DRUGS AND S. 1J J. H. 0 HEIST IE, DEALER IN BRUGS, MEDICINES ELS, FaintsVarnishes, Glass, Putty. Soaps, Dye Stuffs, Fancy and Toilet Articles. gg PURE WINES LIQUORS ! VM- t SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSE?. N. B. Prescriptions carefully compounded at till hours, Xo. l!l Wasliington-st., Petroleum Centre, Pa. Olve me ft ci)ll before purchasing elsewhere. United States LIFE Insurance COMPANY, OP NEW TORK, Rtalilblml March 5,' 130. Capital &. Aeti, 000,000 E. J. ROSS, Agent, Petroleum Centre, Pa. This Ooinpanv, Heine one of the oldest' and mint rellahlo in tbi I'nln d Statea,"anirds ample lecnr ty, nut only b Iik iarue a-nets, which nn Jim nrr 1st. 1W, were al ready S2i per cunt over III liabilities., but also by Ilia PERSONAL LIABILITY OK THE STOCKHOLDERS TO MAKE GOOD ANY DEFICIENCY, A lecnrlty not afford i by itiiy other Cash Company. Dividends are Declared A linn dhj . And mnjr Iip usoil to aiUt lu pa. Inj Prrmlcmai. to afford IdJIilonal lowine. or to secure paid, np I'nlic en after they Lave teen lu fnveft Tot a number of years, a explained lu our pnmphlct, or they may tHvamutfUe t compound Interest to luvren?u thw um lnuruu, IVSRY FATHE3 rthon'd seenre a Policy as early as pouihle ns none but healthy pnsom cm be Insured, and it is his moral duty, to provide in the safest way for liN fam l y, which lit' cannot do butter, thou by a Lifj In urar.ee. Money Invested in business may bring more Interest for a while, but It may all b lost, and the family Is thin led destitute. Jan7-tf. NEW HARDWARE STORE flKATINU AND COOK1NU STOVES! In largo variety. TABLE AND POCKET C ut le r y ! . SHELF HARDWARE. H3USE FURNI3HIW3 G ODS. LAMPS, LANTERNS, AND FANCY ARTICLES. Wooden Ware, &c. Vot sale At thoitoro formerly occupied by Iliirchfle'tl and Caslerlme, OIL CITY, 1JA. ' . JAMES II. UEttCIi:, Oil City, ,'m. 1, lMW-lf. MEDICINES. MyWtt jr. it. niicisi ik. NEW CLOTHING Acw Clothing; ! W hac jut rfelri anJ (ire nnw nppi.Jn to the ndiuirli g giizo of the citUcna uf PETKOriEIT.rl CII.VriSE and vicinity, the mnt foninleto vtoct, ai1() dlc Tery latest h jlca of Winter cccccccc L L L I, L I. L L ( () O () () ( () T T T T T T T T II II H II H 11 H 11 I I I I I I II N N N N N N N N G G G G G G G G Thnt w eror befo'-e hrnudt to this rlr.'-n or on Oil Creek, which woarcrell'.Kj at tlu lowest pos. Ible ratce. (.'lothlng mailt ti Order! a! the shortest notice. EEats and Caps OF EVEKY STYLE. IN GENTS' FURN'SHING GOODS ! our stock is cnmpVtiv One price, and all snodi warruuii-d represented Thaukiii;; our friends for ihelr litierul pilnnlae lieretofoie. we hope for n i-oininieinfi. o'' t'le si.nie. I.AiW !liIiS Ac A5II... iMrplsnm Centre I'ee M, iM'-K rf SHAM & CO., iTCHM .kc::s & .Jf.wELr.as, IN OI'F.R.V HOUSE Dl'lLDING, WASH INGTON STREET, FETKOLKI U CC!IT1IF, PA., Keep eontant!y on haad a la:-K nnoit.a( a: of WATCHES, JKtVKLHY, j'lsrors. HEVOLVEHM. FISMINO TACK LP., wartr'du'os. Jic . and will si-ll ut e-weni prices. All Catch work w ruined to giva stttifu;iion. LIVERY a- PEED STABLES, WacIiiiiRlon 81 fee t, o;ipn,;t lliu 0ci';. Iioi3s(7 PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN'A. 1 Imvt' put In it cnml b'iic! of RMIna onO Diivinj; Hdih'k. which 1 will let on ri'asotiulilw Ifriiis, Also, Cm ('!. W;tK(n, Sifl!jf Viii;MiN, tt:. Il'ilisus boarded and f, J and best of cam cimr autee.1. janlf '. S.MAWLKY. NEW STORE ' Flmir, I'ed anil eni'iai (irocerk's ! Having localcil in retroteura Centre, wit'i la-c Ktojk of " GE.XAIi OIEOCEIJIES! TOOCTIISU WITH of vnrintifl hrjmK inTto the n-trntlon vf t!m cUt-zt-ii- in m.fl aHtjiit rcrrolcnm t t iiirii to rail tint tx amii.e their huh-Ic. Tm y Imvu on ImikI and will cuuiiuu? 1j kujj) u 1ai-;;o mvi choice lut uf APPLES I and wir mnko speciality of rl.Ot'It and FHKI), ti.e'r l:lciillies be-lic Siiel'i that th. v cuu comn.-.to sucjos.'fully with uny hollreon the Creek. UCMK.MDGH Til Kill STAM). OPPOSITE THE MuCLlNTOCK lllH SK. v. ii. in.iNiJiNsiirni, II. KMNlllNS.VilTll, novSS tf T. T. BIAVES, Dealers in ETC O A. I'f.-Jlvtirpil or at t!ie Yard bv tin' car or tot). jnulS II TELEGRAPH I.BPOHTED FOU THE DAILY RECORD, t-lLi.il.".1.' ?'. L-J1J!L""1 '.". - I nil Afternoon IMstatehi;s Ilnl.'iuli. N. C, Fph. 1. No decision bus yet been inailj in the in jtincliiin case neninst the Clmtham Kailrond, Rumor Bays, however, that llio decision will bu in f.ivor of 8imlainin(j the injunction. If so. nil aimilur Appropriation with the Wil mington, Charlotte mid Rutherford, nd Hie Wmtotn Noith Cnrolinn roads ntn aiming Ili08a whicb would be cimiained In thu S.ii nto. To-dny tb corruption mattfr waa (lis. cussed, and Mr. Sweet madH a long apei ch Impulatlng corruption lo leading partiea. The Senate adjourned withoittaciion. The Hotife iiroocodiugs nio uniinportant. 5 Danby, Vt.. Feb. 1. Weslon, reached Manchester near thu loot of the Green Mountiuns,e;trlv this morninp. I(o encountered numerotis "obalaules, and was. nearly all niuht in crossing. He cuiil be bad to clop at a farm house near the sum mit lo rest the horn's, and obtain liesh onea. The snow was six feet deep and in enormous drifts in some places along the road, lie will urrive at Rutland to night. Albany, Feb. 1. After eleoling officers Saturday the Stale Worliiugtuou'i) Assembly adjourned si'ito die. New York, Feb. 1. The Herald's special from Richmond says: A dispatch from Goldeboio, N. C-, sta'tts that the pieatest excitement preraila t Ivir.dston in consefiiet:ce of the lynvliinx of tho rive prisoners I nrro Friday niht. The nnmos of the victims were Rupert Nobles, (white) Robert Grady. John Miller. L. Harrinc, and Daniel Smith, cob, ted. A person near by tue scene heaid-the discharg ing of (he pistols us the piisoners were shot in the liridjre and the ipiashingof the hndb s a they were ihiown into the river. lvinc Ion is in n stale of siegu by the negroes of the siitriundlini country, who threaten to liberate the remaining negroes in jail anil burn it down. Thu whites are ail armed with such weapons as are at their command guanlitiff their houses. Pickets are statiou ed in I he suburbs at night. Another hotribl" outrage occurred in Du plin toiuity. A'wbilu uiiwi, who Hied upon a purly of negroes wUn vr altenipting to violate the person of smno young Isdies.wns miiiilero Fill his bouse lliu" following night an l bis bndy cut in bn!ves anil bung up in tlin sime room in which he slept. No nr rests have been made in either of these feses. Lawlessness and anarchy exist in this enliiu seclion of Ihu country to such un extent us to jiutify the ordi ring out and arming of the militia by the Governor. The civil tinthorilies are jwsverLss to suppress th"s tWiriul ciimes. The treasury cliicialsareenased in exam ining the extent of the drawback Iranils in the.Vew York Custom House. Investigation thus fur shows they i. nssil.lv ivaoh Si. 000. U is estimated Hun one half of '.he more, re cent claims, judging from the character ol ilie patiois on die bere.nre bonus. The fraud has been carried on for two years, with b ddnes and impunilv. lTl.e annual Lull or the telegraphers last Usui wasoiiMoitno most lohlinnt orthe e:smi. Miny prominent meiu'uers of the .r. ss and etiiinent telegraphers were tire sul. Near OwensLoro, Kentucky, snmo dnys ao, a negro wus lynched by u mob. Umbo. 1. 1 is seniling emiss irios to Spain in her behalf mid Intriguing to return lo the Ihrune. Captain Reed, oflho Memphis liredepnrl ment, injured Ly falling iiom bis horse, Thursday, died that nif.lit. Colonel Jesse McMahon, an old ntnl well knuwn editor, but lately an agent of the St. Louis Life Insurance Company, died in Memphis, Friday, or congestiro cliilla. The Paris Monileur siys t lie Incessant en croachments of liussit in Central Asia have led lo "representations" o,n the part of En glish ambassador ol St. Petersbiltg. The consul of France lo Shanghai. China, has been appointed consul general of France al New York, in place, of G uildrec Do.te.iu, now ambassador at Santiago. At Duilinglon, Wisconsin, Mitia Rausch, a little girl who excited much inleio.-t us a remurkablo cuo of ei.spended hiiiniation, has been found to bo dead. It is supposed that she lay in a trance at least twelve days pevii its lo her death. In reply lo a letter frcru the d. rn octal s ofl'estb, Garabnldi has written a lelior, dated Caprera. December 22, in which ha advises thu Hungarians to separate from Austria, by whom, he says, Ihey are sure to lie betrayed. r"Two young ladies were seen on Ihu streets of Dublin,)"-. I ho other duy, whose bats were prairie chit kens! The ftnlheiy cuticle was prepared us a ti xirhimU-t would prijaie them before mounting, vtul siud'cd with young ladles' heads. Edwin Hodges, of Florance.Bonton connlv, Iowa, d'-ci recently, ol poison supposed to have administered by an lii.-h neighbor with wbum ho had hud a law e.iit. The unfoi lunate M.uu was lilartird i n t'lu. si ll) as. RICH M.VURIA'iE GIFTS. T)! liinifsT ll rr which Ynui-cr Ven can pre-si-nt to his Ihlde, is a sound ciaxi .uiouumia pure, hetlrl. Lsiivs"ll llie-e suljeeu, w.lli thu lioi.iiino tviews of benevolent i'llysie-taus, sent in si-iled n ter eiivelooes, fl'4'1 of '"!i-ov.O. Ad'lrs.s ill I ; It i AMSOCIAt'H'S, IKx 1', rtiilade)'bi.i, i'a. jj.' .j.u. THE OIL DIAUKUTS. Ovpirn or Tbr Pet'm Centkb Daii .y Urcord, . Feb. 1. Petkolkcm Centrk The market is very quiet; buyers mostly out of the market. No sales at this point. 500 bbls. sold at Storey Farm at $G.C5. Shipments of oil from this point, Jan. 30, per O. C. 4 A. R. Railroad, 1,053 barrels. Pi:t'ien,i:t m .iiAtiur.TsHY ti:i. f.ii M A I II. Special Dinputchcs to the Pally Keronl. I'lTTSiifUilii. Feb. 1. Spot 17 fur 45 grivity. !7 :r. . First water 17 for 45 g. 47 gr. . Ii. (). lirst sis months 17 for 45 gr; for 47 gr. S. O. first six months, 17 for45gr. ; for 17 gr Buyer' option all this year, 20 for 45 gr. lor 47 gr. Sellers' option all this year, 16Jj'17 for 45 nr. Sales None. Market Firm and quiet. 1'UILAOELI'UU, Feb. 1. Spot, -3i;i4'. Feb'v ol!),,. March 37." to June . March to J jne , April to Dec Crude llbls., 2T J(523. Crude bulk, 2'i;.;, Jlurket Firm. New York. Feb. 1. Receipts Refined, 385 barrels, (.'rude, 7135 bb's. Napthu, bbls. Crude. 22(f221..'. Refined. 37 a'. " Market Crude dull; Relined steady. London, Jan. 3D. 2. pm. Refined, 23!3't, Spirits. 9d. Antwerp, Jan. 30. 3 p. m. 58,'t'59 francs. Liverpool. Jan. 30, 2 p. tn. Refined 22?.,d. Spirits. 9.1. Antwerp, Jaiiv 3.1. 5 p. rn. Crude 5Si.i(7?59. Western Union Line ninrliet Iteport. New York. Feb. 1. Crude, bulk. 221.;. Relined P. L. S. to W., 3l! ; S. TV. 37. Market Firm. Philadelphia, Feb. 1. Crude 22 Keiii,ed-P." L. S. t W., 35 : S. Y. 3ui... Market Firm. rittsburgh, Feb. 1. Market Firm: Spot. 17',,'cts.; Sellers llrst b months. J i(if I ( '4 ; All year. Ki'jig 17; Buyers ail year. 2o; 1st ti months, Is. CloxliiK New York larkct. New York, 3:10, p. in., Feb. I. Quiet but firm, lielim d, 37(3 37)4'. Crude. Dull; prices unchanged. tioi.u in m:v voiik. New York, Feb. 1. Gold 136.' 4'. Petroleum Exchange HOTEL. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. FKKSH OYSTERS ! R'ceived ALL THE UTXU RIES ! OF THE S E A S O N ! D A I L Y ! Wnslaiiijgton SI rent, rotroleum Centre, Ia., next door to sliaui & Co's J 'Welrv Storc F.IIY A: AX US, Propria. Dly Roard'ars aeeoininndated. Me-il served at a:i b.urs. Oysitrs, totd every description ol yaiae fariliphed quests. No pains will he spareil to nccommodnto Ibote who favor us villi their patroii-itre. KDUY 4 SANDS Petroleum Contrii, Jan. 0, ltG:'.--ti. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! Creek, ry ! Crockery ! Crocksry ! Mass Hare, Stone Wuiv, CHINA TV' A RE, ol all kinds and descriptions. Also, PEOVISIONb 1 of a'l kind. COFFEK of ths best quality. TEAS wlileli ciinniit bo mrp'wsed Fl.Ol'lt. )l"l TKit. CilliESE, A.TI.KS, I.KJtONS uod OHANIIE-, and ill fact everything per MlllllH! t" a well completed sncasRY & provision store. GEI'M AN SILVER WARE, KNIVES, FOItliS, SI'OONS, Ac Mv friends and t! s clti."'is of I', trolenm (Vntie and vieinilv. will ulvviiy., lir.d any and everything 111 my line at M14 GROCEKY STORE ON MUN-ST.. Ol'. lO.-ll'E THK BANK KL'ILDING. W. R' ' 4, 1,1.11 A- su.N. , Fctrolcum Centre, .M.' j 1 ', j-s:. - if. ilk mi f in - rytkL A. D. MILLER & CO.'S COLUMN. A. D.' MILLER & CO, Wholesale sad Hetnll Dealers In DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C, U ushiiifftoii Street, FETllOJ.Cir.U CEXTIir, PA. Tbcir Stock consists of evcrythingjin the line of Drnffs & Medicines ! FOR MEDICINAL rURPOSE?, Wliolcwule and Elctnll Agents for YOFEMITG STOMACH BITTEHS, JOnN HOOT'S HITTERS, CONSTITUTION BITTERS, ALISMA FOR THE HAIR, SEWARD & nENTLE Y'S COUGn SYRUP MAGIC MACEDONIAN OIL, DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS, WALKER & RAZES CIGARS, JAYNKS' MEDICINES. A N 1)1 ;i,'SON S DER M A DOR. SPENCEK'S MIXTURE. SPENCER'S OINTMENT, Jta. riLisS. liiiuidcth's, Slrl aiiK'tf, Ophiiitr, IMoftHt', IK'IT CK d, ItlOIl'H. HM)H-r', lirt'TWHT' II. R' JnTiie', Clnrli'i Female, i 'hPCtteinrt-n's Dupoucg', dm Perfumery, Toilet Ar ticles, Soaps, brushes, COl till!?, COLUS, Arc. Ayer'R Cherry Pectoral, "jayne's Ejcpectorant, Marsden's Hallo, tchenck's Syrnp, " Universal' Syrup, Excelsior Syrnp. Kutisom'a Hive Syrup, Seller's Syrup, Coe's Syrup, Hull's liulsam. . Denton's llalsam. Bryan's Wafers, Olive Tar. Krown's Troches, Wibliai'1'n Pine Tree Tar, Sou ai d's Cough Cute, Dutcman's Syrup, C'uii;h Candy, &e Cigars and Tobaccos ! Tlic IIcKt V.vrr I! rough t to the Oil Kogiuu. IIAIIl JilOSTOItATIVKS. ALISMA, MRS. J. A. ALLEN'S, RING'S. CHEVALIER'S, HALL'S, MARTHA WASHINGTON, BARRETT'S, ROSSETTERS, LYONS, STERLING'S, BARRY'S, Ac, Ac. UlTTEItS. WOOTU. rONSTITTTlON, Tl'lBACK'S, OKAK'K'S. MAUAItA SI'Al;, Jril,K, MISIILRII-i". HOSJUITK.ifiS, PI'KEIl'S. IIOOFl.ANHS. C.Al.li'OliMA. ATTWOOD'i, l'HOTl'i'IDK 1UO.V, &C W-A.3L.IL. PAPERS, Curl nljis nn! Hnislic Shaiia. IAI.Ts, OUi, VAKMSIIF.S, (11-iASS, PUTT V, I,UK, Turpentine. nonKen, LrI OH, EierMne Mil, &c. LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, Ac. Scotch Ale, liennett Ale, Congress uVler. PRESCRIPTIONS COM lMHNDEI) AT ALL HOURS OF THE NIGHT AND SUNDAYS. STATIQiVSIlT, ESVILOFIS fvC. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, TRUSSES. Come aloe,'. eonie one. eorue hll. 11 di n't rot anv. thl! tr to look hi -'Mods, mid we will tt to i.eui '.ou 111 WI'll. A 1 MILIJSIt k CO reiro'eiiiu Cir.'lr, fepl S, M tl-