a. MERCHANT'S GARGLING OIL, 1 THE BEST LINIMENT IN Till: W(IBI I) For Man sSc Beast. 36 Vrom In I r. era CT3 In (toOdfor Khpfrm.H8m, (-MlbUln!, t'orn;. Whit lows, Inked Jlrwiitfl. Vore Niiililc, lr:itnp-. Hot!, Jtitt of nnimtUH, WmkueiM of tlto .1oin?. ''ortru' Hnn of fht'Mimclofl, llnni an. Senilis I"iot Mile-, Pnloful VervoJs BlTi-ctioii!. C'huppol ll'imls, Lnttii .jUck. Paiu In the Hiiie, ttwpllinic. Tiim-iy. Tooth Ache, Old (rvti Hemorrhoid nr I'llw, Fhh Woniuls, Oftll of fill Ktftiln. Sprain. P-ntl.-"., Crflclt rrt licelrt, hiiuf Hone. I'ole Kvll, Wind i.a,!, t'l . on, SjAvdi. Swwni. Kintiilii, Cif-isT. Kxtorii I'oiiODt, Scratches or (in-HM. Siiritithftlt- S:ri'l ''rnctcF, lAuic2KM.4,Str:iln, Fmiii'lcrlint lV't. Mum?, Jlorn Di'tempor, iiarpct In Cow. I riiHtoi Tent, (tot Knt.lii Sheep, id njafiy other dii-c-j.( hici dcttt to Man atid UeftiL H. D TAtton. of CWnrd, Kv.. rt iheOnrRlinit Oil cured & lioreoof hi-, injuria while plonnhiufcr b Attempting tuntepover n Mump. Ahno-t ecveriithw thlh from tho hody; aleo that ho Imp u$rd it in hia fntuily for flfiwn yc.it. hihI Is tht lust rnu'dy for Cnln, Bunw. JlrtiltHM. Fruet Xiit , Strain lihLum tiiiir. vtx.. he ever used.. cn cn From Crt Buns . Coehmnn Latnllne. Ohio, Sov KU, l8Mi. We arc pl-n4i:d with your inedicitio. It ha been the menu uf coring a uruut hiiiiiIht u rtltlr?Tit uVeiuow pon person, uf alra upon liorsea. We think ll cures nil you recommend it tu do Wo watityiai tu Bend a- tin,- Mruer proportion of thu variety tor "Family l ee," in itiuail bottloa. Fnrm I) it. J. Y. TkrikaXL, Warren, rml. l.-irch 5 1S.MI 1 tun oncltlMl in the practice ormirdicine. and Hud your (imylini: Oil an extremely otticioi.t remedy In all cartea wbero au external Qj-plicati.in in Indicated. From l)tt O B. Neal, rinrrht. Iowa, Doc. 9J. IU'i -I hiivo practi'-ed medicine in tin- eotttitv aoven yearn mid chc-i-ri'ullv reooinmenn your litiriiuu; oil na tlto best linatni'nt In nee. J.' " ' Vrnm Pit. T. M EitrsHla., Jan B, lSTi!) If I conn! rrt uive Ituth box. of tlie (iargihi; t'' U ivitl not ho too much, im I ihlt k I mnlii noon Unit sale fur It all, ttiti iiiiilry b-itii; lrcquvnt miui.-u it in aiip pnwil that I h ave it frr tah'. ' Krom Im. Wk. S. Mc('au. riintimii, llo . Nov. ifc 1W Yimr Hurjjlini; till ia taklnc theHliiui-oir Irom nil tho HnimcmtH tif tho (iav. . If vnn fl,tirirt tlmu. 1 coul'l procure dnzena fir OTitlik iu from, those who iiukj bviu cuicu by it. Mo?r. McLtm rinoji., Wholrtnla Drnefrferit, WhTllnir Vs., nay. midur dim of Jilv that tlmy can faf!iy ri-ijcinunetid the Oarllnjr. t)il From J. K. Kini:it. I'niummvii. Pn . .1n,i.i "i Your tjiit'KlnK Oil In dome mm'!, hettttr hen? rnnii lonnwiy, atnio in virtin' linvf iiifnin hnowi, ami tho botilc put up for Family Vn; without ifttiio, uro inucn miufini lor. OS era Extract from Irttrr f.-otn Hon Nathan I i.vnKV County Jlicfoo nf Shelhv Co.. loun dalnl thirl April ia. Ixti7 It in dwiili dly puI'Lvtvil to u.-i.v lln- KlllPfll hiiiu in 11118 HfCtlil. Kxtrncl ol n M tor from Samucl S. Ilfpr, ilutd Pallt-litirir. Ohio, July 17, 1m:s in Jam: lut. ll-mrv Midfllu hud a ywirliiu; coil that had what wan itp rHmiil to be Uypthi ria lor inuro than ten ilivau that It cottlil not oat. iind tho throat Kwoicn aloioHt ahttt, and tlto uac of Ihrot: or four ti; p!ii aiioi!.-of the dollar boltli did tho ilffli.nl V.om A. 0. Ntit Luwiailli. Cttai'hiHiton t'.,., tv, March. 1S.V2. I have iisrd vour (IhiIhh; oil tor Hit ScratchiM on my horac, md it curtxl it with tt,c lirat appiiuitiou. C3 CD From Eo WATlun, Ml jdi port, X. Y.. Joly M, lKOU 1 nitrihaA'd a lmttlo of vour r.arviin,r oil vour asjent, A. H Ilakn, at Mid.liciwi, ami an y,-i have ncd hnt half of It. I think It lian ivon mu moru rtiioi u a i-iiitu ol mcvitu Kli'.iiinattim. o( lti,t etaudinr, tlutn tiny thin;; I liav rvur ufed before. F.xtract from a letttr from J. 0 Fratt, dated Uiuuey, unautiitliita l .. . ., AtlL'iiat y. iKVI. I have houn nrc(iniiitfd w:th your n:cilleiii, ( larulin;-' for thu Inat tntirteoti yertri. It ha- p ovd a auro can? for Foot Hot in Wucp for 1 1 1 w.io tho larit bottle and have rail ainuHt itatl f ,i taori.. Flt'ivtv foiwatd as aeon tut convenient. Alwayst Inquire for Merchant's Celebrated GARGLING OIL, And lake o0 other. Retail Pi h,, st.oo, 50 Cts., and iS5 cts. Shako well hofuro niii, and rub on tLoitin-iily oeloru tho Ureor aomo warm auhiauc " TlieOaritllto. Oil hut Wn n uu ;. K liuair. i:' !M yeara. All wo aik . u Jacr UuA iVm i V. und follow diteci 1011a. hui bo aui o A-V :; .ur ntiii-o-t lintRaiM. o.- !,.., in ,,,ltelll Modicno a to. .him ,,i i Aiiuaniin ,ovi Vr l ' Mo cuiiih, .in,', mil l wiml tin- ; pi, ..IV U!.n, ,, ; . Tljii (hiritniie Oil I f.,r ,v .:t '!iiii,.'H thn.iiKkt:it tin. Ctilwi Muti-1 .vll .i,'., :'tmt!.ut. ' " 1 nwlffilff. I'm.' tho (l.n.-'ii,- Oii ,( ,., ..' LLigkliorrt wliU s'o, J it Ju'h -i. nu, ' J We deal i:.lr rtll'l aliei".o ibcli Mannwuur,..! ut I n-r . t JoilN iioiii;::, soue-.ai Sold by A. It. Illi.l.i.,: Jk t;o., iifyl :tm. I'eiivlvem c. u-rc, i a HARDWARE OIL. CITY. ROBSON'S Mil CcrrK I'iim: V2is. I'linti r of Rr-tPf.i .V rrtitro !"., l'.ixsi Mido Oil :iim il, Oil 'H, "a , DiMiiTf ill .Morrh, Taflror A Co'h OIL WELL TCUING AND CASING, woiihini! iAiii:n. AVt' v.U.vr.s, tiTI.'Kf lN(.l !tiVI'. Cl.AMI'S, TUNi:". MTKUII KOIIS, i: Machinery for Oil Wells & llcSnerics IKIKINli 'I'KIJ.M. till. I'lMI't. P tlVINt) I'll1!:. t'Ul.ll VA I r.H lTMI'S I-Jvi-ry d'-iTr;it;,tti .if Sfl'I'Llr::- I -Oil (HI, V.'MI !,S AND KK UNKiilKS. aiw. tTovrs, tisvvai'j:. TEAMS ASP "AS rlTTlXHS. isyins'i. xso. wi tro.T: llAKDWAItH. IIJVJK T!!IMMlN(il. Cwppntors' Too!". Kopo. Ouktim. Nniif, Ajw, C.vis Mills. Talile & I'ockot Culiory; Full Awortmcnt of I'verylliing Ir. the JJAliDWARK LL.h l.twe ViiriUhtntc OivH Lamp. C'h hit nova. No 1 V'iMtT Srklm-i !.nr.! OM. No- 1 Kct.tiMl Oil. TaMfiir. JDoorM it;: Mann fact nrurt- of Tin. Sheet Iron and Ccpper Ware. lirpalnriK of :M kind- d.ine with nrAtncps fti i dHp'ilch. J-:.pc:il aitcntiuu nivrn to STEAM AND (3 A3 KITTING. Wo hnvf pnilofivoTcd to merit tht pitroiint"? J'Hi'iH. 1HI llltll uiy tWl'Illtlll 10 mHlT 1T;1 CillltlliUiifn'f. . Our liiciliiios fur frrnlrhmir o orythin in our .rivctii'ti oi our rw nn.t'wi3. im1 now " ttUPKKiOU TO ANY O'l'UKK KSTAPMSIIMKNT fiuiril-Jm. IN THE OIL HKUION. ii . 00 M Pips Weils CHAN. UUnsO.N 4 CO., Cornor of Poftwrx (intl Contrn Sti, oust piilo of Oil Creek, Oil City, Pa. IlavtT!!? ftddM ft iiowerttil Sti'nm KtiKinrj iind tliron lnvo I.AT1! to our aheady esti'Mlvi! ahiiinrae tnrttic KstalillJlimeiit, ar now preiwrnil o ,1,, oil tho noeti'.ry wyik, in tlttltn; up, und repiiMnt; ENGINES. l!Oir,ER:?. IKON TANKS. REFINING lIAGlilNKRy. COPPER WORMS AN STILLS, OIL WKLL TOOLS AND HTTING8 I In firt dn'titl MirlilnTv Joh Work eii'rn-tel to m with miuoiN? ami ilia-Mtro 'nij oIno3 NEW HARDWARE STORE lllSATIXd AND COUKINd In lnre variety. TABLE AND POCKET Cutlery! SHELF nsusE rupjisaiNB &SG2JS. LA.MIV.I.ANTERN, ANT) KANCV AP.TICLK3. NAILS hf&D mGf$ I'ur van- 023F 1 At the tioie r:itin.-ilv oreuj.inl by llurclilio'd and tlanleil lie. IMI. : TV. 1 J nits ,i. i.i;u;lLl. OilJCIty. .Inn i. JSHil if John C. Welch, Si-.n-cal., t'Jly, !., !,:! ; I. I'll"1 U ' S' I IJj, 7 ) ( TT, . "T .. Uliii., PUL'iiUr i'i'JUlL', UiiVij.-r li,5t. Zyesi-ii:li Ii'ihiik. . . ' Cal'iltC IJU.S'i. iiwl.l.H'i! Vlll-C( A- rjfiiivfc, all i-l Mv iw..n ii!.i, vfl, V.-iulvi!!,. n::i I'l'lihraali loniet. i Uati-kth.it I. -m. net 011: 4.I Uinda of ' a-t'.us :it !iorl older. ...... . l'. 'A'i.i.1 i) DAILY RECORD NEWSPAPER, AND Job Printing Office, MAIS STREET W. m. i ortHiW KLl,, f roprlcicr. NEWS DEPARTMENT. Wo rvratvu U-lvgriiphic di-;;..t'.!it' np to 4 V. U , ana ir.-i iit thciu tu uui rutih r ovciy cvouni. em tHftLing nrw or ftH.it ut:ie.-l Irom nil cciiotm of t!iO cy.rjll) We tli.Vy AUi; uCilnl Mtruiii'uunt!. w titob a r'toiv rebuilt; r'jiiukiiin, block mid i'roilncc iurKct .tt-puiis cvijiy uveuibg ly tuk'gl'itpb, I'lum .New VjtK, 1'uii.idcihiit, uuU 1'itUliur, whiiii, tuclhrt witu wi'.tiii:.:i) auU Local luatlvi. make it 011 o of the moat divirable Ucwjpajiuei iiubliahtxl iu thu Oil aViutiiou A till Advertising IHrriium, Tho JiF.COKD hait riu ftipcrior, It cir?1nfi'S whorcvui an Oil Opcrhtm or Doniur ruu be foumi nr. iv f l : n. .11 , ' ! II Wu havr laive nn'i well i'!ect'tl "rtnietiS o; new Jchliili nntTinl, mor.til:ii; tin t(i Intent atylea. Wo ora therororo, enabled to execute Jo'n Work of every vnrioty in n satisfactory mr.nuor When d'siiro'l, join -.v'-lHw uo itly;.-iuti:J tuj Coiib KJ:lpi:iS litills. i'otitcm llaad-UUli. Pjotfrtimniti, milnol Tare linh'.'.ln. AXD UiUiiiCN nn'4 VlU-3iii,- CTnrtln LETTKK-nEADS, BlLL-IiaADh, I 14ILLS OF LADING,' B.C , Etc iaj rami vuivri-xa. F.-injy Sti:a. iii'tlv -,in1 ;iroinptly tleCv- I tnl, ei.ibrtt, in1 ! INVri-iiiOl r.'IR'TlAKx FICMJIIAMMK? t.-jiiA -ncKiii", .:c ll, tnj. vfy vrle.ty mic atvlt- of w,.-k It- iilter. j prMa i.mlt.'t j M"!rlKU, Ui -yjr.i, Jaitlaes tif tti rux'. Ind Aanti, Lii lict.er) acd Aemite, Inaurauoo Aguta, Eipre'innrn and othnr partita in vknt, arc InfortntKl f:ai ive are pra;.arol to ciectile V. 0 -dor all klnda of BuiN!i, Vuata? or lesai, retaiirod IniLliom. m:,h. MISCELLANEOUS. NEW "HARDWARE STORE! iconr.it t uuyan vn., IVi! knvc to aniiotini-e to tho i ltlzetiK of 1'etrol. nm Vim, ami vlelnlty, that they havi. o-nel a new lore in the rear of the oflhv or the Cent nil 1'otnil eitin t'oiniintiy at the railroad cniaslni'. where they will kii-peotiataiitlvon hand a full nortinont or everything ill the lyjdw.lrc line, atirh as TIN" AND SFIEET IROff W'ARF, GAS t'lTTlMtS ANI P.ttASS GOODH. Mr. Ilrvan Itavlnif hcen encnHl In the liiiflii.f" with l'era WI1111 Uro'a fair r year uil. will attend piirtli iarlyinlhe btnliii'w or ninuiitacdirliifc SMOKE STACKS All kind or Tin and Sheet Iron Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, AC. Tliey have a Srw Machine for CUTTING t?A 1U With an t utire SKT OF NEW PIE!, Ami will warrant all wnrk In thU line. April. . Coal! Coal! Coal! rjMIE umlerdened. havlBg eatablUltfd branch Yard at Kvnil Farm, pr nuw prt'pdrfyl to furnih All Grades Coal At the Very l-owest Vtim Opiratoro from (herrytref Itnn.nnil vlrihity. llvlnit it IVtroleilmCintrr, ran leave their order at onr illi. e here, ami have iliem jironiptly tllltal from the ItuiU Kami Yard, AT JiEf-S COST THAN USUAI WOS'T l-'OIKl'T THE PLACE SK.ltl.K! COKNWKU. OUIe.' on O. C. A. It It . l'etrotenm Tenlro. w Flrauclt (illlco at Ifyud Farm. N. II We hohl exi'lUMivc control of the famou! ST0NEB0R0 COAL. at lvith the alHivn mined uoinU Jima t , A. T. LEGGETT, , ' ' Mamiftictiirorond DcaIit hi HARNESS, Seed Bags,' ; . Valve Cups, &c. Kxperlet.ecil vrutkmct nrn emplnyod. nnd liar-ne-4 of all kind' kof I r. .taiitly oil hand and nmo to order. P. V. lleln n Pat. SecdUu Tor Snip- Repairing Done at all Turn's ! Call and examine anr itoek nnd prices. 1Iaiii-St., below ilc Mi t Un lock HOiKMI. IVtroleom Centre, l"a Jan. 7th, ! -a J. A. PL ANTE, French Boot Maker VtMhingtoii Street, three ntriTiis wept ok a. i. mil LKK CO.'S drug stoke, I'ETlZOJiEl?.UCE.TllE, Pa.. Ia nmniifactnrlni? In order KIKST CtASS FINE WOKK, audi as l':itoiif IiHller Hoot, I'linrp sole IIooIm, French COrfrfoIu loot, colc Well Uoota. HEAVY OK LIGHT WOlHC UCNE IN FRENCH STYLE. Call uml ece wtmptpe. J. A. I'l.ANTi:. I'etrnlenm Centra, IV, July 2. 9m. AlIemaiiQozelnin City Terrtory. , NOTICE TO- OIL 0PEEAT0R8. The DnSaralrnl, Cent for tin Metropolitan Oil Compuny, now offerK to ltae the territory of aald Company, In low of two acre each, Ibr one-fourth royalty. Thin I arm It niltmta on Charey Trea P.rti'i and lint on tlto jugu n VEIN Which oonftetU .ii Wnnl and Fier.-wn Farmn with CHABLE ' UN TERRITORY. For furthur particular apply to' the original D. W.KKNNEY, Allemagooztlum City- . Cherrytreq Rum 'Jr '-idaeiw, "1JOX 117, Palruli'iim Centro, April Ivf-lin. 1'biiii. 1 KIN'S HAIlx 1 in- IU11 Is now renrlj for theatrlenl exhibition, 101, , rt. Ii cturtm, eVc. The Hull h been relit Mil iiini Hir -ti'lli, 1110,1. Utt ptilAV 11 nil expeuae Ikis been (Sunn! tu make It flrat chiaa SHOW BUILDING. On the f, ret floor is 0110 pf the heat IlillinrJ ltoom la tho I enirc All utldvr ontHianugomeut. lalvStt R. H. FISHER Petroleum Centre, DHAI.F.It IN PtiP.B FRENCH, t!EUM AN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DRliiis, Mi;nn im:s m CBtMICAlS, CHOK E F01IF.K1N ANl)ItOMF.STIC Toilet Articles ! A SO Fancy Good!?. IMPORTED PBRPUIVIES I SOAP?, ' nftusdE AND Dragslst Sundries ! FrtynU'liHie' l,'rrwr'ipilin compontnltl fttnpiuc i Aid chwite limb.naU. IK YOU HAY Sf 1 SEEK IT; 1 " GO' AND 6EE.IT ThevMigtcj:M : v. y.i ' J'etroh-titn CoMtre. .Itnte,- I-rnn. " intit? T. M'Donald. LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! Art the Dcptrr, iposi(e the Central House, PETROL BUM CENTRE PA. rpilB heat Ktoek of PHIVlSo AND HAHW.K' 1 HU1WES ou Ilia Creek, aro ta be foiind at M'Donnld's Litetf. (iABBIACES CUTTERS 70 U LET AT ALL TIMES. HOIfES FED Ai DOARDED Mi RMMnabla Term Teaming of all kinds at tended to Promptly. fa"Give me rail. . T M'DONAL . I'etrolenm Centre, Nov, ft, J88.; LIVERY FEED stables;- Waahlngton Street, oppbulld tho Opera llonne, PETROLEUM CENTRE, rENN'Ai I hove pnt In good itock of Riillnc anil Driving IloriM't, which I will let on reasonable lermi. Alto, CititcV. Wiisont, Sprlns IIOIWSS boarded and fed and boat of care gntir antenl. jiuiB-tf ...... A. WHAWLKT. HOTEL. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. FUESH dgL AUU TIIfJ t OYSTERS !' UV LUXURIES! Uvceivud V77 OK THE DAILY J.'gl SEASON'! UriiNriint(toii Street, Petroleum Centre, Fa., next door to la haul Co ' . aa7ni, aT w J T. MT. 8.1I1S,' Proprietor. Iy Ikiardera aeeiimmoil .li'd, lel nervotl all ho.rra. Ovateia, and ovorv deMirliliou ol jinm" uruUhed cikmN, ,, No paiu will Im aparod In accomrocdat ib who fu.or ua aitli their palrouage. . T- W. BANU' PfOlo'.ctim'Ccntro, Jan. C, 1B69. lj. if