I SOKE PRINT OBSCURED 4 AiiaS- JMW tr m A. il.K OS :i pily rack tnl s. m a. rax a. m 1 p. 111 p. m ' p. m i p. in p. is p. ni , 1 p. m I. , an ! IVnvT II. 01 ; H'Hllf ..or. j . 0. 0 ngo ft I a. tr lit, 1, I'.. DAILY (OLIII. NO. 21 THE PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY RECORD. o PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, (Sundays excepted. ) W. H. LONGWELL, Proprietor. TEKMN. year pnyahle In advance, f 8 CO niouiu, - 7E PHICE-EIST 411' advektisinc. (Ten linos of nonpareil make oue s qusre.) do. Insertions. 1 "' 2 t. H so- M c"- day, $ 7! 1 IK. 1 I OH (1 on 1 5" 2 III1 2 S'1 It 14 60 rn duvs. 2 IHI a mi M IHI 8 HI 4 60 7 50 10 00 12 (10 15 00 H 00 30 00 A t 00 oo on 5 50 (i 50 7 00 iree days, Ipir day, i! aay, Wui'li, i) weeks, oo week, month. 2 2 51 4 SI. II III 7 00 111 IM 12 IK l!l IK IK 3 00 8 no 8 RO 14 00 3 511 6 IHI 00 10 00 20 (Ml 10 1)0 Vi Ml: 1.1 00 27 00 ::n oo 4s no o nionlli. 30 (Ml 40 00 1.0 00 SO 00 e mouth, i month.. Ke months, ve:ir. X III 100 00 Puh,'Ik! notices rents per line, each Insertion. lveriiHomem pa.,,.,,, .i.i,,-.j .. - P.USINKSS CARDS. ;. liLLKH I, T T O It N 13 A I u A j 'AND NOTARY PUBLIC, r I'KThOLEOM CENTRE. l'A. Bn.lnciss 111 (lie Courts at Franklin 1 vomptly at iiS-irK-In Blssoll C' Brick Bank Tlnlia- r,. .inlra l. M nslilnirton St. Oct 29-tf. I-. l"F' " AI.BEHT S, HAVEH, TTORNEY & COUNSELOU-AT-LAW, vrriLUS Tn tii rtc Punk lyiiiidintr, -n.riiw 01 PCTPOLRtTJl y 19, 1688. tf. t'KNTKE, PENN'A: "UONHAIII it SITHT1I, ITTORNEYS4COUNSELORS-AT LAW, ir.niu.rh Struct, Franklin, and I'etroloiim Cen tre, l'a. Ma19-tl. ..V. IUcAIA'INi:, RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST. IffFICE Tlerrv's new Pnlldlnu, coiner of ash- ington and Second sis., 1'otroieuin venire, r. tnaylil tf. t. ciiutMTt ', ni. . .pposlte And him p.m. 1-14 t WI1.80N H B VAN VISISOU inl.UIN Ar VAN VELKOIt. lluGERS AND INSPECTORS OF CRUDE PETROLEUM, fFICES, Mercantile Buildlnn, Oil City Pa., and with Owston x fowors; ruLruieiini veuire, ru. July Sr.th. 18H8 tf. James Robinson, STank G auger, r f mmn-mr a an PKriiOLEUM CENTRE. PA. juniotf XGBO. II. HISSEIjIj Ac CO., -fe A. 3ST K E H s i "'""'- Woruo II. Blsscll, James A. Williamson wines liisnop, . niwun- We offer our senlcos for the transaction of a ENRHAI. BANKING. ana COL ("tiiim rtrmiNKSs. vny nusiness emrustea 10 our i.o win wuvi. ivmpt attennou. jun 1.1. lH. O. Jarvis, Dealer in ABINET FURNITURE ! 1 1 LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON BOKINO GLASSES In erea variety. Looking i Glass Plates replaced In old Frames. Picture Framed made to order garnets, Oil Cloths, Wall i I'aner, whulowMiaues, i A FINE STOCK. I UNDERTAKING. flOFFINSofwll sizes on hand and trimmed J to order on short uotice. JASH, CLASS AND DOORS. I Sizes. Varnish. n. e. Ei? No. IOC W A KM IM VI I IS .ST. tYSIClAN AND 8UHOK'N; onire e IheMcKinney House, Pliasantvlllo, Pa. Persons fi om a distance will generally fi I It his Ofllce on Saturday rrem 10 a. iu , to 8 ? s.l.14 1 Pctroleam Centre, Sept 8, 18B0 tf- dTtOtr PETROLEUM CENTRE, HOTELS. - chane hotel j M. V. MILLER, Proprietor. Tlin larsest and most commodious Hotel In the oil region- Fair on the Bridge reduced to boarders. This house la pleasantly situated, room cool nnd pieiisam, mmting n a aciiKntini Hotel in all respect. i eiroiciiui , cnire, April ju, le-i.v. TOCHEKTEIt HOUSE, Washington street. Petroleum Centre, Pa. BRADSTREET 8TIEHWOOD, PaoniiKToas This fTone I- rentnlllv located, and the mineral hcad(tiartre of oil men. Potioinum Centre, Fit., May P.I, inns tf. QENTltAL. HOUSE, PKTKOLRITM CENTIIK, PA., Near Oil (.'reek & Allegheny Itivoi KnlHv.iv Dep.it iray19 lf. O. .f. C'UOSH, Proprietor. TJCl'M.NTOCK HOUSE. PETROLECM CKNTHE, PA. IMftpopnlai Hotel, situated Corner of :Knln Ac WaMiIiiEton-sm., Nenr the Deio, ha len reOHed and furnished llmtnehont, nud the proprietor will spare uo pains to iniiKe it a FIRST-CLAS 'HOU3E. net" tf 0. milSAVOLD, Proprietor. HIERICAN 1IOTEI,, I"IS rUDUI'iU.M tKM K rj, lpA. J. R. BAKNns, . . . Proprietor. This llonse Is in a pleasant localitv. and lint a short walk from the Oepot Thw roiens are larire and cotnrorta' le, and the table snr.plletl with the delicacies of the seanon. juao tr- , . J. R. iiahnhh.. pitANKI.IN Hni'DE, MILLER FAUM STATION, (On Ol. Creek Pallroad.l THE nOUSE AND FURNITURE NEW. C. W. TWIST. . . Proprietor. .Ttme-ltr. NTEKNATIONAL, SiOTEI., MItLEK FARM, PA. JOIIM E. ItOWE, . P.opr. flood aeeommodations for irnnmei't enstnmers. Yiny Board and Iteard Willi looms 011 ron-otniMe terms. The proprietor will snare no pains 10 make his House attractive to gnosis. JlltieS-tf. NION HOTEL. PLEASANTV1LLE, PA This House havlnc recontlv been onlarcreii and re- fnrnislipd, 1 am low prepared to accommodate two nuoared LMiests comrortnuiy. Mtji(ces leave this hoiiHO ihrei' times a dnv for Ti- terllle There is also a line nrstntreatn Pithole Ju8-tf THUS. McIClNNKY, Tr.'p'r. -pOX HOUSE SAMPLE II003I, PKEU.C. IIYOE Propnittoi PLEAS ANT VILLE, PA., Opp siie Iho I'rcsbj torian Church. Fehntf PETR0L1U1M HOUSE:, Oils CITY, PA. TTavins recently taken posieitn ol the nhove House, we would motf respect fully infdrni the trav eling public that we propose o "keep ti Ilotol," nnd tn conTlncc tlicm of tho act, wo nvite all who wi.-th the comforti erf a home, to cnl . upon up. It will be fcand The Hotel off the Oil UhniH. Our Sample Room le supplied with the choh-cftt Wine?, Llquoraand Clirnr-, nnd our table will he found laden with the very hest tho market affords. There Ifi connected wilh the House four first elasn Billiard Tabhw. Alun, Burlxr Shop nnd Itath Rooms. Give u ft ell, ami cominco yourselvea ol the truth lulnoisfl or our asiieruoii. rHAItl.EK W. STAATS, JAMES U. WHITE. octStf C0EFIELD & PERRY'S Boiler Sli o x I (la rear of Fisher & Nnrris's -Machine Shop) PETHOEEU.il (IEMRF, PENS'A Boilers and Stills Repaired on short notice, FLUE-SETTING AND REPAIRS GEN ERALLY! ALL WORK WARRANTED. Boiler and Engines for sale. C. D. TlIOxUPSON, M. J., ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN, NO. 1, DIAMOND STREET, (I'p-Slalrs,) TXTTJSVIII-iTS, Maylf;tf. , 4. OF TUB P1TIIOT.B DASLT tlECOJtl).) PA.. MONDAY EVENING. JUNE 21. 1869. Tbe Hiispension ol' labor (tt llio anthracite ceal mines in this State, which has lasted (ire weeks in the Schuylkill and Lehigh regions, and nearly as long in the Wyom ing region, e now nearly nt o end. The Miners and Lahorers' Association. ' at a meeting at Mai ohey, on Thursday, resolv ed that "on and ufier Wednesday the Ifitb lust., all districts or branches which can agree with their employers us lo basis and condition of resumption to ivsume work." Under ttiis notion the ruinuis in what is known as the Schuylkill retciuu will rejuuie work at unci'. Tho laborers of all cjisscs and their families are repotted tn be sjiffer. inj; from I lie want of necessaries of life? . .1 'I'.v ' A Weterl-.ury "inlnut" named Preddy went to liU nun in r r.ne evening nnd inqoir ed, '.JIotLer, what is a gone sucker?" His mother s.iiil he niusn't o.sk sucii (intstions, but Preddy persisted, and was finally sen to bed, to j, ,y hi8 prayers by himtelfj in stead of on his mother's lap as usual. So Freddy prayed ''God bless pupa and mamma and baby, but as for me Use been a bad boy, and I guess Pin a "gone sucker." The Commissioner of Internal Revenu lias issued 11 circular to the effect that no properly seized by any internal revenu officer will lie released by an order from the Commissionet until the officer who mad seizure, and !! Assessor mid Collector 0 the disuii'l. havo reported th" li.es in the en se, with their recommendations, or had opportunity to make such repot.Hiid r, a mendntion. A TOnnt' and Indiis'i'ious luimorest of tl West has written a ticalise "011 tlin mill from which we extract the follouinii pint I lie niowi is a larger uuru than the or the tn 1 key. It bus two lens to walk with, and 2 in lo kick wilh; and it wen is iis wings on t Hi side of its head. 11 is siuiiooniiy imcKwuri aoont (;i:iii ioiward, and in drivio' him a man nee both foresite and bindsito. I once hitched one 10 a horse power and lie kirk I it all to pieces cut up 38 tin., 3 pecks, 7 quarts, 2 feet !) inches of new threshed oats and left. It is announced that the contract for the construction of the Iiiill'alo end Washington Railroad bus been let, and Ihnt work will soon commence. The roole strikes the New York and Erie at. Olean, and from thence euslwardly, makes connection with the Uuffalo. Dradford and Pittsburgh, which taps tho Mclvean coun'v bituminous cor.l regions, buying its tmmiiiiis tt t Lafayette. The latter road is leased to the Erie Rail way Coinpuny, of New York, and is opcrat ed as a branch of that road. I'. II. WILLLinS, DKALSII IN COAL I IIAVK opened a Coal Yard at the end or the liod Fhiiu Bridge, where will luconstautly kept. all kinds ol' STEAM AND STOVE COAL. Team coming to my yard for Coal, will have Free Pnsip Over the Creek ISridge. OPERATORS Woald i-'o well to enipiire at the ofllro, and will dud it to their advantage to deal with me. Petroleum Cenlro lftliO. AliHinu. ImI week wo called nltieiliou lo the Conslltiit'on Hitlers or Seward Bcnilcy, and now we take nlnasiiro In noticing their Alisma for tl.e hair, which Is said to be a very doe nrtlclo for the toilet. We ar ol the opinion thai the prepara tions of S. & B. are all (nod, for the reputation they sustain as DnitKlts i g iod evi.ionce they would not put anything in tho market that of an ordinary character. Messrs. A. I. MlLl.bit es 1.1 have It for sale and we hope nil our friends try it. For all Bioti'-l-l-'il nn'.i.lion", try Seward's foti;4i Co IT 9 RECORD Day and Evening, OVEIt rilEI Slll'TT'S.SA- NEXT DtJOR TO A. D. MILLER k CO. PEED SCIIUTT Uiito'.s, l':ui.io, aal Privat.i l'uni ilea supplied wil the cholcMt lee C'riuiin, on short notice and on the host of terms. flSEIEJ.il & XOE5EUS, GENERAL MACHINISTS and Dealors in all kinds of WE Mi TOOIiS &; FIXTURES Neeessarv for pnttln down and "I,1,1""1 OUB. Ill cuilliucium vtiiiiuitt we bave a large auu conveniuni BLACKSMITH SHOr. rhir f.iHHP for WANnFAf'TUUINGftrenot ex- celled by any Shop ia ibe Oil HoKlora. .. ir mi 1 t. n. ,SViop-ralH-s(,opposite Mcvunwr.ie uuuxt. myS7.ir FtsiiEit Noitms. Petroleum Exchange HOTEL. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. FRESH OYSTERS 1 Received! ALL THE LUXU RIES 1 OF THE S E A SO N I 1) A I L Y t - Wuxliiugtoit Street, I'etroleiru Centre. Pa., next door to Is ham A Co.'s .1 -welry Storc- T. W. SARDS', Proprietor. Iliiv lli.ili'rli.l'd nrrttin nioditefl. Nun! pervccl i.Uhou'!'. thuki'B, nud every deseriptiou ol Enme No pains win no spann 10 uctiiuimuuM iuu Wild lavor US Willi li:eir pauooio. Prctolcnm Centra, Jan.ll, 1809. If. HENRY E. WRIGLEY, C1VIE ENCJINEErt AND STJRVEYO 11 , HERALD BLOCK TITESV1EI.E IA. Surveys or Level Maps, Tracings, Building: Flans, and Patent Drawings. o. ON HAND, A laice eteck of his soasoncd and painted Lease Stakes, OF LARGE SIZE, AND WITH TAINTED NUMBERS, Wlileh are being: un'vernlly iiJed THE NEW MAI OF THE ENTIRE OIL 11 KG ION IN I A KM. POCKET FORM, !3. ,liul5:2w. ON RQI.LKRS. II FOUND. AT tht; VARIETY STORK oi J. W. 13eatty, A lare ussnrtmeiit uf Fire Works, Consla'iug of Phge, Rockets, Roman Candles, Mines, also, Choice Confectionery, Emits, Toys, Soda Water, and tho BEST ICE CREAM IN TOWN. Give me a call, ac cond door to Opera House, Va sh in (lull Street, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN will J. W. Beatty. 1 )upj-i. 25 CIS. WEEKLY Oil Creek & AUeaheny River E. R. WARREN FRANKLIN, FARMERS ANT) (HL UKEEll KAlLKUAUn unWUUAIilU. NEW AND MOST DIKEOT ROUTE TO THE OIL REGION. 18G8. WINTER ARltANQEMENT. TIME TABLK. 18i ON AND AFTER MONDAY, AfKII. ihoq. tritlii will run nsTollown: 6TI1, GOlNtt NORTI1 TO OIL L'ITT PKTROI.KL'M C'KN I nei. 1 11 uov lijijiv Aim ii'iini ,fCi A. M , Express.arrives Tldioiite al 7 JW ,J. in , uleopolis at 8 67 a. in . (e.oiiiiectln( there with trains for Pilhole), Oil t'lijr 9 2i n. m., pelrohnitn Centre lo.lli a. 111., llovd Farm lo.Ui a. m., Miller Fann lo,. 35 it m., Titnsvllle 10.54 a. m., arriving at I'ony al 12 if p. m. IA !' M.. Mail, ririvcsTldinnte 2 1R p ' 111 -ilw Oleoiiolis I 11 p. in (eonneels with train for Pltholc Cltv), Oil City 4.15 p 10 , Pe troletim Centre 5.ST, p.m., llovd t'ariii 5.2S p. m., Miller farm 5 4ft p. in., Titus. ville 6.04, ). in., nriiviiii; at torr-y m 7 36 p.m. .ltffc A. M., Ai-cotniiiodnllofifroin Oil Citvar rivesat I'etii;ieiiiu Centre 7.0" a m.,I5oy. Fann7-lil a. m , Tltusv.llo 7.4.', a 111.. arriving at Cerrv at t 20 a. 111.' OOINIl SOUTH FROM COURY, TITITSVILI E, I'ETIJOLEDM CENT UK A OIL CITY. tit I "i A. M., arrives at Titusville fi.10 a m . Ilt-ttf Miller Farm 8.32 a 111, Hoyd lrm S 5n . m, Petroleum Centre 8i 53 a m, Oil ( Ity 9.34 a. m., OlcojHilis lo III a. in , Ttdl onto '. 1.89 a m , and Irvinelon 12 an 11 m M., arrives at Titusville 2.12 p. li.- m . Miller Karm 9.8-1 p in, Boyd Farm 2.61 p tn, Petroleum Centre 2.64ip: m 1 Oil City 3.31 p. m . leave OiKHtv 8 40 p. in, arrives Oleopotls 411 n m, fconnwt wilh train for Pltholel, Tislionto 6 36 p. 111 , and Irvinelon 0.20 p. m. P. M , Accommodation from Corry an i.,W rives Titusville 7.0O p m, Miller Faruv 7 2 p. m, Boyd Farm 7 40 p m, Pctrotei 11m Centre 7.44 p m, arriving at Oil City 8 20 p 111. CONNECTIONS. Trains North connect at Corry lth Philadelphia AErieH.lt.. and Atlantic 4 Great Weatern Hall wav. East and West, and also witli Ruffulo, Corry and Pittshnrfili railroad for iiunalo ' Trains connect nt oil t nv wu 11 pianmin urnicn for Franklin, Meaoville, and the West, and at lr. vinetnn with Phil. Erie It. R East aim Went ftandard time twisntt minutes faster than Frank lin llranch and A. & O W. H It- time. rassetisTcrs will And this road a s-it'e, pleasant and the shortest route to and from the oil region 1 All trains West from Irvinelon leave after arrival of traliiB on P. A E, H. R. ; Be sure and ask for Through Tickets via Oil Creek; & Allegheny Itivcr Railway, the Qrcat Short Route to the Oil Region. H. F. NWEFTZER, Oon'l .Superintendent: C. J. HEPBURN, Ass't Superintendent. fflST-. A AltD TO THE EAOIKS. Dn nnpotic.o's gulden pkhi inicAi, PILLS for Females. Infallhle In eorrcetiuit irregularities, removiiiK olislruciions of the monthly turns, from whatever cause and always nta'cus'iil ae tt preventive. One pill is a dose. Females pe culiarly situated, or those supposing themselves so, are cautioned aprainst usinp t noeo i-iiis, wniis 111 tliat condition lest they invite misoiirriaw, after wh eh admonition the proi rioior aHsumes no re sponsibilitv. althouch their mildncsa would p evsnt any mcluef to health; otherwise the Pills are re commc naoa as a mm invaiuao.e iriuvoj or m- leTlntlcm or those tntiennR trom any iireKuiannea wiiatover. as well as to prevent an increase of fami ly when health will not permit- lr; quieting the nerves and Urinalm; hack the "may color of health" to the cheek of the most dellcalo. Full and explicit function, accompany cacu oo Price $ 1 per box; tt boxes, $5. .... .... . Sold in Petroleum Centre, oy A. 11. mii.uun e CO., 'Solo A cent" for Petroleum entro, ra. i.aaie4i uy eeuuinu ineni i 10 n.c 1 ciioirHm v o,,, tre P. O. can have the Pills ee it oonlidentiallyl by mail to auy part of tl country, tree or chai au Sold also by It. C. C 8 I "ark, Titusville, Pa.; A. R, Griffith, Oil Cilyi PieminL' sic-. Cone, Prank, In; Dr. .1. L. Acomh, 'lldioute; E. T. Ilnzi'lton, wnrren; nno uy --oni. itiikkiki m e,,ij town in the u U'ea Mjue. ana oy jul b. li. uuiiiv, 1 rop e, -w lurs. Col. J. H. ItnO WN A J. J. McCASEIN, Dialers in OIL LANDS, LEASES, ENGINES, tcj PLEAS ANTVILLE, PA. Ju2H If- ' WANTED Five 'tMl .louiiipymcit Carpenters ! OWING to the ineiease of in huslne. I siilj compe led lo hire more help to keep up with the demand for iny lunor STKADY EMPLOYMENT WILL BE' G1VKN TO THE A ROVE Nl'MRER OF FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN. A larscriuiintity of FIRST-CLASS LUMBER ! Of all kinds constantly on hand at tp Yard, and will be sold at jSf" REASONABLE RATES jgj1 M. SOIVTAO. Petroleum Centre, Oct. 24th, '6S.-t,f. NEW SELECT SCHOOL. Miss Baiiiikb begs to announce th.t she will open, s private school in Win Praag's building adjoin-' Ing tin American Hotel on Monday May 31st. , ( Ilium ol lotion froui ft a m., till 12 m , aajdTioni 1 :3i tpl 4 p. m. . T' Imm: for p.ip'l imdiT P.' vears tOi-la pfrwreV rvei 1-vo'o Mr. per Wfeli it L 1 i'i' ' M ' flaWnisV, VlM"' "? 1 "