The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, May 22, 1869, Image 2

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Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
ret. Centre, Srtttir.lay, May 22.
.-f. Su I'Al. Ml i tor.
TIisio of IiikHir Matin.
P. O., CKNTItf. Vi ,
Jui.I !i;-T. lM'-S. )
' ntll fi:rther notice the. mails will arrive at and
part from this office as follows:
aukivk. ,
South and East, via. Irviu. ron, 10 ;s . M.
South and West, " Meadvllle, S.U P. M
North anil Hast, " Corry, 5 50
South nnd West, S.43 A. M.
Sontl East anil West, S 3d IV M.
North, East and West, lo.OJ A. M
IJIvl lie Servleci..
.. Preachinc; at II o'clock A. M., and 7,'
o'clock P. M.
Rev. J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor.
Services every Sabbath nr 11 A. M. and
7,' r. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock
M. Seats Free. A cordial invitation
extended to nil.
Rev. C. M. Heard. Tastor,
Mass at 10 a. m.
Vespers and Benediction of the Blessed
Sacrament at i p. ni.
Catechism at 2 p. in. .
CliAVftB of Time. Oil Creek Sc Alle-g'-iey
River Railway, Monday, April 20:
Express No. 5 arrives at
Express No. 1 nrtivvs ut
Express No. 3 arrives at
Froicht No. 7 arrives nt
Freight No. 13 arrives at
Freight No. 15 arrives at
7.20 n. ni.
10.30 a. tn.
5.34 p. a.
12.45p. m.
12.01 p. m.
S.45 d. m.
southward trains.
Express No. 4 arrives nt
Express N'o. 2 arrives at
Express No. fi arrives at
Freight No. R arrives nt
Freight No. 10 arrives at
Freiubt No. 14- arrives at
Freight No. 16 arrives at
15 a. m.
3.10 p. m.
7.25 p. :n.
S.3i p. m.
8.25 a. m.
2.00 p. in.
12.45 p. m.
The Grand Lodge of Good Teniflarsof
the Stato meet at Seranton on June 8tb, two
weeks from next Tuesday.
The Cincinnati Commercial says that the
whipping post in Delaware Is "the only
pnblio Improvement, to speak of, in the
State." HcrJ on the D a rond State, that.
The Fourth of July falling on Sunday this
year, the 50i is by statute desigikted as a
I holiday. Paper fATiins dueton the Sin
Jfu tlue on the Bib, and Vaper fall.
--ueon the 4th must be paid on the 3 J.
Concerning the weather, it is very proba.
ble from present appearances, as well as
judging from past experiences that the prob
abilities are it w;il clear up cloudy and we
will have a long spell of weather.
Yoskmite. ' Tub Darit Valley of the
Shadow of Doat'i" is not the Yosemito Val
ley of California, as from the latter bus been
coii.m itiicUi 4 tiie unly medicine Yosemite
Bitters which ros-or-a death to life. .Try
Ice Cream. There is u vust contrast bo
tween the add, damp day of yesterday and
the bright warm sun ot today. Fred.
Kchutts is a weather prophet, nud is prepar
ed for the wartn weath. r. Some ol the
must delicious Ice cream will be sorved tip
Ibis evening at bis parlors.
Haveuxey's Mixstkels This minstrel
troupo, composed ol eighteen first-class per
former, which has just returned from a suc
cessful tour in the west, will visit Petrol,
eum Centre on the 1st of Juno. They are
greeted with crowded houses wherever they
to. i . a. ciaru, advance agent for the
company, called upon us to-day.
An accident occurred on one of the Over
ly wells, on the Stovenson Farm, this morn
ing, resulting quite seriously to Capt. Mor
rill. They were engaged in pulling the
tubing, when Mr. Morrill was caught iu the
bull rope, bruisiug his leg quite severely
We have not been informed as to tho extent
of bis injuries.
SbERHv'8 Titr.ATitK.-'e 'iliiced yes
terday that the old favorites wm pa Iv
trolcum Centre a, au announcement
of which is all thyt Is neceesnry. Thov wiil
mako their a tit appearance in tais, place 0u
Thursday evening next, and Unrln their
engagement will iutro.luco new pieces The
old fauoritoi, Mrs. Carroll, Charles, Eainey
nnd Mulligan are with the company, which
Is a sufficient guarantee of succeed.
But say all yrr kan about biles: call them
all the mean names current nmong fiEbmun.
gets; revile, prosecuto aud t-pit on them
groan, gii:, and swear when they visit yer
bit them over the lend and iet on tln-w, j'f
yer plea;:!., there u a time in their creer
when they concentrate all the pathos uv joy
ttut a man has on baud tew spate, ;lr,d this
wnen tt.ey hurt :.0-h Hilling..
the l ioii:hs A CI; tOTllNti.
They're comlnc; ! They're cpmin?!
The beautiful throne,
To miotho Ufl anil cheer lis
The whole riimnirr hum.
Uy lirmik and hy meadow,
Woodland and glade.
Ttiron'h the i .onnlleht nnd stnillrfit.
Sunshine and aliado.
They're ereepine:. they're eprinirin;,
They're climbing the hill:
They're twining and clinging
Thrombi ' nndoriirouii'l mi l,
Tl:e blue birds hae eilh-d them
Praise Rod for it all !
They have hoarj, and alrea.!.
They answer the call.
Oh, snow-white and purple.
rink, yellow nnd blue !
Lie close to their hearts
Till the day they come throii(h.
Oh, split orbeaitty,
Spirit of grace I
still hide yo alovo them,
Watchine, the place.
Fragrance and lovlinrss
Still hover near,
Socn shall your hosts
In their glory appear,
Sorely the spring time
Is ciowniug its heuu
TlieT'rc coming. They 're coming !
The beautiful flowets.
Stiggins, the now married man. eays Lis
wile is a peilcct rose. The only drawback
to his bapiness is, that she blows out a "Ice
tie" too ofteu.
W. D. Shaw, of Jamestown, has purchas
ed the Downer House, Corry, furniture nnd
real estate, aud will manago it himself.
A Western paper says: '-Wanted, nt this
office, au editor who can please everybody.
Also, a foreman w ho can so arrtnge the pa
per as to allow every man's advertisement
to head the column."
The Juvenile Missionary Society of the
M. E. Church, will hold its monthly con
cert to-morrow night. The Society will be
vldresfcd by the Fustor of the Church. A
plfiisajit time is anticipated.
A Cermau wrote auubituuiy on tuo death
of his wife, of which the following is a copy:
ii mine wile bad lived until uext Friday
she would have been dead tliust two weeks.
Nothing Is possible with the Almighty. As
the tree fulls eo must it stand."
English Cu mints for 15 cents per pound
at Wachter's.
22 lwr
The Boston Advertiser, tells of u resident
0 one of (he suburban towns wu futind the
services at the church very quieting, and
fell asleeu. was finally disturbed by the
touch of a contribution box in the hands if
one of the deacons, who was taking up a
collection; but, without opening bis eyes,
the sleeper ejaculated "season," and sunk
back to resumo his nap. It is necessary to
suy thnt he was a season passenger on some
railroad or at a theatre.
, Pifty barrels of Canandaituu Aie just re
ceived nt Gaffuey's.
22 Iw
A Pennsylvania newspaper man is respon
sibie for the following: Sqnire B. B ,
of Pleasnntvllle, was appointed an agent of
tho United Slates Government somo three
yean ago, and ordered to Southwestern
Minnesota, with instructions to build a saw
mill and grist-mill for Mr. Lo, the Poor In
dian. (You will seethe mills marked on
Mitchell's New Atlas, in Redwood County,
Minnesota.) After a jear or so had elapsed
the Department sent out another ugent to
look alter things and report progress. The
latter visited II B 'g district, and
found that the dam only had been complet
cd. Ho repurted that he examined things
in B. B 'sAgency, nnd found a dam
by a mill site, but didn't see any mill by a
dam Bite.
Don't fail to have a bottle o . Sunday Com
fort In tho house. You may save a trip for
tho doctor. Gatfuey bus it. 22 lw
Bii.i.iARtis in' Ohio. The Cleveland
Herald i-ays.
A maleh game was played on Tuesday
evening,-at the rooms of J. M. Richards A
Co., between Mr. Thomas Gallagher of thU
city and Jtr. Goodwin of Pitlsbui-h, 1000
points on a c.itoin table, for $100. The
game was won by Mr, G ode. iu by ulioul
200 pjinl.
Mr. Goodwin has made a maleh with Mr.
John irawley, the latter giving 200 points
in the 1000, which will I p played utile
Corn Exchange roams on Tuesday ey-nim
nevt. Tie stakes uro $250 u siile.
Demoiif.s-i's Yoi-n'u America." O.' nil
the juvenile magazines, the xhildren nay
this is tho best, and wu must say we agree
with them. Itsbii(.l,t (: ,s its t,)J8
have the chaini of l.eiu,- diHerenl fiom
everything else, while the sio'ics and other
sketulns nri i xci -1 i, ..I i, 1 ' v ,.,....i i.:..t..
l l I ." I--'--'', iu:uilllll
tue iiceiul will tueumiisitig in a remarkably
jhuccessini manner. Terms
nine, with a remium.
1 Ib-r.: ivm, n., l.r v; - , . v
SI. 50 per
Address W.
Z Olive Legal.. In ject ihe 'trowsers
with conlempjrnrn." .'o dors a Foe-
jeo Islander.
A thinker iirs not In grapple any
problem womiw English burlesque nc
tresses look Ithey have their ololhes
Oliver Pnlr
who a few yrnrs since
w as doing a snbtato law business in St.
Paul, and is r.l
in the con n trd
largest wheat-grower
The Mormonl nre
using the veloci
pede. Wo slu have a prnclical solu
tion of a doulressed by a NewoiK
paper touobingfll'ects of velocipede rid
ing on the mnltnals.
A dead man his throat cut was re.
cenlly found InEnst Iliver at Brooklyn.
At tho Coronemiuest n physician testi
fied thnt 'tho It was doubtless cut by
(he action of tliter."
Names are ciVthings. It causes little
surprise to see, jading the reports of the
Anniversary of Universal Pence Society.
the. names of Mire til Mr. Wright, but
what business lilr. -Woll. or .Mr. Swack
hammer there. '
Mr. P. P. Roilt. who was at one time
part owner ol 1 Citi.en with VilesO'
Keilly, has, wen. purchased the entits
paper. Wo do:uow who is responsible,
but much ol tliditorial wiitin on the
Citizen has of Ii I con of the vety lits'
" Defending C French in the HiitWi
Commons Mr. ua'i used the loliowing
Siiuiewhat liovirexpivssion : '-His right
honorable friencid retained hia fi'iit be
tween thirty nmrty yeats, nnd was like
ly, If he lived tmg, to retain it. lor the
period ol his nntl' life."
The old es'abk-d liuuor house nf Owen
Gaifney is the pe to buy cheap for cash.
22 Iw
IttM :j.Tl.U tTt.'i i.
Mr. Gioige t Cooper ol' the Rochi ster
Union, nnaceuulisut '. and success til list..
ist, has ben ofiiiuted Commissioner of the
State Fist'ritj, lice Seth Green, resigned.
Rochest is n,w talking of a railroad
from that'fity direct to the coal fields iu
Win. Ill's residence in the town of Par
ma, was eirk by lightning ucd slightly
damaged iStMonday.
The Caal .ill recently signed by the
Governor prtpriutes $40,000 for di-epeu-
lug the ctlol thrytpif Jotiester.
Wbj. S.fting, flistuiastr 0f the. House cr'wlV
U''I"e-nyTOS wis iu KOKUtsiff ii euueouu
eu route .r Jiinucsota, '
The llavio liivtle-ts ?ive an enterttiin
ment at RoCbeter oil tlio 27th.
M'-ssrs. Wt-iney, Chapin, Graham, Ernst
and Barry are Vie newly elected niutiagers
of the Western Eiiise of Rufugo ut Roches,
Tho musical Imid recently organized at
tho House of Refigj is practicing "Hail Col
umbia. ''.
l'runes fur' 15 celts per pound at
lw Wacuter's."
Uuralo Items.
William McCo mick, a Canadian, wus ar
rested on Wednesday as a deserter tiotn the
United States tetdoe and sent to Fort Por
ter. . Frank Yalk '.va seut to tic Woikhouie
for siity duys forieing disorderly.
There is a aian n Butl'alo, a member of
the church, who i very much exercised in
mind because his lies insist in woil.iug on
thj Saboath.
A jumping math between a negro of
Buffalo and a w hie man of Rochester, is
talked ol.
There is but tt!o smufjling between
Canada and Bullali going on at pieeent.
Them wus a niL'ir in Butl'ilo last night
that a man lu-i h.iue 1 liimscll'al Williatus-
Tillo yesterday uleruuoii.
Peter Wogner as found guilty of ped
dling without a lb.-nse, and paid t!iu cuts
of a city suit.
Rasins lor lo ants per pound at
22 lw Wauiitkh's.
"Typ use u bu.lid, a ludy lnire, my lad ye
a bvlad typ." ud ye man bo twirled ye
black moustache ttiul covered yo upper lip
Sin lays u,iJe lie! "broiderie" for bys love
she strives to win and t i tho vrvird In
ayr tlia lujyo fju-o atluneU Iut i.miid. lyn.
'I do not caro for u wild roniant-o of ye
days of old," said lie, but rather I'd t-er.r,
if my ludy please, lomn t iiiehln,; mf!oi.-t- "
Aud over jo ladye's miisic bt'.. . e gallant
soldier leans, while hhe sings with hbv.m:
nnd 'iingel voice, "Captuiu Jiiu.i of ye
llotbu Mary lies."
.The hoop skirt business iu Birmingham
Conn., is ily in- rut. Firm.-) wlio lonaeily
employed from fii'y to one hundred iiiu.i;.-,
principally girls, now eiicdoy uulv tVnu;
to !:l';i "II
.i)in v v ftorxn..ii..vrH.
!n. FntTrr rtisse snt-ornre iho nrme of f 'ol.
A I" I'ihsn n it (sn.ltdsto fy State Senator,
subject to the iimiiii's of Die Hi puMican party
Vn. TriTon- Please Announce the name of
.TAMKS M. 1H1FPIN. of Franklin. rimdidnto
f.-r SintcSi l a'ol, t-nbtect to H e o-f pen of the He
publican i nrty. MANY (ilTIZKfiS
SSI Miil.V
Vv. I i it - ricnse Htiiicai v t::at ;nj.ti..ti
JAMKS II crrf'lll will l cstulli'ite for ronu
iih n for Ai irl iv, rnij .ct to tl.e i.uci t.1 the
Kipnf.liCBD J orly
Vie. rn'Tfl! 1'lcase nrmimce to the rttlrens of
ViinnroT.imtr thnt 'l,H C TKS,of
hied Towrsi'ip. is n cirillihnn for Vrirher of .s-ti-tni
lv. nihil cl tn tie- inures of 'he Hi-nnWlcan
puly. ' WNY n riZHNS.
TUKASt l.Tlt.
l-'MTon ltrcon: I'lcrifi-aiii-ciinrc lh- l.aine of
J It (lit ANT n n remt'diiti' f'-r Hie nonilnntloii fr
( oiimv Treasurer, sol ji-ct to the ii-ivi-s of the He
pnl.llcan naily. MANY CITIZKNS.
Ilt- KniToit Vtense announce the pame of
.11) I N A fllUISTV. of oil ( itr. as a candidate
fo nomination. f Contitv Treasurer, subject to he
tl ecs of the Itenulitlean rnrtv.
1r Christv Is s man well qnalill .1 fn- the post,
ion, is an ardent ttcnubllcin "1 was the
war a failhflll soldier. M ANY CIl't.l-'Ns
Mit KniT in- lhase aii'i-'-l'tce th iirne nf tl P.I
, ltHI JIIAM as a cn.l-d He f' Conniv Trca'ir
or, snhject lo tile usau'-s of l!ie Hi-pii'i'ii-in narty.
Vn I'iMTor.: P'e-ise iiiitiotince the name of F. C.
CHAW r'"lM, ..I Hi -hiieiid Townshio. as a ran 'i
(hite fur PiOt'-'ie'ita-'V. siitii-rt to the nsa"c of the
l.'.-pnl lie-in partv. ' Si t.i-iKiis ami 1,'Kfrni.icsKs.
M it. FrnT.Mi l';eas nnnnnui'" the name orTOM
as tl, nviiiy. of Pcir.,'e.i-ii C.-iitr.', ss a randi'h'.te
for Prothoti i'-it-v ol' Ye;i-iTv..'n Coiin'y. sulijuct to the
us-il'cs of the p-nioc 'ilic partv.
a-e ,utioii:v' l to s-iiniiiies that .TnSK.PlI II.
SMITH. Pro'honol'irv of Wnnn-ro Countv will hi
a Ciinilirinie for - e for said oftlce. sul)
j.vt tn the usages of th-.' ttcpu'ilicar party.
ltrnwrnt NnvKCr"-'H
I'l irnu Pri ni:i: You will plensp nn-,iotini-e ! V1'- W. -ll.V IV hen candidate
fnv iinMMMiriiiP f"i- li e i nice of Itc-lsler and Record
er, snlii'i-i io 'he iis ' -.-s ortlie KcpuMican party, nt
thi tiisn'iiL' ii imM t-a" Primarv Ktietion. Mr.
Sl'-vvwi; a niiv-iei" Comtianv '-I.' ll'd Veen
s' ivinia Voh-tit'-" t. i-ii'l I -st a rleht nrm in battle
,if C.cttvshiuu' ll'-'sroni etcnt and ohliLdnu. and
has s-'fv.,l -is Ki-.ji-tfr i-d Recorder fir one term t"
lie' entire setislai-t ion ,,f nil w ' o have d-me Ini'iness
w!iti him
V1N txt jn COVNTY.
Vn. KptTor: ''lease ii-inniiyce to tie ctli7."t:s o'
y . mi-.i Cuniiv tv. 't '. Y SM ilN-of til Cr.-eV
T'iv-slio ;s -i l -e di'l lie for I 'nnn'v Conimipsion
or. stihiift lo the u-.i-s orilie Itetibl1rti party.
Atp Koitor- Vlcni ann'nme h' pame of 11
Tt t'TViN. of ornnl-intcr Toi' P-hiTt. as a ramb
ita'e fur'v rommiH-'oner. siO-i.v-t t- the nsa
era of the It puhlican partv Metv ltr.rrui.icANs.
variety, has hern received at A. P. Miller Co.'s.
All stvh' of H ank B-ioks. Note Paper, and En
velopes in Jobbing I.ors. at
W. II NICllot.soN CO.
(nil-ir Striii'-'S nt W. II. Niehc'o-i Co's.
rVetrsi Hi'lller, riotieer, fn.,
es alt dailies and Illustrated Papers from New
v ttt-tee per dav and will mail anv paper toit
li-heil. Illilstratiil we.-kly pannrs, iiei n.uc
llmonth". Invariab'y in advr.nca.
W II Nli-holsnii A In'i.
A 1 lltia.-ljist week we ca'ted n'tet.llon to
the Constititt't.n Biifers of Seward Jt Hi htley, nnd
now we take, pleasure in notirlnu' their Al!-ma for
tl.e hair, which Is said to be a very flno article fir
the toilet. We nre nt tho opinion that tlte prepara
tions ors A-JB nro all mod, for thn reputation
they sustain as Prosaists ia r tod evvVnco that
thev would not put nnythlne in the market of nn
ordinary character. Mossrs. A. P. MIM.EK & CO
have it for s lie and we hnie all onr friends will
try It.
For all Bronchial affection, try Seward's Coui;Vi
Try our Navy Tobacco. We know It Is the best
in the market. W. II. NIcnfiLSON & CO.
Day and Evening,
. IiOOX,
. JN'I'XT ivinr TO
A. I). MIU.rR A; CO.l
vr.r.n SCIIUTT.
A new lot of lh
rneeived at the
X. 1,. Knives .list
.lll-t ic-civeil a
U. c. .1 V'tVls' !:
in-.- pattern", ai
"TJIIIJ. iu.?.
"" U A lKIts
, led ne-'i,i.t tniv-
Socket Points, ihe
'O's with either
iniie'itc-i toeiAhei
t my manufacture,
-i: t for connecting
"1" mbstant hilly
:i my rising, and
not of my m m--nd
will b-i pros
1. nor aa a mere
1 to, aud rigi lly en
W. J. I.
ion "f CHEiV, an ami l.ite 'or Tobaccos nnd Pit
fin Nl. r,,i- sale ni Ii M1I.I.E1! 4: CO'S
THU best plan- ia town lo (trt a p.iir '
made or the best fork, that will n-,:ar
warranted to lit, Is at J. A, IMnnieVp1'
lonahlc Root Shop, Wasliin-'ton Street, p,.,
Centre, l'a ttlve him a trial n-plij'j
, ItltlUIMIN,
OI.ASS'S, at A. D Mi;,..l-:u a (-,,
iH.-rtkVn.-l'-.! .-lii- hssoittiietit orehT";..s(,;tt at r.-duced i.iti-., at Itl-yvo,',
l.'iMiHII'Al) ,t CIVS, No. tl (;clltn, j;, ( u
tiio Post (itnce. (HI City. Pa. '' r'
All accounts not Hcithd immediately, win v
wilh an otlh-er for cel'rrtiou.
Apr.U If.
ew J'lonr, l-Vel iui Grorer
Storn :
At the Ol. Ii lt.WK nt'II.IiTNC, ox M(,x
opposite the atcClintock House, has on ha
lariteand ftxtWass slock of tour, I'eednm
........ .. , .... , -uiuiig ai a 0W uj..
n, i .on i oir.-i me piare wtiere A, fl (-011
,v. i onipanv oroKo up. '
'nriet,..f every ipia'ity an l desirimi
UKYNOI.l)-. H'tilllllKVlt CIVS. No. 11 Cat.
!trcit, opposite tne t . ti., tiii c,ty. l'a.
ItttiUS ,T A V A . SpAHKmvS.
MAN. at A. 1) y.II.I.KU A- CD
II you Hisil I If- II HI l-lll' OlIll'-C'J ill Ihr, im'i
try w it. .Meiioison ,v t o
t'racheri-For all kin Is :n to KVYNOuv,
IlltnlMIKMi ,fc CVS. N. 11 c,.ir,. ilrwt, m
silo th" Post "llli-e, tlil Cilv. Pa.
The Fl next lot of Navy. Plii-aa-l SmaVio
Toli? a f rom Il.iUiiifire an i'it. r : in
ketat A. II. MM. !.;:!! A n
The very lii-s- pocUet C
sor all wai ranted at
11 irs iil'.i sr:(
ll NIC'MI.siiifs.
llnest I'lii-.-Tulvn-W.
N'lc!!tl0' , CO'S.
PrV tt.'litlllp. a Inrce -t at I.'KYN'H'.D
lt!tinilEAn CO S. No. ii c.Milm St, oii::.
thn Post OHm. Oil Ciiv, Pi .
W'.M.KINi; I ANKS t A I) M I I.I.Ktt .V CO.
A :i other '
ce ivrd at
clof Wall Paper lntr
A. D. Ml I.I, Kit & Co.)
- PMS'T. WAI. I,. WlttTt! WASH A snot
r.ltt'SIH-S.a lar.'i- stoi-i; jost r.-ieivei at All
MILLKIt ,fc t (l.S.
t.All persons wishing t i he VACt INATED
can call at A P. Miller A Co.'s Prill Store, ltd
have the pare fresh article inserted. No charge.
A larire assortment, nil sues,
Miller A Co.'s.
nt A. P.
Tor Picn-sT riipr wUeh t VmiPeMan can pre
seiii to his ttriile, is a sonnet eoujiiysfcnnrle, v
S i t. Essn - IH-se eill.i'cts, yf '
Ii r rineliii'e.. rn.. of pharve. Andre,
Assucl A Tins. Hot P.. riillndvtnliM. P. V
o(in:sn:ii iiotsii,
Washlnitton street. Petroleum Centre, P. L
PKAPSTREEr & snERWOOR, Pnorratruiev.
This House Is centratlv located, andth? ccnenl
lieathmarlers uf oilmen.
Petroleum Centre, Pa., May 13, WiS tf.
ANEW IMPS!;, one and n halfst irles hiih. In
rated on ihe Eirhert Kami, near the crerk
l.ridL'o Said house has all conveniences, jjood li
ter, etc. Terms, ea-y luquh'e of
N. 11 SHASrlt,
Ful'or's Boardinit House, EgicrtFarra,
Petroleum Centre, nav 1.
I-'()t: fSAliR !
'IHE nndcrsiKnid hereby o:iVrs fir sale Ids nefin
1 cry, known ns the
nt a b.-l-juiirr Stills, lie hi'ie's c i pari ty. Ati
ier-. lileaehers, StoririL' 'rau'.s. all h 1 i o' fL-
l-'tl-ine. Piiiops, Mid .ill appilrteiiarii e- ilifir:el
I,.,, l... i!.,,,-.. o, . li li,,,. Iloiis,'. 10m
iVo. The id ii.iike are in i-oud order, and read?
to start business imn'edi lie i- lor jiaf mii-io,
apply to I1IKAM fol.VIN. Mere fans,
'larr l-'iinu T. ('. inayl I .-.'iv.
No. 2i, WuhltiiiBton St.,
Peli-ulciim Cfiic pa
itf. i. II H' tNKHEKV. P.-li'il
i .i
' "V.