f i Ij .1 I .; 'I Petroleum Cetitre Daily Record, . l otilrv, Frldai, July SO. rf. 7r'. yVtr. Jut it or. 't ill nl ClotttilS Matin. P. O., Petroi-fi'm tYvTiir. Pa , jult :i;t, isos. ) Until further notice tho mails will arrive at and divan from Uiis fHoe as follows: Allf-ITK. South and East, vin. lniueton, 10.13 A M. Hooth and West, " Mendvltlo, B IS !'. M. North M1 Rust, Corry. 2.55 " ; DEPART. Hooth and Wait, 8.4S A. M. N.utl Kast and Wal, 3 3d P. M. Kiirili. East and West, 10.00 A. M. Divine snrvic-eN. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching; at 11 o'clock A. M., and ") ', o'clock P. M. Ret. J. T. Oxtoby, Pustor. M. E. CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and 7V P. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock II. Peats free. A cordial invitation ex tended to all. Bet. C. M. Heard; Pastor. STS. PETER AND PAUL'S (Cntbolie) CHUB'JU. Mom at 10J . m. Vesper and Benediction cf tbo. Blessed Sacrament at 4 p. m. Catechism at 2,'p. m. JAMES DUNN, Pastor. The New York Sun predicts that Mr. Seward will bo tbo next President and Hurace Grec'.cy his Secretary. A gentleman standing on tbo street ob served a lady passing, who was gotten up regardless of expense, and turning (o his friends, said : "By Jove, Charley, isn't she splendidly upholstered!" . A great number of candidates for office now, when nominated and urj;ed to speak declares that they "can't make speeches.' So much for the example of General Can( lanuee itobinson's circus drove into Brookvillo on Sunday, ISth inst,, and put up at the hotels enzaeed for t hem. fin Monday they were arrested and fined for urging me BaDbath by traveling on that doy. . Variety Theatre. -This troupe promise rich programmo lor to-morrow night The matinee to-morrow afternoon will be a pleasing entertainment for Indies and cbil dren. Remember Saturday night. Tub Carpenter & Brown well, located on tlx. west side of the creek, on the Jjhn Buchanan Farm. i?,.... ville, which exploded a few dayj since, has Biucu neon producing largely. The rate of proauotlon to-day is 100 barrels. The well wlU ""dubteily pr0T0 a gauJ pnylog onc Sm,r. BAi.i.oTf.vU.T1,0 K.pilU;ean Senatorial Conference, composed of d-lo-a tfS '!"m Vcnno, Mercer and Warren counts, met at Franklin on Monday after noon, to make thoir nomination. Tim can ddates are Major Broden, of Venango, General Allen, of Warren, and S. II. Miller of Mercer. At last accounts the conven. tion was still balloting. Exi.ab.qkii -The Venango Spectator comes to us this week materially enlarged ...u improvou in typographical appearance. This is a sure Indication that the nm-vm. tors, Messrs. A. P. & J. H. Whituber, who uav., i4uoreu to make the Spectator accep tuh'e before the people, havo been aneeesa ful In their efforts. They bavo our l)est WISnOF. Poultry, Poixtry.-As will be seen tv advert'ueniont elsewhere, James Linden, of this place, Las on band and lor said a lart;o number of chickens, ducks, turkeys und geese. Ho bus been to considerable expense to secure some of the best of stock, and Horn bis viily oan bo selectod a superb num ber. Those desiring noulirv fur lha iuiB can be accommodated at bis place at any time. Placa of business nt tbo mouth of Benniugbofl Run. Call on him. On tub Sport. A large crowd collected last evening ut a placo up towu, and wo are sorry to s ly w. ru considerably uiuusd at a flRbt between a wolf dog and a do without the vvolt latachmeut. Tha match was for $50, wuicu was won by the owner of the woll ilojj. Those present seemed to be de cidedly on the sport, and entered into the oiorits of tho contest with a will. Consid oraolo tuuney chenged bands. It Is surpris ing to knuw men cuu beamuaedatlho sporl of witns8iiig two dumb brutes tear uob o her to pitCHs. Admission, CO ceuts! Tho Crawford Democrat of last week says; Io M"ad township, about live mlleii ,.aBt ol Mja,U-i lo, pji'iic aro viigagcrt in t.or lo;,' for oil. Four woll; have b.-eu coui.ueuc id, and 0' z:n more are la cuni.-a.-liitioo. The prosneca ate rxp.-irt.-d io lie Citl-riu-r. aud He exc!t.-u:ojt U dull;- 'e.-e.v,:.-. James A. Sheriff. The name heading this article is familiar in Oildom, Mr. Sheriff being one of tbo pio neers in this region. Wo announced yes terday that he had diFpose.l of his business in this place to Messrs Nicholson & Black mon, and as bo will soon leave us for a wes tern borne, it is proper, and indeed a pleas uro for us to briefly refer to his experience in the oil region. Ho came on to oil crock in September, 1862, and commenced tbo bu siness of a hardware merchant, which busi tiess be has followed nutil the present tinio. For a considerable lengthy period be was ' the only hardware merchant between Titns ville and Oil City, and it was his custom to tiavel on lojt to'Tilusville, it being neces sary for him to go over the hills where hors es could not then pass. where bo did bis banking business, often arriving at that place in the night, but his arrangements were such with the officers of the bank that bis business would be attended to at any hour, lie made this trip two or threo times a week, stopping along the routo making collections and taking orders. The manner in which ho brought goods to bis store in this place was extromely inconvenient, eo loug as the railroad camo no farther down the creek than Titusville and afterwards to Shaffer, and kept in hi3 employ at that time several teams hauling goods, and also boat ed some, getting along as best ho could. His establishment being the only one o' its kind on tho creek, it was necessary for him to bo in readiness to wait upon custom ers at all hours, and at a time when high way robberies weto frequent, ho was accus tomed to bo called at all hours of the night, as oil well tools and fixtures are liable to break at uny time. These calls wcro at tended with some fear on his part, many times tbo parties being cntiro strangers, be having largo amounts of cash on band, but luckily bo has never been disturbed, which is souiowhat miraculous, for he has been ou the road on loot and alona at nil hours of the night, with from Si. 000 to 65,000 at a time about his person, with no Grc-arms or other protection. Ho ow ns an Interest now, and did nt the tlmo it was put down, in tbo sec oud will drilled on the Stevenson Farm, which has to tbo present day yielded him a fair profit. Wo ould recite many pleasing incidents In his lifo on the creek, but our space compels us to mako brief mention. He now retires from business with a com petency, and with a reputation forfalrdoul- lug which will bo lasting to bis name. Hi word was always as good as bis bond, and he is looked upon and respected as an hoa est, christian gentleman. Atj bis departure our town will lose an estimable citizen. Tub Generosity op Out Citizens.--We niauo special mention a low aajs smco or a donation of $50 from our townsman S. A. Woods, and $25 from M. E. Hess for the National Orphan's Homestead at Gettysburg. Sinco then tho general agent, Rev. Mr. Atkinson, has been calling upon our peo ple, and informs us that ho has raised about $50. which is a larger amount than bo receives from towns with livo times the population of ours in somo instances. This speaks well lor Petroleum Centre, that ter citizens should como forward and contri bute so gonorously to a cause so worthy tho aid of every American citizen. l'ATAL Accioext. On Thursday July 22nd, a distre.-iing accident occurred at Henrys Bond, President Township, tbis county. John W. Laugstuff was burned to death in tbo Engiu6 house of tho Smith woll. From the position in which be was found it Is supposed that ho was caught by tno belt wuicTj drew bitn against lao boi! and held bim tlieru wbilo ho literally burn- ...1 I .1....,!. W l. . . ... uuuiu. iv uuu uu wuh lounu u:o wan extinct. The uufcn-tu.mto man bad resided u. uiw ui im ioi euvuiai years, no leaves tt'wiib and tluuo children.- Venango Citi zen. For family use ale, there is nothing' us tnod us Cunandaiguu, which can l.e bad only a' Gai-k.vky's. Tho reoom:iluliuu between Millard Fill" more and Thurlow Weed, has given liso to a thousand und ono rumor,?, not tho least of which is that an ellort will bo nmdo to bring about a similar meeting Lctwcen Mr Weed and llorato Greeley. Though Mr Greeley spauks in the Most bitter terms of Mr. Weed, Thurlow, it U said bus lost his enmity, und bag expressed a doslra lo have a peaceable settlement. It is reported tb:t a ptouiineut gentleman, an ex-Governor, i 'u go to New York for tbo purpose o' tnakiug proposals to Mr. Greeley. It j, predicted that tlioso vuteran editors will soon be brought together, uud uu umicablu adjustment of all their differences tll'ected. i lie ilove, rcuoMect, did uot leturn -Neul, with ;l, olive branch till ih.- sec. lime ol tit r goin foith; whv, ll.en. shvii you desnond at tho tailulo ol a' lit,-, i touipi ? i viiig ti i. e iu,; ot ....-!--. s f.- ;.,. u . y (..:u!or!. ! i'i w .-tiling lir lb- Muall ' A new test of tho diamond, which may be considered somewhat in the light ol a 'kill or cure," consists in placing tin) stone to bo tested in a platium crucible, with pulverized flour-spar, aud pouring upon it concentrated sulphuric acid. It is then to bo heated or a timo until all the fumes evolved pass off, and tho crucible, is then allowed to enol;. should tho slono be a real diamond it will bo found unaffected, where as on imitation will disappear entirely, or else be so greatly corroded as to bo material ly reduced in size. A better test than this, however, consists in tho use of hydrofluoric acid itsolf, which when applied in tho lorm of a single drop to tho snrlaco of tho stono, will almost immediately act upon an imita tion, but will leave a truo diamond un touched. Thoro is troublo at the Poor Houso Farm in Erie county. An act was passed autho rizing its sale, and it was bought by Uras Schluraff, subject to confirmation by Court. In tho spring the purchaser sowed tho ground with wheat, and as tho Court bad refused to admit tho legality of the act tbe Poor Directors offered Schluraff pay for bis labor and material. This be roftised and a few days sinco proceeded lo reap the wheat, when be was arrested fortrospos. and held in $2.C00 for Court. In tho mean. timo the Directors bavo cut the wheat and appropriated it. Tub Buemax steamer has brought out twenty-niuo cases of small-pox to this country. Tbo vessel now lies in tho New York quarantine, and everything is being dono for the sti!f)i'rs, rainy of. whom have the disease in Us malignaut type, and to provent tbo disease from reaching tho city. Several cises bavo appeared already in New York, but no fatal ones have as yet been reported. With cholera, yellow fever and small-pox in her quarantine, New York at presen, occupies a very tinenrliblo posi tion in a sanitary point-of view. Last week Cinutnui had tbe following sensation: Tho heaviest fall of rain ever soou there; a cihid killed by lightning: three cases of drowning; two deaths from sunstrokes; one caso or infantioide; five suicides; a wile cut to pieces with an ax in tbe hands of ber husband; a hotel pro prietor aud three others stabbed by a des perado; a court house clerk killed by fall ing liom a window; a mechanic foil through n batch way sixty-livo feet and crushed to ajelly; three children run over; a midnight murder. Don't l'col your money away buying a bottle of bitUM S, but if you will drink, buy a bottle of Sunday Comfort at Gakfxey's. 200 cases Cougres3 day and for s ilo at Water received this G.vfkxey's. John G. Leo, who was c!iarg d with and tried for the murder of Captain Fletcher, at Dawson, Georgia, but in whose case tbo jury failed to agree, was murdered in the Jiil ;t that placo last Wednesday night. Too keys wero forcibly taken fnui the jailor by dis.ti3cd men, nod the prisoner' throat cut. CANrSIHS.tt'Y ANNOt'NCEITiKNTS. PltOTHONOTAKY. Mit. P MTcr. P'enpo mincmieetheiifimeof Thoh as i NAnHY, of l'rlloleiilji Ci-ntru. hH h rnwiirltue for i'rol lioiollaiy ot Vcniim;.) Cuiu.t'y, fllll'jcct to tlic ti-ieofi of thu rcmucmiic. party. Loral :Vties. ILEIOP t'OOI. By purchasinu one of those KEFIUGEKATORS at the lnirliiture .Store. ti'80 Morrlfioii'M ;erinlno l'iue Tar and S'ci-Mioii SIonllii Son?. Thee Bon;u urn iinprcf:ni!nd with oxotlcs of tho mildest nut iuoki liu-runic nature, und are warrant ed ,iei feci ly L.ii'Kt'i.; ;m.: f;u( f;-o:n nili'cral and oth. I or pcrmcw.'.s ai!i,ii::!e.ri, r,i:d tiro Folei'ted by the .lellca and the public in funeral In pi-crei-oreo to all other soaps, as the threat producers ttnc! pre.erveta of a healthy ;m,-ity of completion, rv.d a ronuorvator of female beauty. t'.,r tliu softness and delicacy wmi'u U.ey incli...!) to the Imele uud fare, their cap bili'.y of seolhin iriiUitlon and removing unii;htly rup!l,iiH, render them iinlispcusihle to ovory toil et. U'b kindly ask the public t.i try tha virtues or "'"SeniKipa. J. h. II. ACo., Proprietor. A. D. Miller ,fe Co , Genera! Ajeut.i. Jnl-JJ 3m. At! D: iliei, V.Velilics and Moi;;izt:i-a at IIOLMHS As FaKNSWOKTirB News lioom. A. 1). MIl.I.Klt & (-() , mvi. Amcr!ca:i v;,:9 iv, aud We..-: gits, ut who!e.lit- prif'V. tho iifreucv of the eru Whip Co. 's Ci rCaritn'nro-A h'.i'co uss.irtmeut or wWh is Ituin- cIohcI out at reduced rates nt REYNOLDS BltOfHIKAU & GO'S, No. 11 (-..litre St., opiiosito tliePostOnce, Oil ( jty, ). All nceiMinw not eiilwt linaiediatcly.wm be left wllhiin officer D;till!,rtiou. Ai" ,4 ,r HKYNOl.DS Jt CO. -4'11" t"!E'.i', I:vd w.sj.J Crticry ,P . 5"' 21 1 rn' 1 3 a'"1- ll'O Ol.!) L. i e i.. iN III-, MAIN ST, i'M Jut ml :i . i t ruij ...v ti'.-eiL. . (Vltel. ..CC II.M. - i. .f ' : rocei-ie:. TELEGRAPH HKPOUTKl) FOU TUB DAILY ltlXHUtl), Afternoon IHsnatrlics Rochester, July 30. Thcro was a heavy thunder storm here yosterday afternoon and considernblo dam ago was done to grain. Peter Poo tiers, of Ontario, was instantly killed by lightning while riding on a load or bay, A clerk, wbo used to work for S25 per month in Boston and now gets $200 in Whito Pine gold coin, writes home from Treasure City, July 2, that living is cheap, or thero than in Boston, the peoplo get larger beer and other refreshments without snoaking through a dark alloy or climbing several pairs of back stairs, and that bis present abode Is ten thousand foet nearer Heaven than Boston. The pastor of a popular church, one Sab bath evening, at tbe Sabbath School Con cert said "Boys, wben I beard your beauti ful song to night I bad hard work to keep my feet still; what do you suppose is the trouble with them?'' Chilblains, sir, said a little six year old boy, which, not withstanding tbo solemnity of the occasion, sot the whole audience In a roar. Notice. All persons indebted to us will please call and settle, as all accounts must be closed up within twenty days. A. D. MILLER & CO. July 10, '09. tf. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PCULTRY. POULTRY. Ti'o attcution of tbe public la called to the large stock ol Chickens, Ducks, Turkeys, Geese, Which will be found at my r.lacc at the mouth of BENNINGHOFF RUN. Tliose wanting or using I'oultry will find tt to their advantage to purchase of me. jul29-3ui. , .1AMES LI.DEX. Bit ICE Ac BO'I'9 Variety Theatre. Late Akin's Hall, Petroleum Centro, . Feu ii. Immense Success of tho Great STAR TROUPE. Admission, 25 Cts. neserved Seats, SOCts. Doors open at 7 o'clock, to commence at . Matinee every Saturday afternoon at 2 1-2 o'clock Grand free exhibition every crenlnp at 8 1-2 o'clock by I'rol'. MeK.rland on his innate tight wire, fn m roof of tho Variety Theatre, and goturoiijih hi ter riii: feats across the street and back. Dua't fail to je him. NEW STARS aro citEatrnd and will appear In rapid HUCCfWsioD. lulSStf. R. RinVARDS Mnnntjor. Special Notice. WiUins OP WISDOM for young men, en the Itulini; I'assion In Youth aud Early Manhood, with SELF HELP for the eirlni and Unfortunate. Sen In scaled letter envelope, free of charge. Address, HUWAKU ASHOCIA1ION, BjX 1', FuiLimLMIA I 'A. May 84, 3m CJroicKory For all kinds go to REYNOLDS UKODHEAD & CCPS, No, It Centro atreet, oppo site tho Pot Offtcc, Oil City, fa. Try our Navy Tobacco. We know It Is tho boot In tho market. W. II. NICHOLSON & CO. CariictH, or trery quality and description, at ItEYNOI.DS, IlltODHKAD & CO-S, o. H Centre Street, opposite, Uic P. 0., Oil City, I'a. 'J ae finest Plug Tobacco at W. H. NICHOLSON A CO.'S. VEItY CHEAP BHKKT MUSIC, only Ave cents a copy, at W. 11. NICHOLSON A CO.'i Stationery Store. All ntyloa or Dlauk Books, N eltj.ju. I'u velopej iu Jobbing Lots, nt W. 11. NICHOLSON 4 CO. HASH HALL DATS and SCORE BOOKS, W It Nicholson & Co's. Tlio Urcat YoHomite It it tor. Al1 hull I jrreat bonefactor. Who to cure en of our Ills, (lives llle to tiindireonsolnln, iihmit noxious druxH or pills uriym dineaso from out the sistem, 1- ill the heart with lift, and light. W nli mo bet of ail the tonics, Downer Uroat Yosemitol Wilb root from out tho valleys, WheiuCitllifornia'a inn doth ihiuo, tiivini; wuilth toua poor morinls. W '"'uu toe ncncH or ner mines. lis bleflsinii none should slijrht, Do yon want it ( Would you have It ? ' -it Dowuer's (1 rent Yuri-mute. t'uno yo sh-k. dlietiKod, disconsolate, Why should you pine and diet Y" Nvhl.-, fi, i nt Htel laeenlshiii!.', 1 . 6, thr-e Tl..li'MIS fiitlLTH t t-ee !i ,.v iiu:.-e tpiack ritici o-hI rn'ois, I'.i e f.-.ln the l:i".. in fr,K:tt, "ivii ii ih'uuii anu niieimiMss, 14.' pmee lo in-, oni ,- 1 "vn l s UlClit Yu.iil.te A. 1). MILLER & CO.'S COLUMN. A. D. MILLER & CO, Wholesale and Ketnll Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C, Washington Street, rKTIKILI lUl CI.NTKi:, 1A. !4, Thoir Stock consists of everything In the lino of Drugs & Medicines ! FXJRE I-IQXJOPIS, FOB MEDICINAL rURTOSES, Wholesalo and Itctall Agcnta for Y0SEMITB STOMACH HITTKH!, JOHN ROOT'S BITTERS, CONSTITUTION BITTERS, ALISMA FOR THE HAIR. SEWARD & BENTLEY S COUGn SYRUP MAGIC MACEDONIAN OIL, PUrOXCO'S GOLDEN 1'ILLS, WALKER RAZES CIGARS, JAYNES' MEDICINES, ANDERSON'S DERMADOR, SPENCER'S MIXTURE. SPENCER'S OINTMENT, .to. Avrr's, Marxlon'a, Hetlor'e, Bhuideth's, Mcljinxs, Wilson's, . Cephalic, Wellat's, Wlslmrts'.s, llorrick's, Mott's, Wriii'ts, lloopor's, Itiidwny' It IL ,l:iync-s, Holiaek's,- Judsor'a, S-henck's, Clark's Female. Chcescermn's DaiKimo's, do, Velpati's, do, .vc. Ac Perfumery, Toilet Ar ticles, Soaps, Brushes, &e. cordis, coiii3, &. Ayr"s Cherry Pectoral, Javne's Expectorant, ilar"den's Hulra, Schonck's Syrup, Univi'isal Syrup, Excelsior Syrup, Ransom's Hive Syrup, Seller's Syrup, Con's Syrup, Hull's Balsam. Denton's Balsam. Brvan's' Wii!";'!-?, Ollvo Tar, Brown's Troches, Wishart's Pino Tree Tnr, Seward's Cough Cine, Butoman's Syrup, Couirb Cnndv. ivc Cigars and Tobaccos ! Tlio Bent r.vcr Itroalit to the Oil Kc;ion. 1IAI11 llESTOItATIVKS. ALISMA, MRS. J. A. ALLEN'S, RU G'S. CHEVALIER'S. HALL'S. MARTHA WASHINGTON, BARRETT'S, ROSSETTKR'S, LYON'S, STERLING'S, BARRY'S, Ac, Ac IMTTEKS. ROOTS, CONSTITUTION, KOTIACK'S, DKAKK'S. NI.M5AKA STAR, DIUM.KY'S MIsril.EHS, JIOSTKTTK't'S, SI'EKK'S, llOOFLANH'S, CALIH-OitNIA, ATTWOOD'S, I'KOIOXIUK 1UOX, &C . WALIi PAPEBG, Curtuins and Knstic SShatltf. PAIXTS, . OILS, VAHJVISlIKl-i, UliASS, PUTTY, GLUE, Turpentine, Sponges, lyo Stuffs, Dryers, UEFIXEKS' SIFPIJI'S, Laid Oil, KcriKsCiie Gil, &c LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, &c. tivnti h Ale, EieiMiett Ale, C2ijress Water. PRESCRIPTIONS COM POUNDED AT ALL HOURS OF THE NIGHT AND SUNDAYS. STATISS2RY. ENVSMPE3 SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, TRUSSES. Corne nlotiK, come one. itotne ult, it don't cost !in t'i'iw I" l-K.U al eoode, and wo will try u treat J1" 111 well. A 1). MII.Llilt A CO I'ctle-cunt Cunljo, ept fc, Ihoy tf tai'an.i!t a- n