SOME PRINT RATHE Petroleum Centre Daily Record. Pet. Centre, Thnrilj, JVIarcIa 9.5. Time of Clnelng it,'nlla. P- O., Petkilttm Crvrr.: , I Jui.i -jfT. ises. j rL";i rentier notice the mailt will arrive at and r. fnrni thl office m follows : anarvs. ., i Bostti mat Emit, via. Irvlneton. 10. ' A. M. fwi'J and Wert, " Meirtvlllc, 5.18 P. M. Knrtf and KnJ, Cor r, 13 f oath end West tUS A. M. KV'il Ea add ff'al, 9 30 P. M. jsS,i"' n1 wen, ,0(W A- H. . BLAdrMOK, P. M. "O'v'" Hervlcee. PKESBl""ERIAN CHURCH. PreacMn? at M 'e'k A. II., aod 7tf . 'otookP. II. Rht. J. l! Ostobt, PMtor- M. K. CHUR "X Service ever Sabbatb at l.l A. M- and P. M. Sabbath School atK'el" .o'clock "If. Scat Free. A oordlal .Invitatfo"" .extended te all. Rkt. C. M. Hbahd. Pastor. 6TS. PETER AND VA ITL'S (CATHOLIC) r VUUlll. Magi at lO'-T a. m. Vespers and Benediction of the Bleued sacrament at 4 p. m. Cateshism at 2 p. m. JAMES DUNN. Paotor , Of all the silly performances adult evT engaged in, marrying "in fun" seems fn in least excusable, not beeauso wo mm. e.y. . oludo fun from matrimony,, but I.e. mi?.. . something less sacred than dm nUW-- ilim, imposed upon man ami wife should lx- ee lected for "pure aport." We nro ilior-r .r , rather inclined to enjoy the predicament ol parly of eight, nil highly f,s!iion.-ili!ii p o pic, woo, for luck of something to pass the vtiroe, Were "married in fun," at Whito KLv er Junction, Vermont, recently. Alter Ibo . four couples were duly pronounced man and wile, -"by the lawn or the State, and before "ttcse witnesses," it was discovered that the man who officiated was really a Justice of due Feaee. One of the principle fools In the "play, a learned professor, was to have been married in two weeks, Seven ot tbe party Involved were engaged to be 'married, but not to the persons they married "in fun." The Jiistlee who married them haa hoen fin. ed fifty dollars a couple for bis prank he belong to another county, and is supposed to have been animated by potty malice and it is gtavely anuuunced that the Legislature 1 aas been applied to to untie the terrilhd couples. These things do very well In a theatrical way, In real life they are opt to mnae people looit very ridiculous. The Cleveland Herald says the freight business oi the Lake Shore Railroad is verv heavy, ami it Is almost impossible to pro cure cars una power enough to transport the vast amount of merchandize that is f , fered. We understand that there were near ly three hundred car loads or freight and stores brought over the Toledo division of the road on Saturday last from Tcned" to this city, a large portion of which went east. Two engines of the Erie dlvtsioa have been temporarily transferred to the Toledo brunch in older that the business may be done with more promptness and fa culty. Carrie Moore rides the velocipede In Bos . . ton at Horticultural Hall, dressed thiiB: In a very pretty blue tunic, titling the body lose'.y, with a short skirt, trimmed with red cloth and gold lace, flush-colored tigbts cov ' ered to the knee with loose red trunk", with broad blue stripes on the sides. On her head a jaunty littlo hat, matebiog welt with the ret or her enstnme, with a long, waving oalrloh plume. And, of course, the duligbts with grace and agility. Tuatts is considerable of an excitement lo the oil market at present. The price bas "gone up" rapidly within a day or two past in New York, Philadelphia, Pitts , burgh and the foreign markets. This is good news for the prodnoer. We. are In receipt of a communication assailing the character of one of our most ' prominent and respected citizens, We are not lo the habit of publishing commnnica ' tlons of a personal character, consequently it It meat respectfully declined. Ore citizens have been favored for a night or tivo p.iat with some aunt no llent - 1'iiisie by the Siory Facta Cornet Band! Tlmy . are improving wonderfully far the rs!ioit liii.ri ilu'v havu been ui;unized. Qlttk a larje atidienuv witeexM th per- formance of Hamlet, at tba Ojj. r Ho.e latvulag. The bill for to-n;gbt is the 'Kag Picker of Pads" and the "Irish ' Lion.'" Tan weather te-day is warm and picas ..t, reminding one that the "summer days are cuuing," io. Coukt rBocKV.niNOS. A special terra of the severul courts of this County oonveneji at Franklin on the 22d Inst. Present. John Triinkey, P. J., R. S. McCormlck and James L. Connelly, associates. Georae Ri-isingrr vs. John Eckert, et a I. Continued by consent. J. H. Bartlelt, Jr., . .1 .-. l' Thuplcpr .( (In. Pluinlim p, ' ' . -v takes non-suit. T-,.- , ion. etal vs. Perry Osborn Elijah Mon. ' . ' . . i, , .. ' ."'irprise by reason of etc. Plaintiffs allea.-J ' ' ... the additional plea. Can. . VJ James Montgomery vs. Marti ' al. ContiniH'Sl an aniillnntlon nf doiea.. "'' and rule on defendants to pay cests of this term. John P. Vincent, et al vs. Marine Oil Co, Continued by consent. Geo. D. Davis, Jr., vs. Charles H. John son. Settled. O. W. Loo mis vs. nark rionrno. Sum. mons ejectment. Tried; verdict for the plain tiff for the land described in writ, to te re leased on payment of $5,000 by defradant to plaintiff witbin ten days, wilh interest. Second National Bank ol JPlttsburu'h vs. Stowell A Co. Setiied. I JIanna, Dougherty & Co. vs. Wm. Hald inan. .Ooatinued by consent. John yeyJ"1"" T- J. M. Barrows, et al. .Appeal from juuinut of Justice ef the Peace. Tried; verdict for the plaintiff in the sum or $G4, 76. P. II. Coibln vs. Watklns. Continued by consent. D. Sterrett, OMignea, vs. Ciilluni & JIo Farlnnd. Continued on Rpplic.ttinn of ile- fiMKlauiK, and rule on il.-l.'iict.iti ta to pay cos:s of I Ma tm in. Ji!in D. Gatio vs. Tliomns Ladiev. t'ou- liiuud by coiisi'iit. The Xew Y'oik Kxjire.-Mlel.uisliiat nltie- li'iiths of unr people cat luu niik'h - W.-ll, we have heard Hint meat iw ic u C-.-.y is injurious so often tl.nt we !uv: heroine j ucciifclouied to the crunkin'i ot s-i.i-V"yela- I niirinns. Now. all w want i.i a 1 ; 1 1 1 more 1 proof ami U n ud-eriion. W c;.'. 1 1 I live on cuiiiiagp, turnips and potatoes. V, i mi-jh' i make out to exist on r:,.-- uiui ini:l:. I!m ! whero would be the p-i-sit oai::? I.' t n have aomo actntl piuof that tin- niu'Vi.lar tissuea will act better on bran bread mid cw-feed than on savi ry steak, euilets mid good ham, and by that time wo will be pre- f areii lo retiect upon tlm irnr1eiv of Inni ng ourselves Into turnip 3111 pma'ui l.ln.i. Cannot some of out earotui ailvocites ol "Woman's Ei-hla" be induced to iMiiiraio to Peru? It seems that the K-!g;..eve.: damsels or that country am ilfplnru'.ly d- flcient iu their attainments. i,r li e very wealthiest ctnnot write or rad. Kv- j en the most intelligent are only able to un:!. ter a limited amount of arithmetic, wlii;.. their geographical knowledge never extends beyond Peru. Beautiful, ehowv. and oft. (ine musicians, they are the most wretched nousekeepera In the world, can neither knit, IHW. illdllifTA fn iliA inlrl-.Alaa A. ' .- uuorueii oy croiuueung, or in taci ao anything so usu tin as working red eyes in ; ... .1 sky-blue dec . , v, is a wide maao or wovsted. Here, now, is a wide Held lor the sticklers far "woman's rignta." Two Germans had a very peculiar case in oourt, at New York, last week, between them tbey bad invented a wbale as large as lite, which thoy had exhibited as a whale, at so much a head, four assistants being piaoed inside to work the monster. The deception was complete; but, at the conclusion of the perlormance, some spies in the audience waited behind, and obwrved the four Jonas emerge from the whale's belly, whoreupon they attacked tbem, and cut the wbale to pieces. Tbo suit was brought by the man nlac'.urers ol the whale to compel the owner to pay for him, which the court decldod be must do. Tm Erie Dispatch saJS that J. W. Dong las, Esq , the present Collector cf Internal Revenue there, bas received tbo appoint ment of Deputy Commissioner or Internal Revenue, with a comfortable salary of $S -000 4 year. ' Geo. 0. MoCarter bas been appointed by the Secretary of the Treasurv Thief r , Bureau of Engraving and Priulimr, and neo. kico, a cierk In tba First Auditor's of. flee, Btiperiuteuder.l of the Treasury Build ing. Ws learn that a number of new wells nave recently been struck at Pithole.- The 1'ithole territory promises well for the com ing eeaKoa. Mr. A. L. Duubar bas been appointed Sn periu tendon t of the Second Division of the A. AG. W., in place of Mr. Bradley, re signed. I'uyn, of Buffalo, has fl.ied upon Tuesday and VYodi,es'lay, 3iMh and 31st Inst., as the dajs for wallting the match with Weston. The match is lo be lor $300. The Velooipedo Scueol, uuder the direc tioa of Mr. li. J. Darrow, re-opens this eve uinj in Aliio's Billiard Hall. A nbw fifty barrel well was atraeir i.. week on tbs McMillan Farm at Scrukgrass. Tlir! NEW. LeonardChoate, the "Bre-bup," has been oomroltled to jill at. Newburyport Mas sachuseim, for trial. It ia generally Re lieved he la guilty. Michael MoDonald, alias Stanley, of Mon treal, who swindled the Hartford Trust Company out of f 2,fi00, has been sentenced to the State Prison for five years. Tbenewabpji of the Brooklyn Lodging House on Monday raided a rebellion because a negro boy was allowed to lodge there. ine ponce quelled It. Sererai assetrgsn on board of the ship j, ler, Jr., h.v. ma''8 Tidawit. ba re Commissioner Jones, of Bro'jfy Jot fore which they charged the carpenter with the murder of two passengers, aod the boat swain with the murder of a seaman. They alje aliece that the ether officers of the ahln - i were implicated in these minders. The first mate of the ship died at his residence in urooniyo on Sunday evening. Haytien news of the 8th states that Sal nave was defeated by the revolutionists h'Uh a lost of one hundred men aud eight cannon, St. Dominco dates of the lDth att ih t General Luperon and olbers li off Torto Plata. The authorities threatened to theot them if they landed. They pro ceeded to St. Mar!, where they remained l last accounts. 0'X"ills photograph cnllory, Harris Broc. kid glove ware rooms, Bradley's florist d e- pot, Mnrriil's ilenliHIiy and Duiikid'a archf-t-et ronnie. N'. Broad w iy, N'-w Y.irk-1 w.-iv Imrti-d Mosi.:;!? ni-ii. Total loss ilfli: th.ins .I'.-.l d illais; it a uv!. "' .i,!,tp.i:s .ipp' i Lit IV V( ci; joctui ': Hie J.-OVI ivehi ,et :i in L";:is!.i!:i,' m sioni.iv. noillViu ih.-ni m I! ""'"k" ii'ariiul l.;w in ('.itti-i.d.ui ei.ur.iv. li last i.iip in !. ,!-,;. .!;. i,c .nil,-;, i. tiio ri' 'm -nt ol' ih., C n r: i:fl 0!:in. iJ-it'i jiiv-el i r".:;ii,ip;i i.i I '". f ' o-i Apr: I III at.' .A . r. !.! lliiiUin : !..!!; i(.?.;v-.t.l. !.- tl' I s . Tlie b.'ii'hi rose f, i:ilv-l.v to ! litii ty c uis w. a i.'oll ii-. : Tl.o iv;i..M-f. ih a Win. Two !. Jr. teen nppjiiiln! receiver of I ho V amw had r. tel le Iiiilruuil Company ia .m aril pin Vrlilyapriiiii; IVkiI Id I-lDptniny a-pjiuf Sent ai r.'H. iver oT Hi,, Cr nit .'.!.,:, :li, r. Ti e r;er U 'i"n t 1 n A sl'jthl t:.e in tiv.r w.i..M ;,fii imvI p,i in:i A c. e ill di'r.a'cii fni.-u ih-i Moln-s T -am five niiliiuii ilni'n j:.' bi.tris of ti n i !:-." 'inml Ctn;:a iy w rst i :ulo bs'l.'. 1!'3" iV.l a:i 1 K i Po;i le 1 f Tl tl. .t i:.,aii:i.i:v, v.-n'i J I-! IVum :!'.ui:a C.'UliMl Kaili-oini, iu l. e tnisiee. The Wall in Mi::?, fny il;o mnniif.'clurn ol lieathinjr paper, in XeeJiinm, .Man.. destiojed by flreeu Monday. . .... iirmiii olir. iii .'.ee inai Luis? 2j.Ci)'J, insured for $20 00. iicmruwiii ui x uiiu'reipnia .'.ion- . , . ..... "J refused an app.icaiion lor a writ of error ... . . m Thm C. ........... ... Tl.!1.. . - . in the case of Twilchell, thus finally dis. posiog of the case. A Richmond, Va., telegram savs: Tnea. day nigtit ahout 10 o cluck the nolice arrest ed Gov. Wells. II. C. Bond, neointor cf Bankruptcy, and L. K. Dudlae. r,n.i. ... Jf of the Republican State Central nommilmp. on a cbarg.t of puili!uing-from the postoffice. a letter written by WV A.Samuel, ex-Secre tary of the Kepnbiicnn State Committee, to Kdgor Allen.ex-tnember of the Stats Con stitutional Convention. The parties were before United States Commissioner Cahoon yesterday, and were bailed until to-day, to wuicu lime tae case was continued. This is the same charge that was published at the Petersburg Convention. The New York Supreme Court rendered a decision in ftvor of tbo defendants In the case of Verhuven and olncrs, who sued the Manufacturers' National Bank to recover the the value of the stolen $50,000 in gold cer tificatep, the property of the plaintiffs, which had been received and ca-hed by the bank. Clua. Pest, postoflke clerk at Iliidson. V. J., bss been committed for trial oa a charge oi emuizx ing loiters. The Mississippi river is open to Dubuque. A slight riaa iu the river would opea navi gation. A grand clearing out sale of ordnanee n.i ordnance stores will take place at the also- nal at St. Louis on the I2th of April. Gen. Schofield aid staff will .llall ,rlu. porary beadrpiarters at Leavenworth Kan. sas, to-day. Three French women of Maraei!loron.n .ly eotifeiised to having poiBoned their bus- uanus, ana the revelations made an tlm ir-i al showed that it was a very common thing fur the wives of that place to got rid of their nusnanns lit tuls way as the eaaleat of accommodating their lovers. Wo have now in the trench papers the report or a trial at Montauban. in i,th - - c-iuti women wero convicted ef prenatal assassinatieu of .. unVv., uui woman was tried for killing nine infants given her to nutse. liocul IVtlce. Vctocipelo School. Mr. H. J DAKHUW, has removed hie school msirncuoiH in inriiln to ride on llie vclorlpcdo, to Aklti'a Billiard nail. Ho will be amMul by Prortuwr Porter, a celebrated toactier of the art, who will give lei.on. AdinU.'ion. SO ctj. r or velocipede per lionr, 0 cts. Hall open from a. m to 10 p m. The public are Invited. March )-lf. FOUR FOLD LINIMENT, Genuine, for sale wholesale and retail, at ; A. D. MILLEIt A CO. '8. To all Whom It Mat Concern i Tflke nntlfn. tUt wa hvn (Iia uiIa nnHdv right for Ave veare from November. lst8. to make. Put up, and sell, 111 the United Mates WALI.IS' IXII'UOVKD MAOIC BALM, under an assignment and pnrchase from S. O Wallls, pa'entee, and that we will enforce t!io law rigidly against all persona who shall make, put up, aud sell said UuV.n wiUiout pur consent. W. W. PEKKIN3 A CO., Franklin, Ta S-A. V. MI1.LUR CO., Wholesale and Re tail Agents for Petroleum Centre and vicinity. mclii.1 1m. HTF"A1I persona wMhlng to be VACCINATED cm call at A. D. Miller Jt Co. 'a Drug Store and have the pure fresh article inserted. No choree. Sew Flour, Feed nul Grocery SI ore ! J. S. PICATIIKIs, AttlioOLD BANK BUIUUNU, OX I.ttT-KT, opposite the McCliutoclc lloue, bus oa liaud a t.iri;can4 nt cIsfs slock of Flour, Feed and Urorcrics, wlvcli ho is selllnj at a lo v fl rnro. t'?. Pon't forget the place where A, 1). imiai & ro:np;my lwk li;i. Inn.'-tf. rOMK' OYV! PKMO ;i; AT. M M. "fi lt' IVyr.irn's n"p.paipr 1 'f l l v t X e(!e Ir t'i '::l:ui.,:i f i -rv uih.'r v.. Ill c:l! it i . red hitl," aivi of Ttr.U l:'l il! i.e w cM S nd It". SiUI; y c 'l I".. rriu'Lin l'; . ! I'O-:::;; L :i- ( r hi- a iv.i i: l . .-.! 1. -'!:! v: n. T i :: : ' f ::i: y 111'! i.:':::-. u t ' I'.ii,- i! i i! r.,r i;. Ii is t ,., I . !"-:,', ,1. ;,:vl ,., k- ;Vi, , : t: ": il -rs i . .. , f f...; l'l'-r (1 !- l,M!rH!l(i ;:'i;Ul ".v Y,:r : n!j;tc. .ei i f. r :- u:l 5 "' ir.1 . it r.i - v in -V. r,..!rr.v. 2'r:..!i.ij l::i:r :r--,t r ..! ' I ' i'iT lr's t He i.f : Atlo on M r..r!- V,'i.V:V ;.Ar! A l-ivjo noi'iiiK'iit, nil r:i.;i. i Miller A f.'.i.X Knq'iiie in t):o .Taiiv.:r a Clliiiv;Sto-o A. I) '. hi, T'l t -i 'I ,1 a H. f. J ! .iVI 1' C- IV.IT.". '", nrifsii ;. ir. .v.t'.!-:.t .-i to.' rs:,.i ... 1 NT ii r t-L .iii-i iv,l C AVAKY I!l !.!). :i: u'l'-il. ::( A. I). .! '.I r. : ::i ioIIi S.:il a-ld tMI :tli, : .till-, 1 I i thosaiii-i luiiio suin'ji,:,. warded. I.'; iii r. fir.! will i,o i:wri:i:y i II.'l'.W.'..! t'orpele, of i.Tiry qua lty nn-1 rl'-aeriptinn -RBVNUI.Di, B:ii)l)lli;.i A CO'S, s ,. u l i 'iir Street, opposite tlia 1' . ()., Oil city, I' i. . SWEDISH LUGCill-S, wholesale mil ro ail, r.t a, u. rau.uisit I'O'S DltCO STOIIE. OIIOIITO.N'S TJBACOO ANTIDOTp. no vnn ... r.... - ... 1 an emmnte for Tobacco, and mi JOHNSON'S AHOM ATIC ANTf -TOBACCO CO.M I'( itT ' 1 1 fn. G.I. .1 A v . . r . . , . aiu.ftii j CWS. lie tbo Post Olrke, Oil City, p. " i iir A n UTltrn nn . . - 1 DniKK!t, aie vkuuib "ir inn im t.zj r faetured by the American Whip Co. Try them. TnKbOStnloCfl t!t tnn . - made of the beat Stock, that in . .. . warranted , 6t, ,, ,t , . ', ' imnhU n . ti.. - wio uwt,.. flit 1 imtAn Rt n.-...-.. - i,t:n a iriai. .....m "AUHMA." -It il not rflfln thmt I i Uiotiand anJ ono Ions sold,, h rollout the v.u (ui udh or n nra it i im na .1.. . . 'no nim iiesu is omr to . "J -('-" ia even, when, by aamall out ay they cnuld rnr,.i .h ..,.... ' tlilng wliich would tcp bay.and defy the ault. of time I Concerning the efficacy of on. of ttieiM! rmn,lil - . , i uii-ai:u ono which has be come ce e imtiH r.r l,.i.. ... ZLZl ,' . uA1':'"' " rtl, I. ur reaturini and .. 1 i 1 B. u".,r' manuraciiiiMf l,y Meaara s a d Bentiey. Chnmlai. a,J lira,,.. , " ,lo Hard wnro-A largo a.rt,ncnt of which is t.elngcln.dontat rcdaced rat at HBYNOLoi BltOOIIEAD Qynt No. n Centre fcS the PoO.Hce. Oil City, Pa. " 'PPoelie awirtnient at BEYNOLOfl, BKODUIJAD 4 , oT ' UtyJ'-I;""" air,,t' WojU' "ast. Oftleo, Ol! mm!'L?Ad!!,"' 1"rs" stoclt KmrSOtDSi J PAPER AND EimUJPESatTTlli I CO '8. mi! for Ailv Pavnrltes. mnnnfnfn1 h. r,i. . Sold at the Diug Store or "",, A. P. 1MILLBR ta A G REAT SUCCESS. Urick" pj nova new Daily In Xow York City l onc j i..ant.i .n ri tnruit Mnn.ur..i V I ef th'. couiu ry, II is new weeklv "Immf', VJ aw,' ! ItierrailniT iii rlrulminn . i Inn ner ilay. fend lor f ample conic t j 1 - n Miincf,! NEW ADVi'CRTlSEMEXTS. Pianos! Pianos! Organs! Organs! 4' -XT-XT'- v,a --' ar t .lunvvTviGoKsBFt,, X EMERSOX'S rXRIVAI.T.l-rt Pl.lXi., iiJlllUS JK.l.KIIKATKI) AMER ICAN OIKJANS I .NOTIC E . The un'in'r'lifiiwl bavins bv re' h'pnn'nit' W. P. KM KhMt y, K-r, ami S. n.anlH Siniili, bet flulv miito'i ifd hv thtmi .i. 1. f r the Ml cf tlu'i I'Kl.KMllATiil) MKM'Siii U'nnrn, !-Vref, Vt naiuo. (lirwi .l-'flVrrtw coimtli r. herein i finttH the riu ( oiititlt'4 Uvitit pjt i:;ntt;itiiiK wit!) but n tMnt di.!mi'iK lt hit ihi- A','i'hin m Wi Mb.jvu niuu(l linn.-, u.- it i -u.-h nn I.iilU i'-i;. er Ii iil. r ill and mc..c.l i::::Tn:'?;i: fi n- d-.--r'ii:io:t. i'l.W' s;'0;)i. ti'c ij'ie-r;:., c;tv, sm. .11 ( i:y, 1 1. Iv.S.-;i. !: A'Mi.-'if.i r.sotr;:. x. IT ' 11 .11 I .-oil,.. I '" ' ' ;'" ' '' - t Hi.' wi-th ..f N ll1 I-! .' :ll ,f Ml i. i. ..-M . I' !li' "Lit Y.-ilii of J ;:(," hi';.i; il.i., lliul-:! h al-.i-y.M a r'idv lo iho-.v tlinlr r:ie,i n, r. -KlJii'lt, I..Y. uui all li.uJi i,; a place also wl.cru may lie A Inrt'n nM.rtmrnt or tlr.'-eln.i luT'lill DltlCSsICU I.IIMHIllt. LATH. Mils' ll.t- ai iua vcr- luwo.-t urlcoa. Tihik To their o in lnieret, and wl-h tn iHI el' who d.i l.u-iiH... on Hie eiiiinre. will rlti'J It " invict to (jive ua eall heinra jiniclmiliiii w.iere, and ice what we can lo fur yuu IIST our line of bnsinen. (T All OrdiT' aril l,r pronipily arimlcd to. Do not fuivel Hit-rH I'liSl l'K THE HOCUESTKK tiOL'Sl', lflT(iV kJ'H I. m S.n """"" 1UIV1, Petroleum Centre, Pj I,. M. STERNnP' rtbts-tf. ii. a. vah.i" iianl.itiii. 'JiIIE co narlneiihip hcrtonr exbllns I W. If. Unewell mid H arwn C 1 11"'"'' .I.- u-. j uinaoirca i,y mninai coiwih. r -riiiiriiiu. 'j ,e biHnwa will lie carried on T " 1-llimU.l.ll I ...II .... ..II t ill a lilt, III' ....ull, nint w CDIICCl H'l HIIIP Ul' and pay all the debts or said Ann. .L. W. II. LON'fiW';' Tated Prh. fith, lsnn 3w S. S. G-risvvoldJ ! . Doalor In Orders by the Car or Tod prWI k'illal Alee, Agent for the celebrated ... uear B. K. W 9 I 1 ' I ' 1 :t ill " I - : I 1 v i ; . i ! .,. n i I !i 1 . -. n r - iM t. 1 . I-' ot Ami ;; k; i li 1..: : I,. ; .1 ' on ,:i,- :..;. .1 i l' ,;. li lllll (V , I :ti C ?I:r!i H-. Fotrolsiiai Eicki ox Ti.:: :.i i:n!'i;A:; it..',:;. i,.:i J? am.' i.r:;v; li-.-iv,.! Iv'ti " ' a 1 1. v : ' !;;: ' '"-'i :: a.- -;.:::::Ci::;i -i'.vi-fi. .1 i'r.. T. vv. t.xz:, y.-ly li. i. ...... ,., . j . ; . . 1 ii-s. 1 1; v..ti, ,ii.-i . I,: i ::,-!,. !!! win ho i.-.r.-l ! B.l rt.l'i i.iv ir il.. Willi l!-:r i -v.: r V," ! P. ,r,(',.M.n (V.,.,. .t y .fc-.-l .. m nUll-i'.rx f. .. .A. ri'ivn, oa second ttre , TETRai erf SFiN"KC, I i JanSS ", f f) ! W. 1 ""rs-rrrrKm 3Jfraa