James A. SherrifF, Has, in addition to the large stock of OIL WELL SUPPLIES! HARDWARE, STOYES, TINWARE.I&C,, Tint he keeps at his Old Stan,l In tills IMacc, Jxjsrr OPENED A FIXE STOCK IX HIS LINK. At the Southwest Cor ner of Woods Farm, W11ERE EB IIOFES. By tli3 aid of Co3i3t8nt Assistants, The use of New and Latest Im proved Machinery and Im plement in th 31EC11AMCAL DEPARTJIEaT, TIIE PURCHASE OF THE BEST MATERIAL, .... AXD GOODS, SELLING AT FAIR PRICES c:-and- LIRERAfj OMLIXG GEY EHALLY, To merit and receive liberal en couragement from operators in that locality. B LEASE GIVE ME A CALL.. James A. Nur.RuuT. Petroleum Centra, Sept. , 1868 tf. ANT HSB Five Good 'Journeymen Carpenters ! OWIKQ to the Incresie of ror business I nui compa led to hire mora help to keep up with tbe dojiiuod for niy labor. STEADY EMPLOTJIENT WILL E3 GIVEN TO TUE AI50VE NUMBER OP FIRST-JCLAS3 WORKMEN. A large quantity of FIRST-CLASS LUMBER! .Of all kinds constantly on hand at ip Yard, and will bo sold at C3F REASONABLE RATESJEJ M. SOJVTAG. Petroleum Centre, Oct. 24th. 'HP. t r. 1. XV. DIESIiMAX, T a! I li O R ! AND CLOTI1ES CLEANER I At Xjesett'aold Harness Shop, Main Street, r-ETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. PYElNOduno to nrdor, Work rlnr.e iroll and eailsthction zriuranloed. Give ni'' a cull. L. W. IHESLMAM. TVcl-tf. i JOHN M. DAVIES & CO , DRUGGISTS ! bissi:ll-s ulock, cextre-st., OIL CITY, PA. Wholesale Aorents for Dr. lion's Electric Itn.. Ronuwor uud Lir. Leon's Infant Kciutdy. tmi-tS, Sewing Machines. BROVER & IMKEEt SEW I.G MACHINES t of both StltnhcB. Singer' Xnxv Family Sowing Rlacliinca ! And tho Aainrlcan Ove-Soaining and CSistton-Holo Irlaeliiaes S Fi SAT.E AT NO. 108 MAIN ST.. Vr.THOLEUST CENTHt, Pa., b ' .l:ulliw. s 1SAK.EK, Agt. RECORD OFFICE. DAILY RECORD NEWSPAPER, 35 tB9 AND r if Mf If f l'f ,frt OFFICE, WASIIIXG TOS J1TUE I,T, OPTOilTEjTHE OrBUA . HOUSE, PETROLEUM CENTBE. LOeVTELE. 4c Pa.rjM.TIER, Pr.pr'f. DEPARTMENT We receive telegraphic despatches np to 4 p. in., snd present tbcm to oar raiders every evening, em bracing news of great Interest from all sections of the country. We have made special arrangements, whereby wo receive regular Petroleum, Stock and Produce Market reports every evening by telegraph, from Now York, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, which, ogether with Editorials and Local matter, make it one of the most dcsiral1o newspapers published In tun Oil Regions. As aa Advertising Medium, Ths RECOIID has no superior, as It circulates wher ever an wll operator or dealer can be found JORBIAO DEPAUTMEXT. We havs s larzo and well selected assortment nt now Jobl'iliK Material, embracing the very latest styles. We flro therefore, enahled to execnte Job Work of every varloty in a satisfactory manner When desired, jobs will be usatly printed IuJ Colo Shipping Bill. Posters J Il!ind-BiIl..-j Ptogrammc, Bill of Fare. S 4 Isabel. AND i Butinem and Visiting Cards LETTElt-HEADS, BILL-IIEADS, BILLS OP LADING, Etc, Etc use. BALL WllNTING, Piain or Fancy Styles, neatly and promptly execu ted, embracing INVITATION CIRCTJLAH PKOGRAMMES CAI!D9, TICKETS, Ktc In fact, every variety ane stvle of work In letter, prase printing. Merchants, Lawyers, Jaatices of Mis Peace, Land A?en, Cil Des.ers acd Agents, Insurance Agents, Exprosmn ind ether parties in want, are Informed fiat we are praparaj to execute too-.-der all kinds of BLANKS, business or legal, required In His torn unujlty. KWnt parrouag respectfully anHoited. MtJidWELL & ITLCilMEIt. HARDWARE OIL CITY. ROBSON'S Oil Creek Tipe Works. CHATtl-iES ItOBSO & Co., Corner of Sonera A- rontre My., Eal lilo oil treck, Oil City, PaM Dealers In Morris, Tssker Co'i OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, ALSO, VYOKKi.W TtMtRKI.S AND VALVES, STIiFVINO IIOXES, HLCREU HODS, c Machinery for Oil Wells & Sefincries BOKIXO TOOLS, OIL PDS1PS, DniviNO Pirn. COLD WATEll PUMPS Every descrlptkm of SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE . FINERIES, Also, STOVES, TINWAEE, BRASS GOODS, TEAMS AND OAS FfTrf.VO.v. ItKLTlXa, tACKlS'O, ami HOSE ; HARDWARE, 110U8B TRIMMINGS, Carpenters' Tools, Rope, Oakum, Nails, Axps, CoftVa Mills, Table & Pocket Cutlery; Fnll Assortment of Everything In lh HARDWARE LINE. iiuse Pnr'ilshln Goods, Lamps, i'hlmncvs, o. 1 Winter Strained Lard Oil, No. 1 Keflned Oil, Stair Kods Table and Door Mats ; I Ji.itrion Clcthcs Wringers Manufaclurors of Tin, Sheet Iroa and Copper Ware. Repslnnc of all hinds done with neatness and dispatch. E'pecial attention given to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. We have endeavored tonirrithf patropare of the pnhlic, and "hull ue every exertion to injure its continuance. Our facilities for firn!biu! e'ervthlng in our line, lmvi;g been crcatly increased, iu tho erection of our N"v rniitlins, nfeno'v SOI'EltlOU TO ANY OTHLt ESTABLISHMENT aniril-Sm. IN TUB OIL KI'.filON. AUG, SIMON, MERCHANT Blssell's Block, Oil i n lias just received a Urge iVMortmeiU of NEW FILL & mm GDflBS. Of the Latest Paris, Lord in, and Vew York Fash ions, cuuiprlriu' in pa: t CLOTHS. BEAVERS. DOESKIN'S. TRICOTS. VELVETS. CASSIMERES, Ac. and all articles kept iu a Firat-Cla Titiioring Cstab lSIiniciit. Hats, On pa. Fine White Shirt, Paper Collar). HrM. NiiMiiiMidurst. Neclitios, uiicl Gents' FuTiilsl..ng In ecnornl All dcrlpiion or Clibin m;il(? np hy fxporUwc-'d workmen, in tbe latuat ttjlus, hi rtjo-tonnhle prices. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ACO. SIMON. Cll City, Pa.. Sep. 19, lWSS-tf. (MUISTOX, J1USEY & Co., Stationers I Keep a full Hue of . STATIONERY. scuool nnos. BLANK BOOKS, A'i-iEIj'S COLD PEMS, SHEET MUSIC, TOYS, TRAVELING BAGS, Xrc. WALL PAPER! , 10.000 ItOLLS ! IVew and elesuut , Designs. Ipaper Hanging As reasonable as can be purchased at any place iu tbo Oil Region. Bissell's Bank Block. OILCITY, PA. Oil Pity, Pa., Ort. s, 18)18 if J- o, oo-ideist, FLOUR m FEED STORE, XO. 3T CEXTRE-ST., OIL CITV, PA. n.riji" t,1 hS'x atabli8hmwt of the kind In the Oil Hetfou. flour aud li'swt said t whol'saln nud T. B. McNair & Co, 2:1 WAS!II.T0-ST., Would respectfully announce Hint llt-'y are are now opening n lull assortment of DEUG-S ! PATENT MEDICINES ! Paints, Oils, Soaps, Brashes, &c. In the room formerly "ofciijtiwl by Mr. liooilman. Particular attentiora will be paid to the projmration of Prescriptions, ami no pains spar ed to make thw 1 )epartment as complete as any in the country. "Wines, and Liquors ! FoaMSDiiiimre2j C"JOur prices will conijwie favoralily, and we (! not dmlit lieinji a')le to s'li! all w!n may favor ns with t!u ir pa'ronatre. r. tt. vni iV eo. l,')rn'oiim )Vri;r', a., i-i ri: ti .-tr V.vu- li !-TM: ; V.Y. -iV. m. ..I, i r..r,s LvAVK t-ll- i.crtlVARO. lti. i', !':)-ni- it Ki. -t p, t aM -nt t!im-. -ni'l rttiiiB .l V V).. V li K. ' ran? i't- 'itr I 5', t tn.. ,,r N.-w ( 'a-ttle :it 3.15 p III. and at Pilttiu-'u''! at 'I no p. ni. -1.3l a. in.. A,N-iiiin!i iH-it'!i iti.rn Jaine-t"wn ar rives a) A. A: O. W. It It . Tninsler at .".' n. in., at New Castle at Too a m., nud at I'ittshiip-h nt M no a. tn. 6.10 p in., MixHil Train leaves Krle for Shiron ttuppii' -it tilt hre.uii'diate stuiioiiiMtuu si rl ii ; at 1 0 a. m KOIITHWAHD. 7.15 Erie Exp'-e-is leaves Now Caille at 0,1.1 a m. A. ,rii V. li. If. Tranter nt ll.l i a. in., and arrives nt Eiie nt S.:( p. in., maMiit ch's 'tiuwii.ui for nnf, and Nmz. Kalis -1.35 p m. Kr'e Aci-oniniorJatlfMi li-avi-s N. a-lle il 7, p m , A . W. It. It. Transfer at ,J:, p in., -la-nTown af 0. In n in. 3.30 p, in. Mixiil I'rain leaves Chiron fir Erie, ar riving at 11, 5U p in. li1t-ahitr.'h Express soutli ctumerts nt Jame-towr at la.Bil pm iih .1. P. I xprers. f,ir Krnr.k Pn mid l1l City. Connii-N at Tranier a' 1 .5.1 p in Willi A & t J IV. Ao-oni!nmlatlo:i west, for War ren. ltave tna an'l Clevetanil Erie Express north emim i-ts at A. Ct. W Trull' erat II, In n m., wllta .Mail eal fur Meadvllle, Franklin, and MI Citv. ntel m Jarutown with J & V. Lxiiivu for Ki-nuklin- Trnlus cnneet nt Hoihi-stor with tmlns r.u "'lieliii!; and all points in Vi est Virginia, nnd at I'litsiiiirirh (.Mnn'-etlo'is for I'llladtlphia,-HnriN hur. Itaitiinore und Wtiiihiimtoii, via lVniiM-lvanis Ci-nlral It-iltroa-l. Erlj Knpkvs N.irlh, ciiine-.ts nt Girard will I.ali.' .-Iiore trans West ward for f'l.'Vel'inil (Ii 'vlti ane all points In tin: w-t; at Erie will. Philadelphia A Erie liailr.iai forCnrrv, Warren, !rvu,i.tc,n, 'I'idiiiiiie, and with P.iulaln A Kile l'ailrcia.l for llnllalo, Dunkirk, Nlaaira Falls ami New vl k City. F. X. F'NNEY. Ass't Suucrintenilenl HirFtMI.O ASID r.U 113 It All K OA It. On and nfle' Moniliv. Nov. v.'lil. l0iy Passenger Trains will run on this mad as!o lows: ' I.KAVK F.Kir kiiv.1 r.T. l!-ll , ,M- N'.""T KXI'UKSH, stoppii.n at WPley, vVe-iliehl, jiiuiMrk nn'i Silver creek, arriving at HMtlalmit 4.J.1 A. i. 10 ' blnir HI V,sill..,l 11,-n.l.... 11 I'll 'lO P "m1 A"g"la' r"vi"S in Bullale Tl'S"!. P- ''iNCIN'KATr EXPRESS, slop. ' N.irth..a,i, .Wostlteld, llrocton i,i;SoVt,T';;,irr1',,,:'d'inivus 0:00 Ti,wM-, W"" Nil ACfOMMODA. ' Jt,"rlh"ll, Kiplov, Westneia, IJ .1 1 1 l7l r fa'lo a'.'ir, PM Ateula' "M"e UM- I.KAvc lltiprilo OOIXO WKST. X H. M..IAV EXPKESH slV,nlna-af An. !", " !y', , niiukiik, Hroeion. at 845 P M J,ur,Jeati "living at Erie Tin? MA"' AX" AOOOMMOOA 6::i0 An 'I ;,T0I'1':1,P KXPRESS. sto:.pinat A "Wions, and arrivinj; at Erie lo,au H'.iiii :.,STP:AMU0AT EXI'ltESH, stop. f .ww pin nt Aturola, Wlvercreek, Dunklik. lliucton, Vtesttii lduud Nurtlieast, arrlv inv at Erie at l,-i A. v 1 1:20 A,-, M N'(i,,,T RXPKESS. stopplnjr r hiiyerenie't, Dunkirk nnd Westtlold, ar' riving at Erio at -),4o A M. Hailroad time is lo inlnntrs fnsier thin Etle time R N BROWN, (ici'l Supt. U,V','V4 h,l'f''i" UH.I.W pnatud at Uie shiMie.l mine..., nLHi. HmuM OlBca. RAILROADS. Oil W 'ft Albtay River H. R. WARI.EN A FnANKLlJf, F HMKI18 AND OIL C1IKEB KAILRUAUS CONhoLIDATKD. NEW AND MOST bTitECT ROUTE TO TUB OIL REGION. 180S. WINTEK AlTilANOEMENT. 180S. TIM R T A BLR ON AND AFTEit MONDAY, NOV. 3ITU ltst, trains will run as follows: 1 GOING NOHTII TO OIL CITY PETltOT.KUll CKNTHB TIII'SVILI.E AND COKRY. A- Express, arrives Tidloute al 7 4na '' in., Olcopolis at .lo a. in , (connectint there Willi trains fur l'itliole), oil Cli 0 lo a in., Petroleum Centre Io wa u. m lluyil Farm loM a in , Miller t-'nim ,,'. 4f ni Tiliisvillo 11.03 a. m., arrlviui at corryat ia4o p ro. 1. Jl . Milil.arrrlves'l'IdlouteS tn p. m .'W oicopoliR4 o7 p. in. (connects with tra fi r l'itliole City), Oil City 4.3 p. p,.. trnli'itni Centre 8.1 p. ni , llnyd Farm tt.il p. in., .Miller Farm o 42 p. m., Titus, ville ti.nl, p. in., arriving nt l orry at 0 ,. A. M. AM:omnioilatfnn from Oil ratvn. tlvtnt Petroleiiiu Centre 7.o4 a m.,Bevd Farnil tlil a. in , Tltusv.llo 7.45 a u arrtviiie nt Corrv aM liii a. m. ' liOINO SOITll I'llOM COKItV, TlTCSVILI F Pl'.TltO!.i:CM CKNTi K A OIL CITV ' (I: i A. M.. arrives at Tltusvillo s. a. m .Miller Farm 8.45 a m, Boyd Farm ol a. in, i i-iiuivinii ..t-uiit. v hi n in, till Cit,y U. Pi a in., Oleopolis lo Zi a. m , Tii onti' il.CS a in , and Irviuet.in 114i n m t.3 P- M.. arrives at Titnsville Hib ni., Miller r'arni v.lo p m, Boyd Farm 2..il p in, Petroleum Centre :t p ni 1 Oil city 3.9) p. ui., leave Oil Cltr S.ai , to, arrives Oleo.)Hs 4.07 ; ra, connecV wiih train for I ithn'ej, Tidiouto 67 11 m , anil Irvlne'on tl.an 11. ni. ' ji'JX P. M , Aecomm-ul ition fiom Corrv sr. ' iPes'liiiisvillc 7.o7 p m, Miller I ana 1 1." p. ni. B iyil Farm 7 oft p m, Pen It urn Ceiiire 7. is p ni, arrivuig at Oil City ti u ni. CtiNNECTIONS. Trains North ennnert at Corry ith Philadelphia .t Erie H. it., ami Atlantic A Great H'esti rn Kail, wav. East and West, and also with lluffalu, Corry anil PlttsliorRh ra'lroad f r Hnffilo Trains ruuneet nt oil City witli ITranklln Branch for Franklin. Meidville. and Die West, and at Ir vinelon with Pliil. A: Erie K. K East ana W'wt -St iiniurd lime twkstt minutes fisi, r than Frank lin llr.ini li nii4 A. . 0 W. K. It. time. l'a-seui;ers will linil thin mail a sale, pleasant anil the slmi ut i-ouie to and from the oil retiun. All tinins West from Irvinetim leave after arrival of trains ,01 p. It E. K. K. Hi- sure and ask fur Through Tickets via Oil Creek Alii eiieiiy iliver itaiiway, the Uieul Sliort Kuuia to tile Oil itt-iiin. 11. F. w E ETZ PR, Of n'l Superintendent. C. J. HEPKUP.N, Ass't Superintendent. liHTf. iMtslnri;li. Fort Wayne und t'tiifiij;o lliiilwur. fl lii TABLL, .RIVtS di: Cnv 8,10 p m. .Oa. m. 8.o5 p. m. U,51 a. ni Kru1 Klin, Ja iKSL.,mi, ! a m. A.3S a m. l.iO a. 111. 8. 1 a. in. 8.!i5 a. in. ,-15 a. tn. 10,00 a. m. 1.4.1 a. m 1, -10 p. M. 3,0.1 p. m ,1T p lr 4,1 8 p. my 4,3,1 p. to. 6.. 10 p ml ,00 p. ' 'la' ksvi'le. i ' l .istlo !iinr,i-MfiiO" MA Itll :!it..n. .ill . I - u. 1 .'11V, n :h , -Ivures ritishurgh at ,0O a. in.' and I ..'Alxsr 'Ins Wr, ton Pltt-lmrKh, Fort Wayne .1 ( .0;) . . - " I' '11 , I irss lim.1 11 ' - ' a. ami 10.1-k S.Olian.i 111 n-. ' . -ui 10,10 a 111., ami lO.lli ,.t(l -n i A , i.i .. 111., nnd arrive ri I 'liirs,-,, g i.iliid. Jj.jif;, !-,.. h,hI il.'JO md ll,!iOa. m 1 it M 1 Ei.S, ticuT Tli-kei L,ent. Man h. l.-ijh.-tr. Pff.hifi.i,. pa. A 4 AHO TO THU I, A DIKS. it W'l'DM'IW O ILDRN I'FKI nifAI. ' . . . v.. 11.1..1111U 111 in v'-i iiik rris'ti'arll n-.. rt-in.,' ti, j ..V,str,.,l.,. ,.r ,l. . I t t:r I.'...aIuj I....III.1.. I tui'tis. from whatever cinne anU always sucress'iil us a previ uiWo Oun pil' is a dose. IVniales w euli I'lv sp-isTi-fl, or ttiose siippn!fn!;t))',niseies si, an cum tn-d against nstnj; theso Pills, while iu that cninlilioii le-t they Invite niiscnirinpi, after which admonition the pro, rietor assume, no re s;nii,itiil ty. allli'.UL'h llielr mlldnese w..ii!d p evsnt any mi chief to health: othcrise the lilis ae r 1 nn:n nji-d a- a ni-nt iniaiu ih.e renifdv f,r llie ai levianon oi'tnoie iiitferiuir fruin anv Irreinlai-iiKs whatever, as well a. In proven an iiicre.ise of rami ly when health will not permit ir; quieting Hie nervrs 11111I hrin-inir back tho 'i-ney color ofhtaltii" to the cheek of tile nmsl delicate. Full ant: explicit ilinctiiin, accompany each hot Price f I per hot : 0 liexi s. $5. Sold in I'tiMleiim Centre, by A D. MTI.LER t C(i , So'e Ant-tits ' lor Petroleum Ceutre, Pa. I.adio-! By sinilluutheni tl totlie PeiroieuioCso tro P. O. ra-.i have the Pills sent eniifiilrntlilly by m ill to nuy pai l ,.f ti e country, liee of eh irce Sold also hy It. O A C. 8 C ark, Timsvllls, Pa.; A. It (irlfllth, Oil City: Fletnini; ji Cinie, Frank In; Dr. J L. Ac.nuh, Tillionte; tt. T. Mnr. -111111. W urren : and by "one Druygist" in tvenj town In theD iln-d Suies, and by J" H D. Holl K. I'ron'r. New York. Restores gray and Hided Hair to iu Original Color, removes Dandruff, CIKE9 ALL DISEASES OF THE SCALP, Prevents Baldness, and makes the hait grow Soft, Glossy nnd Luxuriant. mi $1,50 per "Bottle. Eci Bottle tf I Keat lr Bol. Prepaivil by SEWABD BENTLKT,' Drulslii Bullalo.N. Y, Hold by all UrufBlata. A. D. -MILLLIi & CO.. Wliolesalo una' lb-tall Drnggisw, AgenUfor Pelruleum Centre end vicinity. JuII-ly . ... u;..i.K . ,,,, v wssnin-t In the hrst snd cnesp ?? n ?;1"'- . "ntel iipi-il to any in the world I ",ra"!,1' old fon soap with the nitld and lathmnf! qunlltlos of KonuineCnstllo. Trv this A'- iiS'L T1 w'hl hv the ALDF.N CflEMlCAb 0 -. 4' ." '"h Proat Street, Philadelphia, sei, l-eodliin. -R.,sa..i A........... .... . . INOLISH and SWISH WATCHRS of the Une-t A Jrf;; ". Jn J"I.I and Silver Case, at ISUAtt . CP'S, In Opera House Building. V UtS aa TtraaoKS eomitf . QO TO IvBAM A 80 (or yio- CaiSWuea.