SOME PRINT MISSING Stomach B3TTERS ! V5 JAW Hi1 A Mf, certain ud pteuaat armed? It ftu nueaus trlilag from ft DISORDERED STOMACH. A. wln iltsiful taken three lime. Ay will b found effcwro la all cte, or dtopepaIs zirru coitrTAixT, arx- VS4L IiMI.TTY, Xervom 1 rostrntlon and wn Trm vf liitlitintion, In'rniWntt l'rrtr, li Vner unit Atjue, cud- a vi lid Inityur niiiy TONIC for deltcatt fnnulet and Inw'l.'t, PREPARED BY J. W. DOWNER & CO., Branch Manufactory nt Petroleum 'Cmtre, l'o. Sold by all Druggist. Opinions f Kxprlfnccil Ihu: Read the fi.sllowinjj opiniona of ex perienced druggists and physicians : MESSRS.,gjjgDOW.VEtt & CO.: Haunp 'jjjt Jl iWlifllm nittvs for soiiim liinn past, ' jnhafimr hml rnqunt calls for ttiein by our cuatuin w nl 'lorn our'owu vxAmination ol theu. w be , .tinii ii uu iiiiiuu itfuir in quality luau any " - hir Bittern In th market, and wo oro confident lfA..a ... U.. ...U 1 t . . ... that they will answer your most puncnine oxpecta. tln. ami fully nteet thn demands oftlia piihlic. We would recommend them to tin pmilio lir trial, -pKneeially to invalids sultVnng from weaknv-s tinu a UiBordereil siomnoh. llespeclfullv Vours, ' A. I). "jI.rLLER & CO., PniL'giRts. y Thin rvrinea t'mt we havo lfvd tlui Great Yose I )iie Hiti. rs pr. pared liy .T. W. Doxner & Co., ot this pi ic, und lielieve lb it ttiey are, what tliey nre repr-iented tn He a pure and whol"9 mia Stom. ach, liilt T'", n-i.l a pleas int tonic bevisrano for the line of invalids fluttering from weakness of the Stomach, Dyspasia. c Ac. We think them to he a j;"od, il not lintter. than any Bitters now in the market, nnd cheeriully recommend them to the puhlic. P. spenlf'lllv. T. Ii. Mi N AIR & CO., Drucgists. I hin e nwd. nml ol.served the effects of the Grent ( l oseinim. Moniiicli jlitiei'R, prepared by J. V, Downer It Co., Petroleum Gentle, und think them preferable to any now in use, for the relief of those J;l!ic.iltiis for whu:h they are recommended. J. M HARDING, M. D. Oil City, Pa., Dec. 2(ith, 1SUS. II iving carefully examined the 'Yojemilo Dit tern," maiHiliictured und sold by Messrs. J. Ur. Downer A Co.. I am convinced that they are chem ically pure, and hnvinir n knowledge of their com- i iiiieni ii iris. I feel Bafu in recommending their use lu '.lie ulllioti'il. .r. A. LOBAUGH. M. . Oil Citv, March I'.th, isii'j. J. wrDovner & Co., Petroleum Centre, Pa, Pranch Manu tactory, and sold by all Druggist. The GraatYossmi teBitters Alt!' WAIIP.WTED TO Cl.'RR AI', KASUS AIJISD-n PROM A PI ' 'vr w u t u:ivijii.ii w , ill t'i: .ilif.e Sift , .r. v.-. DOWNER M..'"l. 1'ifl: f'O. etl ili'ii :i t 'etiii' T.3; McNair & Co, 21 VS!IIXTOX-ST., W.fuld r!Bpo-tfuUy announce ll.ut tbi y arc are now ('pulling it lull uhhoi tmeii t DEUG-S ! PATENT MEDICINES I S vips, Brushes, & Li tho room formerly u. by Mr. Gootlmau. Partiouiiir attention wili be piinl to the preparation of Prescriptions, ami no pains spar ed to mice this Department as comj)l-?tij as any in the country. - 3 Ms ZsF" Oar prices will compare favoi'aMv, and we . not doubt boi'.i iiiile to S'.;it all who may favor us with their patronage. T. '.e M"t a -CO. UZYJ HARDWARE STORE ! P,": Iwfi in announce to the '';', tr.s cf Vctuilou-i I'ertr" find vtci tut;,', t' tlify r,;,ei''.J t. iwv Ptoru i the mir n' tbo o tfw of uci oiiti ;il Vet enm Cuiiinii y ;t the mi'tonl cro-i ls whuru tn y will keep cu isfiintiy en :.n I -i full H4-on.uut uf cveryihiiig in tin Uai-dwnru li ie, such s TIN AND SIIKRT TRON WARK. GAS FirTIN'fJS AND UK ASS GOODS. Mr. Dry nn having hesu pnL'fiizi"! in tlio hiU wit;, Tn-r-t. V,'m(fr H fi l r iunr yc-ir.- pri-t, will attend pJuiiuularVy lotUe bui:ie3 or'u..mLii'aom:h:g SMOKE STACKS. All kinds of Tin ana Sheet Iron Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, &C. They havo a Now Machine for CUTTING GAS PIP , With nn entire :et of new dies, And will w.irrant nil work in this line. Apr t. Fipoios ! Pianos ! ! Organs ! 0r3is ! 4 -.,;r i. .. ;,. ,.-. '-VH-rW ft- V-' EMERSON'S t'NRIVALTT.D PMNO.S! MITU S CELEBRATED AMER ICAN ORGAN ri ! NO T I C E . Tho nndorsismel having bv special nnntraetH with W. V.- KMKhSON, K-'i , und H. j,nnd II W. Smith, beti dnlv apnoinfed hv them siit .Aent t' r Win Kilo nf their Clil.KliKATKl) INS'l'ltU M FATS in Wfim-n. forest, Vn:inio, Clarion ,md ins the f'iti.'lis ,t s:i!d coantios a jalnst ii"L'"tiatinj; with nny ntlier tii mons claim1!! to ho th" A'lcnts 01 eU'ier or ti p ub,n: liaiiid lifius, as a'l smdi are IMIJ0:-TOUS. S K I W E I , Di"j!nr in AN i ,ti t .5 ;"!, i.;.-i .: is a i : 1 I f.e f-,..., ia"ko, in 1 ,ij ..ilTr Itss, at.ISHAM ',"" 1 u I. !l!til(t HARDWARE OIL CITY. ROBSON'S JMl Cbfek Pipe Works. CHARLES nOBSON Co., Corner of Seneca !? Ka,t ldo Oil VreeW, Oil lilty. n., Dealers In Itorrii, Tanker 4 Co's OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, Also, WOllKIvn BARKKT," VALVES, bTUFHSO HOXU. CI.AMPS, TONC!, SUCKER RODS, r KarhiDery for Cil T7ells ft Refineries noiMNO Ti'Dl.s, oil tows, IiRIVTNO TIPK. COLD WATH'.I PCM PS Every description of SL-PI'LIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE r'INKPII.S, Vko. T()VES, TINWARE. UHA4 OOODP, II i MS AXfl fli.l r'TTIXiiS. W;lr.W, IACKIX'!. and JIOSE: HAKDWAIIE, lleCSB TlilMMINCP, Carpenters' Tools, Kope, Oakum. Nail?, Axes. Coff.-p Mill, Table 4 Pocket Cutlery: Full AssoitniPri! of Everything In tho IA J2DWA Hie LINK tiuse V l tish'rir Oo.mK .11:1-1 I '.' ' No 1 W i ' NT 1 -nined I.: n 1 "SI, t j . d i :.vv an -;as :rn i - )v,r..,1 ! r f..-lint tr :'" " em tt-'v r e UVKlfK)!! 'i'i .WV . i ''Jl ." " IN ''ii. Kt. i 5 a j sii:lic!Tant . Risscli's SSIiick, (Ii! City, SPRlSfi & SDB'ilGGBS. Ofrhe t P:ir; l.iii. Tnilnn, nnd Sew Vork P'ah .eupriiill,! ill '::Ut CLOTHS of all colors, SCOTCH GOODS of all shades, DOESKINS, TRICOTS, VESTINGS, CASsIMERES, Ac. ntij nil article liept in a First-Clu Tailoring Ft;jf Icsliiiicu:. Trunk, Vallxea, FlnoWliile Slilrts, I.tiien and lapor 'ol iar4, Honc Siisenil,ir . Simiiner I ndei-elollilnc, Ncvktioa, and. " io?s' Fnrnisliista: 1"od:!s, In trcneml. All dcscrlptioiH of (Mothiiw nndo nn by exMcrteiiPfd workiunn. 'ill til'1 llU!'"M" HtiCO, ill Iho lalo-r j.tylen, uj ur tho -uwet niio-H. SATISFACTION Gb'A R A VTEFD. AUC 'IM.iV Cll City, Pa., May 1 . 't. s :e,-,f. W:S STG8R, on, rtrv, v. TMtfto the het wililiVui-iit ..I ; l.i i! 1'iion. flour and iVed o.d .it ,v;-,i refill. As I'riAfUS-MJt 134 fallen l.aise, V"., IIIiBeDIXTS, are now prepared to rn.v'vn on Commission and Ilia :e LiheiMl Advances tn lietlner.s and Dealers in both (,'rudo and liutlncd Oil. I OIL VITRIOL. C'lt.VVE, TUAVKVAl .V Co., l'init('i!.KIT,I I'KXTKE, P, oil YiTRror..,Hr!i'VT'!v!nT'- p ivt CAlTSTli;. SODA an.' (Jf.ri-; ;.pT'-?''1'',t,0',ilW'i'!''r;'1 :'.t f kh!,m lei i A it, and will not ho undersold in auv ef .1,, jirticles. juneiati. chaxr. T'lAcKrci; & co WIIXAr P! '.i.'i-: AM) STOCK R W CM "-.. ..... . r r. u-:? f.,i Mlr.Wmnin "l!-t .. :n inns of nr. !!,md:vil nf. T,.r, T!i . ml to .-up ,,it ' T 'e.-i. Iwd m!I - ,.v T! et; Iho lo 1-Tty ',f '"' w'tli nrt...aty Uni- 1 a Vol ni'ecr Cr.-.;, i,f ,y.;',.v bM,, ...rO TSoV J". O. OGCSIT, mm m v d t ! p ' re 'je-iica-i, F!,p...i. ,.., rsvw 'a :; Kato, O.llw 301 MOT'-.. i ry Siroet, Ran Kr inoi,..-r., I MISCELLANEOUS OIL CITT. NEW HARDWARE STORE nATENO AND COOKING STOVES ! 'In largo varloty. TABLE AND POCKET Cutlery! SHELF HARDWARE. K3USS FURNISHING GrODS. t L A M PS, LANTERNS, AND FANCY ARTICLES. :.:ails and iron Wooden Ware, &c. Tor ?.ile CHEAP 1 At the store formerlv occupied by Itnrclifte'.d and Ci.-twllne, OIL CITV, PA. jtni:sn.cKGiE. (Ill City. Jan. 4, 1SB!) tf. 'timti Oil Greek Pipe Ms V'.t Ai. KOKSON A CO., Corner of -enecn and Centre Rts, cast side of HI Creek, Oil City, Pa. ri.n r " ivide.l a powerrul Steam FiifEine nnd three !.'-.-(. . ill-", to ear already extenlve Manulac tl v-litiu'llt, ar. now prepared to do all iiy '.vyik. ill tlttln up, ana repairing he ; INKS i:ti:i.'-:'. IRi'N TANKS. REFINING MACHINERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS, ' oi r. wj.-r.i, tools and fittings' !e f-ti-' t ' ",1 M -'lenerv .Ton Work entri-tcl to u? ..i'.lt iieatie. :i:it (I -patca aanlmos WALL pAPER ! livxv Styles for Sin'iiijy ! VB ) U 0 H DLLS A' Low Prices. STATIONERY. SCHOOL BOOKS. ' rlank books, ?i:io C HROMC S, Foreign & American, SHEET MUSIC, TOYS. FANCY GOODS, Ac, IN GREAT VARIETY, As reasonable as can be purchased at any place in fhe Oil Region. OflHSTOS, I10SEY & Co., Bireell's Bank Block. IIi CITY, IA. Oil City, I "a., Oct. n, 18i8 tf A. lu v.octh of vour tpnnev nt t1 'T" i ntrt iVM a VM 1,1 "V IH V ) !WM nss,.r!n,e.,t r (''.f clnsH rt'ifoil AMI lit! U-lSel) .."MURK. T, SHIN il.KS, at the verf lowrft ca-ll ;n i es Ttioio wlio aro Hot DEA.D To their own interest, and wish to deal with men jv io do liasjre on the s'tuare, will find II to their ii'ie.o,tt. e.vo tin cad homm purrhaiiing olse wtieia;, uinl suo what we cao do fur you tnienf . . f?." All Orders and temiiv "':1'' '.Hen ie'l .. n , po. forget Iherila-e, . i""iiti" s"-,','V''T,IJFI;'HTElt l",,,SB WAn. Petroleum Centre, Pa. I.. M. STKItKlil'ltO, II' II. WAKNUK. rvbm-tr. 't O IMIAM & CO'S for your Canildgea. EEAr.I2S & C0E1JWELL, Uaslen in litllvpred or at rt A'urd bv lb? rar or lor Apr lift, RAILROADS. - Oil (M 4 Allefilen? River R r WARHEN ciuma CKKISa RA1LROAUS CONSUUIJATkIJ 1 NEW AND MOST DIRECT ROUTE iv, THE OIL REOmv TO 1808. WINTER AKRANQKMENT TIMBTAItLR. H8S ON ANT) AFTKU MONDAY. APlitr lfl9, trains will rim as follow.: L CTH, UOINU NOKTII TO OIL (U I'Y PRTTiot r... CGNTKB. TITUSVILLB AND (kkv18 0,-I. A. M., KpreH,nrrlvesTitlloin, ,f; B..,)le..i.ollat 8 67 a. mTZmJ1 there Willi train, for I'ltholei Vm M" 9 a m Petroleum Centre i'o t lloyd Farm lo.KIa in., Ml Per K,r'? 35 a. m, m , at rorry al ia.26 p ra. m, "ln0, ft'lilk ' M- M""' ,lrrrlve.TldloiitoSdii ,.UO Oloopolls4 II p. m. (conn!? t,?,"; for l'ltholo City), (lit city JSs '2 lr" troluum Centre fi.! p. , u! '?1 A 28 p. m., Killer Farm 6 tf, ,7 vme ,,p. arrivi,ll!.t'?;0 0:: ila::sSffij. Farm 1.10 a. m , Tlt,v, io ' JJ;" arrivini: nt Corry at 9 So 8 m ', ooino south FitoM coi.'kv, Ti'rrsvni. I'KTUOI.KCM CUNTI F. 4 OIL CITy S' A-t.k A.?,.,,'Tlv,':, 1,1 TitiHville K.I0 ' m .Miller Farm 8 .M a in. It,,yd Farm svft m. Petroleum Cenir,. n m . "7.2 .;H a. m., Oloopolis l .in a 'm"1,7 oute 1 l.SH n m , and Ji vliiclon li m r. 1' arrlvri a T .. . '."?.?" m., sillier r arm v.l p m, Bovit p.i' 2 Mli,n. P. tr.,lnm . . '.I. " Oil City 8.:il p. ni., leave OH tn'Yju i Oil City 8.:il p. ni., leave OH (ItvTi) ni, arrives (Uisimlls 411 n ni. tmJ: Willi train lor HtholeJ, TUiouto a 36 d m , nnd lrviiieton p. ,. " K' ;i:ul ' M.i ccoiiinuidiitlon from Oorrv u J..H rives 1Husvlllu7.oo p rn, Miller farm 1 p. ni, Boy, Farm' 7 4n' p m, Vn? ii m Centra 1.4-1 p in, arrivlug at Oil Cit 8 vj p la. lONNEf'TIONS. Trains North cnniert at Corry ith I'hlladulnhla A Klie li. It . nnd Atlantic Great Western ffl! way, Kasi and Wuhi, ami also with Iluffalu, Com and I'ittshut'Kh radrund f r HulVtln ' Trilus cuimwt a; oil ( itjr with Franklin Branth for Frnuklln. Meidvil.e, and tne est, and stir vtai'ton with Phil. A Kile l(. U Jt n,1Q Weitl Standard lliue twkmv minute, fisier tliau Frank 1 In Bairu h and A. JL ii v. It k. time. l'a-een"r will And this road a safe, piennaat nnd. the stiorlej-t i-oale to and ffntn the oil nviou. All trains Wst from Irviiaton leave after arrival of trains on P. A K. It It. Be sure and ask lor Through Tickets via Oil Crk .1 Allegheny Itiver I'.aiiwav, the (treat Short Komt to the Oil Hegion. 11. F. W:ETZKB. Oen'l Superintendent C J. IIFPHI'KN. Ass't Snpi.iiti.,i(i.,it m-n, LMIt,liii'Kli, Fort AVayno und t'hi-HSo ItMiluil). m i.ti a-, m jlltll,. i tvvia. OP CPv, h'Mitiulin, Ja neHtown, VeadviiV, Clarksvi'ile, New Castle, lloinewiKia, New Kritditun, IfiK'hester, Alleirheuv. R,10p m. 8,55 p. ni. U.aoam' 0,51 a. m 2.1 5 a. in. 5,35 a. m. 7,20 a. in. 8.IH a. ra. 8,25 a. in. N,45 a. di. KMX) a m. 1,45 . m 1,40 p. a. H.05 p. m 3.51 d m 4Ja p. l'it'shnri h ar Ifotunun-' learei Pltisburirh lit a. in.. A-f d.uu n . 4.2 i. in. i 'AtN. coins? West on Plit-bnrirh, ?ort Wavi fi"d CiiicHco fffiitwuv pa-s H"tntHVioU nt ll.Oi And I u. hi., und (.5 n m ; Pai- Mau tield hi 1), 10 a. in. nnd 10,11 5,00 and 1U,05 u in : i'ri-sMine at 10,10 a m., and 100 fl.SO rind -l, l.! p. in., nnd nrrHe at (,hicfti' 7,0O and D,siO p. m., nid 0.20 and ll-r MiircV. 1Ffl3-u. J A HI TO 'rillTfm nn urriiNii)s ooL!en tt I'H.LHfor KcmalMi. Inf ilPI -'EUP irri'irulnr it removing obatrndlo... n ino tnonthr liinitt. frt-m whatt'vor causo and aUvnya nUcctnAfal iifi h prL''ini!vc. One pit-is a dose. Females pt rullarly i it urted, or thoie r!upp(minthe!iitelvei nro cnuii-'Ded against minc thene Pi I la, while Id tiDit condition le-t they liiTitu mlflcarrtnt, anei wii rn n'lmonunm rite pro neror assumes no m Boiipibibty, attliotiirn liieir mildncffl would p'erail any mi rhiol'io health; otherwise the Pills are r e iniin ndi-d as a nvnt invnlunhle remedy for Ihe 1 Tlation ol tho-te piitlering from any wlntever. as well ns to prevent an increase of faral- ly when heiilth will not permit lr; quieting tbi; nerven nnd bringing back tno 'ro8y color of bealtb" to the cheek of the most delicate Kull and explicit dirrctlnns accompany each bol Prieo $ 1 per box: 6 1oxch. $5. Sold in I 'turn leu in Centre, by A. D. MILLER A CO., Sola Aconta" for Petroleum Centre, P. Lndie-l By aendlnu them $1 to the Petroleum Cen tre P. O can have tho Pills tent conhilentlillyl bf mail to any part of the country, treeof chm-Re Sold aho bv li C A . 8 C ark. Titusville, Pa.; A. K fJriitlth, Oil City; Klenntn? He rnn, Frank In; Dr. J L. Acomb, Md' n'e; K. T. Hnz 'iron. Vnrrn : and bv "one Drnggi t" In evsrT town Id the 0 li'i d suten, und by Jul S. H. HuWK. Prop'r- New Tork A DPRFFCT CURE For Dyspepsia., Fever and Ague, Aci dity of the Stomach, Loss of Appej Nausea, Heart-burn, Jaundice, and diseases arising from a disordered WW ot the Stomach. Liver or Intestines. Prepared by Seward & BbntiWi Druggists, Buffalo, N. Y. Sold by druggists. . ... MILLER & CO.. Wholesal" Z Hetall I)rnt'"ists. .i-wits.for I'ulroleuin I ei. n - vichiitv. . , jan-o ISIIA.-ir Ac CO., W.Ttsi'iAiirKs & .IrwixEtt IN OPERA HOUSE nCILDIXG, WASH INGTON STREET, rETHOI.EC M :EJiTKE Keep constantly on hand a large nssortmi nt ol WATCtFS, JEWKI.PV. PISTOLS. EEV0L,,NGTACKt? Cartridaes, &C-, and will sell at eiwtern prlca wofh werk iirant4 'o pKe pmtiefne.non.