The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, November 19, 1869, Image 2

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    Petroleum Centre Daily Rocord.
-i. le.u.-i, KilJai, 0v.
I H AI.XS O.N O. C. A: A. II. It.
" No. 2, rrtsspneor. Lenvo Gerry II. 20 a.
m ; Tilusvilli-, 12.59 p. in.; I'Wruluum On
ire, 1.40 p. in. ; Oil City, 2.22 p. m. ; Ir
Yinclon, 6 10 p. m.
No. 4, l'uMii(er Leave Corry 6. 10 a. m.
Tilnsvillf, 7.3.i a.m.," I'rtrtilonni Con I re, a in: Oil City, 8 59. a m; arrive at lr
vinrton 11.40 a in.
No. 6, r;iseii.'er Leave Curry COS p m;
Titur-rille, 7.60 i m; l'eti'iiletiui Ccuti,
8 3o i lu; nrrive at Oil City 9,20 p in.
No. I. Pufsenccr Limy Irviueton 7.15
n in; Oil City, 10.10 a in; rvtruK'um Cen
tre, 11,05 in; Tilusvilic, 11,50 a roj nrrive
ut Coiry 1,40 p m.
No. H, l'upsnser Leave Irvlneton, 12.
05 p m; Oil City 2,57 p m; Petroleum Cen
tre, 3.3G p m; Titusville, 4.20 p m; nrrive
a' Corry 5.45 p m.
No. 5, l'ussenner Leave Oil CUy 2.57 p
pi; IMroleiim Ccnlre. 3.3(i p m; TitusVillH,
Ji.SJ n m; arrive at Coiry 10,10 a in.
Klvlno Service.
I'retveliing at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7,1.
o'clock I M.
' J?- J- T- Oxtobt, Pastor.
Services every Subhnth at 11 A. M. and
a P- Sabbalii School at 12 P.M.
eats free. A cordial invitation extend
ed .to.a II. 1
Rev. C. II. IIkard, Pastor.
STS. :i'ETEUCAND PAUL'S? (C.itliolie)
Mass at 0l a. in.
Vesper and Penodictinn or the Eh sf :
Sacranient at 4 p. tn.
Cati'tMsm nt 2 p. m.
'' Wo me informed that a big light occur
red among tbe rulls. at the Tarr Farm, last
liir.lit. Xo particular. "
Yesterday whb a quiet uVy in town, lot
int ni,!lit was inadu bideoiij by those who
imbbied loo freely fn tho floiiiS bowl."
An iigBd couplo in Chicago have cele
brated their "tin wedding," tho first acci
dent of the kind that ever eronrrod there.
They hive lived tocntbrr lor ten ions; years
without getting a divorce. Triors is Itope
for Chicago jet, ,
The Kill-mount Park (Philadelphia) Com
mipsioneM propose, to lay a teleiruph line
the surface of the park, through the Schuyl
kill aud up to Geutgvi liill, the wire to be
covered with lead pipe n a protection.
The Txperimenl. if siicces'it. will do nv.-:y
with objection able telestapu yok-f, and ia
the end, perhaps, tend to tu-ir tuii:i:
. The ceotma of 1370 is lively to iTing up
souiu impel tunt qntstion9 concerning the
apporilnninent of Congressional repscienta
tion among the Stales.. Tu whole
number of representatives is fixed by law at
241; aud tho ratio in 1SC1, when this nuui-,
ber was established na a limit, was ono rep
rosenlative to 127,000 inhabitant;!. Siuce
the war tho basis of representation has
changed; tho-blacks, only-thii-c-liflhs ol
whom were formerly reckoned, must now be
counted tho sntno as w hiles,.
The now census wi!l probably show that
I ha population of tbe wbolo country it uot
far from 40,000,000, II tho number of Con
pressmen is not iucreused, this will make
- tho ratio one representative to about 1C 1 .
000 inhabitants. By an apportionment on
this ratio, all tbe New Engluuil Stales and
many of the other old States will lose some
representatives. An effort will certainly be
mado to Increase tho number of members of
Congress, so that tbe old States will not
Io6o, il thoy cannot hope to gain, by the
new apportionment.
TniXKSGiviNo DiNNKua. Iii no place
were the Thanksgiving festivities . more ob
served than Id Petroleum Contre. At the
Central House tbe bill of iaro was mora
then human mortal couid stand, and even
those who are heavily vacoumed in the, and lliero are many such who dai
ly gather around the tables at this bouse
were compelled tosucoumb without exhaus
ting tbe supply. The dinner was Immense
as were those who partook, and as on evi
dence of this fact (. - '
Vest buttons were torn from tiwlr ab dlnir ii'aco
and ly Mattered lie: and Uiere about the plico
At the McClintocl: House, our friend
Mr. Grisworld, proprietor, spread before
fcis boarders and Invited guests a sumptu
ous repast, even Gt for kings, and we may
say the entire royal family of'all Euroio!
Appetites vanished as the dinner' pro
gressed, and it would seem that tbo poultry
bovine, salt ond fresh water species si!
turned la their stibslinpcs for'tte occasion.
Long live the landlord- but we fear the
lives of those who paitook woold bo of short
duration did thoy continue llio festivities of
ycstciday, as wo Die told' that over loaded
tttuacLs arc ODlagcr.estic lo
Slato Kcwui
Lehigh County considers her slato qtiai-
rics worth $2,000,001).
The black luarblo found in Willinnuport
Is grainiest, and is said lo bo very valuable
for lithograph work.
An idiotic buy, named Joseph Fallgate,
unearthed from the Derks County jail by
the Grand Jury, has been chained in a
dark cell for several years. They need
missionaries down there.
Tbo Grind Army of the Republic, of
Lswisbiirg, Union county, will open the
new Music Hall In Unit place, on the 2-llh,
on which occasion llou. Charles Suuiner is
Ruuounced to d -liver a lecture.
Ia honor of tbe reunion of the Old and
New School branches of tho Presbyterian
Church. a printing firm in Philadelphia hoist
ed a large blue ftiu with tho word "Presby-
terlun'' in letters of white.
A man in Puttsville offets a reward ol
$100 for tho arrest nud convictiou of the
person who spit on bis daughter's dress on
a certain evening, and $50 for the arrest
and conviction of any tobacco-juice squirter
delected spitting on any other lady's dress.
Ia o beer saloon a Reading last we k
Joshua Hilier, a moulder, aged twenty
eight, was filially stablmd under
circumstances, caiel'.il investigation having
failed to reveal tho murderer. An nffruy
had occurred in w hich deceased was mix
ed lip.
Conj;rebS Water iegiod fur n!! CaiVney
bjsit. oox.lOml.
S iv lis Iodgj tor', fSivin Jli;il Trav
Seme years ,to r tuoriat visil?d Sv.i:
zerlund, and while w.iiU.u onn dny in a
solitary district, found himself conlronted
by a great brown bear. K-cnpo was Im
possible. Tho tourist drew bis revolver
e.ud was in tt-e act of discharging It at the
bosr, when the latter cried out: "Hold!
bold! do not shoot! The mutler stands
tins: I was formerly a vecder of citroar.
The bus'ness di'd not prosper. I criiio here
and was engaged by tiieuide of this dis
trict lo play bear iu the mountains for fifty
sons per d iy. Whenever a traveler cu.-nvs
through with a guide I frighten biai; tue
bold guide drives me away ai d receives
I'rutn the thankful traveler a haui,.onia gra
turity for the service, which be divide8
wilb me. In this way I make, my living;
but In the winter time wheu there urn but
ew traveleis, it foes veiy uji.gti wiib ui-j. "
Tho old etapiisbed Imnse ol Owen Ga!
Ifiiy, Is ni.knowledtcd by uil to bo the place
to lind pure onj liuuduiterated wi.nn i.jul
liquors. n.v.lDl.u.
For Groceries aLd Fruit po In Sliu'.ts.
Ho has Cranberries, Apples, Pears, C!e-s-
nuls, Sweet Potatoes, Candies, nnl every
thing you ask lor, at whulesalu and re
tail. Prices low. net. 17 if.
The SaU-l-o ot tbe Iliikbnnd ol
Anoilier ,TI.-ni't XV ite.
Five or six jenrs ajjo, J. II. PiLney. w ho
llyed with his wife and daughter in Walnut
street, Newurkwent lo tho tt'c.t with sev
eral other adventurers. While in trie In-
diuo country his party was attacked by t! e
savages, unit nearly all were killed. I.i
Newark it was said that lie had bi-en kilit-d
aud alter thue years his wile remarried.
About twelve mouths ago his wilo moved to
New York. . Recently her first busbun.l,
who bad luamrd through Me.vco in teuu-h
of wealth, returned (0 Niwink. l.;.H
another Enoch Arduo, ho bade farewell lo
bis friends and wandered on. On Sunday
be was buried in Willimantic, Conn., nnd
on Tuesday tho uews came to Newark tiiat
lie had committed suicido by takiog poinju
The largesis flock and best variety ever
olfered on Oil Creek, is at Gaff-iny's.
Cliqnioi, Manm ll-ddsiok, Given Seal,
Gold Seal and other favorit brands, on bo
had by fending to Gaffoey's. novlSlru.
T iiesUa ' Ureut Sioriu iu Niiv Viuii,
Tlmisunu Down a Seventv-kive-ioot
Emhajkmkxt Thirty I'eusons Kii.leo
on Woimieu Pauuack Cat. anu JIaii.s
Tho 9 n. id., train from Chatham over the
Iluilem Ruilroad met with a terrible acci
dent about a mile above Boston Colliers on
Tuesday morning. The place where this
accident occurred has twice beforo witness
ed a similar one. Tbe East wind sweeps
through a gorge la tbe mountains with ter
rific strength. On ti e arrival of Conductor
l'ierson's train at Ibis spot, a gust of more
than ordinary violence raised tho truin from
the track and hurled it down tho embank
ment, a distance of seveot-fivo feet.
There were about thirty passengers aboard
nnd all are more or lets injured. Tho woud
ed received eviry atteution under the bunds
of competent phjsklans.
mm hui nm-jwmj m, iwriOrfiwiKmiii:wyw
TlianksBiviug TraROd).
Thro chickens went fl ipplng out on to the
Out on to the ground when tho sun rose
Eacli went fn-in tho coop with a terrible
A head chopped clean ulT and a ticket to
Cut men must work aud wouvn must
And ten 1 r spring chicldns makes very
gocd u a if,
And Thanksgiving lime is coming.
Thrro roosters set up a horrible squawk,
Aud they wretched out their neeks as the
fowls went down.
And they looked nt the hens and the toma
hawk. As much cs to say, '-Don't ho do it up
brown ! "
Hut men have stomachs and women
must eat.
And nice chicken pio it is hard to boa!,
. And Tlunksgivilig lime is coming.
Three corpses ail cut up went into the dish,
The crust wus put ou uud the ido sco -.
loped duwty
As juicy a pi- as the stomach couid w ish,
- When the oven had baked it nil Ihiough,
lice and browo.
' For men must kill and woiui-u must eat
Abd goud chicken pio is a very great
When Thtnksivlnj; timo is c :;.ing. .
$1.00 buys a bottle ot Gall'uej's Sunday
Cvtttfo.-I. every family should iiavo it.
'I lu. I ill i.iUil i.l.
Yesterdiiy our npiilei s-.n a ciow.l if
men and boys iu fielit of Wi.V.hlei' i I'e ter's
Store oppo.;'.e li.e Eank Luildii'.g. Soon ail
s'.artiil on a tush into the su le.
a lire or a I'vbl n.i;,ht be t!.e c i;.-e of a I
Ibis great i-i-uiii.uioii. Our reporter
boiled in els... niel f,..mj ii,e line
cailbe to be a raid by li e j eopie upon t!i"
spleo,!id stovk of Gioi-i iies. w. u'a V. H !'.
ure : Iniebi gi iug av, uy. They ar e dele:
miin d to se:l out their sloek lo uiai.e ro.-in
fur mere t! at is c.-atiiiualiy tuaiiibg
iu by every train.
So uuw i:- jve o;-portu.;i'.y to ;:et yoi.r
GlOeel ies c jeaj-. M.viO i)L
If you weiild iii i !:. u presnt lo a fiiei:d
give on.- of Keileys's (xcriuan Silver Cuj s
Gufieuy'4 is soio a,-ent.
Genuine d.iutn :ii Iiuin. Gi rmaa. Sei li!i
and Irish wbi.-ky, fit G dfeny's.
K k ti J-K jtt H. A I f i ;
A toil - i -a, it ktifli it k j
hxt'ourm t on riiE daily Rscor!!),
N. Y , Nov. IS. Judge .Lines, ol the Su
perior Court of New Yolk, bus ordered tin
arrest ol Geneia! ii F. DuIIIit for i-lealim:
silver ware nnd friiitirre to til ' if
i'S.'i.COO fii.'ii Mr;.. Uioftiia Floianee,
niece of Gen, i"U I'wiVgs. in the year leC2,
al New O.'leur.'s.
W.lf'ltrXIiroV. .Vnv. 18. Ti e CXCep'ailei-
by President Il;nz. of the ; ropusltion in ide
him by Seerei-iry Sewird for t!;e annex Atiou
of that republic to I he United Slates is s i;d
to bo i n ria in ll-.o ;:t lie lb pmlu.i n
nnd it is'r) that l!i treaty f-r t!e
annexation of Si. loir.;n,:o will be submil
tul to tbo Senate ti o coiiiin season.
!i);n X15Ti.
jfew I-'lor, J-'ttc! atsd ;rcory
Sfr.rc !
AltlinOlri UA'.'IC ?ril.!.-IXO, OX 5I.tIN-S'T,
opi'.us'lu tlio .'. in.-:.; IIi.u-c, hns en lno.d a
Iw H fi -t r'nt- i !; of VIonr, I-ei-tl au-4
r-. series,' il.'f. :j i i.I,m; ui a low. ti-:::r.i
.1)ih for.el tin jiliice ivuere A, D. Ciller
A Couipimy biiLt 'eji
A CAtt'D.
. A t'liTf-yiran, r..-s!(!;i;; in South Amorte.i tf a
misloi my, dKcon-ioil a Hi'fe nnd silnp'o lenndy
for tho Cure ef "eivi iii WeuVmrs, Karly Dicay,
Discuses of ibo T'leniry nnd Seminal Orpins, m il
tlie wliola ir;en i f dii-oidi is l.ieej;bt iit ly biini In
and viefeim brilet l ual iiiiIiiIhT;. Inlle bei-n cur
i-d liy tliis'e rea.i dy. J' liy a desire to
la in III rlic i.l'.iiiiid nr.d uuf'rliiiiatu, 1 will send Hie
rei-elpt fjr prijin'ii!; led iisin:; Ibis medicine, lu a
sealed Invelopa, to anyone who nnd-It, Free of
Charge. .!,
MaMon D. Ilililo llonse,
N. Y. City
an A Ue Ilniipiiun or True Marrlngo
IbSAYS for i mi Mi n inMhe l'rrors A liil-es
i mid Disift-es Mtiii-h rfi-ptioy Ihe Manly I'oM'res
and create luipedlauii's ol l AKt.'IAOK, with slll-o
menus of reHi '. Sent in H-a'cd teller euvelopi 8 free
ui el-nri-e. Ad.!rs-s liovrnrd Astoei.llion. Hnv. I'.
I'liiludelphla, l a. sei-t!l::tm.
C.ICt'JL'J'Si ANUOIL fl.oril.!
JUST ltlitliVED. some j nti rn". nl
TIM iTlttiiTUbK bTUItU.
10 PIrrloiii' ;enti!iio l'lnc 'S":ir
mid I'ersiiiii ;te;iiin;t Soa;is.
Tien sonpn nro lini'nvuatrd v, iiti exuties of tlie
ruitdet nud tuosi rialstunlc liniure, aud are warrant
ed pe: tVetly hmoi-e-nt nnd free from mineral and otti
er ieildele:is hiIuiEtUiuyx, aud are stdectcd by the
lndiw nnd the public In eonpml iu prvferei ee lo ull
other sns;i;', s itio uTeat ur.Mtr.rers and preservers ot
a henltliy imrity of complexion, nnd a condemnor
of remale beniity. For tbe soflness and delicacy
wbieli lliey indiue to t lip hands and bice tbeireapa
bilily ef sootliinu initaiion na.l r- niori- j: iiihI ;!nly
crnp.ious, reml.'r I!. i-m tniiistn n-ltde lo i-ieiy loif
ft. Wt kindly ak tl.e t.i.lU- to ny Ibeviiim-se
lliosenai. .1. b. 11 f'l'c, l'i'"l riel.-rs.
A. D. Miller Jt Co , (len.-ral AenU. jd -3! 3ni. ;
Mrs: "WyckofF,
TJeg have to;n tlicpnnlte that, s'le ban le
moved from the Egbert t'aria,
To tlio Hf xt Enildint? Below M- S.
Simmons Drtij htore, . .
Where Hlw'vel keep a t'no nssortment of
Millinery Goods,
S. i'iv i-i" a'-l v:..- rr-.;t' eti i-tr.i'inee Vr.
V' ho;) le i ;i c Iii i w'.ei inly i f .vor le r wl'll
S c;-.;I nnvitl.lw.
x. s. .'.I...v,
.'. r!-t t v '.i T. ) l tiiwr. Vtf ,r.;r!;!!.,
IV i-'j,' ' 1 : o ' I'll"' O" 'i i '.'!" 'i El
;'.(. t, 1 -tt . 1 : l.ii, J. I'-.nk i:tv'.r.'if
The f,u.cTilcr, hovin?.- prrr-
ltrsod tie f-tand of M. Mo
ney, on
I'r t:Hi-urn t't'Rtrc. Pa.)
Bran;:: Lirpor btors
oi.-d will i '.iit':.i:,'. to l:(e con-
.-.tiiiiily on lnuid ;i full supply
1 1
f i-. if" V"S JiSC
OF A 1. 1. KINDS.
.J. A; n A II RETT.
P'.-t otlutu Ce-it.c, iv.
:o -tr.
iHr s-iiHCrllfp ! ;M fitted fp It''. rt'lid flnr
Ji.;:.r:o;-' uml v,- '1 ! r't: ' lo, as a tl-'st-l'lnr-a
t j.ft.i : ;). V v ..!. -.v.. rl.tuni will !( In
"t :.':!:' 1 Ji r M'.' I f C t::i. cc-itil iJlfi l!1'-
h v .!mk). f'T-c 1" ' tin (!: h 'i Mi. one ihrt'iih
the n'.'l Mil m on c H ur, l f.'.dt8 tU 1111.13
.ir,'; uin IliU .-iJi,-,r
ovll'Aw (!lAIiV.-:P. J. LKONTTElnit.
Tit. O . J arvis.
Ilcalcr in
I.O0K1N'? :i,.K!: in crn .var'i-tv. I.ookinu
f:i.i.-t rii-'ca rci-hiri il in oM I'liuuca.
Vict iij-c i'j'.'i r.scs tu:itc ttt 4rdtr.
A 1-'S!5 STOCK.
COI-TIN.S 'b!l ?izi's m hantl nml triratnod
to oi :Iit on blioi t nut ice.
?lzia. V:ir.ii"h, ll, o.
No. !) WAMtlM'iTOR'.ST.
lY'roli.''!!!! Coull'.j up t IMIiil 118,
ruTKOiiEm i-EvritE, va.,
Kmp con.-liiullyori lmnd a larjjo fiunui'lment ol
jkw i:i.r:v,
etirt!':r'.'ow..Vc. nml will .ll nt kuh'i-ih prii-o.
walrh work v-ntiiit'-d in i;i-(' iuirnclinn.
1 iaeliuai n tbe oil rctof
Main street., opposite MeClintck
House, ISeai Lower I-iriiljro,
Pet. Centre, Pa.
An Tninn'iint' S!,ck of Mtti a:nl I'liy'. rc-viv
madt1 t'lnOiinir t stild nl iiiiMc.,.v 'ot. a
bijuarj ilu-flliug ami well pntvunlx.-U mm-erti.
Vrnn-lip nil fviT tlr Vnfn1 Si:rtr, Tho rnitlcT
ruined liiTc!v ri'ttint tht tr tn uUhIii t inlnli .hum
ot Vtrnln:n ('fiiin. ihmI vtt inity. fnp .ht-ir lilu r'f tiuriff; tluS) ti'B nii.l S' TTMlit'rt niitl In
u-nvc in infirm Hifin tint il.tiv will fnriln at tlm
hImivp iiMiiu'J Htmvl for ft IVw w I; lotifur totlU
posotn l:.r,i! Htuck of Tt'uuv, mr.tir lutLlu fur
Fall and Winte.r Wear
a, from 1
2.r to 40 percent, cheaper than
can lie purchased "in the.
The tv:,.ntii Il v w rait ntj w ') t'l t h.Mpi r tlinn.
th'' rhrrtp"-t: w- m ini f-i'-.tniT tn : vvm- ) ri:tii ii-.
on whii'h .iriuM tvr 'i'f i-n;il'i'tl r rHl .r:r !
IT in'fii' .'ft l-tin ll.rv . tn1 i.i:;i;uf. t ! ute'. in
tiilii'i i'. ii::!j !. tiT'i it h i tr.. f.v Tl'oi: :n it - t
i-l' ir:,f I int!. tf,i-:i'-( f.lvar t i-.'it ir ('( ' i.f
"'n'li. 'iltr wiv w fi!.i!i:ii it'.ir l.u Una i it.. ; ! v
..( !n DM: ! ffi S VS'I 1- 1 t;n- it i!?h ia'i-cwrv
uli r, f. r U J Hit! wuy kc! tniim t!i" i- m"i
li h't-c t ('tiiimiini'y'iit n'. r-"c'i :ti;:i!f;M
hihrkfd with h tiv: ni'I mi y jir'n hi
ti f. Ni ! inii'i.tiL'. 1:0 tlcviaii' ii, t!l kpuiI wa:T.utt
c l :o li" nf she t ts; nin ri t:.l rtivt vf :-:jf-t r!nr Mork.
tu:nhlp, in ! TI-o li ( t!:ih (fit'" kepi lrrri:i:!y uvut
vht:ivx fltt'tS itll .mfit'lts-i p:.rc!i:i.Ht!(l at out If,
it not to tin -iil to .-iiii-lai:.i i-u tif t'tf Ihtv.t, van, it
lint nl, ! n nimc'il w t hi fivt iy-' m (. x
clriiir.(l nr tJ'.uia i'iv ri-fi"'icl I. -.o'.i tit
Mirlcw iirici". :oo'J Ov.mi:is ; Ti if.t .t nii a n;-
-MH"C Mrt4$S,'tl. C 't, rt'.Uni'n.ils :,i I) fc
? '.U', vc a'N 5 c'a , t,'ft,:fcr folia', Kit- r
and a!l t t'icr '-it.cV' fn hip if:;1- i 'im i!!. ih
Hioajt ui ino'iorTinn- t'a'l i:irlv nt !lt linll'a o
rt.r.ip ;ic t'ricj. (' i ja: iiirvfi, .Vii'n tf'rrct
ii-i. !' Cl:l't.' Mc-ilM!, 'l MT i O -T'T l'i "ch,
SK.NTiiAIj r'AUK A 1S::A!-.L.
NOV. 0 f. , l' It'll rr.
r mi It mj3
3 1 rolsum Centre. Pa.
For tliu Full Trade, puil)r.icig a full Liim
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Chintzes,
Calicos, Muslins, and a choico
assortment of
And iiIpos choice opaortmpntol FLAMNES
very cheap. Our Lino ol Alpacas am) I'uj)
in Alpacas Is the finest ud clitnpast In lb
IftCo. setlS:tf
DRY' bOUDi).