Petroleum Centre Daily Record. Ict. 'citi--, Tupu lny, Sept 21. .-(. J' JA r, Ji tlit or. j " ' I lir.o of Cloning Willi. 1'. o . PKTBoi.rv Cwerm. PA.. I I JULT !17fT, !'. i Tnttl further notice the, malls ill nrrivr at nnd depart from this w follows: AnntvB South ftlid Eat, Tin. Imncton, 1' ?K A M. South nnd Vt, " Vcadiilie. R.i'i iJ. M. North and K;.t, " Con r. " '-i " DKPAKT. tooth and vrt, MS A. M. Soutl, m and Wort, 'J : P. JI. North. East and Went, 10 00 A. M. Dlvluo Sri-vice. TRESBYTERIAN ClU'ItCH. Preaching at 11 o'clock A. M., tinil '):. o'clock P. M. Kkv. .T. T. Oxtohy, Pastor. METHOMST EPI.SKOPAI CHURCH. Service ever? Snlihalli nt II A. M. and 7 p- M. Sabbath School nt!r.j A. M. cats free. A cordial invitation cxlon-l- to all. I! ST. C. M. IIeahu, Pustor. STS. TETER AND PAUL'S (Catholic) CilCHCU. Maps at. lO.f n. tn. Vesper anil JJene'liction of the Blessed ."acriimont nt 4 p. m. Catechism at 2 p. m. JAMES PUSS. Taetor. Clianeo of Time. on.CHKKK & AU.FHHENRY KlVF.n RAILWAY MONDAY., SKIT, i th, ortUTvanl Train , Cnve Pet. Centre 7:'.'l a m.. nr. nt Coitj 9-40 a.m. " " " W 41 n in.av. " in. " ' " 'i:Uh p. iii , nr. frill tl. lit. ' " IlliOfi p. in , nr. Tilimviller. .Dp. m. Sniilliwaiil 'frniii I tnve rel.f'cutre. 1:111 n. til., nr. at 'll city sin nm ' " " JI imp. m , nr. " i: l in ' " " " T:M p. m.. nr. " :", p ill " ' " (4 3D p. m. ar. " 6 60 p in JThls Train will ptop 20 minute for dinner. jlThcw) are Freight Trninn nnd go to Tituivillo nnd Oil City. "These train pnwi at fils point. The t-'nuthwiird Train .loping for lireiikfait "Tlia2:65 pm Trnm going North and tho 7:".1 Trnin going Eolith run ou Smidiiyi. Horace .Greoly returns an incomo ot !"!!I.I0. William Ciillen Bryant returns "7,0 A polito philosopher once said to a lady who hud been singing to a party fur an hour, "Minium, you havo wasted our time c.uurmingly.'J ' Luca?, tho Paris lion tamer, has died of (ho niatii cution he got by the jws ol his tV'rco pets. 'It seems strange to read that .ho salury lor which he rihkeil nnd lust hifl lite wnVtlirue dollars a day. Cor.itKcTtox. In our iau of yesterday vtj published an nnvertis'ttient for H. JJryan & Co., in referoiico to the Economy Cooking Stove, fur sale by (bat firm. The signature of "(1." Ilramlow should lava read J). M. Drandow. .Mr. G. Prandow speuks In (ho highest terms of the slove, and is confident that when it is once sot up in a bouno none other will supercede it. , Gone to Corbv. D. G. King, formerly J propnotor of the hardware storo at Pleas antville, has removed to Curry, and opened a hardware sturo. Ho has been a resident of too oil region for a long time, and bus many friends iu this vicinity who will wish him success in bis new field of labor. An immense meeting was huld in Quebec on tho 13th, In furor of annexation lo the United Stales. Over 8,000 puuplo were present, and great enthusiasm was uiaui fested. A lare Amoricau Hag was pluced ou the speakum' stuud, bearing the wurda "AnncxaClun Without IeUy; Aniiexutluti, Kightor Wrong." llusultitions were pusned calling (he people to action iu all puris tho lluiuiiiion. In consequence ol a dipiesiou iu busi ness, the l'ennsylvauia Kailruad shops, in Altuotiu, 'will bo closed on Saturday attcr iiooiiR until further notice. Thu Altuatia Tribune says the railroad cumpuiiy has adopted this plan to uvuid (ho necessity of diachuiging a large number of employees. Dis.iPPKARASCK. Joseph Grimea, a col fcted man w ho has resided iu Tilu.-villu for (he lust nine years, left his bouse on Tues day nt !ust week, utnl hus uot biiico been beard from by his family, although be has been seen ut t ruukliu. He had tbowu symptoms of mental derangement lor Mive ral weeks past, and his family are very anxious for his safely. He is a mulatto, SI years of age, a mason by trade, und, wheu in bis right mind, is an intelligent, indn trioustnan. Exchange papers are reipiext. id (o notice the disappearance, uud infor mation may bo furnished bmuil to Mia. M. .1. Grimes, or tho editors of ibis paper. Uo-ulil. " TLo GrJt fuse a writer, in tho Cmciiiiiati Timethaw 'i'homus Uuchauan Ueaile, thu poet and rculptor, he pasting theutio hills lor a strolling company, ol which he one. Hl'KNK AT A WrtXtlW. IT IS HTOITKI) nv i VICTIM OF TIIK IltUllK- . liHOOM. From the A!hany Kirkerlmeker. Some excitement was occasioned near a church entrance up town night before Inst,, over tho interruption of a weduiug that was about, to bo wlemni.ed. It appears that a gay young I.oUintio who had Ixjen "flying his kite" among the lair Bex (or a f iir yeats pnst, hud suddenly concluded to become settled down by taking Ut himself u wife. o had chosen for bin p utucr tho daughter of u well known und respeuluble family up town, who, uniptestiotially, was ignorant of (he pit-l history ol the man up on whom she had best owed Iter hand, her life and her fortune. Shu did not leuru it, either, until the night before I a..t, just as I ho patties worn ou the way to church to be made ono. As the parlies were Hearing tho church, a wotuiin mudu her appearance, with a child in IW hi :ns, and onleted the man to stop fn his career, and not to send to destruction another honest uud innocent heurt. She then accused the would-be bridegroom of Jiaving Beduced her, und that he was the father of the child eho held in her arms. Tho man, in brug'idociu style, declared (ho woman mad, uud oidned her away. But it was uo use. Sim also staled that there wus number girl whom the ras cil had seduced and abandoned, by whom ho also had child. She udvisid the would-be bride to bi-wute of the inipusler aud seducer, us ho would deceive, ruin and desert her, m ho had his other victims. So excited did the poor civuluru become, that she threatened to sdioot her seducer if he undertook to have the ceremony performed. A largo crowd of persons had by this timo collected, among whom were some police men, w!ir ca:t?cd the crowd to disperse. We understand that tho g.iy Lothario aban doned tho wedding that was on foot, fail ing that his Infuriated victim- would exe cute her terrible threat. Ho was well aware of the fact l.'int oho had purchased n plol for the purposa of killing him, and thought discretion the belter purl of valor, and left. Whether the marriugo wus subse quently performed, wo know not. A It.tKKL TICAUEUY. A CHI Ml tir.I.KI) BY A BI.CE RaCKIt A WIFE ML'llllKUKII Iir A IllHTRACTEO 1ICS1U.ND. I'.u-n Oil IIuioj County (Midi ) News. We learn upon creditublo authority tho lollowing particulars of a terrible double tragedy which occurred cn tho 21st ult. In one of the buck towns of Sunilac county, und adjoining Huron, lives u Butlh-r who is of but recent residence there, named Jutnen Hayes. Ilisfumily consists, or rather con sisted, of hiniioll and wifo, and un only child an infant. Oil the day above named, Mr. and Jirs. Hives were hueing potstoen in a field some distance from their house, having left thu child at homo asleep ia its crib. After working away in the lield for some time, tho husliatid became somewhat startled at hearing tho child begin to cry in a very excosslvo und uuusuul munner, aud requested his wile to go to the houso and atci'rtniii(the cause She replied thut she thought the child would soon cease and compose itself to sleep. ' A'ler listening n moment or two, her supposition seemed a correct one, as the sounds gradually ceased and the child seemed to sleep. Nothing more was soiiously thought of tho matter it boing an instance of a very common na tureand at noon the husband uud wife repaired lor dinner. But upon entering the room iu which tho babe was lying, a hurriblu spectacle met their view. Iu their absence u monster serpent, of the bluu iacorspccics, had enter ed tho open door, crawled to the cr.idlo and twined ilsull around tho body of the infant , placed Its head in the child's mouth, aud in this maimer had deprived it of its life. The husband upon buhoUitig the hideous monster, uud comprehending its fatal act upon bis child, iti u frenzy of excitement turned upou bis wife, whom he hud bidden while iu tho field to como (o their child, and, without u woid of warning, struck Ur u fearful blow ou the head with the boo which he held in bis hud. She sunk to the floor and immediately expired, the sharp edge of the lion having pierced to her b:uin. The hui.liund, lituiing hiuuclf wile less, childless and it mm di rer, rushed liotn his home to the in i jhtors, proclaiming bis guilt, a raving maniac. ,i 'These are tlie particulars, u.i related to us by a gentleman of high social Mumling und veracity, aud who has visited thu lo cality. , Tiuwaic, iu retail and jobbing lots, ut Nichnlsou .t Bluckiuoiia'. A scntiuienlul editor says: "it is com forting to know that ono eye watches fond ly for our eouiiui;, nnd looks brighter when we come." A extemporary is prierd to learn that his "brother of t'.ieipiill lias a w il'u with uue eye." TELEGRAPH itni-onTKD for the dail? hecchd, Atifnioon E)isiiU(iV. Oil lire. Nkw Youk, September 20. Tho oil docket Lombard, Ayres Co., North river, caught lire last night, und was believed to have been extinguished, but it broko out again nt midnight, destroying n tank containing 10,000 gallons of crude pc troleutn, which, together with the nil previ ously burned, entailed a loss of $20,000. Kxlriiortliniiry Sunhlo Bt'FPAi.o, September 20. On Sutiinluy morning l:nt, a man who leyislered bis name ut the Cataract House, Niagara Kalis, us Cu;l Schni., -Sew York, proceeded to tho Table Hock at t lie Kails, placed his coat, wulch and money iu charge of a boy who was slundin.'; by, und wulked into the water a few feet from the brink, and wns soon carried over the precipice and dashed to pieces in the whirlpool below. Fire. Koi'iiKSTKit. September 20. Tho Empire Hotel, Fullers hardware store, llcaly's dm store, uud several other stotes were burned to duy. Loss, Su0,000. mustly insured. An exchange says: "Jay Cocke did u nice thing this summer. As the wotld knuwit, he has a splendid ettato ut l'uUiu Bay Lslundj. lie invited Uiis sunnner a large numl.i rol clergymen to visit him uud spend a few weeks in bu-iting, lij .ling, und other recreations. He did not invite f.u.1 -iouable clergymen, with large (alariis and great fame. He selected lo.vly mini;ters men who elie out a scanty livelihood on starvation salaries agent.i of beiievolint societies on poor pay, uud city musioiiuiics who cannot travel, and who have no mouey to spend at fashionable watering places. Mr. Cooke paid all the expenses of trans portation, mado these clerical gentlemen very happy, and put money into t licit purses when Ihov Kft." Veiy'jrtil ca!-hardened working barrel Mc'jolsun & Blictiioa's Lutnmers ifc Allien liaie a new stock of all late styles of lints and Caps. tf "Cittixci offDkai) Hkaos. Since Con." modore Vanderbilt, a year uud n hall since' revoked all passes (to the number of thirty six (hotiEnnd) on the New York Centra' road, bisexumple has generally been follow" ed by (he managersof other public thorough fares connecting with the city. Railroads are fully nwurc of the obligations they constantly under to the press for notioes of change of time, new routes, new cars, nud fur udv. rtising et rates next to nothing ; uud ihey doubtless w ould bo only too happy to reciprocate, but tbey ar so eom.'.autly imposed upon by b(!;ui representatives ol the press, that doubtless as a means of self, defence they will abolish the puts system entirely." Tho above is from a New York letter to the Cbieo Journal. The "dead-head" sill ject comes up per odicall;.'. When, however, newspaper "dead-beads" ore epo ken of as illustrative of the freo tmsssis tern, it is tho straining at a gnat, while the passing over of tho abuse cf tho system iu giving passes as mutters of mere personal gratuities, or as thncturs to freight custom ers, is the swallowing ol tho camel. The prsss "dead heads" are but a banatolle. amounting, comparatively, ti nothing at all. One of vanderbilt s special trains for hiuiwlf and bis friends costs more to the stockholders than tho newspaper head-heads of a decade of years. A Kakk Cuancu. Mr. Barker, havintr engaged tho services of Mr. E. Howard, whose reputation as a colorist rauka with tho fiivt urtists of the con try, is prepared to lurntsh photographs beautifully colored or finished in India iu!:. Those desiring such work, either from life or copied from small pictur. ?, should the opportu nity at ouce, und cull ut Barker's photo graphio gullery, on Washington Blreet. l'e troletim Centre. uuri'j-lm SiiAMiiLitii On. Items. A tuny well wr.s struck ou the Tollman Farm, Shair.l.tirg, lust week, ll is pumping seventy barrels per duy of greet: oil, nnd is owned by Stew art & Herrick. A few days since Mr. Chris. DuU pur chuscd an old well on the Atkinson Farm, iu which the tools hud been fast In tho fourth sand rock for some inoutln. ' lie succeeded in taking the tools out last week, itiid upon .starting thu well up it yielded ut the rutu of one hundred burrsis per day. It is now yielding a good lifty barrels pet day. Several new wells In that vicinity will bo tested this week. Wur. l' uuir Cans! at Nicholson & Black mox's. A Hiiiuuo!pbia paper cuuiments on tlio weather ihusly : "The showers of the last three days will cause every stalk of com to carry curs like a jackass, while every water melon will fancy itself a lager beer kej; dressed iu I'm is green." Iron Gule, Win at Shea!, Globe Iie;.ttri. Oriental, and 1'urlor Sieve.-, ut N!chol:i.n A lilackuion'a haidware stoic. Laaiuiers &, Aldca aie tilling oil' pc:! ' to.':k at eoi! I F YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY, USE TIIK ECONOMY COOKING STOVE! Read the Following Letters: li. Bkyam it Co., Sn:s : Tlic Stove I iniiclinsod of you, calle.I tlio Economy, I. Iliink tlio lost stovo now in use; I know no other that is cojial to it. E. D. FISILKU, retriJciim Ccntn-. II. IIuyan & Coi, Sins : The. Economy cooking stove I pmvliasod of you some weeks ago, gives en tire satisfaction. 1 find it the most economical stove I have nsed. F. M. SANDERSON, Pet. Centre. K. I3iiyah As Co., 'Gentlemen : Three weeks ago I purchased the Economy cooking stove from you, and can say that it has n every respect, met my mot sanguine expectations, and doe more execution with less fuel than any stove I ever had. D; M. BRANDO W, Petroleum Centre. 11. Bkyan fc Co., Snw : The stove we purdifucil from j on, called the Economy cooking stove, wo, have seen nothing of the kind which is constructed on such scientific principles. Insuring the thorough consumption of fuel, obtaining the greatest amount of heat possible at a small expense. We can safely rec ommend it as combining economy and utility. C. B. FOSTER, Boyd Farm. Petinlriim Centte, Sept. 2'i. 1m:;i. Jrs. li. lifjux C Co., Gent.: Having seen a great, number of -icoiiomy cooking stoves in nse in Beaver and Laui'ena counties, I nev er knew a single instance in whichj hey failed to give entire satisfaction. Housekeepers like them because they hevc a large oven, bake well and consume but little fual. I have one and would not be without. J. ). FOREST. Several other letters 'can be ffwrnisliedL A LARGE 'ASSORTMENT OF PARLOR AND HEAT ING STOVES ON HAND. EVERY STOVE VAR'NTED Store in rear of Central Petroleum Cos Cilice, at A 1.11 V'UU sl .TOili C A N 1 1 C Y AXXO V'X CE 71 VX 'IK. 1 iiova- Mcllt(mnH ennu' fur Loi;8t;iiilo. in tlit; Ootnl) reluction. Mr. ?l:Lhi'Ii ha f)v.d tho ollke of CoiiHtilile viM-y m-rep'nhly einco liU election let (i-riiifi, niid wo btdifw be will be rUi)porie'l liTn-p-r.tiv tu uur ty fur iu L-l.-ction tb: fall. MANY ClTIZkNi. 1 ft EinTon: Plonue nnnouiico the imme of Mil1 mTC S, ilnurli, u a caiitlirtato fir 111191100 or ihc Keico in Cniimltintwr township, nt th rnuini; 03 tohor election, find oblige, MANY CITIZENS. i iiiiuor, si-pi, io, jttw, Loral Xoticcn AVAN1KU. A flirl feiieml housewerk. Koiiulrcof W'g li. W. Evans, in Wild Cut. seplU t'tto riorrioii'n fienuliio l ino Tar a. id fi'irsiaii Klvaliuji SoaT. Tlit '.ti soaps it re iiuprcirinte J wltli cxutic of the li'.tbst und in tiit Uil.-'iinitc lmtitro, nntl arc wftrttint- t-d purft'Cily li!iiu;:iMit fttul fi'oe from mUiontl aud oth cr .lornicifciM iLltnixttircs, nnd arc eelctli'U by the Wluu r;:d tho p'.Vrifc in 'uorul In nruffrcreo to all' o' er :;;., a tut iuiu pro Jucei und pmvrver or r. iKn'.tliy purity of ccmiploxion, aud cottsurvntor. nf f(;i.:uiu lit'-'iii'y. 1'jr tho noltnesi unu duUrncy ioli they iuUrxo to Iho hmdA mid tacu, thdrqapa bility of fcoothhi;; irviUlion nnd r moving nnsigiitly erii;tkM.-, rcudur tluni ImlUpi'iiHlhlo lo uvury toil et U e Mndly ask the public to try tho virtiHw o thc-o fioajis. J. U II. A Co., I'ropriutom. A. 1. MilVi' & Co , OuucriU AicaU. juli-3in. N E W A D V i: HTl i KM K N TS. POCKET-BOOK LOST. Al'OCKF.T HOOK w:ii lust on thnl-ierxou F.iria 011 tlie I'Mi nit., ci.nt.-itnlPK JlfiU In 'ji-itii- Uuck. The will li.i lil.orahv iWanl, il liy leviD3 thesnine ut tlm I' iU-.' ia lv:-i.. u.u Centre. a. b. llAlilil.S'CT.iS l't Centre, Sept. 1','iin. ;;t. Slice iul Notice. W-jLDS Of WJUOM fur young men, on (lie. !nlhi3 l'a-,..itui in Youth ouil liirly Muulmoil, with sKLb' llHI.! f-ir tlio erring aud uurortunatu. Seo in Ki-.Uud letter envi-iupo;!, I'roe of clinrjjtc. Adilruiie llOW'AUD ASSoeiATION JI 1', I'iiii.adhlpai a I'a. MnySf, 3in 'vv I'lyisr, VcvaI and Grocer)' J. IMCATJIEIt, AtHiaOI.I) DANK llUlLIJINO, ON MAIN-ST, omi(,.io tho Wcl'llnlock Uoiuf, hit on hnnd a Iuku iiikI i;M. cl'i. atuck nf ft'loiiisFced and (roei'i'fOH. which ho 1b felling nt a low flsture. t.Deu't feivet the place where Ai U. i'otto X Ciiiiiiireiy lnMko up. The New York Meat Market! U W. IA1'.KK'( laic Qttei.a; now liaili- ill' till On Miiid Klict'l, ii.isiJc liiv Mi't'iir.toi-K Itoietc, Anil Intend kcephiR whiit l'illiillllll t'enlre law loni; iicuded, il lirst u .lin Mint Mm kit. (July Un CHOICEST AND BEST FVIEATS will he kept. It Kill he our ahn I.) mine our H tonicrx wilh iiruiiiptuu. uud to llicir entire .tii fjcliun. tcj.HC-r. U. & W. l'AUKHI!. MS?" To Jlillitiers unj Country Storekeepers. FALL TRADE. WHOLESALE UEf.VROit-M VI' STAIRS. I AKS1KAI.1.K "nodi recdvoil d:ii!v fii.m tnirli.n I ' nnd iiriviitfwili! (inr etork nf'KeiilheW, Klow rrt. H.iliiM. Kill.. VkK-.n linu.,in. t.iu.M. '1'iln intuitu, Frinxen, Yankee Niitinus, Knnry (.lnoiln, iilc, ele., is liu-rre, mid elie:i)i. We cut lonstlw Bl piooo pi lew), iiuy and sell for cas'.i. I.ihvan! Itidk'v & S 300, 311, t- 811 Graiul, and GG, G8 Jj.70 Alien Street, Coruur Htore, flfih hlock enat fiom tho Cowory, HEW YORK CITV. cptl6:tf. lU-.K iiery l'.ir nil kliiiIi;o to ltKYNohfis i;i;uimiii) & cj's, No, n coiitiuMtwot, oppo .Mle the I'mt Oll'.cir, Oil City, I'a. C', ot cvrry fjtinlily nud ueieriptioii, at lir.IMH.D-, li()illSAD Hi CU'S, So, 11 Centre tliuwt, nppii.ite the P. O,, Oil City, I'll. ( !i.11CI;N 8 CAItlll lUCS A tine the Frinlture itoie. 1 w ISIIAM V CO., Watchmakers & Jewelers, IN Ol'KRA. HOUSE nUlLPING, WASH INGTON STREKT, pirriioi.Kim i estbKi ia.. Keep constantly ou hand a largo assottmeut ol WATCUKS. JEWKl.TJY, I'lbTO!., liEV01.VKf!. ,., , , C'artrldTefl.&c.. ami will (!! at ranein piu-ej. - v, nuU wurk waiautt-d to bv ulilJCt:vu.