DISCOLORATION ON ORIGINAL iiiiteto RECORD. DAILY. VOL III. NO 98, THE PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY JIECORD. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, (Sundays excepted. ) W. H. LONGWELL, Proprietor. TtORMS. Per jrew payable in advance, 18 00 Fer month, 7J PRICE-LIST OF ADVERTISING. (Ten lines of nonpareil make one square.) o No. Insertions. 1 sq, a sq, a sip ij coL One (lay, t 76 $1 11 1M 4oT Two days, 1 (Ml 1 50, S 00 60 Throe days. 1 6(i 8 00 8 50 6 BO Four (lays, 2 00 9 50 8 00 7 00 Fife days, 326 8 00 8 60 800 Ooo week, 3 60 3 60 4 60 8 BO Two weeks, 4 60 6 00 7 BO 14 00 '1 brae weeks, tt 00 8 00 10 00 16 00 One mouth, 7 (10 10 00 12 00 30 00 Two months, 10 00 12 BO 15 00 80 (X) Three months, IS 00 IB 00 18 (10 40 00 Bil months, 31 (HI S7 00 80 00 60 00 Nine months, 27 00 86 00 46 00 80 00 One year, 3 do 4S 00 BO no; 1(H) 00 Special notice! 20 ceuts per linn, each Insertion. Advertisements payable quarterly In advance BUSINESS CARDS. J O. ELLIOTT, ATTOKNEY-AT-IiAW, AND NOTARY PUBLIC, PETMOLEOM CENTRE, PA. Business In the Courts at Franklin iromptljr at tended to. OrVICE In nisoell Co's Brick Bank Build ing, upstairs!, Washlngtun Ht, oct89-tf. ALHKIIT 8, HAVEli; ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LA.W, OFFICE Tn the Rochester Ilonie Building, on Washington and Main Streets, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN'A. ay 19, 1808. tf. UOM1AJI & StfXI'i'H, 1 ATTOItNEYS&COUNSELORS-AT LAW, nice niah Street, Franklin, and Petroleum Con tre, Pa. MnyltMf, V. lUcALPINL, RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST.; OFFICE Berry's new Ttnlldlne, corner of Wash ington and Second sts., Petroleum Ccntro, Pa. maylB-tf. T. tt. CHRISTIE, M. O., PHYSICIAN AND SURORONs OWce opposite theMcKinney Ilonse, Plensantvillo, Pa. Persons from a distance will generally find him at his Ofllce on Saturday from 10 a. i , to 8 p.m. sepU-t a. r. Wilson. a. a van velsob WILSON VAN VFLNOK, GAUGERS AND INSPECTORS OF CRUDE PETROLEUM, OFFICES, Mercantile Bnlldlmr, Oil City Pa, and with Owston Sowers) Petroleum Centre, Pa. July 25th, 18H8 tf. IS" To Milliners and Country Storekeepers. FALLTRADE. WHOLESALE DEPARTMEXT UP STAItiS. TE8IRABLK goods received dally from auction I " and private sale Our stock of Feathers, Flow era, Satins, Silks, Velvets, Hibbous, Lacoa, Trio mings, Fringes, Yaukce Notions, Fancy floods, etc., etc., is large, und cheap. We out lengths at (lece prices. Buy and sell fo' cash. Edward Itldlcy & Son, 309, 311, cfe 311 Grand, and 66, 68 da 70 Allen Streets, Corner store, flfth block cast from the Bowery, NEW YORK CITY. sopt!6:tf. C. 11. WILLIAMS, COAL I IrUVRopenfida Coal Yard nt the end of th Boyd Farm Bridge, where will bu constantly ken all kinds of STEAM AND STOVE COAL Teams coming to my yard for Coal, will have Free Passagn Over the Creek Bridge. OPERATORS Wonld do well to enquire at the ofllce, and will aud It to tholr advantage to dool with mo. retrolenm Centre, Ta. PETROLEUM CENTRE, HOTELS. It EXCHANGE HOTEL. SAMUEL REYNOLDS. . . Proprietor 1 be target t and most commodious Ilotcl In the oil region. Fair on ue lii ir'g reduced to boarders. Thih house Is plcesauilv titaiiod, rooms coolnnd plcisunr. making H a deli"miul liotcl In all respect. Pun-oleum Centre, April 16, JOCHESTEK HOUSE, Washington street, Petrofeum Ccntro, Pa." BRADSTKEET & SHERWOOD, Propiuetors Tills Ilonse Is centrally located, and the general headquarters of oil men. Petroleum Centre, Pa., May 10, 1808 tf. QLNTItAL HOUSE, PETUOLKUM CESTRB, PA, Near Oil Creek Allegheny River Railway Depot. maylS tf. G. J. CROSS, Proprietor. M CCEINTOCK HOUSE. PETROLEUM CENT It E, PA. This populat Hotel, sitnated Corner ol jTIaln V Wasliliigton-St., Near the Poio hns been refitted and furnished throughout, nad the proprietor will spare no pains to maae it a FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. oc(8 tt C. GRISWOLD, Proprietor. NERICAN HOTEL, "PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. J. R. BARNES, . . . Proprietor. This Ilonse Is In a p'e?ant locality, and but snort wrik irom loe uopo. ( nv room lire tiiro and comfortnMe, and the tVo'e sunpi'ed with the delicacies of the season. jti-.'0-tf- J. R. BARNES.. TRANKLLV IIIIl'SE, WILLEB FARM STATION, On OI. Creek liallrcnd.l TnE IIOUSH AND FURNITURE NEW. V. BUTEFC Proprietor. June-?-..'. ION HOTEL, PI.EASANTVILLE, PA Till Tfnnt? having recently been enlnrirrd and rn- furnished. 1 nm i.ow ptepiirod to accommodate two hundred likIh rnmiortal.tv. losviiio There ii o''" n I'm of i to "' liolp. JilS-U. THOS. JIcKIKNKV, Tiop'r. PETROLEUM HOUSE, OIU CITY, PA. Bavins recently taken pospeslon ot the above House, wo would most respectrully InTo-m the trav eling pnbltc that wo propose o:,keepa flolel'and to convince them of the act, wo nvite all who wish the comforts o1. a home, to cal . upon us. It will be found The Hotel of tlio Oil Mtictt3. Our Sample Room Is supplied with the 'choicest Winos, Liquors and Cigars, and our table will be found laden with the very bout the market afford There Is connected with the Houso four first class Billiard Tables. A'sn, Barb r Shop and Itath Rooms Oivo us a ell, sod convince yourselves ol the truthltilncEs of our assertion. CIItBI.PS 'V. Sir A ATS, JAMES li. We'll TF. oct9.tr -pO.Y HOUSE SAMPLE ROOM, FRED. C. HYDE" Proprietor, PLEASANT VILLE, PA., Orm sl.e the Presbyterian Church. FebOtf. II. O. Jarvia, Donier in CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON hi AW U. LOOKINf) CLASSES in (rrea variety. Looklns (ilass PlalM replaced in old Frames. Picture Frames made to order. Carpets, Oil Mollis, Wall rancr, w ituww Mimes, A FINE STOCK., nVUEUTAKlAG, COFFINS of i.!l sizes on hand nnd trimmed to order on short notice, si sn T a n n ti nasn n siiau, kara alu xiuuua sizes. Vai-nl.h, n, 4c. No. IOC M AS.IIIJtVJ ON.ST. Perolenm Centre.'sept 18Ul tf8. PA., SATURDAY EVENING. OCT. 23- 1869. TrimiAlnga. .' . Flat trimmings promise to be very fash ionable tbis winter, la the shape- of broad ribbon velvet, heavy braids, cords, gimps and bindings, but heavy corded braids principally, in addition to black velvet, and the galloons which are used so much lor cloth suits. ' : ' Fringes of the same color as the material, or containing the colors of the material, are In high vogue, and trim a suit richly though somewhat expensively. ' Oue of the sensations consists of white dresses, white grenadine or white mohair, trirntred with black velvet and black knot ted silk (rings. i Cords, gimps, and narrow gallons striped in the Roman colors, are used to trim gray or black alpaca dresses with very good ef fect ; and Roman striped silk or satin is also largely used, cut Into narrow bias folds, which alternate with others of the material, or are employed as headings to a fringe trimming. These goods, striped on black or some more striking color, are also cut into revets, sailor collars, aud the broad mousquetaire cults now worn, and form a most effective gaith to plain bouse dresses of merino, em- p.ees cloth or cashmere. What is an EutToit! Ah exchange an- s.vers the above question tb'isly: "Why, he is a man who teuds the news papers, writes articles on most any subject, sets type, reads proof, folds mail, ruuB on errands, saws wood, drrws water, works in her garden, talks to all Who come, is blunted 'or a hundied things which are nobody's bu'ineFS but Ilia own, -wstbs-lrora 6 xrn. -to 10 p. m., helps people to got into office, (who forget all about it afterward.'-,) acd frequently eels cheated out of half his own earnings. He prffs and does more to build up a town than any oilier body, and the miser nnd fogy ui-e benefited thereby, yet tVey will suy tout the editor's paper is of ro account, und will not advertise or tuke the paper, but will borrow it. Who wouldn't be an editor? A family residing ne.ir Adamsville, in Muskingum couuty, spiiiiualists, have Und, tbey profess, a comniinicilioa lioui the spirit world, to I lie effjct, that the family, niiitibering some four ur five persons, will receive- u legacy of $:50,(;00 eucli. This vast legacy ia located in Jetsey City, tun eitnte of a man named l.enard deceased, for which no persous have established their claims as rightful heirs. The Adumsvill.- f.uuiiy assert that they ate relatives of this ruin Leonard. Tuuir faith in Ibis spiritual revelation was so strong that recently cue member of the family went to Jersey Oily found the cstale, and they propose uow to prove that they are the rightful beirs of said Leonard. A Ci'.se oeeurred at Sydney, Ohio, a few days since, flint may be considered sensa- lional. A beautiful young lady called at one of the stores in that place, nnd asked the polite clerk if he had nuy '-feline intee in us for lyrical purposes." She wauled cid (gut ui av strings. For once in 1,1s life the young man was "weokened," and he was carried out on a cancelled postage stamp. The letter carrier service has beon estab lished in fifty of the principal cities of the Union, and employs a force of 1,261 carriers. The cost for the present year will be a little over one million dollars, which expenses, it is maintained, will bo covered by revenue hum increased correspondence . Mr. Dalrymple, the Minnesota farmer lawyer, bandied 50,01)0 bushels of oorn this year. A singular document appeared In the Toledo papers of Saturday. It is a card House to ller.t or for Nale AI.AH(!E.conifortahloaud commodious nouso will be sold or reut( si. It Is locuieo in the BUSINS 1CRTION OF THE TOWN. The owner l corapellud to remove cast, and wll sell or rent at a sacrifice. A Good IIiiNiiieKfi Stand. uqnfreof FltKD HCUCTT, auir2S:tr. 1 I'ltroleuia Center, Pa. OIL ()PKUA1()1W t ' . Can always find the genuine Plymouth Cables and New York elting Co's Belting and Rubber Goods, both of which are acknowledged to be unsur passed in quality and manufac ture. Of Well Furnishine Goods, we have the largest as sortment in the Oil Region, and can reler to our customers lor St i evidence that we keep nothing but the best of goods. F.W.AMES, tlAKDWARE DEAL) 13 II, TITUSVILL, P A yinyS 6m PIPE CUTTING. TINWARE. GAS GUTTING. TIN WARE sufiCtr. PLOIR M FEED STORE, JVO. H7 CEXTIiE-ST., OIL :ITV, PA. Tliiida the best establishment of thn kiorl in lh l Oil ltegion flour and Feed sold at wholesale and Ka2 autfi-zz It Ph . i-l : l Iff H ' Ft 'Zj 1 J - r-v M 6 i. : U m ( II rr, " H tk" 25. CIS. WEEKLY 1'lHLlL & iOMUl, GENERAL MACHINISTS, and Dealers In all kinds of WEI1I1 TOOLS Ae FIXTURES Necessary for putting down nnd operating Oil Wells. In connection with our MACiilNK bUUP -e have a large aud convenient BLACKSMITH SHOP. Onr facilities for MANUPACTORtNG artnot ex celled by any Shop in the Oil Kcg-ions. Shop Main-st,opposite McUlintock Uou.t my!!7-tr FISHER & NORM.B, A. 1 niau'.c. Bet tht, worth of your monevls at the. NEW KLOUK AND FKKD KTOHB ANI1 LUM RKlt TAU1J of L. M. STLKiNUUHO A. CO., where there Is alwayi a MAN ready o show their enfltomor their Inr? t of KUiUK, HAY, nnd all kinds of VKE and tbr. place also w here may be FOUND L lartro assortment of first-class P.oron AND, I1E8KD LDMHEIi. LATH, HHlNtlLES. &C , IHuajer; lowest eath prices. Those who aro not DEAD M ihfitr own Intpmst. and wiih to dcnl with men ho do lmsinen on the scinnre, will And It to their interest to irlve m a call bnfora nu rehab log ue-. where, aud see what we can do fur yotij iisr our linn of brines, tf" All Ordrrs and (tonmln urunintiy iipt'imuu to. uu not iuiki: l""- wi Y. l'dSlTG THE HOUllESTEll UOCSE, VA!31Il INQT.ON bTHEET, . . . . Petroleum Centre, Pa, L.'M. STKHNIiCftO, II 11. WAKNEU. Febei-tf MACHINE-SHOP AND Brass Foundry For Sale, MESSRS LEARD & WKIGIIT boinji about to remove to Tennessee would offer their well known shop for sale. To a good machinest a rare opportunity is offered" Terms rcasonaHile. Address LEARD & WRIGHT aug23 lf o Fitholo, Ia, Pianos ! Pianos ! GEOKGI BIROWK, Manuracnirrrp, JAMESTOWN, N. V. luo, ex ciufiivu Agents for the ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WHOLESALE DEALERS AND IN Slis't't Musk', StilJigs, &r. tlTbcrtd for illnstrixtod Catalogue and pricq, m' CAOHUI ft BROWN, Wnrrnorf.fw41 Main Struct. Idctary lirooklyn, Block, loot of Maiu-St maj!i7.tt Hl tFAI O AND ERIE ItAII ItflAn, (u and after Mondav, Nov. ainl, laiw, Passenger Trains will run on this road as follows: l.FAVB BKin OOINO EAST. I.frt A M. MOUT KXI'KESS, stopplnR at Hlplcy, Weslfield, KnnUlik and bilvcr creek, arriving nt Ruffalo at 4.'t.'i A. M. 1ft'-4-i W - NKW Y0,IK KXI'KEHS, etop l;,l-t fing at Westlleld, lirocton, Dunkirk, HU vercrcuk, and Aliuola, arrivin; iu 1'iifl'nlc . at 2 ,10 P. M V. M., CINCINNATI EXPHESS, step plnu' at Nnrtheaat, Westfleh1, Brocton, Dunkirk und riilvercreek, aud ariivos at lhlfraln nt I0.4J P. M. i.MI A. M., MAIL AND ACCOMMODA' VK.vfis TION, etoppiiiK at allstatlou8.arriinBat nilffaloat 1(1,1(1 A. M. it'-lii t UAY EXl'UESS, ntoiipine at ", Nnrlheast, ltipiev, H'nsilfeld, DiK.iiick, Silvercroek and Angola, arrivinisat But- falo at 7,(ki P. M. LKAVB nrrFAin OOINO WEST. P. M., DAY EXPUKSS si((pplnEatAn cola, Hilvercreek, Dunkirk, llroct.-n, westfleld nnd Northeast, arriving at Erie 1. V at o,'io r. V. M.. KAIL AND ACCOMMODA 4:0 ' TION, stopping at all stations, arriving at Erie al r, V. M. J.'IA A. M., TOLEDO KX PRESS, stoppinff at uii Htaiious, "d arriviny at Erlo at lo,!io A M. n,AA P M., 8T1SAMHIIAT KXPKESH fltnn. Kind at til! uh, WIvcrcreiK, Dunkirk, tli-ucton. Westh nld and Noi-tiicaBt, arriv. in;; at I'rlent 1 So A. M. ,.! A. M., M11IIT KXI'KKSS. stopplni? at I.rw hilvci-creek, Dunkirk tiud Wosthefd, ar- riving at Krie al 4,4o A. M. liailroad time is lo minute faster than Rile tiro, R N. BKOWN, Cen'l Buvt. ' ! i I t . t, 1., ) I i r, r. j I :i : I) 1 ::l