[Communicated. The Farmers' and Mechanics' Savings Institution. of Adams County. Pursuant to the call published in the pa pers of the borough, a number ufcitizens fr,in town and - country met at :kl,;Conaughyrs Ball nn Saturday, 4th of April, at Ll o'clock A.' M. The meeting organized. by electing, President, John Brough, Esq. V. Presidents, \Vu Culp &A. llointzelman. Secr's,S, Durboraw and Chas. Horner. D. MeConitughy stated the object of the meeting at some length. He spoke of the ne cessity and usefulness of the proposed Institu thin, and also of the mode of organization.-- No charter was necessary. The Chambers burg Institution bad been in existence s i nce 1835, had no charter, and is in success ful operation, doing a yearly business exceed ing $lOO,OO O . InTrauklin county there are at least four other Savings Associations. The fire do a business of some i 3300,000 ; and yet the Bank of Chambersburg is successful, and has in no way opposed them. The Frederick Institution, organized upon the weekly depos it system_hal grown to over half a million, and is nearly equal to two of the Banks at Frederick. These Institiitions do a work that lianks cannot des. They exist in every adjoin ing County, and our County should have one and can successfully sustain it. He moved and it was Respired, to proceed to organize a Savings Institution fur Adams County, and to arroint a Committee of three to report a Constitution and - By-laws to be submitted to the meeting. The Chair appointed D. DcConaug;hy, George Throne and John Horner the Committee. The Cnninittee retired for sonic time, and upon returning reported a Constitution and Dy-la_ws,—whielr on motion, were taken up article by article, and.section by section. and thus adopted in detail—and then the whole was adopted as the Constitution and By-laws of the Association—the style to be "The Far mers' arid Mechanics' Savings Institution of Adams County." The jointfunds not to ex ceed s.tor),(iou, and to be put in the form of weekly:deposits, made fur the purpose of shar ing the profits of the Institution.' The meeting then proceeded to the signing of the Constitution, and subscribing to the joint funds. An amount exceeding $lO,OOO vins subscribed for the first year, , to be paid iu as the business of the Institution requires. At 2 o'clock, P. M., the members met and pr receded to the election of Officers for the ensuing year—Ctiarles Horner and E. Falinestock being appointed to act as Tellers, and the voting being by ballot. It resulted as bdlows: Directors—George Throne, John Brough, Samuel Durbornw, Elfrnet;, Andreiv • Heintzelmana David SPerearv, William Culp, Georg*. Arnold, Jamb Musselinati, John llor tor, D. MeConaughy, John Mickley, John Throne. The meeting then adjourned, after adopting a Resolution that the proceedings be publish ed the o;:p.trs of the County. The Board of Directors then met, and pro tee,led to ore mize:by electing G EOM; 1.; THRONE, President. , G.Eoron.: ARtiuld), Secretary and Treasurer. The Office to be iti the building of George _Arnold, in the South West Corner of the Pub lic-S4uare, and to he opened on Saturday the Itlg of April, at 9, - A. M., to which time the Board adjourned to meet again. From China.-70,000 Men Killed ! •M,Le.to, Jan. 29.-111 foreign business is uot only. suspended, but entirely at an eud, lAith here, at Hong Kong and at Canton. once - Inv last letter, the , greater-part of the Mestera suburbs of the lacer city, in ,whieli were situated:nearly ail the warehouses, sirapl, 4.;.,coveerned intireign trade, have been con- The 'Chinese compute their losses in louses, go-downs, shops, &e., at over 4000 -buildings, up to the. present time; and in niereliaudise, and the value of the above property, they state their losses at S 10.000,• JOO, which is probably not far from the truth. We .cannot of course know very act urately the damage, sustained by tile city of,Canton, .since the bombardment began, nth of Octo ber last; but ai the latter has . been kept up with at )re or less pertinacity, to within a few days agn, when the English Admiral retired Kith his forces from before the city. it is fair to suppose that the Chinese do nut over esti mate the loss in life, when they state it at 1 . 0,f14 11 1, of all ages and Sexes. `t.ll, up t the present moment, the Chinese .do not make the ,thithte,sl conoe.vvion. The Vice ltiy, Yell, in all his documents, is as firma at this moment, as be was when the "Arrow" lorcha •,vas seized by his officers -Qn the Sth of o,•tober last. The people, too, ttre even inure bitter and exasuerated against the .Englitih, and perhaps alb f4eigners—and notwithstanding their distresses and their sufferings, their opposition to everything 'which bears the appearance of recynciliation Aon terins,cf any kind, is greater than ever. Traiker's G` real fin lite.--Awilher Tension. —The New York Sun hits a letter datod. March 16, signed by Capt. A. T: S. Anderson, giving a different version of the 'Walker ".victory" front that, already made public. After noticing Walker's attack on the enemy at St George and the successful manner in which he is said to have driven them from that place., he proceeds: "Now came the tug of war. Our little army of not exceeding three hundred and fifty men. all toll, were surrounded by the enemy, umbering 2.500 or 3,00.. We were complete ly hemmed in, hut had ggined our point in drawing them out of the place.. All communi cation with Rivas was cut of and we were without provisions, having taken none with us. the distance from one place to the other be'ng only three miles. The enemy coming to a large ranch threw up entrenchments and harrica(les along the road Walker was compelled to pass, and where be could not bring, his artillery to play.— Walker then, at the heal of the infantry bat tolion, made a desperate charge upon the leirricales, and after immense slaughter, cut his wav past them. At least five hundred shots were tired at the General, but all to no effort. lie is not to be killed by the bullets of the enniv. We kept up the fighting, fir the remainder of the 4ay., and then returned to Rivas fur something to eat and for rest, winch the men greatl , .; needed.: We left no less than five hundred (if the enemy on the field—killed and wound'oL he cueing are still in the ranch, which is may about 1,000 cards from us. We cart see them with the naked eye from our plaza. They are supposed to be only some 30fi or 400 strong.," The writer concludes by expressing, the be lief that Walker would soon dispen-e them. The Sun, however. is of a different opinion. It looks upon Walker's position as very critical. `The brill of Dr. Kane has been recorded at the office of the register of wills. Dr. Elisha. Kent Kane bequeaths the sum of $5,000 to his brother, Robert P. Kane. the rest of his estate unto such one or more of his family, fur such estate, and on such limitation. as lion... John K. Klne shall (whether to take effect during his lifetime or after his decease) limit and appoint: in default of such direc tions, the income from the estate to go to his father. and after his decease to his mother. an•i after the decease or b All to his sisters and brother!, 1:=31 rittage. of 4i'unirli.—The Augsburg Uazette ' affirms that the villlge of Aladana, which is about sixty-nine El,glish . miles from ltuNt chuck, in Wallachia, has been inhabited sole ly by women for the last thirty years. At one period the female population was two hundred. The ladies are not warriors like the _Amazons of old, but have avoided all in tercourse with men, and drive from their ter ritory all who appear with matrimonial inten tions. Hoops Denounced in the Bibte.—The follow ing is an extract from Isaiah iii. 18: "In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornaments about their feet, and their combs, and their round tire like the moon." !'Mane A BEGINNING ! SAVE !—Remember in all things, that if you do not begin you will never come to An end. The first weed pulled up in the garden, the first seed set in the ground. TUE FIRST DMA PVT IN TUE SAVINGS IN NTITuTios, are all important things; they make a beginning, mid thereby a hope, a promise, a pledge, an assurance that you are in earnest with what you More undertaken. How many a poor, idle, duless, worthless spendthrift is now creeping or scratching his way through the world, who might have held up his head and prospered, if he had only commenced to save—if he had only made a beginning with A 'FIRST DINE IN TUB S tVINGS INSTITUTION. irirrllY POLICY OP TRY NEW ADMINISTaItIeCi.—Mr. Buchanan, in his inaugural übtress on Wednesday, intima ted what would be the policy of the incoming administra tion. The Ostend Circular doctrines got the cold shoulder, and the new President intimated that it would be his con stant effort to encourage his fellow citizens to consult their own interests by getting their garments at the brown stone clothing hall of Rockhill & Wi kou, Nos. 203 and :,:07 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. Oil ! YE BALD Ile kliEl).--Wo invite the attention of those who are bald headed, and those who are afraid of becoming so, to the advertisement of Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative, in to-day's paper. We are not in the habit of puffin,.; every quack nostrum that is iulvertised in our paper, but we feel itour duty, when we come across an article that is good, to let the people know it. We have no fears of haviOg soon to "scud under bare poles," and therefore have nut ti , ,ed the Restorative. but think, if the certificates of honest men can be relied upon, that it must be a first-rate article. Try it, ye whose natural pigs need rejuvenation,—Rockville Re publican. April 6. 2w. Sou, BY ALL DRITGOI:Nr3. 117 . 7i1er0 is an article selling throughout the country that has attained the widest celebrity ever known as a reme dy for Liver Complaints. We have reference,tu Dr. San ford's Invigorator, or Liver liemedy, that has performed cures almost too great to believe, were it not,for the un doubted evidences that accompany the testimonials. it is, In truth, the greatest remedy known for Dyspepsia, Jaun dice, or a general debility that so often baffles the kilt of our most eminent physicians. 'Dr. Sanford h.o, been for a long time one_of.the eminent physicians of New York, and it is said, most of his cases were treated with the Invigorator with such invariable suc cess that he has been induced to offer it as a family medi cine, and let the world hare the benefit of his discovery If those who are troubled with debility. head Ache. languor. or eliw, lingering fever will try a bottle, we think they might save physicians' bills, and days, perhaps years of suffering. - D. Buehler, Agent for. Gettysburg; Win. Berlin, Han•wer • and Charles H. Henry, AbtxAtstown. April 6. lnz_ - irj - IdorEn's Pik, made in Philadelphia, is a great com fort to editors, and we suspect e% en greater to COI ttponitOrS, eciu, that its fluidity leaves no excuse for bad or charred writinv—the groat foes of type-setters. It is really quite a pleasure to write with such ink. es pecially with a good steel pen, fur which mainly it is pre pa red —New York A . We cheerfully add our testimony to that of the Editor of the Anierican, in far of aim Kleti.Ng It is all that C.11:1 be ile•dred.—New York Courier and Enquirer. Min.:it's Pint. /DELHI! t INK. is a beautiful article. well calculated for metal pens. as it does not corrode theln.— Brother Jonathan, Sew York. Pii.i.s.—tieneral debility. low spirits, and nervous irritation. are the inevitable consequences or indigestion. Renovate the stomach. clear the bowels, and regulate the secretions with these wonder-working and the strength returns, the depression ceases, the nerves become calm. This is not theory, but practical truth founded en long years of experience -volumes of testimony. and the concurrent admission of all medical men who (tale ever witnessed the effects of the remedy. In this country', dyspepsia has he tetmltire been Wen:ninon a compbvint, that it might almost be termed a .• natio tial institution." If. however, dyspeptics. generally, ,are wise enough to resort to this remedy, the disease will soon become a rarity. __----- ~ l ~ ~, i jr ~~ - , 7 ~ ~~ 11~~r~' Corrected from the latest Balti tua re. Yo rk & Ilanover papers Baltimore—Friday lasi. Flour, per barrel, $5 75 Cu; 5 87 Wlteat, per bushel, 1 35 (a I 38 . .11ye, .. 75 q, 80 Corn, it 58 ( 66 , .65 Oats, t 6 43 (it; 47 Clover-seed, " 8 00 (i 6 8 12 _ Timothy " " , 3 51) (ii:, :; 75 Beef Cattle, per hund., 000 (ip I 2 00 I logs, 66 8 50 (a,, 9 '25 16 ....(,),)? ( ( .. (2!) ‘,_. ( . : t :, Hay, per ton, Wiikkey, per gallon, 01E1110 4 Peruvian, per ton, "( . .,2 00 auri•J.--Thiers(luy lust Fleur, per_blil., from wagons, S 5 25 Do. Ll frOin. 6tUteS, ei 25 Wheat, per bushel, 1 25 @ I 37 Rye, Li 65 Core, ii 50 Oat::, ~ 37 Cloverseed, " -,:, 750 Tiinklthy, " Plascer, per ton, York-4i•i‘lay laBl Flour, per hbl., from wagons, .$5 37 , Do., " from stures, 6 ' l 5 Wheat, per bushel, 1 25 a - 1 37 Rye," - ~ os Corn, t 4 5 1 OittS4 44 CL)VerSr!ei, " Tinv,thv, P'nster. DPI- ton, lict/kEtRIED: Oa Thursday by the Rev. David Rheinhart, Mr. .1011 11. COVER, of Car roll county, to Mi. , s MAGGIE E. SAYLOR, daughter of the hey. Ij. P. Saylor, of Freder crick county, all of Maryland. On the 2,1 inst., by Rev. J. Seel]ler, Mr. DANIEL FLEE(I.I L. of Hanover, to Miss MANTILLA. FEESER. of Adams county. On the l'„ith ult., at Sic:more, Wyandotte County, Ohio. by the Rev. It. Wilcox, Mr. MICII A EL G. t.',LXI'SAJ (forinerlv this county,) to Miss RACHAEL A. .LI . LE, of Jefferson county. DIED : On the 23.1 of December last, in Parke county, ( )hi... Mrs. ELIZA Brill II E Rif E Y, (I‘id..w of Christian llershev, who died a few years sine.!,) aged, about 93 years. She re sided about 49 rear.: on the Earn) now owned by Mr. Henry Butt, on Marsh creek, this county. On the 2.1 inst., in York, MN. MAIZGA -I,CET au;syrz, 'widow of Charles A. Bar nitz, dee'd., aged 71 years. On the 224 ult., in Mountpleasant town ship, Adams county, Mrs. SANCY, con sort of Matthefr Tole», iu the 73d year of her age. On the 3•i instant. in the same town ship, Mrs. ELIZABETH, consort of Mr. JiAkit Felix. On the 2.11 inst., in Baltimore, Mrs. CHAR LOTTE M., consort of Robert M. Beam, (and sister-oaf , I:er. Laugher, of this place. On the 4th near Bendersville, MARY nEwiTT, a:!•ed about 75 years. On the ilth inst., at East Berlin, Mrs. MARY IEARDURIT, s') 2, - ars,_ 5 tauuths_Alld 20 days. Do Yon Wish Bargains? SCHICK'S CHEAP STORE, Corner e t f the Diamond and Baltimore street. 7 L. SCHICK has just 'returned from Phil - V • delp:tia with a full and complete assort ment of Spring Goods, consisting of Black and Fancy colored Cloths and Cassimeres, of all styles and patterns ; also Satinetts, Je a n s , Cuttonades and Linen Goods, for Men's wear; anti Satin, Silk, and Marseilles vesting. ; t 41 11), Suspenders, Cravats, Ilandkerchiefs, Hosiery, and Oloves,at prices to suit the times—which gentlemen wishing a complete outfit, would do yen , Nt'ell to examine. - FOR THE LADIES.Jast received a superior assortment of Black Silks, which will be sold low ; also, Berege de Laines,, Ginghmus, Brilliants, Calicoes, Irish Linens, Swiss. Book and Cambric 3luslins, Dotted Swiss and - Plaid Muslims, Gloves, Ribbons, Collars, Dress Trimmings, &e., &c., which for variety, ex cellence and cheapness cannot be surpassed in this market. 1-IZecolleet, that although there is a great rush to Schiek's fur bargains, all 'can be accommodated. No trouble to show Goods. Tlierckire call in, and examine the largest, richest and cheapest stock you ever laid your eye , . on. Gettysburg, April 13, 1857, HALM'. DAVIS & CO'S. (BosTos) PI ANOS. JOEL ETTINGER, Agent for these Instru ments at J';nl,-, _N., will deliver them in Gettysburg and vicinity at the manufacturers' prices. and will keep them iii tune and repair for 2 years. v ery k7, a written yuciritote , , and should it fail to give satisfaction, the money will he refunded.— They are all with full iron frame. PATENT SUSPENSION BUDGE, composition hearings. &c. Also Mason & namlin s MELODEONS al ways on hand. Prices from *45 to 6'350. April 13, 1857. Notice. To the ,%:hnol Directors of Adams county : FAME,MEN :—ln pursuance of,the 43d NY section of the Act of Bth May. 1854, you are hereby notified to meet in Conyention,nt the Court House, in Gettysburg, on the Flan MONDAY IN MAY, A. D. 1857, bei ny the An,rth (lay qf thy' nmath, at one o'clock in the after noon. and select, viva r,we, by a majority of the whole number of Directors, present, .one person of literary and scientific attainments, and of skill and experience in the art of Teach." ing, as COUNTY SUPHIUNTENDENT, for the three succeeding years : determine' the amount of compensation for the same. and certify the re sult to the State Superintendent at Harrisburg; as required by the 3Uth and' 40th sections of said act. It. HILL. County Superintendent of Aduius County Gettysburg, April 13, 1857. .3t The Ladies WILL find it to their advantage . to call at I ahnestock Brothers,. and see their large and cheap stock of Silks, Challis, Lawns, Ducals - , Tainartines, Delaines,. Calicoes, Utob hams, &c., which 4tre aching chetip at. FAHNESTOC I( BROTHERS, Sign, of the Red Front.- April 13, 1857. Periodical Shire. lIE Pollee °umto, containing a full re -1 port of the trial qlf Rev. Kalloch ; Liar per's Weekly, Leslie's Paper,New York Lou-- tier for April 18th, New York Picayune, and a great variety of other papers reeetved, and for sale regularly by A. J. I'OTTERFIELD, April 13. News Agent. SHERI Frit LTV. rO the Voters of Adams county :—Encour aged by numerous friends. I offer myself as a candidate for the office 4)1 SHERIFF at the next election, (subject to the deciAon of the Democratic County Convention.) Should Ihe nominated and elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the office with prothp ness and fidelity. TSAAC LTGFTITNER. Mountjoy tp.. April 6, 1857. sniuNtirEALTv. fro the Voters of Adams county : Encourn ed by numerous friend, I offer myself as a candidate for the .olliee of SIIERINT at the next election. (subject to the American IZepub bean Convention.) &maid f be elected, I rn,yself to discharge the ditties-of the °dice with promptness and fidelity. ISA AU LEEPEI . thimberland twp., April 13. 1857. $5OO it EIN ii RD 13Y - order of the Council of the Borough of (ettysburg. a It EIV ARO of $5OO is he re - by otkred for such information as shall t,e cure the detection and conviction of the per son or ptrsons n'ho fired the Barn of dllr. JOHN UOUCK on the night of the 2tith instant. RAIN CU LP, Bitty,ms. March 30. `) 50 6'oo MIN'S ?facCßE.ilitY SPRING MILLINERY, On Saturday, April 181 h. EWELIa sTATioNl , ,nl:—any O.; tity and the best stock ever lirow,s.ht to this place. If you doubt it, call in awl hee for yutirbeives—at SCHICK'S. EEO 3 25 11 r),) Box "r Fo!:LIET to call at SC [IC k'S, all wlin with to pureital-e choice articles of Perfumery, ll.tir Brushes, Soaps, awl e‘erytliing else ill that hue. BUILDERS.—Having increased our stock of Hardware, Oils, Paints, Glass, -&c., we are prepared to offer very great iu ducements to persons building. FA iiN ESTOUIi BROTH EltS CLOTHS, Cassimeres. Vesting 4, Kentucky Jeans and Cottonades, the largest stock in the county , to he hnd at FAHN'_•:.STOCK BROTHERS. Q ILVER.--A. fine lot of Silver Spoons awl Silver Fork 4. low as city prices, now to he hail at SCHICK'S. Call hoop, as they sell rani ily. SAPONIFIER OR CONCENTRATED LYE: for cuaklng Soap—to be had at ' FA HICESTOCK BROTHERS._ WNNETs, Ribbutm and Flowers, in largo at,:,ortineut, at SCHICK'S. jTM B L LAS, raq.sols and Fans can be , worm, piod and cileap, at SCHICK'S. FOP,. the newest styles of Good., always call at SCHICK'S. lIATS.—Cobe6n & Paxton have just receiv ed and are novr selling the Spring style of Silk and Soft flats, of the best quality. ti k UEENSW,ARE. China. Glass and Stone ware—a. large as,orttnent and selling cheap, at COCE.A.S & PAA:TON's. ILLIA Ays flAM).—Silk and Sift lints of tvery de.eriptior., and fur sale cheap, Ai.:(.,tl/::BALAxii 6. 1r so, (19 TO SS' I I, Or 1;', TWO, DAILY LINES TO 1L1N017,31'. XTRA CO3OlO ATIONS.—The un .4 dersigned returns-his thanks to the public for the encouragement heretofore extended to him, and takes pleasure in announcing that he has compkted ai rangements by jwir Sr 7 whictf TWO DAILY UN of 91k,rit7X1,;:_ . ,4 Coaches n ill rn if between Gettytt burg and Hanover, to connect with the trains to end from Baltimore, York, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, &c. Persons desiring tickets or information will call on the undersigned, or on Cuattus 'PATE, Ticket Agent, at 'the Eagle Hotel, in Ctiambersbnil street. flipecial attention given to all packages, &c., or other business entrusted to the under signed between - Gettysburg anti Hanover, which will be promptly and carefully attend ed to. tr7lhe undersigned has also effected ar rangements by which he will be able to supply, Coaches, Stages. &e., for Funerals and other occasions, at moderate charges. NICHOLAS WEAVER. Gettysburg, April . 13, 1851— A ys in. Time,: MARCUS SAMSON " . just revolved at his ,Ready-made Clo -1-1 thing Store, on York street, nearly op 'posite the Bank, the best assortment of Ready-made Clothing, for Spring and Slim mer wear, ever opened in this place. It' you want a well-made Coat, rest, !'nits, or any thing in the line of Ready-made Clothing, at less cost than they can be had outside of tho city, call at SAMSON'S. April 13, 1857. New Goods. FAUN ES'I'OCK BROTHERS IWOULD respectfully inform their custom er:4 used the public generally, that they have just received the largest, and best Select ed stook of Spring and Summer Goods ever offered to them. Having purchased for the CASH, they are prepared to offer such in ducements as to defy competition. Give us a call—no trouble to show Goods. YARN ESTOOK B ROTIIERS, Sign of the Red Front. • April 13, 15.57. iltiover's Liquid flair Dye. THIS HAM DYE needs only it, trial to sat isfy all of its perfection as IV !)ye. and the following testimonial from - thnteminent Anal ytic' Chemist, Ptofessor Booth. of the U. S. Mint, will only' confirm what thousands have previously borne testimony to. "11A4101,LATOLIN FOR PRACTICAL CTIFIMISTItY,. sr. STSPIIEN S PLACE. tS • Philadelphia, 7th, 18.7. • "Being well-acquainted with the substances composing tion-r'N Liquid Hai? Dge, I am sat isfied that by following the simple directions given for its use, it wilt not injure the Ilair or skin, but will give a ,uzlueat and durable color to the hair. JAM ES C. Boom, A 11(1111ii e . I HOVER'S WRITING INKS, including HOrer'x Kuhl, and lloo,T's brdelible fick.v, are too wvll known and, introduced to require any additional testimony of their character. The sales have been incleusing since their first iu treduction, giving evidence that the articles truly possess that intrinsic merit claimed at first for them by The Manufacturer. Orders, addressed to the Manufactory, :kslo. 416 RACE street., above FO RT , (old No. 145.) Philadelphia, will receive prompt atten tion by JOSEPH E. HOVER, .Ifaunliceturer. April 13,1657. Ly The .114 ell* 4)41 rg Railroad ilioasepany ESPECTFULIN calls. the attention of 10, Capitalists and those having money to invest, to their BON 0. 4 , now being issued.— The length of their,itond, now under contract, ling and masonry of i-thirds finished, and . a.ll completion._ By o r Directors, a Mort gage of the - entire road from Hanover to Get tysburg, and also of the unfinished work of the Pennsylvania Extension, from Gettysburg to the ,Nlaryland line. beyond Waynesboro'. will in a, few days be executed to GP.onGi..: 1'1 , 1., an. Trustee, fur the security of the bond holders. . . The Bonds will be issued in sums of $lOO and S5llO each, bra ring 6 per cent. interest, with coupons attached. payable semi-annually. They certainly will lotto a very tac and desi rable investment, as the Bonds will be .frve flow taxation. and, yield interest payable semi annually, at 6 per cent. per annum. Persons wishing to subscribe for them, can do so by eallin4 on the President, Secretary or Trensit- . rer of the Company, or any of its :%lanagers, with any of whom they will find the condi tions of sale. It. McCURDY, Pi - widen/. DAviu IVthr.s. s,ere/dry. JNo., 11. Mu( Treavtrer. , March 16, 1857. NOW GifatiODP, rESIT arrival of E. Caps, Coots Si, Sho N, Wall Paper, IV intlow Trunks, Carpet Bag Tobacco, Segars. a t. CUBEAN & PAX fON'S. April G, 1857 Educational Convention. TH E friend 4 of Education in Huntington township and vicinity propose holding a Convention at the Academy in Petersburg. on 'red nrs , lay 15th inxt. Teachers and friends of Education throughout the county are most respectfully solicited to attend. Bus. bless will commence at 10 A. M. Rev. R. Inn, County Superintendent, David "Wills and W. 1,. Campbell; Esqs., have consented to address the meeting,. A. Cr. Curtin, State Superintendent,-is a:co expected to be in attendance. A. A. UNDER WOO I) Bringman & Aughinbaugh, ,S 7'11,1, A 1 lE.I ! WE are just receiving—aiwww lot of n flats, Caps, foots & Shoes —of the very latest spring styles, arilF Vt \ ti intend selling at small profits. Call and see them before purchasing elsewhere. Remem ber -the place, Paxton's old stand, Chambers burg street. March 23. Dividend. 1 NOW is the only time to make very pretty THE President and Managers of the York 1 .1.1 and cheap selections of Spring and Sum /. and Gettysburg Turnpike Road Compa- , wer Goods. I tell you the- truth is, that if ny have declared a Dividend of One Dollar you want cheap and pretty Goods, to call at per share on the capital stock. to I.e paid to the north west corner of the Diamond—the the stockholders or legal representatives, on only place to get them. Also, Ready-wade demand. G EO. S W OPE, 1 ch,/,/ i i it y constantly on hand. All goods cut April fi. .ils4i.yiont Treu.yurer. ,free 4charge. Call and see before purchas _ - -- ------ --- - inc 7. elsewhere, at the Cheap Store of it ONNETS. Ribbons, Parasols and Shawls, `Aprilb 6 .. JOHN HOKE. 1-9 to be had very cheap at FA H N ESTOCK BROTH ERS. i ---- FOR. SALE. ----- - FEENS-W ARE. Cedar-ware and endlessl i N excellent BROOD MARE with foal, and - variety of Household articles. to be bad 1 AA_ a good HORSE. Apply to Nery ttheali at FARNESTOCK. BROTHERS. I *atch IP. SOLOMON POWERS. i'llll4,lii.! "IA LE O f rubf,ilde .11,110(11/1-1.,an,1 r,tibscriliers, Executors of the list will and testamem of Jonig )I.ty.sii ALL, 4 1e. CetiSeth by virtue of authority in said wi!l given them, will offer at public sale, upon the pre mises, on Saturdv, the; 1814 day Apra . / next, A Tract of Mountain-Land, belonging - to the estate of the said John Mar shall, deceased, situate in Ilui►yltonban town- . ship. Adams county, on the Cold Springs road, adjoining lands of .Robert McCurdy, Peter usselman, and James Marshall, and contain ing in al', 52 Acres, more or less, which has been surveyed in five separate Lots, ranging in quantity from 13 acres 37 perches to G acres 98 perches, and which will • sold in a body or in lots separately as survey .d. to suit pur chnsers. It is covered with goo. Chesnut and Rock Oak Timber. The land will be shown to 'persn to view the same byThomns A. Marsi of the undersigned, residing near. r -- • Sale to commence at I o'clock, P. M., on said ,day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by J.YI ES H. MARSHALL, T UM A S A. MARSHALL Exec aiUrs. March 31. New Goods..-New Firm a 4 AAT T 7 1s CASII SYSTEM. fIEMIG I.: A RNi & CO. have just reeeiv• ed from Philadelphia a handsome assort ment of Goods, suitable for the season. Our stock of Ready-Made Clothing, and nil Goods i n that line, is extensive. Cheap Cloths, Cassimeres, Cash m emus, Drap Dem te, Linens, Vestings, Drillings, &c., &c. Call and see us. If we cannot please you in a garment. ready-made, we have our Tailors constantly cutting out and making up t and can make you a' garment upon short notice, and in the very best manner. Our prices cannot be bent.— Give us a call. March 30, '57. P:S.—T have given Mr. J. C. Guinn an in terest expressly'for the purpose of settling up my old business. I have now been operating 37 years and have never until now determined to settle up my business generally. Those therefore who are indebted to me. ,either by Bond, Note or Book account, will please rail and pay the same. ILINO..AKNOLU. March 30, 1857. tf Latest Arrival! Another Large Stork: qt* ; Nilo Goods l--Cheap, Cheaper. Cheapest ! ' ACOBS &BRO. have just received from the city, a large lot of New Goods--Clot hs, Casslinerem, VeNtings, &c. &c. &c., which they are prepared to sell cheaper than ever. Step in and look at their assortment. Yon will find the newest styles of goods—as well as the latest Fashions'for garmente. Thu Tailoring; branch attended to, AR here tofore. (good work 'and warranted tofu! Gettysburg..llarch IG, 1857. Auditor's Notice. PrBE undersigned, Auditor, appointed by the 1. ~.ourt of Common Pleas'of Adams county, to make distribution satitongst the creditors of thefund in the hands of MtuttAki. REll.l', As signee of MienAst, °van/won. and Wife, hereby gives notice that he will sit to dis charge the duties of ' his appointment, at his office, in - Gettysburg. on Meeday, The 1414 April next, at 10 o'clock, A'. IV., when and where all persons interested may attend if they see fit. - E. B. BUEHLER, March 10, 1857. - Auditor. Administrator's Notice. T ACO NB° RUTZ'S ESTATE.-Letters of administration on the estate of Jacob BAH tz. late of Alountjoy township, Adams co., deceased, having been granted to the under.' signed, residing in the same township, he here►,y gives notice to all persons indelatra said estate to make immediate payment, and those having eliding against the same to pie sent them properly authenticated for settleMent. - PETER BOBLITZ, Adver. March 10, 1847. Gt Executor's Notice. +ATIIARINI PE TIER'S ESTATE—Let ters testamentary on . the estate of Catharine Peeher, late of Hamilton township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in Paradise township, York county, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and 'those having claims against -the same to present them pro• perly authenticated fir settlement. JACOB WISH, Executor. March 16,1E57. Gt Executor's Notice. 1011 N lIKMLER'S ESTATE.=—Letters tes- D, tumenu►ry on the estate of John Hem ler, late o f .lonnt pleasant township, Adams co., deceased. having been granted to the under signed, residing in Oxford township, be hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to Make immediate payMent, and those having claims against the same to pre sent theta properly authenticated for settle ment. JOSEPH, J. SMITLI,E.c'e. March 30, 1857. 6t Administrator's Notice. BRAN.% M K ITC II EN'S ESTATE.--Let - term of administration on the estate of Abraitain Kitchen. late of Reading twp, Adams co., deceased. having been granted to the l/ dersigned. residing in Hamilton township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to pre sent them properly authenticated for settle ment. M A RTIN GETZ, A d T6:18.57. ot Administrator's Notice, TACOB H ILDE (MASH, Sr's. ESTATE.- 40 Letters of administration on the estate of jd cob Hildebrand,sr., late of !leading totvnshi p, Adams county, deceas'ed, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in Hamilton township. he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make im mediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly au thenticated for settlement. ell A ILL ES RE B ERT, Adner. March 30. 1657. 6t Highest Prices - DAM for FURS—Red For, (for which 81,25 will be paid,) Mink, Muskrat. and Grey Fox—at COBEAN & PAXTON'S. Now I,oi the Time VIE I'AJIYEI;S' 4 :I;!CIu,ANI.cs• Savings Instituticn of zecir.s Ce. Oorn.s. Saturday, 111 b rpm's hgtitti don receives deposit es fur ve hi( h it pays interest as follows: For over 10 months. 4 per cent. per anr For 3 and not over 10 nteiriths., 3 per cent. Per annum. For transient deposites, not le.; than 30days, 2 per cent. per annum, payable on demand without notice. The weekly depositors share the Dividends declared and payable semi-annually. At the-first meeting weekly - depmites wen• subscribed by responsible citizens. for the cur rent year, to an amount exceeding $1.0.1100. which will be paid in as required by the busi ness of the association. For loans apply on Wednesday.. sums received on deposite as low as a dime. Interest to he allowed whenever the deposiies amount to $5,00, and on each additional $5, 0 and upwards. Office in South West Corner' of Public Square. next to George Arnold's store. Open daily from ►0 A. M. to 3 P. M.. and for receiv • jnt►deposites every Saturday, from:3 A. M. to 0 P. M. I ProtOrn GEORGE THRONE. Terivorrer ..speretary, GEORGE ARNOLD. Directors, John flrongh, - John Horner, - Samuel Dnrboraw, George Arnold, - A. Heintzelnran,- - Jacob Musselman,. 1). Mcemary, D. McConaughy, John Mickley,' Rohert !tomer, John Throne. April G, 1857. TIIE following applications to keep NM , Houses of entertainment, in the county of Adams, have been filed in my_ogice with the requisite number of signers, and will be pi-c -sented at the next Court of Quarter Sessions, on the 20th (lily of April veal: Harvey- D. Wattles, Gettysburg borough. Benjamin Schrivcr, do. do. John L. Tate, do. do. Henry Kohler, Berwick do. Michael Hoffman, do. do. • John Busboy, Conowngo township. • Jeremiah Johns, do. do. Francis Bream, Cumberland do. Reuben S em. Humiltonban do. Peter Shively, do. - do. • Wm.McLellan & Co, dot - -' * do. Peter Lingenfelter, Germany do. Joseph Barker, do. . do.' David Neu-coiner, Hatni!toit do. John D. Hecker, Huntington do. Mary Hildebrand, do. _. do. Elizabeth Miley, Oxford do. Mary M.Brough.Mountplensant do. John A. Dirks. Reading ' do. Jacob L. Grass, Struban flu. John A..H. Realer, Butler • do. Samuel Sadler, Throne do. Conrad Maul, r Latuntire • • do. 'Charles Myers, Menallen . • • do. • 'David Goodyear, 'Franklin . do. Ilezekiah Latsbaw, • do. do. , . J. '.I. BA LDW IN, Clerk of Quarter Sessions. March 30, 1857. 3t . , , List or Paupers Renialnlng In the Almshouse of Adams county on the Ist day or January, 1857. Males, Fe=lefl, Children, Culured people, Total. Transient Paupers not included in the above, PRODUCE 08 rAii FOR 1860. Wheat, Oats, 30/ " Rye, 34 " Ears of Corn, - 1028 " CloVerseed," 8 Timothy Seed, 6 " Onions, 36 " Beets, ,8 Potatoes, e' • Turnips, 37 " Loads of Corn Fodder, • 17 Tons of Iky, 39 !leads of Cabbage, 2300 Pounds of Pork, 3762 Articles Mitnufactztrect from tie I.Bt Oflturch, . 1846, to lut ilfarch, 1857. Ba l i:Fels of Soap, " of Sittr-Crout, Pounds of Hard Soap, Corn Broom, Shoes (pairs) Pants, Shirts, Shiwois aresses, Petticoats, Aprons, • Stockings, (pairs) " looted, Chaff 13cdticks, guilts, Shrouds, . Cotton Dresses, Short Gowns, . Gans, Winnases, Bolsters, Pillows, Vests, I I anti kerchiefs; - 1)111,,w Slips, Mittens, • Drawers, Comforts, Flannel Shirts, Flannel Shintuis, Sheets, Bedslips, Bonnets, To web!, April 6, 1857. Register's Notice. N - roTicE is hereby given to all Legatees and other persons concerned, that the Arlin . - bdratiine Accolluts hereinafter mentioned tt ii! be presented at the Orplian's Court of Adam.- county, for confirmation and allowance, On Jl,liday, the 20th day of April nezi, viz : (These are a portion of those to be presented.) 230. The first account of William Myers, Andrew Myers and Adam Myers, Executors or-Philip Myers, deceased. 231. The first and final account of Joseph A. Ileagy, Administrator of the estate of Sam uel I)rowrey. deceased. 234. The first account of Robe' t Bleakney. Administrator with the will annexed of Han. nah Bleakley and Margaret Bleakley, deceas ed. (Joint testatrixes.) WM. F. W A LTErt, leegister, Per DANIEL PLANK, Deputy. Register's Office, Gettysburg. / M arch 23, 1857. td JUST IN TIME.—A large assortment cf Gentlemen's and Ladies' GUMS, for salt cheap at BRINGMAN & AuGnumccou's Hat and Shoe Store: fIIIILIMIEN'S_ Shoes of every variety a e , l x-i size, at BRINGJIAN S.; ACGIIINiSACWI'S SUCCOSSOLS to W. W. Paxton Tavern License*. JOHN SCOTT, Steward. I EIE CM 482 lo l. FEE I 1 El