The Republican compiler. (Gettysburg [Pa.]) 1818-1857, April 06, 1857, Image 3

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IMP R OVEMENT S.--We understand that
Mr. JEREUIAII CULP is about commencing the
erection of a large two-story brick residence,
in York street, immediately in front of, and
to connect - With, the iSuilding in which he now
resides. This improvement (with a few coats
of paint on neighboring houses) will add
greatly to the appearance of that part of the
Mr. JAcon NORRECK has commenced opera
tions en the Kerr building, across . - the way, ,
with the view of an early removal of his Store
into it. We• have no doubt that before many
days, it will wear a vastly improved face.
The Messrs. CIIRITZMAN are pulling down
the old buildings on the School-house lot, in
high street, and when done will commence
the large building rec tly contr ted for.
The cellar walls are a eing put up
for the three-story brick dwelling and_busi
- ; mess-place- oUtbe-Messrs.JA. co as„ in-Chamber • -
burg street, and the building will soon loom up.
The old dwelling of Mr. HENRI Rum., in
- York street, is also being taken down, pre
.paratory to the'erection of a large two-story
brick, ou the same site.
• CONTRICT.—Messrs. Tarttat & Tawrx
have contracted to grade and bridge the West
ern Maryland Railroad—from the Relay,
Howie, on the Northern Central Railroad,,,to
Union Bridge, in Carroll county, via West
:rninster--a distance of forty miles, for two
hundied and twenty-five thousand dollars.—
.They will eater upon the work in the Course of
a. few weeks. The stock subseripthins now
'amount to $260.000, fifty thousand of which
are taken hy the contractors ; and by the time
the grading shall be commenced the friends
of the enterprise expect to hate disposed of
$1.00,00 worth of mortgaged bonds, at nine
ty cents on the dollar. The contractors are
experienced gentlemen in the business of
railroad making, and front : our knowledge of
them can promise the friends of the enter
prise a siiod, honest job.
- By the way, We learn that, although the
work on the Gettysburg Railroad has been
.progressing 'with a due degree of energy, in
creased forces forces of hands have been ordered on,
with,a view to its earlier couipletion. The
bonds, to secure the superstructure, _are still
to be disposed of, however, and it becomes . all
Interested in the project; to assist to the ex-
toot :of their means, in the sale 'of them.—„
The investment is a good one, aj0h....1r
43 went ents offered 1 il;F,;o1,-- •
TU11.1:0t. ;CTION.L—The following
v:ere, on the 2Gth ult., re-elected
, offieers of the York and Gettysburg Turnpike
Company, for one year: f redent, Lewis
Roseittniller ;' 'Managers, Michael Doudel,
Tale Iboise, Charles Weiser, George Swope,
*John 'IL MeClellen and- Wm. D. Mutes;
Treasurer, Philip St-Ryser; Assistant Treasu
rer, George Swope.
• ARREST.—A workman on the Railroad
named 41ICHAEL CARA, was arrested on Fri
day, and ekommitted to jail by Justice ARNOLD,
011 Suspicion of having fired the stable occu
pied by Mr. JAMES DOLAN, near this place,
last night a-week. •
FI Itgl—We learn that a new Brick House,
r“.mtrly really for occupancy, in Huntington
townitip. nearTrostle's Mill, property of Mr.
rosato BREA% was destroyed by fire one
night last week. It is not known bow the fire
originated, but it is supposed to be incendi
A Frightful Stabbing Case.
Lewis Huffman, keeper of the public inn at
the extreme end of S George street, was se
verely stabbed on Tim ursday afternoon.—There
Lad been, it is said., no other pers , m4 in his
bar-room exoept himself, George Sieehrist,
'CIMAe's itawk, a.nd - attether individual. Sharp -
Words ensued hetween Hoffman on the one
side, and Sieehrist and Hawk on the other,
which terminated iu a frightful. stab on the
person of Ifi - iffatam. The knife or instrument
n , ed entered almout"the middle of time Cheek, on
the right side of the face, and came - out under
t mc chin, Cutting the tongue in its passage.
A large opening is presented. The victim
b,ed so profusely that a vast quantity of blood
came from the wound. lie is in a very crit
ical situation. This (Friday) morning he is
unahle to speak. Officers are on time look-out
for the arrest/ of Siechrist and llawk, but OA
yet they have nut been taken.— rurk Penn
Uti'Two persons supposed to be Siechrist
and Hawk were in this place on Friday night,
and left on Saturday morning. Police officers
front York passed through here in pursuit on
'Saturday night.
Miscellaneous Enigma.
I ant composed of 17 letters.
31v 10 3 16 is a beverage.
11 5 17 is part of the dress.
9 1 10 is a small animal.
7 8 12 14 is a wild animal.
1 4 15 is an utensil for cutting.
17 5 G is.sometimes used fur fuel.
15 16 7 is a metal.
14 8 7 is a color.
13 9 3 8 G is a color.
11 15 5 10 is caused by fire.
12 16 10 is what we all (10 more or less.
11 3 5 7 is what we should be able to du.
17 10 11 3 8 is a number.
11) 12 6 is a number.
My whole is the uame of a once celebrated
Geueral of Europe.
For tbo Compiler
- miscellaneous Enigma.
I am composed of 11 letter,,
lify 1 8 :', is a small quadruped animal.
11 is a Latin adjective pronoun.
3 2 109 ig a measure.
4 h 3 was one of the Siamese twins.
5 7 2 5 isa, river in North America.
7 2 9 10 was a celebrated preacher.
8 11 9 4 is a division (d . land.
_- _______
9 4 4 is a county in Virginia. E7 - 11 ,, T.Lnirly's O•siTxt:s'Y IND Ptt.t.4.—lllottitel. pim
-10 4 4 way a Revo]utiunary General. ; Ples• dry eruption.. and all irrit-ttiorp, of the %kin. fade and
11 7 5 4 11 is a part of the dre... : diAappear after a few Application. of llolllwey . . , Ointment.
In these case• bri.k friction 1.4 in 11.'0..11.01e MA ny of the
My whole is a range of mountains in Adams ordiniry ernption. , are cauced by mppres.ei per•lpi rat Mu,
county A 1,141 U-1. . and:.4 thisl penetrating un4nent at on-e ffp.trir ill,. pores
an 1 inri,zortt... th tb.mrbents. it di.iii,ate, the ingamml-
-knswer to last week's Geographical c"n by a doable pr., , e-4. loulteA whose fae.ea or arrn4 are
.11.fizure4 LTIPOU: 41 kP lae%. !nay realtly remove the
Enigma-6' The Sub-marine Telts,-raull to vu ,„,,,,,
Europe." an.t..ottoe , •. tae ufe but pn v•.folwee
„, t.r . t-tnt The uever fa.i „Loorie.s tae -tmusca
TU eros tic4,l E ui'rwa.-- 6 `Juse ph Span c 7
_...4..r. ,„ 1 e;
Died, on the 31st of December ultimo, at
Don Fernandez de Taos, New Mexico, the
llon. JANES ll.' QUINN, in the 39th year of his
age,. Mr. Quinn was burn in Emmitsburg,
Maryland, and educated at Mt. St.' Mary's
College. When young he wont to Pittsburgh
where he studied law. He afterwards remov.
ed to the State of Illinois, whore he was elect
ed a Clerk of the Circuit Court, and filled the
position when General Shields presided us
When the war with Mexico was declared,
he went to St. Louis and joined a volunteer
company of artillery, commanded by Capt.
Weightman. With, that company he came to
this Territory, where he reside(' up to the
time °This death.
lie held various offices under the territorial
government, among them PrOsecuting At
torney for the southern district, and after
wards for the northern district. lie was also
a Probate Judge and a member of the Terri
torial Senate from Taos County. lie was
elected the President of the body by a titian
inaous vote and filled the chair for two sessions.
As a soldier Mr. Quinn was equally con
spicuous ; he was in the actions of La Canada
and Taos. -lie' was highly esteemed 'for his
social qualities, and kindness of heart.
Few men have lived in the Territory whose
loss will be more deeply deplored by all elass
• s-of-our-citizens-tlian-illy.--Quinn.—Surita Fe
His death is deeply deplored by his affee.
donate sisters, whti are residents of this city,
to whom he was always a most devoted brother.
—Catholic. Mirror. Baltimore.
United States of America,
Teritory of New Mexico.
Supreme Court, January Term, 1857.
At a term of the supreme court for the
Territory of New Mexico, began and held -at
the court house in the city of Sante Fe, on
the Ist Monday in January, 1857: present the
Hon. James Davenport, Chief Justice, and
lion: Judges Benedict and Avocchus, associate
Tuesday morning, the-court met pursuant
to the adjouinnient or the Marshal, when
Hugh N. Smith, Esq„ arose and announced
the death of James 11. Quinn, Esq., a mem
ber of the Bar of Taos county; after some ap,
propriate remarks in ,reference to the life and
character of the deceased, by Mr. Smitl► and'
other members of the bar, and a few kind,
complimentary, and -feeling remarks by the
Hon. Judge Benedict, who had known the
deceased in the State of Illinois, the foilow
int, preamble and resolutions were offered
and read : •
Whereas, we have received the painful in
telligence of the sudden death of our esteemed
fellow - citizen and worthy brother member of
the Bar ofNew Mexico, James U. Quinn, who
died at his residence, on the -31st, December,
185 f), in Taos, the memory of whose virtues
mid social qualities as , a private citizen, and
whose talent, zeal, and worth as a member of
our profession will ever be cherished and re
membered by us.
Be it therefore resolved, That in his death
we have lost one of the oldest members, and.
brightest ornaments of our mud) beloved pro
k,:sion, who, by his private Worth and social
qualities, by his honesty, intelligence • and
fidelity; had won the friendship and esteem of
-the people of this Territory.
Resolved, That Vre, from our close connec
tion with him in the Walks of our profession,
feel more deeply his loss, and that has left
a place in our midst which cannot soon be
Resolved, That although his loss has been
great to us, we sincerely condole with his
family in their bereAvement, for to them his
place can never be filled
Resolved, That in token of our sincere re-
Fret, we .will wear the usual badge of mourn
ing fir thirty days.
Resolved, That these proceedings be pub
lished in the Santa Fe Gazette, Illinois State
Register, and Baltimore Son, and thata copy
of the same be forwarded by the Clerk to his
relatives in Baltimore. •
After the preamble and resolutiOns were
read, upon motion, the court ordered the so me
to be spread upon the records of the court,
an.( in respect to the memory of the deceased,
it is further ordered that the court (I () now
adjourn until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock.
A true copy of the order now on record in
my office. AUGUSTUS 1)E MARIE,
Clerk of the Supreme Court for the Terri
tory of New Mexico.
ItEr. Mr. Quinn was known to many, of our
tar Somebody, speaking of the new cent,,'
say. :—They are a beautiful coin, all but the
. eagle, and he seems to be going somewhere
4n a desperate hurry, probably becauSe he has
just got on a new s-cent."
_ Franklin Railroad_Suld.—The Hagerstown
Chronicle states that the Pennsylvania por
tion of the Franklin Railroad has ' been sold
to the Cumberland Valley Railroad, for the
sum of 530,000.
EU - There is an article selling throughout the country
that has attained the widest celebrity ever known as a reme
dy for Liver C9inplaints. We have reference to Dr. San
ford's Invigorator, or Liver Remedy, that has performed
cures almost too great to believe, were it not for the un
doubted evidences that accompany the testimonials. It is,
in truth, the greatest remedy known for Dyspepsia, Jaun
dice, or a general debility. that so often baffles the skill of
our most eminent physicians .
Dr. Sanford has been for a long time one of the eminent
physicians of New York, and it is said, most of his cases
were treated with the Invigorator with such invariable suc
cess that he has been induced to offer it as a family medi
cine, a nd l e t the world have the benefit of his discovery.—
If those who are troubled with debility. heartache. languor,
or slow, lingering fever will try a bottle, we think they
might mare physicians' bills, and days, perhaps years of
D 'Buehler, Agent for Gettysburg , ; Wm. Berlin,
Hanover; and Charles R. Henry, Abbottstown.
April 6. lin
For the Compiler
011! TE tt.ii ILK tio:o. —We invite the attention of those
who are bald headed, and those who are afraid of becoming
eo, to the advertisement of Prof. Wood's flair Restorative,
io to-day's paper. We are not in the habit of puffing every
quack nostrum that is advertised in our paper. but we feel
it our duty, when we come across an article that is govt, to
let the people know it. We have no fears of having soon
to —scud under bare poles," and therefore have not used the
Restorative, but think, if the certificates of honest men can
be relied upon, that it must be a first-rate article. Try it,
ye who-e natural wigs need rejuvenation.—Rockville Re
publican. April 6. 2w.
SOLO BY ALL Dituumsr:t.
IrPTUF: PoLICT or runs Nicw Aamlsbsyattlies.—..Mr.
llochanan, in his inaugural address on Wednesday. intima
ted what would be the policy of the incoming administra
tion. The 0-tend Cirrular doctrine. got the cold shoulder,
and the new President intimated that it wouldNhe hIM con
stant effort to encourage his fellow citizens to consult
their own interests by getting their garments at the brown
atone clothing hall of Itockhill & Wilson, Noe. 205 and 207
Chesnut street. Philadelphia.
- -------- -----
Corrected from the lateat Raltimore,York & Hanover papers.
Bali ineore—l'iiday lam'.
Flom., per - barrel, l;gi 68 (i)t 5 75
Wheat, per bushel, -------_- -.„1:33 Oil 165
Rye, " ..-. 75 180
Corn, - • 59 • 63
Oats, :44 43 47
Clover-see(l, " 8 81 a 9 00
Timothy " " 350 375
Beef Cattle, per hand., 900(11 50
llogs, '. 8 50 9 25
Huy, per ton, • 17 00 (y 21 00
Whiskey, per gallon, 25 ® 27
Guano, * Peruvian, per ton, 62 00
uorer—T hursday last.
Flour, per bbl., from wagons, $5 25
Do. " from stores, 6 0 5
Wheat, per bushel, 1 25 ® I 37
Rye, 1i 65
Corn, l4 • 50
oatS, 4'
Cloverseed, "
Timothy, "
Planter, per ton,
Thrk—Friflay last.
Flour, per bbl., from wagons, $5 37
Do., " from stores. - 625
Wheat, per bushel, 1 25 0 I 37
Rve, 6S
Ci;rn, 44 ' 50
Oats, CI 38
Cloverseed, " 8 00
Tiinothy, "
Platter, nor tnn,
On the 22d ult., by the Rev. J. 11. Men Os,
Mr. T. J. KUCH to Miss SARAH M. AR
(formerly of - this place,) both of
On the lgth ult.. by the Rev. P. Sheurer,
STAVELY—both of Adonis county.
On the 31st ult., by the Rev. Jacob Sechler,
RINE SCHWARTZ, both of Littlestowu,
Adams county.
On the 24th ult., by Rev. M. J. Allemnn,
Mr. HENRY IVIIASEIWI, of Yorkeounty,
to Miss . MATl LDA MENGES, of Adams co.
On the 26th ult., by Rey. D. Ziegler, Mr.
JosilliA LEAS, of York county, tai Miss
CATIiARINE GEM, of Adams county.
On the 30th ult-., Mr. DAVID HOLLA.;
BAUGH, aged 61 years 2 months and 21 days.
04 the 28th ult., in Baltimore, ELIZA
BETH BABBESON, in the 65th yea+ of her
age. •
Fyn F. President and Managers of the York
and Gettysburg Turnpike Road Compa
ny have declared a Dividend of One Dollar
per share on the capital stock, to be paid to
the stockholders or legal representatives, on
April 6.
SHERI F FA 14y. •
MO the Voters of Adams county :—Encour-
I aged by numerous friends - . I offer myself
as a candidate for the office of 'SHERIFF at the
next electiod. (subject to the decision of the
Democratic County Cofivention.) Should Ibe
nominated and elected, I pledge myself to
discharge the duties of the office with prompt
ness and fidelity.
ountjoy tp., • pril 6, 1857.
Now is tile Time !
VOW is the only time to make very pretty
LI and cheap selections of Spring and Sum.
suer Goods. I tell you the truth is, that if
you- Want cheap and pretty Goods, to call at
the north west corner of the Diamond—the
only place to get them. Also. Beady-made
G'iotking constantly on hand. Ail goods cut
:tree (f Marge, Call and see before purchas
ing elsewhere, at the Cheap Store of
List of Paupers Remaining ill the
Almshouse of Adams county on
tl►e Ist day of January, 155 . 7.' •
Males, 53
Females, 41
Colored people, 3
. •
Trausient Paupeis not included in the
above, 7 817
_Ears of Corn,
'Minot Seed,
Load's of Corn Fodder,
'rims of Hay,
Ileads of Cabbage,
Pounds of Pork,
Artieles ifinoy4rticred from, flu: 141 of March,
1.8511, l 0 181 of March., 1857.
Barrels ,of Soap,
" of Sour-Crout,
Pounds of Hurd Soap,
Corn Brooins,
Shoe,. (pairs)
(lane() Dresses,
Stock i ugs, (pairs)
Chaff lied ticks,
Cotton Dresses,
Short Guwus,
IVI apes,
Pi Ilims,
I landkerehiefs,
Pillow Slips,
I )rawers,
'um forts,
Flannel Shimuis,
Bedsli ps,
Bun nets,
JOHN SCOTT, Steward.
April 5, ISS7C
11VA . I.KING CAN KS, for gentlemen, of va-
Y nous kinds, just received by
Briii ! imaii if. A ugh iabarigh.
EEP DRY.—A fine assortment of UM
il AS just received and for sale
cheap at Brinqinafidl•
your Hats, Caps. Boot, and Shoes at
M./lip/m/4 ft" .1 1 / I th lillifl7o/./I '
FrO 13 A C —A prime article just rrr e ir e d
I at - -SAM S'UN'S.
2 50
G F:0 . S W OPE.
ARg ista a t 'Precut: rer.
482 bu.
307 "
34 "
36 "
8 "
45 "
37 "
17 -
0 3( it)
EMAINING in the Post Office,rat Gettys•
IL burg, April G, 1857.
Arice/ Miss Anu Lizzy Linn Samuel
Mates Ilugell McCreary J. W.
Bart John McGaliher Charles .
Benner Henry Maguz B.
Daves Franklin Magrow Miss Jinni©
Dechor Daniel Meyers Miss Eliza ,
Dilk Philip Miller John
Domes. Andrew Oyler Mary
Dormaier Nicholas 2 Randolph 'Nathaniel
Fisher Miss Delilah Shanabrook Israel
Goyce Mr. Maurice Stultz Lewis
Ilaxerstoek Jacob Scott Andrew
Holliday Mrs. Ellen Scott George
Horner P. Williar A. 11.
florin° Mahlon Wilson Miss Sallie M.
Iluston Robert Zegler Mrs. Anu Eliza
Lentz Joseph.
OC7 Persons calling for Letters in the above
List will please say they were advertised.
- T IRESH arrival of hats, -
t -L Caps, Boots Si. Shoi,s,
W all Paper, Window Blinds,
Trunks, Carpet Bags, Tobacco, Segars. &c. at,
April 6, 1857.
Educational Convention .
rruE friends of Education in Huntington
I. township and vicinity propose holding a
Convention at the Academy in Petersburg, on
lredursday. the 15th ism!. Teachers and
friends of Education throughout the county
are most respectfully sqilitted to attend. Bns
iness will confluence at 10 A. M. Rev. IL
Hill. County superintendent, David Wills and
W. L. Campbell, Esqs., have consented to
address the meeting. , A. Curtin, Esq.,
State Superintendent, is expected to be in
attendance. A. A. UNDERWOOD„tier.
3 25
ti 50
of valuable Mountain-L(4411
THE subscribers, Executors of the last will
land testament of Joan MARSHALL, f le
ceased, by virtue of authority in said will given
them, will ofi'er at public sale, upon_ the pre
tnises, on Saturday, Ilte 1811 t day (if April
A Tract of Mountain-Land,
belonging to the estate of the said John Mar
shall, deceased, situate in llamiltonban town
ship, Adams county, on the Cold Springs road,
adjoining lands of Robert McCurdy, Peter
Mussehnan. and James Marshall, and contain
ing in all 52 Acres, more or less, which has
been surveyed in live separate Lots, ranging
in quantity from 13 acres 37 perches to 6 acres
4 38 perches, and which will be sold in a body
or in:lots separately as surveyed. to suit pur
chasers, It is covered with good Chesnut and
,Rock 00c Timber.
Theland Will he shown to persons wishing
to vie c 1 the same by Thoina:4 A. Marshall, one
of the undersigned, re - siding near. •
10—Sale to 'commence at 1 o'clock, P. M.,
on said day. w,hen attendance will be given
and terms made known by
March 30. Executors,
Bringman & Aughinbaugh,
Vv7E are just receiving a ,tote lot of
Huts, Caps, Hoof PI & Shoes", 13 .
—of the very latest Spring styles, and?'
intend selling at small profits. Cull and see
them heroic purchasing elsewhere. Remem
ber the place,.Paxton's old stand. Chambers
burg street. . March 23. --
Palmer &Co.,
Dealers in Fish and Provisions,
HAVE constantly ow hand an assortment
.of Mackerel. Shad, Herrings, Codfish,
Beef, Pork, Lard, Shoulders, flatus, Sides,
Cheese, Rice, &c.
March 23, 1857. 3m
To the roblic.
miE undersigned, having renewed his lease
of the - WESTERN H OTEL, tor a term of
years,- tenders his thanks to his many friends
for their liberal patronage, and asks them to
still call and see him, when they will find
many improvements which will add to their
cotnfort. JACOB SANDERS.
Baltimore, March 2, 1857.
. H Y order of the Cornell of the Borough of
_LP Gettysburg, a R. EWA RD of $5OO is here.
by offered for such information as shall se
cure' the detection and conviction of the per
son or persons who fired. the Barn of Mr.
JUAN MUM on the night of the 2 WI instant.
JOHN DULY, Baramy.
March 30.
Exeon toes Notice.
OLIN lIMILErts ESTATE.—Letter:s tes
• tamentary on the estate of Johnler.
late of Mountpleasant tow»ship, Adams co.,
deceased. having been gkined to the under
signed, residing in Oxford township, he
hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to
said estate to make immediate payment, and
those having claims against the saute to pre
sent theut properly authenticated for settle
ment. JoSEPII J. SMITH, r.
March 30, 1857. Gc
Administrator's Notice,
tern of administration on the estate of
Abraham Kitchen, late of Reading twp, Adunis
co., deceased, having been granted t o th e un
dersigned. residing in Ilanniton township, he
hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to
said estate to make immediate payment, and
those having claims against the same to pre-
RCM: them properly authenticated for setile
rnent. MARTIN GETZ, _ldner.
March 16, 1857. 6t
Administrator's Notice.
eLetters of administration on the estate of
Jacob Ilildebrand,sr., late of Reading township.
Adams county, deceased, having been grained
to the undersigned, residing in Hamilton
township, he hereby gives notice to all
persons indebted to said estate to make im
mediate payment, and those having claims
against the same to present them properly au
thenticated for settlement.
March 30, 1857. ft
Illfiglicst Prices
AID for FURS—Red Fox, (for which $1,25
be paid,) Mink. Muskrat. and 'Grey
N excellent BROOD MARE wjthfoal, and
a good HORSE. Apply to
March 23. SOLo)MOv POWERS.
ATS.—Cobean & Paxton have just receiv
ed 1 and are now selling the Spring style
of Silk and Soft Hats, of the best quality.
QUEENSWARY,. China,„ Glass and Stone
ware—a lar,, , a as,ortment an
cheap, at Cuts Les I'Arros 0.
List of Letters
Savings Institution of Adams Co.
Opens Saturday, Hill of April
TUTS Institution receivesdeposites for which 4
it pays interest as follows :
For over 10 month'. 4 per cent. per annum. l
For 3 "and not over - 10 months. 3 per cent.;
per annum. For transient deposites, not less
than 30days. 2 per cent. per annum, payable I
on demand without notice.
The weekly depositors share the Dividends
declared and payable semi-annually.
At the first meeting weekly deposites were
subscribed by responsible citizens, for the cur
rent year. to an amount exceeding $lO.OOO,
which will be paid in as required by the busi- .
ncss of the association.
For loans apply on Wednesday.
Sums received on deposite as low as a dime.
Interest to ho allowed whenever the deposites
amount to 85,00, and on each additional $5,00
and upwards.
Office in South West Corner of Public
Square, next to George Arnold's store._ Open
daily front OA.M. to P. and for receiv
ing deposites every Saturday, from 9 A. M. to
6 P. M.
Pre.;Molt, •
Twagirrer S..rretary
EOR G E A WN - 0L D -
Jahn Brbugh, John - Horner,
Naninel Durboraw, Georgo Arnold,
A. Ileimzeiman, Jacob.Musselnian,
D. McUrtary, 1). :11eConaugliy,
William Quip, John Mickley,
Robert Horner, John Throne. '
April G, 157.
Tavern Licenses.
T HE following' applications to 'keep Public
--. Houses of di b tertainnwnt, in the county of
Adams, have been filed in my office with the
requisite number of signers, and will be pre.
sented nt the next Court of Quarter Sessions,
o n the 20t/, di,/ i?l' April next: •
Harvey, D. Wattles, Gettysburgrbo rough.
Benjamin Schriver, - do. , do. .. ,
John L. Tata, do. do.
Henry Kohler, Berwick - do, •
Francis .1. Wilson, do. do.
Michael Hoffman, do. do.
John Busboy, Conowngo township. '
Jeremiah Johns, do. do.
Francis Bream, Cumberland do:
Reuben S cm, Hamiltonban •do.-
Peter Shively, do. ' • do.
Wm. McLellan & Co. do. do.
Peter Litigenfelter, Germany do., ,
Joseph -Barker, do. do. •
David Newcomer, Hamilton do.
John D. Becker. Huntington do. ‘ , , .
Mary Hildebrand, do. - •do.
Elizabeth Miley, o,xford do.
'Mary M.Brough.Mountpleasant do.
John A. Dicks, Rending do.
Jacob L. Grnss. Strabrin do.)
John A. H. Railer, Butler del.
Samuel Sadler. Tyrone do.
Conrad !Wool, Lad more do.
Chivies Myers, Menallen • do.
David Goodyear, Franklin do. '• -
Hezekiah Latshaw, do. do.
Clerk .!/' 'Ow Her' Sea..vions.
March 30, 1857. 3t • -
..flrfl - 4."Qtel l
The Gettysburg Railroad
ESPECTFULLY calls the attention of'
It CapitaliNts n n(1 those having Looney to
invest, to their BONDS. now being issned.
The length of.their Road, now under contract,
in Iftt miles. the grading and masonry of
which is More than two-thirds finished,' and
rapidly progressing town .d completion. By
a resolution of the Board of Directors. a Mort
g;ige of the entire road from Hanover to Get
tysburg, and also of the unfinished work •of
the l'ennsylvonia Extension.' from Gettysburg
to the 31 , tryland line, beyond Waynesboro ,
Will in a few days be executed to Gie,onus
SworF,.. Esq „as 'ft ustec, for the security of
the bowl Imiders.
The Bonds will be issued in sums of $lOO
and $5OO each, bearing 6 per cent. interest,
with coupons attached, payable semi-annually.
They certainly will foint a very safe and desi
rable investment, as the Bonds will he free
from taxation. and yield interest payablesemi
annually, at 6 per cent. per annum. Persons
wishing to subscribe for them, can do 'so by
calling on the President, Secretary or Treasu
rer of the Company, or any of its Managers,
with any of whom they will find the condi
tions of s al e . it. McCURDY, Plubleat.
VID W 11.1.5, SPerrhtry.
.JNO. MOI 7 1,ELLAN, Treasurer.>
March 16,185 i, •
Gern t a f iloprii Mira, hall alt hintr'g rule from
• OnslitimB.
CI II A DE, Fruit & Ornamental Trees, Shrubs,
0 Plants, 'Loses, &e., cultivated and for sale
in quanti ties to suit• dealers and others. includ
ing an extensive and varied asstirtment of all
the desirable varieties of the above, for,sale
wholesale and retail. rt — Catalogues can be
had on application, gratis.
N. B.—When addressed by mail, direct to
Rising. Sun P. 0.. Philadelphia. Our Stands
are in die Market, MArket st. below Sixth,
where orders are also received.
March 23. 6w
Administrator's Notice.
I STll It S. P ACE'S INT AT H. —Letters
.11-A o 1 administration on the estate of Ether
S. Pace, (formerly Dobler, of the borough of
Gettysburg,) late of the county of McDonough,
in the State of Illinois, deceased, having been
granted to the undersigned, residing in the
borough of Gettysburg. he hereby gives notice
to all persons indebted to said estate to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims against 'the same to present them
properly authenticated for settlement.
W M. McCLEAN, Adoer.
March 2, 1857. Gt •
Administrator's Notice.
TOSIIU A BI Ell L'S ESTAT E.—Letters of
0 administration de bonis non with the will
annexed, on the estate of Joshua Biehl, late of
Germany township, Adams county, deceased,
having been' granted to the undersigned, re
siding in the borough of Gettysburg, he here
by gives notice to all persons indebted to said
estate to make immediate payment, and those
having claims against - 4he same to present
y . authenticatedsettraicent - .
March 2. 1857. (It.-
thew proper
of every description, and for sale cheap,
at • BRINGMAN & AtTGlnsaAucm's.
S or DO
k 4 00D.I1ORSES fur sale.
April 6, 1657
At an Orphan's Court,
HELD at Gettysburg, in anti
for the county of Adams, on ihe
)C 20th - day of January A. D. 1857.
re David, Ziegler and David,
4444. Ho r , 'Esqs., Associate Judges.
assigned, &c.
(n motion,tbe (hurt grapt a RULE upon the
widow, heirs and legal representatives of
JOHN SPANGLER, late of Berwick town
ship, deceased, to appear at the Orphan's
Court, to be held on the third Monday of .April
A. D. 1857, to accept or refuse to accept the
Real Estate of said deceased, at the valuation
thereof made (by the Sheriff,) or shew•ean,e
why the sail Real Estate, or any part there•
of, should not be sold, in case they,.or any of
them, should neglect or refuse to take and ac
cept the same.
Personal notice to be given to widow, heirs.
and legal representatives, resident within the
county, and tb those residing out of the county
by publication in one newspaper, published
in Gettysburg, for three successive weeks.
and - by sending - a - number of said paper ad
dressed !o them at their nearest post office.
lry the Court:
J. J. BALDWIN, Clerk.
March 3, 1857. 3w
i<3,eristcrls Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees and
other persons concerned, that the Ad - rrii, -
ivtration hereinafter mentioned will
be presented at the Orphan's Court of Adams
county, fur confirmation and allowance, W 4
~11;»tvitiy, the 2.oth tidy., ql April next, viz :
(These are a portion of those to be presented.)
230. The - fit''..ll account of William Myers.
Andrew Myers and Adam Myers, Executors
of Philip Myers, deceased.
231. The first and final account of Joseph
A. Ileagy, Administrator of the estate of ,1/4:atti
ttel Drowrey. deceased.
• 234. The first account of Robert Bleakney.
Administrator with the wilt annexed of Han
nah Bleakley and Margaret Bleakley, deceas•
ed. 4Joint testatrixes;)
'WM. P. WALTER, 7tell,st'et,
Registerla Office. Gettysburg.
March 23, 1857. td
New Goods—New Firm,
fiEORG E A RNO LD & CO.' have just recei v•
ed from Philadelphia a handsome nssot
mem of Goods, suitable for the season. Our
stock of • .
Ready-Made Clothing,
and 'all Goods in that tine, is extensive. Cheap
Cloths, Cassitneres, eashmeretts,Drap fern i v,
Linens, Vestings, Drillings, &c., &e. Call and
see us.. If we' cannot please you in a garment
ready-made, we have our Tailors constantly
cutting out and making up, and can make you
a garment upon short notice, and in the very
best manner. Our prices .cannot he bent,—
Give us a call. March 3 . 0, '57.
have given Mr. J.V. Guinn an:in
terest expressly for the purpose Of settling op
,r.‘y old businesti. I have now been operalin ,
37 years and have never until now 4ietermitt , 7l
to settle up. my• business generally. Tho.e
therefore, who are indebted to- tne;• either,' by
Bond, Note or Book - amount, will please esti
and pay the same. gEO. ARNOLD...
• March 30, 1857. tf
Proclaim* ion.
UTHEREAS. the Hon. RODIIRT Fisnnit.
V V - President of the several Courts,of Com
mon Pleas, in the Counties composing the 19. h
District, and Justice of the Courts of Oyeraild
Tertnine,r and Geeral Jail Delivery, for the
trial of fill
,Capital and other offenders in the
said district, and DAVID ZIEGLAII and D.Avii)
1.1010:11:11. ESClll..JUdges of. the Courts otOyer
and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery. for
the trial of nil capital and other ofitnders in the
County of Adams—have issued their precept,
bearing date the: 21st day of Jan . ., in the year
of our Lord one thousand eight hundred mei
fifty-six, and to me directed, for holding a Con rt
of Common Pleas, and General. Quarter Ses
sions of the Peace. and General Jail Delivery,
and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Gettys
burg., nll llfwaduy. the 20th day April
NOTICK IS HERESY WANto all the Justices
of the Peace, the Coroners and Constables
within the said county of Adams, that they be
then and there in their proper persons milt
their Rolls, Records. Inquisitions, Examina
tions, and other Remembrances, to do tho-e
things which to their offices' and in that helinif
appertain to be done, and also, they who will
prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall
be in the Jail of the said County of Adams. are
to be then and there to prosecute against slim
as shall bo just.
Sheriff's Office. Gettysburg, ,
March 30, 1857. to
Another Large - Stark V . New Goods I—Cheap. 3
C heaper. Cheapest ! .
I A COBS & BRO.. hale just rcceiCed iron:Ow
e!" city, a large lot of New Goods—Clol ks,
Civmsbriereti, Vetithigti. Sx.
which they , ale prepared to sell cheaper th:mi
ever. Step in and look at their assortment.
You will find the newest styles of goods—as
well as the latest Fashions' for garments.
The Tailoring branch attended to, as here
tofore. Good work .and warranted to fit !
Gettysburg, March 16, 1857.
Auditor's Notice.
rirliE undersigned, Anditor, appointed by the
Court of Common Pleas - of Adams count v,
to make distribution amongst the creditdrs 0
the fund in the hands of 'Amu.% REMY. As
signee of .NfictiAsr. OVERBAUGH and Wife
hereby gives notice that he will sit to dig;
charge the duties of his appointment:, at hi
office, in Gettysburg. on Tneviny, thel.4l
dm, f!ic April next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., when
and where all persons interested may attend
if they see fit. E. B. BUMMER,
March 10, 1857. Auditor.
Administrator's Notice.
el administration on the estate of Jacob
Bobli tz, late of Mountjoy township, Adams co.,
deceased, having been granted to the under
signed, residing in the same township. he
hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to
said estate to make immediate payment, and
those having claims against the same to pre
sent them properly authenticated for settlement.
March 16, 1857. 6t
Executor's Notice.
CApIARINE P . A - -, xt
teA testamentary on the estate of Cathanue
Pecher, late of Hamilton township, Adatos
county, deceased, having been granted to the
undersigned, t Amship,
r ork county, nice
all persons ;ate to
make iMinediate payment, and those having
claims against the same to present'thew pro
perly authenticated for settlement.
JACOB WISE, Executor.
:'larch 16,1857. Ot
I4A DIES. do you want to buy cheapnn
fashionable Robes ? If so. call at
l'IlZ(TIN ES, Carpet Biz , : and ellns.
salt at. COI4E.IN