The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, May 27, 1869, Image 2

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Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
Ict. Centre, luifJ May 27.
.4. B. l'Al, Jul it or.
Time of cionHiR
Cntil further notice the mail, will arrive at and
d."p!irt from this office in follows:
South and East, via. Irvlnotoii, 10.J8 A. M.
South nnd West, " Moadville, 5.18 1'. M.
North and East, " Cony, 9.55 "
South mill Went, 8 45 A. M.
Soutt; East and West, 8 SO 1". M.
North, Fait and West, 10.0) A. M.
Divine Service".
Frenchinp; at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7,l.
o'clock P. M.
Eev. J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor.
Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
T P. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock
M. Suits ree. A cordial Invitation
extended to all.
Ruv. C. M. Heakd. Tastor.
Mass at 10? 4 a. l.
"Vcspors and Benediction of the Biased
Sacrament at 4 p. m.
Catechism at 2 p. ni.
Chasiik of Time. Oil Creek & Al
gbey River Railway, Monday, April 26
Express No. 5 arrives at
Express No. 1 arrives at
.0 a. m.
,.30 a. m.
5.31 p. ro.
12.45p. in.
12.01 p. m.
8.45 a. in.
Express No. 3 arrives ut
' Freiibt No. 7 arrives at
Freight No. 13 arrives at
Freight No. 15 orrive8rRAIXS
Express No. 4 arr's at
Express No. 2 tvyesat
Kxpress No. Q rives at
Freight No.j arrives at
Freight Nl4 arrives at
Freleht arrives at
9.15 a. m.
3.10 p. m.
7.25 p. m.
5.34 p. m.
8.25 a. m.
2.00 p. m.
12.45 p. tu.
.eessltr of Sauitary measure
Tbeaitbeu In Petroleum Centre,
A tv4 ""W 0I" lne year '3 exceeding
j'M'Mary that cleanliness should exist
bare. Id the itreets, back vards and
VJo prevent disease of every char
deem ir just as necessary to
matters, as to see that con
. and in this 1
Kead ttK' lulio; ,boiild le taken to clean
"S nur, iiuiu. nruuuu luo
..CM n ll hllltllABa . . I. 1 1
,- T - .. VHBIUtN IliaUrS, LU U tUiieC
iloi of filth accumulated during the win
'ter..-- ,. .
NswFlowlvo Well on the Kynd Farm
Flats. A new well was struck about mirl
night last ol;ht, on the lease of tho Ozark
Oil.Ccmpany, owned by ,Say & Blakesley,
on t&e.Kyad iarm Flats, near tho depot,
which commenced flowing with great force.
The well is only 330 feet down, and in the
tbo second sand. Tho excitement is in
Gymnasium Prof. Johnuy Kwecnev will
open about tbe first of next week a pymoas
inm, In which will be introduced every con-
ceivauie exercise for tbe development of tbe
muscle, In rear of Aikins' Billiard Hall,
Washington street. This is an institution
needed among a large number of our citi.
zans, and we hope to see tbe project succeed.
SimrtitT's Theatre. TbiB favorite troupe
will porfurm at the Opera nouse this even
ing, introducing the new drama ol "Blow
lor Blow." We attended an entertainment
giveqjiy this trutipe last evening in Oil
City, aud a ro of tbe opinion that, ifpos
xible, tbo trou po has arrived to a greater do.
greeofpajrefltion, and wo think will bettor
pluuso u Petroleum Centre audience than
The Petroleum IIouke, Oil City. In
llio course of human events it is our lot, as
well as that ofotbers, to visit Oil City, and
like others, when wo visit Ibis "land o1
plumy," wo go where "plenty" is at tho
rrmoleum House. Tbo indelatiguablo
Charley AV. Stuats aud tbu "AiBociato
.Itidge," James G. White, proprietors, aro
' C'nilemen well known in the oil vugioti, uud
wotiliy the popularity they enjoy.
An olive oil refinery has been eMablisbed
in S.iu Francisco. . Tub supply of crude oil
is obtained from San Diego, LosAngeloa
and other places iu the southern purtiuu ol
tbu State, whora tboolivo tree flourishes
luxiiriiiliily, mid ilscullivation proves very
Every vrsiigu ol small pox Is now rerr.ov
oc from Petroleum Centre, and we hope
those i t i have giveu credit to the rumor o
a number ol caiea existing here, will now
bo oonviucdd 'hat tbey are misinformed. '
The salary of the Superintendent ol Com
mon. Schools, ol tli city of Erie, has been
ViitM fiom $1,500 to 1 1 ?t'o.
Itrlcl Mention.
Ericsson's iiicomu is 7229.
Texas has fifiy-llvo Postmistresses.
Tho Shakers convene nt Boston this week.
Eleven hundred families In England keep,
inoro than ten servants each.
Cattle are starving iu Northern Vermont.
Hay $30 a ton.
i Homeopathy is tbe regular school In Bra
zil and the allo's are heterodox.
St. Louis is sharp alter the Chicago cattle
Vermont farmers are raising popics and
making opium.
Tbe applo crop in Western New lorli
promises to be large.
Tho King or Greece lately mistook a man
for a deer aud shot blrn.
Jouvin, the glove tnnUer, is to bpioa
statue. ,
Tho President weighs IP "nd i' gaining
Mr Russell Young sp""' Saturday at Mr.
Greeley's Cbappaqi 'urm-
Gen. Robert Auderson sails for Europe tc
N. G. Sbepard, -bo poot.died suddenly on
Tho Martin Vineyardors are happy
100 000 hcrritvS wero cast ashore one day las'
ys , Metbua Schellui has been present
f - with a silver cuirass to pluy Joan of Ar
j, at Denver City.
Buffalo is now tho largest cattle majket in
the country. During May the trade in bee
c.itilo aloue umouuted tu nearly $3,(00,000
Fanny Fern says: "The sillies man who
s ever Isved has always known enough
when he says prayers, to thank God that he
wasn't Lorn a woman.',
The Sunday excise law is conceded on a
sides to be a dead failure in New York. A
reporter counted filty six saloons cj iu in on
ward last Sunday.
Frank Swift, by Fred. Ilanlon's failure t0
como to lime bolps tho-velocipede champion.
ship. There are seven better veloipedists in
Ruffalo than Frank wil ever be.
Next Tuesday is tbu centennial annive
sary of the discovery of Kentucky by Danie
Boone. If old Dan could have known what
be was doing, would be have dona it?
One of the editors of the Paris Sieclo late
ly commited suicide on being told that bis
Kwthpr'R illnpsfL-was mortaL w ihj
bimsetr, crept to bis brother's bedside and
died there. Both the brother's wero found
dead in tbe morning.
Fifty barrels of Canandnigua Ale just re
calved at GafTney's.
22 Iw
Buffalo Heme.
Twenty-one prisoners wera report-d at
tbe Police Headquarters on Tuesday morn
ing. Patrick Lynch, John Robinson, Mary
Kingslvy, Nellie Gillmun, Catherine Den
nis, Cnthorine Vail, Thomas McCull, Den
nis Tracey, Mary Scliroeder and James Car-
ro 1, wero fined Irom $6 lo $20 each for bo
ing disorderly.
Peiry Knight, a lazy man who sponda the
most of bis time in the Penitentiary, and
who came eut last Saturday, was convicted
of vagrancy and Bent back for a term of two
Mr. Charles Spraguo left Buffalo yesler
for New York, en routo to China, by wey
Panama, on a pleasure trip.
Don't fail to have a bottle of Sunday Com
ort in the bouse. Y'ou may save a trip for
the doctor. Gaffnoy has it. 22 lw
A clergyman in Kansas says be has mar
ried but one couple in a year. They paid
him nothing, staid to diunor as ft was a
rainy day, and then borrowed bis umbrella
when tbey left, which bo has never seen
English Currents for 15 cents per pound
at Waliiter's.
Mrs. Victor, the Cleveland murderess of
ter brother, is in the Columbus, O., prison.
insano and dying.
n oitao crinder recently left tho I'
ed States with $20,000 un amount bo had
collected in the streets during the last ten
The Canadians want to slon tho Imiiorta
tlon of American silver, even in the shaie
of Coin. Tho Customs Department oftl.o
Dominion declare that lono cbanza to the
aiiiount of five dolUis is to be passed f; re
and duty is to bo charged on all sums
above that amount. A circular has been
isued to the Collectoisof Customs, and tho
new order is to be strictly enforced. The
person and baggago of travelers entering
Canada urn tu be searched and all smugs'1
silver seized.
itoc in: si K iti:.-s.
Tbe ivlstowskls ale delighting the Ro
cbesterious. j
Tbe particulars of the murdrv at Mumford
Saturday are na follows: Two men named
Thomas Maglnnis, Jr., and Prtrlok Rehan,
while in the bar room of Wari'tl Hotfl, goi
Into a disputo as to which coud do the cicst
work pitching hoy. IUgh vwcU were in.
dulgcd in, and both parties Ui tie l:ct"l in
a rago. Just a short distnnci up tho Blreet
Rebandrew out a pocket knfo nn'J stabbed
Mnginnis Tatjlly In the headj
Mr. G. C. I'angiunn, of Rchester, reliev
ed tbo Genesee River of a cufish weighing
fifty-two pounds last Friday.
Mr. William F. Kennedy, a former resi
dent of Rochester, died nt Gcrcland recent
ly, aged eighty-five years, i
Tho Mcndlrsohu (Jiiiutott Club, of Bos
ton, will give a conceit infiechester on 3d
prox. I
. A man named IJei'jimii Pteutlen was
drowned in the canal at Rochester Inst Mcn-
llny I
An unsiiccrsfiil attetup: was made by
some unknown rufllms last Monday evening
to burn the Test House iu Hncliester and
murder tbo matron, Mrs. Schneider. Tl
Utter received a painful tlmh-vvound in the
templo from a pistol ball.
Dennis Mahoney was vnyltyed. knocked
down and nearly killed on Front street in
Rochester Monday night. It is doubtful if
he can survive.
Col. Bracket t and faniiy, of Rochester,
have returned from Flortia.
Eggs nt 24 cents, ni Patlters.
. i
lVltltdraival of Opt. James It.
To the HcpuUic'tn i'o:rs of 'tnnin Co
Gkntlemen. The i;ortancu of the oij
Interests in our conntyiiarticnlarly demard.
ing at the present tiai that all cisonal
considerations be luii aside, in order to
present to tbo people n candidate for As
sembly who will reeivo a united and
earnest support from to mass of our party,
ond not being willingb jeopardize the in
terests of tho peoplediviiling the vole for
the nominee, I beg reflect fully to withdraw
my name from the eavass. Thanking my
friends for their gad will, and assuring
you of my earnest ellrts for tho Sitcci'ss ol
our candidate, I am fjthfully Your obedient
servant, James B. Ge;uik.
fi City, -Var o, IjC3.
We publish bovo tbe card ot nitMrnwal
of Capt. Janus B. Ceggio ns a candidate
for Membei rf Assembly, and the annouce
ment of J. D. McJunkin, ot Franklin,
signed by a Ivgo number or tho Influential
citizens of thtCoun'y, will appear to-morrow,
asking hi to accept tbo nom'.natiou
for Member, an his acceptance of the same-
The old estnbMicd liquor houe of Owen
Gatltiey is the pice lo buy cheap for catb.
A Divorce ko this Sake of tub Fash,
on. A letter froi Kolsomo, Indiana, Rays:
"Indiana against ho world, you know, for
divorces. A ma and his wife, both old
und highly respectd cit'zons of this place,
both prominent un influential members or
tho M. E. Church, itr having lived to all
appearances, in permit harmony for more
than twenty years, diting which they were
blessed with children hat havo becomo or
naments to .society, wfo yesterday secretly
divorced, to tbo ineiressiblo unm.ement
and mortification of teir many very wurui
friends. The thing wi done quietly, easily
and with very littU expense. The only
cause I have yet henrl for tbo separation is
one assigned by the busbr.nd : "Tho old
lady just took it Into cr head to bn single
again, and I couldn't porsuado her out of
the notion. She woull go."
Prunes for 15 centsper pound at
22 lw ' WAcinKP.'E.
A few nights ago on) of 'lie watchmen in
tho Treasury Depurtmnt saw n package ly
ing on a table in one if the side rooms, nrd
examining it found it was a roll of checks
payable to bearer, nnH'ully signed, amount
ing to fifty-six thousald dollars. lie watch
ed It carefully till thacaptain of tho wnlch
came round, by whon it wni taken to Mr.
Spinner, ho slcepingin tho building wilh
his bed jammed up gainst the door ol tbe
principal vuu'.l. Silts then a little more
care been exercised in tbo room iu which
tho package was foml.
Enl'sh CdiTuiiLs 11 1-2 cents nt
luay2U:iw. Pi-.ithcr'j.
Pari pa is perht.p the only soprano whose
voire Is powerful enough to sing a ' solo in
tho Collieseiiui at lloston during tho coming
festival. Soiiitititnis fhc joins in the chertis
es at tiie oiatotio performances when she is
tho Klo!st; oad then ber volte towers above
nil tho others. Sho Mill, however, bo
to a very severe lest in trying to (ill the im-mi-r.s-.'
area of the Boston building. ,
Tim Transportation- or Fish. H i" as.
wrted lhat flsh run be Iranspoited in a per
fectly hrnllliv rendition, in moderate sized
boxes full of wnter into which air is pump
ed as fast ns it is exhausted by tbo breath.
Recently at' Osjejid, ninety-threo plaice, n
Isrge fish Ilka it llounder. nr.d fifteen lob"
sters, were put into a box ol water four and
and a half feet square and live u: Tl-.o - deep'
and conveyed to lii.ftels. They v. (re ex
amined after llio I. ipse of thirty-six hours,
and found to bo prrlVctly beallliv, ir hav
ing been pumped into the boxes at Inter
vals. This method, it is believed, can li
adopted fir ;thn transportation offish from
the seaports to the inland (owns.
Three ol our State Legislatures tboso of
New York, Pennsylvania and Massachu
settshave recently passed rigorous enact.
ments against tho indiscriminate slaughter
of birds. Theso enactments should be en
forced. Every spring thousand of birds arc
mercilessly shot, with no purpbso whatever
than tbe mear gratification of a false idea o'
sport.' Sportmcn's Club which nre sup
posed to be in earnest opposition to all
kinds of illigitimato bunting-should tnko up
the matter.
M".. KntT.'iri Plwwn an notince tho tisme of Tol.
lirsriN m a (iiii.lldnte for State Senator,
m:I. '-n to ti c iistise of tin Itejmhlican party,
'it. Fnuoif 1'lcn.e snrnnncn the name of
J AM !: !l HKKDIN. of Kriiiklin. as a cnndldnM
f..r still,- Sci;a'.or, sullied to tli lwrtircs of the Ko
.uhlic:m party. MANY flTIZB.VS.
Mil. I'niTon- I'lcMO annnunce to t!ic citiens of
Vcn 1 1 onntv. mat WM.1,1 tM (1ATKS. or Hock
Inn,! Town-hlii! w candidate for Vnlior or A-y.-ni'lv.
mhji-ct to the U8aps of hs,.!,'''""'."
p:iriy. MAN i t-i I
I'mtir Itrcopn: Picnic announce the name nf
1. It urt.ANT ns a cind'dnte for the nomination f'r
Col-iiv Treasurer, slllijcvt to fie nn-jes nf the lie-piil.iir-.n
V . VulTon r Picas', announce the. ram of
HV A f'HHISTY. of (HI ("Itv, s n cnndldntn
f- ni.m'.nationnrroiiiitv Trwiurer, suldcct to ihc
i-sa-es of the Hopulilicnii raity.
-! r' r'hristv Is man well n,tmliftc'd for tho pnsl
., U an ardent Itenublican. and was dunmr the
war a faithful soldier. .MANY (.'ITIZKNS
'lit. KniTr,n: Please announce th name of flRc)
V. rtHMHAM ns candidate for County Tnnsnr-.
cr. snliji-cl to the usaw of the Hcouliiicn narty..
'n FntT.iu: P'ease announce rlie name of F. n.
( It WFHn. or Hi. lnnond Tomshln. a can II
riatc for l'rothnnntarv. ullcct to the ll'KW of tha
HcpuhHcan party. ' Si.idikhs akd HnronucAvs.
, Vn. TniT-m PIcnsnnnnonncctlionnincnfTMnM.
. . Ai ii..,rnlnii... Cantnt na a eandidato
)( Un- PrrUhonalnn- of Venan-o County, subjuct to llio
n"iP!i of tho rieinocratic piirty
Vl. .n .il,nH .,1 to announce that .IOSEPII II
fKMtTll. Prothnnotorv of Vcnancro CoullT. wl"
a cinoioarn lor ri!.niimiuiM. mun,
jeet ta the U'.ics irf the Repulilicar party.
F.MTOii TtKroRn: Von will plensp nn-
nnunre tint .1AVK.S W. SHAW will lie a candidate
for nomination for the nftleo of HecNtrrard Record
er, suhii'ot io il'C u.'ii'es of the llepnMienti tnivty. nt
Hie ensuing H nuhl'ean Prlnmrv f.heto.u. Mr.
Sliev ' a Private In Company "I." l PdPcmi-avt,-,iT
Voluntcrs. and lost n rl'dd arm In Imltlo
of Celtv-ltutir. He lscoin.'itent nnd oliliixl"LT. and
h is served as Rfxutf r and Itecorder f-'r nnc term t
th" c-riro .i.tisfai.-lioii or all ao have do" t,n!' o s
Kith him. VKAMl'( Of-N'TV.
Mr Koitor- "lnas.. n"nnimcA to ihe citizens of
Vennrirn Coimtv that .1. Y. Srrir,lS of Oil Creek
Township, is acaedidate for Cnnnv (!ammilan
cr, sutijeci to the Holies of tho Ropnbliran parly.
Mn EniToa- p'ease annnunce thu iinmo of H.
ft lirXON. or Cornplanter Township, as a candi
date for Conniv Commissioner, snhjeet to tho nsa
Ei's of tho Republican party Many Hrrinii.trASS.
Tiral Xntlce.
WALLPAPER, rre-h niuply.of alt stjlei and
prices, Jut received at. A . D. MIM.ER & CO'R
sneelnl Notice.
WOI'D's OF WISDOM for yotins men, en Ihe
l!ii!ic'' Passion in Youth and Early Manhood, with
SEI.K HELP for tin' Einim and I'lifortunatc. Sent
in sca'ed V-tt'-r envclnnes. free nf chart;" Addrcal,
HOW AUD ASSOCIATION, flox P, Piiii.apelviiia.
Pa. May 21, 3m.
vtirlely, has been nteeived nt A. T). Millar Sc Co.'s.
All dtylos of R'arik floods. Nuto Paper, and En
velopes in JobhinirLol.. nt
W.TI. NICHOLSON & CO. S;rln-.-s W. H Nlehclsou & CoV
Kftvn l"nler, Pioneer, Pa.,
ftecetve. a!1 d vi!i's "l d lUu-tr itod Papers from New
York twi"c per da- nii'wiii i.:;'.'.l any paper pub
lished. Illitstmtcl wo 'k y pa mrs, $1.95 per three
months, invari'ih y in a'h'Jipco. mnyl":lw.
W II Nicholsou & i Vs.
Al ibma.- Last week wo called attention to
tin- Constitution Hitters of Seward Bcnttpy, and
uou- wc take ple-i-'iiro In nottclnt; their Alisina for
tl.y hair, wiil-'h is said to bo a very fine artictc for
Hi" toilet. We nre ot the opinion that tho prepara
tions oiK & II are all k-ioI, for tho reputation
they Hifitniu iu UruygiMs is good cvtdonca thut would not put anything in tho market of on
ord'nary character. A. D. MILLER CO
lave ii fi -a lit uud v.o !ioj all our friend will
try It.
For a'l rironchlal aiToclion, try Seward's Coti;;b.
Try our Nai-y Tobacco. Wo know it is the best
iu the market. W. II. NICHOLSON Si CO,
Jiiil received a largo dock of Spring patterns, at
TIIRIiestplnce i town to pot a pair
made or the brut Slock, that will wear
warranted to fit, u at J. A. 1'lnnt
tonal.le Hoot Shop, Wn-hinmon Street, PP," , '
Centre, l'a. (live him a trial. ' '""Wo,
"TUl tr
titiCRM:s, A n .Vll...;lt ft ro.
lardn are-
-A I in
I vim; c.ed mit M n-Ju.-i-il ri,.,
nitriDIII'AI) ,t CO'S. N. ii iv .
tho Pm O.Ucc. oil City. pa. ' '' "fi'O'itc
. All accounts t.ot i
Willi an uniotr foi ,
"HVNOLIlSficn .1
l loiir, I Vctl and Grocorv
opposite tho JlcCllntock House, h.w , 5'
iarKe,indflist class stock or Flour lv
(irooerloH. whhh he i. .m . " n,d
......... "i a tow mm..
. ,!. e S so nir nt n I
ML Don't forant the i,lnce,vi.... . " "?'re-
1'.. 1 " Cotlr
v.fhi,,.!,,,- nroKO up.
Iati2 If.
Cnrppts or every quality and w.i. . "
direst, opposite the p. o Ci. ' lt'",ri
IHUnS .IAVA. SlUlllloleu
MAN, at A. I) MILLER .t cii'
tfvnn .11. .K., , . , .
try W. II. Nktholsou & Co. "
t'rorkery Kor all Mnds tro to l(EYNonw
UROnilKAI) CTA 11 Centre stl.wt' .
site tbe Post f-e. H Cltv, Pa. ' 'l?0'
Tfao tliiextlnt of Navy, P. .,d sT:
tob-r, r mm Il.ltlmore and Lvm-IiHiri In the m
kct,lt. A. I). MI.M.EIt & im. s.
The very bust porket Ciitlerv-ttiz ,rs and Sds
sors all warrnntei nt W. II. VM'HOLSON'S.
Tholluost I'lunTihieeo at
lry Cottds'a larec stock nt ItEYNOLDS.
BROIlllEAD A CO S. No. 11 Centre St, opposite
the P.vt O lire. Oil Cit, Pi .
Allollier Irrgc stock or Wall Paper .in re
ceived at A. D. MILLER CM.'s
3-PAINT. WALL, WIIITIt WASH SHOE stock just receled at A. D.
I"AII persons wishing to bo VACCINATED
can call ot A. r. Miller Co.'s Dni2 Store and
have the pure fresh articlo Inserted. No ehnrjrc
A larcro Bssortmnt, all sizes, at A.-D.
Miller Oil's.
Tirr t'fa..T rjirT whlalws Yir a-' ' '
sonc to Lis llrlde. Is n fTTind coilstlliTtlnlianow,.
art. IVa on the-e sni.leer,, with the bnmanK
tview nr hrnevoit-n'-PIivnIi'Iums. sent In sentod
tor "".ln free ,if elm,-.e. ,l,ress HOWARD 1
ASSiH'IATiov. Hot P., Philadelphia, Pa. JM 3m
Ctl"I'Ili TO Oil, '.:: lt.TO!!.
ALL persuos am liereby cantloael ailn-'t tmy
luor n-i.itf Sucker Rod . wfi'a Socket PotnU, tho
Soe'-ol l.ellrr NlicRd on t.l the rnls with etlhor-
trtjfuhn or wtatic wedceg and connected together"
by a conneetin-. bolt, except or my manufacture,
as I am the sole owner of the patoi t 'or connectins
rods in this maimer; nil others malj substantially
as above Bh, direct infringement! on my rights, and
all pa-tlcs nsinj rods so connooted, not of my man
ufacture, ly thniiMolves liable to, and will In pros
rented nccordinj to law. W. J. JXNI9.
r- S. This not'ej Is Inserted, not as a nier
scare crow, bnt will be attended to, and rigidly en
forced. Aim-10:3m. W.J.I.
DON'T CHEW, an antidote for Tobacco, and DR.
POUND, for snip at A. TV MILLER & CD'S.! .
Itasins for 13 emits per pound at
22 lw WAfllTKIt's.
1 ho undcr-UnuM. rtT.-r liis House for ;io, liirn'M
on t)m Kifhort. P.irm. nenr Kiillpr s llotiriHltlC
II on so. A waier niporanicd wa'orlntci t'ii kitelii
For pnrtfmliirijipply to K ! KOSS,
HlHjai iw I'ETHOLEUM I BM lit,
ANEW IIorsK.nuonnd n hnlfslcries liiith, lo
cated on Ihc Fchprt Farm, i wr tin' rref
i-ridoo Said liouso has all cnnvenleuces, good wa
ter, etc. 'I enns. easy !nciiire of
.N. I SHAN Kit, ,
Ful'or's llwrdins Homo, Kgo-at Farm.
Petroleum Centre. 'av H.
Morning Noon Night
And at all other times at tlie
tiecond door from Opera House.
Having Filial my Room Xralti, 1 ni prr"r""
H7io .wj favor ma wilh their l'alronttO't
with a
Don't foi set the place, SECOND DOOK FROM TOE
J. W. Beatty..
rclrolcum Centre, May l?lh, 101
i-lfc- A'jSJk- -I-tf6 Ta L1-