i U- .y.'r SOME PRINT MISSING Petroleum Centre Daily Record. Pat. Centre, ThuraAai ( Dec. 9. ABRIYAL ANB BEPAfcTURF. OF TBAINS ON O. C. A. H.R. 800T1I. No. 3, Passenger. Leave Corry 11.20 a. j.; Titusviiie, 12.69 p. m. ; Petroleum Cen tre, 1.40 p. m. ; Oil City, 2.22 p. n.; Ir vineteo, 6 10 p. m. No. 4. Fansengor Leave Corry 6.10 a. in. Titusviiie, 7.35 a. m.; Petroleum Centre, .lam; Oil City, 8.69 am; arrive at Ir- linwu a n, No. 8. Faseenger Leave Corry 6.05 p m; Titusviiie, 7.60 p m; Petroleum Centre, MS P "i arrive at Oil City 9.20 p m. ' : " - NORTH. Ho. 1, Passenger Leave Irvlneton 7.15 ; Oil City, 10.10 a m; Pflrolcttni Cen a, U,05 a u; Titusviiie, 11,60 a tct arrive Can'1,40 p m. He. ay Penger Leave Irvlneton, 12, 0i pa; Oil City 2,57 p m; Petroleum Cen tre, S,S p m; Titusviiie, 4,20 p m: arrive I Corry 6,45 fa, r ' No. 6, PaaMnger-Leave Oil City 7,00 a ; Petroleum Centre, 7.43 a oi; Tituaville, ,0 a m; arrive at Corry 10,10 a m. - Ha. Bll0 Services. . ' . r"'"r"Te m' PreachtQg at 11 o'clock A. M., an 7 Iro,.e 'cUckP, Jf. ' Kit. J. T. Oitobt, Pastor. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Services eyery Sabbath at 11 A. M. and t P. M.jj Sabbath School at 12 P. M. eats free. A cordial iavltation exteud- i tOJtll. Kv. C. H. Hiabo, Paator. TS. PETER AND PAUL'S '(Cataelie) CHURCH. ' Haas at 10J a. a. 1 Vteper and Benedict lea ef tba Bleated lacnaent at 4 p. m. Catechism at 2 p. at. ' JAMES DUNN, Pastor. By the monthly petroleum report of the 'Titusviiie Herald lor the month And na KTitv 30tb, the average dai'y production of the Pennsylvania oil region it ettimated at 13, 300 barrels; the number of new weilt in process of drilling Nov. 1st was 360; am't , of oil Id tank Deo 1st, 210,033 bbls. ; the amount ef orude oil shipped during the month of November was 323,940 barrels Considerable of an Inorease is reported in several districts and a decrease in toe pro duction of others. The oil business Is rep resented as being in a healthy and prosper ous condition. There la a proposition , to establish a Young Men's Christian Association at Pet roleum Centre. Weknowefnopl.ee that needs it more. Its reputation la, thai for I'ssiie it outranks New York or Cbicaao for wickedness. Erie Disptcb. From the number or roughs and sporting characters at present in the oil region,- hail ing from the moral city of Erie, one would naturally Infer that It would take at least half a dozen Young Men's Christian Un ions in lull blast in order to civilize them alone. ''Those that live In glass houses" Ao. ' On Monday morning tbedwelling of Mr. Van Dusen, In Greenville, Mercer county was discovered to be on fire. The build ing was enveloped in flames when the alarm was given, and Mr. Van Dusen and bis wire were burued to death. Tbelr remain. were round among the ruins. It la th general opinion that they bad been murder, ed by robbers, who set tire to the house to destroy the evidences of the crime. Ph . Touauyu unizeu says: White, Of sue Mtaavme Republican, has "busted," as we are Informed. Had be spent les time In toadying to the codfish ffentrv n Meadville and looked more to the interests or the substantial class or people, bis case might have been different. - The body or Capt. John Smilb, of Frank lin, recently drowned in French Creek, was found In tha.Allegheny River near Scrub grass, brought to Franklin and burled on Tuesday. The itinera! was attended by a large.eoncourse of friends and relatives. ' A man named James MeGuire, was run over while engaged in coupling two freight cars In the yard at Titusviiie, yesterday afternoon. His injuries will probably prove fatal. Oi'R citizens will be pleased to learn that Sherry's New York Theatre is to return to this place for three nights, Thursday. Fri day and Saturday of next week. Good news for lovers of the drama. i-..'' We understuod that the bills' territory of the McCruy and adjoining farms is to be thoroughly developed in the spring,' Rabbit bunting is said to be good In the surrounding woods. Poticic matters are quiet at pretwnt. Tub coal trade ft active. ,v Call at Grilles Bro's and tot tbolr fine assortment of diaries for 1870. 9 if. FORCING A GlRtt TO RIARHY. Another Lunatic Asylum Outragr Fl.KJIIT FROM PkOSICCTIO AT HolllS Abrsction and Incarceration as to Maniac In a Den op IUntuntANS. From the Dubuque Herald. About eighteen months ago a dashing young man of polished address arrived in this city, and soon made tbo acquaintance of a beautiful youag girl. Her parents, strange to ssy, 'supported the claims or hot lover, and used every machination to bring aboutthe union. Doubtless impressed with the seeming reality of tho adventurers wealth, they imagined that it would prove 'a good. match," forgetting that is not gold that glitters. The good sense of tbe'girl suggested tUat ill was not what it might be. At lengbt, wearied hy bis importunities, she determin ed to rid herself of the tormentor by seek ing refuge among friends. But now her trouble Increased tenfold. Leaving home with naught but a thin scarf to protect her delicate frame from wind and weather, she went to visit a family where she hoped at least all e would be free front persecution. But ao; father, mother, and brother has tened to concoct a plan whereby passion might be revenged if parental obedience wa disreguarded. , . Accordingly, one day she was persuaded to take a ride Into the country, accompaied by her brother and so-called friend, in the capacity ot an ex-sheriff. She at first ob jected on account of the cold, but was met with the reply that there was a fire In ibo car, and she woold be warm. Like a lamb going'Mo the slaughter, she was hurried to the railroad depot, and when her j ourney was over sbe found herself immured in a lunatic asylum. No communication with the outer world: no fetters around ber, and not a prison, but almost worsel a maniac cell, was ber apart, meet, and sounds of fiendish laughter her companions. A feeling of resigned despair stole over her, and she felt it was best to try and bear tip, trusting to God. In vain bad she inquired the rea son oi ber confine ment taunt and scoffs were. the only an swers she received. Patiently she eniured the abuses which were heaped upon her? meekly she bore the epithets wbi.cb ignorant underlings applied to ber. But when she witnessed tie ignominious treatment which, the other tfnbappy in mates of the plaoe underwent ber spirit was stirred, and she ventured to remsnstrate, and dared to complain of wbcb she saw and heard. Was she heeded t Yes. But bow? For tbirty-tbree hours was she strapped down until the very injuries which she bad noted In others warn aotu illy applied to htrself, At the expiration or a certain peried she waa UoeU to leave that inhu man den or barbarism, without any certifi cate wbalevor. Fourteen months of a precious lire bad she spent within those walls. But she was not conqueced. The Proof-Sbeet, a type-founder's trade periodical published in Philadelphia, con tains a laughable "Map ef Boston and Adja cent Country." It represents the hemisphere viewed from such a point In space that Boston appears, as tba geographical center of theglolie. Tbe Hub iv represented to be abont the size or Lake Ontario, and New York Is too small to figure at all. The great lakes are tbe Boston waterworks; Mexico, Iceland, and South America con tain tbe gas works; the South Pacific I dotted with Boston bath-houses; Madeira is tbe Yankee vinegar factory; and in the center of Aliica is the office ol tbe Atlantic Monthly. Red Flint Lamp Chimneys at GrlfTes Bros, opposite tbe Opera House. 9 tf A letter received Monday night in New York from Havana gives details of barbari ties practiced on negroes suspected of being engaged in conspiring to burn plantations near Sagua, who were shot in tbe preseuce of all tbe negroes of estates, and about a dozen whipped with from eight hundred to one thousadn lashes. Arms for the Cubans have been landed at Magaris. Gen. Jordan was marching on Gibaras with a heavy column.- Spanish troops have beea sent to the neighborhood of Sagua. Advices from Parker's Landing on Satur day says that the pipes used for conveying the oil across the , river to tbe oars have been swept awjiyb'Thn high water, and consequently small quantities of oil are be ing sold and conveyed away io boats at $5,50 to $6,00 per barrel. Goto Giil'es Bro's for your Uighrock, Congress and Empire wuter. 9 tf. A lady in the third auditory oflioo, wbo lost three brave sons in tbe war or tbe rebellion, bos had laid on bor desk, with in a fxw days past, lor adjustment, the moQy accounts and - property accounts of one of her deceased sous, who was a quar termaster. Slio is uow engaged in their examination, tenia. Street paving in Chicago cost last year $3,000, 000. 4 Victor Kminrid is "mending" rapidly bis bealtb, not his morals. McFarland complains that the Inter viewers aro slowly killing him. The latest, stylo .of visiting cards con tains the namea'or both motherland un married daughter. The ''last spike" rings are sot with two agate, and have a neat gold spiku be tween tbe stones. . A canal boat latoly cleared from Bridge port. Illinois, 'according to a dispatch, with a load of post holes., for Joliet. The American Tract Fooioty- have now at work, on the Pacific coast, a Chinese colporteur. Bello Boyd, at the California Insane Asylum, has given birth to a boy, and re covered, her senses. - -Amos Kendall tea vet. $3,000 to a nephew wbo helped him ouce through a tight. financial place. "' Tbe Pope, ti fesald made bis will about the Eoumencial Council .in the eveut,of b I death. , , Dr. Cummiog. who is In charge tut he end ol the world, has written his thou sand and onoth letter to the l'upe. "The Onondaga giant" has arrived in New York, and has been provided with quarters at Wood's museum. Overcoats lined and faced with sealskin fur ure now la vogue among wealthy New Yorkers. According to a recent decision, board-ing-bonse keepers who servo bnsb are oklged to lake cut licenso as manufactur ers. Tbe old son;, "Shoo, fly, don't tedder me," which has Ixeu revived by the ruin. s:iel troupes in this country, has beeu trans lated into German. Ex-Deputy Collector Blatchlord, who es caped to Canada, has returned to New lorn, it is oenevea mat I tie return of Blatchford will result in the sudden depar ture from the country ot more than one of ficial wbo have so far considered them selves sufe. Tbe Norfolk, Va., Board of Trade have lopted resolutions favoring the establish ment of a line of American ocean steamers from tbejSoutuorn states to Europe. Joshua Jones and Lewis Carpenter, both colored, have been sentenced to death Feb ruary 4th, at Wilmington, Del., fur an atro. Clous assault ou JUrs. Mary Meriucth, a while woman. .J. Rheltnstorm Sc Co.'s distillery, sn Second street above Race street, Philadelphia, was damaged' by the fir on Saturday oibt to ih amount of $10.01)0: insured. Galvin's green house in West Roxbuty Masi., was destroyed by fire Saturday night. Loss $10,000. A quantity of smuggled liquors was se:z ed a few days ago at Camden, Me. They were brought from Deer Isle. Smuggling along that coast is extensive of late. John Brenncmau, or Morris, Grundy county, III., has been sentenced to imprison ment for life for killing bis father. Romance in Krai, Like Here is a bit of romance. A Minnesota lady who went out to India ns the wife of a missionary, carried with ber a book of i holographs of ber friends. A young British officer of her acquaintance was looking over these pic tures one day, and was Btruck with the ap pearance ol lii Jennie Shaw, of Lurkland, Minn. He opened a correspondence with her, and they were at la;t engaged, witboit either having seen each other. Ho h a since come to this country and viiied die lady, and, being mutually pleased uKu each other, they were, married a few wejka ago, and bavo gone to Kurope. A couple of Yankee girls put a builiog into tbe hired man's bed, to see ,i ft Ley could get him to talk.' )un threw the lro' out or the window, and never said a fork. Soou alter be put a bushel or chestnut burrs into tbe girl's bed, and about the tine he thought tbey sould make tbe least atndjw, Daniel went to tbe door, and tattltd the latcb furiously. Out went the ligjt, and in went the girl's, but tbey did'nf stick, though tbe burrs did. Calling tobemto be quiet ;he only wanted to know i'tbeybad seen that pesky bulllrog; uu'U dve two dollars to find him. Envelopes, Fine French, and biavy note paper just receive.,! ut Gi'iffos Bro s tf tf. It is claimed t vutbu eX-cts ( Senator Mortu's bill fur tliu r'Cons(iiutlon of Georgia, if it' becomes a law, rill secure tho rutifloation of tbe Fifteenth Amend News ment to tbe Constitution of United SUtes; and it is said that a ciroful buut slows that tbe vote of Georgia will make too requisite number. Jai'anrrk BarraMsm. Highly interest ing dispatches under date of October' 20, have been received at the Navy Department from Admiral Rowan, commaadlnp: tbe Asiatic squadron, The oflloers of the Dela ware were permitted to witness a Japanese crucifixion at Tokohama, which Is thus described: "Vben the prisoner who was to be crucified hnd been'placed on his back on a stout wioden crocs proband for the occasion, h was securely lashed thereto, but not nailed. Then the sentence was read, and two stout; mien with long spears came forward. Tbe one on tbe right side of tbe doorjod man stuck tbe point of his sptar in very deliberately, about two inches, artl just under the ribs, felt about a while win it to ascertain that It was clear of all Lb ties, and then, with a poweriul thrust upward, tbe head of the spear was sent thrsugb uotil it appeared on tbe top of tbe rigbt shoulder. The man on tbe right side then did likewise, Tbe victim, wbo was a mere boy, tyelled fearfully. He bad murdered bis mother by slabbing her thir teen times. After the two spears bad been thrust through bim a third man came far ward with a spear and thrust it through tbe criminal just where ha bad stabbed bis mother. Thirteen times tba spear went through his body, and tbe terrible perform ance ended. A Frenchman propoands tbe brilliant scheme for repelling a naval invasion from a city, of pouring petroleum on tbe water at cab tide and selling Ore to it, thus se curing the destructioa of wooden vessols and the rouring of tbe crews to Ibe iron steamers. Cf the abandoned churches in that reject ed mission field, down-town New York, one in Houston street is a ballroom; another in Franklin street, a market; a third, in Grand, and a fourth, in Amily streets, are stables; while fifth, on tbe East side is a lager beer garden. There are 342 whisky shops in Scranton. What a thirsty crowd live there .to be sure. A special tux or $25' each Is levied on the proprietors or these establishments netting the city the cheerful sum of $8,550. Orders taken for salts and fits guranteed, at Lammera A, Aldea's. If you would make present to a friend give one or Krlleys's German Silver Lamps. Gafleny's is sole agent. The old estaplished bouse or Owen Gaf- leny, is acknowledged by all te be tbe place to find pure sad unadulterated wines and liquors. nov.lfllm Tbe largests stevk and best variety ever offered on Oil Creek, Is at Gaffeoy's. Full assortment of Diaries for 1870, just r Kt-hd) .J1. Mcielaea t Co's. Sla tionery and Variety Store. oov.2311. Underclothing io Ittrge quantities at Lam mers k Ald-n's. Kiu Gi.oaks A Larnois & A Men's. large assortment, at Buckskiu Gloves, Alden's. cheap, at Lammers i The largest mid bcBt assortment of Table Cutlery,' ever brought into tbe country at Nichcolson & Blackmon's. tt, SiiEiiiUFFH Sale m Closed. Nicholson & Blackmon having bought bim out at tbia place and Kane CiW. tf. $1.00 buys a bottle ol GufJuey's Sunday Comfort, every family should have it. Sheriffs Safe is Closed. Nicholson k Blackmon having bought him out at this place und Kane City. . if. The New Gas Pump lor sale at Nicholson & Blackmon's. tf. The New Gas Pump for sale at Nicholson it Blackmon's. If, Tbe largest and beet assortment of Table Cutlery ever brought into the country, at Nichcolson & Blackmon's. tf. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. $500 J1KWAKD! T'ie f herrytro Hun Pipe to Kynd farm has been plutL'ed three 'I men wilhtn the put sixty days. A rewartof FIVK IIUNIJitED 1)01,1. A H8 will be paid fur trie duto-tlon and conviction of the peraon or parens . engaged m or takings say part 1U UU.V l inw lurtw vuiu.iiiiua imuaaoilous. J. S I'AMBACUil,' biil Dec. Tif TMIVB OR MX KIHST CLASS BOAKDBR8 X (loou accnnimoilanont and comtbrUaU rooms fiirrnislud. Apply at the ttrat two story honaa on tlio Kghert Farm. 4MT.1W. Yoraiju'ii SUiiir-JMcssinsr. HATlIlNaitOOMH. THE Mib'crller lia fitted up bis fscond floor In limtriouH unci coiiil'ortiblu etyle, as a first-class llnrlier Hhop Four flrat-clasa workmen will be In attendance. There ore tlircu eutiancos to the Bar bor Miop, olio lieieen tli" huildiiim. on tllroui;h the old rootm on tbo first floor, buaidts two. nights o .nlrn from tbo side walk, orllilw , CUAKLES J. LEONIUIHBJI ST' Drugsat Chri Medicines at Chri5 Toilet Articles at ClirSi Pure Liquors at Chri; Pun Winea at ChristiJ OILS AT C'fimSTH iurs at autism! P VTEVT 9EDIC IF.S AT CllRlSTllfe NO. 13 WASHIKGT9H SIRE PRKSCUIPTIOXXccmpson d(Jt ill n trieniLnc sua Mtnuays. HPC CUTTINS. TIN HAS CUTTING. TIN'WARE augSu. Redased rrloes at Lammers fc Aide" nov.22tf. mm V prf a3 Pi 91 IB? M fig jfl