Petroleum Centre Daily Record, Pel. (.viilif, l'rl la,Sopl IT. rf. Jt. I-At, Jittitor. I'. C)., PfTRni.riiB Ckstih. Pa., ) .Il'I.I S7HT. I WW. i Cntll further notice the mails will arrive at and Cepart from this ofllce n follows: ATETtlVR. Sonlh anil East, via. Irvineton, lo.? A. M. South and West, " Sicadvllle, 5.19 1'. At. North anil Eat, " Corry, 85S , " TtKrART. South and Went, S.-15 A. Jt. Hnutl,, Eajyuid Weit, 2 30 P. 51. North! East and Went, 10.00 A. 51. Divlnn Nervier. PRESBYTERIAN CIIl'KCH. Preaching nt It o'clock. A. M., and ". o'clock P. M. Est. J. T. Oxtort, raster. UETnODlST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Pnbbath School nl9'J A. l-) en(s frc". A cordial invitation cxlcnvrl Service every Sabbath nt 1 1 A. M. and ed to nl). T.r.v. C. M. IlE.vno, Pastor. STS. rtfTT-ft AND PAUL'S (Catholie) CHURCH. Mass at IO.14 a. in. Vesper and Ronediction of, the. Blessed Sacrament nt 4 p. m. Catechism nt 2'p. m. JAMES PUNN. Tastor. Mihiiro of .Time. OIlCKF.KKSAU.F.HUENF.Yr.IVKIIKAII.WAY 5U)NI).y, SKIT. I th, tSIW. Northward Trains Leave Pet. Centre 7:10 a m , ar. n't Corry a -40 a.m. " ' 10 41ft la . ar. " I.25p in. " " " Saw p. m , nr. " r:1ll n. ni. ' ' " 4:('6p. in., nr. 7ltusIlle5;'J0p. in. Son I It ward Train Leavj Pot.Centre, ":llln.m., ar. at Oil CllvR:10am ' " " Jl tfK p. m., ar. " 1:4 p m " " " 7:fi3 p. m.. nr. " 8:85 p m ' ' H.30p. m. ar. " 6:50 pin iThit Trnin will Ptup 20 minutes for dinner. ,TJiosn are Freight Trains aud go to TitiisvIIlo and Oil City. These trains pa at this point. The Fonthward Train (toping for breakfast The2:5 p m Train going North and the 7:53 Train going Bontii rnn on bnndnyg. NOTICE. Voters op PSTROi.Kcsr Cextrb Pnn cixct: I will be In Petroleum Centre, nt tho Central House, on Monday, Sept 20th, 18G!), from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m., and Invite all persons whoso names are not registered (see list id Esquiro Donaghy's ofllce) to meet me and have their names registered. I will alfo be at Rouseville on Saturday, September 18th, and at Plumeron Wednes day, September 22d. ' n. B. IIixon, Assessor. Turtle Sodp To-Nioiit At the Roch ester House this evening will be served tur tle soup nd steaks. The Humboldt anniversary was oelebrat ed all' over tho country. In New York a monument was unveiled in Central Park, nnd nn oration, delivered in German by Dr Lieber. It appeared In the Supremo Court of New York yesterday that $,S05,000 was lost by the express company in tho recent robbery on the New York Central road. A passing canal boat, the other day, bore an odd name : 'I want a Mother-in-law.'' Ao exchange remarks that the captain must be the bravest nan in the world. The Arnold & Phlnnoy well, on Kane Rnn, which we noticed a fow days since as beinf destroyed by (ire, is now running, and doing (irty barrels, with a depth of only three feet in the third sand. This well bids fair to be one of the best in oildou. Arrested. A woman known as "Crazy Jane"' was arretted while making eonsidora-' ble disturbance upon the street this morn ing, and locked up in a stablo. Thank? We have received a boiint.ful supply of turtle soup and the accompanying desserts from Southerland & Taylor, propri etors of the Petroleum Excbango restau rant, for which we express thanks. Their miiiy friends are partaking of their hospi talities wilUou stint to-day, and turtle soup and steak are suffering terribly in that es tablishment. There Is always room for one mure, bowover, and the boys are always glad to their friends. Call on theia to uight. New Wem.. A new well was struck on Shaffer Tlua, two days aco.and commenced yielding at the rato f 1(1!) barrels, and at last reports was dninz about T5 barrels. It Is tho property of Cornwell, Tlrrnan and HiRson. Toe Mngnio well, ou lha same tract, belong!! to t!:o mirao company, which bus pumped more oil witnin the last two yr cis than any well in this replon, b.vU un application of benzine during tho Hint U tho present week, uml immediately coin uicncol flowing, and continued to do so fur two days, and is nuw producing TO bar tfla. 5"Ino Silk Hats at Lammers & AMeu'j. Pursuant to call of I ho Committee, tho electors of Corflplanter township met In tho Opera nt Petroleum Centre, on Thursday afternoon, fflth Inst., and made the following nominations: . For Justice of tho Pence Samuel Rey nolds, ot Putrolcum Centre. For Constable Georgo F. Lawrense, of Petroleum Centre. For School Directors .Tomes II. Smith, Petroleum Centre;-A. S. Prallier, l'lutuer; A. 31. Turner, Siverlt-y vlllo. For Overseers of the Poor Imln Ilolio- w.iy, Pliuuer; G. C. l'ratber, Dinner. Fur Township Auditor War. U. Purdue, Rynd Farm. For Township Clerk, Wm. R". Purdue, Uyud Farm. For ' Road CoiuiuUsioner James Sage' Plmner. For Assessor ftnla Ilolloway, of Flunicr. Jamks A. Guisox, Chairman. u jj. Jwnxxv I. M. llitiiiES, Secretary. JuilXXY StekI.K'S AlTOlltOUU.U'lIY V.'e can hardly pick up a paper just now but whnt has a paragraph stating that Johnoy Steele is writing an autobiography. Such a thing would no doubt be interesting, but wo are authorized to atalo that no such thing lias been contemplated by "Coal Oil John ny." That the. work would be in great de mand, no one will contradict, as his name is known throughout the United States, and Ilia exploits are equally as familiar. We shall ba ablo to statu in a fow days whether bis career will bo written up at all or not, but wo are now prepared Id state that thore will bo no autobiography but there may be a biograhy of his life yet pub lished; Srop Thiek. On Sunday lust a man named George Cunningham hired a horse and buggy of Mr. McCormujk, at Shambur?, to come to Petroleum Centre, and nothing was heard of Cunningham or horse, n ntil last evening, when Mr. A. S. Prather, of l turner, was returning home from this place, ho heard the neighing of a horse in the woods just a'bove James McCray's house, and upon going to the spot found a horse bitched to a buggy, the animal tied to a tree, and apparently in a starving condi tion. The horso was kindlv eared for. was brought to Petroleum Centre to-day, anu was Immediately Identified as the same hired by Cunningham, at Shamburir. Pun. ningbam has not been beard of. "It Never Raixs Unless xt Pours." Considerable excitement and some anxiety seems to exist among our young men just at present. A "panio" is tho rosult. Our young and respected townsman, Goo. M. Wright, determined never to be outdone by his associates, has taken unto himself wings and flown to hie homo, tn Couneaut, O. where awaits him a blushing young maiden who is to share his fortunes houcetorth till death doth part man and wifo. This an nouncement will lake his many friends in this vicinity By surprise, but it is another ev ldonce that a promising young man enn set aside the daily production of oil wolls, for a time and turn bis attention to tho "stern er" realities of bis existence. Who next t - A Mtstbrt. The Tuukhannock Repub lican gives the following as beyond Its com prehension : "Sueijuehannab county has a first-class mystery. A man named D. A. Johnson, of Franklin. Veiuogj oounty, Pa., writes to the postmaster of Ruahville, Susquehanna county, giving an account of tbo tiudiug of the dead body of a man with skull broken and signs of having been dead a week. In bis pocket was found a card bearing the words "Dr. O. Stewart,, of Susquehanna county, Pa.' A tall man by the name of Corson bad been traveling with him when last seen. Upon this representation a man named Corson was arrested and put in jail at Montrose. It now turns np through a letter to the district attorney of Susquehan na county that tho citizens of Venango ojuuty knew nothing ot the murder as above described, or of 1). A. Johnosn." Tbo whole affair Is involved in deep mystery, Corson baa since been discharged, as the only evidence agaiust him is Johnson's loi ter." In tho Uto convention at Newport, Mrs. Ivabelbt Peecher Hooker said that she hoped tbo tiiet man she met on the other side of Jordan, outside her family circle, would bo Moses. Mrs. Stanlou being asked by a gravo gentleman ou tho platform whorasbe would like to meet first, said Job's nifj. J Tho Clarion Democrat miltes th.i fallow ing "local" Inxuiryl "Will not tho borough da is have the weeds cut off the streets, so that the (.ese can got at the grass, and thvskeep thum from spending so much time on the sidewalks?" Four First class Horses for sale at J. M. Sharp's Coal Ynid. Those wishing to pur- chasa will find It to their Interest to call and see them. 3L TELEGRAPH KEPOHTED FOK THE DAILY KEClvtiD, Afternoon Dispatches. i St. Locis, Sept. 1C. An Omaha despatch says: The election Tuesdny was peaceable though excited. Keturnn indicate the election of thtee Rep resentatives and one Senator to tho Legis lature and Republican Sheriff, Clerk, As sessor and Commissioner. The Democrats elected .Probato Judge and Treasurer, who run on the peoples ticKct. Pueblo and Los Unmans counties give increased Republican majorities. Clear Creek county, as far as heard from, gives a Republican ranjoriiy. A gentleman who accompanied Secretary Seward to Sitka, writes that the mosquitoes of that region do not carry venom in their billB, which has tbo anasthotio effoct of chloroform. Like modern dentists they put their patients to sleep boforo opornting on thorn. So diff.-rent are they from the com' iuou species, that the tired traveler no longer feels annoyed by the buzzing of their wings but rather courts the music as a pres. age of a good night's rest. They aro largo and vigorous, and it is thought by some, if caro bo taken to disseminata them, they might displace tho old variety altogether. Indeed Mr. Seward took pains to have some of them exported to the patent ofllce at Washington, for distribution. This was only one of many discoveries that were made in regard to the productions of the ex-secretary's lato purchase; and he recom meeds that a territorial government should be formed at once, and tho territory named Utopia." Iron Gate, Wheat Sheaf, Globs IleaUrs Oriental, and Parlor Stoves, at Nicholson & lllackmon's hardware store. The Buffalo Chimes. The carillon of bells manufactured in Franco for St. Joseph's Cathedral, in Buffalo, having been mounted in tho tower of tho edifice last Sabbath; large crowds of citizens of nil denomina tions assembled at the Cathedral and tilled the neighboring streets to listen to the first performance of the bells forty-three In num. bnr, and the third largest chimes In the world. They are worked by a key board, and discourse beautiful music. Attached to the carillon, independent of the key board, Is a clock whichy by delicate ma chinery, is made to play any required tunc on the bells by means ofone hundred and twenty-three hammers arranged on the out side ef the bells. Tho clock also strikos the hour, half, and quarter hour. In honor ol the first performance of the bells, Bishop Ryan celebrated Pontifical High Mass Sab bath morning, eOlciaied at vespers in the afternoon, and preached a sermon in the evening, the carillon boing played by the organist of the cathedral. Tinware, in retail and jobbing lots, at Nicholson & Blackmon's. Tho bouse ot Henry Watlott's. on Lim. burg Btreet, Detroit, wasentered Wednesday nignt by a burglar. Willett's wlfo was aroused by the noiso. aud called her hus band, who sprang out of bed and ran against him, grappled with him and threw him, when the burglar drew a knifo and Btabbed Wallotta six times, killing him instantly. Tho murderer then jumped through a win dow. Tho alarm was soon given, and the roan found hidden this morning near tbo place of crime, and safely lodged in the sta tion house. It is reported that Wilietts the previous nighteffected an iusurancoof $50, 000 upon bis lift;. A Rare Chaxce. Mr. Barker, havlni? engaged the services of Mr. E. Howard, whoso reputation as a colorist ranks with the first artists of tho con, try, is prepared to furnish photographs beautifully colored or finished in India ink. Those desiring such work, cither Iroin life or copied from small pictures, should embrace the opportu nity ut once, and call at Barker's photo graphic, gallery, on Washington stroet, Pe troleum Centre. aug2o-lm Any ono at all conversant with the traits of the Beecher family knows that the au thoress of tho Byron scandal will not re main quiet under tho sovere caatigution she hits been receiving trom tho American press. If a dozan trans-Atlantic trips, the expendi ture of a small fortune In ocean telegrams, and tho employment of the remainder of her days uro uecossary to tho obtaining of additional facts and testimony Learing on this matter, Mrs. Stovve will obtain theuv She is tho last pert-on to succumb under nn adverse fire, however overwhelming. We may therefore rest assured that tho Septem ber Atlantic paper is but the beginning of tho cud of a matter which should never huvc been disturbed, assuming that Mrs. Stowo had conclusive proof of oll-Bbe assorted. Whilo sho remains silent now ber friends affirm that she is gathering material for an immediate counterblast, to bo followed by others in regular succession, . The Charles City (,1a.) .'itit-ocafe says that a woman started for town with a dozen eggB nnd a few pounds of butter in a basket one bot day last week ; when she got thero all that was found in her basket was a lock of hair nnd a dozen young chickens. Lnmmers & Alden bnve a now stock of all late styles of Hats ami Caps. If There are only one thousand forms of re ligion in the world from which to choose. The storm which lias recently appeared on our eastern coast has apparently visited Europe. In Paris it was vory sovorc, pros trating telegraph wires and interrupting communications. CAaUin.tCY ANNOUNCEMENTS. CONSTABLE. 5tn. Eniton : Please 'announce the name of Thomas Mollnin nna candidate fur Countable, at the Octolcrelectiim. v - Mr. 5tfllni:li lias titles M oftlro of Conntaliln very accrpiahly ince hta election lait spring, ami we believe hp will hesnpporleii irrespective of par ly fur is election Ihit fall. Jl AN Y CITIZENS. Local Notice. WANTED. A Girl to da git ncrnl housework. Enquire of .Mrs, It. W. Evans, In Wild Cat. icplll MlLDIti:.VN CA Kid AUKS A fine assortment at tho I'nrcitnro Store. 1-w lvciiTi? A fresh supply, Just recoived at It. It. Fisher's Drug store. I'no Horrinoii'a ticmiiiie l'ino Tar and Peru I nil llcallitfr Snaps. These soaps are impregnated with exotic of tlio mildest and most B ilsntnic nature, and nre warrant ed perfectly Innocent and free front mineral and oth er pernicious a'lniisttires, aud arc selected by l!ie Indies nnd the public in general in prvtcrni re to all other soaps, as the threat producers and preservers of a healthy purity of complexion, and a conservator of femals hcanty. Fur the iifliicss and delicacy which they induce to the hands and face, thcircapa bility of soothing irritation and removing iilnllnly eruptions, render them Indlspeiislble to every toll ct. We kindly ask the ptiMic to try the virtues o those soaps. 3. b. II. A Co., Proprietors. A. D. Miller A Co., Control Ajenln. JulSi-Sm. Special Notice. WORDS OP YIKD05t for young men, on the Itnlln!" Passion in Youth nnd Early 5tanhood, w ith SELF HELP for the erring atnd nnf ortmintc. Sen In scaled letter envelopes, free, of charec. Address nOWARD ASSOCIATION U is P, Puiladeu'aia rA. 5lv SI. 3m New Flour, Feed nnd Grocery Store ! J. S. 111 ATI! Kit, At the OLD RANH ntTILDLXR, ON 5IAIN ST, opposite tho 5lcClintock House, bus on lmr.d a Iiiro and Hist class stock of V ltir,Fecd and ti rorcrlcs, which he Is Milne st a low flsnro. t, Dou'l forpet the place where. A, D. Cutto A Company broke up. jan2-tf. Crockery Far all kinds ku to KEYNOLIM rmODIIEAD A CO'S. No. 11 Centre Street, oppo- to the Post OlUce, Oil City, Pa. Carpot'i, of every quality and description,, nt REYNOLDS, liltODUEAD A CO'S, No. It Centre Street,. opposite the P. O., Oil City, Pa. Tho (Si-rat Yoscmtie Cittern. All lwil ! emit benefactor, Who to cure us of our ills, ' Give. lifi. to theillKropsnl'tte, Without noxious drttH or pills Drives diseftui from onMhe s.votcm, Kills tlio Insirt wi'h lite and light, Villi the best of n'l C,.' tonios, imwner Oreat Yuscniitel With root from ouf the valleys, Yt'lieroCa lifornm's sun dotti shine,. Giving weriiih to us pour mortals, llevond the riches if her minos. Wealth of health ami hiipplness, lis lilfsshu-s none should slight, Do you want It ? Wou'd you havo it f U?e Dowucr'e (Ireat Y, seuilto. Cotio ye sick, df.easej, disconsolate, Why should you piuu and die! Ye feeble, faint and Inni-illshln',', Come, ll-eso glorious Hitters try tine how these quacks and nosAruins, I-'lefi from the laud in frio-hr, Givinfc place to this nilro tonic, Duwnor's Great Yusemite I lill24tf. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The New York Meat Market I II Jt W. PAItKEit have lV.ted up a new build a inOn On Main trcct Opposite the JtlcClintock House, And inland keeplnct what Petroleum Centre has Ion;; ner-dtd, n ttrst c!as 3tt Market. Only the CHOICEST AND BEST MEATS will bo kept. It will bo onr aim to srve our eut toiricrs witli pruinptuuas and to their entire satis- popt1l':tf. II. A W. PARREn. Z.W To Milliners and Country Storekeepers. fallTrade. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT VP .STAIRS. . PKSIH MILK eoous received dally from anctiea urn! privntemtlo Our stock of Feathers, Flow ers, Satins, K!lks, Velvets, Ribbons, Laces, Trie JVii ,, Yankee Notions, Fancy Goods, elc, etc., is lur'e, and cheap. We cut lengths at pioco priced. Duy and bell lurcash. Eihvaril i.iiilcy & Son, 300, 311, tfe 311,'a Grand, and CG, GS tfi 70 Alien Street?, Coinsr more, fifth block cat from tbo Bowery, NKr YbUK CITV. septl:tr McEowen & Ca (Corner Spring and Monroo Street? TITUSVILLE ltfOlLD call tho attention or Grocery Deni. yy of tho Oil Itenlons li. the fact that they lm rstahllshed for the accommodation of Hie trsje A strictly Wholesale Grocery House, The otilyono of the kind In the Oil l(olon We hive seen tho necessity of such an MtsbiM mcnt for a lung lime. Tlio Retail Dealer who payi life taxe nnd Ucenps and vcntnrw hii capital iu hi bu-tinee. Stali Eg Protected. I n It. We propose to du H ty Selling to Dealers Only. Wc have in sturc a LAKGK AND CAHEFULU" SELECTED STOt'K. comprising everything that is rerpiirej FIRST - (TASS STORE. Which we oS -r at prices that will Compete with an) Market in the I'onntrv. 1 ?P CimtiUllv inv!ln nn Inn nf nnr 1369. KOUTIIK Fall Trade SEW ?5)i5, A' E WOODS, .. WASHINGTON ST., Petroleum Centre. Pa. HAS JUST OPENED A LARGE COMPLETE STOCK OF imm & otestic AXD' For tho Fall Trade, embracing a full Line DLACK ALArACAS, roriJN ALAPCAX, POPLINS, SILKS CJLOAIRS, 1 mm, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Chintzes, Calicos, Muslins, and a choice assortment of 'V f LADIES AND GENTS FORUISMG GOODS, And also a choice assortment of FL ANN Ivy very cheap. Our Line of Alpacas and Pop lin Alpacas is tho finest and chcapost in tho place. septlo'tr. Y "22Tr-&ii" - ''fiA'fciliEHSsssSsssSSs. 1