7 SOKE PRINT MISSING SOKfc PRINT OBSCURED Stomach BITTERS! A safe, certain ud pleuant Remedy for all DlMam artilof from a DISORDERED STOMACH. nil w A viae gluifal taken three timet diy will be found effective to all .... - . - saien w BISFEPSXA, ZIVER COStPZAlST, CEX ERAJ, DEBILITY, Iferrous Prostration and every form of Indigestion, Intermittent Fever, Fever and Ague, and a mild Invigorating TOXIC for delicate females and invalids. PREPARED BY J. W. DOWNER. .& CO., Branch Manufactory at Petroleum "Centre, Pa. aj Bald by all Druggists. Opinions of Experienced gists. Druff- Jlead the following opinions of ex perienced druggists aud physicians : J. W. DOWNER & CO. : Having u,nt luiir Yosoniito Hiitrrs for some time cast, and tUaifctmg bad frequent calls Tor them by our ciistom--rf, and from our own examination nf them, wo be lleve them to he much betier in quality than BD7 other Bittern in the market, and we are confident that they will nufivcr your most sanguine expecta tions, and fully meet the demands of the public. We would recommend them to the public for trial. ' Bp'Ciully to invalids suffering from weakness and a disordeu'd giomnch. Respectfully Yours. A. D. MILLER A CO., Druggists. This certifies that we have mod the Great Yoso mite Bitters prepared by J. W. Downer & Co., of this place, and bellevo that they are, what they are represented to be a pure and wholesome Stom ach Bitters, and a pleasant tonic beverage for the iiso of invalids suffering from weakness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia, Ac, &c. We think tbem to be at good, it not butter, than any Bitters now in the market, aud cheerfully recommend tbem to the public. Respectfully. T. B. M;NAIR & CO., Druggists. I havo used, and ohserved the effects of the Great Yosemita Stomach Bitters, prepared by J. W. Downer & Co.. Petroleum Centre, and think them preferable to any now in use, for tho relief of those difficulties for which they nro recommends 1. .1. M HARDING, M. D. Oil City, ra., Doc. 2fitb, 1SGS. nnvintr carefully examine.! the 'Yosemlte Bit ters," mmiiilactured and sold by Messrs. J. W. Downer & Co.. I am convinced that they are chem ically pure, and having a knowlediie of their com ponent part, I fuel Bait) in recommending their use to the alllicted. .1. A. LOBAUGH, M. D. Oil City, March Gtb, 1869. J. W. Downar & Co., Petroleum Centre, Pa., Branch Mann- factory, and sold by all Druggist. The G-reatYosemiteBitters ARE WARRANTED TO CURE ALL DIS EASES ARISING FROM A DISORDERED STOMACH. OUR GINGER CORDIAL, WINES Ac, are fiitcrior to uiif in tlio Muikel. THY THEM ! .1. W. DOWNER & CO. ..etijUuw Centre, March l'Mi, leGU. T. B. McNair& Co, 2:1 WASIlLm-ST., Would respectfully announce that tbey are are now opening a mil assortment of DKU G-S ! PATENT MEDICINES ! Paints, Oils, Soaps, , Brushes, &o.' In the room formerly "ocenpiet Jjy Mr. Goodman. Particular attention wil lie paid to the preparation of Prescriptions, and no pains spar ed to make tins Department as complete as any in the country. Wines, and !Lic uors ! ir 1 Our prices will compare favorably, and we do not doubt being able to suit all who may favor us with their patronage. t. n. nicXAiii 4; co. Petroleum Centre, "a., Oct.it: '&s.-tf NEW HARDWARE STORE! ROBKIIT BUY AN Ac CO., Hpe leave to nnnonnro tn the citizens of TVtrolenm Centre and victr'ty, that they have opened a now 8tie in tie inn: the ortlcn of the Central Petrol en in Company at the railroad crnMnif, where they will ktep fonstantlv on hand a full Hortmeut ot everytlUiig iu the llaidwurc line, such as TIN AXD SHEET IRON" WARE, GAS FITTINGS AND CRASS GOODS. Mr. Frynn hnvfn? tpm emranfld In tho .minosa with Mfa-ri. Winter I'.ro'. for lor.r yoniv j.:vr, will attt ud particularly to the binc! of m imilacturing SMOKE STACKS. All kinds of Tin anil Sheet Iron Ware to order. GAS AND STEAM FITTING, iC. They havo a New Machine for CUTTING GAS PIPE, With an entire SET OF NEW DIES, And will warrant all work ill this lino. Apr:!). Pianos! Pianos! ! Organs ! Organs ! EMERSON'S UNRIVALLED PIW03' SMITU'S CELEBRATED A1IER- " ICAN ORGANS ! NOT I C E . The uii'lorsl'.-nctl havl'.ii; liy pr,eclll eniitractN witli W. 1. KMEIISON, E., and s. I). mid II. w Stllitll, been (iiilv nppoimed liv tlK-m Sole Ar'nt fT tlm B:lle of tliir OKLKIIKATKI) ISSTUU MKN IS iu Warren. Fcnwt, Veimno, Clarion and .Ie'.:rwm rountU n, lierelij cnutions the ciiizin i":u eonnllo-" 0 'ainl iie.Mtiiitin with nny other pereoiiH claini' i r to ho tho A.- 'iits 01 either of the aboTo n.ainud liruii, an ail ich are IMl'OSTolis. IV . E 5 SKIX.EK. Dealer in PIANOS, ORGANS, EIEL02JES2STS AND .MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of every description. 1'IANO STOOLS. SPUEABS' Ac, c. iU-iilrc-St., OIL CITY, Pa. Oil City, Sept. H, IS,8.-tf. BUY the E. Howard Ainerhan Mateb, tho de-t made, of 1S11AM & vo Hk?tK. HIM. printed M the ibuitnsl uuU'.-d, at ino ltcord Oll'co HARDWARE OIL CITY. ROBSON'S Oil Cbfek Pipe Works. CUAIlIiKS iio:iso. Ac Co., Corner ol senoca Centre St., Hunt vide Wil Creek, Oil t il)', Pa., Drillers In Morris, TasUer A Co's OIL WELL TURING AND CASING, ALSO, WOP.KIXI? P.rif. AM) VALVES, blTlVINO IIDXKS. clash's1, iiiMw, Sl'CKEK HODS, Ac Machinery for Oil 7ells & Refineries BOIJINO Tnol.S, OIL PUMPS, DlllVlNf! rll'R. ( OLD WATKK I'L'Ml'S Every description of 31TPL1ES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE FlNEIill, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, BliASS GOOD?, TEAMS AXD O AS FFTTfXOS. IIKLI1XU, tACKiya, a id HOSE; IIAUDWAliE, UOL'SK TlilMMlNGS, Carpenters' Tnols, Rope. O ikiim. NaiU, Axe ,1, 0'iflVe M'Ks, Tiible A IVuket Cutlery; Full A?rtmen of Everything iu tho HARD WA RE LINE. L:U..14 Ctlil-ltliHU. u. 1 W nr-M ri!n., Laid Oil, No. 1 iu'iMinl il, Stair Wh1s TaVile an ' Door Mat it; t!.ii:j:ii)i3 ('lathes V rinjit'rs MaT'-ufaeturera of Tin. Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. IV'Tili-MiT 'f all VM Ci done with neatness and lUtutoh. .:'puctu. alteuMou ttiveu to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. We have endeavored to merit tho ttntmnac nf the nv,i, and hall u-e evury cxenion to intice its continuani". Onr facilities tor temthiti f erylluna in nnr line, haviitji en itrcfitty Increased. In tho enrtiou ir imr N.mv lttiiiuiii-r. ar' hum HUI'KltlUU TO ANT 0'1'UKIi ESTABLISHMENT mi;Jl-om. IN THE OIL RlitilOX. JiEllCHANT Bissell's Black. Oil City, Tin. just received a large assortment of NEW SPR1XG & SlJHlll E09BS. Of t'le Latest Pari., London, and New York 1'a'a ions, cunipririiij tu jiart CLOTHS of nil colors, SCOTCH goods nf ill si-ades, DOESKINS, TRICOTS, VESTING;!, CASS1MERES. .to. end fill artle'e kept in a Flrsl-CLi-s Tailoi-iiig Fst:U l!lii:ieut. TrirtlLs. Vn!ise, Flue M'tilto SMrts, Linen l f".ixir ol lar. Hone, MitHiteiifliT'.. Kiiiiimer I Tiler lolii 1 iik, ic liiiex, aim Gents' Fiuaisliiua; Gmrte, tnce'ieral. Ml description" of CloMiln? in i.le 1111 hy experieneed worUnn.'ll, on the sMoil.-t noiici.!, In tho latest styles, an j at the lowest priees. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Arc, sunn, OH City, Pa., May 1. 'til. s,..,io isi;-tf. GS-, OGS-ZDSIST, oJJ JVO. r 1'E.VTRE.ST., Oil. CITY, VA. Till ) tli W oMh!'l,mmt ..f (.p kiH n the oil l.cgion. Flour and Feed auid at wii:ii '.. ,,...1 retail. aau-tf. CRAVE Tir.lCKKIS 131 Itlaldou I.ane, jf. Y., .ilailiiiliUi). both Crude and l!elln"d Oil. OIL VITBIOL, CUA.VK, TIIAOKR.'l A. Co., I'EritOLHI'M CKMTHE, PA , AIT Ke.n on hand OIL ITRIOL. ULUE & WHITE PAINT CAUSTIC. SODA and GLI'K. ' ' ir'wfi"''"1 1"'''ni' li"'""iit to l(eHn..rs . ""t ' uieiersoid in anv of 11., s. CI'ANK, TIIACKElt & CO. VA Mt'OHSIA, WUE VT FIELDS AND STOCIC RAN CiL is. F linre Kan.hoa or Farm? turmv, throu, out CALIKOUM-,, i tra.u of 0,1U ,Iundm U t0 r'y n.ons.nn 1. Terms to suit ,. cliaser.,. These lands will grow Thlrty.flve to Fifty BmheU of V.'hoat to tho Acre, with ordinary farm ititf, and a Volunteer Crop of Twenty-Five bushel, per Acre. 9J-Correspondence Solicited. Address I1ENHY MeKENTY, F),ler iu i'-'al KsLite, :Ofli(;eJ301 -M ntjom.ry street, -an Fr.iaeico. Cal MISCELLANEOUS OIL CITY. NEW HARDWARE STORE riEATINV, AND COOKING STOVES ! In largo variety. TADLK AND l'OCKET Cutlery! SHELF HARDWARE. E3U32 FURNISHING GCOOS. TIKfW&RB, L A MI'S, L A N T E R N S . AND FANCY ARTICLES. MMLS AMD IROEM U'oadi'ii Ware, .Vc. For sale CHEAP 1 At the store fonnerlv en-opird tv llnrchfle'd and Cis-lnLne, OIL CITY, PA. J wins II. MKnuiC. Oil City, Jan. 4, lMij if. Rota's Oil Creel Pips Works CLIAN. !t)lts) A CO., Corner of Seneca ntnl Centre St.. oast side ol' Oil L'toel;, Oil City, l'a. ILniTiL' n.tdl a rower'!!! Steam Enelne nt-.d three laitfe L I'lli'S, ti n'lr alreii'iv e!-iiive Manufae turi!i'.T f'-ta!!ish!.ii iit, ar ti-v lisep u-eil to do all die necinsary wym, in utut:' i:i, and ruainnj; ENGINES. 1I0ILERS, . IRON TANKS. 1! El'I Nl Nt; M ACII INERT, COI'I'ER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS; In fuel d.rn!l Miehiinrv .Lib Work tnl:::ted to nf with heiitiie?- and o.fj.:ktro aiiu'lninH -?w sr!i-s Tor Smi.. ! -iD.ooo mus At 1. Of! rices; STATIONERY. SCHOOL Hook's. i.L.VN iv ItOOK?, j Fine C HSO!I0S, Foreign & American, SHEET 311'SK?. TOYS, FANCY GOODS. .r.r IX C.Iil-'AT VAl'.lE'lY, As n !..-0!ial o ;,s can l;e )inr.!i:i-t,l at anv ,!ace in t'.iu Oil Region, OHSISTOX, WmW & Co.. BIpgcH's Bank Block. CIIj city, i V. Oil City, l'a , )it. r, 18'in tf A. (;: .1 (il l. e tn ::( !", ninth of vour moiir-i- is at th. MA.TST ',"!'?. !?, "'ir '-nstoni...-. tli..;,- I,-..,, ,rk . V' "" oftEKU, aed th pl.iwauj -, here uny lie FOUND it tli ei- lowe,t as., prices. 'J'nojo ivao ar Uot BEAD " , ' , , "'""'lil'ire, will lin.l !l i ,1., : -""hat we can'oi Z itt IN ixcTo'i iniE1 rlilt UWhli; WA8U- Petrolaum Centre, Pa. F.. M. STKHVTtrrta, II 11. WAKNElt. Fel.l3tf QO TO IS1IAM & CO'S tor your Cartridge.. f CEAELES & COEIjWELL, Dealer, in O A Xli .3 RAILROADS. CltKEK It AI LKOA 1)8 CON.' ii?,!? AVr, vptu kvr n,im 'X' fti"' .HUM1 WI iTPT ,.,. THE OMi RKGIon. JLT 1803. IS -oi,ii;. ON AND AFTKIt JIONIMV 1SI-.I1 Irall,. ,vlll.,,,. . . "."-ll 11 a.mf nr riut MONDlv . lSCII. train, wlll.m. r ,. 1 i APm, UOINU NOKTII To on"r Tn . ' V 4 Put r liv hk ' rri-i.i .. - r fi.5:A.j.;K',,n;;;;uy'Er: m., Ohnpoli, at 'V"!.! ,, therewith tri. r.' . , taw. ' i is. i nr. mi, n there with tniit.-r,.- c..7 forlholeci,,:,:. tro emu I' ,'. ... 1 " 4 r,n f.p,in,ji,ii,r'i-;ni; ; Idai .r!..l:'..Jl::!,;vdi"7ql OOIN'O SOI I'll KHO.M ' oi(,v a"' H I'KTIidl.Kl M 'KNTl,E4 ,',iT,.TI-i,TtlJ t'.tK A. SI., arrives , To ( ! ''"Tf. U!l oute )l..7.ia i. ? . Til ffer year pjl 12:45 in. J"ive oi,s,,,4i""'-'t; UtiA nuu ii-niu ior l it 10I..1 .i' iiml .I'.'.lil ' 5,.l.'''oinmodHti,m I h'wo day ' rives T.lu-vllle ?.uo Centre T.il ,, , . ' , p m' JWi (.Mum. - '""""""i!UliCil, CONNKCTKivu vinelon with Phil. .V KHe I, .? vV'. "J I Mamlnrcl lime nnir inln.uu r...T': .7 lin llranch a.,.. A. .t 1) W. I! . imHuwl ... . . ..,.-,., uiki iroiu 1 no on Knm All trams f,-m rvuciou lua ' ,f. J of trains on I'. A E. Ii. I. " ""M ;o""d.!'r:!:h" ticket. ,-ioii(J iliiwav. 1 K,llr,isi t.- 1.. . to the Oil l(i".on. """ v j'liKi.mMrf'1 ITT t'itlMciifrli, I'ort Wuyitu tti I hienn-A I...:. ?1 Tl.i. a: 'ii f . .; v...'-1 Oil Cilv, Franklin, Ja ueatown, Miwlviiie, Clarksvillo, Ni-iv Cnstl, Honicwiiod, New llrlvhtot Kocheuter, AlUvhenv, l iltsliuveh ar 8,10 p m. 8,55 p. 111. 2.45 a.m. 'v)5 a. iu. a. m. 8. 1 II a in. 8.2.S a ra. 8,4 S a. m. 10,00 am. ., '1,4 1,4 8,0 I 0 IMimmiij-leaTca Pltiahutgh at 0,00 M'l 1 i vi' t. w . .. .1 . ' . ..... k'mh-j ,T,i on nit.unr' ! !. Itailway psy. W' nm Mold at U,40 a. in. f .id 10,11 a,00 a ni.: I'ass CrciMue at 10,10 a m., an r,..IO ai i.si jp. m and .rrl,. at t. 7,00 and D,il p. m.. nd O.Srt and t.i, v,r,i, ,Jj ?r MV;ll8,Ocn'lTlckotAgv JIah.1-tr Plttihnr? 0 A AIIO TO TIIK IOIKS. I'll l.f for Females. Infiliblo Id corr irrc-uhnties, removlnit oh.trnion. orthe moil' tu' iis. from whatever cmo and alwnya Biirt as a piwentiie. One pill is dono. 'FcinalE , enliarly sinin cd, or titose .upposiai'theinselftia are c- inti. ma a rainst unlne lh.se Pills. wliik k tliat condition lit they invite ml.carrwfift tti wh ch nilinonlllon th pro rietor nmiima ne IN spoiimhility. aithouan their mildnes. won'd p'enB any mi -cider in health; ntlmruiae the I'll., art I c muni uded as a most invnln ilile rc-m-dy fur Hai li viatinn ol ihom niuerinK from anv liTeipiliirliJ wliaii-ver. a. well ns i,, pmvent an liicreas nftaS ! iii.o iieanii win pot permit Ir; qnirting M nervi s and hrin jius; l)ack Hie -rmy color of hcuith'V to the. clieel! nf the nio.t lieliram. 1 , Full and explicit air, elionn accouinany each bat 1 I'l-lf-e 1 n.-rl...... A 1...... s 1 ' f ...Sold in -i iroh iiii, fvntie, l.ir A P. J1II.I.EI1 ls to,' So'o At'ent'' lor Petroleum Centre, l'a. Ladle. I lly m.iidln .'thein 1 lotlie l'.-lrolsnniCni. Ire I' (1 r. , h,,. Kiti- r k. 11 ..-"I (.IIIIII'll 11111111) .J null I to anv nart ..flee count rv .t',-hird Sold also bv It O ,fe ( H Cark. Titm Pa.; A. It. (irllllth. Oil Cliv; Fleinini; Nt 1 mi.., Frank In; Dr. .1 I.. Aco'iah. Tidionn; R T. Ili... lton. Warren: and hy "one Drihigl-t" innerj town In the U. iite.1 M,.,, nil hy J'll S. II. Ilown, Prop'r. New Ynrk. A PERFECT CURE Fot Dyspcpsiu, Fever and Ague, Aci dity of the Stomach, Loss of Appetite. Nausea, Heart-burn, Jaundice, and o diseases arising from u disordered state of the Stomach, Liver or Intestines. Prepared by Seward Sc Bentiet, Druggists, Buffalo, N. Y. Sold by w druggists. A. 1). .MILLER A- CO . Whole.'iilfl and Kelnil Drugj;iu, Agouts f .r I'elrnlau.n l'e." "i vicinity. - Jail !' WiTcimAKcas & .Ieweless IN OPERA HOUSE BUILIUNG, WASH INGTON STREET, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA.. Kerp constantly on hand a largo assortment 01 WATCHES. JEWELRY, 1'ISTOI.S, HKoi.vri:. ,,. l-'ISJIING TAChl.' 1 ailndzr". Ac., anl uill sell nl einlern pri'.'iM wnlch work vraraotttl t-.-jiivc satUfitti'm. the rUBLl 1'ef mourn. PRICE (fim 11 No. Inner ThnW day il'mr ilAVS. yireday.. two weKs 'Ihreoweri 0n month h'wo moot 1 three inui: lUs month Vo inont ?". 7si)eUl 1 r Advert!' Sntilne idedte 4 i Col OIL GA 3s