The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, December 02, 1869, Image 2

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Fetro'.eum Centre Daily Record.
TntXcui.-i-, Thuraday, Dec. 2.
i II a I.VS ON ft, V. & A. II.. II.
'No. 2, ratscb'sM- Leavo Corry 11. 2n b.
m. ; 'fittsTillo, 12.S9 p. m. f Petroleum Con
ire, l.W p. in. 5 Oil City, 2 22 p. m.; Ir
vineton, 3 10 p. m.
" No. 4, rafsnoger Leave Lorry o. iu a. m.
U'-.s villi-, 7.35 a. m. i Fetioleum Centre.
jtU m; Oil City, 8 59 a m; arrive at Ir
vineton 1 1 -Id a m.
No. 6. 1'iii-senner Leave Corry 6 05 p tn;
Titi.bvi:i, 7 60 p m; relrobum Leulre,
8. US p ui; arrive at Oil City 9,20 p m.
No. !, I'r.fsenepr Leave Irvineton 7.15
a w; Oil Ciiy, 10.10 a tn; Petroleum Cen
tre. llri'5 a id; Titusvilie, 11,50 a id; arrive
1st Corry 1. 10 p m.
So. ft. l'BSnuer Leave Irvineton, 12,
05 p ir : 0;1 City 2.57 p ro; Petroleum Cen
tre. S.wO )i m; Titusvilie, 4,20 p id; arrive
ul Curry :.45 p m.
No. 6, I'assencer Leave Oil City 7,00 a
m: Petroleum Centre, 7,43 a oi; Titusvilie,
t.ii) u in; arrive at Corry 10,10 a m.
nivlno Rcrvlcee.
i'reaohing at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7
o'clock P. M.
Rsv. J. T. OxTonr, Pastor.
rVr vices every Sabbath ut 11 A. M. and
P. M. Sabbath Echo.;! at 12 P. M.
eats free. A cordial Invitation extend
ed to all.
Kev. C. M. Heard, rustor.
3TS. PETER AND PAUL'S (Cntholir)
Mass at 10 a. m.
Vesper and Eenelictlon of the Blessed
Sacrament at 4 p. ni.
Catechism at 2p. m.
"G. W. B.." the Warren correspondent
of the Erie Dispatch, 1ms l-een visiting
Ronsevillo and wiites to that paper as fol
lows: 'Visiting Roii'evlllo last Friday, I could
not but note the rapid Improvements of the
last two months. The main Improvements
In tbe village are a One and commodious
depot on theO. C. & A. li. R. 11., a I arse
and new tank shop belonging to F. S. Tar-
bell, tbe pioneer tank builder on Oil flreek.
splendid drug store owned by W. R. Mc-
Cormick, formeily of rieasan'ville. and
aeon a of other new buildings. Oil keeps
pace with everything else. A one hundred
barrel flowing well, was struck lust week
on tbe Shaw farm near the tewn. And the
(veil of Tarbell and Hess, reported by so
two weeks ago, to tbe Dispatch, at fonyH
"barrels and increasing, has siuce tone ui.
to ninety barrels dally. J. F. Smith bus
persevering) purnptd for tbe lust tLree
months, at (wo old-well on tho Buchanan
farm, getting nothing but water, but a few
day ago, bis labora were rewarded by pro
ducing oil In paying quantities.
-v flharlH TTtivnRl. in nld finil .WAalthv nil
operator of Oil City, bas recently built
three derricks and engine bouses, near that
place, wh'sh leave tbe many thousand built
before, ''in the shade" as to beauty and
finish. Tbe derricks are painted white at
tbe top, green In tbe centre, and red at the
bottom. Tbe engine bouses are also paint.
ed green. It looks almost like a freuk of
nature to see paint on anypattof an oil
. "rig" and it is quite certain, that It don't
A night or two slnoe, at one of tbe up
town saloi ns, several old topers were sitting
round tbe sieve with mouths and pockets
ectuallr dry, when a stronger came in, and
turning to tha crowd said, "Come, boys,
let's all take a drink!" Of courso there
was a rusb to the bar by the ('dry ones,'
sd all partook of the "benzine" In liberal
' qnantitlea at the supposed expense of tbe
libeial hearted stranger. Their surprise
nay be imagined, however, when tbe strac
ger turned round with tbe exclamation
"Now, boys, lot's all pay for it," and walk
cd oat
Thb funeral services of Mr. A. Crane
, were held this forenoon at ton o'clock, at
tbe late residence of the deceased. At tbe
conclusion of tbe services very impressive
prayer was offered by Rev. C. M. Heard,
after wbiob the remains were followed to
the depot by large oonoourse of tbe
frieods of deceased.
At tbe theatre to-night will bn produced
tbe gieat drama entitled "School, or tbe
Story of Bella Marks." Tire performance
will conclude with tbe laughable burlesque
entitled, 'Po-ca-bon-tas." The bouse
will uo doubt be crowded.
Act' v3 mauaiiMS wore taken at tbe meet
ing hold lu Titusvilie, last evening, for tbe
relief of Col. Drake, the Petroleum Pioneer.
The following named gentlemen were ap
pointed a com.aitteo to solicit subscriptions1
Jowthan WaUon, R. D. Fletcbar, W. W.
Slnjsland, John C. Bryan, W. W. Blosa.
' . A. D. If ICU.tltDSON DYING.
marriage to Jin, Sage In Hie Amor
.-Iloimo Vcaioriluy.
lis is Married on tits Deathiikd nr Rev.
Hgnrt Wakd Bkkciiek Affkctixu
Scene at tub Astor IIudsk Last Even-imi'-Am,
Hopks op a Kkcovkrt Bax-
From the y. T. Sun, Dec. J(.
The favorable symptoms in Mr. Richard
son's case night belore last gavo way jester,
day morning to unfavorable ones, nud bo
began the day In a condition fur from as
suring to bis friends. Tho infhmation
around tbe wound did not increase, and hnd
his safety depended alone on this there was
nothing to cause alarm. Bui li lit strength
gradually failed, owing to the lack of mmr.
ishuient during tho live dayB s'.uoj bo was
Ilia vomiting erased, and he bad little pain
but bis mind wandered occasionally, and
be appeared quite feverish. His p ul so rose,
end ot sunset reached 1.12, with indication
of failing strength. For on hour or two
after sunset he appeared to rally, but after
that the loss of strength continued, and at
midnight there was hardly a ray of hope
that ho could recover.
Mr. Richardson bad eaten nolbing since ho
was shot. His stomach will retain nothing.
Tbe vomitings bavo ceased. 11 .s strength
bas almost entirely left him. The doctors
are ol tbe opinion that when he received
tho fatal wound tbe coiitents of the stom
ach ran Into the Intestinal cavity. If this
bo so, and all tbe appearances indicate it,
there is not the slightest hope of his recov
ery. Dr. Swan visited bim frequently, and Dr.
Carter was in constant attendance. Drs.
Saj re and Ilnlcoinu called in the morning
and evening, and several of the suH'rei's
friends were with him. Ilia brother, Char
les A. Kichard.'on, of tho Boston CoxaiiK, arrived early yesterday tnorn
iiif, nnd was at his sido much of the time
during tbe dny.
Mr. Richardson was married to Mrs. Al
by Sage, late Mrs. McFarland, at 5:30 p. ni.,
yesterday. The marriage ceremony was per
formed by. the Rev. Henry Wind Beecher,
assisted by the Uev. O. B. Frothingliurn.
Among those piesent werti Mr. Junius Il. n
rl Brovrno, the companion ol Mr. Richard
son during bis captivity in the rebel prison
at Salisbury; Coi. Thomas V. Knox, hi?
old and intimate friend; the Uev. Henry. M.
Field, who stood at ti e side of Mr." Beecher
during the ceremony ; Mr. W. T. UlaUi-,
C. A. RunUle, Mr. Charles A. ic'ii'-rison.
of BlsIou, the brother of llio living man;
Thus. B. Holder; Drs. II"leom!i, Carter, and
Sayer; Mrs. Lucia, G. Calhoun, Mm. Thom
as B. Holder, Mies Lily Gilbert, und Mis.
Sae, tbe mother of Mrs. MeK..rland. A
messenger was sent to juieoy ci,y for the
son of Mr. Jiichardaon, but bo did not ai
(ive In time to witness luu marriage ceie
ntony. Tbe room of the sick man is on the
first floor of tbe Astor House. It was isear
Iv tilled with witnesses. Thedoois and
windows were open. Mr. Richardson lay
partlully propped by pillows. Thou:,b very
weak, he was not pule, und looked some
what flushed. Mrs. McFarland occupied u
chair at the bead of the bi d. Everything
being in readiness, tbe Rev. O. B. Frothlng-
bam opened tbe servics with prayer, after
which the simple marriage ceremony, of the
Congregational Church was perfoiined by
the Rev. Henry Ward Beecber. At Us con
clusion tbe Hon. Horace Greoly, Mr. White-
law Reid, and Mr. Sumuel Sinclair, who
bad just urrived, entered the room und held
a short conversation with Mr. Richardson,
Tbe marrluge was at the request of Mr,
Richardson, and by tbe unanimous advice
of the friends of botb parties.
Anothor Iowa nilroal1, from tb Missis
sippi to the Missouri river, bas been com
pleted the Burlington and Missouri River
road. It was on Saturday completed to
Glenwood, la Mills county, west to which it
connects with the St. Joseph and Council
Bluffs Road, formiug direct connection with
tbe Puoifio Railroad. Tho completion of
this road was duly "celebrated" at Glen
wood en Saturday, on the arrival of tho first
through train from Burlington, en route to
Counoil Bluffs.
Br a dispatch from Frurklin, we Joarn
that Gas Rbiel, recently convicted of mnr.
der in the second degree, received his sen
tence yesterday. It was that be be impris
oned in the Western Penitentiary, at Alio-
shenv City, for tho period of 11 year and
10 months.
Tba Lancaster Intelligencer sny a that Mrs.
Daniel Peterinau, of that oily, while uatiug
a boiled potato on Sunday folt some hard
substunce between ber teeth, which on ex
amination proved lo be child's gold ring
set in gurnets. None of the family can
imagine how tbe ring got Into tbe potato.
which was grown In their own lot, and no
such ring ever belonged to the family.'
That potato, or tbe garnet ring, abould have
been saved for aeed.
New ltem.
A committee of tl?o city government of
Boston, has been appointed to ninlio suita
ble arrangements lor thyreceplion cf the
remains of Goo. Pea' oily.
Tho sleanvrs Rrie nnd Ontrlo have been
sjld at nosti.n to New Yorkers for 9 2."fl,C17
each. Tho original of both was a mil
lion and u half.
The Spanish Ironclad Sarngossa has ar
rived at Havunt.
J. B. Wilder, wholesale druggist in Louis
ville, was detected in Felling imsiauiped
snuff, and his stuck was therefore ceized.
There is tniieh excitement in commercial
circles in Havana over the intelligence
from the United- Sttttes that our Govern
ment had crtuei il tLc new Spanish gunboats
in New Vurii harbor tu be Ui.-ubied in such a
manner as to i revent their sailing.
J-jhn Dmrey, of WilliniiHlur, Mass.,
convicted at Northampton oi wife murder,
hi s been sentenced lo imprisonment for
Tie jury In a caso for tho recover ol
lai!er beer seix -d by the State Constables
at Boston decided that laer is not un in
toxicating liquor within the meaning of
the law, and found fur plaiulifT.
Mr. Robert Uoiiiier has given a bell to
the Preshylei!n:i church at Beaver Dam,
Wisconsin. Ir will doubtless takes several
clerks lo answer tho applications for church
bells which Mr. Bonner will receive from
different puns of tho country dining tho
next six months.
An amb t on jouih who has been brought
up with a sad niisaprehension of fac's, tliu
pours bis soul into verse:
If 1 was lohlo editor,
Wouldn't I hive a time?
I wouldn't print u c;issed word
For lessen a $ a. line.
I'd get n. y grub an 1 liq'inr free,
, & tickets tn tho shows.
I wouldn't pay for bu;gy hire,
& wouldn't I wonie good close!
Trof. Bka.mkh will omoience liU coins
ol Ieciiires mi Physiognomy anil Phrenolo
gy, on Thursday evening next, in the Eg
bert Form School House. A very large col
li ction of paintings will bn introduced to
illustrate tbe sciences. A favorable patron
age is expected in.ismuch as the Prof, rei.-
deis nniveis-il salislaellnn. ' It.
We see it slated that oil has I een struck
in Imi'slime. in the town i,f Currolton,
Cat! CMiin'.y, ten miles Iroin Olean. S::i
barrels have bepu prnduced in five hours
time. The aitjoinin;; territory is to tie
fur ;!l!-r tested by the bliiklug i.f Rvo other
Tlie Cnmmtss'onnr of Internal Revenue
deeides: ''The special t.rx of bntcheis is
imposed exclnively with respect lo the
selling of butchers' meut and not fur tbe
preparation for sale of uny nrtirle, such as
snufaes, n.inca pie, cured hums, etc.,
which have a separatu und distinct com
mereial value in t!.o market its such; he
should l,e repurded as a manufacturer with
in the ineatii'i'; ol the law, and be required
to pay a special lax as such, without refer
eneo to the faot lht bo may bavo paid tax
as a bulcher,-'
An oil spring has been discovered in
Wyoming Territory, about live miles north
of Aspen St.iiiuu, on the Union Pucilic i: aii
road, and a well has beer, bored to the depth
of one hut. die i feel. Three small l.-ndcrs
of oil have already been struck, uud the In
dications are very favorable lor a rich vein
Mail news !rum Hay tl to the 13th nil.,
state that Cape Iliytieu had sureudored to
the revolutionists. The gunboat Suluave
had been sunk. Tbe Petion has been cap
tured by the revolutionary war vessels
Quaker City and Florida, and prepar.tions
were making to uttack Poit an Prince, the
only place iu the Republio in possession of
Salnavo. Saluavo is strongly lot tided at
Port uu Piirxv, and declares be will blow
It up before ho will surrender. ,
Tuerb is to be a grand dance at the Plo
neor House, Pioneer, on the evening of De
cember Dili.
Judge Alexander W. Baldwin, of Nevada
killed by the recent rail road accident near
Sua Francisco, bud $35,000 insurance on
bis life. Judge Baldwin was admitted to
tho Nevada bui ten years ago, when but
nineteen years of ago, a special act of tbe
LegUluturo being passed to permit it.
Buckskiu Gloves, cheap, at Lammers Si
$1.00 buys u bottle of Gulfney's Sunday
(Joiutort, .every lumity si, onto nave it.
Underclothing in larje quaulilics at Lam
mere & Aldeu s.
Kid Gloaes A largo( assortment, at
Lameis 1 Aldoo's.
roJlXJAIi IO V el
nud ttic Blnpptncxn ol True MarrlBg
I I tY for Voune Men on Mie Frrors Abases
Vit IHseaiw whicli ,lelroy Hie Manly Pnwres
ar.dcrrtitcliniKMtlmn'SofM.KIiInK, with sure
means uf M'c.f. Frr.t In fou'eUleUerrnvclopn fruo
ol rl aree. Ad.lrosi liaward Asjotiation. Itor. P.
hlladeli hi, Pa. r4:3m.
Ordeis taken for suits and its gurnntocd,
at Lammers A Alden'r.
If yen would majte present to friend
jit one of Kelleys'a German Silver Lamps.
GnfTony's is sole agent.
The larcests stork and best variety ever
offered en Oil Creek, is at qaffeny's. , .
Full assortment or Diailrs Tor 1870, just
received at W. H. Mil.ebon A Co. Pta
tionery and Variety Store. fnov.23tl.
'I'hi old estanlished house of Owen Gaf-
teny, is acknowledged by all to be the place
to find puro and unadulterated wines and
liquors. nnv.lOlm.
uurK von skill).
C10Ti"C pimNT. TxM, two atfrlo M?h, re
j ent MMilnledard piperfl. Kiichm. pan
Irv oat an ' vvend tioii-r -i.irhei. i.'onveiiient to
wlite tit 1 tl "n the I-'cb-rr Farm In the pleas i. i .f TetroK'nai (.'t-utro.
Ai,, lv -.a he liieiube of
Doiaotf. J. L. HAHDINO.
renin c.i -nnttnershtp hireti fcirn exl-tleg between
L (I. W. Hunt" niiii B J. Ho, a, In t. e refl iln
hll(illO!s. I til s U IV llsoive J lJr niutllill rftieen-.
I-'. .1 I vi-iirinu fmni lliu ll.m. Tho luntnens
will he em t''"ie, tin t nil lesiu.aof Hie lalullrui
wi'l I'p pe'tlnl bv ii W. Hawus
D.rol N..V. 8:'d V. r.. w. iiaw km,
n.ivin:i'. K. J. P.wss
Dr ugs at Christie's
"taurines at C.jihile's!
Toilet Articles at Christie's
rare I!qurs at f bristle's
fine vnecs uc ChittiA i
Pateat SJeb( ixra
T PlPTtliTtJ',C t
I'RRuCPIPTIfTS cnmponnJed at all nri or
the ui-ht nud Sundays.
2D. 3D & 1TH.J
Ore;.t Llvleg Wonders I Immenra Attraction
Tho Wild Australian
Thesonnnarallod flnrloslllm of Nature have nov
f.r l.ra.n 0,1 nyhilillifili iu lids eonutrv beftire.
TIIKWIL'i AlTH '.'KALIAN UtlbUiiUN nro ev-
lib etlv or a etui .iiiil riiue; trinn ttielr unt
il ul prodiUiic.', Ilielr lone, Blimp teeth. 4c, per
Iiumh tliu ouly apceiineui lVoiu that ocuulry mu
lias removed to his rcsldonco on
Main Street, at the end of Egbert
Farm Bridge.
Honrs at residence from 8 P. M. nntil S A. II
Diii'1d( remainder of the day be may be found at
b old ottic. B02A:tf
V'.tTKS W'
Prop'rA.nHniunror, J. F. Mltintr
For ,a Vv.xv XigMs Oniy!
rphe MnnfiLvr h-fsa Ir ivo to nnnnnnpif to the d;(
X wiiH'i ' ttiif"i fniiw urHiYiu'iutjr, Uittie
will o4en wilU compjuy (xiiiinhi
"elected f om Itie prlnel;ml Tin aires nf KcwTirt,
B'lM.-n nnu I'tiilirlelplii;), tci;r-t li-r with SiI.Kn
Iilli SII.VKK I'OUN H.T HANI) imtl a m'll nuileH.
eicnt Hrebe-lra, leakiiijr llm pntit..-t i-omUuiui
f Uininatli; and Musii u I TnUut ii.ivcliintj.
fa tc rJ.l 1' u u Jl I" A A
Thursday Eve'g, Dec. 2nd, '69
Wilt ho produ'-ed f-r the (I'.nt t me in th' plac;.
i.ijeui a n a uui, c.vf 'u 1 o.:r .-let-, ei.l.lii'U,
nnd roeahnni.
Mr. J. F. SULlUtY ns JACK V0XST,
To com-lu 'p with
Aitmhslon. N eenM Ilo-one-l, TS ic:ti
rrivillo Ilexes, I j,O0.
fjTTlfKETS (er aale.nt the MclVlaie:!: to
DI'O'IS open lit 7 o'tlo.'k, pi'r."orinar.Ct en:
meru'e it H.
m.v.'T-li:. .1. M. SIIRIiliV.Aent.
m v-
DlllllSfl. ID"A