The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, December 04, 1869, Image 2

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    Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
Pot. I'cutro, Saturday, DeA 4.
TRAINS ON O. C. ic A. It-tR
No. 2, PaBseniror. Leave Corry 11.20 a.
m. ; Titusville, 12.69 p. m. ; Petroleum Cen
tre, 1.40 p. n. ; Oil City, 2.22 p. m.; Ir
vineton, 5 10 p. m.
No. 4. Pnssenger Lesre Corry 6.10 a. tn.
Titusville, 7.35 a.m.; Petroleum Centre,
8.14 a m; Oil City, 8.59 tn; arrive at Ir
vineton 11.40 ft m.
No. 6. Passenger Leave Corry C.05p m;
Titiifcville, 7.60 p m; Petroleum Centre,
8,33 p m; arrive at Oil City 9,20 p m.
No. 1, Passenger Leave Irvineton 7.15
a n; Oil City, 10,10 a m; Petroleum Cen
tre, 11,05a m; Titusviiie, 11,50 a m; arrive
at Corry 1,40 p m.
No. 3, Pnssenger Leave Irvineton, 12.
05 p m; Oil City 2.57 p m; Petroleum Coh
tre. 3,36 pm; Titusville, 4,20 p m; arrive
at Corry 6.45 p m.
No. 6, Puesenirer Lenve Oil City 7,00 a
m; Petroleum Centre, 7,43 a m; Titusville,
8.30 a m; arrive at Corry 10,10 a m.
Rlvine Services.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., and
g'ciock P. M.
Rkv. J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor.
Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
i P. M. Snbbatu School at 12J P. M.
eate free. A cordial invitation extend
ed to all.
Eev. jC. M. Heard, Pasier.
ST3. PETER'' AND PAUL'S (Catliolie)
Mm at 10J4 a. m.
Vesper and Benediction of tba Blessed
Sacrament at 4 p. ru.
Catechism at 2 p. m. "
. JAMES DUNN, Pastor.
Michigan manufactured lat year up
wards of 700,000,000 fei t of lumber. This
rate of manufacturing induced the lumber
men recently to tike a survey of the stand
ing forests, and the lesult is that In Ihn re
gion embraced within the Sagnaw district
it Is estimated there is 8,665,000,000 feet
landing, or about enough to last thirteen
years at the present rate of manufacturing.
The rete of the inroad made may be under
stood from the following:
"During October 10.502,200 feet of logo
were scaled on Blaclj river, and tliu total
amount scaled up to the Brat inst was 71,
60,000 feet. This is an excesss of the to
tal aniouut tor last seasoo, and it is prob
able that 15,000,000 fcc tuuie will ha ca
ed before this season is closed. As 10,
000,000 feet mora Is likely to remain in the
booms over winter, the season's work oh tue
river will be about 100,000,000 feet of logs,
including a few million feet that were in
the river left over from last season.
Messrs. Nicholson & B'.ackmon have pur
chased the Interest of frames A. Sberriff, in
the Kane City natwtre store, and will
hereafter conti:o tbejon9inetB in that place
in connecting WilfiNISir storu lu this place.
To niaht at ibo theatre will ba presented
the great drama entitled '-The Long Strike
or the Workingmcn of Manchester." As
this is tho last niuht in this place .for the
present of Sherry'B company, we hope to
see ft crowded house. :'
Large numbers of people have examined
tbose wonders of nature, Ibo wild Austral
ian Children, and pronounce ' tbnm the
greatest curiosities of tho ago.' They can
be seen at A kin's Hull, this evening.
Allksugoozklck Lookisu Up. A
new well was struck ou too Lakd farm, near
Alleiuigoozelum City, this morning. It Is
owned bjfml. W. Ibrig; is 570 fcetdeep; hi:
33 feet sand rock; and commenced flow ing
through the casing before the tubing was
nut in. Will be tubed this allernoon. A
"big well" is looked for.
The ,011 Creek & Allegheny River Rall
roud company are about to commence the
building of a largo froight bouse', opposite
the passenger depot, the one now in use be
ing inaufiicient for the increasing business
of tho road.
A heavy passenger train on Hie Hannh
Iml und St. Job railroad, before daylight on
Thursday morning, bud entered upon the
bridge at West Qulucy, Illinois, before the
engineer noticed the draw was opeu for a
Bteumer to pass, and, whisillngdown brakes
and reversing the engine, ho brought the
locomotive to a stand just four feet fiom the
end of thd rails over the opening, thus, by
barely ft moment's interval, saving the
whole train from o Iniip into tho Mississ!; pi
below, and preventing a lonihle calamity.
The train was behind time, und of tbi
rnon' wholly in ehargeyllio on accustomed
to Nignal wiib siol:, and one of the two
otlieii who was t tho nit;:Ml lamps had his
a'teutiou turned to the boat, and, not hear
ing tho train, omitted to turn tho danger
from U Sem tork Sun ofjhumlas Dec. t.
A Public- Ontragd'on Religion und
, Decency.
The Astor House, In this city, was the
scene on Tnesdoy afternoon of a ceremony
wblcb teems to us to set at defianco all those
sentiments respecting the relation of mar
riage which regarded is as anything intrin
sically superior to prostitution. The High
Priest of this occasion was Henry Ward
Beecher, assisted by tho Rov. Uenry M.
Field, D. D., and the Uev. O. B. Frothing
bam. Tho parties were Albert D. Richard
son, lyiiitf, wounded by a pistol shot, uron
a bed of illness, and piobably of death, and
Mrs. McFarland, alias Mr Sage, whom
Richardson some time ago stduced trom al
legiance to her lawful wedded husband.
This husb.tnd bad been guilty of a crime
toward bis wife the crime of poverty. It
was even said that, harassed by the loss of
bis properly and the conduct of bis wile, be
bad sometimes taken to his cups, to drown
care, and had occassiouully men exasner-
led to speak Imrsbly to tho partner of
his bosom, although, on tho other band, no
cbargo of adultery was ever made against
him, and It appears to be uncontradicted
that he was generally so devoted to her
that bis exceeding conjugal ulfection htlr.ict
ed attention and elicited fioiiueut remaik
from his. acquaintances.
Mrs McFarland was a woman of personal
attractiveness. She and her husband end
children, In the year, I8f7, occupied apart
ments adjoining those of Ricuoidson, who
was a young widower, with children. As we
are inlormed, Mrs. McFarland got into the
habit of going out to lunch frequently, if
not daily, with Richardson. Alter this had
gone on for soma tiine, her I nsband remon
strated with her against such a practice tell
lug her that It would give rise to scandal.
She replied that she bad before reflected up
on that consequence, and premised immedi
ate amendment. Coming homu e:ir!ier
than usual the next day, Mr. McFa:lund
met in the hnll bis wile, who came rushing
suddenly and us 11 surprised from Richard
son's apartment she threw ber aims around
him and buried him in a shower of passion
ate kisses. Tbey then went to bis room,
where be gently reminded ber that she had
broken ber promise; again she promised re
form; they spent the night together, and in
tiie morning she continued to cover him with
terms of endearment, Dually begging him.
as he left, to return earlier than usual, assign
ing as a reason of bet leanest that
she bad not bad enough of his society of
late; that she was lonelv, and wished to
see more of him. In coinnlinnw
impassioued wish, he did return e?
than usual, and found on his table a nole
from his wife, stating that she bad left him!
In fact, Richardson had taken ber and bis
two children away from bis Lome,
whither be knew not. Subsequently, find
ing Richardson escorting her homo from a
theatre Ute at night, be fired a revolver at
him. but inflicted onlv a flesh wound.
One of his children bo afierwnrd found in
Massachusetts. He succeeded in recovering
po:es?ion of tho child beforo the Supremo
Court of that State by aid of the, sacred writ
of habeas corpus.
On tho 12th ot March, 1850, Richardson
published a cardjeontnining the shameless
statement respecting a woman who was
the lawful wil'o of another man that alter
the separation between Mrs McI'aiu.axi)
and ner busbaud "it Came to bo understood
between ber and myself, that whenever
she should bo legally free, she should be
come my wife." Yel no iuteligent, reason
ing, human being can doubt, from the evi
dence in the case, that this separation was
promoted ami h;ought about and not un
like origiually suggested by Ricbardsun
himself I
At lii9t, diiven to frenzy by the Iofs ol his
more than life, and by the contemplation
of his wife, tho mother his children, repos
ing in the arms of her Bedueer. ho shot that
seducer who was armed ut (ho time, to re
ceive him through the body, inflicting up
on him a wound from the eirecls of which
the seducer has .-luco been fluttering bc
tweon life und death. We use the word
seducer la Its exact Becse we moan the man
who led this woman from hereolf; for he
who crawls, like the serpent in Edoe, inlo
a bousebold nud estranges from a husband
the affection? of a wife, is equally her se
ducer, whettier ho hiuiBclf bus maiital re
lation! Willi her before or after a mock re
ligions ceremony. As the preut nud elo
ouent John Whipple paid, ''lie who einois
llii dwelling of a friend, und, under the
shillor and prntiction of friendship und
bospitulity,ooniipts tho Integrity of the wife
or daughter, by tho common coiwnt ol
mankind ought to bo consigned tn immedi
ate g;'.!!ows. "
. An en.dly misguided woman, led on by
RichnpLioii, and cheered uod encouraged
by bis Kreo-love allies, this wifo and moth
er r.B..ited to Indiana, where, forgetting
ber early plighted faith, by tho loose u:ul
e isy process there in vogue, sho procured a
leg l divorce. ,
" nlil, trievcrrnt b'ovr.
And tooso. free step, lior -erllons wnr shetroil,
lhiwiiwoid and on t;ll tw denlvd le r lod,
And tiro.iu the in:irr:igo vow."
For had sho not vowed lo take McFarland
for ber husband, for belter for worse, until
death nothing else should part them:
And it is her husband is poor, nnd
some times biush! An 1 so the Rev. Henry
Ward Beecher c mes and marries her to nn"
other man, to wit. this man Richardson!
And now, consider, man led im n of New
York, husbands and fatheis, by what frail
and brittle tenure your homes are yours.
If you fail In your business and it is said
thnt ninety-live out of one hundred business
men nt some I me fail then thoyoung'T and
hanosomcr face i f your widowed neighbor
mny ehnrm away your wil'o; the laws of
Indiana will print n divorce to the fair
truant, nnd Henry Ward Beecher with
Iho Rev. Dr. l iehl, of New York Evange
list, standing at bis rkbt hand, nnd the
Rev. O. B. FrotMnghnm to implore a bless
ing on the sin stands ready lo many her
linertine who will pnv not In affection, but
in gold or greenbacks the price of her frail
cbamst It it be said that poverty was not
the only crime of McFarland. then rest easy,
husbauds nnd futhers, at least ell of you
who never, in any moment of trial vexition
have uttered one impatient or petulant
word !
Yes. it is the p'ons, the popular, tho ad
mired, the revered Ilenry Ward Beecher'
who comes boldly and even proudly for
ward, boldiier by tho hand anil Icadlut:
Lust to her tiinmph nv r I!.-!ijii'n! Who
can read Iho uun itive, and not wish that
Plymouth Church were cnul,- Into the ground
uutil tho pe;ik of its ghhlo should be beneath
the of the e irth!
Anil Mr Bcccber wnsapsis'ed by the Rev.
Mr. Frothinjl.nm, who blasphemed in n
prayer to God which contiined these words.
'Father, we thank Thee for what these
two have been to each other, und lor what
they m:iy be yet. "
Mr. Frothin;h.m may plcaj in his de
fence that be dues not believe in th Scrip
tures; but Mr. Beechei, who has been e.n
;aged for several years past upon a Life of
Cliri;t, shou'.d hav reminded him that our
Saviour 'mid: "l say unto you, that who
soever shall put away his wile, saving Ic r
the cause of fornication. cmi'-ota her to com
mit adultery; .and whosoever shall marry
her that is divoiccd C''imuitt"th adultery. '
News 1 tenia.
Leavenworth claims to bthe Poikopolia
ol Kansas.
A L.i!ie2o ureachina a se
ries ol serin.. ns on riif in piesent.aive out-
uers ot Iho E.ble."
San Fra:;citco calls the leading Sacramen
to hotel tho boldcn Fleec.
Worcester. Mas3.ichnetis, has its street
railroad n-'n n in oueraiion.
A man in Boston was fined fifteen dollars
for risking ( horse-car fare.
'BugmaslT General" is an other name
for State entimologlst in Illinois.
A Massacmn-tig paper beads its corres
pondence Ircn Chicago '-The Old West."
Several yong ladies worked tho engines
at a fire in Gu hiini, Maine, a lew dnys ogo
Tho slate quarries pf Lehigh county,
lYnnsylvanii uu, considered worth $2,.
Tho montty pay roll of the Pittsburg
jvrsunni Das ben cut down from $3,000 lo
ino Ohicao Post says the streets there
aro loo wid. aud calls tL'en 'snrawliiu'
A letter frm Havana predict! that wilh
io a year tur lii sell tt 37 1-2 lo iO c. uts
per pound.
Some you jr ladies in Albany have organ
i.u a ciun, mij( r tl;o uan.o ol tliu girls Of
tue' period. .
It Is conetjng id know that George Pea
u.7, at th og- of filly, was worth only
titty thousaij tlollars.
The TenifT.ii:ee party nt New Eeillord,
M irs., euppMS George B. Richmond as
candidate f.; Mayor.
In cxportij living plants the Japanese
wrap the rcis in a mixture of earth und
carrots groru luetber.
Sherrys' in-licre why because every
uouy is jroiu (u 1'inlber s htore lo carry
away tho 8 ndid new stock of Oringea,
Lemons, Ci:,,i goods und Groceries
wulcii are ttiiing daiiy per Expres ;!ive
us a oall n.!d i. Dec. 31 w,
Sll'C-hr-UIu Jjv,
cheap, at Lammers &
In l'ents; f, i the next five years,
there will bi ,,f t.veuty five ctllais for
shooting a );,.; ,i ....
The large Leiil iiskji tinent of Table
nnlleiy, cv i,r,, i.L'lit into the country ut
Niciicilsun I'.hieliinon's. 11.; is Ci.hsko. Nicholson
& Elacliiuoiijving bought hiw out at this
place and Ki. cit", tf.
. ov'lilltl, l,VK
nnfl tno llnpplc ol True Marriage
11 FAY for l ounjr Men tntne i rrnir, n iiu
Vnid lilw'M wtill ltioy Iho Mnly Powrcs
widerwitelinpedlnirBtsofMAUUIAQB, wllh sore
means of relief, teat In WAledlottef eatclopta froe
ot charge. Addre Howard Association. Bov. P.
1 ldladelfl. r. ipn.
OnleiTTaken for tiiits and Ut! guranteed,
at Lammers & Alden'r.
If you wouKi make present to friend
give one of Kelleys's German SllTer Lamps.
GafTeny's is lole agent.
Tho largeals stock and best variety ever
offered en Oil Creek, Is at Gsffecy's.
Full assortment of Diaries for 1870, Just
received i: W. II. IvicUlfon it Co's. Sta
tiotiery and Variety Store. rnov.23!l.
Tho old tstupllahcd bouse of Owen Gaf
feny, Is acknowledged by all to be the place
to find pure and unadulterated wloea and
liquors. nov.l'Jlm.
Underclothing In large quantities at Lam
mors & Alden's.
Kiu (1 1. oaks A large assortment, at
Lameis i Alden's.
Tmk.iik is to bo a grand dance at the Pio
neer lIou.T, Pioneer, on the evening of De
comber fttli.
SI. 00 boys a bottle ol Gaft'ncy's Sunday
Comfort, every family should have It.
At the Oil Kxehnn'.'p note!, a SECOND
&c1 .
MONDAY EVE'G, Dec. 6, 1869.
A R-T 9 S
:zz Sand.
nov-9 td.
Drugs at Christie's
Kcdiclncs at CJiilstie's!
Toilet Articles at Cijristie's
Pcrc IJquis at Christie's
Pure Wines at Christie's !
at Christie's!
'IfrT! IPTtO-c'.mpcundcdt U urj of
Hie nlvi.t H1.11 1-nr'tiiys.
Iir..I(. XI. tliJJilSTJE,
J ta 1 removed to Y.U rciidonco on
llain t'treet, at tlo end of Egbert
Farm Bridge.
Hour nt residenen from R 1'. M. until 8 A. M
Diuini; reinaludor of the dny ho may bo nmud at
bn old onice. ooT'jMMj
rroir.&"M!nf;er, J. f. SII! UKY
For ,a Fcv Siglit Only!
Tihe Manncer beirs Irjn to announce to the rill,
zens of I'elrolelin-I'entrc undvlcluitj, that be
will opeu wtttl a colupy cumprbuv
Helrctrd f om tho prltifl).d Theatres of New York,
notion HTiu I'uiot ii !pnu,to'.r -ifwr won ft B'o.l'.'s.
DIU HIIAKK OI'.M.r iSt and a lull ainletn-
eienl Urclicj-tra, lniiki njl Itio Kre.ite-t rninbinaUua
ol In amutic aud'l'uleut litif.'tliiii;.
iiAS'r xinirr "F the
Saturday Evefg, Dec. 3d, '69
Will bo produced the Gnat Eentuliotnl Drams
onillled, the -
Saong Strike!
Workingmen of Slancliester.
Mrs. JULIA ULAKE as June Lcrojd
To ronclnda with the Laughable Afierplrce
A'lmi-sten. oO p-tiIi Ito-orvcJ Seat.', 7ft teat
rrlmle Ik xes, 6,00.
tVTICKEr8 lor slc l the Met'lintock nonw.
iviolis opou at 7 o'clock, perroi-rniince com
mer.e. ? nt N.
nonV Ot. J. M. SlIEliKY, Aura!.
s J -l r-