J. H. CHKISTIE, DEALER DRUGS, MEDICIISJES. OILS, PaintsVarnishes, G-lass, Putty. Soaps, Dye Stuffs, Fancy and Toilet Articles. PURE WINES LIQUORS ! SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. N. B. Prescriptions carefully No. 13 Washlngton-st, Give ma a colt before purchasing elsewhere. United States LIFE Insurance COMPANY, OP NEW YORK, a Established March 5,' 150. Capital 4c Assets, 0.1,000,000 E.J.ROSS, Agent, Petroleum Centre, Pa. This Company, Being on of the oldest tnd mint reliable. In the Vailed States, afford ample secur ty, nut only j Its large anew, wbich, od Jaa 'ary lot, 1889, were al ready Si per cent oier it. llabillllM, but also by the PERSONAL LIABILITY OF TI1E STOCKHOLDERS TO MAKE GOOD '- ANY DEFICIENCY, a Mcnrlty not afforded by any other Cash Company. Dividend are Declared Annu ally .. And may be uM to asalat la paying Premlatne. to afford ldditinnal Insnrano . or to enure paid up Polls ei after tbey hare been In farce foi a number of yean, as explained In nur pamphlet, or they may accumulate at eompoand Interest to Inareue tbe sum insured', EVERY FATHER SShoild aware a Policy a early as possible, aa none but healthy persons can be Insured, and It 1 his moral d uty, to pmvide.ln the safest way for his ram l'y which he cannot du heller, than by a Lire In snranss. Money Invested In business may brine mors Interest for a while, but It may all be lost, and the family Is thus left destitute. Jan7-tf. NEW HARDWARE STORE BI1TINQ AND COOKIKO STOVES ! In large variety. TADLE AND POCKET . C utleryl shelf", hardware. HOUSE FURNISHING BfODS. TINWARE, Lamps, lanterns, and fancy articles. NAILS AND IRON Wooden Ware, &c. for sale CHEAP 1 At the store formeriT occupied by Bnrchue'4 and . Oasterllne, ol L CITV, J' A. Oil o,..' i . .,AME OEOOIE. Oity, Jan. 4, isew if. , IN compounded at all hours. Petroleum Centre, Pa. My1.f.) J. II. CHRISTIE. NEW CLOTHING New Clothing ! Wa ha?c Jnat received and are now opening to the admiring pie of the eilisous or PETROLEII.H CENTRE and vicinity, the moat complete sbielr, and the very latest aij k-a uf Winter CCCOCCCC L L L L L L L L O ) o O O O O O T T T T T T T T II H II II n II II r i i i i i i i N N N N N N N N GOGGGGGG Tbat wai err before bronjht to this place or on Oil Creek, wblcb we are salting at Ihe lowest pus. alble rates. r Clothing made to Order! at tbe shortest notice. Hats and Caps or EVERY STYLE. IN GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS I onr stoek la somplate. One prtee, and all goods warranted aa represented Thanking our friends for their liberal patn-nnge iiv.vtuiwiv, m aour lor cniMlimnnctt 01 ine snnie. UnnL'HS 4c ALUtlN. Petrntanm Tenarp lice. SI, IMiS tf I9IIA.il fc CO., Watchmakers & .1 cwfxebs, IN OPERA HOUSE BUILDING, WASH- INGTON STREET, PETItOLElMI CENTRE, PA., Keep constantly on hand a large assortment uf WATCHES. JKnaXTtT. I'liTOW. MEVOLVFIIS. FISHING TACKl.K, wartrldgM. Ac., and will sell at eaaiern prlte. All Catch work w ranted to givo satisfaction. LIVERY $c FEED STABLES, Washington Street, opposite iticOpciM House, PETROLEUJI CESTKI.', PENN'A. I have put In n gcv .1 c- of Riil"nj and Driving IIuik", wnVi I w.ii lei on reus Haul" terms. Also, Cm I lor. Wilsons, Spring Wagon, Arc. nOKr-KS boardtd awl li nuu bjst of ca-o guar antee!. jeu If A. SM.VWLEV. NEW STORE' Flour, Feed and General Groceries ! KLLGLSmTII'S, & CO., H ay inj located In Petroleum Centre, with a largo Stock of GENERAL GKOCEUIES! TOOBTIIEU WITH FLOUR Sz FEED of various brinde, Invite the attention of the cltl Sena in sr.d ahtint Petroleum Lou l re to call nnd ex amine their stock . Tliey have on hmd and will contiuue to keep a lar-e and choice lot uf APPLES I and wli: make a speciality of PI.orjR and FEET), their facilities be. lie such that thev tan conmeLij succesaf uiiy with any hoiiso ou ibe Crock. REMEMBER THEIR STAND, OPPOSITE TUB Hct'LlNTOCK HOUSE. W. R. KLINHTNSMITII, norSSIf II. KLlNtilNSMlTlI, T. T. MAPES, Deulers la Delivered or at the Yard by th sar or top. IsnIS tf TELEGRAPH REPORTED FOK THE AIL7 RECORD, Afternoon Dispatches 1 , Allmny, Jan. 29. At tho Slate Werklngmen's Assembly yes terday it resolution was adopted Hint u com mittee be appointed to draft a bill to ha preiculed to the. Legilatnre, providing that all apprentices shall receive not line nor more than Qvs years at a trndv. The question of industrial partnership be tween employer and etuployao was dlrcuescd yet. rdny. Tho Lnlinr CommllteB reported ia favor of the total abolition of prison labor, but the report was recommitted fur modifica tion. Milwaukee, Jan. 29. Physician have visited Mira Uonseh, of Muriinaton, Wis., wbo has been In a trance since Jan. 9th. From a vein tapped by tuenj blood flowed aa from a living person. Syracuse, Jan. 29. The State Wool Growers' Association bold their annual meeting at City Hallyesterd iy. Perry S. Randall presided. George Gedder introduced a resolution denouncing tbe pro posed reciprocity treaty witb Canada as de structive to the interests of the United States. It was decided to bold a fair this year. The officers of last year were re-elected. Resolutions were adopted against the reduction of tariff on wool by treaty or oth erwise. St. Louis. Jan, 29. C. D. Cranson. freight tent ol the Ohio !: Mississippi Kiilroad, formmly of Lock port, N. Y., allemped suicide Wednesday by shooting himself ihroush the head, and also In tl o It-It side, while laboring under de-ponderipy Induced by sickness. Generul Shennan and his Secretary, Col. DHjton, witb their families, left for New Orleans yesterday.- The statement m.vle Wednesday tbat General Shciidun Is daily expected to return fromthe Plains, is Incorrect. A res mitinn was introduced in the Lejris, Intiirn Wednesday providing for the admis sion "f members to tbe House elected from counties the election returns wbich were not counted try th Secretary of State, was ' led. It was tlimi!:ht by" members that ihe dei'isions ol the Supreme Court in tbe Blond mandamus case entitled these mem bers to seals; but the House decided against tl.em. Miss Aimuta M. StClair, tbe lecturer, died at Salt Luke Wednesday. An Omaha dispatch says a large number of Indiana are hunting; on the Republican. ActinatGov. Hall, uf Colorado, uas Issued a proclamation warning the military or citizens from Interference, as Ibe Utes are friendly and have a treaty witb tbe Govera ment. Atlanta, Jan. 29. In the Senate a resolution to furnish pro. teclion to persons driven from tbeir homes on uccount of politics wus tabled. In ibe House a resolution to investigate tbe charges or lawlessness in Warren and other counties was rejected 84 to 49. A resolution to an point a committee to proceed to Washington and confer witb Congress witb the view to mo reseating ot the negroes In the Legisla ture was referred. It is reported that the Constitutional Con vention of Georgia will soon reassemble. It ia also reported that the Legislature will permit a Commission to go to Washington hi connection witb tliu rocouttr ictiun mea suits uf Congress. Cleveland, Jan. 29. At tbe the annual meeting of the Cleve lunil nnd Mahoniiig Riilrond yesterdny.the stockholders voted to sustain the action of tbe directors ill protesting against the trans, ferof the lease hy the Ailantio it Great Western to tho Krio Kailread. The New board wis nutborzed to take measures to receive the control of the road, it being claimed that under the laws of Ohio, Ibe Atlautic & Great Western baa forfeited its leaso of tbe Cleveland & Mahoning Railroad hy nttemptina to transfer to a corporation outuido of Ohio. The telegraph is n failnre in Slexicp. The people steal tbs wires as fast aa tbey are put up. Detroit is to have a $550,000 Masonic- templu. Good oysters are only one duller a thous and at 1'ensatol. Adah Isaacs Menken owed Si. 000 when she died, and tbe French Drauiutic Society pmu me uuut. Some of the New York restaurants ad vertise a good dinner for only twenty-live cents. California pioduced. in 18G8, 6.000,000 gallons of wine and 3'Jft.000 gnlleua of brandy. In Orange county, New York, a bear has run away with a trap most inoonvenientlv attached lo his leg, and all tbe inhabitants are bunting fur him. Tbe Custom House In Rio Janiero was recently entiiely destroyed by tie. A pickpocket In New Orleans stole a portmunnnie containing a few dollars. from a lady's pucket, and by accident dropped in its pluce a valuable diamond ring. A Rondout merchant found a large stone in a cake of beeswax purchased from a farmer. Mrs. Connolly, of Albany, died Thur.dav of grief; ber husband having been killed by the cars on Monday. RICH MARRIAGE GJFTS. Ths RieniisT Girr wbich Youne Man can nra- aonc to hla Bride, ia a sound coniiiutiunauda pure heart. Eaaaya on tneso euejwu, with the humane tviewaor benevolent I'liyaiciaus, sent In sealed le ttr envelope, free ol cliariM. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box I'., i'hilndolpbla, r" 3m. TUB Oil. HIABKtn. Okhck op ) Tn I'et'u Crntkh Daily Rsconn, Ptruoi.isi M Centkk, Jan. 29. S Tbe market continues firm with little doing. Last evening 1,000 bbla. sold at JO. 75; to-day 300 bbls. sold lor tbe local market nt $fi.90. We quo la $.75$7.0O. Shipments of oil from this point, Jan. 29, per O. C. 4 A. R. Railroad, 2,393 barrels. fr.TilOl.fOlill ITIAUKiri-S.. HT I tl.. IXUIAVU. KMcial Dvpatcbea to tbe Daily Record. I'ittsrikiih. Jan. 29. Spot 17i for 45 gravity. 47 gr. . First water 17 for 45 g. 47 gr. . B. O. first six tnenlbs 18) for 45 gr; for 47 gr. S. O. drat six months, 1717 for 45 gr. ; for 47 gr Buyers' option all this year, 20 for 45 gr. lor 47 gr. Sellors' option all this year, 16g17 for 45 gr. Sales 1,000 bbls. for all '69 at 15c; $200 for privilege. Market Very firm. 1'uilidklphu, Jan 29. Spot, 35 1-Z. Jan'y Feu'y 3Ga3f!V. March 36';(a3;. April " Jan'y t June . April to June 37. March to June . April to Dec Crude Bbls., Not quoted. Crude hulk, 22'. Market Firm. Nxw York, Jan 29. Receipts Refined, 600 barrels. Crude. 695 bbls. Naptha, bbls. Crude, 23. Retined. 3838'B'. Market Firm and scarce. Lonuok, Jan. 29.-3. era. Refined. 22?i'l. Spirits. 9d. Antwerp, Jan. 29.-3 p. in. 58;59 francs. LiVKKFeui.. Jan. 29, 2 p. m. Refined 22d. Spirits, 9d. ANTtvanr, Jan. 29.-6 p. m. Crude 5859. Western Union Line market Bepnrt. New York. Jan. 29. Crude, bulk, 23. Refined P. L. S. lo W., 37 : 8. W. 18. Market Quiet; No business. Philadelphia, Jan. 29. Crude 22U. Iefiued-P. L. S. te W., 34 ; B. W. SOU. Market Quiet; No business. Pittsburgh, Jan 29. Market Firm. Sales at 171,. Closing New York market. New York, 3:10, p. a , Jan. 29. Dull and prices lower. Refined, 37. Crude, 22,' t' 3 23. CiOt.O l NEW lOHK. New Yokk, Jau. 29. Gold 13Cia'. Petroleum Exchange HOTEL. ON THE EUROPEAN FLAN. FRESII OYSTERS ! Received DAILY! ALL THE LUXU RIES ! OF TUR SEASON! Wanliiiigtoii Street, Petroleum Centre, Pa., next door to Iaham A Co t JiWulry Store KDDY V SAXWSI, Propr'a. Dny Boarders accommodated. Meals sorved at atl home. Gyitera, aud averr deseriptiou ot cauie ruruiehiil gliosis. No iitius will be spared to accommodate those who fnvur ua with their patronage. KDDY A BANDS Petroleum Cuntri, Jan. 6, IMS. tf. GROCERIES ! GROCERIES ! Crockery ! Crockery ! Crockery ! Glass Ware, Stone Ware, CUINA WARE, ot all kinda and descriptions. Also, PROVISIONS 1 of all kinds. COKFKE or the best quality. TEAS whtch cannot he surpassed H.l it'll, BUT TElt. CIIRESE, APPLES LEMONS and OHAN(lE, and In la. t everything per taining to a well-conducted 6BCGERT & PROVISION STORE. GERMAN SILVER WARE; KNIVES, FORKS SPOONS, c; Mv friends and th. cltisena of Petroleum ?nti.A and vicinity, will always tnd any and everything- in my line at the GROCERY STORE ON MAIN-ST., OP- rOolTK TUK HASH Dl 1LDING. W. H rillLER ft no. , F.trorciun Centre, Mny ID, 18bg tf. A. D. MILLER ft CO.'S COLUMN. A. D, MILLER & CO, Wholesale and Kelatl Doalare-!n DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C, H .isliiiigton Street, pctnoLEtn cBxme, pa. Their Stock consists of ererythlngfiu tae line of Drugs & Medicines ! PUKE I-IQTTOIIS, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSE?, , Wholesale suiel Betall Afanta tor JOHN ROOT'S D1TTERS, CONSTITUTION BITTERS, ALISMA FOR TIIE II AIR, SEWARD t BENTLEY'S COUGH SYRUP" MAGIC MACEDONIAN OIL, DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS, WALKER RAZE S CIGARS, JAYNKS' MEDICINES, ANDERSON'S DERMADOR. liPENCER'S MIXTURE. SPENCER'S OINTMENT, h. PIMiSt. syer'a, Marsden'a, Seller's. T tlrandsth'a.. Meljine'a. Wil.nn'a. Cephalic, Meflnt's, Wlihana't Herrlck'a, Mori's. Wiigli'uv Hooper a, Had way It K .ntyne's. Clara'a Fcoaale. Cheeeeman'e Dapoaos'a, aa, veipau a, ao, di.., x Perfumery, Toilet Ar ticles, Soaps, Brashes, Sue, COl'dlS, COZiDS, Jkm. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Jayne's Expectoraat, Marsden's Balmv tchenck'e Syrnp, Universal Syropi Excelsior Syrap, Ransom's Hive Syntft Seller's Syrup, Coe's Syrup, Hall's Balsam. Dentan's Batssaa, Bryan's Wafers, Olive Tar, Brown't Trochee). Wiskarl'a Pine Tree Tar, Seward's Cough Cure, Bateman's Syrup, Cough Candy, eta Cigars and Tobaccos ! Tbe II est Fvcr Bronfht to thv Oil It avion. HAIIC KESTOB ATIVES. ALISMA, MRS. J. A. ALLEN'S, RING'S. CHEVALIER'S, HALL'S, MARTHA WASHINGTON, BAHRETT'S, ROSSETTKR'S, LYON'S, STERLING'S, BARRY'S, Ac, Ac. niTTEUJ. ROrT,, rosMTTrrinN, roback-", MAG-AltA HTAK. DDDLKY'I UKAKK'S Mtsm.EH-C, IHiS'l'ETTKH'S, SHEER'S, HOOKLAXD'S, CALIfOKNIA. ATTWOOO't, i jtvivjLiun, iitu.i, su WALL PAPEBS, Curtains nnd Itnstic Shadea IMI.TS, OlfiS, VAIt.ISIIES, GLASS, PUTTY, GLIB, Turpentine, Sponges, Iy.i Stuffa, Drrera, HKFIEV SUPPLIES, Lard Oil, Kerosene Oil, &c LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, Ae. Scotch Ale, lie ii iiott Aier Congres Water. PRESCRIPTIONS COM POUNDED AT ALL HOURS OF THE NIGHT AND PUNDA YS. STATIONERY, ENVELOPES &C SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. TRUSSES. Come along, enme ene, noma atl, ft don't eoat any--thing to look at gnrala, and we will try to treat yei in wen. A TV KIM.EK 4 OIV r.uoi.am fartre, fept ,.ise i(.