Petroleum Centre Daily Record. I'ct. Centre, t'rMiTi Jan. 8. t ime of Cloning lIn,ll. I". 0., PrB0i.m'a unrim. Vk ,l Juli 7T, 1S6S. i i'at: tui'bm notice lha aislls will arrive at and depurl frem (Ids ufllc-a si follows: AltKIVE. Njuth and East, via. Irrinelon, 1Q 58 A. M. ?uths:ia West, Mendrllle, S. 18 P. II. fortli a.ul Vtl, " Corry. tU " DBHRt. fonth hkI IV art, 8 4 A. M. and Weil, t SI) P. M. .'. jri'.M ii.-i and West, 10.W A. t. H. K. BLACRMON, P. M. Divine Services. ' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, t'rmtehtntt at 11 o'clock A. M., and 7 o'sluck V. M. Ret. J. T. Oxtodt, Pastor. M. E. CHURCH. Sen ices every Sabbnth at 11 A. M. and T'u Y. M. Sabbnth Pcbool at twelve o'clock Nl. .W Froe. " A cordial invitation (denied to all. Kmv. C. M. Heard. Tastor. 2T?. PETER AND I'AUIS (CATHOLIC) CHURCH. Moss at 10i. a. m. Vespwr and Penedlotiori of t!io Blessod Sacrament at 4 p. m. Catechism at 2 p. m. JAMES DUNX, Pastor. At the preset) t rate of advancement in the arts and sciences. It Is Impossible to imagine the mighty achievements, that may be wrought by the next generation. ' Rleam and electricity hove revolutionized the world. There is no' telling to what these agencies may yet bo applied, nor hew many Intent powers of nature are to be bronghl out. Human beings mir yet lie enabled to travel on und. under the water, to navigate the air, ' to penetrate the liowFIs of the earlh and explore the bidden mystotics of nature. The fncplfrfgi niiod or man .is constantly probing sicrets and bringing to )ikt dark and bidden tilings. Where will this spirit of inquiry lead us to? The human race may Income presumptuous, men may aspire to be angels, and bring down divine punishment upon their lieads. " Tub insurrection in Cuba is much more formidable than the Spanish auti.orltloB would have the outside world believe. In all probability the Cubans will achieve tlieir independence of the mother country, aildjlblT Queen of the Antlllct will tuko tier position among the nations or the earth. AYbaflhen! I nn she not bo brought into our.great confederation of States, be made a member of our Union? There are many nations which ardently desire to possesj this magnificent jewel. Even anaicliy nQlicied and revolution-stricken Mexico is reaching for it, fearful, that the United States may get possession of I t. -. Qlitk a large audienoe witnessed the pei-farmaiiey or Huuipty Dumpty last night. This evening; ''Kip Van Winkle'' and "Black Lyod SiiBan" will be repeated ly request of u large number .of our elliZ'tis. Curlier and Dates have acquired ail immense popu larity In this community. Wh learn that W. 15. Johns, former edi tor and proprietor of the Oil City Register, has purchased bu Interest in the Pleasant villo Evening News. Mr. Johns is an able writer, and under bis management the News will no doubt lie a success. TilH. morning u delist mist hung over our villiwe, and the air was tainted with the smell or oil. On such occasions wo envy the dwellers on the hill-tups, where tho sun shines bright and clear aboro the immense clouds or log. Laiiub mi in burs of leases are being taken up ill ditlVrent parts of the oil region. It being the Intuition of tho parties Inking them to commence, early In the spring, tho wuk of development. The Senatorial contest is ended. Hon. Johu Scott, of Huntington, day before yes terday, received the nomination or lite Re publican caucus, which is equivalent to an election. Mr. tcutt Is highly spoken of by the pies. The Kinprror or Russia will throw a fur in unle, posting 20.0110, over the delicate shiuildiirs or Adeline I'utti on the occasion of her II Ml appearance in Russia. ' The Republican ha've ' uoinirMted Zach Chandler lor lu-electioii to the U. S. Senate, in Michljtuu. ! in-: ('Ur.'.u Iii-.n icmt ol udty last aii'Minces that oil was struu'i at tho depth in "'lu leet in a well on the Uron farm, foil miles fii.ii l,iai.i"ii. 1 iik Venan.'U Cili.uu t.w chunked hands. Mr. M.;li.if, lu,.4,,l out to Ciitinl J W. II. Relsin'ger, of !!;e TiuurUu l-f . The Second Quarterly Meeting or the Methodist Episcopal Church of this place will bo held here Saturday and Sabbath next. In addition to the usual exorcises there will be preaching on Saturday niternoon at 2 o'clock, and after tbo Quarterly Confer ence will meet. On S'inday at 9 1-2 o'clock there will be a Love least. The Sacrament will bt ad ministered after preaching. In the afternoon at 3 o'clock a ''Chalk ser mon'' will be delivered to the scholarsof the Sunday School. A full attendance of the members of the church and congregation is tatneetly desired. C. M. Heard, Pastor. EviRYUonr thinks, or wants to think, that ho lives In the biggest place. "Yon must confess," remarked a New York merchant to a Cbicsgo merchant, as they were discussing the merits of their re spective cities, '-that Now York is the me tropolis or the country." ''Yes," repliod the man of the Yi'est: '-New Yoik is a right smart place for business. New York is the Chicago of the East." Another Westerner gave it as his opiuion "that New York was too far from Indianapolis ever to be much of a place." Which reminds us of the remark made by a rough farmer who lived at the foot of a high mountain in Maine, miles away from any neighbors. A young man from New York roaming about on a fishing tramp, stumbled upon the farmer's lonely house. , They entered Into conversation, and learning that hiB guest wns from New York,' the worthy man exclaimed, in un feigned surprise: "Well, now, how can you stand it to live so fir awny from folki?" Coal has been round on the line or the Central Pacific Railroad. Coal was snmo time since reported to have been found ou the line of the Union Pacific Railroad. Coal has been tonne I op the Islands and mainland of our new possessions in tlio extreme North west. Wherever coal is badly needed for our locomotives and steamers, there, by a lortuftont, coal beds are discovered. Coal was the base of England's eommerciul great ness, and as our coal base is immensely broader than that or England, our commer cial greatness must become proportioned larger. A darkey in Natch) was boasting ton grocer of the cheapness often pounds ol sugar he bad bought ol a rival store. "Let me weigh the package," sold tho grocer. The darkey assented, and it was found two pounds short. The co'ored gentleman look ed perplexed for a moment, and then sai , ' Guess he didn't cheat dig child much, for while ho was gettin' de sugar I stole twe pair of shoes." Western Tkaiik via. New Orleans It is a remarkable and very significant fact, that there have recently been going through New Orleans heavy shipments of Malaga fruits, Ao., from New Yoik to Cbicoijo, .Milwaukee, and St. Louis. The railroad charges are so heavy, that it pays to ship freight to the West by sea from New York N. O, Picayune. General ritouemnti has issued an order disbanding t!(e publio guard, a toinpany ol. about one bundled State soldleis, wines lias been doing guard duty at the Slate prison and public bulldiugs in 'Richmond. The commanding General is silently clearing the Courts of officers disqualified under the Fourteenth Amendment. The removals ate not furnished the press. A conductor on the Easieru railroad, who lives in Gloucester, Mass., was recently awakened from a sound sleep In church, and with his secular twang called out '-Ib-verl v ! chanto cars for Gloucester, Manchester and Beverly Farms!" The (fleet upou the con gregation may be imagined. A telegram was received nt Washington yesterday, announcing that Senator Stew art had been unanimously nominated by tho Union caucus for re-election to the Sen ate of the United States from Nevada. Tue auniversary or the Dal tin or New Oi lcans is to be celebrated this evening by a grand dunce at the American Hotel, given by tbe Jackson Democratic Association. The Ogeecbee troubles remain unchanged. The military, with tbe sheriff will go down this morning. More negroes came into St vnunnb yesterday and surrendered to tho military. The present superlivial area of Louisville within the new limits is, twelve and oik third square miles. Its previous area was eight?! "and" ono-flfth square miles.. The valuation or tho city, Including residences is $68,3-13,074. lien Mickly and Thomas Eonney, chnrged wiih the, murder pf the shoemaker Re n don, at Lagrung;-, Kentucky, have beeu held to beloro tho Circuit Court. Ho-) n Uouies o .the LgifUiluif have VONUHKmlOMAln i MiXATB. ' Washington, Jan. 7. The President laid before the Senate a communication from the Secretary or tho Interior, and n lotier from the Commission er or Indian Affairs in regard to the Inte Indian battle. Mr. Allisou presenled a memorial from the Legislative Assembryof Id.iho, fori he establishment of an assay ofllce there. Re ferred. Mr. Fessonden pr-s-nted the memorial ol a large number of Episcopal clergymen for theenactment or a law fofbiJding under heavy penalties the carrying ol petroleum in publio passenger conveyances. Mr. Corbett presented a petition for the extension of the Pacific Road to Puget Sound. Referred. Mr. Nye introduced a bill to facilitate telegraph communication between tbe Eastern and Western continents. Inferred to the Committee on Commerce. Mr. Trumbull from the Committse on the Judiciary, repotted the recommenda tion of the indefinite pestponemott: of the bill in part execution ol Section 4, of Ar ticle 4 of tho Constitution, "A bill to facili tnto the decision ot questions In conflict be tween tbe United States and States by the Supremo Court of tbe United States." Agreed to. On motion of Mr. Edmunds the Senate took up the hill to prevent the holding of civil oftices by military ofilcers and to pre vent the holding of more than one office at the same time. After discussion the morning hour expired and the Senate resumed ctinaiiloratkn or the bill for the relief of Sue Murphy, which was ulio debated without action until 3:40, wbeu on motion of Mr Trumbull, the Senate went into executive session, and iu a lew minutes afterwards adjourned. HOUSK. A resolution was passed directing the Printing Committee to Investigate tbe sta tionery contract of the Int"lior Department, and sitspendini; all further payuieut till af ter action by the House. The Speaker piesented a messago from the President, with a report ol the Sec'y of Slate in rop'v to I lie lloust resolution of July 2il, 1S0T. (ieclarioit sympathy with the suffering Cretans.. Referied to the Commit tee on Foreign Affairs. The IIoiisj went into Committee of the Whole on the state of tbe Union, and was addressed by Mr. Coburn on the question of finances. Mr. f-hnnks spoke in favor of the reo igni tion of the Provisional Uorerumeut of Crete. The Comm'ttee rose, and Mr. Ashley in troduced a hill to facilitate commercial in tercourse between Slates anil Territories, w'ticb was referred to the Committee on Territories. Adjourned. THE NEWS More are drowned tn tho bowl than in the sea. The greatest and noblest revenge is for giveness. 'A The contented man is never poor, the discontented rover rich. Would you be strong, conrpior yourself. Foot races between girls are attractions at Iowa cattle shows. Prussia has produced a new sect called tho ''Junipers. ' The Snn Francisco Labor Exchange is fighting the keepers of sudor's boarding bouses. Virginia journals are rejoicing over the revival of cloth manufactories in that Slate. The Houghton (Like Superior) Gazette says the Northwestern Railway Company do not prnposo to run a road tn Houghton from Marquette next summer, as they have lost over i-'JK0'M by tho operation air-ady. Six members of a family on Sixth street. avt York, were poisoned Sunday night, by drinking tea in which aisenio had been put. Three, of them, children between eight and twelve, are in a dangerous condition. Horace Greeley is said to t o writing u pamphlet to present to Congress, urging the i-nmedlitte return to specio payment, and taking the ground that If it is not done this year there is great danger to tho national credit. Tho organization of the Louisville, Hn,- roilsburg and Virginia Railroad was pui. fecled yesterday. A "Grecian Rend" ball was announced to come off in Springfield Manchueetls, on Tuesday, at which a premium was cliered for the largest "bend." Rosa Rotiheur's annual incomo is about eighty tbo,. and francs. She is i.nw engag ed in painting a gi-oupe of dogs for tho Em peror of Russia. Sims Reeves, the tenor, indorses the de m ind that ike English orchestras shall lower their pitch. Basses aru willing tint It should 1 0 kept up. In Delaware Ihey (log thieves at the pu' -lie whipping post, and in Massachusetts they flog grovn up young womon in the public schools. Two Methodist ministers recently Irarel ed though China. Their professional skill In tea dritikitig won tbo ln-artd ol the Cclei. tiuls. l'uifoitnanees in the Music Hall, in New Haven, Ci nm client, urn lnterupted by row dies, who nnarrel with and curse ea;h other I so loudly as to ttvp tbe plays. Tho new Cincinnati hospital will be ded icated to-day. Vigilance Committees are being organised In most of tbo wards ol New York city, for the purpose of bringing rogues to justice. Certain county districts oppose being an ncxed to Cincinnati. It Is thought they can bo induced to consunt. A commltteo is now pressing this matter on the Legislature. Liix-ul Xotlcos. Hat, Cap. nol and Shoes. A large awirtm.-nt at ItKYNOI.US. HRODIIGAU a CO'H, No. II Coat Pi rest, npiiiMlte tbs Post Cfllee, OU tlty. Pa. Xow Monr, Teed and Grocery More ! J. 9. IMCATIIRIt, At the OLD DANK BClLOINO, ON MAIN-ST, opposite tho AlcClintock Ilonsr, has on hand a 1,,-ne met Itist class stork of flour, Feed nud Urocerloa, which lis Is sailing nt a low figure. st Uoirt forpet the place where A, D. ('oil)li & Compnny hruks up. .tnn'Mf. VARIETY STORE. AT V. II. MCHOLSUX &, V '.'3 Can be found a complete stock of llliotk l'ooks, fiill aud hnlf hound, from 10c. to $1,10 a quire, Diaak No:, Drafts and Kecaipti Uook. 40.000 ENVELOPES, With all siylct of Koto aud lap Paper. COI.D l'KNS, KNIYKS & SCI8S0KS, warranted Complete str.cli of tl AIIIICS for lSli'J. l'most brands of Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos Cvinbs, Hdlr aud Clothe Rruh-s of all styles, with a complete assortment of Funcy Uoods. Al'O, a Circulating Library, composed of standard works aud the latest out. Toruisuiily $3,00 lor sijc mouths. declMui. Cry Uooda, a large t ck at KKVN'Obnv, nitoDUBAD a CO S, Ko. 11 Centra bi, opposite tlij Post oniov, Oil city, l'a. fyLADlflS mlshtug to make an appropriate p esent, will find beautiful hl.ll'HEIl PATTEKNS at A. 8. rMITH'a Boot A tJhoe Stora duclitf. lUP.D UAUKS, wliolesa.e aud retail. Thirty four d;Qtrcut atlue to arrive tblsweek, at- A. V. MIM.ER CO.'S. CANAHY lilltua, tiuetUcnnan imported, whole sale and retail, at A. D. MILbKK & CO.'S. 1,600 rolls WALL HAi'UK received Ibis day at A. 11. MIU.EIt IWS. Hardware-A Urjie assortment of which is l.eint! clnsed out at reduced rates nt KKYNOLUS, UltODHE AU & CO'f, To. 11 Ceutro St., oppjslio I he Po'tOfllco. (ill City, Pa. Alisma. This is a newly dUcorcn d nrtlcle to be used for a hair dressing, which is said to bu supeil or to anything uf the kind yrf placed lafjre the pub lic, tt renders the h ill- soft ami wlns.y, and al'l, it is Hnld, emse rho hair to crnw on t'e lpe which a v leni lucked -itch a ciiv-i'i;iv. it i not rittHrly a hair dye. nud vut it w it si opei-ate ou the ronta or the stuiio when applied r.s tu restore it to lis origin al color nud hixuriaiice in a very brief p-jilod of lime. It is ti'-youd q'leition, a Te'ey s.iierior lhin, and whl more than It 11 tne expsctaitiiiis ot any m wlro mav pun-ntt-e t- Svrncart I'aper. Try Sow ard s Co'iuli I 'll o. It U Hie best U. SUI.1.RU A c., U hi.l.silu and Retail Druggists, Airenie for relroleiiiu Centre., !'a. noviS-lm. Itcn-itirul Slipper Patterns at A. . Smith's Boot !:".' Slum. doclS-tl. E3T KANCV OtlilDM, ail dc-scriptlous, whole a.iinnd tetail, for Holidar Presents, at A. D. MII.LKK & CO. 'S. :rockcry ,ir all kinds ;?o to KbVNOLDS, nmiDHKAl) & C'J'S, No. 11 Ceutro titreot, oppo ihu tho Post Oflloi;, Oil City, Pa. a-X.rall and examiiu' Ibe flue asS'irlment of SLII'I'Blt 1'ATTllltMj ut A. H. bniltu's Boot A bhoo Utoro. decl&-lf A large as irtment of FINE BEWRD DO'JTS at A 8. bmilh'e Hoot A Hhoo Ktoro. dacl6 If. DlAi'.IRHfor Roll at V 11. MILI.r.R A CO'H. 1'APUlt ANU ENVbLdPESat A. U. .M1LLKK CO 'S. Carpctx, of every ouality aud dcecripllon, at RBVMdl.l)-., n!OUll.l A: COS, o. 11 Cautre ftrevt, upiHjslto Uie 1 . U Oil City, Pa. Ilxcetiiior UilliHi'd l'itrlors. : To enjoy a dellghtrul and quiet sum nl llllllgids, foi A. O. Farnliani's KasliiiiiiiOiK: llillla'd I'ar lors. on Wasliheton xtret. ne.i dnor to the llin-li. esior liou.-e. 'I'he.e I'ari.ire are within a sliuit dis tance ot' most of the principal hotels in Pclmlciun Ceutro. may -tf. Tli li bo.-t place is town to gut a pair of Boots mndc of tho hast Stock, that will wear well, and warranted tn lit, is at J. A. llaillea Fash ionable Moot Shop, Washington Hlieet, l'olrolenni Centre, Pa. Oivo him a trial. eoplll-tf. AND TVIiACCO at A.. 1). WILLEU A ' j'HK rulinttii'K imt.oih will nmkt) pptidatlort 1 f.r i.icfiirte at I Ut Jaituitry viu of lev Court ol Vutirier iSi'itiun: Siinul ITfce. I'ionvnr, W'htilnnlr. J- If. Mci.'twTi) Mrin'nipr tit., kMhiurant. in J ll u rji, ci r'i: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. United States LIFE Insurance COMPANY, . OF .NEW YORK,. Established March 5, 1S50. CnpHul & A;t, 08, 000,000 E. J. ROSS, Agent, Petiole imi Centre, This Companv, Being one of Hie oldest and must reliable In Ilia Tolled Siatee, affords ample eecur'ty, not only by Its isrse assets, which on .Ian 'sry 1st, 1SIW, were al ready million (iiar lis liabilities, but also l.y 1 110 PERSONAL LIABILITY OF TI1K .STOCKHOLDERS TO MAKE GOOD ANY DEFICIENCY, s security net afforJed by any other Cash Compsi y. Dicidmifo are Da la red Ann 11- olhf!. And may Iw used to assist in paying Premiums, fit ntr.ird ldrtltlonal Insurance, or to secure paid li Polic after they have been in force for a number of years, as explained In our pamphlet, cr they may accunutlnte at compound Interest to increase the snm insured, ' IVERY FATHER hou:d .eenre a Policy as early as pnMM.Ie, a n . uuiueauny persons am ho liiMired and It I. his moral duty, to provide In tin; infest way for hit fhm Py, which he cannot do belter, than by a Life lu wiraucd. .Money Infested In business mnv brine; more iniorest ror a wnile, bnt It may all be b et, and the IHiaily is thus left destitute. OPERA HOUSE ! PETROLEL'M CENTRE. PA. ' IHrerlor, - - . J. w. ;riir lliollies. nnunver, IV. . t. teraou .Uuaicul Ulrectur. J. i-'. Joleninu Return f the Favorite's ! BROADWAY THEATRE ! AND HUMPTY DUMPTY! Tionpo, Coinbiiit'd. FIVIO IkUtttTS 0l,V t Fli(!gcmnt of MARK BATES! I he Popular Young Actor. J". "W. Comedian and Pfintom'mist. Marry t. Kpoii, lnn. Morris, Ae J. KltOSI, K. J. Ward. Miss RU Y .mLSTO.V I . Comuiediuuuc and Vocalist, Kate Vi'rnun. Hilly I.'owd, Friday Evt.,. .Jan. c, Will be presented the Nautical Drama of Black-Eyed Susan William Mr. Murk Utiles. GRAND BALLET mie Juvttla Yidal. Toconcluile with a legend of the Catskill , . Mountains, entitled, . ' RIP, VAN WINKLE ! ,.' . , on tub .'j ;;- SLEEP OF TW0TY YEARS! Rip Van Winkle e ... J. W. LarniT( CUAXGB (!' fmjGRAMMB NIGHTLY r?" Doors rpjn at j clock. I'erfoni a ce at o clock. t 'sf. Admlsi-ioa Ro eta, -lieae tI Beate, "o cts vlsn? Iw. I i 13 UV the R. Ilnu-ard Anieiicaa Watib the b 't mule, of JMUA51 CU.