn ami Ufalur. DON'T UEIU.11IU GGI O l'ilh auacks and impoflU-ra. who will not a'onc ilocrc vou. but in nir.riv mmt c av out of a liim- difd doe you w th buUnm copaim cftlomcl, &c , nMkine vour flue worno. iterion nt ouce m mu mly iitvitiiirn rr.iiettv thai can be reilt-d mi. Dr. Me dium.'. lio t Illnod Stviri:'icr, wlrch imni-het Vnm tlii tst'm tM form of nrivhto dieuHv? mid villi' lit the blood; -iWh- emimil weiiktic-'', lof of nerev, l-ijis of iiu-innry, and nil nurvon di unn oriilt'inp fr m bcII ahane, whlt.h d viros bo'h miud tun. bod v. lendtiHtiir nmriitiirK iinintiblp. Wiirnu i I'd. 'Tire by m:iil (icuri-lj rwutud, no exposure) 1 w p. r L8tK ic r-jwn nacRtujf niHKen a iniuri of i'rniid Suurclier. w ill. ami M (Ileum Co i miadrlfiliin. Nov. IS. Onide, 4',, Uclinerl H Market quiet. New Yoik, Utiv. IS. Crime fitjf it. linen. 14 . Market yiiicl. 4JII.U I.N NAVl H'ilK. Nkw Vork. Nov. H. Gold ICJ.fS. F. . I Pioneer, Pa., Alnnnfactui er of Machinery & Suppli' I!n,'inea and Roilei-s of every description llepaired at Short Notice. Agent for FOSTER'S GAS I'UMP. PATE-VTP.fi of III IXZSWA Tfcll PACKIiK. KKPATH1N0 r fall Hr.d? doie at noilce and all work warranted. Orders Ly tnai or tu:egra:.h prompllyattendcd to P. C. HEINZ. Pioneer. Pa.. Dec 21. 187 If. COUUP1D ABUSED A Ttnok jii't Ivfinff?, espnfri tho "rsRsoHAU tlirtt h ivo Hppearrd in the m York N w simper! tli-ir hM'irv mid Ion r.f. STVL'SH VILLI AN!" M'l. i V KXIMSlrD' Advirtisements from dttt;e r tn men to hfttutiml wo en; ,landt:r-tiiie nicetini: hw fi 111 1 RT. tl ; 'l he History of the fioodrirh TraL edy the result of n "peinonald." pivrripiinn ot Ivinp liroinw v Btatues. KXPOAKS HiriAl fOKliri'l ION Srnt n rereit of f.0c(. Adin L;n:que 1'riuting Uoii-e, 2ti eeey St., N. Y. Th llofkwttli 20 Pnrtnhle ft'nnill Sowlittf lat-lilue- on :iO Iluyn Irlrt-: niiiiiv uiv HiiHKi'. uvpr all. Hti-ianion jriiurtui't ru ft!- rernnil' d. sent 'omiiM'ie, with t 11 d re.t- tion. Iieekwith Sewiuc Miichluc Co. ,C2 Broadwa New York. Mew- Goods. save ion? $mm ! And buy yonr Biwis aud aSces at Mrs. M. Magrane's ONE PRICE BOOT & SHOE STORE ! I kep a nry larire Mock nf all kinds on haw artdellAA elm pan any other Imiie in tho Oli LKOION. Connected with my Store ia a Custom Department ! And I Kiiaiauteo a perfect fit In all my wort. rtiainng llcjt'.y done. Noxt door to "Wolf, Jewelry Store. Petroleum C'cTitre. Psi. mm BOARD SALE, Exchange AM) .Main Street, Petroleum Centre, Pa.- U W Prop'rs llmnl Horses, Carriages, cfce., always in readiness to hir'. THE CEfiEDR A1rD' FREDONLL ROAD Wagon Always on band for Lire. BOARDISTG HORSES We are prepared to furnish ttoardlci! Iloraes Hie best Accommodation, to be found iu Petrolrum Centre nnd the cheap est withal. Tlie very liest Sad- Jfefb tables I lfewwjcil('3 and Bridlea for' riv7 IL id i u g llorseB. To TUB TRAVKUKO ?t'BI.I0. If desired travelers will be taken to any town in tlie oil region a-? reasonable charges. Boilers and EngiiiBg Moved to any dcilred point with dua die-' patch. Give ut call. ICANFIELDACV'